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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 11

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
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THE BALTIMORE, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, 190G. cess or so to restore 'character to our party PASTOR OF POCOMOKE CITY CHU RCH METHODIST CHURCH Wilmington Conference Proceedings At Pocomoke City. THE ALEXANDRIA DISTRICT GALLS SOUTH TO LEAD Judge Parker Urges It To Take Control Of Party. OLD LEADERSHIP A FAILURE BANK CASHIER ARRESTED P. N.

Everett, Of Freeland, Accused Of Stealing $56,900. A LAWYER ALSO IS ACCUSED PENITENTIARY COMCIS John Slifer Gets Eight Years For Killing Poffenberger. EDWARD WALSH GETS 5 YEARS Sentences Imposed By Judge Keedy At Hagerstown In Manslaughter f- 'i 5. rl today's conference session' were attended by large audiences. An evangelistic service began at 2 P.

which was followed by an address by Rev. Dr. J. T. McFarland, the Sunday-school anniversary orator.

The missionary anniversary sermon was delivered In the evening by Rev. Dr. H. K. Carroll before a large and highly appreciative audience.

DEED OF TRUST FILED Cambridge Firm Makes Assignment For Creditors' Benefit. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Cambridge, March 16. The heaviest failure that ever occurred in Dorchester county surprised this community today, when the firm of Johnson Radcllffe filed In the clerk's office a deed of trust for the benefit of their creditors. The firm Is composed of two highly esteemed young men James C.

Johnson, for a number of years teller In the National Bank of Cambridge, and William H. Radcllffe, a director In the same bank, who five or six years ago was left a fortune by his father, William II. Radcliffe, one of the" most successful farmers on the Eastern Shore. They built an extensive cannery for tomatoes, corn, some years ago about i mile from Cambridge, and the fluctuations of the canned vegetable market worked their ruin. The deed of trust conveys alL their property, both partnership and Individual, to John R.

rattison, Daniel H. Tjecompte, W. Lake Robinson, Sewell M. Johnson arid Benjamin J. Llnthlcum for the benefit of the creditors, without any preferences.

The bond of the trustees is for $150,000, which Indicates the appraisement of the paitles themselves of the properties conveyed to bo about $75,000. The street valuation of the same Is from $50,000 to $00,000. The properties consist of farms, town lots and a large personalty bes.ldes the canning plant. The wives of Messrs. Johnson and Radcllffe Join in the deed, so as to relieve the real estate from their right of dower.

The debts are already known to reach $05,000 and are likely to exceed $100,000. Mr. Radcliffe ha3 tendered his resignation as a director in the National Bank of Cambridge. SINGULAR ACCIDENT Locomotive Butts Into Telegraph Pole And Is Entangled By Wires. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.l Itockvllle, March 16.

An unusual accident occurred on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad near the station at Rockville about 2 o'clock this morning. The heavy sleet caused a telegraph pole to fall across the railway tracks. This was struck by an eastbound freight train. The pole was knocked from the track and splintered by the blow. The engine, which was No.

1416, became entangled in the numerous wires that were attached to the pole and the REV. LUTHER E. POOLE Wilmington Conference Methodist Episcopal Church. in 1904, was completed. The membership that it may again attain power.

"If we are honest with ourselves, earnest and vigilant in recognition of those popular needs which are both safe and democratic and iegard'il of our own ideas and traditions, we shall again be intrusted with power and we shall be ready for it, When this time comes the South ought be. and. Indeed, it must be, the one great ef fective force in bringing about such a happy consummation sorely needed if our insti tutions are to endure inviolate. APPOINTED TO ANNAPOLIS President Names Sons Of United States Officers. Washington, March 16.

The President has announced the following appointments as principals and alternates at large for the United States Naval Academy for 1906 Principals. Wadleigh Capehart, Frederick Rogers, Herbert Hein. Louis Estell Fagan, John VV. Forney. Jas.

McDowell Cresap, A Uernatea. 3. Bridgman Sebree, Gifford Cutler, Paul B. Orchard, Beverly C. Dunn.

Robert E. Carmody. These are the sons of officers of the army, navy or Marine Corps who otherwise might not be able to secure appointment because of lack of legal residence by their parents in Congressional districts. PATTERSON NOW A SOCIALIST Formally Takes The Pledge Admitting Him Into The Party. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.

Chicago, March 16. J. Medill Patterson, the. former Commissioner of Public Works, who resigned his position because he had espoused the cause of socialism, formally joined the Socialist party here today, paying his 23 cents for membership and taking the pledge which is exacted of those allying themselves with the party. This pledge reads as follows the undersigned, recognizing the necessity of the- organization of a working-class political party, for the purpose of capturing the powers of Government in the interest of the working class, with the aim of transforming all means of production and distribution from privatae to collective ownership, and distinct from and opposed to all parties who stand for the maintenance of the competition system, hereby declare that I have severed my relations with all other parties, that I indorse the platform and constitution of the Socialist party and hereby apply for admission to membership In said party." "IAN MacLAREN" TO LECTURE Will Also Be Pastor Of 1'nlontown (Pa.) Presbyterian Church.

Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Pittsburg, March 16. Rev. Dr. John Watson, of Liverpool, England, (Ian Mac-Laren) author of "The Bonnie Briar Bush" and many other books, is to be the lecturer extraordinary in the Western Theological Seminary, a Presbyterian institution, for' a course next year.

The arrangement has been worked out by Rev. Dr. Dayid Gregg, president of the seminary. Dr. Watson is entirely willing to come, provided some church will give him preaching fori the year.

Josiah V. Thompson, a millionaire, of Fayette county, has taken up th idea on behalf of the First Presbyterian Church of Unlontown, of which he is a leading member. This is one of the wealthiest congregations in Western Pennsylvania, and the church edifice, which cost more than is regarded as among the finest in the State. The people are delighted with the Idea of having "lan MacLaren" for their stated supply. This pulpit has been vacant since the resignation of Rev.Dr.

Asa S. Millholland, at the close of his 25 years' pastorate, one year ago, and since that time the congregation has been hearing candidates from all parts of the country. Among those who recently occupied the pulpit were Rev. Dr. Lawrence M.

Coelfelt, of Philadelphia Rev. Dr. Thomas Parry, of. Wllklnsburg, and Rev. Dr.

De Witt M. Benham, of Baltimore. ROCKEFELLER AT LAKE WO OP Does Not Show Himself For Fear Of Kidnappers. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Lakewood, N.

March 16. Although John D. Rockefeller is here, he is safe from subpoena servers, as the process issued by the Supreme Court of Missouri is not valid in this State. Unless Attorney-General Hadley should seek to have a commission appointed in New Jersey similar to the one appointed in New York Mr. Rockefeller is free to come and go anywhere in New Jer sey.

Mr. Rockefeller Is aware of this, but It is said by several of his employes that he does not show himself because he is afraid of kidnappers. He has recently installed powerful searchlights at his home. The place is guarded by armed men at night, and it is said that they have instructions to shoot any intruder found lurking arouad the place after nightfall. Mr.

Rockefeller has been seen at his home twice this week. A motor inspector met him face to face yesterday as he was passing through the living room to reach the basement ROCKEFELLER RESIGNS Severs Active Connection With Trustees Of Church. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. New York, March 16. It was learned toaay that John u.

Rockefeller had re signed from the board of trustees of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church. Although the letter of resignation was received sev eral weeks ago, it was not generally known among the other members of the board that Mr. Rockefeller had resigned until a re cent meeting. Those members of the board who are closest to Mr. Rockefeller and his son, John D.

Rockefeller, say that Mr. Rockefeller has severed active connection with- the affairs- of the church on account of his health and his inability to attend the meetings of the board. He and his family will retain their membership in the church. Mr. Rockefeller has been a member of the Fifth Avenue Baptist Church for many years and has aided the church financially on numerous occasions.

D0LAN IS NOT Mitchell And Secretary Wilson Against Drastic Action. Indianapolis, March 16. The special na tional convention of the United Mine Work ers of America this afternoon Indorsed the action of the executive board In sustaining the finding of President John Mitchell in ousting Patrick Dolan and Uriah Belling- ham from the presidency and the vice-presidency, respectively, of District No. 5, West ern Pennsylvania. As far as the national organization is concerned, this is the end of Dolan case.

Only the pleas of President Mitchell and of Secretary W. D. Wilson prevented the expulsion of Dolan from the organization. Dolan was seated as a delegate in the con vention, as wis Bellingham. The two actions followed Immediately on the partial report of the credentials committee, which Included the names of Bellingham and of Dolan as delegates.

The report of the scale committee was then read by Secretary John P. White and adopted, as follows "Whereas the President of the United States has requested President Mitchell to make another effort to avert a strike of the coal miners of the country, and "Whereas President Mitchell has called a convention as per request of the Presi dent of the United States therefore be it "Resolved, That we heartily indorse the policy and action of President Mitchell in this matter and now hoia ourselves in readi ness to meet our employers for the purpose of endeavoring to effect a satisfactory Set tlement of the wage question." James Blee offered an amendment to pro vide for a specific scale, but this was defeat ed. A resolution offered by John Stanley providing for a run-of-mine basis in all districts was referred to the resolutions committee. The convention then adjourned until to morrow. BANK DIRECTOR TESTIFIED Says He Signed Cashier's Reports Without Examining Them.

Philadelphia, March 16. The third day of the trial vof George P. Brock, former cashier of the Doylestown (Pa.) National Bank, who is charged with misapplying the funds of the institution, was devoted to the presentation of figures to the Jury. A director of the bank testified that he was unaware that Brock owed the bank over $80,000, and he further said that the matter never came before the board. Counsel for Brock said the reports of the bank showed that the cashier was In debted to the institution.

The director, in answer to defendant's counsel, stated that he had signed the reports without examining them. Divided Between The Wllnilnston And Baltimore Conference- Various Committees Appointed. I Special Dispatch to, the Baltimore Sun. Pocomoke City, March 10. A great part of this morning's session of the Wilmington Methodist Episcopal Conference, Bishop McCftbe In the chair, was devoted to routine work of reading reports and electing conference boards.

A spirited dispute arose over appointing committee to nominate trustees for the Wilmington Conference Academy, at Dover, Del. This was really a struggle for con trol between the Corkran and anti-Corkran factious in the conference. Rev. George L. Ilarrtesty named II.

II. Adams, Alfred Smith. J. W. Lindale, W.

O. Bennett and J. W. Prettyman for the committee. Kev.

Robert Watt objected, asserting that In the selection of such committees it was customary for the presiding elders to each make one nomination from their districts and the Bishop to select one member from the conference at large. Dr. Watt moved that Mr. Hardesty's motion be laid on the table, which was carried by a vote of 46 to .15. A nominating committee was afterward "named by the presiding elders and the Bishop, composed of II.

T. Qulgg, W. L. White, T. K.

Terry, It. II. Adams and C. Prettyman. The resul't of the test vote was a victory for the antl-Corkran forces Candidates For The Ministry.

The following were elected to elders or ders J. II. Mitchell, George C. Williams, Oiem T. Baynard, J.

W. Briscoe, Milton McCann, J. II. Gardner and William E. Matthews.

William S. Epperson was elected to deacon's order as local preacher. The following were promoted to fourth- year studies: A. W. Goodhand, Walter E.

Gunby. William Hubbard. Thomas II. Jones, P. I.

Mumford, Howard Davis and Raymond II. Lewis. Juhn M. Kelso was promoted to third-year studies. John L.

Sparklin and Emory M. McDan-lel were received on trial In the studies of the first year, and J. A. Buckson, J. W.

S. Van Blunt, Joseph II. Gray, L. B. Morgan, Edward J.

Jones, Daniel C. McCqy and J. C. McCoy were continued on trial in studies of second year. W.

II. Hudson and J. M. Kelso were excused from filling appointments during the coming year in order to attend Drew Theological Seminary. Conference Boundary Change.

Rev. Vaughn S. Collins read the record of the Joint commission appointed by the Baltimore, Wilmington and Virginia Conferences to consider changes in the boundaries of the Wilmington Conference. The changes comprise a division of Alexandria district of the Virginia Conference by which Wilmington Conference receives Phoebus and Claremont, and the Baltimore Conference takes the remainder of Alexandria district. Claremont charge comprises 53 members, with church property valued at $17,000, and no debt.

Phoebus also has Ir? members, with a church valued at $7,500 and a debt amounting to $300, which is, however, more than offset by a legacy of $500 received during the last few months. Dr. Alfred Smith, temperance evangelist of the conference, made his report, giving a brief summary of the services which had been conducted under his direction for the last three years and a short history of the work which had been accomplished. The report was accepted and Dr. Smith was unanimously elected for another year.

The conference was addressed on the liquor question by Rev. C. A. Grlse, of the Anti-Saloon League. The report of the conference pentecostal committee was read and accepted.

Religious Freedom In Bolivia. Bishop McCabe announced that he had received a letter from Rev. John Lee, missionary, stating that he and his co-workers had at last succeeded In persuading the Senate of Bolivia to pass an edict granting freedom of religions worship in Bolivia. On recommendation of the Bishop the conference adopted a resolution advocating international arbitration. The following were appointed a committee to draft a set of such resolutions, with Instructions to have them presented to President Roosevelt Rev.

L. E. Barrett, E. R. Roberts, C.

A. Hill, T. E. Martlndale and Robert Watt. "You're An Old Rebel!" An Impressive Incident was the Introduction to the conference of Rev.

.7. II. Moore, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Pocomoke City. When Mr. Moore shook hands with the Bishop he remarked that he remembered when a boy seeing the Bishop as he was being marched off to Libby Prison, nt Richmond, as a prisoner of the Confederate Army.

Looking at Mr. Moore with kindly eyes, the Bishop said "You are an old rebel." Mr. Moore being later asked to address the conference, spoke briefly of the Civil War and referred In eloquent words to the better stale of feeling now existing between the North and South, saying that both sec tlons, he was glad to feel, were now march Ing onward hand in hand under the stand ard of one cross and one flag. Bishop McCabe responded In a few touch ing words to Mr. Moore talk, and the inci dent closed by the whole body uniting in singing "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." Conference Hoards.

The newly appointed conference boards. which were read by Presiding Elder W. Koons, are as follows Hoard of Church Location Dover district, S. Morgan. L.

E. Barrett, T. II. Nelson. II P.

Can lion. G. H. Hail. Eastern district, W.

O. Koons. T. C. Bmoot, A.

W. Lightbourne, George C. Moore, G. E. Hukill.

Salisbury district, Adam E. Stengel, G. I Outten, Z. II Webster. T.

H. William. Dr. W. T.

Jones. Wilmington district, A. 8. Mowbray, W. L.

8. Murray, C. T. Wyutt, P. F.

Carpenter, O. M. Fisher, It. S. Loomis, J.

S. Miller. District Missionary Secretaries Dover district. II. B.

Kelso; Easton, W. C. Poole; Salisbury, L. HofTecker; Wilmington, II. A.

G. Westerfleld. Triers of Appeals-T. A. H.

O'Brien, H. G. Budd, T. E. Terry, It.

K. Stevenson, E. C. Mac-Nichol. Robert Watt, J.

M. Mitchell. Conference Deaconess Board L. P. Corkran, L.

8. Murray, S. H. Baynard. Mrs.

M. It. Lycoln. Subcomihission on Aggressive Evangelism At large, T. E.

Martlndale; Dover district, 8. M. Morgan, T. A. H.

O'Brien. W. A. Wise, E. J.

Winder, S. W. Kinder; Easton, W. G. Koons, L.

White. O. W. Bounds, W. O.

Hoffecker, D. Moloney; Salisbury, Adam E. Stengel. J. P.

Outten. Z. II. Webster, J. B.

Hancock. R. J. Mo-Allen; Wilmington. A.

8. Mowbray. R. K. Bteren-crn, J.

M. Arters, W. T. Hammond. Norri Sut ton.

Board of Church Extension President, T. E. Martindale; vice-president, Robert Watt; aecre- tary, C. T. Wyatt; treasurer, 8.

H. Baynard; Man agers. W. R. Mowbray, J.

W. Colona, A. G. Cox. J.

E. Carroll. Presiding elders are ex-offlcio members. Board of Domestic Missions Dover district, J. W.

Tftlley, H. P. Cannon, J. Carroll. Easton, T.

C. Smoot, W. E. Shanabar, G. L.

Townsend, G. E. Hukill. Salisbury, T. Alderaon, J.

E. Ellegood, Dcnn 8. Nelson. Wilmington, W. S.

Murray, A. 8. Johnson. J. E.

Perry. Conference Cabinet of Epworth League President, F. F. Carpenter; secretary and treasurer, J. M.

Arters. Provision was also made for four vice-presidents to serve on this board who will be the presidents of the Epworth Leagues of the four districts to be appointed later. Rev. S. P.

Shlpmau, pastor at Greensboro, was selected to preach the annual missionary sermon at the next conference session, with Dr. A. W. Light-bourne as alternate. Rev.

P. II. Rawlins was elected secretary of the endowment fund, and Rev. J. W.

Easley, of Barbourvllle, was appointed president of Union College. Pastoral Appointments. It Is thought that the Bishop and his cabinet have at this date made considerable progress respecting the pastoral appointments, having, it is believed, almost finished a tentative list. A rumor was current today that Rev. Wilbur F.

Corkran will be appointed to take the charge at Newark, but the report was emphatically denied by well-Informed persons. It is also reported that Rev. C. W. Prettyman will likely be returned to Newcastle, where it was supposed there would be a change.

An Important feature of the present conference session was a banquet given tonight at the Ford House by the Wilmington Alumni Association of Dlckerson College. About 35 members of the conference attended. Rev. Robert Watt was toast-innster, and the following toasts were responded to: "The man of letters In the pulpit," Rev. J.

M. Arters; "The conference academy," Principal E. L. Cross; "A summer training institute for young Methodists," "The present day," "Preachers, place and power," Rev. V.

S. Collins, Dickinson College; President George Edward R.ed, Rev. W. O. Hurst.

The afternoon and evcnlnz eervlces of Says Democracy Has Little To Hope For From The Old Elements In The North. Charlotte, N. March 16. Judge Al ton B. Tarker, of New York, Democratic candidate for President In the last election tonight in an address before the Manufac turers Club, of this city, urged Southern Democrats to take the leadership of the party.

Judge Parker spent a few hours here on his way home from Mississippi and his speech was delivered at a reception given in his honor by the Manufacturers' Club. His speech follows "In an address before the Legislature of the State of Mississippi a few days ago I had occasion to insist that never before was it less possible to Ignore the growing tendency to look to the Government or the State for support, assistance or special favor which will relieve the recipient from that effort and those obligations hitherto deemed Incumbent upon all our people. Whether it takes the form of direct sub sidles, the cost of which may be estimated or is hid away in" those more costly and de moralizing systems under which some fav ored individual or class may levy a relent less toll upon the earnings or the Income of all our people, the effect upon institutions and chairacter Is the same. If we sup port a dozen paupers in a poorhouse we can calculate the cost, but the beneficiary of a vicious system of corruption or boss ism in country, State, county or not only takes lor his own purposes the earn lngs of his neighbors, but he so breaks all the precepts of the moral law that he be comes at once a menace to society and an evil example to all our people. Opposed Concentration Of Power.

"During all its history the Democratic party has denounced the lodgment of undue power in the Government, has- opposed its logical outcome, the granting of special privileges In the levy of taxes and has in sisted upon economy in expenditure. Under these as guiding principles, it built up its own organization and has only been able to maintain by constant devotion to them In time they have become Inalienable poli cies and ingrained traditions. In or out of power, in nation or State, in the de mands of Its leaders, in the devotion of its rank and file, in war or peace, in Its early or later days. It has stood for these things. "While this conscientious devotion to an idea has commended itself to the Demo crats of the whole country and has thus made and kept the party national during recent years, the people of the South, with out variableness or shadow of turning, have been its mainstay.

"Shirking no responsibility, seeking no national rewards, promoting no special in terests or movement, they have neither been truculent In victory nor discouraged in defeat. Going on their way, regulating their own affairs without hope of com mandlng subsidy, paying cheerfully to carry out policies In which they would have no part, they have so impressed tnem selves upon their time that the one special problem coming to them from the past has been solved in such a way that the whole country has not only been forced to approve and applaud, but to Imitate as the only wav to deal with it. "But the time has come when new duties and responsibilities must be undertaken bv the Democrats of the South. It is more than two score years since the war closed and your people And themselves upon the threshold of what promises to be the most remarkable business development the world has ever known within the same time and space. Some of your men have gone forth to command the highest Buccess, In the most honorable way, in the greatest flnau cial and commercial movements of the time others have become the managers of great railway Interests you have devolped great manufacturing enterprises, and, most difficult of all, your people, as a whole, have so maintained and increased their own po sition and the dominance of the country in one of the greatest products of the soil as to make them the wonder and admiration of the world.

Praises South' Statesmen. "In spite of your devotion to principle and consistency, in the face of a numercial Importance that was preponderant, in poll tics only have you stepped aside. From the earliest day you have sent your best men into public life. They have been at once modest, able, devoted, patriotic and honest. No Jail or penitentiary has opened its hos pitable doors to admit your Senators, Rep resentatives or Governors, nor have the officers of the law, from detectives to At torney-General, been compelled to hale them Into the criminal courts.

In the face of this record you have not only permitted us of the North to present to you candidates for President and Vice-President, but you have inslsited upon our doing so, and have then voted for them, and that, too, when some times no other States did so. "In 1896 you tried Nebraska, and since that day no old Democratic Northern State has accredited one of our party to the United States Senate, and in none has there been a friendly Governor. All the Democratic training schools of the North ele mentary, Intermediate and higher were closed, and have remained so. The party paralysis was complete and almost fatal. In 1904, hoping to cure or palliate it, you advised returning again to New York for your candidate, only to meet the worst de feat In our party history.

It is now nearly 12 years since any man professing devotion to our party has been chosen in nation or in any Northern Democratic State to fill an important executive office. At the last elec tion perhaps 8 out of 10 of the voters then under 30 years were ranged with our oppo- sents, and today the party organizations are lifeless, their one-time leaders are dead or have abdicated, or worse, have become Republicans, while in more than one State the threat hangs over them that they may become the victims of the spoiler or the cormptionlst. Urges The South To Lead. "When such conditions confront you why should you hesitate any longer? Until the Democrats of Nebraska and New York and other Northern States have brought forth fruits meet for repentance or at least so long as they are threatening to give them delves and the party over to further de struction should you not assert yourselves You have borne the heat and burden of the day. Your statesmen have demonstrated their ability not only to take care of the In terests of their States ana their section.

but they have been the only dam against aggression at home ana the threat or ais- credit abroad. Among them are men with the knowledge, experience, honesty and courage to represent their fellow-partisans without the surrender of principle and their fellow-countrymen with safety and honor. "I mvself. placed at the front for a time, have every reason to be grateful to Demo crats everywhere, especially to those or the South. I appreciate the honor tnus con erred upon me and have no regrets for the Dast.

but no one, I think, can know better than I how futile our effort has been In the past and how unpromising the outlook is for the future, unless we throw aside isms' and grasp the great moral issue now so clearly perceived by the people. The time has come when the really effective Democrats of the country should be recog nized and when they themselves should no longer hesitate, decline or refuse to seek or to accept those honors which are their Just due for work well done. It may possibly be that the party will go to defeat again, but 1896 it has done nothing else under Northern leadership and certainly it cannot do worse. North Must Fall Into Line. "I believe firmly that it will do better, because it will at once eliminate the factions which are inevitable, so long as their leaders feel that they have only to capture few State organizations in the North, nominate their candidate and then de pend upon the South to support and elect him if possible.

And certainly no faction can refuse to support a worthy Southern candidate in the light of the loyalty of the South to every party candidate. "But If this course would give Southern Democrats the recognition they deserve, it will also put them upon their mettle. It will make it necessary for them to Insist upon devotion to ideas and principles to avoid, as their character and traditions as sure, extreme policies to keep themselves tuoroughly in touch with all the elements to be found in a national and progressive party, and to be ready and willing to anticipate and promote all the needs of a great country. The contending ambitions of self-seekers, the claims of interests purely local, the demands that grow out of the popular clamor, the shifty and shifting methods of the demagogue and the agitator all these must be avoided, whether leadership comes from North or South, East or West. The ideas and tendencies behind these things are typified by the Re publican party of the present day, and no attempt on our part to enter into com Sum Alleged To Have Been Taken Cirenter Than Bank's Capital Stock Bonded In Baltimore.

Haaelton, March 16. F. N. Everett, cashier of the First National Bank of Free-land, was arrested here tonight on a charge of embezzling from the institution, William Beckley, a lawyer, of Bloomsburg, was arrested at about the same time on a charge of conspiracy. Both warrants were sworn out by A.

Oswald, president of the bank. The United States Commissioner committed the men without bail for a hearing tomorrow, when a national bank examiner will be here. The bank was closed at 3 P. M. today and will not be reopened tomorrow, said President Oswald.

Cashier Everett had no statement to make. Attorney Beckley said: "I believe the bank people have made a big mistake. If they intended any move like this and had given 24 hours" time they would have been fully protected." President Oswald said "The money that is missing was borrowed or taken without our knowledge. There is no collateral whatever to cover the shortage. The bank examiner was at Freeland Wednesday, but the shortage was not found until Wednesday night, when we learned that the balance sheets on our accounts with banks where we have part of our surplus did not tally.

Following this Cashier Everett confessed to me and the situation was explained to the directors." Beckley. when searched in his cell, had in his possession, it is alleged, 15 notes vt $5,000 each from the Pennsylvania Papor Mills of Catawissa, drawn on the First National Bank of Catawissa, and three blank notes signed by the treasurer of the Pennsylvania Paper Mills. Everett and Beckley claim the money was sunk in the Pennsylvania Paper Mills of Catawissa. The capital stock of the bank is $50,000. It was organized In April, 1902, and Ever ett has been its cashier ever since.

He is under $15,000 bond with a Baltimore surety company. It is said all the depositors will Freeland has about 6,000 population, and is 12 miles from this place. COL. WILLIAM ELLIOTT NAMED Selected To Mark Graves Of Con federate Soldiers. Washington, March 16.

Col. William El liott, of Beaufort, S. formerly a Repre sentative Congress from that State, has been selected by Secretary Taft to be a commissioner to the graves of Confederate soldiers who died in Northern prisons. There has been keen competition for thia place on the part of the Confederate vet erans. Colonel Elliott served for 14 years in Congress and is a distinguished lawyer.

He Is a veteran of the Confederate army, having served under Gen. Stephen D. Lee and gaining his promotion to the colonelcy by gallantry in action at Vlcksburg. He was present in a number of the great battles in Virginia up to 1863, at which time he was transferred to the West. He was at the bat tles of Vicksburg, Harrisonburg.

Atlanta. Jonesboro, Franklin, Newbern, N. and Bentonsville, N. being wounded at Benton sville. FELL AS SCORES LOOKED ON Aged Roofer Caught Roof Gutter, But No One Could Help Him.

New York, March 16. A desperate but Ineffectual struggle against death was witnessed today by more than a score of persons who stood helpless to assist in front of St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church, at-Madison avenue and Forty- fourth street. Walter Carthie, a roofer, 60 years old. was the victim of the tragedy.

He was at work on the roof of the church when he lost his footing and fell, rolling swiftly down the incline. At the edge he managed to grasp a gutter which runs along the eaves, and his fall was arrested. For fully three minutes Carthie squirmed and cluthehed the gutter, vainly trying to pull himself back to safety. Finally his hold weakened, and he fell to the sidewalk. He struck on his head and was instantlv killed.

IN ALLEGED LUMBER TRUST United States Government To Investigate Alabama. Combine. Jackson, March 16. The United States Government is about to take a hand In the investigation of the alleged lumber trust in this State. Chairman McAllister, of the Joint legislative investigating committee, today received the following letter from the Attorney-General of the United States "I am In receipt of what purports to be a copy of a report of an investigation made by a committee of your Legislature relative to the Lumber Trust in your State.

It appears that the combination is operating in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust act. I should appreciate it very much if you will furnish this department with a copy of your report, together with the testimony taken before the legislative committee. "I should esteem it a favor if you will furnish me. with such other information as may be in possession of your committee relative to the alleged trust. The purpose of this request is to obtain sufficient data to serve as a basis for an independent investigation by the Federal Chairman McAllister says that a copy of the evidence will be forwarded to Washington in a few days.

DUKE TRIAL GOES OVER One Witness Reported To Be Mysteriously Absent. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. New York, March 16. The trial of the suit Drougnt Dy uroaie ij. irnse ror an a-solute divorce from his wife, Alice Webb Duke, which was set for today before Justice Blanchard, in the Supreme Court, was, at the request of the defendant's counsel, Herbert F.

Andrews, adjourned to next Tuesday. The postponement of the trial was granted on the statement that an important witness for the defense is mysteriously missing, and that another witness, a college professor, is ill with pneumonia. They are both Chicago physicians, and the pro fessor is said to be a member of the fac ulty of the Chicago University. The miss ing doctor is said to have left Chicago last Sunday night for this city and has not been heard from since. KING CHARLES QUITE ILL Ruler Of Rovmania Has An Affec tion Of The Brain.

London, March 17. Special dispatches! received here report the serious illness of King Charles of Roumania of a brain affection following upon an arterial disease; The Daily Telegraph says that private telegrams have reached London to the effect that the death of the King is possible any moment and that, in any case, his life cannot be prolonged for more than a few months, but that the" King intends to visit Lugano In Switzerland. New York State Bank Resources. N. March 16.

According to a statement Issued today by the State Bank ing Department the total resources of the 191 State banks in this State on FeLruarv 20 were $536,813,899. This total Is the largest ever reported and is a gain of 196,984 from the showing made by the re ports of State banks as of November 9, 1905. GiPMelFmte Nervous Wreck: Dr. Greene's Nervura to the Rescue. How often it happen that weak, nervous, suffering women are the subjects of ridicule by friends, who.

being well themselves, cannot understand such feelings in others. Yet there is no more terrible suffer ing than that resulting from nervousness, and it is the most prevalent of all complaints. The most frightful tortures haunt the mind; the person is in constant dread of impending evil sleep refuses to come, and the merest trifles cause worrr and anxiety. Tnoughts of insanity develop, and the poor sufferer feels weak, tired and unable to do anything. There are sometimes faintness and sinking at the stomach, loss of appetite, coated tongue and lack of interest in society and daily affaira.

Female weakness, with pains in the aide, back or abdomen. Is often present. Get Dr. Greene's Nervura today for your trouble and note the immediate results. Greene can be consulted free by all who call at or write to his office.

101 Fifth avenue. Heir citjr. A0 Other Cases Recently Tried Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Hagerstown, March 16. Judge lveeay tnisv afternoon sentenced John Slifer, convicted of killing his neighbor, Jacob, Poffenberger, to eight years in the peniteu tiary.

Slifer is 71 years old. lie was found guilty of murder in the second de gre. The murder grew out of a dispute over a pmall tract of land claimed by Slifer ana i'onenoerger. Slifer alleged Belf-de fense at the trial. He received sentence with little manifestation of emotion.

In that part of Washington county where ne uvea surer was regarded as a worthy citizen. By economy and industry he made his surroundings comfortable. He raised a large and respectable family of children who enjoy the confidence and respect of all by whom they are known. He was re garded as a peaceable and Inoffensive man, The 'Boonsboro Times, in an editorial ar ticle this week, says "We do not hesitate to say that there never was a case In Washington county or the State of Maryland that so much de serves executive clemency as the case ol John Slifer. We believe he has suffered enough.

There will be no danger to so ciety. He has only a short time to live let him die in peace in the bosom of that family which he has reared in respect ability." Five Vears For Walsh. Edward Walsh, the union coal miner, who shot and killed John P. Moody at Frostburg was sentenced to five years In the penitentiary for manslaughter. Waisu pleaded for mercy for himself and in behalf of his wife and child.

lie said he was sorry for the affair, but he had to kill Moody to save his own life. Judge Keedy said tnc evidence showed that Walsh was the ag gressor, and the Jury that convicted him was merciful rather than logical. Every one of the Jurors signed a petition asking the Court to be merciful when imposing sentence. Walsh received his sentence rather coolly. Other Sentences.

Other penitentiary sentences by the court were as follows Frederick Jones, colored, robbery two and a half years. Norris Dorsey, Dudley Lee and Jonas 11111, colored, highway robbery, two years and six months, two years and five months and two years and four months, respect ively. Snap French, also convicted, paroled. William Wakefield, colored, larceny; one year and two months. Charles Dorsev.

colored, burglary, 18 months. Mrs. Ellen Brown, formerly of Baltimore, forging endorsements on check of Abram Kohler, one year. DORCHESTER JURORS Names Drawn By Judge Lloyd For The April Term. rKnoMn! TManntrh to the Baltimore Sun.l Cambridge.

March 16. Associate Judge Henry Lloyd today drew the Jurors for the approaching April term or tne cir cuit Court for Dorcnester county as ioi lows First District Robert Knowles, Walt man Willey, William C. Smoot. Second D. G.

Crippin, Everett Holland C. W. Meyers. Third Wlnffleld Webster, Stephen. O.

Tiwnmnts Thorns C. Sellers. Fourth John R. Nield, William Tnshiell Fifth Benjamin F. Kirwan, Alexander G.

Robbins, L. Frank biocum. Sixth John W. Creighton, Benjamin TTrrroT Seventh William C. Bennett, Wesley North, William T.

Johnson, Walter Har-r aim- w. Goslee. Russell P. Smith. Thomas Drennen, John B.

Rosselle, Albert Spedden, B. Frank Sherman. Eighth Daniel L. Moore, Thomas L. Ninth Outerbridge H.

Nield, John M. Richardson, Daniel R. Martin. Tenth Charles M. M.

Wingate, Robert J. W. Powley, Calvin S. Wingate. Eleventh Millard Reld, Jackson Man rtin tr Twelfth Joseph B.

Corkran, Charles A. Brown. Thirteenth William J. Sherman, W. W.

Windsor. Fourteenth J. Edward Phillips, Charles Tlepkwlth. Fifteenth J. H.

Cottman, Jasper L. Thompson. Sixteenth Clifton Parker, William L. Tregoe. -m MARYLAND OBITUARY MRS.

AJfN E. ALDMDGE. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.T Chestertown, March 16. Mrs. Ann Elizabeth Aldridge, wife of J.

K. Aldrldge. president of the Kent County Savings Bank, died at her home on Water street this morning, aged 77 years. She was a daughter of the. late Josiah Ringgold and leaves one daughter, Mrs.

George Brice. MRS. CHARLOTTE GARDNER. I Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Cumberland, March 16.

Mrs. Char lotte Gardner, widow of James Gardner, died today, aged 69. Her husband owned a brick plant at Ellerslie. She was the mother of City Councilman William Gardner, James Gardner, Mrs. Duke, wife of Dr.

Edgar T. Duke Dr. Charlotte B. Gardner and Misses May and Jennie Gardner. VALENTINE STECK.

Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Hagerstown, March 16. Valentine Steck died suddenly of heart disease yester day at his home. Willow Hill, aged 70 years. He was a native of Germany, and came to America 50 years ago.

He was a farmer and miller and was successful in business. Mr. Steck was the father of Mrs. Etta Washington, of Hagerstown. MRS.

MARTHA J. GATTRELL. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Hagerstown, March 16. Mrs.

Martha J. Gattrell, widow of former Sheriff John Gattrell, died this morning at her home, near Sharpsburg, aged 72 years. She was a Miss Seaman before marriage. Mrs. Gattrell left several children.

VIRGINIA WEDDINGS 4. FLETCHER- PEACHER. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Fredericksburg, March 16. Mr.

Thornton Fletcher and Miss Irene Peacher, both, of Orange county, were married at the home of the bride, near Mine Run, this week. Rev. J. H. Wiltshire, offi ciating.

PALMER WATTS. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore San. Fredericksburg, March 16. Mr. L.

Palmer and Miss Rosa Watts, both of Essex county, were married yesterday at the home of the bride. In that county, and left for a Northern bridal trip. COLORED BOY'S BRAVE DEED Fatally Burned, He Saved His Lit tle Brothers From Death. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Fredericksburg, March 16.

In Fau quier county three colored children were left in the 9am by their parents, William Henry Ball and his wife, who went to visit neighbors. The clothes of the oldest boy, 7 years old, took Are from the open fireplace, and he was terribly btirned. He threw off his coat and ran out doors. The boy then discovered that the build ing was on fire, and, with the skin and flesh dropping from his body, he rushed back into the house and brought out onr child, 3 years old, and ran back into the flames and saved the youngest child, 18 months old. The boy died from his In juries the following day.

Married At Midnight. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Harrisonburg, March 16. A ro mantic marriage took place at midnight last night in Harrisonburg. Frederick A.

Calfee, of Greenwood, Albemarle county, arrived here on a late train last night and was met by his bride-elect, Miss Wlrtle Moon Tomes, recently of Basic City. They visited the home of Circuit Court Clerk Martz, waked him up and he consented to go to the courthouse and issue the necessary papers. After the license had been delivered to them, the couple walked to the home of Rev. Oscar E. Sams, and Mr.

Sams was also awakened. The nuptial vows were taken just as the clock struck 12. Mr. and Mrs. Calfee left today for their home, at Greenwood.

A Cute Caller. 'I wish you would excuses me this evening," said the pretty girl to her caller. is the matter!" queried he, rising to go. "I haTe acute headache." "You haTe a cute head, too," replied he. Then she said she felt a little better and he might remain a little while.

Houston Post. Rev. Luther E. Poole, pastor of Salem Methodist Episcopal Church.Pocomoke City, where the Wilmington Methodist Episcopal Conference Is in session, has just completed the third year of his pastorate. It was mainly due toils untiring efforts that' the handsome new church building, erected ENGINE CRUSHED WANCO Once Well-Known Prizefighter Killed In Wreck.

KILLED MAN IN PRIZEFIGHT Car Jumps The Track In Middle Of Tunnel, Which Is Choked By The Mass Of Wreckage. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Clarksburg, W. March 16. At Min nle, Wetzel county, on the Baltimore and Ohio, the fast freight which left here last night was wrecked and Engineer G.

J. Wanco was killed. The engine struck a bowlder and turned over, crushing the en gineer. About a dozen cars and their con tents were destroyed. Wanco was apparently lifeless and was reported dead.

After several hours' work he was resuscitated and found to be alive, but while on the way to the hospital he dlea suddenly. Wanco was formerly the cleverest prizefighter in this section. In a fight three years ago he delivered a blow to Felix Carr, which resulted in the latter's death. He was Indicted, but was acquitted. He then gave up fighting and took up railroad ing, which ended in his death last night.

A freight train on this division of the Baltimore and Ohio was wrecked in the tunnel west of Clarksburg this morning. A car in the middle of the train jumped the track in the centre of a long tunnel. As the train was going at high speed, the tun nel was completely Jammed with, wreckage of cars and contents. It was probably the worst wreck to handle ever known on this division, and it was a late hour today be fore the wreckage was cleared and. trains were able to run through the tunnel.

TO BUILD FORT ON ISLAND Norfolk People Believed It Would Be Located At Cape Henry. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Norfolk. March 16. Great surprise was expressed here today when it was discovered that the Taft board recommended the making of an Island on middle ground upon which shall be located the fortifications meant to prevent hostile ships from entering Chesapeake bay and later, per haps, attacking Baltimore, Washington, An napolis and other cities on the bay or its tributaries.

The impression here has been that the coast-defense guns would be placed on the shore at Cape Henry, and land values at the Cape have appreciated remarkably since the board's report was submitted by President Roosevelt to Congress. The Norfolk Board of Trade has written to Baltimore, Washington and various Virginia cities asking their business organizations to aid in securing an application from Congress for the purchase of the land at Cape Henry upon which It was believed the fort would be built. The Norfolk Cham ber of Commerce has delegated Capt. Wynd- ham R. Mayo to represent it at Washington before the Congressional committee in this fortification matter.

Captain Mayo was formerly president of the the Norfolk body. GOV. SWANSON HARD AT WORK Only Two Congressional Contests Are In Prospect. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Richmond, March 16.

Governor Swanson worked hard all day over the bills put before him for signature and made good progress, though he did not complete their consideration. He expects to get through within the time allowed by the Constitution, which Is 10 days after the expiration of the session. There 1b much talk about Congressional fights, even this early, but, so far as the Democratic side of the matter is concerned, only two battles are in sight, one in the Second and the other in the Fourth district. Thomas J. Downing, of Lancaster, wit nessed the closing scenes in the Legislature and has gon to his home.

He said be fore leaving that he was sure Congressman Jones would have no opposition in the new First district. "I am sure no one will oppose him from the old part of the district," said Mr. Downing, "and I have heard of none from the portion recently put on. Down our way- we regard Mr. Jones as the ablest member of Congress from Virginia, and we believe the more his new constituents see of him the better they will like him.

We wel come our neighbors on the Peninsula Into the district and believe we shall dwell to gether in harmony and brotherly love." Peanut Factory For Norfolk. Norfolk, March 16. P. D. Gwalt- ney, president of the American Peanut Cor poration, which was chartered yesterday.

announced today that the company will Install machinery in the Roper storage warehouse, which they bought here re cently for $70,000, and will have in opera tion before next winter a peanut cleaning factory which will employ about 500 hands. The warehouse has storage capacity for 85,000 bags of nuts. The vice-president of the company here is P. P. Bain.

Sleet Damage To Wires. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Rockville, March 16. The heavy sleet of yesterday put the local telephone companies and the Chesapeake and Potomac Company temporarily out of business In Montgomery county. All over the county the wires are down and many poles have also been borne down by the heavy weight.

The telegraph lines have also suffered and communication by this means is almost an impossibility, although a large force of workmen is engaged in replanting poles and restrlnging wires where necessary. It is generally regarded as the worst storm of the kind that has visited this section within the last 30 years. Maryland Briefs. T. H.

McKoy, of Salisbury, has been ap pointed trarelinff firejgrht agent for the Western Maryland Railroad, with' offices in Haarerstown. The long-distance telephone of the Bell Company has been established in Oakland, Garrett county. The First Baptist Church of Cumberland has ex tended a call to Rev. Wm 51. Tinker, of Blooms-burg, to succeed Rer.

W. R. Hood, who returned to Alabama 00 account ct ill health. Jacob C. Knode, a retired farmer, died in Boons boro, Washington county, of dropsy, aged 68 years.

The removed case of Allegany county against Ezra J. Watson, Tax Collector, and his bondsmen," Michael Crawford, Charles G. Watson, John D. Watson, Charles T. Norris, M.

I Callan and P. XL Fletcher, is on trial at Hagerstown. of the church has Increased under his lead ership from 185 to more than 300 persons. Rev. Mr.

Poole, much to the regret of his charge, has accepted a call to the Methodist Episcopal Church at Elkton, Md. BLAND OVERCOME IN COURT Newport Xewi Lawyer Taken Sick While Making: Speech. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun March 16. Attorney O. Bland, of Newport News, was taken sud denly ill in the Supreme Court of Appeals today at noon while engaged In opening the argument in the case of Mason and Perkins receivers, against Post.

Mr. Bland had spoken but a short time when he was seen to turn pale and begin to totter. Lawyers in the room rushed to his assistance, and he was placed in a chair, later being taken to the conference room of the court, where Dr. Craig, of the Memorial Hospital, attended him. Mr.

Bland was on the verge of a nervous collapse from overwork, and the strain had proved too much for him. Dr. Craig spent an hour with the sick man, and after restoratives had been administered he began to Improve and was able to leave for his home late this afternoon. The proceedings of the Supreme Court of Appeals today were as follows Mayo, Heysoro Co. vs.

the Philadelphia Textile Company; fully argued by George I Christian for the plaintiff in error and O. V. Meredith for the defendant in error and submitted. Mason Perkins vs. Post; partly argued by S.

O. Bland and G. Bickford for the plaintiffs in error and O. D. Batchelor for the defendant in error and continued.

Next 19 cases to be called: Margolius Company vs. Hamngto'n, Wright-Caesar Tobacco Company vs. Hoen Southern Railway Company vs. Hans- brough's administrator. Watts vs.

Johnson Bow man Real Estate Corporation, Vaughan Machinery Company vs. Staunton Tanning Company, Vashon vs. Pulliam, assignee; Whitehead vs. Cape Henry syndicate et Tarrant and others vs. Core, Du- laney vs.

Dulaney and Reid vs. Rhodes. PROF. T. S.

LYON DEAD i Was Formerly President Of Broadus College, At rSrjecial DisDatch to the Raltlmnr Run 1 Morgantown, W. March 16. President Purinton. of the West Virginia TTnt. versity, received a telegram from Fredonla, in.

tnis morning stating that Prof. T. Lyon, his father-in-lR-w. hurt rtlod thro Professor Lyon was in his eighty-eighth year. He was a well-known educator.

He was a graduate of Rochester University ana was lor many years professor of Eng lish literature in the West Virginia TTnl. versity and was vice-president of that in stitution irom 1H7S to 1881. Professor Lvon was elected president of Ttrnnrina College, at Clarksburg, W. In 1886, but retired three years later to his farm in New xorK. WILLIAM B.

ROBET. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.l Fredericksburg, March 16. Justice William B. Robcy, one of the most prominent men of Spott-sylvania county, died today at his home of pneu monia, aged 66 years. He had been a justice of the peace for 25 years and at the time of his death -was deputy treasurer for his county.

Mr. Robey was a Confederate soldier, having served throughout the entire Civil War. He is survived by a widow, three sons and four daughters. JOHX C. KELLER.

Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Winchester. March 16. Mr. John O.

Krilpr a well-known traveling man, died last night at his home In Mlddletown, aged 58 years. He was unmar ried. Mr. Keller traveled for Stnnebnrnpr A- rv. D.

J. Foley of Baltimore, and lately repre sented tne ueinman Company, of that city. Two sisters Mrs. J. W.

Rhodes, of Middletown. and Mrs. John Steigle, of Harrisonburg survive. MRS. W.

O. SEXGER. Special DisDatch to the Baltim nr Rnn 1 Harrisonburg, March 16. Mrs. W.

O. Benger cuea at ner nome, near uale Enterprise, last evening, after an- illness of several weeks of tmhoid fever and heart trouble. She was about 42 years of age and before her marriage was a Miss Cline, of West Rockingham. She leaves a husband and five cnuaren. JAMES L.

HENDERSON. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Fredericksburg. March 16. Mr.

James L. Henderson, a well-known Confederate soldier, died a few days ago at his home, in King Georgo county aged 75 years. He is survived by five children and a number of grandchildren. MRS. J.

T. JONES. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Fredericksburg, March 18. Mrs, J.

T. Jones, a well-known lady of Louisa ootid ty, died a few days ago at her home after a lingering Illness, aged 38 years. She is survived by her husband and six chil dren. GEORGE WINE. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.

Fredericksburg, March 16. Mr. George Wine. a prominent citizen of Stafford county, died yesterday of heart trouble, aged 70 years. He is survived by one brother and one sister.

MRS. SUSAN B. TODD. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Fredericksburg, March 16.

Mrs. Susan B. Todd, widow of O. Todd, of Spottsylvania county, died yesterday of heart trouble, aged 60 years. She leaves no children.

MRS. JOHN A. PILCHER. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Roanoke, March 16.

Mrs. John A. EMlcher died this morning at the home of her parents in Petersburg. Her husband is connected with the clerical department of the Roanoke Machine Works. Mrs.

Pilcher had been visiting for three weeks in Petersburg. Candidates Must Put Up S350. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Petersburg, March 16. The Demo cratic Congressional Committee of the Fourth district met in the Chesterfield Hotel here tonight and decided to hold the primary on Tuesday, July 31.

Each candidate for Congress will be required to place in the hands of the chairman a check for $350 to defray the expenses of the primary. The candidates are R. S. South-all, of Amelia county Francis Rives Lassi-ter and Col. William Henry Mann, of this city, and Judge Leonard Yarrell, of Greenes-ville county.

Suffolk Buys A Lake. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Suffolk, March 16. A special meeting of the Suffolk Council authorized its president. Dr.

Henry Wood Campbell, to draw a warrant for $6,000 in payment for Lake Savage, which will be used as a source of water supply at the expiration of the town's contract with the Portsmouth, Berkley and Suffolk Water Company. The amount will be paid through Nansemond Circuit Court, through which tribunal Suffolk; had the lake condemned. smokestack and headlight were torn off and the engine otherwise damaged. Four other telegraph poles were pulled over, and the scene was a mass of entangled wires. A force of workmen was soon on the scene and spent the entire day in straightening out the mix-up.

The engine was, fortu nately, running at a Blow rate of speed. The freight train continued on its way to Washington. ATTEMPT TO WRECK TRAIN Ralls Piled On Tracks Of Western Maryland Railroad ar Blssell Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.l Hagerstown, March 16. An attempt was made to wreck the west-bound fast mall on the Western Maryland Railroad, near Blssell. An obstruction of fence rails and posts was seen on the track by the engineer, but not in time to prevent the locomotive from hitting It.

The engine was nearly derailed. The footprints of three men were 6een In the snow and were followed until the trail was lost. A DOUBLE MISHAP A Ilear-End Freight Collision And Passenger Train Sldewlped. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Cumberland, March 16.

At 3.05 o'clock this morning one extra freight train ran into the rear of another on the freight track at North Branch railroad, about six miles east of Cumberland, derailing the ca boose and four cars of the front train and engine 2697 of the rear train. Both freight and passenger tracks were obstructed. Immediately after the collision the Cleve land-Baltimore express, also eastbound on the passenger track, came along, and, before the engineer could Btop, sldewlped the wreckage, derailing the engine and doing considerable damage to the front of the postal car. Dr. Lucy P.

Dement, of WTest Dover, Ohio, was slightly Injured. Conductor T. Landon sustained slight bruises about the head and Baggage Master Jackson received bruises on the hip. No other persons were Injured. Dr.

Dement continued her trip to Baltimore and went to 21 North Carey street, as Intended. The passenger train was run back to Cumberland. The tracks used by passen ger trains were cleared In about two hours, after which the express proceeded on Its run, arriving at Baltimore about two hours late, Its scheduled time for arrival being 8 A. M. The freight track was cleared In about six hours.

LONACONING SILK MILL Industry To Employ Three Hundred Operatives. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore- Sun. Lonaconlng, March 16. The siik mill for Lonaconlng to be erected by the Klots Throwing Company Is assured. Duncan R.

Sloan, secretary of the committee of Lonaconlng citizens having the project In charge, has notified H. D. Klots, presl dent Of the Klots Throwing Company, New York, that all of the $40,000 5 per cent, mortgage, bond subscriptions had been taken at Lonaconlng. This was required by the Klots company before it would agree to build the mill. The mill, of a capacity to employ 300 hands, will be erected on a vacant lot opposite what Is known as Pink Row, the work to begin at once.

The Klots company has mills at Cumberland, Fredericksburg, Scranton and Carbon- dale, Pa. SMALLPOX AT ANNAPOLIS Another Case Discovered, Causing Considerable Alarm. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Annapolis, March 16. The development of a second case of smallpox has caused considerable alarm here.

The patient Is Mrs. Wade, who lives Just outside the city limits. The case was reported to the health officials today, but Mrs. Wade is said to have taken the malady last Saturday, but would not call In a physician. Six or eight other persona have been living In the same house.

The negro Berry, who was taken sick about three weeks ago, is convalescent. Fatal Fall In Airshaft. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Cumberland, March 16. This morning John Kldwell fell 125 feet to the bottom of the airshaft leading to the tunnel being constructed by the Consolidation Coal Company for drainage purposes at the Hoffman mine, one mile from ClarysvIIle.

He and three others were being drawn to the surface In a bucket. He was seated on the rim, and after ascending 125 feet he lost his balance and fell. He was taken to his home at Frostburg unconscious and in a dying condition. He 13 28 years old. Frederick To Thurmont Railway.

Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Frederick, March 16. It is understood in Frederick that engineers of the Washington, Frederick and Gettysburg Railway Company will begin work next week on the final survey for the proposed railway from Frederick-to Thurmont. The work of making the survey will take about three weeks, after which the construction of the road will begin. Marriage Announcement.

Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Frederick, March 16. Mr. and Mrs. John Tabb, of Bunker Hill, W.

have Issued Invitations for the marriage of their daughter. Miss Edith Tabb, to Mr. Russell Paxton Hllleary, of Petersville, Frederick county. The wedding will take place in the Oerardstown (W. Va.) Presbyterian Church on March 21.

Married In Frederick. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Frederick. March lfi ftsn fm1a Mabel Railing, daughter of Mr. Christian Railing, and Mr.

Ernest M. Fox, both of Frederick, were married veHttrrlir nt fha home of the bride, In Frederick, by Rev. E. L. McLane, the pastor of Grace Reformed Church.

In The Book Store. Customer I want to get a book on collar buttons. Can you suggest anything? Clerk Yes. Here's a book called "Lire of the Hunted." Try that. 1 petition with it can hope to command suc.

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