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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 12

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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A 12 Society hands like lotus buds i that float "It is astonishing how little women know of 'dressing' their hands," declares a well known actress. "Oh. yes, every woman knows that her costume isn't complete without the right gloves but that isn't the end of hand I'm speaking1 of the use of jewelry. So often a woman's hands are marred rather than flattered by rings and bracelets. No amount of beautiful, flawless stones in exquisite settings, strung on the fingers, can be as beautiful as a single ring to enhance the beauty of the hand.

Even though one may own a number of expensive and beautiful rings, to wear more than one or two on a hand detracts rather than adds to one's appearance. And more than one ring should never be worn on a single finger except, of course, a wedding ring and solitaire. "An imperfect hand may be enhanced immeasurably by an intelligent use of jewelry. A single ring on the ring finger will make the hand appear Vnger and slimmer whereas a ring should he worn on thu little finger only when the hand is gracefully shaped," Miss Daniels advises. "Hands may further be enhanced by bracelets and today's fashions permit, of as many bracelets as the pocketbook will allow.

A wrist watch or closefitting bracelet at the wrist makes the wrist appear smaller and the hand longer. With the bracelet further up on the arm, the wrist will appear larger." Hon. Herbert Marler, Canadian ambassador to Jnpan. and Mrs. Marler.

arrived In Winnipeg this morning from Montreal en. routs to Jnpan. Mr Francis Jones is spending a few days In Winnipeg, having arrived this week from New York. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles E. Huntting 8 re spending the week end at Mrs. Walter Hastings' island home, Lake oi the Woods. Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Baker, of Minneapolis, ate irceiving congratulations upon the ftirth ot a daughter. The Misses C. S. Gunn and W. H.

MrWUlianis have left for Kenora, i ,1 .11 lha end as Kueats at Mrs. C. G. Car 1 ruther's summer home. Mr and Mrs.

Gerald Griffin have left for the Lake of the. Woods to he the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hastings. Mr.

and Mis. W. A. Smith left Friday for Krcwulln, where they will join Mrs. Walter Hastings bouse party at her Island home.

Miss Maude MarArthur is a weekend guest, at Mrs. C. G. Carruther's summer home at the Lake of the Woods. Mr.

and Mrs. Walter P. Hclliwell have left for a visit at Jasper Park and the Pacific coast Mrs. R. M.

Noble entertained at a bridge luncheon, Wednesday afternoon. In honor of Mrs. W. J. Dawson, of Vancouver, and Mlsa Evelvn Maclvor.

of Edmonton, who are the guests of Mrs. A. K. Leonard. Covers were laid for twelve.

Miss Letty O'Brieh has returned from an extended vacation to the Pacific coast. Miss Marv Graham has returned from London. where she haa been studying violin at the Roval College of Music for the past three years. Miss Graham will be heard in recital on her return from a vacation and will open a studio for violin Instruction in the early autumn. Mr.

and Mrs. Norman Helmbecker will leave Tuesday for New York and will aail, July 27, to apend the next lew wceka on the continent Master Jack Moore, of Calgary. Is Spending his holidays with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs.

A. C. Meaden, Yale ave. The marriage of Miss Emilv Roll wagen and Mr. Ronald Walton will take place July 27, at 630 p.m., at the Snlern Reformed church, cor ner of Burrows ave.

and Andrews II, Winnipeg, Man. Mr. and Mrs. D. A.

Natircn Oau left for Kenora. for their vacation, where they will spend a pjonth. Mis. D. H.

Tolmie and the Misses Tolniie expect to li'ave in September for an extended holiday In England. The Marione and Jolly VniHcr are holidaying with relatives Cohoiiig. Ont. Mis Ruth Carruthers will return Sundav from an extended visit in Edmonton, Calgary and Lake Louise. Mrs.

Francis E. Metcalfe, 340 Ash entertained Wednesday evening In honor of Mu Minty, a bride elect of next week. In honor of Mirs Katherine Alrd, vhn left Monday for Africa. Mrs. William Bird, Miss B.

Aird and Miss J. Alrd entertained at a picnic recently at Tianscoua. A bonfire and marshiMiillow toast weic among the ii'trrctiona of the evening, supper being seied at midnight Those present were: Mrs. H. Am il, Mrs Joseph Kra.ei, Mrs.

Duffv, Mrs. A. Fitzgihhon, Mrs. T. Hastleld.

Mrs S. Alrd, Mrs. K. Howard, Misses M. Murray, M.

Henry. M. Cook, D. Bird, 1J. Henry.

O. Toirance, Cliiford. 11. Clifford, Messrs. J.

Kuegar, B. Grey, C. Murray, W. Connors, J. icott.

W. Bird, J. Millar, F. Desllts, A Potter, J. Duffy, R.

Peaks, C. ik niy. S. Aird, E. Howyard, D.

And, F. Bird and A Bird. In honor of Miss Anne McDonald, a bride elect of August, the Mlsss Edna Andersnn and Anne Wrathall rntei talned nt a miscellaneous show, rr at the lattrr's hurrt. Medwav Jipts. on Wcdncslar evenine.

The inon.s were riecnt. itrd wnh bummT Towers The were" Miss McDonald. Mrs. X. McDonald.

Mrs T. Lane. Mrs II Bond. Mrs. K.

Bond. Mrs. Wntht. Mr E. vw aili.i1!, faric E'ving.

P.Ma flol'onald. Helen Mc V'. r.aM. THE WINNIPEG EVENING TRIBUNE. SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1929 1 1 I Hv I i I nar(.

'ZJifff I i Pearson I 1 JSfc; I 1 I Trestle Stalls Shoppers on Visitors to French Capital Note the Hatless Man and Maid By ROSE PATTERSON Staff Correspondent of The Winnipeg Tribune and the North American Newspaper Alliance PARIS, July 20 The Paris hatters are, pour le moment, mad hatters. Luxuriant tresses. long enough to wave In the breeze, but fastened down with cosmetics, are bad for trade. Moreover, no hat. no traditional French politeness; how Is one of these hatless young men to salute a lady? This Greek or may be Roman fashion is doing more damage to the T.

F. P. than It suffered in the days of the towering wig. There waa the Due de luzun of those days; no hat might crush bis lovelv curia, but he always carried one eo he might describe a aemi clrclo and make an atmospheric disturbance with It when any fair occasion came into view. Here It may be well to remind the traveller that It Is but a part of the T.

F. P. when a Frenchwoman offers her left hand; It la Indeed a compliment, for according to the old rules her right hand was reserved for Inferiors. But to return to our hatters. If these gentlemen are to be appeased me renin Darner will nave to set nut to lure the adult, client as he I lures the Parisian child.

Model aero planes and motor cars adorn the! children's salons, really truly models In which all the gadgets work, and in one of these the hannv Infnnt seated while the shears are got to work. Why not therefore, combine steps in aviation" or "first flutters In flight" with the hair cut? A handbook might be provided and the price of the hair cut raised accordingly. The idea la capable of almost limit xperiment First steps In all of things, for example, with less experiment Rnrl. t.t Ihlnna suitable might bo provided In the big stores for bored husbands whose wives are shopping; they would come In very handy in sales limee. The sales are.

of course, well under wav at the moment Those trestle stalls are set upon the pavements, heaped up with never falling bargains, and there Is madams in her thousands, trying on a hundred gloves before she is satisfied, matching her piece of material against a thousand ornamental buckles before finding the one that will do. going away eventually not only with the usual rolls, packages and parcels, but with saucepans, mats, platters, window fittings and such miscellany. She scorns not to carry It. all home unless her husband be on hand to stagger under most of It; but he Is not so devoted a sales attendant as his English counterpart. A Tip For a Peep LE TOUQUET: One of England's wealthiest peers.

Lord Mlchelham, had amusing experiences the other week end. In the Casino he saw I mn man drop a flve 'rano chip; the peer Immediately picked It up and handed to tne man. whereupon the Impressed owner insisted that the five francs be shared and Lord Michel ham had perforce to take two francs fifty for his honesty. On his way home this sort of thing dogged him. for an old lady on the hoat mistook his yachting cap for the headgear of the Pullman car man.

and when Lord Mlchelham seemed rather unwilling to reserve her two seats on the train to lxin don she thought well to expedite the matter bv pushing a half crown into his hand. Eventually, as Lord Mlchelham had two places reserved In his own name, he handed them over to her and made good his escape. What, Mr. Shaw! No 8pinachT TRIESTE: While Bernard Shaw was tourneying round the Adriatic th hntelkepers found out a lot about his likes and dislikes In food They discovered hat he rata even ir tnev tailed to learn whv. A lot of their special dishes had to he nnnmlfinpH uli.n i A New City of Light ROME: They are planning to make Rome, by night, one of the loveliest cities of the world.

Signor Uraslnl. of the new Italian academy, has suggested that many of the statues now in museums be brought out and grouped In the Pin clan Gardens, the grounds of the Villa Borghese and the Palatine hill, and that llood llght Illumination enrich these gardens, which should then be kept open all night. This flood lighting and the styles of Indirect Illumination are magnificently carried out by the Romans and Slgnor Braslnl believes they might be well applied to the greater classic relics, the Forums, the Tombs of ths Anplan Wav. the monuments of the Palatine hill, the Baths of Caraealla. Evening tours would then be arranged to these places and open air cafe concerts organized at a little distance from them, with films showing reconstructions of tha ancient life of the famous sites.

If these proposals are put Into effect It Is likely that the Colosseum will be left In unlllnmlnated grandeur, a dark dream of ancient splendor, wrapped In ahadowv night or bathed In silvery moonlight. "Never Kin Anybody!" RERI.IM "Never shake hands without your g'oves on. and of course, never kiss anybody." savs the German slate committee for p'uhllc hygienic instruction. Kissing they have been to put an end to for a long time, but It will nerslst Trle gloved hand for preetlng Is somewnat reminiscent of Shaw'e "Back to Methuselah." where the dress reformed statesmen take a piece of what looks like cellophane paper out of a box and clap it on to the palm of the hand before greeting a colleague in the usual jMmsn manner. Jrli I removed meticulously hygienic I "nd when you pass a number I Th going to work In sports! coats and rubber shoes, looking re iihb cycling cluh on a walking tour, you will doubt whether they are the sort of folk who will put on their gloves before shaking hands especially Indoors, where, one I sunics.

special Indoor gloves for hand shaking would be hung up in the hall! Car for the Officers MALTA M.S. Eagle, the aircraft carrier, which picked up the Spanish flyers, recently brought In a cargo of 16 motor cara for officers serving in the Mediterranean. This waa a record cargo for one of KM. ships, but. It was not carried for love.

The officers will rejoice in their cars as they came oy a vessel wnicn later achieved such distinction, but th admiralty I charces frelsht! i charges freight! Railway to Ice Caves VIENNA To go by train S.ono feet up the Dachatein and by scenic railway through the gigantic Ice caves is the joy the Austrian federsl forest"8s "nrr Propose to oner lour isis or tne nappy future. The Ice domes, halls and grottoes, lllumlnat ed by searchlights, could then be viewed with ease. Five thousand feet higher still, on the mountain summit, they will build a first class hotel, and make good automobile roads up to the caves, which so many visitors deem one of the magnificent sights of the country. "Doctors' Row" In Theatre WELLINGTON. Doctors are so often sent, fnr that It Is difficult for them to go to the theatre or the cinema; tney are even leti lied rrom the ninth hole in their game of golf somel iines.

A theatre here Is sympathetic, and has provided a doctors' row. Every seat is titled with a telephone, anil the doctor gives his name and number to the box office before ha proceeds to enjoy the evening. If he is not dest ned to enjoy the whole evening, a low buzz brings him bark to cl an.l h. a Ann versation all hut Inaudible to the rest of the house. At any rate the scheme seems to go a long wav towards i 'nr victoria Beach, where they will be guests al Pine Hurst Inn.

Canon Tremavne and Miss Tre mayne, who a few davs In Winnipeg en route from the West the guests of Mr. and Mrs Wilson, Wellington crescent, left Friday evening for their home In Mimico. Ont. Mis May Wilson has returnd from nctrnil Minn .1, iiii ni rnii 1 I Mrs P. A Murray and Mis i I I I I i iuhkiiik mil i'1 iii that Mr.

Shaw does not like aspara gus. spinach or mushrooms The supermen likes boiled rice Mr nd F1 Hare and fam with finely chopped parsley, and a' llv returned today from a three tvpical lunch menu Is two eggs i weeks' holiday sprnt at Mrs W. H. boiled, fried, or in an omelet, a plate Raker summer home, Malachl, of rice or macaroni, a dish of dried 0nt vegetables, beans, peas or lentils; a I dish of fried vegetables, a dish of Mr. and Mrs Fred Rohlnson have Iresn vegetables, a salad and a flour.

or custard sweet. For dinner Mr Shaw has a similar feast, preceded bv a vegetable soup But Mr Shaw friends say he often lunches very simply on couple of dishes. A Plague of Rats MILAN: Enormous Issues of mils have had to do service or what s. vice thev could for a pied piper Hats everywhere: I hey even ate up a carelle In the OUbllC cardens U'r having been declared upon the ro dents and manifestos placarded Intrigue Paris Streets 1 5' Li other animals) by their loral police ''f 4 stations, fciarlv bulletins Issued after iT the placing of Innumerable pills re I lF ported their wholesale disappear jyr XfL. ance.

but the enemy's losses have yet M'i to be fully ascertained. I asS I aooiiT tne ri'v. nousennicters werelKittv Murray will return during the supplied lately with deadly plllr week end frpm a two weeks' visit at tdeadly to rats, but harmless to all Minaki, Ont. iVtoscff 8 7 Mrs. James Walstrom and her son Jack, with Mr.

Wal stroni, have arrived from Two Harbors, to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lee, Kingsway.

The engagement of Miss Margaret Muir to Mr. er. Jessie Henderson, to Mr. John Wickwire Foster was announced today. The wedding will take McLennan, youngest son of Mr.

ami "Mrs. C. McLennan. Martin place aeptember. i tlmwood.

Wedding to take place i i cr i August 17 in Parkview Street, I'nit Mrs. Lester Pearson, with Mastei Geoffrey and Miss Patricia Church, st. James, rearson, have arrived from Ottawa to be the guests of Mrs. I Pearsons parents, Dr. and Mrs.

A. W. Moody, Ash River vccl iiXw Heights. The engagement of Miss Eric Hamilton Olmslead has will take place August 11. Muriel Kathleen Leslie to Mr.

been announced. The wedding Mrs. Pearson by Jessop. fnOtO Or AITS. WBlSiroiIl ny UHUVIII urii.ri, Mlsg Uciie hy Campbell, and Miss Mulr by Crux Photo of Mrs.

Walstrom hy Gauvln Gentzel. "EVE" 1 i ''pHERE are no more dress shows I I visit The have into conference fnr planning I ih. fashions and their doors are only darkened now by clients who rush In wun lasi minme ora. We envy these people, shut up in their cool, deserted salons, working out their Ideas wnicn a to nrinor inem in so mucu. i round of the day becomes exhaust Inn for we who wear the models.

We see familiar faces at three and four different places throughout the dav. and then we find them later on dancing and supping Fashions are in a particularly happy mood Just now. Bni A BRIGHT DEA The beauty doctors love these busy days, for they know that we; are going to come lumoung in mi the first free moment for a special pick me up for the skin. Some go In merely to he re made up by cool, expert fingers. I remember last season how mv milliner hit upon the bright Idea of having a beauty doctor on the premises, so that you could have your face prepared and smartened up.

before trying on hats. LINEN VESTS Lingerie collars and vests sre still worn. Crepe de chine frocks have collars and vests of limp, coarse grained linen in pale colors; or white. I The neckline for evening frocks Is changing ever so allghtlv. It dins down more nt the back and rises In front.

Waists are marked, either slim belts or wid" sashes all truly feminine touches. bv A NEW i i Many frocks are taking on a new and subtle line just ah.ive thv knee This looks like another waistline, made by godets. Mime line time times put in on a slanting from side to side. In the day this line is marked hv a large flat bow where the godet begins lowest. In the evening, a bunch nf flowers or an outsize crystal brooch is substituted.

I aee frocks look particularly charming in tihs! design. lowered frocks are everywhere you want to ask or friends and celebrities. "What was her flowered frock instead of "What did she wear?" Sleeves aie varied, long and slim or flutterv from the elbow. DAINTY tlflBKUIULKItS Embroideries on chil.lien's frocks grow more and nun fascinating. A dress of white organdie I saw recently had forget me nots scat tered around the hem, with lot i I i 1 1 brown beads fining among th flower heads.

Cross stitch Is an other favored form of trimming. I Thatched cottages, nursery rhvme fok amJ flow.crg ar, the most nrmni.r PPU'" designs, SWEATER AND TURBAN TO MATCH. A sport fashion popular at Palm Reach has been tha sweater in white or pastel tones with matching knitted turban, and separate matching or whlto pleated skirt in silk or wool crepe. Both sweater and turban are of a lightweight r.ephyr wool, finely knitted. STRIPES FOR SILK FROCKS.

Striped tub ailk has fashioned some or ine cleverest sleeveless frocks seen at Palm Beach. These combine such unusual shades as chartreuse and brown on white; three greens on beige; and rose and blue on yellow. 8AVINQ IN LAUNDRY. Many hostesses of unquestioned smartness are savinc on laundrv hills bv serving their guests nap kins of paper. With fluted borders.

unil rpnl res nluiHH nr r.trrnA thev are most attractive in cocktail or larger r.ankin NEW TIRES FOR BABIES' PRAMS. Bab.V now can roll along In her nr. i.tiiunn WIMi, a 11 were ner motor car, lor some of the hnnilsnirkfi.t new hnhv rrH. ages are ntten witn pneumatic I tires which not only prevent Jolt ij Ing. but at the same time make I the carriage easier to push.

i PRACTICAL SIDE OF SMARTNESS FOR SPORTS Here is a good idea for the city worker who can manage to get in a game of tennis during her luncheon Hour, or has to he at her tennis club directly after office hours without anv time for changing her frock Get your dressi. aker to make you a little sleeveless frock of very pale, almost white, shantung with a long. plain coat to match. The bodi should be cut high at the neck with a turn down lingerie collar and a red leather belt at the normal waistline, Have a red cardigan to go with if. 1 vou in wear the red cardigan over vmir frock in the office, as nothing looks quite so unsu'tahle as bar arms in orfice hours.

The cardigan i also will look well on the courts At. the same time, the long shan tung coat worn over vour frock to end f' om business, with a I small, close fitting red hat. will give 1 'he correct town tailleur touch and look ever so suitable and smart 1 I I I I RS. PERCY CCNLIFFE POWYS announces the engagement of i her daughter, Constance Robinson, to Mr. Alexander Stewart Camp bell.

The marriage will take place July 30 at Shediac Cape, New Brunswick. AND MRS. R. R. MU1R announce tha engagement of their daughter, Margaret Ruth, to Mr.

Harry Wickwire Foster, son of Major General and Mrs. G. L. Foster, of Wolfevllle, Nova Scotia, the wedding to take place September 7. Dr.

and Mrs. George Clingan, of Virden, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Dorothy Mary, to Mr. J. N. Campbell Hobson, son of Mr.

and Mrs. N. Hobson, of Grenfell, Sask. The wedding will take place August 7. Mr.

and Mrs. F. W. Koas, nounce the engagement of their daughter, Eleanor Beatrice, to Rob em Crawford McKibbin, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.

R. S. McKibbin. The wedding will take place in August Mr. and Mrs.

John Irvine, 230 College St. James, announce the nneiipempnt rf their voiineest Haiieh ment of their eldest daughter. Lulu Gertrude, to Mr. Robert W. Jickling.

of Winnipeg, only son of Mr. and Mrs. George Jickling, of Morden. Man. The wedding will take place August 17.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Halliday announce the engagement of their youngest daughter.

Grace Brown, to Mr. Oscar E. Johnson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. O.

Johnson, of Kenora. Ont. The marriage will take place In August Elgin wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, l.har one biins, to Mr. Clinton fancis, ne wrcuung to lane place Mr. and Mrs.

W. Siddeley White 1 wood, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Kitty to, John Wesley Edwards, son of the. late Mr. and Mrs. W.

H. Edwards. Kemptville, the wedding to take place in Vancouver the middle! Aiicrii.t i of August. Mr. and Mrs.

T. C. Glcnnie, of Oxford, Nova Scotia, announce the. engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Clinton, to Mr. Albert Lloyd Stovel.

son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester D. Stovel, Winnipeg. The marriage will take place August 24.

Mrs. Robert Owens announces the I i Mrs. Arthur Henderson and Mrs. Clynes presented. Mrs.

Dawes, wife of the new American ambassador, was also Presented bv Mrs. Herder son who. in ner turn, preseniea ne didn't feel comfortublc In musi eight of her fellow countrywomen, comPdv nnrt Mr. Arthur Marhet a aj snn back from America Is to uances (iike hs pncr, MRrRarPt nn. A week of dances ushered in nerman will play the lead a well by the great annual Scottish festi the only feminine part in Ml val, the Caledonian Ball.

It is one pi0 Tithet adge's "The Tiger in of the few dunces where rules of which will show her in i dress in the form of kilts and clan completely new role. Kor she tak. tartan sashes are strictly adhered thp pnrt of tn(, daughter of min to. Other features of it are tne rn in cr in the Malayan iun reels wnicn ice. ufiuj ton.

is organizing and for which T'. Scotland Americans Celebrate Speaking of national affairs leads me to mention that Americans will celebrate their famous 4th by a dance which will have the double purpose of helping the funds for the American ward In one of the hig maternity hospitals The party i Is to be distinguished by American "features" they are. rather amus ingly iced water, maple sugar Ice cream, cutting ln dances. American favors, etc. Lady Carisbrooke is to be hostess.

I Swimming Party I Another original party will be1 that of Princess Imeritinsky. the setting of which Is to be the Moroccan swimming bath nt the International Sportsmen's Club in Gros venor House. The guests are in vlted for swimming and bacon and eggs! And last of social titbits; on my list is Lady Ludlow party which had for its entertainment 1 no less a treat than the giat Chaliapin himself, as well as Wolfi rMiiiieiurnnnn. nir uuv Mtiiiin.ii. The guests included the King of Greece, Viscount and Viscountess D'Ahernon, the Earl and Countess of Bessborough, the Marchioness Curzon.

Viscountess Harcourt and l.ady Hoifora. Fans In Evidence Fans. I'm told, were very much in great Coventry figures of past re evidence at the last Court, some of! nown to be represented, were which were; of rare beauty. I Ceo' ge. the patron saint of En; heard of one which was like a' md, who Coventry claims for i great falling fountain of jade preen I (iwn.

Falstaff and his raceeri rrc feathers and of anrther on which nient, Coventry men and vninr was painted a landscape of trees who took part in the Wars of il i'nd little cupids dancing on the looses, and the Civil War. nltopethr lace panels. Other fashion notes, a gorgeous, well organized, uniqii" and from well known French and lovelv spectacle. WEDDINGS a SCOTT LAV A quiet wedding took place In St. Margaret's church the evening of July 15.

of Gladys Lillian, fourth niPhter of Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. P.

of Tlidale. formerly of Winnipeg, to Mr. Scott, of Winnipeg. vn Brown SHANNON RICHARDSON A wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

T. Richardson. Sflfi Sherburn on the evening of July their only daughler. Alice1. nian.ji,(, Joseph Henry Shannon, youngest) Mr Mrs Cenrce Rhan non.

Fork River, Man. Rev. Hugh McFarlane officiated, McELHER AN ROBERTSON Christ ciiurch. Carlwright, Man! tnha. was the scene of a pretty wed rr ui Wh whnn Klnr dmg at high noon today when Klor I I I aigary.

i ne nrme en4 Mary, daughter Mr. and "at ere; Rn 8 The bride i marriage to Maxwell Elheran. son of Mr. and Mrs. M.

W. N. MeKlheran. Greenwood Place. ill HIHip am ui iuihiiii mode, hat of white mohair with engagement of her eldest daughter augara trimming, and carried La Fleche Ruth, to Mr.

James A. Leslie, of bridal bouquet of sunset roses and Drayton, Ont the wedding to take valley lilies. i place Aug. 7. I Miss Roberta Robertson, sister of I LAYCOCK MAYHEW tne hride, was maid of honor, dress in a French dress of vellow A so'nIYd Mr.

W. J. Reggs announces the chiffon, trimmed with chartreuse me of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.

Mu engagement of his daughter, Han flowers and vellow felt hat to match new. toxwarren. July Idi.t nah Ellen, to Willism R. Moore, of Innlpeg, Man. The wedding will lake place August 14, at St.

Paul's United church. rnBaement is announced of uracr iouise nennis. youngest htr nf Vtr 1 1 Winnipeg to lames Aus ten el lest son of Mr James Austen' of To on Th" wd, lrm nle. 1 inwj II, Ottawa Society OTTAWA. JUIV lion.

Dr. H. King and Mrs. King and their n'w, Miss Esther King, of Vaneouver. B.C., who have been abroad for the miM Col.

C. P. Meredith is expected to return to Ottawa next week from Banff. Mr. and Mrs Allen Christenscn.

who have been visiting the letter's par ents. Mr. and Mrs F. C. T.

O'Hara. for a month, have returned to their home in England. Hon. Jean French minister' to Canada, has left for a three weeks' iur through the maritime province ind Gasp. Mr.

and Mrs. r. Wiggins tth their three children, motored from Winnipeg and the Mr. ea naver, at oouoriugc. tjni.

i Hon. James Mm dork and Mrs Mm dock are leaving on Sunday for a 'trip to Newfoundland. 1 I I I 0 Afew Members Presented at Courts Held at Buckingham Brilliant Courts Attended By Prince of Wales and Duke and Duchess of York By MURIEL FRASER LONDON A really great event me rungs nome coming aiier months in the; or convalescence in vusuilr. nf tvlo Ina of stela it'a niit country was celebrated in London this week. And the nation showed its joy by standing in their multitudes along every foot of the way of the Royal procession.

The streets were flying with bunting, children threw roses and on nil sides rang the long and resounding cheer "God bless the King!" At Buckingham Palace the crowd shouted themselves hoarse until finally the King and Queen appeared on the balcony, the King holding In his arms his tiny granddaughter the Princess Elizabeth. The two Courts of the week, the second and third, were as brilliant nlTnlra nu tVipIr nreHerpssoi'S. Till! Prince of Wales and tne uurness nf were present at one. while Shaw could adequately handle It. the Duke of York attended the I The Gultrys are still with us play other.

An Interesting feature was! ing In that most exquisite "Mozart" the presence of some of the wives which shows off to perfection the nf the new Socialist M.P.'s, whom i beautiful dancing, lovely The flower girl, Nora Daly, niece of I H.m when their the bride, wore a soft green daughter, Ethel Louise, waa tinu with ecru net and carried ln marriage to Jas. Laycock, secoi i a basket of msp petals and sweet sh Mrs. .1. W. Live pea.

The bride's mother wore a i of Foxwarren. The rerctnony v. gown of black flat crepe and cor performed hv Rev Mui' i' iqe bouquet Mrs M. Mc of Kt Wu'Appclle, uncle of l'lH'n. IIIIHIIIT ill inn pinotll.

miwr model of Mozart blue orgette combined with appliqued lace and brilliant ornaments. with black mohair and lace hat ver fox fur. I he churc.i was decorated with ferns and rudbeckia hit La. with the guest section marked with white rihnh1on The Lohengrin wedding mu ch was played by Mrs. P.

alts. T.T ter Miss D.vidson sang Be ure'' with a violin oblicato bv Mr Alex. Robert Mr. Simpson M.Elheran. ol g.

a tended the gio.m the ushering being directed by Mr. "onrnson. following the ceremony the bridal received on the lawns of the bride's parents. Later Mr. and Mrs.

M. Elheran Kft on an extended motor trip. They will reside In Win nipeg upon fheir return. IDG WAY JOHNSON A midsummer vcddinc was Wrdnesdiiy. Jul' 17.

at 11 a at the rr.tdeni of Mr. and M' s. N. H. hen their daughter Grace the of Edward Ridgy ay.

formerly of Shell mouth. Men. Rev S. P. Rondeau.

W'oodrow. officiated The hride was afii ed in sn orchid georgette gown with a veil held In place with oisinge blosi oms. She car ned a buuciuet of roses and lilies of house, however eccentrlo they may sound, are that kid gloves have little cuffs of printed linen, shoes and bags are of the same fresh material and trimmed with leather and another fashion in bags Is the masculine looking tobacco pouch. The newest stockings are to front ones, the fronts plain and wKh auch dangerous looklrut thincs wn.n, nrt and report that for evening we are to wear long black lace gloves that Is a motif which Is new, old. picturesque, and somehow quite In character with the long and lovely dresses now worn.

Play a Failure Theatre talk centres round Mr. Hubert Griffith's "Red Sunday" which is a kind of magnificent failure. The story is of Russia in the last twenty years with all its leading figures the ill fated Czar, Trot skv. Lenin, Rasputin, dramatized. It is a great theme, but of such i and of course inimitable acting of Mile.

Printemps. Mr. Owen Nares has laid down his part in "Hold Everything because he admitted and her clothes will he the garb of a woman in the wilds. Mr. Robert Lorain hss stepped and none too successfully into th thoes of the comedian In "This Thing Called Love." a bright little comedy of married life written by Mr.

Edwin Burke. And lastly. Mr John Drinkwater's fine plav. "Abraham Lincoln." is being performed in Vienna. Its first presentation so far in German.

Unique Festival The ancient city of celebrated this werk a unique f' i val. There was a grand carnival with a procession illustrating the nd romantic history of Coven try which vsn tour miles hw. i.pi sode history was enacted. Rut the star turn, was without doubt, the famous Lady Godiva, who once, as everybody knows, rode naked through the streets with only her long, golden tresses to cover her. The present Lady Godiva.

Miss Muriel M. eleiup. was dressed in silken tights, but instead of the once one wirkpd "Peenicc Tom" who was fnr hi enriositv. tens of thousands of pronte witnessed her (sslng. Ill lact rime iiom nil over to see her.

On a white I charger along the narrow, hlllv. ll)rblrd streets of old Coventry she roo jn company with her "hus rand" Earl Leofric and her "sons' Afgar and Hereward the Wakr. 1 eralds, a jester, Benedictine nuns. Saxon women and thanes. Other the valley, and entered the living room with her father, meeting the groom under a decorated nrchway youngest sister.

Miss Mildi Jjhnson, gowned in a bouffant fro: rose georgette and carrying a Her youngest sister. Miss Mild. louquet ot sweet peas and rnrnailo: was maid of honor. Another r. Miss Lillian Johnson, attired in a ti i green georgette dress, plaved ft" Lohengrin wedding march 'and companled Mrs Walter John who sang "In tne Garden of Heart." groom was attended by li Liclgway, Shellmoutr "ar Little Lilas Johnson, a nlce of th ide, was llower eirl and wnr.

frock of yellow crepe de chine. The bridal party, relatives and out of town guests, numbering 45, eniey ed a wedding dinner and reception at the home of Mr and Mrs Iver Johnson. Melaval. after which Mr. and 'cl iv.

Mrs. Kidgway left bv motor for iZ IlT un. ''l 1 'M of. own V'rrr1 UI Aonoa I i 1 i tk. V.rin.

b''. .111.11 ,.11 arch decorated with white streamers, bells and orange bin. soms and banked with peonies and I ferns. The bride entered the room with her father to the strains the "Bridal Chorus played hv her sister, Mrs. E.

McCredle The bride wore white gcoiget' I with veil and orange blossoms, I I cart led a bouquet of Ophelia brid I with of the vaPV niairh hair fern. She was attend, ir castilian red geor rette. and in I cream roses and ferns. The gro r.i was attended by his brother, Walter Laycock. After signing the register, the company partook of a wedd r.

breakfast, the table being centi 't with the bride's cake and decorated with white streamers and Oells. A toast to the bride was given by Rev. J. M. Murchlson, and responded to by the groom.

The bride's travelling costiun was a smart tweed suit, opening over a figured blouse, with 1 at to nr tch She wore brown fox i gift of her Mr. Mis. Lav. oek left hv tor P'nT. ard ntVer we.

On their return they rl i ide Foxwa' their home, south west of vn i Miss Pat Fold. Plaa is spending a few weeks at Jasper, Alia..

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