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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 10

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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180) soc MR. and Mr Addis Downing, with Min Eileen and Miss Barbara Downing, who have been th guests of Mrs. Downing's brother and sister in law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Konantz, Park boulevard, and since their return from the Lake of the Woods, guests of Mrs.

James Gilchrist, Wellington crescent, will leave Wednesday by motor for their home In San Gabriel, Cai. Mr. Fred M. Gee, of Winnipeg, was visitor in Friday on his way to Oakland, where he will meet his son, Robert, who has been visiting Rev. Father Gee.

rector emeritus of St. Peters church. Oakland. Mr. Gee will spend two weeks In California before returning.

Mrs. Geoffrey Griffin, who arrived recently to holiday In Banff, spent the weekend In Calgary with Mr. and Mrs. John D. Southam.

RS. Bert Cameron and Miss Willa Mulrhead will be joint hostesses of Friday evening, entertaining at bridge at Picardy's tea room in honor of Miss Mildred Miln, bride elect of August. Miss Helen Russell will leave Calgary today for the Lake of the Woods, where she will spend a fortnight with Mrs. William Mae Donneil and Miss Frances MacDon nell at their summer cottage, Kee watln Beach. Mrs.

E. McCraw, formerly of Winnipeg, who has been visiting In Edmonton for several weeks, arrived in Calgary during the weekend to join Mr. McCraw. They will make their home in Calgary. Mr.

William MacDonnell will arrive shortly by motor from Calgary to spend a holiday with his family at their summer home, Kee watin Beach, Lake of the Woods. Mrs. Dan McLaren, Calgary, If visitor in Winnipeg, the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. Moore, Telfer it, for a few weeks.

FOR Diarrhea THEIR A IEMEDY II Tnis valuable preparation has been on the market for the past 88 years, and bold a reputation second to none for the relief of bowel complaints. Price, 60a. bottle at all rjiiggista or dealer: put up only by The T. Mil burn Co Limited, Toronto, Out. WAS WE of a of of vyn the WJE WAS THE LIFE OF THE FARTY bright, nappy and cheery new stories and nappy repartee Everything in favor of wonderful weekend.

But, Ye Cods, he just remembered that he had forgotten to turn off the hot water heater hack home. The tank had been patched up just recently. Will it hold all that steam until they get hack or has it already given up the ghost) THERE'S NO NEED to let hot water worries mar your trip away from home. The new WHITEHEAD AUTOMATIC CAS WATER HEATER with MONEL MEJAL TANK regulates itseif. It won't allow steam to accumulate, but it will be ready with full supply of piping hot water when you get back.

on rental basis I I You I horn 1' W7j Call Pi You may have ome convenience only twenty at our more about Mi WINNIPEG Po ETY I RS. H. Finch entertained at a miscellaneous shower Thursday, In honor of Miss Mary Hor ton, bride elect of August. The table was centred with roses and sweet peas and lighted by pink and yellow tapers. The guests numbered 28.

Miss Aileen Garland Is enjoying a motor trip through the Maritime, having been the guest of her brother law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stenhouse, in Toronto, Ont Mr. and Mrs.

N. Law and Mr. and Mrs. J. C.

Thomson and son. Jack, have returned from a two weeks' vacation at Keewatin Beach. Mrs. Jim Carleton is spending some time In Vancouver, the guest her son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.

Elmo G. Watson, East Thirty seventh. The engagement in announced of Mae Doris, daughter of Mrs. Violet Flett, of Edmonton, to Harold W. Frank, only son of Mrs, Lillian Frank of Winnipeg.

The wedding has been arranged for early fall and will take place in Vancouver, where the young couple will make their home. LT. COL. R. L.

Font and the officers of the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery entertained Friday afternoon at their mess in Sarcee Camp, Calgary. Mr. and Mrs. A. E.

Manville. Prince Albert, arrived today, and are guests at the Royal Alexandra hotel. Mrs. E. M.

Nelson. London, arrived in Winnipeg this morning and is a guest at the Royal Alexandra hotel. Mr. T. W.

Leslie has arrived from New York to spend few days In Winnipeg. MR. and Mrs, J. W. Spears and their two sons, Ronald and Jack, of Toronto, are holidaying at Minakl, Ont.

guests at Mrs. H. E. Sellers' summer home on Sand Lake. Mrs.

D. C. Coleman, of Montreal, formerly of Winnipeg, is spending few days In Ottawa, the guest Mr. and Mrs. W.

J. Lynch, Miss Lois McLaren Is expected home Thursday from Minakl. Ont, where she has been the guest of Miss Doris Phlnney, at her summer home, Gun Lake. Mr. and Mrs.

T. H. CaudwelL Lethbridge, Alta, formerly of Win nipeg, announce the engagement their eldest daughter, Margaret Louise (Peggy), to Mr. Robert Mer Ferguson, M.A. (Trinity college, Dublin), eon of the late Mr.

James Ferguson and Mrs, Ferguson, Ennlsklllen, County Fermanagh, Ireland, professor of classics. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon. The marriage will take place latter part of August at Reglna. LIFE OP this wonderful new five cents a month. showrooms and let us tell it ELECTRIC COMPANY Building, Portage and Vaughan Aim GrwW FW, Efcrfrfc RiUm Ommimn Phones 104 321 14 322 904 312 904 314 Men's Dinner Tonight at Royal Alexandra Hotel Honors Mr.

Robert Tarr In honor of Mr. Robert Tarr, whose marriage to Miss Barbara Paterson will take place Saturday morning, a number of his friends have planned a dinner this evening at the Royal Alexandra hotel. The table, arranged in the tapestry suite, has covers for the following guests: Mr. Tarr. Dean T.

W. Laidlaw, the Messrs. Corbet Drew ry, Norman McMillan, David Shepard. Howard Hutton, Campbell Haig. Vincent Cooriey, James Coyne, George Sharpe.

JJuellan Reycraft, Jack Paterson, Robert Paterson, Allan Tarr, Harley Hughes. William Palk. Alex Stringer. Frank Garland, Allyn Taylor, Roderick Goodwin, Harvey Straight, David Kilgour. Jack Alexander.

Robert Alexander, John Arnold, Jerry Reid, Clarence Shepard. Vallanre Patriarrhe, Walter Paterson, George McLeod. Harry Monk, John Moss. Donald Elliott. I HOLIDAYING IN EAST I MISS ELLEN JACOB Miss Jacob has left for a short holiday in Fort Frances, Ont.

R. F. O. Fowler has Issued Invi tations for the marriage of his daughter. Frances Isobel.

to Mr. James John Carter. The wedding will take place at 12 o'clock noon, at Knox church, Wednesday, August 12. and will be followed by a reception at 422 Asslnlbolne ave. Mrs.

John T. Fair, arrived today from Reglna to be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. McMillan, Milan apt.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Heaton have ipent the past week at the Lake of the Woods, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Cottlngham, Mrs.

Gordon Robie, Winnipeg, Is the guest of Mrs. A. H. Prosser, 1143 Fourth ave. northwest.

Moose Jaw, Sask. Mrs. D. Howe, who has been at her summer home at Rockport, Mass with her family, returned to Ottawa during the weekend and is spending a few days at her home In Rockcliffe. Mr.

and Mrs. W. Randolph Cot tlngham, who have spent the last three weeks at their summer home. Lake of the Woods, have driven to town, where they will remain for a few days, Mr. and Mrs.

William M. Hamilton, who spent Monday town, have returned to their summer home at Victoria Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathers spent the weekend at Minakl, Ont, guests at the Minakl Lodge.

Mrs. B. Pfeifler and her sons, Brian and Dennis, who have been guests of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Klebler.

211 Stradbrooke ave, will leave Wednesday morning for their home In Grand Rapids, Mich. Miss Bessie Love was a weekend visitor at CoUwold, the summer place of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Cottlngham. MRS.

George D. Wood and her sons, the Masters George and Peter, have left for Minakl. Ont, where they will spend a holiday at the Lodge. Mrs. George Simpson has left for Cleveland, Ohio, where she will be the guest of her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. de Bell at their summer home, Mltwar.ja beach.

Miss Corinne Miron left early last week tor Cavalier and Bath gate. N.D.. where she will spend a two weeks holiday. Mrs. Ruddlck and Mrs.

I Campbell were joint hostesses at a miscellaneous shower Wednesday 1 In honor of Mrs. A. J. Davidson, 1 formerly Miss Mary BeaUy, held at the home of Mrs. Campbell.

Kit son st The gifts were presented hy little Miss Christine Renton. The guests numbered 23. i I Mr. and Mrs. F.

Dunfee were weekend guests at the Minakl lodge, Minakl. OnU I Mr. Travers Sweatman Joined his family at the Minakl Lodge, Minakl, Ont, for the week end. I Mrs. A.

Ritchie is holidaying at Minakl, a guest at the Minakl Lodge. Miss Gladys 3. Thomas Is holl daying at Minakl, Ont, a guest at the Lodge. I Vhrounteas Byng of Vimy is now at Thorpe HalL Thorp le Soken, Essex, and will not return to Lon don until the beginning of Novem I ber. It is at Thorpe Hall that Lady Byng has the lovely gardens, to which she added plants from Can ada during Lord Byng's regime as Governor General.

Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Hurst were I guests at the Lodg, Minakl, Ont, during the weekend.

I Judg Mitchell and Mass a Mitchell arrived Winnipeg this i morning from Edmonton. They are guests at the Royal Alexandra hotel. ir i i. Patroness for A i. I MRS.

H. M. SPEECHLY Mrs. Speechly Is one of the patronesses for the garden party to be held Wednesday on the Deer Lodge hospital grounds under the auspices of the Deer Lodge branch of the Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. Engagements Mr.

and Mrs. W. A. Reid announce the engagement of their only daughter, Margaret to Mr. Howard Bowlby, second son of Mr.

and Mrs. E. A. Bowlby of Imperial, Sask. The wedding will take place In August Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Steinberg announce the engagement of their daughter, Sara Reeva, to Dr. Ar thur E. Schwartz, of Brooklyn. The wedding will take place in Brooklyn the early part of September.

MRS. W. D. Henidge who has returned to OtUwa from Calgary, will leave shortly for St Andrew's N.B. She will be accompanied by her young son.

Master William. Mr. and Mrs. T. F.

Macnab were weekend guesti at the Minakl Lodge, Minakl, Ont Mrs. Leonard Hobday returned today to her home at the Lake of the Woods, having spent a few days In Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. J.

D. Bulgln were weekend guests at the Lodge, Minakl, Ont IN honor of Mn. Edith How Mar tyn. London, Dr. Emma Adam son, Montrose st, will entertain informally at luncheon Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hardlman and little Miss Joyce' have returned from Minakl, where they were guests at the Fala Camp. Mr. Walter Pratt Harvard st, will take up residence at the Fort Garry hotel, August Mr.

George Mclvor was a weekend guest at the Minakl Lodge, Minakl, Ont Mr. N. Templeman spent a holiday last week at the Minakl Lodge, Mlnaki, Ont Miss V. Richards was a weekend visitor at Minakl, a guest at the Lodge. MR.

and Mrs. Paul Mallon, of Washington, D.C, arrived in Winnipeg this morning and are guests at the Fort Garry hotel. Mrs. Hugh McKay is visiting her brother and sister in law. Dr.

and Mrs. G. W. Sahlmark. In Reglna.

Lady Strathcona arrived In Canada recently from London, England. GARDES FETE HELD BY CHURCH MEN AT SELKIRK IS SUCCESS teweUI I Tlw WOMiine Trtkaml SELKIRK. Man, July 28. The annual garden fete of the men of Christ church vestry was a successful event of Thursday evening, on the rectory grounds. Bunting draped booths and multi colored lights sgalnst the background of tall trees made an effective setting tor the tea tables.

Lawn bowling, horseshoe pitching, baseball and croquet were enjoyed. Mrs. L. McKenzie was tn charge of guessing contest for the ladles, winners being Mrs. N.

B. Gobert and Mrs. G. Ingram. Home cooking was in charge of Mrs.

E. A. Thompson and Mrs. A. Stewart Mrs.

Thomas Norquay looking after the fishpond. In charge of the refreshments were ladies of the W.A.: Mesdamei A. Bedard. J. Llndenherg, H.

Kyle. A E. Thompson, S. F. Roberts.

F. Roberts. Jr, B. Prunden: Misses M. Campbell.

M. Schofleld. M. Stewart, E. Griffin and E.

Scho fleld. The transportation committee was convened by Miss Dorothy Mann. The grounds committee. convened by W. A Mann, was com posed of Alan Montgomery, Colin Campbell.

Archie Stewart, S. Per rin, E. Howard. The guests were welcomed by Rev. and Mrs.

R. S. Montgomery and Mrs. George Ingram, president of the WJL Mrs. How Martjrn Arrives Today Mr Edith How Martvn.

director of the International Birth Control Information Centre, London, will arrive in Winnipeg at 6.30 o'clock this evening from Banff. Mrs. How Martyn Is on the final lap of a round the world Journey made In the interest of birth control. She will go from here to Toronto and from there to New York from which port she will sail for England. She will address an open meeting of the Winnipeg Birth srV o'clock, Wednesday afternoon, at the home of Mrs.

Royal Burritt 421 Wardlaw are. During her stay hi Winnipeg Mrs. How Martyn win be a guest at the Roy Alexandra hotel. Garden Party Party and Presentation For Miss Mildred Miln Miss Mildred Miln, a bride elect of early August was the guest of honor at a party held Monday evening at the home of Miss Avril Hill. A presentation was made to Miss Miln on behalf of her fellow employes.

The supper table was centred with sweet peas and lighted by pink tapers. The guests numbered 2L MRS. Cumberland Reid enter tiined Informally at luncheon at the St Charles Country club Monda afternoon, in honor of Mrs. St lart Allen, of Vancouver. Hon.

Norman Armour, United States minister to Canada and his son, Norman, Jr, arrived in Ottawa dur'ng the weekend from Montreal, here they met Mrs. Armour, who returned to Ottawa with them, after a short visit in France. Mrs. Armour returned to New York by the Bremen. Miss Kathleen Wilsher, of the staff of the British High Commis sioners office, Ottawa, will leave early in August for England, to spend some time with her parents.

Miss Wilsher will also attend the World Youth Congress In Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. F. K.

Wlshart, of Evanston, 111, are spending a few days In Winnipeg, guests at the Fort Garry hotel. Mr. and Mrs. G. F.

Miles, of Wilmington, Delaware, are guests today at the Fort Garry hotel. RS. X. J. Solem and her sister, i'l Miss Mary Sellers, left today for Port Arthur and will sail on the Noronlc for Sarnla.

Later they will visit their sister, Mrs. Ragner Johnston, In Toronto. Miss Eldeen Cross, who has spent the past few days at Keewatin Beach. Is at present the guest of Mrs. F.

W. DeSieyes at her island home. Lake of the Woods. Mr. Justine McDonald, of Van couver, Is a guest today at the Fort Garry hotel.

Major and Mrs. F. 3. Ney have returned to Condon. England, from St Andrew's where Major Ney, M.C., secretary.

National Council of Education of Canada, received the honorary degree of LL.D, from St Andrew's University, on June 26. Miss Dorothy Morosnlck left dur ing the weekend, accompanied by her sister, Elaine, to spend the balance of the summer at the Girls Camp, Lake Hubert, Bralnerd, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. N.

Nichols are holidaying at Victoria Beach, where they are occupying Miss Isabel Mc Elheran summer cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Colin D. Lear were guesti of Mr.

and Mrs. F. W. Gasston at Victoria Beach during the weekend. Mrs.

Colin D. Lear and her daughters, June Rosemary and Shelagh, were guests last week of Mrs. Lear's sister, Mrs. L. Daly, at Keewatin.

Mrs. Lynn Braumer and two sons, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J. Rockett from San Diego, Calif, who have been the guests of Mrs. George P.

Sterling and Mrs J. MacDonaid for a few days, left Saturday by motor for their home, via the Pacific coast Mrs. S. Maklnen was hostess at a birthday party Wednesday, when she had as honor guests Mrs. T.

Goodfellow and Mrs. J. Lambert of Brandon, whose birthdays Tell on the same date. Mrs. J.

P. Caron won the' prize for bridge. Variegated summer blooms centred the supper table. Mrs. Hugh Benham has left for the Lake of the Woods, where she will spend a short holiday.

Mr. Joseph Donovan, who holidaying at Victoria Beach, spent Monday in the city. Mrs. M. BosweH who has been holidaying at Victoria Beach for the past week, was In the city Monday.

She has returned to the beach, accompanied by Mr. Boswell. They will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. F.

A. Wilson for a few days. Comfioftat JtalfanBalm 1 Mrs. John T. HardwicKe Arranges Pretty Shower For Miss Olive Grimsey la honor of Miss Olive Grimsey, whose marriage to Mr.

Edward Elcock, will take place August 1, Mrs. John T. Hardwicke, 23 St David's road, St Vital, entertained at a miscellaneous shower Thursday evening. The rooms were decorated with summer blossoms and blue and white streamers and wedding bells. The tea table, centred with a silver basket of delphiniums and gypsophila, v.

as presided over by Mrs. M. Grimsey. The gifts were presented in a mock three tiered wedding cake. The guests numbered 18.

ISS Marion Brown, whose mar l' 1 riage will take place Saturday in Calgary, will be at home this evening from 8 to 10 o'clock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Irving Brown, 117 George st I Guest From Saskatoon MRS. STEWART McKIECHAN Mrs. McKiechan has arrived from Saskatoon to be the guest of her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. F. P. Hay den, Dorchester ave, for the next few weeks. Tea Follows the Play on Elm Park Bowling Green Several of the women's rinks competing for the Dingwall trophy played on the Elm Park bowling green, Wednesday.

After the games, tea was served by the executive: Mesdames J. F. Austin, Frank McCrea, David Gilbert, Percy Hagel, P. M. Chiswell and John Wilkinson, assisted by Mrs.

Rooke, Mrs. Norman James and Mrs. G. W. Thompson.

Mrs. J. McLean placed at the disposal ef the members her home and garden where the refreshments were served. MISS Margaret Connor entertained at luncheon this afternoon, in Eaton's Spanish Court In honor of Miss Frances Fowler, a bride elect of next week. Mr.

and Mrs. N. W. Kerr, of Brandon, are guests today at the Fort Garry hotel. Dr.

and Mrs. E. Brooks of Toronto are guests at the Fort Garry hotel during their slay In Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs.

J. Short of Peterborough are guests today at the Fort Garry hotel. Col. John Cooper arrived today from Toronto and li a guest at the Fort Garry hotel. Col.

F. E. Leach of Vancouver is a guest today at the Fort Garry hotel. Flight Lieutenant Gerald Ed wards spent the weekend at Minakl a guest at Mrs. H.

E. Sellers summer home on Sand Lake. Mr. and Mrs. L.

J. F. Van Rlems dyk have returned from Victoria Beach, where they were the guesti of Mrs. H. J.

Martin. WJ get rid SO treacherous sod insidious Athlete's Foot, that yoa may bow be infected sod not know it. There is no psio st first. Soon, however, yoa will be conscious of itching skin between your toes. Skin tfast Jst red and irritated.

This warps of trouble ahead. And please remember that wherever you tread barefoot, yoa spread disease at the beach, at the golf dub, even in your own spotless bathroom, sod yoor family may be the oext to suffer. Don't be a carrier. Examine your toes tonight for red, itching skin, and at the slightest symptom douse oa Absorbioe Jr. Ooce the fungus digs into the skin, boring sod eating through tender tissues, painful soreness is tbe penalty.

Tbe skin torus white, dies io patches; gets moist sod sticky, peels, cracks open with distressing gssroessj Prompt application csf If A i sl I THE marriage of Miss Jean Grace Hitchings to Mr. Raymond Darwin Chase, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E.

Chase, of Dauphin, will take place at 4.30 o'clock afternoon at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R.

Hitchings, 25 West Gate, Armstrong's Point Girls' Dinner Planned This Evening to Honor Miss Barbara Paterson In honor of Miss Barbara Paterson, a bride elect of Saturday, a number of her girl friends will entertain at dinner this evening at the Manitoba Club. The table, centred with summer bloom, will have covers for 12. The guests will include: Miss Paterson, Mrs. David Shepard. Mrs.

George Sharpe, the Misses Ruth Machray, Majorle Ferguson. Helen Scott Betty Tod. Nancy lorne. Alice Poole, Maryl Thomson, Eleanor Echlin, Helen Clare Shepard. MISS Marion Brown will leave Wednesday evening for Calgary, where her marriage to Mr.

John McKay will be an event of Aug. Miss Janet and Mia Margaret Turner, of Vancouver, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. F. M.

Turner, Norwood. Lady Strathcona, who arrived In Canada recently from England, is a guest at the Manotr Richelieu, Murray Bay. Mr. Skinner was a visitor In Regina last week. Honoring Miss Edna Howard, a bride elect of August, Mrs.

J. D. Moran, Mrs. F. E.

Graves and Mrs. K. 3. Mclvor, entertained at a linen shower, at the home of Mrs. Mclvor.

Little Miss Marlon Willigan drew In the decorated tea wagon bearing the gifts and presented them to the honor guest Guests numbered 50. THE marriage of Miss Barbara Paterson, daughter of the late Brigadier General R. W. Paterson and Mrs. Paterson.

to Mr. Robert H. Tarr. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.

E. J. Tarr, will take place Saturday morning at 8.30 clock, in St Georges cnurcn, Crescentwood. The Rev. and Mrs.

Norman Middleton. Misi Peggy Keyes and Mr. a McNalr "eft today for the Lake of the Woods, where they will occupy a cottage for the next few weeks. Mr. William Perkins Bull and Mr.

Thomas Henry Bull of Toronto arrived in Winnipeg this morning and are guesti at the Fort Garry hotel. Mrs. Wlllard Cummlng Is returning today to Calgary, having spent the past six weeks In Winnipeg. Mrs. Chris Moody of Los Angeles.

Cal, and her daughters, Christine and Marion, returned to Winnipeg today, having spent a few days the suests of Dr. and Mrs. Jamei Pren dergast at Matlock Beach, Lake Winnipeg. They are at present guests of Mrs. Moody's sister, Miss Eva Mclvor.

rPERMANENTS ft rvi 5 MMfMl iMwr xDrtne4. Coowr thaa nT wv ro br nn ha4 n4 absolutely MM. Your MTH ft! Mt eevauir and lutus'ir. LKUMUIVjINVJLC PERMANENTS Soft, Dns a Lastroos with Clusters of Curls, 'A Prict Speca DE LUXE CROQUICNOLI 51 45 I I TMtniiaic I I Shunpo ,.45 ff Anw in'i BruUrt (IflMBOIiaT 'I of ATHLETE'S Absorbioe Jr; brings gratifying relief. Leading laboratories have proved that this famous remedy kills the infectious fungus wheat reached.

It also cools and comforts, working to esse and heal the broken tissues. If your case is far developed, consult a doctor. So stubbora is the fungus that reinfection may occur from your wsi socks, anlcss iTAHin wfdl Al mAcs! Siess faff VarrMn," Thar That is war twm akal a lac Aibiw's Foot Mrs. Ai Harriman Gives Pretty Shower in Honor of Miss Mary Horton In honor of Miss Mary Horton, bride elect of August Mrs. Harriman, Dominion st, entertained at a miscellaneous shower Friday evening.

The supper table, which had covers for 12 guests, was centred with snapdragons and sweet pes s. offset by tapers In pastel shades. THE executive of the Business and Professional Women's club entertained at luncheon st the club over the weekend in honor of Mrs. Mary Sutherland, of Ottawa, only woman member of the new federal employment commission. Mr.

and Mrs. Hugh Phillipr spent the weekend at Minak' guests of Mrs. H. E. Sellers at summer home on Sand Lake.

Mrs. Morven. S. Ferguson w'H spend the next few weeks visiting in tasiern dues. Mrs.

Franklin D. Roosevelt arrived at her hummer home at Campobello Island, N.B, last week and is expected to remain for a ten day visit while President Roosevelt is sailing his vacation schooner "Sewanna," In Nova Scotia waters. Mrs, Roosevelt Is not a stranger to New runs wickers, having visited the province on several occasions. Mrs. A.

G. Jarvis. Westmount Que, is a guest at the Royal Alexandra i.otel during her stay In Winnipeg. Miss Genevieve Cantelon entertained. Monday evening, in honor of Miss Marion Brown, whose marriage will be an event of Saturday.

The rooms were decor ated with gladioli and Tea roses. Miss Cantelon was assisted by her sister, Mrs. J. Simpkln. Mrs.

Cyril Bell Is entertaining at a bridge and linen shower this evening, in honor of Miss Mildred Miln, whose marriage will be an event of early August. Three tables are arranged for the games. YOU will be the tas lwt wwnaa In the wsrlS whfi yeu eiscevs how II ysu itMd ta say at Murtlg's for the it ef year reams. IH mim 262 PORTACI Nr PMt OtrtM I Wtntttn Cmtdi'g IvgtBt txcluiiv ttttil fvrritr I ABSORBING JR. laQavas tor snuiclas, Ntirsculor ocfcaa, twvlsat, sprains and SMlMsia i ii I Maty aHfs Opea Wednesdays All Da MARVEL WAVE SHOP 109 DeaaM.

Car. Parties, ft). HOT I 'J ioi aocaoi FOOT holal Sne a UM 3D BiifMtM lmi they are washed. cheap iraitaboo. Unknown suheeW rotes may Dot ooly ba ioeffectiva but actually dsngcroas SO roar condition.

On sale st sO druggists, 1 1.2 a bottle, or tr? it at our am eeose. For a generous free sample write to W. F. Youag, Ioc, Lymaa I Building, Montreal, Canada. akaeesii sPMsjsW aWhcMaf aTsaaUiai it.

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