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The Wellsboro Gazette Combined with Mansfield Advertiser from Wellsboro, Pennsylvania • Page 8

Wellsboro, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE AGITATOR: WELLSBOBO. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12. 1910. TIOQA conrrr LOCALS. of General Interett in Thii County.

Pern, ol Antrim bought a new Oveiland runabout Emery Cleveland, of Jackson em Mr Arnold Griffin, wife and faro- ilv and Griffin, of Glendtve. Mont who been visiting; their a i in and New York btate the past sH weeks There eifchtetn partook of the xumptuoub turkev dinner and the deli a i attending it Ice cream and late, in the after- A. Boa was born recently to Mr, Mre Robert Brodrick of Man-s- A was born on Ot 2 to Mi- mad Mrs George Simmons, pf BrooK- Mrs Louise Rox, of Blossburg is friends and relatives in Knox- noon --Mr and Mrs John i of Hudson, a resident of 8 met i an unfortunat" accident in the woods about a mile from his home Wednes- DEF1AMT ClOCDIAL, The Celebrated Cue in Wit- ooniin at a Climai. Eau Claire Wis Out 7-- There IB much excitement just njw in and about the little of Sawjer t-ountv, this state It be remembered vour readers that ithree sheriff of Savutr county had ivanantb to serve on a man named Deitf the notorious defender of Cameron darn on Thornapple cit-fX. who not onh resisted ar- Clothes With Brains and Money Back of Them Clwkt Lady want at 5 10 and 16, gtorV.W.lUbore Apply brtotUr-Ott 8-tt, dav morning between 10 and 11 ft lon fort ol olocl? Mr Hudson was felling trees tabin At at lime ne ot and fell striding on is foot ana onp the sher- Bunsr alone he realized that an(1 tbe A rl i a gQ ft i I he must secure aid at once mounted one of his horses ami rode to his home Dr A Darling was clliU tv a a Westfield are Msiting friends in Phil- sU1I) and found that hi? lee We8ln was broken in tyyo places, besides adelphia Verne Clark, of Brookfietd, broke For this act Deitz has been punished But another slrenff has elected and the arrants put in his hands The sheriff though rath- ei slow, has been watching his op- portunlt) until recently Deitz dur- I ing a (juairpl shot and badh wound- Marearet Lynch ed anot her man This was more hib anMe was broken and he yyas while ladh bruised on the Ira Metqalf farm I Mary ru Bean has purchased the I Green, ated of Hon lhan lhp id stahd for and corner of and Case i Green died at her home in Lmjjor- lhe dem9Tld a genwal for his ar- i i of 1 Morse mm recently Sne was born Tot a a a on pet I 6 end lft i gl ff ktutday from Xew married to Hon Green Be- a declaring that Deitz ami his Westfield rd and Genimm '-ides her hiibband and niece, MIM sonb re coming to for their Twk tor a trip to Itth uerman Montwmen Green degtflh too two men yyitb him and --J Wilford Foote son.ol Mr ami aushrer DOth Mr and i themselves, in the woods along Mrs Foott of MKianu na Green i wlio Has made her home load tbe yyagon came tered Columbia I nnersitj thf hiklhood tyyo sis- along sa that Deitz was not elt-v ers Mrs Lizzie Ceaflea, of Antrim but as had warrants for the of Towanda and one brother tames Lvnch, of Towanda i her marriage of Miss Bertha tw'o sons and daughter who were halted them, and heie is the report of the affair Vbout three clock Saturday aft- --AIiss Ellen Sossie Gnggs onh daughter of Mr and Gnggs Bother lames Lyncn, 01 10- lhe ol Knoxvihe and Mr Ray Loates of Elkland are fo i- marred to-mor- av Barnts and Frank Andreyys of Du-t rnoou the thrpe children came dm- i i a a i Bois follnt rh Law renceville was )n along ih a light wagon I pon Stoddard-Daxton lunabout to Dr so mnlzec i at the liome of the bride the approach of the wagon we an Davis of Blowlmre and Buick nts Mr an( i Mrs William out of ambush with guns touting car to i a Fubbard of 4 0 arnPS in Layyientey ille last Wed-I raised and demanded that they throw Tioga nfsday atternoon at clock the their hands in the name of the daughter was bora on Oit 2 Cerem0 being periormed by Rev a In answer they reached ror Mr and Mrs I Cook of rja-ns -pastor Of the Methodist -heir guns, W-bei we opened at- a't MIS.

Cook The ri1 uore a gown of tempting to shghth cripple them nirents Mr and Mrs A Decker dark Ule I an( a pittuie hat in succeeded in hitting Clarence ia Mansfield a wedding dinner Mr the lett arm inflicting a flesh wound Mrs Vn-ne a trained and Mr? vndrews left in an automo- i Elnura was hit atxne nips has been working tor- ie en route to DuBois where through the fleshy part of the back mil se has tee tfa nurse liosa county, Jessie the little daughter of Mr of the baclt of the rig and lan tor -plus 56 years of experience That is what we offer you in STEIN BLOCH SMART CHOTHES, You can wear them and know that they fit you and that they will serve you faithfully. The Fall and Winter styles in suits and Overcoats are ready; and just unpacked- We know that the tailors who made them put more money and time and brains with the production of them than go into any other dothe-, America. STEIN-BLOCH SMART CLOTHES are a good value representation of every line we sell. Property for Sale in Wellibow. Houw lot on W.ter I at No.

SO tlntt. WTM Boiler Boltt Wanted. 1 will pay 14 for in D. 12 tt Figi for Sale. Five oW each bacherand Larrinon meat market WJltaboro, 7-tf.

Cratef' Crateit! I am to furni.h Potato Crates in any quantity fnAZEJ, Wellsboro. Fine Property in WelUboro. Fine tone Un-room dwellmB-houye double fct for quick sale at 11.400 H.KEENEY. Feb 16 tf WellBboro. Work Horie for Sale.

Weia-ht, 1Z50, six yean old sound and kind "Automobile for Sale Cheap. Ford runabout in iwd condition, with top, magneto. KM Ismps and for sato b. Jnuuireof Dr ning pensan and Mis John Dolne of Galeton, died headquarters at Tioga jn Cleveland has sold his a properu Knoxyille to Shew- clock man Mr has bought a one had gone place IB Lestershire and will and had eyrfenth niove his famitj there The infant on of Mr and Mrs the flense woods which Ined the rpad One of the men sent a couple of shots PK morning at 5 a'fe the lesuit of burns The after him and he up his an outside but he did not -wait for the officer found a to reach him but darted away The Elmira 21 years old was niaut i she lighted, setting her badh wounded and it was thought she would die, and she was to miani sou ui clothing on fire discovered lames ttter of EUUnd died atj-r- the child campjeWU Cloned f-fe A ssr A 1 formal ame her prt game -Slipping from her grand- qgamst the sheriff and his posse to eu aDOUV LUK lttl sympathy for Deitz and his faTM 11 Of tee season yyith the strong team eu 1 claimed they were onh defend- Irom the Lehigh Valle 01 DP SfnTM TM 0 mg their home a w-Uness the fol- loyying message sent to Goyernor Dayidson then, basfrerchehepd a 1 ria KaThTe'eTcrarfordronlVWgbter of i Several wealthy men of Minneap- tecome pastor of the Presbtenan on a i ohs are anxious to proyide John church in Galeton and it 's expected ir Holmeg Qf DejU tbe bfist tg ent he will assume the charge about JU ere marrle able They want this message con- Our Ladies' Garments, Piece Goods, Millinery, Ladies' and Misses' Shoes, Underwear, Men's Shirts and Hats are the best in On top of the many years of experience in production back of each article, there are thirty years of buying experience and good judgment in their selection right in this store. We do not aim to sell cheap goods but to sell the best goods procurable at the lowest prices possible for the values we give.

Household for Sale. Ijotof household conainnnjc of btdrwjto tables ch etc TA lw 1 lOrnbcr wurott OctS-2U Wgll8bor SaleTManager Wanted. for Tiotra County Must be capable of orean- itme a force to secure for marine Refe required Special National Sportsman 75 Federal St. Boston. The Best Cedar If you want beat quality of Ced Shingly call on Harknesa 4 Borden.

Charleston Wellsboro pine ceilmtr and noottnf. All Jcmds of mill work at right Good for Sale. The residence of late t' dee to 4 I on Central mvenue in Wellsboro. Pa "2S I on terms if desired Address Mrs PHOEBE A. NJLES.

109 Kenwood ave Rochester of A DtmSMORE Attorney. Weilaboro. Pa. Sept 14 13t. Contracting and A A.

Spencer. Wellsboro Pa. fadtureraof and desJers Lumber and Windows. Doors and Frwnea. Moldings.

Brackets. Cheapest 1 1 11 to buy silo Lumber and mill work. Kindling wooo at tl a load. -Aug 3t Work Wanted. Let me jiut up your and put on i yowr 1 tin roof put in our plumbmit and repair oia.

fix up our heating plant or sell ou a new one. Work is whatl am looking for me Rev Dow Ott of Gettvsburg Tile veved to him by a Tribune represen- uedding took place on September tatne Thej believj Deitt. it suar- TIP at 1 llr 1 ijtlli lTM" i I I I i LUUh. i a i i lias been conciuited t. A th famous antefed protection TSill surrender ana Kennedy lias been so'd to Thomas a eterans and as i stand trial declare a Hanle of and A Alt lc ma cie them njan and truce and instruct Sheriff Madden to len of Rochestf-r The deal gajd thfi sound amal I a i until an opportunin has been completed could be heard at the altar I gnen us to present this matter to --in a 1 3 nre in I Th fol i members of the Deitz If so, instruct Madden to York cm on oi week Rebek dre eatfleld, went to pass Tribune representative Speedy the kindling factorN of lho otber evening to put on action must be taken Will de- The Model Dry Goods and Star Clothing House Eor Sale or Bent.

1 Good eight-room house, barn and two lots, on corner East avenue and Park Place. Wellsboro, Househas all modern improvement electric tight, plumbing and bath SI The Keystone Boiler Mills. 1 We are now prepared to offer a full stock of Milling Goods at prices as Iow.if not lower ou in obtam I cent, leas for the samesrade Our THEgLARGESTEEXCLrsrTE DRY GOODS AND CLOTBIG t-. HOUSE IN TlOGAt COUNTY. Bell 70 'Phone, 62-B Wellsboro, PA.

ttatar Shell, for Aup 10 1910 Kev stone MillsJRjteboro tor Mr and Mrs he became an for uhom there diers as appeared at the ends of "as no svr It not until the creuce to get a shot at the ene- he and his children wound- on the opposite side of the Den ed and death hoTered over the cabin It here that the comrade ho a a anv answered the Governor ea ana tfaat hg surren d- said to just recovered his gun It is none Of rflv business Sheriff LUC foUE ht for no great eon- and his was wounded I Jladden has case well in hand 1 tnl8 last instance 1 ei being shot he cra-nled as far back oV'tnV brides mother, Mrs I and I do not propose to interfere Se a b' no man- as he get and in a deep niche Ruadel! of Mount i on Gace Eng nsh, H. Johnson, Nellie the following ner Qf twistln circumstances He under the rock He took his gun rht.T-i Fra-npr i ATii-nffliikPP Wis--Qcl--' Pr. I mg to be a of brainstorms Elkland and Miss Marian Lueinda ner Ira Luce Mesdames Delia Tre Hundell were married at the home raain jjinnie Bulkier Boulieu Heptembcr and canteen along and he there until the next dai alone and uncei- tain as to the outcome of the bat- --The North Branch Association of ma Streeter Minnie King, Etta Klenchmedt and three others are on Jt lg that ne has been i be held in Mans- Crout I Rugaber and the Misses their wai to i to confer i brou ht to a At the same time field October and 16 fine pro- Edith and Mildred- Crout. Sheriff Madden and to seek a peace- str ange coramentan on human tif 0 Iram has been prepared and th, pas- a chaffee who received a ful solution of affair Fai nature and moclern cm ation that The lollowmg day to? and people there extend a cordial of $7 from the Erie rail- me such mission Kleinchmidt will Qne determln ed man should have so'dier noticing that ftnng had invitation to all delegates and friends road compan or the loss of his at once notifv iriends here and thir- been able to law successful- slackened that quarter lea to Present as the result of failure of. the five armed men will go to Deitz for so raan bold bad oat de-fence-.

man can do much, but his end is dis- coast inji measure clear, a i a Oct. 5--It is re; agter. ported to-day that deputy sheriffs; Semour Dell of Elmira died a to a i a grab on Oct 1 a't the bos- iron on an engine which he was as- in'Elmira. aged 58 years. He signed to h'as' received v.

1 1 1 a TTI ft 'father of Mrs. William Arm- tiement of his claim against the Erie i.last, night "attemptect to A RIEMARKABLE STORY itron's of Milierton, and a uncle -The Appellate Division Deitz's cabin were, I rvrnji nf he Sunrpme Court ordered a new volver shots and came away. Per-; Btil f- THnton O'Dell, of Geneva; he Supreme Court ordered A --at. i VJ i i 'V- leaves a brother, WHJ O'Dell, of East tr a of the case after the Erie had Appealed. however, A i TM TM i I 4 1 Finds Gun and Canteen Under Bock Hid Years the Meadvine Tribune a few days aeo nrinted the story: A 1 Tl DilKLUI'd Ci a I i r- i i a warm of bees savs the he will buy a small fruit He as refusing peace offers D.

city, a a. aw ai iii wi v. 'o tVit. r.i^i i volver sons going to Deitz's cabin are turned awav by sheriff's deputies. It is believed that a bloody crisis is at 6 davs ago three horses be- i decided the case without re- believed that a bloody crisis is at of Sabins- soning to a new Mr, Chaffee hand.

has sent jwo- i6 gl I i a1- IZnMt horning where representatives Is. i i III l-ue UD I noHM nfffirs hilt way to, the field He recovered and later was honorably dis- and his visit 'to the old battlefield was the first since the close 'of the, In telling his story to Comrade Black did. not know what possessed hitn to attempt to crawl back into the hole where he once lay wounded, but he did so, and tri his amazement he found there his Notice. Notice is hereby given that in pursurttice of Ki order of the Court of Common Pleas of County, datrf October 3. i held by said Court On November i 1910 at21- objetfionB be offered to the.

Oct 5-Ot. Solicitors tor Notice of Transfer of license. Notice whereby given that application wi ade to the Court of Quarter af TWA October tf- clifkm the forenoon, by Brati. for transfer of the Hole license to sell liquors grant- ri hteTby Court February 8th 1019 at No Januarj 1910 irom the Hotel Vennil- yea, in Games township, said cooirtv to the buiW- the west side of the Long Run road SA A township heretofore used as a general store tor twell CA1WN Atwell 0ct. 3t Auditor's Notice.

Ih the Orphans Court of Tioga count! the an- ville. tacked by Tioga Arg--. barn but tjje ae ss as which' out of away with Mm. he showed them i i i Vn ntip i PorTinevlva-Tl'ia tn i nf his Ola COTHraCl6S, HANDSOME THINGS IN THE DIN. ING KOPM i are dear to the heart of every home- An attractive dining toorn makes home life pleasant and is aid to digestion and the genial at- njospher'e of the home circle.

When county. deceased w- attend 1 Notice of Distribution. a Va-arm of bees sa'vs the he will buv a small fruit farm. He r-eported as refusing peace oners. i wheeler D.

West, ot a araazeme 1 lle 1 i a nfew beautv to It we i lta is.into tne oaru. i vj. 15t ae riifflnnit nf as -her ti-hipn erew out of awav with him. he showed them date truna nubeia. in thehandsof Roy ship crazy to death.

--Mr. Elwyn Soper. of Rutland. died in "Elmira last. Tuesday, i there for medica'l treatment.

The de- tip tow'n of Mapes near Wellsville. i father i at Cameron Dam. No one i lhe recent, reunion of Pennsylvania to a number m. ji 1 1 p. 1.

1 was the scene of great excitement. I is allowed to see her and'all'attempts the carpenter gand having to lionize her are discouraged. She found the dead body of one of their is getting along nicely. We may of his. old comrades.

Comrade Black. Mr. Black" said the old gun was. in pretty veterans at tfettysburg--no less than among them the flndin there for medical treatment Qe hanging have sympathy for them, but the law i gun a canteen in a niche un- but in the eyes of the soldier who c.edent is survived by his widow a co distance from must be enforced at at-hazards. (ler a roc where he hid them when recovered them a nearly a a Ross a tree a short or had been workin, Mn R.

Soper. owner of the Elmira Gazette Bf-rinp-tt went to the home, of Tom for many years. and Basked for a rope. Mn and was wounded in that battle, of bad shape, as was also the canteen, his and canteen in a niche un- but in the eyes of the soldier who i U.M..I.:. 1 is hereby The following additional particulars are from Monday's Philadelphia the a was held Fnda at about i 1 Wetz a of Cameron 0 TM Bennett walked only about 5-0 Dam on the Thornapple, an affluent 2 rods from the house, crossed a little of the Chippewa in Wisconsin, doubt of its I i -w he was 47 years ago.

and century they were prizes that he where he laid part of a day and all would not part with for any money, night. Comrade W. D. West, who is a rnfortur.atply Comrade West i member and past commanderof Sergt. Peiffer post.

331. and known as a man of strict intefcritv, vouches for the entire truthfulness of this very extension tables, 'etc. W. RAM. Pa.

Undertaking in All Its Branches. Executor of the estate will be distributed by the Court on MOmJAl. NOVEMBER 7. 1910. -at 9 o'clock not pet name of the soldier.

though he says he now resides at Erie or Vnion and he has no Butler died on Sept. 30. of heart disease, i on his way to his ear an ca t'the'edge Of a has" siirrend'ered and the law is tri- pgn e( in i way: Mr. West and his able to secure from his cousin, Mr. Equity Co-Operative Exchange.

We hire amnsred with R. E. Sanders Son. Water Wellsfaoro. to handle our Koods.

We have fulllines of ShorU, White Mid tillers. 1 Grain. Flour. We sell to the Keneral at right and we desire your pat- ronage. for we can save you money.

We will re- Oct. 12-3t. Clerk of Orphan's Court- Notice. V.»ij CU i a runiaj(C.

lui authenticity. It remarkable story, and he hopes to be ceiveeariy au.we*.£***$£\^ i A a a i 3 boine on the California, road, near of tree he de ibe tied the rope I umphant. This is the end- of a war eous i John Black, the latter of Val- Black, the name of. the soldier who Westfield. He was alone and evident- into the tree, fasten- that has lasted for nearly ten years city, N.

attended the reun- found the gun and canteen and to ly the summons of death came very noose around his and-! and incident is unique in bistory. together; the latter coming all personally verify the story he here When Butler fell his face the a tne force of Dietz is a strictly Homeric I the way from North Dakota for that related. Meal. Cracked Corn. Chop.

Mixed Poultrj- Sept. 21-1910. F. H. WORDEN.

BuddentU-; Struck a stone bruising it somewhat. and this gave rise to the suggestion broke his neck. Mr. Bennett was figure. He had his own views on i Comrade Black was a mem- born in Brookland 37 years ago and person and property rights and it l)er 0 the Pennsylvania, as -W.

Donaldson Bailey left Mans- i UOm 11-1 Dl UUn muu a a ci t. i i i 4 i that he had met with foul play. The married Miss Jen- i was of no Importance that they were was a the soldier who it is said field on Sept. oO for Aus- was 42 years old and un- gennett, of West Pike. who with i opposed to those married.

Mrs. Miller Moore died on Sept. her two children, a girl aged 10 years i wealth of AVisconsin. the Common The remark- and a boy of 12 years, survive. found his old gun and canteen.

Mr. West and Mr. Black had been tralia. on business. Anticipate Yonr Wanti.

Let me weave' your during the winter months. 1 have fifteen years ex- perienee and all my work. I do all kinds of Colorinn and make a Special Carpet made from- Stonyfork. Addrew FRANK boro. R.

F. D. No. 25. 1909-tf ibution of the funds attend to the duties of hi." appointment at the i il ro THURSDAY.

NOVEMBER 1ft. 1910. nco p. ind where pers.TM TM harinic claims thereon forever debarred from ersona prewnt them or be able thing is that one man should rising in different cars, visiting with 30. at the home of her daughter, Mrs.

ro Cohedon and wife of have held up a state for so long. It i comrades on the way home, and as A C. Ireton. in East Orangsr. n( r( i a TM visiting the lat- i demonstrates the power of a strong the train neared Meadville Mr, The remains were takeo to Mans- Mrs Rawson.

The i individuality in a most impressive entered the car Mr. Black was occu- i a caa-t nitil. M-, 3 O- i Held, and the funeral was held Co ig a nat ive of. Nelson, this manner. the Baptist church at two o'clock last week Monday afternoon.

Rev. pying and took a seat with him. but has since of the i Dietz into years They had patted only a few minutes county, civil war resided In the west. 1 i 1 al VV 4 He i ago because he stood guard on the whon Mr. Black called ANests atten- ent Cameron Dam and refused to let logs tion to a comrade who occupied a i I i i i cranicu vus, R.

M. Hunsickf-r officiating: burial in recenl)v honored by appointment rameron Prospect ceiuetery. Mrs. Moore is ftjd de can on tne gtaff of pass throu gb it. He owned the prop- survived by her husband and- three VanSant commander in chief of the erty on each side of the dam and rlaimed tbat Its construction was in violation of his own private rights, in Atlantic City which had been invaded by the lum- daughters--Mrs.

-Ireton: Mrs. J. H. Olney. of T'oga, and Mrs.

Frank of Erie. -Grank Army of the Republic. Col. and Mrs. Cpngdon attended the na ahead of them, with the remark: "Notice that comrade.

1 have been- a i with and he showed me the gun and canteen he used, at Gettysburg. He found them exactly where he left them and crawled sovmour Odell. for. tbe last i as month. He will try to meet company without compensation.

three or four vears a resident of El- those left Of his comrades of the S6th The dam was built under a legisla-'j when he was wounded mlrt died Saturday of typhoid fev- Ne York Infantry and 2nd Po. Cav-I uve. charter, but Dietz took the old into a hoi- a i. il" born SS years ago. in a fr.v.

L. S. Mitchell, driver Anglo-Saxon view that his estate was ThTM followed the story as the wl Niagara county, but spent most of of rural route No. 1, having been in- inviolate and he kept the company told it to' a life in East Lawrence. Pa.

He is formed by inspector McCabe that he bay for three years. was not un- whom he ijhflwrd 9 bv one daughter. Mrs. Wil- nnlsl resign from nls office a. tax col- til after several and deputy the canteen 1 he jrtor, Armkrone.

of Milierton. his" or position as mSil carrier, has sheriffs had been killed or wounded that ho was tne WJIHata Odel. of Ea.t derldtd to retain the latter the elrofta. to uphold the majesty of between BJB a Ittle his and two stepsons. most desirable, and therefore handed the law that the company in Round Tops, between which in Eltnl'ra'.

Tbf were taken in n( as tax collector to an the old man Devil Ol court Monday after which the down airt'olbws who are all river unvesed to tbe saw-mills. i with the lay of the ground and the i AlthoMKh it was an outrage on so- of battle will rernetnber 77 that one man should have held that the slope of Big; John up the state in this manner and facing the and on- to East Lawrence, where the funeral 'was held Monday in the Christian church. i Death of Mn. John Churchill, --Rev. .7.

rplclotish, of Xelson. Mrs. Irene Churchill, preached his 'farewell sermon in the years, widow of the late churcli Sunday morn- ('hurchill, died Friday at 'This a public, meeting her daughter, Mrs, Simon G. Wilcox. tnVlKHnTSf 155.

of'sneaWnV 8 lh thy for Dieu on the ground that he spring toaay a will held. The following minis- in Delma.v'of cholera morbut. She are expected to take part in the i.wa» born in Sullivan township, TIO- meetinjC 1ftev V. C. Shaw, D.

IX. of KH county, on January 1. IMS', and The company demanded pro- Wcllaboro, and Mn. Wllcot, ot HMkMT Ootetoofh, Mr. putr 2t, fcMM Ik Wttak WttlMMit, I 'JLA-'V: fuitral will aft- 1 o'clock, RfT.

W. T. til. or tWartork, la l-DV I U1I me I I "v- i A soulless corporation, i while trying to ftet a rtrinK which preferred to to the i UT. there is a split of rock, milleonium rather than pay datn--j stamifng out from A 1 inafn rock in a position that were it not for the which rests on its top and it to the main roen it would topple over.

In the hetweefl the two wctions of there It a three or four wide. In which MtiRht shelter darlac part of battle. On raw of rwk at alttorr- But. WM FOR THE WOMEN My fall and winter line of Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats and Skirts are now on my parlors, TO Main street, (np stairs). It will give me to you the whether you wisli to purchase or not.

My showing has never'been so large: Everything new and up to date. I carry a line of suits from 32 to LOUISE MARCH with Oc.C13.4t. Good Farm fdr Sale. Situated in the Tiotra Valley at Tioiea county. two from the State Normal School on the road from Mansfield to Blowbure.

rg house, rwenllr largi; roof. 34x100 feanto shed 18x58 feet. basement cow (tablo with cement floor and awiiMrsiinehioBifor21 new 'feet In diameter and32 hoft pen 16x50 horse-barn with ihrd attached. A Hood teiwnt house witn rooms. A Rood never failirar well at emch and running water at barn.

house and other out buildings. Onl and railroad station, lj; nchool-houw. 40 rods to ch.irch. mill. Near a new co-operative two Wacksmith two rrocrr; Thii i- a fine productive farm a fertility.

Thcowner.b«id«.do inr and nms run the Iwt 2S rrrnra. Reanon for Mlc ill Oct. 1 or Admimttrmtor'i Bv virtue of an order of tho Ccwrt dated September gf ned of the of Chatham township. Ttojra und at yuMir at th. of in WHl.toro.

on NRSUAY. NOVEMBER clfxrk p. the real t0 AllVhiit lot of land in Tki(ta ribed an the eornw of tot NfclW of BinitlMim lawJn In Chatham township lot No. MO (l.V) rorft; akxw still aMw at No. 3S1 and tlie Et NeJtro north, one hundred fifty MM! akrnr thtwuth SM to the of land the Binrtfcm tvtwuM la Ttava cvvnty in DM OH.


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