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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 4

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fORTHh- WEST AND SOUTH. BALTIMORE AND OHIO FOR SAVANNAH. The sere steamship THOMAS WANN. DK. JOHNSTON, THE ONLY PHYSICIAN ATlVKUTrsinsrfJ quality; fancy yellow Flour The mtrket is firm and active; new Superfine is quoted at 6 76a 87, Extra 25, Family, at 50 per Wheat Receipts increising, and market steady, sales of prime white at 1 4u; dr.

rod 61 30 Corn-Market steady, and but little offering; prines better; we quoto at 72Jia75 cts. Corn Moat at S51.90 cts for country and city. Oats quiet at iSSaWcts per bush. PiTTSBuito Market, Aug. 21- 'lour Sales from CONSUMPTION CAN HM CURKD, A LAIN ST A TKMKS OI? IrAtT BY DR.

KSipil KNOK, ottering my celfdirateu rulmntiio Ryriin to atllictsd, I foel that I prnantit to th publio outlaid ration nothing now or novol, T. he suecuss of my tuodioinO fn th eiitr of Pulmonary complaints is too woll to admit of skeptieism too cortnin in ill ollpot to ro'iuiro fi'iy oombat vith that prejudice wliidi usually assiils the i introduction of a now artioU to thi pulilio. It the pntient will porsnvnrn, ami follow tlirt tliret tioiis which accompany aidi liottln, it iniiBt, and will cure Couaumptiou whoa opparenlly in il lait Btagea. iNow, I will ventnrd to aay, that two thlr1 of tli cases ol Conaitinptioti in the Unitod ftialnn i eanseU by either l.ivor Uotnpkint or nyspnpny. Ihfl mucous numilirwo of tlm lirontihial tuba aym patluaeB with the liver and Hlornanh, anil frmiunnt Bligiit i-olds haatnn it into Jlrnnnhial Oonaiiiiiptiofii in snroliiloua (lisoaHa it.

ia oqually ellioaMi'ms, 1 poraona curod of this ilisne, Bhowmg scars wlmre lltoy have beanftlin-ist oovered with running ulenra. I am the inventorot what ia callRil Hnlmn'k'a Pa-piromctor, for natamiiimg the tiinga, wlaoh is Itighiy lecommoiuleil by tho 1-ioultr. One part of it ia piacml to the niktilbrnaqf, Ml the other to the ear ol tlm thmi, the patient draws a long, full breath, it transmit tha sound or rattling of tlm liinga ao loml and distinct, that by practice it ia easy to determine how I ir ami wliat portion ia dmoancul, and can unerringly tMtni -ninie whother it is tuliornulona, I'lnun tie, or llrori-chial C.oiiHiini iition.or whotlmr it ia an all'oction of tlm THE SUN. BAJLTIMOKE, THUKSDAY, AVii. -Zl, luj.

Correspondence ot tlie Baltimore Washisotoh, August 22. THe Government Finances Mr. Cobb's Estimate i to far EealizedGood Prospect AheaJ Imports and Immigration, tic. Tlie newspapers give, every day or two, various and contradictory accounts of the condition and prospects of the treasury and of the revn e. they say that tin ry is bankrupt, aud cannot carry on the public works for vi appropriations are made.

thev sav in one column that the receipts have exported the estimates, and in another column that they accord with the esti-mafes. The fuct is, probably, that Mr. Cobb has had no reason to ciianse the opinion which, at the close of the s. ssion, he stated to Senator Hunter ar.d through him to the Senate, to wit: that there would be money enough to meet sill the appropriations, provided only that the treasury should be protected from the return upon it of the treasury notes. This has been effectually dor.e.

by some arrangement, without as yet, to the loan which Ooi: gross au-thcrized for the purpose of redeesiiuit thesj retes. At this season the revenue from imports diminished to be incased by imports in the autumn. The prospect of an active fx-rcrt trade this fall will insure large The Northwest a larsre surplus ot produce to dispose of. and will be enabled to become a liberal consumer of dutiable im-THr. The gold product is increasing, and it will swell the amount of our exports, and, cocseo.uestl v.

of our imports. As to the cotton crop, that will be larger than ever, and the prices which it will command will be very satisfactory. The revenue lor the present and the next fiscal year will undoubtedly till the sreasury to overflowing. There will be an in-creaied" demand for public lands, inas-ltutch as immigration is increasing, and as the crops of the present season are encouraging to actual settlers and cultivators of the soil. lox.

ot the Italtimora Sun. SHKKWSBrnv Caxp ORorxn. 21. F.ds. I the cavnp tats evening, ard rever found its aspect more acrcetMe.

The auen as is very lar.ce, tuid tie rrarements ojiite similar to those of past years. There is general regret, however, an i that the iudispositioa which prevents the at-tendaxce of the venerate Presiding Elder, liev. 2ir. Slicer. The clergymen who have participated iu religious services thus far are the Kev.

The Shower Bath Puuishment. The Philadelphia Inquirer thus describes two incorrigible convicts at present confined in the penitentiary at that city, and the system of puniihment which prevails in tha institution: "The famous criminal bath was then exhibited. In a cell Rt the eastern end of the corridor, appropriated for femeles, stood some-thin-'likea wooden chimney vertically against the wall- Closer inspection revealed a door iu its lront, with staple and padlock. This reiiis thrown open, a apartment, just large enough to contain a human boJy, reveal-ed, with one of the round perforated bath cisterns in the top. The door aud sides are hollow, and stuffed with woolen to prevent screams from being heard.

"When anv prisoner becomes ungovernable lie is ese'oited to this cell. The physician, the nurse and the superintendent stand by. The malefactor is toreed into the apartment, ihe door closed upon him and the staple secured with a heavv padlock. Then, in the darkness and siitling air, the unhappy criminal feels the rush ot the descending water, it comes in a terrent upon his uncovered head, and stems to be beating upon his brain. In vain does he seek to avoid the draught, lie cannot Wr.d the narrow aperture.

He cannot turn. His breath crows short. Every nerve Is unstrung. His heart beats agonizingly, lie but the walls are deaf and there is no reply. He is suffocating dying.

And when seise is swimming and ltfe flickering, tne door is opened, the unhappy nun removed, aud Uie dying pulses taugtu to beat again. 'Sometimes the criminals when removed are black in the face, the blood Hooding the head. A man in Sing Sing prison lately ex pired under this punishment. The shower bath at Moya-mensing has been used three times in seven years. Its effects are to shock the nervous system ar.d weaken the entire body.

One woman was lately put to the bath test. Sue is known Jenny'ldnd, and is designated by one of tuo wardens as the most abandoned woman in the woild. She lu's been in the prison more than one hundred times! chiefly for vagrancy, and is beyond all reformation. She seems at times to be possessed with a demon. 'On Wednesday she leaped upon Mr.

Sargent, the warden of the femalo department, and tore his mouth in a most savage manner. The assault was entirely unprovoked. She is said to be verj- deceptive. She was placed in the shower lath lor an exhibition of heinous wickedness, and at the end of ten minute' punishment r.sKed if she would behave. She said with an oath she would not, and demanded to be punished again.

l'he bath was again applied but she was still incorrigible. When brought forth again she was almost lifeless; and but for the application of prompt restoratives would hay been no longer a trouble to the authorities. We were shown some specimens of her handicraft, in a mass cf broken stools, crockery, She is doubtless a dangerous character. Two other women of exceeding bad repute were exhibited. One of them (known as Mag Warner) is the victim cf intoxication.

'Dnrinff the great visitation of the cholera she was iik- a ministering spirit to the miserable convicts who wire diseased. She watched fearlessly aad continuously by the couches of the dyirg, and when yvorn out with labor would wrap a blanket about her and sleep ior lens hcurs bv tf.e corpses of the dead. tae exhibits traces of former beauty, ami has not a wicked expression; her curse ims been rum. When cur conductor, in a title tone, mentioned some of her shortcomings she burst into teaTs. 'I've rrver been a cock! woman, sir, sime my hnsbar.d died.

Thank God! I never stole There was something very pathetic in hr tone. She was in a cell with'fj'tr women, who locked curiously through the grated door as we MUSETART AAD COMMERCIAL KAliiftUAD. On and after JULY 30th. 1350. the Trains will leave Camden Station, Baltimore Mail, (except Sunday.) at 8.30 A.M., Express daily at 4.00 Si.

Both Trains go directly through FOR ALL PARTS OF THE WEST. SOUTHWEST AND X0RTH- WEST', FOR WAY PASSENGERS, Between Baltimore and Piedmont, Uk; ta A.M. Train; between Cumberland and Wheelin i and between Grafton and Parkersburg, take thj P.M. Tram from Balto. The FREDERICK TRAIN leaves Baltimore: 4 15 P.

and Frederick at 7.20 A. M. The ELtlCOTT'S MILLS TRAIN leaves Ba! more at 6.20 A. M. and 1 and 5.20 P.

and Ucott's Mills at 7.45 A. M. 2 30 and 6.40 P. M. FOR WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH, Leave Baltimore at 4.25 and 8.40 A.

M.and 3.15 awl 4.20 P. on Sundays at 4.25A. M. only. Leavs Washington at 6.20 and 7.40 A.M., and 3.20 and 5(1 P.M.; on Sundays at 3.20 P.M.

only. The seconl and third Trains only from Baltimore stop at war. noints. The second and fourth Trains from Balti more and the second and third from Washington connect with the Trains on the Annapolis road. For further information.

Tickets of every kind tc, apply to J. T. ENGLAND, Agent, at Camdaa Station, or at the Ticket Office. W. P.


CHANGE Oh' HOURS. On and after MAY 27th. 18Q0. Trains will leave Calvert Station The MAIL TRAIN daily fexcejt Sundays) at 8.St A.M., and the EXPRESS TRAIN daily at 5.30 P. M.

for ELM1RA. BUFFALO, NIAGARA FALLS KINGSTON, SCRANTON.BINGHAMPTON, SYRACUSE, OSWEGO.TORONTO, Q.UEBEC, MONTREAL, and ail parts ol Western New York ii Canada. ALSO, For PITTSBURG, CHICAGO, CLEVELAND CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS AND ALL PARTS THE WEST AND NORTHWEST. Travelers can go byeitnerof these trains to 9 troit and Chicago via Niagara Falls, at the sua cost as by any other route FOR NEW YORK CITY by the 8 SO A.

train, wit otily one change oi cars, and at as low rate as by other routes. At 8.30 A. M. for EMMITTSBURG, GETTYSBURG, LANCASTER, READINU POTTSVILLE, BETHLEHEM, ALLENTO WN ASTON, CHAMBER SB URG and CARLISLE; and HAGERSTOWN. MD.


The HARR1SBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN daily (except Sunday) at 4 P. theWeaUil Northwest. THE COCKEYSVTLLE ACCOMMODATION TRAIN at 4.30 A. M. from Bolton and 6 P.

M. R-turmng, arrive at 8.10 A. M. and 8.20 P. M.

Bfy Travelers from Washington and the South bf the 6.20 A. M. and 3.20 P. M. Trains make oonneo-tions with Trains over this road.

8bFor Tiokets and information apply at'tha; Ticket Office, Calvert Station, N. E. corner of Cai-vert and Franklin streets, Baltimore. JAS. C.CLARKE, Superintendent.

JOHN T. RIGNEY, Assistant Sup't. J. H. WARNER, Ticket Agent.

jeSO-tfy PHILADELPHIA WILMINGTON AND BALTIMORE RAILROAD. SPRING ARRANGEMENTS. Oa and after MONDAY, April 23d, Passeng Trains for Philadelphia will leave President stre4 Depot daily(except Sundays) as follows, viz: Express Train at 8.30 A.M.; Way Mail Train at 10.15 A. Evening Mail at 5.25 o'clock. On SUNDAYS at 6.25 P.

M. only. All trains connect with New York trams except 6.25 P. M. train on Satar ays.

A Freight Train, with passenger car attached, leaves at 4 P. stopping at all betwea Baltimore and Havre-de -Grace. From Philadelphia to Baltimore at 8.15 A. M. and 11 P.

M. FOR LAUREL AND STATIONS ON DELAWARE RAILROAD. By leaving in 10.15 A. M. train will conneot at Wi-mington with 6.05 M.

train, or by leaving at 5 2 P. M. ccn procure a stop-over check from conductor, spend the night at Wilmington and take tiie 9.3 A. Train. NOTICE.

All colored persons, whether bond free, will be required to bring some responsible wi.i person personally known to the undersigned, wh will be willing to sign a bond the company they will be taken over any porrsan of the road. WILLIAM CRAWFORD, tft Agent. SEABATHING. in VIA PHILADELPHIA. WILMINGTON AND uaii-iLu TO NEW CASTLE.

On and after SATURDAY, July 7th, a daily liM will be run to CAPE MAY, leaving President street er GEORGE WASHINGTON, and on MONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS with one of tha steamers of the New York bne. Fare Baltimore to Cape May 1st fc. 2d WM. CRAWFORD, Agent!" jy8-tfl W.


GREAT U. S. MAIL ROUTE FOR THE SOUTH Two fast Mail Trains for Fredericksburg, Richmond, Petersburg. Weldon, Wilmington, N. C.

Charleston, S. Augusta, and New Orleans via Washington city, D. leaving Baltimore EVERY MORNING at 4.20 o'clock, and at 4.15, (Sunday afternoons excepted.) For further information and through tickets apply to tha Southern Ticket office, to J. T. ENGLAND, Agent, At the Ticket Office of the Baltimore and Ohi Railroad, Camden Station, or to m20-tf: HUGH O'CONNOR.

Agent. FOR WATERING PLACES NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. Trains leave CALVERT 8TATI0N. Baltimore daily, (except Sunday.) at 8.30 A M. and 5.30 P.



DPF.N TO FINKSBURG STATION. Trams leave Calvert Station 8.30 A. M. and 4 and P. M.

Leave Finksburg 6.15 and 10.30 A. M. and 6.36 P.M. The 4 o'clock train enables persons to spend 3 or 4 hours in the Green Spring Valley, and return to Baltimore at 8 20 P.M. Btaeesto Mancnester, esminsiwr, laneyiowri and Emrmttsburg on the arrival of the 8.30 tram; also for Westminster by the 4 o'clock train.

iyl3 tf- IRWIN TAYLOR. SEA BATHING POINT ifoOKOUT. The Steamers COLUMBIA and ST. NICHOLAS stop at the Pavilion wharf on each trip. One ol them leaves Baltimore every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 6 o'clock P.

landing their passengers at an early hour next morning. They leave Washington every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MORNING, at 6 o'olook, landln at the Point the same afternoon. CHAS. WORTHINGTON. Agent.

during the bathing season, aU stop at Marshall's Pavilion. i9-2m- A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FIRST-CLASS FASflTflNA RLE CARRIAGES. Of various descriptions, comprising Ooaches, Calashes, Mock Calashes, Summer Carriages, Barouches. Fhtrtons, Coupes. Kookaways, unsurpassed for beauty ot style, durability, lightness and elegance of finish, constantly hand and built to order at short notice.

Those desirous of purchasing will find it to then advantage to call at the manufactory and wars-rooms. 204 FRANKFORD Above Girard avenue, on the lines of the RiohmonJ and Girard Avenue Ctv Passenger Railway. philade tiPm ArpA. BECKHAUS Sc ALLGAIER. au6-2ml Proprietors.

HOWE'S IMPROVED SCALES Are offered to the publjo bv the subscriber SCALES ever put into use. Railroad, Hay, Cai- le Coal. Platform and Counter Scales of even vuietf and suited to any business. rw- ALSO ON HAN a large assortment of Evai EST! Watson's SAFES of all sixes aad prices oCnll and examine thf or send for eiroutan riving full descriptions aifu undoubted testimoniais 8PEAR Sc FORNEY, lylS-tf 41 8. Charles street.

MURDOCH'S SCALES. rii.T.v nnnn snn.vs nf laual Units. I. I Dt'T Pl.lN Imown roved and warranted in all respeots al. made a.

6 SOUTH CHARLES ST. Prioes low. Repair ncr done B4-U SCALES. THE UNITED STATES 8TANDARD VT.RY SUPERIOR PLATFORM SCALE MADE AND SOLD upon their own merits, ytbi inventor, N.O. 55 South Charles and BalderstonS NO JHVMB UGGER JESSE MARDEN.

-3 kuhuuii uru.ii uao, For Pupils of various ages, on hand BUu riTr tt ninuiiiuivuiuiui vua i 3s land Furniture Works, No. 6 Lo street, opposite the Front St. Theatra RPAT RARSAPA RIT.T.A ntTPnT Where can be had at all times tha loUowinj b. r. i ownsena's sarsaparilla; Old Jacob Townsend 'a Sarsaparilla; Dr.

Guysott's Sarsaparilla: Dr. John Bull's Sarsaparilla, Sands' Sarsaparilla; Bristol's Sarsaparilla; Hanoe's Sarsaparilla: SETH S. HANCE, jy24-25t. 108 Baltimore at AYER SARSAPARILLA; S. P.

TOWNSEND'S SARSAPARILLA Old JACOB TOWNSEND'S tRSAPARlLI DR. GUYOTT'S SAB SA PAR ILL-: DR. JOHN BULL'S 8ARSAPARILLA; SAND'S HANCE'S SARSAPAKliaj i24-26t For sale bv TH 8. HAN CP EPROFS WANTED. I am again in the mark S.Trniuise Negroes, and to pay liberal price.

NeErroaator Knia-keai Mrtarfo and secure nl for 'that Purpose at the southwest oorner of E-taw and kmden streets, opposite the railroad tfow. J- 8- DONOVAN. jyjjjgl UACKERY 1-For sbfferers front Youthfi fast Abuse, Sexual Weakness, Hosp tals," "Curative () Instruments," fessions, Fills and Lotion" of a v0ilS'Tox iT truly say aformer sufferer. 8end stamp to hoi i i Charleatawn. and st.

I3-tm CASH FOR NEGROES. We are at all toM purchasing SLAVES, paymg the highest prices. Persons wishing to JLSt CAMDEN Balhmprt. Negroes reoeived natm'l Uommu WILSON HINDE3. awi WANTED.

We are at all times pu JnVahil SLAVES, paying the highest cash priW FarSons wing to sell will please-Ball at ilSi Pr ftet sTatTer ld stand.) Con.rnunioaUcn Tfaa discovered the most Certain. Ltleotual Knrnedy in the -world for all JJltfEASKfi IM-r-ltUUKNCE, Let no false Delicacy Prevent. Apply Immediately. ItWA CURT. WA fillANTED.OR NO CHARGE.

IN FliOM ONE TO TWO DAYS. Wpaknnta of the Hack or Limbs. Stricture. AF. factions of the Kidneye and Uladder, Loss of Physical Control or Intellectual Power, General Dabihty, ISpr vonanosa, DvKpcpsy, Langour, Low Spirits, of Ideas.

Palpitation of the Heart. Tun- loity, irnmininsa, oi oiguior iJisease of the Head. Throat. Nosa or Skin. Affec tions of the J.iiiiKa.Htoinaoh or Bowels tiiose Ter- rinin JJisorders nriKing lrom tne lemptauona ana indiscretions of oiith thosn practices niore fatal to their victiuiHthan the aong of'theSyronsto theMann-ersof (n iraana.

blighting their most brilliant hopes or feutioinatious, roudering nmrri-isi, impossible. who havn liMcomn victims of that dre ul I ii I and (Instructive habit which annually sweeps to nn untimely grave thousands of Young Mn of tlm most enaltnd talnnta and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise hava entranced listening FenatPB with the thunders of eloquonoe, or waked to eoataoy tin) living lyre, may call with full omihilenee. rvl AKttlAUK. Youne Men Onntcifiolatinu marriaerA. heinr awarn of physical waaknoss.

organic debility, deformities, speedily cured. may religioimly ooiiImIo in his honor aa a Kentleman ftiidoonlidently rely nnon his skill a a i'hysiciaa. ORUAMd WKAKNES.S no wihi places iiimsnu tinner mo cara oi ur. J. muiediately cured and full vigor restored.

Member of the ltovn.1 Collnira of Himzeona. London. 111... graduate from tine of the most eminent Colleges of tne uiiiteu Hiatus, and trio pari oi wnose life haa beon spont in the hospitals of London, Par-in, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astiiniHhincr curca that were ever known: many tiou bled with ringing in the head and ears whan aaloep, groat nervousness, being alarmed at suddon banhful, with frequent blushing. a.imiuuu hoiiibliiiikb wiui ueraiigeuiBat Ol uiiua.

wom cumu v. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. nildreHsns all those wlio have injured them- sol vea by improper indulgencies and solitary halits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either Business, Study Hociety or Marriage.

ihksk are some oi tuesaa ana meiancnoiyeaecis produced by early habits ot youth, viz: Weakness of the Hack and Limbs, Pains in the Head. Dimness of Sight. Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation ol trie Heart, uyspepsy, nervous irriiaDiiiiy. ua-ranKement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, etc. Mentally.

The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depression of SpinU, Evil terebodinga. Aversion to Society, elf-Distrust, Love ot Solitude, Timidity, are some ot the evils produced. THOiiANns PER-Mixsof all aires can now iudge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. DR. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATING REMEDY.

Bt this great and important remedv weakness of the organs is speedily cured and full vigor restored. Thousands of tho most nervous and dehilitated who had lost all hope have been immediately relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical or Mental Disonali fications. IjOss of Power. Nervous -Irrita- oiuiy, xremoiing anu entness, ur xiuiauiuuu ui I tr i I tne most iearxulKina speeaiiy cureu.

IVl C.I Oh how hannv have hundreds of misguided youths oeen made who have been suddenly restored to health from the devastations of those terrific mala dies which result from indiscretion, whose. bright hones anri lntnrn nrosnecta ot li.dfusmea bliantea. Their minds, previously sunk in the deepest of Cioom, wan nervous sysrem snanerea anu ieuiiiia-prl hur no rstorfd a. ve eone forth re freshed and regenerated, to enjoy health, friends, society and niAitniAuri. Reflect that a sound mmd and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial happiness.

Indeed, without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage; the prospect hourly with despair and filled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness of another is blighted with our own. iSNDOKSEM-JSN 1' Of THE fUESS. The Maxy Thocsanes cured at this Institution within the last fifteen vears. and the numerous im portant SuTgical Operations performed by Dr. John-Eton by the reporters of the Sun and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sumcieni io tn amicieu.

OEiCi. No. 7 SOU iH i- KEDEKlCK. fc 1., pft. hnnd side eoinsr from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner.

Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid Rnd contain a stamo. I tie ur 's vipiomas nang in nis umce, iyzi-uu K2-SKIN DISEASES SPEEDILY CURED. gURE BALTIM0RE LOCK HOSPITAL, Established as a Refuge from Quackery. The onlv nlar.a wliRre a cure can ha obtained or the most certain and speady remedy in the world for all IMPROPER AjND EVIL.

HABITS. Organic Weakness, Pains in the Loins, Strictures, General Debility. Lassitude, Prostration. Nervousness, Restless Nights, Palpitation of the Heart, lunging tne tars, ioss 01 memory, Melancholy, Affections of the Head, Throat, iNose or CKin. ana an tnose peculiar aisoruers ari sing from the Indiscretion of loutA, rendering them.

unfit for either Business, Study, Society or Marriage. YOUNG MEN. Pale. Emaciated and Weak, the unhappy victim of morbid indulgence comnlains of rain in the head or back; has a languid fook, dimness of sight, flushing of the face, palpitation of the heart, nervousness, lowness of spirits, loss of energy, dislike to societv. and all bodilv or mental exertion, etc.

The last scene of this fearful d-ama winds up with mama, catalepsy, epilepsy, or some terrible diseaie of the nerves, when Death drops the curtain, hur-rvin the unhannv natient to an untimely tomb. wno migm oinerwise, oy applying io ut. jubusiou, nave Been restored to ueaiui, ixienus, souieiy auu "'TtTr-T- t- riw TirTrnTrnTvrif When the misguided and imnrudent VOtarT of ur I il i r. i measure nnus ne nas lmoicea tne seeasoi any pain ful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters him from applying to those who.

from education and re-RnBctah; hrv. can slone befriend him. He falls into the hands of and designing pratenders.who, mnAannKlAn. nnrinv IH V. i a nanniiiflnr Dtihalanna luii fni'io i.uiui6i uiwu ai.o unn.i keep him trifling month atter.

month, or as long as the smallest lee can oa ouiaineu, anu in ucspair save him with ruined healtn to sigh over his galling Ssnnnointment: or bv the use of that deadly noison. Mercury, hasten the constitutional symptoms of this terrible disease, such as Affections of the Head, Ttiroaf nroeTessin? with frightful rapidity, till death put3 a'period to his dreadful suf- ieimgs Dy seuuing nun io uiii uuuituu vcieu wiuiuy from whose bourne no traveler returns. rt. junnji OT-PTHT! No 7 SOUTH FREDERICK f.eft hand side eroing from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe Name and Number.

Letters must contain a stamp. KAiNu.ttca rtr Tntiricnr. la cnllod nnn hvatT rln.V. nartlCllIftr- ly by Strangers who have been enticed from this institution and irretrievably ruined in the infamous Abodes of Quackery. Strangers, trust not your lives or health to ignorant, trilling impostors, with copied advertisements ana a tiiousanu oilier artinces io misieau yuu.

Be nut duped by unlearned and worthless pretenders, with humbug guaranties, paltry falsacertiti-cates. bogus diplomas, io. De not deceived by th3 base, lying and ridiculous assertions of a cunning ami nonremnri hl rrirVa tnr.or ensnared bv reneated small charges for large bottles of Licorice Water, or vials and packages of filthy and Poisonous Compounds, which cannot f-iil to ruin you ur. jnnson is tne oniy i-nysician aiiverusiiig. His Diplomas always hang in his office.

His remedies are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in the first Hospitals of Europe ana tins country, viz: cngianu, ranee, inc. diuch-ley, of Philadelphia, and a more extensive practice than any other physician in the world. DE MEDI CINE DK PARIS, MEMBER OF THE MEDICAL FACULTY OF MARYLAND, where he received his diploma in 1S39, continues to guarantee his cures in all those chronic, abandoned and constitutional maladies, in which he has been so eminently successful, as thousands and thousand can testify throughout all parts of the oountry. An extensive practice of 40 years gives him the advan tage over an einers, anu enauies nun ut ouro tuo worst case in a brief period, on moderate terms. No uncond fee demanded.

Thorough, sound and constitutional insured on written guaranty, and forfeiture in case oi laiinre. vnirivd MRN A Mil OTHKRS. PufTcnngfroin tho improprieties of life snoh aa Constitutional Debility, great Nervousness, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Loins, nooturnally troubled witb dreadful dreams and other derangements arising from imprudenoe or exoess in youth or adult: all those alarming affections produced bv early improper habits, allowing themselves at tenuation oi tus iiouy, inaninon. aesponuenov, mss of power and memory, relaxation of the Nerves and Muscles, Dyspepsy, Liver Complaint, Alleo-tions of the Lungs, "Dimness of Sight. Disoase of Hie nenrt, weakness ot tne Digestive organs, so.

no further commentary need be added. The ability and position of Dr. H. are too wel-known and anoreciate.l bv Baltimoraans to reauire further details. jSTKAJMGKKS loole your interest; apriy to none but a regular physician of the place; avoid boasting CHARLATANS, professing to have practiced inHospitals of wluoh they know nothing but the name, and who have no right to practice medicine here, having never been recognized as mem bers of the profession, and consequently ha re no diploma of this State, but boldly impose noon the unsuspecting, and usually extort enormous fees.

A nine inquiry oj respectable citizen will prove these facts. Dr. Huet is tne only regular Physieian of Baltimore advertising. His experience in these cases is such that upon scrutinizing the features of a patient he can describe the symptoms of the malady, wita-ott any verbal explanation. His diplomas are to be seen in his office.

Those who have been duped by. exorbitant fees, and the malady, paliated and driven into the system, are particularly invited to call. Distant patients consulted by letter, and medicines safely forwarded to all parts of the country. Apply at the Doctor'sprivate office, southeast oor-nerTTtEDERICK and FAYETTE or address Box 50 Baltimore P. O.

a3-lm. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXPRIENCE OF A VICTIM. Designed for the benefit and as a warning and caution to young men who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, as a consequence of early errors; supplying at the same time the Means of Stlf Cure. By a sufferer from the above cauee and from medical imposition and quackery. Single copies mailed free I on receipt of a postpaid Envelope, bearing the address of the applicant.

Address NATHANIEL King's county, New York. ali-lml DR. J. R. MARCHISPS ct, CELEBRATED CATH0LIC0N.

FOR THE RELIEF AND CURE of SUFFER-t 3 INGFEMAJLES. It stands pre-eminent for its curative powers in 1 the diseases for which it is recommended, usually called FEMALE COMPLAINTS. insd l.cine has never be en introduced by empty pnHs and misrepresentations, nor is it intended that its present popularity shall be sustained by any medium but its merits, and approbation of the publio. amphlets containing certificates and information B5 on application to the Agent. Price 2 per bottle, or six bottles for10.

For SETH 8. HANCE. y24-2Stl 108 Baltimore st. HILDREN, RELAXED BY LO0SE BOWELS, TEETHING, DIARRHEA, should at once be given MILBURN'S MIXTURE. AduJ Uuse it "With ftdvantftirA PoM I a iin.nHHaa af Kv tlr somrfU bottle, at DRf O'NEAL'S Medioine Store, rnerof Capi.

I. T. Rams at, TV ill leave Snear a wharf On THURSDAY. Ausrnst 23d, at 3 P. M.

precisely. No reight received after 12 o'clock on the day of 83-ilijiir Noliills of lading signed after departure of tha For freight or passage apply to SAMUEL T. PEARCE.A?ent, 116 Spear's wharf. Punctuality in departure may be relied on. Agents in fcavannan a20-4t BRIGHAM.


Carrying the British Mail and Government Dispatches. The Steamers compi i ng tliis Line have been ap-provpd by the Admiralty, and are the rnJvTffr11 'SIl)JS-WHEEL STEAMERS CO-ArrHT 4-w burthen. 4 tons burthen. W.kJrf'11 tons burthen. ULNIKR tons burthen.

PARANA tons burthen. The next departure wnl b3 ths PARANA, Capt. Heenan, TUESJAY. August 23, from lioston. JNNAL'GHT, Capt.

Leich, TUESDAY, September 11, from New York. Kates of passage to any part of Ireland on a Railway, and to the principal cities of England and Scotland: First Class and 75, according it stateroom accommodations. Third Class including cooked provisions. From Galway to Boston or New York. 3d Class, Towns on railways in Ireland, 82 5d.

Principal cities in England and Scotland, 35. And to Johns, N. First Class, $35. Third CI.K-S. SIS.

Chidren under 12 years half price, unfer one year free. Third Class passengers are required to furnish beds and tins. Persons taking passage at Naw York for the steamers sailing from receive free pis-sae from New York to Boston. The steamers of this company have been con-etrncted with the greatest care as regards safety and comfort, combined with model and propelling power, and are built with water-tight compartments. They are confidently expected to surpass, in speed and rough weather quali'ies.

any veaseis ever built, end are replete with elegancies aad conveniences. An experienced surgeon attached to each ship. Persons wishirg to send for their friends, can obtain return tickets at low rates. For freight or passage apply to ROWLAND tc AS PIN WALL, Agents, Nos 54 and 55 South or to JOHN A HERRING At the office of the Adams Express Co. a 20-tf 164 Baltimore st Baltimore.

Md. BOSTON STEAMSHIPS. The new and maffnifirsent aide-wheel 'iron Ocean Steamers fi. R. SPAITT.DTNH.

Solomon Howes, commander, arid BEN DEF0RD, Wm. A. Hallett, commander, will sail for Boston every FRIDAY, at 3 o'clock P. alternately. JThe accommodations for passengers axe of the first class.

Fare $12: including meals and state-room. For freight or palsage, apply to A. L. HUGGINS, Agent, ml6-tfl wharf foot of Long Dock. DIRECT WEEKLY LINE TB "IRELAND AND E-N GLAND, FOR 3301 "SAILINd 2 VEST PATrJRDAT.BJ Thepowerful Iron Steamships CITY OF BALTIMORE, CITY OF MANCHESTER, EDINBUR3-, CITY OF WASHINGTON, KANGAROO, GLASGOW and VIGO, will sail from New "ork for ljiver-pool, calling at Cork to land and reoeive Mails and Passengers, every Saturday.

Passage from New York Cabin, 575: third-class 30. Return Tickets, available for six months, $60. Persons wishing to send for their friends can obtain Certificates of Passage from Liverpool, $40; Cork, $30. For passage, apply to R. CORTIS 1T7 Broadway, N.

JOHN DALE, 15 Broadway, N. or R. FURCELL, S. Calvert Baltimore. N.

B. rass'engers lj this Line avoid the risk an delay of calling at St. Johns. r.4-tf. AMERICAN ''UROPEAN EXPRESS COJi PANY, r-2 BROADWAY.

ASff YORK. AUSTIN, BALDWIN Proprietors, FORWARDS PACICAGES, FREIGHT, to all parts of Europe, twice every week, via Liverpool, and by every Trench and German steamer. Through receipt given and prompt delivery guiranteed. BILLS OF EXCHANGE issued on London, Paris, Bremen and Hamburg. Apnly to JOHN A.

KERRfNG, Agent, at the office of Adams Express Baltimore. FOR WASHINGTON. GEORGETOWN AND P0- Sfcc il jauZM TflVlfi BrVEB T.ATJTlTVfja OMAC RIVER LANDINGS The Steamer COLUMBIA, Capt. James Hxspsa, will leave Commerce street loharf on SATURDAY, at six o'clock P. and will call at the following landing to land and receive Passengers ar.d Freight: Point Leokout, Piney Point, Gough'a Lancaster's wharf, Plowden's wharf.

Pope's Creek, Py-e's wharf, and all the established landings on tlie upper part of the river on the Maryland shore, and Kinsaie, White Point, Mathias Point and Boyd's Hole on the Virginia shore. Freight received from Friday morning until five o'clock on Saturday. nU-Thstft CHAS. WORTHINGTON. Agent PATUXENT RIVER FARE REDUCED TO ONLY ONE DOLLAR.

THE PEOPLE'S ACCOMMODATION LINE STEAMER EXPRESS, IN OPPOSITION TO MONOPOLY, Will leave her wharf, at No. 3 Tobacco Warehonsa Liight street. JiVfiftl 51TUUDAV JilOitiN LNli, as usual, at 6 o'clock A. for BURLIN GTON WHARF, via Cove and Plum Point: leaving Burlington EVERY MONDAY MORNING at 5 olock. ior caning at.

auner wnarvea anu tramlines goin? and returning. Also, leave Baltimore EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, at 6 o'clock Ior via Cove and Plum Point; leaving Nottingham EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, at 5 o'clock, for Baltimore calling at all her wharves and Landings going and returning. Passage to andfm Patuxent River, $1: Meals extra Plum Point, Cove. 50 cents: a7 lm CAPT. WILLIAM WILSON.

FOR CHESTER RIVER. Tha Steamer ARROW. Cant. E. 8.

Vonnn. Ip.ivns Ijisrht street wharf every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY at 8 o'clock. tor leaves Crump-ton e-ery MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY at 7 o'clock, touching at the different landings going and returning. Fare $1. Meals extra.

Through tickets to and from Centreville via $1 25. Freights must be prepaid or not re-ceived. jjZr-ln0 FOR THE EASTERN AND WEST SH.OKJS. The new. swift and commodious steamer KENT, Captain John H.

Ktrwan, leaves her wharf on Light street, foot of Camden, for PFTOPT A iTf RfVKR. everv WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock, touching at Cambridge. Pier, wrVi 1 Kingstown, Gilpin's Point, Potter's Landingind Denton. Returning. leaves Denton every TH UK 3-DAYand MONDAY MORNLNG at 6 'elk, touching at the above named Landings.

Leaves for ANNAPOLIS AND WEST RIVER every TUESDAY and FRIDAY MORNLVG.return-ing same day. Bound Trip Tickets for these days jy4-tf Ielght be C. K. CANNON. CHANGS OF DAY TO THE PATUXENT RIVER, VIA.

FAIR HAVEN AND PLUM POINT. The Steamer MARY WASHINGTON will lesv Baltimore every WEDNESDAY and SATURDA MORNING, at 6 o'clock. Returning, will leave Lyons Creek on THURSDAY MORNING. at5o 'elk laave Hill's Landing every H0DAY MORNING at 5 o'olock, for Baltimore, Passage by Mary Washington, $1: meals extraFair Haven, 50 The Steamer GEORGJB VTEEMS will leave Baltimore everv FRIDAY MORNING, at 6 o'clock, returning on TUESDAY. The Steamer PLANTER will leave every TUESDAY MORNING, at 6 o'clk, returning every FRIDAY, calling at Fair Haven and Plum Point going and returning.

m23-t3 nail FOR. FRKOER1CK38URG. a Al AN LANDINGS os THE RAPPA-BtSSiSSSai HANNOCK RIVER. The Steamboat VIRGINIA, Captain Noah Fate-bank, leave Baltimore from vharf on LlteHT BTREKT, foot of Barre street, EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON, at four o'clock. fe20-bhnt Ntil'fCh.

'OLx and th SOUTH vrtTt vinunn The Bay Boats leave the foot of Concord strsetfor Norfolk. FortsmoMth and the South, at 44 o'clock P. DAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, and the largo and commodious SteamerLOITISIAN Aevery TUESDAY, THURSDAY sad SATURDAY. j24-tf M. N.


MAD- TSON ST. haa on hand several new and second-hand CARRRlAGES, which will be sold at the lowest ratea. Work made to order at the lowest prices. Particular attention paid to re pairing AULT'S CELEBRATED ENGLISH CABBAGE 25 SEED. We are now prepared to famish our Fall CABBAGE SEEDS, viz: Anlt's large Early York, Ault's Fany Yoik.Ault's Early Bullock's Hearc.

Atitt's New Faily Queen Victoria, Early Winningstadt, Flat Dutch. Savoy and all other Cabbages. They are fresh, pure snd genuine, the same superior quality as sold by us last and former years. The same can be obtained only from us. Also, Spinaee, Kale, Cauliflower.

Lettuoe, Turnip, Badish. Parsley'and other Seeds. For sale, wholesale and retail, by 15. AUlil co oun, 28 South Calvert corner Water Baltimore. Md al6-lm( GEORGE C.

McCOULL, UNDERTAKER, No. 131 Saratoga Strhki. (One door west of Howard street,) Lj prepared to furnish COFFIN3 at half the nsna prices, and of a fine finish. Large-size Mahogany Cothns, hinged, lined and plated, with Satin on the breast, for 812 0G o. Walnut, the same finish 9 0S Large-size Poplar, Imitation of Mahogany or alnut trimmed as the Mahogany 5 00 mall Coffins in proportion for cash.

jnll-TTjTHsl2ai INTERESTING TO PURCHASERS OF FINE WATCHES. William Dixon's. London, and Jules Jar- Sanson's, Copenhagen, WATCHES: Eugene Bre-guet's NICKEL BALTIMORE WATCHES, the best Time-Keepers, for sale by WAtstiiii jj. corner oi uaivert ana water streets, importer of fine Watches, Jewelry, Gold Chains, Silver and Platedware, Lecoultra'a Swiss Razors and Strops, Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, to suit all ages. New goods now in store.

Purchasers will plaase call. Notice Store CORNER CALVERT AND WATER Balti-more. jl9-eo2m REMOVAL. CHAS. Watch- maker and Jeweler, has removed from 257 W. ptroot to SI A T.TTMORE where he would be pleased to see his old friends snd customers. WATCHES and JEWELRY care fully repaired. aj-im wiTiwus ANT. JEWELRY. jSMALL' PRp FITS, aUICK liAMMOJMD'B, 4o VT tnree aoors wen.m MES' PORK.

300 bbls. heavy Cincinnatipacked tl: roaK ior sale by J0SEfH CQ 6tore of Superfine at Si so. Extra at 5 23, and extra Family 5 25 per bbl. U.its 27 e's. Cotloe at lti.i cts.

Whisky Small sales of rectified at 22a cts. NEyv BEproRD Oil Market, Aug. 20. Sperm Salos for export amounting to 3J51 hula at $1 60 per gallon, including the following parcels 1700 bids, do. ,417 75 and do.

in West port; also 60 bids in Nantucket at tho same price. Within a few days another advance has been mado in Sporm, mid wo knar of tho snla of 230 bbls in tifn piiseu at fel S4 per gallon, and 75.) bbls at South Dartmouth at $1 64 per gallon tor homo consumption. Market firm, holoers asking 1 65a $1 60. Whalu Dil has boon very quiet, snles of only 150 bbls, part dark, at at eta per gallon. Buyors are in the market at 63 cts, but holders refuse to operate at less than tioo.

Standard. rY MAGNETIC TELTCGKAPH.l Nxw York Markkt, Aug. 22 -Cotton is firm; sales of mo bales at lOXall ct. Flour is linn; aa'ea bids. State at 5 15: Ohio 6 30a 40; and Southern 5 75.

AViieat liigher and firmer; tales of bushels. now Western rod 1 2S, old white jt 1 33. Corn closod with an advancing tendency; sales of 75.0i0 bushels; mixed at tilati2 ots, white 65a75 cts. Pork is firm, MesalOaJJia 4i, Prime SH 25. 1-ard dull at W.iW cts.

Wliifky closed frm at Stuar is hrm, Cuba 6n7 cts. Colleo isquietat cts. Spirits Turpentine is heavy a cts. Ilosiu is dull at laSiSl 40. Rice quiet at cts.

Philadelphia Mabkkt, Aug. 22 Flour is quiet. heat steady, red at 1 35, white at 1 37a SI 45. Corn is steady, vellow at 70a71 cts. Provisions are unchanged.

Whisky steady at 21i'a22 cents. Cincinnati Market, Aug 22 Flour gnoruy unchange l. closing qniot. Whifky firm at 17 Vi cts. Provisions quiet; nothing done today and no m-qniry PORT OF BALTIMORE, August 2'2.

Haa 6 I Nun el ei.KAKK.I, Wrine J-i. Cook, RUnrliartl, Boston. O. M. Jackdotit Kco rlAZA, ttHvtii, Hlnrtt A KHiidail; PnbHl, Jtnlr, Uioa Kchm.

K. P. ilian, Hull, Oharlwloii, C. FtftnlvtKiwt; W. K.

A J. Hnwlfy, tars, Jus. SulllvAii; tomr Klizbilli, Otilnmry, Now York, J. A. 8lrlvr; RlchrJ willlus.Cliivii.ioli, ridliltliliU, ilo.j Cuui (iorfoik, M.

N. Kllsj tienre IV i1y, rrilflKt.t, Ctty I'oliit, JuroU Brimlt, St. NlrhoU, Uuy, A'vxautlrla nnk Washington, C. Woi'lUlU(tou; DUuxoud it.tto, Kirw an, lo. ARRIVKP.

Stntwiiblp Totomac. Watimn, ti New York, to S. T. rVroi. Sw i.o vsris In dm hy Ivmul tip.

riit 1. arrival mt Nw York on fniulny moiuli'i ftom ami Hlevl jilu aui n'Klit lor ttua hi with quite full caro.) Sci.r. tiylvamn Alloii, Sorn, tm Kcwton, to Hnrrll Rroi. Si lir. Serins, f-owly, flu Satill Kivor, lo W.

Kho'Kl-i A 3 la. Stt'iimr HrlvMlerw, Kwiie, from Rirhmml, to J. BranH, Jr, Biwnier Krankl'n, IHinglirrty, fm Vork, to J. A. Slirtvi'r.

MMincr Kit. Willing, Olarpoi, rm I'ltlUd'a, to A.Shrlver. Bars Helfn Brown, Illt-ka. im Havra-ile-Uracc, toW.H.OIar. Cosik I'r Sli' Wr Hawk, Slnimoii, (bt'foie rcporto.1 oil' Swan from Callao, to Barrit Broti.

Sailvo M'lp lalllon, Jackson, for Trlsrtl; barna Eiico ZlKXa, tur Uavan.t. Ptpam1t'i rirken-bni's, I'iNini Wtlmliinton, N0j 1 yucl bunt, Harris, from Kirimtoiiit; A lira, JavU, fioia l.wrjiftowi 1)0: J. Pru.liiiora Puaro, and Jauir Monaa, tiraii.i, from A i'anit'lj; Mary ea, Tica, from itn. ir Hu I-m aa Wlti-h, KgbrM, iroia do. for Newark, arrive! at ft- York 31st itift.

The ri.rt or al.ip Anua Itowen, Cheaebron aa In Hi bf. li'a Pay, Jntix Htli, waa Incorruct, aa mat sliin saileJ rioni byiiney. Mar 31, for Uivs Ia lianititn Kiwrta, lnr.n 'mjon, Ora-it, 73 iay fi-om CMi elia Uiautla, to 0. M. Ju kaou A Co.

lias ben or. to Baltimore. Sli Ann K. Hooper. Hooper, from Liverpool, IttU ar-rivea at list lust.

Sliip 1 tiom Kicumornl for Bremen, padl Porta-menu. 6ili loat. Barijne Henry Bnt Qrlftin.fui City Folut via Browerabiven, airivil at fvlvoet itli ius-t. Way Strtai'ii, Oilley, for lrla, clired Bos-ton vft. Eatqne Fpl TAlm Cornwall, from Dix IsUn.I, for DC, mtd brt l-ol.

l.auaater, from PnrtUnd for aaile nora Hole liltli Inst; sohr. J. F. Car-ver. Kuturitl.

from Aivxatoli ia. arrive! at Barque Waltham. of Kirhoiotid, bounl Nurth, waa paie4 I6th lat- SS 60, 1 11 49. Street, for Baltimore, diiljj from 5tb Im t. ealW slaas.

irtViImlnston. gtfirx. O. Jajne. Kowlacil, or a.

Haabm, Kyan, for viexan- areaiire, ana ene.nct, act Extra, OonxLerty, for, DC, cleret at 91 lust. Bui Sliaokroril, for aatle 1 from East- port lltli achr. Maria Jana, Crosby, for do. 9th. rr'S Cii.

Heatu, trsm e.rgetiwa. Do. tor Beaton. and schr. Chr't-tiana, HairU, Irciu do.

tr Fortamoutu, arrived at Kewport lnnt. sour, orry icserson. tor rmiajeiunia. aasie 1 from Boi-ton li st. Caaljern, from Alexan tria; arrival at Ba- Vei'a Laioilus lat.

Oliajid ros Baltixoii. Srlir. Resrne. Bacon, at New Vork 21 i iuat. Mar) land, at Portlaril roth

AKS1VKD rKOX BlLTlMOKK. Barqn PInriba tsnro, Ijtmbert, New York Slat last. Biis fcxi Rosars. at New YorK 2lat lust. fchr.

t.M-u fjiie, KeUey, at Sew York 2lat lint. Sci r. D. B. Bayles.

at New York 2lt taat. trir. Prowess, Hulse, at York 21t lnt. Eci.r. Someia- Lawa.n, at New York 2lst Inst.

Scbr. K. W. Farrlns'on, at New York list Inst. Schr.

H-nry Cola, at all 19th inat. Srhr. S. nti.eTnpr. at lpniH Tit.

BALTlXORfi LlFJt INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 6 SOUTH STREET. IXCORPOBATSD Ia, JOHN I. DON ALDSON, Prksidext, WILL IssUK POLICIES fr one year, for sven years, or mors, or for lifj, ENDOW'MKXT POUCIIia at a certain time, or at death. ANNUITIES FOB.


F. DONALDSON, JSIedical Examiner, 32 Frankkn street. DIRECTORS. Wm. G.

Harrison. I J. I. Donaldson. S.

J. Donaldson, A. Aldndge, C. A. Schaefer.

I (ieorge S. tiibsoa, E. F. Chambers. Robt.

A. Taylor. Agent in Waahingto t. J. W.

MAOILL, it tha Banking House of Messrs. Lewis JoHnsoy nflil.S LS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber A has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore city letters testamentary on the estate of JOH II ROTHERT, lata of said city, deceased. All having claims against the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriler, on or before the 1th day of February next: they may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate All persons indebted to said estate are requester to make immediate payment. Given under my band this 2d day of, wi ANN CATHERINE ROTHERT, a3-liwt! ExecotTis. nHlS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscrt-A ber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore city letters of administration on the personal estate of SUSAN LEE, late of said city, deceased.

All persons having claims against tho said deceased ar hereby warned to exhibit tha same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the l'Jth day of January, may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given nnder my hand this 20tli day of July, iid. j21-law4w CHARLES GRIFFITH, Adm'r. rpHIS JS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the su'tscrl-A bers have obtained from the Orphans' Court for Baltimore city, in Maryland, letters of administration de boins non on the estate of ISAAC MUN-ROE, late of Baltimore citv, deceased.

All persona having claims agins the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with tho vouchers thereof, to the subscribers, on or before the firat day of February may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to aid estate are requested to make immediate paymen''. Given under our liauda this the 21st day of Jnly, H0. EMILY W. CHUBB.

Adminis-y21 iaw4fc, DaVID L. ST. JOHN. trators. nPIIIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subicriber A has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Baltimore citv letters of administration of the personal estate of PATRICK.

MORTON, late of said city, deceased. All persona having claims againsc the said deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vonchers thereof, to the subscriber, on cr before the 3d day of February next; tliey may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 2d day of August. lHrto.

alaw4t MARY MORTON. Adm'x. rpjilSIS TO til VK NOTICE, That tha subscriber A has obtained from the Or pilaris' Court of Haiti-More city letters of administration on the estate of ABRAHAM RRE.NAWALT, late of aaid city, deceased. All persons having claims against the aaid deceased are hereby warned to exhibit tha same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 3d day of February next: they may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted aaid estate are requested to make immediate payment.

Given under my hand this Is tday ot August, b0. 3-lawt LOUIS WALTER. Adm'r. T'HIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subsonojr has obtained from the Orphans' Court for Baltimore city letters testamentary on the personal estate ot JOHN P. RAU, late of aaid city, deceased.

AH persons having cliims against the sid deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the 17th day of January next; they may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 18th day of July. 18t. Il3-law4tl GEORGE SAUERWEIN, Executor.

WEILBACHER PAUL, iVo. 21 GfRMAN STREET, Have in store and for sale: 10 (picked) cases old Conn. Seed Leaf TOBACCO, 10 do. do. new 6 do.

do. Yara 25 bales Havana "Wrappers and Fillers. 4i genuine ara Wrappers, Binders and Fillers. All selected for this market by our Mr. Wm.

Paul. Tne new Seed is well cured and ready to be worked. a21-3t! GfT 13 NOT A DYEI RAY HAIR BALD, or persons afflioted with Diseases of the Hair or Scalp, read the follow isg, and judge of KIMS TR SET'S INIMITA BLE HAIK COLORING, and find it to be all tha. its proprietor claims for it. Do you doubt it? BEAD! READ! I Green Island, N.

March 9, 1853. Mr. W. E. Hagan: I have used your Hair Color mg with excellent effect.

It fully restored my hair which was quite gray, to its natural color, thioken mg it up very much. My wile has also used it, attf it has restored her hair, giving it new life. J. 1, GooDstL. Remember, that this result was produced bj Heimtkiet's inimitable waA.

original and only liable Hair Restorative. Trice 60 cents a bottle. Sold everywhere. W. L.

HAGAN As Proprietors, Troy, N. Y. For sale by SETH 8. HANCB, 108 Baltimore treat. iy24-25t.

rO RESTORE IS BETTER THAN TO DYhl. A The Boston Traveler says: "A preparation has at last been discovered which restores the natural color of the hair by acting upon its roots, and gives it back its original gloss ancl beauty. This ne hair dye will do. If you wish to have the real color, instead of the dull, rough look which hair dye imparts, use HElMSThEET'S RESTORATIVE, which invigorates the roots of the hair, and makes it young again, no matter how much it may be faded. There no doubt that the old practice of dyeing the hair will rapidly give waybefore the merits of this preparation." gold everywhere.

Price 50oontsabottle. W. E. HAGAN CO. Proprietors.

Troy, N. Y. For sala by SETH S. HANCE. 108 Baltimore trflet T-'4 25t WEET 01100 jati3i? niucotis inemiirano oi me lironolual tubna.ayinpa I er or iorm a prog.

nTho i lhtise wimiing n. thorough explanation with tin Resniromclor will bo charged tin- liiit.till advice will be given gratis, and 1 will do all in my power to explain the nature of thoir oaso. Th desiring an examination, and feeling unable to i need not hesitate to call on me, for the same attention will be shown and the nirnin interest inanif'osted in them which I bestow on those more favored. I am anxious to meet and to explain to every one my manner of treating this insidious diaoaio Consumption iMany years i was given Hp aa being in the la' stages ofconsiimption, and was taken from home in Philadelphia to friends in Moore.stown, New Jersey, to die. I wastod away to a mere skeleton, was confined to my bed.

and my physician, who had attended my fither's family before mn, aaid I could not live a week. Then, like a drowning man catching at a straw, I heard of and obtained this prepara tion ot roots aud herbs, which made a perfect cure ol ma It seemed to me that I could foel it penetrating my whole system. It soon ripened the matter in my lungs, ami I would spit off more tkan a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning for more than a week. As soon as that began to subside my oough, fever, pain, night Bweats, all began to leave me, and my appetite became so great 'that it was with iiiili-culty could from eating too much. I soon gained my strength, and have boen growing in tiesh ever since.

It astonished all who knew me.asovery one thought I was too far gone ever to be raised again. Many of those poople who knew ill thou are now living and occupying places of honor and trust ia New Jersey and Philadelphia, who could easily satisfy the most incredulous as to the truth of this atateniont. Kline was a family complaint; my father, mother, brothers and sinters all diod withcoa-Bumption, and I alone am left. Now I enjoy the best of health, and have for ears, weighing over two hundred and ten pounds, mmediately on my recovery I turned my attention to tho science of tuidicine, and the study of this peculiar disease. In fact, I was drivon to it by the great number of people coming to me, or sending forme, from all pirts to cure them, and I flitter myself that at this day I have had as much experience and success in the treatment of this disease as any other person in the country, having visited mnnv portions of it.

and studied the various tvnes and forms of the disease peculiar to the ditfirent phases of our climate. 1 therefore feel a confidence in my iiuiuu oi treatment which uiun9 who connne their practice to but one locality can hardly hone to attain. i am the nronnetor of three the Pul monic Syrup for Consumption, Sea-Weed Tonio for uyspepsy, aim rvianantse ins tor Mver uompiaint. One bottle of Sea-Weed Tome often removes tha worst cases of Dvsrensv. The Mandrake Pills have become in common use for all biliou3 complaints wnere purgatives are required.

xuey act on ma liver and siomach similar to calomel without leav ing any bad eiiects, and are warranted not to contain a particle of calomel or mercury. The Tonio and Puis were originally intended to assist the Pulmonic Syrup in curing Consumption, when the stoiiiacii anu uver are mucn aisoraereu; out tney ar8 often now used when the lungs are diseased with the hapnirst results. Trie Pulmonic Syrup is calculated to correct the lunss. stomach and liver, and will risen and re move all morbid matter from the system; but sometimes the bowels are so costive, and the liver so sluggisd that it requires something more active with the'l'utmonie Syrup, then the Sea-Weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills are required. The directions which accompany the Syrup explain when they are to be used.

Now, consumptives, here is a plain statement from one who has made this disease the study of a it in. where I could show him any number of oases that have bean restored to health, lrom the most hopeless condition. However, any one whe will take the trouble to read the following well authenticated certificate, will be convinced beyond a doubt of my ability to cure this terrible disease in its AAverest forms. DR. SCHENCK.of Philadelphia, the proprietor of SCHEXCK'S ULMOmC YR UP.

The only person that has cured 1 LiMO NAXY CONSUMPTION, in it3 advanced stagea, will be in Baltimore, at the Drug store of SETH S. HANCE, No, IO Baltimore street, on An.lfnrit succe'tine Thnrsday of eici week. SETH S. HANCE has fitted up rooms over his Drug store ior accommoaauon oi ins pansnts. He has such an extensive practice in Philadelphia that he cannot remain with us but ONE DAY OF EACH WEEK.

And all persons laboring under Diseases of the I.nntrs. Liver snd Digestive Orsrans. are invited to call upon the Doctor, who win, without charge. give all necessary advice. He will give tnose who desire it a thortMzh examination with his Respiro- meter for S3 each.

Persons wao cannot call on him and wishing him to go out to see them, should leave Uloir utLUiea ii. or i iia i nuu READ THE FOLLOWING REMARKABLE CURE PERFORMED ON ISAAC J. ALLEN, Ko. 39 SO UTH ANN STREET. His case is on one among rnany.tms remarkable medicine nas maoe in ims cut.

Hai.timob.k Nov. 2Sd. 1359 DR. H. Dear Sir: I feel it a dutv to tell you what benefit I have received from your PULMONIC SYRUP.

Three years since I was taken with the PANAMA FEVER, which lasted some 1J months, then left me with a severe I could retain nouiing i are, ana suaerea greatly witn even ine fevers and nieht-sweats. I was verv much ra ducod. The whites of my eyes were yelUw, skin also verv vellow. Annetite entirelv crone, and una ble to digest what I did eat. Bowels very irregular and costive.

I was low spirited, and had such violent spells of coughing upon lying down. I would ba nearly exhausted, and was entirely unable to lie on my ten siue. i cannot aescnoe my wreicnea suner-ing, as I would wish: every organ in my body was either diseased or deransed. I had tried six emi nent physicians, who did me no good. I and ray family had given np in despair, and thought I to incurable, and was fast hastening to the grave.

Such was recommended, and through the pprsuasion ol my family I commenced taking it; but, I must con jees, witn very nine nopes oi its aotng me any go 1 tound when 1 had taken tour bottles it was doing me a crreat deal of pood. The Svruri made me ex pectorate freoly, regulated my bowels, relieved my suuenng, ana cow, alter taking twenty-iour Domes of your Syrup, and two bottles of tonio, I am a perfectly well man. I would advise all who are atiec.t-ed with a or cold to try SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. I do not think I can say enough n. Ill uie i i 1 1 wuh i i uiooiii -ji.

Providence, and the use of the PULMONIC SYRUP. I am now alive. It would be impossible to tell how grateful I and my family feel to you, since through you I have been restored to perfect health. Those wanting any tinner parricuiars can can mi lam er residence, jxo. a Ann street.

mmiiiii vours- trnlv. I. J. ALLEN. Price of the Pulmonio Syrup, SI per bottle, or six bottles for $5.

Price of the Seaweed Tonio, SI per bottle, or six ootriea ior jjo. Price of the Mandrake Pills, 25 cents per box. For aula hv SKTHS. HANCE. iyll 25tt 10-4 Baltimore street.

MJrHN WELLS, surviving Partner of the late firm of Weils tc Miller, and the praotioal workman, has asvooiated himself with his Sons, under the firm of JOHN WELLS SONS, TiO. 138 EASTERN AVBNUK Wilk street.) Near the old establishment, where they are prepar ed to alto ua to an oruers ior STEAM ENGINES. High and Low Pressure; CASTINGS AN 1) MILL WOHj: of ovary deacription. They are also prepared to furnish TOBACCO SCRKW8. both Wrought and Cast, of the most approved oon-ttruotion, aa they are now making a complete set of new Patterns superior to any yet introduced.

They are ready to give their prompt attention to very practical Drancn oi ENGINEERING AND MACHINERY. corners received will be promptly attended to aa launiuur executed. lio-oim 1J0PULA AND FAMILY MEDICINES. SOLD SETH S. HANCE.



HANCE'S SARSAPAR1LLA VEGETABLE OR BLOOD PILLS, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. Baltimore. July 29. 1SBS. This is to certify that I was afflicted with a violent pain in the breast and right arm, which, I supposed, proceeded from the impure state of my blood.

I was recommended to take Hanee's Sarsaparilla or Blood Pills, and after taking one box the pain was entirely removed from my breast and arm. I found them extremely gentle in their operation, and would recommend them to every person in want of a mild purgative. Patrick Rochb, No. 25 Conway between Howard and Eutaw. in purcnasmg inese mis let me add ONE WORD OF CAUTION.

Always ask for HANCE'S PILLS, and purchase oi none uuv iuhsb auvernsea as agents, ana eon veinem can anu eo mo proprietor nimseu. For sale bv SETH S. HANfiK. 1 OS Baltimore st. and SWEETZER corner of Charles and roi eiier a rarBaparuia.

ne HEAL COMFORT. IX SMITH'S PATENT SPRING BED BOTTOM. This arrangement is elastic, olean, light aad portable, saving an under bed, easily managed, no harbor for bugs, and ean be applied to any bedstead, at me mouviaiio piiuw oi BIX DOLLARS, Bl O. P. MERRYMAN, rractioal Cabinet Manufacturer.

corner Howard and Fayette at. iys-t 1 1 a Liombard street-; GENUINE FRENCH CAPSULES COPAVIA BALSAM, for sale by SETH S. HANCE, 103 Baltimore SWEETSER fc of Pratt win Liaariaa street 9 RANGES AND LEMQNg-ft boxes for saia I-Iessrs. Baruue, Kiier, llamTme. itaram.

ia-lu'-d James 11. S. A. Wilson. Abetter I-Iun-oe, Piuher.

Ege. Wra. T. M'ilson. Htd'-es Dvscn, Cadden.

McKee'aan. Alt red I Cooimar. IVarne. Aspiril. Ledmem, Taylor, ot OaUtoii.ia.

Berkstresstr. Dnulap, Reese, Xc2Iurrav. Ociemau. Cooper. Kinsey, Sumwolt and Aker well refreseatiug a very iarsre section of countxv.

Larce and attentive cor-creati-T-shave been nresei.t everv apromtmer.t. This morning the sermon of the ilev. Alfred Oookman. was lrom text "iilessd are th? pare in heart." The sermon was followed by tte Kev. "Father Tavlor," of California, in some his remarks about his adven.r.res in the Hnd of Tl is ait-Tiioos.

the Kev. Jlr. Tayljr preached to a very large audience. W'EiEsrAT Aftessow. A nr.

22. DuriES the last night we were visited with. Tieaw Bowers of rain, but such were the that but little inconvenience was experienced. Owicz to tiie dampness of the -round this rr.orcing the prayer meeting cxrcis? were held in the ''Straw bridge" aad -North. Bilrirnore" tents, instead of at the star d.

In the latrer tent the Kev. Alfred Cook-nin adotessed the assembled congregation, ii tenets with pamos and power. The devotions! feelit these, as well as other tents, ceitainlv proniiie of a successful camp. Eev. Otis K- Tiianv arrived.

This morning a sermrrt was delivered by the Eev Dr. Kiley, ct Frederick, Z-ld. and was ccaraci-eriied ty his us uai at Uiry il. of tie Baltimore San. New Toss, August 22.

AJZ'irS in New Fork. P.jt. "ITil'iam Starrs, rectcrcf St. Patrick's Catiecrsl, has published in the Tletropolitan Kecora a report of the amounts received from ach cLttrch in the diocese of New York far le Pcr-e. Tee total amount received the date report, Angnsr Svih.

was C4. S-Patrick's Cathedral acd institn-tsrrs ecus --ti with, contributed 5L Frarcrs Xavier's Chrrch and College con. Zbered St. Joseph's, 3.T3-i yi: Su 3. aad fcrtv-sevea other churches sj.a itstittitions coiLtrlvGte-d rrorx sti t-3 2.C0C eact.

Prior to th- aV3ve S2.2-.i had be-. bv lie Eedeii--orist Fataers of tie ti ci cf -Le He It F.edeeraer. Ti? striker North Star, Capt. left vestfriav fcr Asjiz-walL, with the mails and aiftjsi passE-ngers. The apparent failing od" in th? Travel is accounted for by the fact thai are now have tSiree steamers" a month, the t-r-rr also tie dullest season of the vear.

A ysnnr man rimed Tompkins was arret-flyesterfay. charred with'stealing from Tompkins asserts that he is oae cf the nc-torios iniividnals who were coatee witn the briz Echo, a slaver, an 1 says ttat te was tried for p.racy at Char lest on. S. C. Eerie came tirctili" that trying ordeil he ds-i not state.

He claims acquaintance "rji the celebrated Captain Fartham, of the Tte Seventh Kesiment will parade about tie lt of September to take possession of their anrory ever Tompkins market, aad to Trteive a stasd of col its to be presented by txe cirr of throttgh a delegation ct in token of the appreciation ot the doners cf the patriotic response of the regi-nent to their invitation to visit Washington last Febrtiarr and taking an itn portnt part in t-e eeremoniea of Xiiia' Etafae of A raag cf bnrglars en Ssnda" nizht entered tk resiirnces cf Judze Pierrepoct and H. A. Joiizson, Filth avenue. The family of the trrmer b-icg absentia the country, tne opera-tiens cf the scamps were carried on without mti-ta-i A large amount of prorerty was The bcrslars had packed up a quantity cf valuables 3Ir. Johnson's but o-nly managed to carry eff a portion of them On 51 one ay right they retarcecJ, when fie I'li-e.

who were on the watch for them, in arrfstiEg two of tte gang, named JcLe Sr.ith, alias Cahill, aad George Waters, alias Baker. The latter hu3 only been out of tie ite prison two -otn r-Iithel ssiied from this port on the th instant. IT- on private bnsiness, and will be ab-ert aboi.t a vt-ar. G. Kent.

KoMjrt E. ilinturn, John Jacob Astor, aad Robert Kennedy, of the appointed to bear the invitation of r.ew York citizens to the Prince of left ti-ia citj' yesterday afternoon for Montreal. Two very heavy thunder-ahower3 passed Over this city last niht, cau3insr a very marked fall in the" temperature, and apparently ia-acguradrg a protracted rain-storm. Correspondence of the Baltimore San. Philadelphia, August 22.

AJTairs in BhUadtlphia. Yesterday at our navy-yard Parser Galla-fcer commenced paying off the crew of the J. i. frigate Powhatan, and continued, with little interruption, until all had answered their nam3 as called. The sum paid out wai some in specie, which includes not only the oiticers, but most of the crew, many having previously been paid.

All told, oa board the Powhatan numbered three hundred and three persona. Eizht of the number died during the cruise of the'coble frigate, and twenty desertions occurred. About o'clock last evening the city was visited by a heavy thunder storm. The rain fell in torrents, overll owing a number of cellars, and damaging several culverts. Ou Monday Jame3 A.

Parker, son ot Robert S. Parker. No. 1317 Sprine Garden street. wa3 drowned in the Delaware, at Ked Bank.

He had been spending a few days down in Jersey, and on his return to Red Bank went into bathe, and it is supposed was taken with the cramps, lie had just attained his majority. The flags all the Camden terrie3 were llv ir.g at half-mast on Monday, in respect to Mr. james carman, a well Known citizen ot cam- oen, lately deceased. A gig of the late Stephen Girard was sold at an auction sale yesterday for S1G 50, and was i cruiu immeaiateiy alter ior vjo. Col.

Robert P. Christy, a staunch old demo crat, has been chosen chief clerk in the Phil adelphia navy-yard by Secretary Toucey. Some of the police of this cirv. whn nn posed to wearing a uniform, have sent in their resignations. The selection of the uniform having been left to the men attached to the force, they have decided in favor cf blue for both coats and pantaloons.

The supply of fruit in this city is not very abutdant. Peaches are scarce and brins from two to three dollars the basket, which hold, on an average, about three pecks. Those of a K.WU. quamy soia yesteraay at nity cents the lialf peck, or four dollars the hnshpl. Yesterday David Derrairs, a driver of one of uie learns Deiongmg to the Tacony Print Works, -was instantly killed at Aramingo.

He was petting out oi tne wagon, when he slipped and dell, and the vehicle passine over him. he was til As Electric Eel. it is stated that an electric eel, four feet long and the size of a man's arm, has just bean brought to New York from Brazil. The flow of the electric fluid from the creature will pass immediately into the arm by touching the body when lifted from tho water by any ordinary conductor, but the shockfrom the creature by direct contact with the hand exceedingly severe, and would overpower most people. fC0l.0RXD Company The Zouave fever has seized the colored population, and a company called the Fort Pitt Cadets has been organized, the dress of which will be assimilated to that of the Chicago celebrities.

The corps numbers Bome.fifty members. Pittsburg Chonicle. yit is much to be feared that toe "glass of JTxiaioa" is the wine glass. There was a verv meagre business in stocks at the Esltimeie Eosrd though taera yvas firtn-e; senerallv r.i prices. The supply of capital for iaves'rcent in sound securities still coes on to sujli extent as to keen up the prices of frtita rni City and approved Railroad Donets, as wel as di vv cend-paj irg stock shrtres.

Over $13V of ialU-nic re City were sold at previous rates, that is 102 "cr IfJw's, and lc' for 1ST5 3. The closed 1.2-j bid. Maryland 68 are stiU wanted at 133 for sec! Virginia at 90J. The stocks of ohIv two tt-ree other States in the Union stand as higa as of Maryland. In Kaitroaa snares tae octy was -or.

Central at adrarce. It crousjai 22 regular, 22 buyer 60. ar.d closed lo: cas a at 22 I md. tl.Vc'j was quoted it oetter. at si-i out neia at The Mimes; stocks, with small transactions, wer ceneryl'y steady.

The money rnvrket is witimut ir.aer.6l char-ae. there is no airncuity in obtain on tirst c.ass rame3 or sooa collaterals at o-i to 5 per cent. At ew i ork taere is a demand tor moiey on pH st S'-fii ivr rcr.t. iritl a. tra siiDnlr.

First paper is encaansed. 6a7 per cent for short aad lo-ts cates. Exchange on Eurape remarry qaiet at tiie stereotyped rates on lxmcou, 5.11 on raiis. Afire AT BALTIMORE YESTERDAY. I'Tiy Missouri 6s Sli 50 City 6s.

500 shs 3 shs do COO 3 75) shs df 2.91 shs RudiselLtoO sha Silver i shs do tKJ X'i 2) shs 1.31 3 sas ZPJ shs do 0 9i shs XStatejI.WO 2 do 1-C5 1-2 iJEsslnton wni V.O shs XCRR do 2- bs 1- ij oo do do WO 22 boo 22 -i QUOSLSQ RATES: BID. ASS. I BTD. Md. 6 S.E50-1-3 SHI 52 CeatiOuio Iaca 6'i tiSc.UA aaarea.

31 KCK shares 22 6s ir, sc CJ OJ 15 83 22; i 4- 7-i 2.91 2 0 1.31 111 V4 0 6s. 1-C 5 i 1 'It'x Citv "5s. if 2 1 2i fcpringteid I Jc0Rlds 2. 7J Gardner HiJl. Gmlford orth State Silver Consolid ated.

Catnbndsre M. RudisellG.M.. SdrerVailejll 0 8 92 2.31 1.91 1 1 OK 6a 'iS N.W.Ya.lBtM t3i 93ii en 7i NCR 15. Oi dJ STCCK PEICZS AT 3TEW TOEK TE3TE2DAT 2y Magnetic Telesrranli. 1ST BOAita.

2D BOARD. ts. 51 Jutocn 81? -6VI 00 Wl t-i 0) Wl Steady. liirniB Central bonda OO CiCion Company 13K 23 New York Central R. Reading Railroad.

Cleveland and Toledo 4Hli Michigan feoutfaern it Galena and Chicago iiariem Railroad 0J MichSoaR pttaranteed. 47 Rock Railroad. -17Z "Weak. BTOCX PEICEB AT PHILADELPHIA ACO 21. The stock market was firm, but verv inactive to day.

City Tm. new, at Wilmington 6 at ljj; KeaJiEtr it 6s at Cam ana AtnD tt wi '67 at Sli4- Of iiharen, I'enna brought UK; Schuyl iNav rreidZ'K: Penna Vil and Elmira Vi; Del Div Canal lili; Eeliigh 'av 55. Tiie business of the New York stock exchange continues on a modsrate scale, but prices hold firm and in some instances an advance. The activity in the Kaiiroad shares is principally of New ork Cen tral, Erie, ar.d Michigan Central. The Tost says of Tuesday market: The purchases of New York Central, which were l.irzer than for a fortnight Dast.

are sunnoxed to come from Albany. The heavy earnings in prospect are attracting the attention of speculators. As hiifti an 85 was paid on buyer1 option. The stock leaves on quietly ai 54a'5. xne marstet ciosea troner, instil a further advance in tho npeculative stoclui.

Illinois Central sold at CT. Micii Central 70. stocks meet with a readier sale. Tennessee Ter cent better. North Carolina J-J, Mianouri li.

Calif ornias close at Missouri SI -iaiZ, Nor Caroliras fT'aWJ. Government bonds are ncarje and JielU hiher. For the 5s of 135 1U1A is bid. for the coupon 6s of 1474 U)2fi." The Fottsville Miners' Journal says: "It is rumored that the Gavernment coal contract has been taken at S3 39 a ton for Black Heath coal, delivered on board the Government steamer. This is a low figure, even lower than the contract awarded last year at S3 25.

because the freights are now 15 rents a ton higher than they were last year, and will be advanced 15 cents per ton more after the 1st oi ieptemoer." fRenorted for the Baltimore Snn.l BALTIMORE MARKET kdnesday. Ahs. 22. given below refer to tchohsale operations only, unless otherwise Coffxk. The market for Rio continues Quiet, sales to-day com prisin 100 bass at 15 cts, and 60 do.

at cts per lb. Stock, including cargo of the ship Banshee, anived yesterday, baits. Nothing iloTir in other descrintions: a notation iinVnaiitrad Flour and Meal. The market for Super Elour i-ouuiiucu quiei. Buius io uiiy a aecitne of 12 cts rer bbl.

and comorisinsr 8i hhls Howard street Super at S5 37 )U do. City Mills, and bbls Richmond do. on private terms: 150 bbls Ohio Fine at 4 75; 101 do. Howard stroet Extra at S5 75. and bw do.

at per bbl. We now quote Ohio and llowsrd street fc'uper at 5 37J, and City Mills do. ai 372aa su per Dti; iiowaru street ana oiao tra at 6 7sai, ana uitv anus ao. 5 w-4 per bbl. Corn Meal 3 624aS3 75 per bbl for City Mills snd Brar.dywine.

Rye Flour 3 874a4 per bbl for urMquauiy. GKAIN. Some 23.000 hush pit Whflat wcrn nffaraA on 'Change tins morning, and prices were steady at $1 30 er bushel for fair to prime. Corn xc.vt again in moueraie supply, oniy some e.sw bushels bein offered, and white sold at 73a7 cts. nnd vllrw 6-ia70 cts for good to prime; and a choice lot of 112 bushels yellotv sold at 73 cts per bushel.

Some bushels Oats sold at 30a34 cts for Maryland, and 39a 42 cts rer bushel for good to prime old Pennsylvania. A lot of 100 bushels Maryland Rye sold at 72 cts. aim uvuuMims reuiisyivama at cu cts per DUSliei. Molasses. No sales reported to-day; the raarke Continues dull atprevious quotations.

Provisions. There is a good demand for Bacon at the advance. but other articles are quiet. Pork- rio sales renorted: quotations niichancrnd Ruiv Meat We quote at cU per lb for Shouldors and Sides. Bacon Sales of 50 hhds Sides, city smoked, at 124 era; and some 75 hhds Shoulders and Sides, lobbing lots, at 10.9103 and cts per lb; one lot of 600 pes Hams at llalli-i cts, flndsbouteoopesdo.

at 12Jal5 cts per lb. Lard-No sales reported; we quote Western at 13 cts. Dutcners' lxsaw cts, ana rennea iaais'4 cts par lo. Sugar The market is moderately active at previous prices, sales comprising 40 hhds Porto Rico ai cvs cis; vj uo. til vis, uu.

ai cis. ao. common English Island, for refining, at 6iaa cts; and io do. Cuba at 7A per lb. Whiskt.

We notice sales of 150 bbls City at 22 martlet is dull, and we quote unto at cts Per gallon, at which it is offered. RtPnVAWn I HT. rf. 1 lllAKiET, AUg. 01.

lOUlCCD Xteceipt8 CCntinilA VArv hmvir. moor tha n-ra. nue very heavy; most ot i are mil, Uavestoppod receiving. JU': other erades more active. ouses are full, and nave stoppod receiving.

English but at 5Y 160a2 75; fair 3.1 common leaf 6 Wa3 0J; tuie maautaoturing good to ou waiaivn'j ai ma, (U-lat.

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