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The Wellsboro Gazette Combined with Mansfield Advertiser from Wellsboro, Pennsylvania • Page 3

Wellsboro, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

all our patrons, and wish to er. at our auction sales 0r We have discontinued i contiuue te gi ve the same -7 joocs, ADE CLOTHING. "ATS, CAPS, nS, .11 nnl been mak- i ui -tiA which 1 i i 3- BROTHERS, Ih dui.nyrtyi,.^,^ IIP 0 iTJAMii GEO MATHERS that be has MI I articles du tt penny and jU ndi 6 HATIIKRs EVERt FARMER HIS OWN MILLER THE HALLAOAY Geared Wind r-t Uit entire entat. or E' TJs Afcent Mansflrld A stuitt nts to test its a sfictory tuition refunded M. Pnn Elmira, Y.

TM leC PA 4 C01.ES, PROPRIETORS. oodf. THE WELLSBORO, JANUARY 5, 1886. i I HUBBM-l. Advertisements.

A Co Hop Plulen-- Hop Pluter Co. Bulk Repoit-Fint National Bank. i Coraet Drag-Store-- 1C SoaUlInK. Prof etOimS Cud-Horick ToSi Billiard and Pool Shaw. Sheriff's Joseph H.

Pferrla. Sheriff Annual for 1885-8; Itnirrt cL Printine ButmvUig, Binding-- Agitator Offlte AppUouom fqr LtccnM-- Boben C. Cor, Clerk pay them tbe first spell of weather and also when compared ped at eleven minute, put ten It wu Infer- to the case, your best plan to leave tbe anything without paying fer i understand that there with the same period of the previous year, red that he hart been in the water several profession at once; jou are not only a laborer is worthy of bis hire, vtion np (or disctuslon This Is no doubt due to the fact that while hours a stumbling-block lo lhe rest of the profes- UCBHCUB concerting the use of free text books In tbe range of the thermometer has been un The body was taken from tbe stream at ston, but especially to the pupils, under the schools. usually high, it has been accompanied by once and brought to Ur Eberenz'n home your immediate-charge Perhaps ft Is --It we may believe the stories we hear atmosphere much dryer than Ia usually In this borough the same night. The fn- love ifjsdj, get married It may be indi- this season, the woods are full of wildcats prevalent at Upls season of tbe year A neral was held on Saturday afternoon, Hev.

gestlon. then take a 1 good dose of pills or 1 and other beasts. It Is generally believed warm atmoaptfere accompanied by damp James A Boyce, of Stony Fork, official other good physic, drive this morosenesa, iwga lopica and the DIHTUS, mABBlACES. DEATHS. Born.

I A ManHkld December IBfio wife or Oliver Ide ft eon lieboa December 1- to I UK. wlfo or Will Mick, a daughter STHAV TAKBN bu in bU poMdWion aa estrfty red aod white atctr aboat a year old Tbe owner requested to par eharnea and remove te aninal at once CARL TILDSKIE. tt Uorria atnet. Antrim fa A PEHaKVEU Ctirrupondma tht Agitator TIOOA, January 2 1886 --Revival meet that a wildcat will eat up a newspaper or rainy weather would, no doubt, have Ing Toe Odd Fellows'Lodge had chargi and sour temper our of your system some- og a have been held for some time past at man on the slightest provocation there brought a very different state of affairs, of Ibe services at the house, and the Onl how, or your whole life will be an utter ue ap church of Tioga fore country newspaper publishers bad As It ia, however, no evil results have fol- formed Degree Camp acted as escort and better stay in after dark lowed tbe moderate degree of cold so far conducted the burial services Mr Ebcr --Cards have been out for aeveral days experienced in this latitude. enz was a member of bothj organizations announcing the -marriage of Miss Emma --Now jnat listen to this Every now At Ihe time of hja.

fteath Mr Eberenz TityiATi AND MINOR KATTEB8. M. Purple and Alfred Bhattuck, Esq, then the newspaper reader comes was in the sixty second year of hla age 1.0011, HETWS --The first crop of ice is being harvested --Eigjuy four coke ovena are burning at Tioga. --Now there is talk of for oil at Tioga. which to be solemnized at the residence of the bride's father, on Charleston street in this village, to morrow The young acrosa an announcement of a buried human body having been turned lo stone, and per haps few statements gain more credence He was born in Deimar township, and some years ago be moved from his farm to this borough Two children--a son and failure If you place an unsound pear in a barrel of sound ones, soon the whole lot is un sound and worthless.

Just so with teach ers We must come into close contact with every minds with their minds, our dispositions with their dispositions. If, then, we are dull, cross, morose, how will bave the good Wishes of hosts than these. Tel a medical Journal takes a daughter, Mrs. Brubaker--survive him. can we expect to infuse them with activity, last Tuesday afternoon On Wednesday of Ibis week the Presby terian Sunday school had a dinner in the society rooms in the Wlckham block Mr M.

Prutsman has juat finished hia work on tbe Catholic church A furnace will be placed therein BIOMJHUB' Pa Jobn and Mary Rowen botb of Tioga, were married tbe Catholic church atari-led. A( KLKY TAFT At the Willcol Home In Wellvboro January 4. 1886 I Bodine, L. AcKlej of Clyner and Came TaTl of flold. Pa.

ALLKN-CRUTTENDEN -At Bmlra. 1 December SO by Hev A. Iloddcr Bwin both of Mantfield a BKAIUXEY-RQft EN -At Tioga. Ft Decim ber 188., HLV Lfnottiobn Brabanex and Mtn Mary Howen hotb of Tioga CLEVELAND-WATKINS --At Elmira Pa of friends. --Last Thursday evening train No 90 on the Pine Creek railway was derailed at Jersey Shore station by a misplaced switch ed Bo has never been known, and it Is The uiglne and six cars were thrown off i ult! flafe lo never hu takeQ lact up the question and asserts In the most di A strange fatality seem, lo have attended love, cheerfulness how can we expect jn Wednesday afternoon of this week reel and unequivocal manner thai the him.

Three or four times he had hair they in turn will bngbten our path and jf la Latbrop, ornl8r i eac her i "pelriflcatlon of the body of a warm blood breadth escapes from death by runaway make it one of rosesT We must enjoy their OU rgraded school, and Patrick, Eq tbe In 1 of the latter being badly --Mr John English, of dangerously ill jurei The afternoon passenger Uain --A herd of tramps have been hovering delayed over an hour about LawrencevUle Wo regret to --About men are employed at tho Cojmglon glis3 factory. accidents, and once--some years ago--he sports, we must participate in their lessons was badly injured by being tossed, gored with a life and fervor that show them we and trampled by a vicious bull mean business, in a word, we must be en The deceased owned a large farm in thnsiastic Bow I love to hear the ring of Delmar and considerable property In this laughter as it issues from the healthy borough He also earned considerable school boy throat! How I love to see tissues of the body give off ammonia, and 1'fq and accidental insurance, the amount, and hear tho little ones rompingand shout into union with the fats in Jie being variously stated at sums ranging ing in their childish gleet $0 000 lo $19,000 on that sick calf expression and sigh "My nerves! my nerves! Banish your nerves' The condition of the body which leads to such a misconception is not that ot petri flcslion but of saponiBcation The ex planation of the phenomenon is tbat the DKWK1 -TDMLniSON -At North Elrmra. December 188. by Rev Mr Shaw Mr Mies Ella Latbrop, formerly a teacher in At l- roidenw of tbe bride Robert Cmebecr'TEaq Oceola Pa by Ren 8 (Moon December 11 Fred I Gaige bf Jackson bammii, nuci Grscm of of Scran too, were married in St Aa drew church by Rev Webber Tbe Catholic fair closed last with a supper and dance in Wick bam Hall 8l Andrew Church baa recently pur chased a pipe organ Mrs Caldwell and family nf New Flav en GOOD are spend me: the holidays at Mrs 8 Bush H. Miss Rich, of Marion is visiting alF Smiths Mr John 1 Jack has recently a lot OD Cowanesctue street and will creel a dwelling louae thereon and MM Anna May both of Carnint, LLCKEY-- HAKE ty I Re- ere which is almost identical wuh a hard church ediflce just completed by the Free A Martin Cbarli Md Mfaa Efiie Ilaki Webb i December J4 IHtt.) by Rev Smith Mr Millard Mark ram ot Kabiueville ana Mise Ia lark of Chatham I a PATRICK-LATH HOP -MM Andrew i Toga la Dec mber by lie ber Mr II Paimk of Willtcsbanv and a Latbrop on FOOT--NACiLfc.

At Elmira Ie 188o by Kt-v A Wham OTICE 18 HEREBY lhe normal meeting of the of Use PINE CREEK RAILWAY beiww at the offlw of tbe uid woman? in WeUnboro Pa on tbe lltfa of JANUARY at 10 clock for the porpotw of electing President UM) of said Company for the year md for ibe U-MUWCUOO ol racb other ELU Wellsboro Dec Secretary A tbe SI SAN CRANE HIRAM CALK ING No November term 1884 The ed Auditor appointed bj tbe Court of Common Pleaa of Tlogs coonly lo d.ctrlbatc the from tbe Bale of real tbe ibme en titled CSIK will attend to tbe dotlea of appoint meot at bin offio. si WelUboro on THtRS- DAIt tbe 4lBt dmy of JANLARY A ISStt at one clock p.m of uid diy tt wtaicb time nd placf ail penxiufl interented required to attend and prenent tlieir respective cla be thereafter Mdleooro Pa Dec J9 188o-iL Auditor A COCBT is bereoy pvcn that tbe foJlowing inviftiiores of res uad c-nute Delected to be retajctd by the vi down and ctt Idren drcedetitr will be pn. a tde Orpbaaa oim to be be at tbeCoan noiiw Weilcboro in oga conntv on A JAM L8Wi at ocloci for BnaJ cocflmiation Betate o( ale nt late of Dclmw ed persoaaJ proptrty EntacL of liobert Ba Ity late of de ceaiH-d jxrxmaJ prapertY jf Thomiw I JL.I I decotsed nj.1 iierty of Wia-Ity liarrow li ff la of Tioga townit wf Chatham OEUKGE BuW erk of the Oq Wcllr-boro Pa December IhK. ThwT TotH I i nd ha Jl B- 17 NEWSPAPER! A NOTICES Is at a bhoe it the Of I Photograph If Jiij a ea Tor sale at jrt thr right place ken i ans --Dec lo If hohda er bad bee 8 elShllg dUr Dg tbe -Tie County Comtmsaloners have made the following appointments for the current --Mr E. Molt, of Knoxville haa se year Commiesiooers'Clerk, Eugene Beau cured arrears of pension amountmg to ge Superinteodenl of the Poor house, nearly $2 000 Jamea ghanley.

Physicfan al the Poor --Mr Hathaway has just addend house, Dr Hugh Davis Commission a new planer and other machinery to his era Counsel Channel), Esq Tioga factory --The usual watch meeting was held 10 tbe Mithodial church in this borough last Thursday night engine bouse is be ing remodeled for, the convenience of the Fire Department --Rev Ilouser has been engaged as pastor of the Tioga Presbyterian Church for the coming year I is stated that Mr Whittaker has sold his farm in Clymer to Mr Ackley at $70 an acre --Tbat Covington newspaper is a monthly agricultural journal under the title Farm and irden --A Covington horse died a few days $37 heatinR Prothonotary's officer $190, money refunded on accounts $8816 costs etc, refunded, $13504 -making a total-of $17 200 S9 Tho orders paid during the month amounted to $13 99503, leaving a balance on hand of fc3. 20586 The Collectora paid" ID cboir Re? A. COY of Games, made a prajer, and Rev Mr oyd, pastor of the Methodist, Episcopal Church uf this borough, read selections f-cm tho Psalms appropriate lo the occasion After the Bmglnt of a hymn ftev Dr 0 Ball, of Buffalo Delivered a long very interest orgies, if she is a true ttacher If you are a stu dent as well as i teacher, will have observed ero lilt tbat there are' three nee essary qaaHflcr lions to every perfect life. aod those are--fait hope and charity Without th se is aa tinkling brass and THE SALTATION 1 ABMT MEhTIHGS--A LODGE NKW8 of tht Agtiator OBCEOLA Tanuary 1 1886--New a a day passed very quietly here At present we are hevicg plenty ofUnud The of the Salvation Army part one day of 1876 Simje thi year ihe warm weather has continued and Sunday and yesterday considerable ram fell There Is little frost the ground, and the roads are becoming quite muddy --1C is about time that people sloppejd signing papers without having even curios ity enough lo examine their contents Con fidence men are now working with success the A game of a pretended agency, a aale and nd Wftgh QU oragrlcuUural implements.or something of that kind Tarioua parts of the Slate. paid out on orders lanving $2 55 of much thought in the bearers funds OD band At the conclusion of Ir Ball's sermon --The heavy rams of yestcrcUy and Rev Mr Hills, who bas bad mucb to do Sunday raised thp streams rapid-y nnd with building the new tbe water reached ita htgbest point lat night Our brooks wersi turned fnjo tor rents Several small bridges in borbood were carried away and oany lars aresttll flooded this morning ajthough the water is falling There were several the Pine Creek railway, and tram No 0, which was lue here at 3 tn yester lay, in de made a statement of the financial condition of the society He said that tie cost of tbe church including the lot and tbo furni lure, was about $4 000 Much of this had been contributed by members of tbe Church living elsewhere bin there still re mamed a debt of about $1 200 which he requested those present to help wipe out Matters of Interest in Glymer WHAT A WIDE AWAKE COttREBFONDENT IIAS SEEN AND QEAHD IN THAT REGION fbrrtspon fence qf tht Ayiiator CL-iMER Jaoi ary 1 1880 --This is re markably mild 7 inter weather Mr Stephen htilcs has a new artesian well 160 fed de-p He is putting up a windmill to ra se Ihe water Mr Carpenter Smith broke up ten acres of rd lust stason and raised 405 bushels of bu wheat on the same doing Calls were then made for eaWnpHons to a11 lhe work ms elf Mr Smith ia 1 wanted exchange ago from eating Paris green a portion of Don ajgn papers without understanding the caoyon pcar The cancel this debt Mr H.lls himself re tograph Gallery iuent sdls calf boots fl ii at $2 SO a pair i lax chiuae r- clause and plaid HI I A I olflcc 1 at Thumptowa Delmar it dn; and VCD which was found ia the manger --Well whrat do you thinly of yourself )w Ia the world any betjter for your haTing lived ip it the post year 9 their ooottDts and when they are offered by slrangtni be doubly cautious --Mijs Hiram Middaugh, of this bor ough la md at her home on Cone street lost passengers secured fool at Ihat point There are land elides nnd a wash out reported rjear Walerville r.nd sponded subscribing aod lac La diea' Vul Sociely of the Chjrch agreed lo raise the eame amount Several other years of ag Mrs Achlej, ehet of Roswtll Ackky died yeatr'-da after an iHnesy of four weeks Tbis uple were pioneers in this place lo Troup a Creek passing through Red Hous( hollow Oaceola Lodge No 843 El at its last elect on chose tbe blowing officers Butler Diet Turry Rept ii Mtd Ex Mr I Benbam has gone Roctns ter to ppend New a a Morgan tterly is prtpar ng to heat bis bonce steam me iLdall bi is lighted i gas Gmcii as ter 3 i of Robert Sjlxcr wus urr cd to Gaige of Jack sou Summit on a eve I I IS al i It i f.n 1 rn art, a can II put 1 a in the Perfrrtu Mil i to have hrtcl fn ok bama tf 11 ur fvcd 1 ran i ngh groctriPM at Ho Kti --le i i (rttllery on Last pU( IhL worth of of al 13 --It is estimated that at the present rate Sunday morning at the age of 46 years.

the bounties on wild animals will cost this Bhe 1 been Ter lH for weeki and tiler death was not unexpectede Mrs Middaugh was a most estimable Christian woman and bcr loss will be keenly felt by a large circle of friends a mem ber of tbe Presbyterian Church The fu neral is to be bold at ber late residence this after oohn --We regret to learn of ths bereavement of Mr and Mrs Ralph Karr of this by the death of thtir infant son at Tarpon bpringn, Florida where tbe family are spending the wioter on account of the poor health of Mr The child hadbeenllll for some lime and its death was not wholly unexpected Tbe parents have life of many friends in this community We are glad to bear that Mr Karr 13 recovering bis heatth and strength or slides Lelow a. All it'll Mh i nt i I you want is in tbt lux- on tt the I i i i i tbe 1 i 1 cumt Louct sappomltd ID 11 in has new aod he will give N. in f-cr ill earlv and in ib riieil agent in i rattd Ma I 1 Males Miller, Pal A organ 1 and for i i a Hard and New Lngland I I I I 1 i i Ildlh if all i of in 1 for tnt.n i at nearly ha I i House, i ip i one nt tt ird as tin- paper I fad OLeds nn tbe Af if Ti )ga toun plr its ttt in ft tl i 1 i)n of a in a single nly pf ti beint, i Ttfn ins hy i unites a lent ijualitits uniformity from $1 000 to. $1 200 annually --Mr uce of Newberry, has leen appointed Station Agent at Jersey Shore plact, of Mr Wilhston Jr --Counterfeit half dollar silver pieces of bave made their appearance The coin to b(Ta good Imitation of the genum( Vbout Qne bird of the Assessors in tl it- IIHVC completed their work and madL tluir rLturns to the County Com --1 Morna in Band baa a i troupe flrst performance wan home audience last Thursday evening are obliged to omit several inter eating local letters this week because of their late arrival and the crowded condi lion nf our columns -IliL County Viiditors Messrs Charles re, Tale and Sulwell 1 egfln the work of examining the accounts 'of tl ibis morning new i about 1 SOO I i wis Hie belfry of the First I i i in Ihii borough last Tuea day It is of exctllent tone men who are a position to i financ al pulw say thit business IB impr ving und a we have seen the rpt hftrd tinn for the present --I and Recorder Geo Bowen has 1 fen i lo the house several days 1 a threatened attack of pneumonia We are glaii to learn tbat he is now getting bet ter Thomas McWhorter of Middle bun waa lodged jail last Sunday on a fomm tment from Justice Baldwin of Ti otja charg ne him with the larceny of a wolf be subscriber in Ohio closes a business lelter in this way It seems as though wo could not get along wjthout the week ly visits of the AGITATOR So aay many of our readers --Mr iturden Ames of Middlebury has purchased apart of tbe Edward Me Inroy farm in Charleston The price paid was an acre Mr Ames is to move lo the place at once S. cording to an old poem Christ mas fall on Fn lay there will be a hard an early spring and a good sum and whoever is horn on that day will i long and prosper --S Vndrew at Tioga has pur chased a pe organ which arrived one laft wtek Tbe i cost $1 (KM) i sum the pnstor Rev Webber contributed --Our friend Tames Sleele wnlee us tbat in be ate elk meat on the Kouqd Island and he feast on venison killed in Morris township liope he mnj live to enjoy many New ear ftaets --Kobert has decided to remain ibis borough to practice his pro fesoion having entered into partnership with Maj George Mernck We wish the new firm of Mernck Young abuo dant success --We regret to learn of the resignation trains on the Pine treek railwaylto day Coo Copp went to Corning yesterday on tram 6s time and be had water, on the return trip Ibound train from Corning due here at 8 this morning is delayed by a flooded ad some difficulty! on account of high on the return trip Tbe 8( ul'urn tention to lhe inscription on tbe wall of the alcove at the north end of the church Steevens Memorial Church, 1885 He track and a wash out below Lawrenceville 'explained it by saying la Mr Steev i-Acertam man in ahis boroufih pwr 0 8 an etl li Church, liv butbocrst was met upon the strc a rw dajs neo by a ncwlj Hedged juurnehst who with SGod bless3ou my friends nile offered the former a pair of Second 1 hi-n I trousers which our fn nfi was to gtl going lo the edi'o 'G resi dence Now, it is a very magnjin THUS thing in itself for an editor to give f.vay even an old pair of pantaloon" if be ukuvi bume of our oung people held a private podges were made for smaller and township end thej were esteemed by all a Hall on Tuesday evening a clillection waa taken up for the same ob tbtir ne 'fi mn I ject, so that at the, close of lhe meeting Mre Senabaugh has nearly lost about $350 had been or pledged her eyesigh'fiom using of vitriol by During his remarks Mr Bills called at mia'ritci; for eye water The fox ourttrs are Husy It will re $1 C03 of the couflty funds to pay them for their work Heretofore fur fun amply rewarded them Lkst Wednr-s'aJ evening Mr William Oakley started for Weal field nix milcsdiB taut and a.s WHS Dear ing ihe borough his horses i erunie-fnghttned at tbe cars ran away i upset the wagon throwing Mr O-iAley viol utly tn the ground Ue claimed Ihhl lit wia seriously but be con 1 I tell nhicli direction bis tt am look Mrs Friuk Stevens haa been sick for the past two weeks tut is now improving lion Charles Tubbs entertained a number ot a friends un New ear day at his fine residence on Mam street Mr Tubbs iimlJWrs have gone to Iowa to visit his iter and ber mother Mrs Lyman Hoy has been business long bia old ones will be tbe beat he ha i But tbIP act to be excused in on account of the i ue excusi'ii iu HIM itu tujv -The following officers of George Cook verdaDcy of our knlgill of lhe Poat No 315 A were installed last Saturday evening A 6 Horlon Moore John Jackson fclyde tr Pond Chaplain Joseph Brcwster Adjt YaoHorn Louis Doumaux Samuel Evana Dr The -lelegates lo tbe Department Encamp ment are I Brewster A Horlon English and Daniel Bacon --We are informed that a most disgrace fill affair occurred at Slate Run on (fchnst mas flight A man Cfime home crnry drunk, knocked bis wife "down dragged her out of the house and pounded aod trampled upon her, loHicling many and serious bruises Ue then ran away an nouncipg tbat he waa bound for Arizona The woman was found in the cold house ttte bext morning unablo to rise and near ly fcozen The brutal husband returned ID a few days but we understand no ar rest ihfts been made), as the citizens dido thin p.

enough of the matter to punish the fellow --nit is stated that more bears rnd wild catsi have been ieen in the Pine Creek mountains than usual this fall and winter As a passenger tram on the Jersey Shore and Pine Creek railroad passed Tiadagblon stall op last week Monday, a large black bear wa9 seen sitting on tbe side of tbe mountain nut two hundred yards away, quietly watchinir the cars A passenger fired three; shots at it fi tt started and moved off into the Conductors on tho passenger trains say Ihat they often see bears in coming through llie gtjeat canyon which is sixteen miles length and very wild were (lied in lhe Prothonotary's oHite ycaterda in the case of Mrs We'siey Barrow against A Lawrence bolb tho par IBS being of Colon township About throe months ago. Mr Wesley Barrow was killed in a runaway accident and this ac tior is brought by his widow lo recover damages for his death the claim being that the defendant sold Mr Barrow y-fiquor wh le the latter was intoxicated -and tbat it waS because of this that he IDS' hfo The action is an interesting one because of ita nature Messrs. FooteA Chan netl and Elliott Watrous of this rep the plaintiff --LastFrtdayeTcmngDr trousers were curried bo Tie ru 1 in quiet evening bour of Mio niyhl Christmas when all the family we- at tending lhe festival onr if In" our friend brought forth tbo trumerfl and donated them iu oruer to Low mucb to cut off the legs fore tliev vi be of lo him HP wad i ab sently 'The Belles of New Orleans aod unty bad sent him $500 toward the ection of the build ing und in gratitude th generous and timely gift the mscripti in tid been placed a the wall of the church The prajer of detlic was mude by Rev Moon oT I out Troy Pn and the people were dismissed with the bene diction by Hev of Deertltld township The new church is JttUBomc gothic structure standing on the irthwest corner of Bust avenue and 31 reel neas urea dti by 08 feet on. ground The front is marked by two toners the one Jbe weal corner being equate and 07 feet high and the olhe- 10 Ifiet square and surmounted hy a spirt St) el high There 13 an tnlrance through eai I of iheae ton. ers and another betwein hem directly to lhe auditorium Vt tie other end of the building is an alcove re ess 1 feet deep man like thrust his haodMnto the pool ets lne accornmodatio-i ol the pulpit of the trousers His handasiruek sone thing that caused him to straighten up ind in astonishment he pulled out a roll if hank bills which ho found tocortam $50 1 hmk of it' fifty dollars in an editor 8 ol irons ers --forgotten and consigned to the dark recesses of the clothes press! Weil the sequel to nil this is that the mouev was re turned lo tbe owner and uow the a di CT is frequently seen in a brown Btudj, pens ve ly chewing tbe end of his pencil won The church is lighted by three pointed windows on each air'e hDd two at eich end and tl esc aifj handsomely decorated with colored tM 38 T' seals are very handsome, being of trd finished on the grain with oak ends trimmed with black walnut They i accomtnoda lions for 21fj persons The ceiling IB flat, with a slight curve wb joins each side wall very bar tlnne chandelier is mspended from the middle of the ceiling faring whether in hi? editorial eStaejrifnce and the fioor 1B coverel wi a Qne carpet he will ever meet with another i this kind of Drowned in Pine Creek, THE BODY Of MR CHARIER i 7 FOCND UPON A UAH IN PINE AT A I LABTTOLliSDAT Last Tueaeliy Metars Charles! El ind his son William Thomas The building and ila itppo atments are every respect most ere lo the socie ly The work on the chi was earned on under the- superv su a of Mr.

Decker, the wejl known milder 1 of this Mat tors at Mansfield. ITEVS ABOt I EilHQNS AND THINGS THE II OF SCHOOLS Co 0 of the Agitator MANSFILID January 2 1886 Whillock, li Conn is visiting old frier d3 ifi wn Hon ii loll and wile of Dub us Cl are viaitmg and rolaiives ID to TI Prof nis If II dancing clias ia pro grtssmg! fiiily Mr Geo ge bpurr basopencd a shoot tnggallcry tnnpcli with his livery liable for the of tbe young folks, some of horn are very good marks men The ete hppnmiun at tbe ISormal school la undergoing repairs Ftonk hler wil remove his Jiardware alock to hu new eitire on Wtllsboro street shortly The a Collepe is booming and new students iro arriving every day This 13 a grand o1 school and it is gaining ground very is It will not be long be fore it will lok as one of the beat educa tiocal mat ut ins In the file Success ia tbe wiah ol al Mr and Mrs 8 Coles and children spent a i Rochesttr wuh rela tives borough and lne leading loembirs of the 6U uc Several voung bloods from Wellsboro society express mucb ri ralihcation with the were to fjesday rvcniog, all pretty result of bis labors 1 of ind clams We undcrsland tfapt Mr Cox of I mth ly Club of the Episcopal Matters at Marshfleld EVE'ST3--A i WFI I I I I 1-SG DEEIL Ob -THE HELD December inftict daughter of Iv ana Browo died of brain fever daj Mr II Marsh is miliog hia parents at this place Like all tdiiora he looks healthy fine qlotbea The stmas tree at the Baptist church put a Bint MI thf faces a hnU'Stful of happy boje mil girls Wa'rnus has bis new house nearly done I i floe looking i fn ra tht; oulai le aiiJ it is in 1 dt, ah the floeet np ive ods Ktrostne i lhe fat of the land wiH soon be iper from the fact a Ihe Companj inutd at has corn meoced the woik i putt og up a at a point about three miien of tbo al A pipe line of to be iaid rt German a to rninea i wippS i the latter place i hqir beei 1 If Ihis -bould be buijOllit-re i undoubtedly a IH li at ut- DL tr Marhh Held There must be a mistake Ibe law in regard bundav and kill ing deer of season or eK pie of tLese parts havi lost all self respict as well PS rcfpcct for law and tbe I frd day Tbe lumbermen are wait nn for snow Candida for township otHas btgin smile afo 1 good stories Beef vile for four and five ecnts a pound i potHtoes "iOcenlo per bushel plrs 70 cents per barrel bay ton hisky Is a at any price I Cbur ce I lajftKit anil Mlm Kowi Naglc bo Of I eale karfl Id count? T'i I 0 Weilsbor Df ornhtt '4 I rkxlioe E-q Linn- Vrilcot aud NKrali Hi.rr nylon rxrth uf Died. KAKR --At innps Flu Dcct-n Itrr 11 IWto Oaniet. Lcmrey iiffnat yf Ralph LoiHtta Kair of PB agt-d 1 juir monthfl and daj LESTER I a IB. December 1 George Wain Jol and Mat da mgcA It moDlbu and -B daja LO8ET At bandstonJ Jackson tralj i DecemlM-r 14 188o Mr ta.ed ytan fttid IH Mr Loaty formerly 1 ved in ddleh iry 1 New York City Market Report THE FR1CLB OF 1 ROUCC IJV8T THLKHDAY IN THR MiW lOKlv MARKETS The fr Mowing rep )U is i bj Duckworth produce cotnmih-si cbnnt J19 JSew ork mbcr il 1HS.

BLTTEI t. I dayi are usn ilij a biiliLr niid tl is -ar has wen td 01 a jo tivt bruik 1 that 1 and teiiJei IK II i Ld at pnret- i tay 1 thai rrai i 1 at ward ir a 1 kth oc-nr The xtroru fl nit fin fr ti fortttl curtailed ian 1 an 1 pnr 1 baSe lav f.ood« ejiarinK ct 1 av nt find il li pwxl no II rm at tl HI tbi btt vurt tl nit stu da 1 1 hi aud tbt co i tr at i rtm i i in tr pr je talktd thai 7td nou bit i Jiij fre-b dh la 1 i 1 i 1 11 al i i a i i i LH I itri tly ctn an. 1 ct (. rxain rj itrai- ih i tt 1 pU -T i d- Hairy Jta ai 1 fi km 1 tf xtrn W) i 1 i I 1 1 1 ftp 14 Dairy ifrli i tl or no iy 0 1 (, 1-J EE J-nf rj fancy i 1 4 a i 4 Tt average srrna a It i- i cc Dit ISlD been 1 Oi I "art. i und tbt dunand im-auwtac orj n-cc ha-ve 1 i have ioutit IX.TU i tli i 1 of Mock I i utii i te of 1 nt 'and ad tea frr MJ iihw 1 ca t-i i of la ctxk I i ar i I 1 (I App di 1 AH ii t- 1 1 Turktyn iro-M 1 IU 11 1 ick n-i 8 Duck" 1 (ft 1 hrrear given ihM the and pianilanc nsmwi below filed ihtir li tht office fnr 1 lojm connty Pa and thai tbe sa 1 bt prewiiled ID Orpharc Court to lie htld at the onrt hoi Hcboro naid on A IAM.

at nal urcnnnt 1 Don of tl cwtau George all- ui. late of iaJ accnnnt of Sy lanus Gardner'iralor with lit 1 unnexud of the en Late of John (jardoer lau Brookfi Id na account of A Lewin Adnrl-Flrai of It estate of Darid Lew of Blow, nal accoun df ydia Fainnao AdmiDiMra Irii cht estutt of LI arfc-f 4 I-n rman Fmal a i of Bnrrctignj" Admjnic M. tn o' wtate Jobn laU? of Eton deceased Final acconm of James and I'hillp of tht ittau Majpirtt ate of Chatham deceased 1 raJ atctQDt Dsv Cameron Adm of Ellen feearlca aM of In kwn deceaw-d Fins tu-rount of rmitno I-itcitri of the at wi 1 and tefUun I Heerman- lal- of Iackwn deceased BOWEN We Pa Dec Kcglfttrr rpIOOA TOLRT PBOCL.A- Whtruu- II I a i 4 Fad cia Di-mct of I cnn ai and a Ijurk i KX t. iniv have scned pn rH- -d ng of an phM ir un in mor 1 cn-m -ti an oti- aid ar 1 rmintr at i-l r- a i tin nti 1 ijm. i i i i a In- tl dat an cu i ii' ti tl rt re Iu th (crtm Jar- tU 1 Lat a ftai lw and for 1 in MJir Tbt-lr mper ai i hrm g- wh ch olh ii a it sj rta be do 1 ha of mm nwii net or 1 nn n-d in bt 1 a.

ut 11 i an at rors nrr nvj tf b. i i-tujiJ Hit at ndanct at iht apjK -d tut 1 to ti i my hand and w-al at il nffi chorr a Itectmbe ar rd 1 1 uan bt handn-d a 1 i A A Ictx ro a Iht IISK. bhtnfl OTK OF A I A I FOK i i- ht-NMrti. -n a i i BUI uf a madt. jt i rij- HH-C Bed and that ihe nmt.

1 1 -wti il i of jri or It I an I co out oi on WEIlNfc--- ai pip-as tt a uicui, they Lh ok proprr I A 0 Dagjjttt le a i luboro 1 (.) Ditr? tt, Icboro i t-t Tio- -a JI Mai Acadtn Corn JT IVtrfe 1 I 1) aw tlk ard New imb -on A Murrar 11! MU-D re i ktr Di mar I A i Morr Irtf. ieff if V- I dd 1 AduniP and Miu -s -oa Blnck 1 a a a i a 1 I I L.M) 1 1 n- i HUH TM' ar DW Tobacco Cases. JtNf lOIJAl a til i i I i I rv fat I j.a I a Dec IKh. Fine Farm for Sale. I OH tint- i 119 acre- moil 1 i 1 til an lie -d irtli or v.

rk th marl i 1 part -n nquire of ELL bor 1 a nr A IRS UI and but one vj! iv. 1 nc i mh TT ATRO a tile ELI GtK DAI La. arl -niwi Pa Itail Estate for Sale. CIIiKLESTJN tow i i "a coinn 1 1 i i laJf i- fn rn I firm Ut jropirtT of i ki ii ft. tht I farn i tn ti i 8 ti nf 1 bu idu and XK, flfr i a rt woodc A H- on a wta ho ai 1 i tr F- I I 1iOBlNs( I M- a Valuable Propeih foi Sale.

1 Notice to Debtors. I I tKxiN 1 wi to I 1 tt t. iom a ai 1 wlx ro Oc i LUM. RlutTl Steam I ngine and Boiler for Sale. 1 Hn nA-enhorj.

pwer 1 tra a XK I- fcrtbt-r IJT- aj KtTXHM! i 1 I i I House and Lot for Nile. H( I a 'ni- a i way Lr fr nt i) Xv Farm for Sale. ME i LAM ac A for fam nt 1 LEFT li-boro I a a a Albert Tipple started from borougU Games, will preach in tb church on each Church bJd aa open session last Thurs for Games upon buutingexpediti Ut er an hunt on Wedu sday alternate Sunday a also informed that Rev II Payne evangelist of Bam day evening a i scalloped oysters were served up invited guests a. ci evening lhe parly atarted io returt bridge will hrld a series ojT meet Mr tjp 6 of Millport hul wa9 la i le whca thev arnve(1 at 'Qgs in the church or ihe three ia ID Hemngton's hotel it decided (retrain there night DuHng the evening a chase was planned for the ne morn ing no the mountains across the creek from Accordingly the i loul half past eight clock Slesprs Geirge HertiDgtrtD Ilartles Tipple and William Eberen? went, across the rnjtk and up Ihf mountain while Mr Charles Ebercnz down the stream to Flat rock a run vay well known to hunters 10 this reg on which point is about a mile and a half be low Uernngton a and near the "Manchester farin Mr Eberenz said tLat he lo witch Ih'eSrunway there for a ti ind ia case he Beard the hunters upon ine mountain he might conclude to cros 3 jd join them It waa mutually umlerdtiod tbat all were lo return at ooon ia M- Eb erenz had expressedl a desire to ge eUirted for home BSOD afteridmner weeks, preacl evening every afternoon and The Teacher's Work A liEIM TO I OU SMI LBTTEH BY A OTHEU UBUI1ER OP VHE, FAM1I fo the of Ihe Agitator Forty laughing romp ng joatliB cominij thro tht door God hlcas them how I wish I might tuiijh forty more! er their yearn nt, I am set tojulc hat a glorioue prmlegc to ttacli a pnblic cchool liLOSSMDRa Januar 1 1886 --Oh my poor deluded victim of faUe pedagogery may the fates mere) upon you' 1 can Wake up 1 Rouse yourselE out of this state of foouah aesioidcncv, do not go groping about in tbe uark, as you un doubtedly bave been ID the past light your candle --be careful uot to put it out wuh your own breath --go search for the light with the or one Who has tried the experiment, that jou will be sue Mr Mar Biker of Elrnira ppent New "i ear a with Tel itives here The private hip in the Hnok and Lad der tnprny 3 parlor'' last Friday even ing was Jicll BLlended and (ianciug and olher 1 Is were indulged fa Mr Kngsley who baa been an employee in tin Adwrluier office for about four as Itftlpst Thursday morning for mont i -j vi nt imong friends and rela ID Muno'i im1 Cnlumbus Ohio He accornpaoH to Ltmita by his uncle Kirjf.ii Prof Rt will entertain an invited pirly In Lmon iliill oeit Wednesday even iQK The watch al the Methodist church on rsday evening was quite largely altimH A sermon was preach ed by Rev Mr Hermans and the remain ing time wu taken up by prayers and short speeches Thirty eight was the lucky number that Iwdrcqm set at Rolason Met Tt a Can 1 gs all --Drc tl sleri apeak vtry vinia 1 alure iw lining many a a claj a uplt not on 1 I re' mm Hyman I I 1'ine Creek had th, a wildrat a in horseback in ruail where cm ks almost in ni hy a rustling the recent meeting of the Grand Masonic I odge at Philadelphia Judge Will mms of this village v. as elected a member of the 1 Committee on Correspondence A Tt Is i lei was chosen District leputy Master for Ibis county Chatham man recently put out poi arm to i foxea He didn succeed in killtng an foxes but he did succeed in i ing a number of dofs that neighbor ho JIVe understapd that one of tbe de funct canines was valued at OD the frozen hubs in the road, and be otherwise considerably In the The horse ran to tbe fibot of Main street dragging the broken vehicle Dr ebb has been confined lo the house ever the mishap but on the whole he coLsidefs himoclf well off with no broken boat!" although he has several ugly gashes upon his face --The President of a Board of Htaltb a wenlern New York town sajs It 1 established fact that rotten aod rot --The A lland of this borough ting potatoes are a prolific caose of disease have organized a minstrel troupe Ne-ct Mpnday evening the company will appear at Uillcnx Hall fib an interesting pro flu ir horses began ratri me which includes a burlesque Ham wddcat tl i A i WCK total --The local commillee for raising funds for the Tioga count) soldiers monument will call upon our patriotic citizens in a lltm, on a limb just 'f rced their horses ang and lighted on clawing especially those diseases of a diphtheritic nature No potatoes should be used tbat hare the least Indication of rot, and furthermore they should be carefulty looked over and the lad ones sorted out and bur let once a in order avoid danger oujand disastrous results." ID addition tbie peoke cannot be loo particular oa the Manchester farm ff the others to come along At four the bo ses were hitched up and the three men start on the road home Stopping at im bull and the store they mquirtW for Mr bler enz but he had not beerxseen since rn ing burpneed by this fact, the men ens louMy started for the bank of tbe creek to search for their companion A short dis fance below Flat roci the dead of Mr found lying crosHwm ofr the stream upon a gravel 1 ar tht lK)rty be Ing only partiajlj unuer wattr nthe head and feet entirely subme-RCtl Just above this point lhe stream teikep the deep wattr extending severa K'BJ to a riffle above for it to come to us No no, We must work font work with a deiermioatioa and zeal that knows 110 fat ure md the reward is already in watting But you say What js the reward we are to work II th a glad heart a cheerful countenance a delight in our work By these we shAl! Le able to infuse our pupils with an intermit in their work that will be (juite surprising to thoso who 3 have never tried the In a word, our VRt! 1 lfl schools must be a unity of teach er and pupils, bound tcgcih a network undisccrnlble, ingepartiblc, the network of love.

You may laugh at spurn tht idea but it is nevertheless true, in this depends our success ks oir hearts must be The track of -Mr Eberenz was followed In the work Uow can we ue them toj to a point on tjie upi nflle. it waa gramler or oob'er purposr You (juall at lhan pay for good teachers, atid po Teachers' THE ABL? REI VT1ON RETWEEV GOOD I AY AND GOOD 7b the Editor of Agltaior WbLLSBJRO. Juouary 4 1880 Brookfield correspondent last week said After our fecaool pirectors had hired teachers cve-y winter school in town and after ail tht teachers had commenced -boarding them i--Hie ctors voted lo pay them $2 more a raonti The Directors are rer lamly ver ernus with Ibe money Well or yourcorrecpondtnl "Vo crj if the teach ers were wurlh airing at all --scarcely just a mrmti aod board for a live teacher 1 hen no better school economy Hound Top Hippies 9 A I I AT1OS UP THR CKFEk JotTfpondfi ft Qf the Igitatvr ROC.M) TOP Jaouary 1 ISbG Hap py ear to al) Now that we i IBG let us turn over thn new lonf an 1 s' ut a clean chapter in ur story Bark is btinH hauled 1 here no the way to thx ellbu aud tanneries al the ra of about six or ght cords a day Mr Marks was ralh I to Spring field week by tht llness his a whp a fi-w days thert after The 'unerul is on Monday last Mr Marks returned horat Tuts day i Mr i bins 1Kb marie an ef fort to sta a wr ting here last week Thursday evening but fa kd on account of bud wentiier md oil er a cir cumstancep Mr Wai lit our gcoidl town men has bought out Iluuhesa interest in the a at i whert he 11 aene castooiLrs a fairness thai will dcberve i net ID ted palronagc and good will Tit is now experiencing Lhe pita iiris of moving And a certain correspondent IB tx ercised matters Hold self Wubm your --phLrt my friend and if there is Lnytlung you don know Guess it A roi the I I-t I a i i i i ni ed 1 iUr cc ot" ui i- un ff 1 at low I rt ihlo i kmmi ac i I ia nc fft-n-d ih or without ti fitrr Tl farm -c Mttinted tba from i Ij i. one undr 1 1 able ia maj Id Th jtxi Id a whok or IM. 1 i to 'chiipttx i CLK au 1 rni- all ni HEM MIEK 1 Ui.

b. I a or ar! ir th IELI tK-tobtr ISH-v-tf Bank Election. I rrnntrr Kl LI LK i i t-lx ujjl in i Awl tht LDHTJ on TI 1 ll hnnn- I i Vo I i 1 Bank Import. KTO Doc niKT Sale. 1 mt i 11 ir' I I I I a THI Ix.

I i V. 4 of land KF1 I Administrator's ''I I n- -d rt ic a 1 i onn for oja nnt xi Sale. the i i tnu tl i Si rifcrirwd an 1 of I itWs HHEXT Mllrt L. Ki lev Rrt nui urr I lir i- Uob i son bv Of a fm to I tin Mimp inv wo-t of of lot JK t-nt i and tut of I A ID ftbont Tr a boan north )a -o hy IT 4 Kd by IhiTid En He" nn ng a a 1 of tin all o' rush and tlit. wni ItW to a ihrnr nor of PARMINUTi Toe holidays paspei end tit that he had attempted lo 'ortl the creek, the water being hardly leep.

the thought of loving that bright ejed, ir regular featured smutty fuced halt pay prodiH-es poor grade of teachers With tht prfpent pay allowed it is aur chin) but my dear teacher body covers prising 01 couolry dislncta secure aa I blow oo ihe if elsoo correspondent iinforms us der the living rooms of bur dwellings waler where he drowned The fact thai his it "crerely tl a Mr Houry a horse lastThura dodbt lhe weather ban been un gun was found on the brink of this deep Harris was to which died from lhe new and slngu seasonable, but sonjie superstitious people hole seems to confirm this theory He was a lar disease which is affecting horses in va with long facea declare tbat a green heavily clad and was encumbered wuh a ii its en and nousparta of tbe counry There are BCV Christmas makes a fat graveyard. This pair of rubber boolg reacbiD2 to hu thighs. i htd or would fT other horses sick with lhe disease at statement is contradicted by statistics in so that struggling against a swift current The Lycora gorj all large cities In fact, these records would been difficult mdee 1 bo called i i ar School Directors will show a dimmiehed mortality as compared body was at five ck in j. upon the an teachers at Stony 1 Fork neit Sat wilh Mveral pr-vioue to the mild the aflernoou, and as his watch had atop a heart, those features a BDU! that is yearn ing for the love which you can at will be Blow upon it Not otrly must there be a communication between our but also between our hearts. From your paper I discern you haT6 some obstacle which you must destroy be fore you can arrive tins state Your teaching may be a matter of mere dollars and cents you will CDULI each day, not by Ijowi much you uccomplisLed, Icient aa they do But the best teachers mskr of teaching only a makeshift, from a flnancial standpoint they can afford to teach other professions open a more inviting field, and we are not all philanthropists and can't be The pay of teachers as a rule is scandal ously; tow arjo the cause of education suffers from it "When wo pay belter, we shall have I etter teacters and better work ani! rd ot excellence but raise Items from Farming-ton I KH8ON I INTEI LIOENCF--A DONATION ttOHBERT--AN 9TKR (tonerpondence of tht Agitator January 1 lys pasped 3 very (jinetlj this vicioiiy There has not even been the usual Sundaj schnrol Festival ant 1 Wesley Bawen Mi-a Came Mua Ida Hall arc home from Ibt Norn 1 Miss N.

ctv.tll of Elmira is vis i HI i) li IllancbKt Ttiere a doQaliun at tbt. tn use jf Thomus me tvi ning week Tor tbebea eat of the Hev Mr Tboinis, Tbe pro ceeds a lo about J4U bile Ji Ln Mxrrju was at tbe Thomas donation some one broke mlo his more and stole bis welt filled pocket buok ch he had forgotten to lake with him This should be a naming to all who attend do cations without ihtir pocket books, The youoe people are to have an oyster supper at tho house of Mr Butts to morrow evening They are sure to have a good time that a at 1 I nnj; yon IE thing elee Aimnca A-" i prcfteiile with each box A.I of ft fjtsti 1 any nlv the for a 1 rkt.r? uit-ly la II Ilxujrrr rtlar Lhi. 0i (l i i i' nit ni ed IV v-1 liejrnt a i ihwir i eiwt 1 ji I (Vnrt WlttiOTrtdonbtGieEESTplMtermada. to any tlnd of or Borenaaa, tiutant olM, Bffvere Acduv, KUney Blieanixtimozwiortof MTeaeH In any pur Of tho Hop Planter Virtsamot nreet tud of I hr I Ulldr 1" Lh JD 1- nf rode Mmer I No I her uf In uonti ta-t nxlo 1 a pot bpuc lonh la of Jo. a It to i la tit Ihenct vjuir SATISFACTION A Tli abov good bi Id indrwidolare $JOO a ittni i of land conslituti uae rarm gft aud rood coodaion for cc ina 'in hhmg inrtber inforroation or to wt the property can do PO by calf ing OD UiU ell-boro, or JOSEPH BDWAKUS, iellcboro Dor I iro money than at anything else laklns an agency for the uiiera cucceed grand IT Non but by the weight ef your purse If thia the pay Indeed, you can get the best of Portland, 0 UAIJ irr BooK Co WIN- AT PHICEb THF AGITATOR OFFK tnrr nt ont enper lur lxxk bindmj; cf all at a i rattf nphlttn ai tx -tlualn uf a 1 I kinda boand in anj Htjlc Old booU ixbwiod Call icd eeo and 1 1 0 I TO SELL A FART1.

J. SDMTI rcair idTerti-t-mrntm tbt AtiiTiTiJit Ur iong farmers and pc-chawrm of real (state Urc thousand peo.kli. ittscb week.

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