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Middletown Times-Press from Middletown, New York • Page 2

Middletown, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Middletown Daily Frew, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6 189J. TO AID A FACTION. How fir one political patty may go toward the aid of a faction with which It sjmpsthizei In the opposing party de- ptnds largely on circumstances. It very frequently happen! that by giving support to i faction ol the other party, great can ke done to it and corresponding benefits be derived for the party giving Ittaid. Thui, for Instance the Democrats have given their support to the PopulUIf, who are mainly sf the Republican party, In tome western States and In this way caused the defeat of the Republicans who would have been elcctsd under other circumstances and In consequence emblttertd them and their friends and so damaged the csuie of the Republican party very materially In feme western legislatures United States Senators have been selected by such a coalition of Democrats and Populists and for the first time in years these states wilt be represented by others than Republicans In the Senate In fact if It was not for such aid rendered by the Democrats to the third party, the Republicans would still remain In control of one of the great branches of the National government, the United States Senate.

No out has disputed the undoubted right of the people as represented in conventions to candidates to do whst they choose in this particular They have the privilege and cannot be condemned for selecting such men as their candidates as will draw the most votes from the opposing par'y and whosa nomination will do it the Most dsmsze They have the right to endorse the candidates of a faction of tho opposing party it they choose and by concentrating their votes upon him elect him to cfflce It was by availing itself of such privileges that the Democratic party has risen from a feeble and ridiculous minority at the close of war to its present degree of power In state and national affairs Odious as was Ihs step to the old-time Democrats who composed that party at that time, and much as they revolted at it, the nomination of Horace Qreeley for president by the Democrats, was one of tke wisest political movements they could possibly make, for while their candidate was lg- nominlously defeated there was detached from the Republican party a sot of men who in time merged harmoniously in it and furnished It with new blood, new and better brains, and a policy adapted to the changed conditions of the Country, luch as never could have been expected from the old Bourbons who for years had controlled it. Now theie are rights and privileges wh'ch are not questioned. Political parties are hostile to each other, and it Is fair warfare to enfeeble and dUorgin'za tho other side by the use of such tactics. It may not be pleasant to tho party thus interfered with, but It Is allowable warfare, which Is perfectly legitimate and against which no just complaints can be made In legislative bodies la the eastern states, no such policy hai prevailed or been allowed In electing men to office by the Lsgiilature, the rule is well established hands off, from the other side The party which has a quarrel in its ranks Is allowed to settle It among them without Interference from the opposite party, no matter how tempting the opportunity may be to give the weaker tide some assistance If any reasons may be assigned for tho difference, it must be found In the fact that in the one case the people in their conventions act for themselves, while In ths Legislature the members act in a representative capacity, and assume that the people who sent them there gave them no right to cast a vote Jor political enemy. What has occurred in the Kansas and other Legislatures has never at least within recent years, been tolerated In tha older commonwealths, and can only be excused on the ground that the course of popular elec'Ions preceding in walch there was a union ol one party end a faction, by some name or other.with tke other, justifies It It wu treading on dangerous ground however, and establishing a precedent which win 'nevitably some ly come back lo torment its inventors It would be far safer to let tho other side alone in Legislative contests for office, though the circumstances may at times make it ap pear a proper course to pursue Some aid and comfo-t may perhaps bo given a faction on the otter side, but it will prove wisest to stop short of such an actual vote In their favor as has Been recently given In some of the Western legislaures A HOTEL ELECTION SCHEHE.

The Oswego Election bJl, which nas passed the Assembly and is now in the Senate, provides for a novel experiment In municipal government Tho plan was by Dr Clark of Oswego, who regards it as an effectual remedy for local misrule The measure divides that city Into four election districts, and then ranges the registered voters in each into blocks or sections of 100 each by a system of drawing similar to that used in selecting a jury Each section next meets and, by majority vote, chooses a representative Sector These officials in each district constitute aa electoral college for the selection of all ward officers with! that district, and In the city at largs form in electoral college to choose all munlol officers New representative electors to be chosen only when vscsncles occur or when a special meeting is demanded for that purpose City and ward officers are to retain place until their sue- ceuon have bisen elected The electoral college! are also empowered to remove said appoint public officers, by a majority Trkenever they see fit A I NOTES. Dsiry Commissioner Brown's ninth flnsl report is made public today. He rays that adulteration In this State has reduced to such a degree as to ren. dsrthe milk now delivered practically pore, and that the territory In which it Is produced for consumption in our cities been greatly enlarged and the shipped by the producers has greatly increased. The number of tows in the State Is 15,552,923 yet the Dairy Department has not been given power to deal with the disease In cows known as tuberculosis or con mimption No way has been found to lUmp it out, except by killing the am- afflicted with it.

and the power to do thli It retained by the health authorities Mow Bhe money. Toip -Every woman outfit to write to Wells, Kichardson Burlington, VI for one of their free books on home dyeing They also sent me forty cloth samples of different colors that I had no trouble in selecting the 1 couw tel1 of diamond dyes have saved me money, but most of them are explained In Bui book. MES 1 BP cold 6 MoMonagle Rogers. it ii to see a beautiful child 1 face dls- flgural with vile humors, burstlne through the (kin in pimples, blotches said and ladder sail, when the ypnng ud Innocent are laughed at and twitted in ill won cases. Parento should give liem that good and pure remedy Sulphur Bitten, which will lesrch and orive out of the blood every particle of WU3TCHE COCTT1.

Pine Bnb. Corrwpondence of the fiat have quite good sleighing just now, and about everybody Is out and using it In one way or another. --Squire Hlgby li now confined to his house with rheumatism --There are a number of caies mumps around About everybody, young and old, who have not had them, DOW having them, some of them very hard. Howard SI John hai been quite sick with them, but IB reported somewhat better. --Mri Bowen who fell and Injured her hip some ago, remains about the lime She tufferi a good deal of pain --The wife of Alexander Decker, who lives northeast of this place, died Wednesday night She had been sick for a long time.

She wai a sister of William Barnes who lives down along the plank road between Bush and Wai- dec, and was esteemed ai an excellent woman --At the auction Thursday there were a large number of people out and everything sold for very good prices --Mr and Mrs Wm Brewster, who have been In Europe for some time, will return in the spring --David Smith has rented Mrs. Miller's property on Church Street, and will take April 1st --Mrs Jeste Eulsa has rented Vanness Howell's place near Seamanvllle It is large and commodious, and will make a fine sanitarium. --Wm a popular hard- merchant in Monroe, contemplates returning and again entering into bus 1 nesj, having told out at Bellows Falls --Tho valuable fur coat which was drawn for at Samuel's clothing store Goshen, Jan 21th, was won by Charles Fredenberg, an employe In Tode Bros cheeso factory, In Monroe. The lucky number was 24 --The hop given by the Knights of Pythins of Highland Mills, at Konnighl's Hall, Monroe, was tho hop of the season in all particulars IHontroniery. Correiyondence of me Puss --Jacob F.

Olllesple noticed a small spot growing on his under lip. Physl- clani, who examined it, pronounced it a cancer which ought to be removed He talked of going to N.w Tork, but gave that idea up and submitted to home chy. slcians Dr Elliott, assisted by Dr Wallace, performed the operation suc- ccsifully --Samuel Crawford, of New Jersey, made this village a convenient stopping place last Sabbath --Miss Helen Denniston, daughter of William Dennliton, returned home Saturday night after a plessant two weeks visit in Now York --The regular once a month union service was held In the Methodist church Sunday evening The Presbyterian church was closed on account of it --Invitations have been received by number of our young men to attend the maiquerade entertainment In Mofal's Library, Feb --Ex-Sheriff Dill, of Ulster county, spent Saturday In this place --Politicians are out In full force these days looking after their Interest! --The entertainment at the home of William Searls was a success, and all present enjoyed themselves The committee deserves great praise The Misses Sears come In likewise for their share --Counsellor William ckerson and Attorney Ketcham of Newburg, were In this village Saturday, In relation to the Judgment creditori of tho Lester Gerjung estate Mr. D'ckorson was referee --The Women's Christian Temperance Union will meet with Mrs Nancy Mc- Ncal Thursday afternoon next, for prayer and religious work --William Jewell drove from Ellenville last Saturday, 27 miles, In a little over four hour He says tho sleighing is good over there Cralgvlllo. correspondence et raits, --Mrs Edward Hill, of Bridgeport, Conn is visiting at Mrs A Woodhull's --Nathaniel Old Bel Is preparing to build a new barn, 72iS2 feet.

John Storms, of Newburg, is to do the carpenter work. --Miss Adolle Hunter, of Chester, visited Miss Josio Thorn over Sunday --B Woodhull, of Newburir, spent Sunday at the homo of his mother --On account of tho storm Friday, Mr A Gregory adjourned his sale of COWB, till Wednesday, Feb 8th, at 12 clock --John Kane lost one of his horses one day last week from distemper --Collector Ward has renewed his tax arrant for 30 days --J Moffatt spent few I in New York city last week Turncra. Correspondent ol tuo PBBSS --The sociable given for the benefit of thi)M Church at Mrs I Smith's, was a success. It was held two nights on account of its being rainy Wednesday Thirty-five dollars were realiz-d tho two evenings The entertainment given be fore supper was splendid, and pieces That street railway franrblae is indeed a pleasant subject to talk upon The city la sure to have it, and those who ore not going to put any money In it don't care who builds it It is the road that's wanted by tho most of the people.and they not do want the matter to drag several months If prompt action is taken the cars should be started by next fall Dr Robinson has been In Middletown one year and ho has become one of her most popular pastors His amiable wife has also won the hearts of the ladies of the congregation "The 24th will be responsible for downfall of a great many ladies of this city, If they don't cover the icy walks about the armory," said a gentleman today ftlio Knew. A little 'Washington girl unconsciously made a very forcible appeal for distinct enunciation by public speakers She had returned from church, where the minister had chosen, for his text the sentence, "Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy!" "Can you tell me what the text was?" said her father when she reached home 'Course I can," was the confident reply "What was it'" And the little one confidently replied, 'Behold, I ghe you tidings Lake George "--Washington Star A Onse of Special Introductory Sale.

19c. 19c. 19c. Will purchase our 25c (Joiset Cover on 10 Id 12 Ola Gentleman--Does that dog love you, lltfleboyf Little Boy--Yor bet he does It lie didn I he knows I'd lick tho stuffln out ol him -Life Always Ita Own Howard A mature maiden who was crossing tho street at the intersection of State and Mon roe tho other evening slipped and fell A young man ith tho chivalry and promptness characteristic of the Chicago youth in emergencies of this kind ran to her relief, picked her up jnat in time to prevent a cabman from driving ovei her brushed tho mud off her dress and said with much con oern "Are you hurt, madam Did she hasten to assuie him she was UN injured? Eld she grasp his hand and with teais of gratitude in her eyes btg to know the namo of the young man to whose br-u cry and presence of mind she owed hei hie? She did not She shrank from him mlioirot and a shrill rasping that frcve the young blood In his-veins bhc exclaimed Ughl Tako your hands off mo sir'" Then she picked up her spectacles ad justed them carelullj place again and hurried away without anothei glance at him And tho young man' ith staring eyes and jaw hanging down he stood there pet- rifled till she was out of sight Then he pulled his hat down er his eyes, moved off slowly, and from his lips escaped tho single word Tribune The Masculine Memorj Bints--What's wrongP Jinks--My wife ga-v me a IcUtr to mnil this morning "And you foigot it Well, it isn too late No, but I moiled it I kept ifc in my hand and fixed my mind right on it until I got to a box anil then dropped it in I was bound she shouldn't hare anything to com plain of this time "Then what's tho matter?" "It has jurt occurred to me that I forgot to put a stamp on Yoik Weekly Hie Face a Good Knzor Strop A young fop, who had just begun to for a beard, stopped Into a hairdresser's shop, and after a great swagger desired to be shaved The hairdresser went through the usual cmcnts and the sprig jumped up with a flourish and exclaimed "My flno fellow what Is the "Oh, no charge icpUed tho barber "No charge? How is that?" "Why I am thankful when I can get a soft calfskin to sharpen tho razor on --Philadelphia Record Elegant Assortment of Muslin Underwear now displayed in our Millinery Dept. 'P'h'ifilsr a in oui vaiious till linea of Mushn Goods, you will say, what's the use of making these goods myself, when they can be purchased so leasonable and made up SD tasty aie invited to look ovtrthis entaic stock -whether desiiiog to purchase or not.

Too Much Pride "Yes said the showman, 'I'm in pietby hard luck I haven't had meal for three days" 1 Why don't you pawn some tho-ie dia mondsf Great ens, manl Do you want me to lose my standing in tho profession -Buffalo Express Tne Trouble Mith It Papar-Well Johnnie you -went to church this morning? Johnnie--Yes papu Papa--How did jou like the Johnnie-- Ihe beginning -KTS good and tho end was good but theie was too much middle to It papa --Boston Commercial spoken by several young ladies were ex cellenl Mrs Linden Gilletl brought down the house when she read a selection entitled "Josiah and Myself Going to Market She was dressed as an old lady and at Impersonator was a groat success. -Mr Earl and family spent Bunday with friends In Sloatsburg --Mrs James Redner and Hiss Orom- 'woll are visiting in Chester --Mr C. Fred Lamont went to New York Thursday He again' able 'to be around. --Miss Mamie Cronswell of Chester has been spending the past few weeks with her cousins Mr and Mrs. James Rednor We believe she will remain for the present as Mrs.

Redner's health has been very poor for some time past --Last Thursday evening while Mr DeWlttand family were accompanylrg a neighbor to the sociable at I 1) Smith's, the horse ran away and threw them all out excepting a sister of Mr. DeWltt The horse ran under the churoh shed and stopped, much lo the relief of Miss Dewitt, who was uninjured by her perilous ride Mrs DeWltt was not so fortunate as she was thrown upon a pile of stone by the road side and severely bruised about the head and see It was rery fortunate that the was not killed outright Dr Qillett was called and dreeied the lady's bruiaes and she is as comfortable as could expected Highland (Oorreipondenceor tne Palis --Miss Ella Thorpe, who has been very sick with quinsy sore throat, is gettlne better. --The supper held by the Pythian Sisterhood, at Mrs Weyganl's, on Friday evening last, was a success financially the proceeds being $3175 --The sociable held at Mr Stephen Smith's, on Thursday evening, was a success, twenty-three dollars baing realize d. --Mr Myers Pembleton Is quite sick It is feared he has hasty consumption --The school entertainment which WES held on Wednesday evening last will be repeated on Friday evening, Feb. 10.

-Throat Loranges, 10 cents at Rogers At I roficnt Imllljle Mr Hobs (at tho theatei) Humphl Wish to goodness they would clei ate tho stage Mrs Ilotis--AVhj dour' Mr Hobs (dodging about lo through the theater hat front)--Ihen a fellow could see it --Chicago Ixevs Record Tobacco in rimt "Your picture Columbus js uuachion irtic lou represent him i smoking when tobacco was not used That all light UL smok ng a ciga rette "--Detioit Tree Prisi COTJJITZ. --Mr and ilrt Abram I Kinnc who have been vititing friends in Maplewood and vicinity, have returned to the home in Terryvllle, Conn Ora Dann, who ran a market wagon between Newburg and Monticel: for many years along in the fif lies, die at the age of 82 years, soar Msplewooi Jan 19ib He was born in TJlatervill Co.He leaves his widow, Mrs Mai Mrs Jonas Pintler of Newburg Mrs Miller, living near Bulivllle, Drang county and Mrs George Carlisle brother, Harvey Dann of 80100, Pa only one of the 11 numbers of his father family who Is now living looming bars, Correspondence or the PBUBB --Mrs George Blizzard, cf Jersey City was on a visit to friends here last wetk --Oalng to tho icy condition of th rjads and sidewalks, walking Is both dif fioult and dangerous, but Young Amerlc Ii happy aa improves the coasting --Blacksmith! are having a nice hrves as horses cannot travel without shar calks Charles Wllliiras and Will Dono van shod twentj flve horses after nin oUock, ons day last week They ar b-ith huellera the auction sale of Mre Pagan the SlBt cows ao'd for from $29 $10, hay $12 a ton and potatoes at 7 cents a buahcl Mrp Pagan htv ng sol her property to a Brookljn party, will re move to Middletown in the spring The Mountain YUif a four ac drama, representing a S'erre Nevad mountain scene, was performed In Ben nott's ball, last Tuesday cveniue by th young peop'e of Wurtsboro for the bene 3' of the cornet band of that village large audience wae present lo grca them The play was excellent considering i was rendered wholly by homa talent amateur performers, with but little pttac tice Tha whlppoorwill song between the acts, rendered by a quintette of your ladles, was loudly encored and they wer obliged to return before the audisnce A Mr Bennett granted the of tho ha: freo cf charge, the band realized a hand some profit DEED. JESSDP--Feb 5 in thii city Henry HcrroS Jes sup, aectl jear Funeral Wednesday morning at 11 clock at hi late residence No 14 Cortlaml Interment i Hillside cemetery ForlSic) Insertion NoaLrertlaemer taken to lesstbanten cell's TpOR RENT-- House and barn corner Academy i 1 avenue and Genuns St Possesa'on Varc 1st or April ut Inquire 1 cottage Bt 4Ulm STBRHOUT ill give special prices on a PHotogrnpHa ol ine Klrmoss taken in cnntnmc No 6 Kast Btiln St LET-- Roorai on srrond aoor, 15 Grand St JL GffiMlm 1 rpo LET from April nrst -THe fine large store J- room No 4 5 a a a in a bnHlnesn centre now occupied John Miles as a grocery am provision store will lense for a tfrii of years HOKTON VML, 81 Highland Ave C002ll If sets rooms in nnlse Builcildg or will rent to one person to use connectedly Apply at 1'reas office csood tt IET--An office of 2 rooms heated with ateai at STERN'S 13-15 North St. OOdOl TAITIES G. imhortzedlife Bo fj nawafor Agonm Ontfn only 25 cents JOE1 SUN i CO 3 Sontti 11th Richmond a TDLBAHt BON say hard times when yon can JL get Oysters at 25 cents per quart Blueflsh eaS Fish anil oil at 12o per Ib Beef Steak ai per It) at HARFOHDS MARKET Please float 77dly Brolio i Maiiatei of Musumi-- Ihe Untie boy seems to feel bad tr bib Assistant--Yes he is afraid thnt -nlieii ho es us he ill be in the soup --N ew Yoi Herald Huul Ciller and lliircl Luck A faimei iti St Albans A tisul (ho casks of cider in a fruitless, Lflort his house and burn fi om lirp oiv Le ail outsider sotobpeak --Philadelphia Ledger Gentleman (to peddler)--Call theso matches? In they won light nt alii wot could yer'ai safer? --London 1 it-Bits IVING Rooms Offices and OottaRes to rent Cottages for Bale ss iti HASBROUCK -3 Lin len Ave ANTED the pnblio to KDOW that CRAIQ the shoemaker, rppairs 1 lln la or Robber Footwear Eand made custom shoes from 6diy A TURING In all Ira branches UDNOAN Newbnrgh Clilna and silver loaned.

Walters furnished OUSE PAINTING In nil its branches LAWKS EOB Ell TSON at Beacon St, Middletown Shop in Haabronck BniJdlng depot street entrance eslsdly TXTHILB THE SNOW FLIBS-Star Photos- larger than gems--same size as tin types and far snpertoi bat same nriee 4 for 60 cents SOtf MILLS 9 est Main at rho Lnzy Boy's all I got now skates and lotK of loj I got a pretty slad I do not to go till lato Unto my don bed got a knife, an alrgun, too, And books that I can read I gavo unto the llttlo poor was a noblo deed Dnt still I am unhappy quite Throughout those wlntr dajs Tho reason for mj sadness's I cannot coast both --Plttsbuic utch REAIi ESTATE NOTES. --The houso and lot of John Van Tuyl, on Jersey avenue, Port Jervls, was ao'd under a judgment in foreclosure procured by Mry NcNurney The property was bid in by the Pirat National Bank for $1,447 Do not be hoodwinked Use no "juat good Salvation Oil is what you want whnn in need of a good liniment --For Indigestion or distress after eating, try a teaspoonful of VlcMonsglu Rogers' Pepsin Essence af i each meal --For tickling in the throat, try Con nor's Cough Cura-- 35 cents Made bv McMonagle Rogers An old fashioned medicine and a good one-- Connor's Cough Cure-- 25 cents. Made by MoMonagle Rogers WO FRONT OFFICES TO RBtiT Steam heated. all Improvements second floor Kcrnoohan Building dTff A UGUST KROSGBR, Tailor-- Repairing am cleaning at st ort notice Nice line of Bam No 31 James st over Chaa. 7sai plea for new work Wolff ft Bon Van Cleve Keene, A and BUI L-DEHS.

and flpcciflcations tlie month of Kebruary OKLI Estimates cheerfully given for any ho IcUng Office 35 JVortu si, vuidletorTD, 1 lasquerade Bi OP THE Maennerchor Germania AT i Monday, el 6th MUSIC Bl Carl Salini Club, of New Vaxb. CONCERT from to 9 ortock GRAND TAB LBAU at 9 and WKAND MARCH at 9 15 Tne following prizes lave been offered Gold Medal to toe Gent wearing tne most elejrant coq luiic, Gold Medal to tne Lad? wearing tne most elegant costnme, Silver Medal lo Geot wearlne the most Comical Coatume, surer Medal to Ladv wearing too most Comical Costnme rickol Adtuiltliiir Gem and Kxtra Iiady'B Ticket 5Oc Gallery 28 enle. Tickets for sale at Forthoffer VTenzenrotn and Pnrps'. HERZ PAVOT, COsnrjfEB will be at 33 James St wlta Costumes M. 9SdTt Ladv Casino Theatre DUE ONLY 'yl NIBBE BURLESQUE CO.

THE QIIEAT Use A.P. If you like Delicious Biscuit, Calces, Pastiy, Pudding, etc Warranted Peifectly Healthy. Give this Pov; doi a trial and proem a beautiful Venice Rore Bowl ilia firsif and No 2 Empire B'ock Goods dolivored to any part of the city SPEC fll-i- giv Funniest of All Modern Burlesques The Strongts Co and Funniest Play on the road, so llie cities ol Millwaukee, Cmc'nuati, Toledo, Pittsburgh anil your own neighboring cities Elnnra, Kingston, Hudson, JfowlDurgb, Read notices elsewhere In tills paper from the atme towns and cities Hi 81. Depew never saw this show or he might cliango his Opinion of Some Others. Remember the Date fcecnre Tour Seals in Time No Advance in Prices, Sleigh Bells, Skates, At Reduced Prices.

For 30 Days. Bo'h new and corjd- Imnd FOR SEASON Sleighs and Bells at Cost Hoyt Galloway HARDWARE, 1 0 East Mam St, Middletown TALES TOWN TOPICS. Or4 7 ear of most successful Quarterly ever published 3 00 LEADING NEWS irArliKs in Wortn complimented this publication during its first year and imi rersally concede that its numbers afford the brightest and most entertaJnine readmpr that can be bad Published ist day of September December, March and June. Ask Newsdealer for it or send the p-icc. 5O cents, stamps or postal note to TOWN TOPICS, 21 West 23d St, New York VST This bnllnnt Ouartcrlj is aci made up trom the furrert year's issues of TOWN Topics but contains the best stones sketches bur Icsqucs poems witticisms etc from the tact titir tiers of trnt unique journal admittedly Hie: raciest, most complete and to all MEN AND WOMEN the most interesting weekly ever issued Subscription Price Town Tcpla, per yesr Si ((5 Tales From ToTaToplcj, permit, 80S The clubtod, 5 00 Torlc scot montlu on trial for 581 OU B-Pre7ons Nos of TALES 11 be The success that has attended the sale of our 85c.

Toung 1 Hyson Tea causes us to plrce on sale an extra value of Formosa Oolong Tea at 36c. per pound, also in extra value of Mixed Tea at 35 cents per pound. We guarantee these goods to be heavy body and fine flavor. A trial solicited. PBEOMORE Cor.Jtitiea and Kins la JEWELRYand WATCHES At a Redaction.

For Clio af Febrnury aiid innrcli I will make reduced prices in Diamonds Watchea, Jewelry and Flat Ware need ofsuctt goods cannot afford topasathem Tills is not pretending bat means business POULTKY FOOD OROUND J'EAT SCRAP, OYSTER SITLLLS, Bowian's PIAJXITOOD and nga cbeap at tho Hardwate store of lit aim IS North St. aad 0 King Peanut Brittle! Good I We the more you eat tiic more you want Buttercups and OW-FasMoned Masses Candy A freHli arrival of Chocolate ai 13T IVTA VTIfiT WS 171x11UUJjJKj 5 West STam Street, Agency for Hortona Jce CreRm Veilings, Veiling B. L. SWEZY, Soilh St MiddlelOTTii, I P. F.

Kaufman, Auclionocr. At Auction! ne subscriber, He eiecntor al Julia A art deceased will sell at public auction on UE5DAY, FEB'Y 7tn, 1893, At 11 o'clock a.m., the Commercial Hotel, the Home and lot of deceased, on the east side of Mnluerr? street long oc npied by James Stewart The lot ns tnrongn to Canal street. Tne Is cam odlons, 2 stories and basement, and being ao ntrally located la desirable TERMS made nown on day of sale Posieailon can be ffiven to unit piurclinver. CHARLES MEAD, 24 Mnlbarry St. na FOR SALE at a BARGAIN An elegant Emise and lot on Hlgti an 1 Ave a large roomy House ind lot on Lin- len Are 3 coaey litt Cottages, one on, Wcat St, one on Liberty St.

and one cm Linden Arc Cap DuUdlng lot on Highland Ave Money to loan in amounts or aua Ferguson's Real Estate Agency Room 10 Low Ballding' Cocoa-Coffee. The new drink, absolutely harmless, nutritions as well as delicious Anybody can drlnt It wtthont any 111 effects Flavor and aroma Mocha with all the nutrition of Cocoa B. F. TODD, 114 North St. telling In all otuer Just received tne COLOMBIA ine new nud popular aliaden Also at prices lower than evci 1,500 Ids, Hamburg Edgings Placed oil Sals To'ay All good values and PRICES BIGHT CARSON 1 TOWNEB.

OF Are now on rons'stiug of Fine and Medium Qualities la Colors and White. Edgings and in setts All (xceptioually good values. Call acd see them CARSON TOWNEB, No. 11 West Main Middletown, N. Y.

A Rare Opportunity Having through exchange accumulated a largo number of second-hand PIANOS AND ORGANS and wlehmg to make room for now goods, wo odor tho former at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH untu instruments arc all serviceable and a number ot vm, i or an8 ftro practically us 15001! as new Xou 11 surely get your money's mirth if you buy at tho prii i if you buy at tho prices wToHer them at. The Morgan Music Co. GUNS REVOLVERS -AT- NEW HARDWARE DEA.LLRS 40 NORTH 8T Sunshine Stoves Ranges People Say That it is impossible To Find Prices As as cuis nnywhue see out eicck of in llie city Just and Robes WM. MILLSPAUGH SON, Wholesale and Uotail H.iriln-nio Dealers, Cor Main and Onnal Mlddlclown Only a Few Days More Our entire stock al a great oncnfice No Reserve! lNQ MUST GO Lid'cs', ard Childrens 1 Cloaks DO YOU WANT ONE? If BO name your own price, and it shall be yours ilnke no mistake in the store ALEX, MBNDBLSOKT CO. No.

8 East Main St, Armstrong Lyon Block, Midciktown, N. GKRKA.T OPPOTRTUNTTY! Aflu InUDg Im calory flnil we have a lot or Ida and enda in ihe nay of Overcoats, Ulsters, Suits, Pants, Coats, etc which will cloEcout at a FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, Are reduced way down fn price Now Is Uic time to get bargains nt CHAS. WOLFF SON, Clocbi own, IV. ra IB fu-n 1 Ladies, Ci JL 10 West Main St 51 3i A Bj Middlitown "Admiral" Cigarette Now on sale by Robert Sayer, No. 13 'North Mlddletowu.

The "Admiral is not manufactured by tuo usr, and la far superior to any In the city GIVE IT A THIAL. ADAMS DB LANDE will receive pupils In vocal muslo on Saturdays during the winter beginning Sept Address Casino dtm Look at oui 75 truly Comfort Shoe and om $2 00 Sol Comfort Shoe, alsj oui line Fine Sample Shoes 25 pel cent, discount llo- sieiy, Glovep, Notions and Fancy Goods Ezrmine cui $3 50 Alpine Comfoit Shoe. puce now $2 89, and cannot be eat in quality 01 price BriDkerlHfs New Departure, 71st Main St, Middletown Norton McBurney JANUARY PEIOR TO INVENTORY Annual Cleardno: Sale of Shoes! G-rectt "FtedL-ULoticxn. in. Those Shoes are from the BEST manufactures and are good reliable go)d? It's not every day that you have a chacco to buy good snoes at cuch low ptioee UWCKING--i am prepared to do an tlnde of -L Genera TrucXing promptly and in (rood ape Fnrnilure, Pianos and Honsenold Goods retnlly pacfeeti ana removed or shipped Prices satisfaction guaranteed Orders i an Music Co to 't at the music store of the iMU North arennes Children's Dongola Shoes, sizes 4 to to 6 at reduced from Misses' Shoes at $1.49.

Ladies' 83 Shoes for $2, Misses' $2.50 Shoes for $1,76 IF YOU WANT Childrens' Pebble Goat Shoes tipped or Plain Toe reduced from $150. Ladies' very Best Dongola Hand, Sewed Shoes from $4. Odd lot Ladiet 40c Hubbers for 19c. Misses $150 Blioes for $1.09. MONEY, FOLLOW THE TRACKS TO C.

D. HANFOKD'S, 43 NORTH STREET One Case "Vests and Pants for ZL9c. Odoln. These goods cannot he had later and rt would be wise to s- cure them now Ladies' Muslin Another caee received and our business in this department is something wondeiful Another Sale on Thursday of Twilled Toweling a yard, same as on Saturday hst, and suD another gross Buttermilk Soap. dte 1313 3MC C.

EMMET CHA FT7RNIT Office Desk Our first Sale will be 36 Office Desk' two-thirds of th price There are large Roll Top Oal Anyone who wll be ii an office desk during will do well to see A $25 Desk for $35 $40 $45 An opportunity like never berort offend i town C. E. CRAWFl FURNITURE 44 46 North Mid Faotory-HQ-112 Front SL, If you Call Doctor And He orders Cod A In ay use McMonagle Rogers Emulsion of Pure Fleshly made, Pleasantlj Easy to take, Extra large size, 75 icnts a bottle. la your good order? borne severe neural or sudden chill ni ly use at sny hour, some excellent out-, at prices Buying direct ufacluiei-3, our stock new and MoMoNAGLi: Ro Druggists Every wonvm hands smooth, white i ly Cold weathe, winds and ird wat'T and chap the hand Orange lover R.i'i them and maUes then and while teacher, alike (Ld it useful nur-eij it is irjdi-j 25 cents i bottV at our drug store MoMoN it Roi, Druggists MIDDLETO Are You in of a tTa Brutti Halt TotWl a Guaranteed 1 We Offer Yen value for vcur 31 Huyler's In sealed packages C.S.AbK Druggist. Co Miln Soatfc Albert Be 75oT Our Sarsspanlla li tae Our Sarsapanlla Is scieatlci 7 prepare Our Sarsapanlla.

is or on'j be barks. Our Sarsaparilla la more concemraeil in; qnlnugsmaKtrdOK, Sn- ulna iWdoea. W. D. OLNEY, DRU 1OO OF-L- Fine Florida Ora Wholesale Price at Sloal Cash SPAPLRl i A.

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