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Delta Herald-Times from Delta, Pennsylvania • Page 6

Delta, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PQPCLAB SCIHCCE. It should always be carefully borne In mind that in bare wires, out of doors, erected for tire purpose of conveying electricity, there is always more or less danger to person or property. There can be little or no doubt that the eggs of hens while undergoing the process of incubation are liable to be affected by the cholera of f-iwls. Bartholemy has shown that eggs contain germs of the miero'jes. The nature of the bite of the leech has been examiiv by M.

Carlet. He detactiod the from th skin of a rabbit at different stages. Suppose a scarifier, with three-toothed and equidistant blades withdrawing trom one another while they press into the skin, and operating several times successively in the same place; this gives a pretty correct idea of tiie mechanism. In forecasting weather Mr. Hollo ISussel out that next to frequent readings of the and thermometer locally, and a knowledge of the distribution atmospheric prtss- ure over as wide an area as may be, observation of the character of clouds, e-pec'ally of the cirrus variety, is of the greatest utility.

Ob nervation of cirrus can plainly be made use of in a system of telegraphic forecasts. Dynamite is one of the many pr ducts or combinations of nitro-glyc rine, and is ulx u. thirteen times as powerful gunpowder. It consists of a (onv biuation of nitroglycerine with a sub- st-irife of great absorbent power, such, for instance, as fuller's earth or rotten stone. Jly this composition the cxplo- siveness of the nitroglycerine controlled, as it wire, anil i compound is capable of withstanding the ordinary dangers of transportation, while at the sane time its explosive power is not lessen(d.

The process of manufacture is very simple. You take a certain proportion of nitric and sulphuric acid and mix etn with certain LATEST NEWS. LOXDON, June The excitement over the cholera in Egypt extends to the Medi- terranein ports, where precautions are being token against the disease. Iffi deaths occurred in one day. The chief proposal in the last note of the Vatican to Prussia is published.

The town of Cerstrin, Germany, is being fortified as a protection to Berlin from Russian invasion. Gen. Wallace, raited states minister to Turkey, still insists in his refusal to recognize the validity of the new Turkish tariff. If thnt a m-iioritv of trie joint corn. inittea of the House of Lords and House of Commons will report in favor of tunneling the British channel.

The Planters Cottonseed Oil Works, in Algiers, has been struck by lightntninp, set on fire and entirely destroyed. This the largest cottonseed oil mill in existence. The loss is roughly estimated at a million dollan. At Nashville, a riro destroyed the occupied by Diehl Lord, beer bottlers, Valentine cbewioggnm and prize-package maimhctnrere, partly destroyed the Woodward building occupied by Phillips, Bntlorff A dealers in wooden and stoneware, and Hadley, White 4 druggists. Probable loss (30,000.

fUSGEST PARAGRAPHS. It is easy to see that there is always a man in the honeymoon. How and where the gallant grocer's clerk makes love Across the way. A Brooklyn boy can imitate with his mouth the sound of a lawn mower. His father is going to try and imitate a thrashing machine.

The roan who wouldn't let his voice fear it might break, was as bad aldermen has recommended the acceptance as the fellow whs didn't like to turn of lue oner uf ibeVirgiuiailiiiiao Iiiutuuie out his mustache fearing it wouldn't to return to that city on the Fonrth of July, the flag formally presented to the ICith Regiment New York Volunteers and caotaredby Mexican rejortssay that two Americans i he Confederate army. robbed stores in Sigualo of valuable goods Eight men have been arrainged at Wilkes- anii fled. The bandit chief Bernal pursued barre, for the killing of John Briggs, at and tilled both of them. In a battle be tweeu revolutionist and soldiers at Seco in Shickshinny, last February. A demand was made that each of the defendants be given Querito, Mexico, seven insurgents have been a separate trial, and it was granted.

The killed and eleven wounded. Lancetbro, promises to be long. Mexico, has been burned. Every store and nearly all the dwellings are gone. The new iron bridge, nearly a mile in legnth, just erected by the Seaboard and Koauoke Railroad at Weldon, N.

has been completed anJ trains running over it. Within the past six months the port physician at Boston has cammed 23,530 assisted emigrants. Many of them were too feeble, by reason of age or other infirmities, for self support, and must be aided by private and public charities. Most of them were without any baggage, and were scantily clothed. last week a largo number of counterfeit dimes and of original nickles were put in circulation in New Orleans.

The counterfeit dimes are of brass, heavily plated with nickel, and bear date of 1882 while the nickels are of pewter. Both pieceg are fac-similes-of genuine coin, the dime imitations being, purhaps, the best of that coin ever manufactured by counterfeiters. JUONDON, June Mr. Trevelyan, (J met Secretary for Ireland, stud in the House of Commons yesterday that the stories about other proportions of glycerine, wlrch sending pauper emigrants to the United is the essence of fat. to make the nitro- States had been much exaggerated.

Tho To make dynamite secretary of the Take fund declares that all onl- need to mix nitro-glycerine with emigrants who have been assisted to go to Some absorl eat materia'--fuller's earth America by the fund have been sent direct is UiO best--to have dynamit3. to relatives or friends in that country, and have been provided with money on landing. WORDS OP WISDOM. Twenty arrests have been made in Berlin and Dresden of persons charged with con- Rt belt heritage one possess sl ra cy to betray secrets relative'to, the Ger- than Cheerfulness. I man military organization.

Other arrests To live long it is necessary to live have been made at Halle, Hanover and slowly; to live happily to live wisely, Cologne. says that Earl Granvilte, the British Foreign Secretary, has just refused to comply with a request of the Marquis of Tseng, the Chinese Ambassador, to remonstrate in a friendly manner with France, in regard to her course in Annain. If there be any truer measure of man than what he docs, it must be what lie gives. Knowledge is that, which next to virtue, truly and essentially raises one man above another. A handsome woman pleases the eye, but a good woman pleases the heart.

The one is a jewel, and the other a treasure. There is no harm, savs fir Walter effort to hnnt down the Scott, but on the contrary, benefit, in docs who mfeat those ronntle Last Sun- presenting a child wita ideas beyond i a i ilrt of outlaws took possession of a his easy and immediate cumprehen- compelled the preacher to read Sion. The difficulties ofiered--if not a noUce warning certain officers and citizens too great or too frequent -stimulate Ier v6 the connt or snffer death Gov. Berry, Arkansas, has issued a proclamation calling on the sheriffs and other peace officers, and all good citizens of the counties of Garland, Yell and Montgomery, curiosity and encourage exertion One distinguishing mark of a man's steady advancement is the increasing vigor of his warfare evil. Passive endurance, the favorite virtue of ancient times, is somewhat at a discount now, and active resistance occupies the place of honor.

Xot how to bear misfortune, but how to avert it, now receives the emphasis. This is a very healthy change, not because fortitude is unnetdecl, but because, in 1 large majority of the evils which it meekly cnclures may and ought to be remove 1. It is the rare exception when any evil is positively unmitaga- 1 le, and the greater the development of intelligence, the rarer evil becomes. There were over six thousand people pres- at the imposing ceremonies of the nn veiling of the statue of Gen. Lee at Lexing ton.

Va. The Maryland delegation placed a bronze memorial tablet on the tomb of Jack- BOH. Mrs. Fopo, residing at Milan, was on the nose by a bee and died front tho effects of the wound in a few minutes. tilie was apparently in good health at the time.

An oihrell was struck near Parkersburg West which is pumping at the rate 400 barrels of 28 degrees oil per day. There consideable excitement over the strike. The Mississippi river has fallen five inches at St. Louis. The railroad companies are repairing their tracks, and no further dam age is apprehended.

The reduction on the national debt during the fiscal year ending to-morrow will be in roandnnmbcrs A desperate attempt to assassinate and rob an English clergyman named Witch- borne was recently made oo a railway train between Calais and Paris by another Englishman, who was arrested. Daring the twenty-four hours which ended yesterday morning one hundred and twenty- nine deaths had occurred at Damietta, Kgjpt, one hundred and thirteen of which were from cholera- Much excitement was caused at Queens-' town yesterday by a report that James Carey, the informer, was among the passftni tiers who embarked for America. The "Deceased Wife's Sister bill" was defeated in the English House of Lord's yesterday by a vote of 145 to 140. The Pope is indisposed. He is GENERAL NEWS.

Hints on Sleep. The question of chief importance to jiost people in these ovtrwrought, wakeful days and nights is how to get good sleep enough. Dr. Corning drops a few simple hints which may be of value. In the first place, peopleshould have a regular time for going to sleep, and it should be as soon as can well be after sunset.

People who sleep at any time, according to convenience, get less benefit from their skep than I others; getting sleep becomes more' diflicult; th is a tendency to i nervous excitabilisy and derangement; the repair of the system does notequ'il the The more finely organized people are, the greater the difficulty and the danger from this cause. The first! thing in order to sleep well is to go to bad at a regular hour, and make it as early as possible. The next thing is to exclude ail worry anj exciting sub-, much depressed over the condition of afiair? jects of thought from the mind some in France and Ireland. time before retiring. The body and mind A telegram to London from Shanghai says must be let down flora the high press- lhat the reportof the settlement of theTon- ure strain before going to bed, so that nuin difticnlty is unfounded.

nature can assert her rightful supremacy afterward. Another point is never to thwart the drowsy impulse when it comes at the regular time by special efforts to keep awake, for this drowsiness is the advance guard of healthy, restorative sleep. Sleep is a boon which must notbetampered with and put off, for if compelled to wait it is never so perfect and restful as if taken in its own natural time and way. The right side is the best to sleep on, except in special ca-cs of disease, and the po-ition should be nearly horizontal. Finally, the evening nieal should be composed t.f food most easily digested and assimilated, so that the stomach will have little hard work to do.

A heavy, rich dinner taken in the evening is one of the things tliat murder sirep. Late suppers with exciting foods mii stimulating drinks make really re sleep next to impossible. Narcotics arc to be avoided, as u-i-d in cacs of disease by competent physicians. Tl.c proper time, according to fir. t' treat sleeplessness is in the daytime.

it must be treatc.i by a and temperate of by medi- c'nes. Thi i common sense, says the New Vork from wliidi paper we copy, and a vast deal of the deb'il'ty, ous derangement, and the insanity of oxu time would be presented by more goo.l restful The empaneling of a jury for the trial of ez-Treasnrer Polk at Nashville, makes slow progress- Out of two hundred persons summoned, only one juror has yet been secured, all the others having formed an opinion in the case. A ton of silver coin is now being tamed ont daily at the Philadelphia mint The most of this is in dollars, and some small coin, notably dimes. The demand for five- cent nickles is in advance of the ability to supply.

At Philadelphia, a faded little woman In a cheap calico stepped into the office of the Chief of Police. While "Dr." Isaac Hathaway was in jail denying all knowledge of the skeletons found in. the cellar of the'house he occupied, this woman, his wife, made ft complete statement of all she knew to the Chi'e. She told of the Doctor's unlawful transactions, and gave the names of his patients, and it is understood that some of the patients will be summoned to testify. Said an official to-day; "We are going for the living evidence, and don't care whom we strike.

The woman told a shocking story. She said that large and ferocious honnds were in the cellar where the bodies of dead infints were thrown, and that the brntes were al- lowed to feast on them. Some of the bodies were burned in a red-hot stove. She reiterated the statement that there were more" little skeletons in the cellar of the Fifth -street house than had been fonnd. Oroner Janney will hold an inquest this morning upon the remains of the twenty-one infants fonnd on Tuesday.

Washington Notes. An order has been issued, by direction of Ihe Secretary of war, promulgating the ap proval of the findings and sentence of the court-martial in Paymaster Wesson's case His dismissal from the army will take effect July 3, 1863, and he will be imprisoned at the Kansas State penitentiary, at Lansing, for 18 months. Capt Payne has applied to the United States Circuit Court at Topeka, Kansas, fot injunction to restrain Gen. Pope and Secretary Lincoln from interferriug with his contemplated movement into Oklahoma. The steamer Oceanic, which has arrived at San Francisco, brings information that as a rwnlt of the inquiry into the loss of the United States steamer Ashnlot off the coast of Japan, the court-martial has recommended the dismissal of Commander Mnllan and the suspension for one year of Engineer Entwistle.

The Washington Post has been gathering opinions relative to the proposed opening on Sunday of the National Museum, Congressional Library and other public buildings. Some favor the innovation, while others oppose it. A circular has been issued by the Secretary of the Navy to heads of the navy-yards asking their co-operation in the redaction of expenses by decreasing the forces of men employed under them. A revolver with seven loaded chambers has been received at the Dead Letter Office. It was mailed at Havana, and is said to be the only instance of such an article being placed in the mails.

The work of improving navigation on the Mississippi nver is progressing, and will, when completed, make that river navigable all the year round. General Crook has been ordered to Wash- ngton for consultation as to the disposition of the Apache captives. In speech delivered in the. Washington Circuit Court yesterday, Senator Voorhees charged the government with extravagance in employing special counsel, when officers are paid by the government to do the work. come back again.

"Some men unpleasantly comb their mustaches at the table." The man who can pleasantly comb his mustache at the table must be a pretty skillful practitioner. Genius having succeeded in making a steamboat out of it won't be long before aa inventive man will produce a railroad eating-house beefsteak made of pasteboard. A young lady of Xew Orleans, who recently performed a remarkable feat in rowing, has been presented with a beautiful yawL A smack would have been more appropriate. The Chinesa legation at Washington attended every performance of the circus when there, and declared that they had enjoyed nothing so much since Congress adjourned. don't stay out here all the evening." join you in ten minutes." Hostess "Miss Screechy is going to sing you know." well--say an Paper is now employed for the construction of domes for observatories.

It has also for a long time been utilized in the manufacture of "Western mining claims and township speculations. A "pocket guide" for instruction in the art of swimming has been published. "NVhen you fall overboard and don't know how to swim, all you have to do is to tread water and read your guide. "Where did you get your wonderful power of language asked an admiring auditor at the close of the lecture. "Oh," replied the lecturer, with a laugh, "I used to work in a barber's shop." "Is that about the right length, sir?" asked the skillful barber as he finished cutting his customer's hair.

"I like the sides and back," was response; "but I wish you would make it f. little longer on the top." A Pennsylvania man has applied (or a pension because he lost a tooth during the war. The fact that he lost only one tooth would seem to indicate that he never got near enough to the front to chew hard tack. The Apachfi Indian, it is said, can march from thirty to forty miles a day without becoming tired. It is really a pity that the Apache cannot be civilized, for he would bo just the fellow to accompany his wife on a shopping excursion.

Two gentlemen were talking the other day about their success in life. One remarked that when he came to Baltimore, just after the war.he didn't have a second shirt to his back. 'That's nothing," replied the ether. "When I came to Baltimore I did not have any shirt to my back at alL" He was born there. Well, there is one thing sure," said Mr.

Job Shuttles, as he closed a discussion on the wrongsidedness of every- 'thing in general; "there is no justice In this and it makes me blue to think of it." True, Job," said Patience, "but the reflection that there is justice Mr. Morgan, United States minister to i in the next, ought to make you feel a Mexico, has advised the State Department that all foreigners who purchase real estate in Mexico are held to be citizens of that republic, nnless they expressly declare their nationality at the time of mating the purchase. An order has been issued by the President reducing the number of internal revenue collection districts from 126 to 82. The District of Colombia was joined to the Third Maryland district. great deal bluer." THE MARKETS.

BALTTtfOBE. FLOUR-- City Mills extra. $4 25 Southern I Li) COR N-- Southern white 58 Do yellow 62 RYE-Good ATS--Maryland COTTON Good ordinary BUTTER--Western prime. West Virginia CHEESE--New York State choice A farmer of Klsbenv. Missouri, las LONDON-.

June is repcrt-'d from Sk Petersburg that the negotiations between Russia and the Vatican has been concluded. It has been decided that President Grevy, of France, shall personally answer the let'er of the Pope upon church affairs. The trial of Said Bey Khandeel for com- plicity in the massacre at Alexandria, Egypt, g-pjjVW Wheat has begun. The panic over the cholera in E( vpt is increasing. Jonathan H.

Green, Pennsylvania, who has achieved considerable notoriety as the "reformed Ka? been arrested in Philadelphia, charged with having fleeced a young man ont of several hundred dollars. Wery Gillespie, late postmaster at son College, N. ad James F. Gamble, hr.i cierK have been arrested at Charlotte, N. Postoffice Inspector Lamson on a charge of robbing the mails of $290.

The Baltimore (Ihio railroad Co-, has wccceded in establishing a fast line between Baltimore nnd Washington, running time minuter distance forty Heavy rains in Pennsylvania lias done disastrous damage to railroads and crops Railroad travel has been delayed in consequence of heavy wash outs. At Rolling Fork, Nathan Ayerr insulted Mrs. Chisholm, and was killed by her son Thomas. The law of Virginia requires that everv person elected or to any post r00 I 23 60 6." ffi 4K a 65 10 l-'OO 8 00 00 21 a 22 18 '2 10 17 3 5 r-0 6 8 1 .50 2 00 (it 4 SO (ff 00 00 an oo oo 00 8 SO 1000 rut .50 cords of wood. 500 ties.

office under the laws of the commonwealth feet of piling, and rails shall, before he act-, in such office take the from the timber growing on a two inti-dueling oath. No eiceotions 'aw, acre 1 it. Blackburn's law part- Dr. Graham, will be TOO years ol 1 next I exceptions are made. Ihe JiewYork commissioners of immi- a special meeting to consider EGGS 'CATTLE i SWINE-SHEEP AND LAMBS.

TOBACCO LEAF--Inferior i Good common Middling Good to fine red Fancy SEW IOKK. COTTON-Middlinc upland 10 n. 1 1 FLOrH--Southern com. I fairexrra 4 5 30 WHEAT--No. Iwhile 1 20 1 23 RYE--State 72 (ft 73 CORN--Sontbern 6T, fi7 State 45 JITTER--State 'JO 9 is EGGS 23 1 FLOUR--Penna.

fancy 4 73 (i? 5 10 WHEAT-Pa. and Sonth! ern red 1 23 RYE--Pennsylvania CORN--Southern OATS 57 1 24 (Hi Britate. CHEESE--N. Y. EOUS 8 US so 25 IS Blotting Paper.

Large manufactories are devoted to the production of blotting paper, which thus becomes an important article ol commerce. The demand is always good, and subject to little variation- The sale of blotters is very large, but it would be larger if insurance and other companies did not scatter so i many advertising blotters. Blotting paper is of comparatively recent origin' I It is not so many years since blotting sand was an article of foreign export and domestic use. Foreign sand came from the Mediterranean, but Block Island beaches supplied Khode Island Some of the merchants of remember when, as clerks in stationery stores, they occupied leisure hours and rainy days in putting into convenient packages blotting sand that came from Block Island by the barrel in those pointed shallops that plough the main nowadays. The use of blotting sand led to the manufacture of sand-sifters, which in itself was an industry of some magnitude, A piece of paper has displaced them, sand and all.

Krllr of the War. Dr. E. Warren, the eminent physr cian, late Purveyor Genrral. C.

S. now a pnictiM'Ti'T in Paris JIT! widely known throughout South, wrote officially: AVorthington's Choi- era and" Diarrhoea Medicine has long agoer.joved a high reputation, both in ami out of the Army." Other dans of high standing recommend it. and with such endorsement it is recog- I nized as a sovereign cure. I The largest milk pan on record has has been made for an Iowa creamery. It will hold 600 gallons.

Nebraska claims the largest apple iver grown in America. It weighed i 181-2 onacw. BESEFACTOB. Jenny Lind has one son, an officer in the British army, and two daughters happily married. Tima.) Nearly forty years ago a yonng man, of onusml endowments, began to mold public opinion upon a subject of vital importance.

Lite all pioneers, his early efforts were unsuccessful, but his ability and the value of Li-- work soon won public confidence, and to-day there is not a village or hamlet in the country that has cot keen influenced by Dr. Dio Lewis. When, then for it was learned yesterday thnt he contemplated the establishment of a meg iziiie in tbu city, the fact was deemed important that a repre- jentative of this paper was commi sioned to eee him and ascertain the truth of the rumor. Dr. Dio Lewis is a gentleman of sixty years hair and beard, bnt probably the picture of health and vigor in the metropolis.

He is a living exponent of his teachings, and notwithstanding the amount of work he has already done, promises still greater activity for years to come. He received the interviewer most courteously, and in reply to a question said: -It is true 1 haye come to New York to establish a monthly magazine. I have come here for the same reason that I went to Boston twenty-five ea: a ago. Ttea Boston was the I est platform in the country from which to speak of education. New "York has now become most hospitable toprogi thoughts and so to movements on behalf of physical training.

"I have reason to know the great and abiding interest of the American peaple in llm subject. They have come to realize that the future of cnr country pivots npoh onr physical vitality, and especially upon the vifc'or of our women. My new magazine will bear irn title 'Diotewis' and be devoted to Sanitary and Social Science. I hope through its pages to inaugurate a new departure in hygiene." "Have yon not written several books on the subject?" es. nine volumes, nnd some of them like Our published by the Harpers, have had an enormous circulation, but the best work of my lifo I shall give tho world in the new magazine.

Forty years of skirmishin" ought to conclude with ten years of organized warfare." Dcctor, what is the occasion of this new interest in health 1 "It has come through suffering, which seems the only road to self knowledge. The stomach, heart, kidneys or liver fall into trouble, happiness is gone, and then people give attention to their health." Which of these organs is most frequently the victim of our asked the reporter. ithin the last few years diseases of the kidneys hare greatly multiplied. When I was engaged in practice, thirty-five aad forty years ago, serious disease of the kidneys was rare; but now distressingly frequent and fatal." To what do yon attribute this great increase of kidney troubles?" "To the eof stimulating drinks, adulterated food and irregular habits of life." Doctor, have yon any confidence in the remedy of which we hear so much nowadays, Warner's Safe Cure?" ''f believe in tho oonee of prevention, rather than in a ton of cure." "But have you noticed the remarkable testimonials of Warner's remedy?" I have, and confess that they have puzzled and astonished me. The commendations of proprietary medicines nsojdly come from unknown persons residing in bask counties.

Bnt I see in our most reputable newspapers the warmest praise of Warner's Safe Cure from College Professors, respectable i-hysi- cians, and other persoas of luh intelligence find chcracler. To thrust such testimony may be professional, but il is unmanly. No physician can forget that valuable additions to our Materia Medicabave sprung from just such sources. I was so with this cloud of witnesses that I purchased some l-ottles of Warner's Safe Cure at a neighboring drug store, and analyzed one of them to see i it contained anything poisonous. Then I took three of the prescribed doses at once, and fonnd there was nothing injurious in it.

I do not hesitate to say that if I fonnd my kidneys in serious trouble, I should use this remoJy, because of the hopelessness of all ordinary treatment, and becansa when a hundred intelligent reputable unite in the statement that a certain remedy has cnn-d them of agrae malady, I cbouao to believe that they speak the truth. 'But as you may know, my great interest in life lies in prevention. For forty years I have labored in this field. One of the phases of my work in New England was the establishment of the Ladies' Seminary at Leiing- ton, My aim was to illustrate the po-sibilities in the physical training of during their school life. This institution became, before I left it, the largest and most successful seminary for young women owneJ and managed by one person in our country.

I sat down to dinner every day with a family of two hundred persons. The remarkable results of this muscle training among girls were given in my paper published in the Iforth Amfrtfnn Itericic of December, 18S2. Ilesides I established the Normal Institute for sical Training in Boston, and for ten years was its President and Manager. Dr. Walter Dr.

Thomas Hoskins, Professor Leonard and others were among its teachers, and more than four hundred persons took its diploma and went ont into all parts of the land to teach the new school of gymnastics. And now the years left to me I propose devoie to the magadiie which I have come here to est sblish. It will be the largest ever devote! to this field of literature, and will present the hundred and one questions of hygiene with the simplicity of a child's talk. To this end all so-called teaming will be subordinated. The magazine will be more or illustrated, and will strive reach a high placj in the confidence nnd hearts of the people.

In a few weeks onr first number w.ll appear, and we shall fondly hope for it a hearty welcome." The facts above nar ated are indeed most i mportant It is gra ifyin to know that the lifelong experiences of a gentleman who stands without a pe in SDccessfnlly demonstrating the principles of hygiene; whose heart always been in sympathy with the afflicted, and whose brain has ever been active in plnnning for their relief, are to be given to the public through the pages of a And it is specially significant pruof positive of rare merit that a proprietary medicine, even with such high standing as Warner's Safe Cure is known to have, should be indorsed and recommended by a uinn so able, so reputable and of such national renown as Dr. Dio Lewis. "What is the worr-t thing about asked a teacher. "Their scarcity," replied a boy, and he was immediately awarded a prize. Nervous debility, the curse of tho American people, immediately yields to the action of Brown's Iron Bitters.

peach of China is revolutionizing ptach culture in Florida. It flat like biscuit. KEOKTJK, Iowa--Dr. E. Fuller says: "I have Brown's Iron Bitters in my own family with excellent results.

During one of the recent hot daj-g the Brookljn bndse descended to within 135 feet inches of the water. Unloaded in the coldest weather it would be two feet higher tM GROTS, N. O. N. Koberson says: 1 prescribe Brown's Iron Bitters and find it all it is recommended to be." An effort is making to build a charch for deaf mutes in Philadelphia.

"Konch on Clear? ootrats.mice.roaches, flies, bedbugs, 15c. D'g'sts. aaa, replied tne young re: ong as "Bnrhn-PnWn." The Quick.completecure.annoying Kidney, Bladder, Urinary Diseases- $1. Druggists. "Ma, is Long Branch an awfnl dirty place?" no my child--what made yon think "Why.

here an advertisement that ays it is washed by the tide twice a day." rotonrl Seller's Eye Witter. The Colonel never made a success of the Eye Wafer business, bnt Carboline strnck a bonanza with Petroleum as its base. If yonr hair is thin and falling out, try it. The death rate from yellow fever at Vera Cruz, Mixico, said to be fifteen a day. Tne habit of running over boots or shoes corrected with Lyon's Patent Heel Stiffner.

The population of Cores is said to be 7.2W.377,, of hich 3,560,317 are males and 3734,050 Chrolithion collars and cuffs art to. UM lone ran. Uwa uy Dr. B- V. PIEKCE, Buffalo, N.

DtorSit --My family has used yonr "Favorite Prescription" and it has done all that IS claimed for it It is the best of all preparations for female complaint. I recommend it to all my customers. 6. 8. WATERMAN, Druggist, Baltimore, Md.

Don't blame the girl who marries for money. Doesn't the preacher narry. ":OI.UEN MEDICAL DISCOVER for all scrofulous and virulent blood-poisons, is specific. By druggists. Thorp 93 (Tin liurke county, Ueorgia.

THE 8IUOVS. dyspeptic or constipated, should addres with tw; stamps and history of case for pam phlet, DxspessAfiY MEDICAL Associ ATHXN, Buffalo, N. Y. Ninety-three thousand acres of land wer planted with timber in Kansas last year. Rhfnmatine-Gontflline, Dr.

Elmore's, 10 William WyreaZ enrol ice etc diseocered for rheumatism, and best rerced known for kidney, liver and stomach dif eases. Abundant proofs. Send for circulars Vinccnnes, Indiana, has a butter dish fa tory which turns out 80,000 to 90,000 dishe per day. The fraztr Axle Greiue. Is the best in the market.

It is the ra OS economical and cheapest, one box lasting a long as two of any other. One greasing wil last two weeks. It received first premium a the Centennial and Paris Expositions, also medals at various State Fairs. Buy no other The Czar's crown is full of diamonds an pearls, and is greatly admired by his uncle For sore feet, swollen joints, sprai ns, corns or bunions, use St. Patrick's Salve.

The report that America was sending infer nal machines to England originated ir the fact that a vessel from New Orlean landed two crates of cucumbers in London Mother Worm Srrup. Infallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic feverishness, restlessness, worms, constipa tion. 25c- Years do not make old sages; they onl; make old men. GASTBTSE cures dyspepsia. What more dc you want? Ask your druggist for it GAS TBTKE is in liquid form.

Those who hope for no other life are dead even for Wnlk More and Sleep Sonndlr. Mr. JOHN W. COLE, Principal of tho Gall School, Troy, N. writes us: TBOY, N.

April "Having been afflicted for several years past with illness, the cause of which was nn known to me for a long time, and my con tinned disability getting to be of so serious and distressing character as to canse great anxiety with my family and friends, I became satisfied upon close investigation that4he canse of mysickness was the diseased Condi tion cf my kidneys and liver. At this time by accident a had similar symp toms to informed of the grea improvement in his health by taking Hunt's Remedy, and persuaded me to try it. immediately commenced taking it, and from the first bottle began to improve, and its continued Use affords very encouraging results. I can sleep soundly, walk better, am free from pains, and the severe attacks headache from which I suffered so much have disappeared, and I cheerfully recommenc Hunt's Remedy for all purposes for which it is advertised. I will add in closing that my wife has used it very successfully for preventing the attacks of sick headache with which she had been afflicted from youth.

1 Almost Disheartened. A prominent citizen sends na the following statement: For several years I have been very serf onsiy afflicted with a severe pain in my back, which I long supposed to be lumbago or rheumatism of the back. More recently the pains had become more severe, so much so thnt it with difficulty that I was able to get out of bed in the morning. I had triec various remedies without any apparant relief. By the earnest solicitation of a friend I commenced Hunt's Remedy, about three weeks ago, nnd its instantaneous benefits are wonderful, for I have had no pains in my back since taking the first three doses; and am relieved rooi the pains, aches and exhaustive weakness, the painful symptoms that usually accompany disease of the kidneys.

And I confidently expect to be completely and permanently cured by the use of it. I most cheerfully recommend Hunt's Remedy to all who are afflicted with any kidney or liver disease. WILLIAM G. ARNOLD, Walnut Street, Providence, B. March 29.1S83.

A nobby thing in boots--ft bunion. DR.WORTHINGTON'S tct OVE29 YKAXS. for CVwvIidfpt. md Vf the ttomtcH ami Introduced to tbeAnnr, 1462, by SufRwa-fienerat C. S.

A. KKommenta! Gen Van-en, Farwor Horj Kmnetb tUyner, Solicitor U- and others. Price, 25 eta. gold ty PmggifUt and Dealers Onlt genuine UQsrDJtinell Mown bo THE CHAKltt A. A RosieUer'a Stotn Bittara mtwts the of rational medical phi IowIhy whicb at present It is a perfectly pnre the three important properties of a preventive, a tonic itrrt uti Alterative.

It HIP unit Iho tnritid and liver. and effects snlot.try chanRftm tlio entire system For wlp by aJ and Deal. fTS cro RVERVWHERK to MII bwtr Fnm llr Knit. nwnied. Will knit pmr ami TOE cnmplrrc 2o It will also i variety of fancv work forwh.ct) is a ready market for circular and to trm T'vomblr Street AGENTS HUCraid tin.

stockings with HIvKI, and S. DlffiE, WnMiftM.D.O. PATENTS PENSIONS J. S. DlFfiE.

Wnkl 80 OPIUM me writing papar. in blotter, with calendar. I.J iruiil for Wnnlnl. tcoXOMT PmsTlM 00 JiCTrbaTTPprt. JIMS.

'ltlnf tTUrft A GENTS WANTKDfof mn ami Pncos S3 percent Ptpi tsHlSrt Pa "HEALTH HELPER" rilfcfcPeifectHMlth.H.H.BUlBI.Bogtlo.M.T I 1 "AK1TS ctiKd 9 Iwlat homr withmit pjun. Boob of par. sent frff WTOLI.EV.M Aitdmsll. Stire Cnto fi irowntonn Irm llallell A PoTtUnd.*.

A Sore Cnte for Epitepsr or Kits in biwi 'am Araeo.1 LYDIA E. PINKHAKTS YTraETABLE CQMPOUin). la Po.ailive Cure etunaon tffoi beat mate A Medicine Tor Tfomau. Prepared by a the Greatest DbeoTM? ttc Krtt revives the droopln? spirits, inrigoimtex firmacss to tUa step, restores the natural lostm to eje and plaats on the chevfe of woman the Craft roses of life's spring and cariy sxunmer CSTPhysiciansiJse "it and Prescribe tt removes falntness, flatulenffy, destroys sllcnTing for stimclant, and reUoves weofcncss of tba atoinadh. at fcelins of bcariug 1 down, causing pain, weight And bacfcaehe.

Is always permanently cored bj VertheenreofKldncT Complaints either MX tYWAE. BLOOD FURIFIEB will eradicate evory of hmoors irom we BlooJ, and tone and to the sytfeiq, o( man otonu or child. Insist on having it. Both the Compound autl Blood Purifier are 233 and 235 Western Arcane, Lynn, Mass. Fzicaot either, Sii bottles for $3.

Bent by mail iathft fOrtB or pills, or of lozenges, oa receipt of price, forcithCE, Mrs.Pinkhaiafreelj- answers Enclose Set- stamp. ScndforpampUet. No family be witiiout LIVES 1'ILW. cure constipation, torpidity of the liver. Scouts per bos.

BN 27 BOiousness anOilicns Patients. Pertaining to Bile, Bilious Symptoms, Bil- lons Temperaments. THE BEKEDY. Tha Bilious is a disorder of the human system. A technical definition of the term is this: "Pertaining to the bile; disordered in respect to the bile; as, a bilious patient; dependant on an excess of bile; as, oiftotu temperament; bilious symptoms.

The word bile, when employed in the sense in which it Is to be understood in this article Dignities, according to the Dictionaries, "A yellow, greenish. biLter, viscid, nanseous fluid secreted by tfie liver." "Any derangement of the bile at once manifests itself in great bodily discomfort, in loss of appetite, and in despondency," recently remarked an author of a valuable treatise upon this subject. The same writer further adds: "Someof the following symptoms are usnally prominent: Pain in the right side, which is very sensitive to pressure. The pain will sometimes appear to bo located under the shoulder blade. There is also irregular appetite, flatulence, a sense of fullness in the region pf the stomach, and, sooner or later, the skin and whites of the eyes become yellow, the stools clay colored and the urine yellow, depositing a copiojs sediment." The balance of the too familiar train of ills needs no farther mention here.

The bilious is, as will be seen, is an affliction of great magnitude, and of varied forms of d.rjct-and indirect appearance. The disease is no respecter of persons or localities. Its deadly and implacable enomy is found in KlDSIT-WoBT. It acts on the nr.d kidneys at the same timo, and by its mild but efficient cathartic effects moves the bow els freely. The morbid poisons that have been the cause of all this disease and suffering will be thrown off; new life will be infused into every organ, and nature thus aided will restore the patient to health.

of repute and standing, men who are honored for their probity, and respected and trusted for their scientific attainments, are using Kidney-U'ort in their practice regularly. No stronger evidence of the worth of the remedy would seem to bn necessary. Snch indorsements are few and far between. We had almost said that they were without precedent tho history of a proprietary remedy. Be that as it may, lowerer.

the fact remains established that Kidney-U'ort is a matchless remedy, and one needs only to be tested to demonstrate its rare merit as healer of most of tho common maladies ofjhe human family. BEFORE-AND-AFTER ijpliasta scat oa 30 BITS' TrfU, TO MEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OLD, WHO are CriMn SEf.vors Drarurr. I-OSTVlTAt ITT, f.x-K OF NERVE FOKrK jam IOOB. WASTIVII WEHISESSK-. nml nil kindred diseases.

relief and rr.mi.Jete tlon at HEALTH, Viuor. ar.ii MIMICOD GVAIU.V TEFP. Tin- or the Nlne- tei-nlh Century. oKL-c'for Illustrated Pamj'hli't VOLTAIC BELT MARSHALL, MICH. CONSUMPTION My i tui'l Tfin full particulars of 1'rof.

NOBLE, Snnla Sniitii flnm ('nlifflrrnin. 53? NO PAY UNTIL CURED. OPIUM MORPHINE HABIT No pay till cnrod. Ten yciirs establisHed. 1,000 nirel Ktnte case.

Dr. Quincy, Mjcb. For You, Complexion betrays some linmiliating imperfection, whose mirror tells yon that you are Tanned, Sallow and disfigured in countenance, or hare Eruptions, Redness, Eonchness or nn- wholesome tints of Complexion, we say use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. It is a delicate, harmless and delightful article, producing the most natural and entrancing tints, the artificiality of which no obserrer can detect, and which soon becomes Permanent if the Magnolia Balm is judiciously used. 1 rSPAPEKl IEWSPAFERI.

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