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The Daily Herald from Chicago, Illinois • Page 13

The Daily Heraldi
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Llneoln ind Touhy Aven. Dance H''l -Picnic Grove FOK SPECIAL SEUVICE Chili Con Carne Clam Chowder Hot niul Cold Sandwiches A I Every Sunday TOM BODKIN t'KN'IKK 06 Example ot Chivalry Among Lower An unusual "big brother" Stone Marker at Graves Of Parents Of Lincoln Stdne markers, placed at the aln M8 "ammuis gr tt ve 3 of Thomas Lincoln and a ikrge A hl fath i a or woodchuck attack and s.ep.mother of Abrahnm Lincoln, I dl ve off a mlnU after the latter were dedicated Thursday captured und futully wounded noon, September 10, 1926, nt Shi- loh cemetery, Coles county, about nine miles south of Charleston. The ceremonies were under the uuspiueH of the Kiwniiis Club of liahvlllc. Dine Dance IA)HS' PAVILION I I I Every Saturday iS'iglit Mimic by S-1'ici'i- Or Fir Htm A A NOW OI'MN Gc'nta $1 Tax Incl Ladlcn 25c SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Notici is Hereby Given, to all porsons interustcd, that the President und Board uf Iraatees of the 1 Village of Palatine, huvinx ordered that an improvcmcrtt be made, to- i The ertunsioti of a connected nystem of cast iron water supply mains, together with fire' hy- uu'nnt connections, valves niul valve boxes, cnatinga, pipes nil np- purtsnnnces t'o bo located in Plum throve Avenue, Halo, Benton, Fre- tnont, Onk and Wnshlngtdn Street, all described in the ordinance providing therefor. The ordinance for the same being on file in the olllco of the Vll- Clurk of Palatine, und having ed to the Superior Court 01 took County for an assessment of tho cost of siiid improvement, nc- cording to the bone-tits, and an assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, the final hearing thereon will be hnd on the 19th day of September, A.

T). U)25, or as soon there- JBl'ter as the businosH of tho Court Iv. ill permit. All persons desiring tuny i objections In said Coui'i I before said rlny and may appear on I the lipurinjr and make their defense. The Haul is payable in ten (-10) annual installments, with i interest thu rule of Six I 1 or per annum.

I I A A. Person appointed to mnke the said WHEN HERC A BUILDER I GETS THE BEST WE'D HAVE LOOKING FOR. Goot LUMBER MBER SEXTETTE SPECIAL ASSKS.SM13NT NOTICE ynur i is out lookir.y 1'of good lumber you should know out 1 name and udchvss. --We yell woi'tlt-while woods of pfiivcn U'lieve a tl 'vt lioafd a lot about our reliability and V.L' want you to keep UK in mind. MOttTON I.11K.

CO. nntl i i i rhonp i Grove 85 Notice is Given, to all persona interested, that the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Pnlutinc, htivlng ordered that nn improvement be made, to wit: The construction of nn tennlon of a combined storm water sunllnry nnd relief system of sewers, with house slants, manholes, storm water inlets and all appurtenances to be constructed in the following locations, to- wit: Plum Grove Avenue, Hale, Benton, Fremont, Onk ant) Washington Streets, and across private property, all as described in the ordinance providing therefor. The ordinance for the wme being on file in the ojllco of- the Vil- IUKO Clerk of Palatine, and having applied to the Superior Court ol Cook County for an assessment of the cojt of said improvement, uc lot'iliiu; to the benefits, and tin ns having bstii made and to said Court. i a hearing thereon will bt 'had on the liith duy of Scp'em A. D.

1926, or as there- 1 after ns tho btioiness of he Court desiring may rilo objections in solid Court and may tippcaj on ihc noMriiiR ami ttuiUc tlidiv ilcfcnae I'l'ho siiid is payable ii I i (10) annual installiivonts, with annual interest at the rate of i pur centum (i per annum. WILLIAM A. DANIKLSEN, Person apjiointcd to nuikc the said a ground squirrel. Tlie scene of the little drama was near the bridge over Luva creek, 8tiinII stream In the northern part, of Yellowstone park. After describing tlie capture ot the luckless squirrel, the naturalist goes on to suy: "While the squirrel was struggling In the clutches of the mink a large woodchnck, apparently attracted by the squealing ot the tttiulrrcl, cume nud stood on Ills hind legs a moment to the itcenu, then run straight for the point ot battle.

The mink raised hla head Just in time to sec the marmot and escape him by rushing to the bank of the nearby crtH'k; the murmot followed, but too slowly. "Tito railing of the creels bridge is supported by low uprights with U'tuilng bnices of timber, of these I he On one marmot climbed, facing tnc dying lu the road some yards away; then he calmly proceeded to wash his I'uce his front App tho 'big brother' net Is nn old story In the wild nnlmnl world, like i other things which we luive thought a only to ills- C'ovt-r, upon Investigation, thnt we have meri'ly adopted them with human procrastination. "In former ycur 1 once saw a i deliberately a a marmot of medium sine. In this cnse the contestants, after lieice buttle, llutilly culled It 11 ilrnw." Word "Hell" Has Been Given Many Meanings Tho word hfll tins Unlay swrnl ini'unlnKS, 1. Tin 1 nboilo of os-il spirits; tlic Int'ermil roglon, espi'dnlly iiliu't of for lust spirits, 2.

Vlgunitlvely It Is used to liulk'iitc place of oxtre- meiit, ovll or misery, ii. A place of depurtpd spirits, called by the Clrecks hudt-s, mid by tlie Hebrews gliBOl. 4. A place of evil or reject eJ things. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible states that "This Is the word (bell) gynernll? nnd unfortunately used by our trnmtlHtors to render Hebrew word Shcol.

It would perhaps hnve been bettrr to rctiiln tlie Hebrew word Slieol, or else rriultr It always by 'the gnive' or 'the pit 1 Jt Is clour Hint In pnssiiges of the Old Testa input sheol cnn only mpnn 'the grnviV nnd It IB so rendered In the Authorized Version In fienosis I Kiimnpl Job In ollipr imssngps, however, It semis to involve notion pun Ishniptit, ml Is, Hiprpforc, rendered In tlie Authorized Vsrwlon by the Tlio In wonl most Now Testa input fur tlio pliire of pun Islmipnt Uuliunnu or Ucbunuu ol fire." Our word hpll Is i Tontonlc woril from ti rnnt tncnnlns to diver. In old English the word was wrLtteit hel. WM. SCHWAR55 Gents' and Ladies' Tailor yuiU uin! Tup '1 Ynur Dntu 1 I i D.rii-. 1 I'ri's-iiii i i t.p.t -t in Si; Ii- I'allic i In tttr tiM'l i 1 St.

ILL. NOTIC'K OF 1'ublic notice hereby Kivcn ol the filing bv the undersigned with I i i I'nninicrce Conunissiori if an upplKMlion for a ccrtilicati if rotivi iMtiicn nnd nucca-ity tc i ami operate 11. wat'ci ti in to eerve the follow- nx villiijfs tuul communities adjacent to Chicago in Cook County and Dui'tijte County, tn-witi Kenil- vurlh, VVilmclte, Morion (ii'o'Ve, N'ilcs Ci-nt'jr, Pdrk RlclKu, Kriuiklin Park, Uiver Gnove, 'jlmwood 1'nrk, Onk Purk, River Koi-oHt, Maywood, Melrose Park. P'oruMl Paik, Hell wood, Kflwnrd BrooktU'd, Kivcrsiile, i Ci cro und any other munlcipulitiei thereto locii ud in north, west tuui outh, now without ivn adequuti uml soft vvsitcr and to take iidviinUtjru ol' the water ucorded by the i'ucil- New Sea Ditcovery In a ri''int srU'iiilllr pxjipdltlon on Hip cllsoovewl tlilpran where two jrreut uirri'iiU mrpl. Tlte nuiss of I'onm nuiSk'd by tbi'lr i i collision ex- tpmlcd for inlH'S, nnil In this fnnm i miniliPi's of wliiilcs nntl por piilsns utlrai'iiHl by the lininpnie supply of fuoil.

There wore iilsn tsrpiit a ol wrcckiiKe, covi'ri'il wltli iivKniilsins nntl nsli of nil i fppdliiK thorn. Knr HIP tlrst i scientists found Hie I-JTSJI Inilobnti'S, HIP only timrlnc Insect In HIP worlil Tbr- art' bplnn I i In Vast niuuliei's uf jollyllsh colnnnl i wnter pnrplo for i i i milrs. The expedition ciinijbt more limn 130 species of llsh. Self-Sacrifice of Sen 1 Met Deserved Regard Wonderful In annals, snys 'a 'writer in the Glasgow Evening i Citizen, wus the case of a Scottish womnu who sustained shocking Injuvies in a runaway accident. Her skull nnd both legs were frnctured, nnd her left arm nnd one side of her face Badly lacerated.

Her sou, a young physician, abandoned bis practice and set himself to endeavor to restore his mother's life. Every one hnd given up her case as hopelesa. Dayund night he devoted his whole time tu hor, and so Inspired not only lior nurses, but the. poor sufferer herself, that she snrvheil and be- (5im slowly to mend. Hut 'the mutilation of the fnce cnuspd tciTlblo The son thereupon InblsUul upon the ntteniliint iibyslohms removing skin enough from Ills own body to graft npou fccur.3.

One by one, no fewer thnn fnrty. pieces of skin were cut Iroin his body and grfifted upon his mother's face and arm. In thp end the woman not only recovered from Injuries which would Imvc klllpd ninety-nine out of a Inmdrpil, but nl-so bliuweU very slight iTlsHgurcmeiit. In I his cuso, however, lillnl love wns the motive fur the sacrifice, and perhaps iVMnlerestcil motives i openiletl nt as powprfully in eases of this kind as the hupp uf monetiu'y gain. "Name to Conjure With" Once Had Real Meaning "A name- to cunjure with" Is a phrnsc iimre.

used Hum understood, us con i was a a the term 1w M.IIJP or pnrloi' tricks of tho present day. i i conjuring stood for of mngi- flan lliu 1 of the Dark ayes being rpiilly the MIIIIO pcrsonagu us thp Ill-, rcnlly mpoiit very solemn compact or being nffreenipnt, thp taken from the Ltilln for un oath. Part oil Ms ritual consisted in the then popular belief, that he could summon up Siitnn or some other spirit by tlie snylng of some of power," such word being generally mysterious-sounding like "abracadabra." OccnsUinnlly the name of some departed great one, such as Solomon, used. This name would then be known as sufficiently mighty to "conjure'with," spirits hParing it being hound to obey. Today, we no longer believe In magic, the maglplnn of mystery and hns turned into tlie harmless gentleman who produces rabbits from tils lint nt children's parties; but the old phrase H11 remains, and we refer to this and tlmt great man as having "a mime to conjure wllb." Fun With Writer Hindsight a you have, after overhearing two strangers discuss your recently published story.

Coincidence a you Introduce In your plot to make the, reader Ihlnl; you "took thu rabbit out of tho hat. Writer's Cramp A term applied to the condition of wiiU'i's Collaboration 1 An agreement te- iwecn authors under which one does the worl! anil the other uudoua It. Honorarium thp writer receives when the editor Is ashamed to nil It a pajmcnt. i forward to, woman to see reader If she Ai Magnet Finds Iron if imy HUP ihmilil nlvp me a dish of s.iud a i tell me there were part i of i hi lr. I might looK for yex anil search for i i i will' my i i i lingers nnd 1 In- iitnible to di'li'i them but lot I inn lnUi niimiH't sucpp i i It, nnd Innv it i ItsiMt the i pur- i lu'li'S by more pnwor of i i Tin; i i i i my tin I u'ors In Ihe snml, (Hscovi'rs no mer- MM; 'in Ethv.

Moldcnhauer nt'il i i i i i i i i 'n AVI. Oi p- ill- ('lunch CL.VI LU. II.LIN'Ol;' Int'ornuttioii us to tho time mid pliice of a i upon i npplicn- tioii muy bo sci'iirod by i i i i s. i Ihe Socruiarv of the i Coinniis.iioii, i inglield. I i i WATER COMPANY OF I I I By Ual'old IL i SoiTetnry.

i i i i Kyiui, C'jinlon A for Mtinicinal of Illinois. swopp through thu ihiy and, ns the nin'jni't tlmls the so will It Iind In every some i nli'vslnys; oiilv iron In Gnd'sl bund Wendell Holmes. 3 Specials LUAtfti! TILL SEPT. 30th "teeth that fit" Chltiilci. Our polkv I' lh bl orl tomorrow's (onill ol odiY'i ol (Utttrlou a X'Kny fttt Iliihi, comfortable.

Jutublc--i. Ill not ilfvp of coin ull the cob. l.iugfi nndtlnn. n.u jfal voice nnd filial Spsclit 111.

tpMtai, MM 24 Hour If Dulled 94 and Painless Extraction $1 ti. JO Cuntuntccd CASH OR CHEERFUL CREDIT BOSTON DENTISTS 6300 8. Hilstwi Dancing Every Sunday Nite At -FOREST INN DANCE EAV1LION Dallard and Rand Roads DES PLAINES, ILL, i Music By Mitmich's Orchestra GENTS 75e LADIES 25e Tuberculosis All i i huvo certain de- pree oC resjlMunee to i tutiick ul tin- cerin ol' T. In some this power Is hnv nnd others very high, Tho piini'ii for example, luii almost no resistance to i i disease, svhllu the Kont hiis! SD high resistance tlmt It Is very to Infect It ut all. Among himnin the liulHin anrl tieKro usunlly show a very low resisting power and when Infected are apt to the rnpld and dangerous form of, the trouble.

The average white man, on the con- trnry, power. has considerable resisting Shop Along "She has the fatal gift of "Wlmt makes you think so?" "Such glorious hair nnd complex- "Oh, they're not gifts. was with her when she bought Call. Cut With Knife Is a wise plnn to use a sharp tmlfe rather than scissors when cutting flowers, because scissors have tendency to squeeze the uterus so that they tnke up leas wnter HUT they should. FOR CRIMINAL LAWYERS It won't 'be long now before every law school in the country will give course in nervous trouble 1 und tlic causes for insanity.

wnnls to turn hnHs nnd rend on; the plru'o whi'i'p tin 1 man nchleves a. "(ill" liy 1 iiu iivniv Iho last paragraph the point Just boftiie i neighbor In ti spoml tin hour tim fci'uw i Monthly. Real Grief had been woMiipliiR Klhel for months, but i i IIOMT lold her. He roino i und --very bile--nnd slu coiihl only sl(, und hupp Ho a I on 11 Imlkl.i.s, i i he llHnijil.t Hie nljjlif llir i In spr.iii; tin 1 i i i i i i i i I II i hiniself, however, uh- til tln last thing. It by the cluck.

" Klhel," IIP Irpnuiloiig- ly, "1 tun going i i tomorr' 1 1 MORTON GROVE Wedding bells will soon be rirtg- ing for George Baumhardt and Miss Kraemer. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb entertained visitors from the city Monday. Mrs.

Christ Lee is laid up by quinsey sore throat. Mrs. Charles Peschke spent in the city. Miss Ernestine -Ilarrer recjjhtty returned from two weeks vacation touring the Goldert West, visiting Seattle, Tacoma, MJ. 'Rainer, National-Park, Vancouver, B.

Ct. Ca- nnda and Victoria. She repo'rts a wonderful trip filled with the most delightful scenes for the human eye to behold. Carl Mueller and Sid Denley left Monday for three weeks tour of the eastern and New England States. 7 Mrs.

H. Diljr. attended a 10 o'clock luncheon and card party in the city Sept. 3., Mrs. Ben Lcnzen is, spending her vacation with relatives in the city.

Jerusalem Ladies' Aid held their monthly meeting Sept. 3, and were entertained by Mrs. 0. Heitltkjj and Miss E. Huscher.

Urban spent, Friday in the city. A harvest festival will given by Jerusalem Ladies' Aid on the church grounds, Sunday, Sept. 20, starting at 2 p. m. There will be a big display of vegetables.

Blue ribbons will be awartletl to those displaying the best vegetables. A bunco paily will be given by the Lutheran Ladies' Aid at the Lutheran church, Saturday, Sept. 2f, at 7.iJO p.m. Ivetreshmcnts bo served and valuable prizes awarded. Mi.

and Mr.s. L. Eiscr of Chicago spent Monday with the Eiscr family. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Gong enjoyed a visit Monday from -Mr (jeng 1( 3 uncle from Omaha.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brooks motored to Bcnton Harbor, Sept. 3, where they expect to spend several weeks at a health resort for the 'benefit of Mr. Brooks health.

He- has been sick some time. Mrs. George Harrer, of Mason City, visited the 'Harrer. family last week. Mr.

and Mrs. Salley entertained several guests Sunday. Ray Mailander and Wm. Berkholtz motored to Starved Rock to spend the week end. Lawrence Lockner, Nick and Leo Gilzmcr motored to Joliet Sunday to visit Mr.

Lockner's aunt. Felix Hoffmann and family were out to the lake Saturday and Sunday. ST. PETER'S EVANG. CHURCH Christened Sunday, Sept.

6, Violet Leana, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Kottko. Sponsors, Linu Jxmff and Gust Nehmann.

Anna Belie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Looclc. Sponsors, Elizabeth Nchniami und John Jung. Confirmation class meets Saturday, 12 at 1:30.

Ladies' Aid meeting Sunday, Sept. All members are expected to he, preparation ior day this month. present to make the anniversary 1 OBITUARY Lddic son of the late Christ s(nd Langfcld was born in township, April '10 1805. Eight years ago when hi died Ed. was very sick Under the motherly care of his sifter, Mrs.

G. Kenning hi- i ccrivcicd, but a stiff leg which how ever did not prevent him ii'om doing hard labor. Week bc- t'oto lasa whilu at work ho had an aoudent, being stiuck by a crank on his Soon pneumonia developed which brought this young; life to ,111 end at I I a. m. Fiiday Sept.

4, al the of 30 years, 4 months and days. Funeral serv icoi at the house and church were conducted by Uov. J. J. Mayer, i Uu number of relatives ant i fiends attending.

NILES jou 1 lie "Yes," horrv'C "Yes, verv sorry, slip gluiit'i'U nr llioimht might even ing sinil i of ri'plied, "Are Hie you she nuirrmired i "I gu i i this Last Monduv thice well known boj of Nik 1 caught robbing the place oi Chas. llorion, a. l)inti Moore's J'Uice on Mil A breaking ir Onx.akow'.ki uiunded them up i one shoe. Thev took f-'J 70 fic.m i i i which was. alter Constable Kadlec, i a Policeman I.

PIC-MUOX and Policeman John Bies- 1 had their homab. Nothing 1 was found. Thov i trans ui icd i Niles to the County -Station on Milwaukee and Ball-mi UcK ..,,,1, Now 101 Kilos Day. Evciybocly 1 LiM enr a a bin da; Ancient Egyptian Bread The iini'ii'iit i ciirried tho arl of balsini; to limb prrloc- llun, nlthoiiuli the (ji'ruk historian remarks of Unwilled thi'lr fri but fl i i llii'ir bunds." The broad of the a i ot the people 1 made oj barley, but i bread made ii'om a v. us nscil bv null.

Tin; form of the bread is revealed by urn lout monuments. A common wns sinull round lout, sonipthlntc HUe muffin of to- yc to bo So i 1 1 en the parade, which i btui't ul 1 p. Sept. 17, bi innjcer with the Red Cabs, for ul! Now that vacation is over, al the boys and girls aie getting in bchool, which started Tuesday. Miles Tigcr.s lost last Sunday to Other IOIIVPS elongated lho Oak Sl us llt But they won rolls, nnd curiously onough Lubov Day the Shallei sprinkled on the top i seeds like Cn ts 4 lo 3 The TiKerij have the modern A lennu bread.

lonl Lhree games 15, so far. That's going some. The English of It A man from the city was badl This Is probably why the English i Sunday by Kitting" liinRimRe Is so hard for foreigners to learn: "I've lost the llnUs," said the soiled shirt. "I've lost the links," said the golfer, ns he wandered aimlessly through the woods. "I've lost the lynx," said the hunter, HS he tracks nrouhd trap.

And Eve Stole Firtt The first game of baseball, It Roger's notion, took place shortly after the fall. Cain made a.bast hit when he killed Abel. Later, jou'll notice, Roger, Abraham made a sacrifice, nnd the prodl- a home Transcript CHASING LONDON FOGS to the gasoline tank in front T. H. Wunderlc's oil station or Milwaukee Av.

with a cigar, anc was sent bfick to Jefferson PaBc to a chase was given to- young lad last Sunday by Cottsta ble Aug. C. Kadlec and Hiphwaj I Policeman L. Preduex, after the lad stole a golf stick fVom th Bunker Hill Country Club' lockers but escaped through the 1 cemetery Mrs. 'J.

Lenzen celebrated he birthday Bunco played. A good dinner was servei and a good time had by all pres eni. Chester Zameier, 12 years old broke his log while riding a bi cycle, last Tuebilay, and was tak en to a hospital in the city. is the ond time this year. Miss llnlen Stooltina 1 spent La NILES CENTER There was music in.the atr day sewing trier but the weather was 'so hot the young ladies thought it was easier 0 sing than to sew.

We enjoyed tearing them. Emil Newmann is improving the ooks af Kis old house, by remov- ng the side porch and building stairs at i Miss Elizabeth Freund has made rrangements to attend New Trier High School Misses Alma Schweitzer and Slsie Lohrke took a train, bus and tour Bus to train to Libertyville, bus to Lake jeWctric to Howard Fn-Hhese days 'high speed you otth' transport yourself most, anywhere, (on shprt 1 notice. two weeks vacation is a bit ate in the season, it as hot' enough be mid summer. Mrs. Jfetz, daughter of Pastor Werner, who was the minister of St.

Peter's Evan, congrega- ion, visited her old, home town Thursday. She was a school mate of Mrs. Geo. C. Kit stopped to make a call and talk over old times.

She says she does not think she is youthful enough to bob her lair even though it shows but very ittlc Riey. hlic went with tmina Tess and daughter to visit the grave of Miss Ahrons, who has been buried throe years. Nilos CcnUT Commercial association loport a spendid' chicken 1 inner and lots of practical new cleiib pre-entcd at their meeting, Sept. Tho discussion ornamental su-cet lip.hU, paving, towers, i help the village board in their allure action. Cook county commissioners cn- the uontiact between Niles Outer and tho lowest responsible ))(Uier tor paving Oakton so work on same can be started -immediately.

Mr. Dredrich Eetiz aged 46 and son, Henry Reitz aged 19 years wei instantly killed Sunday a. m. when the' car in which they were ridrftg was struck by. a' at the Bunciee road cross-, ing in Nprthbrook-.

The funeral conducted, by'. Father "Wolf- garterj, pastor Nilea Center CatH- olic church -at 9 'a. Thursday. Another son, John, who-was also in the accident, is recovering at the hospital. The party 'started out on a hunting trip with a frienJ whoso car was struck and demolished.

Reitz leaves a widow and 11 children in poor financial condition. 10 alleys are working, over time and a -wajtipg ifo ahd the nfj ha4 cbinlrtfcbfe sfaJslL scores. Many of the pi: jiever before' "was" 'amusing to watch their attempts and see the surprised ex-' pression at the unexpected result. But they all take it like ducks take to water. Some of the sturdy enthusiasts bowled 50 games in 3 One night there wa's a good deal of cheering.

Maierhofer was making strikes anj scored up to 276! An elegantly equipped barber shop serving many patrons is connected with the Recreation Hall. PEDDLERS ANNOY OUR HOUSEWIVES Unless the activity of gangs of peddlers is in some way checked, housewives Niles will'be advertising for butlers to answe the, dopr and phope Somp; of ladies think it would not to have a bell boy in unbuttons to answer bells. think it might be a saving, of their time and patwnce, but. a saving of money, as wages would be less than the cash the- peddler pests carry off for the trash they unload. Home town merchants give real support and improve tlie wl turn down the peddlersrsiia sjlpp ft hime stores? Your merchant gives yau honest value and if not suited you can go to him roc an adjustment, while Mr.

Peddle leaves 'town alid laughs up nf sleeve because 1 he put over you, (especially the-' magazine crew, did they sting too?) 'Maybe our village board or our resourceful chamber of can think of some waV to rid tM town, of these ladies; tined feet, Keep'their dispositiobs sweet, it time AU wiil be sweet ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, ILL. DAILY 7:00 P. 9:00 P. M. 15c and 25c SUNDAY MATINEE lOc SATURDAY, SEPT.

12 'WHETE MAN with -Alice Joyce Kenneth Harlem and Walter Long FOX NEWS COMEDY AESOP'S FABLES Chapter Nine i "The Great Circus Mystery" SUNDAY, SEPT. 13, Baby Peggy "Captain January" BRAY'S MAGAZINE COMEDY MONDAY, SEPT. 14 House Peters i --in TORNADO" Onec Seen, Never Forgotten liicardb Cortez Wallace Beery IN MEMORIAM PATHE NEWS In loving of our dear beloved husband and father, Mr. Adolph Kaetzel, who passed away one year ago, Sept. 7, 1924.

--Loving wife and children. The motorcycle police are an absolute nccer-sily those days, especially near cities. The Cook County police respond to frequent llh to stop thieves cirid quell drunken.lows. Dpputies Klein and li valuably ice two nights the past week. They ru'umveil a phorle at the at 1 a.

4, thut i'iye. die; from.Kvantoh, t'urnituve at Kay's Tavern on Milwaukee Ave. They rushed to the tcene, but Iho ma.raudpys had gone to, the the two officers found and arrested the rascals, and locked thorn up at tho sta- ti6n, plead guilty, ing they got their liquor in Evanston. They paid a fine of and apiece, and were cautioned to J3J keep sober out of mischief or 4' sutler greater fines, arid punibh- inent next time. Sept.

5 at 1:15 a. m. they received a phone call from George (Jlaik, that thieves had broken lock on the door of his on Milwaukee and had stolen his Jck ol candy, pop, and other lunks, and bUirted south. ind Levy give chase and arrested ho gang; bcven, in a White car. They were also locked up and i i came to their relief and paid their of $200 apiece at 5 their trial at the Maine sta- tion Thursday.

The officers, found a bottla, of whiskey, a quart of nin, three bottles of pop and i of Clark's candy. This is the i time Claik's stand has been i obbed. Perhaps the thieves dt't'idt thai it don't pay to RO on thieviu'g trips and they better quit befoie they land in the penitential y. Tvvo men dtiving a new Chrysler ear from Morton toward Niles tcr at a ic-Arhil speed estimated at 70 miles an hour swajcd from one of Lincoln to the other. C'ais paiiiK hud to inn into Ihc ditch to escape being struck.

The I ait speeding cur whirled a at curve and landed a tilcphonci pole ojiposite vegetable suuid, an awful hear that the driver v.a'i badly hurt that he died and the other is not expected to live. It is reported that one was a bootlegger and the other a slot 'machine vender. COMEDIES TUESDAY, SEPT. 15 World's Greatest Race Horse "KENTUCKY PRIDE" Two Reel Western-- "THfe COLLEGE COWBOY'; COMEDY WEDNESDAY; SEPT. 16 "In the Name of Love" Greta Nisson Raymond Hatton FOX NEWS COMEDY SPORTL1GHT FRL, SEPT.

17-18 As No Man Has Loved Not only a nation's story but a story the nation will love. BRAY'S MAGAZINE COMEDY- SATURDAY, William (Bill) Patten I CQMEDY. FOX NEWS End "The Great Circus: Mystery" COMING! I Oj. SundSiy, Monday; $ept. 20-21 '1 "The Ten Commandments" On accunt of the high, cost of production the admission will be-Adults 50c; Children, Matinee 15, Evening Matinee 2 p.m.

and 3:13 p.m. fciicky Horseshoe" ui "Lightnia?" 'Street of Forgotten Men' K'K BOWLING ALLEYS fiAVE BRISK TRADE and old, is Joining a bowling club since M.r.; A. Lies has opened his attractive Recreation Hall. Even, thbugK th? place is not entirely the alleys wer'e ready arid the crowd took possession Every evening since' then all 1 of the The soot in London's atmosphere bor Day at Deer Grove and'report has been reduced 41 per cent since a Ray time. 1916, clue to the use of gas cook- Mi', and Mrs.

P. A. Wolowic ing and heating and electric light- motored to the Wisconsin Dells ov- ing appliances, i er the week-end. Bai'rjngton Has; Big Plans For Larger Town Communities as well as individuals should always be ready to profit by the experiences of others. Thus this paper calls the attention of all the communities it serves with recent action taken by the Baii'i' 1( jton Chamber of Commerce.

A Country and Village Planning Commission has been formed. A membership drive into the country has brought into that organization the farmers as well as tlie city Get tickets at Elite Call or phoue Niles Center 118-J NILES CENTER ELITE SHOP Ray W. Haben FUNERAL DlftiCTOR Ambulance Service DAY and NIGHT NILES CENTER, 27-J Chicago Office: 1826 W. Harrison, St..

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