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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 6

Logansport, Indiana
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IH i i i HOW FORESTS GROW. Hie lU-st Tlmo to Stutly U'onclor of ISpRlnnlncH of tlie TreoM. "VVIicn tlic rogctiition of summer no longer etimbcrfth the is tlii: time to walk along the woodland learn how forests grow. Ri.sijifr through "Jit; p-iiss, sornetiiiu's only feu- inches, Tool or mure, orn; now sees the younglings of the forest, srn nuts and every farm ol fores! irait hist autumn, or perhaps UK before. Nature in her profii.siim sows her forest seeds right and left, at the root of the parent tree by the aid of the wind out beyond edge of the woodland.

Million Tot upon the surface of the ground, 01 are t-uten by birds, beasts or insects. Comparatively few are covered with earth and germinate. Many of those perish by a thousand accidents they first peep above ground. Some fractional percentage of tin! who). 1 number of seeds sown live to the end of their first year, and it is these that now greet the eye upon the wood' land's edge, pretty mimics of theil t'iant parents.

One f.fts notion of the forest tree's tenacity of life wln-n one attempts tc nproot the baby ti'ee. A yearling hickory is found struck tap rout, thicker tluin the stem above ground and often longer. Only strong arm ear. uproot, the infant from the: spot, wiiere lie has a firm fool in his native soil as if he knew his ik'stined lowering height and six feel of girlh. So the oak; his infant tan root exceeds in length his height above ground, and he braces himself with lateral rootlets as if lie felt the tempest in his locks a century hence.

Tin- nobler forest trees, too, in theii youth have to make provision for the needs of age, to dive down into the bowels of the earth and draw thi-ntx' the stuff from which giants arc molded, the water that shall serve for Ufa and growth when droughts destroy the puny annuals towering in their mushroom growth of a season above the liny oak with its heritage oi centuries. The birches are less firm- Jy rooted. They content themselves with a modest depth and a wide lateral spread of branching roots. The beech spreads wide and sinks deep in preparation of the time when the secret alchemy of its cells shall transmit the food drawn from earth and aii iuto the marvel of its giant limbs. There is a peculiar charm in the in- ifaney of these future giants.

The tiny young oaks of the larger varieties sometimes exceed their in the size and richness of their leaves, and for Komc years the growing oak. lias a pc- 'cular autumn splendor that comes late and lingers long. The leaves of the y.oung pin-oak are more delicate than those of the parent. They take on early the lints that glorify this variety of 0:1 k. The al most leaves of the seedling tulip tree also are tiny, while transparency unknown to the broad rich greenery of tho well-grown tree.

The foot-high elm wears his dark g'reen Ihinncl leaven far into the autumn and seems to escape the beetle. The baby birch when uprooted has a pretty secret to reveal of the way her kind grows in sisterhoods of three, four, five, or more. AH about the base of the baby trunks, just beneath the surface of the ground, are little buds that will in time develop into independent trunks, at Jeast such seems thoir promise. The elms propagate abundantly. Sodo the maples, growing in single tall straight The tulip tree is also the parent of a great brood, and the young wild cherries spring abundantly.

The oaks seem less prolific, probably because the acorn is an excellent food for a great number of creatures. So, too, tho chestnut, whose seed escapes the worm only to fall iuto the clutches ol the schoolboy. The birches spring up In all directions, but the beech is less commonly found in its infancy. The sassafras surrounds itself with a whole colony of young shoots from its far- apreading roots. Uenco the charm of the natural plantations of the sassafras.

The beauty of its family groups should be a perpetual reminder to human families that few of us in the mass arc so well worth the photographer's art as the spontaneous vegetable prod- acts of Y. Sun. course, in point ol raet, queri- dors of the latter part of the last cen- pretty trays for single or tete-a-tete tea sets are made in the form of a tliree-lea'ei They are mostly in copper, the leap and sugar basin being of in in-tal, and the cups and ere.nn jug wjile shell Y. OF GENERAL INTEREST. lore, the one unseen and imperishable, and the other manifested and perishable.

The imperishable is tho Supreme Being; the perishable is the universe, or Brahma, the first incarnation of the FEARLESS DUELISTS. Encounters In the Imllnn ivrrlrory Conntry ot llrcuuo. Ariel could put a girdle round about the world in forty minutes, but he waa compared with the most ordinarj dream. Many stories are told showing tho different count of time. Lord Brougham relates that ho dreamed a dream of.

long-continued action during a short doze while fi droning counsel was pleading before him. Lord Holland fell asleep while listening to some one reading, dreamed a long dream and nwoke in time to hear the conclusion of a sentence the first words ol which wero in his ears when he became unconscious. Dr. Abercombic relates that a gentleman dreamed, that ho had enlisted for a soldier, joined hia regiment, deserted, been apprehended, carried back, tried, condemned to be shot and at last led out for execution. After all the usual preparations he awoke with the report and found that a noise in an adjoining- room had both produced the drenm and awakened him.

Another dreamed that he had crossed the Atlantic and spent a fortnight in America. In embarking-, on hia return, ho fell into the sea and, having- woke with the fright, he found that he had not been ten Y. Commercial Advertiser. Tea TablMl Ton The most approved tea table this season is wooden trays mounted on four spindle leg's; tha upper tray has an oval aperture at either end. so that it cau be carried across the room with ease.

Such tables am to be found span new at tho furniture Two of these old-time duels were vividly described by Kuckskin Jot, the old scout, cow-puncher and miner, in response to the inquiry as to what he knew about dueling in the territory. "The bloodiest duel I know anything 1 about," lie said, "occurred near Fort Sill nearly a score of years ugo, start ing in a mere badinage of words and ending in the tragic death of both principals, "It was while a large party were sit ting around a camp lire one cvenin that liill MeCluskey, of Kansas, am Jim Renfroe, of Texas, both leaders rival cowboy factions, differed over a trivial matter and soon passed from what the others thought a mere joking passage of words to a heated coutro versy, the giving- of the lie, and finallj a challenge to settle tho matter in mortal combat Kenfroe, the ehal lenged party, chose Colt's am. bowie knives the latter to be usec after the pistols were discharged. Th distance between combatants was to be forty yards, and at first shot they wen. to advance until they came together, if neither fell before that time.

"Tho arranging 1 of the preliminaries occupied mnxt of the night, and at dawn the principals were on the chosen ground surrounded by all the men of the camp and a large number of other cowboys who had been summoned by riders to sec the combat. "All being ready the two men and their seconds took their respective positions, iincl in accordance with the code of the clay the word was given, audibly and 'Gentlemen, are 3-011 'Ready' simultaneously sounded the determined voices of both Renfroe and MeCluskey. "'Fire, advance, keep Tho c.ffect of the first shots told on tho reeling but advancing men, deafened by the funeral dirge now sounded by their guns, but rushing blindly forward. "JRenfroe staggered from the first, and MeCluskoy went spitting forth his teeth in streams of blood, yet they advanced until within arm's length of eaeli other, as the swa3'ing form of each was bent forward to end the struggle with drawn blades, Ren fro suddenly fell lifeless to tho ground with Bill, with knife gripped in death across his prostrate form. They wen buried there as they fell, and Oregoi Pete, the old freighter, expressed th sentiments of the whole camp when In said over the grave: 'Hoys, these twc lads have passed in their checks according to dead game "Another duel, which occurred in more recent years, was arranged to be fought in a manner still more strange but the outcome was much uioro happy.

This one happened in Beaver county just about the time of the opening of Oklahoma to settlement. "A gambler named Bassctt had a quarrel with Ranchman George Weaver over a game of pokev, in which the latter accused the former of cheating. lloth men drew their pistols, but bystanders stopped them before they had time to use thcra. The men were game and both dead shots, and it was decided that a duel was the only thing that would settle the trouble, for it would be sure to be renewed whenever they met. "The ordinary dueling code did, not satisfy them, however, and they entered into a peculiar agreement.

By the terms of this they were both to withdraw from, the room and their friends were to load one revolver, then spread a blanket over tho table and place under it the loaded revolver and an empty one. The men then came into the room and tossed a dollar Jor choice of sides of the table, on which to stand aud draw his revolver, Weaver getting the choice of sides. At a signal each man. to draw his revolver from under the blanket, aim and fire at once. The positions wero taken and the revolvers drawn, each man knowing that if his revolver proved to be the empty one there was no chance of his cscnping certain death at the hands of his opponent.

fired first, or atlcast he was first to snap his gun, but it failed to respond, showing that he had drawn the unloaded pistol. Without flinching he dropped his revolver on the table, and, folding his arms, calmly looked AVoiviT in the face, waiting for him to "Weaver took his time, aud deliberately and coolly aimed at the center ol Bassett's forehead. After waiting what seemed an eternityto the doomed man aud the others in the room, he slowly raised his revolver and fired the ball through the ceiling, saying, as he extended his hand across the table, that Uassett was too brave a man to be shot down like that and he did not believe he had cheated and wanted to apologize for so charging him. With that clasp of hands the two, men became warm friends, and have so remained to this day, being- at the present time" partners in the cattle Louis Globe-Democrat. drug firm at Excelsior Springs, will avard a prize of to the member of the.

Mississippi -Valley Pharmaceutical association who identi- j. deity, whose name is distinguished by fies the largest number of drugs by the having-the final vowel long. Brahma is also addressed by the sacred word Aura. That particular manifestation of the multiform Brahma which we smell. is about to establish a state bank at Berne which will have the exclusive right to issue bank notes.

The capital is fixed at francs, the Swiss confederation making- itself responsible for liabilities. 180-J, four roads which, in part of their title, were named Midland, passed into the hands of receivers. It is stated that there never has been road in which Midland was part of the title which did not, sooner or later, go into bankruptcy. colors of pure ocean water are diversified by the coloring effects of the enormous multitudes of various forms of organized life, which sometimes mask the natural color of the surface of the sen and tinge extensive areas with remarkable colors. Pennsylvania companj-, in awarding contracts for equipment, specifies that standard materials can be obtained from several manufacturers, naming firms who can supply such goods.

This gives the car or locomotive builder a chance for competition on his raw material. ling has been found in the Columbia river, which Prof. Kgcnraann finds to present no specific differences from those of Lake Michigan. The fish is found in all three of the great water basins of the Atlantic Saskatchewan, St. Lawrence and its distribution is now extended to the Pacific slope.

is a common belief among women that the moth will not attack any material, and many of them make it a point to buy stuit's of green dye whenever the cover is not incompatible with the purpose for which the material is intended. Green dyes often contain arsenic, and that may account 'or the antipathy of the moth to the color, Waldorf Astor has made a contract with a florist to place flowers to the value of $10,000 upon tho tomb the late Mrs. Astor. For a whole fresh flowers will be placed upon Mrs. Astor's grave every daj'.

The avorite flowers'of Mrs. Astor's fancy vere orchids and lilies of the valley. Over worth of orchids was placed the casket. were in use in Egypt as long go as 3300 C. The Chinese employed them from about 1300 B.

C. In India they were used, and are mentioned as dating from 1100 C. House chairs with backs were in use in India A. D. 300.

They are known to have been employed in Rome as early as A. D. 70, being mentioned by Pliny at that date. Cha.irs with foot-rests were used in Rome A. D.

B. Raskell, superintendent of motive power on the Chicago Western Michigan, and the Detroit, Northern railway, is using" burlap for packing tender and engine truck boxes. The material is the bin-lap or sacking that tho baled waste is wrapped in. The material is springy and will not mat. Its elasticity keeps it up in contact with the journal and its texture permits the oil to pass through it freely.

Eversoll, a seventeen- year-old Italian girl, carries the mail of Borough Valley, a remote neighborhood about fifty miles from Fresno, Cal. The hard work and small pay connected with the position, have so discouraged the men who have under- takcn the work that they have always iven it up in disgust; but Miss Eversoll travels through the wilderness in a wagon or on horseback twice a week, and says she enjoys it N. Gannon and Alice J. who are seniors of the New York School of Applied Design for iVomeii, have designed the women's niilding for the Cotton States and In- exhibition, at Atlanta, in The work took them three veeks, and is figured out to the smallest det.nil, while their estimates are :i.OOO below the 820,000 limit. These women won summer five of seven eoinpetilions with other xcw York architects.

of Little Rock. ac- a proposition of Gov. Fishback. (resident of tho Little Rock Pacific Inilroiid to subscribe and lonate 40 acres of land for shops oil condition that the road be built to that city. They inserted a clause in the subscription provides that the money subscribed shall be returned" to the donors in case the road ever falls into the hands of the Gould interests.

Gov. Pishback then withdrew the proposition, and at a mass meeting of citizens a resolution was adopted requesting the committee to strike out the Gould clause. PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL. Rosen, of Baltimore, broke an engagement with Miss Carrie Schapiro because she had a slight defect in one foot. Now Nathan has to answer in a suit for William, of Germany, has conferred the collar of the Black Eagle upon the emperor of Japan.

This carries with it the decoration of the Black Eye to the emperor of China. J. Drew was digging under his sawmill near Hollandale, tho Other day, when he unearthed 500.000 in gold coins. It is supposed to have been buried there during- the civil war. call the of earth, sky and call Vishnu, who repre- sents the unbuilding, or creative prin- ciple.

When the world of matter changes its form and is dissolved iuto simple being, the distinctive power of Brahma a is represented by Siva, the destroyer. These three deities, Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, form the Hindoo trinity, all colmt manifestations of the supreme Brahma of dlll a brief visit knows In the Manabharata Brahma is said wha it is to be-one through bv a sleep- to have issued from a lotus that sprang from the navel of Vishnu. ThU idea, however, is convertible to the idea, Brahma being the universe, is greater than Vishnu, the world; consequently, according to the process of na.ture, he gave life to Vishnu, who is his alter- ego, or manifestation for the specific work of creating the world. j- On the other hand, considering Vish- -President Faure. of the French republic, had a traveling experience in this country, having' seea considerable ing- car porler.

Gladstone was occupied (hiring the latter part of his stay at Ha warden, according to Truth, in writing an elaborate preface to a new illustrated Bible which is to be brought out shortly by an American publisher. -L)r. Loomis'will, disposing of is an illustration of tho large Never Fa Beaut conquering- vibu-i mi as the special manifestation of fortunes rolled up by pnysicuins who Parabra.hma as creator of all things, prominence as specialists in This fortune we behold the g-od vrrapped in a mysterious slumber, in which he imagines the production of worlds, and forthwith ii, lotus springs from his navel. In tho center of this lotus Brahma appears, that things, and, says tho Puranas, "Vishnu, behohlinff the production of his body, was delighted." Vishnu is seen floating or brooding- upon the waters, supported by the serpent Seisha. Beside him.

sits his attendant queen, Lakshini, the goddess of love. The panel is framed with pillars on either side, supporting- an arch sculptured with the forms of the various minor deities. Each corner of the composition contains decorations representative of four different incarnations of Vishnu, as worshiped by the Hindoos in various parts of India. The Brahmans have a leg-cud that the Buddha is one of the many Avatars or manifestations of the teachings of tho true Buddha are so violently opposed to the teaching's of Brahman ism that it must be conceded that this reformer was a mortal, the son of the king- of Kapilavastu, adjoinrag- Xepaiil. His name was Sakya Guata- is known as Buddha Gnatama, to distinguish him from the Brahman- ical Buddha.

He taught that neither the doctrines nor the austerities of the Brahmans were of any avail in delivering- men from old ag-e, disease and death. Piiin and pleasure are simply the result of Karma (works), no notice being- taken of the existence or non-existence of God. lie tauyht the Hindoo doctrine of the transmigration of souls. He assumed existence to be miserable, and that the highest conceivable good is to obtain entire exemption from existence. He taught the evil of caste distinctions, and all who embraced his tenets became members of a great brotherhood.

His moral code is one of the most perfect in the world. He became the founder of a religion which, after a lapse of two thousand years, is still professed by four hundred and fifty- five million of human beings. Sir Edwin Arnold's poem, "The Light of Asia," is a glorification of Buddha, one of the divine souls of the world. "Reverence to the jewel on the lotus;" "Honor to the incomparable Buddha," cry his myriads of followers. In Hindoo art are expressed infinite weird forces and languors, the perpetual creation, destruction and re-creation of the world.

Fashioned in an age when the' imagination of man was much more highly developed than at present, it sought to render in imperishable forms the energy and immobility of supreme power, clothing the forces of the universe with forms the most splendid the world has ever and Furnisher. Mew York. This fortune was made in the main during the last I.en years. Grand Old Mau and his spouse gave a servants' ball recently, aud it is reported that it was opened by Mrs. Gladstone dancing with the butler.

As Mrs. Gladstone is Si years of age the event will not afford a theme for lecturing on the injurious effects of dancing. Green's husband, after a disastrous experience in Wall street years ago, retired from "Change" aud tied down as a club man of very simple and regular habits. Since then he has had nothing to do with business, living as a gentleman of leisure and resisting all temptation to again cuter into speculation, are at Vassar two beautiful vases sent from Japan by a former graduate, who is now the wife of Count Oyama, who led the successful laud forces in the capture of Port Arthur. The countess, although a Japanese, was so thoroughly Americanized by her four years in this country that she spreads an American table and wears Paris gowns.

Chilton, the new Texas senator, was borjn in Smith county, December 20, 1S53. His father was killed in battle during the civil war. After the war young Chilton entered a printers office as "devil," worked up to the case, aud finally started a small newspaper, from the proceeds of which he supported his mother and educated his the first native-born Texan to sit as a senator in the United States. new czarina of Russia, according to the report of her former teacher, was brought up almost entirely as an English girl, despite her German birth. The family spokn English exclusively, their plays were English, and the governess of the princess was English.

Her German is consequently spoken with a foreign accent. She speaks French perfectly, is a good musician and can paint, cook and sew. She is said to be nu extraordinarily good cake baker. Her teacher that she is almost too modest, and will do anything rather than hurt the feelings of a fellow mortal. will be yours if yoa give your complexion proper care.

brings no wrialdw sallowiiess to the woman who Empress Josephine FACE BLEACH 1 This preparation docs not give a Washed appearance as the name "Bleach" would imply, but keeps the skiu as soft velvet and as pure as cream. There's no experiment in a trial of Empress Josephine. For years thousands of ladies have been retaining beauty by its Wrinkles Yellow Sallow or Inflamed Skins A POSITIVE REMEDY FOR THEM ALL Freckles Pimples Tan Sunburn Eczema.etc re cured or you get your money back. SOLD EOYAL oil IvivlitK (Eci Crews Sraa4) i li'J'f r.O. iv Bcu Hl.iln-r, 311 fourth Mtrcci.

VIVO lft THE GREAT produces nliovo SO It acts pon-orf ully mid iniidrlj-. OIIWK wlir-n nil allif-rx fill. i'ouujjinell will loot uiiuiliuotl.and old moil wJjl recfm-i- youthful vjtror usiDK ZilSVIVO. It quickly Ami Mircl.v Nervous- Vitality, luj potency. Emissions.

kost Tower, Fnillw Momory, Din-astu. and All. offtKitB -ot; winch uniithoniiforKMirly. bnHJncuKOrinnrrlnize. It not only Clircn by Ftartiiif; rl 1 ho peat of disease, but Isafrrent nerve Ionic oi'il ivlooil tmildcr.

urlns- inc back the pinlc to pair chnokK And etonnj; tlio fli-i! of It wnnlx off anil na iiavlRs JtavjVO. no other. It can be rarnrd jr. J3y nuil. Wl.OOpornsrkn^c, or with a pout- Uvo M-riKfMi to euro or refund the money.

ROYAL MEOICIfit 00.. 53 RivOf CHICAGO, ILL FOK BY B. F. Keesllne, Druggl.n, LORansport. HINDOO MYTHOLOGY.

Some of the Man Ifm tattoos ot the Go4 Mantegna was engraved, his own designs, and owed no little of his celebrity to the multiplication of his works by engraving. His "Triumph of Csesar," a series of nine water-color cartoons, is deemed one of the grandest works of the fifteenth century. The cartoons are at Hampton court in England. can bo frozen at a temperature of C36 degrees below zero, and the product, which can be handled and felt, so to speak, with its exees- warehouses, but those that are to I sive cold." Frozca air can be produced picked up at the bric-a-brac I in any quantity, but it costs, mien hiffMyl an In Hindoo mythology, Brahma, that is, Parabrahma (the Great Braham), it regarded as the Supreme Being, Soul of the 'VVorld, an eternal essence, of no sex, in which are inherent all things. The name is derived from root birth, "to expand," denoting universally expanding essence of an infinite, imperishable existence- Just aj the sun radiates light and heat; both of which essences are manifestations oi his far-off fires, so also Brahma has thousand manifestations.

The thousand gods and demi-gods ol the Hindoo Pantheon are. manifestations of Brahma. Tne superior deities are supposed to be immortal, but as compared with Brahma are perishable, for it is conceivable that different interpretations of the subordinate duties would alter their charac- teristics so much as to completely change their functions and nature, an occurrence very largely indulged in in" A Compensating? Clrcumxtancc. A younp; man elad according- to the latest style was counting 1 over some bills as he stepped from the office door to the street. "Excuse me, my friend," said a citizen with a bad looking silk hat and only one button of his frock coat in active service; "have you ever g-iven any attention to the science of bacteriology?" "Not much." "Then it has probably never occurred to you that your money has bacilli on it." 1 repeated the gilded prod- act of a frivolous decade.

"Yes, sir." "Well, that may be. But there are no flics on Star. the girl." "But why do j'ou think they arc engaged?" "Because he has stopped taking her to the theater and goes to church did you do with the mousetrap, Bridget?" "I burnt it up, mum. It was attracting all the mice in the house. and S.

Bulletin. (to gentleman who is looking at napkin half full of bring you another napkin." "Never mind. The holes seem to be if I could understand why they call em officeholders." It is easy enough to see that you never tried to get an office away from one of Courier. seein excited, What has happened?" "Poor Jack Murray! I hiivo just rejected him." "0. don't mind a little thing- like that.

Why, I reject him every six RECISTtRCO. Indapo Made well Manof cf INDAPO TIIK GHEA1 HINDOO REMEDY I-HOIA'CED TUB JUiOTI In 8O Nervous UJnouscs. J-'tUlln Mt-inory, tlonn, cnusotj by atmi-on, to shrunken and quickly lj IxxtMunlioodinuld oryounsr. Eiu pockot. nfxf but fanvfiie yonrdmpclHthnnnotpot will cond it prepaid.

Orlenlallledioal CklMfO, I SOLD by J3cn Fislicr. Wholesale DruRfiist, JII Fourth Sole Accnt for salo ot INDAPO in JMD. atMllVB, Wld but Burul.r jillycarriedJn vci for n-llll Oti tho Aralilun S-ca. On this Arabian sea in the spring season you can safely drift alonp the coast in an open boat; the land breeze after midnight until early morning 1 and that from the sea in the afternoon and evcninjr. suffice to fill the sail and keep a gentle way on the craft The servants are, of course, all sick and lying- prone in the bow; and wrapped in a blanket in the stern, the master must be content to make his tinned soup or bread and cocoa heated over the boatman's smoldering 1 embers.

But how the natural beau- vty of the surrounding's! Such as to -compensate the traveler for all phys- -ical discomforts. Close by, the drop abruptly into the water, clothed in some places with the feathery bamboo; the wavelets splash the rocks with blue light; above, here and there on the commanding 1 headlands, are the old forts, which once echoed with the sound of cannon, but now the home ol the panther and hyena, grass-grown and disfigured in their outlines by the assaults of scores of monsoon rains; in the deep ravines below their nestle the hamlets of the cultivators who now, (undisturbed by the iree- 'bootcrs, pursue their husbandry be- the grateful shade W. I. DOUGLAS IS THE BEST, riTFOR A KING. CORDOVAN; CALF.

Over One Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give beet vilue for the Boner. They equal custom In style and fit. Their wtirlnif are BMarpuwd.

The prices ere on sole. Prom i to S3 over other nukes. If your dealer cannot supply you can. Sold by J.B.WINTEBS VAN LINE. Inti Trains Leave Loganaport, FOE THE SOETH.

No. 25 For St. Joseph a No. wyorSt. Joseph No.

SlForTww N9.6S For Terra Banca, nuept Sunday. 8.40pm a EAST BOUND. New York Express, dallr Ft Warn" except 8.20am Kan. City Tolfldn except a Atlantic Express, dally 4-57 for East L15 WKST BOG5I). Paclflc Exprow.

10.2: a AccomodiiUon for Kaniuii. City except 3.48p Lafayette except Sunday 0,05 St i.ouls dallf 10.32 Eel River Logansport. West Side- Between Logansport and ChlH- EAST BOCXD- Accommodation, Jeave except a -125pm WEST Accommodation, arrive except a 4.00am C. G. Agent.

Tie Pennsylvania Station. Run by Central LOCA3JSPOBT TO Bradford and Columbus Richmond and LOO am JDdlauapollnand and Peorla 2 55 a 2S a Crown Point and 3.15 a 3D am Bleb roond and 5.45am LOO pm Crtnm Point and ChLago 1 B.CO a 7.25 Ettner Local SXiam -LLSCpm Bradlord sjid 1 1M a 5JB HOBtlcelloand Kttoer 1 7.16 a fli40 IndlanapoUiraod XB Richmond and Bradford nod Colnmbos I SO 35 Philadelphia and Sew Lfio 1M m. MontMStoandHIner ti20pm 17.45am CDlsfao nt Chttaio and 1-55P i 1100p.

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