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The Independent-Record from Helena, Montana • Page 3

Helena, Montana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Helena, Monday, March 24, tSU. That there should have been a call on Montana for a supply of grain for tho use of the British Boundary Commission engaged in defining and marking i suitable monuments the lino between the British possessions uod the United Slates, was entirely unexpected. Nevertheless, one quarter of a million pounds of oats ha've, within the last twelve or fourteen days, been quietly bought for that purpose. The contract to supply the grain on the line was awarded to Messrs. E.

Maelay and by that firm sub-let to Messrs. I. Biker Bro. of Port Beiiton. Messrs.

linker Bro. entrusted the responsibility of purr-basing and forwarding to Mr. S. O. Ash by.

of this city, who so quietly and adroitly managed the business that ho secured suftk-ient to nil the contract before the fact of the became known. In consequence of this demand, from 1111 unexpected source, coupled with the usual demands from freighters and military posts, oats have materially advanced in price, to the benefit of our fanners, for which we feel not a little thankful. Iii addition to the above, we have to report the purchase here diii-ingthe past week, by Messrs T. O. Power of three hundred thousand pounds of oats, the prices ranging from to per hundred pounds.

Tho present quotation is $1.75 hundred pounds. Hf I US 6 1 Main Street. FlllHT-CLAvSS WINKS, UQUUitS, CIUAIIS Have Pleasant Parlors and the Best Attendants. OPEN BAY AND N1UUT. Superintended by COi.

SHED, Formerly of Famed I xi THEM We leuriithat the Helena Shooting Club, sometims- ago, made arrangements with a gentleman to furnish several dozen California quails, to be delivered here in March, imd it wiia mleimed. by the sportsmen to turu them loose iu our valleys for the purpose of stocking Montana with those beautiful and delicious birus. The quails arrived at Corimio from California in dueseasou, from whence they were to be shipped for Helena in the morning; but when morning came the birds had liown-- some sporting Corinnethian having removed the slats from the hoxes and giving the birds their liberty, so that they might increase in numbers and furnish the sportsmen of Coriune rare sport at some future time. Harness for Men and Beasts can be Found at Loeb Bros. Loeb Wholesale and Retail Clothiers We offer to the Trade the Best and Host Complete Assortment of Clothing, and Furnishing Goods to be found.

in this market, the Prices of which have been Marked Down to a Flue Point. LOEB BRO. At W. C. Lobenstein's Saddlery Store mar21dtf THE INDEPENDENT lias changed its base from Deer Lodge ft Helena, and oe published daily and weekly We wish the boys abundant success in their new locauion.

Mr. L. F. LaCroix, formerly connected with the Gazette, takes the place of Messrs. Smith and Hathaway, who tire to the shades of private life.

Me- Quaid Kerley, being practical printers, can run a paper with much less expense than the Gazette was conducted, and they are both willing workers. Thepeoplcof Ilelenashould stand by the 20th, Six stalwart sous of Ethiopia were basking in the sunshine of a Cutler street hill side yesterday, industriously engaged in throwing rocks at an oyster can. A Chinaman looked at the game a few moments, and tlini ventured the remark, in a disgusted manner: "Dem black men--he laisic' h--11." Murphy, Neel WHQI.KSAI.IE AND Il-ETAIL Grocers and Liquor Dealers Have always on hand the LARGEST STOCK aud ttetl Assortment in Jtlottlana. SAftDS Beg to inform the Public hat -they from now on, receive weekly additions to their Stock of all the for Spring Trade such sis TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIES, XJiCK-WKAH, DRKSS GOOnS. Eto.

Our Stock ol Muslins, Sheetings, Ginghams Pant-Goods, For lioys and Men's Wear. Table Linens, Piques, Dress Goods, White Goods, Is lull siiid complete hi every Department. A full Hue Oi H. 33 in all grades ol the most All of which we offer Tit the very LOWEST I All orders will receive and mosl careful attention. SA2s DS BROS.

MI-D! present condition of Main street id EL disgrsicc to the town, and culls loudly for a remedy. Even private erosisiiiirs have been allowed to go out of sijrlit. deep 1ms the mud and lllth Ijuen permitted to accumulate on our principle thoroughfare. A year ago Street DufE undertook the cle.auing of Mmu street under au arrangement with property owners, but as no movement is now being made in the matter we would suggest to our worthy Sheriff that the employment of a number of hja hoarders in cleaning our streets would be considered public benefaction. Charles Mayn, A.

CI14S. HAYN A Our stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries is complete. It is probably lhe best assorted stock in the market to imrc-hase from. "We od'er O-oocls mid "Will soil at Sottom Tills "tve Gxtwraiitfso. CIljVS.

CO. mar21dtl SIITEJJ Alex. Kemp Bro. bought the Clancy silver mill, which i very recently was run by L. D.

Poi ter Alex. Kemp. This mill will immediately ba put in running order with necessary additions, and the Messrs. Kemp assure us thiil the tests they have made in the -warrant them in the assurance that they can run it profitably on the ores of the neighborhood, of which they have already secured a considerable quantity. We wish them success.

FRESH BOOXJI OYSTERS THU I a i a BBOADWAY. MAMMOTH Dnv Goous ESTAUI.ISII- new location of Messrs. Sands (formerly occupied by A. JLtivenberg,) built of cut pprimite, is certainly by far the most solid, presentable and spacious store room in Montana, affording ample room for the easy transaction oJC the immense husiaess of that enterprising firm. Messrs.

Sands Bros, arc doing the leading jobbing dry trad" of Montana, and tlieir basement is exclusively deyoted to that department, while their upper room is used for their retail business and is particularly well idapted to tliaL purpose. 2VOW 033- Try Me On. At my Carriage Munufactory, Lower Main, corner ot' C.Iraud street, Helena, am prepared to do all kinds of. ilanu- faoturiiiir, Bhicksnuthing, Repairing, at the shortest notice. Fill orders for Miners" Pick's, Wheel- narrows, or heavy CMiarLz wayons.

Will put a spoke in a carriage wheel or milk" a new cavriufre i-oi out-to suit the wants of my patrons. If yon think I don't work at bed-rock prices, just call and my figures, mnrtldawtf Wll. STREET movement on foot to build a subs board xvnlk to extoid from to the West Side, which will bo a great convenience and advantage to the residents of that portion of the city. Tho route of the proposed walk is to commence at Wells, Fargo corner, on Main street, down Main, Price, down Clore, up Fifteenth, down Benton Avenue, past Jno. McDonald's, Steclmfin's and llathuway's residences, on Dearborn street.

1 tfrass and Flower Seeds. Tust received by H. M. PARCTTEX CO. marSldavtf City Drug Store.

HANDSOME two new signs on cither side of tho entrance to Ilorshfitsld banking house, painted by Daly, are among the handsomest in the city, and reflect credit on the artist, beinp in excellent taste and faultless in execution. THE MAGNOLIA. The old and popular Magnolia Restaurant, under the proprietorship ot Chris. Ketick, is doinjra business second to no other Hotel in the city. sets a flrst-class table, and charges per week.

Try the Masno- margldtf D. 0 Goldberg, (Temporarily with lloyt Bro.) MAIN STREET. Dealers in Fashionable Clothing JL.OST. A Large Gold Belt A suitable reward will be paid for the return of the same to the INDEI'KKII- ENT olaov. Quite a number of voting men ii' this city are attcndiug a night school Latin is taugiit.

At leust we so, as a crowd HIL- other evening who Siavl a-5 far as "lite" UIJll GOOIXS- The attention of the Trade is i i ed to our largo and varied stoc-k of OLOTH1XU FUUXISHING GOODS Saturday, before Judge Hilger, appeared August Hitting on a t-liargi- of assault and battery on his wife, i a Hutting, upon which ho wasoinvu-led and lined. He was afterwards, required to give bond in sum of one thousand dollars to keep the peace towards his wife, and failing to procure the required bond, liw was ordtTi'd to be L'Oiumitteil. hut 011 his promise to leave the ut ry in coin-line was permitted to depart. A A Is now locateil at roriifi- ol 1 Water siud Cutler st reels, 'sir i i head of Main, wtn-re he to do better a was eve; 1 imu in the i-ountry bi-loro. babies-' pk-tuivs tsik- fii in si'ip nil-tor of a second, Hum nu ihnej II.

J. CitCHiiiTOX Wi 1 wish tu eet the tittv-ntiou isf shippi-i-s U) advertisement i.I J. wliieh iippeai-s in It will be iliat tlu-j- have cbanjietl thi'ir poiiiL ttf transpor-i a-" tloii li-oui Corinne-to a i turminus of the L'tah XorUiL-rn rond. The iirrn is jienw-ally recognis- ed as among rim most and ro- sponsilile ill the eountry, us well as prompt and awonmioduting. Shippers by tbc L'niou or Cenlnil Htc will find it tlidr ailvantnjie to order goods to the of J.

A.Creigh- ton Co. Mr. Chiu'lu-rf G. Heynolds is tlieir Agent in Helena. in Blast Kurrj---In Pull Frank Abt desires to iiiform his customers Unit be has fur I i present loot hlioc sbop fii bis residence, on AValer stsout.

new cm htive orders prcunxitly filleil. i i mo a lift. maidti ABT. ALMOST A about-balf-past three o'clock yesterday afternoon Hull re alarm sounded, whieh was caused by ti tlonse smoke issuing from a cabin on the west side of Clorc, iibove Bridge street. The lire engine responded promptly, but the lire extinguished before it readied the spot.

damage was done. In of the terrible visitations Trhicli liave bt 1 alien Hrifciin behooves to be on 1ne alert ugiiitist, the possibility of another Montana Steam Cracker NORTH RSAIH STREET. HELENA, MONTANA. This Company is now turning nut Crackers, Hsird Mutzos, CrBsim'sLiid Nut Candy, iiirt id! hinds of Bakers' Goods iu stifR- cient to supply tlie whole Territory. All n.sing articles In their lim- 1 sboukl certainly ize this Company, i Us a hcunc Insti- tiituin, their goods fresh and to be htid on sliort notioe, and besides kcuping UKincy here that otherwise would sent away, it cmiti's lunrUct for bnt'-T, lard, hirfrc quantities of are used by tlu-ui in course or' a year.

Do not Jail to order "roin till-in and you will be tnat what say is Mr. O'Connor, of Car- riboo diggings, received a leUnr recently from Win. of San stating that Ucrmirrt Dcvine had died in the early part of winter at Victoria, on his from Peace river. Mr. i one of the of Watjliingtoii gulch, Deer Lodge and bus a host of friends tbrougbout Montana who ru- ni'iubt-r him sin a big-heart i'i and gt-n- iiiun, and the announcement of lis sutltUMi death in I i i i of ujocl, and i engaged in act i i abora ol frontier i will be received with silicon- sorrow.

ATTENTION I a i secured location in Cliiis, JluinU'y's Ahsay Office, llersblield'rt bank, 1 i fiive my hcst attention to Watch Repairing and Jcwlcry work. i my nld Criunrls i the i i ih re- spec-tfnlly soiicitud. Paclictilai- care will bcfiivun to repairing Him waU-hcs. All work warrant dl. V.

RKKVES. Bniso ix Vouii WR are prepared 1o do all kinds of plain and ornamental i i in tho beats) yle ind at reasonable rates. We have the only stor-k of Seasoned iunber in the market, and onr Haw Mill, Planing Mill, and Door and Hash Factory, are in blast, and we are prepared to fill all orders on short notice. A. M.

BRO. mar2Idtr -We saw six 200-pound sit-, ting on a pile of lumber in burnt district yesterday. They w(s, 3 having a hard time of it-- but they held the lumber down, Cans Khsn have just rtK'Oivotl a line lut ot Wiiul- sar Scarfs and ugoiu'rul itt-sot-tnu-ni of Charley Curtis' lust cry yesterday was "fourteen and quarter!" fora scrub two-year-old caj'usc 1 Talk about hard times when sell that way. We propose tlie establishment of ferries at different points on Main strt'i't. The uiudis just about the proper consistency.

or XCVCP. Mike lock. fomu-rU- a resident of but now sui't-fjisfiiHy I'ligairad iu business in iviniiias. writes to his CrhmUlure ihar ilmituna is hue sct-n sint't- ho left here. HV M.

OJK.VSTl IIKJHKST I'lUClCS PAID. i nf Harni-f-? mid is a t-vi-r in Tcrritot-v. Block. niai-LM-I Oov. I'o! linger, i i for liilini-r Stilishury.

i om- ul' tin 1 okli'st and I i i i t' i hi the jsu'iinioned j-t-- Lvnily iroiu his lami in ronn- tv, Uo had sett It-il witli his family, I a i a stage hue i i tliat i-oiintry. Ciov. i inons, and Ict'i for his tu-iv wo bolieve. Jos. Riittlf.

RattSe Suchanan, IJDOT MAKUHS Corner of Main and Edward ste. i i i i i i desiring Si-rvifL-alili- Jloolh, can ivlv our i li inn! i.jsui-rial of the lnvt a i i ami Hie soiialilt- rales. The i i i is soiii-ited. Brief Items. Cold closed in Sew Vork i at 1.1 tX JMv.

of tho Farmers' Corral, Sower Miiiu street, reports, his business better limn Tor two years past. Tins Ja for i Helena eiin binisl mo; Unin any other point in the Territory. presume other stable men are doiujr as well. ilr. Fred.

Lawnjiiee painter, has ruutteu tiiuahei- i i i opirsil his present stand, i Main street, owing to the fact l-hut i old place on Li rely too small fur his hifgjly incroasinir liusincss. TjOdtfi' Ni. I. O. O.

luis a ball on the lupis Cor -Friday evening- next. Hope they will have a lime. Col. A. if.

returned home from a visit to the Hlatos last e-vemny. The Colonel intend: the Park i in order in i for the opening of Hie i i season. The Presbyterian docluble will be held this evening at Uie of Mr. J. C.

Ilicker, I I lluduey street. Dr. Jas. Wright, i i i i AjicnL i the Crow Agency, is spemfiiifi ti few days in the city. The Doctor repm-ls luiv- enjoyed sport fishing in the and two companions haying i honk Hue, one humh'ed and i varying from one to two ami a half pounds, in one day, OM the- 10th of Man-h Rufe, Arick iva.i at tbe.

i i i iu tiun Francisco, Henry Thompson, formerly of tile lirm of Taylor, Thompson min- tii-s and meruliauta of Helena, is now Recorder at Bingham Canyon, in L'tali. Wu understand that Dick Kiddle, one of i i flrivers, been promoted from (ho i a division njcimt on i i i from Micas- ant A 'alley to Corinnc. Hick i a i i fnl msin ami i i jw potiilion with iinnor. U. J.

Salisbury, of Balis- bury, is in lown, und iu looking well a i tierce bailleri with the winter HhcvilT Chirk and JJi.fLricL A I Vivion, liozeman, yeslerdsiy by jirivate oouvuyauce for i coiinly. regret to loarn th it Col. W. Vf. UeLacy is oti i i nick i JIopo to his speedy recovery.

We leatn that 7,. lloyt, now K-ist, is pnrchasiiiK stock of hard wood, i i 1hu i i of sulding a wood i to his a i estab- i i i i Tor i murmi'aeture and repairing oT ugons, etc. Clarke, Connie! Cm-tin are iiifi to i i stouo for logs in the. sidc-wullrt of their win choiiacj on Wa- Lor street. Mr.

B. Lyman will build on his lot, Water street, between Bridge and Cutler. Yesterday afternoon a runaway team liiiidcd and waami in tho cellar on wliidi Krvin Todd's house once stood. No n-'alerial damage to either team, wagon, or cellar. C.

RHODES, Ornamental Sing Painter, Jackson Broadway Any Design or Style of Painting executed in the Highest Style of Art, 3VXo At my Carriage ilanufaetory.Lower Main, corner of Grand street, 1 am prt-paivil do all kinds of ractnrinjr, thing, nt the shortest notice. Kill orders for Miners' Picks, Whtel- hai-rows, heavy (juartx Will put spoke in a carriage wheel or make a new carriage thronshout -to suit the wants of my jiatrons. you ihiiik 1 don't'dowork at- bedrock' prices, just call and ret my BOXKHAX STAftK MXE--WINTER SCHKJUJLK. i notice" coaches for SpriMiiville, Kaderslnirg, Galiatin city, and IJiwmon, will leave the otnce at Hie i Store," Main street, every murimui at o't-lock, and arrive daily -i o'clock p. in.

11. F. (JAL1-1X, Prop'r. INTERSATIDHUL RESTAURANT A A DAY A I II Suppers and Lunches Served (lie lowest priei" with the very In-st in Un 1 i 11KX11Y WVTTKXBAC1I, Louis Hote SAM. SCHWAB Proprietor This popular i is i i i i i i i is prepared siL-commo- in nniiiiiet- not in i-iMir.

Iry. Tlu' imblic is solicited. in 4th Grand Gift Concert LIBRARY OF KV. OVER A MILLll IN A AND A FULL A I A OH Tuesday, of Mori-h 'cxt. Only GU.OOO tickets have lieoii issued $1,500,000 INTO i i i by lot, among the licket-holders.

OJ' GMfTS. 01? 0 RAN" CAS I FT UN8 A A I i A I (Jft 1 UNK, A I I 1 ONK A A I HI CuMl i L-acli etif-h Gifts, tilt (10 Ouib C'ush Gifts, Ciisli i i Il.ilDUCash each. J()(l wu-Ji. L-m-h. 'MO each.

KHJ utu-ii. 50, 40, -10, 45, 001) 000 1100 0011 i 111. 12.000 (Mis, all Cash, amounliiia; to $1,500,000 TIN-; eoxci-nn- A JJISTUIBUTION OJT in'R I I I A UKEQU1VO- A I A I TlCli A wnr.TiiHit I I I UTS AHE SO I I OK NJT, AMJ THIS (ilJj-J'S A LI, I A i i I'ltoruu'riox TO TJIJ; NuaiJiicit Ol' SOU). PRICE OF TICKETS. lalves, Wo; Ti-iiLhs, or each i Tickclri for $5()U i in- i I i loi- 227 for No i i i on a s-SOlf Vt'orlh nT'l'ickctsS.

3 7 U. i i i Libnii-y Maiiiisri-r (Jil'I, ('unet'i-l, Pubhe Library Building, LouiwviUe, Ky. Wiinicd everywhere Iree. A. 11.

JJIuir Ltmiri, Mo. mar21wtf to 10 --Agents AH yljissob of working peo- of t'ilhor sex, young or old, make nimey at work for us in sparo or than at anv- i i clue. frco. Address, ii. Stinsoii I'ortliiiK! Me.

Iubllctttion Manhood, Womanhood, Miirriiine; Kine all about it. 50 cents. Manhnod, an Kni1f)ine relating mi-11 only an Ol book relating to wo- Who may marry, who not, why; pages--two stamps, eaeh or all sent to any address on receipt of uriee in positive or eurreney. Address WJHT'I'JEH, G17SI. Charles Street, St.

Louis, most snecess- fnl apacialist, of the age. mar21-ly ALEX. J. LBQOAT, WM. H.

KATK'I, C. HUP30K, JA0. St. Louis Tobacco Worts. Manufflcturera of every gradu of FINE CUT CHEWING AND SMOKING A OUR SPECIAL- B'J CUTS: BEAUTY, GILT EDGE.

of lcn-1 Lertiturc. Illustrated i chaste ei.graviuffs ezplaininp: the impediments to marriage their nature, and core. Late Physiological discoveries in the science of rrrrndi'rtion, etc. Sexual exhaust- inn, in middle or old ngo, from whatever cause. All that tlie doubtful or inquisilive wish to know.

Sent to any securely poat paid for 50 hy AVllitl-lcr, $17 Ht. Tjoulft. to. Longest located and roost successful ipeeialiit of the age. Call or writs.

IISTGLESIDE, BULLION, MONTAKA. Our Tobaccos Warranted. OFFICE AND SALESROOM, Corner of Second Vine ST. LOUIS, ato. miir21dmvtf SODA.

The Best for BAKING John Dwight SOUTHERN HOTEL, on -Mi. Waliiut Sis. SAINT LOUIS, MO. LATEILLB, WASITBK 00. Props.

SOUTHERN HOTEL is flrst- JL class in all its appointments. Its tables are at nil thmss supplied in the grcatosLsibundainjo with all the dQli- uiicics market afford. Its clerks iitid employees are till polite and attentive to the -wants ot the guesta of Hutcl. There is unimproved elevator lead- from the first lioor to the upper ones. Railroad and Steamboat Ticket Offl- c'cs, Nuws Slaiul, mid Union Telegraph office in llotuiida of the Hotel, Chicago and North-Western FOB CHIQAGO Toledo, flovuliind, 1'jttsburK, Cinciimiiti.

Jloiitrealj Qtieboc, Portland, Boston, New York, t'hihvdelp'a, Baltimore, Dayton, Indiauapolii Terre Haute, CttampaiRn, Bloomiugt'n Springfield, Jacksonville Albuny, Wheeling, St. Louis, Toronto, Columbus, Cairo, And all points South and East, should buy their Tickets via I A --AND THE -Gimp OorMesteraR. ose Cpnnectrons madd wttih ll Railroads running Cast or South from Chicago. Cl a THIS Sioux City, Tunkton, Waterloo, Cedar Rapids, Dubnqne, Fort Dodge, Pr. du Chien, LaCrosse, St.

Paul, Marniiettc, L'Anse, 3'lseatiiiba, N''ffiii Menashst, Grweii Bay, Sheboygnn, Stevens Point, Oshkoah, MiiOison, Fond 3u hese points arc all on the line of this Great icpad, or are reached by thim liouttt with less changes of Cars than by any other. Among the inducements offered by this route, are AM the Modern Improvements. Rock and ballasted track; steel rail, roc-k and iron bridges; Pullman Pal- aiial Cars and Coaches; Parlor and Drawing-room day coaches; Smoking and Lounging Cars Westinphouae Bsifcty Air Brakes; Miller's Patent Safely Coujjling and Platforms Close Connections at Junction Points; Leis transfers than any other route; Depots, no car ferry transfers; Speed, Safety, and Absolute Comfort. 3 -to lOITost Trains each way daily over the various lines o-f this road, thus securing to tho traveler selecting tliis route sure a-nd certain connections in any directions hu may wish to go. that your tickets- READ VIA THIS KOUTR, and TAKB NO OTHER.

Trains at Council Bluffs. Going Arrive. Depart. Day Express, .10:35 p. m.

Kight Express, 9:15 a. ra m. Passenger m. Passenger in m. Express Freight, m.

Going Knst. Arrive. Depart, Express, m. 6:40 a. m.

Niiilit Express, m. 4:05 p. Passenger, m. Express Freight, 10:50 W. STB2WKIT, General Passenger MARVIN IIUGHITT, General Superintendent,.

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