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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 4

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FOR SALE AND RENT. further depressed, and prices declined ii par -cent-; The official closing quotations for Consols were 95; a9oa money and account, but afterwards sales were made as. low as 95. In relation to the causes which FOR SALE AND RENT. SALE A handsome COUNTRY SEAT.

Apply to E. LIVEZEY, N.W. cor. Fayette and iSt. Paul streets.

ml6-lmt SUjL- BALTIMORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1359. sters to prosecute those in the city selling liquors without license. Yesterday they placed 7,000 suits in the hands of Robert D. Holmes, one of the excise commissioners, who will forthwithenter upon the prosecutions. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun.

Philadelphia, March 17. Sudden Death in Church A Den of Thieves Broken, Vp Ifominations, Yesterday afternoon a colored man named Robert Ayres, ased 3 years, fell dead at St. Thomas' Episcopal church, in Fifth street, during a funeral service at that place. The deceased was secretary of the board or trustees, and has been a prominent member of the church for many vears past. The funeral was that of Francis A.

Duterte, a well-known colored undertaker of this citv "Maryland, but prices of now crop are not equal -to those obtained the last season; we notice sales of new crop at 3 50a 5 -for commrtfi, and 5 50a $8 for goodcolory. Of Ohio sales confinue limited prices nominal. Kentucky is quiet at 5aS12 tor Mason county, and 5 for, heavy Kentucky. Inspections, 870 hhds. Maryland, 331 do.

Ohio, and 115 do. Kentucky total, 1,316 hhds. Tallow Is very dull at 11 cents for city rendered and lOJialOJC cents for country do. Wool Is very dull at previous prices, viz: Tin-washed 26a28 cents; tub washed 3i39 cents; No. 1 pulled 32a35 cents; merino pulled 37a4i cents, common fleece 84a37 cents; quarter to half do.

38a42 cents; half to three-fourths do. 43a48 cents; and three-fourths to full cents per lb, WmsKY. The market has been very dull throughout the most of the week, I closes, without at 29 cent3 for Ohio, a.nd.28a29 cents for. city: the demand from the trade is limited, but the supply is adequate. Baltimore Cattle Markets, March 17.

Beef CattleThe offerings at the Scales tp-day amounted to 1,100 head. Of the number oilered 300 head were driven to Philadelphia and New York, 60 sold. to country feeders, 400 leit over unsold, and the remainder purchased by Baltimore butchers at prices ranging from 3 75 to 5 25 per 100 lbs, and averaging 4 75. The market was not quite so active to-day, and the above prices show a slight decline on the rates of last week. Sheep.

The supply has been quite limited this week, with a good demand; sales are making at 5a dogs. Tlie supply was equal to the demand today, and prices unchanged; sales at per 100 lbs, with a few choice Hogs a fraction higher. Alhxaxdria (Va.) Market, March Market quiet, with sales of Super at 6 37; Extra is quoted at 25. and Family 775aS8 per bbl. Wheat is active, with sales of white at 150a $1 75, and red at 1 45a $1 ,56, as in quality.

Corn less active, receipts fair, with a decline of la2 cts; sales of white by weight at 81 cts, and by measure at 78 cts; yellow held at85 cts, without sales. Oats and Rye are quiet, no sales reported: Oats quoted at 48ao0 cts and Ryeat85a88 cts per bushel, Cloverseed is quiet at 6 by retail. Cincinnati Market, March 16th. Flour is dull. Whisky 25 cts.

Mess Pork 17 75. Bulk feides Sales of 200,000 lbs at HlA cts, delivered. Rio de Janeiro Market By the City of Washington, we have advices from Rio to the 7th of which quote exchanges on Loudon 26, 25, 25 and 25i. The Tamar brings drafts on London to the amount of 550,000, 1,000 of which is on account of the Brazilian Government. She also brings draft3 on Paris amounting to and on Hamburg 300.000 marks banco.

Coffee good; first quoted 9)0 to 5100 reis. Stock only 20,000 bags. The roads continue bad. The exportation of Coffee from the 8th January to the 7th February was 112.803 bags for America, 6.587 for Havre, 9,408 for Marseilles, 12.3G4 for the Channel, and 3,900 for Mediterranean. BY MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH.

New York Market, March 17. Cotton is firm, sales of 3,000 bales. Flour is firm, sales of 16,000 bbls. State 5 75, Ohio 6 60a6 80, Southern 6a 86 75. Wheat is firm, sales of red $1 40, and white 1 75.

Corn is quiet, sales of 18,000 bushels, mixed 89a90 cts, white 90 cts. Beef is firm at 9 50a Sll. Pork is dull, Mess 17 45; Prime -S'13 25. Sugar is firm, New Orleans 7a8 cts. Corlee is firm.

Molasses steady at 393a cts. Spirits Turpentine closed firm at 52a53 cts. Rosin is heavy at 1 70a $1 72Jj. Rice closed buoyant. Philadelphia Market, March 17.

Flour is unchanged. Wheat steady and scarce; red at 1 6iia SI 62, white 1 70a 85. Coffee is firm; sales of 4000 bushels, yellow 85a36 cts. Whisky closed firm at 28a30 cts. New Orleans Market, March IGth.

Cotton Sales to-day 16.500 bales; quotations have advanced Jie in consequence of the foreign advices, and now range from HallK cts for Middlings. Mess Pork bnovant at an advance of25e. DR JOHNSTON, THE ONLY PHYSICIAN ADVERTISING, Has discovered the most Certain, Speedy and Only Effectual Remedy -in the world for nil DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. RUiefin Six Honrs. No Mercury or Noxious Drugs ITssd.

SyACJIUEiWARRANTED OR. NO CHARGE TWO DAYS. wtF5! 688 Sftho Back.SStrictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. Involuntary Discharge, Debility, Nervousness, Confusion ofldeas. Palpitation of thaHeart.

Timidity ol Nght or Girhlmess, -Disease of the Head, Auctions of the Lungs. Stomach or Bowels those Terrible Disorders arising from Solitary Habit of Youththose Dreadful and Destructive Practices which render Marriag impossible, and and Mind. Especially, who have become the victims of 'SoKtarv Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talentsand brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating.

Marriage, aware of physical weakness, organic debility, deformities. Sec, should apply immediately. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician.

DR. JOHNSTON'S REMEDY FOR ORGANIC WEAKNESS AND IMPOTENCY. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disqualifications, Loss of Procreative Power, Ner vous Irritability, Trembling and Weakness or Ex haustion of the most fearful kind speedily cured. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and tho greater part of whoso lift has been spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia elsewhere, has effected some of the jnijbt asronisning cures that were ever Known; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep; great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds; hashfulnesa with frequent blushing, attend ed sometimes with derangement ot mind, were cured immediately.

TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Titese are some of the sad and melancholy effects Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, fearful effects on the mind ara miif.h to be dreaded Loxs of Memory. Confusion r. Ideas, Depression of Forebodings. Aversion to Society, Self Love of Solitude, Timidity, are some of the evils produced.

Nervous Debility. Thousands can now judza what is the cause of their declining health, losiijir their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about tha eyes, cough or symptoms of consumption. YOUNG MEN Who have injured themselves by a certain practices indulged, in when alone a habit frequently learned irom evu companions, or at scnooi, tlie eilects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. Such persons must, before contemplating Marriage, reflect that a. sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness.

Indeed, without these, tha journov though life becomes aweary pilgrimage; the prospect hourlv darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melanchoh retlection that tha -happiness of another becomes blighfpd with our own. Office No. 7. south Frederick st left-hand fide going. from Baltimore a few doors from the corner.

Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Diplomas hang in his mhl8-lml R. JOHNSTON, BALTIMORE r. LOCK HOSPITAL.

The founder ofthis celebrated Institution the nly Regularly Educated Physician Advertising ofler the most Speedy, Pleasant and Efficacious Remedy in the world for ail Secret Complaints, Strictures, Pains in the Loins, Organic Weakness, General Debility, Lassitude, Prostration, Nervousness, Restless Nights, Palpitation of the Heart, Ringing in Ithe Ears, loss of Memory, Confusion. Melan choly, Aficctions of the Head, Throat, Nose, or Skin, and all those peculiar disea'seslarfsing from the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of Youth, rendering-them unfit for either Busiuess, Study, Society or Marriage. YOUNG MEN, Pale, Emaciated and Weak, the unhappy victim of artificial gratification, complains of pain in tha head or back; has a languid look, dimness of sight, flushing of the face, palpitation of the heart, nervousness, lowrrsss spirits, loss of energy, dislika to society and all bodily or mental exertion, etc. The last scene of this fearful drama winds up witlt mania, catelepsy, epilepsy or some terrible disasa of the nerves, when Death drops the curtain, hurrying the unhappy patient to an untimely tomb, who) mignt otnerwise, Dy applying in ur. jonnston, nava been restored to neaun, lrienas, society ana mar- na: DTSF.ASE OF IMPRUDENCE.

When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill tuned sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him. He falls into tha hands of ignorant and desienine pretenders, who. incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary substance, keep him trifling month after month, or as long a the smallest fee can be obtained, and in desnaic leave him with ruined health to sigh over his gallin? disappointment; or, by the use of that deadly poison. Mercury, hasten the constitutional symptoms of this terrible disease, such as Affections of the Head. Throat.

Nose, Skin Sec, progressing with frightful rapidity, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns. OFFICE SOUTH FREDERICK leit hand sine going irom rsairimore srreet. ujca particular Name on door and Window. TO STRANGERS. If vou would avoid ruin and exposure by falling inte the hands of the ignorant and designing, who live upon the miseries of the unfortunate, consult only Physician advertising, and the only place whera a cure can be obtained.

ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. Thr Many Thousands cured at this Institution and the numerous important Surgical oporatious performed by Doctor Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the Sun and many other papers: notices of which have appeared again and again before tha pumic, oesiues nis sianuing as a gentleman oi cnar-acter and responsibility. Is a sufficient euarantea that he alone nan restore von miil-lnv IfJ-SKIN DISEASES' SPEEDILY CURED. EMQVAL OF DR. A.

HITET. XI- NO. Longer no. 16 south Frederick SIKEKT. In consequence of the unexampled increase in tha number of his patients, and to facilitate strangers to find him.

Dr. H. has purchased the large dwelling S. E. CORNER OF FREDERICK AiVD FAYETTE STREETS, where the afflicted will receiva his unremitting attention as heretofore.

Convenient and separate rooms for the accommodation of patients at all hours untd nine o'clock P. M. All disease peculiar to the victims of excess or early indiscretion, nameless habits, Sec, speedily removed. Cures guaranteed 011 moderate torms, and no second fee demanded. Recently contracted diseases cured in from twelve to thirty-six hours.

Travelers sup- lied with Medicines sufficient to cure themselves in he most convenient and private manner. Remember, Dr. H. is the only regular physician of the Faculty of Marvland who" advertises; his Diploma, dated in 1859, hangs in his office, besides his credentials from the Faculty of Paris, which prove liim 40 years' experience. Distant patients by letter, and Medicines forwarded far and near.

Apply or address Box 50 Postoffice. tA12l MEDICAL HOUSE, No. 11 SOUTH FREDERICK Baltimore, Md. Established in order to Afford the Afflicted Souni and Scientific Medical Aid, and for the Suppression of Quackery. DR.

SMITH has for many years devoted his Whole attention to the treatment of Private Complaints, in all their varied and complicated forms. His great success in those long standing and difficult cases, such as were formerly considered incurable, is sufficient to commend him to the public as worthy ol the extensive patronage wmcn ne nas reoeivou. We are called upon every few days to cure Chronic Diseases, which were supposed to have been cured years ago, but instead of which, were only checked, driven into the system by mercury or co-pavia, therefore seem to be well, but in a longer or shorter timely some slight cause, broke out in its worst and most difficult forms, producing ulcers in the throat, nose or roof the mouth, eruptions of the skin, pains or swelling of bones, etc. On ao-count of the number of such cases which have lately come under mv care, and the immense sufferm? which a little neglect or improper treatment tha first stages of the disease may cause, Dr. Smitn thinks it his duty to advise the unfortunate, "jar-ticularlv stra gers," to be careful that they are not deceived bv false advertisements of boasting quacks, CONSTITUTIONAL DEBILITY.

Young men, beware of the pernicious mdulgenses and most fatal injury you inflict upon your constitutions by evil examples and the morbid influences of the passions. How many young persons do we daily behold whos countenances and debilitated constitutions depict disease arising from that horrible and devastating vice. It could be shown how attenuation of the frame, palpitation of the heart, derangement of the nervous system, cough, indigestion, and a train of symptoms indicative of consumption, are often ascribed to wrong causes, when in reality they are the consequence of an alluring and pernicious practice, alika destructive to tho mind and body. fIJ-DR. SMITH gives his special attention to tha treatment of this destructive malady.

Patients can be cured at home by addressing a letter to Dr.Smitn, describing symptoms, and receive medicine securely packed from observation, forwarded by express to any part of the country. Address m17-lm? Baltimore, Ma. "D-ciMTOSGATHOUCOX. FOR THE RELIEF AND CURE of SUFFER. ING FEMALES.

It stands pre-eminent for its curative powers in all the diseases for which it is recommended, us u-ally called FEMALE C0MPLAINTS Of these are Prolapsus Uteri, or of tits womb; Flour Albus, Chronic Inflammation and Ulceration of the Womb; Incidental Hemorrhage, or Flooding; Painful, Suppressed and Irregiilar Menstruation, with alf their accompany ing Is, Cancers excepted,) no matter how sevore or how has never been introduced by ernntv puffs and misrepresentations, nor is it intended that its present popularity shall be sustaine by any medium but its merits and the approbation ot the public, information wiiroiiiiiif, 1 I ,1 ii i nnNn.tiAn Ihfl A trnt. Price S2 per bottle, or six bottles, lor sm For salebv SETH S. HAINUjc, ml 2-1 IPS Baltimore street. HE BEST. CHEAPEST -ahd MOST WON-DERFUL WORK EVER PUBLISHED.

Price 12 cents, in Postage Stamps or Silver. Sent everywhere free of postage. This work contains popular treatise on the Seoret Innrrruties of outa and Maturity, arising from genital diseases in bota sexes, Diseases of Sexual Organs, their Strictures, Uses and Functions, and the various injuries produced in them by Solitary Habits, Excesses and Infection. Causes, Symptoms and Baneful Effects. Their deadly influence on mankind, together with; nl nin A vaAf i rtno fri tVinif nflf frinf vs taonliaa O.

NEW MEANS, and the only reliable and harmless one, for the certain prevention of Pregnancy. Besides the above, this work contains several olosely written pages on a New Method of Employment for flirt cr nnd rtM 1 nAW-nn h. nrhion tntl VI UUbll DriDB t'j industrious can easily earn at least 40 per month DR. BENJAMIN LONGRIDGIV m3-2w1 New York City. NEGROES WANTED I am again in the mar ket to purchase Negroes, and will pay libera, prices.

I am also prepared to reoeive NegToes tor safe keeping, having erected a comfortable and sa cure place for that purpose at th southwest corner of Eutaw and Camden streets, opposite the Railroad Station, S. DONOVAN, m2-3m 1 VALUABLE GROUND RENT OF 8105. ewill sell at orivate sale an irredeemaMa GROUND RENT of $k5. For particulars apply to ADREON ct 1770T Auctioneers. COUNTING ROOMS TO ENT.

Three very eligible OFMCES on the second floor of the Grocers' Exchange. Apply to WHITE ELDER, Exchange place and Commerce street WHARF PROPERTY ON DEEP WATER. The Canton' Company offer for sale or rent good spacious WHARVES on deep water, well adapted to the accommodation of business in Lumber or Coal or other heavy business. Apply at the Office of the Company. mlG-eo6tj OTS FOR SALE ON WASHINGTON STREET.

The subscriber will sell at private sale, a LOT fronting 90 feet on the west side of the above street, running back 82 feet to an alley 17 foet wide. Also, another LOT of 77 feet, on the opposite sido Of said street, running back 82 feet to an alley 17 feet wide. These Lots lie between Fort street and tha Public Square on Federal Hill. ml6-2awswt G. L.

DULANY, Trustoe. ft, FOR SALE CHEAP A good two-story 13 DWELLING on North Caroline near Mul-a-iLiiifm west side; lot 11 byt75 feet deep; ground rent $15 per Will be sold for $450. Apply immediately at WM. II. MARRIOTT'S OFFICE, No.

14 Mansion House, Fayette st. mhlfi-eo3tl FOR RENT That large three-story 1) WEL-fijTaLING, No. 31 North Calvert street, third door p-north of Lexington st. It has a large three-story Back Building, with -water and ga3 fixtures, all in good order. Will suit well for offices.

Possession will be given on 1st of May, or earlier if desired. or further particulars apply on premiBes.ml6-eo1m ztt FORSALEOR RENT The HOUSE and iH hF Ku' S1 SUTH now occupied as an 1 JJi-Umbrella Factory. For terms apply on the tt FOR A 1 STTIT? V. AMl-l iMra three stones high, 311 West Pratt street, south side, one square from the Camd-Sft Station. In- quire on the premiaSa." mi7-5tt FOR SALE A handsome COTTAGE RES- Til P.

I-', in Tnwcnnimrn. na-ar fi i ii nil in the best style, containine eieht rooms, hail. cellar, with two porches an excellent situation. Apply to HENRY L. BO WEN, Towsontown, or J.

J. STEWART, on the premises. FOR RENT A two-story and attio BRICK OH DWELLING, in good order; has nine rooms, yard, with hydrant, at No. 74 PARK STREET. For terms apply next door to G.

SAU-KRAVEIN. st, FOR RENT fp COUNTRY PLACE OF SAM'L SCRIB-kaiaLNER Esqu, west end Fayette street. Apply to EVANS ROGERS, No. 16 Water st. FOR RENT-The DWELLING-HOUSE No.

51 Mount Vernon Place, lately occupied by AiiiaL Henry May, Esq. Possession will be given in April. Apply at the Sun office. mll-TUFtff Four handsome back BUILD-f pllNGS on North Garden st. Also, three hand-JBxal-some back BUILDINGS on Townsend street, near Grundv at very reasonable rates.

Apply to T. J. CARSON, 204 Baltimore or Captain JOS. HARVEY, 551 W. Fayette st.

m2-eolmo FOR SALE A FARM of about 150 Acres, S-ISiS with every railroad facility and good every desirable advantage for building sites. A rare chance is offered and a great bargain will be sold by applving to JOHN C. THOMPSON, at Annapolis Junction, or L. G. COLINEAU, 5 S.

Calvert Bait. 31-MWF4ma sH, FOR REN The desirable Three-Story and fM Basement DWELLING No. 163 St. Paul JtiiaL between Monument and Madison. Inquire of the undersigned, next door, or at the office of McGinn Boulden, 6 Franklin Buildings, North st.

m9-eotf J. E. P. BOULDEN. tun KhM 1 That very desiraoie tour-story fM DWELLING, with largo back building and 1 an 11 the modern improvements and conveniences, situated on the S.

W. Corner of Calvert and Monument streets. Apply to HENRY MoELDERRY, or GEO. M. GILL, 36 St.

Paul street. m9-eo6t? FOR WEST COAST OF AFRICA. The schooner EXCHANGE will Rail rin the 19th as above. Can take a few barrel a freight. Letter bag at 69 SOUTH (Bowly's wharf.

1 mhl5-tf: R. H. ATWELL CO. FOR SAVANNAH, SATURDAY. March 19th, at 12 o'clock M.

The fine steamship CITY OF NORFOLK, J. C. Pakrer, Commander, will sail punctually as above. For freight or passage, having excellent accommodations, apply to WILLIAM MENTZEL, Agent, Union Dock. N.

B. Positively no bills of iading signed after the sailing of ship. -5 BOSTON STEAMSHIPS, XfCo iFoot of Lons Dock.) The Steamship JOSEPH AVHITNEY, Solomon Howes, Commander, will sail On SATURDAY NOON, March 19th. lLFor freight or passage, with excellent accommodations, apply to A. L.

HUGGINS, Agent-Fare $12, meals and stateroom included. ml4-6t. STEAM TO GLASGOW, LIVER POOL, BELFAST, DUBLIN ANt LONDONDERRY. WITHOUT DE LAY, FOR $30. RETURN TICKETS, good for six months, to either of the above places, by any Steamer of tha Line, $60.

FR03I NEW YORK. EDINBURG, Cummings. Sat'y, 19th 12 noon. GLASGOW, Thomson, Sat'y. 19th March, 12 noon.

FROM GLASGOW. GLASGOW, Thomson, 19th February. EDINBURG, Cummings, Wth March. RATES OF PASSAGE. From Glasgoic First class .15 guineas.

Steeraee, found with cooked provisions, 8 From New York. First class $75 Steerage, found with cooked provisions $30 Children under 12 years of age half fare; Infants in steerage free. Return tickets, available within six months, bv any steamer ofthis line first class $140; Steerage $60. An experienced Snrgeorwattached to each eteamer. For passage apply to HALL LONE 53 Buchanan's wharf, Baltimore.

ROBERT CRAIG, jS 6m: 1 7 Broadway, New York. STEAM TO LIVERPOOL, DON, GLASGOW and ALL PARTS OF IRELAND. CITY OF WASHINGTON sails 26th March. KANGAROO sails 9th April. CITY OF BALTIMORE sails April 23d.

RATES OF PASSAGE FROM BALTIMORE. Cabin, $78; third class to all the above places, $33. Through Tickets from Baltimore to Paris $42; do. do, to Havre, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Bremen, $33. These Steamers are built of iron, in water-tight compartments, and are provided with every requisite to insure the immediate extinction of fire.

For passaee and particulars apply to John G. Dale, 1 Broadway, R. J. Cortis 8e 177 Broa. way, N.

or to L. G. COLINEAU, Agent, 5 South Calvert Baltimore Weekly Sailing Packets to Liverpool. Passa, o21-tfi' 4 The Steamer St!" NICHOLAS. Samuel Guv.

CaDtain. will resume her route on the Potomac River, viz: Leave Baltimore, South street wharf, on MONDAY, March 14. at 6 o'clock P. M. for Ford's wharf, Broom's, Pinev Point, Leonardtown, Stone's wharf, Lancaster's, Plowden's, Pope's Creek and Chapel Point, the Port Tobacco Landing.

Returning, leave Chapel Point at 7 o'clock on WEDNESDAY MORNINGS, touching at the Landings as above, and arrive in Baltimore early on Thursday morning. Leave Baltimore again on FRIDAYS, at o'clk P. for Ford's, Broom's, Comb's, Milbourn's, Piney Point, Leonardtown and Stone's wharf. Returning, leave Stone's wharf at 12 o'clock on at Piney Point, Mil-bourn's, Comli? Broom's and Ford's wharf, and arrive in Baltimore early on Sunday mornings. The Steamer ST.

NICHOLAS has undergone a thorough repair and refitted complete, a new upper Cabin and Saloon capable of accommodating seventy-five persons with State-Rooms and Bertha complete. All FREIGHT must be prepaid and received at the Boat on MONDAYS and FRIDAYS, np to 5 o'clock P. M. Grain receipted for by the Bag Only. E3" Information for Freight or Passage, apply at thet)FFICE, No.

105 South street, or onboard the Boat. U-t31stMh FOR WASHINGTON. ALEX ANDRIA AND GEORGETOWN sVia POTOMAC RIVER LAND INGS. The steamer COLUMBIA, Capt. James Harper, ha ving been fitted with a new engine, and otherwise improved, will resume her regular trips on SATURDAY, 19th at 4 P.

M. She will be ready to" receive freieht on FRIDAY. mhl6-4t CHARLES WORTHINGTON. FOR CHESTER RIVER. 'RESUMPTION OF TRIPS.

rai The steamer ARROW will leave Lisht street wharf on TUESDAY, March 1, and wi.l continue her starting and return trips as fol lows THURSDAY and SATURDAY MORNINGS for Crumpton, at 8 o'clock. Returning, wdl leave Crumpton MONDAY, WEDNESDAY aitf FRIDAY MORNINGS, at 7 o'clock, touchiDS the different landings both ways. Fare $1. Meals extra. fe28-lm H.

B. SLAUGHTER, Propn-3ft EASTERN SHORE. JSyg The STEAMER KENT, John H. Captain, will resume her route to the CHOPTANK RIVER on and after SATURDAY, February 26, leaving her wharf, Light street, foot of Barre, EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock, touching at CAMBRIDGE, EASTON, (via Dover Bridge,) DENTON and intermediate landings on the river. Return, leave Denton every MONDAY and THURSDAY MORNING at 7 o'clock.

ITT-Offioe 144 LIGHT ST. ft3-3m; C.K.CANNON. CHICKERING- So SONS' PIANOS. Read the following from G. Satter: Dear 1 1 1 s.

I iSir Allow me to thank you for the splendid PIANOS which I-have used at Ullman's Concerts in this city. I think it needless to repeat what the whole world knows, viz: that Chiekering Sc Sons' Pianos are unequalled in evei respect, and stand pre-eminent in this country. For sale by J. T. STODDARD.

No. 4 South Calvert street. Secondhand PIANOS for sale. feS-tH GREAT BARGAINS IN fin a larira assortment of new PIANOS. II Infniv own manufaature, equal if not supe rior to any make, will be sold at prices which defy competition.

Call and examine before you purchase, at STIEFF'S, fel6-tfl. No. 7 S. Liberty street, near German. SLk PIANOS SOLD AT 25 PER CENT.

KfSgSLESS THAN ANY OTHER on hand a assortment of second-hand PIANOS, from 30J? 200. Also a five octave MELODEON for sale cheap. Particular attention paid tomn ana re STIEFF'S. pairing fianos at fel6-tfl No. 7 S.

Liberty st near German. PIANO DEPOT. tfeiigjSl reeeived. a beautiful assortment nfftlnf Jiteinway Bona' superior PIANO-pon nfTa Vhese Pianos have received the highest Brernmmsherever they have come in competition with other manufactories, and have been pronounc Id bv the artists as the finest toned instruments before the public. References as to their superiority can be seen at the agency.

As the subscriber purchases wholly for cash, he is enabled to sell these celebrated instruments, on terms which will not fail to please such as wish to buy. Old Pianos taken in exchange, repaired, tuned 'aMelodeons, Violinsi Guitars, Italian Strings, sold at low prioes by WM. fHIEVE, (late Petri Sc Thiede,) fJ9-tf No. S3 Went Fayette street. ENUINE FRENCH CAPSULES OF COPA-VIA BALSAM for sale bySETH SJIANCE 108 Baltimore SWEETSER CO.

eorner Pratt and Char es a a22-6nw ieu iu una uecime, the Loudon imes ot lstinsiamj remarks: "There was no important foreign news, but the; notification in the Patrie that the evacuation of the IvoiTan States is far from being the main question on which peace or war is to depend tended to strengthen the suspicion entertained by many that whatever turn Lord Cowley's mission may take, there is no real intention on the part of the Emperor Napoleon: to diminish his to allow Europe to! return to a state of repose. Tho disagreement i the English Cabinet have likewise contributed to the renewed depression, not only from the fact that at a moment like the present domestic complications are undesirable, -but partly also from, a conjecture that the seceders may l'eol a want of confidence as to the conduct of our foreign affairs, and thus have been glad to avail themselves of an opportunity of withdrawing from responsibility. According to the letters to-day from most parts of the Continent, the feeling of distrust in commercial circles has experienced no mitigation. Indeed, there is at every point an increasing desire to bring all business transactions within the narrowest possible limits." There was a more active demand in the London money market at the close, an installment of 800,000 on the Turkish loan becoming due. The Times says that the rate for the best bills was rarely under 2 to 234 per cent.

The Daily News notices exceptional transactions at 2 per cent. The applications at the bank had increased. American Stocks. Tho London Times notices sales of New York Central 6s on the 28th of Feb. at 85Ji.

The shares of tho Illinois Central receded to 57aS5 discount. Quotations: Illinois Central RR 7s 1875. 80a82; do. do. I860, freeiand, 81a5-3 Michigan Central 8 per cts 5860, 86a88; do.

do. 1369, a3a85; do. do. singking fund do. 1882, 87aS9; do.

do. 100 shares 45a59. Michigan Sou. and N. lnd.

sinking fund 1885, 65a70. New York Central 6 per cent sinking fund 1883, 84a 86; do. con vs. 1864, 93a95; do. S100 shares xc 73a75.

Erie So. mort bonds 1883. 67a00; Erie sinking fund 1875, do. gloO shares 12al5. Penna.

Central 6s 1st mort 1880, 9a92; do. do. 2d mort stg 93a95. Phil, and Reading 1st mort 6s 1860, 8flai; do. do.

2d mort 6a '70, 76avl; do. do. 50 shares At Paris, on the 28th, the Three per Cent Rentes opened at 68, and closed at G8 for money, and 67.95 for tho pending settlement, showing, in tho latter in-, stance, a decline of 5c, compared with the final quotations of Saturday. At Vienna a fresh decline took place. At Liverpool cotton prices at the clos 9 were fully l-lfia! higher than during the preceding week.

For wheat and flour there was more inquiry, and prices were firm. Provisions were dull but firm. At Manchester favorable advices from India have further strengthened the market. Producers continued to be fully engaged. The following statement shows the business of the rt eauing itauroau uunng tno Bionw oi eoruary 1859.

185.1. Received from coal do. do. merchandise do. do.

travel, 25 37,573 80 22,379 18 79,174 02 21,794 53 15,718 71 8155,337 23 116,687 28 Transportation, Roadway, Dumpage, Renewal Fund, and alPcharges 99,253 19 70,018 53 $40,668 73 129,559 44 Net profits for the month 859,069 04 do. previous 2 months. 157,313 01 Tral net profit forS mos .216.332 05 S170.228 17 Tho carmuss of the Erie Railroad for the month of February, 1859, were 33; same month of 18.58. 67 decrease. .14.

Land Warrants are dull at New York, and quoted as follows: Buying. Selling. 40 acre Warrants, per acre. -S'l 00 S'l 10 Hit acre Warrants, per acre 80 90 120 acre Warrants, per acre 80 85 160 acre Warrants, per acre 84 89 Reported for the Baltimore Sun. Be view of the Baltimore Markets.

For the 1Yeek Ending March 17. Prices given below refer to wholesale operations only, unless otherwise expressed. Alcohol. Wo notice sales of some 50 bblg. Western and Baltimore 95 per cent, proof at 54ia55 cents per gallon; also, sales of small lots, from second hands, at 57a58 cts.

per gallon. Canules. There is no chariee to notice in anv description. Adamantine are soiling slowly at 19a22 cents; tola Sperm at 2Ha30 cents; Sfperm at 4-a43 cents, and Patent Wax at 52a53 cents per lb. Mould, cents for common Western, and 13al5 cts.

for Baltimore. Coal Continues very quiet, with limited stocks and receipts of Cumberland, for which we quote cargo prices as before, viz: 4 25 for lump; S'3 75 for run of mine, and 3S) for fine, cash, deliverable on board at iocust Point. Anthracite is in fair retail demand, for local consumption, at 4 75a $5 25 per ton, from the yards, delivered. Coffee. The market has shown more activity since our last weekly statement, sales adding- up some 1 .200 bags Rio a al2 cents; also the cargo of the bark Creole, 3,600 bags Rio, at 114 cents per lb.

Of Laguayra we notice sales of some 700 bags, all at 12 cents "per lb. To-day the market for Rio was quiet at the following prices. cts. ior lair, ii'i cenrs lor goon, anu cents ior prime; T.aznnvra Kali1, cents, and Java cents oor Ih. Stock ofthis now offering 19.000 bags.

Imoorts. 8ii bags from Rio and 1,650 bags from Laguayra. COTtox. I he aggregate sales since our last report have been some 5o0 bales, within the range of our quotations below. A portio.n ot the stock now in tne marKet is nem anove me views oi Olivers, anu at the close prices are firmer, with an UDward ten dency.

Receipts, 101 bales from Savannah. We quote as lollows: Grades. Upland. Gulf. Middling 13 a'S1 Good Middling fair.

none. none. Feathers. Sales are moderate at 35a 15 cents, according to quaUtv. Fish.

There is a moderate demand with only a fair supply, and no cargo sales. Prices are firm and Mackerel are all rather higher. We quote as viz. for No. 1 Mackerel; 14a 515 for No.

2, and It a 50 for large arid medium 3's, and small 6 75a 7 25 per bbl. "Eastern Herrings 2 5 3 50; Labrador do. 4 a-S Salmon, No. 1, 26a-S'23, in and 16a13 in Hake 2 5rm2 75; Ale-wives 25s Codfish 3 75a 25; box Herrings 3 cents lor scaled, and 15a20 cents for No. 1 per box.

Frctt. Sales of foreign are still limited to small lots from store at previous prices, viz: Almonds, solt, llal4 cents; do. paper shell 20a22 cents; Pea Nuts 1 50 per Coacoa Nuts S30 per Zante Currants 7Ja'aS)i cents; Dates 5 cents; Turkey Figs 9a 18 cents; Sicily Lemons 1 80a 3 do. Oranges 1 25; Prunes 14al8 cents; Bunch Raisins 2 35, and do. Layers 2 85 per box.

Dried Fruit. Apples continue dull at 2 25aS'2 50, and Peaches at 3 25a 3 .50 per bushel. Flour and Meal. There is no special change to notice in Flour since the date of our last weekly report. The market has ruled very quiet, however, at about previous prices, and closes at 6 25a 37 ber bbl.

for Howard Street and Ohio Super. In City Mills Super transactions have been very limited. were as follows: Howard Street Super. The total sales amount to some2j500 bbls. at S'6 37, and 200 bbls.

at -S6 25 per bbl. To-day the market was steady at6 25a-S5 57)i per bbl. Ohio Super Has ruled very quiet at 6 57i per barrel; there have been no sales reported this week. City Mills Surer. The only sales reported comprise 400 bbls at -S'6.

at which we quote at the close. Family and Extra Flour. Of Ohio, sales of 1,000 bbls Extra at 66 75, and of City Mills do. 350 bbls at per bbl; no sales of Howard street; we quote at 87 per bbl. Family is higher, and we now quote at S'9 per bbl for Baltimore and Welch's, by the single urav load, for local consumption.

Corn Meal Is quiet at 3 7554 for City Mills, and S'4 12)a for Brandvwine. Rye Flour. Small ales at 4 50a-S4 62J for first quality, as before quoted. Grain. We have no iir p-ovement to notice in the supply of Wheat, but prices are again higher, and close firm the aggregate offerings at the Corn Exchange have been some 20,000 bushels; white selling to-day atl Goa-Sl 95 for fair to choice, and red at 1 SSaS'l 65 for fair to prime.

Of Corn, 85,000 bushels offered, and prices advanced to cents for yellow, and 77ao cents for white, but declined and closed at 73a76 cents for white, and 80a82 cents for yellow. Of Oats, 17,000 bushels offered, and prices have ruled steady at 48a53 cents for fair to prime Virginia, and 53a-58 cents for do. Pennsylvania. Of Rye, some 3,000 bushels offered, and mostly sold at 9PaS8 cents for Pennsylvania, and 88 cents for prime Maryland and Virginia. GrANO Is in fair demand at our previous range of prices, viz: Peruvian $62; AA Mexican S23; white do.

30; Nevassa Q25, and California -S per short ton. GrxNT Bags Are in fair request at 10, 13al4 csnts, according to size. Hat and Straw Are in fair demand at our last quotations, viz: Good to prime baled Timothy. 14a 16: loose 12aS13; Clover, 10all; Rye Straw, 13a Wheat per ton. Hemp Is very quiet at previous prices; stock very limited.

We quote as before: Russia at 20aS210; dressed American at 190a $200; rough none here; Manilla at 7 cents, and Jute at cents per lb. Iron Is quiet but firm at previous quotations, viz: Baltimore Forge Pig 27ag28; do. Wheel 23a $30: Anthracite Pig $27; Scotch Pig S23; American Sheets 4a4j cents; English do. 8a4 cents; and Russia do. 12al2Ji cents; American Bars 60af5; English Refined do.

and common do. 55a860 per ton. Leather Continues very brisk at full former and receipts are still limited. We quote as before, viz: City slaughtered Sole, 33a35 cents; country 80a34 cents: rough Skirting, 31a34 cents; Spanish Sole, 29a32 cents; citv Harness, black, 34a37 cents; country 2Ra31 cents; Upper, in rough, 3a S-4 50 per hide; Calf Skins, 65a63 cents; and finished 89 cents aS'l per lb. Lumber Is in moderate supply, and of Yellow Pine the market is about bare, with a good demand.

We continue to qnete as follows: Yellow Pine Flooring, 15aS'17 for Charleston river; best Pensacola. Jacksonville, 16a20; Maryland, 14a $15, and North Carolina at 20a22 per feet. White Pine Cullings, common to select. Siding, 12a. 515; and Hemlock Rails and Scantling at 9a $11 per feet.

Molasses Has been quiet at about previous prices. Sales comprising 219 bbls. Texas at 33 100 bbls. New Orleans at 40 cents, 115 tierces Cuba clayed at 26 cents and 213 hhds. do.

at 24 cents per gallon, including sales to-day at these prices. The market closes easy at our quotations of last week. Imports, 608 48 tierces and 6 bbls. Cuba, and 178 bbls., Naval Stores.

We notice sales of 1,500 barrels common Rosin at SI 70j we quote at 1 70a $1 75 for large and small lotsj No. 2 do. 25, and No. 1 2 per bbl. Spirits Turpentine 52a.53 cents per gallon.

25, and Pitch 2 per bbl. N. E. RuM: Is in moderate demand at 33a34 cents: per gallon for pure, from the wharf. Provisions.

We have to notice a' good demand for both Bacon and Bulk Meat.and prices have been well sustained, and close firm. Pork Sales of Western Mess at 18 25aS18 50, and do. Prime 13 75a SHperbbl. Bulk Meat Sales of Shoulders, Sides find Hams at 7a9 cents per lb. Bacon Sales of some W0 hhds.

Shoulders and Sides, from first and second hands, at 7a8, and 9Mal0 cents per closing at 7a8 cents lor Shoulders, and 9al0 cents tor Sides, in jobbing lots, and loialOJ cents for plain shipping Hams. Lard lias been dull at 12 cents Tor prime Western and City Leaf; 11 cents for 14a14ji cents for refined. Butter la quiet at lOall cents for solid packed Western, 15a23 cents for ordinary to prime roll, 13a 20 cents for do. Glades, 21a23 cents for New York State, and 24a26 cents for Goshen. Eggs 15 cents per dozen.

Cheese. We continue to notice small sales of Eastern cutting at llal2; of do. English Dairy at 12Jial4 cents per lb. There is as yet no supply of Western here quotations nominal. i no saies since our lasi weeKiy statement comprise 192 hhds.

New Orleans at 7a7 eents, and 50 do. at cents: im nnus. juoa at 7a7s cents; 160 for refining, 6 cents, and 75 do. Porto Rico, for refining, at 7 cents per lb. The market closes Fteady at 7a7J cents for New Orleans; 65a7 cts.

for Porto Rico, and 6a7 cents for Cuba and Eng." Island. Imports, 493 52 trcs. and 94 bbls. from Cuba; 247 bags from Laguayra, and 125 hhds. from Louisiana.

Seeus. In Clover we notice a slight improvement, with sales of some 2j000 bushels at 50 per bushel for common to prune, at which we quote at the close, 2aS2 25 per bushel. J.akch Is in good demand at 6 cents for Kings- arl' RU(i at 5'a5' cents for Strat-ton's best and Salt Is quiet at previous prices sales from store are to fair extent the ship'Wm. Penn, with 8,000 sacks Liverpool, is now due. We quote store prices as before cents for Ground SI 30 for Marshall's and Jeffrey tc D'Arcy's, and $1 50 for Ashton's; Turks Island 18al9 cents per bushel Tobacco, There is, rather better, demand for FOR DWELLING No.

54 North Liberty street, at $400 per annum. Inquire on the premises. 'ml6-eo2t FOR SALE A CONFECTIONERY and tea CIGAR: STORK, now doing a business, and Isaiai-orie cf the best stands in Baltimore. The reason for selling, the ownerintend leaving the city. Inquire at the Sun office.

ml7-4tj T. N. REID, Agent, No. 387 Pratt street, B-pfl has for sale or exchange, for. good city property, iw.a splendid FARM, about 8 miles from the city, on the B'rankliu road.

Also, several other FARMS for sale. 'ml6-3t FOR RENT. A DWELLING on Sterrett street, near McHenry, 8 50 per month. Two -small HOUSES on Webster York avenue, north of Eager street. Rent S6 per month.

Apply to WILLIAM HAMILTON, No. 64 S. Charles street. ml6-3t FOR RENT DWELLING-HOUSE No. fniimM Me.Culloch street, near Hoffman ntrnef.

thraa 3ijl-stories and attic: gas, hot and cold water; in first rate order, and will be rented low. Possession after 1st April next. Apply on the premises. ml6-7t FOR RENT The COUNTRY SEAT of J. M.

Buchanan, on the York road, in the neigh- 1 1 1 A 1'. 1 i tion-can be obtained by calling at No. 45 SAINT PAUL near Saratoga. uoniuuu oi uuviiusiywii, Any xuiuior inioriiitv- TO BUSINESS MEN. FOR SALE The FIXTURES and FURNITURE of one of the hr KTTSTNF.SS STANDS in the city.

The Store arrangements are of the first style, and suitable for any kind of business, and is especially suitable for either a Confectionery or Restaurant. Address "BUSINESS," Postoffice. mlG-3t, DESIRABLE BUILDING LOT FOR SALE On south side of West Fayette street, No. 240, 25 feet front by 90 feet deep, to a 10 alley, improved by a BACK Will old low on immediate application. Inquire at foot be sold low on immediate the Sun office.

m.rn3-5t" -g, FOR SALE A two-story and basement fjlSa HOUSE, in fee, on Caroline near Baltimore; filiiila three-story House.with large back building, on Exeter 4 houses on Aisquith? 1 on McElderry; 3 on St. Paul; 1 on Calvert; 1 on Fayette; lot of ground on Madison street, above Biddle, 27 feet, to an alley. da-tf GLOCKER NORRIS, 63 Fayette Bt. -gJ, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, fM TWO FARMS IN PENNSYLVANIA, -tiai-with good IMPROVEMENTS, one mile from a Catholic Church, College and a Seminary. This property will be sold on easy terms, or exchanged for city property.

For further-information apply to F. A. GIBBONS, 144 Cathedral st. -H, FOR SALE No. 4 East Pratt street, a fine, fM large two-story Brick HOUSE, With a large fciOi-Briek Back Building, a side lot, a Stable and Carriage House.

Also attached, a two-story DWELLING fronting on Granby now under rent. For conditions of sale inquire on the premises, or at No. 19 S. CHARLES ST." The property is in fee. FOR SALE A fine, large, oommodious'three-0.

story BRICK HOUSE, with large three-story Jf-ill-Back Building, with a Lager Beer Brewery and Fixtures. TheiHouse fronts twenty-nine feetlsix inches on Fell street, (No. 26,) and running back to Wolf street. It is well adapted for any kind of business. For further information, apply on the premises.

mhl2-12tj FOR SALE, RENT OR BARTER. 0 FOR SAL One three and a-half story Jtaiiii-HOUSE on Lombard streetnear Hanover, anil one four-story HOUSE on Franklin Oregon, FOR SALE, RENT OR BARTER PROPERTY at MOUNT WASHINGTON. Two COTTAGES and LOTS; 14 Lots various sizes, fine Building Sites, several Lots suitable for gardeners. 50,000 Bricks. Apply to JAS.

C. ADAMS, Second street. -K, VALUABLE DRUG STORE ON NORTH MgAY ST. AT PRIVATE SALE. The fix-Aai'-tures and arrangements.are of the most durable and appropriate character.

The sale will include the entire STOCK, FIXTURES and GOOD-WILL of the establishment. For further information apply at No. 126 NORTH GAY STREET. -5, DESIRABLE MARKET GARDEN FOR fMRENT OR LEASE Containing about Twen-iittv-one Acres, near the city limits. Comfortable GARDENER'S HOUSE, FRAMES.

Sec, on the Ground productive and well watered. Rent low, and great inducements offered to an honest, sober, industrious and respectable tenant. Immediate possession given. Apply at the Sun office. 15-tf OR RENT The SECOND AND THIRD STORIES of the new and handsome building No.

97 Baltimore street, opposite Holliday, (supplied with water and gas,) over Neal's store. "Occupancy given immediately. Applv on the premises or to No. 136 N. HOWARD STREET.

ml5-3w FOR RENT The large DWELLING over the Hwward Bank, No. 81 Howard street. Also, "f-the STORE and DWELLING, No. 103 Howard street, near Saratoga. Also, a Warehouse and a Stable in Clav street, near Howard.

Apply to P. G. SAUERWEIN, 101 North Howard Bt. mhl4-6t si, FOR SALE OR RENT That large and fjT comfortable DWELLING-HOUSE, No. 117 East Baltimore street, opposite Aisquith.

Gas and water throughout the house. Has been used as a boarding-house for the last ten years. Apply to S. O. COCKEY, 68 North Green st.

mU-tff '-Si FOR RENT A small, comfortable? DWEL-I Tt3 LING on North Paca street, opposite the wall: also, one on Pearl street, near Saratoga. These houses have hydrants in the yard, are in good locations and will be put in order. Apply to ALEX. YEARLEY SON, 15 St. Paul st.

tf. -Ei FOR RENT STORE AND DWELLING MNo. 10 Marsh Market bpace. ALSO STORE AND DWELLING No. 17 i Marsh Market Space.

Apply to CHARLES D. De- FOKD No. 37 S. Gay st. FOR SALE OR RENT That fine DWELLING on the fionthwest.

eorner of Lombard and Strieker streets, at UNION SQUARE. In- quire within. JAS. S. WILSON.

mh7-12tj FOR RENT OR SALE. fM The CENTRAL RACE COURSE AND feTAVERN STAND, late Herring Run, with all the Stables and near Eighty Acres of Land, four miles from Baltimore, will be rented to a responsible tenant on moderate terms. Apply to WM. Mc-CANN, 35 S. Gay Baltimore.

A FARMER RESIDING 20 miles from Bal- I uvotj a Mai? 1 unrTaL-a -and LOTS in the western part of the citv. for a few healthy and good SERVANTS, of both sexes, that can come well recommended. Address D. H. Sun office, or Laurel, Prince George's county, Maryland.

m7-12tt FOR SALE The Good Will and Fixtures of a long established APOTHECARY STORE, doing a good business, situated on toe corner oi ana i.ager sts. Reason lor selling is that the owner is unable to attend to the business. Apply on the premises. fl9-lmf Ql nflil WILL BE TAKEN, if immediate ap-O A vJUU plication is made, for a two-story brick HOUSE, No. 95 Orleans street; lot fronts about 28 feet by about 72 feet deep, to a six feet alley.

Ground rent 90 a year. This property is well situated for a baker, coal yard, wood yard, or anv other kind of business. Apply to THOS. MAINLEY, 95 Orleans street. f25-lmt FOR SALE The three-story Brick WEL-INGNo.

241 Mulberry has a Pantry fa lin asfcii-and two-storv Rack with a hvdrant in the yard. Also, a small House on Pierce st. Inquire of HENRY BUTT, earner of Pennsylvania avenue and Hoffman street. 12-7t FOR PER ANNUM-HOUSE )I No. 88 McCULLOCH STREET, near Dol-Miiphin.

Apply to CHAS. E. PHELPS, No. 2 Law Buildings. JOHN M.

WALKER, NOTARY PUBLIC AND PROPERTY AGENT, No. 36 SECOND STREET, near the Exchange, Has for sale Farms, Country Seats, Houses and Lots and Ground Rents. Lots to Lease. j4-tft. FOR RENT-The LARGE ROOM, on se-( cond story of House No.

65 Baltimore street, Jfcsiis-south side, west of Gay, over Millikin's Linen Store a good business location. Rent moderate to a good tenant. Apply to GEORGE H. C. NEAL, No.

97 Baltimore street. mh7-tf FOR SALE Two beautiful and command-vine SITES near Catonsvillo, within 5 miles of iisiulthe city. Also, a COUNTRY SEAT, containing about 15 acres, with new improvements, on the Frederick turnpike, nearly opposite St. Timothy's Hall. Terms reasonable, with long eredits, to desirable purchasers.

Apply to Dr. GEO. W. LAWRENCE, Catonsville, Baltimore Md. fe9-2mj FOR SALE, LEASE' OR RENT.

2,000 feet front, on First street, in Brooklyn, rv Anne Arundel county, Md. ALSO The large and new HOTEL at Brooklyn. ALSO A two-story brick Dwelling at Brooklyn. ALSO 2 three-story brick DWELLINGS, with STORE attached, on Baltimore near Calhoun. ALSO 10,000 acres of LAND in Iowa and Nebraska.

Apply to 21-3mj A. F. SEEVERS, 79 Exchange Place. A HANDSOME SUBURBAN RESI-fMDENCE FOR SALE. The subscriber offers Wihlfor sale a very desirable DWELLING, situate on North avenue, within five minutes' walk of one of the routes of the city railroad.

The House contains TEN ROOMS, with a fine PORTICO in front, and is in every way adapted for a pleasant residence. There is about HALF AN ACRE OF GROUND attached, and a fine well of water. It is in an improving neighborhood. For further particulars apply to JAMES BOYD, No. 26 St.

Paul street. -H, A FARM OF ABOUT 200 ACRES or LESS f3 FOR SALE OR RENT. Miia. Soil, Fruit, Water and Improvements all good. It lies between the Washington Pike and Railroad, 16 miles from Baltimore, near Annapolis Junction.

It has every railroad facility. Stock and farming utensils will be sold with the farm, and immediate possession given. Apply to MADAM DEVOUGES, 141 Baltimore or to Thos. can be seen on his farm, immediately opposite Savage Switch, Washington Railroad. m7-lmt THE SUBSCRIBER, having determined to fe emigrate West, offers the following PROPER MuLTY FOR 460 ACRES OF LAND, mile from Mariotts-ville, B.

At O. R. about one hour's ride from the city: a season ticket costs S58. One-half of this land is cleared, and has been heavily limed. Extensive Limestone Quarries and two Lime Kilns, and good demand for Lime.

An immense bank of Caloerous Sand or Marl, from which about worth is annually sold; it is also used for agriculture. There is a White Marble Quarry of great extent; also, an in-exhaustableSoap Stone Quarry, contiguous to the Marvland Soap Stone Quarry, and a heavy Water Power on Pntapsco river. This land can be advantageously divided into two or four lots.with fair portion of water and wood and a HOUSE on each lot. The principal building is of stone, and has ten rooms, hall and attic and Peach Orchard; plums, cherries, apricots, Sec; and necessary outbuildings. The subscriber not being in a situation to draw out the resources ofthis valuable property, will, offer it at private sale.

Apply on the premises. Price p.30 per acre. LEWIS H. BROWN. ml6-12t) FOR SALE A VALUABLE REAL ES-fpa TATE.

The subscrier offers at private sale, tialthe very desirable pt6perty on which he now resides, situated in Carroll county, 20 miles from Baltimore, on the Westminster pike, and a half of a mile west of Finksburg, and a mile from the Baltimore and Westminster Railroad. The land is rolling and well adapted to-growing grain, It is naturally of a superior quality, and has been heavily Some 60 acres of it is fine Timothy bottom land, from 80 to 90 acres in wood. In all some three hundred acres. The improvements are a very fine large stone DWELLING, a Switser Barn and extensive Stabling, Corn Houses, Wagon Houses, Hay Houses; also, a stone House for an Overseer, with an Orchard with some four or five hundred apple trees, Peach Orchard, It has a Fountain- at the door, and dairy and running water in every -field. Persons wishing to purchase will please call on.

M. B. CLARK Baltimore street.near Paca, or to the undersigned, at Postoffice, inks-ourg, Carroll county, Maryland. tTfT1, juJiU-eo3tJ F.BUTLER. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun Washington, March 17.

The Cabinet Against the Extra Session Tut President and Mr. Holt for it An Expected Call for August Mexican Affairs Mediation in Faraguay. The Cabinet are again in session to-dav, and are engrossed upon the much mooted question of the expediency of calling an extra session of Congress. Thoushthe result has not vet been reached, but it is -well understood that the President has very reluctantly came to the conclusion that an extra session, at a da as early as possible, is unavoidable. In this decision he is" supported by Postmaster General Hoi, and opposed bv all the rest of the Cabinet.

The democratic niemlers of Congress generally Are opposed to the measure, and the President hard ly expects to find much support from the democratic party in its adoption. But he knows tat the measure is right and unavoidable, even if Its effect be politically prejudicial to the interests of the party. No measure could be. more anti-democratic than a resort to the issue of an unauthorized and irredeemable paper currency in the shape of certirl-Tste-s of service, which has been proposed as a substitute for appropriation bv law. If the President took this course, he would probably give the opposition a pretext which they undoubtedly covet, for presenting: articles of impeachment against him.

It is well understood also that Mr. Holt will not undertake to carry on the department by such means. It is probable that a proclamation will be issued to-morrsw or next day convening the 30th Con-aress on the third Monday of August. The Pacific States can be represented "in the House by that day. Some persons, who are well advised iri regard to he state of affairs in Mexico, do not concur in the opinion that the late news from that quarter, so far cs it is reliable, is favorable to the liberal party.

The fact that Mirarnon had been allowed to" pro-, ctxd so far and to take Alvarado and other places. ss adverse to any supposition of the existence of such a degree of energy and resource on the part of the Liberals as augured for their ultimate success. IThe Liberals, it "seems, had refused proffers of money and munitions of war from American r'rizens. ProbablvtheMexieanswere more afraid Cf our filibusters than of their antagonists. The acceptance of the Brazilian mediation bv President Lopez is an evidence that he is disposed to avoid hostilities.

But the ofl'er was rejected by JudjeBowlin. our minister, and nothing is likc-Iy- ULUturiivui ii. ION. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. AVashington, March 17.

M. us.viui! xic ur ixmzauon or tne House Reasons for Ik laying the Call Postoffice Dfi- 'tieney Ap propria Was for Public Buildings Congressional Mileast and Reporting, S-r. As the organization of the House is au affair of rjreat importance to parties, particularly through power of the Speaker to shape matters at the heel of the session, it is strongly urged upon the President to put off the day for convening- Congress at an extra session until" some time in August. So that all the State (those on the Pacific included) mar be represented. And if the time is postponed until tiieu.

it is also unfed that the Posrorlice De-partnieiit can srer on until Decern ber. To this, it is rKdersTcod. the President and Postmaster General cbject the latter with a decision inspired by the r-rosreot of a clamor of claimants for four or five of dollars, with less than a million applicable for payment. It seems tlie deficit is about one million of dollars in excess of that estimated by Gov. Brown, instead of two and a-half millions, as was reported cvrrentlv in Congressional circles, that from positron should -Lave been more accurately informed.

Had tte PostorSee Department bill passed, the definite appropriations vonld have amounted to about or a million and a quarter less than Mr. Cobb's estimate. For this saving public lur.ldiniis cad navy-yawls have to suffer on the score etc." There will not be as much room here as elsewhere, for claims of public contractors, for damages through failure of P.ppropri-f tiei 5. -ilr. Mcintire will keep on work in a moderate way ttpon the Potomac aqueduct, while tLe Capitol SlOO.Ot,1 is appropriated: for the rosTotlice IJO.t for the Patent OiSee S50.000: for the Trer-STiry building :s50.W0.

to which sum is to he added "a considerable amount of unexpended appropriations for that object. Some is granted for extending the Government Asylum for the Insane. It is to be supposed that a large sum le expended to extend water pipes through city, since that Congress authorized a loan for that purpose. It would seem that the military asylum, or Soldier's Home, here, wiii have to beenlarged.sincethat a provision of law at thlast session extends itsben-etts to disabled or invalid volunteers of anv war. Congress made an appropriation for mileage of members, and for mileage and compensation of Senate's, but it is held that they can get nejther by virtue of that act at an extra session.

An appropriation was made for reporting in the Congressional Globe the proceedings of the Senate, but nothing of the House. This fact will be ap-f ailing to tLose who speak for Imneonibe. Mr. Buenvonh was transacting business at the Tress- srry Department to-dav. having retu irvon Monday, from Xew Yo7k.

wh rned. to west rpon business, by advice of Mr. Reverdy Johnson, after a proper lapse of time following the Key tragedv. Asa. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun.

Washington, March 17. Cabinet CovntilTke Late Gov. Brown's Family HofrHtyXve Building Mr. Sickles Indict-ffSt. Patrick's Celebration, Src.

The Cabinet spent several hours to-day in special council. Of course nothing can yet be known of ts deliberations, but universal opinion fixes upon an extra session of Congress, to commence during Le month of August next. Mrs. Brown, the esteemed wife, and other members of the family of the late Gov. Brown, expect leave here for their borne i Tennessee on Satur-dav morning next.

They will be accompanied by Clements. chief clerk of the Post-cSce Department. The family will remain in Richmond during Saturday night, and probably reach Nashville by Wednesday morning next. The sympathies and best wiihes of our whole comma. will follow-them.

The botiv of the lamented John Marron. Lis been removed from the vault of St. Patrick's church to its final resting in the beautiful Catnoiic cemetery on Spring liiii Commissioner Force, of the health division, re ports S7 interments during February forty-threeof ten years ana unaer. in me corresfKnitung nioma last year the number was 9l 12 oi wuich were un der 10 vears. Our enterprising citizens, many of them practical men, seem to avail themselves of the presence of a small army of mechanics thrown out cf government employ by the loss of or diminished amount of the appropriations, and determined to improve the city by the add ition of comfortable, handsomedwelling Louses.

Three or four of such-residences are already in active hands, corner of Tenth street and avenue. Foundations for several are also commenced on II street, between Sixth and Indeed, in every ward of our city preparations for an early and very busy building season may be noticed The grand jnrv tc-day made a presentment against Daniel E. Sickeis for the mnrder of Philip Kev The Methodist Protestant Conference decided to Loid its next annual meetins at East Baltimore il ision. the soronil Wednesday of March, itw. Silt? of real estate Lot 37, in Caden's subdivi sion r.t siitsre on Ninth, between 1.

anu struts will hr Mi-finin Sr. Co. for 39 cents per instead of 20 cents. McGuire also oid Page wharf property to Joseph Bryan lor ft. int -in -itH imnrovements, in I u.

i i ur i-qvareC4. on Massachusetts avenue and secona street. wossoldfor.l.&75toE. Edmonstoiu I art of lot 17 in square 451, with improvement, for Tfie natal dav of Erin's patron saint is being duly ceiertrated here. The Beneficial Total Abstinence Society, with tenners and fine martial rmi- sir -rarndfd -arlv thi.

morjiincr. and proceeueu iu i n.inv!?eric Was pro- r.ounc'f by the RevDr. b'Toole. At the close of our principal avenues and streets for an Lovrwhen they were dismissed until this when the members of the society and many other "ood citizens will meet around the festive board. GeorgetotKn.

D. C. Thomas Bowling, auction-rf-T. diifrose'd of the following at public sale yester- d33" afternoon. Three-s'orv brick house and lot fronting twenty feet on Bridge street, with a depth cf ninety teet.

iormeriv ownea rv tne late a. p. A Va ugh. to George Godey, two-story lrickhouse and lot cf same size, on same street, a little west, now occupied as a shoe store and dwelling, to David Shoemaker, for small frame house and lot fronting nineteen feet on Jefferson street, with a depth of one hundred and seven feet, to Wm. H.

Teuney.for S4W); small frame house and lot fronting twenty-four feet on Market street, with a depth of sixty-five feet, to AVm. II. Tenney, for gooO cash, Mercvrx. Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun. New York, March 17.

Travel to Europe The Trial of Stephens Conric-vittion for Counterfeiting Registry Law, The sprin travel to Europe has commenced. The steamer ua a ueiore commi and the latter SoUU.lw. ffeEuropa are James McCreery and E. Da.nman, of Baltimore. Edward de Laurens.of ashtngton, Pr Thos.

D. Hogg, of N. and R. Ten Broeck, of New York. Yesterday, in the Stephens wife poisoning case, Mrs.

Isabella Bennett, niece of the prisoner, testified that Miss Fanny Bell prepared Sirs. Stephens food, and that the sickness which Mrs. B. represented to be the result of eating rice prepared by Mr Stephens for deceased, was the consequence of eating cold cabbage and drinking buttermilk thereon. She also states that she had opportunities of knowin" much of evil in the conduct of the Misses Bell.

In fact she gave the two girls any-tilinbut a good character. There appears, indeed" to be some hard swearing on bothsides. The jury in the case of Henry Rohner, charged with counterfeiting notes on the Bank of Austria, brought in a verdict of guilty. The penalty is from five to ten years' imprisonment in the State The House of Assembly at Albany passed the re-e-isrv tiU vice-President Breckinridge and Senators Ben-lam in and Mallory are in this city. fjr Samuel Jackson, a surgeon in the S.

navy, a-ed'in Brooklyn yesterday. Jls police Cami3iuer5 feave token, initiatory esterday witn as manv iuii ac- odate. anu iuc VI slsn toos ouijiw.jiji specie. At an early hour yesterday morning the police made a descent upon a suspected "crib" near Fair-mounVand arrested five men and a woman on the charge ot being concerned several robberies At their house most of the" goods stolen from t)e running More oi iir. John JBok, in Exchange Place, which was robbed earlv on Tuesdav morn ing, also a number of articles stolen from the houses of boat-clubs on the Schuylkill, were found.

The democratic State convention which met yesterday at HarrisburgnominatedRich'd L.Wright, of this city, for Auditor General, and John Rowe, of Franklin, for Surveyor General. A resolution offered by Mr. Lamber'ton, approving of Governor Packer's course, was lost bv a vote of I to 27. A bill has just passed both houses of the Legislature, and which is known as the "Germantown compromise setilelnent," gives authority to the company to make passenger railways on Chestnut and Walnut streets, between Fourth and Eighth, without th.e intervention of city councUs. Navt Officers Orueked.

Lieutenants F. A. Parker and J. W. Shirk have been ordered for duty in the Pacific squadron, and will sail in the steamer of the 20th instant from New York.

Surgeon Charles Chase has been ordered as fleet surgeon of the home squadron, vice fleet surgeon Cbrnick, returned sick. Lieutenants Perry and Allen T. Byrens have been ordered to the sloop of war Saratoga, of the home squadron, to fill vacancies occasioned by the return of Lieutenants ftl. Wain-w right and Win. M.

Gamble, on the sick list. Christy's Mixstrels, from New York, have had the honor of an introduction at the imperial court of France. A temporary theatre was con structed in the Salle de Diane. The Emperor and Empress. Prince Jerome, Prince Napoleon and the Princess CloJhilde.

the Princess and alout two hundred guests witnessed the performance, and laughed immensely at the Yankee drollery of the blackened-faced histrionists. i Affairs rx Alleoaxt Copxtt. The Cum berlard Telegraph reports the growing crops of tliat county to be promising, and'the manufacture of maple sugar very operations promise well, and canal navigation has been fully resumed. 2-2 boats having cleared with 2,402 tons of coal. Since the first of the year 43.377 tons of coal have been shipped from the'mines.

American Commerce ix the Amoos. The English papers are calling attention to the fact that the Amoor river, of which thev scarcely knew anything before the Crimean is now regularly navigated by a California steamer. It is also stated ery ol Kussia is monopolized an it i 1 ii Cile and deformed vouth. who toi-jt Cont rf li quor, died a few days since in Athens, Limestone county. Alabama, from drinking a pint of 92 per cent, alcohol, administered to him bv a man named Charlton, who was committed to Jail in default Sales of Laxd.

In Prince George's conntv. the home farm of the late Mrs. Marv Herbert. containing 4W acres, has been sold to R. D.

Hall and the tarm of the late Mrs. Mary Bern-, containing 524 acres, to John E. Berrv. at 30 60 per acre. Coxvicteb.

Charles Hale has been convicted at Steubenvilie. Ohio, of stabbing with intent to kill David Rcss. the agent of the Cleveland and Pittsburg road, and the punishment is imnrisonmentin the penitentiary from one to twenty years. Tobacco ix Feaxce. In the French estimates for 1:60.

the anticipated receipts from tobacco dues figure at one hundred and eighty-three mil-lioiis of francs, (S36.6U0,OOO.) Not GriLTT. The trial of Maldon Pott for the murder of David Drumhelier, at Reading, has resulted in a verdict of -not guilty." Tlie mur der took place at a frolic. Removal. The old poplars in front of the State House, at Annapolis, have been removed by order of the Governor. The Gazette says thev had become so much decayed that they were unsafe.

Hon. Chas. J. Faulkner, of Virginia, has been nominated for re-election to Congress by the democratic convention of his district. CTI' is stated that Senator Clingman.

of North Carolina, will sail from Boston, next Wednesday, for Europe. vjX young man named Joseph Wright died a shocking death, from hydrophobia, in Cincinnati a tew aays ago. IT7Mi.s A. G. Rice, a respectable younar lady.

committed suicide in Cincinnati on Tuesday, because her beau deserted her. E. Loauet. a French cotton broker at New Orleans, was killed in a duel, 10th instant, with E. Hireat, a reporter oa the Delta.

A portion of the rails to relay the track of the Franklin railroad to arrived at Chambersburg, Pa. ITT On Tuesday eleven sailmakers and five blockmakers were discharged from the Gosport navy--ara. 117" No less than three hundred persons were burnt to death in the city of Loudon during the year lr5. Lt7Thesumof $30,000 has been subscribed at Yicksburg. to establish a cotton factory.

IL7" The democrats or St. Louis have nominated Lewis Bogy lor mayor. T7W. H. Russell, the London Times' correspondent in India, is about to return to England.

UZr The Jesuits, by a recent decree, have been expelled from Montevideo. fry A house of ill-fame in Goldsboro, N. was 'gutted" by a mob on the 12th inst. in? A writer in the Port Tobacco (Md.) Times recommends Gen. Walter Mitchell for Congress.

Monetary and Commercial. The stock market here continues rather dull. It has seldom been more listless than throughout the present week, and the leadina Railroad shares have declined gradually, but so slightly from day to day, the fail irf oiJy about to per ct during the -week. Investment loans and Bank stocks, however, continue steady and firm. Some 450 shares were sold yesterday at from 59J down to 5.9 cash, closing 59 bid which is li below previous day's plnop Of 'VorriierTi Central RR some GOO shares were sold at closing 19Af bid a decline of ii.

Canton 6toek was wanted at 19. but there was none oiieriusr. The inquiry continues pretty good for City and the better class of Railroad winds. Baltimore brought the previous rate of yz, deiivei a hie at the opening of the tranfer books on th 1st of April, interest off for 1090-s 9R was also bid, and at which they have been selling, for the. opening, but were held at par.

There was nothing dSne io bonds the 1335's wanted at 86, but hold at 87. Northwestern Convertibles were bid for at but held at 70; and the 3d mortgage, endorsed, is wanted at 66. Northern Central bonds 1885 have declined some this week, selling at and now offered at For Central Ohio 2d mortgage 41 bid, 43 asked. Bank stocks tend upward. Lnion brought 78.

an advance for. Bank of Baltimore 112 bid; Merchants' 13 bid; MarineSl bid, 31 Mechanics' 18 bid, c. In Insurance ana Turnpike stocks there is nothing doing. The steamer for Europe on Wednesday took SWLPfo in specie. The Jura, on Tuesday, took S1H0.O0O.- The Farmers' Bank of Marvland, at Annapolis, has declared a dividend of 4 per cent on its capital' stock for the six months ending 31st instant, payable on and after the first Monday of April.

The Minnesota Copper Mining Company have declared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent, payable SALES AT BALTIMORE YESTERDAY. 20CU City 6s. 9R! 3i0 Ya 2d niort 70 ax NCR 69 l'j shs Union Bnk Tt 150 shs Franklin Bk 00 idis SpringMCo 2.18 2f shs NCRR mi mi mi ASK. 00 00 68 43 59 00 shs do shs BiOR 175 shs do 75 shs do b2 b2 boO 15') shs do CLOSING RATES, BID. City 375...

City 6s, Citv 6s, 9HJi bds -75. (H) BA bds '85. NWVa.lstM. (X NWVa.ZdM. mi ASK.

0O! liXt 87 87 "0 BID. NAYVa.3.1 M. 23 IS VaSdMen 66 NCR bds '85. Con.0.2dM.. 41 BOR shares 53 NCRR shares 19 Canton Co.

SIOCK PRICES KEW VORK TESTERDAy By Magnetic Telegraph. 1ST board Virginia 97 Missouri 854 2D BOARD. 00 00 00 11 49J 00 eo 68 12 00 00 Iiiinois Central bonds, 90 Canton Erie Railroad New York Central Reading Railroad Cleveland and Toledo Michigan Southern Galena and Chicago Harlem Mich. Southern guar'd. mi ii au 26 li 00 00 Rock Island Railroad Weak.

Steady. STOCK PRICES AT PHILADELPHIA MARCH 16. The late foreign news had little or no eifect upon the stock market, which opened more active than forsoniedays past, and prices generally were better. Fenna State 5s sold at 93J; City 6s, new, at 103J; Del niort 6s at 88; Cam and Amb 6s '83 at 84; Reading 6s '86 at73J. Of shares, Reading sold at 24; Penna at Schuyl Nav prfd 19; Morris Canal prld 105; Lehigh Nav 51.

The New York Tribune of yesterday says: There is less activity to-day in monev, although tne aeniand is good. Ratesjvary but little" from those Tiw w2l wee-but are. if anything, a trifle higher. ianidilonF-Rt the first board 103,000 DrivateTv due in lm sold lor those oinm, H3'i was freely bid. At the second for8m.lLheT,r,earl tor felOO.

1 reaaury notes are not frnelv iMarnd and holders are firm Some which We lw.n Knt to Wash n.rt,n f.i 'j "av e. matured H.VkAt'j"?""!? ueinanu tor ijovernment ts to- 'The stock market seldom presents a more unin- irresung appearauuo incin ai una nine, what with the dullness of business and the slight fluctuation" a i. 1 i i generally at lower prices and the market was heavy. The closing quotations were for Missouri 6s Canton 19fia20; Cumb Coal 23fia'; Hudson River Mich Central 51H'a; Mich Sou preferred 45Jia56i; Panama Illinois Centrl 67'a; Cleveland and Toledo 27a27V; I'acifio Mail SS Co 77ia78." The advices from EiiKiand to the 1st instant, by DA ment. had been ftzain entireiv lost by reason of the Port of Baltimore, March IT, 1859.

Sun 6 3 San seU ...6 67 CLEARED, Sclirs. Hsrald, Knight, New Bedford, T. Whltridge R. Haily, Mitchell, JttcksonviUe, Heslen Roger: R. Baker, Whltmore, New York, W.

lilioads A Son; Wild Pigeou, Milliken, Providence, 8. Phillipa sloop Farmer, Henderson, Bridgeton, NJT, Stickney 4 Co. ARRIVED, Steamship Thomas wann, Banuay, 40 hoars fm New York, to Sml. T. Pearce.

Reports off Back Kiver, a barque and herm. brig, bound np; off Point Lookout, barque Anna; off Cove Point, a herm. brig; under Patuxeat Clifs, a brig, supposed ashore. Barque Dorchester, White, 41 days from J.ineiro, to Inn. Hooper it Sous, Towed np by tng Lionels.

Feb. 15tli, lat. 17 8., Ion. 37 spoke barque Contest, Allen, from New York, bound soutit. Brig Ocean Traveller, Sargent, from Cienfaejos, 5Sth and 13 days to the capes, to Kirkland, Chase It Co.

Towed np by tng Tlgres'. Reports the brig Eureka, Gllley, "hence for Trinidad, anchored in the Patuxnl river 14th and sailed agiin next day. Saw ashore on Cove Point, a Baltimore bnil; brig, probably R. R. Kirkland, Knight, from St.

Johns, P. R-, before reported below. Sailed from C. iu company with brlss lmogene: Bonaparte; Restless, for New York, and schr. for Fortland.

Left in port barque Brothers, Chase, for New York, Eliza Cochran, for Aberdeen, Florida, wtg.j Merrimac, for Philadelphia, Grower, Louisa Jewett, (Br.) Smith, for Bosion, Cora Linn, (Br.) brigs Gilmer Meredith, for New York, Ocean Wave, Slorancy, to sail next day; Frederics, for B. T. Blartin, Bellona, (Hr.l Knowlton, from Baltimore, dischg. March 7th, "off Double Head Shot Keys, passed ship Venice, steering S. same day, lat.

24 4 Ion. SO 10. spoe brig Marcia, Dunbar, from Havana for Philadelphia: 9fb, lat. 39 35, Ion. 79 20, spoke schr.

Central America, from New Orleans for Boston. Brig Delta, Van Peit, fm Turks Island, to Hesien Rogers. Schr. Ospray, Bragg, fm St. to Jas.

Orner A Sons. Schr. B. N. Richards, Stratton, from Franklin, to S.

O. Hand Co. Saw on Saturday last, a barque ashore on Falsa Cape. nd two schrs. at anchor near her.

Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, fm Richmond. Reports In Hampton Roads, barque Fioreeta, for Pernambuco, aud brig Frances Jane, for St. Johns, P. both hence; also two vessels at work at steamer Ba'timore, with weather favorable.

Sailko Schr. Ii. C. Mannard, Morse, for Jamaica. MEMORANDA.

Ships Ann E. Hooper, Hooper, for Baltimore, and Susan Howland, Adams, for Bombay, sailed from Liverpool 2sth Ship Annapolis, Pickett, for Baltimore, wag loading at Elido Island about Jan. let. Ship China, Davis, from Liverpool for Baltimore, nut Into Holyhead 2th nit, Ship Frigate Bird, Cope, for San Francisco, sailed from Hong Kong Jan. 1st.

Barque Pursuit, Sandford, from Bosarlo, arrived at Buenos Ayres Jan. 22d. Brig Romance, Duncan, from Baltimore via Richmond, was at Pernambuco 10th ult. Brig Wm. H.

Bruno, Knight, at Bahla 2d wa3 chartered to load for New York with despatch. Brig Angola, Hall, lor Bichmond. was loading at Matanzaa 6th Inst. Schr. Chief, Fountain, from Baltimore for New Bedford, arrived at Newport 13th inst.

Schr. Hugh W. Fry, Marshall, pa3sed Key West 9th Inst. Schrs. E.

Townsend, Gunity, for Norfolk, and Reacue, fled for Alexandria, cleared at New York 16th J. T. WtUiams, Curtis, from Wilmington, NC, and D. K. Sawyer, Plerson, from Richmond, arrived at do.

same day. Schr. Marietta, Mullen, and Hamor, SaUbury, from STorfolk, arrived at Portland 15th inst. Schrs. BIch'd Borden, Arnold, for Alexandria," sailed from Providence 14th Inst.j Irani Smith, McGivern, from arrived same day.

Schr. Manchester, Pierson, from Richmond for New York, went ashore on the morning of tlie 15th on Long Beach, East of Bockaway. Crew saved. She was high upon the beach, and makes no water. Schrg.

Eliza Williams, Taylor, for Wilmington, NC, and Henry Travers, Jones, for A'exandria, cleared at Philadelphia 16th Wm. Benry, Passapea, and Ann Pickrell, Le-verton, from arrived same day. Schr. Laura Frances, Higgins, from Richmond for Salem, passed Holmes' Hole 13th inst. Schr.

M. S. Partridga, Hix, from Bucksport for Richmond, sailed from Newport 13th inst. Arbivkd from Baltimore. Schr.

Sear8Ville, Sears, at Boston 16th inst. Schr. Indus, Stokely, at Wilmington, NC, 16th lust. Cleared fob Baltimore. Steamship Wro.

Jenkins, Hallett, at Boston ISth in3t. Barque Gotlorp, Borgfeldt, at Cape Town 7th fan. Barque Eliza Young, Durkee, at Liverpool 2d inst. Barque Georges, McGnne, at Boston 15tii inst. Schr.

Sanil. Kotan, Gandy, at Savannah 15th inst. Schr. N. Hyde, Anderson, at Kingston, 20th ult.

Schr. Allen Middleton, Sipple, at Providence 15th inst. Schr. Stranger, Blackwell, at Alexandria 16Ui inst. FOR SALE.


SINGLE-CYLINDER HOE PRESS FOR SALE CHEAP. Size of bed 3S by 57 inches; has self-flying and registering apparatus in Rood order. Address publishers of "PHILADELPHIA Phila-delphia. FOR SALE. A middle-aged Colored MAN, a slave for life, will be sold for a term of 7 or 8 years.

Price $250. He is a good teamster, ostler, plowman and accustomed to farm work, or would make a good drayman. Apply at the office of tha Sun. ml2-6fc. OR SALE A well secured GROUND REN' of $150; three of 215; six of $72; six of 74 three of $120; eight of S60; ten of S22; seven of 42 five of 831, and many others, all of which are wel secured, and will be sold from 6 to 8 per cent.

App to WM. H. MARRIOTT, office No. 14 Mansio House, Fayette st. ffv HORSE AND CART FOR SALE.

jl-VThe Cart is etronly built, and in perfect made to hold 25 bushels lime. The HORSE is blind but able bodied, and guarantied sound in every other particular. Apply at No. 88 NORTH STREET, between Pleasant and Bath streets. 'mH-eoSt FOR SALE-STEAMBOAT IU FURNITURE AND OUTFIT C6MPLETE, ready for service.

Apply to m7-tf C. REEDER. MULES MULES. "Will arrive and for Bale on the 25th inst. fifty head of superior Kentucky MULES Persons desirous ofpurchasing, will app.

WM. DORBAKER STABLE, ml4 8tt corner of Paca and Pratt sts. -I Qn FIRES for 25 CENTS. The ETNA FIRE lU KINDLING is for sale at the principal Groceries, Coal Offices, Sea. Orders from a distance, address DENNY MORRISON, Manufacturers of the Etna Fire Kindling, No.

33 South Gay street, Baltimore. ml-lmt ROPE, HEMP, Sec. ROB'T AVIER, MANUFACTURER OF CORDAGE, 15 THAMES Baltimore, has on hand and for sale a full assortment Of Russia, Manilla and American Hemp CORDAGE, Fishing ROPE and Packing YARN; also, HEMP, and will make to order Cordage of any dimensions at the shortest notice. EROSENE OIL! KEROSENE Coal Oil Coal Oil Of superior qualities; also, Lard, Solar, Ethereal and Camphen or Pine Oils. Lamps of every description sold, and repaired at shortest notice.

THOS. H. HARDESTER, 234 Light between Hill aud Montgomery. m8-eolmt POAL OIL. The undersigned.

Aeents for.the Kentucky final Oil Company, are now receiving regular supplies of su: LFEKIOK OIL, ana are prepared to fill orders with promptness. POULTNEY ft MOALE, No. 44 Lombard street. m4-12t COAL OIL COAL OIL COAL OIL. A full supply of COAL OIL of superior quality, which, for brilliancy, cheapness, and freedom from smoke, cannot be surpassed, can be had at No.

234 LIGHT between Montgomery and 51 25 per gallon. Lamps altered for 25 cents. f21-eolmf Te F-i-P WM. H. HOOPES has VED i his Office to No.

88 NORTH TTrD EUTAW between Saratoga and Mulberry and is now prepared to perform all operations in the Dental profession. JT" Teeth Extracted by the Galvanic Process. j5-3m DR. R. R.

BOOTH. Dentist, 175 Fay-ette second door from Eutaw. Teeth Extracted by a new and oritrinn.1 nroe.BaH the admirable system practiced by me only. Tha attention I have given to the preservation and correcting irregularities of Children's Teeth deserves the attention of Parents and Guardians All opera-tions guaranteid. ml5-lm.

ASH FOR NEGROES. We are at all times purchasing SLAVES, paying the highest cash prices. Persons. wishing to sell will oall at No. 11 CAMDEN Baltimore.

Negroes received on BOARD. Communications addressed to a2-6m WILSON HINDES. at nubsequent unfavorable tone ef the accounts from Paris on the Italian war queution; the market was.

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