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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 2

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

nSManFVRK AT. MlfFTIMfl ThompmhcM Of the CARD EXTRA. BALTIMORE MUSEUM. Things in New York. There has been another SPRIJTG 1MIL.L.INERV.


This Institution continues its operations, under the care of the MISSES PAINE, who from their long experience are eminently qualuiedfor their duties, as instructors of the young. Young Ladies and Misses are received into their family, and 110 effort is spared to exercise over them an affectionate an. I watchful care. Terais Board, Tuition and Waslting, for 3 months, $15. Music extra.

references: a. C. Collins, D. Carlisle. II.

Johns-en, D. do. VV. ll Allen. Pres.

Girard College, Philadelphia. Jesse T. Peck, Wa-mrgton, l. C. Thos C.

Watkins, Baltimore. m'lO-eotft LkS BALTIMORE EQUITABLE SOG1E1 Instmrg Houses from Loss by Fire, are hereby notified that a General Meeting of the Society will be held at their office. No 19 South street, on MON- IIA Hie 3.1 Hav nf Anrit next, at 10 O'CIOCK, A. M-, for the purpo ensuing year. (A, purpose ot electing uveivc uuiuu tue 1v r.

VM. 3. SeoiHnT. MARRIED, On She 23th instant, by Kev. oseph Sharp, SAM DEL II.

REYNOLDS and Miss REhLCLA A. FOROE, both of this city. At Mount Calvcry Church, on the mominr of the instant, by Rev. George Stokes, THOMAS B. (SIMPSON to ELIZA ANN, eldest daughter of G.W.

Starr, Esq. On the morning of the JSth instant, by Kev. nr. Johns. HENRY C.

New York, to MAliV ANN, eldest daughter of John Patterson, of this city. New York and Reading (Pa.) papers' please copy. On the 23d instant, by Kev. Win. Hamilton, JOHN D.

McCUBBINS, formerly of Baltimore county, to ANNA eldest daughter of John II. Hall, of this city. Philadelphia (Pa.) and EastoiuMdO papers pIcsig coTy "I On the 8th by Rev. Mr. Hamilton, CHARLES Z.

O'NEILL to HEBORAH second daughter of Isaac Burley, all of PIED, On the Sf'th instant, MARTHA ELIZABETH, in the 53d vear of her age, relict of Christian Nagle, and eldest daughter of the late Benjamin Macher. Philadelphia and Cincinnati papers please copy. The relatives and friends are invited to attend her funeral, on to morrow (Friday) morning, at ten o'clk, from Use residence of her son, No. 47 McHenry pt. On the smb.

instant, after a short and painful illness, HANNAH in the tilst year of her age, relict ot" James Murdock. May she rest in peace. Philadelphia ar.d New Orleans papers please copy. Her friends and acquaintance are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, on this (Thursday) afternoon, at three o'clock, from herlate residence. On the SPth instant, ot affection of the brain, CHARLES ALBERT APPLEBY, aged 4 years and 1 month.

The friends of the family are requested to attend his funeral, on this (Thursday) morning, at ten o'clock, from the residence of his parents, corner ot Gay and GEORGE ASHING VON, aged 10 years, 2 mouths and 27 days, third son of Peter and Ann Gob mini. Dearest George, thou hast left us, We thy loss most deeply feel. But 'tis God that has bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, on this (Thursday) afternoon, at three o'clock, from his father's residence, No. Ais-quith street.

On Tuesday evening, 2th instant, MARY aged 2 years, 5 months and 4 days, only daughter of Robert H.and Erne line Ward. ork and Columbia papers please copy. The friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, on this (Thursday) atternoon, at half-past two o'clock, fro the residence of her lather, Harford avenue, near Aisquith street. On the 23th instant, at the residence of her mother, MARY, eldest daughter of the late James Bacon, Esq. May she rest in peace.

On the 27ta instant, GEORGE, infant son of A. B. and Catharine C. Mudge. On the 2th instant, COPLAND JOHNSON, aged 1 vear and 1 dav, voungest son of Copland and Mary Houston.

New Orleans and St. Louis papers copy.J On Friday, 24th instant, after an illness of two days, JULIET ELIZABETH, aged 3 years, 3 months and i days, onlv daughter of John and Elizabeih Lusk. When we saw her rose cheek fading, When we eaw her leaden eye, When her light step grew more heavy. Then we knew that she must die. And we wept and prayed in sorrow That high heaven the Rower might spare, But God thought it best to call her From this world of sin and care.

And as sinks a child in slumber, As the sun sinks in the west, So sweet Juliet departed To the land of peace and rest; And laid her in the valley Where the wild flowers thickly bloom, Where the birds sing, and the willows Bend above her lowly tomb. Where the breezes gently whisper. And the moonbeams sleep at night, But sweet Juliet reposes. Heeding not the moon's rale light. Juliet, so fair and gentle.

Earth wiil not bt-hold thee more: Farewell 'till again we me meet thee Oa a brighter, better shore. At Eilerslie, Baltimore county, on the 23th instant, RlEtGLEY" years and 3 months, youngest child of the late John Robinson, of Baltimore. At Mechanicstotvn. Frederick counrv, on Sunday, the 2'Jth instant, VALENTINE FOREMAN, in the Scth year of bis age. A CARD.

BOOTS. SHOES, BSOGANS, would most respectfully the attention of "ity and Country Merehan to our Catalogue Sale of rrime: rresti and fcelect btocK ot ivien-s, omen 3, Mines', Youths', Boys' and Children's BOOTS, SHOES, which tabes place at our Sales Roams, -l-i S. Charles streer.on THIS Thursday) MORNING, 30, commencing at 10 o'clock. gSSale peremptory. in30-it: CANNON MATTHEWS, Ancts.

OTICE. Sealed Proposals will be received until 3.ti! of APRIL, 1S51, at Stale Tobacco Warehouse. No. 3, for furnishing the live Tobacco Inspection Warehouses with NAILS for the year 1354, to be made of the best American iron. A sample of Nails furnished at State Tobacco Warehouse No.

3. En-dotse. "ProTOsals for furnishing Nails." m33 F'C'K SALE, A SEWING MACHINE. The Machine now offered for sale is believed to be equal, if not superior, to any in existence; is simple and perfect in ctinctruction, easi learned, and in no way liable to get out of order. It has been in use but a few weeks, and has given.peifect satisfaction.

Having no further ue for it. it v. ill sold low. Enquire at No. 31 FRANKLIN here it may be seen in operatim.

111 30-3 1 FOR SALE One Heary, Eroad-Tired WAGON, suitablt for hauling Stone, flour, or any heavy wo'k which the owntr will sell low, having no further use for it. ROBERT MILLS, No. 3T2 W. Btltimore street, near Paca. m33-7t': LTOR SALE.

A very superior EXPRESS WA--F GON. It wiil be sold a bargain if immediate application be made. Enquire at No. 33 MARION between Howard and Eutaw. m'n30-3t FOR SALE A handsome EXPRESS WAGON, with shifting top.

in pert'-et order; will be sold low. A ppi at No. 1.7 McELLEF.RY'S WHARF. REMOVAL. TKOS.

J. HAND CO. lmvn Ri' JMOrUL to No. 5rt S. GAY STREET, (Messrs.

McKim's buildings.) Up Stairs. DATES 50 frails and tbrsale by m3o tf new crop red DATES, landing SCHWARTZ DiX, cor Baltimore and Liberty sts. fH EEf -220 boxes Western Reserve CHEESE. VJ BUTTER-S3 bbls. Ireh Roll BUTT PR.

APPLES 160 bills. Western Green APPLES. A ON 50,000 lbs. Ham-, Shoulders and Sides. LARD 25'J kegs ana 20 bbls.

Leaf LARD. 175 bbls. Whisky: Venison, Leather, and Bologna Sausage, for sale by MEIXSEL GRAFTON, m3-Kt 149 Pratt street, near Light st. FIGS. l.oco d'ums superior Eleme FIGS, just le-ceivtd and for sale by SCHWARTZ fc DIX, n.SO-tf cor.

and Liberty sts. D' EN i SON 8c BROTHER, 219 WES TT S1REET, have consttntly for sale COCOA, Cocoa Shells, Cocoa Paste, Prepared Cocoa; Broma and Chocolate; of various kinds; Tapioca, Sago, Bermuda Arrow Root: Gelatine; extra choice Green and BlaekTEAS.and a full assortment of choice WINES, LIQUORS, and FAMILY GROCERIES, 33-ti'r ICE-CREAM AND the best quality, delivered to families at any time, in Moulds or otherwise, at 31 cents per quart. J. FUSSELL, tA4rr Saratoga street, near Calvert. Leeches: 23.000 best German LEECHES, healthy and active, just received per steamer Arabia, and tor sale at the low price of $5 per 100- or J40 per 1000, by WM.

G. PIUCE, ni3')-'l5ir 107 Lombard st. FLOUR, BUTTER, CLOVERSEED, S.C 350 bbls. superior Family, Extra and Eye Fiour; 60 kegs No. i Dairy Glades Butter, for families; 100 bushel strictly prime Cioverseed; 2M bags prime and low priced Cof- Ua.

vprrrhrailhv JAMR1 I. I.AWSi. niiiSO-tfi. Nob. 141 and 143 North Howard gj, CHARLESTON GRITS; Trenton Tea CRACK-ERS; Pared and Unpealed PEACHES; Hermetically scaled cans, with natural llavor; Tomatoes Shaker Sweet CORN; Pine Apple, Canton GINGER, and West India Assorted PRESERVES; Mocho and Java Coffee; superior CHOCOLATES; best SUGARS; Aromatic SCHNAPPS.

For sab; by Vv. H. cLE AN, 62 Charles st. m30-'tfr CUPERIOR OLD WHEAT WHISKY, warrant- 3 ed pure; superior On! Rvfi also warranted: Pinet, Martell and Otard BRANDIES; Superior Sherry WINE, vintage 1839; Prime and Medium qualities Madeira, Port, Malaga and other Wines; a large lot refined Sugars, to arrive; new crop Imperial and Gunpowder TEAS, JOS. HORN, in3J-tiy8r E.

corner Lexington Paca sts. CHEAP GROCERIES, NewcropSu-gar and 7 White do 8 Roasted Coffee 14, 15 and 1 Green do 13, 14 and 16 very old Java, Roasted, 1S a fresh supply of new Teas 50, 75 choice Black do; new crop Orleans and S. H. Molasses 25, 37 and 50 cts. per gall; Super, Extra and Family Flour, at reduced prices, F.

L. LAWRENCJS, mhaO tlr N. E. corner Green and Lexington eis. BALTIMORE SHOVEL AND SPADE WORKS.

PORTER MERCER, Ko. 132 Lombard Street, near Hanover, have constantly on hand a complete assortment of their own manufacture Hammered Solid Strap Steel SHOVELS SPADES. Sieel Back Strap do. do. AmericaH Iron do.

do. Steel and Iron Grain and Coal SCOOPS. BrickmakerV SPADES, English Miners' 3ockt. Colliers' and Limeburners' SHOVEL'S. eotMy9r CHARLES H.

ROSS JIND IN FOREIGN JiXD DOMESTIC LIQUORS, WINES, CORDIALS, CIGARS. WO. 20 COMKERCB STREET, One Door North of Pratt street, Baltimore,) Have constancy on hand COGNAC BRANDIES. WINES. Otard, Dupuy Co's, J.

Hennessy at Co's. Jean Louis. ROCHELLE BRANDIES A. Seignette. Pelievoisin.

J. Durand 81 Co, HOLLAND GIN. Boeblen. Palm Tree. ImDeria! Pear.

Champagne. Madeira. Sherry. TenerifTe. Sicily Madeira, Port.

DOMESTIC LIQUOR3. Extra Old Monoiigahela Rye Whisky. Superior OldMonongahe'a ssiar, Ana various otners tsranas, comprising terive stock. Wild Cherry BRANDY and CORDIAL, Blackberry do do io a very ex- DomesUc BRANDY, Gin. Bitters.

N. E. Rum. Peach BRANDS'. Malaga WINS.

Cordials. Anniseed. Peppermint. Apple do cinnamon. To tretherwith an assortment of Lumps and 5'g TOBACCO; Havana, Principe and Common 1 CIGARS; Garret SI UFF, loose, in Kegs and Blad-ders.

eotApaor RICH JEWELRY, SILVER fc PLATED WARE, wf. E. WARNER, Gold and Silversmith, JSo. 10 Horth Gay Street, lias just opened a rich assortment of FINE embracing a variety of styles and patterns of Brooches; Ear-Rings; Bracelets; Finger Kings; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Chains; Pencils and Pens; Cuff Pins; Buokles; Miniature Lockets, which are offered on the most accom-modating terma. ni30-tt rANFIELD, BROTHER 829 Baltimop Corner of Are dail; Iruly opemn NEW GOODS, such as WAT I'CH- E3.

JEWELRY, BRONZES, CLOCKS, VASES, CHINA ORNAMENTS, MUSIC BOXES, fine OIL PAINTINGS, London and Paris PERFUMERY, Genuine COLOGNE, COLT'S REVOLVING PISTOLS; together wim a great variety of FANCY QOODS, wtecll KC paired upon accommodating BENEFIT OF nits. r.JJKSEY THIS (THURSDAY.) EVENING. MARCH 31, When be repeated The thrilling Drama, in dramatic interest unequalled tj any recent r.igntty ircmtl With Silifrisate and of D1LK, TUE AEtTSBOY, OP. TEST OF VIRTUE. The chaiacter of the Noble Boy by Mrs.

WILLIAMS, Also, the exquisitely mny firce of the IRISH TUTOR. Dr. O'Toole Mr. B. WILLIAMS Concluding with tru- last nove'ty, entitled LAW FOR LADIES.

Sopaia Iteanweii 1 uertrmte, a German F1- c- Williams. player, Salty Si. Sam Sob. her brother Nance Slecuni.a WITH THE COY1C SONCS OF "Woman's Convention," "Jordan," and the German Organ Coinpoaiiioti. HARLKS ST.

'1 HEA KJ op.nfp. or pROPKIK IOi: it. It. KISuEY. Also Proprietor ol RirieyV i-biiigto-i.


FOSTER. 1'fjcts or Anxir-siox: Familv Circle 25 cts. I l'nvate Boies oi Dret-s Circle and Parquets. 53 Doors open at qitaiter before seven. l'erComtance cou.niences at haif past wven.




MTEWAP.T, MISS EMMA TAYLOR, MIs LEWIS. MISS DOVE, MISS CAMPBELL. MISS ST. CLAIR. All the Plays presented at this Theatre wiil be produced with that regard to Ajropriaie liecoratior.s and Stage Appointment which have rained tor the Charles Street Tncatre A NAME AND STANDING Second to none in the Lnion.

THIS (Thursday) ENTNG, March Will be presented Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton's great Play of the HDY OF LYONS: OR, LOVE AXD PR WE Clsude Melnotte, VV. R. GOODALL. oi. Diunas, Beauscant, Glavis, Molp.

Landlord l.t Omcer, 3d do Pauline, Mad. Mr. BLA.Nil. CHANDLER. D.




MUZZY. Miss E. TAYLOR. Vv idow r.ieinotie,.... Alter which, the highly amusing and interesting frnro', caned A PRETTY PIECE OF BUSINESS? Capt.

Felix Merry Mr. D. B. IE WART. Dr.

Lancelot Shee, Mr. J. M. Mrs. Grsnkey, Miss KATE SAXON.

Miss Charlotte Shee, Mrs. STEWART. Dobson MisiLUWIS. Orhce open from to 4 o'clock. Seots Reserved until the end of the First Act, without extra charge.

It i GRAND SACEXD CONC ERT. AT WASHINGTON HALL, On SUNDAY EVENING, April i.l. The SAEJS GLRB UND OF BALTIMORE, comprising all the German Vocal Societifs of ibis city, ar.d numbering over Two Hcsde3 Voices, ill. on this occasion, sing, "HIMHAL'S PRAYER BEFORE the BATTLE." The diilereiit Societies will likewise some Sacred PltCiVOLLANDT'3 FULL BRASS BANB Will perform, and this, toeether with the WASHINGTON HALL ORCHESTRA, Is nn attraction not easily surpassed. C3TlCKETd tor secured ats must be taken by Saii p.bay Evening.

Bos Oihec open everyday from 10 to 4 o'clock V. M. g3 Pre grammes will be delivered at the Hall on tie emng el'the Concert. Gf-GeNTLEMF-'s Tickets 53 cents: accompanied by a Lady. "3.

Door? opt-n at 7. Concert cotamencs at 5 o'clock. XV. Rl'LLMAN'N, Manager. m33 3i 1 LUTILAL HAIR TONIC Tbe above beauti.ul preparmion is not sn empirical remedy, but one suggested by an enlightened consideration of the physiology of the capillary organs.

Tne active principles contained in the Tonic were fust employed with great success by an eminent physician of Europe. In the in cipient stae ot loss ot Hair, it act? wun promptitude, and even in inveterate cases it displays a retorative power sought in vain from the various nostrums of the tlay, wmcii, at trie. oest. are usua.iy devoia oi au ftticit-cy. Pnnce 75 and pr bottle.

Prepared only by IttALKLA iiti fnarmaceuusis, N. E. corner Baltimore and Gay s. To be had also at Coleman Sc Roirs'; John 3. Reese's; Jas.

H. Perkins': and John W. Barry St Co's. (REY HAIR CHANGED NO DYEING EMPLOYED. This happy stam of thinsj can be Buccesntl'y ac" Compiislied hy VAN IMrKOVEO WAHPENE." an article which has established firt.lo inventor a reputation fully sustained by the thousands that have used it.

For rertorin the hair to its original coior, promoting a luxuriant growth in the place of wasted locks, and renewing its natural ami glassy appearance, no preparation has as yet excelled this valuable desideratum. For sale at the depot, 133 Cnam- ben. etreet, New orx, and ny SSi.111 S. HAN CIS, ICS Baltimore strest. Price, tl f-T bot'Je.

or six bottles tor S5. m3l-'tfr LYON'S KATHAIRON For Preserving, Kestorinj, Cleansing and Beautifying tbe Hair, alleviating Nervcus Headache, ar.d curing Eruptive D.seasesof the iskin. its reputation, co-extensive with the civiii-aation of the globe, makes all praise superfluous, exaggeration unposibie; and since 'tis discovery has niuna no suoeumte to compete its incomesiea ns incontestable superiority. Physicians and Chemists honorable citizens from ail professions of life thepeading Journals of Europe and America Ladies who have usea it uptm ueir oressmg-iafies, uiu aiouiers ia their nurseries in fact, its iniiiion patrons everywhere, from plebeians to kinss. pronounce it the most pi easing and eff ective article, either as a Medicinal or Toilet preparation, ever produced.

Do net fail to give it a trial, rnce out J(j cents. t). a. BARNES, Propnetir, ldl Broadway, N. Y.

HIP DISEASE. LAMENESS CURED! HJlMPTON'S VEGETABLE TINCTURE. Read the lollowin extract of a letter, dated Washington, March 1534. Messrs. Mortimer Si Moweray Dear My little rirl contracted lameness, and began to lean to one side, during tbe erly part of last Summer, but I thought it was trom a aDit she naa acquired oi siir.a-ing on the lett foot.

Several persons told me that it was hip disease, which I was unwilling to believe, until became so crooKea mat ws quite aiarmei. In September 1 took her to oneot the best physicians) in our city, who said that her spine was affected, and prescribed accordingly. The medicine feeing of no ser vice to her. be then pronounced it hipjdisease. and said she would probably be lame for life, i then made use nf a much advertised and celebrated Liniment, whieii was to be beneficial in such cases, and continued it until the 10th of I ebruary, when I changed tor Hiirtshorn Liniment, which i used until the 13th.

Her sunenngs becoming more acute, I retunie.l azainto Uie first-mentioned Liniment, but she sml continued to grow worse, and could not move or be moved without tne most intense sunertng. men lionght a bottle of HAMPTON'S VEGETABLE TINCTURE, and on the third day after she had begun to use it she cou straisriiten liersell ana stun.i up without support. The little creature was so overjoyed thai she threw her hands over her bead and exclaimed. 'Oil see. I can stand by nivselt." ne naa not been able to stand as straight for two or three months before.

It is one since she commenced using uie i inc- ture, and can now walk as welbas before sick. Kespecuuny, ii. v., Pennsylvania avenue, near Georgetown Bridge. Washington, I C.

Delicate Females and Children vrill pteae try it. It cures Couirh, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Scrofula, with all derangements of uie system. ail afctt set pumpmen gritis. eee Sold bv MORTIMER MOWBRAYr.243 Baltimnre street, and by alt respectable Druggists in Baltimore, Washington. Aiexanuria, treaerics, Westminster, ajid in all cities, town, villages and places generally, by dealers in Aiedicinrs.

miJ-tt rt PROFESSOR JAMES McCLINTOCK, M. dean of the Philadelphia College of Medicine, for merly President oi the uastieton Meuicai cottege, ic, and, undoubtedly, the best anatomist in the United States, has lately introduced in a popular form several of his favorite prescriptions for the principal diseases of this climate. We give below a lit of the remedies; the name of each article will imply the disease for wluxli it intended to be used. DR. WcCLINTOCK PECTORAL SYRUP, 1.


Price 53 cents. DR. McCLINTOCK'S TONIC ALTERATIVE SYRUP Far purifying Uie blood. Frice ii. DR.

McCLINTOCK'S DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR For giving tone to the etomalh, relieving pains aiter eating, heartburn, and ail disagreeable symptoms arising form indigestion. Frice il. DR. McCLINTOCK'S RHEUMATIC IXTUF-B A purely vegetable remedy for internal use. 60 cents.

DR. McCLINTOCK'S RHEUMATIC LINIMENT For Rheumatism, Sprains, Swellings, itc. 50 ccuu. DR. McCLINTOCK'S ANODYNE MIXTURE For Fains, Toothache, Headache, Neuralgia, Price 60 cents.

DR McCLINTOCK'S FEVER and AGUE SPECIFIC A certain cure for all intermittenu. Price 1. DR. McCLINTOCK'S DIARRHEA CORDIAL akd CHOLERA PREVENTIVE Asafe remedy. PR.

McCLINTOCK'S VEGETABLE PURGATIVE PILLS Forcostiveness, headache, kc. So cts. DR. McCLINTOCK'S ANTIBILIOU3 PILLS-For in the funcr.ons of Uie liver and bowels the tx st Liver Pill made. 25 cents a box.

For sale by SETH S. HANCE. ICS Baltimore and by iirugyisw generally nr. DR. GIDEON B.

SMITH'S CELEBRATED WHOOPING COUGH SYRUf akd soli er COLEMAN ROGERS, No 173 Baltimore sweet. Bold al3 by J. JACOB SMITH, comer ef Leiinf ton and Eutaw and J. W. BARRY fc corner of Pearl and Baltimore sU.

lAlrt FARMERS AND PLANTEKS. GUANO! GUANO! tons No. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, in low of 23 tons and upwards, at $50 20 per ton of -2240 pounds; in lesser lots, ftotn 20 tons down to I ton, $50 2i, with $1 advance and drayage added. All orders left with mm will be executed with cespatcn by ROBERT TURNER, m24-12t 47 South Frederick streeL JOStAH LB JOHNPTOR. HEURV R.

JOH3TON. OTOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMM13 8ION. Investment Securities of the beat charac ter always for eale. Money received on dbposit, ty by of pi' i- 1 i advance in the prices of beef at Washington market. On Tuesday, choice steaks were selling at 21 and 2T cent3 per pound; sirloin steaks, 14 a 15, and roasting pieces 13 a 15.

Veal and corned beef are also higher the former is quoted at 10 a 18, and the latter at 10 a 14 eta. per pound. A bill to incorporate the German Turnverein Society in the city, was rejected by the Assembly on Tuesday. Fourteen officers were dismissed from, the New York custom-house a few days ago. The stock of the Crystal Palace advanced 13 per cent, on Tuesday, in consequence of a rumor that a new plan, to regenerate the.

concern, had been hit upon. But very little importance is attached to the rumored arrangements the Irish Exiles in the city, with confederates elsewhere are making, for the invasion of Canada, with a view of renewing the Irish rebellion. The conclusion is, that if there were really anything in it, the Irish are very green in telling John Bull all about it in advance. Gov. Seymour, it is now said, will neither sign nor veto the temperance bill, so that after the ex- Eiration of ten days it will become a law without is signature.

Twenty-five members of the Journeymen Tailors' Union were arrested on Tuesday and held to bail to answer a charge of conspiracy to injure certain other journeymen, not members of the Union, by attempting to prevent them from working at their trade. The New President of the Ccmbeslaxd Coal axd Iaox Company. The Portsmouth (Va.) Globe, in copy ing from the Sun the announcement of the appointment of A. Mehaffey, as President of this company, makes the following just and truthful remarks A. Mehaffey, clip the following announcement for the purpose of congratulating the Cumberland Coal Company upon their acquisition of such an officer as Mr.

Mehaffey, at their recent election. Mr. Mehaffey, as a Director of the S. R. R.

It. Company, from his fine business tact and qualifications, gave great efficiency and practical lorce and energy to the direction; which was felt in every fibre and nerve of the management. As an officer, M. Mehaffey will take to the discharge of his new duties, enlarged experience and well tutored observation. As a gentleman in the social walks, he is noted for his urbanity of manners and courtliness of his address.

We only speak the language of candor and truth, when we say the company might have sought long and far before they could have found another so well qualified in every respect for the station they have called him to, as Mehaffey. Mexican Colonization Mexican papers give the following abstract of the new col onization law of that government: The Minister of Fomento will appoint agents abroad to recruit and embark colonists for Mexico. The colonists must be of the Catholic religion, and must be furnished with certificates of their being of correct habits and manners, and acquainted with a useful profession. The agents are to watch over the well-being and safety of the col cnists on the passage. Colonists too poor to pay for their own passage shall be provided with one, with the understanding that they are to pay for it two years after their arrival; each agricultural colonist will receive a grant of 52,500 tares carrees oi 'ana nt tor cultivation, ana each iamiiy of three persons at least one of 1,000,000 ares carrees; but they will be obliged to pay for them after five ears, and must reside upon their lands.

The colonists will be considered Mexicans from the time of their arrival, and will be subject to all duties appertaining to them as such. C'6lonist3 may introduce clothing, implements and instruments of agiicuiture, necessary for them to start with, free cf duty. Business of Wheeling. There appears to be considerable activity in business at Wheeling. The Gazette of Tuesday says: The river continues in a good navigable stage, and the Union line boats are running freely.

The Virginia, a splendid boat, will leave to-day. The Falls City left yesterday. The freight brought by these boats is immense, running from three to five hundred tons at every trip. It gives life, vigor and energy to the business ol the city. The Elack Waeeioh.

It is stated that the collector of customs at Havana refused to allow any American house there to become bandsmen fcr the payment of the $3,000 exacted of thi3 steamer. Ir is also stated that the Captain-General is dissatisfied at the action of the custom house officials, and has promised to dispatch a memorial to the Spanish Queen, asking her to remit the fine altogether. Tee Last course of hctures be. the Yourg Men's Christian closes this evtr.ii villi a discourse by Rev. 11.

A. Boardmaa.of Philadelphia. -'Switzei'and" is his subject, which, treated both historically and descriptively, mast possess high interest for the republican and the admirer of ihe grand ar.d beautiful in nature. Ahvsjxesi s. Jtfasetim.

Mrs Barney Williams the favorite comedienne, takes her benefit to-night, atd rfonr.s in two pieces. She will repeat the able and efi'tctive personation of Dick, the Newsboy, and also performs five characters in the laughable piece oi Law Jor Ladies. Mr. B. Williams will appear as Dr-O'Toole, in the Irish Tutor.

Charles St. Theatre. This gem of a theatre will re-cpen this evening1, under the management of Professor JRisley, the excellent company having been performing during the recess in Washington, where they were known as the 'Baltimore Star Company." The old favorites wiil all re-appear, assisted by Mr-W. R. Gocdall, or.e of the most talented young tragedians in the country, who will to nigat appear as Claude Melnoite, in tue Lady cf Lyons, Miss Kale Saxon the part of Pauline.

Tiie additions which have been made to insure the comfort of the audience, ar.d the talented company, will doubtless ensure a successful season. Jubilee and The City Maine Law Convention will present an elegant bamierto the 13th Ward Maine Law Club this evening, at the of the Maryland Institute. The Independent Blues' Band is engaged and the following distinguished orators will address the Rev John Chambers, of Fhiiadelpliia; Hon. Stephen Miller, of Harrhburg; Eev. Stuitt Robinson, of Baltimore, and others.

Oil Paintings. We beg leave to cail the attention of the public to the sale of paintings at Carroll Hail, on X'nU morrinj. by Messrs. F. IV.

Bennett Auctioneers, at half past 10 o'clock. We are informed tiat the colirction contains some very fine specimens of the best English artists, and many other of leal merit. They are to be sold without reserve. Lvkens Valley Coal. A full supply of this superior soft anthracite Coal, from the Mines, is now being received and for tale by Ceas.

est. in the Sun Iron Building The purity, strength, and unilOrra size of the Lyken's Valley Coal, gives it a decided preference over all other free burning anthracite Coal. Kim.ep. St Co. 's Beautiful Lcck.

$13,553 Capital prize to Kns. 23 44 74, sold to a citizen a few days back and Nos. 16 5 67, the CapittI prize of in a whole ticket, also sold a fewdajs since, pet mail, to a of Eichinoiid, Va. This gentleman sent us 50, and in return we sent hiai the above beautiful prize, netting $15,300 clear cash. This makes the twentieth capita! prize fiom down to $10, COO, that Milh Co.

have sent their country patrons within the last few months. Weil done for the old depot, and St. Paul streets, right on Uie corner. Miller Co. invite attention to their Carrol! Co.

Lonery to be drawn this evening, in which the leading prizes are $20,000, $3,000, $4,000, kc. and 14 drawn thus giving more prizes tlim blanks. Tickets only $5: shares $1 25. This is a good scheme for package's 2ti fd.ares, that cost $32 50, wiii on certiticatt; be sold for $17 Hi. Secure them from Headquarters, on the comer of Baltimore St. ns. CITY MISSION. A public Missionary Meet- in, convened by the Diocesan Missionary Committee, acting under the Canon of the Conven tion of Marjlanri, for the city and county, will beneld THIP (Thursday) EVENING, p.t Vi o'clock, in l'cter's Church, tfharp street. The Bishop of the Diocese is expected to preside, and Rev. E.

W. Syles to be present among those who will address the meeting. The public are invited to attend. It nrK NOTICE. Attention MARION GUARDS, LkS TARGET COMPANY' ru.

1 lou are re quested to meet at Head Quarters, Isaiah Pasco's, (Ne rius Ultia,) Fayette street, em FRIDAY EVENING, March 31it. at o'clock. By order, CAPT. RODNEY E. BROOKS, First Lieut.

I). Ii Foster, 2d Saml. Werdab acgk, 3r Isaiah Pasco. HERS OF THE AMERICAN filOIES U3 TANT 11ALT1510 11 LODGE No. 1, of tiie State of Maryland, are requested to meet in their LODGE ROOM.No.3 Temperance Gay street, on THIS (Thursday) EVENING, 30th March.

By order of A. CARNHILL, ni2f i't'j Rec. Secretary. COT LECTURE. The last Lecture of the Course before the Y'junar Men's Christian Association.

wi be delivered at the Assembly Rooms on THIS (1 hursdavl EVENING. 33th at auarter before 3 o'clock, by Rev. II. A. Boardmajc, I).

of Philadelphia. Subject "Switzerland." Tickets to be had at the door 25 cents. 29-21 ffTs CON CERT. The YOUNG LADIES of the LKS WESTERN FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL, having with their Teacher volunteeted to give a. MUSICAL EATKRTJIISMKl-T, for the benefit of the "AGED OMEN'S HOME," on MONDAY EVENING, the Sd of April, commencing at 8 o'clock, at the HEW ASSEMBLY ROOMS, would respectfully invite the co-operation of all persons disposed to xtend a fostering hand to the aged and infirm Tickets 50 cents to be had of the Managers of the "Home;" Young Ladies of the High Scuool; Messrs.

Miller Beaeham's Music Store, Baltimore street, and at the door 011 the evening of the Concert. in 8 lit XV. A. TARBUTTON. rVTyr'' MAINE LAW JLBfLtE! LkS GRAND BANNER PRESENTATION! Hie CITY MAINE LAW CONVENTION will present an ELEGANT BANNER to thelSTH WARD MAINE LAW CLUB, on THIS (Thursday) EVENING.

30th in the HALL OF THE MARYLAND INSTITUTE. Doors open at 7 o'clock; Exerchse3 to commence at 7i o'clnc-k, precisely. ttS-The following distinguished Orators will address the meeting: FEW JOHN CHAMBERS, of Philadelphia; I1 N. STEPHEN MILLER, of Karrisburg; KEV. STUART ROBINSON, of and others, 'ckets 25 cents, to be had at the following places: Actuary's Otlice, Maryland Institute.

lnnsltan U' AMr.un.i 1 Baltimore street. J. TV. Bond An Isaac P. th invention wishing Tickets call en Christisut Keener, Lombard street, near will Han- over, engaged.

UbebXDBSST BLUES' BAND Has By order of the m23 3t. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS 'NOTICE. The undersiirnM imv. pointed by the HERTFORD Ft hp. i'viVpT, to wait on the citizen nf Raltimnro tn tributions to aid ihmn In defraying the expense of rebuilding their Engine House.

SAM.M. EVANS, Sec. Coroinities JftSi JR, West, Witt, U.Logan, and Sam. KtTrPIKt' Awn; 1st BALTIM ORE SIP. hET, ti JaV exM c.f'l ri Mriir Hants ard Millimus pbrd with I atti-ru Hats on term'.

jJJ Has taken tne Mini iiksv No. 53 HJINOl KRi forrttnly rtcrnpted by Mrs. Rjrs, rectify Mis. Esenon, 1ceye.l, n-re oa tl'iLI-VG MILLINLKY, rtiSO-gt; tlN att Rn at, Ap-j' UX. M.H HF.CHT will op-n If SATI'HHAV MORNING the 1-t of April, at ln-r SHUW ROOMS, No.

Baltimore Street, corner ipoiei's aiie-j. (up Stain, entran-e tkri-tzh tut Mw, a line and vand ol tl.e ATEST STYLES OK PARISIAN MLLL1NLEY. Als.t, beaut till PA IUS MANTELETS, such as Vriutiaji I'ehsi-e, Kojal Exfjtiiiie. tec, fraia -the litest importations, and wiaiii sh would re-rpectitilly the attetUon ofter Iru-adi and tus ic. so VALUABLE I ARM FOR SALS.

Tiie sut- scribtrs ate to Tt'ii and Known as LOXiGE FARjI, tl.e i iorcny John E. Howard.) S't iv.i lve from and coi.tiiii.ii IO UR Ii UN DilED AND zIX VY TWO ACRE. ii. ore ot itrss. It is bounoed on the eist b-r Nortiii'oiM Creek; by the Patapacoiaverontiiesoutti; ly Ba.k Rtver on the norta; and by tiie farm of Henry Jones on the we-t.

Tne i'ttxivemen! cm- sisl ot a handsome 1 DWELLING, Ci two Kitchens and Kvnis lor Servants; a lirge TIYJ SIUKV BP.1CK BARN, with Siiblmg at each end; Ice Dairy; hate beea extra put wi.nin isst tiro Cm Cow liousi-; Piggery; Suvt-p Jue; Mat House, Jtc. About tw.j hundred su.J fifty acre are clearec and under culivaron, the well tua-b; red v. ill: HICKORY. OAK, Tbe-e is every I'a-cihty ur loading vessels f.icli field. Tnere are 5-eerai admirableGur-iHiig 1 Point on liiis Farm, nd any quanniy ot Willi Fowi and Fish can be prrcurtd wiitiout ciScnlty in tne proper season.

The Ground lias been well improved by the use of Guano. Lime and Ashes, large quantities of e-icl having btcn um wilhm a short time Pa-u Seventy-nve atres aie now coivn in li EAT, put in wuii Uuino and Cover, the wuie Farm itesctiientcondi Per? dit-irons of p'trcbnsirg a first rate Farm are invited to tne premi-es. If at Sale b-fore WEDNESI) the DA OF MAY NEXT, it wiH be oHcrei on UiatdayatPtlhcSale, uoie te. Terms One-ti i.d in twelve moaUis, ard the reRiaiiiii.gthlid us wiui sscuruy iiterrt on the cr.d:i apply to SAM'L. BARNES.

asl Ba'timfire coni.ty. A. LEAKIN, Att-irut-y ai Lav-, nuaient Square. Letters sddre sed ejtncroi Uie unacriiga-ed will nctivt pton.rt attention. IMCEL P.AR.VES, mh33 SHSPPARD A.

LEAKIN. TRUSTEE 'a cAlE By vf a dn-ree of the Sunpnor t'OTiit t'itv. in Eauitv. siL the uiuit-rsigned, wiii v.l'tr at Uie Ex-rbange. in the Citv tf Baitiiiiore, at pu'die sale, oa THURSDAY.

of April, at u'clotk. p. ALL THAT VALUABLE LOT 51 feet on tiie north Fi le of street, Willi of lv5 ft ft inches adjominf tde Luitiertn Chuttli, Pt.nn ana tireen streets, it ii ttis improvements thereon, consisting a large three-story ERJC'K DWELLING, nearly new, with lirge and extensive Buck, havirgthe finish and convenience, of modern improvemeuM, and onet.f the most subitaiihul and well built Houses in the city. The term of sale are or.e-tiiird cah onlhediyof or rniif.cation theieof by tl.e court, and ta-s balance in oie and two years, with secuary and ia-t rest, payable half yearly. Title indisputable aa.i immediate possession given.

the atiive named day of tuit, tiie proper! tiny bad at pnv.ite sale. A Trustee. ni 3J-Tliltt GIBSON Aiictioneerii. SPRING STYLE tr HATS fUlilSt. iii btimr Sherirf of Baltiiiore Citv does notJ prevent me lrom savinr.

as usual, to rv old fi-ietKM nd customers, tl-at 1 ar sti'! prepared i.i'iirnLsa tifra with uie SPRING STYLE Or FASaiONABLB HATS, which I shall introauee this day, 4tn March, and fhitier myself that tbey will lavoraittycompara. in beauty of -tyie, fiiusit and workmanship, wiia say ottered in this or any other market Bent s4 CO; Second Quilt'v S3 tir-t'ief witfi ji general of SOFT FELT HATS aiii CAPS, and Uhidren's FANCY HATS. S. HINDES. No.

13 Gay mren. tA4r 3 d'tora frttai tiie Bndta. A GEO. XV. WEBB.

GOLDSMITH Sr JEWELLER, No. 143 Baltimore Street, addiriTM his stock of Rick GOLI JEWELRY, AND FINX FANCY APTICLE, to which he would invi.e attention ot piircna'svr. tj ml -tfn lift. M. J.

CHSRRY. DENTIST, naj REMOVED bis) Orhce from the comer of l.ihertv and Baltiiiiore sireeu to 41 ANO VER STIiEET.r.ear Loin hard, where he respectfully irviteo his trietidsj md tne piiniic to call and rximiri-a hi beanuful epecinieiiS of CONTINUOUS TEETH. ni3if FOR ALEX AN DEI A AND W. P---ING'l ON. -Steamer OSCEOLA I ASii- Flanni? in's wharf on Fill DAY AF TERNOON, at i o'clock.


FREIGHTS IO WASHINGTON. Notice is hereby given, that on and after tne first dr.y of Aptil next, tne ebaree tor transporting ill following intrchundize wiil be reduced lOttnisr-cr 100 Its viz: Stgats, Conee, Eiffin ir Liid, Iron Pi55 or Bars. 1 tie enartte on u.y uooas, Mores ami urr.iture oi all Kinds will continue to be cents per ic-3 lb tin-tii furtber i.otice. JNO. U.

DON ni3Sl tcr.i'Ter CGr Master of Transportation. CARR1 A Gr.S CARRIAGES. The subscriber iisi i'it 'ti-ue irw CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, in SOV 6AI STREET, lie Ercliar gr, whw lit Urtest aad best assortment of CARRIAGES ctjt fo-md in tae city. Person will iLai i. tfceu jo give me a I am determicej seli low CASH OR AJ'PIiOY'ED PAPER, at i AH work old at mv for xwtirt Bombs.

Oid repairea uort couic ffi' itvn in excaans fci new mgo-tfrt W1LLIAK McCAg, -X FOR SALE AT FRONT ST. HOTEL 51 FULL-BLOODED BAY MARE; mack; fc. ,.,,.1 tail- 1 htvh TPlrl legs, mane and tail; hands htgh; is a rrifdid riding a timai, ind gos well i i.ess. 1 NORTH EP. ORG A 51 yea in hir- a-s olJ.

ALSO A splendid BAY HOESE. Ehherof trie 1-ter can go in less than s'-j minutes entrained. FOR RIO DE JANEIRO lYith i.epaiA, tine fast sailinf new clipper irqne A. A. i DUBUT can accommodate a few more passer xers.

Appiv to niter on bfta'd, it fot of Aim st eel, ot t.j AMES WHITING, 13 Pratt street, oppusita Bnw ly's whaf. nt -as FOR CH AhLESTON. S. V. tiUZSL BALTIMORE AND SOUTHERN afdsAaarw PACKET COMPANY'S The splendid new Steimshi? TEN NE3 FEE, Lewis Faprish, coinmandt-r, of tons bwr-theis, now cargo, atd will saii as from Patterson's Wnarf, oa FRIDAY, Slst at A.M.

For freight or passage, havin? larjre cipacity aa i unsurpassed state rftom acconiaiodiu-ms. apply to J. HOOPER H. Arents, m5f-St; cor. Smith's Dock ami Pratt st.

Cabin passage (ir.cludirg meals) 5J Steerage 9 THE UNDERSIGNED bavin? mwuied pVt-5 il emselvrs as SFRGiCAL AND ECU AN R'AL DENTISTS, Ofltce No. IS? Lenr.jf-ton 1 door east of Howard ie.specttu'.'y solicit ynur patroiiae. The experience of ye ars in clae andl constant practice in tbe profession of Denti-nry ena-b rs ti to state that all business ertnisted to bj carefully attended to. STEWART St EASTER. m2f-t; MIL ES LL ES L'LES fh U-scriber has just arrived and has for sale for- of MARK.

Vri.ES-trorn Lm- Amor.g them aresome twenty p.tir oi itie iteet colors, ana i.e naa no cesiiation in all thinps considered, tbey are the bentft of Mules ever got tosether in the world. Enquire of the snbsca- b.r, orof VVM. DORiACKER, Three Tun corner or Pratt and Faca streets, Baltiiinre a Illll.r-Ol f. Itlilii.r't yr7! 9, FOR SAL A CAKIUAGS. rrtJiiS.

Borse, Baltimore mate, in good order, kJ having been but Iitsie ued. All. a se- eond-band BUGGY. Will be sold low. Apply nt 3i BALTI ORE or 5 Nona CHARLES FREE F.

matt-cootf Jts BLt.til IV AWJA 1 UK SALE-A nrjt S2.rnie Secor.d-h md BUGiY, top. but verr little used. Apply 1 1 ROBBING BIBB, Baltimore Stove House, 4j Light street, below Lrmbard. wS eoiit FOR SALE An eTcellent second har.4 passer rer CARRIAGE. Also.

2 To BUGGIES, in F.rsu rate or- der. The above will be id low lor rash ot go I pt- iter. To be seen at Tryor's Coach Factiry, No, 3 N. REDLinCK ST. FOR SALE A fine bay MARE, between 9 ai.d 7 years old.

Will vhI; in any fcmd of harness, and is a rood n. ue. Warrant ed sound and perfectly gentle. Enquire at Ute otSce. ir.3-3t( FOR SALE A goi uniTy HORSE, sound ml A -win 1 nivriAr a irg lio fitniier for bun.

a one-horse Family AGE, and BUGGY'-WAGON and HARNESS. A': ore top cheap for cash. Appiy MRS. L. HOLMES, No.

t-i Broaaway, r.lis-3t;- FOR SALE A large bob iu37 liOFtSE, gttiiable eiiiter for a I5urry ily Carriage, seven yeari old genl broke, ar.d a rice driver. bobtail RAY or Fam- Le, well ALSO, one no-top BUGGY WAGON, a first rate article, mad? by Cur'ett n. BoUicanbe seen at MR. SHIPLEY'S STABLER, comer of liollid.iv and Pleasant st. 3t fix FOR SALE.

A fine stylisn FAMILY' fctv HORSE, pis vears old. out And trrtniie. S.v4 lor Applyat Sunothce. ns7 If 4 Ty HORSES, HORSES. 3l-i3 ForsMe or exchange at JOHN -t--f- STABLES, ear.

Calrert trnt Pleaszn streets. a fine selection of tiniight HORSES; alj. a ane ot Northern Horses. They are smart and well The proprietor has a variety of new BltrtiY WAGONS and fine HORSES to liire. Also, Sadd.e Horses for Ladiesj and Gentlemen.

Hordes tKea at livery, it being one of the best localises in the city. The proprietor'H Iotl is well supphci with tie best LKiUORS and CIGARS. Families supplied wiUi OYSTERS nrd al! th? delicacies of the season. JOHN HiN-sLLl, fl8-eoeraj re1 MRS. FHARNUM'S COUGH 'iit taat hat tar to hear, let tf BilTUtoti, Nov.

10. 1953. Dear Madam The duties of my business have ei rosed me to coughs, cold, asthma and pmnionarr affections. I have been deprived of Uie pawer at-tending to tiie dutie of ray uirmld hav till been, had it not have been for the benism e.feci of your Medicated Candy. I trtea it btu a few hour before I began to reap uie advantage of iu e-fecw.

My COU2h and hoarseness left me. yY ARE HEALED And my appetite greatly improved. uieref ot, hs no hesitation in adding my testimony ta uoi ta many who have experienced the benents of your wait-aoleCouga Candy. Warsmem. For sale by J.

W. Bond, S. 8. Hance.J. VV.

Barry, J.T.H. Brirrman, Prrkms St. Bm J. F. Perkins, S.

K. Flrmuir, M. A. Duke, E. R.

Stahl, J. M. Laroqtie, ITios. J. Pitt.

Messrs. Read, T. C. Hopkins, Wm. Hunrao, and by lnigarisu taroj "fiou; taa cut, Stsa and of Voiumba nux Uda3i-'; ber: call ana wok at 11; -zo rem a yeai.

KNICKERBOCKER tor April; 25 GODEY'S LADY'S ROOK for Aptif. NATION AL AGAZI lor April. ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZ! for April. monthly nutf.nuiiu iur.La. look out for Hard Time.

ltt NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOKS tAT HENRY" TAYLOR'S. Sun Iron DR. CUMMING'ri APOCALYPTIC SKETCHES Lectures on the Revelations, first series, cloth, 75 cents. THE SEPULCHHES OF OUR DEPARTED, by Rev. F.

R. Anspacb, cloth. $1. FROF. STOKES ON DISEASES OF THE HEART A 7U 1 1 AORTA rtoth.

S3 53. HOiMER'S POETICAL WORKS, 2 a work of sterling merit. n. FORTUNE W1LDKLD, a new Hovel, by Dickens, only 25 rents. THE SECRETARY, or CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVI DENCE, price 25 cents.

Beautiful ami correct MAP OF TIIE SEAT of WAR IN EUROPE, colored, only 12Z cents. CORRECT MAP OP KKRAS A. il cents. GLEASON'S PICTORIAL for this week is a good. riumner, only cents.

5-AH the new BOOKS: all the MAGAZINES: all tht! PAPERS, and everything in the Book for sale Wholesale or Retail, by HENRY TAYLOR. Sun Iron liuildinf. TO THE LADIES. GODEY'S APRIL NUMBER OF THE LADY'S BOOK, Contains every new Spring Fashion, deigned expressly for the Hook. Colored Fashion Plates Spring Fashions Two new patterns for Spring Mantillas, trom Mrs Suplee.

Two new Snrinsr Man'illas from Brodie's. Two new full di ess Spring pauerns lioia Mrs. Su plee. The new Spt ingJBonnet from White'3. Spring Riding dress.

Ladies new spring Scarf-Mantelet, with a pattern to t-iit bv. And about 40 other Engravings of Fashions. Work- rat ti rns. t.m broidery Model ituildings, orotciiei ana Netted Work, Chemisettes, Under-sieevcs, Capes, Ladies' Slipper, Embroideied Apron, Sic. fTris number will be sent on receipt of S3 cents, postage paid, TER1IS.

One copy one year $3 Two copies one year 5 Five copies one year and an extra copy to tue person sending the club 10 Eight cftpiea one year, do i Eleven copies one year, do do do 23 3-Godey's Lady's Book and Arthur's Home Maga zrne will both be sent one year rbr $3 53. L. GODEY, No. 113 Chestnut sr. Philadelphia.

For sale by HENRY TA LOR, It Sun Iron Building. Baltimore. OFFICE OF THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY, 23 HANOVER ST. Baltimore. 29lh March.

1S54. SEALED PROPO SALS will be received at this ofiice up to the 15th day of April next, inclusive, 'to be opened and decided uron ou the following Monday.) for furnishing the loilowmjr named materials, to wit: 103,000 lbs of Joint Plates, 3 half round Under Plates, 4ii with tlauges 20.250 Hi Nut Iron 87,750 a Bob Iron 13,500 2iK Washers Ship Spikes 9-18 square, 8 in. Ions WU.CtiO Cross tie Spiaes, 5i in. louj AND feet of Oak Scantling 3l in. 5 to cut in lengths oi io, ij, 20 md 2o ledt, wiin- out waste.

The above materials to be of the best quality, and subject to the inspection of the Company's Agent. On application at this ofiice persons desirous of bid dins wiii have exhibited to tiiem patterns and draw ings of the various articles wanted. All offers to be addressed to the undersigned, endorsed "PROPOS ALS Foil MATERIALS." The Company reserving the right to accept or reject, in whole, or in part, at their option. terms ot payment to oe specitie.i ny Did tiers. v.

m30-l5t! President BALTIMORE FIRE INSURANCE CO-tfPANY JJ A 9. 84 SOUTH STREET. This Company INSURES AGAINST LOS3 OX DAMAGE BY" FIRE in the city or country th various descriptions ot property. BOJiRD OF DIRECT OR 3 J. I.

COHEN, PRESIDENT Tm. 1 F. Vr. Alriefcs. iJ.

Penninrto. P. A. Tavlor. IS.

O. Hulfman. Joshua I. Coaea. J.Bircfchead, Francis T.

Kinj, W.G. Harrison, David S.WUson, B.T.Thompwn, W.F.Worthing- Ceo. tt. icterSjUV. ton Henry FREDERICK WOOD WORTH, m33 TUThStstfr fcecretary.

A FRF.VP 'S 'R AN'I'E COM JfX PANY'. Office. No. 13 SOUTH ST. Ocen daiim for the I-untrance of all dsicriptiort of Prwcrtt) wOte iu i.mvs 37 tie ray.

JOHN R. MOORE, President. Directors: Charle Weet, Mechanical Jacob Tran, rtrrt Baift iorge iiamian, union Noah aiker. Friendship J. T.

Farlow, Deptford Ailen Paine, Liberty 6 am'l Kirk, Independent R. C. Mason, Visriiar.t W. A. Hack, New Market J.

C. Wueedeu.Columbian rancis nurns, Lnuec James Young, Franklin J. Pear3n, Henry Hardesty, Patapica F. A. Miller, Howard Jas.

A. Bruce, Watchman Jos. C. Boyd, LofayeUd, eotftr JOHN DUKE HART, Secretary. FIREMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY.

orric oh Trt korth-kast corhir SOUTH AND SECOND STREETS. INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR D.AM AG 3 3T FIRE, on ill ascriptions of PROPERTY within the limit of the cuy. JOHN REESE, President. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. John H.

Ehltrn Mendez I. Cohen James Field Ant. J. Aii.ert Dr. G.

S. Gibson Garret Brown Chas. M. Keyser I Henry Pike iSamue! Wilson M. F.

Keyset George Roers T. L. Shaffer jGeorfe. Rorers Diffeiiderffer Fred'k Sevier H. R.

Laudennan Caleb Park Henry L. Reitx Edw. Jenkins T. W. Levering Nath3n Tyson Wm.

Robinson Joshua Dryden S. Donovan C. Koaj Eoiton Robert Taylor Wm. Reatif-y "John G. Reaney W.

Cox THOS. G. John Gushing Francis Daw el Oito Toruey. UTTER, Sec TAXATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. i OFFICE No.

13 SOUTH STREET. This Com pany lniiurea et erv description of Property ill Use City sr Country asrainst loss or damage by fire. The Directors meet daily at 12 o'clock to determine upon apolications for insurance. No detay wii! experienced bypeisons having btmi-mwi wiu the office. JNO.

B. SEIDEN3TRICKE3, Borzrd of 4. A. Chprnaa, iSami. Fenby, Job Smith, -Creo.

Bartiett, T. H. Jos. W. Wm.

Loney, F. Sangston, Jno. W. Ross, iHenry M. Bash.


CAPITAL. CHARTER PERPETUAL. i -i; i nAn.i.tii.1. i u'iti-aiiixa iuiuicu i. siso on Merchandise, Furniture, ace, in ioa-u aui countrT.

Marine Insurance on Vessels Cararoes and Freiriits. Inland Transportation risks on Merciiandisii by Eairloads. Canal. For Marine or Fire Insurance in this Company ap ply to WM. L.

MONi AtiuE, oiiiy aaiiiorized Agent for the city of Baltimore. JOEL JONES, President. A. S. GILLETT, Secr'y.

Local Directors. A. S. I H. F.

Jaeksoa, F. XV. Bennett, I Z. Baruuni. Arrlicauon3 for Fire Risks received and policies is sued here, on terms as favorable as those ot any other company.

I am also authorised to receive andtrans- mit applications for Marine insurance. tApior WM. L. MONTAGUE, Agent. A CARD TO FARMERS.

TREGO'S SOLUBLE ALKALINE PHOSPHATES. WITH PERUVIAN GUANO. This unequated Fertilizing Compound as prepared by the subscriber, by combining in proper proportions fresh Bones, dissolved in Sulphuric Acid, with the Salts of Ammonia, Potash, Soda, Magnesia. and best Peruvian Guano, is now onereuto farmers ana Planteis as an article greatly superior in fertilizing power and durability to Peruvian uuanotuone, ana at 20 per cent less price, in audition to tue reruviau tJiinno. the dissolved Bones contain more Soluble Fhosphates thau the average of Mineral Phosphates, or Mexican Guano, and aiso all the gelaiine resulting from the solution of fresh Bones in Sulpbu.iic Acid, nddiiia arreatlvto its value, as the srelatine (31 perct.) forms Ammonia after it is applied to the soil.

Being very soluble and not volatile, the compound may be used as a ton dressing for trtass. grain or veyetib'es in the Srtrincr. or ineomoriited with the soil in Putting in or cultivating any crop. It is put up in barrels of 300 lbs. each, and delivered rreeonuoara Baltimore at the low price of $40 per ton; and the Soluble Alkaline PhO'phates without the Peruvian Guano at S'U pei ton.

1 emis cash on delivery. WM. TREGO. Manufacturing Office, No. 117 Lombard street.

Factory. Hughes st South eide Basin, Baltimore. mli30-eo3t Qp CROYEAU'S TRICOPHEROUS. OR HAIR INT'IG ORA TO FOR PRESERVING, CLEANSING ASD BEAUTI FY INK IB HA1K. Comvletcln eradicating ScurfT.

and other Diteaset of the Skin, and uili change the Hair ina a soft, gksiy and healthy stale, ar.d impart to it a darker COlOr, PREPARED BY AUGUSTIM tKUli.1U, No. 171 BALTIMORE STREET, hetwern Lisrht and Calvert Baltimore. This universally approved and admired article cleanses the Hair renders it beautifully tiriaht. Ei il iniTjiirLs to it the delicate frairranci; of tho flowers. Hair washed with this preparation soon be comes soft and brilliant.

Ladicswill findmyTricopherousof great advantaj? in cleansinsr and dressinir Children's Hair, 33 it will at once clean the skin and lay the foundation for a good bead of hair. It may be used on an infaat with peitrct satety. PRICE 25 CENTS, (large bottles.) m3.i-2w. i 1 ESTABLISHED 1544. iJcKIM, GREENWAY CO.

BANKERS AND DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE, 173 Baltimore street, KaUvnore, Ricirve Monet on DEpasrr, bft seli. stocks, BONDS, EXCLUSIVELY OS COMMISSION, In all the Home and Foreign Markets. Far Particular attention to the negotiation of Busi ness Parier. and to makin Collecuons on all points. and are prepared at all times to furnish parties seeking investments with first class paper, and to make advances on paper left in their hands for collection or sale.

mjj I AND WARRANTS, of 40, 80 and 13 acres, and JLi Revolutionary Scrip, constantly wauted, at au ad vance over uie current marset raies, ny JOHNSTON BROTHERS Bankers and Land Warrant Dealers, STOCKS FOR HALE. FRANKLIN BANK STOCK, BALT. fc OHIO R. K. BONDS of 1975 and 13SS.


Wi30-tfil 1 Second street. Fkkp'k C.Cook. Georgk Irwis. COOK IRWIN, STOCK AND BILL BROKES, 75 Second Street. Fny and sell on commission all STOCKS and SE- CUR1TIE3 of this and the Eastern Markets.

in3)-tfr flHrt TO LOAN AT THE LlCE.tSED LOAN OFFICE, 32 Lombard street. between Frederick street and Market Space, on Dia mond, watches, Silver are, nne Jewelry, Clothing, and Merchandise generally, on reasonable terms; ana all transactions strictly confidential. Articles aejMwit- ei in this orhce Wia be Kept tor any length ot time nffreeq upon, waav laiL, wui "BALTIMORE. THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1854. He mo ed The telegraph wires were Considerably exercised yesterday, all over the country, with, rumors of a hostile encounter be.

tweaa Messrs. Cutting and Breckinridge, of the Jlouse of Representatives. A pretty sharp passage I words occurred between these gentlemen oa "Monday last, in the House of Representatives, by lio means seemly or creditable to the place or the aaen; but it is to be hoped they do not contemplate aaaggiavation of the offence against congressional decency by another against society at large, in a deliberate attempt to murder one another. "We do not of course publish the several rumors despatched to us by our correspondents at Wash-ington, inasmuch as they are entirely discredited ty more recent information from that city. Happily no knowledge exists there, publicly, of any meetin" having taken place.

We subjoin the following 'from the Star, which is probably as au. thentic "as the circumstances will admit of:" Evtr.ored Duel. The whole city being excited over the fact that preparations were made yesterday for a hostile meeting between Messrs. Cutting and Breckinridge, our duty to the public as journalists renders it obligatory upon us to state the general understanding of the progress of the affair, to as late an hour as we have been able to learn anything apparently reliable concerning it. Thus, the understaudiEg among the public men in the city is, that immediately on the conclusion of the personal controversy in the Hall, on the day before yesterday, between Mr.

Breckinridge and himself, Mr." Cutting, on advising with Messrs. Hunt, of and Eissell, of 111., as to what course it might be his duty to pursue, addressed Mr. through Col. Mumoe, of N. for an explanation, which merely led to negotiations between the friends of the parties; Messrs.

Munroe, Bissell and Hunt, on the part of air. Cutting, and Messrs. SUdell, Louisiana; Freston, of Kentucky, and Hawkins, on the part of Mr. Breckinridge. Every cxi'ort to accommodate the afl'dr i3 said to have fcseen made, and at 10, r.

it was generally believed that a meeting had been arranged to take place this morning. General Lane, of Oregon, it is also understood, was to accompany Mr. B. as Lis friend on the field. P.

S. Up to the hour (1:4, r. at which we go to press, we are satisfied that the parties are still in Washington: and, of course, that they had not yet fired a shot. And, further, that a3 we write this paragraph, the affair has not been adjusted, though iriends of the principals are still laboring to effect an amicable settlement of the ciihculty. It will be seen by the later dispatches under cur telegraphic head, that the affair was understood to have been amicably settled last evening.

The United States Invited to Join Russia. Geo. Sanders, the rejected U. S. Consul at London, received lately, it is said, a letter from a distinguished Russian diplomatist, intimating that "England iind France will soon become united ri-rals to the United States, and urging the latter to join Russia against those two powers.

The writer makes an adroit appeal to the commercial jea lousies of our country, and hints are held out of the great service which Russia can render the woild by re-establishing Polish independence, and by checking the supremacy which England is xapidly acquiring over other nations. He. also Says Russia is the best friend America ha3 at this anoment, and America can help her in the work regeneration. America has menev, and is in want cf it: and no doubt Russia will be glad to contiact a debt with America at the rate ot six jer cent. not by obtaining cash, but for cash worth in ships, ar.d the tntans of keeping up the icur with those oppota her.

America can build her ships to any extent, large and small, and American ships can tike cut Russian seamen for them, as passengers, and which neither France nor England can prevent. England would break with France tc-moircw could she go back to her original position with Russia; butthis she must not be permitted to co, if the world has a right to be free! She fears America, but she does not respect her, and I tiust the people of the United States are noi blind to this fact; aid they never had a better opportunity than they have at this moment to teach England to understand her duty. Cexteal Ohio jRailsoad. The work on. this toad is being pushed on from Zanesvilie to the Ohio river with all practicable speed, and it i3 expected a connection will be formed with the Baltimore and Ohio railroad at "Wheeling, in Auu3i next.

Only about $300,000 worth of grading aa 1 masonry remain to be done. Over wortn of machinery Las been contracted tor, the delivers cf which i3 to commence on the 1st of August. The road is now in successful operation from Zanesvilie to Columbus. By the way, we observe that an "indignation meeting" has been held at Zanesvilie, and the directors severally censured, and the removal of the President called for, in consequence of their having contracted for the kuilding of a number of cars at Alexandria, York, and Taunton, to the detriment cf the builders in Zanesvilie. Coxfarative Loss bv Fiees.

The amount of property destroyed by fire last year Baltimore amounted, as appears by official report, to about cne hundred thousand dollars; in Boston, to tico Jiundred and siity-eight thousand dollars; in New York, as will soon appear, it is said, by the report Cf the chief engineer of the fire department, it has amounted within the year to nearly five millions tlollars. The annual number of fires causing aa-lerial damage in London, is about two hundred and fifty; the annual number of such fires in New York city amounts to twice that number, although London has four times the number of inhabitant and seven time3 the number of buildings. These are facts, the bare statement of which is sufficient to demonstrate thai the system cf preventing and is wretchedly de- ectie. CoxniJiENTAav Testijioxiai to K. C.

Jau-Eett. This gentleman, the proprietor of the Baltimore DIurcum, has had a complimentary benefit tendered to him by the attaches of that establisa-luent, to take place on Friday evening. The entertainments will be of the best description, and worthy cf the occasion. Mr. and Mis.

Barney Viiliams, and Sir. John E. Owens have kindly volunteered their services, ftlr. Jarrett is a public spirited and enterprising young gentleman, and Las dine much for the gratification and amusement cf the public, who will, no doubt, show by hcir, the appreciation in which he 13 Leld by them. Tke Law of Libel.

A bill is before the judiciary committee of the Legislature Fennsylva. nia, which provides thit when an editar, proprietor, or publisher, is sued for libel, he may oSer in defence evidence to show that the facts, when j'Ublished with good motives, were justifiable, and necessary fcr public information. Another eeetion provides that no editor, proprietor or publisher, shall be indictable for any measure or cf any person in hi3 employment, unless said act is committed with his or their consent. A very seiisiTj'le measure. Fiee ix Talbot Kennedy, the clerk cf the steamer Hugh Jenkins, from the Eastern Shore last evening, informs us of the destitution, by fire, yesterday morning, of the 'Ehcal Creek Mansion," the residence of tho late Gen.

Chaiies Goldsborough, on Choptank IUver, Talbot county, hid. It was an old, but substantial, well built edifice, constructed of brick imported from EDgland, is said to be insured lor 1,000. It was in the occupancy of Mr3. J. Leeds Kerr, idow cf the former Senator Kerr.

Attempt to Fiee a Steamer. A few morning's ago, just after the steamer Telegraph had ar" rived at Cincinnati from Louisville with SSOU.OOO in specie, belonging to Government, on board, a dating attempt was made to set her on fire by igniting a bundle of rags above the boilers. The blaze as just working its way through the flooring into the cabin, when it was fortunately discovered and extinguished. Pesxsvi.vaj.-ia State ArraopRiATiorf. The bill before the Pennsylvania Legislature, providing fcr the ordinary expenses of the State Gov crnmf i.t, repairs of canals and railroa ds, and other general and special objects, appropriates 55,903,097 for the fiscal year, commencing June 1, 1851.

is for interest on the funded debt; for common schools; and to relay the Columbia railroad. 1- Ceobge Law's Steamships. The New York Times says that Mr. George Law has sold out hi3 entire interest in the United States mail steamship company, to Mose3 Taylor, Chas. R.

Heck3her Marshall O. Roberts, who will -add at least iwo new ar.d fast steamers to the New York and Aspinwail line, so as to have a spare ship at each port, in case of accident, and with a view to improve the attractions of the Panama route. mm The Artesian "Well, at Frederick, has obtained a depth of 400 feet. The Examiner says that on Friday a week the augur suddenly fell ebout a foot, and the water rose to within 20 feet cf the surface. It now overflows the surface of the rock, and ascends the wooden pipe to the Jueight of three feet three inches.

Mrs. Catherine Eliza Rush, wife of Hon. XUchard Rush, died at Sydenham, near PailadeL p'Lia, oa Friday, in the 7lst year of her age. fjrjf-The State Department, it is said, is preparing a full list of Spanish depredations upon our commerce during the last ten years. CfJThe report that Edwin Forrest, the tragedian, liad become a convert to spiritual Tappings, is pro gicunced.

to be wholly untrue. 7-Robert Tyler, is spoken of for United UtvS CtEl a.t Leaden, B4ejs, reject, El Tl.e Managers of this Sew ing Society for the benefit of the GENERAL ORPHAN ASYLUM, beg leave to call the attention of citizens and strangers to the work ought in on the last Tuesday of every month for sale. It comprises an assortment of Aprons, Cap, fine and knitted Work for Ladies and Cnildren. It is of easy access by the Franklin Square Omnibuses, being 011 Strieker street, just in the rear of the Widows' Home. '1 heir work is also to be found at the Store of Miss YOUNG, No.

73 Lexington street between Charles niiri Liberty sts. m3') eo2tt li GRENADINES, TISSUES and BAREGES Snli.ri.ti, I Ill.Al'K SII.KK MOUSSELINEDE LALNESand CHALLIES, styles certainly new FRENCH EMBROIDERIES, a splendid assort ment, at rncf exceedingly low BLK SILK LACES, a full assortment of tue best styles Spring Cashmere SHAWLS and SCARFS Plain and PlinhV! Canton Crane SHAWLS. Buyers of Div Goods, either by the piece or in less quantities, should examine our splendid assortment Delore purchasing. riiu.Klii3 fit No. 6 N.

Charles 4 doors above Baltimore. One-frice system. inh3J-t)tr SPRING DRESS TRIMMINGS. Giinpure LACES, all colors Gauze Ribbon TRIMMINGS Black and color Silk LACES EMBROIDERIES, SILKS and BRAIDS Pointed and Lace GIMPS. For sale wholesale and retail, by PRJ JAMES M.

HAiG, 1S3 Baltimore St. JUST RECEIVED AT CROTEAXFS. A fref and beautiful assortment of Fancy and Useful Articles, such as JET Shell and Buffalo Horn new style Tuck COMBS; FANS; BRUSHES of all descriptions; French and Ensrlish PERFLMKR1ES; Lubin's Extracts. Port mon- noics; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Work and Toilet Boxes; Toilet and Hand GLASSES-; Kid Dolls, Also on hand and made to order, ORNAMEVTAL HAIR WORK of all descriptions, such as WIGS, Toupees, Kandeaus, Braids, iuns, sc. A.

CROY'EAU, nihSO 2w 171 Baltimore street, near Light AUCTION AND JOB LOT DRY GOODS, As SILKS, BAREGES, TISSUE, ORGANDIES, JACONETS. These Goorls have been purchased much below im-TWMtation Prices, and will be sold at asmiil advance, The attention of our friends and customers is invited. U. JMOfcLDiJ No. 199 Baltimore strerL m3fl Itr: West of Light stSwit.

TOL'VIN-S KID GLOVES A tun assortment, 111 el ail colors, from No. 55., to 3, made to order. These are 1 lie best Gloves manufactured in Paris, and the ladies are invited to examine them. ErRli-h and Swiss COTTON Ladies and Misses' of the best makes, at low prices. PERKINS Si No.

6 North Charles street, 4 doors above Baltimore street. E3 71 BROiDLKEH HOKFS. AND EMBROIDE RIES. R. MeELDOWNEY CO.

will open this morning a larae lot of Embroidered Hdkfs. which will be sold af about one-half trie usual price. The remaining iot of Cheap Embroideries will be closed out at greatiy reduced pices. BALTIMORE STREET, m3Mtrl west of Light street fit RiBBONS AND EMBROIDERIES HE SUBSCRIBER has arrived from N. York with an entire new stock of Ribbons.

Laces, Embroideries. Hosiery. Gloves. Illusions, Silks, Florences. Veils.

Infants' Caps, Kobis and Bodies, bl ick Silk Nets, Sewing Silk, misses' Hosiery and Gloves, Belts. nt 25 per cent below former prices, at 147 BALTIMORE ST. WM. BROADBENT. mS)-2t'r PARIS MANTELETTES AND VIS1TES.

Will open THIS March 3th. a mo-l beautiful lot of entirely new style Paris MANTELETTS and VI-SITES, in Silk and Lace, selected in Paris by our Mr. James XV. Eastr as the very latest novelties. Prices moderate.

HAMILTON EASTER m30 'tfr No. 213 Baltimore street. KID GLOVES. We have now oen of JoUVLVS GLOVES, manufactured to order to which we invite attention. DiFFENDERFFER St CRAN3, m30-tfn fr Ko-12N.

Charter street. rpOMEKCHANT TAILORS. H1MIL TON EJt TER 3c No. BALTIMORE STREET, (rp stais.3,) Have on hand a large and complete stock of GOODS FOR MEN'S WEAR, Of choice cualiiies, adaptedtothetradeofMERCiTAST Tailors, frem whom we solicit an exaiuinatiJnoi'our stock. mSJ-ttl'r EW ETHIOPIAN SONG.

Just published by MILLER A' BE.ZCHAM, 1S1 IMUtLh. S1SLK1, "FEW DAYS," or l'x Goisa Home. As sung with great applause by Christy's Minstrels. Music arranged by Aieiki Holland. ir.33-tfr MARTIN'S GUITAR S.

The subscribers have inst received a further surmiv of A I 'S CELEBRATED GUITARS, of Rose wood and Ma hogany, which, for fullness of tone, excellence of rii.i-h and durability of material, stand ukrivalled. For sale by MILLER BEACHAM, ni3-D 131 Baltimore st. IRRORS! MIRRORS! E. S. FRYER, Importer and Manufacturer of German and French MIRRORS of every description.

Abjo, Oval and Square Fortrait and Picture FRAMES. He respectfully solicits a call from the public and Ftrar gers visiting the city, as they will find it to their inteier-t to call before purchasing at his es-Ublishment. No. 5 S. SHARP ST.

tApl2rr GILT WORK, LOOKING-GLASSES, fcc. Manufacturers of everv varietv of MIRROR, POR TRAIT and PICTURE FRAMES, which il guaranteed to be of fine finish. f5RgaiLDiiQ. Price low. M.

BARRETT Si Gilderr, tAplri1 83 Howard cor. Saratofa, Ba't. QAMLLL KIRK. is. SON, GOLD AM) SILVER SMITHS, 172 BALTIMORE 7 REEF, Have just opened beautiful Mosaic Earrings and Broftches; Cameo and Coral Pearl, Diamond and Gold Broaches and Earrings; Chatelaines; Pen and Pencil Casrs.

FINE GOLD WATCHES. Flated Castors; Baskets; Candlesticks; Dishes and Covers; Waiters. SILVER WARE. Silver Spoons; Forks; Silver Tea Sets; Pitchers; Waiters; Salt Stands, of our own manufacture, wiil be sold upon the most pleasing terms. m33-tfr DAGUERREOTYP1ST3'.


BALTIMORE, Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of materials lor Uagueireotypists', Artists' and Painters' use, Inch are offered at the lowest market rates. tfr LONDON WATCHES. THE GENUINE LONDON WATCH Excels all other Watches for DURABILITY AND ACCURACY of performance. 1 would recommend all who are ill watt of aiTime-keeper to give me a call before purchasing. I have a CHOICE COLLECTION of the finest London makers, which I wiil warrant free of cost for four years.

J. ALEXANDER, From J. M. French's, Royal Exchange, London, tA13 r( 10 Light Baltimore. PAPER-HANGINGS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.

HOWELL BROTHERS, MANUFACTURERS Sf IMPORTERS, 207 BALTIMORE STREET, Invite the attention of the public to their large aad beautiftl assortment of French and American PAPER-HANGINGS, of entire new styies embracing the finest Decora tions in Gold, plain and rich colors; also, Oak, Walnut, Fine, and other wood imitations, new and handsome styles. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, and Dealers generally, are invited to view the assortment snd prices, as we are satisfied we can offer superior inducements. Papers put up in the best manner, and in all case3 guaranteed. m30-2tr? EREMOVAL-XTENSIVE FURNITURE VTAREROOM3. WM.

P. SPENCER having Etmoved to the new five story Warehouses Nos. 32 and 84 S. CALVERT STREET, fronting Wa ter and nearly opposite to his old stand, offers to his former patrons and the public a large and well as sorted stock of Fashionable and low-priced FURNITURE, among which will be found some new and beautiful stales. h'i stook of Chairs is nnsnrnassed in st vie.

finish and durability; Looking-G lasses in great variety; his Bedding F-ooiih are filled with Mattresses of every size and quality; also, superior Feaiher Beds, gj-Trtre is only one price asked. liisj Wholesale Depaitment otters to dealers and merchants superior advantages in price and assortment. Lf-Large orders tilled without delay. 4. and satisly voiirsif lves.

WM. P. HFEiNOEK, Nos. 32 and 34 S. Calvert street, OelS.T Opposite Water street.

MJOSIAH Lll JOHKSTDN. IlESRT E. ONEY received on deposite interest allowed on current accounts, subject to check. STOCKS bought and sold upon commission exclusively. COLLECTIONS promptly attended to.

Uncurrent Drafts, Checks and Bank Notes constantly wanted. Exchange on Winchester Staunton always for sale in sums to suit purchasers. Time paper negotiated. LAND WARRANTS bought antl sold by JOHNSTON BROTHERS CO. m30-tfra Bankers.

WANTED TO PURCHASE IMMEDIATELY Two likely NEGRO WOMEN, with or without cMldren: one to act as Cook and the other as Lady's Maid. Tiuy must be desirable servants in all respects, as they are for a private family. Those from the country preferred. Any person having such servants to depose of wUl apply at No. 17 S.

HOWARD St. niSQ tfr; OUGH MEDICINES, APPLICABLE TO THS PRESENT SEASON, FOR SALE BY SETH S. Arrni' Cherry Pectoral. WIstar's Wild Cherry, Dr. Banng'a Naptha.

Hanee's Horehound Syrup Shei-raan' Cough Lozeu- Schenck's PulmonicSyrup Hanee's HorehoundCaady Mra. Pharnum'ii Candy, kACf DR. SWEETS ER'3 EXT: OF LIVERWORT AND TAR. Dr. Towusend'a Sarsapa- John Bull's Sarsaparilla.

Locoek'a Pulmonic Wafers. Dr. Rose's Cough Syrup. ruia. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Euchani's Hungarian Btd- am With about firty others fr sale by SETH S.

ANCB, 108 BALTIMORE ST. tApl FREEDOM FROM COUGH IN TEN MINUTES AFTER USE, INSURED BY BRYAN'S PULMONIC WAFERS. Price, 85 cents a box. Forsala by C. WISEMAN, corner ot West Baltimore and Fremont etreeta, Baltimore: W.

EiilOT, 12th and treets, Washington; and Mrs. STANSBURY, Aa-napolia, and by Apothecaries generally. COLLECTIONS promptly attended to by JOHNSTON BROTHERS r.i39 tf.r Bankets,.

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