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Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois • 3

Chicago Tribunei
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

"SevSHSrsa LAM" Uanttng anu iBxrhaiigr. I)tcag0 ubnue Help for the AfflUcted. TZ'gSDALL'S JJE ON THE SAFE SIDE nGUTHY rJToiIACH pADDf FB8IM FID TBOCHUS, prepare ffiocttaiiVg (gcraianUittcrs. JYSPIO'SIA, AND IilSElSSS RESULTING FR03I tMlMmj" properties vVEDNESDAT, MAECH 18, IS64. JEMOVAL.

Wsbatve removed so ear Urge and eommotoas I NEW STORE, LdrteW no- mi poop ol sat as and efficient tor the treatment of BEOTIteS THB st -nstt. lioarsrnans, nrgmutw, Colds, ntti, wiaa, Catarrh. Alto, Fluid Extract of rt-epared by G. H. DADD.

M. 1). 5t SSN rin HEALTH OF THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. SMTH. General Western Agents, Lake (fclrago.

For sale by all Druggists. 74 aad 76 lake Street HOHX EXTEK'H flail's Cedron Bitters. who have doubted die virtues of BULL'S Disorders of the Liver, AHD DIGESTIVE OIiaANS i i ABB CUBED BY, I lu A. ,,..11 kind of farce, were It not that it is really a matter of serious moment, at a Urns when the country is struggling to preserve its national existence, that these gonUemen should Toe perpetually airing their personal grievances. History toils us that Nero fiddled whilo Rome as burning.

I cannot Ukea Frank Blair, black as some of bis enemies paint bim, to the Boman tyrant, therefore ibe simile a ill not hold good. But have you not oiXen seen a lot of crazy and drunken Art men belaboring each other with bludgeons and bricks, row-bars and Lose-wrenches, while the property they were organised to preserve is burning in eight of their disgraceful and senseless brawl Well, I look upon this Missouri quarrel ssjuet such an exhibition of madness and folly. For Cod's sake, gonUemen, if you have any regard lor the common safety let ns Lave no more of it. If you cannot agree to si ske bands and quit, why. at least agrea to quit.

In tbe Senate, day before yesterday, Grate Brown made an assault upon the President, of the most violent and mtligoaat chancier; and this in the face of the fact that Mr. Lincoln is tbe choice of nine-tenths of tbe loyal people of the country. Bach an attack exhibits either a vast amount of moral courage on tbe part of Mr. Brown, or a complete and perfect ignoranee of the opinions and feelings of the great mass of the loyal gw- av.rT3r- STOMACH BITTERS SPENCER, VILA BANKKSH AND II Coasreas street, Boston. BTOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLS OR COMMIbSlON-COLl Kt TIONS HAM OH ill PAKTSOFIBKNka) FNOL AKD TATlf8 ACt-orinsoi.

bases and BANiEiia kkitrtw. Kl CM LIBEBAI. TKRM8. JUIOiaT. SPECIAL AOhKHMKNT.

Parrieular attenUon given to tbe purchase aad sal. of Ljke Snpenor and CmnanlHl hHiilng stoeks oftt Stick Maraet fur. hlsued oa application. fesCn aai IIIRD NATIONAL BANK OF CHI0A0O. 156 LAKE STREET.

Origtaal ud SiWH Capital, sA8. BOWBS, Presldont. AMO T. HALL, Vice President. IBA HOLKK8, Caahrer.

ff-vltH-3a FIRST NATIONAL BANS OF CHICAGO, Bon Oi west oar. Lake and 0Urk.sU. CAPITAL, K. AIKEN. President.

6AM l. ai.i.i(;iKiiau,Vl&e-rrest. certificate from get tlemea veil kxown la -iiBi tty. sod douta bo mora. latrodnction Into the uni mm un'lld f- ,1.

A nn. anlrilM. e- bod bu, ion. w. aw undersigned, have sta the good effeet i Where we shall offer, for tag SPRING TRADE, The Urges ana De selected Stock ever la i this ttarket, ef Ready-Made Clothing, Cloths, Caimeres, rcsUngs, GeEtlemei's FinMisE Goods, aftJ by OI Unix's OD30N Sj i Mia pnMnm- ttc system, and believe Its general ait wouid awste aad relieve much suffer Lag.

Among I In t-'n would ibis be the cats. A unj iirano wo nro exposea miasma uc in- lfCCf41SV nonuifm Plintw. 1 1 HILir WEED, Collector In. Bar- Id Dis- trK t-oiiector oi tne fort of Louis- sii an HaaMaiajf, VMiUKi GERMAN BITTERS TEE GREAT STRENSTEBNlIfO TONIC. htanhsl General of Ken- people of the country.

But In either view of HOIOTKNS, jt BKAVVIIFIBA, ODKHATltay, lehgtheks, invicobiyes, KOirBISDEg, E9EBEUSIIE4 -r I UK klAXB. EEKD ALL'S AlVffiOLINE, A KA2S COatrOUND OF PTIMULATINBr EXTRACTS man FLOWERS, ROOTS AND HERBS, Far tht Growth, Beauty eal Permaasat Vlgar af KV. I) P. HFNOEBSON.Cor. Secretary of Sanltsrr I'nUJllliSSlOD.

HnaHFS co JUXTON CO BANKERS AND BROKERS, Southeast cor. CI Ark and lake SU. IkO Louisville Anseiger. 111,.. FArtKHlLL, Wholesale Dry Goods skiers.

Main street, Louisville, Ky. i4is, GREEN Co, Wholesale Shoe Dealers. 1 Main street, Louisville. or. Market ihird street, Louisville, Kv.

-TUTi'S WINTER, Clothing Merrhaat, tor. Third TRIKr.IKSS OF ALL KINDS, AT WHOLESALE 0SI.T. Being Interested la several large Woolen Mflse, ws receive fr oofrem flrst hands, and are that enabled to sell st tbe lowest market pries. Onr Road -Made aval knows as beta rally equal, not superior, auy other la the Western market. We in vit.

onr fries da and tbs Trade in general tall and examine onr targe Stock. S. STLTTflEIMEI. CO IMPOBTI K8 ACT, J0BBEB8 OF Foreign, and Domestic Woolens, A WHOLESALE CXOTHIEBS, fcie-w748-8m-eed--wr It 16 Laks street. THESE BITTERS HATE PRRFOitMETf HOB CUBES HAVE AkTD DO GIVE BETTE3 SATISFACTIONHATE MOBB TESTIMONY HAVE KOBE RESPECTABLE PEOPLE TO VOUCH FOB THEM.

Than any other Article in the Karktt. If Ari.P-r. HIl JJRSTH, of Steamer Ms). AndnioB. JA, ul.T.

TH ijf Pstiusmct U. 8. Army. 7 M.KTCALF.Nfitlonal Hotel. Louisville, Ky.

WTetches shall be exposed the revelation will shock the country. These Southern Methodist preachers began tbe work of disunion years ago. John C. Calhoun, ths arch-originator or treason, sent for Bishop Capers and bad a long private conference with him at tbe Urn. the split occurred in our church.

This was the entering wedge of disunion. 1 mean to show these traitors the scorn and abhorrence of their coutrymen. I have spoken much longer than I intended, ana wuj, conclude. n-pwen Pera nrowned the TTpet-tlujc of si Ksst-Foar Other Bt cued. At noon yesterday a most distressing accident occurred on the East Kiver, which resulted in the loss of the lives of seven persons.

Since the use of Bicker's Island as a recruiting depot there has been a ferry established between that place and Port Morris, consisting of an ordinary row boat, which has been used for conveying the friends of soldiers to and from the Island. The boatmen have frequently been cautioned against overloading their frail croft, bat have disregarded the caution and continued to carry heavy freights. Testerday nina persona, together with three boatmen started in small bout for the island. The twelve persons so crowded it that it was wilh difficulty managed. Alter reaching a point about a doreu arde from tbe shore the boat lurched, partially filled with water and sank.

Seven of the cccr.panta, namely. Julia, Eva and Le Alile, Mrs. Maniy, a cniid 7 yeara of age, a I ieiitenunt of artillery and a lady, both un-knov a theriDe Keefe, Eliza Schults and the tbice boatmen were saved. Amang the latter was one weeks, the owner of the boat. It is stated that the accident was caused by the Lit utr-nict who was intoxicated at the time snd would not keep his place.

There was a rumor last evening that some of the rodies bad been recovered, and that an inquest would 1 held on taem this morning. If. ZVm, 14fA. i A Dialogue. From the Chattanooga Daily Ossette.

Q. What cause do tbe rebels claim to have lor trying to destroy our Government A. None. 1 Q. What pretext? A.

The fugitive slave code of some oi the Northern States. Q. What effect could a law to Maine or Massachusetts have upon a citizen of Georgia or Alabama A. Not any whatever. Q.

Why, then, did the rebels make this a pretext A. Because they had not any other. The leaders well knew that this was no rightful pretext, but they knew also that they could not divert the mind of the eenerai masses without urging some excuse for secession and as they could hatch up nothing else they were forced to urge this. Q. Upon whose shoulders does this war A.

The poor man's. -Q. Whose soul is stained with Via blood spilled A. The rich man's. Q.

Who, then, is to blame for this war i A. The rich men of the Sonth. Q. Upon whom then should the punishment rest? A. Upon the rich men.

Q. What should be done with the poor man? A. He should be pardoned. Q. Who are the 6uppoiters of the rebel army? A.

The slaves. Q. How do the slaves support the rebel army? A. By raising supplies in food and clothing hat, then, ought L' nele Sam to do with them A. Liberate them.

tit, -i'u i nc i uv; ft visvairK. OKif D. PUKKTICK, LoolsTllle Journal, iu is Cbieago at wholpsale and retail by H. Si OVIi, KauaIpS street. drtiaSMni Hew We beg offer extracts from letters I oar paste Hen, whTea we shall be pleased to show Highly beneficial, where the Hair raeufres a Ue atianiiaat." D1L CHlLSOa.

1 as a Protcetire and CoratiTt) Medieifie i Yigurcs cannot He. The eUUsttesof theaaleeaf HOSTETTER BTOMAOH BITIRKd dttrwig tbe year that this invaluable Stomach Alterative aad AnUbllloaa areparatloa ass attained a nopalsrity never besare enjoyed by a proprietory nndl-etne. Starung la 1S with Mies aartag the year eeant to about SJuOO, It has so steadily aad rapidly advanced paoUe favor that ths cash receipts of the proprletoss and naumfacturers for 1SSI, the tenth year of Its sua-cess, wJB reach tbe enonnoas sum of ttXWt. Tae demand la Sew York alone is ovar one thousand asae per These busmeas statements are given to the world not Tom any ostentatious motive, but as an evidence of ths great sanitary tact that the Bitters meet the wants sal the expectat mlfillicav of theeoaomurrlty; that the public belief their efficacy tnereases and extends day by day, week by week, year by year sad that those was have pro rod the value of the article recommend tt earnestly la the circles which they move, and thus give a aidersoopeto lis extraordinary and carative virtus. While the cotamns of thepreai give publicity to such general statement of the tendency nnd operation of this TURK and POWERFUL VEGETABLE ELIXIR, aa may be comprehended within the limits of aa advertisement, thousands and tens of uonsanda, who owe health, vigor, appetite, and all physical blessings that render life enjoyable to its effects, are oon tin Bally ad-vertMcg it by word of mouth and by their own improve appearance, among all classes of society, and ta every portion of the Western world.

To these living advertaseanenta. these tangible certtneatesof the health preserving properties of the Bitters, more maa to My otber cause, their wonderful popularity la attributable. limits can be assigned to the ultimate demand for a preparatson that thus renders all who use it proselytes and eoologiats. One-half of the adult population of the civilized world needs HOSTS TTEB'8 BITTERS, because that proportion of them is subject more or lees to Indigestion. For that complaint, whether it has taken the shape of confirmed dyspepsia, or merely amounts to occasional pain and uneasiness In the stomach and bowels, this agreeable vegetable compound la aa absolute specific.

Common stimulants aggravate tbe disease. The practice of liquor as an appetiser before meals is a deadly error. In tbe first place, all spirits sold as beverages sre adulterated. An analytic chemist detects active corrosive poison In the best of them. Even If they were free from Rave never had anything that to perfectly anv- We defy any one contradict this tssetata.

AND WILL, PAY $1040 r.w-ow rre teTT v. that Tj-leao th jtom-'wH is kept worting ordif, tue syritcm, to which it rappliets i firtrwtp of the blood, ounnot he viorona and Nothtns hw yet been di'coTered or inrentcd pal .1 a unwius. the caeo it does not tell well tor the patriotism or political wisdom of the person who iU OEM. GRANT Is the observe of nil. Wherever ths unpretending little fellow goes he is followed by a gaping crowd oi citizens and soldiers.

It is evidently a great bore to bim but he exhibits bis usual fortitude. He was serenaded last sight at Willard's by the band of the 1-ilh infantry. Hon. E. B.

Washburn of Illinois, appeared at the window and returned thanks in bis name, at tbe same li ne presenting tbe General, who bowed and merely said: "Gentlemen, you will have to excuse me from speaking." There was great enthusiasm at sight of the General and the crowd did not separate for some time. Since be bus been here, the General has had a lengthy private interview with the Secretary of War and Gen. HaUeck, it is rumored on the subject of the plans of the coming summer's campaign. i. Wester Prisoner Exchanged.

The following enlisted men from the Western States are among the prisoners recently exchanged O. Morton, 6th Wis. L. O. Norton, iMth Mich.

B. B. liuflit; rth Wis. D. Drvdea, 24th km.

C. Hallanonail, 1st Minn. F.G.Wyman, Sd Wis. rev. C.

Puck, E. 1st Minn. C. C. White, 9th III car.

B. Wilson, 7th Wis. L.D.Puterball. Sd iCcav. D.

Gilmore, Sd Wis. Boynton, 4th Wis. Tbos. Brown, 2d Wis. O.

K. Eelley, 7th IiL car. N. M. Orrick, 1st Wis.

M. ColweU, 107th Iu. F. De Fraities, 114th HL W.N. Johnson, th Mich.

C. Wittrnck, 11th lUcavJ. Hardv, 7th IU. Geo. Wier, 66th IU.

3. L. Myers. 84th W. Lee, 7th PI.

M. 8. Boots, 38th Iowa. L.Eppine. C.

C. Parker, 7th Wis. J. H. Ayers, F.

7th Wig. M. Hanagan, 7tb IU. hi certaiiy ana carw mna prcrenc. AL.

ier'c' aipwKH. HiMeribKH stomach rpercrt OiptKH. 5TOM IlThia- Dywpepfa. fiatnleace, opprcwltA od the fwlic? so often deacrilKMi by 1'-one ftenxat.Cra. ure remoTed to a tew STOCKS AND BONDS Bought and Sola at ths Brokers' Board in Mew Tark, aad carried on mar-gias.

tebl-waw-lm rjREASURY DEPARTAIENT. OFFICE OF Comptroller of the GuiTency. i WaBBTwemaT. Febm ary 1st, 18S4. satlsfsctory evidence preseated to ths undersigned, it has betn made te appear that Tbe StC'ONu National Bank of CHICAGO, in tbe County of COOK and State of ILLINOIS, has beea duly organized under ana according to the requirements of the act ol Congress, entitled "An Act to provide a Kstlonal Currency, secured by a pledsre of United States stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof, spproved February 35, 1863, and bas compiled with all tbe provisions of said act re-quired to be compiled with before corn manning the business of Banking.

Now. TH Karons. T. HUGH MoCULLOCH, Ccmn-troller of tbe Currency, do hereby certify that tbe SKCOND National Bank of CHICAGO. County ol COOK and State or ILLINOIS, Is suthorized to commence the business of Binrsag under the act atere-sald.

In 5 siaL and seal of omca, this FTBSI day FEB-wv KUAST.U64. i after t4ck aa ui say ae who will produce OerHtcat p.Wlsh. davai hw da iuco. thia most hetiitUfiU of ail atimalanta. Kb by as, that it aot GENUINE.

HOOFaLAlTOS or. cowrrer iceoie, nea lenr it, ror it no fry iurwlient. It eicum neither the circmlutlon nor lB. On the ita effect is genial and odJiiLtf. It Dmmote aleen'aa well mtoren the eo- rty of the dieettive powers, anti may be taken not vithurt drjieer.

but with csrjintr of the modi irnMf rfffnlib the fcebteat Udjr iavaUd. J.SBKPB,, i i 11 canal street, New York. After having used ysur Amb.ltrre,' I believe tt tabs the best pteaarat ion Cur the hair made RaTHALT DUMAS, Artiste da Theatre Francau, Hew York. "After being bald for over seven years, your Aua-boune hat covered the entire sea's with Sir Haia." PROF. JNO.

8ESIA, sSaUng-atKewYork. For tale by aTl Drmrglsts snd Fancy Goads lea1sra. Put up in boxes (containing two Dotile.) Price, OSF DOLLAR. Prepared only by KENDALL a 90S Broadway, New York, apposite that.Nihtat Hotal. Ufxau wxbtbsw AAaaT, raven rrixGB, 24 26 HABXET-ST- CHICAGO.

feSS-vsee-emts GERIflAN BITTERS, uhaW -w-eoa-r mm FARCO BILL, Have remove from 4S Lake street tkefr sew DOUBLE STORK, Nock 48 So SO Wabaxh Avenue, BText sonth of Oaoley, Farwetl A C. We have largely mereasea ear faculties for ntaas-iactaruig our odesrated KIP AND CALF WARRANTED BOOTS AND SHOES. Having also received a lsrga and well selected stock at desirable goods far the SPRLNG TRADE, Ws Invite the attention of an Sealers In BOOTS aad 8BOES to aa examinatioa of the same. We eontinus the UA8H SVSTaAt, and know that BOnaa House, EasCbr West, can compete with us. fel-wwe 2m FABOO BILL.

iion. pronoonce mad a nx Foktsb 9 Conoa Bjll the moet pleaeant and efficacton? Kemedy for tl are of aJeuKha, Col Cronp. bore Throat, fccM kiicrcn tnt baa ever ret been fnveo to the pcrlic 7 it always acts like eharin. Children really HUGH MoCULLOCH. rsurned.1 Compueller of Urn Carrencr.

WILL CUBE EVERY CASK OF Ckzoaie tf Ntrvjui Debility, Diooat of the Kidneys, and Disease ariaing front Suordersd Btommili. Obscrre the following symptoms, realtinc from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: irtrai(Hw now In the market it ean be obtained of only 45 emu per notrle. L'LL IU vis FtTLLER and SMITH DW YE Agfcaior116 Western States. mkl3-a-Mw Holloy' Pills and Ointment. SECOND NATIONAL BiM l.rlllll IU, 4', TT ID.

V. TTM1IT.JI, mi All. J. J. PbillitrS, 2d Wis.

A. Agen, 64th HI. 3. Brown, 80th Wis. P.

Do'naboe, 85th IncL Nonan, 86th Wis. M. Glauber, 3d Ind. cbeaKiis wonni9. rotsea, e.

no more nat- CAD he aiiiinal nf tia IntiriMliaita 'elrrrich Hollc Medicines afford to anfferera X)C JJOPPOCK, GLENN CO, JOBBERS OF I G-ROCERIEB, AND OF CHICAGO. A. vv. waterman, '(in jaroer, oa ma. J.

W. Eyeeton, 7th Til. J. R. Gage, 104th IIL W.

3. Gaxner, 7fh Wis. G. Wilcol, 4th Mich. G.

Middleton, Sd Ind. A. F. Davis, 6th Mich. G.

htnnlev. Sd Ind. F. Saunders. 4-Jd IU.

Mirh accident. The grand feature in the ill 5i i It leaves nrlther nor blemish of the i LPor the Tribone. THJE VKTIiMAN VOLUTOBBBS. BY H. 0.

BAIAAaO. Our hope and fltltb are cheered anew Otir beexta sre strong ouce more. The brave and war-worn men ia Ubo, Tried In the conflict's roar, 1 New rally at the Nation's call tt ith purpose trne and brave. The dear old banner shall cot fs9 Their comrades died to save I Bold heroes of tbe mMity NorLh I Wo donbts our hearts can cbill bear the hopea of millions forth, And execute their will No tcrrora check, uo dan, -erg djoat The men of many scars, go o'er all tbe land to plant The banner of the stars I Tbe Fast and West, the border lands Join In one loyal With vrWing heart, and ready hands 1 boy btar tbe flag alone They see the moands where comrade bravee t-lesp by each river's side, No flas- shaj float their gravea, Bare that to which they died I Behold the ranks of Iron rasa, ith laces toward the foe. Prose bold to the front agala Where only heroes And brave aad true, coma woe or wsai.

They dare the fearful strife. For on their Rlearalni? lines of ateel They bear Uie Union's life I They leave tbelr "reside joys agala for war's destroying blast. To tread the bloody battle pisln. Where they may sleep at last; Yet honor's hand will wreathe with bars, Their brows in coming years And unborn millions bless and praise Our veteran volunteers i Chicago, March 11, lboi. from WAsaiscTpar.

Our Foreign Relation France, Ens land, cVr. Quarrel ot Rsiaaearf Slein-l-r Utleeta of tbe Detea tine aiold BUI. From Oar Regular Correspondent. WAsarjteroM, March 13, 1864. OUR FOBEIOIf BELATIONB FBANCB, KItaLAKD, TC.

There Is a good deal of uncaay feeling respecting our foreign relations, caused by the reports brought by the last two or three steamers, to the effect that France was grain pressing upon England negotiation for the acknowledgement of the Southern Confederacy. The money market has taken the alarm, either oa acconnt of these reports or the defeat of the bill allowing Mr. Chase to dispose of the gold in the Treasury, or both combined, and last evening gold was reported to have gone op 109 to in New York. The New Tork Copperhead papers, which are in the interest of the gold speculators, had reported, ostensibly from here, that it was considered at the State Department that onr relations with France were extremely critical. This was authoritatively contradicted, however, last evening.

The fact is, the dispatch in the New Tork World making the statement was not sent from this city, but gotten up to order in New Tork, a many of these speculative and Copperhead dispatches are. The alarming dispatches in the New Tork Copperhead papers are doubtless founded on tbe reports brought by the European steamers, which give some color of plausibility to them. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that, while the State Department as yet knows nothing of any movement towards recognition on the part of France, it is certain that our relations with that country are not altogether as pleasant as is desirable. She has sheltered during the winter the rebel privateers Georgia, Florida, and Rappahannock, in her harbors almost two of them, not only to refit, but to rearm and reman. Indeed, in one if not two cases, the refitting teas done in one of tiit Imperial dock yard.

They went into French ports, discharged all their crews, re-enlisted others Irish, English, French, Italians and Austrians and sailed out again on their mission of fire and sword. How can our Secretary of State look on these proceedings in any other light than as indirectly aiding the enemy. He cannot, and I find he so states in bis last published dispatch to Mr. Dayton, as follows 1 cannot say that this Government is satisfied with the decision of the French Government to treat the Florida as a ship-of-war, or with any of the proceedings which the Emperor has based upon-that decision. The President is in no case likely to concede that the Government of the Emperor was justified in regarding as a lawful belligerent a vessel that was built, armed, manned, equipped and dispatched from a foreign port to make war against the United State, and has pursued a piratical career in in violation of the law of nations, ever since she left that port.

Nevertheless, your proceeding, in advising the commander or the Kearsarge to avoid a conflict with the French authorities, is approved, because the Cnited States will respect the authority of France in her own dominions, so long as France does not assail the Cnited States." It appears that Mr. Dayton wrote for instructions as to whether the. Kearsage should not blockade the port of in order to prevent the Florida from coming out. This was not done, doubtless because it would have produced a collision between the two countries. In fact, in looking through the entire correspondence on tbe subject of these vessels refitting and being remanned in the ports of France, the reader must come to the conclusion, that our Government did not appeal to arms in the premises simply because in the present condition of the country, the benefit to bs derived from such appeal would be altogether overbalanced by the evils to be endured! But besides the privateer business, So family should be withont a supply of these roccnaeon TO JW.

Matthews, 7th WIs.8. G. Parson, 7th Wis. ir 1 1 uin aas. -MA lJ aMs an aa irni i pgr pox or pot.

miil2 aaas4w JLr Vfamet, C. E. Phflo. 2d Wis. N.

Vlert, 1st Mich. T. I each, 16th Dl. W. C.

Calcht, 14th HI. P. V. C'uiclr. 7th IU.

3. Hoe. 14th 111. J. A.

ELLIS CO. COMMISSION MERCIIA.KTS, -rHT of James Cnstotn Bouse street. 3. Barrett, 86th Ind. O.

P. Stnmph, 100th HI. Constipation, Inward Piles, FnTlness of Blood I mtm Head. Acidity of the8temaehNauaeA, Heartbmra. Disgust tor Food, ullness or Weight im tk S'lOmach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of th.

Stomach. Saimmlng of the and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when In lying posture. Dimness of vision. Dot or Webs before th Sight, Fever snd Dull Pain tnthe Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin an" Eves, Pain ia ths Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, e. Sadden Flushes of, Burning in in tbe Flash.

Constant Imaginings si Evil, snd great Depression of Spin it. "n4hh Barbie Stores, 18 and 20 Testy strert, this objection, an nnmedlcated alcoholic stimulant is not what tbe enfeebled stomach requires. Ia Hostet-tee'a Bitters, Essence of Rye, from which every acrid element has been discharged by a special process, hi present as a component. But this article, mild aad genial as it is, could not of itself cure or even relieve dyspepsia, it is merely the vehicle which gives activ VrccAW in the t-eaimeSt of Old tfffcojrTC.Srsa- 1' Srf- n-rrat svnH na Di nnti 11. Aker, Ku wis.

teo. t.rongcr, otn men. F. H. Myers, lth m.

W. ClowTSd Wis. M. Bluffer, 6th IU. G.

Bobinson, 25th Ind. G. West, let Mich. F.J. McCarthy, 5th Ind.

We are now prepared to receive Deposits, hoy Mii sell Exchange, and transact a General Banking Bust- rrt DlSXAfeKS AHD Ol OlDEFS OF A COSTAGIOUS (Adjoining Astor House and opp. St. Paul's Chore i tA.alao keen on hand for sale TThlted States Reve CHAuCTiB ore yiem without resorting t. jerctiry, Iopidb, Fotassu, Arsenic or any poison. fTiih a KiDTiiimt.

a kuutiim ciTaUt for all lVew York City. cnrf tnd blood poiaoDS. W. Chester, 12th 111. W.

A. Fitch, 1st III. Art. J. B.

La ton, Sd Wis.cav.O. Shanerstadd, J. Betner, 62d IU. P. Yelgar, 27th Wis.

3. Hurry, 2d Ind. O. Daniel, 13th HL cav. A Swindler frsm Baltimore Arrested rfi.A iu nsAtaBB, Bti dtoudu tt ciinc-n, snd Iiuroal Bmisoca.

bronzht on by ity, force, searching effect to a rare Infusion of herbal extracts, designed in tone, regulate and fortify the system. Without the aid of a diffusive stimulant tke medicinal properties of these vegetable ingredients would ton bt em, early indtsereriotis. excess 1 -ntelel berediuvrily, eatu-lDg lowof memory, eon- Moras A. Hoppock, late of Hoppock, Rarbutt A Co. Jasiks K.

Gleux, late of Cincinnati. Ohio. Ai orsTrs A. Comstocx. late with Gatbutt.

Black A and otun time loyalty, other deplorable train of symptoms, treated ana fail of their effect. The projectile that batters down a Hendricks. 1m Ksirope Avxtrnordioary ana liase of 11 Im by a Liverpool Detective. From the Liverpool Mercury, Feb. 10.

In Aucust last, in the city of Baltimore, a nue stamps, allowing tbe usual discount oa orders for one hundred doUara and upwards. Office Northwest corner of Lake tutd Clark Streets. J. A. ELLIS, President.

F.dwd. I. TrwKHA-n, Cashier. Chicago, February 81.5 1SC1. fe7-w38-0t ANK OF AMERICA.

PabKo Kotice Is hereby given, that all Bills or Circulating Notes of tbe BANK OF AirrEHICA," Heretofore Incorporated and doing business In the dry of Chicago, under tbe general banking laws of tbe State of Illinois, most be presented for payment to the Auditor of Public Accounts of said State, at his omce, la L. it. Otis coM Chicago. H. A A.

Knar. mba17l-4w wirtuy enrea oy an imajuoie meinoa, ssvjntr maco st ni expense. GleAt, Oonorrhea, Stricture, aad dresses pecaiiar to the sexea of a private nntore, cured. iUmm mT tfce VOST CLASS hostile well receives Its impetus from the powder placed behind It, snd in like manner tbe curative and healthful principle of BOSTETTEB'S STOMACH BITTERS very extraordinary swindle was perpetrated BER, ATWATER CO, GENERAL COMMISSION AND Itse blood has eecome poisoned, producing is made operative and Irresistible by the pore Essence by a person namea donn a. new, wno Kept a tavern there, and who.

bv a series of adroit ORDNANCE OFFICE, Was I)statt. I WASHTSOTon, Februsry H8, 1981. PROrOSAtS will be received by this Department until Tl'ESPAY, March 15, at 4 p'm, forthedeUv-ery, at ths following Arsenals, of Horse Equipments, Cnited States Cavalry pattern, as aereliiaaer specified At the Few York Arsenal, 8,000 seta. At tbe Frankfort Arsenal, sets. At tbe Alieehany Arsenal, 6.080 sets.

At the Cincinnati Depot. S.uiX) sets. A tke St. LepU Arsenal. s.

ts. These sets of Horse Equipments are to be fnrnish ed complete, except the horse-brush, carry -comb lariat, picl-et-pin link, and blanket. The curb and watering bits, tbe malleable iron hardware, and stirrups, ere to confirm strictly in pattern and Snish to those deposited at tbe arsenals above named. The trees are to be of tbe regulation pattern, a-sorted slits rot less than SH laches between tbe bars on the Inside of the pommel, the side bars of i hard wbite wo.dor beach.) tbe pommels snd cantels el beech, well put together sll the Irons one-tenth of au inch thick, and all let into the wood; to be covered with the best Blangbtereo cow-hide all other eovtsrlnc to be reiected. The trees are to be sublect to inspection during all stages of the manufacture, but the equipments will be inspected at the arsenals where delivered.

Pellverlea must be made In lots of not less than flftv sets per week for all contracts of SOe sets or under one hundred sets per week for all contracts of from si 0 up to 1,000 sets two hundred sets per week for sll contracts of from 1.000 to 2,090 sets snd five hundred sets per week for sil contracts of frsm 2,000 to 6X00 sets. The first delivery to be made en the day of April, 184. Failure to mane deliveries at a specified time win subject the contractor to a forfeiture of the number be may fall to deliver at that time. Ho bids will be considered from parlies otber than regular manufacturers, and such ss are kaown to tt Is Department to be full) competent to execute in their own shops the work proposed for. Bidders will enclose with their bids the written acknowledgments of their sureties, over their own g-nstnres.

Each party obtaining a contract will be obliged te enter int. bonds, with approved its falth-rul execution. Upon tbe award being made, successful bidders will be notified, and furnished with terms ef con-tract and brnd. 1 he Department reserves the right to reject any or all bids, if not deemed sstiafsctory. Proposals will De addressed to Brigadier General George I.

Ramsey, Chief ol Ordnance, Washinztcn, Tl. and wld he endorsed Proposals for Horse FOB VABOING BEBOH1NTS, aead and bones, ulcerated throat, nose, limbs and and apparently legal means, committed a of Bye, which forms tbelr basis. Thuslsdtsease vanquished In Its strongholds by combination of unequalled vegetable antidotes, carried, as it were. -r, Kruium, ucuaex wiw aa enniwaa nvouier ut number ot lianas. Among ms victims was the quartermaster of the place, whose, clerk he managed to swindle out of a receipt, on the eronnd oi bavins' contracted for a large straight to the mark by a wholesome stimulant.

sa Aatcnez street, new urieans, ut, ArBxnrO OiisaA bisk D. Atwatxb. Nsw rtrlsana, B. P. OB A St.

fels-wSia-ini FLNNEY, LYONS CO, (Successors to Harding Hsll.) dealers la SHIP CHANlLEKY, Groceries and Pro vislona. Tarred and anilia Coidage, Pitch, Tar and Oakum, Faints, Oils, White Lead, Canvas, Blocks, etc. lt3 routh Water sti-eot, Chlcasro. Not only is Indigestion, In all fts phases, permanently REMEMBER! Tliat this Bitters is not Alcoholic, Contains no Rum or Whisky, 15D cist hike BUT IS THE BEST TONIC KS- THE WORLD. 3tmtht tbe siedlcal facalty.

and professors ot med-i colleera. etc Tho4a altllcied should apply bnme-jtt, and be eared oi these terrible diseases, imenber Dr. James' Offlce and Parlors are at 9s ittdolpb, between State and Dearborn streets. He ones from A. M.

unlit 8 P. M. Conailtationt idendaL mbtJ-aJOO-ist the City of Spnngneia. wiuun tnree years iroin ui. hereof, or the funds deposited for the redamptioa of wid notes will be given up to said bank.

Dated thlsMth day of May, A. D. 1S61. uu GEOBGA SMITH. President.

W. WrxiAms. Cashier. Jy26-gMoJeM4 number of horses, to the amount of By this means he managed to forge the paymaster's name, and obtained an order on a and thoroughly cured by this celebrated invigorant, but all the diseases which dyspepsia engenders, are speedily relieved by its use. Bilious disorders, that have 'i Physiological Tiew of Mar ero.

o. vntHBT. naaixi, ltoks. s. a.

eisaa. bank payable twenty days, and with this document he was enabled to raise from the Citizens' Bank. Baltimore, to which he was defied the prescript oris of tbe Mercurial School of Medicine, yield readily to tbe anti-bilious action of the Bitters. If the thousands who, after abandoning calo trsse. suisint; nearly SOS psges, and ISO fine Plates snd fTSTina of the Asatomy of ths Sexual Orcansln 1 we Heaitb aad Mstase, wita a Trratise on Q.

Is it right to make soldiers out of slaves A. It is just as proper and right for them to uphold the flag of tbe Union by fighting as it is for them to uphold the rebellion by working. If the Union troops have the right to use a rebel battery against its original owners, they certainly have the right to use their slaves against them. Their being property does not destroy this right, for batteries are property also. A traitor is not any too good to be shot by a negro though he be as black as hell The 65th Illinois.

Kjsoxvnxm, Feb. 29, 1634. Editors Chicago Tribune I understand that your paper, in a recent issue, contains a statement which does unintentional injustice to the 65th Illinois Infantry Volunteers. The statement is to the effect that the regiment named is the only one of tbe old Illinois regiments eligible to re-enlistment as veteran volunteers, whose determination in reference to that matter has not been made known. The 65th are not eligible to such re-enlistment, having more than a year to serve on the 1st of March, the date fixed by Congress ss that on which such re-enlistments shall cease.

And the injustice done the regiment is in the impression conveyed, that, though privileged to re-enlist, they are unwilling to furnish that highest proof of devotion to the cause In which they are engaged. The contrary is the fact. Every possible effort has been made to induce the roper authorities to remove by especial or-er the disability in that respect under which the regiment labors and for six weeks past an application to the effect stated has been before the War Department, from which a favorable response is even yet hoped sines the regiment lacks less than a month of coming within the limits prescribed bv the last act of Congress on the subject of re-enlistments. Ton will much oblige ourselves and friends by publishing this statement. i SrxTT-FIFTH.

mni-VKte-an JOHN S. ROBERTS SON, (J. S. lste of Chnrebman A Roberts,) FBODUCE C0KMIS8I0S ME KC HANTS, at Water street, New York. TfEVKSSssTCns.

Messrs. Jones A Culberaon. Chi. Armsr. us iepiraBie oocBeqiiBiicta umju uic jBd BjdT.lth the Antnor'l Plan of Treatment introduced, a sum of 440,000.

The day after it was dif covered that the order was a lor-gery, and that Piehl had absconded. It was subsequently found that he left America for mel in despair, have been cured of liver disease by this unequalled Vegetable Alterative, could place their LAKE STREET. 02 E. A. AYT 8t I-r only rational snd saecemful mods of care, as i by tbe leport or eaes treated.

A truthful Aier to the married, and tbose contemplating Oaeo: Thos. H. Brown. Chicsgo. dets-6772-Sre Europe, and it was supposed that he had combined experience before the world, that fearful drug would be banished from civil practice as it has al come to England.

In September last Mr. Ma- ready been ingommiously thrust out of onr military -amaee. lrno entertain nounis oi sueir puywcii MiUion. Sent free ajf postacs to any sddrese, on snt sf eerte. In stamps or pos-al enrrtney, by l-irpslng Dz.

LA 040IX, No. 31 Maiden Lane, At BATX WtSXD A fta-Tl3Sn-is A. X. guire, late Superintendent of Police, and now the head of the Private Detective and Inquiry Office, No. 7 Doran's lane, in this town, was applied to on the subject, and requested to take the affair into his bands and look alter SPRING TRADE.

Hair lrel Hair IyeII iirmiuiaMbhnM ntm nrRM fm Equipments." The time for opening the proposals trader the above advtrtiprment for Horse EimprSnts is postponed un BRANCH HOUSE IN CHICAGO I i roB ths aaxa or LADIES' CLOAKS AXD MANTILLAS 43LM Oj known. Tale splendid Hair Dye to Perfect til the rUUi ana tne nrst aenvery unm anm an, Uifei XVeU, XViW.y VTl Hill iuow.u.1., BtTtTt or NATTTBAt Bsowit, witoont Inlnrinc air or Stalnbll tbe Skin, tearing tbe BAlrSofi 1864. GEO. D. KAMSAY, hospitals.

The success of the Bitters In cases of HABITUAL CONSTIPATION has been marked and striking. Their slight spertent operation gently removes obstruction from the bowels, and at the same time they impart sufficient vigor snd tone to the membrane which lines the alimentary canal to enable Nature to perform her most important functions regularly, withont any forth er medication. FLATULENCE, a most annoying and often a very painful sfEiction, Is not only relieved for the time being, but its recurrence prevented by an occasional re ILead Who Says So: From thBev. Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Bsptt Church, Pemberton, N.

formerly ot the Sort Baptist Church, Philadelphia. 1 have known Hooflands German Bitten fkvoraMy for a number of years. I have used them in my owa family, and have been so ptessrd with their effect that I was induced to recommend them to many others, and know that they have operated In a strikingly beneficial manner I take great pleasure in thus ab-licly proclaiming this tact, and calling the attentloa ol those ail' it ted with the diseases for which they are recommended, to these Bitters, knowing from expo rlenre that my recommendation will sustained. I -i Aaantlfnl imnaru frctoh vttalttv. A-eauentlT res- the forger, which he did.

By a process known only to himself, Mr. Maguire discovered that Piehl, with his family, bad arrived at a place called Petschan, in Bohemia, where his father resides. A respectable firm In Liverpool had been instructed to give Mr. Maguire any assistance in case the wanted" party should turn up, snd after some delsy the necessary orir.riu nriBtlnecolor. andrectifire tbe ill eftrcts oi ..1 Thf fiTiTiii I.

Ki.Ti.fl i I li A. Bacb om, all others are mere imitations, and should be xsngauier uenerai, uaiei oi uruuanca, HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBERLAND Omcl CjrrjSF COMMSSAaV OF STTBRISTEirOa-, CttATTAKOOGA, March 7th, ISM. PROPOSALS. Scaled proposals are invited till 5th of April, 1861, for furnishing the Subsistence Denartment with four thou. RAWSON BARTLETT, Uanufkcturert and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS SHOES, 3 I.nlte-St., Clxlcasre, 111.

We have now on hand a very large and wen stock of Sprint; Oeeds of the very best manufacture, and of a superior quality to thou aiualiy eftared this market. Having made our purchases in Ilnnn, IMS, tot the coming season, prior to the recent advances, wt believe we can offer tntuscai. usucaataiiTs to Caab Br VMS, visiting this market. Ws coutinue to make KiTRA SIZES and GOOD GOODS our SPECIALITY. fetl-vS-Smit jsvj'w.

poiq oy ait imjftgiins, etc. street. New York. lyKWHy. "Wboaa Dye to tskint; the phtee of others? documents were procurea rrom America ana placed in the detective's hands, who had gone to London and made inquiry about the movements of PiehL Beine- fortified with do uils more CDeeriuiiy as noouanu Diners is ia- tended to -nert tne armcieo, sua is -not araus benef DEALERS CAN BUT AT THE LOWEST NEW TOKK WHOLESALE PRICES, EATISQ EEIGHT AND OTHEE EXPENSES.


drink." Tours, truly. sand (4J00) bead of Beef Cattle on the hoof. sua pronounced harmless? 1 he altie to ce aeiiverea ai wasavine, weighed on tbe scales snd ths weight so determined to be the pnrehase weight. The Cottle required must average at least eleven hundred and (1,150) pounds, and no animal will be ad-mitteit welninfT less Khan one thousand (1.0001 notmda all the necessary legal documents, Maguire proceeded to Prague and took up his residence at the Hotel de He soon discovered that a short time previously the maa he was in search of, along with bis family, had been stopping- at the same house. From this From Bev.

3. Newton Brown, D. Editor of aa-Bncvrlopedia of Belieious Knowledge, and Christian Chronicle, Philadelphia. SEW TORK, AND lift LAKE STKEET. CHICAGO.

CHBBIADOHU'9 I Whose Ealr Dye sncee eds when aU others fall CHBHTADOllO'S Whose Hair Dn baa tbe lanrest sale in tbe world CHBIiTlDOBOt I vhm. 1W ta in ths rreatest anantltles to arose. A riid inspection will be made by snch persons inhl-vTW-lmin tort to this delightful Stomachic and tbe same msy be tald of CRAMPS IN THE STOMACH, BILIOUS CHOLIC, SICK HEADACHE, and that most depressing and painful sensation in the upper part of tbe abdomen which Is sometimes described at an all gone" feeling by dyspeptic patients. Lost of appetite la aa evil that can only be safely obviated by increasing the vigor of the digestive organs. If the palate craves mora than the stomach can digest, the former can only be gratified at tbe expense of the latter.

The peculiar merit of the Bitters, as a stomachic, is, that if tt doubles the demands of appetite, it at tbe same time doubles the capacity of the stomach to dissolve and aadlmi-late food, so that the desire for nutriment and the abil he traced him to Petschan, where Piehfs "The Hog." From the Chattanooga Daily Gazette. Last summer I was employed as ai my detective and scout in Middle Tennessee, headquarters of the army of the Cumberland then being at Murfreesboro. On the 4th of June I was ordered by Col. Truesdale to operate in the vicinity of Stone Kiver Ford, located a few miles from Murfreesboro, on the Lebanon Pike. Col.

Jarvis, a most worthy officer, and Colonel of the 13th lather resides, and from inquiry there be discovered that Piehl had gone, to Leipsic some three weeks before this. as ine ljroveTnmeni may uircct at eatmueuvery. nans, Stags, Heifers and Covrs not wanted. A bond with stood and sufficient security will be requited for tbe faithful performance of the contract. The time of the delivery of Cattle will be fifteen days after signing the contract, snd one thousand ner wei-k will be required till the contract is completed.

Bids directed to Lieut. Col. A. P. Porter.

Chief C. S. haired matdeia af Cttba, Mexico, and Soutb America? rt JOTICE. Ilounly Still Paid by trie U. fS.

Itavy. Ttv aet of CoosTess. the U. S. Navy will hereafter re lilMlMAl-WlHJ'S 1 i 'i -T A IlllRn.

a Aster At this point there was a standstill. All trace of the fucritive seemed lost: but Ma PARWELL, FIELD fc I SUCCESSORS TO C00LET, FAEWELL 4, 4 and 4tt Wabaali Ayemsme, IMPORTERS OF Department of the Cumberland, Nashville. and New Tork, Sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. LO Ire mnui set; ropotfUl lur lunuHiiu oroi i.i.i to, Mil, nf lla.i.niia nuiat T- hirl a ent medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients snd effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple pc- Saratlon. in tbe hope that he may that contribute te benefit of others.

I do this more readily In regard to Hoof and Gorman Bitters, preps red by Di. C. M. Jackson, of this city, becanse 1 was prejudiced against them for many years, under the impression that they were ehieily aa aloobolic mixture. I am indebted to my friend Bobs.

Shoemaker, for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests snd for encoursgemeut to try them whoa suffering from great and long cor. tinned debility. Th use of three boities of these Bitters, at tbe beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and to a deeree of bodily and mental vigor mce at, siu, anuv vwAuu.a fel-wTj6-lm guire was not to be put off the scent, and tbe more difficulty presented Itself the more strenuous his exertions became for the man's caTjtnre. He returned to Enirland once more. no bid will be entertained when the bidder is not pres O.

V. 1., was in command at mo ora. i soon formed his acquaintance and commenc fliwui Frailty, or 1'byaloloan- ceive recruits to serve for two years, and pay a konnty oi three months pav. also aa advance of two months, making in the aggregate from lorty-two to fifty-four dollars. This service is conceded by tul to be the most desirable In which a man can enter.

No marching, meals st resmlar hours, with good quarters on bonrd ship, and the best medical attendance when sick. cal KesearcBM, On the 4th instant he proceeded from Liver ed operations. A few nights afterwards I accompanied Capt. McCofioch, Co. 18th O.

V. oat on a scout, and just before daylight the next ity to turn it to good account increase pro rata, and toofly vigor Is the Inevitable result. A person may have an inordinate appetite, and yet be aa thin ss a shadow and feeble as a child, but as HCSTETTER'S BITTERS produce a perfect accord between the requirements of hunger and the power of digestion, the the Mexican question looms up into proportions alarmingly threatening the future of the country, and stabbing the national body in a vital part Mr. Seward has protested fhsald be read by everybody. It treats on.

and atows aw, tbs evil results arising: from early abuse ud snbappy eontaminstion may be subverted, with a rare method ol dispelling the miszivings many experience la enteriniz tbe marriage state. Bold by Da. J. A. ARROW, lit Bseeeaet street, ew Tors.

II'IS IU. Ull I I II 1MU WWI AnU ATfUJ Ml. U. 8. Naval Eendesvous which 1 bsd not tell for six months before, snd had al pool for the continent, ana traveiiea lor three days and nights, until he reached Glessen, in Germany, where he was fortunate enough to light on the individual that he was so anxiously seeking for.

When Mr. Maguire told him the charge, and stated that he would have to return across the Atlantic, he replied most dispaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to the use of thetn- J. NEWTON BBOWN. Philadelphia.

Northwest eer. of North Clark and Korta Water attenuated form fattens under their tome Influence, snd what would otherwise be a depressing berden to the system, becomes, by assimilation, healthy flesh and 7 To be had also of H. BCOVIf tt morning we halted in iront oi a secesn noase I told a negro woman to tell the white folks that a company of Confederates were passing; in a few moments I saw the old lady and her daughters emerge from the house. They rushed to the gate, In their night garments, and saluted me. I introduced myself as Lieut.

Johnson, of Alabama, whereupon the streets, Chicago, in. JOHN D. BlBTx, blood snd muscular fibre. In no complaint Is tbe remedial action of this won. Dr.

Stoecfa iLtntment. Acting Master TJ. S. Navy, Commanding Rendeivous. derful Tonic more prompt and decisive than in CHILLS AND (EVER of every type.

Taken during tbe cold From the Bev. Jos. H. Kennard, Pat lor of the 10th Baptist Church. Da Jaon-sov Dear Sir I have benfreiueotly re- stage, it at once shortens its duration, and soon breaks and villages, to whom good pay will be given.

Address Nil asaoove. fair daughter rushea to me, ana ten you friend Hood, I never got such an all-fired good hug before nor since. It nukes me feel pleasant now. Capt. McColloch regretted that be was not in my boots.

I find that such squeezes are net to be enjoyed by every one. Scoot. up the paroxysms. Tnrougnont the western States it Is pnpeibeuiiig every other medicine for intermittent snd remittent fever, it has become a household specific in all the alluvial regions that border on great rivers, on tbe prairies, and In every swampy and marshy DR. SWEETS enesteu to COI nneci my name wiui GvuiutniHuuw of "liferent kin is of medicines but regarding tbe practice as out of my spproptiate sphere, I hav la all case declined but with a dear proof In various instances, and particularly In my family, of the usefulness of Dr.

HooBaad't Germs Bitters, I depart for once from my usual course, 1. express my full erection that, FOR GENERAL DEBILITY OFTTHK BTSTBM AND FSPrXIALLY FOR UVKR COM-PLA15T, IT IS A 6AFE AKD VALUABLE PREPARATION. In time cases It may fail i hot usually, I donbt not. It will be very beneiiclal to those who suffer from in sbove csue. You, KENNARD.

district where these prostrating diseases prevaiL At this season it should be taken regularly and systemati liifalliMe Liniment. cally ss a protection against the miasma of wet soils. it may be taken, as a rtue to wucn there are no excep TBI ent to respond, fayments wuu De made in oeruncates of indebtcune. Fob or Bn. I do hereby propose to mroisn the TT.

S. Subsistence Pepartnient wilh four thousand ,4.000) hesd of Beef attle on tbe hoof, in strict accordance with conditions of the enclosed advertisement, to be delivered at Xasbville, lor the sum ol per bordred pounds gross weight. I offer as security to my contract tbe names of county, A. P. PORTER, BihiS-a'i2S-it Lient.

Col, snd Chief C. S.D. of C. TO RAILROAD CONTRACT-OH9 Sesled Proposals win be received, at thi OBiC! of the Pacific Kailroad lot Wlss.nri). In St.

Louis till March th, IS64, for doing the Graduation and Vasonrv ol shout thirty-ve (35) miles of the road, being from Bolden.m Johnson couptyto a sso tion in Jtckson between the Little B'ue and Independence. Profiles. List o' Sections to be let, giviES time as to when they must be completed, Forms of Pit clflcatious, ean be seen at the Office of the Chief Engineer. In St. Louis.

Fids slionia bf Birde for each sectlca (of about one (1) mile), and at di-tauce greats, than ten (10) miles will be let ta any Prmentswill be trade monthly in eash, fifteen OS per cent being retained Ull the eompletlvia of tht WBlds sbouM be addressed to George B. marked Propos sis for Orsdustion and Masonry," Where the bidder Is not personally known ta tbs or Engineer, be most accompany his btf (sn.ffrtlsl references, and should also give his Post Office sddrees. and be will be Informed of the cr rejetln cf bis offer. Tbe Company reserve the right to reject any or a hlof. T.

McElSrSOCE, ft Cnf.Eng'r and Bunt. PROPOSALS FOR FORAGE. Carrr QT-wririASTr'e Omoa, WisBXKft oM Dxpor. Lecam per 1863, SZALEIi Prti FOr-ALo sre lr.ylte-i by the usoet algae for eupplyizg ths TJ Quartermaster's De PsrnEeTt, at wsshmrtoti D. Bait.

more. Md. Alexandria, and Fort Va. or either of thee, places, wlk Hsy, corn, Ost. and Straw.

Kids will be receive-: for ue lverv of 5,000 bushel! cf cere or caw ana SO toes of ay or sw. or upwards Btdcers mu: state at wnkn of tue sl-ovs names points they propota to make deliveries, s-iti the st -shier -key will mske cellvexies inv est. The qnsu lty of esckarrl':) prcrosd to be delivered, toe ttm wbea said sekvertes shall be ex7mmecs--. and wees 'jc t.e completed. Tke price nut be written ta word! oe The inftv Corn xe pnt 1J.

Is good rtont 'ks alioat arirels each. Oak iLe sacks, cf ai onttr es r.obei iar-b. The saolts 5o be frrrn hd witnoit are-, to rfce So-vernaiest. Thehayaadattawtobeseesrei Sa'si- tions, that whoever resorts to it for this purpose become invulnerable to all the atmospheric influences 1 1 at- Kctitv to Rippers. TTOTICE TO SHIPPERS OF I ALLOW, LARD, BACON, FOBS, BEEF, AST) General Western Produce.

The anderslgned pay kmmox to the ssle of the above articles, and Consignments sent to them will be PBtnPTLT DISPOSED OF ABO atarrn-TTVIWI TT aVlVS CBBAT E1TEBXAL BE3IEDT, Eighth beiow cosies street, nnaaeipma. which produce i ever and Agne, Jttiuous uemittanta, and other periodical disorders of a like nature. This the season of the year when these maladies are most prevalent, snd it is wise, therefore, to take time by the forelock and forestall their visitations. If, however, this warning should come too late for prevention, let 15?" It is as we expected the copperheads are backing out of their bargain. Miss Emma Webb won't suit.

The World assumes the peevishly oracular, and says: The lady wfll obUge ns by using her pretty face and graceful elocution in some more appropriate snd womanly profession." But the Philadelphia Age is more frank, and lets the cat out" after this fashion If any Joan of Arc be needed, the fluent Anna Dickinson has unquestionably the inside track, besides being endowed with a singular resemblance to the Maid of Orleans." (as strongly as a nation at present unprepared to back up its protests could) against the Mexican programme of Louis Napoleon. So that there are really grounds enough for apprehension, as regards the attitude of both countries, while every now and again come rumors across the water of Napoleon's efforts to engage Great Britain in a plan of mediation or recognition, or bothj to say nothing of rumors of French designs on Texas and Louisiana, which are of a character sufficiently authentic to cause Mr. Seward to allude to them in his dispatches to Mr. Dayton, and to direct him to call the attention of the French Government to them. The rumors respecting tbs unfriendly atti tude of the French Government, current in New Tork and this city yesterday, doubtless received additional force from the fact of the arrival of Mr.

Dayton's eon from Paris, with important dispatches for our Government. What those dispatches relate to has not yet transpired. In this connection I might add that I have beard a gentleman conversant with European affairs, oroach a theory respecting the alleged fresh attempts of Louis Napoleon to obtain a recognition, by the great maritime powers of Europe, of the Southern Confederacy. It is as follows Napoleon, it is well known, his a gigantic job on his hands, in the shape of his Mexican scheme. At the same time there is looming up in Europe a war, which, if allowed to progress unchecked, must involve nearly all Kurqpe.

France cannot safely embark in such a war, without obtaining some guarantee for the safety of Mexico against assault. The United States is the quarter from which this assault is expected. France at war in Europe, and with all her forces engaged there, would thus leave her open to attack on the Dart of the Dower which controls the FANCY GOODS, in miauiui ramu vg DRY GOODS, FOR CASH. We bays la Stare, OR princ trade A TEST LARGE STOCK OF Sheetings, SMrtings and Drills, Stripea and Denims. Prints, Cassimeres, And Summer Staff Apron Checks, Bleached Goods, Delaines, FRESH SPRING STYLE OF Dress Goodst Also, a Full Assortment of WOOLESS, WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, All of which will be sold at the From Bev.

Wsrren Randolph, Pastor of Baptist, Church, German town. Penh. r. i.ntM; near sir Psrsoual exDeTiee the sick take comfort from the assurance, that in HOS OB RHbTTJM ATI8M, GOTTT, FBUTtALGTA. LTTM BAGO, STIFF 5FCK AJJD JOINTS, SPRAINS, BP.UISES.

CCT8 AND WODNDS. PILBS. BEADACEE. AND ALL KHF.CMATIC AJii) KJCBVOvTS WS0BDKS9. ForaPef which It ts a speedy and certain remedy 13-1 cevrr falls.

This Liniment to prepared from the avt erf Dr. Stephen Sweet, of twoeetleut, tbe ancaus bone setter, sad bas beea used in bis practioe lor more tnan twenty years with the most astonishing ALLEVLATOB OF PACT, tt Is nnrtvalled by pretaraUoubtoretb-public, of which tbe most tptteil may be coovtaswi by single trial. rfis Liniment will cure rapidly and radically, Disorders of every kind, snd thousands of ia where it bas been need It has never beea known On very advantaeeous terms. We Issue a WEEKLY PRICE CUBHENT of the above articles, which TETTER'S BITTERS they have the certain means ot cure. Let them discard quinine and rely upon a remedy that In such cases bat never, during ten years, been known to fkll.

As enables me to say that I regard the German Bitter nreDared by yon as a most excellent medicine. Ia csiofsevere eold and general debility I hsy. been, irentlv benefitted by the us of the Bitters, and daubs i eermanloWB, p. man anaTA to wiua. 41 ABEAM KNIQHT SONS, de2-t2SS-m 31 Water Btrewt, M.

City. A FALL AND WTSTEB STOMACHIC, he hoped not, ana expreseea a wisn to settle tbe affair, if possible, without the alternative of going back to America. He then communicated to Maguire some important information relative to five bonds of $1,000 each, which he alleged were stolen from him by his father while at Petschan. On procuring this information, Maeuire, having left the delinquent in safe keeping, proceeded to the latter place, and after traveling for three days and nights by rail, coach and sledge, he proceeded to the house of Piehl's father. Being assisted bv the local police of the place, he sacceeded after much difficulty in obtaining the five bonds of $1,000 each from him.

Next day Maguire proceeded to Glessen, where he arrived on Saturday, the 13th instant, and saw his man again, and in about two hours bonds, gold and silver to the amount of $26,000 were handed over to him by Piehl, whom he then set at liberty, and on Monday morning returned to this town after his exciting and successful chase. The money was paid over to the firm above alluded to by Maguire. Parson Brownlow on the Methodist Cnni-ch, Sonth. From tbe Knoxnlle Whig In November, 1863, the editor of this paper delivered a speech in the McKendree Methodist Church, in Nashville, to an immense audience of citizens and soldiers the concludes portion of which relates to the of the church, and is as follows But I now come to the religious branch of my subject; and I wish to say at the outset, that if I seem to use harsh language, I do so after the most mature deliberation, and with a personal knowledge of tbe matters which I shall mention. And here I declare, that the worst class of men, so help me God, on Southern soil, are the Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian and Episcopalian preachers.

They ire unmitigated scoundrels. Some noble exceptions exist, but as a body, they are corrupt, treacherous and vile. Last month the Methodist Church, of which I have been a member thirty-five years, held a conference in Athens, which was presided over by a hoary headed old man, Bishop Early. With one sweeping resolution, they expelled from the ministry all the Union preachers of the Houston Conference. I know these Union preachers well, and they are men of piety and talents.

One of these is an old man who bas been a preacher for forty years, and was a Major under Andrew Jackson, at the battle of Horse-Shoe, at New Orleans, and at Cntgs anU (Eijemitala. HOSIETTSB'S BITTERS (specially chum the attention of all who desire to be exempted from bodily ailment during these seasons of social enjoyment. Tbe digestion la never in so much danger of being over taxed as in winter. It is a period of festivity. Eat, drink and be merry" is its motto.

But without the ex 70R KEUBAXeiA, tt win afford Immediate 4 Trerv ease, however dlitressing. wfll relieve the worst eases of HKADACHK minutes, snd Is warranted to do it. 'OcTHA'HB also will it cure Instancy. ioina ntmn.lTV AKD 14KNFRAT, LAS- Tub Militaby Calm. A perfect calm reigns in military circles everywhere.

Nothing is transpiring worthy of note. In Tennessee, scarcely a band of guerillas has been heard of for weeks and certainly order, In Gen. Rousseau's district is as perfect as in any of the loyal States: The General's executive ability is of the finest order, as is evinced by the manner in which he has brought order ont of chaos, since his first installment as commander here. His liberal policy will contribute wonderfully to a restoration ot the State of Tetnessee to the Union. XashciHe Ctiion.

From Bev. J. H. Turner, Fsstor of Heddlng M. If.

Church, Philadelphia. IU. Jacksow D-ar Sir Having used yonr German Eltterslnmy family frequently, lam prepared to say that It has been of grea: service. I teuevethatla most cases of genentl debility of the system ft is the safest and most valuable remely of which 1 have any ancwledi-. lours.

"pwgB, TO. N. B'lneteenth street. crete of due care, social mdulgenee may entail sad "patties. Cold, while ft stimulates the appetite, closes the pores, and these important outlets for the waste i TCDE.arisiDa from imprudence or excess, this Lia-? Ttt is most happy and nnraliinc remedy.

Actios i e-ly noon the nervous tJwues, ft strenRhthens and matter of the system being ma measure sealed, there Tee pariKroiar amrt or aem-r-paon or oats, wra, Tmnes the it an imperious necessity that tbe stomach should do ctraw, piwosec to oe oeuverea must oe s'afcvu a iTtha articles esered asder tbe Mas herein tavtter he srst known, and we challens-e" tbe world to miuL Everv vlctlra of this distressipK its work with more than usual vigor, that tbe internal waste pipes of the system should be free and unobstructed, and that the liver should faithfully and regn. IL REED Ss IMPOBTEBS AND JOBBERS OF DRUGS AND CHEMICALS I 33 Lake Clxlcjit, III. ALSO, DIAL LARGELY IN Paints, Oil, TriwdoTW Claaa. la. aware, Bstrrtlna: OOa, Kerosene, gespmskers Stockc, BTaxtu-faettirers tSooda, At, Whlck we Offer tt prices favorable to Western Mer-cbanu and Manufacturers.

J.H.Bm,i;4 Pearl street H.Y.I M. A. vkxjtct Chicago. aemn76-g sea. We could cut her Mexican army off Annlrl vive it a trial, for la will not fall to InsolutU Cement.

IsrlT contribute Its tempering, purifying element to tbe immediate reiief, aad la a majority of cases sill effect Mmcit cure. 0C1N8T AKD SO Kit THEOAT are sometimes maUimant snd dangerons, but timely applies. i- nfim i.ymMt win never Ciil to cure. Basal DiecevaaY USEFUL AKD YALUA-BL1 from tne motner country, isolate Jdexico, ana even without going to war, allow privateers to be fitted out in our ports, (as France has allowed those of the rebels) to prey upon French commerce, and thus cripple her resources and cut down her revenue. To pre From the Bev.

3. M. Lyons formerly Pastor of the Columbus iK. and ifilestown (Pa.) BapUsC Church. K(W w.

T. Da. c. M. jAOxsoa-1 Dear Sir I reel It 1 pletsnre thus, of my own accord, to bear testimony) theex-CfileDce of the German Bitters, 8me sen rs since being much aflllcted wita Dysnensia, 1 used them, with very beDeflcisl results.

iBave ofnrecoin-mended them to persons enfeeblsd by that torDientlntr -DISCOTEBT! LOWEST CASH PRICES. PKAirib are sometime very orauiuw, aou cuisrsv ft ol the join ta to UaMe to oeour if neelected. Tbe mt ease may be conquered by this Liniment in two vent such a possibility it is necessary for her INSOLUBLE CEMENT! 'ritwdays. n. illcsWe vo the' Is of more general practical to raise up a oarner to as, ana want oetter plan than to put the rebels first under obli-sations to her for her reeog-aition.

and next Ctsease. ana aave news irwui ur. testimonials ss to their great value. I a case of general debility, I believ It to tealc tht psssed. t- MOMS.

ieiiu sin. Diuiij una muy invention lui lu0ttcss (Carts. Having perchssed our Stock previous to January, CAN AND WILL offer inducements to heavy, close buyers that cannot fail to please. FAKWEXJU FIELD CO. WH4-SJS eemmon stock of animal fluids.

ow it Is the province and the purpose ot tbe Bitters to keep these essential organs active, healthy and efficient, and thus prevent disease. The system, regulated and controlled by their balsamic influence, will in little danger of suffering either from plethora, or debility, or the inclemency of the season. It may defy cold sad damp and tbe fiend Indigestion. If the appetite be too strong for the stomach. It will bring the latter up to touteit pitch." If tbe stomach be in a fair condition and the appetite delicate, it will give the latter a keener edge.

In winter the liquors of commerce are more freely used than In summer, and their poisonous effects are often heightened eonsenneooe of their being taken hot. Discard them avoid them. All the good effects that yon hop. to derive from them yoa will surely realize from this vitalizing agent. AH tke evil that you cannot escape If yon imbibe them, yoa win assuredly avoid yoa to use the Confederacy as an ally in ease of will be ru sleet to a rleli Inspection by the tjovara-stent Inspector before being accepted.

Contracts vfll re. awmr ie from lme to time to at loa est bidder, as Interest ol the 6ov -rr-mest msy require and rarmcat will be marie whs; rie wrote amount ccutractea tsa shall kavv beea da V.vered and accepted Tbe tlJEer mm be reevrred te aonempany tia rrc-nc sal wis a guaranty, signed by two respooef cle per toes, that is case his blu Is aceeput: he or they wH -rl-jiis ten cars thereafter, execute, the contract fts the same, with good end sumcient sureties a ssa equal to the amount of the oovrract, deliver tht icrage rronosed In conformity with the terms of ths tsement aad in case the ssid bidder should fal' to enter into tke contract, tbey to goo te alf fersnce between the trtTsr of said bidder and the next kra-est responsible bidder, or the parson to whom tat ror tract msy be awarded. The resporetbillrv of tbe guarantors ssust be show rv tke otticlal certificate ot a TJ S. Disirlct A florae C3ftctor of Cu-ats or say ctner ontcer anonr uh nlxd States Gx i or raspoasiaie persm known to this offica. All bioaers win oe duty notified of tke acoeptaaese ni nsull Piree.

of bidder mar legibly written la tbe proricsal Proposals must be nadressea to Bngsdler Gecers D.H. Sucker, Chief Cepot Qaarterii.ater. Washing ton ti. C.acS should be marked Propossi or Forare." ne puouc. it fiss o-B thorouchly tested during the last itwo yssrs by practical men, and pronounced by aU to be war, arising out ol any aepreaations oi privateers from our porta, or from other causes.

LB. DIXON, ARCHITK CT, Formerly of Bureau of Construction, Tress. Dept. Office, No. IS Portland Block, Chicago.

Rktkxkncxs Col. A- H. Bowman. Bupt. West Point, Snperioy to -Vny She would thus play on" the South againt the North on land and aea.

But she does not want to be alone in the recognition of the Adhesive Preparation known. Confederacy. This might precipitate a war A sew thing. Hilton's Insoluble Cement with us belore the proper time, ana men now S. Y' A.

B. Tonng fcnpt. Arctl. ireas. vrm Lnther Haven, Collector at Chicaffo Gould Grocers, im South Water street, Chicago.

mhie-a36 BVlSfi AKD SCALDS, vleld readily to the wonder-itil bcannc properties or Dn. dwirri Iiruunj LnrtMurr, when need according to directions. Also, OH1LLBLAINS. FBOSTSD iiiiT, AN0 IKSJtCl BI1K3 AND STDfGS. Every Rorae Owner phonld have tms remedy asae.

for Its ttmery use at Tiie first appearance of Lwenese will etfectnauy pre vent tbose formidable diseases, to which sil hones are ruble, and which render so tuaay etberwae valuable tesUmonlsli" to tht of this Liniment have Seaireeelved within the tost two years, an.l many of tbttrJim yenoua la the hlsnosa saaJca oflire. CAUTION. To avoid trapo-Won. ebserre tbe iBhjittm and 0f Dr. Stephen Sweet on every Unel, and llStephei SweetVlnfsillbis- ta'at blown In iheglass of each bottle, withont which nona are gen- KICH ABT)OW CO, Sole ProTirletors, oraicn, Ct.

For sale by LORD SMITH, General Weetera From tbe Bev. Tbos. Winter, Pastor of EoxborougB Baptist Church. Da. jAcxeojt Dear Sir I feel It due to yonr rx-eellent preparation, Hoofland German Bitters, to add my testimony to the deserved reputation it has ion-tatned.

I have for years, tt tlmes.been troubled with great disorder la mj head and nerypai rmtial was advised by a friend to try a bottle your German Bitters. I did to, and have experienced treat enevieete reiief: mr health has been niaKrhvlljs benentted. I eonflaently recommend the article where I meet with similar cases stmilar to my own. and have been assured by many ef their good tlleet. D.uisAlill.

vnnrs. IbWIITU auasasj -en lawti wwa much better to involve England in the busi Mobile. This old traitor. Bishop Early, also substitute for au otrter stunuisnts ine oniy sai. ana lis a new thing, and ths result ol lyears of study its eombtnstion is ton 6oTBBTfnc Pnincrrxas, and lunder no circumstances or ebanc.

healthful tonic BOSTETTEB'S BITTERS. Keep the ness But how can I get England into the boat with me says his Imperial Majesty. "Easily enouch. EnsUnd needs my aid In Its CcmhiBatlca. of temperature wilt oecope THE MTJTTJAL LIFE INSUR.

ANCE of New York. F. s. Winston, Pre aenU Cash Assets. February 1st, lsu, O.CBONKHITE.Oeaeral Agent for NortternanS rjjtra miiaaAS, Mo.

taark st Ckjoago. lelA-gHS-t (corrupt or emit any oaensive BOD4S. in a sum nuuat Ml. ui ui. wnwwn refretbing vegetable cordial yonr nouse, ana yon will never feel inclined to taste the fiery stimulants which create a false thirst for themselves, and which are doe-tored and adulterated and made pungent for this very object.

The effect of the Bitters ia precisely the reverse of this. A small quantity suffices for medicinal par- tbe Danish business. She mast have it, or her protest against Austria and Prussia amounts to empty bombast. She cannot enforce her commands without a French army to back hers. 'But this army she can jTinanriaL PITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILWAY CO MP ANT.

Ornci OFTnESrrRBTikT,) Pinsgyien. Ps- February 34th, 1864. The Board of dreetcrs hare this day declared a dividend of (-EVEN PER CENTUM on the Income, or Third Mortgage Bonds of this Conipsny out of the earnmcs of MS, parable in gash on ths 1st day of April next. H. BARNES, Secretary.

PiTTSBTJRGH, FORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILWAY COMPANY. Orvicn or tb- SnoasTanT. PiriTBi tu, Pa February 11th, 1964. The ANNUAL MEETING of the Stock and Bondholders of this Company, for tbe election of Directors snd such other business as may come before It, will be held at tbe omce of sold Company, in tbe city of Pittsburgh, on the THIRD WEDNESDAY OF MARCH. A f) 1M4.

at It A M. The Stock aad Bond Transfer Books of the Company, at their omce in the city of Httsborgh, and at ihelr Transfer Agency In the city of New Tork, will be closed on the 1st day of March, at o'clock P. renialn closed until the day of March thereafter. friw1omchri W7H. BARNES.

Secretary. BOOT and SHOE We aed-iy the con ractor and Doth wll oe reooted of hs saccessiul bliaer or biduers sjo gmtrante-. and bOlUS. mat tamed or accBcarwn at office. Scot and Shoe Maa-, ineonn.

anufaetnrers, asine ajacmuea, HERMAN, 3 COOLEY CO, poses, and as they act meoicmaiiy ana am as au uioe ant. the weakest nervous organization cannot be in not have without the o-hki pro own. will nnd It the best article Don 'for Cementing the Channels, as It Iworks without delay, is not affee- Town, Oonaty, aad State) RKtrEIT-EBS OP HIBinrHES, (Date) jured by their operation. And that is, the entire accord of both countries, as respects the eastern and western hemispheres." Napoleon will aid ted by any change ot wuw There is no prepamuoa i From Bev. J.

8. Hennas, of tbe German Keforma Church, KnUtown, Berk County, Pa. D. C. M.

Jacxsox: Bespected Sir I have beew troubled with Dyspepsia nearly years, and have never used any medicine that did me as much goo as Hoofisnd's tiers. I am very much Improved lav health, after navlnir taking five bottles. Yours, with respect. J. 8.

HIHMAS. JEWELER such marvellous enacts esse OI nausea, ror ra sickness, according to the testimony of the captains and other officers of the principal lines of tbe sea-going Jawalsrs. enforcing tne tatters views on Austria and Prussia, if England secures to him safety in the West immunity against hnnflndlt'sufflctently adhesive Orders from the country or elty, for any quae tit, SURVEYING AND ENGLNEER- BAMTJIX 8. 6EXELEY, City fcuvsyor, Licensed by the Board of PubUc Works, under -the provitions of tbe City Charter. Omce.

Dearborn street, flrst floor. mhl-ySaVlm eteaxoers, and tne nniiorm miciuwhi ta wo iww rare on shipboard, the Bitters are aa immediate and the united Mates tor au ms uomrs in Mexi WFOBSTTH 42 and 44 Ra-saw street. Hew Turk, (adjoining be Post Ofnrs.) offer for siile the followirf mignl nt KlTf RR 1TIAIS" JEWELRT.AC. nor utetr me, It la especially adapted never-failing antidote. co.

ns first settle matters in the West f1 to Sjeatuaer, satisfactorily," says be, ''before we enter up -valued at Each article OSK DOLL AH, and on anv movements, wmca are tne tubscriber, do bsreoy propose to fornah aa. tBver to Cnited States, at the Qusrtennsster'i Department agreeably to the terms 0 aevertl.ement, Invrttcg proposer! for foraot ated aubgton Depot. Decern oar a. 1SS3, tMaaiow 1 flbnii.els 'ot 'Can, In sacks, at per tmshel of i-buthSsol Oats, ta sacks, st. neTbuvhel of per ton of XWWaoandi tons of baled Straw, at per ton Dettvan to commeoce on or before tne oaj Bf 1ft aad to be com pl.txl on or befbrs ta- i of- 19 plenge myset to aa ter Into a 'written contract with the rape; Stsw aith goo and approved aer-nrales, wttain the "aa 5 tin oajl VrT)eirig notified that my bid hat bag-accepted.

Earn ohdton servant, Bnaadier Gereral T. H. Kuoawg. nasaoT chief Depot Qtiartermaater. BTJARASTY nt to be paid for antti yea ttnow wewt jo.

an i)atnt3. bound to create complications involving all omUles. ifia OrAA and Stiver Watches SUJO to tl OS each. gerit, to.f ustick. P.h and ILininss Boots and Shoes sunV Christendom which are sure to involve us pmcE large Sire, (holding- nearly doable quantity,) $1.00 per Eottle-Hl Sot.

ti.09. gmall Bixe, 76 -Et Dos. 4J)a 3sl)itrationaI. Idently strong wi 1 in war on land and sea." Thus F.ngland will have to pay for France's aid, by first giving QHICAGO PAINT WORKS. White Lead, Zinc White, Colors 2iB Ladles' Gold Wstches fOM eseh.

Mil Ladles' and Gent's Silver Wstcbes IS. each. tnm Sets of Ladies Jewelrv S.OSto lOJWeach. apjOtS) Brochea, Grid Band IT IS THE OKLT issuea an oraer to tne rTesiain? tiaers to expel all local loyal preachers within the Conference. This order includes myself, who have been a local preacher in that Conference.

I am going back, and intend to call a Conference of the local preachers, and we will expel the last devil of these rebel priests. We will put these seceders and rebels out, and recover the church property which rightfully belongs to us. and not to the traitors. This Methodist Book Concern in your city, which bas published so much treason, is not tbe property of the rebels, it belongs to the loval Methodists, and we mean to have it back. Her is a copy of the church discipline, and it most positively enjoins upon all our preachers obedience to tbe laws and constituted authorities of the land.

A transgression of this injunction makes the obender liable to expulsion from the church. When the Elders are ordained, they are brought arount the altar you have seen tbe ordinations here frequently, for all the elders were ordained here, aa this was aa aristocratic congregation a bon tan, uprter-tendom church and there, in the presence of God and the congregation, the Bishop lavs his bands upon their heads and swear them to oppose ail disloyal doctrines. Thus these rebel preachers are perjured, foully, basely Serjuree. Early, when he was ordained a iahop, took oath to promote peace, and harmony, law and order. I heard him swear the lie myself in Columbus, Parson Sawrie, who knows him well, in some private transactions, sajs that Early is a miserably corrupt old Let us believe these rebels, always, when they testify against one another.

These parsons of the Methodist publishing. House employed me to write a book exposing that infernal scoundrel ol the Baptist Church, Elder J. R. Graves. They then denounced him for all that was vile and rascally, but now they are all standing shoulder to shoulder In stirring up rebellion.

They are the worst scoundrels In Btsaiaqnld. YOUNG LADIES' SEMINARY, Lake Forest, Dl. Tht Term of thte LnySesTrae ilfortj AND Extant that la a sura thing ft Kta-- 14 to Ja Geo-s' lies, hia. Bosom Studs, Sleeve tSlto 10,009 Gold Pens, Slirer Mounted nolders ttle i each. tier moral support to tne Mexican scneme, in the acknowledgement of the Southern Confederacy, and next "but sufficient to the day is the evil thereof," says the Emperor.

"I ask nothing further now. We will be guided by events ss to the future, Certain things have taken place which give oo or to this theory. Great Britain again appears to lean towards the South. Lord Palmerston bas ordered the release of the pirate Tuscaloosa, seized by VARNISHES. sniPBaS C00D8IDGE, Prtj-rieUrs, Sowtb Water street, BEWARE OP COrNXxFElTS.

that the atgnsture of "CM. Jacxson" I oa th rf TW rapper of each BoiUe. Should yonr nearest druggist not bsve the arttele. 6 not be put off by any of the intoxicating preparauoa that may be oflerea In its pUcet but send to wlli forward, securely packed, by express. i 1 "IVOBY.

JAnd articles of Household we. tae anersignea, mainsmia u. Coantyrt hereby Jointly an? asverauy, covenant a 1th the Unffcd Staun, and gnar. ai ter In case the foregoing bid of be scceoted that he or they will. Item tea days after tkeaooeat anc of said bid.

eTSCuto tss contract for ms sum ith goor. and sntadentsuretles. In a sum eqnnltotnj amount of me contract, to furnish ths forage prop cans ceui ormltv to the terms of sdTerusement oatedDj oember s. l8S8.ader wlush the old a. ma aad, caaelke m- saaCpSto enter mto -contact aioresalo, ws guarantee to aka good th mffareaeg Kru the oiler bv the said aufl tbs nazi a.

arirMTtER, Bamember. Eallrmanif's SbvttiUt. the British authorities at the Cape of Good iHlttoBw Insoluble Cement In brief; as a saregnara sgmmst au un-eascs, ana a. a cure for ordinary complaints of the stomach, the fiver and the bowels, there is no tonic and alterative, vegetable or mineral, that can be placed on a par with Hoe-tetter's Bitters. Be sure, however, to obtain tbe genuine article.

Ia spite of all the precautions of the proprietors, the origins! bottles are sometimes filled with alcoholic poison, which ts passed off by scoundrels upon the unsuspect-lrg as the true elixir. Therefore buy only of dealers of established reputation. The anderslgned do their utmost to protect ths public against counterfeits, and thev ask the public, as a favor to both parties, not purchase of irresponsible Indivfdtiais or firms. CAUTION. THE GOVERNMENT ENDOBSEMENT.

taoTnvvtosaeiwagahwtd rnbile are requested to take especial note of the beats-Fu engraved proprietory stamp, through which the Government of the United Btates officially authentl. -V, war err bottle of BOSTETTEB'S BITTERS. This abild thrown by the Government over the proprietors and tbe publio for then- joint protection, is placed con-aoicuously acres tin cork and over the neck ef each tae, md cannot fail to strike the eye at the most canal observer. Nothing that purports to be HOS-TETTEB'S BITTERS eaa be genuine, unless the atamp Is there. tJ It is alio proper to state that the BITTERS are sold exclusively ia glees, and never under any circumstance by tbe gallon or the barrel.

Impostors and Imitator are abroad, and ths only safeguard the pab-iv- h.n nearest them I to tee that the Bitters they Hot e. for a violation oi me neutrality laws. PITTSBURGH FEMALE COL-LEG R. Rev. C.

PEBtSHISG. D. President. Superb buildings, to which extensive improvement have Just been made, at a cost of upwards ot Twenty Thousand Dollars. PITTSBURGH FEMALE COLLEGE, BEY.

I. C. PERSHING, D. PRESIDENT. Superb bnildings.

Twenty teaehers. Thoroturh and exteisive course of study. Unsurpassed faciulifcein the ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES. Telegraphing and Organ Music taught. Spring tern, commence Mabch atth, 1864.

Send PrsmfoitPerBh. IS ror a catalogue. kL SIMPSON, Pros Trustees. mhS-alGSsiw 5.000 Gold tens, with Silver Bx- tension Cases snd 4.01 to a rsea-h. Tbe articles In this stock of Jewelry srt tol and most fa-Moasl le style, rtlflcate.

of the rarloes articles are put in sealed envelopes snd ml ted. thus giving all fair ehswee, and sent by mail for J5 -cenueachT snd on recelp' of Is at yonr xlon to send OKE DOLLAR snd tae tbs sr.lcU named In tt or not. FTre certWeatcs eleven thirty A sixty4vc sit, one bnnnrilg5 Certlncate money to be enclosed with fay3tSarOJffIJf cm VKOMrTLT tarmiD, AGFNT8 wanted in every town and re-riment. we allow tbcm tel. cents on ererv Certlncate, provided Their reclttanre amounts to $1, and bheral tn-dncemer t.

to those who bu larsely. Send lor elrea ur. Addre W. FOK8TTH at CO ,12 aad 44 Nasaa Leet. sw Tork- delXBStOm wwts Is In a Hqaid form, anu oniied as paste.

The Alexandra case has virtually gone against as, the appeal to the House of Lords having failed. The opposition in Parliament are the United States, and the Min or ths person wkom tad lowest resoonsible bidder i Hilton's Insoluble Cement la insoluble in water or oil. Hilton's Insoluble Cement be awarded. Priacipal OlSce and liiAAurtory, yo.ssi abch sTBi.rBTr'Am'raIA-rA JONES EVANS. aOntT-acims Witness, Jvrira 7jc istry hold to their neutral course (such as it Adheres ouy 11 ODiy Oy U1C iuiujis iioui luajvriiiy, which every special election reduces.

But rn PVu.e comes the Greatest danger, as I Btrnpneu nny jturef 'i Packages, from ounces and bjBaftlie shove named guaranwrsare rood as surllcientas snreue for ths amoaat for which tap HQ tm ywmmm wTT.TQal ex BTicissetoC.lI.MCiK rui. LALLEMAND'S SPEClHO. LALLEMAND'S 6PSCIFI0 win not Cmr nU Cb eases. It via cure i 7 Ebruaatisri, Goit ani Searalgia.

'7 Hundreds hart certined to this fact. i Jt. BLOOD. Sole Agent, 94 liortb Fifth street, SULoala, J. B.

BsJU CO mllWr71-m-wTu Ageoto for Cmcsgo. EngUtnd must make a coalition with France in the Danish matter. She is driven to this by the pressure of public opinion. But Napoleon has his price, and he has alwaysgot ft demands and will cet it now. What wanwTDKHCK.

B. ney. Collector ef Custosns. or any the TJnitad states Government, or resronsllaef in so known to thla c-ffics advertiseoissn JJEAN SMEAL, Blank Book Manofaetnrerf Sold by LORD SMTTvJ, Whoiesam rrm, Lake street, Chicago, DL, General WesternAyjots, to whom all oTders maVtadorased. jcllHWwr JtrXOJrX-ieta.

rar-FOB PAIE by DrrMsta and Dealer merest town ths United States, and by sr' AltTt tntlvT HP IT SKSDAYand 8ATUBDAY of eachweefc Bidders are respectfully Invited to preseat, at am dMire. mo OWNERS OF lYTrETi raorxiixx. 41 Havmrat a rarre ontlsy, repaired our stock of Mnehiuery for the a.s a season keing now open, we are prepared to fin mc effec- Ihowrmteresu i by glvlog si bK0 AsTO BOOKBINDERS. the Ijiilon, and 1 intend to expose their damnable hypocrisy, villainy, and falsehood to the gaze of the world. No man living but tne can do it, for I know them better than ny one else.

I intend to resurrect the Knox-yille Whig, and pour hot shot into their rotten hulks. Preachers had more to do with treason than anv other men. Bo me sneaking- wpaniiai oa nan p. jr. KTJvKKB, nld hlDdlBV SHKKT MFgltt Sealejs.j all sMI-tm gnganMg tlaraiaa buy bare the engraved label and note of hand of TAXSXAnr STAJTDABJJ OYAL HAVANA LOTTERY.

Books. Macaxines, etc, bound order in every trie. Those who ent rst elsaj work dena mat T-Af maoa being suited at our eefbtishmefit. US LaJaJ MEEkT, If SUlrag, delsOMm scoundrel wrote me a note this morning ask SS laaVe Clilcacv, I1U, is there at all surprising in the statement that in this case the price is the aid of England, in case of any trouble arising out of the Mex-ienn scheme Igiv these opinions for what they are aortU. They are, at any rate, ingenious, aad may, after all, have a bash of truth-.

i 1 1-- i QUARRELS OF MISSOURI KEMBKBS. Is there no good Samaritan who will pour oil into the rsplng wounds of the so-called radicals snd conservatives of Missouri in Congress The contest would ere this have degenerated from tragedy into the broadest, i i s. b' SCALES, a OF ALL SIZES, Fairbanks, aratalssf Ce, ing my opinion oi A nay jounson. lucre is no snore tnconsletexicy in Andy Johnson and mvself working- torether in the cause of the General WeateTii Wkoletal Ageatc Messrs. Hostetter an emua.

au tn. av.nip aw menttoaea. V'ji Prepared tad sold by. 7 -t. nOOTOTTEIK St SMITH KTT6BUBOH.

F. 1 LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. Wearaecsietaatrytiretwred to negotiate lean upon real estate ta this aity for a term ofyeara. at the tor rve- aoaW 7 FOX A BOWAltiJ. eoiieiT'; water street.

Highest price paid for Josibloons and all kindsof gold Union, than for MoFerrin and Graves to pull tttrf-her la the yoke of the deviL to destroy -w -i EADY wO5ciaL" The EnroU- mrbt Aet, paswd February 80th, MM. Pocket yiitiou. prloe res Cents. Postat-e Free. J.

W. FOB. Publisher, ua centre street. Mew Tork. or at as Bookstore.

atn4t7VaUa ra laee-T cniCAuo. -Jl? .1 "eta. toe GoTCnnneJit. When the villainy of these aad sliver. iniwit m5-4ts VHi-ii- '-J.

but a) --j.

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