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Daily Leader from Davenport, Iowa • Page 3

Daily Leaderi
Davenport, Iowa
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

tHB DAVENPORT DAILY LEADER: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1899. reat Model Sale You restricted oys nee eape 79c an 7 HEALTH, POWER, EHERBY, blood boundicr thiotqth part tbe Baking orcta quickly and forerer Nerroci Debility, Varieocele, A Memory, Wwr fiOc. ft bos; 12 Pharmacy golf 510 HAP- ctmt, IOWA. Clocks of all kinds and all prices. Call and examine our stock.

N. S. Plank, Jeweler, 4 10W. 2nd St. UK mil mm CONDITION COULD NOT BE BBT- TfK.

Ojtlateu Firs MydnMrt MtifcuU la aad tftw Attalatd to Statements contained in the Chicago pepers of late relative to freezing of tbe fire hydrants, led a reporter of The Leader to call at the" office of the Davenport Water company and make inquiries relative to the condition of the hydrants here. The recent snap lias been a severe test, and if tie hydrants are all in good shafre at this time there is reason to believe that they would stand almost any nort of weather. The reporter called Suut. T. N.

Hooper's attention to an article that appeared in the Chicago Inter- Ocean which stated that in the neighborhood of fifteen hundred fire hydrants of that city were frozen up and that large forces of men were engaged in thawing them out. 'I must say" said Mr. Hooper, "that there must be something wrong in the system of inspection or else they have no inspection. I cannot understand how so many hydrants could be Omen at a time where there is a thorough system in vogue. I am quite certain that there is not a single froz- en.hydrant in this city today.

We are constantly inspecting them. Of course it would not be strange if we occasionally had a frozen hydrant out of five hundred, about the total number of fire-hydrants in this city. But I do not think it probable under oar system of inspection." He was requested to say something I of the system employed here and con- (tinued as follows: tbe first place we keep ly posted as to the depth of the frost in the ground. Today is it three feet in the street and two feet and six inches inside of the curb line. Now the safer It the fact that after all lUll-- are uot received at our office--the chief of the department at once telephones UB and we at- teiid to the hydrant immediately.

When a fire alarm box is pulled we have men at the fire to look after erfthing and attend to the hydrants after the firemen get through using Mr. Hooper was then asked relative to the use of hydrants by others than the water company's employes and the firemen. "I have always taken the he continued "that the hydrants should not be opened by any one tt- cept the firemen in. time of fire or by men in the employ of the Water company, as they should always be looked after, after they have been opened. There have been many in othet cities where hydrants have been ed by parties not familiar with them and the stem broken.

This has not been discovered until a fire. It is dangerous practice and should not be allowed "I should have remarked while speaking of the manner of making the tests, that in the event the frost got down to the valve; which is hardly probable, the hydrant should be opened a little to create a circulation, but under no other It is gratifying to know that the city of Davenport is looked after so closely Ill 151 by the employes of the fire With frozen hydrants, or with the hydrants out of repair a fire in the heart of the city could do thousands upon, thousands of dollars of damage and the department -would be powerless to prevent it PRESIDENT SCHOftMNtt ANSWERS ARTICLE. that City Make a gaeew that Greater The interview which appeared in a recent issue of The Leader relative to tbe formation of a milk trust in this city, does not meet with the approval of the Dairymen's association. President A. F.

Schoening of the association has replied to it in the following words: Editor Leader: By request of the Dairymen's Protective association and with your kind consent, I beg leave to reply to the article referring to the milk trust as published in jour Issue of Feb. 1, from the standpoint of the consumer as well as tbe producer and the middleman that is to be. This question is not a new one, and has been discussed by the association in all of its phases, and we have long ago come to tbe conclusion that a city of the size of Davenport is not ready for any change along that line; that it will not improve or even equal the The Kind You Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 3O yeans, has borne the signature of and has been made under his personal supervision since its Infancy. 0 -y Allow no one to deceive yon In All Imitations and Substitutes are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-- Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Gastoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups.

It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic its age is its It destroys Worms and allays It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend.

CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the Signature of Livery, Boarding MARDI GRAS, NEW ORLEANS, and Sale Stable gaarantaaa 417 Brady YELLOW JAUNDICE CTTRBO. Suffering humanity saottid be tup- plied with ererjr possible tor its is with pleasure we publish the following: "This is to certify that I was a terrtbla sufferer from Yellow Jaundice tor orer six months, and treated by some of the beat physicians in our city and all to no araJLL Dr. Bell our druggist recommended Efectric hydrant is six feet deep. Now, if the) Bitters; and after.taking two bottles, valve should leak the water would back up into the standpipe faster than the waste pipe would carry it off. Consequently tbe water in the stand pipe would soon reach the frost line and A.

Hogarty, Lexington, Ky." was entirely cored. I now take great pleasure in recommending them 10 any person suffering from this terrible malady. I am-gratefully yours, TeL tit, would then become frozen. 'Then again if there should be sur- face water which is often tbe case, the Sold by E. Ballord Co.

Dnxggifft i water would back up through the waste and when it got above the line Round Trip. 6tb to 12th. Ticket office 108 W. 3rd St. 346 W.

FREEMAN, Tkt, Agt. DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRtTP WILL cure a cough or cold at once. Don't neglect your it may give you the result would be the same. Now serious trouble.

we are (long: today what we hare done for the last 25 years in the winter time and that is to keep men constantly inspecting them. They carry a small force pump with suction hose "THE HEART OP MARYLAND." tached. They take off the hydrant and run the suction hose down the standpipe to tbe valve. It is then withdrawn and if the end of the hose DAVENPORT AHEAD OF EVERYTHING Splendid Production and Well Produced at the Burtis. le was not a crowded house that greeted "The Heart-of Maryland" last night at the Burtis.

but there was a good house considering, and those who present custom, and that such a tern can only be successful in cities where it is necessary to ship milk by rail or where long, journeys by wagon are necessary, I believe I can safely say that the majority of people believe in coming in closer relations with the producer? than this system would alford, thus have an opportunity for redress, should anything be wrong. We every reason to believe that the public is and will -be better treated hy the producer than by some, hireling of a trust or combine. Furthermore, producer certainly would exercise greater care in regard to cleanliness, and tbe use of better feed, if supplying his own trade, which he maintain by meeting Its demands and coping with his competitors, than if he to supply some wholesale I house where the milk would be mixed i I with others. I For instance, a good feed of cabbage i to a dozen cows would flavor several hundred gallons of milk so as to make' it unfit for use, and a number of other vegetables would be equally as -bad, For the treatraent Another important matter is the of Nervous Diseases, ating of milk, thus removing the Rheumatism and X- mal heat as soon and as rapidly as possible, adding to its keeping quali- Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 3O Years. Drink Oar Electric Machine Dealers in OFFICE--Cor.

Leonard Washington, i DR. MOTT'S ICE HOVSE--Cor. Mill and Front Telephone is dry it is al right If it is wet they Wnt were repa id. Those who wanted reinsert the hose and pump it ont then to sne tears could "-do so and not be see if the valve is tight. "Those hydrants in which water is found are watched more closely and inspected more frequently than others as it is from them that the most danger is to be expected.

We may of course get caught but we at least have wondered at in the 1 krast," and thoee who wanted to applaud the sentiment could do so without being alone. VThen love and duty comes in conflict, as it did a thousand times during the civil war, and it is all portrayed with tbe PROPRIETORS-- Hentzelmann and" Nic Albrecht. JOHN C. PLOEHN, I VERY FEED They overcome iiy mad omiaslons. to crease vizor and baziish "point of They an "Life Savers 11 side lights and colorings of the stage, the satisfaction of knowing that we tne eycs can closed against the are doing the best we can to prevent 'it 'Still another thing that makes us 0067.

to rfrls development of orraw mm. Icnowc reroedr for wtnnea tbem. Cacnot do Htc becomes a ere. fl tat fcy vaC. $oU aj M.

mm SHEiffifc, C8- GmML For ait by Joton tt COMUBCtat, Brady, Koch ewoior nd Optician. i Tasted Fi Paacy 406 W. Second St. tas CITY TMC OBCCTIOM Or KmurltCa Sunday, J. H.

Haverley's American-European JMINSTRELS All the Great Ones: i Billy Rice. Arthur Detning, Bogm O'Brein, Kenno Ac LnBarre. The Gwat Nichol Sisters and 25 Price? 75.50. and 25. Stats at Fluke's.

M. JONML Grim Grip's Deadly March Deals Death acd Destruction to Many. Tork. rhltedelphte. Wfttfc bj tM Awfml All Urn of Af I BOM FINEST KQUIPMMT i SI DJnJM Car Service.

Untcr Den Unden Restaurant i and Refreshment Rooms. KUNGE PETERSEN trtrtaters art Estates, A3n BLACK HEKSBS, Short orders aad saodwicbfs at boors. Best of Wines. Liquors aad Gears on land. The depresisng of the present epidemic of Grip are apparent everywhere.

Teachers, clerks, business men, mechanics laborers, street car drivers, school children, police officers and ev- r-a the doctors all furnish victims by the hundreds. No retcedv ret discovered can show results equal to Dr. Restorative Nervine It quickly overcomes the excessive exhaustion. Invigorates the petite and aaaists natnrt to throw off the deadly microbes from tha In times of epidemic like the preaMt it abould be taken as a preventive of dit- stage effect? and see only the reality. Back there in Maryland, that proud old state, which sent many a loyal eon to the fight for the north, bat the affiliations, tbe manners and customs of which joined it with, the the stirring scenes are -laid, and around the life of Maryland Caivert, a daughter of the south, named for the state of her birth; but whose bean had been given to a soldier of the north, Alan Kendrick--a graduate of the military academy of Weet Point, and who held the sacred oath of a soldier above any tie that love or state could demand, stood still beneath the old flag fcrave.

loyal and true. Though to the south Miss Ca3vert held her allegiance still, from the soldier who honored his oath who was ready to do and to die for his country, and to whom her heart had been plighted, she could not withhold her love "And amidst these conflicting sentiments and with the storm of battle around her, the story of the play works its way. until at tbe climax the proud daughter of the south offers her life for the of her betrothed. And when tbe places come bow ihey seem. You can almost heir birds singing as Kendreth repeats the lines of "Maryland, My and ye; as the words linger, so sweet and pure, spoken by tbe lips of eternal love, tbe boom of distant gvns tell of death.

Miss Alma Krnrer. born an actress YOU WOULD i the Fountain and be made -well. Consult DR. WALSH The Most Successful the Most Scientific Specialist in Chronic, Nervous, Private Diseases, Health DR. J.

E. WALSF, Late of for- merlysurereois in chief Of DOth SeXeS. Anthonyfaospitil I His reputation for years in Davenport where he has cured hundreds of chronJc cases ties as well as its healthfulness which up as hopeless by others, proves conclusively that his scientific methods of treatment cnre -when others fall. CONSULTATION FREE--PROMPT PKBXEST CURES. Bronchitis.

Asthma, Early Consumption, Rheumatism. Xenralgia. Dyspepsia, would not be done if delivered to depots. And so I might go on and state a number of reasons why milk furnished the consumers second handed would not receive the care and attention it should have. The sterilising of all tin- ware used in our business is a good idea, but in the hands of a careless person would be lost in the space of an hoar or so.

The public is getting its milk as cheap as it can be produced and with the present competition removed, it would be the loser. Should any trust get control a cut for the producer and a raise for the consumer would not be out of order. There are a number of dairymen who are.prepared to adopt any improvement in their business, but they claim that with such outlay they cannot compete with those who do net and will not undergo this expense. For instance, milk that has been run through a. separator will be free fronr all sediment that may escape a strainer, but this would require a large lay help daily; the price of milk would certainly have to be more than milk not separated.

JL F. 9CHOENING. sim U1U scrofula, Syphilis and all Blood. Liver and Kidoey SafferinKfrom IHaeases of the Womb, Ovaries, Bladder, Exhaustion. Palpitation ot the Heart.

Dyspepsia; or any disease peculiar to sex, should call on the Specialist and get an opinion on their case free of charre- ini rtr Scientifically applied; Kervons Debility, Pi lee. Exhaustive Drains. Night bl luib Losses, Defective Memory. Threatened Insanity. Loss of will Power.

Mental Delusions, Sleeplessness, Lost Manhood. Weakness of Men. etc. tbe most active cause of Nervous Debility. Why treat months witn others when we gnarantee you a permanent cure In seven days by oar painless method? Hydrocele cored in three days-- pain.

RKHJBXBfcR IT PAYS TO THE BEST FlKST. Oar Credentials and Testimonials are the best. The numerous acknowledgements we have received from the newspapers for our remarkable cures in both medical and sorti- cal cases, is anotner proof. We core where others fail. Therefore, do not waste time with others, but consult us and regain yoor lost health.

There is A state in every disease that can be cored. Have you posted that If not do not experiment any ioter but us at once. Furthermore, -we offer to anyone our credentials false. We make it an object to investigate ours. No other specialist yoa snctt a fair proposition- OS LV CURABLB CASES TAKEN.

Best of references and credentials. If yon caaaot call, write. Hundreds cured by mail, Mean frMB9fo i2a.M..2 m. y. HrJO 1x30 Office 124 W.

9t. McCaltOHfli BolMtaf, Iowa. Burtis Opera House. FREE LECTURE TONIGHT DtdCOVBftY "Grip bad ieft aae a physical wreck: weak, helpless and miserable- 1 coald sot eat; ootfd cot sleep; oon34 not gain any streiftb. and oa3 aerraas jaad bred to the assraes the d5f- proslratlon of the worst Wad.

Ow of -'Maryland" grace bone physician could not bclp fee and Dr. Nervine. Tbe first aigbf that I had ted in four months came as the result of TO CIDER, s. E. Cor.

3rd and Scott Open Dty and Night TM Turner Hall. Davenport, Iowa. first doses. When 1 had taken tiro tottles I felt toner than 1 had before in years, and continued to t33 I was entirely cared." KU WOODARO. Plyaoath, tils.

AH dmitfsui are anthoriaed to Dr. a that arst tottfe or fanded. Be aad 911 Or. Mitts' BoaUet on heart aad Or. Xeiical Co Ctthatt.

lad, and effect. Time and again her slight form trembles emotioa aad then prompts 5he rises to ihe fall magnUnde of situation. Lionel Adams as Col. Kmdteth has a role almost as -and never aliows it (o as CoL Faitoa th? difficult great foroe and effect- A traitor to both north aad he carried ficioas character thtoofft to thr end. not overdone, bin veil There was aot a stick ia the who cast, Krery pan was well aad the effect was rery factory.

Do you live next door to a cracker bakery? If not, there's still a way to have crackers always fresh. Buy a package of and Sunday Afternoon Family Concerts AT TIRNE8 GRIND OPERA BORE Strasser's Uniotf Bind and The Science of Character, Vitosophy "THE WISDOM OF A Brilliant Course of Lectures bv tbe Eminent Scientist and Philosopher. Pnf. WM. WIUSM, LL I.

PI. I. Pitwtion of FRANK RICH. Coder tht direction and Prof. C.

F. EVERY SUNDAY. At p. ADMISSION, CBNT WANT COLUMN For Hate--Sot fc vanned roo fuailr. LocaOoa wtil O.

aa4 wttb a office. do atcuw.ttk. s-irl froa to worfc private CLAtS GROTH HALL Sunday Evening-- CONCERT AND DANCE--Carl Mur- ADMISSION 10 OaU. CLAUS, KTEHU MAVOR- for work. Maakattaa ftvIUtar.

1 BELBIG'S ARKET leam bow--air tight, moisture tigbt, dust tigh this package brings tbe biscuit to you as crisp and tender wben they left tbe baker ox-en. Oily ctnts. book containing 12 ad mis-) ta Sunday afternoon, concerts. and 9afr in hall. OTTO PELBIQ, PILLS -J.

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