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Williamsport Sun-Gazette from Williamsport, Pennsylvania • Page 10

Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

GENERAL BOOTH OF SALVATION ARMY PASSES. AWAY of Great Organisation Succumbs to An Operation. Last OF SUCCESSOR OF PUBLIC INTEREST Were of God's Prom- ts Being Sure if One The Rev. general and commander- 'the Salvation Army, -passed i p. m.

tonight He was In 182. "Honest Tom" Qllnnan First of 18 Alderman Under Charge to Come. Before Court By Detroit, Aug. testimony of Brennan, a Burns operative, was the feature of the police court examination today of "Honest Tom" Gllnnan, the first of the 18. aldermen, recently arrested on charges of bribery, to be tried In court.

It was" Brennau's evidence that resulted In the arrests of the 18 aldermen and Salvation Army leader for 48 hours prevl- The medical bulle- i revealed the seriousness nil's condition, which for a It Is. now admitted, t- w.x'ks ago General Booth mi operation. for, the r.emov- in, his left eye. 'For a the operation Iridlca-- i Hied the hope of the gener- Septic Poisoning Set' oweVcr, septic poisoning set film that tinre "With the ex- 'occasionally, the patient ii The general recog- Jii-s end near and often' is as finished. th.e commander In chief's GRAFTERS IS STARTED Common Schrelter, Council Clerk Edward the latter having since made a complete confession.

Today Brennan went Into all of the details trapping of inen up to the time he alleges that he, representing himself to be an official of the Wabash railroad, paid Qllnnan $1,000 for his Influence in granting the railroad's request for the- use of, -a city street for building purposes. The cases against Aldermen Watson, Ellis. Zoeller, Merrit, IJlndle and Skrzycki were today -postponed until August 30. Alderman Thelsens ease- will come up next Friday. Dispositions was reversed In the'cases against Alderman Brozp, Rosenthal, Lynch, and the examinations of Alderniau-Dolinel, Mason, Os- trbwskl, Tossy and.

Walsh will follow that of Aldermafi GJlnnan. Clerk, Schrelter has also been remanded for a Nicaraguan Troops i Massacred by Rebels When Surrendering i Prcsa. Managua, Nicaragua, Sunday, Aug In trarisn-lllslon)--Near- ly the entire detachment of Ni- HOME PEOPLE AND -THEIR GUESTS and ft. Shore Put In Par-' agraphs. Jersey (Bjc- Special Correspondence.) Jersey Shore, Aug.

The funeral of Emma Boatman, the fourteen months-old daughter of Mr, and Mm. Thomas Boatman, was held this afternoon at 1 o'clock at the, home In, IV- ter township, Interment was made In cemetery. Professor Dundore and family have moved- from. Jiugheeville to ihelr, newly purchased home on street. tl'i-e army i gave i hjjn both and day.

evangelist died at 'the Rooksione, -Hadleywood, iin -miles from "London, where his bed'ever Present "aF the and 1 iil" w'lu'n tbe end came were Mr. Mrs Braniwell Booth and "their and Son; mii' -Sergeant-- Bernard-- Booth, UNI youngest daughter Com Mrs'. BothJIelberd and Inc Iir W.ardlaw'Milne. dincstLpix of pnjjlir Interest now'centers In. of a successor movement and relriforce- bf the The "Leon "camped on ter of the town.

greatly the Colonel. orce attacked citjt afteius fierce surrendered. Instead holding-their the late Under the constitution, of the salTiitloh Army, theTgenwra'l inaff'-r his That General Buotb did several' thi- iiaim: in a sealed envelope 'which wns deposited with the' Salvation Army's lawyers, -tyllJi Instructions It hfiniiM not be opened 'until'-after Ills iii-iitli. While nanu- pral la that it will prove to" of Rrainwrii Rooth, who.for tjnrty years has boon Its chief-ln-sta" Burial Place Mot Heneral HEPBURN. (By Specteh Correspondent 1 q-Seltzerjhaf a badly oa Jeelderd.

'will be bur- declded. While leil Iras not yet wry English member of the Salvation A is that no man was more of interment In Wppfmltister Abbey, It is not exp'ecte Mils hminr will-be awarded to Qenej'' Uwih i i Ab.bey authorttlesylt Is thi p'liynil belief that Uig.cjMman? last resting placij will be that of his who 21 was burled- tcC A'bney Park, vw Ington. His. Last Almost tlip last "wdrtJs of General luioiii uttered just beTore he lost lie was referring to with i said: 1 i i sure-- if JIM i i i bcllcvo." PAU.GHT-ER-IN THiS-CPUNlTRY PROSTRATED BY' NEWS i n-i'Rrt. N'-w News the iMu-ral'Booth In Lohdonwas 1o Miss 'Eivangellne tlAiiRhtflr, -at the- A rin V.i i nrtors Mre shortly' after of tlwr'word tonight.

Jpooth, wfeo Is head of )iHcjjr Army In "America, had prepared for -the eve.nt wan gTMtl; nffecteii: she ahlo that her fatherwas' oh of the when was her -by DYING, BEGS tO BE SHOT. nned Auto Calls Aid With Horn. na? Aug. B. W.

an oil In the road beside their ntom.ohHB'faUHj injured her husband to end her her. Ten mlnvrtes lost -control of his car I a ditch and-overturn- Mason were pinned wa8 Will READY could reach his It repeatedly till the caTTTM cam TIME. Thursday JSajifif- Be Big Su In Succees. of the an- i i i i i picnic announced last -'t everything for time ever had "upon one. of All that is wanted la Thursday.

Tickets' for iHrture.exhibition Thura- i can be had of Dr. C. W. H. T.

Ames, Esq. Tick- "ut no one Will one. ISSUED REPORT. report of "the 'lie city, including the city report, mayors message, ordinanoes for the fiscal Bsued and to those en- of was massacred by a -force of Insurgents last night, according to reports, which reached the-capital On-Friday news'was received government- that the JbUjerals ajfLeon -in revolt and Gene "orro despatched troops to -su; "grrison captives -war after their siibmis- slen.It Is4eported ihafthe-ttoaps slaughJtered Ty v-Qui- bt a 500 -men ex- Allegheny Marguerite Winters, -of 8uh- burjr, is the guest of Miss Winifred Mlsg Hattle Gutepper has returned' from spending, her vacation at Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Mr.

atfd- Mrs. A. H. and daughters, Klinor and' Helen, are visiting 'friends at Hartford, Brattleboro, and Fishers Island, N. Y.

Mias Haischer. of Corning, N. is the -guest of her brother, Haischer, and family. Miss Grace Boons has returned to her home at Osceola Mills after a visit' to her sister, Mrsi Howard Miller. Mrs.

Llmbaugh has returned to ier home 'in Waterville after a visit to Jersey Shore friends. Mr. and 1 Mrs. V. H.

Miller and sons, Donald, and of Cedar Run, are visiting W. T. and familx. Mabel Cox Is -confined to her home illness. and Mrs.

John are home from spending a week at Atlantic City. D. Miller and Lois.Kave returned to their home on Glover street, after spending three weeks at Salladagburg. Harry CloneB, of stopped here" en route' to" visit friends iil Clearfieltt Miss Bessie. iPage Is visiting' 'at nfer home In Reversburgi iX Miss Inez trad ley has returned to her home in Camman alter" a visit 'to friends here.

Miss Anna Strayer Is spending her vacation'at Cornlag." C. B. Halstead and daugater, gina, Avis, are 1 visiting Wash. Mfss Mary Mahoney has to Ber home In Y.7/aTter";a visit to Miss Ajina "Oaslck. Mr; an BOB r.

and Mrs. Miss Efelly 3 tpendlj list. (t. Monttwrs week with Miller. Mr.

an'djtlrs. John Snyder and children, RMn and Daniel, of Baltimore, visiting relatives here. sjwnt Sunday with Tils In Wllliamsport The followlng'are camping this week creekt Mr, and Mrs. r. Misses Clara Loach and Delia this Miss' Fie.

of College, Raymond, Fred and Howftrd Helm, of Willtamspo'rt. Clara Burr and Kathryh Bo- visiting friends. (Mrs. Bessie dcfKT, vacation with iier uncle, D. Mr'Helm and family.

-Ephralm ShaferySIlsses Edna Shafer and Alma Heini and Elmer Sharer, George Ale-jfander and John Ulmer were at William Sharer's on Sunday. mfvey Qulgle. of Pittsburgh, who has been visiting Jacob Young and left for Washington, D. C. where he will make his future jit Ehlladelphln.

and' Thornag I. of Pottsvllle, have returned to thoir homes after spending several wcelcs' with, Thomas Hyde and family. --Mra. Charles Bastlan and children, Jkll'-VrM and Robert, of-Sylwn Dell, and'jlilss Clara DauTor William Burr, ot Wllliamsport -spent Sunday with thSir parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Misses Aderhold and Martha arc spending this week Wllliamsport. Mrs. D. J. Hefih, of WIllinmBport, is at I.

F. Helm's this week. Miss LDclnda Flaher and M. Fish er, ot-Salladasburg. Walter Sebrlng, and Jacob Schrover, of- Ro- cBeiter, were "guests of Mr.

-and. Mrs. Frefl Burr on Sunday, Mr and -Samuel Jr-Holm, of- Quaker Helm. and-Mrs. B.

M. Helm, of were at Charles Floher's on Saturday About 4P friends ofHWIss Dorotlry Klees her a surprise on Saturday evitrtng in honor of her fourteenth a and "Mrs. William Klump, Mr, and -Mrs. L. J.

XTlmer and son, David, spent Sunday at Daniel y3e PatterBomrnd Mrs. Addle Cook and Clarence, of San Bernardino. and Mrs. Elizabeth Cook, of Ohio, have returned home after spending several months visiting their many relatives and friends: There will be festival at the United Evangelical church o'n evening, August 24, for the benefit of the church. Everybody invited to Mr and Mrs.

Daniel Snyder ga sarprlse party In hotior (if grandson, Daniel Rovee, of Arizona, last Friday afternoon, it Ing his I2th blrthdar anniversary. A number ot lytle friends attended. Master Bovee" wilt leave for his western home the latter part of August. Prof, and Mrs. J.

Ulmer and son, David, have gone to Cogan Valley, a their Tucson, where they will visit for a few days, Jacob Schroer, of Rochester. N. is visiting his cotiBln, Charles Flaher. Mr, and Mrs. Horace Shafer and daughter, Belinda, spent Sunday with Winner and fiuniiv of Beech Valler.

BECKER'S C0IIJS ARE iwiSr.Before Grand, Jury More Deeply Implicates LEADS TO IN ROSENT'MAL CASE More' Bards Deposits of Lieutenant Found Making Total y- Araoclahxi Prosit. New. evidence unexpectedly Strengthened by the tes Sam Scnepps and "Jack 1 Zellg, the Kant gang leader, the 1 granfl Jury Ujday reindlcted Police lieu tenant of Charles Herman Becker for the DEATH OF GENERAL TUMANOFF SOUGHT sin's Shot--General Etoes- sel's Lawyer Murdered. Dy frpwn, -Warsaw, Russian Poland, Aug. Prince Nicolal Tumanoff, the commander of brigade In the garrison here, was wounded In the Chest today and one of the legs of his wife, Princes Tunwnoff, was shattered by bullets Private Powanakl of Russian army, who entered the general's fiat, and fired several shots from his carbine.

Several orderly officers who 'were room at time also were "wounded, -but they drew their revolvers and" killed Powanski as he was leaving. The motive for the crime was vengeance for that had Timely Discussion of "Plants and Pests By H. A. Surface, Stale ZoologUt the. During the month of August inspection of Nuroerl i was commenced tinder the directions of State Zoologist H.

Surface and Secretary of Agriculture. All of the nursery gtpck grown in Pennsylvania Is being thoroughly and systematically inspected, and where- ever Sou Jose Scale fTM1 other pa.rU-c.u- larly'pernicious Insects are founrt, these and the nursery stock containing them must be before a banded down'also the expected -jin-" dictm'ents against six 'his alleged gunmei accused of ac- tuaiiy doing the-murder, and twovwhb we alleged to have taken.part In the" plot. Roenthal and Inflicted on Powanaki by his superior are "Gyp the.Blood" "Lefty" Who are still at large, "Da-v go and Iw- is, now. lij the Tomfbs, Jack Sullivan, who Is a lfeped to have-given the "murder signal" and of 'the "murder car." Becker Schepps, -who" before the jury two" hoursi more to- In the murder plot had been anticipated-by Diafirlct Attorney "Whitman who expected ho more than a corroboration of-the story told by 3ack Rose. 7 Jack Zettg also supported story.

It was learned. Schepps ed events after -the "murde.r which 'police ofll cers' alleged- preparations to -carry out hfs thank airtheif their' Mrionees their beteaye- Mrn-. Jack Gnatf, of Cross Forks, have Koines' 'after' Henry Alt a Llmbaugh, of Eaist Rill are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.

G. Llm- baugh. Chester "Llmbaugh Is visiting Wil- 'liain'Cox Hflss Hazel Ross has returned to her home in Cammal after a vjslt in'-this Brown-and family; of Phil- are visiting relatlrcs -hero. Miss Sylrl Lowe-hast returned to her home In Calvert after a-T-Islt to Jersey Shore friends. Mrs.

Esther Hafer and daughter, Esther and Ada, and son, Reed, have returned to their Jioirie In Newberry ter A. visitto "John Hater and family of 'cftne -to light today depo'slted $2 for slivlngs, at'Avis; Misses Crime Marlon Kline'are In Muncy. MrtfT Jeseph Dice has returned to jjer home'in Youhgdale aTter a visit to relatives in this Miss from a few weeks at Atlantic Cltr. Mrs. John Stutz: and.Children,· of "WiUfamsport, fiave returned homo after'' President's Request Oil Canal Is Turned Down Was-htnflton, Aug 20.

The Panania Joint resolution asked for by Presment Jaft yesterday In a special wfessage to Congress to make, clear tfie rights of foreign--ship owners to carry into American courts the' qtfestion of free tolls In the-Panama canal, was turned down late toda-y by the Senate committee on Interoceanle By "a "Vote of 8tb -6s the committee determined not to report the resolution asked^Presldcnt Taft -This IB taken by lead'cfs of the Senate tp meaJis that there will bc-tw'resqlutlon passed supplementary to the Penemo canal bill, which now lies on the President's table awaiting his signature. resolution-has not as yet been By Apiwwlflted N. but committee di rect vote the -proposal in the President's a ONE I TWO KURT CAR HITS FENCE Aug. M. Dlion, of.

Sussex; N- was Instantly- killed and' McCoy and Morris merchants, also of Sussex, weie badly this city this afternoon-while on-their way In a motor ewf'to racesr blew otft and the'car ran into a OTHER BOXES STOLEN. The chewing gum that was. found along riyef at the foot ot William street belong to Mrs. Ulmstead, as waV at first thought, belongs to'Mr. Wagner, who runs a William The box taken from In front of the Ulmstead store has not yet been found.

Since the finding of the Wagner gum box it has been discovered that several others have been stolen about the city. Among the boxes that are missing is one from the Second ward hotel. A STEAMSHIPS. Aug. Potsdam, Rotterdam; Moltke, Naples; Krln Prlnz Wllhelm, Bremen.

Antwerp, arrived, Lapland, New York. Havre, arrived, Rochanbean, New York. Qiieenstown, arrived, Campania, New York. determination. Acted as Go-Between-.

Schepps told the.Jury,.it was learn-' he acted as. for and while Rose was in He his Vith Becker'and the it was this "testimony which "came 1 ''as unexpected hews to the feraiiS" Jury an.d the'ttfetrlct attorney. 'dence. materlfiliy that was Becker mdny this ed Rose's Instigator of H. story of et him-into power'and to rnur 'All had to do Jack Hose -gun- men" -who wou.ld of Becker MVlWt Pound- deposits ings-bank, bringing police; Becker hired one safe deposit vaults uii fjovember 24, shortly, after' he became; the gambling squad bead, This was with, the Madison Sate.

Deposit today furnished the prosecutor a record of, ther visits of Becker his wife the.vaulf, Mrs; Becker's last visit was. cui July 30, about a after her husband was arrested. ThatJhe contentirpf thp vault, repotted to'be valuable ties, were removed then, Is.the fear of the prosecution; Becker Will Confess. --Beck-er--was -prepared to--make defied tonight by John.F.' Mclntyrq, of his counsel. not of any kind to anybody-'in connection with his case until wft'nes's stand his own defense." snid the Jawyer.

anfl six -o-IIl be arralRned- for pleading to' fhe m'ur- der har'ge tomorrow, and on thursilffy the jury will reconvene to up the graft feature of tbe Kosf.Hthal case. CROSSING THIRD STREET. Work Being Pushed 'the Renn Street Sewer, Itockwell ancT-JiIs fnrco on the Penn street sewer officers. certificate or Insptwon -Is given, permitting the nurseryman to Bjell and Bhlp his-nursery Mfck. Tola Inspection work haa beenpone of the great factors )n helping" to check tbe spread of the San Jose scale la Pennsylvania, Is the best means of Insuring the buyers of home-grown trees (which are the best to that they are free from serious pests.

As there are over one hundred and fifty nurseries in Pennsylvania em- It is tbe larva of the May beetle or familiar--aa a Settle flying around lights in the evening. It lives two years Ift the larval stage. If the grub worms are very iarge this means that they will complete their growth this fall and go" forth as mature bettles next spring. If there are two sizes, some large and some email, the Smaller ones will remain for two years, and come forth a' year from next spring as mature beetles fly chiefly at Tght afad feed on the foliage of trees an shrubs, and lay their eggs chiefly in sod, strawberry beds, where- the young can find vegetation on which to feed. There is no.

better means 'of preventing "loss next year ttian to plow early th)s fall that ground which Is to be planted In corn, potatoes, or any other crop that is seriously attacked by this pest. Cultivate the soil with St. Aug. All- S. Syrtlahoff, counsel for General Stoessel when -he was tried by court martial for the surrender of Port 'Arthur to.

the Japanese, was murdered today in the house of General Sheikh Ali-. at Ufa, European Russia, by relatives of Sheikh All The motive of the Is' M. Syrtlanoff took a prominent part as a Mussulman deputy" in the Duma debates. SENATE GIVES AWAY 100 ANTIQUATED CANNON S-Snator, O'Gorman Starts hient and Others Join In mand for Disused Artillery. Washington, Aug variety' liable to be infested with San Jose scale 'and certaiir other serious pests.

With microscope In hand, he goes from tree to tree, and wherever destructive are found, he Breaks over the Infgslsd trees and sees that Move--they are. The Gypsy: Brown -tail moth have not yet been fonnd-4a Penn has a grand distribution of old brass and' bronze cannon, with carriages and ah "outfit ojLfiannon balls, In the Sen-ate. An even hundred of these antl- were to 5 Senator started the trou- bill allowing ft'cannon for statue 6f Sullivan of Revolutionary will be unveiled within a. brief period, ft is located on the Newton Battle Monument Grounds In New one Senator and then another BUjsiid 3nanded' a brass or for little hiuntai or town4fl- his State. All of these requests -were tackSd on.

to the bill. -And then.some. Senator discovered no of cannqrr Jjalls had lifien allowed." The work was all gone Village given the usjial- jomplement of Ammunition. At. the.

jEry some Senators crowded their demands- up to four cin- One of.these was who wanted this'number for the 'State' ttotiRO' Square, in Atlanta. eaid, there were corners to -the lot- guard- MtRCHANTS'OF STATE AT JOHNSTOWN i Open llth Annual Convention-- Welcome Extended Delegates by the By -Aug. today extended -a 'hearty Welcome "Re taH of Pennsylvania' which opened Its sixteenth apnual cpventioWiii the. high school of the Johns- Chamber of Commerce were bracing a total area of.

over two thou- a sprlng-todthed harrow both very s'and acres, it can- be -seen that the taak of Inspecting twice per all the trees, shrubs and plants grown as nursery stock for- sale is very great, and require the care and application. For this purpose Professor Surface has divided the state Into districts, and haa assigned to each orchard, inpector his respective district, while Chief Nursery Inspector E. B. Engle la acting as general Inspector. The inspector spends from one to sev- eraT days In a nursery according to its size, examining carefully each block of trees or shrubs that is of a Bylvania, but State.

Zobligtst Surface says it ik.only a'question until they wlllf-be IsiroMuced iiito this State. Therefore careful watch Is being kept for them as for other, insects and diseases. A recent ruling of the U. S. Post Office, department.

is to the' effect hat those. plants. known. stock an not" be mailed unless accompanied with a certificate of inspection showing that they, destructive inects; "This makes it also necessary to inspect; all.greenhouses from which are to be 'citizens, of.Fenv- sylrariii may not fully appreciate the great value of this faithfully rendered "but without which there would be far worse-loss of'crops frqm p'fests than ihfefe'now is, Sting Cure, for 'Rheumatism. sufferer-; to nia wrote -to the State Zoologist, -t)r.

H. A. Surface, at Harrlaburg, asking about the -bee -sUng cure- tor: rheuma- tlsnir-and how the remedy -should be applied. His answer, -which is In- help Bother Ing the same Information, Jslas lows: foi say is- no Jolce, and In reality Is the best known cure for this, supposed uncurable affliction. As -jto whether It will cure a case'ofeloag standing 'I'cannot 'say with certainty, but It- Is my opinion it will.

believe that If a few stings are applied two or. three times per week to the part of the bodythat Is; eiiff exlng' with rheumatism, It will be'tmly'a-few weeks this Is found much improved, few Veeks ntore until it will be found cured-- The best method is tp-catch-. a few eegxbV uBlwg-'an -Ihrertect-liUlt jar over flowers where the bees are at work or take them fi-ounrhlre;" T'aKe l-aamocr --ommcrcc were th fc Med as made. by the President George K. th fl to vindow to escape.

Tap KHne. and by District Attorney C. tnem wlth a pftper that.will ren- '1'irx irt ..1 Oroer. Tno former In his remarks scored rake- adVerf.TSln'g, which, he said Is a menace tp the Euccessfulj conduct of leirlttmate' buslnpss. th State- President Wllmer.

Ctev, ot i -fullutVi-'d. jWurrBTi IS-IIUL- i for the next con- veiitlgn, -with -every" prospect of success. Beavpr Yalley. one of a' group of to-wns close together, Is th 'T 1 wl; MTM ot.r W. Wheeling, West Virginia, this after them unfit to will not kljl jthem.

Thon pick th.em up by. -the wings; and press them on thejiart of i Is suffering, from the letting them" insert their stings, and let in the skin. Only one or two stings can bo used in the beginning, but the number can be increase'd at latter applications until as- many as eight or ten can be two "per -week. The patient seems to more noon addressed the- convention on the FrnJeVation of Retail Mer- or 'less to the Injurious effects of the sting, and after ft has been ap- for a while it Is not nearly So late in the fall and early In the spring, and plant. It laid: enemies of the White grab should be encouraged and -protected.

Among these are such animals 'as skunks, moles and chipmunks. I have seen great qwnntitles the this beetle on stumps" where "cffip- uiunkij had 'been gathering them and feeding upon them. I-and turtles an'd "serpejits also "destroy them, as do sev- -eral kinds of meadciw. lark birds, especially the' and- Poultry thrives upon-them, and pigs will loosen up the ground and find them and It Is good plan, to turn on the, Infested fields or eat them, pigs- loose plots Wtflel done.

It' I had a badly infested "strawberry. bed, I should fence It In. with woven wire fence, arid let 'the pigs root It up, while I replanted at onoo at another place. It is barely possible that the Grub worm can be killed by the poison bran the same as the Cut worm, but I have not'had an opportunity' tcr-try this remedy; I'at. least recommend- It Thfs Is as follows: fart "of arsenate of or Paris green, or another ar- poison.

Into about, forty parts at Dran, mfxlng IITwell wTHTe dry. Then. put sonfe strong molasses Into Use Just enough "water to make It thin, and then dampen, the poisoned. bran this, und spj-inkle this oh the ground where the pests A sinall" teaspoonful at each placed about one stop apart on the 'are to-be de- Btroyea. It is put it on ground In the evening, and try from getting It'by p.lacjag der coverall SORROWING FRIENDS GATHERED.

William J. SulJlvan and Babe Laid Rest. 'One of the largest funerals over-kno city "yesterday morning -when the "IfT Wliilam J. N. Ing, of this 'borne to Its last 'resting place.

-It was double to? neral. for in a Uny white fest- tng'just above encloaed the form of itsWQthef, Vast. of only a short time before the expired and which survive her. services were held In Annunciation otl unusual sadness. center of The the Chusteh were marked Mrs'.

Sujltvah JL large circle of here, and it her worth" to qee tfre the big 'Rev. John CostellepD. r)T'feciSr -oT church, conducted, -the sen-icosnnd sang high mass. The paP. bearers William Magee, bennts Marnori, Adiutor Audet.

-James Richard 'James McNamara. Intorment made-ln Mt.Carmel cemetery. Although everv available xa in the city had been secured, UKTO were not sufficient to hold all the mourners. and was AT' THE HOSPITALS. News dWsement to.

the national federation slble operation yesterday morning at manifest o'clock and. for three hours made things 'By 1 tfiat time tVy Ifhd. reached, a point at-which it would be to back. of tbe trench. The concrete" was not yot ha-fd enough -for this- so oixnationn suspended until jnldnlKht last night.

At that ho.ur""Sh crew again reported ready, to work balance of the nlght-and an effort is being made tha -Institutions Which For the Sick. OT --v At thfc Wllliamsport hospital chants. The convention gavp Its-en- nor It Is pos- night. It was reported Miss twiivrnHTM 'Martha Thatcher was resting quietly. Reese Bower, of 1042' High street, was gald to be resting quietly, and It WHS that hls-cbnditlon IB not believed to be serious.

Harry Rote, aged 7 years, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Rote, "of for. st-ny person" to beoomo Itn i to the efferts of bee stlnns, of opposition being i a do nor worse tHan mon- LIFE LOST AND HEAVY LOSS BY STORMS TiV A 1 Washington, Ang.

of Tyl-orsdale, was gulto bites, It. is certain that, severe may be the local pain from 'the bee sting. Vhls la not so Js not to be with the rheumatism as the Cause of formally introduced In either 1 get across Third street i the To guard against foreign fh ogo ca nK blood-polsonlnR-it. ery easy to Avasl? the place 1 where Is to be applted, using any big tube as' quickly as possible. BALLOON WITH FIVE MEN FLOATS "OUT TO StA" 3y Santa Monica, Aug.

balloon Qallfornia sailed from this city last night with flye meft and was lost to view in over ocean, In Santaljaula midnight, according tp mpssaRes -re- of the modern antiseptic solutions be had from drug stores." IWRITE-TO THE celved from J. 1 other message from the pilot." Anthis Btatud that b'aflooTr nga'tn had been sighted in the air after d.Ty- Hght out cated C'allforalaY''crew had essayed make trip, al- not "expected to Vet the air BRITISH STEAMER ASHORE WILL BE'TOTAL LOSS hundred thousands of ddllnra was in "U'aahlnsrton couttty during night by a'serles of, storms which floode'd small streams threatened -a large reservoir ne-ar Tracks of the-Baltimore ajnd Ohio Pennsylvania railroads were badly-Washed, telegraph and telephone wires were blown and the- elec- trlr llpht plant here Is under water. ters rrriihlnK romplnint of fearful ravages by the white potatoes', and other -crops, than' has received before during tavlt ten It isr milte evident that there la an ou.tbreaJs of white grubs or grub worms In tills state, extending clear the state from the western 8 'le (Butler and Washington counties) -to the -extreme easwrn side (Monroe Correspondents are asking for Information aa to remedies for the -pests. To Prof. Surface has replied follows: wiiS the white Krub or grub worm, which Is the larval Bditor Gazette and i I see' stage of the large, brown insect com' today's papers that Taylor, of Wtl- i monly known -as ihe May beetle or rel street, Jjj.

Miss Clara niifso's'ho un- an operation tvf weeks' ago Is. recovering. George who was brought to the hospital "early yesterday morning -from Castanea, with both legs anil actns broken, was reported, as doing, well as expected. EDITOR ABOUT IT This column la dedlcstedjo. the 'publie-and is'openior tKS free expression of opinions.

We require that correspondents shall furnish their names, not for publication, an evidence of good publication here of views of authors does' not necessarily Imply 'n'at the Gazette and Bulletin endorses tbe sentiments expressed. Montreal, Aug. 20( i -The a mlnpton, -struck out 14 men. "equaled Eric, which went ashore at SaMe Is-'. the Trl-Stafo record for strike- land last week broke Iri two last outs, formerly held by Stanley, of At- nlght and became a' total" wreok.

a City." This don't look jrood tn cording to a wireless message me. Please tell me lmld the Trl- Stote -Zoologist Surface hftaJ aveBue who-underwent an op- received at hi? -UfBce at at on last night to be rest; Mrs. O. Stewart, ofHarrlshurg. who brought -here from Hughesvllle and who underwent an operation for appendicitis, was resting easrtlfr last HOW Apes Differ.

Wont are. the differences between apes, baboons and monkeys? Apes are su-rh as -are of 'tails; baboons have muscular bodies; elongated and their a i are usually nn those whose UUla are-4tt scneral smuf- 1 o-f the sapnRos. a i i i prehensile tails, i can at pleasure bo twisted around any and thereby. In a Ins'tanfes, answer the. purpose of an additional ed here.

The crew Were saved The; State strike-out record. Eric was a British steamer of 3,900 tons, owned by Turnbull Brothers of Cardiff. She was bound from Rosarlo, In the Argentine, to. Quejiec with. She went ashore to a (g on August 13.

VISITED BY THE STORK. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. sina. of 1116 Walnut si early this "I' Mns- son.

A' PAN. Jim WlgRS. i i for "Altoona Reading In 1907, struck out fifteen LEAVES FOR NEW; YORK. Hiram N. Vl ari, Star'Cloth- Bag house, will leave today for York where he will goods for all the departments of the store.

that across the central part of t.h" state from east to w-at there IK a prrt-at outbreaR of i grubs acrordlng to decriptlwna i i lar to those i you sonO. i- I the reduced nf the gnib in the clay soil ran be accounted for In the fart Is compact and freezes harder and deeper, and larva In It would prob ably be kitted mpro readily by the severe weather of lagt-wtntor, thnn In the looser soil. I An to havcsju say there Is no known remedy for the white grab or grub worm after It has once become established for the year. "Reason A Quaker Two small boys tn a a i of Frit-iids. i contributor, had a disaKreement.

diirlnsr which tbe elder boy became i a no lonpei' atilii to control tvlniHclf. lie look hfs i by the shoulder aurl shook i i the eX- ou, Then as i of his offense came over i he said. In a changed voice, "Don't tell mother 1 xjmpanlon..

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