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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 11

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

11 THE SUN, BALTIMORE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 28, 1909. waiting to see the result here before mak GARRETT COTJHTY DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES WOMAN IH AEROPLANE BODY BLOW BY GOYERNOR MR. WARFIELD ON ISSUES ing up their minds to come in upon us, and these are infinitely worse, thou those we now have." MR. RAYNER HAULS IT Opposition To Amendment Battered By Senator. Mrs.

VanUeman Soars Aloft With Test" Argument Mere Scatecrow, Of Mr. Marbnry's Speech, Mr. Marbury said: "Until near the close of the Civil War Ex-Governor Stirs Big Bally Frederick Voters! Wilbur Wright. He Tells Voters. the negroes in this country in the Southern States were in bondage to the white men.

not to support a political ring I deny It and brand the untruth of the charge but to support a grat that stretches into the remotest future and affects every man in Maryland whose heart beats In sympathy with the traditions of our people." Speech Of Dr. Hering. Dr. Hering Bald, In part "Realizing that the white voters of Maryland constitute an Intelligent" body of men, who decide questions of pcblic policy with reason, the Democratic party, feeling that its cause is a just and righteous one, appeals by its speakers and through the powerful agency of the public press to the calm reason and common sense of our APPLAUDED AS SHE ALIGHTS HAGERSTOWS BIG MEETING Since the enactment of the Fifteenth Amend BEVIEWS TORCHLIGHT PARADE BELAIE HAS LIVELY MEETING ment the Republican party, especially in this State, has been in bondage to the Army Officer's "Wife First Woman Marbnry SaygTlie Republican negro. An opportunity is afforded the white Col.

E. A nit In Banghman Heads 800 Mounted Men-Congreman Cot-ingrton And Others To Fly In A IIeavlerThan-Al Machine In The United State. Party la In Bondage To Mass Of Illiterate Xegxo Voters. Harford County Voters Give Cordial Reception To Dr. Hering And Other Speakers.

Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Belair. Oct. 27. Cordial was the Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.l Republicans of Maryland, by voting for the suffrage, amendment, now pending, to release their party from this bondage.

It is no mere figure of speech or flourish of Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore' San. Frederick, Oct. enormous College Tark, Oct. 27.

A diversion Hagerstown. Oct. 27. Enthusiasm rhetoric to say that the Republican party massmeeting, preceded by a torchlight of more than ordinary Interest from th dally flights here was furnished today by people. The question of the suffrage is a burning issue in this campaign, and no Subject which has been discussed before of Maryland is In bondage to the negro.

In reached a high pitch tonight at the monster Democratic massmeetinsr held in the Academy of Music, which, when the meet procession ana norseoacK. demonstration. nearly if not all of the counties of lower aroused Frederick Democracy to a nign the people of our State in my recollection Wilbur Wright at the Government aerodrome. Having coached his three army Maryland and the Eastern Shore, and in some of the wards of this city, the negro officer pupils to the point where they now has so stirred them as thlg. and well may this be so, because the coming election will determine whether our electorate is "to be voters constitute more than a majority of pitch tonight.

The meeting was held in the Opera House, which was crowded to overflowing before one-third the crowd representing every section of the county -could force its way Indoors. The galleries were reserved for ladies, and were also crowded. ing was called to order, was crowded to the doors. There were" fully 1,100 people in the audience. A number of ladies occupied the boxes and balcony.

-Music was furnished by the Silverine Band, of Hagers- the Republican party. They, therefore. freed from this mass ot shiftless. Irre are able to operate an aeroplane themselves, Mr. Wright had for a passenger a female aviation enthusiast in the person of Mrs.

sponsible negroes or whether this blight is dominate that party and furnish the votes by which its candidates must be nominated to Indefinitely remain with us, to wither and dwarf the progress of our State. The-parade, -headed byCoL Austin Van Deman, wife of Capt. Ralph H. Van Deman, of the Twenty-first Infantry. The town, and the Union Concert Band, of Williamsport.

as well as elected. The stream cannot rise higher than Its source. No man can be nominated by the Republican paity in those "The Republicans have not met us fairly On the stajre sat a number of the local machine circled the aerodrome and was put through some intricate maneuvers, the flight lasting four minutes. The landing sections except with the consent of its negro vote. in in irnini rini candidates and over 100 prominent Demo In this campaign.

It is impossible to get them to discuss the real question which is before the people. Their course has been evasive and disappointing. If they, believe Trumvm' in i Tftr Tnni riTTrrrnnffnni niniriTn'i mi Baughman. chief marshal, -was one of the largest campaign demonstrations ever held in this city. There were 800 men on horseback, including.

Col. "Jesse Claggett's rough riders from Emmitsb'urg, and. a dozen bands of music. The horsemen were attired In costumes; bedecked -with flags and bunting and -carried banners. was made without the slightest mishap.

It does seem to me that the white men crats, who acted as vice-presidents of the Mrs. Van Deman received a round of ap of the Republican party in this State ought plause as she stepped from the machine. the negro has the qualifications for the exercise of the elective franchise, why don't not to be willing to continue that bondage. meeting. The stage was -elaborately decorated with flags, palms, chrysanthemums and carnations.

onto earth. They ought not to permit their party to J. J. BENDER. For House of Delegates.

J. JOHNSON. For State Senate. Mrs. Van Deman was the first woman to continue to stand for the perpetuation of The speakers were Governor Crothers negro suffrage, because negro suffrage Is fly in a heavler-than-air machine in the United States.

Mr. Wright and his brother Orville both have bad women as passengers and Mr. William L. Marbury, of Balti undoubtedly the heaviest handicap which they say so? No; they do not say that. They have dropped the negro, but expect him to solidly vote the Republican ticket on Tuesday next.

And he will do it. Now, it is just this deluded, unintelligent, nndis-crinflnating element in our electorate that we want to get rid of. beconsidered- snch because the Democratic MR. 'WRIGHT AT HAGERSTOWN it has to carry in the political race, and it party, in its right, has seen at to indorse it. is a blight and a burden upon the people.

more, who, when took seats on the stage, were "greeted with applause. They were met at the depot upon their arrival here by a committee of leading Democrats I ta indirect consequences are, perhaps, more welcome awaiting the speakers at the Democratic meeting held In the Masonic Temple tonight. The hall was packed, the I audience Including many ladies. i The decorations were elaborate. The room -was festooned with bnnting and flags were, everywhere In evidence.

The stage was a mass of colors of red, white and bine. A picture of Governor Crothers furnished a pleasing background for the stage, and around it were the Stars and Stripes. On the stage sat many of the The meeting was over by for- iner, State's Attorney Walter W. Preston, who was a candidate in the primary elec- tion for State Senator. In calling the meeting to order Sir.

Preston said he seemed to have old-fashlorfted Ideas in regard to duty and propriety In political matters. He: said "I have, always been taught that one voting in the primaries makes a promise to support the nominees freely and fairly made, and that candidates offering them-selves for nomination, subject to the decision of their party, enter into an express contract to abide by the result. But political ethics and ideas of duty seem to change with the times. We see men taking a vigorous part in the primaries of the Democratic party and later supporting the Republican nominees, and in several cases candidates defeated in the primaries conniving at the defeat of their successful competitors. My opinion of such action may be entirely crude and out of date, but to my primitive notion this does not seem to me fair play.

This is especially true when all our nominees are worthy and capable and deserving of the support of every Democrat in the county." He urged every Democrat in the county to vote for every man on the Democratic ticket. Addresses were made by United States in the aeroplane abroad, and Mrs. Mcnolaa Longworth at Fort Myer recently wished to make a trip in the aeroplane, but the Wright brothers have refused heretofore serinna than its direct. The white- man Antisaloou League Holds Big Mass- -Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.l Maryland is the only Southern State If Republicans, think the ignorant ana smio less class -of voters should be eliminated from suffrage they should put. party feeling aside and vote for the and escorted to the place of meeting.

everywhere has an invincible repugnance to being governed by the negro. It makes no in the United States. It was only after that has unrestricted negro suffrage. And now is our opportunity to get rid of it here. After the meeting the Governor and 'Some in this audience, with gray hair difference whether the negro governs like myself, can remember in 1870 when through offtcials of his own race or through Mrs.

Van Deman had obtained permission from her husband that Mr. Wright con- sented to take her for a flight. The trip today was made during a calm. Mrs. Van Hagerstown, Oct.

27. -A monster Antisaloon League meeting in 'the Interest of local option held tonight in the Auditorium Rink, wldch was crowded. About It is a question that rises above mere partisan politics. It is a question of good government, of a pure electorate and of all that tends to elevate our citizenship." Mr, Marbury were entertained at lunch at the Conococheague Club by Col. Buchanan Schley, the Washington county leader.

At midnight they returned on a special train on the Western Maryland railroad for white men whom he nominates and elects the disgrace of negroes in herds first came about. In either event the great body of the white 1,200 persons ere present. "I can remember when white men were Deman expressed hersedf as delighted wltn the unique sensation. people are irrevocably averse to such gov Commenting on the local ticket. Dr.

Her The speakers, ex-Governor Warfield, Senator Charles J. Linthicum, Congressman J. Harry Covington and Deputy State's Attorney Eugene O'Dunne. of Baltimore, arrived shortly before 6- o'clock and all except Senator Llrithlcum, who was accomr panied, by Mrs. Unthicum, were entertained at dinner by Chief Justice and.

Mrs Glenn H. Worthingtoa. Ex-Governor and Mrs. Warfleld came in their automobile from Howard county and went 'at once to Judge Worthihgton's house. Shortly after 7 o'clock Governor Warfield, Mr: Covington and Mr.

O'Dunne, accompanied by the county chairman. Dr. Charles H. Conley, met Mr. Linthicum at the New City Hotel, where they were accorded an impromptu reception by a large crowd.

A few minutes later they went to the veranda of the hotel, where they reviewed the big procession. Headed by a cordon of police on horseback, the parade formed on North Market street and, in the presence of a crowd that lined both sides of the street, many deep, moved over the principal streets of the city. At Kemp Hall, on North Market street, It was reviewed by Mrs. Warfield, The Mapleville Band furnished music pushed aside in Buckeystown distrlctby ernment. If they were not it would indi ing urged its election from top to bottom- Mr.

Wright afterward put the aeroplane The Hagerstown. Choral Society sang. The district leaders present at the meet negroes who wanted to vote, said Mr. ii.a- cate that they had become degenerates He said he understood there had been The leading address was by Mr. Seaborn ing tonight brought cheering reports, and that they were lacking In that pride of race some criticism of the candidate for clerk, through several short flights to instruct his pupils in gliding to earth from various heights with power shut off.

ward Nichols, an old-line Democrat who sat on the stage. Wright, of Rome, Ga. which has distinguished the American it is confidently predicted tnat the democrats will carry the county. The feeling Mr. William H.

Anderson, of Baltimore, Mr. William S. Forwood, and his accounts with the State. He bad "recently white man from the earliest times, and Mr. Warfield concluded by telling how His pupils have progressed so rartnat for the amendment is also excellent.

negroes have since been led to the polls in which has made this nation what It is. Mr. Wright today announced his intention given Mr. Forwood letter stating that he had paid over all moneys due the State Mr. Alexander Neill, a leading attorney herds and voted.

State superintendent of the Antisaloon League, made a 15-miuute address, In which he. explained the local option proposition to be voted on Jn Washington county next The Evil Of It All. of Hagerstown, presided. He stated that and was here tonight, he said, to reiterate "But right here comes the trouble. Here of abandoning them for several days, allowing them to use the aeroplanes at their discretion.

The flights will continue here as usual. Five flights were made today. in the Lincoln-Douglas aeDate Lincoln every word that his letter contains. Mr. O'Dunne Kloquent.

Mr. O'Dunne' said, in part "My independent friends, we ask your comes the evil effect of negro suffrage. Tuesday. Bald this country could not exist half "It is not my purpose to apply the white 'No political party ever does any better free and half slave. Mr.

Neill said Mary wash brush," the Doctor continued, "and During the afternoon Mr. rignt tooic aid In this fight to rescue the electorate of land could not exist half white and half than It has to. In those districts where Several hundred ladies were present. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Williamsport attended In a It was the largest meeting held by the temperance want it distinctly understood that Mr. black.

the negroes control the Republican party Governor Nails Campaign aKe. the Democratic party is not compelled to Forwood does not owe the State of Maryland one copper, and I denounce it as outrageous that there should be any such Capt. Charles De Forest Chanaier, or tno Signal Corps, on a flight of 6Vj minutes, this being the first tima Captain Chandler has ascended in a heavier-than-air machine. He is one of the expert balloonists of the The Governor spoke of the suffrage do its best in the way of government or ad forces during the present campaign. WORKING FOR AMENDMENT Mrs.

Dudley Mrs. Charles H. Conley, Mrs. Charles H. BauKhman, Mrs.

Worth- ministration. It can neglect the public In Senator Eayner, Comptroller Hering and Insinuations made." amendment, sajng in part: terests in many ways. It can be inefficient, Mr. Giles' speech was devoted to the ington. Miss Fauntleroy, the Misses Potts "The constitutional amendment was pre Signal Corps, having made 13 balloon tripa.

unprogressive and even extravagant in its and other ladies who called on Mrs. War- suffrage amendment and evoked great ap Mr. Shaw Tells Of Sentiment In pared by some of the best lawyers and best Mr. W. Trlckett Giles.

Senator Rayner's Challenge. In part, Senator Eayner said "How stands the State on the amend administration of local, affairs, knowing plause. Charles County. citizens in the State. It was so drawn as that the great mass of the white people MARYLAND BRIEFS Cumberland, Oct.

27. There is a project Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. to affect only the negro vote. Every white field. The meeting was called to order by County Chairman Conley, who, in a few remarks, introduced Prof.

Amon Burgee, will, nevertheless, continue to vote its ticket ME. WILLIAMS ON "BOSSES Maryland from the 60,000 colored voters who weigh it down and hang as a pall over Southern Maryland. "Achilles, In bis wrath against what he declared were "wrongs of once turned his sword against the Grecian but when he saw his friends in danger he turned again to their assistance. "Coriolanus, indignant at the conduct of the Roman officials, once joined forces with those of the enemy, but yielded at last when his mother and the noble matrons of Roma appealed to him for protection. 'The fair daughters of Maryland, especially its southern counties, appeal to you for their protection against assaults on virtue.

"Plutarch tells us that Sertorius, because of the distractions of the empire, felt it his ment? I do not mean by this, how does the vote standi because, without making anv nredlctons. I am positive in my pwn afoot to furnish Somerset county, rennsyivania. taan, native or foreign born, will be able to vote without any examination, property because they have no alternative except to turn their party over to the control of the La Plata, Oct 27. W. C.

Shaw, well known as an independent and who voted for President Taft and against The "SmithVandiver-Mahon which adjoins Allegany county. Maryland, on the party controlled by the big, black bulk of mind that the amendment will be carried principal of the Boys' High School, as president. The stage, handsomely decorated, was occupied by 150 of the best known north, with natural gas. nttsourg capuausis arc Way He Designates Them. the negro vote.

In this way negro suffrage qualifications or any other test as freely and fully as they vote now. The same ar-eument was made In the campaigns for the preparing to construct a pipe line from McKeesport the so-called Poe amendment, is one of the many Independents and Republicans who. are working for the success of the next Tuesday and will be Incorporated into the orsanlc law of this State. I mean, what Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. has been a dreadful blight.

It retards the Democrats of the city and county. After to Somerset county to furnish natural gas a Cumberland, Oct. 27. Mr. Frank is the eeneral sentiment of the Democracy several Urge towns, including Somerset.

Rockwood, advancement of the people. It prevents anything like progressive government. It complimenting the outpouring of citizens, Professor Burgee introduced the speakers. suffrage amendment. In ah interview today Mr.

Shaw said Williams Republican candidate for Comp adoption of the amendment in the different States of the South, but after they were adoDted all foreigners voted that desired of Maryland upon this vital issue that is Confluence, Berlin and BosweU. Tho lines may freauently enables the worst element of now before ns? extended to Johnstown and Wlndber. troller, addressed a meeting of Republicans Ovation For Ex-Governor Warfleld "I have been identified with the inde i i the Democratic party to get control of that "I might say, what is the sentiment of to vote as easy as tney.naa ever voieu oe- Mr. Warfield was introduced amid great pendent voters of the State for 30 years tonight. party men who would never be tolerated thousands of white Republicans through fore.

I voted fop Taft and against the Poe applause. Cumberland, MA. Oct. Pennsylvania Railroad is contemplating building a spur from out the State, who. I am confident, will under normal conditions, but who are able In part, he said "I want to ask you what answer Alle- 'The object of the amendment is to deal 'I don't like to be called an ex-Govern amendment, and in the Charles County to hold their places in the Democratic with the illiterate negro vote, ana tnat duty at one time to fight against the Roman cause.

He was victorious, but he surrendered all his personal gain, declaring that he would rather be Rome's humblest Advocate (Republican) gave my reasons at or," said the speaker, "ana nave Deen try party purely by reason of the existence of give this measnre their support, but I will limit by observations to the Democratic nartr. Now. I made the statement in per alone. The, educational test ana tne prop Johnstown to tap rich coal fields, the development of which was recently commenced In the upper end cf the Meyersdale region. Surveys have been mad ing to get my friends to call me 'Former some length.

Conditions have changed, gany is going to give to me mue uuu-u of political over-lords who are demanding that the political destinies of the State be the negro vote In the Republican party. ertv Qualification apply to the negro. Governor Perhaps you nave "Thus It is that in reality the negro dom Those of the negroes who are possessed of fect good faith and absolute honesty a heard about the Congressman who wanted uaranteed to them, their neirs ana as inates the whole situation. I cannot see truthful statement that I had not met a $500 worth of prooperty, either In their own and work is to begin in tbe spring. Cumberland.

Oct. T. Llewellyn. signs forever. Rayner says there is no ring to go back and the ex-Congressman who could not go back.

It is a great honorto be Democrat on the Eastern Shore of Mary names or the names of their wives, win be able to ote when the amendment'' is citizen than an exile with the command of all the countries of the world And so with me. I feel I would rather be the most obscure member of the Democratic party, the party of the people of this country, than to gain even high political station by following any party which would turn the of Gilmore, came to Cumberland today ana re the Governor of a great State like Mary how anybody can doubt that it would be ultimately to the great advantage of the Commonwealth If that domination were put an end to, as it will be by the proposed land and I have met thousands of them who Is opposed to thi3 amendment. It Is in the State. Well, we win not quiDDie over word3. Call it what you please, a thorn by any other name will prick as deep.

The fact remains notorious to land. adopted. Those of them who are able to show, by passing the educational test, that useless yen is reier ouumnu- 'I am glad to come to Frederick county. land, because there for years and years the thev have some intelligence, win aiso vote, Several days ago, when I was invited to everybody except, possibly, Senator itay- amendment. For Best Intereats Of Tbe People.

"The effort of our friends on tne otner parry una uecu a. umi nyuu iu inupuoi make a speech here, I decided at once to pome. I have never declined an invitation ticn. I do not want only to reiterate the uer that when you warn to qo ousmess in this State, political business, legislative "Now, I claim the right to a hearing at side to try to frighten the foreign voter by savin sr that the amendment' affected him assertion that I made, but I want to cover to be with my friends in Frederick county, the hands of the white men of the Repub business, executive business, you ao it have fallen so flat that it is not now serl Now. I have a few remarks to mane to through Smith-Vandiver-Mahon Co.

(Lim lican party of this State on this question a little more territory and I want to state now- that I have not met a Democrat in any county cf this State and I have been ously considered by anybody, especially in night and I will make them in a plain, vfTTW-yVW'J11)'1 111 because I have made some sacrifices for their sake in the past, and I would do the man-to-man manner. ited), or you don't do it at an. xso xyranx that ever sat upon a throne holds sway more absolute or power more arbitrary view of the fact that they themselves, with In the last few years, passed a law In Con in most of them in this campaign who Is 'In the first place, I have been: greatly same thing again under the 6ame clrcum not In favor of this amendment. State of Maryland into the hands of Republican rule. "Let us all join hands, and in unison with the great heart of Democracy that throbs from the shores of Southern Maryland to the hills of Allegany, work out the political salvation of our State and proclaim to the nation that Maryland, my Maryland, sounds much sweeter under Democratic rule." Congressman Covington Convincing Congressman Covington made a forceful 'and convincing speech, in which, after urging an Indorsement of the.

administration of Governor Crothers and insuring the re encouraged with what I have seen tonight than the sway and power of the political gress providing a higher and more rigid educational test before the foreigner could stances. I am not a politician. You could After reviewing that great parade I feel "I never 6aw such meetings as we are holding, and I never In any previous cam not give me a political ofllce If you tried, there is hope in the land for Democratic be naturalised, and under its provisions a comparatively small number of persons I seek no honors save those of my chosen paign saw such a degree of zealous enthu ported that last Saturday night some persons visited his farm and drove 16 of bis sheep Into the mountains and slaughtered them, carrying away their carcasses. He spent two days trailing the sheep. They were blooded animals, Cumberland.

Oct. 27. William Mouse, a former Baltimore and Ohio employe, convicted of assaulting a strikebreaker in the vicinity of the Baltimore and Ohio shops, wag sentenced to sit months in the penitentiary today by Judge Henderson. Rising Sun, Oct. 27.

Birds are constructing nests and some even have laid and! commenced to hatch. The oldest residents of Cecil county do not remember of such a thing occurring before at this time cf the year. Blsing Sun, Oct. 27. Gunners report gam scarce, due to dogs at large all summer.

Blsing Sun, Oct. 27. On less than one-fourth of an acre of ground Miss Jeanette Jenkins, of Hock Springs, raised 3i bushels of sweet potatoes, there being 18 and 20 ot the tubes on a viue. According to the acreage this is the heaviest crop ia this section. success.

This tremenaous auaience oi youn siasm as I have witnessed in this one. do not think that I am laboring under who have applied for naturalization since its adoption have succeeded in securing profession, and I value them more highly than any that could possibly come to me from a political career. Furthermore, my trinity in the affairs of their party ana consequently in the affairs of the State. Prove it? Why, I will prove it, up to the hilt, If you will, stay here long enough to hear the telling of the tale. "Just one word of evidence.

Revolution is the free spirit's testimony against tyranny. When oppression becomes unbear men is another thing that foretells of success. As to our State ticket, Dr. Hering's the same. election is conceded.

He has made a splen situation in life does not permit me even "Will Improve Both Parties. did official and will be re-elected to serve delusion or that I am creating some phan-tastic picture that will speedily be demolished, but I am placing the result of my observation before the voters -of this to think of a political career. "If this amendment Is adopted, as I be the State in the admirable manner so char "I advocate this amendment solely because I am profoundly convinced that It Is able men resort to rebellion. That is ex lieve it will be, it will Improve the condi acteristic of the man. State that in the Democratic counties of actly the situation in the Democratic ranks "That Senator Rayner is one of the tion of both parties.

With the removal of for the best in terests of our people, and be Maryland the party is unified to a man, and today rebellion everywhere. Multitudes greatest statesmen in the- upper house of cause. I believe that if enacted into law it will so record its sentiment at the polls of sood Democrats better Democrats than the negro issue the political contest of the future will be fought out by the two great Congress has been proved by his magnifi will prove the greatest measure of political "Now. it has been said that I am mis John Walter Smith, if you test them by the cent record, which is far cleaner than other reform ever accomplished in this State. parties both made up of white men.

and taken, that I am either fooling the people Democrats who sat still and did not vote "The white men of Maryland, whether the issue will turn, as It ought to turn or that I am led away by my overflow of tariff doctrine are sick and tired of seeing the party bridled and saddled and ridden to death by a few political jockeys for their on the tariff schedule. they be Republicans or whether upon questions of governmental measures "Now I desire to give you an account of exuberant spirits and orators-. I never fool the people of Maryland. I have never played Democrats, cannot afford to continue to and policies and the character and fitness MR. WILLIAM C.

SHAW mv stewarasnip. wnen tnat luusinous stand for perpetuation of negro suf the demagogue In any day of my political jurist, Chief Justice James McSherry, died of candidates and the arguments made, by our Republican friends that we ought to rage, the government of the white man by Times have changed; or stronger reasons and if this were not the experience the black. For the perpetuation of a con have been discovered. In Southern Mary own personal and political fortunes. The South Cumberland Band and the Cumberland Concert Band played for the meeting, while the First Western Maryland Band, colored, paraded the streets in the afternoon to advertise the affair.

The stage that I have had I would not dare to repeat hold to the negro vote that we cannot dition which involves continual conflict land, as elsewhere, to my certain know! trust the intelligent and honest white peo it before Intelligent assemblages. Now, if the duty involved upon me to appoint nis successor. It was a. great and important duty. Some were in favor of.

Maulsby, some were for Keedy, others asked for the appointment of my young friend Newman, between the two races. Let the white man edge, many who opposed the Poe measure there be any Democrat recognized as such ple of the State to govern themselves is an insult to every white citizen In the State take control of the government the gov are working for the present amendment. within the party ranks there may be was well filled with vice-presidents, which election of Senator Rayner by electing Comptroller Hering and a Democratic Legislature, he discussed the suffrage amendment as the paramount issue of the present campaign. In reference to the great benefit to come from the adoption of the amendment he said, in part: "There is perhaps no present danger In Maryland of negro domination in the horrible sense that the South had it in the days of Reconstruction. The white leaders of the Republican party, from the motive of selfishness as well as necessity, if ascendant in Maryland, would for a time, at least, attempt to hold all the more Important offices for themselves.

But the mere possibility of negro office holders Is not the real danger that lies in an unrestricted negro suffrage. The strongest Influence that operates upon the conduct of a political party Is the force wf Intelligent public opinion in its ranks. There is not a single county in tha State where the Democratic party, composed entirely of white men men who think for themselves and act for themselves is not compelled to have a serious regard for public opinion. In all sections, from the mountains to the sea the Democratic party musappealjo It cannot be defeated here by more than number of them whom I have not met let and is by far the most ludicrous and ridicu ernment which their forefathers estab lished, and then let them settle their po included nearly all the county nominees. while many Indorsed Glenn Howard wortn- 200 votes, and this is the Republican him come out from the counties and speak lous argument made against the adoption Mr.

C. Edgar Keller, chairman of the Re ington. I wanted to appoint-a man whose litical differences between themselves, as stronghold. Democrats are betting at great and let us hear his views on this subject of the amendment. record would be such that he couia come white men should." Odds upon the assurance that It.

will be Give the names I call for the Democratic publican State Central Committee for Alle gany county, and private secretary to Con "Our party in this campaign feels conn before the people after two years and be carried in the State this time by a safe names that our opponents have met within dent of victory, because it feels in view of eressman Pearre. called the meeting to HELD UP AND HIS HORSE KILLED majority, I have heard good Republicans our cartv who are against us upon this order and presented Congressman Pearre, elected for 15 years. However, I appointed Mr. "Worthington. I was associated with him In State educational work and found say it will be carried, and many are work who presided.

issue. Sentiment In Baltimore. the wise legislation that it has adopted and the carrying out of the promises it made in the past, such as the passing of a splendid Corrupt Practices act, that will attract to Oscar Hoffman Gets Pallet Through. ing. for it.

The, thing for every white man now to do, however, is not to bet, or say Mr. Pearre talked at some length in de "When we come to the city of Baltimore. His Hat, Bat Saves Money. I am easy about the but to work nunciation of the amendment and then praised the candidacy of Mr. D.

Llndley in which I predict that this amendment him to be a most capable and careful official. Beginning as a farmer's he became a member of the bar and was then elected by a good majority to be State's Its standards the moral sentiment of the Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. work with all the energy of heart and Hagerstown, Oct. Oscar Hoff receive a substantial majority, with creat respect to them because they are each State, and with the other wise and con etructive legislation that it makes its prom Mrs. Mary A.

Trader Is 01. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.l Salisbury, Oct. 27. Mrs. Mary A.

Trader, mother of Police Justice William A. Trader, of Salisbury, reached her ninety-first birthday today and all her children, were present to help her celebrate. Mrs. Trader is the oldest Inhabitant of Salisbury. The combined ages of Mrs.

Trader and her six children aggregate 495 years. Her children and their ages are: Thomas A. Trader. 72 years; S. T.

Trader, 70 years: A. P. Trader, 68 years; J. H. Trader.

C7 years; W. A. Trader, 64 years, and R. A. Trader, 63 years.

There are 18 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren living. Frederick Tax Levy Complete. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.l Frederick, Oct. 27. The annual statement and tax levy for Frederick county has been completed by the County Commissioners.

-The taxable basis of the county is $23,405,369. The State tax rate is 16 cents on $100 and the county tax rate 90 cents on the $100. From An Unspoiled Child. Pop Gape Cud fishermen have gone out of th whaling business, I see. Johnny Gee, paw, 1 wish't you wuz a Caps Cod fisherman.

Los Angeles Express. Sloan for chief judge, saying he knew of scores of Democrats who were going to vote man, a German employed In the Frick shops, Waynesboro, was held up by two soul, each in bis own good way, for our great Magna Charta of white unity, supremacy and the liberty purchased by our and all my personal friends, who are the ises in this campaign to the people, and for Sloan. He scored the alleged in gentlemen who are opposing the amend Attorney. After serving on the bench he has made good and should be elected for the term of 15 years. "I have no patience for men who could highwaymen last night as he was driving points to its splendid record in carrying out its pledges In the past.

It has promised fathers' blood. 'Work while It is called to consistency of the support of Judge Boyd by Mr. Benjamin A. Richmond, leader of ment in our. party" The slight opposition along the road to his home at Blue Ridge day, for the night may come when no man Chapel, and barely escaped with his life.

to give increased representation to Baltl the Cumberland bar, who is a Republican. can work REPUBLICAN RUSE FAILS MARYLAND WEDDINGS Wicomico Voters Prefer Amend Iibertartown, Oct. 27. A wedding of interest ment Oratory To "Antl" Oyster. to Frederick county society took place Friday in the Catholic church at Libertytown, where Miss Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.

Near Roadside a man emerged from tbe darkness and, leveling a pistol at his bead, demanded Hoffman's money and valuables. At this juncture the second highwayman, who also had a revolver, appeared. Hoffman lashed his horse, which plunged forward. Both the highwaymen fired several times. One bullet went through Hoffman's hat.

Two struck the horse, killing the animal. After the firing the robbers fled. Hoffman described his assailants as young men, but he could not identify them. more city, and It is going to carry out to the letter that promise, which means so much for the progress and benefit of that great metropolis of the State. "Our party is united as never before, because Its triumph means so much for all classes of our people.

The laboring classes will unquestionably be the most benefited, as the adoption of the amendment will keep back the large influx of the negroes of the States in the South where amendments have already been adopted, who have been Salisbury, Oct. 27. The Democratic Edith Welsh was married to Mr. Glenn Boland, meetings heldlast night at Bivalve. Ham prosperous young farmer of Montgomery county.

monds and Parsons were well attended. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Mary Clare The speakers were State Senator Price, Mr. Welsh and the late Capt. Warner Welsh, of Con A.

M. Jackson, Mr. Jerome T. Hayman ana federate fame. She woro a blue tailored suit, the Mr.

S. R. Douglas, who urged the Demo waist of blue moire silk trimmed with gold braid, crats to support the suffrage amendment that has been developed comes not from party men, but from men who have alternately been voting the Republican and Democratic ticket. I am not criticising them, but I am only trying to hammer down the proposition that the opponents of this amendment in the city are not men who have been continuously aligned with the Democratic party. They have been voting for years for men and for measures and not for parties.

"Therefore, in the strongest terms, without revoking or recalling a single word that I have said npon this subject, I now reiterate the statement that the true Dem- ocracy of Maryland has assumed a tion of greater unity and harmony upon this vital question, carrying upon its bosom the welfare of our institutions, than it ever presented before In any campaign that 1 have been engaged in, and I have been engaged in this job for over 35 years. A Question Answered. is It is because the intelligence of our party, the business and commercial interests of the city and the coun- ties have arrived at the conclusion that the vote of over 50,000 negroes In this State deposited at the polls as a unit always and advocated the election of the county and hat of blue moire and gold. She carried a large bunch of white chrysanthemums She en tered the church on the arm of her brother, Mr. Democratic ticket.

At Bivalve, which is In the heart of the Warner Welsh, of Baltimore, who gave her away. The groom and his best man, Mr. Milton Welsh oyster section of Wicomico, the Republicans gave an oyster roast to detract the (also a brother of the bride), met the bride at voters' attention from the speaking, which the altar. The maid of nonor was Miss Josephine BMsWSCTE was held within a square of their roast, but the voters showed such eagerness to have Boland, a sister of the groom, who was dressed in lavender and carried carnations. The ushers were Df.

William Trail, of Washington; Messrs. Leo the amendment explained to them by the orators of Democracy that the Republicans Colds and Headaches WHY THE SUFFRAGE AMENDMENT SHOULD BE RATIFIED Because it 'protects absolutely white voters, native and foreign born, and guarantees their right to vote. Because the exclusion of the ignorant and thriftless negro vote will make for better political conditions. Because it will remove race prejudice from politics, and enable the white voter to decide public questions solely on their merits. Because it will relieve the southern counties of the chief obstacle to progress.

Because it will stimulate the negroes to thrift and education. Because it will create a better feeling between the races, as restrictions on negro voting have done in the South. Because it will cause the repeal of all complicated ballots. Because it will, in some of the counties which are now afflicted with a predominating negro vote, exclude the ignorant and uneducated negro from participation in politics and put the management of local affairs and the levying of taxes in the hands of the white voters. Because in 15 of the 23 counties of Maryland the great majority of the Eepublican party is negro, ignorant and mostly illiterate, and the possible ascendancy of a party so composed in local affairs is a constant menace to good govern ment and the public peace; oysters went begging, and the effort ended Smith and Eugene Hammond, of.

and Mr. Carl Cramer, of Frederick. The church was crowded with relatives and friends. After the ceremony a reception was held at Capsylrla, the by the Republicans attendng the Democrat ic meeting. To Cleanse the Wf fJB A MfM System Ik 1 1 home of the bride.

The halls and drawing rooms A Mr. Warfleld At Hyattsville Today were artistically trimmed with autumn leaves and against the Democratic party, always in favor of the Republican partyis a detri Hyattsville, Oct, 27. Ex-Governor flowers. The wedding gifts were beautiful and costly. Later in the evening Mr.

and Mrs. Boland Warfield has consented to address a Democratic meeting at Hyattsville tomorrow ment and a growing menace to the prosper ity of this Commonwealth. left for a short wedding tour. On their return night. It will be Mr.

Warfleld's second they will reside at Oermantown, Md. Habitual Constipation speech of the campaign, and plans are be ing made to give him a rousing reception. Cumberland, Oct. 27. Mr.

William Lee, of "Ton cannot disguise this fact and yon cannot suppress and conceal the situation. There it la and there it stands, and the militant forces of the Democracy of their own accord, without management and out the necessity of discipline mark Eckhart, and Miss Annie were married yester day morning at St. Patrick's Church; Cumberland, what I tell yon will rally to the polls. by Rer. John I Sullivan.

Miss Margaret Mouse was bridesmaid and Mr. John Sullivan, of Eckhart, was best man. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John II. at whose home a Tvedding breakfast was served.

Elllcott City Marrlaure Icensea. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Elllcott, City Oct. 27. The follow ing marriage licenses were issued here to day: EnnIs Hebotek.

James R. Ennls, 61, No Matter How Often one has people who think as individuals, who are widower Mary Herotek, 37, divorced. not get the appointment and are not behind him for election. I do not like the baby patriotic in their impulses, and who resent both of Baltimore. Other speakers will be Dr.

Charles A. Wells, candidate for State Senate, and Mayor Magruder, of Hyattsville. Much of the speeches will be devoted to arguments for the election of Mr. Fillmore Beall and Judge B. Harris Camaller, candidates for associate judges.

Republicans At Rising Sun. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Rising Sun, Oct. Republicans of the Sixth district held a massmeeting in the Opera House here last night. Chairman Brinton Nichols introduced the speakers, who were Ex-Congressman Charles R.

Schlrm, of Baltimore; Mr. Henry M. McCullough, of Elkton Mr. Charles Benjamin, candidate for State Senate, and Mr. Frank E.

Williams, candidate for Comptroller. Music was furnished by the Rising Sun Cornet Band. MARYLAND OBITUARY Cumberland, Oct. 27. Mrs.

Anna Backhaus, 71 years old, one of the best known of the German residents of Cumberland, died last night at her home, on Walnut She had partaken of a hearty supper ant? had gone to her room to read her Bible when stricken with apoplexy. She is survived by two sons, Charles and Conrad Backhaus, and three daughters, Mrs. Anna Shober, Mrs Bertha Bronsky and Miss Sophia Backhaus. corruption In government as they abhor Snatt Badgant. Robert Snatt.

21; act. A. 1 1 i- crime in private life. Mary Badgant, 18, both of Baltimore "Everyone knows that in a large number county. of the counties of Maryland no such re Knapp J.

Knapp, 29; Carrie L-Cropper, S3, both of. Baltimore. straining influence is present the Re Post publican party." lidTvaref County Loses 17 Votes, Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Ellicott City, Oct." 27. The regis A VIRGINIA REPUBLICAN STATE CANDIDATE tered vote of -Howard county for 1909 is 3,940.

This is a decrease of 17 from the asties registration list of 1908, there being 3,957. The white vote shows a decrease of 24, "I have not seen a uemocrai awui-gomery county who will not vote for him and there are Republicans down there who will also support him. AU the Judges I appointed while Governorhave been elected or gone up hlgher; I appointed Judge Crothers, and he made so, good that he was later on elected the State's Chief Exec, utive. I appointed Judge Kiles and Judge Adkins and both have since been elected. When I appointed Judge Adkins, my friend, Mr Covington, was indorsed for the bench, but I thought he had a future he is now Congressman.

Mr. Adkins did not vote for me but I appointed him because I thought he would make a good judge and he has. Now I predict the election of Judge Worthington. He will do his duty though the heavens fall." 1 Plea For Tlie -Amendment. Taking up the amendment, Governor Warfleld urged its.

passage in an earnest manner. whilejthe negro vote is increased by i. "Vandals In Hagerstown Chureli Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Rising Sun, Oct. 2T.

The funeral of Mr, Hagerstown; Oct. 27. Vandals last night broke Jnto Trinity Lutheran Church, Dr. Jacob S. Simon pastor, and turned Job Haines Kirk, one of the best-known farmers of Cecil county, took place today from his home near the watr into the boiler in the furnace room.

water flushed the radiators Calvert and was largely attended. He was a member of the Society Friends and was in his sixty-ninth, year. A widow, who was Miss Elizabeth H. Brown, four sons and a daughter survive. the main auditorium on the second floor, ran out and Boa.ked through tho ceiling, ran down tise walls and saturated the carpets.

for breakfast or lunch the crisp, delicate bits of white corn, with the sweet "toasty' flavour, always seem new and Try a dish with cream for your breakfast. Acts gently yet promptly without disturbing the natural functions and without any unpleasant after effects and there-r fore it is the best for the mother and the; infant, for the invalid sick-abed and the strong, robust manwhen bilious or constipated, TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECTS Manufactured bythe CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS. ONE SIZE ONLY, REGULAR. PRICE 5Q cts PER.

BOTTLED The ceiling, walls and carpets were badly Annapolis, Oct. 2T. Mr. John Spriggs Sul 7 "I have been called a traitor," he said, "because I did not support four years ago the amendment at that time proposed. I On a table near the furnace were two empty half-pint whisky bottles.

Dalf-burut matches. lay on the floor, showing that the vandals had Jit the gas. told those who framed it, as your Governor, that I did not indorse it because I did not believe the intelligent people of. the Ktate aooroved of such a measure. I will Evidence Afiralnst Colonel Hatson, never vote for a constitutional amendment rSDecial Disoatch to the Baltimore Sun.l that eives to registration officials tne Charleston, W.

Oct. 27. Almost nower to deprive a white man of his vote. the entire day in the trial of Col. S.

A livan, 77 years old. father of Mr. John R. Sullivan, Assistant Superintendent of State Buildings, and himself former superintendent, died at tho home of his daughter, Miss Mamie Sullivan, today. Death tvas due ihe infirmities of age.

Surviving are a widow and six children. A sister, Mrs. Julia Watkins, of Baltimore, also survive. Rockville, Oct. 27.

Mr. Charles A. Davis 85 years old. one of. the oldest, residents of this section of Montgomery county, died today at his home near Bockville.

His death was due to general debility. Surviving him are two brothers Messrs. Thomas and Joshua Davis, of Washington. Found A Excnae. "John, you've got to quit keeping such late hours!" "I don't keep 'em, Maria; they' just slip away from me before I know it," Chicago Tribune.

At the same time I told them I would in "The Memory Lingers dorse an amendment that would not de Hutson, charged with embezzling State funds, was taken up with the testimony of Colonel Sims, prosecuting witness. The nrive'a white man of his suffrage and contained an educational clause for ne testimony showed that Hutson received Pkgs. 10c and 15c. groes. This has been done, and I am tell about $6,000 during the Parkersburg en campment of the National Guard in 1905 ing the people of Maryland that I favor it and I ask them to vote ofr It.

"It is good and practical and is framed part of which was need to pay bills and part of which was later transferred to Hutsou's personal account in a Charleston Postum Cereal Col, Battle Creek, Mich. MR. FRANK P. BRENT of Nelson, For Superintendent of Public Instructiojt upon what is right. Voting for the amend ment Is not a party matter.

It should not.

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