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The Sandusky Register from Sandusky, Ohio • Page 1

Sandusky, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SANDTJSKY DAILY SAHDUSKY, OHIO, TUESDAY R. R. R. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF The and Best Medicine for Family Use in the World. In from to twenty minutes, never falls to relieve PAIN wHh ono thorough application.

No matter how violent or excruciating the pain the KHUEMATrc. BED-KIIJlJKK, INFIKM, CRIPPLED, NERVOW8, NEURALGIC, or proatratwi with uueaae may suffer, RAD- v'AY'B KEADY RELIEF will afford Instant 01186. Cures the Worst Pains in" FQK ONS 70 TIM im BY WIRE. The Latest News of a Day. NOT ONE HOUR.

After this Advertisement need any oue nutter with Ftin. Sore Throat, CongliH, Inflainatioit Soiaiicn, JLumbago, KheuniatlHiii. Neuralgia, Headache, Toothache, lasltnenza, lifHcult Breath in CUKED AND PBKVENTKD BY Radway's Ready Relief. Kalwaj's Koj.Iy Relief Is a euro for i'aln. BpralLS, Pains in the Back, Chest or I-lmbs It was the First and Is the Only PAIN I4EMEDY Instantly stops the most excruelat2ng allays Inflammation and cures Congestion, whether Lungg, fetomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, "iv one apphcatloa.

If seized with threatened PNEUMONIA, Or any inflamatlon of tin Internal laucuous membranes, after exposure to cold wet. lose no time, bat apply Radway's Relief on piece of flannel ever the part affected with eongestJOD inflammation which will la nearly every case check the Inflammation and cure thi patient, by its action or counter- irrtotiou and by equalizing the circulation in the jjail For Instructions soo our 'directions" wrapped around the bottle, A teoapoouful in a half tumbler of water, will la a few minutes cure Croup, Bpasmi, Hour Htomach, Heartburn, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Blck Headache, Dlarraoda, Dytentery Colic, Flatulency aiid all lntoru.4.1 pains Affairs at Louisville Cyclone. After the Serious Charge Against Business Men. Seattle Twenty Inches of Snow Fell at St. Louis.

Congress--Ohio Legislature- Telegraph Taps--Other Note of Interest. Forecast of tbc WAR OLPARTMKNT, A I March p. m. For Ohio: Tuesday, ram or snow, northeasteily winds, stationary temperature. I I I 5 I Tbe A.

IV. 1 CJIVOM Ten TIioiiMnud Dollars to Ike Kcllcf mid. March It has been CURi-D IN I 3 FORM FJK1EK. FEVER and AGUt cured for fifty cents There Is not a remedial in the world that will cure Fever and Ague, and all other Malarious. other by RAUWAY'SPII LS.

so quickly as RADWAY'S KELIKK. Fifty touts per bottle snowing here since early last evening. and, it is ieared. baa greatly damaged the goods in the tobacco district, much of which could not bo protected ugainst the inclement weather. The heavy enow has also interrupted the work of repairing, which was actively pushed all day yesterday, and has otherwise inflicted hardships on the homeless and the destitute.

Meantime ihe relict committees are doing all in their power to render aid to tho destitute. A water famine is now threatened in serious earnest. The river, aheady at such a high stage that the injury to the pumping station at the water works could not be repaired, is going up and BO long as the flood continues nothing can he done. Prebident Long has issued another warning to consumers and estimates that the reservoirs now barely hold a three days' supply tor the city. The last of tire dead are being laid away today, The largest subBciiption to the relief fund was made bv the Louisville Nashville railroad this RADWAY'b Sarsaparillian Resolvent.

Tlie threat Itlouu Purifier, For Cure of tit' Chronic Iisuiscs. rhronlo Rheumatism, Scrofula. Syphilitic Complaints, etc. (are our book on price cents), Glandular Hwelllne, Pmnois, Bronchln, Cormnnptioc, Plabetes, Kidney. Bladder.

1,1 VPI Complaints, c. There no remedy that will cure thu sufferer of Salt Kbeuin. Tetur-i, Pimplcw, Blotches Prickly Heat. and Soros, Ulcers, Bolls, Humors of all kinds, no quick as the 8AK8AP- A I LHAN Ut it bo trial. TheMostEconomical! TheBest! Siititller Dose Than Othfr Stirsa))(inll(t, but More Concentrated.

One bottle contains moro of tho ui'tUo prln- i iples of medltlncs than any other iirepiratlou. fakon in teaspoonful whiiu others ro- tivo or BIX tiiiH'i in i Sold bj rtrug- sclsts. Prn-i SI. 1.1 CONGRESS--First Session. Men ate.

WASHINGTON, Maroh senate met this morning (as will be the rule until otherwise ordered) at 11 o'clock. There were twenty-fire senators present but a call having been ordered the presence of a quorum was secured and then the journal ol Saturday was read and ap- Ths nonno amendments to the senate bill for a piiUlc bulldug at Atohlson, disagreed to and a conference aaked. Mr Reagan then addressed the the ijlll for the issue of treasury notes on tue deposit of silver bullion. That bill, he said, was intended ro relieve the country from the effect i of the worse blunder of congress In RUB- perdlne silver coinage In 1873. He regarded It as a hopeful that a Kepublioafi Bena shouldjomln Ihdgrfiatwora fcVen aiiiiougn the remedy proposed miglit not be the best It wni a proof to the country that the existence of that great wrong had, at last been admitted, and that a remedy might be hoped for.

TUB The ill, he thought, would BlTM temporary i a hft thftt toe Cotnn)Ht66 had nolrepor a a free and nnlimlted i i i i i Ml indebtedness of the government in silver as well as in gold; the Issue of colrj certificates, receivable for all public dueB and taxes, and -would be legal wndor in the payment of public and private and the retirement from circulation of all legal tender and national bank notes of a lens denomination tljan $10, and the substitution of coin certin- Oa i'no (Impendent pension bill was then taken up, Urn first question being of Mr. PluraD amendment removing the limitation to arrears of tensions, making pensions on account of wounds or injuries or disease commence the death or rtiscliarRe of the solJler Mr. Beir.r Inquired of Mr Plamb whether any estimate had been made of Ue cost or moving the liirltatlon ov arrears of pensions. Mr. Plumb replied that the commissioner of pensions had stated some weeks since that the worn- 1 be about 5478,000,000 and that the chairman of the house committee on pensions had estimated it at $500,000000 It would he somewhein near those figures.

Mr. Frye regrette-1 that the amendment was before tins sonata, not that It placed him a position wuerene had to vote lor it or against it; but because lie should regard its aooptlon as a terrible menace to the soldiers of the country. He had held for a long while (he had undertaken to show it In addresses to bodies of soldiers his own State) that there was a paoo too rapid, altogether, for their welfare and for their good. There was danger of overleaping in the matter of pensions, "hen Mr. CJevelano.

commenced to veco pension bills the Democratic parjy ratified what he did; and not omy the Democratic party, but many of the business men in the Republican party too. He said to fan senators who ware pressing tae amendment that they were Imperilling the truest interests of the goldlers and were ore- atlrg prejudices against pensions, Ii the amendment was adopted and the bill enacted Into a law the soldiers who looked forward to a service pension bill would look Tain. He darer not vote for the proposition) that he believe i it would be absolutely destructive, to the best interests of tha soldiers; he should he compelled to vote "no" on thu amendment. Nr. Hawley expressed his personal obliga tion to Mr Frye, for telling a serious truth of the matter.

Ho did not believe that the American soldiers ask for amendment. He would stake his political standing on the assertion that out of flve hundred old soldiers there would be fonnd a majority against It. Head lone extravagance would bring meuInto power who would stint and squeeze and deny the soldier. There was limit In the matter of pension legislation. He appealed to every old soldier to be reasonable and inst.

The American nation had certainly not been stingy. The pension exnenditares for the year DR. WAY'S The Great Liver and Stomach Remedy. fefjet' Soothing Aperients, Act Without Pru Riiubte and yalural it Their Operation. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweel regulate, purify, oleanoe and 1K.

RADWAY'8 PILLS, for the cure of all HHc-'lprs of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kldaeyi, Bladder, Nervous fiUeasea, Loss of Appetite.Headache.Costiveness.Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Fever, InHainmatlon Of the Bowels, Piles.and all derangements of the Infernal viscera. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals or deleterious flnus. the following symptoms result- from Diseases of the Digestive Orgins Constipation. Inward Piles, Fullness ot Blood In Hi' xl. Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Him tr-urn, DUguttof Food, Fullcess of Weight In the st xriAch.

four ErucUttons, Sinking or FlmtOTlni: of Huart, Chc-kingorSunocatlns Beinationi'wMfMi in a lyme posture, IMmness of Vision, Poti or Wtibi before tha Sipht, Fever and Unll Palu In tho Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the 8km ai.d Eyes, Pain in the aiilo, Limbs, and huduon of Heat, Burniri; in the Fleth A fowiloio" of A 3 will free the svsti'm from all the above named lisorder.H i'rlec cents per box. Sold '5y al 1 druggists. Send stamp for to A A No MWanen street, New Vork, tor our book of advice. TO THE PUBLIC. Be sure and ask for RADWAY'S and see that the name of "RADWAY" Is on what you buy ing moraine, $10 000 in the amount, LOUISVILLE, March tour inches ot water soaked snow which lias slowly melted during tue day, the situ ation the tornado stricken district has been gloomy indeed.

The streets are in many places ankle deep in mud and water, and ice cold streams pour from everywhere. The worst result of the mud and water is not so much in additional injury to property and goods as in the suffering to ill protected people. Scores of families "ire sheltered only by hastily put up boards ot canvass, and they are wet and cold. Thanks to the generous and cntelligently conducted relief, there is plenty ot fooi', and hunger is not now among the miseries. has been done i the day for relief and much is being done tonight.

The relief committee's agents are actively supplying such protection from the weather as possible and the most need are just supplied. la the residence portion of the desolated district the snow has greatly retarded repaits. Tonight very few of tne houses, evon where least damaged are habitable. Much of tne household goods have been exposed to the weather and proportionately to tho total value involved tho greater loss has been caused by the SLOW to the housekeepers ot moderate means tnan to the business houses on Main and Market streets or even to the tobacco warehouse men. In an interview with an Associated Press reporter today Mayor Jacob? We have now about recovered all the bodies ot those who were destroyed by tho recent tornado, ami I am thoroughly satisfied that the total numbei rf those who were killed outright and those who will die from the wounds sustained thereby will not reash one hundred and fltty.

While the destruction of property was very heavy, still the greatest suffering will fall upon, our humbler classes who were living in their modest homes that had beei accumulated by years ot toil In my judgment; rive hundred thousand dollars will go tar towards making whole the losses of the poor people but such as these have to bo cared lor. no matter at what cost. The total number ot killed by the tortiada here on Thursday night is This Schell; waloon keeper, who died today of his i i Schell was caught ui tho wreck ol the Fall's city hall. His leg waa biuUeti and he received internal injuries. It is feared that R.

R. Barton, ot Cattleltsb'irg, is dead in tho ruins Hies friends aie inquiring and ho cannot be found. So tar about 150 budly injured kavi been discovered. modified the terms of the will so as to accord Mrs. Miller her rights as a wife, but leaving Thomas Miller as executor.

Since that time Mrs. Miller has been harragged by all sorts of legal proceedings, chiefly by way of tramped up charges, on which she has been arrested about twenty times, and as promptly discharged. She sublet a part of the house, possession of which the court had decreed her, and, it seems, her tenants sided in with her other enemies to anncy her. In her absence her possessions were thrown into the street, tho stairway to her apartments was away, and her life was threatened by her tnnant; Mrs Miller claims that her appeals to the police for protection have been in vain, and, as said, her persecutions culminated in the total demolition of her house. resentative In tli -world had ever appropriated Jor Its 801- rtierh asuin that could be compared to taat.

Be begged the old soldiers to remember that Ills obieotlon to getting into another war -would not be the coat of carrying it on, out tno consequences and lid also asked them to remember that those enormous sums of moaey came out of the pooketd, very largely, of people as poor as themselves. Do what you think generous and right and the country will sus- Aftor further discussion Mr. Plumb's amendment was rejected-yeas 0, nays 46, as fol- "yeas-Allison, Ingalls, Mattersou, Mitchell, Plumb, Quay, Sherman, Turple, Voorhees-- 9. Nays-Allen, Barlour, Bate, BeTy Blackburn, Blair, Call, Cfoandler, Cookrell. Coke, Colqultt, Davia, Dawes, Edmunds, Eva'ts, Fat-well, Faulkner, Fryo, George, Gibson, Harris, Hawloy, Hearst, HiRglni, Hoar, Jones of Arkansas, Jonea of Nevada, Kenna, Mo- Phenson, Moody, Morgan, Morritt, Pascu, Pavner, Pottigrew, Platt, PuRh, Reagan.

Baw- vor, Soooner, Slewart, Stookbrldgo, Teller, Von, Walthall, 40. Mi Plumb offered an amendment to pay -lension of a month to all who served 90 'lays in thfi ia'a war who are 62 years of age, or as they attain that age. Mr. Plumb's amendment was rejected; yeas I'j, u.iys JO, as follows: Yuas-- Allison, Cullom, Dawes, Evart Frye, Hoar, Incalls, Jones of Nevada, Manderson, Mitchell, Moody, Pottigrew, Plumb. Quay, Blierrcuin, Squire, Turple, Voorhoes, Wilson of a Allen.

Bate, Blackburn, Blair, Call, Casey, Chardler, Cookrell, Cooke, Colqultt, Daniel, Days, Farwoll, Faulkner, 915)son, Harris, Hawley, Hearst, HigK.ns, Kenua, McMillan, MoPherson, Morgan, Momll, Pasco, Payne, Pierce, Reagan, Sawyer, Hpooner, Stewart. Stockbridgo, Teller, Vest, Walthall, V'aih'iiuj'u, Wilson of Maryland-- 3U. The bill then passed. Yeas, 42; nays 12; as Allen, Allison, Blair, Call, Caaey, Chandler, Dans, Dawes, Edmunds, Faulkner, Fiyo, George, Gibson, Hawley, Hearst, Hig- fiins, Hoar, Ingalla, Jonea of Nev-da, MoPher- Manderson, Mitchell. Moody, Morrlll, Paddock, Payne Pettlgrew, Fierce, Platt, Plumb, B.iwjpr, Shorman, Spooner, Squire, Stewart, tocUbndce, Teller, Turpio, Voorhees, hall, Washburn, Wilson of Iowa-42.

NJYS-Bates, Eerry. Blackburn, Cookrell, Uaniel, Harris. Jones of Arkansas, u-h, Reagan, Veat, Wilson Maryland-12. Montana election case was taken up no as to inaUe itunflninbed business. Alter a session for executive buat.iess, the endte at 5:30 adlourned.

OtfR Cheap Want Column WANTED-To do general housework. give reference, Apply at 312 East i street. apldtt March 31 -On motion of Mr. Pennsylvania, a bil. was reounc the sale of certain property belonging thR united States in Pittsburg.

Pa. ST. SSOWEf UNDER. Twenty Inches ot Snow Fell, But Very Rapidly, ST. Louis, March snow storm of yesterday and last night seems to have been local, the area of its action being confined to a radius ot about 100 miles from the city.

A bout twenty inches ot snow has fallen here, but less than one half that depth now lies on the ground, owing to the mildness of the temperature. At points southern lll'nois and in central and southern Missouri from 10 to 15 irches iell. The infilling ei this great body of PDOW is likely to be quite rapid and all small etreams tributary to the Missouri and the Mississippi vera will pour out floods of water in the next tarae days. Trains on Missouri atid Illinois roads have been somewhat delayed, but it is not thought that there will be any serious detention to traffic. Soon has stopped falling here, and although the thermometer 13 lotver than it was yesterday the indications arc that we shall have rain.

There is not much flood news her 0 beyond the tact that the Ohio continues to rise at Cairo, and that there is a great amount of Buffering among the poor people in the submerged districts in the lower Missis Bippi river country. KEPT A PRISONER. A Stirloutt Cuargo Affaiiist Men in Oood BRNlnbss standing-. SEATTLE, March Browa ia not to be found in Seattle, and it is thought be has been spirited away. For 22 years he has been kept confined in insane asylums by his brothers.

Daring the laat eight years he has been under the guardianship of big brother Wataon, who swore before the Probate court here that no property was involved in his brother's confinements. John Fairfield, Homer's lawyer, has jnat learned that there waa considerable property involved. He wrote Horato D. Brown, brother of Homer, who is a bank president at Albert Lea, asking him to account for all tho money in his hands belonging to Homer Brown. This is thought to have caused Homer Brown's sudden disappearance.

In February, 1859, Homer Brown receiver! a patent from the United States to 150 acres of land, which are now in the city limits of Sioux City, Iowa. Iu 18P7 Watson D. Brown, was appointed guardian of Horaer and the same year sold Homer's land to Horatio D. Brown. Since then part of this property has been sold for over $30,000.

Those facts are elicited from eorrea pondence with officers of the court in different places. A reward is to be offered for information leading to the discovery of Homer Brown's whereabouts. People here are determined that that the case shall be ventilated He was adjudged perfectly sano by the Probate court here. Tlic City of Paris QUEENBTOWN, March stern of the steamer City of Paris is deeply sunk and her bows are high out of tho water. A number of steam pumps are at work on the ship, but they are hard ly gaining on the water which ia pouring into her.

There has been no increase the water on the City of Paris since yes terday. It is believed that the bottoir of the steamer is not injured, and that the water which covered both engines probably intered thiough the ordinary inlet and outlet pipes leading uhrough the engine rooms. These pipes, with their valves and all their attachments, were destroyed by the breaking of the machinery and a itee rush of water i to the steamer was thus afforded. The divers are making a thorough exami nation of the steamer's hull. A dispatch just received from Queenstown states that the water flowing into the steamer City of Paris is gaining on the steam pumps.

It, is probable that 1 We invite your attention and consideration to OUE NEW SPRING MATER. 1ALS made from the following well known makes "FITCHBURG," "FAIRFIELD and "GLOBE" Cassimeres and Worsteds. CLAY DIAGONALS. ENGLISH and SCOTCH CHEVIOTS, Black and Blue rough, smooth and fancy effects, also the renowned F. H.

THIBEIS, in new colorings comprising a 5 Select Line ot Carefully Tailored Garments Made up in SACKS and CUTAWAY SUITS suitable for AND DRESS PURPOSES. We are also showing a fine assortment of CPEJ I POPULAR PRICES PREVAIL. Leading Clothiers and Furnishers, Opposite Post Office. he break are being rapidly (submerged and the tenants arc leaving without any their effects. General Assembly.

COLUMBUS, March To exempt hotel keepers, distillers and manufacturers from the aw preventing the sale of liquors with- two miles of the fair grounds while i fair is in progress. House--Bills introduced: To reorganize Cleveland; to appropriate from the treasury $4,000 to repair the road --oni the Girls' Industrial home to the locking Valley depot; to authorize ominissioners to cause head gates to 36 repaired where necessary; to pro- expenditures in Cleveland when there ate not funds in the treasury. Bills passed: Two mill levy for street improvements at Bucyrue; non- jartisan sewer commissioners for Spvinetield and other cities of the third school bonds for Glenn ville, Cuyahoga county; $10,000 de- iciency bonds for Independence township, Cuyahoga county. A number of purely local bills were passed, and the house had a recess of Ive minutes taken in honor of Senator- elect Brice. Ovation.

LONDON, March Times Berlin correspondent describing the grand ovation to Prince Bismarck on the oc easion ot his departure from Berlin says: "This is not in the language ot exaggeration, but a sober record ot incidents seen by an eye witness, 1 have never seen so respectable crowd inBer- hn. It contained none of the usual constituents of fe mob but was recruited from the best cirrles.especially from the official world, I could never have believed that so severe and sombre a class could have shown aucli downright emotion." Mynterions Murders. DENVER, March 01--Ltiet December the body of a girl, supposed to be tuat ot Edna Wilson, was found buried in a hut on Etnos ranch, Big Horn Basin, The coroner while investigating the matter last week discovered two more bodies, one that of a white man and oue an Indian woman, buried within ii few feet of where iho girl was found. All three had been murdered-their heads being crushed with an axe. They hud evidently been dead a year.

Tl.e mystery is beyond solution by the authorities. Financial and Commercial. o'fhe Uuited States Od Mr. MoRae, of Arkansas, a bill II, StocliliolderM Meeting. BALTIMORE, March There was a general meeting today of tho stockholders of the B.

0. railroad com- oiinv to vote upon the lease and contract of the West Virginia Pittsburg company. The contract was dntcd Dec. 2, 1889, the lease dated too. 7.

1890, and the mortgage dated Feb. 7, 1890, run the West Virginia Pitts burg railroad company to the Mbrcan- Trust and Deposit company, of Baltimore, trustee. Each resolution wax unanimously carried, the vote being neaily 132,000 nliares in favor. ue stock ot the city ot Baltimore voted in favor ot the resolution. advice to a friend to whom he was writing is well worth remem benng asd accepting, sure each day to see some beautiful object, to read some great truth, to perform some good deed." The first suggestion, sure each day to eee some beautiful object," is to the most of us neglected.

To be sure thef are many BO situated who could not if they would comply with this advice, but how many, on the other hand, posa along through life scarcely noticing the beautiful skies, the fleecy floating clouds, the starry firmament, the glon ous sunset, the glistening snows, the flowers and green swards, and all the varied beauties ot nature, which are faee to all Then, too, tne beauties of architecture, which eo delight the eye of one trained to appreciate them, or one having a natural taste for symmetry, might be enjoyed far more than they are. Ane the developing ot talent and sentiment iu that direction would do much toward the larger cultivation of that art. It is a fact that very few Florentines leave their beautiful city, so filled with gems of architectural beauty and with works ot genius, to make new homes for themselves elsewhere, even when they could better themselves financially by so doing. The question being asked of an Italian lady as to the cause, the instant reply was: "Ah, a Floren tine must see something beautiful every day Florentines would uot be appy without; a sipht of their dear nomo and Campanile and the towers nd the churches. They love their old fy, 'La Bella And the second suggestion, "Read ome great truth," mitht be adopted by early all.

A great truth read and ondered every day would no doubt be elpful, stimulating to higher thought, broader conceptions of life and its pportunities, and preventing us from oo much introspection, and keeping many wlio now devoto much of cheir me to gossip and small talk to get rid that unfortunate habit. Tho third injunction of the old Ger- uar philosopher, "Make sure each day perform some good deed," would be easy for every one to follow, but las! alas! in this selfish world how how very tew the number of those 7ho have such a purpose before them tho dawning of each new day. tVhat a sweet and lovely world this vould bo wero that advice followed by very one? Like the falling ol a gentle rain upon lie hard and arid soil on which no right flowers bloomed but which soon esponded to the heavenly blessing and uado the plants to blossom, so the nfluence of good deeds would permeate all society, leaving beauty and ragranco everywhere. Good to remember is this acSvico given long ago, "Make sure each day seo some beautiful object, to read ome great truth, to perform some good ol two rooms or one room Tfi'h alcove, famished and lishwd; also piano. Acul'esa "Student" KIOISTBR office.

apldSc RS. COWDERY will iHer ftt priv-te sale her household furniture and jrardei. uteualls on Thursday and ilday, April 3d and 4th, 734 Adams street. ANTED--A competent girl general housework. Address DT.

M. H. Synder, Kelley's Island, O. uiaiii246t OR REST-A good house corner of Market and Perry streets; Woolsey. cine rooms M.

luanSdet. SAKEH, SAFES-TUB celebrated Safes" of allslzee at prices that any oue can attord to buy rne.and equal to any 0 in safes at an eud Cill upon V.Memani,a«n,,N.E cor Water and icar26det. Col. ave. Statin B01 ''ER8-The Best Stee.

Boilers. and Porta ble, of all elzts and tn closest and one a a of 321 Franklin If sold other real estate or faun land dW place for fish IIIIMQCH, etc Carrier John payment iu a onlc Address 2 Vai A martodtf. A "JO" Arrested tor i i His Failier In Homer, HOMKR, N. Maich Baker and his bou Charles were employed on the a il a Mr. Buiin, on the outskirts of place.

Neither of Ih'jm at Mr. Buun'n jester day morning, and this circumstance lining thought strange, at 3.43 i afternoon Mr. went to their hoiLfc, On opening the door he found body of the elder Baker, halt dressed and partly covered i a sheet, lying on the floor, with the throat cut troui ear to ear, the head being nearly severed from the body. Bunn thon gathered some ot the "eighbors and made a huthei examination. In a room adjoining the one which the body of Jerome Baker was found, tne searchers discovered Cuarles Baker in bed asleep fully He was aroused with difficulty Them were several small gashes on the Ifctt side of the.

neck. In leply to Questions he said he got up at about 10 Vclock in the moraine and found bis father lying near him with his throa cut. He made no explanation ot hi: failing to aive an alarm. Two blood stained razors wereiouud the house, Young Baker was at- estedand lodged injaii at CortlanC Jerome Baker was about 6u years old. A few years ago he was worth all of which he lost through vYi nnssert for tho disposal under the hoine- "aw of the abandoned Fort Ellis mill Buy vnii'rvation Montana.

On motion of Mr. Carlisle of Kentucky, a resolution was adopted calling on the secretary of Kilo lor information showing what chants have been made by foreiRn countries since 187') In tho rates ot duty imposed on bread and what laws would liavo been enacted iWulations made in such countries since date, obstructing, prohibiting or lu any manner interfering with the sale of such arti- Mr Henderson of Iowa, prosBnted tlia cnn- femn'co report upon the urgent deficiency bil Tho rcnorc was agreed to. The only amendment remaining dispute is one appropriating ro.OOO to enable the secretary of agriculture to locate artesian wells. A further 0011- ronce was ordered In the morning hour a bill was passed grant- tho riant of war through Indian Territory "the Pitteburg, Columbus Ft. Smith rail- motion 0 af Mr.

Henderson, of Caro- ii i a bill was passed depriving United States ulgf8 of the authority to give an opinion on into committee of the -hole Mr. Allen, of Michigan, in the chair, tho army appropriation bill, Oa motion of Mr. AdamB au a- eudment was IDES AND PELTd, Highest market j.airi for hides pelts, furs an 1 tallow at 605 Oecatur street T-r r. IBRMAN LINX marsdlmo OP. SALE-- Hcnse and lot, No street.

420 Adam febisdtf 1'uM No. Krcular meet- ud Paddys uf euch rnont A. E. -MoMeen Ingi flret i 7:30 p. m.

I F. MACK, Commaader. JOSH B. Adjutant. ilopted appropriating 310,000 for a rifle range Fort Bheridan Alter unimportant action the committee rose in a reported the hill to the house.

The action if the oommitee iu adontlnK an novidinc hat no intoxicating liquors shall be iOld to enlisted men at any canteen was re- by the house and the amendment was defeated--yeas 62, nays 135. Mr Plofeler, of South Dakota, offered an amendment provmmg tha- no articte the sale is prohibited by statute or territorial aw, shall be sold or offered far sale at any The and -wltlim suoli statute or territory, amendment was rejected-- yeas 72, nays tU Mr' Bpnnger, of Illinois, offered ajoint resolution authorizing cne preaiuent to retire N. r. Banks with rank of major general. Adjourned, the number of pumps will be increased and if it is then found that thov cannot bold their own against the water tho steamer will be beached to prevent hero from sinking.

Her cargo will be transferred to other vessels. Tugs am in constant readiness to tow tho City ot Paris to Liverpool ill the event of thn divera succeed in lessening the leak. Fln.cUSentenced to Jail YORK. March Barrett today sentenced Dilworth Choate to 30 days imprisonment aud to pay a tine of $250 for criminal contempt of court. Choate ia tlu reporter who secretoa himself in the room where the Flack jury was considering its verdict.

The Choate case having been disposed ot Judge Barrett proceeded to read his decisions on the motions for a new trial in the Flack case. Ho denied them on a motion of tho district attomej sentenced the convicted conspirators Ex Sheriff James A Flack- was sentenced to pay a fine of 8500 and to bo imprisoned in the county jail, to- wic, the city prison, for two; Joseph Meeks was sentenced to pay fine of $500 and to be imprisoned in the county iail, to wit, the city prison, for one month; Win. L. Flack was sentenced io pay a fine of $500 and to be imprisoned in the penitentiary for four years. Within an hour after sentence pronounced Judge Van Brunt granted a stay ot proceedings in the cuse of the Flacks and Meeks pending an appeal.

Bail was fixed at $7,500. A KUoaily Fliitl. DKTROIT, March A ghost lv discovery was made this raorniner in Bloody Run, a small streum in tht tern part of the city which take? it from a historic tragedy. Boys pliiyuig in the block discovered huraat in a hole which is being hlle th leg Thn ghastly fragment is a of lott side of a man's body with oue attached. The head was missing.

The i was leroovcd to th morgue. The fact that the lloih re on the br.ues leads the cornne to believe that the body waa not cu up by medical students. A Cleveland Merchant Suicides. CLENELANB, March HODHO Hnul ot the wholesale grocery firm Babeock, Hurd committed sui cidn today by shooting himselt in th right temple. He entered his ofhc this rooming, greeting oue ot th members of the pleasantly, remargin that the room was cold.

He remaine b-it a few moments, and then wen home. None of the members ot th a i noticed his arrival, but an on o'cocb they heard a noise in the bar room. On making investigation Kurd's body was found. He had been tad health tor some A Circuw Partr WrecKcd. CAIRO, March The officers ot the steamer Nail City report that the City of St.

Paul is lying at March 31. at 8 to 5 per cent; closed offered at 3 for cent. PBIME MKadANTHJJ rAPBB-At per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Qulet and steady at 4 83M for BO days; 4 for demand. BTOCKS--Tie total sales of atoofce were 66,931 pharos.

Stocks were tho dullest In years and although the prevalence of general opinion that there will be co April money scare this year had tho effect of making the market firm. There WM no feature to the dealings outcldo of special movement! In two or three scoots. The general list, undo, execution of orecrs accumulated ovvv Sunday, displayed considerable flrm-j noes and slight advances were scored, which were not wiped out and tho clone, while Intensely dull, was steady with slight gains ver Saturday's figures. The orly movement ot Importance la tho final uguros IB tho loes of per cent, lu Jersey Central! RAILROAD BONDS-Wero moro active than ttie stocks, tho dealings in all issues footing up S968.000. GOVERNMENT BONDS--Dull aad steady.

STATE BONT8--Doll and featurelecs. BOHD8 CLOSED AS KOLLOWK: ua 61 isuoup 13? Mutual Union6s.100 U8448r6g 103J4 Onnlntcertlll 08iJ48 coup 103H Norton Paolst. 116 Pacinesixeaot ttS.jlG do ads.118)6 Louisiana flt'inl 4ft OfiM Missouri sixes 100 do dcbent'ra ds.lllH Ten if B'tUn't C3 Or'g'n Trans OB107J4 Ten b'tlni'tto 101 Bt Inn Oou Bi 98 Ton li'tlm't3f. 7894 Bt tiSau (i 110 CauBoutU'n 97ki bt Paul consols I21! Central P'llo IBM. 11 Ht J'hO 1st lu) Denv Rio Ifit.

If TexP'o Gold bar Denv Klo TO Denv IBts Brie seconds 'J'J 75 STOCKS CLOSED AT FOMXWIKO PIUOK8 BID. Mlun 8 pia 14 Alt'n re Haute. HI) Mlusourl do preferred lin Molrle te 14 American Nul vllleCbattlGl BurO N. New rcreey Canada KTtt Wt'iip'fdlOO Canada Bouthr'n 546 i orn Paojllo. Central Pacino-- do Chesapeake Ohio Sort! do 1st do doad 8a New York Cent 1 1 106M CbloiVKO Alton.

J3ft 3t 19 Ohioajjo Bur ft Qy.lOTfS do2d preferred 70 0. St. X. A Pacific us Ohlo BlisslMip'l do prererrod-- 47 do preferred 08 Ontario AWpnt'r Olevedt GoluiubiiA. Oregon Imp 44 OregonNav 07 DelLauli at West'n Oregon Don to Bio Grande.

14M Pacific Mail East Tonuoseeo iOSJi Peo Doe do 1st preferred 71 do 2nd preferred 22 Pull Pal CitrCo Erie tOH do preferred 59 Kook Island (MM Wavne 101 Bt Ban Fran. Cfl 'i'r oT Union Pew, 1 tie IKC 1254 Went 8hor8 S06H We have the satisfaction of hearing 'roru several sources that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is all it cluims to be--a genuinely good oreoaraton. Publ. Molly Stark, Toulon, 111.

"Oh it is excellent to have a giant's strength" and walk the earth free and aappy again was what the man said when he had cured his teu-year rheumatism with a bottle of Salvation Oil. 25cts. eferrcxl 83 18 375i 20i Part Worth fe Dei). -docking Valley. BouBlon at it Illinois US tnd Bloom -Kansas Lake Enefc JT do preferred 04 Lake bhoi'e 107 do prof do lac preferr'd Pan! do preferred 88 I'uul A' Omaha 81 do pref erred 93 Ton a Coal ft Iron 49 Texas Paulflo Nash.

S3H fol dcOCeiip't'd. 71 Louisville A Memphis Clirl'n. 60 Michigan Ceu 07 Mill, 90 do preferred 104 MlnBt div. United BtftU-s Ex do Wellsfnrgo Ex. Weotern 40 I YOU WANT ME ohlnery, Rntimee.

Steam Pumps and mje tore, "Stake 3'tti complete" with ea- Kines anrt -i complete outfit, wltt unproved tor driv ix, pulling and nandlluu IHIIH.I! stakes, etc. Parties purohas 'ng will find it to Uielr Interest to call on him K'f prop and estimates. Office N. tor, aier and Col. Sanduaky, O.

decSdti. PEARS' plexion. 8QcareB a beaatif al com tliarced WitU Murder. LIXIA. Maroh week L.zzie a young lady who had been an inmate of Florence Stevens house of ill-farnp, died in such a manner as to lead to the belief thai; she was murdered.

The coroner's inquest developed that puch was tht fact. William Murry, a machinist of Cincinnati, was arrested, charged with murderous assault upon the girl, but at the trial he wan proven inz.ocent. The officers arrested a man named Wise who was held until this morning. Frank Krontz has been identified by the Stevens woman as the party who made the assault upon the girl. March court of claims today Rave a judgment in a7or of Representative Grain of Texas in his suit to compel the government to reimburse him for mcfney lost.

through the defalcation of keeper. cott. Hazed Hie Home. CHICAGO, March 81. --Between 1 and 3 o'clock yesterday morning a gang of masked men attacked the two story brick house at No.

1428 Washington boulevard with battering rams, crowbars, and literally razed to the earth. A frame barn in the rear was likewise demolished, and only a huge mass of debris now marks the cosy little structure built thirteen or fourteen years ago with the savings of John and Mary Miller. AH unusual occurence, one would think, to have a house and home de stroyed in the dead ot night by a gang of "marauders in a great city like Chicago. The police, however, take an opoosite view of the matter. No report of the occurance was sent to police headquarters and no attempt was made to discover the perpetrators It is charged by the injured party Mrs Mary F.

Miller, and uer fnends that the police knew ot the intended destruction of her home, ana stood by and watched the proceedings and Patrolman Sergeant Taylor of th Warren avenue station, superintended just prior to the death The Flour output, MiNNEAPOLis.March ob- ained by the Northwestern Miller show stock of wheat in the private eleva of Minneapolis (not included in the visibly statement) to be 1,104,000 mshele, a decrease of 1,000 bushel for he week. There are 7 592,096 bustoels public houses. 395,006 bushel at, St. and 544,038 bushel at Dulath, making a total ot 15,345,014 bushel at terminals, and increase of 386,803 jushelstor the week. The Market Record estimates that the country elevator stocks decreased 428,000 bushels during the week, leaving the country stocks 5.074.000 bushels.

This makes the total stocks in the elevators in Minnesota and Dakota 21,049,815. Record thinks that the decrease in stocks for March will prove to be about 2,000,000 bushels. Shiiitwell's field a complete wreck due to the storm of last Thursday. The St. Paul had a circus on board and twenty- three people and a small menagerie belonging to George Edwards.

Sis ot the party are women who are living in a shanty boat and the men are without shelter, fuel or light for days and no fuod. The spot occupied by the party is said to be an acre in extent and no dry land within twelve miles. TBLEOHAl'HIC TAPS HAMILTON, 0., March E. L. Sharkey, of Eatpn, who was convicted of murdering his mother was today sentenced to be hanged August 1st.

CHICAGO, March At the weekly meeting of the Methodist ministers of the city this morning the Rev. R. D. Shepardread a paper entitled "The attitude of Rome toward our system ot education" in which he made a tierce onslaught upon the Catholic church and its methods iu propogandism. An acrimonins discussion followed the reading.

BEELIN, March 31-- Emperor William Don't find lault. Don't contradict people even if you're sure you are right. Don't bo inquisitive about the affairs of even your most intimate friend. Don't underrate anything because you don't possess it. Don't believe that everybody else in the world is happier than you.

Don't conclude that you have never had any opportunities in life. Don't believe all the evil you hear. Don't repeat gossip, even if it does interest a crowd. Don't go untidy on the plea that everybody knows you. Uon't be rude to your inferiors in social position.

Don't over or underdieaB. Don't express a positive opinion unless you perfectly understand what you are talking about. Don't jeer an anybody's religious belief. Don't try to be anything else but a gentlewoman--and that means a woman who has consideration for ths whole world and whose life is governed by the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would be done Rome Journal. MARKET.

Maroh81. Steady; family at 2 95'S3 IS; fancy at 3 90. WHEAT-Dull; No a rod 81. COBN--Active and firm; No 2 mixed at 32. OATS--StoaCy; No 2 mixed at 26, RYE--Lull ami easier; No 2 at 40.

PORK--Steady al 10 LARD--Quiet at 0 05. BUJ.K MEATS--Quiet; short ribs at 5 loss 20 BACON--Barely steady; short clour at 6 6 15. WHISKY-Steady; 8tlcH of 1,031 on basis of 1 02. BBTTKII--Steady; fancy creamery at choice dairy at atlH. LINSEI'0 light al 69361.

SOOAR--In fair demand; hard rellned at KGO8- Barely steady at 12 CHEESE--Firm, prime to choice; Ohio, flat at HDQ9--Firm; common and light at 3 i 261 packing and butchers at 4 2044 10. it- TOLEDO TOLEDO. March 31. --Weaker and lower at SlaSlM- (JOHN--Dull and steady cash at OATS--Quiet, cash at 23. OI.OVEJI bBSD--Active and easier, cash i CKICAdO MARKET )niOAo, Match 31, FLOUK--Steady and unchanged.

WlIKAT-No 2 gpDDR at No 8 spr at72S73; No 2 red at WAVllfti, CbBN--No 2 UATS-NO 2 at BYE-NO 2 it iffy. bAHLSY--No 2 nominal. BBKD--No. 1 at 1 4856 BIBBD--Prime timothy at 18 MESS PORK--At LJAKD--At 6 rib Rides at IS; dry Baited shoulders at 4 4f S4 60; ehort clear at 4 4634 60 WH18KI--At 1 02. 8UGAB8-- T'nohauged.

BCTTEB--Weakjfancy Elgin at flneirt western at 203ai; line at 10320; dairy fluent at fine at 14317. EAST LIBERTY STOCK MAEKET. EAST 1 IBEBTT March 31, CATTLE--Slow at last week's price; six car of cattle shipped to New York. HOGS--The market was firm; medium and selected at 4 50; common to best Yorkers at 4 20'34 36, pigs 4 "OB4 10; thirteen cars shipped to New Yorlr. SHPLP--Steady at last week's prices.

NEW CHOICE BOOKS. For Sale Tbe Raging; MEMPHIS, March a fall of four-tenths, the river is ajjam rismiz hei-e. Ram has fallen in torrents since last night and all the small utrpams are running full. It now It appears that just prior TO ine uoauu of John Miller, the anshand 01 Mary a. Miller, in 1887, his brother, Thomas Miller, induced him to make a will in which nearly all of his little property was left to the brother, the wife being merely allowed a small legacy under her maiden name and as his honse- I The probate court subsequently promised to pay Prince Bismarck a vTsit at Friedrichsruhe.

isHiNtnoN, March 31--Mr. White law Reid, United States minister to France called at the Whitehouse today and had a conference- with the president. BERLIN, March Bismarck is compiling a memoir for publication. It will comprise the last twenty-five years of his official life. uull BUFFALO, N.

March Miss and at 7 o'clock this morning it has been sentenced to death at Auburn had widened to 800 feet. There is no prison as prescribed by law during the possibility to close the gap and as the week beginning April 28. levee is on a sandy foundation for a from that point the break may in- Of the eighty members of the United crease to and unlimited extent. States senate there are but three who All tbs Blantationu in the vicinity of I are fond of horseback riding, Regular Price. Life and Speeches of Dur bin Ward 2.50 Pleasant Hours with, illustrious men and 300 A Study of Man by Dr.

Buck 2.00 Aphc cisniB of the Three Threes 75 New Light on Mormon, ism 1.00 Rebel Rhymes and other Poems 1.00 Our Price 1.00 not already inundated will be over flowed within the next two weeks. A break in the levee ot about feet occurred about midnight at Austin, 1.50 15.2 25 50 50 S.C WHEELER A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. Solicitor of Patent A Notarv Public, Soldiers' Bonnty and 1 1 stairs NEW YORK MARKET- NRW TOM. March 31. Ftons--Dull and weak.

COHN MEAL--Steady; jellow western at 5 2 66- WHEAT--Dull and weaker; No. a red at elevator; afloat; f. o. I); 2 ed at fays--Strong; State end wastorn BAKLbY--Strong; western COKK--Firmer and dull, light offering) No. 3 at elevator; 38M85ij, ungraded mixed at as S89K; steamer iniitd No.

5 whif at 40J4. OXTB--Qulei and HAY-'-ieady arid quiet. HOPS-- iiaBy anil quiet. COFFEE--rio, (steady and in fair flwnand; fair cargoes at 20)4. SDOXB--Haw fairly active and oMer; tolr refining at 18-16; centrifugal, 96 test MOLASSES--Foreign, fairly active; New Orleans steady and quiet.

and active. COTTON SEED and aetlve. TALLOW-DUH. ROSIN--Qnlet. Iu fair demand and Arm; western at POBK--Quiet; Trade Directory Heading Basin Manufactories IIouwwi M(k A UHKY Plumblnr Office Sloane Block ffaeulngtott How.

8CHOEPFLE flrOAKE. mow old at 00911 25, do 8t and quiet; at Good supply but weak; wertern dairy at 8318; creamery at 18 Elgin at CHTWE-- Strong and fairly active; western at CHICAGO BIOCK MARKET. CHICAGO, March S' OATTtK--Steady and strong; beeves 4195; steere at stocto buHs mixed at 4109 8 8 7830 earn fSdrt 70; T6XM W. Sash and Wno and HOOVER WOQDWABP. 718 A Wfcttf A SON, 121 Extraction by of ing and Uommeraiai for Remington DupllM..

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