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The Wellsboro Gazette Combined with Mansfield Advertiser from Wellsboro, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Wellsboro, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4' iC 1 II If I Idst of Juron-Oecember Term, 1857 owned bf Aaron Forma: JUBORS. Hi TV. rlcfnckt Ei cisbf Ebcneur Burtey, Truman H.6olick,Wni.B, 'CHtfMtfttrf. Hi Al OTificbob, H. Mfflety Onto Swan, Dewitt JBchmid EngBmb, Andrew -Been, Wm.

Tiffany. TRAVEHSE JtBOKS, FIBST WKBK. Jaraw ftott, Santoel Miller, E. Joseph Dqwilt, Jowph Petera, Austin Lmthrop, V. R.

Gee, M. D. Field; S. B. lieregood, C.

H. Boose, John Goodspeed, Harrii PbmroHoajhton, UCLoncweU, S.H. Murdoch, Vanduwn, Laugher Baebe, C. fl. Spencer iT Buyd, slxTfeet, thence south flv degrees east four bandied twelve and a half feet, thence north degriaj hundred and ell feet to i no tomber A.

D. 1657, ore the Hon. RobU in the Counly A Merthant.jgotel.^orthlouah.8tjPhiladelphia. at 'M Willie, MONTHS of Pregnancy, ag they are to a i a a i i a a A Spinal Affections.pain in the eighth day. of Senlerober, ia)ld lfifty.1^ leaving tnd Lfinbt, BeavtnMfi Tiftey Marvin, Horace Abel Sly, W.

D. Kelly, Datid Hrtt, J. B. JWWd. J.V,8w«n,T.

W.Starka,Win.B.Middanfk TtAVBBSE JHROE8, WBWC. Smith, Hiram Frieebowf, on the eut by Henry Dent, on the a part of a lot of land of-warrant Bo, spitatton Heart, Spirits, Sick or DuiriiB, myvwuiuv, all other jrinrnl disease, occasioned by ll dren, unrivalled ad'vantnges for nas the petitioner while the-chargea made upon other contain nil directions accompany ei Wiliam Thomas the petitioner, nem cnnr trtrarail TKblnaif, mternar'ie'' with Joflii att enW expenaei, are moderate than and atthongh powerfuf regrty, regUent of New York; Thomas, seabeajfo markets. gales and neighboring i property nf a BW 'jporpugn 01 31 the-New York Bute line, by MIU'Btreetandirert by one-ffcurth of mn acre nwrt ol tew, oae, Rochester, If. T. Rochester i all the sSid children are now of lawful age; the said K-ittiooOTdoMd toany.anOiqri.ea will Iwiir.

ibtesUte died setted; (n his demesne ail of fe? ofand TMw, in the fqllowin 8 de.crii*d real estate and messuage and trlct of a sit late in-Lawrerioe. township in lot of bind ii the Borongh of WelliioTOV'boBnd- landaoT the Knifing. John Cook, Vine Defoi, Gao. Hyrnec, Mathew lot of land li the toWnthto of NeUon, ip eastbyL.B. Jfeynard, wnth' Rmtan, Wm.

Thomas, Martin StnUori, Angus Gril. fin, Jacoo Grantier, D. C. pooHlUe, Geo. H.

Baxter, Solon DartUR-Toles, R.P." Buttles, Joshua Bowen, Nathan Miller, Wm. Johnson, C. W. Haamore, Jesse M. Kesney, Jas.

B. Husted. Tor Sue to by J. A Eoy, CoTiiigtan Taylor, Jtontneia, by C. W.

Nesbitt; by A phry and H. H. Borden; Lawrenceville by W. -O. W.

MaiKet Street. al(ove 9 anc CLOTHING, Nb. SOSMarket nboveThird. RAIGWEI' 1" BKJTISU Jobbery of GOpDS, BMBBOIDBKJBS N. Third street.

ne'sqne river, on I he eas by Jane oh the south by lands of T. Tompkins, and on the west bv lands of William Thomas--containing J. J. JlicharUson So. Market street, manufactures Sret class UMBKKLLAS expressly for retailers.

Every article warranted. 3 UCHU LEAVES are procured from the sooth ern part of Africa Tria. List- -December Term, 1867. B. 0.

Wickham et al Wm. Spaldlng James Dnffey TI Thos. Putnam H. Oee'Knox et al A. Button et al I.

nKeedetal Alex. Mattison. et al 3 W. Shcff Winthrop Beach James Meri(l vs Wllllston Onemnej for Otto is Ehiei Harris Pieetoyteriau congregation of BlossimrK S. Beemii 8.

Bexford'a Kxr. Wm. tlark et al vl A. Clark vj 9 J. W.

Ryon i Wm: Barns H. E. Miller's Km. same llenry llathbone ys John A. Hammond Ellas Russell vi Wni.liarna J.

0. Longwell V( IraSullvck 1 C. Bathbone Victor Case David Coats H. H. Htynes 8.

Beckvith John Mltchull B. Qulmby L. M. Palmer Bennett i Randall i Ryon A Tubbs Levi Carpenter 9 D. B.

Shoff a R. Jones et al 9 B. C. Wickham J.B. Benn vs Clymer School Directors Ira Bnllock Bennett Randal 1 William A.

Falkner vs J. Stoddajd et al H. A. Guernsey vs D. P.

Roberts et al Geo. Run ley J.B. Wood Tmbor. Young Co. W.

D. Bailey A. Locej Henry Rogers Geo. Kress Mansfield Iron Works. E.

R. Bnrley T. Coatft N. Bench M. V.

Bco-wn at al vs W. N. Hammond J. D. Lohgwell vs B.

Beiitley Uastings McNitt Coats Sylvia Pannentier Wright Butler John Bowen W. T. Humphrey W. Wells etal a N. A.

Elliott Shippens Kirs. L.J. Cooley V. CaulkuiB vs W. W.Ballard etal vs C.

S. Whitcomb et al H. C. Gillette L. Davenport H.

Q. Martin Covington Township JamcJiCMtley vs Iliram Costley Martin I'ower II IDll II. 8. Jonnson s- A.J.Clark Hoyt VB W. W.

Ballard et al TioRa Road J. W. Guernsey et al Bridge Shepard Clark Calvin Benn U. Knickerbacker Elmira W. M.

Co. Robert Campbell for Woodward A. W. Harrisou IFm. Uhew Ammta GuJver Kwe forBirry J.

D. Gillette Parmeterii Roberta Dewitt Son Ixxiev JVm. Harden J. Tremaln J. Cooley Martha Stevens E.D.

Wells W. U. Johnson a A. Locey J. C.

Johnson et al Barlow Swan a W. T. Humphrey 9 Philip Tubbs I. Spencer C. H.

Colegrove Daggett 4 Siibee 8. Smith et al Wm. Heysham Julius Skiff lllcuiviiie wnn iuwcu wjr me --f physicians residing there and by their rscommend-. monwealth is directed, if such partition can Whole such partition a made WQH.MIS Importers ition lo forope. piocess 'without prejudice to or spoiling i Tn jj DBUda, The Hotlenlols at the io'orcer and apooir.t an inquest cape of Good Hope have long used this article as a premises aforesa id lo and arnufig the children and To be sokl as the property re medv in a tarietv of diseases.

From them tlie repreenlallTCs of th 3 said inleslate snch manner rfIto0( 1 south by a K. Davis and WiOUnuon mad --containing abont two acres all improved wito one.ia* mill thereon. Tp be. the property of Ell 0. ConTact.

lot of land ii'Union townshiji bounded south by the Ljcomiog creek, north and east by L. N. Kotty, wert by Peltier--containing one bundled acres with hnproVed, one plank he use and apple orchard thereon. To be sold the property B. W.

Botty. 1 ALSO--A lot of land i Uniot, township, bounded OB tni west by Joseph Grover, on the east by Isaac Cblllns, on the north Bf George Collins and Bacon, on the south -containing twenty-flw acres, seventeen acres with one frame barn, Dne house fnone, and one apple tree icvca IHLIU, auu 6 i thereon To be sold as ihe property of John H. ntt g'been effectual when otter valuable'medicines go to and upon he premses aforesaid, and therein lot of land in Union bounded and de- io produce an effe t- he acflve princi ihe presence of the parties aforesaid, by be pie of this medicihels a volatile oil which is mosilly lost by Ihe old process ol boiling. Hence it requires NICHWLS, ees orsofTHOS.W,HITK Maimftctui-ere an.l Importers of Straw Goods. Silk Bonnets.

Bonnet a Millinery South RE now receiving a very choice and carefully selected assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY Groceries and Provisions, and are prepared to furoish them to cu.slomers a As Reasonable Prices 'AS thfy can be bought in any other Market. of Cuslomers can rely upon finding al all liu.e.. any article they may wish, and all Goods warranted to be as represented. Silks, and Ladies' Dress Goods, Latesl Styles, and adapted to every a i of i mings. Ladies will do well lo call and examine the Stock before purchasing elsewhere.

Baldwin, Lowell have always on liand a seasonable and fashionable stock of Gentlemen's Ready-Made Clothing, which i be sold at Hie lowest CASH PlilCEb. ALSO, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Glast Stone, Hollow and Ware, Iron, ttil, Nails, Otis, Paints and of kind and of the best quality, with HOOTS SHOES. forErtrybody. All Kinds of Country Product taken in (or foods al tfif mailed 2, of time this medicinl has come into general such jartilion ct nnot be made thereof, Ihen to value and is hichly spoken of by the beat medical writers, and appraise the sarrie and make report of their pro- Physician, recommend it mostly for complaints of ceedings eccJlrcing to law at the next Or the Urinary organs, such as gravel, a morbid irrita- phan's Whereupon the said Court on djue lion of the bladder and urethra, retention of urine, proof and eonsic era of the premises awarded an 1 incontinence of nrine from waiit of tone in the inquest fur the purpisca urinarjorgans. It cools Ihe unnainral, heat and We therefore command you with you and many cases of long standing twelve good nnc lawfu men of your bailwick, you OILS, GLASS, DYE STUFFS, 4C St.

James sta. Xo. 021 Market, and 012 scribed is follows Sontti By Joseph Bonn, north by George eastby Bbeneiair Beers, west by J. H. Odllck contain: ng fifty acres Mith twenty-five tctes improved, one frame barn and one log house, thereon.

To be Bold as the property of Benj. Irvine i lot of land in Delmar township, beginning at a' stake scnth east corner lands of E. Wpbster, thence sooth to a stake south west ccrner of lands owned by Wesley Cop- lidge, thence east along the south line of Wesley Coolidge's warned ii being wtrned they will be iresent, and having respect to true valuation thereof, and gVeat'care. and skilful management to prepare this upon the oaths end 1 ffirmations of the said twelve BUCHU a strop, or i nles iate, in suci manner, nnd in such proportions, concentrated preparation By the new rocess Displacement." By this the valua- ong th land 65 rods, thence soath 61 rods and 10, thence west qs process By this the valua- "jTM or snoil rods, thence north 61 at MO to a south west corner of r. th Bnchu are enlirelv nreserved lhe 8ame can dol without preojuoice 10 or spoil W.

Coolidge's land, theice west along north line of lands We properliesj ot the Bucdu are entirely. nrescirveo, ie lo lc. in possession of 1 to a stake corner of hinds In posses- and this forraj of lhe medicine is less liable to injury sion of Charles Henry, north along the east line of ft 3ta age and more palaleable. Useful equally in all lands ic possession of Hemy he kind wh eiher male or femlle. Price aforesa stake, ihence east to place oi beginning--containing -about seventy'flve ncref and about 20 acres improved, and a few-frntt trees thereon.

To be sold air the property ofj no K. Cjetnical Store at Wellsboro Fa. rl ihprptn as reouired 03-This is no patent medicine or quack nostrum am "I 1 116 1 8 611 1 JSC 1 good and lawful nven, you 'make partition to and amor the heirs anc legal re intestate, in sue i manner, a as by the laws of this Commonwealth is directed, if tan be. done without predfudice to or spoil- hole. he sail iiuucst, you to be summoned to make the said, partition or valuation, opinion tial Ihe premises aforesaid, witli Ihe appurtenan3es, cannot be parted and divided Represented'by" LEwi8.1jAIKs'i i'hiladclpliia.

B. TE, EJ- IsPBfBOT) General Produce Commission Merchants, No. 3(4 Wharves. Refer to Philadelphia generally. All consignments or orderswlll wceivo personal attention.


4th, J. MII.ES SON, Wholesale Boot Shoe Manufacturer, No. 49, Soiifli 4th street. SAOT'Ii. H.

BIBICHAUS, Imporlcr Wholesale Dealer in Forcipi im.l Don! Ko. 258 North 3U street, below me. mnnrler and Wholesale -A-N-DM a i AG-'ATN IN Firi.T, BT "3QBERT YOL'NCJ, Ule of llie i uf 1L YOUIIR Co Tiog-a, takes iliis method to i I form tlie public Unit lie lias the Foundry and I Machine Sho in the vill.ige of WclUboro lor K-rm i of a a a i put il in good i i is prepared lo do all i of a i such establishmpnlx, in the best a and oul of the best of a i a i lie has had over ycars'txpcrienrr- i business and i have the criinislud i i done directly uruicr hi. i i woiii i 1 he sent out a i 1 MILL A I PI.OVGHS, a a i of all i on a nrd, r. I For sale al Roy's Drug and opinton Ite presses aforesaid, will Nb.

62 Beach Meirick. ALSO--A lot of tend hi Union township, bounded on the north by Wm. Nael, on the. west hjpsohn 'ergerson and Jo- 0rrver, on the eas- IJy Andre 9acon and Jerad Nuel- conUiin ng seventy-four acres, with nflyflve acres UnproVed, one log house, one log arn and a small apple orehard'inere- on. Tw be sold as the of Georgo U.

Collins. ALSC--A lot of Innd i in Ward township, bounded, north by C. L. Hard, east by Rafthbone lands, south by Peter Meeker andweu by L. HW4--containing about seventy acres, with about thirty acres fifteen acres chopped, a frame" hpuae, log house: faame barn and apple orchard thereon.

To be sold the property of Daniel Uagar. ALSO--A lot of land in Richmond township, bounded on the west by laud of Daniel Lamb, on the north and east by well known and valua without prejudce to or spoiling the whole, or -not into sl Lres equal value. Empire! The NEW FIRM NEW GOODS BULLARD would inform the public that they may be found al the old stand of Bowen Bullarde known as the Ihen you cause Ihe inquest to.yauxe and appraise the whole of the said real estate, 01! several shares or purports into which they may'divide jfte said real Branch street. WM. ROWLAND CO rtianufacture- all kinds of Mill.

Cut. I it K. of aulierior (jnulity. All i.X' m- tpd with. linnctuallty and ih-spatrh.

E. HAtl. OODEN, Philadelphia Malleable Wcllsboro May 28, 1857. house 307 Arcn and Saddlery cause the sale 'impest to inquire 'imd whether the same will convebjieBlly accommodale ALSO--A lot of and situaie in the township of Sullivan and bounded as lollowe, to wit: onthe north by highway or road leading from Mansfield to Troy, on the east by highway or road leading from Mains- burg to the east and west slate road, on the south and west by lands owned by John Main--containing two acres of land be the same more 01 less, with one Bleam and waLsr power- grist null and frame house and shed wit i all the appnrtenances thereunto belonging, To be sold as ihe property of Philemon Culver and R. K- Brundage, ALSO--A lot of land in the township oT Jackson bounded on the north by highway leading from El mira to Tioga and lands of Ja roes Miller, on the west by lands of Joshua Miller and Anna Chamber.

Iain, on the south and east by lands of Hector L. Miller (reserving le acre belonging lo R. Tilling dale, describing cic i part rneles and bounds, 1 and returning a jutt valuatloft of the Bui if the said inquest, Bjciffou lo be summoned as aforesaid, to. ma ie the sniCjfiurlilion or valuation, shal be of opir iomtfat Ihe "premises aforesaid' with the appurtcnanies cannot be so parted and Jivided as to accommolale more than ond of said repre- sentitives of said intestate, that you cause the inquest to value Ihe whole o( Ihe said real estate with the appurtenances, having respect to the true valua- PROVISIONS, C. C.

lion thereof, accorcingjlo law. And thai the parti lion or valuation so-na'de, you distinctly and openly have before on said Justices at Wcllsboro, at an of every variety and quality, which cannot but suit the most fastidious, and at the lowest rates Such Dry Goods Groceries, SHOES, KIOAIIY H1AOE Crockery, Hardware, 11 OOdeilWare, M. (irrrn. J.R. BOWEN, M.

BULLARD Wellsboro Nfav. 5 '57. L. TRUMAN, Plain Brass, Brass" mace under your liand and hands Wire, Whalebone and.Reed, at the EMPIRE. an seals of tlvose by if you want nice bon- you shall rnaki suci partition or valuation.

A alebon ATEST STYLES Hats and Caps just receiv pose Decembe House, to wil: A lot of land in Butlaid township, bounded north by E. south bv creek road, and west by E. Rose--containing about alfctmproved, with a frame hcuse, frame burn and store house thereon. lot in same township, hounded north by W. A.

McClure, east by J. D. Vcddee, south by John Benson OrpianVCourl (hen lo be held on the seventh day SOLE UPPER LEATHER. ol December. 1857, after such an inquest shall be BOOTS andseul, and under the hands r-, I whose oaths or affirmations JfUILtWV, POR1' LOUR PROVISIONS GROCERIES, of all kinds, as cheap as tlie cheapest.

Cash paid for Hides, Calf-Skins and Sheep Pelts. Vbne door below Bailey's Store. Seur's Shoe shop la w. o7 I ahovu Tiiiri, uenerai wholesale and Retail Dealers, in Iron MfKcinf Lfad Zittt Oils, Vnraiahes, Hrushrs, Camphrne Bui Fluid, Dye Sash if i'u Liquors for Medicine, Patent Medi. cines, Arlisls I'ainls Hrus'irs, Perfumery, Fancy Arlirlis, Flavoring Extracts, A general of School Books, a Stjpie and Fancy a i Physicians, Uruggi-ls, and i i i i a i in any of lhe at i Ies a he i i i i al a small a a on jirices.

Sept. 3, 1H57. Farm for Sale in lie I mar. OHN YOL Nj i i i i his farm, i a on llie I i a miles from Wellshuru, a i i OU5 acres, i there is an excellenl i i of i an orchard of choice i trees, 30 in and a young orchard planted 3 a ago ot i i i apples a pears. Thn i i i i a-e a i i i i a i I i barn, slable and out.

i i ll on very reasonable terms, and oi-commodaim; liiile of payment, c-ilhcr whole or in agreed on. A en llie i i on road frnni GREEN'S KEYSTOHE HEATER Heater has no cqiml in tins ixmntry--L- iron, nn.lVm create aO per cent inoiv the same nmonnt of Tnel. than rny othi-r fnrnnrc us The ItunKU has twoiovens that bake I) These inventions liuw no ftitrhts for sale for ull of tlte 1 No.fflX. fithjH. OlLLESPIE, ZEtDER Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, N.

K. corner iJlli and Market Streets. O. J. FREEt WITH KtlWE CARROIx, of Brandies, Oiun, 3fM North 3d stret-t.

iSept. IT. :lm.j fi RETAIL DEALERS IN ings tnJ a lew frt it trees the property ol SaTiuel Buchanan. lot of land in Westfield township, Charles O. ZStz of Tioga bounded north by Jingham lands, east by Charlton a wou lrf respectiully call lhe allention of the Phi 11 ps, south by the river, west by ub to the "Man wants Samuel Phillips--nontainingabout one hundred and ul jn here below nor wanls that) little long" by A.

Blackmail, WKH. uj Woodhull, on the soutbjrfjv M. Seely, west by S. Elison-- about 3 acres orftnproved land, with frame house, frame barn and some fruit trees thereon. ALSO--A lot in said township bounded on the north by W.

F. Humphrey, east by A. Seeley, on the south by Ellison, Tnbbs and Strait, and on the west by street running to sash factory--containing about of an acre with frame house ALSf-A lot in said township, bounded on the north by H. Tubbs. on the east by Tuscarora street, eboth by J.

Taft and. trees thereon. M. Seeley, west by street leading to Addison--containing y.ack. about acre of improved land, frame house, frame barn and iome fruit trees thereon.

Phillips. wants a more still. The farmers (and they ALSO--A lot land in the Borough of Wells- reBl ought to nave B8 rauc aB anybody, for they horo, bounded north by Samuel R. Smith, east by a loourcountry what a main spring is to a watch,) i I 1 Classical Department--Latin, Main street and sonlh and wept by Benjamin H. Wan 8 a mile more for Iheir wheat, bucfewheot, rye, WELLSBiORO' ACADEMY.

JOHNA.BRODHEAD,A.B., Principal. MIS.S KE'LEN COON, Assistant, i Last Half-Term cominonccB NOT. 2d. Term closes-Dec. 4th.

RATES OF TUITION FOR TERM OF, 11 WEEKS. Primary DeparUnen' ncluding Heading, IFriting, Spelling, prim iry Arithmetic, Geography, Lower English T.ranches-^Grarnmnr, Arithmetic, Ilis- Ury, Geography, tomography. Ac i Higher English-- Satnrtil Philosophy, gsbra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Astronomy, Sur? i 4 i ck, Fl-each, German, $2 00 300 Smil two lown lots, all improved, supposed to be about an acre more or lens, one frame ho ise, one frame jam and a few ftuil TV be told as the property of Saml. ALSO--A lot in same township bounded north by Seeley, by Tubbs and others, south by B. Slosson, westiby A.

K. A ISO--A lot of land in Wei sborongh, bounded nort i by Mary east by L. I. Nichols and Jas. corn, oati, potatoes, than the purchaser feels able and willing to pay.

The merchant wants a little more for his Flour, Port, Salt, Dry 'Goods, BooUA. Shoes, Hats Caps, Hardware, Crockery the farmer thinks he ought lo pay. All bills to Ifl settled by the midllle of the term, and none made out tor less than half Compositions indltec'amntionseverj Wednesday afternoon Board can bo obtained in private fa-nilies at $'J per week. Those wishing to fnrnwh their own rooms and board them- imd dvertise) County nea Boiardand others--containing 24 acres of improved Crowl, L.I." Nichols and Mary Meek--contain the property oi oi rrmiauu'u, i.uv otnu At this present time It seems JO be Conceded by cess by a daily line of stages to lioga, thence by llailroajd, in- Kimball, south bj Andrew Crowl, and west by Ana n.i|, the cash value of good wheat is 91 per Y. at Corning.

A.ISO by stages tc bushel; buckwheat, 2 tor2-6; corn 3-6 ta.4-6; seven-eighls if an acre o( improved land, a Oat8 3 lo 9-6; butter, 14 to Ifi cents. Now to in the township of Chatham, bounded steam foundry, a ilacksmilh eho and frame barn the matter and make it satisfactory on both fetows, to wit, north by Charles FnUers, west by Jacob thereon To be wld an lhe property of Levi Chub- Conley, south by Willhelm, and east by Constant mtaining seventy-eight acres and about twenty-nve is hereby given, that an amount equal Aery--co acres unproved, log house, frame barn and a few fruit treea thereon. To be sold as the property of Chauncey Howard. ALSO--A tract of land in Westaeld township bounded on the north by B. Mattieon, on the east by W.

Labar, on the west by H. Steele and B. Slattison, and on the south by Rnsnmore--containing about one hundred acres with about ALSO--A lot of land In the township of Elkland, bounded north by Frederick Short, east by Samuel Samuel Hllson, and west by 8: Ellison and Henry Smith- containing about eight acres of improved land, three frame houses, two sniall plank houses, one saw mill and a blacksmith shop thereon-. ALSO--A lot of land In the township of Deerflcld, bounded irth by John Howland, east by Eleazer Seeley, south by the Cowanesque river, and west by John Howland--Containing about nfty acrea, with twenty-five acres Improved, a frame honse, frame barn; corn hottseandappla orchard Jhero- listoo Dexter Whitney. ganilali ALSO--A lot of Und ta Brookneld township, bounded go ioe 7 noruTbT--- by Charle.

Mascho, south by Jo- Uct. aa, Ig3 Jt. to the coils will be required to be paid upon each sale wheh struck down to Ihe bidder, and upon a failure to comp with this regulation, the tract of jg Cent8- land will again be offered for sale, and no sale will be postponed wilt out payment of costs. 1 JOHN MATAERS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Wellsboro Nov.

19 1857 sides, I want and will agree to lake from every fanner of Tioga county, all the wheat I can gel for the next 60 days at 9 and 10 shillingn per bush- West and South. J. F. DONALDSON, Pres't. Hellsboro, 15,1867.

Orpian's Court Sale. 3 virtue of an order issued out of the Orphan's Court of Tioga Counly anltl to us directed, -el according to quality; buckwheat 2-6 to will expose to al public outtry on the premises, corn 5-to 5-6: oats 2-9 to 3 shillings butler 16 to on Friday, I ov. 20, at one P. the follow. ing describe! properly lo wil: Allllial Iracl or pur.

eel of land diluate in lhe lownship of Weslfield and Will sell yon in exchange: ee Flour extra superfine 13s ir the township of Clymer in said county, scale ol prices. and, fol ows On the North by lands ql AZORS, Scitsora and Shears ground and put in the very bent order at Cole's Barber Shop. Salt per barrel per sack, $6 50 per barrel. Superfine. 11 per sack, 8550 per bbl 'Coffee sugar, letter -'A" ai white as the Binghani estate, on the east by lands in snow at Is.

Coffee sugar letter 12cts, Very sion of Jacob Cronce, land of the Binghtim estaW, reiriovcd lo same, building. Vuly 9tb, 1857. SECR ET 1N FIR JTlteS OF A A I Just Published, Gratis, the 25ft Thousand. A FEW W01LDS (hu ratiouul trvatment. without meili- or,·»,.:*!..·-.

emissions, pinitnl and nervous pn'niuturi- tlie system', impotclicy and impediments to marriagi: j-iL-ut- B. M. The flmt the mnny coniplmnts. origiiiatiiiB in. the imprudence and njliludp of ymitli, niay li- eksily removcidiwithimtraedicino, is in thif small tract, clearly ami the entirely and lustily successful treatment, aa aUlipti'dlo-theautho I' of whloh every one is rnnbk-rt to cure himai'if peril At the teaot poasillu thereby th' nostrums of the 1 day St-nt to any a fri-e in a envelope, by rebutting two postage stauiiis to lr.

lt LANEY, 17 LispcmVrd Strn't-iNcw York. "A P. ROBERTS, are Agl's -J Hie Allyny A i a Works, of EM- 1 ERY BROTHERS, Cor the sale of their i a Agricultural Implements. Among, llie articles suil- able lor Iliis market arc EMERY'S PATENT HORSE POWERS. c.

and Slraighl cul Saws for Power. Cioer Mills--Emery'sand Drills, Sheep Piiwcrs-', Combined iThresherS and Cleaners, Grain and' Fced Cullers. Reaping Mowing Machines. Call and examirie their Illnslrited Catilng-ties arid 1 can he given on lilt Ut el' nl a Oi-l. 1, IPost i i i Mails a i 1 1 I' i i 0 "H- 1 Ellstl-rll a i i a a i i I' i i i i i i i i i a i 1 :in.l 7 l.i.-L i an i TV.

1 IV 7 1 Ti. am- -lay- F.asU:rn a i via 17. I 1 i I TICJGA roi STV STEAM FLOURING MILL At P-ima. new Sloum i al a i is now in i i i i i lhe pronri 1 i prepared 10 tin custom or FinLirip2r i i i iiuss ard This i 4 run ot' and is a a i i iuishi Is icr hour. TVrsons i i i i lo ground a i i i i w.

ginti ol'counllry. Del. A i A i nice brown sugar, llcts. Common, lOcls. Lagui.

land in possess! nt t. 1 u-iu luuu in of Daniel Hunt, on lhe south ra coffee, every kernel good, 1-4. 'Old ava, very by lands of Jaleb Trowbridge, on lhe west by lands nice, 1-6. Young Hyson tea, warranted lip-fop, the Bing mm estate in possession of 6sbinings, Tallow Sperm, Malcom Ta eighly acres of land wilh Subscribers to the Capital Stock ETTERS of Admiriislralion liavirig been jjranl- cd lo llie undersigned upon llie estate of MASCHO, late of Brookfielil! all persons in deblcd lollie estate are requested to tnuke i i ate payment, and those huvhig claims against the same will present them for settlement to JOHN C. M.1SCHO 1 FRANCIS MASCHO OeloberS, 1857, Will attend Lo all i In i i ci: i t'nu i BRO.OK.L'A^'I, POTTKSt I'A CHAKi.l-S 11.

A A 1 containiig about one hundred and forty oae acres, and about one hundred acres improved, two frame houses, one frame barn and some other out building" aud' an apple orchanJ villa, county of Tioga and rtate of bounded half an acre "tHE undersigned having been appointed by the Orphan's Court lo audit lhe accou'hls of Geo. King-, Adniinislratoi of the estate of Benj. rg, dec'd, wil i attend to the duties of said appoint- very heavy. Is. Bleached muslin, from 7cts to -6.

Calicoes, all styles, consisting of Merrimaeks, Cocheoaee, Spragnes, Phillip Aliens, from to IB. A great variety of all woo) Silk and Wool Poplins, Paramellas. Rignletts. Hoods, Gloves and a great variety 9f lillle fixings, M. TOLEN--From lhe on Oct.

a Black Frock Cant, ivilli velvet, collar cat find anything thol you may a i me ac jj a pj ca ins, pair of kid a line FANCY GOODS at YOUNG'S. 1 has ost returned from 'the Ctly wilh a tip top'sclecled. assorlmenl. -E is determined lo Jo the fair thing in lhe way nearly new, heavy ma ned, dark color a nfnCasli Business. A liberal 1 reward will be paid for lhe return of the -tl hi- daguerreotype likeness in the pockets--lhe property of J.

Adams. jllso, stolen at the same time a Buffalo Kolie, wel-1 furred. th'-ir 1 1 hv others, t'o ins wish it fi calf and enamelled leather, 11s to 12s. Gaitere, a In Botlana township, bounded north Auditor irppointed to dislributc the funds in by ArteaiuB Bamhart, eirt by Joseph UarfmK, and tl hands of tie Administrator of Heman Sopcr, west by Qeorp Brown--containing about, two hundred ana n4ha itAliix: uid nnnninlmrnt tbu-ty acres more or leu, with one hundred and ten acres im- dec'a. Will alte.ld to We duties ot said appointment proved, one frame honte, two frame barns and an apple oret- on Thursdav til 3d day of December next ar4Jhereon- ALSO--A lot of Unite Sullivan township, bounded on the north by the north line of warrant No.

th land formerly of Nathaniel Nichols and N. Smith, west by land of Zopber. Tears and A. UDdike--containing. i.l^f'^f.^aOf onetandied two acrea, with about sixty acres ucn proved, a dwelling house and a few trait trees thereon.

To be the property of John Benson. did slockjof Jewelry and'late i hinisclfoh hand show his slocU and ot, them ist as rensoi In a word oar stock is complete in all ita depart- west of Sew York. menls, from the sugar and Jnohisses down cellsr to Wellsboro' June 4,1757. the best and roost complete assortment of common all paper ever kept in a' country store up all the grain. you have (o f- above properly to lhe subseribcr.

Wellsboro Oct. 15, '57. St i j. nDQ SttUn Wall Paper ever RCpt IH WJUIIUV SUJtC UU ided on the o'elook P- M-vrtlKe Prothonotary aOfflwin Wellft- Brin al you haye the east By ttrnja all persons interested you do nbt wanHo exchange for Gootls I f. daren notified to apiear and present ffl and on the laims or be forever debarred from coming in for a ETZ.

'ihaite'df such ftihdr A.If. DOIfALDSON, IOCT- ly acres im- WellsboioNjv.5,185t. AuOUrr. ALSO--AHot of land in the Borough of lot No. of tlw Avenne, bounded northiwest by Peart street, north-east by "the Avenue; south-east by walnutStreet, strath-west by ihe Binghnm Una office lot--cofttainhjg one- third of oorfiarge twq story-frame bouse, law office, frame.

and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the Sroperty of Mary C. Emery. lot of toM the township of Olymer, north by C. P.

Dong.M»,^«»t by Unas, ronth ty in poesession of and J. A. French, ana itaSmng ttKM; ojie uiindrea and flity urea, about Or irfitj taBproTed, log BlWAoase, oieh- ard thereon. Ta be the. property ALSO--Certainmeiftigea, or plec tie township of Oatoes.

ta the county of Tioga, to of Und.or.lot No. 2SJ6, lying botweta Mill Rn and the one. fifty belonghlg4o ttephenBaSSclton the west end of supposed to contain and ttty acres, more or lesr; ALSO--One other tract of land, altvateuaboTt--eontain- iag.Mty BuuheU of Good Wheat wanted M.R8. J. TT AS jost rKomed from the City wKh a nice as-O- gorttnent of, fall and Winter Goods, such as Bonnets, Flowers, Fcathtirt, Salim Bushels of Oats, wanted by 10, Bushels) of BaoUwheat wanted by ETZJ.

THE iWIXBERED MEART, BY T. s. AKTHUH. This is a Urge 12mo volume, Price $1,00, with a fine meiijc- it. i Ar thvtntnf wrfttenbj world all that pjod and noble.

Wlo fri Igo to'Kansas? sibsciriber will sell Ine Farm on which lie. lives, in' Lawrence, conlainirig 140 acres, lOtf of which is improved. It is veil watered, has a comforlabe house, barns, necessaiy outbuildings and a good 'orijhart of choice fruit thereon. 1 Also, a Tavern S-tarid Tn Layyrehceville, known as the "Geer House 1 wilh o.m^)le accommodations. Attaclied is a Store building suitable for the Grocery and Goods businesa--all to be sold or rent.

ed to suit applicnn Is. For terms apply to M.S. BALDWIN. POTTER HAMMOND'S NEW SYSTEM OF fENMAlfSBIP, mHIS Syslem teacheb a practical, hand writingj It fJ lhis 'syslematically. D.

tl. SMITH. 1 9 P4fcif DENTIST. at fits.residence, near the AiTwork periaitimg to his line of promptly and well. Wellsboro', April 2.


Paintinp iind.Mod j. ecu Langnuges. the. Uev. Aloiiz).

fc'lack, A. Principal. ami HIE iiighcsi CASH prices will by p-ild fur 1SON and aU i of I A WELLSJiOltO 3.7:17' MARKET. Custotners upon finding this i i (he best qualities of uiexl o.lwuy» em liand. Shop in Uie noclh cud of the U'clUboro llolti.

Wellsboro' Sept. 24, 1857., (if.) A i i i i i a Nolice. ETTERS OF A I I A I i been granted lhe lhe oi M. A. REYNOLDS, laic- ol all persons indebled to srfid cslalu are rcqiicri.

il make immediate payment, nnd Uiose a i U.i: is hereby thai'an application has. against llie same will prosi-nl tliem Tur sculcnn i JN made lo'lhe Court of. Common Pleas pf Tioga, by Geo. Foster, R. V.

Vanhoescri, Terry anij lhe Ineorporalion of lhe 'First Baptist Church and Society of Union town- of the mill and water miwsoiiT Hi Utnber on lot No. 2S5A, that mo volnme; Price $1,00, with a finemenjo- wrjtinai It 'systematically. The "First Baptist Cliurch and Society of Union town- subject S. plesecMd merlly as an art to be shfp," which wim be granlea the next Term bf learned) imitation, but as a icience to beatDdied said Court, if no snfficient made therelo. le.

wholesale and retlil by Baldwin, Loweff We.llsbdro' Sept. 24,1857. to whom the Qo. Pa. Price 9ffl cents per doz.

i i ROSWF.I.L ACLY A I Clymer, Oct. 1, ,1857. s- 48 Noith Foorth St. Philadelphhv N. copies mt by null, free, on-receipt of th price of book.

Price 90 cents per doz. 87OTTS, Ytirfc CiottoniaS, and lots nd loll of Den'mp just received at 1 Let. cotnmodjous fertiage attd Garden on Pehrl ti Executor's Notice. ETTER'S TESTEMEXTARY a i 1 oTiinled to the undursigned, executor nl lasl will and testament of BENJ; F.lillLLEA', of dcc'd. All (j.ersoas indebted to tin- estate'will make immediate pay ind those irig claims oguinfcl the same, 1 will present their ROSWCI.L ACLY 0 7 INEWSPA'PERf lEWSFAPESr.

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