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Ukiah Daily Journal from Ukiah, California • Page 2

Ukiah, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

U. ISlifi. -J i XOTEN. I IVATK to tllH ExiiniiiHir: Cup- 3en Cliftiulsovfi will not "so." it." official count gives Sfundley, Republics may be pttefnl, but the ptfujiie of Men-! no are not. is.

a> thing- for tlip Boevats of California that is not onndidflte for Senator two years. HE Democratic victory in the States assumes a brighter pet every day, hut. the Icfent in California does not trrow 1 more 'delectable by a very larjje ority. Jim Republican friends have not. recovered from the tremendous ck they experienced Inst week the news of the yreat Doiuo- lie victory in tin' ears.

is announced thai the Hepub- Ui party will stand by the tarifl'. That is right. The remarks that ''it is like a sick that stands by the blister that him." HE present Congress with its rules, its tyrannical Speaker, obbing' tariff, and its intensely izan measures, broke the back itbe Republican party, and two a hence a Democratic President lie elected to rcifjn in the White se. UN.NV isn't if? The Alr.a. the ably edited Democratic paper ie State, is generally credited 111 owned and controlled Stanford, while the ner, the most widely circulated (mocialic paper in the State, Vl-om WLlllts.

Klltrnlt I tislWTi'll-I li I In niv preMfiw Viler I sinle.l are very essctilial lu nientiil and I'liVifVal ailvancpiiient. are ei essemial. reiison held iny peace last week, imt l.eninsc, I (ilmie needed reft, hnl Him i I in Sure need of this I I -S UIL Williis numerous anil they have', I all lippn literary si rack at the mine time jit appears. has been Hint a literary be iir at In.nie that these persnns CNCnise their talent anil keep genius Innne. Ir si idea, and I entertain Inipesui sunn iieitej: line nl its honorable members.

1 was somewhat disappointed in ant limning of a tnc'eily last week. Kiehaid lias eenainly been killed or ior the selfish motive ot denying some one the pleasure coasmio.eil saieide. Where? oh! where ean he What means his lout: silence? "Scavenger" insinuates that ami uiji'itrt arc one ami the same. i hit ei for Snzy 1 wish to correct iliis oironooiis idea. Another 'V' 1 eorrespoiident in playing on I'ickens has played the dickens, "liiehiml Swiveler should be careful in telling what hooks he is reading ii he intends juoti from them.

Vatttr'dav nielli, when all was dark ami still, a party ni of thought to have some inn as well as exercise by removing one man's i into the shake yard oi another man. With the sun arose the parsimonious eentle- man whose slinkos had been stolen the pn vioiis night, ami took his usual morn- walk to the beautiful shake pile to see that none had "thoiinlit to take wander" during the silent midnight hour. Think of his chair)in when tiirniiii: the corner by the blacksmith shop not a shake was to be seen, lie made inquiry after inquiry ns to the iren.siires, lint no one appeared io know anything about them. At last, driven to the depths of despair, lie applied to the Marshal for assistance. About the lime papers of arrest were rntdv to serve the in whose yard the shakes were found, some of the culprits made a bold confession, thus saving ilic iiinoci-ul from public ilisjiraiv.

I me of the correspondents has asked "How did the Professor (iel his black eye?" 1 am exceedingly Khid tiiat iiucstien has been asked, for 1 know the One night Hie shim- i mins' jmrty, the Professor trrew ouldn't. lcep. and by Irwin Stump, fairiuun of the Republican State! restless. lie couldn't, "leep. didn't want them to have any rest.

NEWS OF THIS WJSEK. November W. the iiotorinus ex-Major of Cedar Kevs, Florida, was slid anil killed by the Chief of Police ot I-P I UMIM-I-V Alabainn. Vacaville, this slate, had a lire Col. H.

Price, one of! the best known men in Missouri, was shot and killed nt Sedalia by IH L'- I ciiisoverii political ipiaricl 'lie greater portion of of i I was destroy ed by lire 'I he MDxicnn authorities have decided to surpress bull i 'flu 1 new consumption cure discovered by the ('i nrofessor, is in be published shortly for the benefit of humanity Lord Thief Justice oleridue of is seriously ill. ratiiAV, November town of vVinslow, Pike county, was entirely des- iroyed by lire anil tlKi peopie are home- I less Peru has placed a prohibitive! fax on foreign lard; this shuts otr a hah million dollars' worlh of unr trade. A terrible duel occurred in Kstill county, on election day, in which tour per; sons were killed A larae number of 1 hemocrats have alreadv announced that i they are candidates for speaker of the next House; il is thought that Koger I) 1 Mills will gel ihe place. A heavy eale is blow inu oh" the iOnelish and Irish coasts I and much damaee to shipp-ing has already been reported. Cabinet has decided that P.iirchell, the Canadian murderer must hang on the 11th inst.

November The President lias issued a proclamaiion designa- lini; Thursday. November L'TtIi as Thanks. civinir I'ay wholesale packers of made a malerial ndvauce in the price of canned meals on account of the increased cost of tin under Ihe new tariff. A heavy snow storm Is rnLduir in Northwestern Nebraska The citizens of Aberdeen, Washington, have tun nut all the Chinese in town Caprivi of liermany is visiting in Italy A South America exposition is Io be held somewhere in in the near future 1 The Sharon estate is makim: extensive investments in Washington citv real estate. I INJUV November I'iptlitheria k- spreading at an alarmimt iiite in San Francisco A number of incendxries have been arrested al San is thought (hat (lov.

will be elected to succeed Kvarts in the C. s. senate It is reported that -ecietaiy Tracy is to he given Ihe seal on the Supreme bench made vacant by Miller's death. The appeal for help for the famine slrick- 1 an people of Ireland hits been withdrawn, 'Inasmuch as the Knirlish (iovernment has shown a disposition to relieve the want The enniroversv between sin rt and the ollicers of his expedition continues with no credit to any of them. Jlnxtui, November was quoted at tl.tlo.

the lowest point vet touched under the new I trains were robbed in (ieorgia last night; both jobs were done by one man Ke; ports continue to come in of rich discov- i cries of gold nre in Chickasaw Nation OFKICrAl OK MiiN O. CO. Hi.hV.I' Guary St TrtlHi'll ItAII.KOAli ('OMMISSION Hci'tcinan Hurl si'i'Kiuoit 'arid herx MciJarvry 't AT tll.l- I 'll UJ.VM IN. i i'ululi Johnson Stand U-y. firitVni Mitrrow in tt MSlilUT l.lllttlit Wiiiii- llollutDll Mi 'iniULM Irvine i 'itr-'-n TK A Si' It It.

i A 511 11 i 31 lit'-i 32 23 12, 3.7 I2S Id Oil 221 73 21' 21! 42 'JH 111 10 IA 1 711 2li 27 12 12 ll! lliA ill SA 12 s' (is 10, 20- -Ti! 101 12: 41 r. 3S 27 in 1 11 i 1 1 2 'j 1 lii I 1 lii 21 7 1 111 1 Al i r. mi "7' 3,1 'I i 13 32 12 13 114 i.s 2A 30! 73 til no' 4. 20 'i! Al 10 IA 17 27 11 27 1 -2 12 IIHI 32 SS 11 1,7 111 2'1 24 Hid 12 40 A 3S IS Ill in 1 1 1 ii II 1 1 II 2A 1 17 1 A3 i io i i IA 3 ll.A 23 i 13' 2 -s 33 120 12 72 21 i 20 30! 7A: 31 "3 4t f. is 10 IA IA tin 2 2(1 12 1 12 III 32 Sli lii ill, 10, 32 21; 1'7 12; 1 tt 2S i in i 1', 2 1 I II 1 I in 10, 'i 17 1 at 106 IS 11 Js: 2li 31 IS 13 Ii 3li 111 102 1, Ii, A A 3, Si 311 1IA.

ill 40! 24 112 ti 1.1 in av iij A A2 17 12 10 107 22 17, Yii 22 10 2S Is: 3s! il 43 21 IS 10 :1 OA JO ti 33 r-A I'i 23 13 tl 31 13 (1 13 On 2s 30! S'J' 31 22! 0 Al 10 10 :1 OA III Vi' 2 13 27 'J 12 11. ins 311 S' lii: lili li'- 102 12 41' 3S 20 AO A2 11 mi 11 "A (ill 32 11 23 13 Ill no 3tl liili 12 7S II s- 3d i OS 32 22 41 21 All 10 3-1 IA lis 2" 2S 12 12 S'J 2S 7 I .1 A4 111 27 24: 11 40 A 20 10 i 1 11 2 1 1(1. 1 1 ll 35 1 1 1 fi ion 111 33! 3S AS 31 311 2A 13 30 30 ll'S 12 11 IIS 27' Sli! 3-lj 27 11 i 1 24 flii A7 10 17 is 2V All IIS 37 111 12 a 112 32 no Hi io: SI 27 Hi 24; 1 931 111 1 31 3 36 1 1 1 3 2 1 7 13: 4 1 11 II 71 IV. 12 2R 1 Sri 7 1 13 23 17 11 107; 3ll 1U. 12 1 arl 31! llf .1 34 IV, 12 SI llM 1 1:1 1.1 IS 23 33 30 12 1 8 till 31 iiiii.

13: 10' 27 10 27; (141 13: 27: 2 3S 1 in llM 1 1 1 1 1 4 i 0 is; 13 I 4fi 111 Ii till 19 11 21 31 I 33 to 22 11 i Si TO 21 133 12 a ii -i 3 (1 fi' 21' i OS! 9 4S 4fi 111 III tin 111 3D 71 2SI 33 1.1 14 117 40 M' III; 12 07 3.3 10 30 J.i 131! 41 4(1 28 17 i.i 17 .72 31 TO' 10 Al 21 21 -i Sit 173 11 15 OI. 23 21 2S: i 7ii 20 21. 35 20 AA 10 tis it 7 31 7t 11, 37 111 11 1 'J- HU 32 111 07 10: 2S' 20j ins: 11 41, 0 37 2S 10 II 1 .1 A Hi il 1 3 1 L2I 1 A 1 24 1 r. ti too 15 AO 31 23 IS 32 120 14' 12 (i-V 2A ici 20 32 32 20 ,1 41 21 ICI 111 UK VI IS ill 71 32 12 12 HI 100' 31 1121 14' 00 32 1 22 11 421 ,1 39 111 1 1 4 11 3 2. 1 8 'i 13.

11 10 AS 101 Jl 27 33 r.s 13 41 33 li 14 OS 2' 2lf 7Si 31 22 43 21 Ii .11 in U7 IA 17 311 70 27 2 11 12 10; 101 82 Sli! 13 8 00 3S 31 24 .00 12, 40! 40 27 lillliiiulnim. llllrlctl Mi.s AS-K! Mill I'ltVtCl! Slllitll hitcil III 10' 79, 21 T'J; IS 17' I i (II 1 29 1 3Sl It-t 7S' SI ISi 00 19! 97 in; SO 127 1 1701 21'JI "JOS ism lll.lS 1 174' 179,1 2010 102 is li. i''l '113 JO.I.II i7 39 21! 1310; 295 2Uij 'i 70s: 3 i'jons- 4 in; 'It. Yuri; 19 10 US 23 12 13 17 21 43 13 12, SI 44 91 22 1 4 S3 44 0(1' 22 4 33 toil an H7' 99 1 91 129 SO 17 0 74! 1 00 71 92 11. 12! 22 4 13 to 1 37 17 14 11.

70; 24 SO: 12, 1 SO: 31 12; TO! 31 73; 34 78' 23 72; 49 I 181 1 1 0-S 04 4S S2 1 1 42 71, SI 871 74 28j 08 90 I in 13! 14: S3 17 103 I tsr.i; 1996 108 I'll toil 112 SS 07 sol 311 :2270 104: OJ 1021 i Id 00 57 "01 91 SI: ss Ou! 00 71 Sri 00 77 IS 1 IS! 45 I is; 11 2 IS! 38 20'118 17 73 i 31 04 33 "a 70, 109! 51 10, IS07 2090; 1950 6 I 101): 95 14 I1TT0 97! 43 1- 0I! 5 3: SI 30 44 90; 54 IA; 1339 12029 i '22 3 1 31! 101 MTKHYIKtlH- Till III. I I 'II 1 10. 20 7Si- IIS 40 SS IA1U7 1 103 I 16 'W6 103 'J 121 lllllHilll ll.illi.lliv. 391. i 11739 12020 310 214.

112, Committer. is elected iessmaii Ihe Second Oistiicl. This prling you up; Deiiiocrat made a IlJanli fight and his victory fjfives a Itle nilver lining- to the cloud which 1 come over the Democrats in the Democrats are thankful for Ball are thankful that jllifqruia has not sent a solid iiblican delegation Io Congress. HIS Pork Packers' Association of ansas City has followed the action the Pork Packers' Asso- atinn, and raised the price of lard he-quarter of a cent a pound to the raise in the price of tin. apublican orators told us that famed goods would not increase in 1 price, the packers would stand lie extra expense on tin cans.

Our feople will soon learn that yearly cannot he added to the frice of any article without prices the consumer being raised. II defeat of C. Tiudall for ie Assembly is to he sincerely rc- ettecl, although a Democrat in the est Legislature will cut a very small igure, as the Republicans, have an: venvhelmniue- majority. Mr. Tin- Ball created a very fnvoralile im- iression everywhere throughout the lounty during his canvass, and de- ieri-ed to he elected.

But Stanford it otherwise, and together sth scores 01' other good men Mr. indall wiws buried beneath an avalanche of gold. HE Kew York Tribune suggests BSditor Dana, of the York Sun. the probable Democratic Senator Brom New York Slate. Well, hard- The New York Legislature will lect a Democrat, and Dana is far rom being one.

He supported Butler for President in 1S8-1 and did all im his power to defeut Cleveland in 888, i3y posing as a Democrat, ndntthe same time lighting the latfonn and principles of the Dem- cratic party, he has done that par- iV more harm than any one man we now of. Is canvassing the vote for State etiator it was found in several pro- incts that Mr. Reynolds' vote liud ot been carried out, properly, and louhi not therefore be counted for im. Had all his votes been comit- Mr. Seawell's majority would be 'educed about 100 below that given ra.

In this connection we desire ,0 commend Mr. Seawell for his otion in the mutter. Hearing that hesc votes for Mr. Reynolds had thrown out he went before the and strongly urged that they 16 but the Board did not htnk it OUIIKI be legally d.jiie. Tsiiithe next Congress there will be BIS Democrats Irom Southern fctates and tit least 12(1 fnAi the Iporill "West.

It cannot be Bugpin said that liic South can rule enuotia, Th are more Deino- oleated from northern States ARriRepubHcuns. If the southern Ht of any iitatiflus tlie Nortltern I II OK cliolora is widespntad in Ohio, 1 The people oi' Chicago have voted ,000,. procured cow born and proceeded to! I' KM) in Wmds to aid the execute some melodious strains mi it. '7' satisfactory progress is hein-iimde 111 the work on the canal. occupants ol the room soon Itrew A lar! pr pvvs lrp wciiry of these proceedings.

Secret plans leaving for where they will estnb- were devised and the disturber of the hsli colonies. noted (Julian bandit, peace was hurled headlong out of a side baa been killed, window. The next thing that ctiiue to, N'ovendior 1 his mind delighted tie; voting a lecture New York i to 11 very large and tasliKiiinble iiinlioncc ladies would be to have a serenade! 1 Two sailors are making readv at! Ah wise thought. this time he had Needles, Ibis State to nt art on a vo'vage reached a position beneath a window of! around the world in a L'4 foot boat. .7.

the ladies' abode. Then res-ins; till he ect VPrv day and several heavy laihires are reiiort- regaineil his breath, b- blew 11 blast on Th pere0M( kf jrnc) that musical Icrn. It was I I be voice eight seriously injured in a railroad wreck Mendocino County TAXES For the Year 1890-91. thunder The lair ones dived under i'i bngland. humors are rue of another 1,1 1 i fl war between the Central American States 1 the covers to keep out.

the hideous homuls, Vn iminr I1H0 tnbn fm orv hllrIU ll and only one remained "calm and col- l( a 000 ppi -siius are thrown lecied." She sprang from the bed, gen- out of iniployment. A furious gale is tiv 'lifted a shoe, soitly olioued the win- lirevailing along Ihe Irish and Welsh 1 coasts The Australian strike has ended at lust. dow, then willi superhuman sliength, sent the tiny misple burling, whirling, hizzitig through tli(' air. It had been well aimed, for On' little tinv heel struck the oll'emler's eye, leaving ils imirk fur days afterward. There are various mors concerning the nlfair, bur this is the true one.

The ladies will give 11 dinner in the I. o. (I. I'. Hall on Thanksgiving I'tiy to inonev for the next iiavnienl on Ihe lurmnv Alliuiii.p Siiiiilicru ItiMiiil It is a well known fact that il- Nurilicru ladien excel in lucparing dainlies for 1 -l these dinners (lien added to the i-linrm 1 of this fourteen young ladies, in their be-, In this calculation the Peim ing cups and aprons, and with spark- yivc-u one from California, and ling eyes ami smiling lips ill adininis- publicans one from lor nude wants of the suH'cring.

Sunday, while three young gents were taking in the town they hapl Westpirt Township. Alviiii. AlktiiHon. Andrew Atlik 'mia. Mrs Anderson.

Mis (' Atkinson. II Alnicr. .11. Anderson. Hild II iiKtcs, MM Iti.diier, Mrs Annie Ilrnwn, (I nd Assessor tlPllnns.

Win liiinlls! (ilinreli linker. Snsa The Next CoiiR-reRs. The fallowing wilI be the complexion of the l''il'ty-second Congress, so far as can be ascertained from the returns al hand: Nnilhcrn tii'inoenUs .1120 Southern Jlrnioeriils 1 raise bell, lilts meet two young ladies, one of whom presented one of the young gents with some beautiful fragrant flowers (chrysnntbe- iiiuitise. lie was so etiibarassed, so delighted, so utterly overcome by the honor conferred upon him thai he began smiling and bowing, bow smiling till lie stepped backwards over the embankment. When he aros-, a form utterly eoiieealed bv left his lace, and in its place a more em- harassed, wild, excited expression tlnil was painful to behold.

His fellow-companions, assuming a serious composure, brushed him oil' as best they could and got 1 iin oil' hi hot haste to bis room. 'I'he other day, while passing the post- rats are the He- imth Carolina. In Hliode Island the member to be elected is almost certain Io be I'cinocntt. The ned io Constitution of that requires an ah- 1 solute majority over all. Tlie candidate had a good plurality, bin faded to secure a majority.

In the bveele, en a simple plurality elects. Iv this ihe best?" Is a question often asked, when medicine is wanted. The following are few of 1 he medicines of known reliability, sold bv .1. X. Magee druggist, of this place.

He lias. dust. Ihe luippv ismile had iniiiiv other excellent medicines, but these are worthy of especial mention. C11 iMnciu.iiN's Kin AMI KIN INI- MUST loir letter, salt-rheiiin. scald- head, eczema and chronic sure eyes.

Fr'n Jo cents per box. AIN a general family liniment and especially for rheumatism. l'rice, oil cents per (illice. I noticed a pale, small, shrunken bottle. fii'iire.

dressed in clothes twice too large UAMI; ,11 mutts tor leaning against a post. the l'rice. Colon IKHI.AIN'S I'-ucon ltKMKiiY, famous for its cures of severe colds, and hnn, leaning agamsi a pom. ft preventative for croup. l'rice oO sadness about the eye.

the lantern-jawed i eeuts per bottle, expression drew my attention. Still 1 Sr. AI'IUCK'S I for disorders of did not recoonize him till I heard ids the liver and bowels. A vigorous lint 1, ii gentle physic that, cleanses and reno- musicai voice. It was menu, .1 merchant." My curiosity I hole svsiem.

Trie cents was aroused and 1 began to make inquiries as to Ihe canxe of this awful appearance. I soon learned Unit, bis better luiif has been away for over a week, and bis daughters I can't say cooking, for I hey nre simply experimenting. In one bread cxpciiiiieiil ihetop of the stove was badly damaged by the greal pressure on it. Air. and 1'iiftcjitel, and lizzie and blither have been visiting in L'kiah for a few days.

It very gentle the quail have become bulb's short absence. The craze has struck two of our young men. After painting ah' day in their shops a young lady gives them lessons in Ihe more artistic, work, are said to be apt can shade properly alter than I can apprehend Vlltrs he per box. CilAMiirai.Ai.s's Onoi.r.iiA AMI IhAHIIUOKA Ill -iMKDV, I he lllOSt '0- lialiln known medicine for bowel com- plaints. It is especially prized by per-' wins subject to colic.

It I as cured ninny casus of chronic dinrrhctti. l'rice, 2o and oh per bottle. jOepew and Cleveland. I Friday morning al tie Oscar Mnir left ibis w. join the cherub train.

It very sad to part the dear twin sis-ler, but Cod know? Yours, nliilanlhropicidly, Villus win uiiii' At a notable dinner in New York City the other night, given by John Jiusseil Young to linger N. l'l'ioron ihe lalier's i is astonishing how appointment to 11 Jiiilgshiii by 1 ovcrnor llill, there were men gathered about; the board, most remarkable in 1 heir con-' trusts with one Uepew, Henry (ieorgo. (irover C'levclunil, 11 'lieriil Sherman, John Wise, Joel Joll'ersou, lianiel I laugherly, 'iHti Twain," elc. Here is how Ilenew intro- lneed Clevulnnd: If I am Io name the typical American, 'JM the mini who luves and believes in Ids! lock, country beyond everything else, the man unng They out. how they night is more It llreeden, Wm Heny, Mrn A tfi llerrv, K.ptl Assessor 17 .1 11 IS.

llurn II 111 F. pd Assessor 'JO eruekshnnks, rnoper, A 11 J'J Ceojwr, J.I clillilern, II Jl (i'lnieron, Jii Cameron, .1 A Cninernn llros Cnineron it Woodi'llfr JS I'lirlsliiinsrm, (I -Comfori, N'evn 1.nnlbfr Oo it W. "I- Pevilhis-i. li A I.nmher Co Hen Ci. pd Assessor -Viewer, V.

Slli Wm (1 prl Assessor A 's. Olio Co Oeo It .1 li t' Freeucj. M. pd 1' Fry. Win .1 fiordon, Alex Mrs M'l: Ml-Oill.

I) Mis. r.J—Ool'don. .1 A II li.l-Hol'nike. till Hooper, A rs A I'. Win rr.i—ITIekmnn.n I' Illinp, Oen 7 J-llill.

Mrs.fiilin A Andrew. 7 ('' -Unicorn! 1 Mrs (' 77 -Itownrd. A 7 Mitrlin ITiirldne. (1 .1 oiln Hi IC .11 IV II11U. l'eler pd Assessor ixvllliiss SI 1 Fred If A- A Kenaey, 1' ill--King, II.

Thomas Mrs II ,1 A II A. 1: Mike. A .1 C. pd AsHesiinr Win Ulil-I hie, A inr, LeViiUi BZ ii)f, Murkle, Mrs Mlnnir 11)7. Mnrkle.

It ins McDonald, C'tuiH 100. MellHV, Murphy. Hun 111 Oen II iu Mnnitiy. IK. Mel'iilhiiil, llil Muson.

Mm 117 MeFurlnne, fleo lis K. ltd Assessor llli Murphy it Mitrriiy Miiimliester, II W. lid Ans'r 1J1 Mntliews. A I2'J DeWitl VJil A Ki Me'N'nll, PJ.Y Al l'2f. J-llWr.

It, KM of 127 McDolifdd. Nell 15 3.1 34 110 8 7f, a .10 14 00 If. 05 ti S7 is sr. ir, 71 11 I 'J 25 068 lfi ft'J 1 00 51 00 I el 07 71 7S 12 Wi l'J 10 JO 15 I IC 1 10 no! 11 00 lili) 40 I r.o I 4') IS I JW 0M 19 07 II 01) 11 00 14 HO 11 00 17 sr. ii 00 101 7li li 17 7 1.1 IS 10 11 15 I 11 00 ii SO 7 JSs 105 Son- Smilli.T 11 Win ltia.

Simpson, Smith, James Kobi II, nil ssot l' 3 Tnllts, Ert 170. Tiollll, 1. 171 Taylor, Wm 175 Turner, 17.1. Fsiil lieilwood Co 1V7. .111 Itevilnrgom.

17s. V111111, .1 17U ISO Westpori Co Ml Waives, A ls'J Wnlker, f) K. jut assessor IS.I IVoodriiir, pd Assessor 1X1 pit Asseisiir 1SS Wnlilron. aw: I Wnnl, Mis Annie Wonilwiiril, A II IM. Whipple, Werner, 190 Wllipple.

II 101 White, WJ WitliiiiKlon. II Wniluee. It CO Wiekerstium. I ii. Wood, Will, pd Hi 57 iio 14 00 oo 00 5S 00 117 71 70 37 II 07 ss .11 sr.

14 (W 77 10 105 75 47 OS 5 10 1H 75 7 01 II 7li 7 I 75 II 00 II 00 70 I Treasurer's Monthly Statomcmt. Followlnir I the repoil of Treilsnt'er Glhsnii for the niontli Oct. ill, is'JU: Oct. 1. on hand 91.8-16 llKCIMl'TS.

School Lands, Prineipnl sale IVoduee Co Ftuni Esiale of Fit filevii Wm liluimore A Ynrva Lfeellses mid Flues Sherlll'H fees Fines Kudempl Ceil No SO 101 55 nail 111! "50 lM.siM'KSKMKSTH. County (limerHl Fund (lenerill Koiid Fund. Itond tii.Hiilet Fund Itedcinptlon Tux I'nnd L'nup Co Fund County Sellout Fund Kiltie i School Uist Special Fund Itldlgellt Fllllll Salary Fund School Library Fluid I II 1, IC I 11 00 to 00 5 00 5 10 I 50 95 70 101 l'5 15 00 15 51 7 SO til 9S 15 SO -Al Hull' lolill S. llottolll. Vil llo.lilheii.l to The Bncctineers of Old Flaunted theitknll uad erossl.ones, dttlliintly at the muslheud.

Voor niodeni pilule. not on the ttijjh seas, hut upon (tie icpiila- lion of standard remedies skulks under n.lons I dlKnuises. His hole and corner iraliie lies er to any decree affected liosleltet Slomio ters, Hlttiough thnt staudnrd unii e.u- recttve has long: been llie iililnin.e mark at which his Hhafts have been dlreeiiid. chcan local bitters, composed of tiery iinrectilied siini- tllautH, Willi nn infusion, or eMniel possibly, of some touic bark, are Bllll yonni imes reeoiuineii tied as identical with, or snailiir 10 or lilt; virtues kindred to those of America's elms ell faluliy ItK-dlClllc. These lielinil in wlille the great suhdner and prevenlhe of di's U) 01 tlie TOWII Of ease pursues its successful cio-cer, overconiiinr malaria, dyupepsla, nervousness, kltinee i iroubles, constipation and rheumatic itllincttis, not ouly ou this, lalt on mniiv eontlneills.

1 llolii.lll.All lili.V V- ninhi. N'oi. llili., Nellie litlN'lHOl. A NIC I NS the home of the l.nili uuithei' in 1'kiiili, Utll.

ISHO, llcv. T. Fleeniir, It. K. iiotiolioe and Miss JIIUIII Minikins, bulb of Ckiiilt.

NIclllii.sON—MlittHlsON- -At llie residence of M. II. (lllisou. fkinb, Nov. 15, tsuo, by T.

A. Alkin-oll, Mili'shul Nicholson lilld Ivilte 11. Morrison. Ukiuli City. 1 is to 00 55 247 OS SO 84 .15 5.6-17 0(1 85 1,710 55 1,710 611 10!) 51 20 ,073 21 Open For UB I IIOBB Affain.

42 II 00 104 100 3 i 50 III 17 II 7 00 7 70 ilil 1 il 50 II IK) 1 I HI 51 If. 1 50 5 10 1 15 52 28 35 i 14 00 i il 00 10 50 57 12 115 38 41 21 52 Oil 541 55 11 20 i 11 20 I 58 00 il 50 16 73 no '11 irhl of cures to seemed very, one from his la-sl. who. iietcrmjning oin-e iu what direction his dnf leads, I 'liniiol be swerved from Ihe pal man who in doggedly persistent in what he believes to he the mini who thinks not. of self, but, 01 bis country and os needs, I would name (Irover ('levelatiii, What ho has accom- plisbcd is the very highest attribute to Ihe posstliililies of Aincrlciiii adi'cr islng "Cell 1 1 A eoiinlrv lawvcr in cit.v- Hnflulo, that the most successi'd nicrchan-s of lustre on the high prol'essloti every liiwn.

large and small, are llie, whicli he had clioscn. As Ihe Mayor of heaviest, iidvertlsers? Il advertising Ins native city ho presented as a record a iloesn'l pnv wlio tlocs the iinisi business and economical adniiiiisiriilioii If it doesn't pav to advertIse, why do the advertise, xvliv iio the ('omii)g. jnto the highcsl position in' the heaviesit business linns in the world land without uxfierienen and jUraUlWOUlil HliJtlilUO a HII1 uillliuns III it win Is 11 bet nu-e vlth s. tn.cly a precedent to guide him in ThlsshoWH 1 which snrroinideil hun, i IUW HUOWH tutlp ill i () pnbhi-beis, be i of bis party ami tifutili nftl'fcy iMltioU'il lu.iHO don 1 1 ,11 nib nboiil niiiiuleil Ihe respect and admiration 01 Ids I i ifi 1 bu-luosh as the six, .1 tl 'llai stele oppunents. I find MiysC'Iflli one (if the "MdiiHiraS rll Ue.iisi!i6i-i to presetit t.o you (irover iieve-1 iwltlouHof my life In being per ftirtialkrSS fatimlimfml Viient ill Ihtaftw presi'tit to you Gmver leve- 10 lh lUtt JS toQ 1 Wi' ml 1 1 W'PM American.

120 1:10 1:11 132 133 131 135 13.0 137 I 110 1 II lt'2 113 III I Hi till 147 I IS Wm nation. Mrs ,1 'oc. It II ,1 'lie, Mrs 1. Prising, Cum ,1. .1 II, Jr Pike, .1 llalitves, A Kont.KSS Unot.

Mrs .1 it Sou 0 Itobbe, Mrs A itohillHen, J- Itoncli.Mrs 1. Rider A Soil Swltzer, Ait A 1 Vfi 59 20 SI S4 .11 52 20 I iUJ 37 I 10 15 'JH 5il 50 1 3 75 7 li 7 7R I 42 2 IIS 8 75 I) 80 I 11 00 I 11 37 no 1 1J1 170 55 H7 10 011 2 02 11 87 10 25 1 5V 72 I 11 00 '-II 00 I II 00 I It (HI SO 7 23 I 00 19 IW II SO 3 23 IS 121 12 00 1 123 151 I III, Mrn A pd assessor l.VI slandley. I. It 10'B" Hherwooii Cooper, pd asses-ip- 1 Kherrinil, A iissessef 153 A It, I'd Htevcnsoii ii Want SB 155. Stevenson, 0 3ft Vfi.

Simpson. 157 Cuffey's Cove Townahip. 1 -Agacw. Mrs Kale .12 56 John A 45 20 Andrunl. pd assessor 1 L.

pd assessor 66 .2 Ileim, 0 20 49 57 Ciark 45 00 Henry, pd liucliauan, Hugh 12 Win 75 Mrs 4 SI 71 59 Itowdle, lid assessor 1 i shop, Jos til 10 Charles 15 23 Mrs 50 26 Ci John. 50 59 ceo (I 9 45 Jos 70 IS II, 10 Andrew J. 53 lii B. 5 64 is, 0, pd lissesidr Crowley. 2 CO Ida 10 00 3 51 1II 54 Hilling.

A 17 119 Henry 57 75 John Michael. li 00 Peter. 5 50 Klizn, esl of 0 05 Ohas 10 62 Fnv It 9 37 Ohas. .19 25 P. 11 39-Fovc, 11 II 72 Louts 63 04 wood Mill Co .3483 28 Robl 14 71 II 2 37 John 40 It Ceo, esl of 1 1 mirllev.

i'i Ji pit assessor 51 00 .1 5 00 55-IInli, Mrs Julia 11 50 AW SI Mrs Kliza 8 41 Oscar S3 Peter, est of 7 00 13 15 pd assessor tallies 507 10 King, pd assessor 7 so In-KllOX, It 10 00 fid- Kecne, C. 18 04 Jolin. 15 14 Marv IS 90 Tlios 62 59 Albert. 10 0 35 00 40 II 1 60 73-Meriaid, 1... 3 18 7 MelCenzie, Mrs Jane 9 00 Mrs 47 SO A 04 61 McDonald, Ttios.

61 70 Mrs 10 69 NI i Walsii I SO 7 SS 33 78 II 58 41 Hitrvy. Mnlmciulsl. Ceo I 7 JO UM pd I BOII lolin, 8 20 4U James 3 50 Mill Co 3990 73 Plllriek 57 02 W-O'Neil, Will 15 00 Lewis 10 sI Oeo 9 71 tt pit assessor 106 -1 'nrker, fl 10 00 1 05 II -I 90 Kay, Mis Mary 14 01 A 5 0 II 20 20 95 4 20 Alia 1138 it llliutfi'i A 0 21 II, est 23 60 fi 13 39 Mike, pd assessor Rnlit. If) 46 MrsSM 05 )0 Ceo 44 80 Merlin, pit assessor AW 40 39 Peter, pd assessor Jno J. 6108 John', pd assessor Henry, pd nss'r 123--Pmllh.

J. pd assessor Ml OS Wm 1 10 Isime 9 13 157- Stevens, Kelson 17 11 .1 II. pd assessor Mrs 11 03 II II. IBM Tom. 14 88 Itosa 55 71 Ja 10 '73 Thompson, Francis 3 K.

10 00 Owner 1 20 I'M. 93 110 138-Wells, W. fi Win. pd assessor Wlltion, Frank. 51 00 Ooiuvny, 12 70 305 20 ohll.

1 20 929 81 145 -0 -Wliltcsboro Mill Co 578 08 llnlnuce 011 hand Nov. 1, 1890 J75.105 17 NITED STATES LAN.D OFFICE, SAN Francisco, CnL, November 5, 1890. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with llie Isions of the net of Congress 1S7S, entitled "An-act for the sale of timber lands in tlie Slates of Cnlifornln, OreHOu, Nevada, 11111I Washington Territory," SKTH A-. KINO, of city and county of San Francisco; State of California, lias rhls day tiled. In thhi oflice his su-uru suitemenl No.

3799. forlhV' puf- chnsc of the-east half of southeast IV Section 9, and souili 1 1 of ul nhwest of Section No. 10, In Township No. IS north. Range No.

il west, M. D. and will otl'er proof to show that the laud souirlii is more valuable for Its timber or stone for ictrienilurai purposes, and to establish his claim to said hunt before (he Register and Receiver at This office at San Frnnotsco, on Friday, ihe 53d day of Jnnunry, 1891, He. names as Charles A. flay.

Chas. Johnson. ('. M. lirooker, of San Francisco, and Win.

Van Allen, of I'kliili. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in tills ollice 011 or before saitl 53d day of Jnnuarv, JOHN V. sHP.F.IIAN-, Register. pnyers of tin 'fowl of Ckliih City that the taxes lor said Town of l'kiah Citv. for Ihe cur- Thos.

Charlton begs to announce thai iU nl year. arc. now duo mid pioiiblc; that his blacksmith shop, which has been fAtnt! closed for govern! weeks on account of re- and unless paid prior thereto live per cent will moval from the new hotel corner to east be added 10 the amount thereof: ami that taxes side, of State street, north of postollice, is I tv IUIU' I now open ngmn ami ready tor biiRinoHa. 'oinrkA. vi mui from i o'clock r.

M. IO A clean knock-ont oi oilier's prices ut 1 Nov lst, Y0KrMt L. KoHOnborg it O'H. Mnrshnl of the Town of UkVali City. NIT ED STATES I.AND OFFICE, HAN Fi -u.

Otil I Nmicii is horoby lluvt in oomnlinnoc' with tho provisions of an oi Congrosn of Jnne ISVS, An lift for tho of timbi'r hinds in the Californiu, Orogron, ami WHshincton Terrftorv," MICAH NOHTHM AN, of Bun Knmcisco, hus this (inv filed in this ofllcc his sworn sturoment No. 'S03. for the purchnsfi of the NWy. of Seotiou No. 15.

in lowiishln No. IS Itiuise No. 11 I) und will oiler proof to that the laud is mote vahinhle for its ttuVbnr nntl stone for ngrlcnlturftt purposos, nnd to establish hisehiimto said bind before tVie Kncistor and Recelvcf of thlft offtce. nL Sun KrannlHco, on Friday, tho day of 1891, He an witnesHtiK: S. A.

King lirooker, C. A. all of Han Francisco, Wm, Van Allen, of Ukinh City, Cnl. Any and nil persons elaimlng adverHely the laudH are requested to (lie their claims In thla ofttce on or before said 23d day of January. 1891.

JOHN K. SHKKIIA'N, UegiPior. Everybody IJOO TyNfTKI) I'ranclsco, We have just bought AT OUR OWN PRICE oue of the largest ,7 BAN Stores in Sonoma County, and will dispose of the Goods at Notice is hereby (riven that in c.o'mpllnnce A tof fj 1 rates. Call in and see what we ean do. timber lands in theStalffB of Cttliforiiia, Oiv-sou, i Nevuuu.uudWftfihit^ I his block comprises OA V.

of San Kranclseo, this day filed in 1 this oillce his sworn statement No. 3801. for the purchase of tho A of SKI-I. Seo. 10 and of 8WK of Section No.

11, in Township 18 N.Uange No. il and will offer proof to show thai the land sought is more valuable for its timber or for agricultural pnrpOKCH, and to e.stftbllB'i his claim io said land before the Register and Iteeeiver nt Snu Franeiseo, on Friday, the 23d day of January. 1P91. He nitnu'H HHes: M. Northam, H.

KlnR, ('has. Johnson, all of Francisco, aud Wm. Van Allen, of Ukiah City, Cal. Any aud all 'jrsqny chiiininjf the above -i'eHC lands arc requested to (Ho tlielr elaliUK in thin olllee on or before said 23d day of January, 1801, JOHN F. S11KEIIAN, Notice Tax Payers FFICE OF THE TAX COLLECTOR OF Mendocino Countv, Cal.

Public notice is hereby givon thnt I have received the assessment books of Mendooiuo County for the year 1SD0, and that Ihe taxes thereon are din; aud payable al the ofilee of the Tax Collector, in Uklah; that luxea are delinquent nn the last In December, 1890, al li o'clock p. and unless paid prior thereto five per cent will be added to the amount thereof. 3. M. STAND LEY, Tax Collector of Mendocino County.

SUCTION POLITICAL CODK, Tn all other counties, (except San the taxi'H niuKt he paid at thn otllee of Collector, UU I CKH the hoard of by order made ou or before the first Monday in October, direct that ihu taxo.a must bo ooilectcd In Iho several townships in the county, or In cither thereof, or-In any municipal corporntlon In snid county, in which etisonotlce by the collector must specify a time and plaen wlihln nuv lownihlp or name- 1 In order, when and whore tbe Collector will altend io celve the pavment of laves. 1 Arnoiiilioent up provcii March 10, 108 CASES OF Ifcry Goods, Clothing, Children's and Ladies" Woolen Wear, Cloaks, Jackets, Hosiery, Gloves, Hats, Trimmings, Laces and Embroideries, Fancy Goods, Etc. Tnis is A OSITIVE. ACT. We have no room for them and must close them out at any price.

Our large store is crowded. Cull in early and be convinced, The Great Gash Store C3Hll UKIAH, CAL. I.W. wo. ici.

-T Hmltli A 1'cto iSoru tho l'liwnoti iJfwiw in Snttirrtny ovcnliiK, MI HH lltiltiti Htttullelil voted MOO tlio inout popular present. 'trie Hohrd of mfi-lo no provision for ibu collec.ttou of tftXfis In tlH' i- throuKliout tlio comity, I HX.T nre puvnlilH ui tliu Tax OollectoK'n ofllcc tu TTklnli City. Nolico. VTOTK'K (11VF.N THAT I WILL nn llie liitli of Uecemhor, 16H0, or noon limy 1 he lionnl, upplv to IP of Mtftto of Oiillfornls, lu tlio man- nor provliled by luw. for a pnnlon of tliu crime, of ivlilel) I wdii eonvleloil, tn wit: miinlt-i, in life linprlHoniiuut lu the ftlnte.

prison. In llie Su jMi 'lor of the County Mmi'lonliiii, Sfnto of Cnlifornln, on Ihe IMli iluy Octolier, ISM. Dutcd Koveittbur Utb, im. ft. H.


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