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Davenport Morning Star from Davenport, Iowa • Page 5

Davenport, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i f'V hi fv- i -f S- Honor of the Fkg. By CLARK HUSSELL. by tlto Author.) umplmut celebration of tltt? memorably auniversury of Slopor's release. It precisely at this hour that Tom-Bowling, with Plum Aft tho find Joo Wcfltlake in full rig inarcbiug tip and dbwn tho quarterfeok, came leisurely ronudiug down Halfway roach before a pleasant northerly breeze of wind blowing over the flat, fat levels of THE 8ICYCLE 8PINE. That tbta If The "Mqrdo.flpifle" is tlw latest disease found to aifllct tfio cydikt.

Medical men ore aow taking a decided Maud, against tho humpback position It dtnwftiy tmpotmibJo for tbo ourva- ture. Tlwt.tbgjr have not done KU before Manifold are tho historic of thp river Thames. There is scarcely a foot of its inud from Lomloii bridge to Grftvcsehd reach that is not as "oonec- m' that famous bit of fioilxvhbh Samuel Johunon otitl 3lt. Richard Satago kilelt and kissod on stepping ashore at Greenwich. Ono of tho, his- torlo interests, hoivcvcr, threatens to perish out of the annals.

It docs not indeed rise to sncli heroic proportions as yott iGud in the story of the Dtitoh inva- flionof the river or iti old lolemu narrative of the sailing of expedition organized by Bristol's noble worthy, Sebastian Cabot, but it lilto- gether too good arid stirring to merit erftsuro from the Thames' history books by.the neglect or ignoranco of tho historian. It is absolutely I pledge for tbrxt on tho authority of tfcc of the Whitcchapel county court. 'la the year 1851 there dwelt oil tliS Iboiiks of the river Thames a retired tailor, -vrhciii I will call Jckn Slopcr out lof regard to the feelings oi- bis if gueh there be. This man had for years carried on a flourishing in the cast end of London, Hav- got together us much money as ho ight -snppcfiO supply he- biillt- himself a vill The torn Bowling, opening 1 a ftO point, pdrted her helm and vu i floated in all her pride of white canvas So, nfl Joe Wectlako found thathOland radiant metal and fathom and couldti't ashore, he looked about him mid after arvhilo fell in with and purchased a emart little cutter, which ho rcchristened the Tom Botfling, out of admiration of the socg no sailor ever sang mote than he. It half of shining buutiklg at; her masthead into Erith reach Just as came nbrMt of Labor's Retreat a gun was Jlrcd, The white powder siacko clouded the tailor's lawn.

The thonuer of tho ordnance saiote the as man-of-war's man bought bis lit tlO ship, ho should arm her. Ho equipped her with four small was perfectly consistent with his tradi- ear of Joe Westloke, who, dilating his nostrils and directing his eyes at Slo- pcr's villa, battled ants that's rtiodfct for as, my heart! Down helltim! Slacken away fore and aftl Pipe all hands for action!" A second gun roared upon tho lawn that sloped from the tailor's house, and almost as loud was the shout that lake delivered to all hands to look alive and bring the guns to bear. The Tom Bowling was thrown into the wind and brought to a stand abreast of Labor's Retreat Plum took a turn with the helm and went to help afc the guns, and in a fetr minutes the three of a crew, with Westlake CObtibUorjSly bawling out orders to bear a hand and load carronades ttnd ii pivoted brass pouiider 6n the orecasfle. He then to work to man but he did not very easily find a crew. Joe was fastidious in his ideas of seamen, and though aome whom he cast his eye upon came very near to his taste it cost him a great deal of trouble to discover the particular sot of Jacka he wanted.

at last he mncU" Peter Pluxri, Bob Eobins and Tom Tuck. Joe was admiral, flum, coining number of grades- He was captain, firSC lieutenant and boatswain- Robins was most physl- only rWWStiy acquired a personal knowledge of the wheel and the errors its i Bock Islud i fttiOc. and Jep4f. Finuand J'Afry on and after Uuon ol Alay Itst from Dattnport A Omaha and Chl- to It 10 clAiixied by all that this "hump" ig.atoolutely necessary to secure tho speed that they desire. The handle bars jnufit bo low and the saddlo high In order- to increase tho momentum by tho liutnirl inertia of the moving body.

Bichat; a famous anatomist), first diecorcrcd that adult spines curved a Uttle toward the side and explained the fact by that there vras more thd of tho right in 6f the right hand bciiig more active than tho left, and Beclard this thoory by where tho curvfttpre was dlroctod toward the left Ib who were left handed. La bicyolibg tho fffcraln is fairly even upon tho ttiuwkni ot tbo back and sidos, but it is to the Tertetop, or bonce- of the spine, that this fotiBgs grefti danger. The anterior or inocr surface of the nor thai dptnal a slight curv? the ship's Vrorkteg cofizpany, and Tom again, were atrtively in firing cockod and tho all round Maiilc at the enctdy oli the handy man of the Tom Bowling. It- was Mr. Joe Westlake's intention ItT might have been that Mr.

Sloper and his friends were little tipsy. It to live on board his cutter. He might kavS been that they were itri- little tovrn of Eritfa. bi8 flag amt iljdeed admi- cantimjcdi to load and disci harge looted tue on irons ot own accoMtf be conferre guns as fast an they could sponge a considerable piece of garden Mr. Sloper showed good wifch lieutenant, Peter Plum, them out, while from the and taste in building himself on tho question of color.

What dc- tar maintained a rapid fire at from the first to the first lurabr vertebra, or that portion of the spine extending from the top of the shoulder blades to about line of the belt, arid it is this curve that bccoutes gradually more aod more prominent in the back of the long distance cycler ot But 16 is hot in the carve itself that the real sptoe" develops. The notice, able curvijBg of the hx tbo dorsal region is butd syinptom, while the real trouble lies bdth mborc and bolow. The stooping position, long continued, has been quietly aspping and exhaust-ing the btttri-i ftom'tbc ball? interior of the crush- go Jun (via KtUUftt City)4 23 l.SJoax Fulls and Burl ana Kock lend local 1240 D01 Omaha god Chicago 3Z-4 DM ttoiftoi Jeealpafttwncer 300pm f6-b KUocaJ frefchn pm 12-b Brooklyn and bock Uland 110 am 051 am 130am 4-b et City, and Chicago Oroaht 4 Chi- 30 10 pin JriiBt attached, Btwito HocK KrelRht Ace. am 710pm to from Darenport, Jiortfewwt Cbfcaeo.Omalia, and Drs, Walsh Omaha 4 St Jfaol nailaiMt 4 40 1 and Brooklyn loc i ft. 751 am Chicago and Defi Moinss llBllU 7 35 1-a Chicago and Omaha 4 45 am AID Chicago, st Paul Sioux fast exDtftss, local Liberty coach att-oched, kock island co 6 roam 655 WO southwest from Oatenport and 645 an 1 BorlJEton and Wash- JBftonJoca! CUkago.

Kan City. Den- vcrand Ft Worth Kw dcilj, dally except Sradsy. Cn Stuiday evening a special Sleeper for CMcas'ft OR- T. M. WALSH Professor in of DR.

J. E. WALSH, of formerly Chief of rtt. Anthony's Hospital, CONSULTATION FREE- We Offer Ycu the Shortest, Safest and Surest Route to Health. 2 to4montn5 i passengers will Iroin to iu yj arrivin ready lor occupancy lo lu 31).

arriving in Cliicago at in. Through tourists slee)iers to California ervery Tliursoay on cram No. ii. f'r TkltetP, storplcg car bertlisanfi i Jprmatfon eaU depot ilcket office or wlephon bo, 216, L. SL ALLSH.Gen I AgU Red Island care Qf bhould he fl- oii the banks of the Thames.

1 -ho iouded one of his pieces vritk stones, is to be hairo bttilt himself a house abov'o Where thera no lock of elo- co and river beauty of many sorts, he to oomniand A view of the ttnfe en its ccmmorcial side. In his day there tra ver thrtn tlierc is now. Iti OTT age the thrusts past and is quick- acaicu the ttisf runs the fiailiafl: ahip to docks or to her mooring bnqys. and here is uo life in the fabric she drags, eloper's time steamers vrere few; the ater of the river teemed with sailing toi 5 A hoisting; After ranch, discussion it was Joe "Weetlake looking aloft he beheld his plCi i agi-oed that the device should consist of beautiful flag of a fathom and a half in a very small jack in the' top corner, and! holes. tho middle a crovrn -with a wocden i For moments the old mn-Gf war's man stood staring Tip at his wpnnd- tho timber Westlafeo's and Plum's opinion i ed flajr, idle with wrath and astonish- 4 m- tho most pregnant symbol of Briton- I He then in a voice of thunder more life in the 1 nia 8 tho feaagination ghonted: "Plum--- Tock! could dCTiHe.

D'ye see what that there fired little tail- Within a few months of his Landing i ct's frigate out of which he had he ha'n't shot our color through! Boyi, been paid Mr. Westlafce was! load with ball D'ye hear? Suffocate again, afloat now in a smart me, but he shall have it back. Quick, vesse-1 of his ovnr She had been newly iay hearts, and go for him!" ions or interrcrtebraJ disks, which are shaped oiactlr like and placed exactly between the bodies the spinal vertobraa From Retreat Ifc an 6vil moment, temper spoagy bodies they have become'Ory getting the better of Slojpcr'S Jodgmtit, and as their ehu- ticity dimiuishieB the bones of the spine dtnw closBT together, thereby aggravating and enlarging the normal curvatures. ThU drying of the iBterrcrtebral sub- stacce Is most' marked in the luiribar and cervical regions of spine, and as tbcse bones draw; nearer together they force the natural curve of the Intermediate or dorsal region to mete' prominent jiist as.onc^vculd compress the trvo ends Of A bit ot until a curve is pro- la ita doiie? Why, Junk me, if in night thAn when they arise April 21st, itoct lalaad. VAIN Depart Pecria, Indianapolis.

passenser -j 50amxl021pm Ftwna, Indiana polls, Cinctunan Loois Hail and tOSaaj MOpm Pecria, Indianapolis, Cincinnati A St. Louis 1 pm 15 am Peoria way 6lt-nm 3 aSpas Peoria Accommodation 7 IQpia I'j Cable, (Tiashertard) 220pro sheathed with copper, and when she With ocean alacrity some round shot J- 1 tfV the crew of the Tom Bowling. then," roared old Joe "over bargee would turn their with our boat, lads, and board 'em! ppedi Tommy, stay you 'here and let go the and in a vexv few minutes Sloper, Bitting at his open window a dav. TvoiJd be 20 3acn TM bar 6 rn iflereht.t^*. of rigs in almost, as tends to admire her and red -aiy aiMteT That he took a keen in- fPf 3 1 1 cnor in shitB, -IKATCVOX.

Ido not assert bcrB twoald Bul to i he could told vou the differ- 8V. and. Westlake ashora between a brig aad a schooner is male female, JaixngthOT ly imaginablfe The board on a nro a ld lut passing Tom Bowling with a flourish of and Bobbins were pulling Joe loper had flourished was not ahip- had nothing to do with fitar- ird ot larboard- He was a tailor, not and tho friends who ran down see him were of his own sort and ition. hands and pocket had eld Joo been BO happy in Sloper and his party saw them com- fiBd manfully stood their ground. The three 'seamen, securing the boat, forced their way on to the lawn and marched up to the tailor and hid friends.

"What do you mean by firing at my all his life. Of a night he'd bring up in some secore nook, and after having seen I cutter?" roared old Joe, everything all safo he'd go below with i do you mean by knocking Sloper was a widower. How aianr Pet Pium? and fa the iaterior my cried the tailor, he had lived with bis wife I tiic cabin ho atmosphere was whowas exceedingly pale, She died one Easter Monday, and felgrailt Sloper took possession of his new 310 ouae near Erith he flaountod some i i the air of brewing to perfection, the near ivrita cannon on his lawn, and these of artillery ho regularly fired ev- Easter 3Ionday in celebration of hat he called the joyfulest anniver- iy of his life--from which it is to be that Sloper and his wife bad in learned two sailors would sit smoking their yards of pipe clay while they discoursed lived together very happily- Bur 7 ough the county court rds have been searched and inquiries in that part of London where Slo- '3 shop was situated, it has not been Tered ihat Mrs. Slopcr's was ted by her husband's cruelty--that, I short, more happened between them constant quarrels. Yet it must be id that Sloper behaved as though, in th, the old adage would, little figure contained no more than ninth part of a soul, when he mount- his guns and rudely and nofeOy tri- phed over the dead whom perhaps he ht hare been afraid of in life, and emphasizM with blasts of cr his annual joy over his release.

in the east end of Ixmdon, not 20 minutes 7 walk from Sloper's chop, there lived a sailor named West3ate. This man had served a boy -ander Collingwood: hod died gunpowder at Navaxino under on; had been concerned in ser- dashing catting out in tho Indies, and was altogether as and worthy a specimen cf an old lish sailor of the vanished school as could ask to see. He had been shot ia the leg. He car- a groat over his brow. He trass fall of yarns as a pirce of ancient ip's biscuit of weevils.

oaths than a Dutchman, sneered igiousiy at steam and held The opinion of the then existing of seamen, who ncvercouM tron tlic old batttcs whach had the making of this kingdom. jacf ncdfx Howe's or or tbe lion flag. cwantry had no further ntfcl oaa his being paid off out of last ship, and he was at a vatiL, happening to be ia the box-hood of WaTiDineand 3ooking on the past, one: incident recalling another, one briny recollection prompting an even salter memory, nnril their eyes grew inoSst and their rision dim in acing posture their balls of sight, whereupon thfcy "Who began bawled Joa "Who fired first? Who's bin and made holes in that there flag of mine! Why, that's the flag of a British sailor, you little withered thimble, you. and dura yon, if you don't make me instantly a humble apology and stump up with the cost of what you've injured, I'll skin you!" And he threw himself into a very men- tbefr beds in tac morning, and this also ia doe to the same conditions. --St.

Loui-l Republic. REWARD-OFFERED Trains indicate ttredaUjr. Ail other etceptriundajs, md Fdegbt offlee, Kootn 12 Uasooio Xewple, Itetenport, Iowa. TO KAST jtM SOXITH- 425am 730am 437am hOUGin depot i sarn b0aju 145 per EOOpa Catarrh i to 2 months I mouth I'terine 1 to 3 1 to 4 month? 1 Ilyilrut-rte 3 to 12 months i i 14 divs i I 4 J.T V4 LJ tt TV Coiwinnptlnn 2 to i- fc'urgical and Complicated iu proiwrtlon. we not onlv cure, Iwt pennanc-nt euro vrtthin otir time limit.

1 Don't Procrastinate Your Health Away. Come to-day; To-morrow yon mny not ihc Jt is n-daiiv occur rfiico for us tn have to case in the last sfcijre. and tell tho UiV waited To "JOIIK: tli.ti 1: yond our sfciH. Tl no ii chroni-: tTiat' huinah fit'slt Iicir fo penttnmMitly onirtioatc from thir tlioy u-i in time, biit tli-ro rt -s every when it incunibic Ilaru 3 tlmt us at OB you reuutoLtuat II not. do not exwri meni any longer, but CoosuJt the Best It Pays.

Our Testimonials and Credentials are the Best. ONLY CURABLE CASES TAKEN. Davenport, Office: 124 West Third Street. McGuliough Hours: -I2. 2-5.

7-S. Snadays, i If you cannot call, -rrrite. Hundreds cured by mail. LTOCIC 30 pa. a07am Arlndianapoils 250pm G-iopm 615pm 212pm tlGpra IIDpTO Sixain 3i' oo to 3 23 pin indholm --s Wo.

PERRY STREET, fj-l pm F. HOPKINS, DEALER IN PIANOS ORGANS At Jacksonville 1G55 am AiSprincfieia lOaOam IrSt.Louls.. jkrLineoln 3 46 am irDecarar HsOain ArMatioon llfipza ArETansTlIle 640pia Terre Haute The TnlbT wilinua dany leavihg socfc Island (Davenport arrive on ner regular time trains dailf except Sundaj. Through car service trom Rock Island to Lotiis. Train Socle Island at8 am tbroapb coacli to St.

Louis, passing kin, HavaiUL. SprincfieW and" Full line of Spring and Summer Novelties at moderate prices now open for i POPULAR PRICES-- 112 West Second St" Davenport, 6ive tbe Little Folks a Chance. would turn in and make the little ship vocal with their noses. It happened according to the usual methods of time that an Easter Monday round, "which, as we know, of wife of the called stood upon the bouki cf the Thames near Brith. To firly celebrate this happy day 3Ir.

Sloper had invited three At this point one of the tailor's friends slnnk off. "My chimney stack is worth more than yotir twopenny flag," shrieked Sloper, maddened even into some temporary emotion of courage by the insults of the old man-of-war man. "Say that again, -will you?" said Joe. "Just sneer at that there flag again, you? To be continued tomorrow. HOW HE REGAINED HIS VALISE, Lies east of Peorla carry tkroogt coacoe anc cars on niefct trains to principal cUiai ZuSTOCKUOUSf.

Gen. Pass. Island, ill. C. A.

BAMSTEB TJrt.Art-I3T..KasonicTempla L.M. e. FerrjSt. Depot. Cedar Rapids eSect May 3.

ISfi Leara Wen Llodny-- Bouog Korth, No. 1 7 00 Kxprwu No. 5 10 SO 11 12 so 7. 2 FOR FINE Bath Room Outfits Gas and Electric Fixtures i-. Ceil on tbe Davenport Steam tmn Co.

118 West Third Strett Going Souttt. Mai! Ko. Express Xo. 6...... -SL 45am Express 11 40am Freight 0- 55 7 00 pa at DaTftcport.

No. 48 70 25ai Freight 56 40 00 W. S- TJNDESDOKK. Agent. i Milwaukee 6- 5t.

Paul 1 amount of money--pay a aown. the balance 1 IntaUmeat-. XJctcncd to tbe of Crowd Took Hta Own Wmy. It was an hour after when he tolled tap tbc sJcpsof ing a valise. Instead of on the platform tvhilo he the train be placed it on the railing and reefed clbotr on it.

Of COUM. -while be in that position jpoxne one bnwhcd him, and the grip took a tuxuble to the roof of a low building 12 feet bdow. Instantly every one on tbe platform was on tbe epot asking what had happened. 93iac of them sysapa- asd nearly all of- Read the folloTirg from M. G.

Lee's datuthter: I am In tfic Lv. for AT. from CUlcftgo. Milwaukee. SLl-atO.

cuaha, Sioux City 6:30 pra 9:40 am leAVUt. MaqLoketa A Musical can yonr children 3iontJcello and 6:30 am cIsD pm develop musical talent -B-Uhont tlie causlcai in- sirnraenr? You may have a in Tonr HOCK if voa oair cane the opiwrttrnitr for Cliicaco. Milwaukee. liockCord, talent assert focK. rianos arc not es- Cllnlon.

Dubnque. Freeport, pensive. Yott can a cowl McGammon. Colby. La ana St.

1'aul 7:30 am I Sons or for a smaJl Clinton, inibuqtic Freeport. La Crosse. St. Faul. Omaha and Sioux City 4: Opm J.

U. HoLCOMU.Gen. Agent. I i Cbleago. Barling ton Qaiocy.

FUEL GAS, $1.25. OLD TJUCES SEW PRICES $22.50 $16.50 18.75 13.0 Good 3-HoIe Stoves, $7.50 FOR SALE AT TfiE 6A5 COMPANY'S OFFICE PUMPS. SIEAKBS FAIHT os OD 5 ore I TV; frirao? to dine -with him. It iras ia the year 3SSI, society to Mr. Sloper was iKt in as it ban sicc bola -crords.

Sleeper dinod at AVK. TM UC SUmVOn h-c tvouM not bare ctreaaaed cf din- Thc fat man held ont a cane vith a curved hacdla and saiO. "If you could tie rope to this you might book it into tbo haudlc of the grip pull Strasage to sar, no ooc had a clothesline 3n bis pocket, and 90 that- idea bad to be np. "Yotrtl "aixJ tlc people viK to let pd on tbe BtfUTy the police," This So pun Chicago DAVENPORT MUSIC HOUSE I'ooria Passenger St.l*aulyI^atExpre?? 7:00 CO. B.S.

Ddvccport Ladder St. Ex. Dav Ex. WEST SECOND, F. Italian Orchestra.

for on tbo Sanitarium and Turkish Bath Rooms are open of public skilled ojer- rcffOAiQ Uic npoa Mold who kept blac hoawi, he a latrycr fcr lum- Ho nad during his cf had i3cd ntxm to hoar Knglaud a left him by an snnt in Australia, oc WestJafce on txk a littte in the Slopncy dirfrict and to bnt to anchor at aza earlier boor His of has own per did sot 5ie ladies- Hin They did of Irfdndon and in a small scanting perhaps in Ottbc it to tell ftbc it. cvi own ia Vc islcrsaiod Sa our AU this Mat vntll tbe ha4 of MASSAGE all mind was 50 atfll cf He bad for bant ard ihc cry of his heart rota not it wai to it of -Toe and Peter Plnaa. all of able to par 20 shall ia tho to grre good -ralne for cash aiad desirous not cmly of bnt detcrnainod to a anan to merit the Whm friMMte had dittod and the battle had cinclod until, like qnirksilrcT in tbe -vr? of a tbe ccmtentt; had 9oak oat of the party weat ca to tbe to off Tbcsn bs lairood to coknrd Opo sod Viglit. him if be oould in ymalh smd Tbe aJ tbrn t3x! njanfakl. "Ill jjarc y-on a if TOH rftfn down that iitm tip TOT 1 In lew tHis A Toltiotc the valise the ibe ttlrr they think of Bfdj St in IXSLJRE AGALVST ACCIDENTS Cfe Third a Famzat.

Second asd Iowa. Faiots. Etc. Von Alaar. Wbolealc Retail.

Cor. Bruly and 5F.HVG LADDftU OliUon and pm a SiiS FREKM AST. TkL IDS W. Ttird SC 3 STEAMBOATS. Steamer W.

J. Young, Jr. JACOBSEN NOR60RDT Mna. BY THE KEG OR BOTTLE FrL at Tac- TTiur. Sat Davenport Boiler Works, GRUPE 317 East Second Teteph Proprietor.

Jlicj-crar teach- Star Accident Company. STAR ACCIDENT I and ooxnmtm didn't it to ILL; rates partks KxccEcsl L. r. or Steamer Jo Long- ai at, Manufacturers of all kinds of Stationery and flarine AIsp Sheet Iron Hork of all Kinds, Exchanged. iiK".

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