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The Coshocton Democrat from Coshocton, Ohio • Page 3

Coshocton, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

pwtnhariM fcr i iMrwhip their notolaalhtg fotAuroity. meeting of ulilp, ihn offltu aliirU.T it nhoaM at Dm aurins; Mail to lluehsnan llm (filsM. rlrfrl-i grain, by every wholetale hand through whlfli it pmsiii and whim )t t)u ilp of tM vteftmi, tnrpent'l fang. when thlirlrUt In the Common I'leiw, all will be probed tn the bottom Wv MI, i on of Ice t-ir i Into ofllc" vn l.i.l/iiy--but Tor many whn, i C.irt in urn habitual lint tuku an oceimionul drum can ncrui feel litre iliey not nuppiiiK'lvtdly puiion In cvvn Ijitl WH tin- lliittoii i Suit. lirle of tolflf fcr ife, control arer but one ill--has but no-- amMtaplutuwbut one snpporis iMftaMmatnrjr sWm or in throat, iMt, aUtopi-n, slua.

Is aikoil, how Bimply bf rim; the lust balanoo betweon iho'BukUaud CT Ohio Henulo ashni the Canal ''out The Hvnnte i may not bu worth inituh, druclim i allnlKhi the Aho'liinn! wll (to not lionUHle to nny iW, if the su'j nnning ilii-irnrhea, lihu lur vuiii'Mt'etiiui blii.lnr.-t iiiinoiin- ovi-r a earcaM. It in tint Murnh Iji'luw, dwcitvury of trliidi ww.s SJSH! netrd like at ill our xuiilt) i i i pos- ThtMoow of )U own, iliu 1'Xirnoriliiinry cluimud iio'nmunlly from imponiiion by ctntnttrfciti, tlio proprietor will no agtint, aid snob arrniiguni'inft trmi ha can send ibe medicine i i nny qiniiiity by Mtil 01 Kxpren, tn sny jcirt of tliii or foreign ccmntriei. fPrimo oott 91..10 per drHolun--price 82 per to bvcn bjr il, tli) lit il-i iiiuil to ruU in ill wf, thu i i i'Xi'1-iini, A How lurite ulirniiim to ilin i i niciliciiiu." il only Ad'ffti'emonl and ('oinnninicntion of suliMiltlUf for tlio piiiliflll Mid hulnflll biis- relative new divmc-v of icr, il ruulil nut full lu i in WHV lo pijp- full. The ttuiirv i now, mill fitvor a i i riuli i lu think the il'ncovery wortlij a Irinl. IT iuJ of were 111 ill') for'ii'iAto mid cntcrpri- iii Ur.

F. To yrwipaprr and Periodical in (Juitctl anil Fureiyn to irnnsmii $100 worth of his Antiphlogistic Halt to American Cunutl iibroad, for grtiioitoiis distribution, in order hara it irnnuKliaiiily touted in tho raspoetive ooun- tiioi t- wliitsh urn aucrsdiled--and Imviny dfltiTiniiietl lu no ngont, lie tli-mros tu introduiitj fuw p.iuka^es, ns loon poa-nbk into uvury and town wlwre riewhjmpprti atii! are publUhotl, ai liumi) nnd abroad. Tlmreforo, every lur his publisher who ilmll copy this urtmmunioa- at per cwt. Good WHI () nriw I lion six or nioro innide once a ti" r. m.

II thonght, nre worth to 1 CT We Helling lit liiuiiJt at $1 It all engaged, and we fmlrl to gut a*. JVulh of Thniitns A of intttrent IIAM imniftMled rwull ol the inlu tlif Ilie death of Thonim w.w round Wng at llm eorntriif tin- ttro.l, in lliis vil lagr, on the morning of itir i Inxlunt. rcturnnil, the rcmilt of their btvMligationi, dint the decmioil came to liiit dmth from the of vnUwfu'ly Hold lo him by Sli'Tix, mid urn in ili opeu air.diiiiii^ the of iheKlbo' Thin i i itnn put into theh.indiof i i i i i i and i i lur thu Jutcjili Slnivr on of iu nil notary Tin 1 irlnl ooniinmci'il on i i i nt o'rlock, mil wait nut i-onclinled i Tucx- aifhl, at o'clock. The iironacution eocdacud by U. Niuho nt and C.

C. d-fence lr Irvine uml Joint T. huld to biiil in the (il hundred to.iwuil thu iioiimi of ihe rraixl Jury. Thetritimonii on the prtHinnrT oiiMiiina' tlon. shaved thai eiglit clock, on Sat vrday trnnitg, 'Dioiniis Ciirlnin litiuoiit ji-i'liliuiUi's no common lu thu! (rtif'-rritij; ti no-iniint jl lliu i with no ullmr and tirwt and limt nuuibor of lixck'T Hum in ivnl vdliiu uii'l l'm n'p-' pnpur- nn reception of first number, nuuioM.

A-t liu In i iiiiknowii to i i r'tainini; mail or exprtiiu, i i i i i iibro.t'l, ptonsui'ii 5-i worth of ihs salt, (25 $2 in DUnno; tint hi) IIHS a prom- which will doubtless be aifked i puNiiioii in lliu pruli's ion, uud rui'Kiv- ijy on arrival ud (nl)oiit thirty i i agn) liis cullygiatc-, the finning 8U uud i i i at two jioptil.u 1 col- of length, for wliioh lie Iu 'i" in EiijjUnd. will pity, (10 or more 850 in it KWII timt thu dodlor has riicont-' cash, or 86'0 in mi'diuine, at the option iif Iv r-'I'iiHcd lilwidl prouusiiion lur itn oqunt lliu puhlishorx. Hit) reaton for proposing 3 I I I I I pur ui IIIM (ruin tundi- pay in modiuinu and not muntiy, am niiii vvliu pro- --tirst, a wish to btive the Suit lurthwitli jiruvod in si-ciiunsof tlio country; riodi- Hunond, his pr-scnt paftuniary arrival. Ho fxpecU during to iaiiw nflother vtd its dliwu-y J'ttlilinlierH of nuwspnpnm c.ili, ttl limn" uni in coiiiimiiiiuHliun mid HiivurtiauinKDl. ron TUK i-ovr.

prrj'mt tiuti- will bu intur. ruodod in liis pi'upsrrttions Orocur' llnit on Uc nt firnecry wlncti iiltuil kind of from wliicli he ibink. once. H-lwrrii and ht fern to ilrinn at Shcrur'i rountur, and by a dtfTrrent witneM agiin At 9 o'clock. From 9 to 11,11 diil not appear lo be ihofrn wticrc Curtain fir the jug waa but 1 1 be wni tin nl and drank tlirvo within flfteen wanted more, lint Sliervr lo It lo lilm.

In nlmrt time after while on the counter, be bccumc brat hetd ever lo know, uud np- pMred So Htrngftlinf; far bf-alb. Ho Ilirn over aad laid upon the Boor. Not Ing WTife, one inggetled lie need eil air, wlMfcoproi ho 'liken to door, whcrf "lie for the last and iinkvil tu be down Ala done--but noun HI'UT, was Ukrn up nnd on thu ground, on tlie of Grocery. At about 11 o'clock at night, a young man him lying there, and went in and liercr the mun Imd up. Sherer and pt-rion came out, him, nnd of tlicni (bought he would be I enough in llie inoniiog.

Khcrcr then picked up a of old In about 6 foot by 4, doubled II tic ce.mod'* face mnl body, and left Ilia, where hu Uy all night. At tliu lime ho taken out door, he pcr'evtly help. UK Ihetmomt-lfT wnnheloir the night clear iiid pleaMtnt fur a winter Tbe nest morniug al-to etear and plvatani, lee had formed dilng the night In plncen, ground win ulightly eriiited with Cartaiu mnu--stout built--np- psu-Ml hcaUhy.yot very pale. Dr. Cum had for him, and believed one or both uf his lunga to aft'ccli-d.

FrtMeculion claimed that tbe of the liquor, if not unlawful, was and wanton--that the eipainire WM need t-im, wanton and cruel--for all whieli the nocunod was If thu of the liquor wiu the cansing of death )y ouch illegal net, Murder--but under any circumalatiuo, The defence deuied Illegal a dsfterencebetween of crimlnitl, aad men only became prohibitctt. That (he drinking was voluutury, and not to an extent, at lo intoxleitea healthy mun. That Uklng him lo air, a uiunl anil kindly Intended act, sad that the continued ex- enlooked for, not inticipatod, hence to mnot thu public (lumiind. Tlio discuvui'iT nuw huinbly submits his Aiiii-phloiistij Hjlt to tribunal of an in- fiUHcet. uul IHlsliinh udlijfi'iit publiu--lenving tlia rosuU witli Of itn iHtrinxir I'ulue llii unity hit ivy I CUM- Him who ouimili-s nil miinity, ami nA tlunl'MOversr, Mitttt be tkv V.

COUOSWETjL, nl. utid Whon Ihe after a long; so- riui of bib nd costly bccaina fully in uonviulion tlml Ihe Antiphlngi'jiiu Kill, wliicli hu has lliu iwpjini'iHsto to lliti Anicri- can publiv, was ni cll'-'ctutil suli.slilnte for nml his mind When it takiit nbly duty of tho aeeiwcd to pre- aad death waa a mufiirlune for which be could oat held Thequection to bow far a ntllur nny held responsible for the of inimod tlml hu could nut fiL-op tor ni.tny 'J'ho cmisu of agitaiiun wilt llio fnut, that inaiiiior uf ita opernlion, liku Unit uf tho V'IMH in vaccination, could not bo MHliitfuutuiily explained upon nny known principle. How in what wty, il -racily inllunHlory di- MIIHUS and was at tint wholly in- oxplioablft-- but, on finlbor cxpurimonl, il wns provnd tbat by if powerovor the arlcrion and glands, the jtttitlit uf the lite wimt of an oqiiib'ium in whioli, ii ihu i(le CHIM4 of pntuncy that liku tho viinocina matter, it inoruly what nd lie res to the point of quill dipped into a solution of it, to affect the entire bo iii.ifiottty used to pruvunt douunipo.ition uud secure its full vii'lu-, Tlneo (jaills in aoute and two in clii'U'iiu disunion evury 24 hours, til) tho bi'biik' Imn nnd a perfect curu lliD plitce of 'i's and Wclii's in local af- ffct.ons, as brain I'uvur, cruup, pKiurisy, c. modu of ndininistratioi' dirtetifms for ttf.J disouvur bail withhold it from tbe public till now, by ilia aijvioe of a judicious pbynluinn and valuwd fr'mnd whom he known nnd felt in the medical world--nud who dysirod to submit it lo tho lust ol' oxporini nit After wiliioiiuii; iiuufi' Kis own iis signal triumpb ovui' bolli auulo and chruinc diseases (no in rupciitud and trials, hu mudu Hlii)ornl offor to cumo in HI tipocml and o- 41111! purtnor in the roocipe for its inaniii'uc turn, but tliH propomd was Thougb by tho nnd good will of bis medical brother, ho duus nut cxpeut iu ready acceptance either with tho oublio or tlie prol'tissioti; for a great error, long by autlioruy, but pirimlly removud. Tho diniue of tho lancet and dumiindud bulb by liumnnity and science.

Is it nut a mUtttko, to suppose that kotllu of witter (the iidhtned blood) will otsHse lo boil, by dipping uut a part of it--nr caak of cidwr (itnpura blood) bo mnde good by drawing off a lion of it Is it not a misWki to suppond ilia', blister!) and rubefaoienU will ruinove intlimmalion, when llioy virtvally supamdd one inilirninaiiou lo anutbar The Into Dr. WaterhutiHU, of Harvard Univority, am sick of learned One of tho most omniunt phvsiuinris in Nuw England auknowlidgod JUH baforu Ilia death, that bad beun doubling for many ywirs whether blii- ters did nut ayyruvtttt rather lima arrest dicease." Soina who stand bigb in the old Boston, Feb. 18o7. Dr. KOKACK'S SC I IJ 1,00 -At liust, in the ingredients of twu iliat diHinlcct the blood every corrupt louitMtl, liuve Ijren tbtnifl Doctor Hotmck lias thcin, Ho offers ihc ro- SCANDINAVIAN HI.OOD ttnd iJLuon PII.LS.

-They arc sinking tho fnculty with suli in his of tire sick (o rojoice. ihuusnnds In casus ol liver complaint, srro- Itiln, rheuintitiHin, diarrhen in tiict in all cases of disease, not urgun- ic, they rare tho pulient as ceriuin day succt-t'ds Sue A Duel. March 9. Thomas J. nnd Dr.

Hrndfiird, hnih of New York, in consequence of an utFrny at one ol llii! principal hotels on Sittur- nighi, a duel near this Two party city yoHterday afternoon. were h'rod, neither hcing injured. The nflitir iheu amicably adjusted. President Firil one, whither upon the pence and ilignily new school, have the Stau.or upon the of clthonn, his views and nowopeoly they bo enpoused of (real importance. Ami, II especially UtfwrUnlfer every eltlien who occasionally teaotleMed, to know bow far a llquor-acllt may go, In making him drunk, and then putting pro toe ted, into the street, witboot being for thereof.

TtoroooMtlBproTemeataln art and not of dial lUttoB and adnlttration of splr. Uqoora. they aid to of tho doadlr pokMM to Ihone who A wwkcl of oora aow to yield tfcrot oi fcur ai wuk whiskey ai former ly, whlea, at appo.mtly Hunger and boon bottar than formerly. AIIMataprovoaMtto tho advantage of the 4MUot, poUoa to drinker. hoBof osllkil lagrodleaU now put lalo of a pobMaaoj nature-- who loo iMorttly of waits broad with dU- tho eontaln vytog froa eating sttn Mtpoettd of being If MM, are of banlM In- who retail the determbied, sooner or later, wtioss gmllt and respsvsibUliy of osscauMd a Mptd la- of arinlsfratedWIweuil Iroa tbe It the liuvo the lancet, swtons, and stimulating oiutmenls injure ten where they boti olit one.

They thiuk thetj is a meaning lo Iteut. 13, 23--Qen. 9, 4-- and Wit. 17, M--that, Tin thoit it the life." it is not the of blood (ihure never is too much) that causes but the want of balance between the and solids. The ipecial exculleooo of the Antiphlo- gistic Salt, thai without the useless loss of blood and strength, it effectually subdues inflammatory distiaaous, (no other), by producing an equilibrium of all live fluids and a consequent uninterrupted circulation.

It exerts, like thft vaooino matter, an extraordinary influence over veins, arteries and glands--resulting ID a gradual decline of ititkmmaUoa as indicated by tne pulse, whioh aoan nittmos iu natural lUlt as the heal, pain and fever disappear. Many offered for sale, are accompanied by doubtful oortifloatai, (their chief virUM.Jud Olkfu to be universal remedies, oaring all maladies--a, burhsquo on common As diswrerer of tbie salt soUmoly proteeta agalnt having it placed in UM category of and ho has Msolved tbat it shall go forth lo the world Hke the pun gold dollar, with no other pateport than its own true TalM, If the public find it genuine, they will notitt H--If inev ootuJomn it. does just what to do--no mow, no the fluids, by removing from the system all arterial, venous Md glsudular ubstructioos. lu The President gnve his first nn Friday evening last. In to the Baltimore; Sun il is tlitw briufl) dudcribt-dy I'rcs'idcnt lluchii nan's first evening this evening was attended by nn iniumnsc curicourse, oinDfiiciug ScnaiorK, officers ui the ami)' and navy, residents of our three nnd some hundreds from different States.

The President looked nnd was uttired in a full suit of Hoover performed the cc reinony of introduction: To every visitor, distinguished or undistinguished, the President and Ilia accomplished neice, Miss Lnnc, extended the same frank, cordial and sincere felt they wore in the presence of nlnin republican President and family. The Marine band performed spirit-stirring music, Dr. llluke introduced visitors to Miss Lane, Ex-Governor Digler and lady and Senator Gwin and lady were among those who received great attention. If you want Pjblic or Horse Bills printed, come to the Democrat Office. WASTED, a steady Boy, of 12 lo 13 years old; to work about the Printing office, nnd in the garden.

Apply soon--good wages gi vcn. O.J 9 Four abolition members of Congress have been expelled for bribery and corruption Bat what will subscribers do about hit $1,6001 Will (hey not expert the '1 ribune from their houses? Court commence! 10 Coahoo- ton, on the 6th of April. That will be timo to pay for the ocrat, er to send new vubfcribcrs. FORjBflT PletMuUr of ttsa any renMtljr wlllniot or at any without, torn baslBrss. riiWiilnV potted sue" pet la for OIM Dullir.

VOIC8 OF TUB (e elibmjh hsvo at all IMS itudicmly tiViir of PriUH McUlcmw, jni qiialiilri af ind Pi w. fiml lorih in In part ol ovr connUy, From th, lAt ITiliwtt (OMa, Patriot, ef JntfV, tSS4 j't Fo "--S, moiilclne In thU htcslltv, bcu It4 within th- bvinx a fulling remedy for utMrlF ull lliu Tor whlrlilt rocommen iluil, ihnt )r of town, win compelled to oriiir In much nhorto lime ihivn iiftml lu Ihe CMC of many otlw Putrnt Funnl Wine UclMiin- cd I'rom ninny excellent medlnal to become mure puuulsr thun was other From Ikt tUtona Journal n( Mirch Wine mnnu fucturcd antirely from mo.iicKl nnd roau, mid wtiilo ii eqiml In flavor to any Importud, 0110 of butt medical furmu nit kuuwn- From th, Ctyit W. of Oet 185S. Da Foinrr an article whleb by we can rccom- mi'iiJ in Ihe LtUer from 0, tfthNiagara N. V.

June tin 1856. Da' (J Slnnfty, dniiiriii of tliia plucer deal ami Hill' ana I nm pliuneU to Inam dial they nri) iiiilvtrwlly cuminciidej lor our moitconimou dl- Ayuu unil Fever. PACKARD, Kdltor of the Pilot. iliockinii Cnoe wt Uhvumaiion cured in iliroo Wutkst. rrrw Yomt, July 15th, IftSS.

PrG at33 Vuilry in I'lty. During Iho tut two yoaia 1 have Ijneii liiid with tin tlmt my frleudu tukl me 1 coukl nut fttuml II lliroiigli the winter. My wuru ilruudt'iilly I Hiill'c'rcil cxu.uiliiUiig puln, in tliiit sllnuiluii I pruuiiruil your Fin-cst nnd took both the in thu wlnu According lo the In uhant a week I begun to oxperlonue tl.elr Koud cll'ovM, ami in three wok, I wtu ublo to go- to work, which I Inn! nut done tor eight months before. LINCH, Vestry St, Y. Long standing Cough, Oeneial Debility and Uropsloal Disorder, AT 25 A NEW YORK 1 Hiilncy, Now York, August 10, Dour Sir wlll linn been troubled with cough more tliun six yenn more or Iff it ilurinK thu tiiuu ahe been uttvnilc-J by the doctors, lint never gol relief iin- till iiliu took your witio und pilln.

She him now liikenouc tioltle'Of tlio wine 'and lean thun it box of tlie piltn. whioli IKVU far rcslorud her I iniliilgu Ii no thitt much more will complete tht euro. My daughter Img been cured ol' GvrTvrnl Debility und Dropsy by tho use of ihu r'orunt WM 1JROWN, 95 Avenno C. The Foront Wine niul we suvureljjii rvm- lor all the following comphlnU, and it uliunlil be undorttooil tlini the medical InHu ciic'eofbuthretneitieiiacting togetherlulhvbluoJ which exert the woiulerl'ul effects in tin cure of obdtinuu- Although alone nre iii'vcr-railiiii; ruined) in all such canes ijiilra only purgatives, yet lu Chrmilc both Wiue and pi I la arc abiuluioly The Forest Wine and Pllla are wirr'anted to cure the mmtt aevere Coll, und rain lu tbe Bruiint, Anllima, RysMpnU, hcuin itUiu, mid O.iiil. Tlio pi miro the Fever anil Ague, for which com- plutnt they haveavijiilred high reputation.

Utcen, llolli, HlolchcH, Scabbed Ho.wl, Aing-wonn, Erynlpekw, Salt Klioum, tiorv Kyeii, and ovvry kind of Humor, Jiiumiico, Keinnle Debility, SwiHli, nnd weakly 01 tl.e Coiwtltulion, liillouidiirden, Foul Stomach aud V1orbil condition ol'tho Htiidnclioi, Ner- and General do- rangcmentofthe Syitem. Af- of thu BlnnUer, llrou- chitia, Colic, B.iwcl Complnlnts, Dropiy, Flatulency, (jiddliiuM, Of Appetite, tn thi 11. Scrofula, niul other which srlHe Blood nnd Uftoriored of 8 m. MY Pofent In largesqnaro dollar per Bottle, or Six live Forest pills twcnty-flve per Bos. Procure tho Font Wiuo mid of my regular advor- tiding which will be the belt guarantee uguiunticouiiti.lelt uud inurious nrtiolos, Q.

W. HALSEY. General Depot, No 64 WoUcr Street, Now York. Apralntnd n.Co«hoctaft, HACKINSON, Roscoe-AL BURNS, Oruidou-H. 0 A PHI IMPROVED MELODKON3, (bo BUMOJIBD MBIT 'J he Steam is Up The Spheogropkic Car it ubuvt to ItAIhe lout opportunity Is nowoifeed at Mo- at Pr-mlum CM.

Car found Union Hotel In where First PICTURES (or Dollar 1 WILL IT PAY I Will it pay you lo go to a one how, side- llfht Dnguerrean Room aud pur price and get a mtienUo nhmlow, wqeu ynu din g-t tho Oneit production of cooxblnrd and irt, Nt the for Will It piy yuu to defor to day, In vlng fimily ttkxn, ur ill last end rare opperiuulty gou iT Or whit unhl Dtath mikoi an iniond jour family, own ot or mute' ot dear onti? more frequent thin jou dnim of) ptrentllrei to ihe nejlcc' In not sicuiing a memento while In beilili of a ehaiithed flhlld, nuw gone forevtil Will It par to ro fct picture, when Oar, 1th all Is four doorf Do not itnp on sceoiiDt uf olondv-weather. pnfer o'oudj lo a ear dayi rain; or c'oudy any diy--and one of our iplendld Pictures. Ilouri for Chlldrtn, ion) 101 to m. On i cloudy day--will psjT ITO itop few days Avoid light sad blue cjlon, MePADDRr? 4 CO. Court of Common Counlrt Oblo Riolmrd Laoning, Plaintiff, agaioit Thorn- Campbell and Richard Cray, defendants.

HUE Thomis Campb-U, (DOW reildlng out of the State of Ohio) will take notice, that Richard tanning, tho fthtiHlff In this lull, did, on the 10th of UM, file petition In Court of Cosraou Coshoctoo county, tile laid Tbom- as Campbell, and Rlohard Cray, defendants, ting forth that the said Campbell mvt a mortgage to the said Richard (wbleb been leiially assigned to said on Lot Ho. 8, and In-Low No 87 anSWtn the town of West hoetm flMftbr, she pajrmeoi of ftn.r Mm Mrmtv-three eents, aal InMmt eon of said and pray lu is id ThoiQM Camoboll SMUT be oonpvt- ted to pay tbe said IBM claimed to be dm, and the tatomt, or that said aohito psjr the sane i the sajd TOotm Is ao- flM tbat required to BMMV and ajMwer said pwliloB, OB orbefim tfcettwl sj- ter Jsny. 98th, NAIL8, IVUOLMBJ CLIWB 18,000 and ,000 of ihiw liiilrtime been flnlahtd attd Tfco kmt lojprovnoMnl otw Ii tha DIVIDED SWELL. Rcotirtd to mi bjr pctcnt. 99d May, iWi.

Dvmniuiiof thUSwpll. ftolo rnnungvt may plarod with full power of tlie while tha Accompanlmrntit and auMiio I Hvrealtur all made wlllhn fur- ntihvtl with Ihli aUuchraent rxtn Our InrtrumenU are all finished tn Koprworxl Canet, and workmnniihlp in of the itjrlM ami IN POBFABLK CASE: Four ocUvo Molodenn, esUnillnn from to $45. Knur and a half oetovt, OttondliiR from to tCO. Fire oclare Melodewt, ciUindlni; from to oetavtt nod, extending front to notlM. IN PIAHO CASK: Fire Melodfflfl, from rto $100.

Six octavo Mriwleon, from to Five douMo rood, Ing fmrn rto ilW. Urftiui Mekxtooo, churcheK.lflireootovcii, fohrwitt of i.lM. In OoikoMw tn Mwl (or will MnUMMm fnkr Kip, tkxHi ond owl t.UUrorf fciUll. tofollMr wllli (M ortt M-octoMwl of MCtlf.M 8 Mot, Hoot TroM, N-IU, AUo A II HMO brt bt ol of worfcmM hi rnplojr. und bntoT wo tir ilui wt CM food work Mr prteM, oibor Cncheetun, Frtrnnrj 19, IM7.

LET UCAkON TMIBTUBK XTAnnUfoitnvRnlaoroiir Melodooni mar fonnd In all the prluulpal of tho UnlHd BtoWi. OBO. A. PR: oof. Niagara iind Murrland Buflalo, noi-Bm aud 8T Fulton ulruot, New Vtirk, UASBLTUN Hlid rui9 rfiti MANnrAOTURHRS No.

309 Centre New York, Where mny bn fouiid a an- of Pimm Portex. In Plain 1 1 I 1 land Ornamental from 6 to 7 1-4 octnroD, of bent material, pronounced by dUtinfiiituhcd urtiiiU to be will be Hold on thu moitr-anonaule and to itatitl any cllmnto. from the ceimlry promptly attended to, and each I'l- lino KiiarHiiteod to give untufuction. If not no, tliv Piano may be returned to IM, worcfuiidihjt tliu money and freight. At the Orcnl Exhibition nt the CrynUl Palace, New York, I85H, a t'rito Medal awarded to Hnxlctnn i Orotliera, fur thu anperlor quality of their Fin no Fortci, willed were In Touch, Tone, and Durability of Tune, and placed in the (crude, by the follow Ing dli- nrtUti-- William Norrii, Chiilrnan on Minicat InnlnimonU i Jnlllent Max Manu-t- xek, W.

II. Krcy; H. 8. T. Ei.foldti Kiinn; Biticlliiii fJIruo Jury on Mml- cal Initrumi-nU; George Sccrutan on InntrnmcnU, DTJNCAN, SHERMAN COUP AN A N- 8 PIHO and NMWBH H.

V. I Circular find Lotion Creill (or nvailnlile nil the cUIcH of the world. MEKC A NTII.E CREDITS, on tlio oriental Bunk Corporation, LonJun, Fnisbod; ft Co, London, md Bwik of Ntw South Wntoi. Bllli of BxobUKO and Chub Orodltt, en California AutimlU, furulitiod uu cation, Iiittmt on earront neeoaitti owl oW deponta, to omagtmmt no9 ly IT IH NOT A DfE. Haired, Bald, or of hnlr or followlnr.aiid uJgeof M1W.

8. A. A uEN'd WURLD 8 HAIR RBaTOHBR. M. TIIAUHER.rCOyoanof Chenango County, N.

Y. "My hair now ru- ilored to natural color, nd to full." Rov. WM. CUTTER, Bd. Muihw's N.

Y. 'My hair is changed to natural eronrlng on bald ipot, B.P. STuNE.D. Canconl, N. II.

'My hale, which grey, uow milorod to lu natural color, R'av. U. CLKNDENIN.CIilcaRo.Ill. can add my teitimony, and recommend It tu my L). T.

WOOD. MMdlekJwa, N. Y. 'My own hair greatly thickened, anil alio that of one of uiy wno becoming bittl, Rev. J.

P.TO-.TIN, 8. C. 'The wliito hair becoming obviated, aud now hair forming, ic." Ruvl A. FR1NK, Y. Ml reduced gooj effect on uy tiair, and I can uul have rocoinni'iided It.

1 Rov. J. MuKtlE. Poitoref West D. ll.cliuroh N.

reoominuiitt.i it. Rev. D. MORRIS, Cram River, N. Mri.

Itev. H. A. Pit ATT, Hatnden. N.

Y. Wa might swell lint, but If the nbuyo to convince--TRY IT! Hold I all principal in tha United Cuba and Wholesale ind Retail depot, No Broone Street, New York. Some dtalen try to fell Hrticlei instead of thin, on which make more profit--If writo cotba depot for circular sud lufbimsllon. uoli-Gnt oomro AND P1CTURK FRAMES. Phoenix Picture man ufaoiory.

HORACE 8IULER 388, 300 and 394 Greenwich street, earner of Beach, York. no3-ly RICH, RARE AND SPICY! LIBRARY OF WIT, ROVANOB AND RAOINR86! We hive now print i large Citiloguo 01 the raoit fssolnstingi fa thli or ear oonatrjr. sll trsuileted from of the moil oeltbrnad sutbor', of him II la tinted with taeauti- furBngrsvlaMt moat of eolond. log FltM to my person who will deep a line A No Tork no 14.3m I BAXR DYB. Within a nutihcll ill the lie, Of Crlitsdoro's never equalled Dyet Red It makes blaek, lo brown transforms gray And keeps tbe alwoyi from decay.

revltallilng Hilr itill ill petition si most and efl- in WORLD. Prepared and sold, and retail, and applied In ten private at No. 6, tor Uouie, Hroodwsy, York, aad by sll Drnnlits ind ia United Alsc-- Park and Solon Palmer, Clnelima tl.Ohlo. ssndi of life have nesrijr ran oat, ooverid, while in the Bait Indies, forConiumptlon, Branehitle, Cooghi, general debilltv. Tbli remedy wss discovered Cy bJm'wIien bis only a daughter-- given up to die.

Wishing to do is auohjoelt this recipe, wiA tM (or miklugap ui4 raoMMfnlty oslH IL nqnirei apptleanK'lo him MMS to pee- on iha remainder be plied tht pinirai of this t. AddrmDtHJVMEfl, No, 10 CHy, I A Hr Cl DWYER'S HOLLO PILLS. WHY ABB WR RICK? II tin Inl of human to weifthed down by and mArlift. HOt LOWAY'S arc to relief ol' ihe WEAK, the* DBL- ICATE, and INFIRM. of sll cllnw, and Hollnway prnmnally tjie manufketare of In tlio United Huten, and them to free and enlightened people, the teti rrm ely the world saw (ur rcwuval eiuc.

Partly the DlnM. Tliemi are exprvntly oombtned to oporntit on the the liver, the the the akin, and the anr derangement In their Ainctimm, pii rift lug the blood, llio verv fuuuuin of life, sad Uiiu uu ring dineHne In all iu DraprtMln Mitel Llvor Nearly half human taken It licon proved all of llw wor that nothing berti found equal to them in of dixordcntof liver aad Mumach generally. They won a beallhy to however nweh duranged, and when all other have failed. ttmicriil DKblllly. Ill Many of denpotle eil tlieir Cuntom to Introdnctkm ot ihone thattlicymay IKKXIMS the of the masici.

Learned admit that medicine lithe betlromvdy ever known fur of dolicaln liealth, nr been Impaired, invigorating propertied never fall tn nfford No female, votnr or old, iliould ho withott thin celebrated mudiclno. It and rrru- OKinthly at all amrag In many ciueillke a charm. It sun the and incdlclnu thai van (liven lo Children of alt acPK, (nd for nny complaint: ly no family iteratd be wllboat it, trt htrt aSwwn to Oa JJIarrhu)a Bowel Dropny, Intkinns, Af plaliiUi Inw'd of Secondary Sympt 1 Llvcf Sold at Manufsetorios of HOI.I.OWIV, HO Maldrn York, and 944 Htrand London, by all Druicirliu and In lltraiiijhiHit UiilMd and the civilised world, In boxes, it MX and III muih. ID" There a cotumenble saving by taking ti. for of pa tlantoln every dlnnrder slbtod to'each March HAIR mnnniiNO lun on A A And A A TO THB NATURAL COLOR.

ilH anlotil-hlng ind unoiuillcd prepsrstto h(u never failed lo a growth on Bald when sccnrdlnc to direction anil turn hhlr bock lo original color after becoming and rolnitale In all Its origins! health, anl beauty. at onoe all scurf, dandruff and anptiMaai itching, norofuls, snd feroriih from It hair from beeomlnR dnhealthf and blUag off, aad ai a perbet fnvifforator md Tonie. We onnei a few certlieatei to our stMrltmut Bute of Illinoli, IW3. I have oseri ProfeMW O. Hair Re- and admired lu wowtorAd My hair was becoming si 1 Umnght, nermsmnt ly gray, but by i UM of row mod its original color, and I have doubt permanently Snwct Basua, Hi-Senator United Oardlaw.

IIM. Dear Sir--I have used two bottles ef Mr Wood's Hair and earn trnlv It grciUnt dliooviry of the ago for (hanging and reMoring hair, wins; II I gray a man of My hair has now atmlncd its orinnal oolor. Yoa oan rosooi It lo word least fear, my was ons of the wont kind. Yours, D.N.ftfnnrr. 01.

Louis. March Prof. Wood-Mr bslr eonrnoneod falling ot or four yean since, nnd coatiMod to do so (intil I bald. I tried the popular of the dsv, but to no At last, I was InduosU to try yoor Hair and am hspoy say It to de- Ing I have now a growth of rouiif hair, and reeoniuMnd its to afl sinllarlrafleoted. A.

C. WIUIMH, IMBooowtM. Ruin, Amg. 9 1NU. This to certify that OH rear ifo I was oaite and my hair so thin noo.

tho too of my Eead that I foared tti. eon dltlon I aaplloil lor and ooulnodabottU of Prof- Wuod'i I had wwd quart bottle gray haUs bid dsjat- peind, and It nail thickened up, so as to he as full as wual, and sisssssd a-gtossr apumaiiii, "sure boantlfnl than Uosa ho hnlr will alen that I It iiisrinnellj.fii Ito hesJIhy and beavtUyingofbois. ChlansB, 1 totl cwf syWrs if hats dhapfierod. int faeMIr have It, and concur wHn nje toprooooaeiae; UllUMivrg, Ihlo. Tons, II of too nuntln.

whiooth'se Oyvters HO) that cannot Ml to a room IM wtU he heasy llsMoi parties. A protMly OTIM, On llrewt, luuth of OMoo. which him In that that 6 da Abo HH! eadleo jf tno to nwniioa, so lliainopettwn wboos'li and loohi over tosoj canfalltoniidslniMlanytUnKtailiat wnk All Woadon. Qiii-eMwore, Ae. KNoouragwl by a rapidly Inarosjioi will no effort to a guodiunplr of everything thai nunu Mi hooillooW lor eaah, sod will toMoir nt im voswiik How om all to drive lor oowrtn gMsW as boof, pork, butter, OMB, kMh II, A Nto of ansf strait bttnm, InweM Board of School Hit bold wUtSf fc ireJ proseot es tho ht eoMmcMlug, ae wilt he anohU, for obvious gin any In oomlaij at a later hew.

Lands for Sak IR oubooribor will Mil Ion KoJA MlllOJOj, Tvwmbht, tMOt. m.k» Him good a hufrtoo For P. of oil Uw boot onvf Plr. fwa UkoCoMitoi. HO IMT.

COURT Or I A I ST vv-wonov 1 ovvv-- TM MWiy IvMfw MM BAMfv HUQ VoWsin toy aW Konort Nonte, vW note that a prtltton was sjslail Ihenj QJJNI of Vetmary, A.D. lolt.teilMO.oiiofsoo). BOtt PHHP 491 herein mid Blleshoth Morris. I rli, sad John Norrii dsjind lowing lands sod tfof la tho Bmeeif The oouth ov aoMos in TuwaiMp olt, (f7of hi Mlllurf DWiot, of term of Court, the in ofesMi AttOflMHT ouT.ujLf.Km JOHN wnm ref 'Mmnpnia. tf SPAPFR.

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