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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 2

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I'll i I II W'J1A -Uli MARYLAND INSTITUTE. THANKSGt VI A A FTERXCJON. NEW BOOKS AND GOOD BOOKS, Jl HENR TJi YLOR'S, cow Iron BuitrHNO. HEART'S-EASE, or the Broth -r's Wue, by las aU- thore the Hi-irof Radchtle OC PELS. HAVANA ORANGES.

40 i6 bags Valpareiso WALNUTS. SCO boxes Bunch RAISINS. 400 i and do do 200 i boxes Lyer do 30 boxes LEMONS. 600 do FIKE CRACKERS. U0 do While Harnrta SUGAR.

For sale by It FRlKNU THE GrfEAT LESsON THEDRUMCARD, OK THE FALLEN SA VED MR. J.E-McDONOUGIL LIFE IN THE CLEARINGS, versus the Bush, by Mrs. W'Kidie. SOUTHWARD, HO! a spell of Sunshine, by Pimms. OCT DOORS AT I BLEW ALP, by N.

P. WP'is. The Popular American Ti'gcriian, will -ke his firt MARYLAND INSTITUTE. THA KS GI VI ATO HI. ceu v.

tisri.NO at 7 o'clock. First and omy appearance in this Hall af the WORLD tfKOWHHD BATEMAN CHILDREN, Who wUl in two of their best riEcrs. The eh gant Comedy of THE YOUNG COUPLE, And the amusing Btnlvtaof YOUTH AND AGE. MR- BATEMAN as MR. WILTON.


tr.irniti'rK itiKCE. WHAT-NOT, l-y Mrs. Mary Dems-ie; Illustrated. ana only appearance in nis ceieni-Me character of EDWAbD MlDDLTov. The Manager of the BALTIMORE MUSEUM, in IA MAY, a Story of things actu il and possible.

H.E-STONES in our Lite Jouraev, by Osgood. YOU HAVE HEARD OF THEM, bvtt- obedience to the earned ueuj-e and eipiessed wlati of our WANDERFRs. by Sea and Land, and other Tales, Bt ST CITIZENS AND TRUEST PIIILANTHRO nv Feter Farlev. COfJNTRV LIFE, illustrated, by Miss Cooper. PISTS To witneia this POWERFUL AND AFFECTING PICTURE, IK jjooks AJSU our, or views owiauie cni nney i 'VAMtAUto.

WISli ANU CiGAKd. In store Vj the following brands, at the lowest retail prices: Verziuty de Dtimoit; Ruinart Pereetlils Ptiinart Cabinet; lieidsick: Gtisler G. II, Wtimni I. nib gurd Co. Also? a Iprge me.rt-ment ol HAVANA SEGARS, to i suit all tastes ir: price and qualify.

Fer saie by W. H. McLEAN, oi Nortli Charles street. n23-tfr tW'DH, Gl AD Eft LUTTEii, Extra and Superfine Flsur, of superior quality, for sale bv the dray load or single barrel; 120 kegs superior Glades Putter; 60 bunhels prime TimoUiy eed; mo-lastes; CotTces; Sugars; Teas, JAMEs J. LAWN, Depot No.

12U N. Howard st. 2J tfr corner. resptcuullyaniKiunces to the that he ha3 sscur- SALT VV'A PER BUBBLE, or Life oa th Wave. INEBRIATE'S HUT.

ty Mi'rs Southworih. Thpinanaiprnf i. It.iltinmre Museum. With de- tiie to aeeoutmedate the Uicusaudi are unable t- M.VXIMS OF WASHINGTON, collected and ar- eu, ior tn; ru-ive oceat'n, uie GRAND SALOON of the MARYLAND INSTITUTE HALL. r1 livJAhn F.

Sehro'der. gain admittance to th-t p'tj'ular place ot res-in on these HOLIDAY FESTIVALS, respectfuLy aa-nounccs Uiathe is secured the WIDE AWAKE AND KNOW-NOTHING When it will be presen cd tucir consideration and TOKEN, lor 11-55. CKANIt SALOON MARTIN ftiEKRIVALE, his vj mark, by Creyton. BROTHER, 219 Pratt IENlSON of the tbove buildir.g, has teen heaa'ifully fitted up wilh t-ce ie ry, lor the purp we of preeiuiuy t- the pi.ldic the Tformanre of tiicsa 'astoniihiug and Hanover and Siarv streets, nave, ctinsiniiuy uii paunnate in a manner NEVER SURPASSED IN THIS COUNTRY. Each Character benig Persmati'd by Alv ARTISTE OP TRUE MERIT, Ihe adiini 't of JAIL JOURNAL, by John Mitchell.

LEAVES FROM THE PEES IGDRASYL, MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON, lib COURT, HIGHLY Ulir ilL Attl ISI'B. HPIIIE OF LIFE, a Hovel. t-T Lidv Scats. hand a careluliv selected stock ol cnoice irew vna Bisck TEAS: Rio, Java and Laguayra COKILE; Loaf, Crushed, Powdered aiwt Pr'eryin Si Sptcos Molasses; Oils and FAMILY GROCERIES, lor sale nt the lowest market prices. F23-tfr.


RIfiE FOR LI FE, or Claude in Jeopardy. S. GLTZ.Esq. Commencing at7 o'clock be presented TH13 (THURSDAY AFTERNOON. NOV.

t3, Ct'tiimeucini at iri o'cloctr. MLh HUl.iOtN. uie Mysterious uignwaymaa. not oy the wine when it LkSf IS LEU IN THE CUP." The dying bid has ctlrn Pioken nore forcibly than al! the sermons that were ever prer.ched, to has the revolting actually of intemperance ri claimrd more drunkarda tilan all the leciuies ever delivered. On 1 1 hai ksgivir g) AFTERNOON, the grat Moral Leson of THE OR VSKJi Ji or the Fallen Saved, will be performed in the Grnnd Saloon if the Makylakr Institut.

The pnrtof Edward Middli ton to be susihined by the Popular Tragedian, MR. J. E. MeUonoug'i. of PhilH'ielphia, ie it her characters by Missrs.

Jefferson, EIIh, Bnjgs, IVionrue, ttNrnett, Pnillips, and Madame Phillips, fcilbee, and Miss Graham, of the Muacuin Company. To lhis repre no thou poor inebriate and sre rctitt tryly ortrayed, thy absolute pitiable con-duion of mind, body and soul, aud liSe Edward, arise fr iin thy dt gradation to a Lappy personal, douiesuc and socia! c.viidition. Go, young man, and ree for thyself, what msepera-ble horror thev mayest eseupe if ycu resolve to "touch, taste arid handle not the accursed thin." Go. voungr lady, lor on your sex the bl iw falls most heavily, and see what untold miseiy you may avoid, if you fay nay to the taniperer who otherwise my, a the ruband of your love become that wretched niviiiac so laithfuliy depicted ill this fearful lesson. Go all amlwitnesi the powerfuh piciiits of "Error that bungs its own punishment," and repent ine; which ensures its own rewa.d.

it. rr-rc BETWEEN TUB GEORGE 1 13 WAiSHiNGTON AMI GEORGE PAGE. To the Eijitoks of the i he paragrapi) rn the comtiiunicat on of vour Washington correspond ent "Mercurv," this morring, is calcuhited to do me injustce. That writer, afier paying a coaiplimeet tiie boa ef steamboat inspectors ioi having given a full, cars iol and im partial investigation of the dan-prrous sion between ih George VVashinton and Gecrge I'-ce. states ihat he was informed the rren-tl.

nun coiiipif-ing the that all the evidence proved that at ihe time of thr occurrence the George Wat-kin gtpn wa- as far oa the shore as she could eet-that in fat, she was aground. Witn regard to the impartiality of the proceedings ot the bonrd. I hav' but. a brief remark or two to maKf. If the George Washington was as far oa the Maryland shore as she could get, and was in fact sirrouiid, she was there in her own wrong- the Georg-i Page semg at end ir wa th hi of the other steamboat, in her effort to the Georre T'nge have taken the oilier side, and thus avoid either gettinj aground or corning ii to collision: that Fhe g-ot aground it she were came into ision was of the seeking of the George VV'a hiegton, as by takin the other s-ide f-he have avoided lemiias.

As to ihe of the board, without questioning th-ir motives, 1 be permitted to state, that thvy itiused to receive testimony and rejected vhich wou'd hve shewn a on tiie ol an racer of the Georgt Waeli inn-ten io produce a collision. ,1 GEORGE PAGE. 'iODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, for Decemhr.r. A FAV 'ill 1 Jti "ilt.fc.: In which Plesrr-i. Jefferson, Bngg, Burnett, Mrs.

ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE OF A if, for No? 'r. National Voliandt's 3rass Band Alter whiet- wid be presented the Great Mural Led- Jt ller-on ai-d Mis Graham THANKSGIVING PAPERi. Mi LAP GitOLLliiES Fu CAt u. urowu i tii'c; widte do. 7 and Se; crusl.ed and ground do.

10c: pure roasted Coifee 14 and lc; choice green ano bhicK Tea at 37. 50. 76c arid $1 S. 11. 4rn w-ses and Table Syrup nt 25.

37. 50 and S2c best brands Flcur, and a genera! assorinsent of Groceries. Drayage tree. F. L.

LAWRENCE, r.JS-tf.r corner Green ami Lexington sts. FA.TRiO I IO "Tne Led, White aud Blue, NKEE NOTION, (P'ctorial.) full of pictures. by lr. BURN El i in the costune oi an American son HIl DILLNKARD! OR, THE FALLEN SAVED I'iC'j KIAL PICA UNL; very nice. I1 i "IT 1 If I A 11 i If full niifwealirtTic wbieh, the pew and origins! Comedy, written BROTLER JONATHAN, (Pictorial,) is a splendid MR.

J. E. KcDONOUCH as Edward Mi mmiler. t-s press ly for t. Bateman Chi dreu, enliliej THE YOUNG COUPLE.

OEM NED SUGAR Irunkard's Child LITTLE LOU ISA PAllKLlt as. Are now making extensive arrangements to supply SYRUPS OF JiLL JKD Charles de BIonviTle Miss F.LLE P. VPEMAN Cnbbs MR. JMorvKOEas this citv with the b-st Annuals. Gift r.r Enl" in Iiv.

of fivn nml at, tne Books, Gime.B, Fancy Arncl'S, atc.for the approacn- Henrietta tie Vigny Mis KATE BAI E.UAN In which th-y wih dauce vbe '-Miuuut le la Hour." CouM de Luzy Mr. BRIGIS inghldas. JKI-FI MR, ELLIS as MR. PUKNETT as MK. FHlLLirSas "KALTIMOSE STEAM gUGAJl REPLNERY," on Leunbard and Concord streets.

tfr. DOUGHERTY St VOODg. Mtbccii.ttors received tor an ana wees- ly Papers, which are dcliveied to any part of die ci'y MR. CLIN Ess tost. WALLACE as or tent Dy man.

Mixture, Steward of the BUsN riTP Peter Mr. HARRISON Kademoistbe Lucille de Vigny Miss Git Ail AM Tenants, Js.c, by iiunierous auxiiidries. TUt In malum nis v.i!! conclude mth the lauguable Var.kee Dowton Reticeiaw Fanner Gates Landlord Farmer Stevens Farmer Johnson Mary Middietoa SIiss p.nd:e iies Mr. A Vilson The MRS. PHILLIPS as A li tn ivew uonjes on nana as soon as puousna.

fco cull or tend for whatever von rnav want tn HENRY TAYLOR'S, Jt. Ill Baltimore ami 5 uih st. Rl. PoR 1 EH No.lS Pratt Urcct, bign of Bellows (ml Qnv'U, otter for sale, on tue mast Siccotmnodatin terms. SMITHS' BELLOWS; Anvils; Vices; Cast Steel Hand and other Hammers; Leather Belting; Gum and Hemp Packing; Lace Leather; Sett Rivets r.nd Burs; Horse Shoes and Nads; Cutard Wrought Nails; Hoop, Band and other Iron; Gri fltories at! sizes.


WILLIS3 (S. lllO'V OF THE MISS KINCAID as i CELEBRATED McGREGOR WARM AIR Matilda Mowbrry, "1 A xil ivies. Villagers, rca-aet--, ia.c. FURNACE. Heeior teo Abrr 1 iirsjriTpniTfuiv In toe progress of the Piece, th following like F.

IPS Focrth street, Marcn 15, 13 0. Tableaux will be tmtlil'uWy Iilu rated: FepfUigton Mcwbray, Gotihict Mowbray, The house I occupy, an old fashioned one, into which ijie McGregor iirnacuhas been introduc ed, Peter MISStLLKM BATEMAN, MAMUti itj e'i, i i r. i uu-c, i N. II. F.

FA UGHM'JlN. Howard Sireet, between Monument end Madison, would respectfully in vite the attention of the public to ieir exteniye aortment ot MANTELS, MONUMENTHPOMB3, HEAD STONES, and oiher work pertai ing to their t.uii:ess. DF.SISNt for everv deseriPMon of plain MANTELS, was a a unTavorauic fcuijeci mr ins skiii, auu latid to urt his ingenuity. The boue has been Old Wilton MIL BA I EMAN. Mr.

Mowbiay MR HAKRISoV. Pefy MRS. JEFFLRSON. waimed with it for tix months, and works to our en tire sansfacti' n. Irom the complaints of many ctnre l-t-THE HAPPY IRE.IDE THE MARRIAGE OF EDVV ARD AND MARY.


Eh WARD REDEEM ED. 'pp, HOME' Ir this Scene, JOHN HOWAEli PAYNE'S Cele ard wmamental MARBLE WORK furnuhedre of ADMISSION lWE-MY HVC tii.tlS. Ciiil-dren under 10 ye-s ag half pnee. friends, and some inquiry into the causes 1 am satis charge. it fied tfcat most other processes or' heating are very ob Tickers can had at the Hah duricsr the day all jectionable, and that we were fortunate in se lected Mr.

iwccrecor's plan, wnicn is ins most ciidc- on the night of Entertainment. D-tors open at 6 o'clock. Pv.rfirmance commences at i It: 79tois No. 1 Glenga nock Scotch PIG 1ROX tire and produces the most healthy air. The Wheeling Injunction.

We do not yet" know the exact terms of the injunction which the telegraph has informed us the city of Wheeling has obtained from the Virginia court against the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, restraining them in reference to the connection at Benwood, four miles below Wheeling, with the Central Ohio Railroad. The original application for an injunction, it it undei stood, embraced the de3ire for the prihibition of a continuance of the construction of the branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Road, and which the company had found it necessary to construct, by reason of the disagreement between the Wheeling authorities and the Central Ohio Company in regard to a bridge and other facilities at Wheeling, and which induced the later to terminate its road at Belair, on the Ohio sida of the Ohio river, and opposite to which lies Benwood, where the passengers and freight are ferried across to take the cars of the Baltimore and Ohio road. The tracks of both roads, it is known, however, have already been brought sufficiently near to tVe liver to permit of a ready transfer from one to the other, and the "through business" has been thus going cn without delay or interruption for a week or more. The injunction, it would seem, therefore, cannot affect the connection otherwise than to the extent cf preventing progress with the buildings, fixtures, whari'ng, desirable for accomplishing the asiest and most inexpensive transfer and despatch the large tr ade cming to that point. This will be an inconvenience to the companies, and impose, perhaps, some ad litional expense TVpon the Baltimore and Ohie Company, but ia the meantime we learn that tha business will go forward as usual, and in adtiition it is designed to put a second daily through passenger train on next week, leaving Baltimore in the evening, The passengers going West will thus cross the Ohio during the next afternoon, instead of before daylight, as by the one train now running.

The Water Cosspanv, The Baltimore Water Company, we learr, has divided pro rata among its stockhedderj the of city 'stock lately issued to it In purchase of its property and privileges by the city. This division, with the other available means in hand, was at the rate of S135 for each share ef stock the company no longer making the usual snnual dividend from the This is certainly a very handsome return, but it is probable that many of The present holders of the Water Company stock paid a price far above par fori. Though giving about per cent, dividends latterly, time was years ago that it paid nothing, and then afterwards for a while 4 per cent. only. The company own yet much valuable real estate, and of still greater prospective value, the proceeds of which we presume will go from time to time to swell the return to the stockholders.

Impohtant Judicial DEcrsrojc. A Western has decided that stationery, umbrellas, over-ccats and rubbers, are not property, but articles of miscellaneous utility. The result is, that these goods have a very rapid circulation in those parts. Tho strongest man is the best oS. Gentlemen who are a little short in trifles of this nature, should sail for the West.

Illinois. The only ofiicer elected by general tfeket at the late election in this State was ths Treasurer, and it has been generally supposed that Miller, the Fusion candidate, had been chosen by a large majority, but the Chicago Times, cf Saturday, claims the election of Moore, by from 3,000 to 5,000 majority. This evei-iny Sir. J. E.

MeUonough, the yiuny trr.gedian of Philadelphia, will make his firH and only appearance st the Museum as Wiliiam Tell ia the patriotic of that name. The crania d( the Goldea Farmer will Elso be played. OmFiidcy thos.c ytut'n'ul woirSprs. the Bateman ehi dren, will ap occr in the Young Couple and Bom-bastes Fmi'-so, HoUidey Street Theatre. The beautiful play of The Lady of Lyons will be performed to night, with Miss Fanny Morant as Pauline, ad Mr.

Feano as Claude Mtlnotte. The ch gant ccmedy of Naval Cngaje-srasemt-nts will p'ayed, in which Messrs. r.nt, and Dawson, Miss Gannon and Mrs. Yt-rnon will (ppenr. Cn Friday tiis beautirul play of The Hunchback will be repeated, with Miss Fanny Morant as Julia, snd in which Mis Gannem, 51r.

Fenno and Mr. Dawson wiSI ar pci.r. In addition, the inieresl-in? drama of Ben itolt wil be played. The JL-Tunkard Tins s-eat dranntic warning of the evil efl'eets of intemperance will be performed this 40 do No. 1 Vnginia Cold Klast do ry i liK CL.AKK.

TESTIMONIAL. here will LkJ be a meeting of the Comtri tee at Baraunr lioifbon SATURDAY EVENl.XG, ai It: L. D. H.RT, Chairman. jn.

r. vvillis Termor noras journal. For sale by ROBB1N3 hi KB, 39 Lirfht street, Baltimore. brated Bahadef "IILME, SWEEP HOME," will be tung by do No. 2 Elba Wheel Charcoal do do No.

Leuisa Fo se. Anthracite do do No. 2 Penna. Cold Blast do do Nos.26 and 27 Americin Sheet do (o 12 to 16 do do do do 1 fi. and Reiilei Spike dl 40 40 10 20 PROTHERHOOO LECTURES.

The second IHla IS TO UlVtJ JU1 HJil- 1 lial appuciuuu ijs i luLf ii iLin.rj: With ORCHESTRAL ACCOMPANIMENT. 3Ticket 25 ctnts. Children, unier 10 yera of I ertnre of ihe ei.urse will be delivered on will be made to the Mayor and City Council of EXTRA CAHD BALTIMORE MUSEUM. GEE VT BILL FOR THANKSGIVING NIGHT. First atd only at I'm Slttseutn of MR.

E. McDoNOUGIJ. thpepularTr gpdian- wh will sustain bis favorite chaiacu of WILLI TELL, iu Kuowlos' patriotic drama of that name. In addition which the Comic drania of the GOLDEN will 1." pert" rmed It 20 'J HI? fTHCRDAY) EVENING, S3d inntnt at 7 Baltimore, at tne next annual session, to open and AIJ50 A full assortment of Wilder-s Patent and eg-, halt -price. comb mu Wright alley from Eden street Canal, and open at 14 o'clock.

The Overture wul o'clock, at the Masonic Hall, by the Rt v. H. N. HUD SOS.oi New Yoik. Subject: The Uses of Literature.

Tickets at the dour. n22--2t. commerce at Jf ast 2 o'clock, piecissly. to pen ana cor.eemo tiamncr alley iroia cuen arid Canal, and to eipen and condemn Burgar allay from THE SUN. BAI.liMOhF, THURSDAY.

'33. '54. Thanksgiving Day. To-day, in csmformlty with. Executive authority, the pceple of Maryland will enjoy an opportunity to demonstrate a due sense of gratitude for bounties vouchsafed to us from the beneficent source of all our blessings.

Is it not true, with rnest of us, that we need an occasional intimation of our dependence upon a superior most benignant Power? And should not a proper sense cf cur dependence bring with it also a lively appreciation of our accountability for the use of the munificent gifts bestowed on us Let us, then, cherish a spirit not only of gratitude to theFrcvidential Dispenser of all Good, but a generous ar.d consistent regard for all our The asperities of personal, sectional, party and national divisions cf the people should be held in subjection to the -will of Ilim, -who has given this fruitful earth to all His creatures; who has distributed air and water, the changing seasons, the sun, the moon and stars, around and ahou' us all, indicative of the universality of His benev. olenee and suvgesiive cf the same spirit to us. That we have abundant cause for "Thanksgiving" is apparent to all. Notwithstanding the sad forebodincii of many respecting the "harvest time," it enme in due season with the abundant produce of the fertile earth, to reward the toil, gratify the Lopes and satisfy the wants of man. Further, while the Lavoc of war is desolating ether lands, peace rcijnsia ail our borders; and, pestilence has visited us during the is drawing to a cloe, its power is hot.

abated, and the healthful puDss of life renew tlieir active influences throughout the land. But we need not seek lor causes of thankfulness. Tiie appreciative and trrateful heart will rind the-ia strewed in profusion all around us, and while cf the pleasures cf life and its innumerable and diversified sources of enjoyment, will respond with, earnest acknowledgments to Hiai who so freely bestows them all. 11. follow irg States have now mide their ap-poiitmei as follows, from wbKh it wtll be seeu that we keep the cay in goodly company: Nevtiiibcr 23.

Maryland, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Florida, Pennsylvania, Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, and California, and the cities ef Washington and nrn, D. and Alexandria, Portsjnor.tb. am! Norfolk. Kovember 30. M.iie, New Hampshire, New York, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Mass ichu-etts, North Carolina, Rhode Island.

Illinois, Michigan, Connecticut, Vermont, A' ka asas, Tennessee, Iowa, Mississippi, Texas and Missouri. fJ-That all persons engaged in the o.Uce of the gun may have an oppoitur.ity to celebrate the day, bo paper will be issued to-morrow. Aty event of transpiring in the meantime, will be communicated to the public either from the bulletin cr by a "Sun extra." Moxetaby. Ke-sction is thebegianing of hope. Your physician, your politician, your financier, your anybody and your everybody will agree to this.

Yesterday, after a rather depleting monetary prtcessia epilation for some time past, the first pulsations of a he.uthfu! reactionary condition were deveicced in tbe financial relation of our city to tlat of New York, and we have the satisfaction to state mon ia the first pl-ice not merely to give a zest to that our Western talanres, which. "tinder the severe pressure experienced in that section ofthe Uniin, have been imrerarivtly demanded, are all paid up. And in the second place, as an extremely gratifying coincident -J ith the tcrecoicg, we are a so enabled to state that Ne York is now largely a debtor city to Baltimore, the bair.ce of exchange being in our fivor, to an amount between 200,003 and All our tanks are New York creditor, and the C-Cect of this will presently be felt in Cis accession of coin, which is already demanded, and will be celiveied in this city in tie course of Friday next, and several ensuing days. This is the first evidence of that reaction which must precede the usual prcces3 of convalescence. "What then? Shall we presume upm it, and invite a relapse? IUtlier let us resolve, at once, to practice that discretion and care which the case so requires.

Our readers know pretty well the tcne of cur sentiments with respect to tanking institutions and banking systems. Bunks as they ought to be, we do not contend against. Eutlct that pass. At such a time as this, the banking institutions which exist in a community must wield a racst iancr'ant influence fir giodl, or ill. Perhaps a little of both, if for ill, however, it may pot be so much the fault of the bank, as the system.

The bank may be doing the best it can, for itself; and in doing so may awfully pinch, if not utteily desert in their emergency, those -who ore to pv.t their trust ia it. Yet, notwithstanding, ia doing this for its own fake, it is literally se vir.g the best interests of the greatest nvmber, and reading a less to all men, the smi -t of which they should remember Eut the banks, with all du? caution, may use an influence for good. They Lave now managed to vvrifrnt auer ro aiifv. ur 'nnw oth-r superior Iron Fire- Poof Safes, Portable Forges, Foss' VVea her Proof Purple Paint, Stourbridge and Garnkirk Fire-Brik, and Cast Iron and Stoneware Gas and Water Pipes, for sa'e by 'IHOMPSON OUDE3L fj YS, No. 57 South Cay street.

gg-Tiekels can be Had at tne institute on elres-da and Thursday, between the hou of 9 A. M. and 3 P. and at the Had oa the Afternoon Entertainment. n2S-itr TICE.

EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, As- NHS it may Concern: Notice is hereby given that applica frS" ISRAELITE, ATTENTION. KAt.TT-MORE UNITED HEBREW ASSISTANCE fOi.7V'P.-fln extta meeting of the riochty will be. held oa THIS DAY (Thanksgiving Daj) atiOo'clk, A. at Reeiiabite Hall, the purpos- ot raising a coliecth to enable this Benevolent Inaiiuiim to answer to the dsuiy demand made upon it by our ua-fortunate brethren. A large attendance is expected, tion has b-en made to the Governor for the pri'd-m of THE COMPLIMENTARY TESTIMONIAL TO J.

S. CLARKE. CfWl REWARD- For information thit will lead to ttJ'l the and conviction of the person who shot my Aldernev PULL, on er about last JAMES HUGH US, convicted 15th April, I35J, in Bal Tendtredbim by the citizens of Baltimore, will take timore City court, or larceny, arm sentenced to serve Saturday, at our tarui, near caionsvijic. and la! or in the penitentiary until 30ui August, 1353. on THUr.SDAY EVEN I Nov.

3if AT THE FH ONT STH EET THEA TrlE. It: Hid SI V.T1. The Governor will tike up the above eae for final as oiiij ry combif ert cantytne soeietycan tie sns-lained. IGiWTUJS A CEK. 9cc.

decision on snd aft MON DAY, the l3t'i day of De T5LANKETS! BLJ1NKETS! cember, JBo. until whica tini protests against the illV AL iVO I iC'tt. I he Lames ot tne Second English Lutheran Chuich, Lombard IMfORTANT TO COaSL.VIPPj VES. and all who are airiieed widi Bron Weakness of the Lcngs. Dr.

McCPntocS's Pectoral Syrup is recommended as otic of the best and satiest medicines ever used Bronchitis, Consumption, and all dieaesof the Lungs and Air Passaies. For any cf these forms of disease showing ifce-mselves in Cough. Ticklitigof the Tfcroeit, Sense of Tightness in the Throat or Ch.n, Spi ting Bifiod, Difii'-ulty r.f Brest' inr, Hoarsei ess or Loss of Voice, Hectic Fever, Nignt Swett, tliis Syruphas been used witti unbounded suecss formar.y yea-s, (it contains no opium, morpbine or antiiioiiv.) winch inj-irious ugs form theba-isol ahaost ali the quae remedies ior lung complaints. 7FM. BURTON.

Proprietor of the street Theatre, New York.tas irformed it effected some of tne most astfnishing cures he ever witnessed among the members ot Lis ctiipahy, during the season tHf 1So4. The subscribers have just received a lot superior cam application win ne tne petition in tne tfpen to inspection, at the option the Governor. By order the Governor. j.m. llvkijU.

Ii23-law3w. Acting Secretary e.f Sta'fl. ot Green, (Kfcv-Ttlr. t6s wiil no a laan-a givir.g Festival in the ba-ement ot t'le Church, com-nienclW on WEDNESDAY EVENiyG, Hid inst, and can-imte the following dayand evening, ('J'nanfes-gsving.) The friends of Uie congregation aiid public are iirvitej. n21-3i.

FAMILY BLAAri.fc.lS. Whica thev 'e enabled to sell at VERT LOIV PRICES. ALSO, HEAVY TWILLED BLANKETS. Suitable lor Farm Hands and ROYSTON r23-1t(r No. Si Baltimore st BALTIMORE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, No.

24 SOUTH STREET. This Company AGAIN a 1 LWS3 OR DAMAGE HV FIRE in the city or country on the tfOCTH-EAST BALTtAIORJfi 1511 LDI various desenpuems ot properry. ASSOCI 4.TION will inee-i on MOXDJi LOOK IILRE would call liie attention of Stiirt Makers and others to mv fine stock of Gentle J. I. COHFN, for or sale oy foi F.

W. Alncks. Wm. Prick. Prffe per pint boufc, tl, or six FETUS HANCE, l'J Baltimore J.

PeningtCB J. n. men's French LIN EN BOSOMS: also a fine stock of n2J-tt ri S. O. Hotiinan.

shua I. Cohen. F. A. Tayior, IJosh J.

J. Heisiery, Gb.vcs. Trimmings, Notions. to he bad chep atWM.NORBECK'S CHEAP STORE, No. David S.

Wilson, Birckhead, Jr W.G. Haiwen, l.T.Thomrson. 114 Lexington near Park st. n83-ht: ev oriiuig- rancis i fiing, W.Gilinor, fton. I Carroll.


FOR THE CITY; FOR THE COUNTRY; FOR THE AGRICULTUL1ST- THE MERCHANT; THE TRADER, THE MANUFACTURER, THE ART ISA N. IIEPXOFES-S-IONAL AND THE NON PROFESSIONAL MAN; FOR THE RICH AD THE POOR; FOR THE NORTH, THE SOUTH, THE. EAST ANO THE WEST. THE WEEKLY SUN has obtained an immense circulation, not only ithin the ni--re circle of this section mf the country in which ii is but gradually extended over tie breadth of Uie Union from tho Atlantic to the Pacific Shore. lis cltirus to this wide popular-ity are based upon the well known ot its career, inflexible in the maittecance of the great principles of tie republic, and the besi interest of people at large, it recognizes no pavty, end identified wilh none of the artlicial cisiirctioiis of society.

Its several departments consi-t of 1. Original ai Select Literatcre. 2. The Latest Forsimn and Domestic News. 3.

Agriccltcral Articles, Se lect. 4. Ariicles on Practical Sciescr andtheUsz- FCL ABTS 5. Hocsfipild LvTst LioENci in all its va'itty, in- irumerous Usefcl Rsckipts. 6.

MiscEi.i.ANf ocs Paragraphs on all Subjects. 7. Eiutohial Vakitv. 8. Correspondence Political, Social, Rural, Sp 3- cial.

Ge neral and UniVr rsal. 9. Monetary Isteli.ioecs, including acireful re view of eVt-ry pha--e t.f i'ie Financial Inicrrsts. 10. CoaMERCiAL Affairs, em'aracinj an accurate exhibit oi the Mate ol the Markets.

AT GtF.T Fhll A SSlH lAltli riliiatLi INSCKANCE COM- TFE GKEATEST BARGAINS OF THE SEASON. f. PANY. Otrice, No. 4 SOUTH Aailv IVYNN REAL), 65 P.altimore street, Uay, EVENING.

Nao. at 7 o'clock, at the eorner of JOHNSON ST. abdFORT AVBtUE, F. H. tij2-3t 1) HAt'PT, gec'y.

'1 he r-ew BapUst Church Lk3 edibce on llroadway. ni.r Pratt t-tret, will be d.iieated on THANKGIVI XJ-DAY, (Thursday.) 23d irst- Rev. G. W. "ainson vM reach at lt).

A. Rev. J. Y. M.

Williams at 7 P. M. Collegium at er.rh service. n2t-t! rv-'iHAIiKSGiViNU FESTIVAL. Ladies lL5 ofthe THIRD ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH will li Id a I EST I VAL in the Basement of their Chun on Monument nar Gay.

commercing oh WEDNESDAY EVENING. 2l nst, and continue during the Day and Evening of Tkurs day, 23d, ad Friday, 24th They r-S'er formate a larga ass4rIn'eEtf Useful and Far Arti- les. beside a tine collection of celicaci's lor the palate. As the proceeds of the Festival are for charitable purpost thev tepectfu'ilv invite dieir friends and the puhhc to 'a-rr ihem with a call. 21 3t for tke lKtttraswt cf aU of Property

IK iifiua oj ins invite special atteniion to the vers low prices at wi ien they me ninnintr off their extensive and beautiful stock DRY GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES. Cus omers are assured ol baigains in every article JUiirt R. muuke, President. Directors in tr eir stock. n23 itr.

Charles West, Mechanical (Jacob Trust, Bali George Harman, Union (Francis Burns, United Noah Waiker. FriendshiplJames Young. Franklin IX IATLASSA MO RE A ANTIQUL CLOAK. 11 BRAIDS. Just received, a bctautfui sssort- J.

T. Fallow, Deptford J. Allen Paine. Liberty Lenry Hardesty, Pauirsco mert oi the above goods, Cloth Cotors and Blacks, perstamer St.Loui. For sale, wholesale and reiad, Sam'I.

kirk, independent r. A. Miliar, Howard hy AM Ls HAIti 6c S. C. Mason.

Vigilant Jas. A. Druce, Watchman lt importers, o.Tiiniore street, W. A. Hack, New Market Jos.

C. Boyd, Lafayette IHE Ol TH AtM I At, C.MMENCE- J. C. WWeeden.Columbir.n ENT HR MALE CENTRAL HIGH CHEAP BLACK GOODS. Lupin's black French MEI? INOF.S.

cheap. eotf JOHtM l)U 111,11.4 seeretprr. BA'i'CilELOS'S CIU.Et:&ATEu LIUUIU a AUK DYE So famed iu all pans of the world fLr in-r antly and permanently rotonng the hau-, whiskerA, to a bt-auutiil brown color, ran be procured at the roaisutaeti rer's price, both and retaU. AJso, BA1 CHELORS MOLDAVIA CAE.i, Lie besi article knr.w-.s for strtngtlieiuir ind the haur, at tBTH S. HANC5'S Droit Store.

ICS Baltimore street, Bftltin-OTB; WILLIAM A. BATCB-ELOR, Inventor and Sol MaiolactBrer. SSS Uro; e-way. New York. NoTME'JO SLAVE iW.LKS.

liilettdl'lg to quit business at the nd of thr--ear and remove to the country, I will pny the very prices? for 200 NEGROES, of sexes, siaver lii, or term of years, farm 1 and, bouse s-rvatits er mechan-Yt. I want them expressly for citizens Maryland mA not for the Southern markets. Persons hiving -Ngroes pnpssing cood tharaciers and quilinca-tiem who wish t. se'il them, ad wis'i tn procure good homes tor ihem in ail are respectfully lhvned to call and see me at onee, aslipy mtw hav an opportunity to procure homes for their servants, ana receive lor them the very highest easlt -rrices. JOHN' N.

DENNING, 13 Sonth Frederick street, Baltimore. I have a very desirable middle aged Man, a rate farm band ol-bis age. and a very likt-ly Boy. weii raised, both slaves for life, that I wiil se.l very low or eiet.anrc them on fair terms for women that are good ci Viki-, and ironers. Call and see tiieiu.

iJr M- IUbLl SALii OF VAL.UABtai COWS. C35 The sub-criber haviBg deterniined to diseon-Fi i ti'iue his Dairy, wiil sell at public sale, at his farm on tt York near Govanstown. en TUESDAY ovember at 10 o'clock, A. if not, the next lair day.THIRTV-SIX HEAD OF COWS, believed to be the test lot of milkers ever offered for sale in Balnmore couity; one voniig Ald-rney Bull; one hay Ao-MtLK WAGON. CANS, CUITING EOX-Es, Terms cash.


Tables op Stocks, w.t'u the sales of the week, by Ue State of Maryland, 15J. Offic. No. 13 SOUTH auction. Lorig tn a Square Mourninr SHAWLS.

PERKINS Si r23-4trl No. 6 Nonh Charles street SCHOOL OF EALTIMORE will be held in Assembly Room, corner ot" Hanover and Lombard on FRIDAY EVENING NFXT.the S4th mft The Doors Will be fpen at o'clo k. Fourteen Graduates will receive Diplomas. The adress will be de'ivered by rhe Hon. Giles.

Tickets of admissiou be procured upanapplica-tie to the en Schools. Sonc hut snilis wil Jt. rjTy-TU THh CXJAStM tKS-Ai a mwt-DrS in? efihe Coal Oeaieis of th city Of Baltimore, Thia Company inspires every description of Prorrts in the itv or eountv against loss or damage bv FI liJi. and au kmored fcubjects. 12.

Chasters or IIcjsor fc Oddities and fceceutricities; FUshes ol Wit; Ftu-ermaa. fii.f!M aid aties The Directors meet daily 12 o'clock. 31.. deter iu all colors, for 1 AhlfcS1 JKi-AeH CLOTHS, mine upon applications tor insurance. I a leaks sr.d aimiis- liresses, FRENCH lilNOS.

in all colors. Verv cheao. FOIEB OF HRHCTORS: DRPSS SILKS, astlendid assortment, which we Our department of Orie-inai Literature has been successfully opened to the native tah-nt of the wh lie Union, nnd' several ofihe mM popular writers of the counti vbave avsiUed themselves of our proposition. Wm. Woodward.

Alien A. Chapman, are onering srre.n tnramins, to close out. Black and col' red SILK VELVETS, beh.w pnee. Henry an. easn, Samuel Fenby, ri-RlliAS isortn cnaries nst 4t.r four doors above Baltimore street Ge-'-rge Bartlett, Adam Denmead, Joseph W.

Jenkuie, Thomas H. Sullivan George Small. Joim W. Ross, liria on the evening ot tne -aihot AoveniDcr, it was unanimously resolved that on and after thi date, all cosl sold, shall be paid for in cah at tne time ef its being e-rcered. Resolved, T-at a cpy of the above resolution be published in the dai'y pipers of the city, and that the irafie subscribe their uames thereto.

George E. fcangston, run ciiuui, 1 jMtENCIi EMBROiJiEhlKS AND LACES. WROTH McCREERV, 83 Baltimore Strfkt, JOHN R. MAGRUDER, i Sccrerary. icigneu nJ3 eotf Win.

Colton. Will nrten this mornintr. a MAGNl PC ENT STOCK iin S. Given, of FRENCH EMBROIDERIES and LACES, which afterr half-past two o'clock, at the Maryland Insti'ute The cat is an eic-rllent one and the drama will be well rlayed. Vohannt's Band will render their aid and give aiditio.ial effect to the picture.

The beautiful sons; of "Home, Sweet Home," wilt by one hundred children. The Ealeman Children perform at the Maryland In-titute Hailto-night, in the eifgant comedy or The Younar Couple and the burletta of outti and Age, The farce of My Precious Betsy will also be pliyed, characters by the Mueeum company. Professor HeUerni. only continue his performance this Tveek. Vve advise ali who have not sen him to do so at once, as his feats are both novel and amusmj Be is quite equal to an7 performer who has preceded him, and in some of his feats superior any we have tverseen.

wilt be sfld at the vtry lowest rates ol the so -son, rH FDZEMEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY, OrilCI CN THE KORTH-eAST CORKER OF SOUTH AND tECOND STREETS. INSURES AGAINS'l LOSS OR DAMAGE BT FIRE.onrdl descriptioi sot PROPERTY within the Chailes Wesi, Carr, Giese John A. Lloyd, Robins Ss. Hamilton Slack, John Brown. Cleveland CoKman, Jrhn O.

Slon. Oharle Fine lav, Adam Dun an Si W. S. Cowies. Win.

Rogers, of Jacob, Penninifton. Cooper Co. ri3i s5tJ and thu3 been introduced to tiie large aud increasing multitude of our readers. As a Family Journal, the Weekly Sun is not excelled, we believe, by any in the country. Tne scope of useful information it contains is r-o comprehensive that it leaves nothing to be desired within the true sphere of active practieal life.

It boasts no specialities in polities, religion, morals or philanthropy, but amis to ihe higriest useful ness by the most direct and general means. Its steadfast purpose is to secure the greatest go'i to the greatest number; to this end it employs noiLitrumen-ta'ity but Truth. Such is the Weekly Sun, animated by the progressive spirit of the, age, and always improving and extending its various resources. A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. Subsciiption price onlv $1 per annum ta single subscribers.

The following highly terms to clubs are always arailaf-Te: Club ot six copies five do lars Club c-f thirteen copies ten dollars! rn. THE WEST Awn SoUTH. -HE BEST GO DS AT UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. DIFFESnEREFER 4' CJt.tXE. No.

13 North Ch arles unuts of Be city. joiitM rresiuenu the iti BALTIMORE AND OHIO BOARD DIRECTORS: RAILROAD. Meroez I. Cohen John M. Elilen Invite the attention of the purchasing cot-imunity to their large and complete assortment ot FALL AND WINTER DRY-GOODS.

Cor. i-Jti tr in part ot Lorg and Square Brocheand Jame? Field? Garrett Brown Samuel Wi'son T. L. Shaffer H. R.

Lauderraan Caleb Parks Hnry L. Reitx John Cushing Francis Dawel Otto Torney. Blanket Shawls, rich Dress Si'ks, elvets and Satins Peiliye Cloths. Iunin's Best. Merinoes.

Plaid Meri- Dr. G. S. Gibson Henry Pike George Rors C. Benj.

C. Rosa Hugh Bolton Robert Taylor Wm. Reaney John G. Reaney Geone W. Cox Aug.

J. Albert Chas. M. Keyser M. F.

Keyser Fied'k Seyler Kd'w Jen kin 'P. Wr. Levering Nathan Tyson Wm. Rolnnson Joshua Dryden J. 8.

Donevaa tts Th.stfril roes. Valencia? snd Poplins, together with a luro-e assortment of MOURNING GOODS and EMBROI Club of twenty copies fifteen dol ars DERIES. ALSO FT.ANNTEL(. warranted not to shrink rr-zr" he central equitable building Lk3 ASSOCIATfOV will meet at 7 on THIS (Thursday) EVEN ING. Nov. iNGRESS liALL, South Gay one door from the Savings P.ank. This Association, now thoroughly organized, has rece lved its charter, which guarantees ail the secuiity that can be desired, while no pains have been tpared, in forming the constitution, so as to make this Association really beneficial to all its without bearir.g oppressively on my. The member wh' takes a loan is not ''shaved" that others may reap large pre fits; the profits sre equally divided between the parties, and this feature alone will no doul make this Association one cf the most popular yet established in this ciry. There will be one dollar paid is on each share, including this meeting. No extra charge to mw Persons wishing to take share and th pf'i-ie are respectfully invited.

By order. P. MF.FI1AN, S-'ery. 22 2t THOS. G.

RTJTTER, BLANKETS, together with a full assortment of Housekeeping Goods and Hosiery. n23 tfr of fifiveorit-s thirtv-five dollars MUSIC JUST PUBLISHED BY IMPROVED A ANGEM ENl'S FOt TRAVEL I IMPORTANT CHANGES Of The latt-comple ion ot fie Jbio SaJroad between Wheeling and Columbu-s. unttiug, as by so short and dirf-ct a line, tne BJiinioreaad Ohio Railroad wPh ail poitions of ihe West (and North and fcouthwest.) gives this route geeadv increased arivan-tages to throiiffh in that direction. On and after WONT) AY, Nevember 27, iS4, tue trains wul be run as lollows: FOR THROUGH PASSENGERS. Two fast trains will run in each eirctinn.

First The MAIL TRAIN, leaving CanKl.n Station at 7 A. instead of o'clock a heretofore, (except on Sunday,) and arr vnj at at 9 A. Second Tee EXPRESS TRAIN. leaving at P. instead of at 7 P.

as hertoiorr, and running threura to Wheelics in ab.iut 17 hours, r'achingtaereut 13.25 A 51. This train wil! sop'at WasLii gtou Junction, Syeesvii e. Monocaey. Har- Ferry, Martin: burg. Sir John's Run.

CKmer-and, Piadlnont, RaR- esburj, Newbnrr, Fet.ninn, Farmington. end Mnun woo4 and water ani meals. Both tnese trains make prompt ar cwnnection wiih the cars of the Central Ohio koa.i lor Cambridae. NewarH. Co yUXER He BEA CHA No.

1S1 BALTIMORE STREET. DARLING POLKA, Music eomposed by E. ONLY WALTZ, i Sirtmelenyi. In the above productions the musical public is presented with gems every way worthy of admiration, and must meet with a cordial welcome. n23 tfrt TVTEW WINTER GOODS.

i WROTH 6t McCREERY, Are now prepared to ufler a freh supply of FRENCH MtRLVOS; I'ASHSl ERE PLAIDS: PRINTED DE BLACK: and FANCY SILKS; Wide ard narrow VELVETS; CLOAKS F.nd TALMAS: CASI3MEHE and WOOL SHAWLS; BLANKETS and FLANNELS: HOUSEKFF.PJNG LINEN and COTTOVS; GOODS FOR GENTS' AND BOYS' rrrffiUtiMS OF THIS VOLNG MtiN'S CHR1S- IkJS T1AN ASSOCIATION OF BALTIMORE, KfhLR AND TrUlCl HOUSE, Fatettb. Ksir National Thzatite, Wcthinzrton, D. C. At this EiP.siiiScertThfntre, in size oaly to tile Great Theatre, N. Kc.vkel's NlGHTlSGALE OPERA Tf.OCTE are TtiousartAs A'iglltiy The Dres Circle Presents Nightly Jin Jlrr.y of Bcar-iy Great, Giving to the Inferior of Use Vast BuiMing, in the an appearance of On This ('i i anksiving) Evening, Jl Grurtd Mammoth, Kntertainmeni Embracing Kvery Novelty in the ef Etriopiah Comedy.

Joe Brown, the -eat Chan-ploa Dancer, wiil appeaMn his UneqtiaUnd Tarp-icliorean Pa nuERREOTYJE3 To-day, at 147 street, r.war Upward Go you find Musters prepared for you. His ictures are worth having at all events, if you ar not pleased you can taSe it back and get exci anged, gratis, at any time. JMr. M. lias on hrad a gieat variety of the beautiful Cases we ver suw carv and inl i-d pearl, silver, gold, moioeco, gilt and velvet thi very thiug for presents.

Practical Book-Keeping, GALLAGDiR'a Coc Kws, 207if Baltimore street, near Charles reet. for the practice liook-keepirg, Commercial Ca'cu and Mercantile Wining. Cirem.w stain terms, can Had r.t the Counting lioems, Iroai 9 o'cloci, A. to 10 P. M.

Charibs st Open EVERY EVENING (Suneiay excepted) from 7 to 10. The young men of cay. iriead jpTieraiiy and strangers axe cordially invited" to visit these rooms, where may always be found a weii selected Ln'ir-iry. wrth a number ot reiieioas acd seen- pet into a favorable position with respect to tie East and other points. If from this we may infer" that the crisis is past, and that tle tendency of coin is likely to continue towards our city, the I auks may be able at an early day tz minister to the relief of mercantile necessities.

To do this satisfactorily, two things are First, that any enlargement cf the line of discount shall not- have the effect to bring our institutions at once into debt under a foreign demand. Secondly, the exercise of a spirit of mutual forbearance amonget them-at least, until the reaction is fully established. Te are in favor of short settlements, and averse to any suggestion to the contrary. Eut with institutions which lie at the very basi? cf orr credit sys-tern, there should be, so far as it can be doae with sefet-, a mirual rtgard for the blended interests Cf the banks and the community those of the community h-einj sensibly dependent upon the prevailing confidence existing among thebank3 themselves. The Next U.

S. Senate will be composed of a Eajoiity of dc-niociats. Already 27 have been elected, end six democratic legislatures one of them, Noith Carolina, having two to choose have yet to tlcct Senators, so that the democrats are pretty certain cf having 31 of the Ci members. The opposition have elette 1 IS, and will no doubt have 5 mere, making 23. Missouri, Illinois and California sre e'eubtful, though the probability is tlat Senator Gwinn, democrat, will be returned ficm tue latt-r.

NtwMampshire, hich chooses two Sena'ors, Las not vet held her election. All of which have been purchased at the very re lumbus, CineiMiaii, Dayion, Sanduskv. WATCHES! WATCHES'! WATCH OT1CE, SOLD AGENT for the sale of William Dixon's London PATENT LEVER WATCHES in this city is GABRIEL D. CLARK, at his new store, Eajle Building, corner ot Calvert and Water Strwfts. where also a larreassotmect of fine GOLD JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE ia offered for sale.

N. B. GABRIEL D. CLARK, having very supe ior workmen engagtd, manufactures all kind of NEW WATCH WORK and GOLD WATCH CASES. n23-eo2trl duced rates of the week's New 'ork sales aRd Toledo, Detroit, Indianapolis, Chicago, St.

Louis, wiil be sold at a small advance. r-23-ltr! CO. eic. fassergers lesvi-ig iitmsore l-y the Mai; rruiii, wiil reach Cii cinnati for dinner next diy, while by the Einress Train they arrive tiiT at 12 the next R. MAR2IEU, Tn vrehbursr.

on the 16th iatant. bvRv, JOJSiSEiiS Jir IJ H.K 111JLK.S, No. 189 BaWunore street, Jacob D.Miieiirli. LEON ARD II. LYNE.U.

S. Navv. night, beir.g kept but one night on the route by eimer Club ef 150 copies one hundred dollars To secure the reductions offered to clubs, the nmouf.t of paymentlor each club must be remitted at the si me time. POSTAGE AFFAIRS. Postage on the "Weekly taa anywhere in the United Stat' s.

2H cents a year, (except Ma ylan 1 13 cents, and Rahimore county free.) pay iblaia to the postniarer at the oihee of Postmasters in any part ef the country are always willing to become the agents of subscribers, nnd in this capacity may write an4 frank orders for the "Weekly Sun." or sign, frank and send orders for tie "Weekly Sun" written by another. Tern: Cnsh in advance. No subsenption'contin-ued for a longer period than the paper has been ordered and raid lor. A speiciraen numbr of the Weekly Sun wilt be sent, gratis, to any one desirous to see it, en application by letter, post paid. A.

S. ABF.LL Publishers of the 14 Weekly Sun," Sun Iron Buildmsr, nPS tft Baltimore, Ml. EXTENSIVE BOi ANO JOK PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. The at'eEtion of the business community generally is invited to the unequalled facilities posssed by "THE PRINTING OFFICE" for the execution of everv kind of ORNAMENTAL AND PLAIN PRINTING, with unsurpassed dispatch, and in a style of neatness and beauty equal to any, snd superior to most other offie s. Havinsf now in operation seven Presses, ad ot waicn are run by steam-power, we ere prepared to do ALL HINDS OF PRINTING at verv short notice, aud for reasonable prices.

All Are daily adding to their already large and magni- to Miss MARIE youngest daushter of Thomas Ferguson, or. tnat city, DIED On the 22d instant, ELIZABETH JONES, aged ncen stocK: PLAIN, PLAID and FIGURED SILKS: PARIS CASHMERES and MOUSSELINES; LINENS and HOUSEKEEPING GOODS; EMBROIDERIES and LACES; CLOTHS. CASS1.MERES and VESTING3; HOSIERY, GLOVES, kc, To which attention is invited. n23 rtwrtfrU anout yea.s. Her funeral will take place on this (Thursday) after noon, at two o'clock, from the residence of her nephew, (Ja F.

Lowther.i 508 VV. Fayette st. Oo the 22d instant, CATHARINE wife of Capt Georse Shemii.aut. CLOA.KS; MANTILLA; Longand Square Ca-h-J mere and Woolen SHAVVi.S: Mourning Colorei: SILK VELVETS; French Fancy CLOAKING3: all The relatives and frierds er respectfully invited to attend her on this (Thursday) afternoon, at two ei'ciock, from No. 238 South Sharp st.

On the i-ietant, of consumption, MARY EL- at very reduced wiees. HAMILTON EASTER i23 213 Baltimore st. Ou hand IJEAVER CLOTHS, DOESKINS. Lr SHlLLliai, aged 7 years, 7 month and 18 days, The funeral will take place en this (Thursday) af fine assortment of GOODS tor Men's wear, in CANDLES. FEATHERS, COTTON YARN AND OSNABURGS.

200 boxes Davis' Adamantine CANDLES, prime Live Geese Fea'hers, in Eacks: 20 bales No. 13 Colton Yarn: 'JO bales 30 ir-ch Os naburgs. For sale by AD OL PHI IS C. SCHAEFLR, Jl-tf No- 74 Bowlr's wharf. BUTTER.

300 tubs and firkins Choice Goshen BUTTEX S60 kegs Glades do 0 kef a and tubs Pennsylvania da Jut received and for sale by KILBUF.N BROOKS, oia-tf? Guilford U. opposite 4S South ft. CODFISH, HAKE, 60 drums large CODFFPH and HAKE E00 bbls- No. 3 MACKEREL 150 barrels Eastern ERRING go barrels Halifax HERRING ForEaie by R. S.

CURTIS, I Pratt street, 4-tf near Frederick street. A CONSTANT SUtPLi. Indigo, Madras feiic-Wasiila, in cases and boxes. Soda Ash, Sal oda. Bi Carb.

Soda, Farma; Starch, potato and pearl, in casks and boxes; alarums; Spices, gwund; feast and Soap Powders; Saltpetre, crude andrfr Qted; SfMis,, vanegated, Fitrsslobj G. 7 riTT. 18 Commerce st. t3n-tf iLLRS'te I OLD BOURBON WHISKY The nndersigiii hsvfng Use sole ct thbi esi ternoon, at three o'clock, from the retidence ol her eluding black and colored Beaver Cloths, Cloths. Cas im rs.

Jjoeskirs, Ves'ipgs, Slc. great variety parents, ao. r.asi sr. -Drowned at Washington, on the 21st JAME3 kinds of Punting required by adapted to tne trade ot Merenant auors. Also on band, DRAB CLOTHS and other Trim pAhE MOIK, of Baltimore, the.

21st year of his ajre. Kis friends with the friends andrelatives ot the fami Iv ar reemested to attend his feneral. this (Thurs Shippers. Forwarders, Phtsiv.iass, MlRCIUMTe, Mechanics. minge, required by Coachmaer.

HAMILTON EASTER no23-tfr 21 Baltimore street. efay) reoriiiiig, at ten 'clock, from his iate residence, P.ROfcEftS. Offices, Lawyers, Steamboats, kot Compakiks. Storekeepers. j9.

Jb7 je'e west or n.utaw. Fudderly, on Wednesday, 22d instant, JOHN F. MAGU1KE. in the 35lh vear of his ase. train.

Fassengers for the Korthwest via Cleveland and all inlermeniaie peiints can mike a cir ct connection with the trains upon the Cleveland and Pittsburg -Railroad at HI time whvn the Ohi- is navigable for steamers beiweet Wheeling nd Weilsville, by leaving Baltimore in the Mil Tram at 7 M. the Trair 'eave Wheeliai as follows: The EXPRESS TRAIN at 4.3T P. reaching M. The AIL TRAIN at 11.45 P.

reaehirg Baltin ore at 7 P. M. g3-Tlirouh tickets by boat from WheelingforCin-ciin atij Madison, Lsui-vilie. Su Louis and other f.iver Cities, wi'I be sId at all tune 3 when the stage Cl water will admit. SS-Through tickr ts between Baltimore and Washington, and all the important oties ami towns in West, are 6ild at the TickefOitieea cf the eonapaHf FOB WAV fASENGERS.

THE MAIL TRAi.V.leavi- Camden Station wiil take rassengers all ttie uu-l stoppug piaes oa the Road. Re-U'Ling. ti is trtin leaver Wiieetiejat 11.45 midnight, Cun.berland at 16.13 A. and arrives ft lia'tiniof 7 P. M.

THE FKEDEBICK ACOOMMCDATIONTP.AIV, for Fredenck an.J ime-rmdiate places, will s.rt at 4 P. c'ailv. (except Sui davs) in Frsderiek at 7.40. Lctuniir? will leave Frederick at A. 41., arrivirg li ltiiei re at VJ 3:, neon.

THE ELI ICOTT MILLS ACCM MOD ATIOJF wilt be lun daily, (exc- pt SumiaysAas Leave Camden Sttnon at 6 A. and 3 P. M. Leave El icott's 'Tdis it so A. M.

and 6.33 P. M. rOR WASHINGTON. D. O.

Trains leave Bait Imortj for Washington at 4 aI 9 A.M.. 5 and 8 P. M. Sundays at 4i A. IT.

and 5 P. K. only. Leives asbinrtoa Ior Laiiimor-j at tiaadS.A. M.

tnd 3 ena 6 On Sundays at 6 A. M-, and 5 P. M. only. he nrst and fourth trains from Baltiin ire, and the second ant! fourh fa lis from Watbingteji, be Es press Mail Trains, stoppm? cnly at tVasitiBin Joi.etion pnd An- Juuction.

For tickets, informaion. apply to J.T. Ekglakd, Agent, at the Ticket Office, Camden SU-lion. JOHN DONE, p.i3-tf. Master of Transporia ion.

R'tunare. 5 FOX. ure! MARE, rearj iiIT accustomed to ha ness and general use, warranted s-nt ar.l gentie, wiil be soli can be executed very quickly, aud in bcauiiiui styles. BARGAINS IN DRV GOODJ. HAVE ON HAND JOB LOTS OF AUCTION SILKS, RICH GOODS, much below the usual prices.

instant, at his residence in Baltimore county, aftera sliort but painful ilmtss, which he bore Labi.b' Furs. The rTutation of telling the prettiest and cheapest I'elongs to Davis, Baltimore doors eas. of the Bridge. Frps, Fcks. Fcfcs.

Also, Children's Beaver and Felt Bstti and Bonnet3. A mw assertmeLt just opened ty McFhail 132 Bait more st. Labiks' Fcrs. Quail, Frait street, near Hanover, haa just cloned his large and select assortment of Fens. Ladies wishing bargains wiH pleass call, he bcLc; determined to sell at small profits.

Plush Bonnets at one dollar as good as Be'ling elsewhere at $1 F-C Pud t2 CO. McPIiarl Hatters Furriers, ISi Bcltimore st. Pp.of. McClintock's Pectoral Strcp. VVe wulc call the aitention of our readers to Dr.

Mc-Cliutock's Peetoral Syrp lor Bronchitis Consunip-tion, lioar.scneFti. Spittingof Bletnrf, and severe Coughs. This great remedy unparalleled for success in tne compbsints It pU'ifies th of all serf-uicustain'; it heals u-c- ration; it destroys tubarcles ia tne lungs; it regulate tie bowels, checks night ami strmg.hens riie stomach, stimulates tiie powers, iiu irives vigor t'i the whole sysiein; it quii'isiierviMUa xciiemei.t, relieves pain in the etiest, seothes the eonah, promoter expector.if i Jh, and at the B.ime time cffiirds a dcl.c; te nourihment. Itcoritains no opium in any firm, nri iefeetiy with the in' deiicate patient. Itissojd by tieth S.

liance, 1 8 ft. with Christian fortitude and resignation, Dr. SAMUEL (mr assortment of colored and black DRESS SILKS. RICH FLOUNCED SILK DRESS ROSES, BRIDAL and EVENING DRESS SILKS, wiU be found exten-ive and complete. crt; jwuuki in trie oaa year or ins age.

"Perish the grass i rd fade the flower, If firm the word of God remains." On the 3'jth Ansrut last, at sea. board ship Sea We have also on haud a handsome assortment of ibratsd WHISKY oTerufor ir lots to suit pur COLORED JiND BLJICK URESS and CLOAK man, WM. LAFAYETTE KENAN, in the 2Ut POUWALRAT fc JWeCULLY, yt-arof hw age. fNew Orleans papers ease opvl Nn. 8 rai.iersfuj st.

SJJTINS. OF VERY SUPERIOR QUJfLtTi CLOAKS AND BLACK SILK VELVETS. 1 In every width and quality; with a splendid Btock. of CUSTOM HOUSE, COLLECTOR'3 OFFICE, Baltimore, S2d Nove-nber. 1854.

Thi3 office will be clestd on THURSDAY, 22d being JtJCl uuuuz, Generally at ery low pries. HJlkjL VON FASTER 2S-tf? Ne. 213 BALTIMORE ST, Having r-y meist extensive, nesest snd best slect-'d sssortmer.fof large Joh Tires and we can give satis'ajtion in the printing ot I.AF.GF POS TING BHLS. PROGRAMS, 4 Either in black or colors, for Theatres, M'l-seums. Ccnce its.

Exhibitions. SvC Our facilities for this kind of Printing are i ot surpassed by any establishment in the United States. Having-two of Rreici es' Lmprovfd Cakd akd Job Presses, (the vcrjr best now in use for the purpose,) weeanfmout BUSINESS, VISITING AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS at te rate of 2,000 per hour, ami with a beauty of impression that will rival the elibrts of ths engraver. Feeling confident of our ability to give, satisfaction to all, bo in price and quality of workrnmsnip, and to make it the interest of ail to with us. we agun Incite ihe public to call and ex-mine specimens snd witness the opereiion of ihe b-autiful ntachmwry at "THE PRINTING OFFICE." Sun Iron P.u doing.

CSfLYES SPOONS. SiLVER rOHKS, SILV2Z TEA SETS, PlTCHLRS, WAITERS, FINE GOLD WATCHES; Plated Il.istew; Cantors; CandleKiciis; Cvers: F'Ail AeckUtfes; Diamond g'i'gs; MOSA1U i natisfegiviiig uay. It PHILIP P. THOMAS, Collector. DAGUERREOTYPES MR.

POLLOCK'S ROOMS OH-ICE OP THE MAGNETIC TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Son Iron Builoino This onics will be open the wind of to day for the transaction of business between New York, will be open to-day, Baltimore street opposite the Mu Seum. 11- me-re ar V- nsntnsrtoii. it. fLEDH ILL'S GREAT SKY AND SIDE LIGHT VJ DAGUEKRPAN ROOMS. 217 Baltimore st, urn A ilMiUH-Ok'fl'NI TY FOR ANEttTERPRIS p-r-CUUbCiJ UP njron street, ner Pine.lcv.

Mr. CnarleHtown, wi'I preach in the "hove Church THIS (fhanks-givinjr; Rit IKMNC. at 11 o'clock. rleaH free. '1'he rind public are a ifuctionauiy invited to atreid.

Jtt thronged dails by the best.iudses of that art. Th know how to appreciate a truthful likeness. Th ING MAN TO MAKE MONEY. For sale, the PROCESS, and full Instructinnfiof a New Di veimen. The article has met with large srtles in most fastidious are sure to be pleased er they need ApplyatH kLiilt 'a stab e.curueroi bnmia ow.

not tase tiiem. can early in tne day. iivv-a l'liiladUihia. Puvs a hnndsnme profit. Small capi J'l llll THANKSGIViM end Eniaw stnets.

1 jr 11-31 I it, Kivcil wy r'-qinred. Adifrews, Willi iiainu and residence, R. eSiiLAP i-URS. CHEAP MiVV I'LL, Hun olliee. n23-2tr rl the Liid.i nf th- heron Stteet Congregation, 'J lii? (TJ.orKri-ST) EVKMivG, at the MtrjUnA lu-sti ute, for chsri'arde r-arpo es.

The Fentival HalU 1... ml 9 rr1nk nrul K.llVtf.. tl SLK 3.Y, sale fc.v Just opened a larcn assortment of FURS for Ladies PORK, CLOVES AND SEGARS. bbls Mess. Sour Mesa and Rump POBK, 100 bales CLOVES.

110,000 Havana SEGAI1S. For sale in lots to soit ROBERT C. WRIGHT n-tf tin. tS Scond strct. VTEW FRUIT.

Bunch and Layer RAISIN'S, in whole, balf Bd quarter boxes: Seedless Raiins Zante urrants; Citron; Prunes; Preserved Ganger. For sal" by W. I. VAN NESS. nlfi-tf W.

Lombard et opposite Infirmary. BiLATED WARE. VVe have on feiwd a large aa-t Boriment of PLATED TEA SETS, Batkew, gslveis. Castors, Eperrnes, Urns, fee, which we offer on the lowest terras. JL CAM PBELL SONS, SQt Ualuninre sL, J-tf Charles and Light U.

CUMBERLAND COAX. AND IRON COMPANY'S AGENCY for the sale of the Company's SUPERIOR COAL from the Astor, Eckhart tuo Washington Colieriea, of fine, run of mine, acd luini lUes. by the cargo at T.ocnet Fovnt, or eai loud ia the city, at Mizi Pricbs, promptly attended to by CHAS. WEST, Agent, e30-tf fun Iron Budding. COAL.

The suttsenhers are now recniviiiy iheir regular supply of the celebrated Baltimore Company's COAL. Also, Lykens Valley, free burning, for Summer use; George's Creek, tor Blackmithihg and Manufacturing purposes, and are prepared to deliver by cargo, car load or single ton, at regular market prices. WM. McCLYMONT West Falls Avenue, nll-tf 1st yard halow Pratt st. Brid and Children, which will be sold low for cash.

Also. BAJ-i'L KIEX at FON, Soid and Filver Sni'ir-, the Supper wiil be seived. I1 OK hALL Adjoining I 'union Cumpany, Dr Lawrence's Messrs. Brine, Dowuifin ind HUinshury's fiK Acii of LAM. siiiuible for a Garden Vim.

Tim land will be sold in lots to suit This Land hfjt a watei front on Ciilgate'sereek, a fine assortment of HATS and iPS, at prices that cannot fail to suit. Call aud examine before pur- Baltinsore eue-1. Tickets 50 cenU 1 1 io i jai nnrt hupper. cltasing eieewnere at u. vv.

p.itowws. Baltimore adjoining the Bridge. nCKCH FKSTI La For termn apply to J( ILV II. ROl'CH, n2il-lm': Jaeknon'n wharf, or IM Ann st. nes tllUltM, I5ROADWT, LADIES' DRESS FURS.

s. The Etjbving of ths lUsgv Clay. We stated a few days ago that the circuit court for Orleans county, was occup ed with the trial of a case arising cut of the burning of the steamboat Henry Clay, being an action brought by the executors of A. J. Downing, de ased, vs.

Thos. Collyer and ctLeis, owners of the Clay, for the life of Mr-Downing, and the baggage of himself and wife. Damages kid at g-VJOO for the former, and $1,000 for t'im latter. The prosecution subsequently aban. doned the clr im for loss cf life, when a verdict was rendered, by consent, cf :1, 000 damages for tte baggage claim.

Pbepaeing FOh Sphixg. The Emperor of Russia i having uns cf icr.ger range cast in Pet'osa-wodsk and Crqpstadt, which are to be mounted upen the fortifications of the latter place next spring. This does not look like giving the "material guarantees" which England and France desire. As the Emperor will have all winter to prepare himself for the expected visit ia the spring, St. Petersburg will doubtless be in a good state of defense when the contest crme3.

The President's Message. It rumored that the message of the President, which for some 5'cars past has been sent to the postmasters in ad vance, to be delivered to the newspaper offices as soon as lead at Washington, will be withheld this year until it is sent to Congress. Our foreign relations, it i3 said, make this course necessnry, as it inadvisable tha President shall receive the latest European intelligence before his message i3 submitted. The Eighth of January at Washington-. The veterans of the war of lSH are already beginning to get ready to meet at the seat of our federal government on the Sthof January.

As the convention will doubtles be numerously attended, it will bo necessary for the railroad companies to make the usual arrangem ent3 as at the inauguration of the presidents of the United States, and issue excursion tickets for the delegates from all parts of the country. KailRcad Convention. The Cleveland Leader says that there is to be a grand Eailroad Conven. tion in that city on the seth inst. The four great Eastern Railroads ill be represented, namely: The New York and Erie, the New York Central the Pennsylvania Central and the Ealtimore and Ohio.

The object of the meeting, we suypose, is to talk about incresed tariffs and fewer dead-heads. Another Verdict. The jury of the circuit court at Wheeling in the action for damages of Polly, Wood Hi vs. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, have returned a verdict of damages in the sum of $15X32 75, with interest on 5 from December 4, 1852, until paid. f7GoY.

Pollock, of Pennsylrania, has appoint cd Col. A. G. Curtain, of Centre county, Secretary of State. JfeJ-Tbere was about half a foot of snow on the at EuiiiUo, on Monday morning.

AGUES REOTVPISTS', AJtTiiTS' AND PAIXTER3' DEPOT. WM. A WISON3, fto. i NORTH LIBERTY BALT1KOZ3, leeps eoLstanUy band full assortment of maicrl-aie for Artist and Painter, aud wbin ars oterM 1 1 lwa ronikct rt frr HINDES respectfully informs his friends, and K.i:tu:v ttieir IVAL until J-riday night, inclusive. They hav Urxa iminbernt articles at P'twes.

Their design being to assist in p'y- rdR WAI to make room. Thirty-three Second-bnnd HOT AIR KURNACEH, nil m.iis, both the Ladies in particular, that he ha inst opened a large ard very select- assortment ef the latest and most approved styles of DRESS FURS. Those in want ol bargains are assured that they will be seld at tpared no tains to their effort euccesBlul. Price of tickets i5 it Portable Hud Krick-work, which wire tnkeu ill ex chanse for the Macgregor VVHrm-Air l'nrnc si. Apriyat jiofiii'NH Bum's, Baltimore Stove House, r23 3d Light street.

FOR SALE CHEAP. A very superior tiWir: Isecond hand FIAV; also, a five-octave Mil ''prince" MELODEON, I ut little ucd. suitable for Church or Ha l. A large awortment of Bosion and N.Y. Pianos apd Melodeons, at irgaia.

P23-Itr Pi. H. OSBORN, 1 N. Charles st. PI A NO-FORT F.

E5Vt CHICKE1UNG fOXS.Z It 1 if A'CN'-YS Jf CLARIZ. ROSENERAN2. (Gmian ir.nas.) Of superior cmility fi-rsile by F. D. BEVTEEN, Ware Rooms Ba'timor su, and Si Fayette 3 doors West of tfr.

Charles st. MI'MO AND JIUSiCAL iNSTEC-K-jp5MENTS. HERMWN SCHMIDT 1 1 I 'cessor to Ceo. C. Su-uz, i Nui itr (TSsrlef st.) o.Tem to the public a larre assortment of and Aaerican US IC He kec aJso au Rssor.e.:a el PIAfNOS of the best Ne Vork maker, and ncjuiiiiie collection of Gu-tars.

Vioilus. Accoreitscru, Flutes, Clarionettes. Banjos, ana Psiisn.n Es-gravir gs. Dealers. teacher.

tin, and the. nie-siclov-i public in general will do weii to call cs him. Goed eu ticles and cheap prices ma; bs r-iiei upon, UalSr the lowest pnes. No. loo GAY STREET, (Dior third door from the Bridge AltAHE CHAM MAKE MONEY.

Ji SMJil.L FORTUNE FOR DOI.UtR On receirt of emc dollar, I will forward biHtructioiiH IOHJsSTON BROTHI-ltS OO, BANKERS, tl BALTIMORE STREET, Buy nnd tell BANK DRAFTS upon all cities ia Wr- fipia, at very low rates. Uncurrent Money Jratls on Wuitiiesier and StaurJim always for sale, in turns to suit. Slocks bougnt and o)U exchisiveiy oa eonimission, at the Palumore and New York Siock Beards. North Carolii.a and Viryuiia Money alway for sale. Money mctived on dapiwit at interest, sua ject to check.

Collection promptly made, at low rates, upon all accessible puints, sied the General Banking Businecs pi-cudy attended to, is ail iu bmnchr. wlireby a person ran rnalo; IVoui tin') to 'K 1 VATClId AND JEWELRY. YV GREAT BARGAINS. CANFIELD BROTHER IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS, i2S Baltivors Stxizt, nave received their fall surplv of WATCnBS, JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE. FANCY GOODS, VOL VINO PISTOLS, CLOCKS, JET GOODS, fcc, which they offer to Country Mer-chanbi at the vest tewn? rucii.

Call and exam I a oer ror n23-tfir pe-r iiie.uth. This is r't ri ceipt or liny kind, or bonli agency, and regimes no travelling, pedlmir or capital. Hnfl nut liliie imiiiire. (iiirin I'ni, en closing MELT, Btillmiore, Md.

lt lots AND TIMOTHY SEKDS, 'or sale CtOAi. AND VVOOl i. HENRY JENKINS, Wholesale mi lietail. Dealer in Anthracite and Cumberland COALS; Hickory. Oak and Pins Wood.

Orders promptly attended to, and supplies delivered to Vessels in Cars and Carts. JAMES J. LAWN. to suit fcy Depot ru N. Howard st 123 tf: I 1CH JEWELRY, SILVER AMD PLATED ttc.A.

R. WARNER. Uld and St- A LMOMiS Marseilles, Dema," Vatencfa, Sicily XL WARE, fcc. IK, JL JL nnd Shelled. CHO.HHY HON, CAi-IU AGEtr-CARK AIvES! The mwrriStr ha P't PT.Cd WW 88 H.

Hinrlrs street. n-Stlt If gwir. -nABisco KSPOSlTORif ta Scra BAfc MMGfiOl SSOt McKIM. GREEN WAY h. CO-16 Baltiuoss Coiiectjcns made on all accessieie poir.w in toe V.

States ar.d Canada on favorable tentt9. Foreign Gold and SJverCoin bought. CaluorniaGoId Inmt bmirtil. Uneurrent tiinds discountod at lowest rusjttet rates. Advancers made on collections, negotiable Paper and Ptock orders executed and Timi Paper negotiated.

VntSXa io tale on all principal n33-rfr "JJAIEH i k-g Btrietly prime Family ru. i i cit; alHo, KoII Jlutn-r ami I Hurt OFFICES 67 Second opposiw Town Clock; 86 Philpot Jenkins' wharf. Fell's Point. n8-lNarSt( LUMBER 1.V3.000 fet Mahogany, Walnut, and Ock VENEERS 1C.0O0 feet MAHOGANY HAND KAIL PLANK, ItOARDS. MLtt.

for sale by AMES J. LAWN. rY-THK COKNER KTOJVK of the South f'reiby-LK3 ttrian Chu'ch. carper mid Cliureii will be taieVD i'hAriiriving) AF-TEKNOOA', at 4 o'clock. The Rev.

Dr. Backus, Pev. St-wart Robinson, and the Kcv. Mr. Hitchcock, will participant ia the ceremonies.

Th public is invited to attend. Pheuld the wes.tlier be inclement the audience will be addressed In the William ttrert MethodiHt Church, in the immediate A COLLECTION wdl be taken up in toenail of the enterprise. it O. FXCAMPML.N'T, EO. 1.

The rx embers are particularlyreque-t-eit to be in their ettendanee on FltfllAV LVENING NEXT, at 7 as business in which each member is concerned will come be ore the Ccmp. nil L. II. Scribe. ry-sTrfANKSGIVIN'G DAY SKttVlCES.

On U3 7 Iil (Thursday) MOKSfING, nt 11 o'eloek, civine service may be expected in the follewing ftiethodiRt Episcopal Churches: Lig-ht street, Eu-law street, esley Chapel, Sharp street, Columbia street, Payette street, Charles street, Exeter street. Monument street, High street, Jen'crson street, and Krfiadwaj Apprepriate discourses will be delivered, and the public are invited to attend. It has been these churches to so-icit a "thank offering to God," in aid of that great public cl arity. the "Home Minion on the Causeway," which lias under is care a Sunday School numbering about fco tscholars, and a "Home" for destitute females. The Managers earnestly appeal to their feilow-cirizens for aid this work of home reformation.

Contributions may also be seut to Armstrong Berry, No. 13 Baltimore street, Isaac P. (took. No. 75 Baltimore street, or John W.KaaJoipli, Broadway.

11 nvs ti. Depot V2i North I Inward street. t'" Eiciangn.wacreuie lernfet ad be assortment of CAKSJAtS tIS caa found is the city. Persons wit! nnd it to their t- jfi bc a a sn tfrtermmed to sed low fni CaI or APPROVED PAFES at six nwei: s. All wi sold at Reoosilory wiTSiited fJ ii isobui.

Hd Carriages icpairal at 'ucn tct, titeu in exenange fjr new oas. WiLLIAM 30.000 feet alnnt. in. to 1 is and Coma ems PLR CEN'P. BONDS of ihe State of North QLX feet Cherry Planks, Boards and Scaauisf Jd.fXXJfeetfoplmrlX.toiinch PLANK IOS.

THOMAS I ffTT7C0 1 'M M. 1U I SI 3 500 half boxes R. 600 qr. boxes do, t0. 60 mats seedless At Eastern frices, by WILLIAM O.

PRICE, 23 tf io7 Lombard nt. Carolina, COUPONS payable January and Juiv. Ca in New York. For sale in sums to suit, by n3-tfr. COOK I RWIN.M Second street.

vrm-Uh, No. 10 N. GAY has just opened a rich iH varied assortment of FINE JEWELRY, embracing a stvles anil pHtterns el Brooches; Ear Rings; Bracelets; PiBger Rings; ladies' and Gcutle-iweii'a Chains; Pencils and Pens: Cuff Pins; Buckles; ni am re Lockew, Stc. wkiei ara ottered ou Ike most accommodating twmis. n23-tfTS itH.D PENS.

A large and elrfaet awortrnentol GOLD PRN9, fmui every manufactory Uie Union, lor ei a tinaa-tUactarcn' pnceB. A 'sir, fc SPECrACLES, rtrlsccpic, Doufilet Convex, Concave, Flarn and Colorid Glasses, in Gold, Silver and Steel Primes, tot uiie at lowest price J. THOMSOJf LAWS, n33-tfr No. 1M Baltimore strnet. IIUKICH O.

C'OOK. U0R ijt lBW eOOItfc IRWIN, BfOCK AND BITiL BOKEES, 75 8coKJ Strut. Ftny nnd sell on commission all STOCKS and FT3-CUITLE3o this and the Eatftem marksu. tf I CEO. VV.

VVC3B. rmi.n.Wirtt irwr.l"" tKEEDOM FROM CWt'Gil IN TEN MINUTES fer the use of H. RYAN'S 1. insured WAFERS. Fr sale by C.

WTISEAN, Druggist, at Wholesale or Retail, cor. W. Baltimore and Fremant fiU'iTEfl, CHEESE AMI FRUIT. 6 bbia fresh Kedl BUTTER; kega Glndes Butter: 20 boxes Pine Apple CHEESE; 600 bus. Dried APPLES and PEACHES.

I1LL1COTT HEWES, Ti23-tf. 69 Exchange Place. 15aryland Steam Turning and Sawing Work, cornur Park and lay su. EAf OVAL. JAMES S.

SUTER has REMOY5C his STEAM TURNING AND SAH-'INQ ESTABLISHMENT Trora Concord street tr No. N. FREDERICK adjoining the Friendnip Engin House, where he is prepared with increased fncihutrt td i xectue all orders in nis lint of busmes. FOU SAIiE Wahof any, Walnut, Ufaerry. Maple, Poplar and ail kinds of Hard Wood, suitable ior CeM-net Maktrs, Carpentert, Coftclinten, Wheel wrightu, and by Drua-a'au JrtV S3 perhox.

Arent lor VVjLvliiuffion r.iini. nnigfrist- e. coa. Ai.riKea.jt aji nunw t'Jjx F'sa now in a id a tiiutlortee -torr Stj fe GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Pdun C3ii Jewel ry, rxad piaPd Pacr? Aruciea.

Paruci-lrrAitenuon i ps-'-d ta r4 drtrtihilttvm rfsa ml t- large COPPit KETrLfid, 1 good order wiil bold each ISO gallons. Apply at, the eua cfiice, na-St. O. MO NEGRO MAN FOR SALE About twenty-one years old, for the term of about three years. He is a good waiter, ard well accustomed to horses.

Inquire at tbe Sun office, n23-tT. BBLS. STRICTLY PRIME N. J- LASSES, id store and fr sale, hv W3 tf AS, J. LAWN.iDepot Hi N.

Howard st..

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