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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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Work ffith Comfort Ilia Has a Mitflity Meaning 1'or AliUioua. How Many People Work With Effort and In XLln in a Revelation to Workers of our Country. the "I can do my work with comfort." What restful strength, what happiness, what power of pervade the very words! What a -world of meaning they car- ay to our over worked under the weijtht of work and cares. who silently bear the thousand the pains, the aches, the lasting fatigue, the tewible ox- limifitiot', the utter brain and body tire, with which their daily round of toil Is donn' If only niy heail did ache! If only iny back was free from pain! If I only had thes4t.rerjf.rMi to do tuy mid diO uot bo weak, so tired, so terribly exhausted! These arc lUstrci-sCul crie.s, heard on every hun I from nerve-weakened bruin-fagged nnd bodi men, arid from tired, nervous 11 nd d-out women Liko a iiicarnii on hupo. i In-ri-fore- words of II IT.

Olms. S. Liltleton, N. M. here is a physiciau's prescription, discovery made by the greatest liv specialist in curing nervous and chronic diseases, Dr.

Greene, of 3-West 14th street. New York City. I you take this medicine you cao consider yourself under Dr. Greene's direct professional care, and yon can consult or write to him about your case, freely and without charge This is a guarantee that his remedy will cure, possessed by no other medicine in the world. HOUSEHOLD BREVITIES.

W'--' CIIAS. S. MOROAX. "About one year iiKO I was in a very bad htntc of health, being com- worn out by indigestion and nervous debili'V. I was subject to sick headaches ooce abonr three or four days, and when they i-c upon mo I was completely and to my boil.

Tin; coming so often and S'i bad used up all my strength, and made me most My physician sa that I must have rest, before I could better, and my ck beiulii.i'lit 1 spoils were com- i pretty thick. 1 rli deled to trv Gn-eiu-'s JN'orvnra blood and ix-rve remedy, hearing so much ntiout the wond-rl'nl euros, and am rejoiced that 1 did, for my troubles nil left, me, being so relieved from my sick lieadin-lio, and and nervous- debility, Unit am now to work comfortably, and en- general good lifalth, litiv? all used in our family at lensb eighteen bottles; and have noMiinjj but good to my of it. My mother was over worked and was prostrated by caring for the sick.She taken the medicine and has been helped most, by it of anything she has and uses it ivbeu run down, with invariable ocl effects. My husband it for indigestion with the same good results. can, and do most gladly rec: iniuend Dr.

Greene's Nervura fo'ooil tvud nerve remedy for the good of others, into flakes some cold boiled fish and put in a dish. Cover with cream and put aside to cool, aud after seasoning with salt, pepper and chopped parsley cover with an upper crust and bake for twenty minutes in a quick Farmer. one pound of mutton, three ounces of beef suet, pepper and salt to taste, four ounces of boiled one egg, and some bread crumbs. 'Mix well together, and roll into sausages; cover them with egg and bread crumbs, and fry in hot butter or dripping to a light brown. Serve in a hot il'hh with gravy poured around Housekeeper.

Convenient, liicc upon two cups of cold boiled rice a pint of milk. Knb the rice smooth, then boil it up in the milk. Keinove from tho fire, and add half a cup of sugar, a bit of butter, two beaten eggs, O.SMJMCI: rose or lemon, and salt to taste. 1'nt into a buttered dish, yrale nutim-g river the and baku halt' an in Huston lUulgot. Salad.

pretty as it is unifjue, and will delight salad lovers. Take one cupful of minced chicken, half a. pound of cheese, half a. cupful pickled cauliflower, chopped coarsely together. Jiiib the yolks of two hard- boiled fine, add one teaspoonful Frenc.h mustard, three vinegar, four tablespoonfnls oil or molted butter, salt and cayenne to taste.

1'oiir over the salad and garnish with rings of white of egg and pickled i'ud'.einan. one ounce of ground rice, one ounce of flour, ditto butter and castor sugar, and a table- spoonl'ulof baking powder. Work in to a cream, and beat for a few moments. Spread -this mixture on a battered pudding tin, and bake, for five minutes in a very oven. When cooked, turn on to sugared paper, spread one half with lemon curd or orange filling, press the other tightly on it, ami cut into three-cornered pieces as sandwiches.

Arrange on a silver or glass dish, scatter sugar over and Leeds Mercury. buckwheat cakes, it is said, made with the addition of corn meal flour and oatmeal flour to the buckwheat in this proportion; Three cups buckwheat, one and halt cups oatmeal llonr, or if this cannot be obtained, substitute graham Hour in its place, and half a cup corn meal; to this add a small toa- spoonful salt, two tablcspoonl'nls molasses, and lukewarm water snIlic-ienfc to form a batter; stir through tho Hour well two leaspoonfuls baking powder before wotting; but these calves arc much bettor raised over niy-ht with Field and Fireside. quart of llonr, one tablespoon fill of lard, one tablespoon- fill of sugar, oiio pinch of salt, one- third of a cake of yeast; make a hole in the Hour, into which put the lard, sugar, salt and yeast; lot this sponge rise over (The time for mixing varies according to the summer at ten o'clock in tho evening, in winter about six.) In the morning knead in half a cup of flour; let it rise slowly four or five hours, knead again, cut in rounds with a biscuit cutter, spread with butter, fold over and let rise slowly three or four hours. 1'ako in a quick Home Journal. WERE PATRIOTIC.

Women in Session at Washington Talk About Washington. Elaborate Programmes Are Carried Out in Various Cities of the United States. WASIII.VGTO.V. Feb. being Washing-ton's birthday the national congress of women, now in session here, chose patriotic subjects for consideration at both its morning- and evening- sessions.

The morning- session was divided into two parts, assigned to patriotism as an element in g-overnment, aiu! patriotism us an element in school government. Kate Sherman, of Ohio, read the report of the committee on patriotic teaching-. She then discussed the influence of patriotism in and preserving- free in- Miss Frances E. then spoke on patriotism as a factor in the advancement of women. Kllen S.

Mussey, of Washington, spoke on what the Hag 1 has cost women. Louise Illinium Itobbins. of Michijrnn, then discussed the part played by patriotism through the schools in the character of American "The American l-'bifr hi the Suliool- loom as an Aid to Discipline" was the ubjeet Uiken by JJ. Keith, of Francisco. She said: Amorli-ai: H.IK should In the rooni, cspoclallv In every publiu schoolroom till! United Suites.

Children should bo that Ihu llatf stiinds for all is In ouv history: for nil hai, niakus us cnvri every boy and iroud to bo Make Lho chikiroii Hiat its pre.sem-u the nlus.sronm Is bolh a and a bonedk-tiion. Malco that flai; thu and eornur sione all cururr.oulals-. IA-I iho hlchoni honor In the liower of the teacher to or of a scholar to earn. bo the jjunlLior, of custodian the Huff. liavo this for years In Lho jnihllc schools of Francisco.

Tbe recent adoption of the imtriotlc lions In city asking that the UUK salute l)e a part of onr course tho of this wor-K In ono class-room and have yet to sec Iho of weariness or Indl'foi 1 cnco in tho present class." Colubrntrg. birthday was fittingly celebrated in this city. The Grand Army of the Republic, the District national guard, the liig-h school cadets, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the National EX-GOV. GRAY'S FUNERAL. Ream Ins Laid to Kmt at Uulon City Amid tfr.

J. F. Like a Lump of Lead Distress In the Stomach, Nausea, Etc. Hood's Sarsaparllla Cured. The following testimonial comes from Mr.

F. who is with C. A. Cole, the well known and dealer in druggists' sundries it Wlntcrset, who because of closo confinement from indigestion and ttiat tired feeling: I. Hood Lowell, "'Without any hesitation I can recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla.

As I have worked ai watch maker anil jeweler and have been closely confined to my business, I sometime since Troubled With My Stomach. It seemed as II there was a bis I'-miP of lead In It, and I wns unablo to taks IOIIR breath. Everything I uto distressed ITK lunch ami caused mu nianv sick spells. 1 sj-ild not sluep nights and would me up In the feeling worso when I went to 1 Imd uo cncrjry Whatever. I flually tried a botllo oi Hood's.

It Helped Me So IVIuch that I got another, nnd I have now token four bottles and feel O. K. I can sleep weU and eat Feb. 22. A special train of eleven coaches carried the body of Isaac P.

Uray to Union City, Ind, Friday for burial. A cordon of two militia companies conducted the remains from the capitol building, where had been lying in state, to the Union station; and the train departed shortly after o'clock. Mrs. Gray, widow of the dead ex-g-overnor, was conducted to the train upon the arm of Gov. Matthews, and immediate friends of the family followed.

Committees representing- tho state senate and house, all of the slate officials, detachments of two militia and several political clubs accompanied the remains. It required two trucks to convey the floral tributes to the train. The funeral train arrived at Union City at 11 m. Larjfo crowds mot tho train at intermediate stations. At Winchester the casket was oponoa and man people viewed the remains.

Tho city is draped in black. Tho remains wore takon to Opera house whoro services woru held a 3 o'clock after citizens liiid viewed the corpse. WRECK CAUSED BY VANDALS. Is im! pan' hearty for which thanks to llood'8 Barsniiarilla," Coi.u, 'intursut, Iowa. Hood's Pills curcallllvcrills, biliousness.

Jaundice, tndlu'istlori, slult heudaoUo. iSo. U'lie weather was perfect and tin- pnX'i-ssiou was one of the finest ever seen in the city. Ctiy's I'alrloUe KANSAS CITV. Feb.

was entirely suspended Friday, anil birthday was celebrated by all the patriotic orgunixations. special public programmes were ar- ramgeil, but at the various headquarters addresses of a patriotic nature were delivered. oil to Di-ath Itnilly FeVi. San Antonio i-xpivss on the Southern 1'a- cilic west-bound ran into an open switelt ThnrsMlay nijrht near Franklin. La.

Tile engine left the trade and turned over. Fireman Pomu'lly was scalded to ileath and Kn- frineer Devoc was badly hnrr. Tlie bmlly shaken up, but none wore injurol. An examination of the switch that the lonk ehnin had been broken and that ti.e accident was the work of wreckers. They have not bivn caught and there i.v no clew to their identitv.

FRENCH CAUGHT IN A TRAP. KNOWLEDGE Srings comfort and improvement and to personal enjoyment when rightly useo. The many, who live bet- ler tlian others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, more promptly idnptins; the world's best products to ueetls of physical being, will attest value to of the pure liquid principles embiaced in tin Syrup ol Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting the forre most acceptable and pleas-" in: to the taste, the refresh ing a mi truly Beneficial properties of a perfect lax- nive; ofleotunlly clonnsing the system, impelling colds, hend.iclies ami ii'id permanently curing ii. has pive.n satisfaction to millions and with -tlie approval of the iiiodiosii bocause it acts on the K'ui- Liver ami Bowls wiiliout woak- tlifin and it perfectly free iVom substance.

Syruj) of is for sale by ah in 50c $1 bottles, but it. is ifai-tnred by the California Fiy t' only, whose name is printed on i also the name, Syvtip of being well informed, you wii if. oflerw' Council oT Women, the Sons of the THIS WAS A SMART CAT. Tlmt It yon would do your work with if yon would be free from relied and pains, and n.11 weakness of nervea and wenriuess of bodies, use grand yiver of health and Dr. Greene's Jfervnra tcfolood aad nerve remedy.

It will Timke you well and strong, give you vitality, energy, power, aui- and endnrance. It is the sprinjj tonic and restorative in i'tlio world, and now is the best time take it. How Ho Convinced Hlmsnlf OIVQ Ininpc. Tho late Dr. Romanes, in his "Ani- jnal Intellig-encc," gives two stories of cats, which, on seeing their own reflection in a looking- g-lass, convinced themselves that tho.

reflection was an illusion. In tho case of a very intelligent cat of mine, he wont, I think, a step beyond he satisfied himself that it was in some way his image. Even if my wrong-, the first part of his proceedings was so singularly like thoso ia Dr. Romanes' accounts, that it seems as though it were a uniform law of cat nature to act in this and so far it nuiy not be altogether uninteresting-. "1 put the cat on a.

table, in front of a small toilet mirror. After looking at his rcilection for a short while, he wont behind the glass; then he returned to his scat in front, nnd ngain watched it attentively. After a few moments he rapidly dashed behind it. He again returned to his seat in front of the glass, and, while retaining his seat and keeping his eyes fixed on the imago, he struck about behind the glass with his pdw in different directions. "His next action, was, I fancy, suggested by seeing the image apparently strike with its paw also.

Keeping his Beat and retaining his eye fixed on the Imago, he proceeded to (if I may use the word) posture in front of the glass, He raised his paws alternately, licked them, touched the glass, moved his head, etc, I have tried to simply describe facts, and as far as possible avoid drawing conclusions," Revolution and the Doyal Legion of Women and several other organizations each observed the -national character of the day. The ffov- erumont departments, banks and many business places were closed, the day being- a loyal holiday. schools Coltbrixto nt Clilotgro. CHICAGO, Feb. 22.

Washing-ton's birthday was generally observed here, the banks, courts, board of trade, stock e.xehar.g-0 and the city and county ollic-es being- closed. At all the public schools appropriate exercises were held under the auspices of the Union Leag-ue club. Jluuy- patriotic and other societies also celebrating- the clay by holding- com- memoi-ntive exercises. The most important; celebration, however, was held at the Auditorium in the afternoon under the auspices of the Union Leayue, at which Archbishop Ireland was the orator of the day. Old (Jloi-y Wnves hi Xow Yorlc.

KKW YORK, Feb. birthday was observed Friday as generally and with as much spirit as usual in this city. In the early hours there was a sharp, biting- wind, making- out-of-door exercises exceedingly unpopular. The city bore a holi- du3 appearance in the display of flags and bunting 1 Old Glory waved gloriously on the water, Crafts of all kinds carried one to three flags. Ferryboats, steamboats, steamships, tugs, lighters and scows, all flew the emblem.

Aloug- the river front the display was general and in effect beautiful. Social nnd military functions without number were held during the day. Hits 1'ariKle. ViTTSBUliCrii. Feb.

birthday was generally and fittingly observed throughout Pittsburgh and Allegheny. Business was suspended at noon. In the afternoon patriotic and civij organizations several thousand strong paraded the principal thoroughfares. Flags and bunting are displayed on many business houses and residences. Sulnto Fired.

XoiiFOI.K, Feb. was no great demonstration here Friday in honor of Washington's birthday, but all public buildings -were closed and many of them were tastefully decorated with flags and bunting. The Xorfolk light artillery blues, Capt. Keeling, fired at sn nrise the national salute of twenty-one guns, -which was continued to sixty-seven guns, the anniversary salute of the company, which was organized in W2S. Parade at Denver, Col.

DEN-TEH, Feb. birthday was celebrated in Denver with a of civic a.nd military Pcsi-rlrd liiislmml Suicldus. DKXVKK. Feb. Owens, an Iowa, man.with S2.U(K) Des life insurance policy on him, was found dead in a boarding house Friday morning, leaving 11 narrative story of trouble with his wife, who had deserted him.

foul' Girls rrtnvly Death, 111., Feb. The American house, a four-story 1 hotel of this city, was partially destroyed by fire early Friday morning. Loss to the building juul furnishings, 1C. A. Vaughn stove adjoining was damaged to the extent of 000.

Four dining-room girls were nearly suffocated and had a narrow escape for their lives. Their exit was made through a portion of the burning hotel. Membership Shows Incrouso. SPISIXGFIBUX 111., Fob. 22.

At a meeting oi' the national board of directors, Jloctern Woodmen of America, very flattering reports were made showing large growth in membership and a decrease in the price of insurance. January 1, the order had insurance- in force, the average cost being 5-1. 0. 1 per annum. Tho amount paid beneficiaries in.

ISO-l was 81,250,000. Jury Ciin'c Affren. WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. The jury which were locked up all nigh has not yet agreed upon a verdict.

A 11:20 Friday morning- the foreman not fled Judge Mc'Comas that there was probability of an agreement. Th judge, however, refused to discharg them and the jury is still considerin, the case. For of'* Homo. LOXDOX, Feb. 22.

The lord mayo presided at the meeting held at the Mansion house Friday in support the plan to raise a fund for the pur chase of Cariyle's house, which is to be fitted -up as a Carlyle museum. Th meeting was largely attended. Threi! Tltindre'l SoMii-rs Surprised mill Tut to Doutll NiiUvrK in Africa. PAULS, local, paper reports that the French expedition which left Marseilles some months ago, under the command of Commandant for service in the interior Africn, was surprised and a sanguinary conflictensueil. Throe, hundred' men.

comprising half of the force of the expedition, are said to have been killed, while the remainder have been driven from tho line of inarch, and their retreat has been cut; off. The minister of colonies has received an urgent appeal from the commander oJ the expedition for reinforcements. SOUD FOR GOLD, Ne-iv Window Glass ArtH COLUMBUS, 0., Feb. At a meeting of the window glass manufacturers the United States, held in this city, it was decided to form a new association, to be known as the National Window Glass Manufacturers' association. Appropriate "Those Cn.cago fellows have named their clnb tho that for? They have no mountains ia Chisag-o." not.

lint their club rooms on the top fl of one of those sky-sa-aper buildings, and EXPECTANT MOTHERS. That our wonderful remedy MOTHERS ehild-Wrth rasy be within tho rpach oC tdl we reduced prlco to OQO per bottle. Benru'a Of TAKE NOTHING BUT MOTHERS FRIEND. 80LD BV AU. DRCeSUTB.

THE MARKETS. Grain, Provisions, Etc. CHICAGO. Fei5. EH and unchanged.

Quotable: TVintcr Patents. 66; stralKlits. Si S3 clears, seconds. H.9o&iOO: low grades. 51.00 Spring Paeon 53.00 sir.ilsfcts.

SilOJjiTo: bikers', S. grades. Sl.ToQl.slj; Ked Dog. Eye, Si.30-f.i30i BOARD OF TRADE closed in observance of 'Washington's birthday. LIVE pound: Turkeys.

72Sa; Chickens, Ducks, Geese, per dozen, S3.003S.OO. 12323o; dairy. 83303: Paekinff-StocH. 175 test, 5c; Gasoline, 37 deg'3. lOc; 74 dog's.

Sc: Naphtha, 63 deff's, 7e. quoted steady at 41.12 ptt gallon for highwinei JLIre Stock. CHICAGO, Fes. 22. Market active, feeling flrm and prices 5310e higher.

Sales ransed at for Pigs: I3.70a4.05 for light: 195 for rough packing: S3.S034.10 for mixed, and for heavy packing and ihlpplog lots. CATTL- Markot rather actlrs and feelins rather finn. Prices well maintained on all Quotations ranged at ia.l.>3S.<S for choice Co ejttra shipping Steers; for good to choice $4.1034.70 for fair to good: S3.50ji4.33 for corcTEOQ to medium for Batchers' Steers: £2-403 Sl-40 German Chamber of Commcrco Kos-rotR Ilok-hstaii'rt Action on FJimoLalllsm. Feb. g-cncral assejn- blj' of the German chamber of commerce has adopted the following resolution: -'Hie funeral assemnly adheres stc.iilfastly to resolution Mnrch 1K3.1.

doclar- Injj thai i.lie Gcniiun pold monetary system is unassailablo, Tlie whole t'Conuiiiical situation bo iajurctl by change ia the inonotary The assembly prent- rcirrels thai tho rulchslucr adopted a bt- 1 XKW Foh. dogs were poisoned with in the doff show l-'ridsij- mornios 1 Then; has been more or less the of pet since the show beg-nu. Tho warding- of the prices, it is thought, added lo the Jjroyfus to lio Tiiken to Guiiina. PAUIP, Feb: Dreyfus, rtucntlj'dcyrnded and sentenced to imprihODinuiit for life in fortress, Las been removed to the Isle De Re. in the Bay of Guscogrne, where he will remain until lie.

with other prisoners, is finally taken to French Guiana. I5le Mk-o of Gotnam. YORK, Feb. W. T.

Lcachman, of Louisville, is here to press her claims as one the heirs to the Robert Edwards estate, which, it is claimed, is worth from $500,000,000 to 51,000,000,000. oh Ibo Enrth- The alarming- theories propounded by scientists make one sit up at first glance. For example, M. de L.ipparcnt read a paper before the scientific congress at Paris the other day in which he labored to prove that the mountains of the earth are decreasing- in size, and that they will ultimately vanish altogether. The tremendous friction of the atmosphere is wearing- them away.

The Alps, he said, exemplified the routh. the Pyrenees the maturity, the mountains of Provence the declining 1 years and the central plateau of France the death dissolution of mountain ranges. Kut don't worry. Four or five hundred thousand years must slip by before the bumps on the earth's surface are razed. goodness! Are you at ihat candy again? I told you not to eat candy OD an empty stomach.

Little isn't. My ij full. "What of?" I 811111111111111 i PAP CALENDAR 1895 You Need it. A Desk Calendar is a necessity most convenient kind of storehouse for memoranda. The Columbia Dusk- Calendar is brightest nnd handsomest ii of dainty silhouettes and pen sketches and ciucrlainmg thoughts on outdoor exercise and sport.

Occasionally reminds you of the superb quality of Columbia Bicycles and of your need of one. You won't object to lhat, of course. The Calendar will be mailed for five 2-cent stamps. Address Calendar Department, POPE MFG. Mention Urn paper.

Hartford, Conn. or This is tbu wbco wo Oflen feel tired und wciik, lif.ic for fooJ. The cause a torpid liver, owing to the winter's effect on the system. A dotes of Uinebart'a Liver Pills will foon arouse tho liver and make you feel strong and like a new person. Only one a cof.e: act pleasantly.

Sold by B. F. Keyetooe drug etore. When Babr ww tick, we her CtMtorfeL When ttM was a Child, she cried for Custody When sue oecaxno sLe clung to Mie Bad Children, gavet 'rch the edifice of vigor, which means not merely muscular an active discharge fthe rarlons of the body, such as secretion ef the bile, tbe action of tbe joweb. the circulation of tne blosd, Nothing more actlrelj and thoroughly contributes to the niied performance or functions than tie tome and regulator.

Hostettcr's tomaca Sitters. The resilt of Its use Is a needy sa'n la togetherwlth theagree- ble consciousness that tbe tenure of We Is (wing on? Is larlnsopa stored itallrjrsgjUnst-be unavoidable draughts which Id makes upon 'he jy.vem The lortlTjinit of the Blrters constitute it a reliable safeguard agalast malarlT, rbenTatlsm andkld- Appetite and sleep Impr-re tbroogh Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Slunlcd Children. If your child is net growing, la stunted and unhealthy, the cause Is most likely to be owicg- to the ence of worms, and It SB they are expelled tne child will not improve, but gradually grow cervous, fretful and pale. The remedy to use ie Rinebarl's Worm Lozenges.

They remove all kinds of worms acd the worm neet. Sold bj B. F. Kees- and Keystone drug store. Children Cry foi Pitcher's child ia notjrrowinpor tbriv- fr.

give Rlneban'a Worm Sold by B. F. Keeslicg and Keysvone drug- store. Children Cry foi Pitcher's Castoria. If you lack energy, are weak and tired, take Rim-ban's Pills.

One a dote. Sold by B. F. Kwollng and.

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