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The Weekly Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Connellsville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE COURIER FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 27. 1885. i .1 (. arbon all tried applea per li rlf peaobes per CMPl! -BOOM! .1.

U. Molasses per Potatoes per rownji 4uiar (refined) per gT; FAYETfmCTS. loan nu. ovn THB COUNTY wheat cropdow not fcwk flattering.* are among Ihfl chll- Froet, ef Nfehohon, tun bought TUrdMUKo'tarmre utartt April 1111- ter UM of John Cover.

V. F. Bigglnbotham bus bought pun of Ike OHrer Miller aum, In I.UMJIM township. TIM frost Mill with plowing, nld-ameol UH Ikrmemtre bef Innlni lofrel. Wort on tbe railnsxl will commence lor weeks, muih of New Oenevn, on 11.0 Dawsan fliras.

"TboMore and dwelling of R.O. Par- keT.naarHeoUdalo, burned, March lllb. H. B. Waltere ban been awardwl the lac UM mull between Un- Lyons killed a large white mrnn IB the New Genera, tbut measured1 from tip lo Up 01 wings.

Erring O. Craft ban purobannl the An dfaw.Porternirm. In Ltuerne township, for -The Barm acres. The pur- chafer lakes fomasion April 1st. maple ouglr season is now at band, naeVkvie quantities ol the tootbaomo article betas; manufactured.

It mid to bo of exceeding qonllly this muoh. KlIliBRer, -thovrnan impllcaled in the Keek rokberj by UK eonltnlom of tno Coff- from Altoona be will bo or bead lo prove bii Innocence at the proper time. Tlw death is reported of Frederick of thin but of IHCTeJnd a brotbur of Robert Boyer 01 VMdeiMKaJidMn. Wm. McBurnoy ofEait LlSerty.

Tbaecbool dircctora of Wuarton town- won't accept the 93 per day offered for the tteo of the Farmlnf ton eohool bciue for and hare notlllad the com- ralaelonen to nod another polling place. Dswkar. E. E. Hancy, of Unlootown, Sunxlaycd here.

Allan Woods is vbillng In the family oflrwln Artli. Mlse Mary Walker ia on tho nick list. Long lover Is the cause. Mr. Marklo, of UnionUm-n, is filling a 'ataee In IleKl Fadtjy Locke, former Dunbarlan, sojourned with blM friends here Sntnrdar and Walter Harrington, proprietor of the Dawson skating rink, visited his brothers on Monday.

JoMpb Beotty, editor of I lie Uniontow Democrat, pnld Dunbar a visit, last Oar enterprising car maker, Frank Kldgowaty, laatlcndluccoartat Morgantown thin week. Punbav townablp will hold ono more iMtllalv.At New Haven, April llth. will perhaps, bo the lust the season. Mrs. Witlwin Miller, din.

at 3o'clock taal Thursday and WAS barled a Franklin cemokcry ontbeFrldaj foliowlus A IntcrcaUnsf rovivnl Js holding a the Furnace church. Twenty per iHMrtftmkeU tho prayers of tho church, Krklnj eveuizty, Mrs. WUllam Cranrfonl will start foi Qcafloa, Virginia, on Monday, Marot OQtb, lo join her husband, who Is a painter ibftl towa. Barricklow Is lyjnj? dftugeroas- Jy 111 wllb pnvamonla at Iho resldonoe of Barricklow, who lives three weat of here. liide E.

Hacknoy, ono of Monall HMecMfbl teacben. ffpent and Sup day and at Troltrr, the gnedt of Mlswc Poterand Patton. Prank Doran, who went with Logan BulUtt and to Montana Territory NoTember, soot for his mother and iamlly. They left last week to Join la doing welt as railroad dlvlalon boss Thornton F. Titos contemplates start aoon to Falta Oily In south Nebraska, vhero he will engage in tb bastnesH, Ills partner, David Folly.

pnreluwrd hSa lutereat In the btul Dewbcre. Social So von has awukoned again and will held IU eleventh annual ball Mon Say- vvaalac, April Jllh, cl tbo new skalln riak. Tte Mmbm aMatly make It plcaran loralleomers. Moaleby Ucrrlngton'fl Quad rtlteBaaa. One of the most intcrostinf? and targoh attended Inatitnlcs of this section of the county witshoitlby Dunbar township's teach en at the borough school building, Saturday Uarch The long and varied prograu listened to rery attentively, and all went away feeling satisfied.

The township teach en arc Indebted to Miss Watt and Mr 8chu)tz for furnishing entertainment, and to aftlsi Irlck and Mr. Herrlngton lor music. The attendance of teachers laglvon at Torty. Dr. R.

yf. Hill ia vbitlnga sick brothc; nt Latrobe. Tom Janes la seriously ill with inllnin- natory rheamatlsm and pneumonia. There are imw copies of the Couniiii neelved at the pontoineo here than of any other newspaper While out in tho wtxnLs roccnLly two boy Harry Morgan and Lloyd Culler, found and killed a copperhead aonke which WUH bwklnff in tho nunshlnc. Tho Ice ia still on tho Yough river.

passengers crons over oa It at the old wosks. There Is an opening at the Terry to run the large icrry boat. The hickory pole which wa? raised by the Cleveland nud Hcndrlcks club of place, was cut down on Monday. It took three panels olJohnCarr's fence down with U. A Jew who buys old rags, bones and Iron, had a on Monday ou the township road In Lower Tyrone.

The road was covered with tec, and tho bone and wagon wont over au The borao was but slightly Injured, but tac wagon was badly Demolished. The man proposes to nnetlMtownshipfordamoKCM. Three of our citizens wore called np- .00 last Thursday morning by Constable Hoh- MiM, wf nud rctiueJited to fat-company him to answer charges of selling liquor without license, and on Httnday a fourth cltUcn was waaied, but ho had other business to town bcforo tbo gentleman fvonnawMm bad an opportunity of Tho hearing before tbe Jmttlce, dismissed two of the tbe about twen.y doliars. The third party was acid court, which was promptly There was quite a.lively time here and at Dawaon. About twenty were taken to Scettdale.

Will ia home from 'school on a A tTniontown iaan named Wtthelm HC. Thomas J. Kodgers won the milo and the jold mctlnl at Uawson, last week. The content for Iho poatofllco wages wa. Dr.f'orLncysoonistobavcagoodgvlp jnstaow, Seottdalo contributed a petition IbrtbsvestaMisbineutof a homo In THB THMIKTOWKS.

AbMt Bflwmsrlllit. and Weal TlxrtowiiiabelngOTOrrnn with tramps. Two inches of miow fell on Tuesday ilyht. A night school is In nesslon at Robin- grocery. Buftineiw stilt continiicn to be dull imong the merchanbi.

ThomoM Chew will remove his family toPlttsburg. on April let. The river has boon vanning full of ice for the past three or four days. Howard ration ami Oottleib Schmidt, arc serving as jurom thin week. Caaino all the rage among the moat iromlncnt business men In town, Rav.J.

M. Howard, of Carmiehaels, is vial ling friends In town this week. Mrs. George Foe fell down the stairs on Friday last Injuring herself severely. Jamea C'hnlfont will remove to the Arm of J.

Russell Thornton, on April Jut. Rev, E. Cartwrlght, of Meyersdale, spending fow dnyn this week with irlcnds. J. J.

MfFarland, mercantile appraiser, van circulating among tho business men on Monday. Edward Klliott and Miss'Annie Bailey wore married at the residence of the bride's Thursday. A largo number of students passed through here on MonOay on ronto for the California normal school. A young son of Dan Johns, of Bridgeport was thrown-lnto hysterics, from the effects of a scam ono dny last week. A.

Claybangh, of tbo COCKIEII, uncl Dr. llalton, of wore clrculatiug umong dends In town on Saturday. Mrs. M. M.Schroyer.

Ibrmorly of the Si.owden House, removed to Allegheny, on Wednesday, where she will keep a boarding house. William Britton hiw purchased tho old Fanll's property In Bridgeport, lie contemplates building a large distillery on the ftltv In the near future. William Chat land, and (ieorgo Leu ban and wife raturnt'd from the New Orleans cixposUlon, the latter part of last week, well eaned wltli their trip. Tho rink was atttcndcU on Thursday ovcnlTig of lout week. Tbo proceeds, which amounted to -vor $30, was distributed nmonjj tho poor of tho tow n.

Mrs. William Amman, daughter oi John PittabuiK on nrdoy. Her remains were brought home and In tern din the Bridgeport cemetery on Mon day. Chnrlea Frost, Chnrloa Oublor and Jennie Baker were amongipe performers at Uicconccrbheldln the school hall, Fnyettt o'lty, on Friday evening lost. The were given to the Grand Army post.

Mra. 3. B. started for Cadiz, Ohio uii Wednesday, where she will rcmnln until her huoband bos up bis business here. I'hey will then remove to Cartuagc, Miwouri.

whoro Mr. Lynn will engage In business. HoworLb's HibornJea wasgraotecl a large audlcncenttho lyceum, Monday even liig.notwUhHtundliis tno high prlcoof charged and the Inferiority ol tho show. The prices charged wore far In excess of charged at Connellsvlllo or Union town, and uaturnllytho public rebelled, ColonoLG. Kain, will deliver a free iocturo In tho Outnberlnnd Preaby terlau cburch, Bridgeport, this (Friday) evening, li is duo ihc Women's Christian Tcmpei-nnt't- Union that we have tho UUi.lDgulsheil oratt hero, and everyone slioulil out.

to hen him. A collection will be Ink en up at Ibt close of tbe lecture. On Saturday morning a man was founu dead a short distance below tlic Junction, on ihe westaldo. He was lylnga short distant from tho his neclc was found to brotiua. of Cnlirumla, wai- tumraoDCd.and ho Impaneled a am' ufter viewing the rcjnnlns they found a vcr dieted accidental death.

He bad nothing on Ms person by which he eonld to Idcntlftctl ilia remains wore taken to California, ou Monday, and burled. Too public dedication of tho Odd Fol 'owV now ball took phtcc, Tocfidny evening bcforcalarge crowd of spectators. The hat was tastefully decorated with bunting um evergreens. After tho exercises of the ordci hod been gone through with, the audience treated to some excellent vocal music Misses Lizzie Crawford. Lizzie Fish burn, An tile Morrcli and Charles (Jrooms.

DcLany't. orchestra was also present anil furnishct excellent music. J. J. Mcllyor, of Al lughony, spoke for an hour about the good re- salts brought about by Odd Fellowship, as dU a'so ('.

t'artwrlglit. of Mycrsdule. Vance, of SeoiUlale, threatened wilb MlmlncsM. A cntamcl formed over hi. eye night recently.

The TrlbunowyatooScwcoraer-MUeh- case was never postponed before. It was postponed the day II mint over floallj-. J. K. Eleber.

and Vf. y. porter, councilman, editor and cK-uoHwnian, aMealUnveaca other pet names In the pub l)e prism. B. C.

Taylor, of Connelbville, gave t1T entertainments In tbo Thursday night, to Ha- andtenee. The preweda were for tho kemnt of ehsirtb. al TssMtaTtji'-" killed Tiwesar nlfbl. wwk that day. He did kue'aess aa4 lustead or It back, ae tbo ralontown, TrttWUrer Thoi-ndell bus put new In hta office.

Tho good-will offcbo Western* will be sold on Monday- Will MHlor, who baabwn attending now tit homo. Shorltrstorlingjs Intoreatlng ban been ctit down to the moderate number of 15, Editor Cook, of tbo Genius, lias moved nto the Ncwlan house at tho vttkt end ol own. 1 I Solomon Phillips, nokcoj lea, hnraday evening, for. Flurtdn, New ml other southern Tho measles, whooping tangly and lumpshavo almost depopulated several of bo primary rooms or the public schools, Comity Physician Batton lias been-vis ting tho outside county patients preparatory "gathering them the county homo. C.

A. Brownsville, was In town bo first of the week. Sol. G. Kreppn, Tldgeport, nlso paia usa flying vlnUon ny.

The Episcopalians will give au organ concert In thotr now church as noon i completed. They expect to have it finished June. Ewlng Vansicklo, clork in Clark's at hltt lioino near seri- naly .11 of pneumonia. His many friends him speedy recovery. iViss Ella Poach, vice principal, and Phobo Wood, nrst primary teuehcr ol he public schools, visited tho chools ou Thursday of last ivcck.

Four at rolling cornet players appealed tho public car and the private pwrso on Vodncf day. They had boon thrown out oi mployment by tbe shutting down of a tor- el factory at Urn) no. The Knights Templars elected the fol- owliiff officers last Thursday evening. Wll- lam Hunt, eminent romnuMidar; W. H.

W. T.Moow, captain general; 13. McCormlek, tJrasurer; J. M. Oelovco, recorder.

John Allen Mcssmoro died yesterday morning llngorlnv Illness. The primary cause of his death was pneumonia lultant upon an attach of typhoid fever. Deceased years old. Ho was born and roared In Gorman 1870 became hero to assume tho dutlea of deputy abort!) inder hU father. He was subeetiuently dep- Uy under Sherlffi, Dcim and Hoover.

John Layton ia confltaoA to Ills bed with tyi hold fever. Miss Lou'fioyd startod to Mt. Tleasant Inctltuto on Saturday, W. Kelly, the Scottdnlo druggist, child In the W. C.

Lyon and wile attvmdod the Uing of on Tuesday lost. J. S. Atkinson. Abraham Stouffer and for Mlwtourl on Monday, A numbor of schools in thJs township so this week.

Homo of tho uaehera to school; F. Challftnt and MeCInr 40 to Austln'onrg, Ohio, next Saturday i. AthtnsoL and G. Kefler go to Kdlnboro. Fnuiklln.

The sinking school at Jlaena Vista still L-ontlnuos. John Wright moved ont he Hiram Jordan property liwt Monday. 1'muk Hodorlck will ati end school at ho California normal this sui umer. Mra. Oeo.

Miller lias bee nfllluteil for -omeLlnio wltlin disease of 111 6 nerves. Geo. inten-ds building a new burn ou bis premises this nummcr, Rumor says that work will rc-com- luenco on the Ucuiplleld us tension noxL wcelt. Tho rrosbytorian Sabbath School ai Laurel Hill will be re-organized May 6th. A targe attendance la untlclpnt'jd.

Clark Xowcomor will move to KroiK Kord, April 1st. Diuv.son baa been granted license foi thoHrst time In three jcnrs. Abnor Hcntlershott died. March 4th, a bin residence, here, of brain fever. Miss Ella of Cumberland Is visiting her Sirs.

Dowd. Tho Mothodiat Episcopal church has for some litre been holding a protractei meeting, conducted by Rev. llofclt. Th were well attended. Joseph E.

Hutchitiaon, on old roMiduti oi Fayettc county IH bore visiting friends. moved from this county to Belmont county Ohio, forty-three yearn ago. He has numer ous connections In tfiln county. L. L.

Gavrartl, of tbe Dawson House, i building a large two-story addition to bin hotel, which will be used fordlulng im, etc. Tho entire bouse Is bclntt rcnovatd from garret to cellar, now coat of paint 1 being put on, and the entire appearance the house-is to lo changed, which will mak ItascnmforLablea hotel ns there is in th eonnty. Tbo dog cbolora has visited Dawson If not tbe dog cholera it Is tho dog button some other dog-gon'd thing, and is playlnf, havoc with some very valuable canine In-thls place, no less than fourteen having djcd Parties interested In tulH' wholesale Uogpolnonlng arc requested to gr, flow, UK some owners of valuable tiouEO anrd hunting dogs aro on their trail, anil proper making things red hot for tho culprits. Wheat per buibe) (new per btwhel laUMr bushel torn per per barrel P. B.

NEWMYER, ATTOBNEY JiT LAW, Odlcc on Water Btroet, CoBnelllvllle, rOBUOW A HEHTZOG. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, UMONTOWN, A. F. UOWSS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office wltAT. McCormlck, 1'lltiibnrr nUrect CoituelUvllle.


JtlLLER, THE OLD AUCTIONEER, Will attend 10 nil cnlU in tilnllno. DJanKly. Itcsldeucc Eait Peach street. n. WYCOFF.

K. H. Illtl'l-Blf iTOHN D. FBISBEE, Is now filled with the choicest selection of Spring Carpets ever shown in Connellsville, in Lowell Brussells, Homev's Body Stinson's Velvet, and the best graues of Tapestries, three-ply and two-ply all wool Ingrains, Double and Single Cotton Chain, Rag and Hemp Carpet, Straw and Napier Matting. AN'D COLLECTION OFFIC1- MAIX CXIOISTOWN, p-t.

attention flvtn to nil legal ncis. --WE HAVE A VEKY LARGE MICE- OF OIL CLOTHS In all widths from 4-4 to 16-4 cut and fit'when desired Lace Curtains, Lambrequins, Cornice Polos, Window Shades 86T-AND WINDOW FIXTURES OF ALL KINDS. 1 EOROE O'BBIEX, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, Opposite Yough House. ItopnlrlnK prompt! done, sloctly. Local tVnutu a Houses to let.

Enquire of C. Hogg, snugly. Go to ttood lirothors and! for a line Jeray jacket. Call at Frisboos and HOO a. cornpi'eto t'tmcnt of Druggets.

All kinds of tools and btiHdrm nard- aro'atj. X. Krliibec'e. JJadioa cambric' Underwear, new linos, now shapes, at Fnsbce's, Well uncl cistern pumps for nnJe by Hood lirothora nud Company. "Wood and Buckore I'orco Pumps atJ- D.

UP.W hardware store. IVow anil ologant patterns in cilclotb, lust rcct'lvfd at Frlab-Nj'f, Lnriiew' tsilico wrappers and Hood Brothers and Company. A Kxaraitio Frisbeo's now lines of body bruwels uurt tnaraln curpctc. It. will 1 pay.

and see tho Now Empire Fertilizer DriU at J. li. Frlabee's new hardware A full lino of Hamburg and aU-ovor uin i.i oldcry nt Hood llrothern and Company. FJ ttiio cambric and muslin nder- weur lor suio by Uood Brothers and CMrnpu- uy, A largo stock of load oncll oil at the low- prices nt J. D.

Frisbco's new hardware store. Roller skates of all kinds to bo had at O. Frlsbcc's new hard wan: store. Cull nud KGG them. FOB milch half Joraey now, threo In May.

A rare bargain. Em.ulru of il. V. Goodchild. B'on unfurnished rvoms, second door tho UOUKIKB Apply Nuwinycr, Applu street.

sLituh intinio 1 'oItenaaveaconBump- llft. potatoes, vegetable scods, grape vliie.H, raspl crry and strawberry pJunft for tlon, Elixir iwcd In time saves 1 Furbnlc by Matblott, Now Haven. A night telegraph luiabeou oponcil be ro. 1. C.

Cook Is operator. C. L. Brlnkor, of near Itf.t. Pleasant, received flue Pcrcberem borf iicro last wct-k.

Tho wife of Foter Slief cliotl ly at his residence Friday night. She leaves a husband and nine rcn. J. IJ, Jordan and W. D.

Miillln. of Mt. Pleaxunt, took the tralr here last Friday to niioiul tbo coke unsc-ehr banquet at J. Hltebuwn. of Mt.

Pleasant, shipped a floe milch (torn hero last Frlda? to Wnlton of the c. Prick Coke Company. Mrs. P. M.

K0.mody und Miss Mary here, Saturday, on i way aomo from whtro they had been vUltlag frlcDds. J. S. Xull. of Bethany stilt ion, wilUoavo with his fainlly nn for Dakota, where ho tlendi mtjihlnf bin future home.

j. U. Kearn wJl', also vc for tho west this sprl ng. E. K.

'iraridl, stgent at this place, and Miss Clara of Palnlcrvlllc, worcnnl- tcd In ninrrlngo iMtThursday. J. H. Moyer, ox-agent. Is attend lug t) tho duties as, agent during r.

firmndt' ft absence. Kansas fevor. TJto wild geose have dur- inK thclnte'coldvoap. JJostof tbescliools cloned with iusti- tutcsanU Tho l.lTenbaiu;li farm was sun'eyetl u-ralc by Murlltt Dixaon. TV.

CampbcH wHl build a large brick ore bulldiai thta lunxmer. Kov. G. L. Detreubaugh and William, his brother, utArt for Idaho in days.

J. Cover, formerly ol' tj'ils place bnt now ofCovington. viMtlns heox Ono night loflt week, dogs made a raid oa John O. filing seventeen. Harrison Dawson.

tuodo of bis slock, und will JoctUcai High House. H. Clny Wining, of Ftwtott county, West circalaUKliunoof hero Martin Cragolotu valuablo AiOcntey fr r. TbeoQiraal pllcbed headjnux be nuck Seed potatoes, raspl Jout; New Havun i'. O.

Fon dwelling of 9 "i.A C). depot. SB. EnqnlreoCE.V.OoorlehltuV J. D.

"J-'rlsboe has again come lo thu front wltfione of the lurgfat.and boote ud hardwurontorcH in Western auia. Empire drills. South Bond and rfyra- plows, und all klnda'of farming implements at J. D. t'rtsbce'H new hardware store.

Hooil Brothers and Company sell the Oliver Chilledflow. We guarantee the plow 10 do better work than tiny other plow In thu market. FOB Dunbar House, Dunbar, 1'a. A fiood chance: fora live and, popular hotel man. For terms, Inquire of or ud- drci A.

A. CoimellavHlc. febl'T-tt Coativoncss is the primary cauae of much disease. I)r, Henry Baxtcr'n Mandrake Hitters will permanently cure Every boltlo warranted. For nale by CK lUvon.

In Houry and Johnson's Arnica and 011 Liniment Is vomblned tho curatlvo prop- ortleauf the diffurent oils, with thu hoallnc or Arnlcu. Good for mun and anl- mal. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale by G. X.

MatbioU, New Haven. IMPORTANT TO PBOPEKTY K.C'. Greenland says hit plumbing department Is not over-run with work, and ana ttpcclnl luduccment for anyone wanting thetr lioitso iltted up with hot uud cold water, will do it, at a small margin above cost for thu ucxt sixty daya. McDonald's improved llvor pi UK are endorsed und prescribed by many emtnenl phydlclans. They do not make hair grow on bttld heads or set broken bones, but they an- the boat t-orrccujr of disordered liver yet uncovered, Money refunded to dlMBatlsfled pcirchascrs.

Joanston, Holloway Com- pnoy, FhltudelphlaoRcnta. For scrofula, oryaipelas, i totter, salt rbeurn, skin diseases, humors, eruptions, pimples, blotched, tumon, IxiltH, uJcera, ccald head, rltg hlvea, and nit blood disorders, no remedy ever vised equals In efficacy and power MoDon- ald's Gi-eat Blood Purifier or Sarflapitrilllan Alterative. Warranted. ne ton, Hollo way tjowpany, Philadelphia agents, An In valuable article. Aa article like Ely's Crvam Balm long been desired, and.

now that la within the reach of sufferers from Catarrh, Hay lever and cold In head, their Is over)' reason to believe will make the most of It. Dr. K. Buck man, W. K.

Hamman, druggist, and other Eastoulans have given It a trial, and all recommend It In the hk-hcst Kaston, Dully Argus. "Says neighbor Smith, "My littlo girl was pale and nick, rapidly lotting appetite variable, add xteop much disturbed. Her condition was becoming alarming. Was advised by a friend to try McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powders. Admin lettered aba expelled tho enormous of 132 worms." Neighbor Smitb now thinks McDonald's Worm the greatest ver- mlfugo In existence.

Johnston, Holloway Company, Philadelphia agents. A PAYISO this season of tho year when your cows fall In milk, your horses become rough in coat, your pigs refuse to thrive, the beiis won't lay as many eats as they should, you will find a package or two of McDonald's Celebrated tonle and Blood Purifying Hone and Cattle Powders jndtcUMLoly administered an Investment that pay Jbtg dividends. They are positively the best Homo and-Cattlt Powders mmde. DiBAatiaflcdbuyvrscan have khelr money re funded. other manufacturer dare wake this offer.

Sold by all dealon. All kinds of phuterlngiuid job work don on the Hhoruwt notice. Kesldooce nuar th cornero( rcaeonnbic. atfcwply. R.

ELMEU T. W1T1TK. A I I tinco aud residence on rtllftbureNlrcct, cor uir Grave. 2nd door north of Bchool tiouitti. TTENRY PAOE.

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office on Apple two WMI of old Tribune bnlldlng, In Ilie room formerly oeco a meat market. Collections madr and deetU, artlcl.i of agreement anil otttt- lexal dounnicnte written. 12mch-lrr Wheeler. March mh, child birth. Mrs.

Peler O'Brleu. Fuiieralon Saturday, March 21st, at Catholic cemetery. Moyer, Maroh 18au, of croup. Boy Grimm, sou of R. It.

Qrimui, aged Paural at Mt. Oliver on i. COX 4 8OK, MERCHANT TAILORS, OtnU'atvdToutbi'clothiugot uil kiiula mad to order. WORK A FXACU JOHN BARGE, Mineral Water, CONSELLSVILLE PA. MINBEAL WATEH DELTVERBD AND- EMPTY BOTTLES TAKEN AWAY Free of tlilsvlclnlty.

BATHS AT -WILKEY'S BAKBJSB SHW, OX MAIN STBFIT. For Twenty Five Cents You eati hot or cold Dont forgei the place, Youghloghony Ban K. BATHS. YOUGHIOGHENY A.ND CQWOTSLLSVILLE GOALCRUSHEPCOKE COMPANY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Losnn and sbarp sand by the oar or lond. RoSdlmi material of all kinds, dellrered by labor load.

Orders lefl at my residence on Peach alrat, or wltb teavsun, will TM. NEWMYEK'S OPERA HOUSE. MATISSE AKD EVENING, SATURDAY, APRIL 4th, CHARLES A. GARDNER, The tweat alnger 'from rrankfort-ou-tho-Mfttii to his new play, KARL, w-THE I callery 23 cents, retorrea on Bale at Hyatt's Jew- --WE HAVE KECEIVED A LARGE LINE OF-- GINGHAMS, TOIL D' NORD, LINEN LAWNS BARRED PEQUES, c. And a huge rtock of Embroideries.

ALL-OVER EMBROID ERIES, MATCH SETS IN SWISS AND LINEN LAWNS OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT Is full to the ceiling of Msns', Womens', Misses and Children spring styles. Ladies' Kid Waukenphast's, Gents' Calf Butto Waukenphast's, Misses' and Children's Spring Heel, ease an durability combined. A full line of Burt and Packard's cele brated goods. Hardware Department! We also have special inducements to ofier to the public this line, as our facilities have been increased by a Maiiimot New Room, in which we have one of the Largest and most Com pletc Hardware Stores in Western Pennsylvania. Barb Empire Drills Syracuse and South Bend Plows.

Farming Tiools, Carpenters' Tools and Miners' Tools ofevei description. Headquarters for all kinds of Roller Skates an Repairs. wir OUR LATFORM. heCoiTfUKKliia Homo Pa me. and devoted to Home literals, er, printed at ewmindHtHiie 'simy tiwtitis THE BEST LOCAL NEWSPAPER Western ftfitnttylvanfa.

anil IH surpatmeti no other Country in la inpolntof JNows, Tho CouniEit Is NOT AN ORGAN, Iways ready to "Tell tho Truth and i ho Devil." DemoeraiH, Iltipulillcaus, Labor Mon, Pro ibitlonlBtfl and Wotnnn Wutl'rayists who tho Home Neirs, who adtulru an IIou und Canuttl DincuBsion of the IBHUOS of th my, can make no mlstnlto in Bubscrlhing fu Try It n'mtyenr, SOO; Clubbing Rates Tho Co in Eit Iffa local paper, and doer iltcmpl to cover the wlilur. licld ol'Genera To supply this latter wo have ron arrangymontH will) Leading News Minors ol'tjeiieml CiruulaUon whereby wea enabled to mrniah the n'cckly edition at low ttguro. PERMS CASH IN ADVANCE jfiCouniEiL and tho Now Yorlt World, democratic, ono year, ThecouitiEuaua the New Week! inn. Independent dcinucrulic. 0110 year, RMh, ThoCoununiana tboi'hllauclphlti Weckl JnduiJi'iMlcnt, one yt-iir.

i2jt5. 'The Uouiuuii und the Fhllailutplila Wcckl republican, one j'eur, tl'lic CouJtrtK und thu i'lttxburi; Week) Dispatch, republican, one- year, 'ihti t'uUKiKK and 11 iu l'ltt(tturg Weckl I'ost, dentucralic, onu year, St.UO. Other papei'H will bo added. These Prices city itorc. tUW 'MM11CB IBUU.

UUIIUFVU, 'of admiMion reduced Our Grocery apartment We have jnst fitted up this department with new fixtures and goods, and can show you the largest Jinea of Groceries, Queens- ware and Glassware ever offered in town. We make no pretensions to undersell our neighbors, but we give them wtot they piy for in Quality and GEEAT REDUCTMISALE --AT- HOOD BROS, OPERA BUILDING, CONNELLSVILLE, PEN'NA, Tn order to close out our FALL AND WINTER GOODS we will offer for the NEXT THIETY DAYS OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. GENUINE BAEGAINB In all departments. We have in stock a large line of SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS, consisting of black and coloj-ed silks of every quality, cashmeres, velvets and velveteens, pluih- es. ladies' clotlis and tricot cloths.

An extensive selection of ihe Celebrated Jamestown Goods! -AVK ARE 1'KEPABED TO OFFEK- The Very Lowest Prices --OS- HOSIERY AND BLANKETS AND KNIT GOODS. only oilVre bsoriber twin tt for cash in atlvaiicc. Any old i i i us tbe amount of tin TWO I'APKltS can Imvc udvuntaffe of the terms. Thla IN splendid opportunity to get. Cheap Reading Matter for the winter.

Don't miun it, SAMPLE COPIES of tbo above papers will he sent ou application. -r-TO Our circulation IK, bolievc, greater tli Ihutof nny ulhcr puper printed In the COL ty, and especially so In the northern half uf Fay el to and In the south en. Westmoreland counties, embracing THE COMKLLSVILLF, C'OiE KEGIOI Mnrchants and munura.cturcrs can select no better ntlvcrtlRiiiic medium In which to ivcli the public uf tho It being our aim to a neat, as well an able paper, we have adopted a ruin to Insert no kind, so thmourodvcrtisern will he treated alike. And nonegiveii advanUtgcs over thu others. A I I A I Wo invite yon to and set whether yen want utiytUlna or not.


THE BREAK HAS COME GREAT EASTERN ftHAurtment bought In The fall, and knowing tpaffh ihfv time of depression of InduHtrlex 'n the lino of economy where Having en band some goods left from the 11 i i musnookl (heir bv ijnylr. tUey ctin'btiy i pClir rec on goodst' HnodB, iwotil), Plush Ladles' Hear let Cotion and Flannel Underwear, Gloves, Woo I Hose and Merlho Huse. A lance lot of hose at Job Jpt per pair; worth any- to luallntyleK Axk to see them. lace Co! I art, of many klndt, SIIU jin.d rieialyon' toy prlcra. Other articles snub jM Lace at 29ctK, wortli MoU.i worth tt POJIAJC a Great Eutorn Hit iwl Ift Celt Stuff.

BrTTERMORE'S BDILOIHO, VILEE, PA la room formerly occupied ly 99 Cent Btort. CAP UEAM IKON ROOFIKG, Tin, Wood, Gum and Paper Koofit House Roralrlngand Shop Work oral! kinds. Bnllillnttatid rlcavy Framlnv. amber arid Materials ut Hill Rates. B.

H. COX, GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, FLANNELS, CETS AND COMFORTS, YARNS' i AND KNIT GOODS. Our totire stock of Brussels and Ingrain Carpets, Oil Cloths, and Window Laces will be sold at cost to make room for our spring purchases. A FULL STOCK OF HARDWARE, QUEEN6WARE AND GLASSWARE. our Grocery department we sell goods CHEAPER than any other house in town.

Respectfully, HOOD BROS. CO. WE PRESENT TO Every Person the County An Klegaul and Well SclectaxI Slock uf At prices to meet the wants of all who wish to purchase. AT CHAS. H.

WAYS JEWELRY STORE, Where you will And goina 8ILVEKWARE, FRENCH CLOCKS, BRONZES, STATUARY, CANDELABRAS, BISQUE, CARLSBAD, LEEDS, and Decorated Chinaware, Etchings, Brass Goods, fec. and Gentlemens' Ladies' SCARF PINS. CUFF BUTTONS, LACE PINS, RINGS of Every Style, from PLAIN or WEDDING RINGS to Diamonds. Ppnhpldcrs, Pgnpils, Tqothpicks, fe, fa, GOLD SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES, eKlsnd the invitation to all to come and see our display ofgooda, then TOO. nil! be convinced, that tbere no uao looking- elsewhere.

A11 goods much clieaper ban last yosr. Thankful for kindiiom. we will conllnno lo merit more. CHAS. H.


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