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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 1

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FOK SALE AflU KEMT. -TT p.iK Xl.R-' tie tf.oeh of CLOTHING, FIX-ff Ti i RE: ard of the STORE aid s-ii) KL.1.1G 'o. 133 Franklin street, one ot the mort frc queued business pans of the city. Apply on thpr- i- J19 tuK Kfc.N I he sriJHB aouth-f a-i corn fel Hi ward and Pratt sts, with Room and iur, Saaa with a for five yfr; one of the bet places fn Baltimore for any kind of business, inquire on tj-e it mLri t'uR tALE-Amill K4K tf, auit.ble for a fCoBimy S. at, or ttaraeidnr.

m.u o. ths nw -itut roao, in 'tew of the turnpike road, I ar of the s-t. Ti a-1 -w's lix'l in lit miles fiDin Baltimore. It cuUms 3 rV (StS nS frUof ground rent, with a fine Xhr anita HUlblHAO of 48 by 13 one Mory ard att'C party stone and frame; a Com House at a well of pure col wa AiSLu'ts tnd Ratterkt.R-yhL Saith, charge! with assanlMng and beatin; Fraud Turner, wai arrested bj watchmen McCahe and Gibsio, an I re.eaed nn security for court by Jutfce Auld Ealtrr Nepolt v-as arrested by watchman Meyers, charged wi'h Bf uniting and striking Jjhn Hm-rer; Justice A released ham on security for ffrit. Geo.

K-iler, charged trith astuUin anJ r)l)rf Caspe. Keiser, wasarr3tel byofa-rCa-1 rleed on fecurity for rourt by Junior rVjoirtser-. Depro.oa the chinrof assanlt-r rai.ii betting arah arrested by of. i released on sexnri'y forcjiirt Jus'frsAuld. VVai.

Rice was ye'er lay brvt-rht 1 by xT tr Turrep with oommittinaa 11 a id bn'i ijtipru John Pi a ad. resistinj offUern c'isebarre I.ia Justice C'lCAKis cr eoititu MtttLim V. aet.nn.,-'--ii.jri seamen, linesmen slid l-is left Ontario, yesteidjy morning, uril-rcharge iMa8tr Simon. Thov hve been V. S.

adoopof -si-it tbe ship the Naval Areny at Shamtfal. Jol 11 Bell wia arretta! hy iSctr Wooden a the charae cf ttti.i stJ beatiaf wife, aiid pro-apuy coiu -alloy Jia-tice Gardner to ths charie, aui nol.ltarJ and costs, as was Mated. I PRICE ONE CENT. BALTIMORE, TUESDAY MORNING, JUiXE 20, 1854. 1 11 Hi ium.

posed purchase, would, in a few years, amount to sum sufficient to enable the city to pay off the entiie principal. The tacilities theeity would have for compelling payment of all water rents, and of attaching penalties to a waste of water, would largely i tier eae the revenue from that source. Tne plan attaching water metres to ascertain what amount is used by any one supplied with water, has been found, here and in other cities, to be also another source of economy. The Baltimore Water Company r.ow supply water at the rate of two cet.ts per hundred gallons. The following aie tLf wr.ter reuts paid by some of the chief hotels, boarding railroad companies, steamboat lines, breweiies and establiiiaentj where tteaiu is used, in this city: Barnum'3 Hotel $300, Eutaw House 51)0, Fountain Inn 100, Mansion House g-o, the large hoarding hotts on tbe corner of Charles and Pleasant Etteets $50, the large boarding house on the corner Liberty and Saratoga streets S'-20, the Susquehanna Railroad Company about $500, the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company fdrtO, the New Line of Philadelphia Stra-boats $60, the Norfolk Lice of Steamboats $560, the Line of Ericson Propellers $M0, the Glibe Hotel $30, the Western Hotel the Washington Hotel, Pratt st Guv's Monument House $525, Giles' Hotl Claeett's Brewery SKi, Ln-ca' Brewery $oi), Fenbj's Steam Mill lull, Mcintosh's Ho'el f-GO; Sisscnfe Baird'i Steam Marble Works $200, Turner's Baths in Bank lane $7it, Mrs.

Cooper's Baths in High st. $5i, Washing Establishment under Washington Hall 25. This rommi te have heard of but one large livery stable paying a water rent, Wosd ward's in ITorth this 1 aj a water rent of $50. The expenses of the Baltimore Water Company are, for the falary of the president, of the secietary, who is also the treasurer, of t'ae book-keeper, office expenses collector, $000; Falls watchman, $I5U; together with inci-Centals, in all about $5,000. Tne other expenses, such as the salaries of the superinteudent, of the keeper of the pump-houses, are charged to the water distribution account, where, properly, a portion of the expenses as fore mentioned should be placed.

Ey ciininishios the number of pump, ard requiring that a certain number of the parties cwi ing property on the line or auy street in wtich an extension wn proposed should firt e'i'ion for the same; and then that all upoa said line should, in proponion to the number of front owned, bo taxed to make the am, tne could increase the amount of revenues from water to an extent far beyond any amount now dctivei from pipes laid dorn in any street bv the Bilti- fVaitffnufirif. HcLry BiMf3 wjj arrtec" oy watchm tii McDonald o.i the chtrr of break ii os ai the of VVeaver. Justi 't'd released hian oa security for a further ex-ainiriation. DiiarJtrhj CoAduct. Wra.

Gamble was arresteJI watehn-an Tuckirr on the charge of disorderly eor.tluLt. Jws'ite jrri-oa relea-cd fciia on security lor a lui ther exaeiikakon. lr a tsio i.ourtl, Criminal Vturt. Uefore Judge Stump. Chas.

M. Owimi, Attorney for the State, prosecuting. -The foiiowuig btisiuess eicupied yesterday: The case of WJEiam L. If awkinu, in ii'tel Bittriitr of Covington Watts. o- one of the Parker Vein ste.nurs, roTttintit-l, at the instance and on motion of hi co-msel, the Septen.brr term of tbe of fjr the who re-ide in Vir 'iaia, wto, it wiil tie of tae accused being subject to ot msaaity, was the ground on woich the cuntiL-'ance was The appeals in the case3 Heary MtUer at I others vs.

tbe Mat or and Vily fJoiincll of Salti-saore, iu the matter of opei.i.iV Cecil 5ey were taken up, and a j-irrsw-uin 1 assi th dirai 'e sustaiaed, and ber.efits d'rite -t from tae opening said alley being apper-s the return made by the cr-eniag streeu. The jury were direoted view th premises aad be in court on Thursday, tae witnesses will he examined. The apo-UanM cotettd that Baltimore and Ohio r.itroilit loite benefitted, and should cooseq tv all iie rfamt-gs. Mesara. C.

VV. Ri i-eley, C. X. Riljely, C. McLean, Whitney, aad Preston for the appellant; Air.

for the appt-Lees. Lewis McMurray, for seihne: liquor ort the Sab-btt, was fii.ed $il coets total 00. Matbias SpaDgler, charged with selling liquoe th Sabbath, was acquitted. The raees of John Blank, Wm. Rullaain anl jltzraan, indicted for selling liquar oa Sui.ctay, were removed on affidavit to the Circuit Cour of Anne Arut del County.

SuPzer and John Otto Ensle, indicted on charges of selling liquor on Sunday, not appearing when calleo, their recognizances were forfeited. Fiederick Ruff, convicted of receiving bacoa knowing it to be stolen, was sentenced to tae peai. teatiary for a period of three years. V. S.

District Ceisrf. Before Judge Giles. The following business occupied yesterday: U. S. vs.

John Crother, tried on a charge of cruel treatment to a seaman. Jc.ry being out from Saturday atternr.on, rendered, a verdict about noon of "not puiity." U. Statae vs. Joseph Salberr, Indieted on the charge of saingjlu.g a lot of silks, satins aad la. ces in a barque from Bremen.

The party wai charged with bringing the goods ashore la a carpet bag, and oa beisg airesied by the watchman, f-fered a consideration of $11 to let kim go. Not concluded. Addison, Di-trici Atcmey, proseca-tii Wbyte for the defence. Comwirn FUas. Before Judge Marshall.

The following business occupied yesterday: Thompson v. Lanahan, beiore reported. Jadg. Kftt of pros. Henry Miller ys.

John Showacre and Wm. Pat. torsea. Verdict for plaiBtirf fcrftlS 31. B.

Horwite for plaintiff Ward for detendauts. John T. Thompson vs. James F. Parvisand Geo.

Gover. Verdict fsr de-feno" ants. Whitney for plaiatiff; Lanakaa and lrn for defeadaau. Assignment for Nos. H5 to 125.

Cify Cirt-Kif Couvf. lefore Judge Krea-j. The rats of Griediy vs. Clarke, before re-ported, was further argued yesterday and coaclu-ded. Held uader carta.

MMperitr Ctrt. Before Judge Krick. Tbecaao Roloson vs. Carson, before reported, occupied yesterday without ceneludiar. Eeprud for the EaJtmer Sun.

jrrs-a: iiaxa ef tlie City eomneii. TiasT Bsanch. Monday, Jane ISta. A com-uriicatiora was received fioro the commissioner cor tle health relative to the coa lition of c-rtaia lota, corner of Read and Eager sweets laid oa the ta A communication was bresenfed h' clerk, in obedience to a resaiiitioa of eaqiiry, showing the special appropriations made ana re-dng in the council, to tire companies, to bo laid on the table. Mr.

Norwood called np the tesolation appropriating $5t ta repair the western police station adopted. Mr. Norwood called up tbe adverse the salaries of lieutenants ef night watch adopted. Air. Rogers, from the comrni-tee of conference, reported a verse to opening Park st-, from Rich mond srreet to Utedle strttt ithdrawn again.

The Pieudent ptenented the p-ritioo. of the Watchman firw company, askin; a special appropriation of 200 sent to the branch with a reouest to suspend the rules relative to tho recep tion of new business. The message of the second branch relative to adjournment jt die was calla-J. tp by Mr. Reese, and amended so as to ad joura on the 30th to the 7th July, end then adjourn sine die, and as amended it was concurred in- wr.

wene called tip tne resolution provieiio for indexing the corners of the streeu, lanes and alleys, in accordance with a plan submitted by TbotPas Motley adopted. Adjourned. Second Bbanch. Branch met Mr. Fails iathe chair.

Mr. Suter presented the petition of John S. McKim. asking a re-grade of SL Paul street, betweea Eager and Chase streets; laid on the table, uader tke rule to receive no new business. Ou motion of Mr.

Vickers, the ordinance to aid in tbe completion of the Suabtiry railroad, and the consolidation ef tho Northern Central Railroad Ct mj any, which had been vetoed by the Mayor, was taken up. The question was, "shall the ordinance notwithstajilicg the veto of the Mayor?" The yeas and nays were called, wilh, the followir? result: Yeas Messrs. Richardson, Webster 4. Nays Messrs. Gill, Vickers, Griffith, Stewart 4.

Upon giving their vote in tko negative, Messrs. Vickers, Griffith and Stewart avo'red that they voted in the negative for the purpose of a reconsideration. The President announced that the ordinance lid not pass. Mr. Stewart then moved, a reconsideration of the vote, seconded by Sir.

Griffith, which was carried. On motion of Mr. Suter the bill was then laid upon the table. Propositions were received from the Fust Branch to suspend the rule regulatipg tho reception of new business, in favor of the petitions of the Pioneer Hcok and Ladder Compaay, the Mechanical and Frst Baltimore fire fr special appropriations: which were tot concurred in. Mr.

Stewart called up the ordinance for openin? Park street, from Richmond to Biddle sts whichv was read, and passed by a vote of ayes noes --Mr. Gill called up tho resolution to ask from the Government the property known as Old Fort Co-vington, for the purpose of erecting a powder Biagazine; -which, after discussion, was laid upon the tabic. Adiournedj Patbick Henbt's Youngest Son. Nathaniel. died recently, destitute snd alone, at an inn ia Floyd county, without money, friends or resources of any kiad.

The keeper of the (avern applied to the overseen of the poor for payment ot his board and funeral expenses, but was refused. Nathaniel died of dropsy of the che3t, a feo moments after tbe operation of tapping had been performed. His last was teaching. Death byChlobofob.v. Mrs.

Richardson, wit of Amassa Richardson, of North Adams, came to her death on Tuesday last, in consequence of inhaling chloroform administered by a doctor for the purpose or extracting a tootn. it nas oeea stated that a shock of electricity will recover a person in this situation, but it was not tried in the present rase. Boston Shoe Tbadk. The Boston Atlas esti mates that the boot and shoe trade of that city aad vicinity amount3 to between thirty and forty millions 01 collars annually. 11 13 saia i-o byb doubled within a few years.

The business of one firm alone, last year, amounted to fo.u'jo. Tiev Oattiw. It ia estimated that between seven and eight thousand cattle are now on their VOL. XXXV. NO.

1ST )F TFRd REMAINING I-i i'lMORE POST-OFFICE, June 3 th. 1S54. Offi--ially publifihed in the paper having the largest circu- linni, uTPersona letteii tr.e SjIlowtDj list wilt they re ndrei tlsei', oilt le thy may But receira Aarni Mrs Oit'on Mis Aana i I'-'i'l Greene C-rlioe Alklr.fon Vln Jn9 Bouillia tie re Mry Misn t. Pmter iss SnIUe Peters rf Parker Mias P.owiihui Mrs ri.e Uia Anna Bt-ktiiu Mrs iUrah Browu an Msria Gibbous Koeec Plerson Miss Greene MusLaur (Jnire M.iry HollMay Carolina G. Raplsy Vlts Bunt Mrs Mary A Miss Brwcter Alio Hitchcock Martba Rutter Mihj Ana Bron Mrs Cthr Hunter Mis Laura RiiMjcktigan M-try Brtuan Eleanor Huiiter Ann lienton Mrs yama 1 Holmes tgs Ellen B.kb M'm Ann IHu.lsina Harriet BartoH Mary 0 Haker MriHtrr i Hostler Aan Maria Rixu Mr Sarah Richarda Mrs Sarah Reran Pliebe A Robiuson Mln.fral Keiter Lucrefia Koseubnrjc Miss KM Riiiiiold Miss Borkin I Hamilton Miss Kate Bn oViats 3iry A Hamilton Mrs Bodkius Back Mrs Ann Smith Mary Ana Barratt iiofiora Vrs Marsaret A Hell Mnrir.irat Hlack MrsSoi hia Eenai nltSl.evelna li.ii.rkiiias Miss at A Brooke larsjataea Crowder Mrs I.ucy Carroll Hrs Lucy A Carj ea itargaret earn rs Margaret Orotino SLoncer Miss eciio Mrs Mary 9 Sterling Mis harkwy Hisstaabal.

lappy Ann Haster Sli.ikpeare Jvae Sears Misa Biiz 8 Snnisrs Mrs Sarah pnncer SaraU Smith Mrs Sin IS Miss Fanalo Smith Miss Scott Miss Elia Hiiort RMxalieth Hughes Mary L. Hartuaau Carolia Hoban Bridget Hyans aim a Horttnaa AanaM Healii Sarah Jao Higins Miss Aaue Hope Mr-i Marr Hari-li Mrs A I- rel Mrs Elixubetl Culioou Maria 1 Cerry Mil's Ykto Campt't'l 11 liiss Lie ij.rhasnn Mrs James Miss ttarsillia iJekiMan Mary Jswett 1)1 mtha 'jithnsoa Luctaita Curinm Naomi Ispeacer Miss Mary Crips Hiss Sarali Jones Mrs Sarah A Cummins Nancy jJoknsoD iry Calwr-or Kltzal-etls i Jackson si rs Coin Catatriae Jonee Hannah A Miss KUea Blirjt Coia.aa 51 rs iliirby Eil.a CourtLty Mary Keaaedy at t'lia xWM.sUreala leaiie ty Miss Mary Car Mis ewis -Mrs l.tiT;s 11 Lewis Kiiaabeih le Viscount Klia jLojaee Mrs iaa Prayer lrs Susan il Iorin Kleaora 0 Lewis jnliana Mrs Aana Bssilio I owd Mrs Mary Lancaster Mis lyl Mis Sarah A an. Manlier Mrs oeiBuro kraan Mrs Sewal Cor teli SchaiTir Martha fi Seemor M.ircaret Siuansous Catnariao Tipton Martha Tliomp'an Klizabeth l'iiton Miss Belle Tayior Mrs Mary a Taylor Mrs Laura Trusiy It'U Jaad Tash Mrs Ann Tay.or Hiiaabeth Tkomas Mrs Ckr'a Tibiey Sophie Tar.ten Aane 0 Puvall Elixabetk A iMiillkia Sarali A I lit Mary i II rers Catliarlno VeastsoB Mias Mary laia Eiiraketh jMiial.el Miss Vreelaii'lMrsOrribi Iiiii Miss Terapy. Jaas Tia.leTeater sue Ilt'liotine Caii-ariiie Pearir.i; EUzat etii tay Mari.toaJlr9i.iay iS'uMJlai uaroime Morii-lh 5 vrah A jwiiks Bra-iis-'la Csthariao IWiu IerMrs JoUnH Maconias Mrs Wast Maria Ktou Mrs A kiifmciuli Miss Lola Mt 'aif Waterman BirbaraK White M'ss Curaelia gd.lock V. i fuller Eessie Wicks Mias Miria Forster Sarah IManlftM Elizabeth (Wright Biixibetk VitiJs Mis aaa-e H.irst.iu as 3 West Carol Fulton Mrs Kiizabia cCresdy Snaa Worthington A Waters Mrs War Honor Fort Miss Mary A Miss Folk Mrs Kate A Fast Mri Mary A Fisher Mrs A Tieher Fraaces A Foulds Miss Sato Fitzliufh Mrs Miicueil Marsaret McCluskoySiizabetU Williams Rachel Morrison Elizabeth Mrs Jaa HdiitcB Saraa Woich Mrs Mary Meyer AWiU-oz, Mrs A Motoa Bfnrietta lira WM i Mrs Ashes iWatsoa Mrs Alsr Flint Miss Alico CaliTia Mrs Lucia A Norris ssSarak Hennotta Gray Mrs Kthor Helen Mrs Hnj'i White Mary A Sale Mary Elizabeth Catha w.rfor-t Racaol bach Cliriatiaoaa OlWer Margaret Waaener Mlnaio (Jrahatce Catbariao til Miss Mary Waters Mrs tinby aiiss friee Jusepblao Isaaj Mrs Mary A ITLBMSS'S LIST.

Adasss Caaa DisHoyer Kleiser Jaaioa IRrther A IiiOerJoboD iKaoor Jib 'Bis Pstor A.tains Jaba K.rkaaThos loss Rot Kassoll Add. Aatoa iRupoy Cb A Alien Waa 9 ra'aieo Lata Ceorio Paadera iw Aisian.ior Joa Dickeason Lsrkea Timet Ailen A Peucjass iLaugberty Juo Tbis Atkii J. ha Botislass Laaaoan Bst Scbefer Allen Powas Peter Jit AblerKTFB Doors Cbisa AjLawea Bobt 'Scot: James Aa.iorson li 8 Dorsry Wis iLawton Seyajnr oo Andrews jLandmaa Chra Sewell Daniol Arlcaa Jac.b Droae ILae-ls Lodwk 9ey raoir Joha Arwstroui: Rit Duttoa iLoiey Sama Sewoll Hoary Aauorson iDarail Kicfaa Liviiln Sharp bt it ArmsTroiiiT'Bs DueArey (Looaara fi lw4 flbaliz AIoi AratsiandW DsTsr fenj Lester Tbonias Sherer A i 8 Fuioricb Jno A. Lltsendurft Araold Basal Bbert A i.l-e jSatfry A Atkinsoa Wsa da -Lichtoa Jno Araistroiij: Jao' BTai.s 0 Loeatbal iShultaJoaa Baltia Jo'na 'Klllcott Jobm 'Liailekay iaatt Joha Puke Baaunit Cpt Litt'e Thos Sharpe Bllsha Baylis isasc 'hn Liicola Cspt Sinpson Jaa Baylis Ii B'SSior Jao Lome ISinsonWas Bailxsan Jas 1 Eliicott Jao-i iLoitna Kathaal Tbos Baker Aus's Iti l.lLl Lt Jbo 0 Baker Wm Inrfm It I iiluoer Barton A'ilay 'FarroilW jLukins Sierin Bora'rJ BarrsttLakoZ Mr Mscaulay Bloaa Chas FarbowJsshua Fergnsoa Maxwell A Slack A lart'svt Csas FcSsss Bdwd Maknaa Jao iSleet Baitl.i.lsssw FergnsoaAMU- ManaiBgDrAL Slater 9aml Varaaro haao iVr.adox Wm I Sloan Jno BarrettJaaJ TitnurlrkU HaoT 9nall Wm etthier Bona Chas 0 Beat'ey BerthsTT Jss B.ckaum Esatoa Bail Baluai Petor Boraar James Blako Lavia 'Field jManamoo 'Snuthard MB Fiach Mayea 'Masoa Dr WjBolomon Jao i FiMgibann Tha Maaraan Mr (Sollers Aa? riiLiul U' A Co jpanglor Bdw 'Foli-or Caat i Ma. key Joseph Dr I 'Forrard Wm Maaniaf CaptBpoacor Thos Fowler MaycarOJae Foster nu-tson Marts Joseph Speight Jno zl Sprajao Capl Fora Thomas Fonless Jco al Mariin A bo a BiOB Stanford Stamm Abrab SeiapsoB, Swartworth A Co Prad- rlk A Co Steaeajoa iSartiu Jos TC Marahbank tl Meradetb Jbo M-rriata Kzrae Chas MsicBlner Msrrick Hills Wm Blackbura eo Frazie-r A At- Black a a kinsoi Blount Lath Fuller BulO iFus'l Wac BoyloTilmanT Bary Barl Bowea Joha Ph lowieT Slmoa.Gfi'.aCi.arlea BosroaJacksoB ear: -tt Load Mr Goorgs Mitchell Klsr-ns Alb Fi.ya Jbo Bowaa Wm Milboara 0 Lewis aiiilor A Bro iteress Giles ibboas Dr Jas! H'wi-r Ac-jns Smith Joseph Wm taOBtano ISattou Jao VT lewis Ji ha Aibt Gil-ba tC Smith Too Krick Geo Richard CjMobly Wb (Smith BrowBiag Jaa iA bbsJohn Morgaa Smith A Oa-Brawa Wm XI 'MoataathA 1 K'lire Brooks A ghry-0oolwia Bas'y Pmith Wash (St iBOllBOrt, Kil ao'pb A Ce Braadi Loais OordoaJchB Brogg Lewis LtaoldsBiith Braitoock 'Boinall John jKarphy Michl ISm'-tti Cap Th Myers sr iSm-ifh Jao S.

i McHary Jeha Trust A a McDonald A jTnttlo Isaac A McvJuiTlB Jaa Trimble iTorsck Fro.1 Bra. hears Wm BrittoB IluatiBC Geo F.HBting Bnnlir.g Robt Bachor A Eatior Patk Bul Wm Bndd Eenj Blirtoa j-o Bull Charles Bb khanaa Cameron Cawloy Mark Oatiisrt A Co McCtoskoy Jno BT Srintr And Col'a roiss Lerl McCatlrey Torafikias Touer Joha Trah Biw Trow Archa'a McDouiel McHeury Mr McQeartT Qreea A Sou Grlflith 9 Greoae Jos Wreeney Mart McLala Telpat 41 Mclntire Aaar.Tylor John McDonouaMrjTbempaan 0 MeKlBloy luemAS joub Thora Thompson Ow Thomas Aadr Thomas A 8 Taylor John Taraes Wm Tataia Taaeey JauiM ibluy Bantnol Quail In.mmett Chas iBaady ee MeCaillster RJ McCloskey Mr KcCluaic 9 Mcdlnro Saial iHaanagaa Pail! McCluiaa Mr Sen A Fia- Campbell Jas Campbell John father Jas Cadwalader 3 Cantoa J.diu Carlton Carman Ht Caraea Go Hamllo Thos ley Halkeas Ja McBlroy Jao FtaBlilten Nowtoa A Co Hawley jNicholls Harmaa CB Stiver Peter Yansha Oba'h Vaa Hoofe Vawlos Watooo Wators Tl.ea Wakeman, Dlmoa A Co Walker Wagner A CoL Waiters Mr liarnoy Benry i Harry WHS I HarrJnoT Kewcomb Jbo Nitieme Wra Nichols Joha Chandler Cbas.wl.-kB Hunrj EL I Noble James Cbaso Peter jHeBryeoW "slahaa Mr C'barlsaWm Heriuaadax iK'yues Patrick Chh ih a GeoC.Berbert Jbo North Cant Clark stobt Cburch Jos Chrlitopher Chaddick Jas Clark Cbas Cocke Wm A. Cook A Cook Or ok A Coraoa Jcob Coanoly Tatk Coxall Hy Jas Cooper Covlr.ztoB (Isrbort Mr Wm Washburn Kt Heusor JaraSB O'Neal Owen Watkiai Oh Herusie Hj lOwlngs Wasaer Jaa Hiland James Patterson Watts Hllaffor ThosT Parkes James Waters Wat 3 Htckniau Mr Mor- Ward Robt HiatoH eo rifl A Co WareieltJohB iSfgiBS Ed Parkins Wm Warta Joanna Hicks Wra 'Pitaer Chaa Horver Luther Fitner Jamoo Bollir.jsworth Pitts Jacob 0 'Phillips Jas Warner Was A Warwick Daa Warner Jas Warfield Hopkins Geo Perry John Wells Geo Hopkins Dari.l Peter Ph Jacob White Lark 3 Houlton Wm Pea ii A Bro Wearer Edw Cohlip iiartamiHollaud WmB Peck A Walter Whistler Dav aun Janu Hopper George Feerce John Whitraaa Fran eoaell Stephen Hooe John Portlock A Wetherill A Co Webster A Whortoa Webbert Beo Windell Jno Wieerand Cmnoly Mart Cottiagham Coy Dr CoIUbs Jas Coleman Geo Collias Jacab Colbnrn Colfor Bichs owell Jao or Dennta Hnbbard Geo Hudsoa Waltr Haat Porter Geo Foutier Jolin Powell Saial Powell Lloyd Hynson Philip Hyaes Kungertord Jacksoa Hy Jaas'on Jotm Price Thos Wlagate Mr Push Dr Jno Wilson Henry Quiller John Willis Jno Rattle Capt iWiiaon Sasal A Colman Juo Raa Heary WIlliamsoaR A Craweil i Jeter Sinsley Baaner Chas Reeso Thos Rlnohart TU Read Wm Reynolds SI Renshaw Th Reynolds Reiter ReH JeroaieF Reynolds 0 Wilmont Jn Wilson Prof Uram James joaes iin Crolly Jamea ijouett Wm Crla Joseph Alex Crabkes Jones Lit Cromwell 'Johnson John CravferdWDFi Jonos Thomas GumBlsi Geo ijohsBoaJnoT Curran Bera'd Johnston It Cunningham Jehagoa Jas Johnson Corriden John John Culbertson 'Johcssii David Ciillum John Julian Beaj -Curry Samuel KiHlBrnest -Davis James Keenan Danl lXtvislraB A Wm KelllDRer Willis Wilkinsoa Willtims Th Williford Weos Wra Woods Wm Woir Yost Wright Hy 0 Wright Joha Worrlck Wm Wooster Cipt Jos Woodhoma Capt Elltck WorcesterCapt Woods Ma) 0 Remmber Just Rich Rich Rioliesson Wm Ripley Rosa Rick Rer Rollins Henry ock Adoipu i. tiairji James Boot Thos Davis 0 Rene Jno Davenport Pml Kent Rose Dauxhtoa Kernan John I Roberts Jno Yonng Wm DaunrickSR' Keeliun Robt Robiasou Jos lYaKlinzJW Dant CharlowH Kerney Luke Robinson WO Youns Wm Davis Peter A' (Keunedy John Robinson Young Rowl Davis Wm Kerney KobtN RobyH Dirzeis JohnW! Killer jKoblnson Dav Derean King9GR Ryan Anthony MISCELLANEOUS Local Ageut Zoellner -H A B-TU" Pantu.xont Co. 3lmp letters are not advertised, but a mannsertptllat af thoee rozuainluK oa baud aiay be voo In tha lobby of tha poat-atBca.

JACOxt O. DAVIKS, P. M. It CLOSING OF GIBSON, NOW EUTAW STB ELT. City Collbctor's Offkib, Balti more, Mny 22, 1S64.

The owners (af binding on Gilfon, now tutaw street, from the nortli line of Her.ry Tiffany's property to Laurens street, assessed lor tie closing of Gibson street, now Eutaw street, are hereby notified, thst unless snid assessments are paid on or before the TWENTI ETH DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT, it will be the imperative duty of the Collator, asrreeahly to the ordinances of the City, to advertise the propertv so aiwesed for sale. maim chakLK-S HOWARD. City Collector. TVrttlK IS HEKEBY GIVEN, That by the eJtll AN section of tiits art to incorporate the Cttarlrs Street Avenue Compel one fourth of the sums subscribed is io be pajd to the Managers, (including" th $1 per phare piiil at the time of ttie suVcrinti in,) at the end of one month after the election of Managers. The election of Mangers took place on the or June, I8i4, and the subscribers will milw payment aecoidu.gly on the l2ih July, tS.

to the unriertTgned. JflHV W. WARD, 15-et3t Treasurer of the Company. rHal'imoro County Advocate 1 TN BALTIMORE CITY ORPHANa' COURT, 1 June 13. 1864 -Ordt red, that the sale of the Re il Etate of Caleb Whittemnre, defeased, made by John Lockerd and George H.

Whittemorc, the Executors of tie last will ar.d testament ajf the bi 1 dece-ted, at this dav reportid to this Court by the sai Executors, be ratified and confirjied, unless cause be shewn to the ctmtriiy.on or beiore the twelfth day of August neit; rrovid-d. a copyof this order be inserted in some daily newspaf cr puMished in the city of Bal'i-uore, at least orce a ek tor tli-ee succestive ks, befure the twelfth ilavAf Julvtii-it The report states tha amount of sales to be "six thoiuan I. five hundred and seventy-ihree dollars and ihiity-ntne cpih. jl3 StTut Ttst. N.

HICKMAN, Register, LAYER RAISINS, itt whole, half and quar. boxes, forsalebv J. OROSBY tON, jfla-HC 38 South Charles street. 29. a anmmi bridge about to be thrown across the Falls at tint s'teet.

The head and fall of the dam upon this property is nine feet. te fcixtn item is as foitows: Sixth. The Maunt Ryal Mill, dw tilings, water power, containing about nineteen and a half aires, near to the city avenue, purchased front John Bradford." There is, in fact, a small fraction more than 19 acres in thi3 property, but the company intend to include in their offer tro acie3 adjoining. This propetty fronts for a shoit distance south of the toi; gate, upon the Falls turnpike, and north of the tollgate for about three-quarters of a mile to thedim of White's Mill. Iho Susquehanna Railroad passes through it, and at such aa elevation that wheat or other produce or coal could be delivered by a lateral switch iuto the loft of the n-iH.

The miil is a large and substantial build-ir i stone, in good repair, having been recently supplied with a new water wheel, and the roof having heeu a short tisne since entirely renewed. The main and tail race are in excellent order, the latter beine exceedingly well constructed. There are upon this property, west of the railroad, where the larger part of it is situated.) a miller's bouse of stone, with out-bulldings. The miller's house is not in very good repair. There are attached to that portion of this property ea.t of the railroad lrise stone stables ani the walls ot a arge stone ice-house.

The ier iicuse could, with small exoense, be re stored to the condition it was in before it was destroyed by tire, and be mads a source of revenue; beir close to the dam and having unusual facilities for gathering and storing ice. The dam at- lacne a to tnis property nas a neat ana ian or io feet, i3 ef stone, and thi3 commit'ee are of opinion that there i none more substantially constructed or better in the State. The mill affords a rental of two thousand dollars. This property is very near to theeity limits, and a grea" deal of it most eligibly situated for building purposes the avenue around the citv, a3 laid out, would pa3 through a portion of it. The sum paid for thi property was $41,000.

1 re seventi l'eai is as toiiows "Seventh. TAe 2Xi.l,doilivs mid wafer with abut twenty aces of land pure'tased front Henry Whxie." lhe mil is of stone and with its appurtenances is in good order. This property ha3 two fronts upon the tails turnpike of about halt a nmaeasU, and a front upon tlie Susquehannah rai road ex-tendin? the fails to opposite the Mount Vernon Factory. lhe mill produces a rental of and the machinery ia in complete repair, he dam has a head end fall ef 25 feet, and the water pjtrer is oae ef the best and most valuable uooa Jonas' falls, and surpassed by few in the State. The mil ler now conducting this mill informed this committee that not mere than one-fifth of frret.

water of the stream at this suill was ever abstracted for the present water supply to the city, according to guages and calculations made by himself ia th race; and that the water eo taken never iatsifered ith the iR iency of the aaill to do all the s.iui- ine recuirad. The miller's heuse. stone barn and stables, and other out-buildings are situated on that portion of the property north of the Falls turnpike, and are in tolerably mod order. The dam is of wood, but tbe rocks approach so closely frem either side of the stream that it is rendered ia consequence very secure, aad is as strong, and froBi beitig constantly covered with water, is almost as durable as stone. The antouat paid by tke coaapany to air.

White, ia for tais property whs $45,00. houid the city determine to erect a new jau, is every year becoming more apparent will ba ne-cessary, this committee offsr the suggestion that few places could be found better adapted as a site for such an edifice than the most elevated pjitisa of this Kock Miil property. The estimate of about made hr the Pre-sieent of the Water Company as the gro'is laojat ef revenue received by the company froaa the mills, dwellings, ico-houss and lands numsratea in the offer now uader coBsujeratiiti, tbi, cosnraLt-tee believe to be much below the aaa oant that should be allowed for ths revenue freni those sources. The revenue frem the railli alone ia frcm ice-houses froaa the saili tenement at Lanvale J73; Making an ag gregate oi without licmiitj any revenue th.t may be Cerivsd frcm the lit Js if ica'ed for pasture cr fchouU the Cotton Fastary be at evea tne ow rent oi S3.003. a-a the re 7enue ob tained the other property cotapiised in the offer of the company, not hereinbefore estimated, even supposing tha: property to re raai a in its pro-sent condition, be added, this committee are ef the opinion that the whole would amount to a surplus revenue of at independent of all revenue derived from water rents.

The Wutr Chmrges fr Water art as fs-ltovcs For a private family in houses over 17 feet front, per ar.riim, 10; do. do. ia le-3 than 17 front, $8: do. do. in houses 12 feet front and un-dr, without hack building, for boarding from 10 to $5U: for steaat engines, per hcrse power, $10; for wash pavements, each per reason, $5: for baths, each per saion, S3; fo-h arses, 1 50; for carri-ge3, for water clo sets.

f3. The Gas Company ar.dthe Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Conapany each pay the water company a water r-nt of $1,080 per annum. In the communication from the President of the Yfater Company to the of tinsnt in February of the present year, repeating tha cil'nr of 852, it is stated by hica tkat since tbe offer xuade in December 165-J, "the company bas been compelled to expend in the purchiae and laying pipes, aad in increasing elevating power, the sum cf $e)o95. 'Oa tbe other hand, their rents, in consequence of this large expenditure, have increased and their other rents The president then says ia continuation "These aJditional and necessary outlays "this compaay will expect to be repaid, as they yield more than 12 per cent, a year upoa the suia ox- fendsd, Ld in course of time will yield a sti areer annual par cei.tage thereon." This committer, in an inteiview with tke president of tke Water Company, inquired what would be the entire amount of outlays, such as mentioned in tke language just quoted, for which tbe company would expect to be reeaid, including not only the sura, of just referred to as havi been expended since tne offer of 16f2, but abo all sams lid out, as just said, up to the present date The president's reply was that $100 OltO would be that amount. The entire amount therefore tor which the Water Company offer all the property, mentioned in the offer of 185-3, together with all tbe equivalents they have received for their outlay, since the date of that offer up to time, is $1,350,600.

One item of outlay since the communication of the president to the commissioners ot finance in February last, is a contract lor 2,200 feet of inch pipe now delivered as fast as made by Mr. Benson, and costing 4 25 per foot, or in the aggregate 9,35. The cent of hauling these pipes to the spot where they are to be laid 13 for each joint of pipe 37 a cents, and is defrayed by the com pany. in is comtcittee have made an examination of the water rights and property of the Eagle Works on Jones' fails, for which the president of the Water Company, in his communication to the commissioners of finance, states that the company paid the sum of $18,558 75, and which they new offer to the city lor cost. This property adjoins the property of the Washington Factory, the land around which is now selling at high prices.

It has a front of about a quarter ef a mile upon the Falls' turnpike road, and one about the same dis tance upon the Susquehanna railroad: it contains about thirty acres, and lies in an angle formed by the junction of the two roads just above the Washington Factory. The land is of excellent quality, and taere are a number of tenements and outbuildings apen it, on the line of the Fall? turnpike, and now under rent. There are aiso upon it, near the Falls, the remains ef the Old Eagle Works, consistine of a few yards of stone wall and foundations. The race attached to tnis property is a very long one, and needs a good deal of cleaning and repair; the dam is very dilapidated, but if repaired, would afford a neau aiiu ei bdoui sixteen reet; a water power much superior to that of the Washington Factory, wbichaffcrds a powerof not more than sevea fest. In case it should be determined to introduce water into the city, by natural flow from a large storing reservoir or lake to be formed at the Relay House, juf above this property, it would be highly important and even indispensable that the city should purchase it; but for the purposes of supplying water to the city, from the points at which it is at present introduced, a purchase of this portion oi the Water Company's property would not be required.

The president of the company has requested this committee to state that, should the offer made, so far as the rest of the company's property is con cetned, be accepted, the company would give the city the privilege of purchasing, at cost, the water rights and property of the Eagle Works, at any time within twelve months after acceptance of the oner icierreu ro. This committee, in proceeding to estimate the value of tiie property proposed to be sold and conveyed by tbe Water Company, must take into consideration, in their opinion a fair basis of calculation, what all this large amount of real estate nd complicated machinery for the supply of water would cost the eity, were there no water company now in existence, and were all the property and privileges they offer, with the present and immediate revenue thence arising yet to be acquired piecemeal and, perhaps, after a long interval of years. This committee estimate the Chase Reservoir property at $200,000, the Salisbury Mill property at the Lanvale property at $100,000. ths Mount Royal Mill property at 50.000, and the Rock Mill property at 50,000 tot al In the foregoing estimate is not included the Mount Royal Reseivoir property, that may be estimated at This committee without going furttn-r fnto detail, are ef opinion that the probable proceeds of a sale of the surplus property offered to the city, by the Baltimore Water Company, mid amount to at least the interest on which amount, together with the surplus of the water rent, over and above the amount required to meet the interest of the debt incurred tonake the pro a a of of 1 Liberality ta Fire Cumoanits The Ci'y Coun-ctls during this session have appropriated the different fire companies the following special vn, Deptford fire company, N-w iric-t We company, 60O; Mount Vernon Hook aud Ladder coaapany, Independent fire cotnpariy, iVlonuauental Hose company. ui); Vigilant Fire company, $1,500.

Total, Tne First Branch have also pavsed resolution app-onmTitij $500 to tbe Liberty Fire ccropiriy, and 375 to the Washington Ho-e company, and there Wj ou the table in the First Branch, a appropriating $1,000 to the United Fire company. the above, the First Branch have issed th re -lution making the annual appropriation of SJ to each ot tbe companies in the department, (n all 5.2U.) Six veti'itis from compar.i?, spef ia) appropriations ro the am out of have likewise been presented and not yet acted upon. Re'at lioce. There is quite an exr.itetiictayong saill 'iat irt the; part of the city, in ferenre to a' boat whica to cowe off cn 1 aijrpday next, betweeia the well ki.osrn "Ben Bolt," and a new aod untried crtff, wki has lieen named the "Know N-jtUing." They are to staitfrom Kot's wharf and sail around the "VThi Focks anu bark to the plae of star'ing The Kea E-lt it an old stager, Has beon in minv race, and we believe has never been beaten. A large amount of money, at least or.e taoutaas dol-Isis, ia tne hands of staeiioleM, cepeadeut upon the lesult.

The backers of each are of core con tic ent of the success of their favorite. have rarely in any race seen more interest manifested. The t'htseffle end BeUioire CznT. J.Ve mentioned in a paragraph a lew days since th.t el naaje of same character bad beon received at the vitlet ot tbis canal at Che-peake city, which had caused a cer-ation ef travel i aad it was feared boats might not able to pass through far several dsys to eosae. We understand the drTi-culty has keen so far removed as to allow the passage of boats, and that there will be no further detention.

The Ericsson propellers aie now airiving regularly as usual. Accident. Ou Sunday afternoon a yo'ing mart i.aHtco' Rebinson, residing in the We3t End, cauia near Iodine his life by being thrown from Lis wagon. He wa3 coming dewii Paca street, the horse took fright aod ran at sped. Mr.

RoMnson lost command of the animil, ari at-teaipted to jump out, by doing whUh he was thrown upon the paveatent, causing such internal injuries that his life was despaired of. He soon, however, returned to consciousne-s, when his fiiends placed hioa oa a litter and conveyed him 'jo tke Infirmary, sad he is tow improving. Fire The alarm of fire which occured about ten o'clock oa Sunday night, was caused by the buinia? of the small Late-house of VVm. W. Corner, on Paca, near Warner street.

The building vat frame, and not valuable, whilst Con ner's loss is sustained ty a policy insurance. The flames fekini'led yesterday morning at three o'clock, wkich agsin drew out the firemen. Mr. Conner had a considerable saua of money contained in a trunk, which was lost, and which aug-menta his damages to nearly jsTi'f. The raport cf the Boird ef Health for the weac yesterday exhibit the aumherof ir.tei taenid at 1), of which consumption caused 17, infantum unkaown 12, acd siil-oorn 13.

The mortality among children is certainly alarming, and should excite the attention of parents. ne numberor children uader 5 years of age who died i3 68. Doubtless, ia matit cases, their deaths ware caused, by inat-teatioa and improper treaiineat. Prtinpt Attvr A "communication flora Dr. Charles A.

Leas, commissioner of health, to the Ci'y Council las: evenirg, states that the nuisance on the lets located between St. Paul, Charles, Reed and Eager stree's, is being abated, the most active and energetic measures being takea by that officer to have it done, a number of carta being now employed to da-posit two thousand cart loads of good earth per day, and no doubt in a yery few days the citiiena of that neighborhood will be ie a pretty healthy atmosphere. Jntlktr Counterfeit. "We saw yesterday a S33 counterfeit on the Citizens' Zaak of Baltimore. It is baely done on very thin paper, lettered with the word "twenty" in nearly a semicircle oa each urper corner of tie not.

Vignette, Mercury, with the cadnceu3 In his left and the corau-eoj is. in his right hand. There is a small ia full sail at the bottom, in the middle. The gea- tieujan v. au iiata tuc x.i jiaova uuu uiua was frcm tke country.

1 Incendiarism. Some daring incendiary made a told attempt, on Sunday aieht, to destroy by lire the cweliiog of Mr. Jared. Wilhelea, en Paca ear New. The frcnt door must have been opened by means of a false key, which enabled the party to throw in en the floor and ignite a ball of hemp ana old cord, wen saturates wit a spirits cf turf entice.

Fcrfina'eiy it iell upan the bricn: kesrth and failed to communicate with any of tLo furniture. Arffirfment of Stecmbozt Ir.spter. Col. John T. arlw, at present a memoer of tbe second branch cf theeity ccuscil, from the Erst and set-end wards, has been aprtined hy the government inspector of bulla of steamboats "for the Maijlana district.

The appointment is a go-d ore. and will be received with satisfaotion by all interested. The Colonel, thosjh not now engaged in the business, is a practical ship-builder. Apie-intmrnt cf OfUtri. The eity council eveLire, in convention, confirmed the iolJowin-; nominations of Mayor Hollins: Joseph B.

T. superintendent of the coait house, record t-flicr, fcc; constable of the 7th ward, Peter Han, in place of Oswald Bowen, resigned; and rtoraaj S. Williams, constable of the ward, in place ef Owen Flrzpitrick, failed te qualify. Scvtre'y Scalded. A colored girl named Mary Jones, in the employ of Mr3.

Wilson, South How-aid street, was quite severely scalded yesterday morning, in consequence of the upsetting of a vessel centaiuing hot wcter. Her breast, arms and neck were painfully injured. The service! rf Dr. Thomas were secured to the reiief of the patient. Charge ef Stealing Liquer.

Geo. Armstrong Jts. Clt mens, "Jas. F.gan, John Swam and Jack ere yesterday arres'ed by ctacars Vernum, Weiier and Connolly, on the ctarge of stealing a quantity of ale and in bottles, the property of Mr. Wra.

Russell. Justice Cook released Arm-ttrotg sua Clemens cn security for a further examination, and the other three committed for court. Chtrget ef Stealing. Wm. Drury, on the charge of stealing a brass bearing, the property of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad company, was arras-tea by ofricer Keyser, cf the Caniden street depot.

Justice Peniiigten committed him to jail for court. tdget O'Conner was arrested by oiilcer Morgan, cn the charge of stealing a bosom and vest, the rieperty ot John B. Snyder. Justice McAllister committed her to jail to answer befoie court. Resitting Officers.

James Jones was arrested by Watchman Ccllins on the charge of assaulting and resist ice him whilst in the discharge of his duty, and committed to jail by Justice Peunington in default of secuiity for court. Andrew Bantze oa the charee ef resisting Lieut. Simpson in the dis charge 01 his duty, was by him arrested, and released on security by Justice Auld for a further examination. Iriovtsts, Coroner Goldsmith held an inquest on the body ef a colored woman named Maria Johnson, who died suddenly at her reaiiehce in Strawberry alley verdict pole5yf superinduced oy intemperance, ine same coroner hem an inquest on the body of a colored woman named Ca- sy Toner, who oieu suddenly in uinji laae verdict death from natural causes. Dedication The Frsnklin Street Methodist F.piscopal church of the Fayette Street Station, a full of which appeared in the Sun of Saturday, was solemnly dedicated, to God on Sunday, on which occasion two appropriate discourses were preached by Rev.

Mr. Tiffany of Dickinson College. Military. The Mount Vernon Guards, Captain Weishorst, on infantry corps of the 53J Rei- ment, paraded yesterday morning, and- accompanied by a band proceeded to the Philadelphia railroad depot and left in a train for Magnolia, where they spent the aay in a aeagntiui manner. Hi ah Charge.

Robert Gambol chargel with takinr a night's lodgings in the Belair Market, 1 jt 1 a 1 was airecneu oy uiuccr uiuiu, ua uneu witn costs by Justice Morrison. It would have cest Mr. Gambol much less if he had stopped at a first class hotel, and besides he would have had a more agreeable bed. Charlct ktrett Avtniif.vTe are gratified to learn that thi3 important avenue is to be immediately commenced and "pushed vigorously to comple tion." At a recent meeting or tae company the above determination was concluded upon, and the following gentlemen elected board of Bianaers: J. W.

Ward, Joseph Merryman, Joseph M. T. Gosnell and Adam Dsnmead. Svn Struck. A German, whose name is un known, yesterday died very suddendy at the house in which he stopped in Star alley, between Canton and Eastern avenues.

Coroner Goldsmith held an ixquest on the body, and a verdict was rendered of death by apoplexy, superinduced by a stroke of the sun. Survey. In addition to the survey of the Gun powder river, parties will be placed on the Pa-tapeco, Gwynn's Falls and other streams for the purpose of making a survey of waters. The work will bo under the command of CoL Sickles, who has employed Messrs. William F.

Kenle, R. H. Dalton, and Robt. Daffin to assist. Smnicionof Theft.

Ye3terdav afternoon a gen- tleman visited the central police station and left a half dozen yerv heavy silver table spoons, silver salt speens and butter knives, stating that a man offered them at his store for sale, and he concluding that they were stolen, refused to return them to him. Aneline. The fishinz in our river is lxieinnins to be most excellent, and those who doiitM in the sport can scarcely fail to be gratiued. we have seen some tery pretty strings of vhlte perch caught within a tew days within the bounds of the harbor, and we are tol4 that further dowa the sport is fine indeed. the at his 51 wir.d A by J.

tbe to and of to the on P. of ot ter It 11 01 01 uie lieamuB-1 r. nu-nore ciiv 'i 1i omnibus runs rtai'y b-tween tl. toiH- Enise. M.KLbi B.

i9 st'i, The euhscriber intending to re -u irti. vWit in the Fall. offer for is Li known ItJ-CKiSAM E3TABLI3U-SlENTcn JtiU'-swt This i stab udmntit isrow doing a business probably ant ciihllt ppy siirilan-ne in this or any other city. Comi-cud wiih it is Ice House, and nwrnn-rv niaku ce Cream situated on the r3iliod in intk coui.o, which i capable of pr.vlucitig any amount that n.

ay be wanted. In the of the Ice House r.i in at.y quai tity ciu be had. Ar.y ne vi bins to pmcha-ecan call on the suo-rcrihpr atctrnin particulars. Saratoga street. N' 'Of tr.K -PVR R3NT, SrMM POVaR, 'sine or small amount.

Apply at 30 tear I re l.ont, j19 JZYOB. SENT OF Fit 14 No. 6 FRAKL.l fJ'i FIJI 1.DIMJ. rth st ret. Fart of the Fixture Alii sale Apply on the premise 4t roil i l.K OR RRVP-A tt r.

ry ih ''as-mte, Pr'or. Up ftatrg, and w- fetrr in the kitchen Ir.cuiie on the premises, No. BlDDLt Roa jn it RI.LIV: OVSK Nh. S3 fH Frf r.f st directly oppoitf Vincent'i hurch. lt2S f't font by 99 defp.

Kicelletit wi-la tisll, ar in good repair. Can ba exan-uied ji at te mil ii any day JLT HlTAt'K nM 1 N1 HBELWRIO lTftl. FOK SALE, NO THE SHOP FOR 4cU tiutt om VVflcome ailey. nr Howard lpie the- and Uhin Railroad Ue-jtt. fr i quire of 11 CL.ArfcE.N,Ko.

147atarpst. 311 hfc.M A SfUKK turn in vVet Snaliiiiiore street. No. 45J Green and teiiarl ftreein, north std, Hiitnhle for any kind of buniiiet. Ei quire oi JAS.

C- MURRAY, eornr a Sa atoga sts. n-'3t The 0Vtir sttir. iu toltowinsr valuable pionetty: a four-story iniid UVV K1.LIG on the r. W. cor.

of Lexington and Diamond sts; a three-story Store and Dwelling on Vr.e VV Cer. Pine street Josephine a'ley; two ihiee story iiwellii gs.or.e fitted up for a ttore i th aorth siiit; of Siau ia st, bttweeu schroeder and Or-tiii ii st-; two to siiy and atiiu Dwelknys on tcott fl, Iienr Col unit ia St. Apply to JSAN, No 253 Lentigion tiU jell- ot rtTft RET Dt.ilRJlBLH SUMMER 3 REUVZy Miitali fir a reiFctabl- 1 on the Bf i-t( town turniice, 53 miles i rm Hnlt'nvre. of a VV lib ING-IlOL'SrE AM) Kl'l X11E.N. with a god Stable an4 'Rrria? Hi use.

14 aciesof Ura Land, planted with Jruit fr-e, nd a pum of excell'Bt water. The Bouse ana Garaea may tien with or wittiaut toe 1 Kd, for the sea.on. or far one. two or ihree yars, jtpii n. For yirticulura app'y to JOHN HAtT y.EI-L.

rr ar the srcncii ti 11 fate a the Kiiertown iariiOrto SAMUfih VVILIlkiLM. Wet Prait street, Baltimore. N. AnOmnihus yaseea the place, in and out, ver j'H wi rwh SAL.ll A K.Kii li luuiiMl.att be a.a.le, the new threa-story lituated cn the iouta-eat corner of Cal-kan ana Lombard sfeew, niodrra improve-aaniia. For a'ti'Ulra apply to the underlined, n'tari: aed Fentan.

corntr ttalti- more and Paca itreeia; or Capt. Haryey, Fayette su S. VV. T. I 1VC with a tarae atitrr Rack bmldiiu i INT A liireo-siiry ok I tiw 47 Surea atreat.

betwaen Jrlonuaieat and KtiIIsob. Fir OsC EHN One. of thoee on Leiinstoa atreet, near Fa JAirult 1 tiw, coHipietd witu wnter flsturea and ra riasrtrni to had after lal July. Apply to SiaML. BiLSOW, Fayette at.

jU It'l tOU 5aLE. Oviuxto dacliniag haalia. I wiil aiy MOHtiXttB LOl rB i3trriOE. Liaanaa. aod Will, Fixturaa.

ail a the as oat caasplete wider in one of the Mat loaa ttwraiktke ctty for kath towi. traaiisnt traae and arrepainla''a. far particalara apply imnseiUAtely 74. the g-an arTaa. j4 roRSIMT-J MM JUL THRZB STORJ IHol'SK na Madima aranua.

ika airkta hotta SaJtiroin Mum Calvary Oaurh, aui aWla for a rea-tael family. Apply sAUu. S. MATCm, i ir atran. tf.

'jrs, FOB. I'LI-Tm taraa atary flaaaea oil tke laaatstaaaf iraaaway (lata II ay faet;) tw. oibrae iy haaiea aa McCailouk twa Storaa. wiik 4 walliixa, an W'aa: Salumore three story aauaaw aa East Lawka'd near Broaa way; aevasai lae caua.rr ait an Charlea at. avanua; 1M aerea af Eaaa an taa VVahingiaa Fi'ta, naar tke Raitro4.

App'y feLfCRKR a NOBal. la St. Pialgt. tf m. FOR IALB Twa irat alaaa lartk atkedral atreat, appaalte lagar atraat.

aat trant ty 71 fart daep; lan fast, to a 0 feat alley; three atrieg high, with kack kuilding't, sflu hall and pirlcr, large and airy ahaioar, art tii fiac kitehan. waah hoate a feaik-9sxwi. Kith and cold watr, gas Mpow, aad all Hit mastera coBTaeienaae. Apply taJAai- OAL'H-jlat'l on tke prewisea jat las. gr- t)R SALE Tbtea-aiary HOUSS ia LcoikaM f'Satreei.

vaataf Aaiiry. latge knek-buildinr. li S-feei lWfci.LI!G and STOilB, rnrr or Lbard and iapublican, 1 by faa $Uf. Country aua. ti 60 to tlO.CDO, ai in ovfrd, wt'hin niilt of theeity.

Ground renu (lis and CTerl awiana-iag to 10 at7 per em! jk-tt( WAKfighO Le, ltgt. Paulat. F'K SALE A Irat alias three atory BRICK f-r1 eiiuatedon the corner of MaCmlloca ard iiisfxii stieeu. Foe further partieulara, apply the prea i- ta. jai irr Fv.K HLdli fb'o.

ttt aauaa aa- Vr ns hi'l rn Klftd ill rrastfll sta. Apply at ya 2 Marehall BBilaiag, Jpt. Pacl k3T. din lm FOR SALE OR RSNT, that hanaaoaae foir dilatory HOUSB S. W.

comer of Mrdison areaue SidJIe atreet. For key iaquire nxt door, aad for tr.t apply to JAMSrf JSOYCK, Coainoereial Saildiiigs, Gaj atreat. jaia zawil't a. OR KR I VE X. AHDjJ.

1,70 acrea ia taaeaa Glaiieeatar, Va. 40 araale. kalaaee ia Tim-aiber nd good dry marat. Valuakle far gracing tck, frame HOOSI5, Barn, Stahle, a mew nd large Wharf an the River, at which tbe Tark River steamkala fraat EalAunore and Nor tik tapraily. Friee low.

Faymeats easy. Apply r-Bid to TALIAFERRO fc ADAMS, N. 10 Bwly-j Vykarf. ntw-a-rrtttai ATI? ACT VALUABLE LA HO FOR SALE, 1 ooo acres, more or leaa; a portioa of il wei! umbered, ehiefiy while, oak, and a part ia cultivation; soil faoU. It ia lying in Parcheater county.

Bear Camkrifge, on the Tranauakin river, and about ittilre froai Choptank rivr. Any peraon detiroua of urci.asirg eaa obtain Oirtlier iufonnatiwii by applying, pout-paid, to J. ik. F. TL'RNCK, x'o.

Ss Pratt as) of Fresienck atreat Pock, Md- jell-'eolin 1)V tt.l.INO FOK rfALE OR A. EN 1 ON N. BERTY 8T opposite St. John' Charca. 'lately occupied by Dr aedel, With office in base- Btent.

ro'8ktaiou can be given on lai July. Alao. far eale, a two-etery and attic HOUE, with 'aack-building and good yard, oil Hoffman atreet, sear I'tnucj Ivaiua aveuue. Also, low 1 1 LKJ1 siiSontJhatawortb street, wpp-wite ui 'Javid Stewart, Alao, on Fcnnayl-vania avet.ue George st altovo gruoe, and Kif st. Er quire st CHARLES MYJIKS, 154 Pennsylvania avenue, or 72 Kxchange Place.

jlS-eatfT NOTICE TO AND TROCIC MtN. For Sai.b, the unexpired lease of a years Soi one orthevery neat and most con venient Track FARM in the vicinity of NorStlk and Fortsmuutii, TV It is in the hif heat state cultivation, hnviRg HHd by Mr. Vw. 1. Buhop for the las.

10 years en Trucking pBrpcaee. Fuither continent is deemed wjinceesaaty. For rmrticu'ars, fcc, addreas (potae pid) box No. 134, II tt. Agent for John J.

Satw, Portsmouth, Ta. Bi2 ssiwWtt? HOMESTEAD VILLAGE. BUfLTtHNGIf 8. 7 TO $200 PER LOT. Low price, beauty of scenery, healthful location, goo a reada, fine water in ahort.

all that could he taUbed or needed in determining the choice of a country rewdence. are to be touad in the HOMESTEAD. zd which, itt nearrirHi to the city, and the merchant if thus enab'ed to secure the cheerful and in- lotating aasociations of a country life, with diligent attei upon bU'iiieta. tjttice T7 FAIfilTti ST, dtwira frrim Gay. Hours 8 until CalBSWELL, ai7 Broadway.

3i Or MR. J. C. GrM. 'I i i A a .1 RJBJtL r.

alttmork. oiTara wr aale thoae hve new thre story UIV ELL'N'GS. beautifully situated an "Union Siaaf," at tne eararref Lomktrd aiul Suickcr Btreeu. Thee Houses are buiit in tha beat mantie'; and replete with all the niodera improvements and convenience: and offered B.r sale on reasonable terbiia. given the lit af June next.

myll-tf it ii TO HOTEL KEEPERS IS WANT op a a.cvrriF roavnienca. hpios itntnd Vfl. Bl llivn. vbr lipase sou Ji of Laiudon se in lilt inime-ztiue ni ijt! of tile alto, and 'wiis Railroad Deptt and Steamb-mt Landings, and in fact of all aueinesa. To a good tt-nat the rent wiil be made aroderate.

Apply to PETER KERN AN, near omei gescrvoir. bntw en Ch.trTr8 st. and York wad. mlO-ti tMLUA8LB COUNTriY PI TB FOR 8ALB IN BALTIMORE COUNTY. -A tract of acres, Bituated at the junction of Boiling, Suljhur Springs and Avalim roads, within 8 milea nf the city, adjoining the ot Messrs.

G. VV. Lurnian and M. VVart-Bian and oFpocue vh coateniplated Mansion J. S.

JWcKini. Esq. six 231 ove tide water in a hetlthlul and deirahle neigbborbood. The waterand landscape view ia one ortlie beist in this region of our beautiful ccuntry. I his pltee is tarni'iar to many by the name of "Mt.

Parnassus or "Mt Cloud The soil is good and known to contain a ralualde deporte of richlron Ore, Brick Clay, is ami mid Gravel. Tue of iliu Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at the Belay Houe, ard the proximity to iir best Colleges ftr both sexrf, must recommend it to thoae desirous of a site- Apply to l)R. GEO. VV. LAWRKNCR.

Catonavule. l. LoinniiKyionera ot lldftimore comity will niect ai their office in ihe Court House, in the city of BrUii--niore, TVKSDJiy the leiri day o( May, at 10 clock and sit 1 VVO DAYS, rbr the purpose of no nB 7rntert and Aanrinir -Jf-peaJf, and at each reg-Dliir mi ejiiig Uiernauer, being the first Tueaday arid Wednesday ineach and every month, until the first day or bepteoiber next, 1864. By older. JOHN L.

STANS8URT, Bio-tai Treasurer and Clerk. NO i fisra. Bak er Bro. for the SPRING GAUL) EN OLASrt WORKS of cauimore, wt'i cu'continue anrr 14, 1854. JUHiumore, May as.

ifW4. r. AUVf At As ticAgenr-yof the Spring Garden Wurka for ti sale of druggists' GOsswaie, Porters, Ales, SyideiA, Lernon Syrups and Wine Bottles; half pint, pint and qnait ks; Pickling and Preserve Jars. will flipfoMinue on June 14, 1854, we would respectfully exuicit the ordrrs of tne trade in general, as it is our rriij-nt to krep a conttart supply on hand of tho d'ltererit kirris of GLASSWARE manufactured by us. vye wi.t endeavor to give entire satiafuctioia ta all woo inpy iAwor ug with U)f it orAHtg 831 articular attention paid to private Mot Ida.

F. WUHAUM fc R)2c-3ffiQt fpiawSsr South Euiaw si reet, I i more ater Company, for the sa'ne distance. This committee are of ep'nion that neither tha oor ary company incorporated far the p-ir-poe could profitably compete with tne present company in supplying th city with water, certainly not in those parts ot the city where the Baltimore Water Company have already laid their pipes. These pipes are laid at au averai depth of four fet bnea the surface of the earth to be ot of reach of frost, and immediately above them are laid the nuBiersus pips of the Gas Company, crossing and aceompaaying them ia all oirections in a complicated net work. Many cf the Faltimore Wa'er Company's pipes are laid in small allays in the rear of rowsof buildings wLete it wnuld be to introduce sitniir p.rej wi hout disturbing those previously laid.

Any jI jos ohrthan these already tei 07S3iily be laid dovn deeper in the earth, aud tfii besines the constant risk of breaking or ia- terfeiis? wi'h the pipes first mentioned and tiie consq'jent Ltisa io'i, would boM'ies involv a tes.vit expanse, for each pip, than the present company incur. In view of all the facts ttat have been and from a careful consideration of taa sstue, ar.d helievir that the city will never receive an rfftr, if any, upon terras as liberal ant acvantfgeeus as those of the present, especially as the piesident of the Baltimore Water Company, in bis communication made April 24, 1854, has stared that, should the ofer of the company not bo accepted during the present session of tke council, "thty vcill consider their efftr it sell re-vittd end withdrawn," this committee most earnestly recommend the purchase of the property proposed ta be sold to tie city by the Baltimore Water Company, and to that eai respectfully submit tBeaccoMpar.yiDgordiHanc)believiai that tho adoption of the same, or of one similar thereto, would be for the beat interests of the city of Balti aiorv. Ebmu.vd Law Rogers, 1 E. Y. First Branch.

JoSBPH WbaTHBRS, 7 Second Branch. JtlHJf A. tilLCW, We have already published aa abstract of the ordinance reported by the committee. Thb Isvasiex or Ccba. According to the Memphis Whig, the fillibusters at the South hare aibiliicnof and that eight steamer and four sailing vessels have been placed at their disposal, and can be made ready in treaty -fouT hours' notice.

They also possess, it is said, between eighty and ninety thousand stand of arias, together with a sufficient number of field-pieces-The Whig also intimates that Gen. Quitsnaa will coiamand them; that the second in cosamand will be a "Northern in Southern principles," who is aa ex-Givernor, and now holding a prossir.eBt civil statioa. Gen. Gonzales is to fce third in comraani, and it says there cannot be lews than 50,000. msa enrolled ia thet? ranks.

The Same paper adds: "This expedition will, in all probability, leav the shores of the United States about the raiddl of next month, and will land in the Vnelto Abajo country, and thence proceed to Havana. Tner will be, perhaps, ten thousand men thrown into the i3lud t'je arst efort, and imiiaediately followed by reinforcements uatil thirty or forty thousand solJie-r3 are there, and with this force there cannot be much doubt as to which party will be sucre-sful." At New Orleans, the aeadqnirters of the fillibusters, they seem to be entirely unaware ef the ft of any such expedition, a3 the papers of that city ridicule the whole story. Later from Tfxas. The steamer Charles Morgan has arrived at New Orleans with Galveston cat3 to the Lieut.

Col. Chas. May was one of her passengers. The Houston Star records the death of Col. Wm.

Wood, who com" ma'ided a company at the battle of San Jacinto. A violent storm swept over San Antonio on the Srith ult destroying thousands of dollars of propei ty. During the storm Simeon C. igers. of the firm of Rrgeis and a son of Judge Ragland, were kaled by lightning.

An excessive drot ght in the vicinity of Rio Grande City, but tie crops generally promise a heavy yirld. lt, postmasta a line Grove, had Nen shot ded by a rem rd Forrest, and a large number ef other muSdisj have lately taken place in different sections the State. Indian depredations, as usual, ocirrpy a large space in tbe Texas papers, but no fighting ot moment is mentioned. memo Citt Mortality. The following comparative table exhibits at a glance tke mortality in the Tour principal Atlantic cities last week.

Kew York. Phllaila. Baltimore. Boston Cholera 57 Cholera Morbus 5 Cholera Infantum 4 Consumption 48 Convulsions 33 Diarrhea ti Dysentery 2 Fevers 15 Small-pox 5 Other diseases 354 Total 4C9 10 2 3 4 8 31 17 17 4 3 2 3 1 I 7 4 2 6 8 6 2 4 13'J 77 45 177 130 S5 THE WATER QUESTION, Ileport or the Joint Standing romiuittee of tlse City Council on Water, Ve have received a copy of this report, w'aicb. occupies some 19 octavo pages.

The subject referred to the committee was the proposed gale and conveyance to the Mayor and City Coancil of Baltimore, and their assigns, of the corporate lights, privileges and franchises, and of certain portions of the property of the Baltimore Water Company. Several pages of the report are occupied with teference to and a description of the iron pipes, stop-cocks and fixtures of the Water Company connected with the distribution of water in the city, their durability, size, cost, It appears that the aggiegate length of all the pipes now laid down by the company is about SO miles; the nuav ber of lire plugs exceed 300, and there are about 9.0C0 hjdrants, yielding a water rent of over $9'V 100 per annum. As giving some idea of tha increasing demand for water it is stated that 1,179 new "supplies" put down during the past season. In the year 1S35, the Water Company made an efftr of their property to the city, and the number of pipes then laid extended only about 13 miles. Since then the company have paid out in cash for pipes up to the year 1853, the sum of According to the estimate of the prasilentof the Water oaipany the total outlay of lor pipes, stop-cocks and fixtures amounts to more than 00,000 up to thi3 time.

In this estimate is iiieludeil the expenditure for labor em-pioj ed and Material consumed in laying pipes and ether disbursements incidental thereto. The afcove refers to the first item in the schedule of proptity offered to the city by the company. The balance of the report we give nearly at leigih, emitting only a few unimportant para, giaphs. The 2d item in the schedule is as follows: "Second. Tr.e Chase reterroirt and adiicent ground ond bviidingt fronting on Tfirth VhirUt orf abrut 11)0 fee', ar.d exteniin back to iar-riA-ecllty about 600 feet." The comittee (says the report) have inspected this property upon the greund, and have carafuLy examined a plat of th satrta.

The frnt upon Charies street was stated, 1,000 feet; but in addition to that fient this propetty a as the feilo wiag fronts as nearly as the coBsaaitlae can estimate; on the Korth side Chase street, a front of three hundred and sixty-six feet; on the south side of the saete street a front of tvo hundred and twenty-eight feet; a front of three hundred and fifty feet oa the north side of Biudle street, and a front of tkree hundred and eijhty feet cn the seuth side the gam in additioB, tw freats an Paul's street, one of tare hundred and twenty feat on the wes and ne of two hundred, at a farty feet on the east siua tkareof. The reservoirs hold about twelve millions of gallons, aad when full th water ia them ii four-iea feet deep. The sustainiag wall) are twaive feet thick, built ef gneiss, and the inner wall is sloped of brick and eighteen inches thick; the bottom is formed concrete. These two reaer-veirs cest together about eighty thotisaad dollars, exclusive of the greund. Attached to these reservoirs are two large ice houses of stene.

The buildings reterred ia the second iti coBSist of the ice houses just Bteationed, and a large thrre story brick dwelling aow mnder rent, ana a3 a house cf public entertainment. The adjacent grounds and garden are substantially enclosed, and are too well knowa as a place of fuelic resert te need further description. The remtal received from the three otarv krick house mentioned is three hundred The third iter in the praposal is aa follow: ''Thibd. The Salitiury pump Silit-kury Mtl'y r.d ail the Company' 14 lying fa and etit of Belviderr. ttreet, from the, inU th bridge, extending back to' includin; the hedtf the stream with mil the utter peieer, wdter 4c The committee have carefully examined this property, aad fro sa BteaaureKents xaade a very accurato plat of the same a3 drawn hy Mr.

Poppleton in 1835, have ascertained that this bto-pzety has, on the east side of Belvidere street, a front of about eight hmndred aad seventy feet, on the north side ot John street, a front of about we hundred feet, and on tt south side of the saaae stieet, a front of about two kraadred and fifteea feet; also, on each side of Bidile street, a front of BDcut one auncrea feet; tne total lfoBt upon streets is therefore a little over fourteeB hundred feet. T.k.o Salisbury Mill Is of brick, about hu-dred feat long by fifty wide. The builains is uch out of repair, though the machiaery is in good order. The mEl is prcvi ei with a Boweiful Meain eEgino to supply any want arising froaa a possible scarcity of water in tiaae of droujkt The puBsp buildings are very coapleie, andl cob-tain the very costly and bea-ati'ul machinery by which the water i3 forced up, and the Chase re servoir is constantly supplied. These buildins coLsiatof two wir gs united to a centre of less elevation tbaa either, and are constructed in tha bast and most substantial manner.

Each win; contains two double force puatps, and each, oe evershot water wheel; each wheel being of about seventeen feet diameter, and wholly of iron, part part wroujnt. mere is ai30 a steam en-gine in these, which when needed, all four force pumps can be worked at the same time. The wicg last erected was finished about two years ae, ana tne steam, engine was furnlsa ey Messrs. Murray Hazelkurst. The cost of the pump buildings aad machinery was, as near as hils committee can ascertain, sixty thousand dollars.

The rent from the Salisbury a ill is twertv-ftve hundred dellars per annum. and it grinds about one hundred and fifty barrels of flour pr day. The sides of the mill race at Sal-isbury Will are protected by strong sustaining wans ot stone, ana a strorg stone dam below tne Belvidere bridge, built by the company to replace the dam carried away by the flood cf 1837, retains the water that supplies the race. This dam gives a head and fail of twenty-two feet. In addition to the builnipgs already mentioned, there are within the property referred to in th8 third item, tne ueividere cottaee, together with the out buildings and enclosures attached.

This cottage yields a revenue of (ISO per annum. The portioa of tbe pump house and apparatus first put up wa3 erecteu aoout ten years ago. me cost ot tne steam engine was six thousand dollars. The Salisbury or Keller's mill and some few acres of ground on the west side of Belvidere street, not now incladed in theoifer of the company, cosi twenty-four years ago, the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars, in cash. The fourth item in the offer of the company is as ioiiows: "Fourth.

TRe Mount Royal reservoir and th edjactnt ground, containing about four and a ha'f meres puTcnasemjrom" Upon an inspection of the deed for this proper ty, the committee find that the company have not referred correctly to the direct source of their title, which, according to the title papers submitted te ine committee, appears to nave been derived from Alexander B. Gordon and others. In 1845 tnough the title, as vested in those grantors, came to them through Wm. McKira. Aa examination cf the deed just referred to shows further that the president of the company has made an under esti mate of the nan tit of ground in trie Mount Ttnv.

al reservoir property. Instead of four and a half acres, this property contains hve acres, three roods and thirty-three perches, or very nearly six acres i lanu. The Mount Royal resorvoir contains about twenty-five millions of in fourteen feet deep, and, as is the ca3e with the Chase reservoir, has a large stone ice-house attached to it. Thi3 property is so wtll knewn that it is deemed unnecessary to go into further particulars. The cost of the Mount Bnyal reservoir was about of the greund $3,600.

Should it be deemed expedient at any time to abandon this property as a reservoir, the bed of Calvert street passmg through the centre of it, and the bed of Oliver street through the southern portion, there will be valuable fronts on both sides of those streets, besides fronts for short distances upon St. Paul and upon North streets. The fifth item is as follows: "Fifth. The Lanvalr. Cotton Factory, Grist Mill and Dwellings, vrith some tixteen and a half acres, having a front about five hundred feet on North Char Us street." The Lanvale cotton factory building proper cor-sists of a large stone edifice, three stories high, one hundred and twenty-five feet in length, and forty-four feet in width.

building contains three thousand five hundred spindles, and all the necessary machinery for manufacturing cotton goeds. The engine house attached to the factory building is of brick, thirty-three feet in length, by twenty-nine in width, and contains the proper boilers, and other steam machinery-There are on this property a number of two-story stone dwellings and outbuildings, now under rent, but much out of repair; also, a large brick store and warehouse. The grist mill i3 of stone. This building is old and in bad repair, but the machinery is in excellent order. The rental received from this mill i3 $903 per annum.

The cotton factory is not at thi3 time under rent, but produced a revenue when last net of $3,500. The ice-house, at one time attached to this propel ty does not now exist, havinsr been destroyed by fire. It might, however, at Itttle expense, be reconstructed on the old site, close to the dam. and, from the great facility with which ice could be gathered at that point could be made a profitable source of revenue. The Lanvale factory grounds, in addition to the front on Charles street, nave a front of very nearly half a mile on the southwest side of that branch of the Falls turnpike, en the northeast side of Jones' Falls, and a considerable front on the northeast side of the same branch.

The total Lumber of feet that this property fronts upon streets and the North avenue near a3 mis cam-mittee can calculate, about and upon the two branches of ibe Falls turnpike, just beyond tbe city limits, 1,700 feet. Decker street is just about to be opened through this property, and a The Spanish Flekt fob Cuba. The Clamor Publico, of Madrid, May 18th, publishes the following list of the vessels ordered to transport troops to Cuba: Fritrate Cortes, 32 guns; corvettes Isabel II, 24 guns; Villa de Bilboa, 30 guns; Fer-rolana, 32 guns; Colon, 16 guns; brig olador, 12 guns; steamers Francisco de Asis, IS guns, 500 horse power; Santa Isabel, 4 guts, 192 horse power. Alfo the following transports with part of their ordinance: Ship Soberano, corvette Luisa Fernanda, steamers Isabel la Catolica, and Conde de Regla. All the above vessels are to be ready to sail June 1st.

This does not leok much like "peaceful negotiation for the purchase of Cuba." Death in Mount Vksuvius. A letter from Paris, in tbe Boston Atlas, says: "Young Mr. J. Delius, of Bremen, fell the crater of Mount Vesuvius the 11th of May and perished; hi3 body was found.

This unfortunate gentleman wa3 the assistant professor of English Lterature at Berlin, who is so kindly remembered by all American students who have resided in Berlin, from his marked courtesy and hospitality to them. His father and several of his family are the partners of the well known Bremen house that ha 3 a branch establishment in Baltimore, with which city they do a large business." Rhodk Island. The Legislature of this State adjourned cn Saturday, alter a session of a week. What a comfort it must be to have acA a legislature. An important amendment to the liquor (Maine) law was passed.

It authorizes tiie arrest, confinement and fine of any person found drunk in any of the towns cf the State; but, if such intoxicated person shall disclose the name of the person who furnished the liquor with which he f.ot drunk, and shall give evidence against said pcrscD, he may be discharged from imprisonment; and persons furnishing intoxicating aiquors, giving or selling, are liable to prosecution. A Monster of the Deep. A "Devil Fish" became entaneled in a line off Sullivan's Island wharf, at Charleston, on Thursday, and after some trouble was captured bv the owner of the line. It measured 17 feet from fin to fin, and its weight was a ton and a half. The mouth measured two feet and a half, and taking him for ail in ali, it is said, he was a most dangerous looKin? customer.

This is the second of the species that has been taken in Charleston harbor during the last sixteen years. way to California irora. lexas. 1 no a.uwuM Texan says they have enough left. grj-The tannery establishment of Daniel Covell at East Arrington, was entirely consumed by fire last nigh t.

The loss i3 estimated at from to (6,000. No insurance. CrT-George Dodge, a grandson of Gen. Dodge, aged 16 years, wandered from a surveying party in Northern and it is feared he has peiished frcm starvation. Memphis papers notice the appearance of altered notes on the Bank of Memphis from l's to lO's.

CTT-Gen. Gad3den, our Minister to Mexico, wast received with unusual attention and respsct oa his recent arrival at Vera Cruz. gy-Gen. Sara Houston is announced to address the people of Norwaik, on the 4th of Crj-LieuL Richard Forrest has been ordered to the Washington cuv navy yard, In place 01 AJeul. Fairfax, detached.

ClT-Harvest commenced in Talbot county, last week. fire department 0 ZaneiviUe, Ohio, will celebrate the fourth of July. CfT-Hon. Prescott Hall ia to deliver aa era. Uon at Newport, R-I-, on the 4ta of July.

pgr-A new counterfeit $20 note cn the bank or Cape Fear, N. is in circulation. fjrr-First Lieutenant Richard H. Rush, of 2i X. S.

Artillery, has resigned. 0tj-A fire company has been organized at Tanv pico, in Mexico. Geo. Hampton was stabbed and tilled at Louk ville, a few days ago, by Jas. Mc.Uallan.

peaches hive apparad at N. OtlCiaS..

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