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Ukiah Daily Journal from Ukiah, California • Page 4

Ukiah, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GIANT PUR3E CRAB. Me Climbs Coco An lit and Crmcki tha Against In the mining bureau may be seen a very fine specimen of the remarkable large land crab known as the parse crab, er Birsma, which is well preserved in a glass jar. This is one of the largest Bpi-ries or laud crab known. It is sometimes found from 18 to 34 inches in length when fully stretched out, and is capable of erecting itself to the height of nearly a foot from the ground, which it readily does if irritated, retreating and exhibiting to the utmost its powers of offense and defense. It is somewhat allied to the hermit crab, but haying the abdomen or tail shorter, yet very large, on the under side of which it carries its eggs in immense quantities.

Its under side ia soft and membranous), its upper surface covered with strong plates, which overlap one another as in lobsters. The first pair of legs have large and powerful pincers; the second and third pairs of legs are terminated by a single nail; the pair next to them are a little smaller, with small pincers; the pair of legs nearest to the abdomen are very small, but terminated by rudimentary When teased this crab is so powerfu) in its first claws atu legs as to be able to cling to a stick, and can hold its own weight to be carried for over a half hour before letting go, It can travel about as fast backward as forward if pursued. It is generally of a yellowish brown color, its limbs being, however, covered with little blackish projections. It is never found far from the sea, to which it is said to pay visits in order to moisten its gills, but it always resides on land, and is generally found in holes under the roots of trees, especially of cocoanut trees, which it prefers, and where it accumulates great quantities of the fibers of the cocoanut husks, as if to keep itself warm or for a soft bed. As a genera! thing the purse crab stays in these holes during the daytime and comes out at night.

Its food generally consists of cocoa- Tho Wizard's Latest. Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Millions of 40 Years the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Flaky 13'iscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome.

No oiher baking powder does such work FOR SALE 5920 Acres of Land ON EEL RIVER, MENDOCINO CO. We authorized to sell the above property, known as the "Berry Hunch" To the Highest and Bidder. All bids received up to the 1st of May, SHOOBERT, BE ALE SL 307 California San Francisco. QUICK TIME AND CHEAP FARES to Eastern anil European Cities Southern Pacific Co. (PACIFIC SYSTEM).

Dailv Express Trains make prompt connections with the -several Railway Hues in the Ifnst, AND AT New York and New Orleans with the several Steamer Lines to ALL EUROPEAN PORTS. nute, also the nuts of a species of palm via the Grcat TrnDs contlnelltal lU1 nlll Rontes known as Pandanus odorotismus, and other nuts, which it climbs the trees to procure, cutting the cocoannt from the tree with its heavy claws, and after it has cut down two or three it descends and commences to pull the husk from them. In its manner of dealing with cocoanuts it exhibits a remarkable instinct, as it always begins to tear off the husk at the end where the eyes are. It then makes a hole through the eye from which the nut would germinate. This is done by striking the fruit with its heavy claw and breaking it sufficiently to admit one of the small legs, by which it scoops out the nut with its small pincers.

Sometimes it seizes the nut by one of its great pincers and breaks it against a stone. The purse crab is found in the mountains and in the more eastern islands of the Indian ocean, as well as on some of the islands of the South Pacific, more especially in tho Caroline islands, which are a low coral Francisco Chronicle. llats And Heads. It has been noticed by Mr. Henry Heath, who sends hats all over the world, from Calcutta to Peru, that different nationalities possess heads of distinctive sizes and shapes.

For instance, Germans have very round heads, a peculiarity shared by our own royal family. The average English head is what hatters call a good is, rather long. The Scotch, one is not surprised to learn, are very long headed. Canadians are distinguished by exceptionally large heads, South Americans by very small ones. Australians, again, have rather small heads.

The subject is an interesting one, and worth pursuing nrther if space allowed. The heads of individuals also vary a good deal from time to time, shrinking during illness or mental worry, and generally becoming smaller with advancing years. As to Bhape, there is fjnch a thing as fashion, but it only affects mashers; men stick to much the same shape year after Mall Ga- Detecting a Thief. "John Napier," Miss Warrender tells us, "pursued his studies and researches in Merchiston. He was supposed by the vulgar to be deeply versed in magic, and to possess a familiar in the shape of a jet black cock.

The story goes that once when some petty thefts had been committed in the castle, of which one of the servants was suspected, Napier brought them all up the winding stairs into a darkened room, where the cock was placed. He commanded them to stroke its back, declaring that it would crow at the touch of the guilty person. During its whole ceremony the cock remained silent, but afterward the hand of the culprit was found to be free from the soot with which the bird's feathers had been liberally sprinkled." Bow the People of Sanglr Keep Time. The people of Sangir, an island of tha Malay Archipelago, keep time by the aid of an hour glass formed by arranging two bottles neck to neck. The sand runs oat in half an hour, when the bottles are reversed.

Close by them a line is stretched, on which hang twelve sticks marked with notches from one to twelve, -with a hooked stick, which is placed between the hour last struck and the next one. One of these glasses keeps the time for each village, for which purpose the hours are sounded on a gong by a keeper. Tit-Bits. Pnllraan Palace Sleeping Cars TOURISTSLEEPINC CARS attach eel to Overland Express Trains. soM.

Sleeping-car Berths secured ana proper information Riven upon application at Company's offices, where passengers calling in peiauii can secure choice of routes, etc. Hold at LowcM liaiett for ticket" for pan- sage from Europe, and Kan tern Cities to any point in the Pacific States and Territories. These orders, if not uacd, will be redeemed at the amount paid inert fur. RICH'D GRAY, Uen. Traf.

Mgr. T. H. GOODMAN, lieu. V.

T. Agt. RAILROAD LANDS! For Sale on lew-Mumble Tri-mm. For Lands In Central ixud Northern California, Oregon. Nevada anil Utah, upplv to or address H.

MILLS, land Agt, C. 1'. It. X. San l'Yaneisco.

For Lands in Southern California, uppiv to or address JEROME MADDEN, Lund Agt, San Fraueiseo. Thomas A. Edison, the famous electrician and inventor iB preparing to astonish the world, by the exhibit he will make at the World's Fair in 18911. "I slinll lmve two or three things to BIIOW," snid he recently, "which I think will both surprise nnd please the to the electrical department of the Exposition, which, by the way, I am fully convinced, will be a great success. Two of these inventions are not yet ready to bo described, or even characterized.

The third, however, is so nearly perfected, that 1 do not hesitate to say something about, it. hope to be able by the invention to throw upon a canvas a perfect picture of anybody, and reproduce his words. Thus, should Patti be singing somewhere, this invention will put her full length picture upon the canvass so perfectly its to enable one to distinguish every feature nnd expression of her face, see all her actions nnd listen to the entrancing melody of her peerless voice. The invention will do for the eye what the phonograph has done for the voice, and produce the voice ns well, in fact more clearly. 1 have already perfected the invention so far as to be able to picture a the two men, the ring, the intensely interested faces of thoEO surrounding and you can here the sound of the blows, the cheers of encouragement and the veils of disappointment.

And when this invention shall have been perfected," said Mr. Edison with a trace of enthusiasm's glow upon his cheek, "a man will be able to sit. in his library at home, and, having electrical connection with the theatre, see reproduced on his wall or piece of canvass the actors, and hear anything they say. 1 can place one so it will command a street corner, and after letting it register the passing sights for a time, I have it cast thorn upon a canvas so that every feature nnd motion of the passers, even to the twitching of the face, can bo seen, and if friend passed during tho time, j'ou may know it. This invention will be called the The first half of the word signifies and the last and both together menn the portraynl of motion.

The iuvention combines photography and phonography." Mr. Edison occupied nearly nn acre with his exhibit at the l'nris Exposition. As he wishes to show at Chicago nil that he exhibited at l'nris, and numerous other things besides, he is desirous of being accorded a greater space in 181)3. The electrical exhibit is expected to be the wonder of the Exposition. What is Castoria is Dr.

Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarautoo is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers.

Castoria kills Worms. Castoria is the Children's Mother's Friend. Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Dinrrhcun, Eructation, Gives healthy sleep and promotes digestion, Without injurious medication. Tho Centaur Company, Castoria.

"Castorin is so Troll adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." n. A. ARCHER, M. Ill So. Oxford Brooklyn, Jt, T.

It Murray Street, N. Y. OLDEST BEST. -THE- INTERNATIONAL! A Lucky Boy. A lad at Annapolis was lying on a lounge reading a novel, when a bullet, find a quarter of a mile away, came through a door, fell upon his chest and dipped down into his vest pocket, where he found it half an hour later.

He thought his brother had hit him with a Free Press. Tha Prevailing Ermui. "Ton look tired." "I "Too many social dissipationsr "No. Not He Would Smile Again. During the fiscal year which ended March 31st the revenue of Great Britain exceeded the expenditures by $0,500,000, leaving that sum to be applied to the extinction of tiie national debt.

Strange as the statement may Beem, the United Kingdom has paid off more of its debt per capita than the United States. At least Jiradstreel's, which is a first-class American authority, says so. Assuming the increase in population to be ns great as in the previous decode, the English debt hns been reduced from $107.04 per head in 1880 to $87 in 1890. The smaller debt of the United States had only been reduced from $42 to $24.78 per head. The American reduction was only $17.49 per head, while the English reduction was $20.95.

England's debt in the gross, however, is very large compared to our own. It has the distinction of being the only great national debt in Europe that is decreasing, All the others are increns- ing, those of France and Italy nt an alarming Alia. lemocrat, Land for sale in lots to suit purchaser, on eaHy terms. Inquire of W. I.

Hildreth, Ukiah Valley. 3T Real Estate Transfers. TYPEWRITER. A strictly first-class machine. Fully warranted.

Made from very best material, by skilled workmen, and with the best tools that have ever been devised for the purpose. Warranted to do all that can be reasonably expected of the very beHt typewriter extant. Capable of writing 150 words per more- according to the ability cf the operator. PRICE, SIOO.OO. If there is no agent in your town, address the manufacturers: THE PARISH MFC Agcnln Wanlnl.

J'arish. fiflfltf STENOGRAPHY and TYPEWRITING FREE. First-clnss facilities and best of teachers. Address, with stamp for return postage. THE PARISH MF'G.

CO. Parish, N. Y. Order to Show Cause. I THE SUPERIOR COURT, IN AMD FOR the County of Mendocino, Stale of California.

In the mutter of I. Hetz uud V. If. Uetz, partners doing business under the Ann name of "1. Botz und 1'.

II. Iietz," Insolvent I. Hetz und K. II.Iietz,purtners,doingbusinef»s uuder the firm name of "1. Betz and if.

lieu" having applied to this Court for a discharge from their debts, It ia hereby ordered that tho Clerk of this Court give notice to all creditors, who have proved their debts, to appear before this Court, at the court room thereof, oil the 8th day of June, 1891 at the hour nf 10 o'cloek A. and show cause, If unj they have, why tho said I. BeU and H. Itetz should not be discharged from all their debus in accordance with the In such eases inado and provided. It Is further ordefeu that notice of said appllea tion be given to the creditors oy mail uud by ublleatlon for four weeks in the DiNeA-fcn EMOCRAT, a newspaper published in suid couuty.

It. MeGAUVEY, Judge of Superior Court. J. Q. WHITE, Atty for Insolvent Debtors.

Notice of Probate of Will. I THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COUN- ty of Mendocino, Slate of California. In the matter of the estuto of Jolm Fules, Fales, haviiiK on the 24thduyof February, 1891, filed In this Court the lust will and testament of John Fales, deceased, together with her petition that the said will be admitted to probate and that the said Emma Fales be appointed executrix of said will and estate; Notico Is hereby Riven that Monduy, tho ath day of June, 1691. at 10 o'cloek A. ut the court room in the court houso In Ukiah City, ciuo couuty, State of California, Is fixed as the place for hearing" determining the validity of said will, and all Mrs A Ilevens to Mrs in l'omo 500 00 Win Ileeser toJudah of and of sec 18, 12, 1ft 100 (10 A Howard to of sec 1, Hi, RU 1000 00 und Grist to Covelo Lodge.

No 231 A und Augusta Chupter No 80 anil Covelo Lodge No SIB IOO Lot in Covelo 12 50 llurbunlt to of sec 11, 12, It 12 10 00 Vunn to A YM of nee 16, NWJ-i of sec 2D, NE'4 "of SEJi aud of sec 30, IS, 11 10 30 Anderson to Henlev et of SWU sec 28 and Y.V, of 4 und sWJ-i of NWfcS sec 38, 22, 13 500 00 Win nf SEU' sees, 13, RIG 10 00 nnd II Fulkncr (by Saeriff) to 13 In Ukluh City 1318 35 a II Waddell to Mrs 2 und a sec 18, 12, 11 720 00 Snsun Berg to Fauuy Sume-Lot in Mendocino 1680 00 Fort Brugg Redwood Co. to City of Fort Bragg Right of viiy for public street und I Dean to of NEK und NEJi of NWJi of sec 17, 12, R16 150 00 Geo Stevens to Enunu of SE'4, BKK of SWK uud of SWJ4 sec 3, 12, 11 MED Houdley to Catherine Lots in Mendocino uud all her right, title uud interest in and to the estate of Denslow, deceased 10000 00 A Witherell to II of NW'4 of sec 12, 13, 14 and other lauds, for valuable consideration II Witherell to A of of SWW of soc 1, 13, 14 and other lauds for valuable couBldcrutiou Led'ord to Marv vided'4 interest in and to the WU of NWlj sec 11, Til, 1113 100 Win Hecser to Eugene In Mendocino E0 00 8 Harper to 1 in block 2 of Suiiel 210 00 Mrs Robinson to Lucy and 3 sec 27 uud lot 5, WW of SEJ-i and BKM of sec 22, 14, It 12 10 00 Ware to II of NWJ4 of sec 32, 111, 17 155 00 and Hudsou to II Sanborn Same as abovo Klien, administrator of the estate of Abrahum Klmlmll, deceased ro acrefi A laud adjacent to Culpella 9804 37 a Tuttle to 3, 1 aud 8 aud HVI'A of NEJ-i sec 22, 13 10 00 Tuttle Spurlock-Lots 5 0 and 11 of sec 6, 22, 13 60 00 McDonald to Mrs Bridget of SWW sec 32. 14, it 16, bWJ-; of sec 8 14, 16 700 00 .1 Ylltalo to II Larsen and adjacent to Novo 1900 00 JLCrow to Lydlu of BFJi and K'A of sec 20, 23, ft 11 1000 OC $2 SO JL. 1 Ml Local Newspaper. JOB PRINTING Of Every Description Done with Neatness and Dispatch.

Prices SHAVING 15 Cents. The lligh-brcd Trotting Slnllioii SAM TILDEN, NOTICE OF SHERIFFS FORE- 1 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S CLOSURE SALE. CLOSURE SALE. Order oi Sale and Decree of Foreclosure and 8a e. Will mftke the sensnn oi i.sni ai mv stable in Ukiah.

Terms for the Season: Single Service SIO tit time of Herviee.) For the Season $20 (Payable within the MP limited amount nf farm produce will be taken OP accounts. Election Notice. of current Local interest solicited from ail over the County. all communications Sohool Tax. 18 IIEKKBY GIVEN TO THE QUALI- JM fled electors of Couuts Kcliool District, of Mendocino County, Btuto of California, lliut an eloction will be held on the Otis day of June, A.

D. 1301, at which will be submitted thenuestiou of voting a tax to buy new seats, build outhouses and repair school houso. It will bo necessary to raise for ttils purpoBe the sum of The polls will open at the school houso from 6 o'clock until o'clock v. M. The appointor! to conduct the election are S.

A. l'rlce, i. GosBnian und li. Day, W. A.

I'KICE, .1. L. ElJUlKDIIK. School Trustees. BUCKINGHAM, Description and Pecligree: SAM Til ill EN ia ft dark bay Hi 1 2 hands high, nnd weighs 1'J'H) pounds.

Good disposition and; power. lie lias no puhlie nor private record, never having been trained, but can show as mud) speed as any horse in the district (untrained). After about a months drlv hist fall on the Ukiah track in the condition it was in, and to a road cart, Tlhh-n showed, in the presence of reliable parties, quarters in lit) seconds, and repeatedly in seconds, and hnlf miles in tinfiitf from here to l.akeport he did remarkably well considering chances. Although he won no the company was too fast, he was very close up to the wire when the winner went out in trotting his mile out in about from the Judgment of borne men, SAM TIM)KN was sired by the standard bred trotting stallion, Geo. M.

l'atehen No. (record the sire of Hen Ali 2:22, B1 Lize 1). McMnn Sam Pin-dv (sold ar auction for Sam Hruno a Star King 2:22, Susie Uilitt 1 Vanderlyom II 2:21, Marin 2:22, Allen Hoy 2:17 Alexander Hilly Haywooi't ailUi'ii and the dams of Crown Point Late Kose (pacer) 1 Maggie 2.1S?.i,Sweetbrier 2.26' and the slre'of eight sons who nave sired fourteen sons and daughters with records below 2 Alexander No. -190 alone has sired Nellie l'atehen 2:21 1 i Relian No. Mill Tommy Dodd and Alexander Button No.

1 (the sire of Kosio Mae '1V20H. nnd Yolo Marti, li years old This is strong proof thnt the PHICIICUS breed on, aud the fact that Geo. M. Pntehen was sired by Geo. M.

l'atehen No. 'M (record the sire of Lucy i and Godfrey's Pateheif(the sire of Hopeful "i and four others in the list, nnci the sire of twelve sons that sired thirty-one that have trotted in and better, is more proof that Patchcns breed on. Geo. M. l'atehen by Casslus M.

Clay No. IS, he by Henry (May No. he by Andrew Jaeknon No he by Young Uashaw, he bv Hashaw. SAM TILDEN'S first dam was Fannie Turner (bred and Imported from Kentucky to California by C. II.

Pratt, of WatsonvJlle, a mare of speed, spirit and was by a son of Messenger Eclipse. Due care will be taken to prevent accidenls, but no liability assumed should any occur. For further particulars enquire of W. A. HACANS, EDWIN GRAHAM.

Proprietor. JAMES T. ilOGEKS, vs. JAM KB A. AMEUON Defendant, NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF and decree oi foreclosure nnd Mile, issued out of the Superior Court of the eountv I of Mendocino, State of California, on the 12th davofMav.A.

lfilfl, in the above entitled action, wherein James T. Rogers, the above named plaintifl', obtained a judgment nnd decree of foreclosure nnd side against Jnmes A. Cameron, defeutiaut, on the day of May, A. for the sum of seven hundred and Ight and seventeen one-hundredths dollars, In United States gold coin, besides interest, costs ami counsel fees making in all besides cost.s and interest to accrue, which said decree was, on the 12th day ol Mny, A. recorded in judgment book of said court, at page I am commanded to sell all the certain lot.

piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Mendocino, State of California, and bounded nnd described ns follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the north boundary Hue of a street running east and west through Ihetown of Westpurt. In the county of Mendocino and Statu of California, being at the southwest corner of a lot now owned by David Gill, and running norlh on the west lino of said lot owned by David Gill one hundred (100) feet to the north-west corner of said lot, thence west sixty feet to the east boundary lino of a lot own ed by Mrs. Sarah E. Patton nnd conveyed to her by Albert Swltzer aud Peter Swilzeron the 7th day of November IWWi, thence south along the east boundary of said lot owned by Mrs. Sarah E.

Patton one hundred (11)0) feet to the south-cast corner of snid lot last mentioned, being on the north boundary line of the afore mentioned street, thence east along the north boundary Hue of said street sixty ((10) feet to the point or place of beginning, all in the town of WeHtport, County of Mendocino, State of California. Public notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the SOlli day of June, A. 1). 1891, At 2 o'clock p. of that day, in front of the court house door of the County of Mendocino, I will, in obedience to said order of sale Mid decree of foreclosure and sale, sell the above des cril.ed property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment, with interest nnd costs, to the highest aud best bidder for gold coin of the United States.

Paled Mav lfith, 1891. ,1. M. STANDbEY, Sheriff. By T.

J. WBLDON Under SherlfV. of Sale anfl Decree of Foreclosure anfl Sale. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S FORECLOSURE SALE. Order of Salo and Decree of Foreclosure aud Sale.

Coughs, Colds. Influenza, BronchNIs, Hoarseness, Whooping Couuh, Croup, 6ore Throat, Asthma, find every of Throat, Lungs nnd Chest, inchidmir ConsinnuMon. Speedy iMiduui'iuuucnc. Genuine signed I. fi 1B acknowledged the leading remedy foe Oonorrhroa A Oleet.

Tho only Bale remedy for Iiencorrhtea orWhltes. I prescribe it and feel safe In recommending it iHEMIMlOo. to all sufferers. A. J.

STONEtt, M. DECATUR, Bold by DruiHlltli rBUIK 01.00. fig JAMES T. KOGERS, Plaintiff. JAMES A.

CAMERON, and M. JONES, liefimlants. NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORPKR OK sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, issued oni of the Superior Court of the County of Mendocino, Stale of California, on the 1'Jtli day of May, A. in the above entitled action, wherein James T. Rogers, the above named plaint obtained a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale against James Cameron a'ol M.

V. Jones defendants, on the day of Mav, A. for the sum of four hundred aud thirteen dollars, in United States gold coin, besides interest, costs and counsel fees, making in all costs and interest to accrue, which said decree was, on the liMh day of May, A. recorded in judgment book court, at page 471, 1 am commanded to sell all that certain lot, piece or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Mendocino, State of California, and bounded and described as follows, tn wit: The east half of the southeast quarter and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section eleven In township twenty-one north of range seventeen west, P. containing l-'O acres.

Public, notice is hereby given that on Saturday the 20th day of June A. 1891. At iio'elock, of that day. in front of the court house door of the County of Mendocino, 1 will, in obedience to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure aud sale, svll the above described property, or so much thereof as may be necessary fo satisfy said judgment, with Interest and costs, to the highest and best bidder, for gold coin of the United States. Paled May Jtith, 1H91.

J. M. STANPLKY, Sheriil'. By T. J.

Under short 11'. NOTICE OF SHERIFPS FORECLOSURE SALE. A pamphlet of information oT Uia iaws How A Obtain Patents, Cave Coityrights, sent vjjfil ttvoutlway. 500 DOLLARS! This amount can be made In the three mouths selling THE NEW STANDARD CENSUS ATLAS OF THE WORLD. All the new lS'JO census returns, revised maps, showing the New States, New Counties, New Railroads, New Post Oilices, etc.

BEAUTIFUL Indexed diagrams of the principal cities, show- lug the streets, parks, colored charts and diagrams, valuable statistics, political history of the United States, etc. 1,000 reference tables fine engravings. TEN BOOKS IN ONE A practical, useful work which every man. every home, every school, professional man, mechanic or farmer wants ami will buy. This is the best AtJas for the price ever issued.

A TPTWrrilC! I Everybody wants the ccn- XHJTXjll lO I sus statistics. You have, golden opportunity for money making Don't wuste time waitiug, but send $2.00 for tho elegant outfit at once. Remember ONE MILLION Atlases will be sold during ISftl on account of the new census, und this is the first and best In The History Company, Notice to Settlers. mHE UNDERSIGNED MAKES A SPECIALTY of U.S. Laud Oftloo practice, giving particular attention to con tests, final proofs, etc.

Correspondence nolicilcd. BAKU; WEBB, Att'yut Law. 10-18 819 Pluo Hun Krtuielaco, Cal, For Sale. A FIRST-CLASS CUSTOM MADE, HO USE spring with two seats, neck-yoke, Those who. want flrit-olas? wagon oati Aud it by calling on, or ftddrejtfng Oeo, White- Order of Sale and Decree of Foreclosure and Sale.


T. Defendants, TTNOKH AND HY VTHTUK OF AN ORDER OF y) sale ami decree of foreclosure aud stile, issued out of the Superior Court of the County of Mendocino, State of Cflliiomia, on the isth day of May, A. ISiil, in the above until led action, wherein B. B. Vox, the above named plaintitV, obtained a judgment aud decree of foreclosure and sale against Thomas Charlton aud N.

T. Itoniaine, defendants, on the lfith day of May, A. ISUl, for the sum of two thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight and ninetv-seven one-hundredths dollars, In "United States gold coin, besides interest, costs and counsel fees making in all besides interest and costs to accrue, and whereiu also, N. T. Komaine, one of the defendants in said action, obtained a decree of foreoloaure uud KHIU against said Thos.

Charlton on the said lMh day of May, lsiu.for the sum of eight hundred and seventy- three and ninety-six one-hundredths dollars, besides Interest, costs and counsel fees making in all besides interest and costs to accrue, said decree was, on the 15th day of May, A. recorded in Judgment book 4 of said court at nago 7, I am commanded to sell all that certain lot, piece or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Mendocino, State of California, nnd bounded and described us follows, to wit; Being in the town of Ukiah Cltv aud being the south half block of land in said town which is bounded on the north by Clay street, on the cast by School street aud on the south by Seminary Avenue, and on the west by Oak street, and being the namo lot oi laud ou which the said Thomas Charlton now resides and which was conveyed to said Charlton by D. Oobbl bv deed dated December 2nd, 1S82-, and recorded December 4th, lrtS2 tn book 29 of Deeds at page206, records of Mendocino County. Public notice is hereby given that ou Saturday the 30th day of June A. D.

1801 At 2 o'clock of that day, In front of the court house door of the County of Mendocino, 1 will, in obedience to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, sell the above des cribed property, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said Judgment, with interest and eoBls, to the highest and best bidder, for gold coin of the United mill's. Dated May 20th, 1HU1. J. M. STANDLEY, By T.

J. Under-sheriff. JAMES T. ROGERS, 1 Plaintiff. VS.

JEDWIN II. CAMERON, and JAMES A. CAMERON, partners under the firm name of "Cameron and M. V. J.nNES, Defendants.

NDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF and decree of foreclosure and sale issued nut of the Superior Court of the County of Mendocino, State of California, on the 12th day of May, A. in the above entitled action, whereiu James T. Rogers, the above named plaintill', obtained a judgment and decree oi ior. closure and sale against Edwin Cameron aud A. Cameron, an 3 M.

P. Jones, defendants, on the 12th dav of Mav, A. 1S91. for the sum of five hundred and ninelv-two and fifty one-hundredths dollars, in United States gold coin, besides interest, costs aud counsel fees, making in all besides costs and Interest to accrue, which said decree was, on the 12th day of May, A. ltttil, recorded In judgment book 1 of said court, at page 1.1 am commanded to sell all that certain lot, piece or parcels of bind, situate, lying and being in the County of Mendocino, Slate of California, aud bouuded and described as follows, to wit: The east half of the northwest quarter aud tho east half of the southwest quarter of section thirty-three In township twenty-one north of range sixteen west M.

D. M. containing acres. Public notice hi hereby given that on Saturday, IIM 20lh day of Juae, 1891 At 2 o'clock, P. of that day, in front of the court house door of the County of Mendocino, I will, in obedience to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure and nale, sell des- crihed property, or so much thereof as may bo necessary to satisfy judgment, with interest ami costs, to tlie highest and best bidder, for gold coin of the United States.

Dated Mav ltith, J. M. STANDLEY, Slier Iff. By T. J.

WKLDON NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S FORECLOSURE SALE. Order of Sale and Decree of Foreclosure and Sale. JAM38 T. ROGERS, Plaintiff. E.

II- CAMERON and M. P. JONES, Defendants. NDER AND hi' VIRTUE OF AN ORDER of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale, issued mil of the Superior Court of the County of Mendocino, State of California, ou tlie 12th day of May, A. IHiU.

in the above entitled action, wlierciu James Rogers, the above- named plaint obtained judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale against H. Cam- oron and M. P. Jones, defendants, on the 12th day of May, A. for the sum of six hundred and forty-eight and lifty-live one-hundreths dollars, in United States gold coin, besides interest, costs and counsel fees making HO, besides cost and interest to accrue, which said decree was.

on the 12th day of May. A. recorded in judgiricnt hook of said Court, at page ltw, 1 am commanded to sell all that certain lot, piece or parcels of laud, situate, lyliij? and being in the county of Mendocino, Stato of California, and bounded and described as follows, tn wit: Lots and and the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter and the north half of tho southeast quarter of section nineteen In township twenty-one north of range sixteeu west, Mount Diablo base and meridian, containing acres recording In the return of the United States Surveyor-Ceneral. Public notice Is hereby j'iven that on Saturday, the 20th duy of June A. D.

1891, At 2 o'clock 1'. nf that duy. ill front of tho court house door of tin 1 County of I wi'l, in oht'iltpiioe to suiil oritur of Null- uud ilc- oroc of toredoKiire mui sale, noil the above described property, or so inm-li thereof as may bo neeessury to satisfy said judgment, with interest and routs, to the highest and best bidder, foriiold coin of the United States. Dated May 115th 1801. J.

M. STAXDI.EV, Sheriff. Bv T. J. WKLDON, Uuder Sheriil'.

Notice of Sale ol Real Estate. I THE SUPERIOR COUKT Ol" TIIE COUNTY of Mendocino. State of California, In the Mailer of tlie Estate of Harrison StHnd- lev, defeased. 'Notice is hereby given, that in v.v.rsnnnce of an order of the Superior Court of of Mendocino, Stale of California, made on the day of April, A. 1891, in the mutter of the estate of Harrison Staudley, deceased, tho undersigned, the exeeutoi of snid estate, will sell nl public auction to the highest bidder, for eash, in lawful money of tho United Stutes, aud subject to confirmation, bv said Superior Court, on Saturday tho dav of I8S1.

at 2 o'clock r. of said duy In frolitotthe Court House lu Ukiah City all the right, title, interest and estate of the said Harrison Stundley, at the time of his death, aud all the right, title nnd interest that the said estate has, by operation of law or otherwise, acquired since his death, In and to all those certain lots, pieces, or parcels of land, siluute and bciiiK in the County of Mendocino, State nf California, bouuded aud described as follows: The Vlii of lot 7 und the WJj of of sec- tiou 'I containing acres. Lots 0, 7,8, 12; the WW of lots -1 and 10; tho NEi, of the NWW of SE'4 and the ol SEW of sectiou 3, containing (i00.07 acres. Lots 1, 2,10, 11, 12; the of lot the of SE'i and all that, part of the of iyluK east of the couuty in section -1, containing H0 acres. Tho of NEJ-i of sectiou 9, containing 80 acres.

The of XEJ4 and tho NWJi of section 10, oulallllug 240 acres. The WJ.j of and all that part of the ofMV'4 lying west nf the centre of Russian river in section 11, containing acres; li.e whole of the above described loud being in 12 11 M. D. M. Also, begluning at tho corner of sections S3 aud 34 on the south boundary of 13 It 11 and running thence north to tho center of the toll road leudtugfrom CloverduletoUkiltU and thenee along the centre of said toll road following lis 10.00 chains.

7.1)0 chains; 8.00 chains; COO chains: 2.E.0 chains; 5.00 chains; chains; 2.118 chains; 8f.K° 2.52 chains; 1H.U8 chains; 14.03 ohaius: S3" 16.20 chains to a post marked Ho," said post, lnurking the corner eonrmou to the lauds of Howell, Willlard aud tho described tract, thenee south west along Howell's land 0.70 chains to post marked II 7" standing ou the left bank of Russian rlvor; thence across said river, and following tho lino, as fenced, between the lauds of Vniidcr Stratteu uud the within described tract, 8 WVi" 8.00 chains to point ou sectiou Hue, 15.1(4 chains north of the sectiou corner on lino between sections 32 and 83; thence Bouth weet, 23.17 ehc.lns; thenoo 8 49.20 chaius, and Uti-ucii 8 10.M chains to a point on toM'ni'jip line; tlionce east 23.00 chains to the sectiou corner on south boundary of sectiou 32, and thence cast 120.00 chaluR to tho place o. beginning, containing 475.51 acres, and being further described as follows, to wit: Tho ofSEK. EK.of .20.18 acres in SUMMONS. MARTHA ST. ROY, CLAUDIUS ST.

ROY, Defendant. I THE SUI'EKIOR COURT OF THE COUK- tv ot Mendocino, State of California. Tho people of the State of California send greeting to Claudius St. Roy, defendant: You are hereby reiiuiredto appear in an action brought against you by the auovo-uumed pluluUn'in tho Superior Court of the County of Mendocino. State of California, and to answer tho complaint, flle.l therein, within ten days (exclusive ot tho duy of service), a'tof tho service on you of this served within this county; or, if served elsewhere, within thirty days.

Tho said action it brought to'ehtnln against vbu in favor of plalnlltr, dissolving the bouds of matrimony now existing between you and the plulntilT, alBo to obtain Judgment permitting tho plaintiff to resume her maiden name of Martha E. Davidson, as will more fully nppear by rcfarenco to tho complaint on illo heroin, Aurt you am hereby notified that lr you full to appear and iinstver the said complulnf, as abovo required, the wild plaintiff will take default against you und Hill npnly to the Court for tho relief demanded lu the ComnWlut Witness my hand and tho seal tho said Superior Court of the. County ot Mendocino, Stato of California, this 16th day of April, A. D. 1891.

HALE McOoWENVOlerk. J. WUITI, Attorney for plaintiff, 11 containing In all 1972.83 acres beliiK all the land belonging to thu estate of Harrison Standlcy, deceased, heroin particularly described or not. Also, thu following described lund sltuato lu Ukiah City, Mendocino County, to wit: An undivided one-third interest in lot on which J. M.

Staudley now resides, bounded north and east by land of Wagonsellcr, west by Main street, south by land of W. A. Hagaus aud tho land of the Sleeiier estate, betus In about two and onc-half (2J 2 ') acres. TEIIMS AND COSPITIOHS ov SAIK: Cash, lawful money of the Uit 1 tod States; ten per cent of tho purchase money to be paid to tho undersigned on day of sale, balance ou confirmation of sale by said Court. Deed at expense of purchaser.

Dated May4lh, A. 1801. J. STANDLEY, Executor of the of Harrison Stundley, deceased. J.

A. Cooi'ER, Attorney for Estate. Notice to Creditors. 8 WALLACIC HAQANS, Notiuo Is hereby given bv tho uudenlni'ml administratrix of tho of Waflace Httgans, decoased. to tho creditor ol Sid if persons bavinir alai ria laid do' vS dt0 ffLW U'om with th" UWIMW at tho office ot L.

Curothers. attoruov-atdavT 0 ttmo the nluop'fW the traui- aotion of the busiueis of lild estate lu laid couuty. GEORGIA HAOANS, Administratrix of tho eitAto ot Wallace dapcHssfl j. DnUMJutUkiau, May 1 T.L, QAROTMMM, Afty.

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