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St Joseph Herald from Saint Joseph, Michigan • Page 4

St Joseph Heraldi
Saint Joseph, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Jaiuuon'a Shoe Strings. Johnson Williams work to please By-and-by (hcy'Il take their case, All mankind each in his way, Works for this object day by day. This firm upon a basis stand As good ns nny in the land-They sell their Boots for ready Cash And never will be forced to smash. The great attractions they now offer Must surely fill the Conipanys coffer, The grandest pvize is the Sucker Boot Ten out of nine they're sure to suit. The Slicker Boot is made to fit The largest man, or the smallest chit, And such a fit nnd length of wear-Is enough to make St.

Joseph stare. Now is t'ue time to invest in leather Done up in shape and welded together, Our Sucker Boots as soon will rip As a pound of feathers will sink a ship. Come and See the Stock in trade-The best and prettiest ever made, And don't forget among other trash To bring your pockets full of Cash. FOR SALE. Pure Domestic Wines and Liquors, Cider and Cider Vinegar, nt prices that will defy competition, by nny house in Berricn County.


EGGS, Etc. Cash paid for Produce. The public are repectfully invited to call ind examine before purchasing. A. E.

PERKINS. CVARDIAIV OTICE is hereby given tlmt by of li- cuime to xiMiUeii, tr. tlii Probate f'oiirt ot the County of Oakland tft.ito of, in tin 1 matter of the estate ol LiU-ivn II. niiimr. I llarrus ol minor, will sull at auction to the higlie bidder on Ttu-srtny tbc 20th day of October 186S, at 12 o'clock noon, all tho right t'itle mill interest of the Luciun H.

in the following described roul egtiito Mtu.ttvd in ien County State of Michigan, ivit: Commencint; tit point oa tho Town line tun chuinn eighteen and one half linka north of tho qnnrter pott nn the east side of section Twelve, town four south of Kange nineteen H'est, and runninjr thoncn north i dc- Kreea wost. twelvo chains and fifty links to the shore of Lake Michigan, thence liurth thirt3'-scvtn dcgntcb along the said tdiorc, seventeen aud links to the terminus of the town line in snid hike, tuenco south along said lino Twenty-seven chains iml two links to the pliioe of beginning, containing thirteen and one-half acres, more or less. A'uchsale to take Vlacc at the fronl duuruf tho house now occupied b- lonry W. A. Xott ou uid described preminee In i't.

Joseph Township. Dated Sept. WILLIAM BARRU.7. 18w7 Guardian. illUltTOACiE SALE.

EFAULT having been made in tho payment, of (ho Ham of nve hundred and twenty-two ($5 22 OU; dollars and interest un the same i.t ti-n per cunt. from December 20th 1S01, which is cluimed to be due, anil unpaid at the date of this notice, un a certain mortgage bearing date December the 20th 1861 by Josephm 11. Sutherland and Martha of St. Joseph Michigan, to Charles Kiieger of place, and duly Kccorded in the oflice of the of Deeds, in the county of liurrieu tind State Michigan on the 3rd diy of March, IM2, In Hook of JInrtgages on page thirty-seven, (37) together power of salt' therein contained, nnd no pro- re law or otherwise having been instituted to foreclose said Mortgage or collect said money, or a part thereof, Now therefore notice is hereby given that in pursuance aud by virtue of the power of sale in mild mortgage ontaiued, and the statute in such cases made HIM! provided, the premises described in. nnd covere 1 suid mortgage, all thilt certain piece or arccl of Una sitimtod in I i county of Berrien niid tate of Michigan, known and described ad Lot No.

SW village of St. Joseph in said county, accor- itiaif the original Kccorded plat of tuiid village, wilt nt public unction, tit i hour of one u'e'taett V. oi the 23 lay of November A. 1. 1868, lit ttiu Court House, in i countv of bv the of s.u.l County, to the highest tif luntuff amount due ami unpaid on said ifce ot-ust anil and expenses Allowed by lay, 22,1808, CJ14ISW.S KRIEOKR.

1. VT. Mortgagee. Claim tut Mortgagee, MJcJi, M. E.

CHURCH. ST. JOSEPH--Services Sunday nt 10 30; A. M. cvcninp, at 7 30 and Benton Harbor, Preaching at 2 30'; P.

M. 1'ublic prayer mooting on Thnrfdfty evening half past seven o'clock- J. JONES, Pastor. St. Joseph Herald.


SATUKDAT MORNING. Local and Business. Post Office Matters. Mail Clones-- Xiufn Wesfu North'n A SoiitlTn, at 6:45 a Piiw Pnw. Thnrs.

Pntimlnys, at 6'00 a Decntur, Thursdays anil Saturdays, at 6:00 a Pipestmic. 'flairs. 4 Saturdays, at 6:00 a Mails Due-- East'n Wcst'n Nortli'n Soulh'n, Daily, at 5:30 Paw MoniL, Wodns. A Fridays, nt 7:00 Pipostniip. Wcdni.

A Fridays, nt 6:00 Durntur, Mondays and Wednesdays, at in Political Meeting. D. A. Winslow will speak to the ol Lincoln township at the Nash School Houso on Thursday next at 7 P. M.

Gents' Dig skin gloves at Watson's. Gents' Dog skin Gauntletts, at Watson's. TAKE Steamer Comet will positively leave Boughton A Sutherland's at 9 P. M. every evening Saturday's exeeptod.

Few top Buck skin gloves, at Watjon's. Good first rite --See New Advertisement of Morrison, Lyon A Bcnton Harbor. New arrival nt Jneobson's, LaJics Sacking and Cloaks. Call and see.

Furs i. Furs Furs The largest. Stock and the best assortment of Ladies and Gents' Furs, just received nt Watson's Great Central-Hat, Cap and Fur Store. THE TBACIIKRS' Tho Teachers Institute, notice of which was given in our issue of last week, was postponed from Monday the 12 inst. to Monday next the 19th inst.

The Institute under the able management of Superintendent Ford will therefore commence its labors on Monday next at Berricn Springs nnd continue its sessions through the week. Boys Buck skin gloves and mittens, of every description and quality, are to be found at the Great Central Cloth Clothing Warehouse. THE three brick blocks which are in course of construction nre rapidly approaching completion, ajjd will bo a credit as well as an ornament to St. Joseph. The stores are all eng.T»ed and will bo occupied ns soon as finished.

Other buildings of brick will bo erected early in the spring. Just relieved at thg Croat Central Cloth and Clothing Warehouse, a new lot of Boys' Clothing. A NKW have seen many patent devices for brooms, but the best one wo have Been is one which will be found for sale at the store of E. W. A P.

Collins upon which there is a patent for fastening the firmly upon the handle and giving the brush additional spring and durability. The corn of which tho brush is composed is of tlie very best quality. Bach one of these will out wear two ordinary ones, while the price is same. Call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. You will find a first rate assortment of Shirt Fronts at the Great Central Cloth and Clothing Warehouse.

FUSION HARBOR above is the title of a Weekly paper just started in Benton Harbor, by L. J. Merchant. The "Palladium" is a six column paper printed on new type and in excellent mechanical taste. In politics the "Palladium" is Republican.

Mr. Merchant is practical printer, and we congratulate the citizens of Bcnton Harbor success in obtaining the services of one who seems to know so well how to ran a newspaper. We extend to Mr. Merchant a cordial welcome to this our common field of labor for tho advancement of this section of tho country. He has our best wishes for his pecuniary success.

You can take your choice from Twenty different kinds of Clothes Wringers by calling on H. C. Miles. 22w4 You will find a good assortment of Flannels, at the Great Central Cloth Clothing Warehouse. For Durability and Economy, the Rival Heating Stove is the best in use.

For sale ftt Stewart's Hardware. Hog skin mittens at the Great Central Clothing Warehouse. STRAYED! From my farm in Lincoln Township, a SORREL MARE, 7 years old wns lame in one hind leg. $5, reward will be paid for the return of said mare, CHAS. KRIEGER.

St. Joseph, Oct. 14, 1868. 24t3 Notice to Fence Builders, Scald proposals will be received nt the Town Clerk's Office in the Township of St. Joseph, up to the 7th day of November next, to furnish materials and build a fence partly around the St.

Joseph Hurrying Ground, according to the plan and specifications now in the office of J. W. Brewer, Esq. By order of Building Com. Dated, St.

Joseph, Oct. 12, 1868. PEACH PITS WANTED. At R. B.

Duncan's Grocery, for which the highest price will be paid. 24t3 DYEING CLEANSING. William Hart is now prepared to color all kinds of clothes, dresses, shawls, nnd other woolen goods, and renovating the game, at his shop and residence, on Fiont street between Church and Wayne Streets. 23w3 TAKE NOTICE. Ouorge E.

is to collect all accounts due the Ointral Meat Market, to whom immediate payment ia urgently solicited. Win. HOY1VE, FOR SALE. A four-year old MARE sound and kind, will be sold Apply to Z. ELDREDGE, Oct.

8, 1868. Iloyt House. LAKE SHORE NURSERY. The largest and finest Stock cf Peach trees, Grape Vines, Blackberry Plants, in Berrien County, at Lake Shore Nursery, one mile from steamboat landing. Call and examine or send for a Price List.

THOMAS ARCHER, i Joseph, Mich. Tlie Jacket Axe. For description of this Celebrated Axe, see cut and recommendations on third page of this paper. The only plnce you can buy this celebrated Axe, is at Stewart's Hardware. The largest Stock and the best assortment of Buck skin gloves and mittens, are to be found at E.

P. Watson's Great Central Cloth and Clothing Warehouse. BUSINESS There is every reason to bclcivo that a lively season of trade will be the result of the abundant fruit harvest of this year in and about St. Joseph. As indicative ol this, several new business firms stand ready to occupy tho new brick buildings which arc now being completed.

Withercll's brick building which wns formerly usad for the Post Office, and Stationery and Jewelry stores, has been leased for a term of years for a wholesale and retail Grocery S'ore. -The parties now occupying it are only awaiting the completion of the now buildings. Just received nt E. P. Watson's a first rate assortment of Ladies and Gents' Fur top Kid Gloves and Mittens.

I I I A OP FKCIT CtlLTDRE. We breve taken some pains this season to ascertain the net proceeds of peach orchards this year, and find that they run from $2000 to $4000 and as high as $6000 from 10 acres of land, and in that proportion for larger -and smaller parcels. The large differences in the proceeds of different pieces may be somewhat owing to care and culture, but mainly to quality and variety of fruit. The weather often developes one variety and brings it to such a degree of perfectien as to make it highly profitable while it may prove as injuious to other varieties. The Old Mixon variety this year has proved highly proftable, as was instanced in an article in this paper last week--at the rate of $1820 net proceeds from an acre of ground.

We have years when the Old Mixon variety was in ferior. The Keyport White has proved quite profitable this year. In 1803 this variety was so late that over one half of ihe crop was destroyed by frost. The Blackerry crop is one of greater promise than the Peach crop has proved, for the reason that the crop is more certain. The blaekerry is the raost healthful fruit grown.

They are worth $6 per bushel to manufacture into wine for sanitary purposes. It must be, indeed, an exceedingly poor year and poor yeild when a vine four years old will not produce two quarts of fruit; as high as half a bushel have been raised off from one vine. They have never brought less than $5 a bushel in the Chicago market and they have brought as high ns $16. Now we will see what an acre of ground will produce at these lowest "estimates: The least number of vines that is ever planted on an acre of ground is 1300; two quarts to each vine would make over 80 bushels of fruit, which at $5 rer bushel makes the sum of $400. The probabilities are that i the latest and most hardy varieties of blakberries and goiid cultivation the yield will never reach so low a figure as 80 bushels, and the prices will prob- nlly never reach so low a figure as $5 per bushel.

It has been demonstrated that nowhere in this latitude can thee fruits be raised except they are protected by a Inrge body of water. It has been demonstrated that they can be successfully raised here. It can be demonstrated that 10 acres of land here will procure more clear money one year with another than the best hundred acre farm devoted to common farming purposes. With this evidence before them strangers think it exorbitant in our land holders to charge from $400 to $000 per acre for land. Rival Heating Stoves, can had at 23w3 Stewart's Hardware.

Calf skin mittens at the Great Central Clothing Warehouse. ST. JOSEPII, BERRIEN, BUCHANAN AND NILES TRI-WEEKLY PACKET ST. JOSEPII. NILES.

A I A CAPT. H. D. BARNS. Will Leave St.

Joseph, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, fur Niles ma intermediate points. LEAVES NILES Tuesdays. Thursdays aud Siiturduys, for St Joseph touching at ull intermediate points. The MAGNOLIA connects with tho St. Joseph nnd Chicago lines of Steamers, also with Propeller Van Riiulte, making tri-wcekly trips between St.

Joseph and Uraud Haven, touching at Haven. lier Cove, Smigatuck nnd Holland. Ftight or Passage apply to Bough ton Sutherland, Hwve, Agts St. Joseph. Kiinsom Randall, Berrien JU.

Terriere, Buchanan. Oeo. W. I'latt, Niles. OR THE CAPTAIN ON BOARD.

St. Joseph, Oct. 10,1868. 23tf CRAPE Splendid Plants, prices low; Varieties as follows: Concord, Hartford Prolific, Diana, Delaware, Ivos Seedling lona, Crevelling, c. Call and see at Lake Shore Nursery, or address THOMAS ARCHER, 24 St.

Joseph, Mich. MONET SAVED, We arc constantly pnchauiug for cash in the Now York and lioston Markets, ull kinds of DRY AND FANCY GOODS, SILKS, COTTONS SOOTS SHOES, WATCHES, SEWING MACHINES, CUTLERY, DRESS GOODS, DOMESTIC GOODS, Which we are actually selling at an average price of One Dollar for each Article. Our sales being strictly for cash, and our trade much larger than that of any other similar concern, eniibles us to give better bargains than can bo obtained of any other house. Are specially invited to give us a trial. Send for a Circular and Exchange List.

Our club system of selling is as follows $2 tvo scud 20 patent pen fountains and checks describing 20 dinereut articles to be sold for a dollar each: 40 for 80 for 100 for $10, 4c. Sent by mail. Commissions larger than those, offered by any other firm, according to sizu of club. Single fountain and check 10 cts. Male tind Fcmalu agents wanted.

Send Money in litgistn-ed Letters. Send ns a trial club, mid you will acknowledge that you cannot afford to buy goods of liny other HOHSO thereafter. EASTMAN KENDALL. 14n6 05 Unnovcr Boston, Mass. BLACKBERRIES.

Kittatinny and Early Wilson Blackberry Plants, low as can be bought. Call at Lake Shore Nursery, or address THOMAS ARCHER, 23 St. Joseph, Mich. The County 8. 8.

A friend writes us that the Annual Meeting the County Sunday School Association at Bu chauan last Tuesday was a success, though not largely attended, particularly from this part tS(0 County. Measures were taken to hold County Institute for Sabbath School officers ant Teachers, also a county celebration, at such placas and times next year as may be designated. Il was resolved to hold the next Annual Meeting in St. Joseph. The Institute will probably meet a Berrien Springs.

The following are the officers of the Association for 1868-9: President--B. M. Pennell, of Buchanan. Vice-Presidents-- (One in each Among them St. Joseph, Dr.

R. Pcngelly Ben ton, Ralph Grow; Hagar; K. L. Kingsland Watervleit, W. M.

Baldwin; Bainbridge, F. Johnson; Pipestone, W. L. Hogue Sodus, J. Goodrich Lincoln, James A.

Parish; Royalton 0. C. Parsons. Secretary--H. A.

Ford, of Nilei. Treasurer--B. S. Reed, of Niles. Executive Committee--0.

A. Wagner, Buchan an; A. L. Aldrich, St. Joseph; Rev.

P. B. Par- rcy, Ihrce Oaks. Photographs. The undersigned would respectfully invite th attention of their friends and the public, to th improved facilities for taking Photographs, botl large and small, in the various styles of art Pictures copied and enlarged Views taken on short notice.

Pictures taken as well in cloudy weather, as on a lair day. Rooms on State strce St. Joseph, Mich. GREGG. St.

Joseph, Sept. 26, 1S68. 21tf FRUIT FAEMS FOE SALE! One ot 5 acres and one of 10 acres, just on mile from the Corporation limits of St. Joseph and beautifully located. These farms arc adja cent to each other and will be sold together separately.

Tho soil is of first quality timbe land. Tho five acre lot has about 300 Peach trees which bore this year for the first time from whicl have been sold about $aOO worth of fruit. The balance (3 acres) is mainly black muck soil very rieh, thoroughly underdrcancd, entirely new and free from stumps--the very best possible Jo cation for Blackberries or other small fruits. The ten acre lot is about one-third set to Pcacl troes in bearing from which has been realize- this year S1000. Two thousand Lawton Black berries set out last spring, are growing nicely the balance of the land is improved and ready tc be set to tiny kind of fruit.

The soil for richnes and adaptation to all kinds of fruit cannot be surpassed if equalled by any other in this Frui Region. Tho undersigned will guarrantce to offer to purchaser the best bargain that can be any where in the St. Joseph Fruit Region. For further particulars inquire of H. C.

GUERNSEY, Or the editor of toil paper. St. Joseph, Sept. 30 1868. 22tf C.

W. ORMSBEE, Attorney Solicitor at Law, anc MONEY OFFICE IN MORRISON'S NEW BRICK BLOCK, St. Joseph. Michigan. Particular attention given Conveyancing and Co looting Notos, Mortgages, Bounty Money, an Pensions.

44 D. B. PARKS, Surveyor Real Estate, li'nton Harbor, Michigan. Every attention given to parties -visiting the Fruit Region with a view of purchasing istf M. W.

FORD HARMOUNT, (Successuib to Bee be A Harinount.) Commission Merchants, FRUIT A1VD PRODUCE. 215 South Water Street, Chicago articular attention given to consignments of Apples and Potatoes, by the car load. L. WELLS, Agent St. Joseph, Mich.

Residence on Avenue 1 mile south of St. Joseph. 52t1 P. T. A HENRY F.

A Fruit Commission DEALERS. ALSO A GENTS FOB -Cincinnati Fire Works. 65 Randolph Street, Chicago III. THOMAS ARCHER, LAKE Peach Trees, Blackberries, Raspberries, and drapes a Speciality. Lake Shore Road, St.

Joseph, Michigan St. Joseph, April, 25, 1S68. 61tf FARM FOR SALE. I have for sale a Farm of eighty acres of land six miles (rom this place. It is well situated, of the best quality of soil and some twenty or thirty acres of improvement, including a large barn and comfortable dwelling.

There is remaining some twenty acres of valuable It will be sold at a bargain if inquiry is made of mo soon. GEO. S. CLAPP. St.

Joseph, May 9, 1868. nltf AT THE I BOOT AND SHOE OP Potter Laring, IN WITHBRBlt'S P. O. BUIDINQ. Johnson don't make our Boots Shoes, tan our Leather, But Loring warrants wear In any kind of weather.

Our Stock comprises everything in tlie Boot Shoe line, and SATISFACTION WARRANTED, Quick CASH sales and small is our motto. II. Loring'a Manufacturing Establishment is connected with our store, where all kinds of Manufacturing and Repairing, is done on short notice. Call and examine our STOCK and PKICE8, before Purchasing POTTER tt. 51.

19tf BENTON HARBOR ADS. EWART, MORRISON, LYON I'll. BENTON HARBOR, (Old Stand of Bur ridge.) DEALERS IN GROCERIES, CROCKERY, BOOTS SHOES, HATS, CAPS, PLASTER AND SALT. Rail Road Ties, Cord Wood and Lumber, purchased at Market Rates. 24m6 K.LYOK] J.

STEVENS' DKAtr.r ALL GOODS PERTAINING TO Hardware Trade, St. Joseph, Michigan. O- Special attention given to Manufacturing and Repairing. 62tf St. Joseph Market.

CORRECTED WEEKLY BY AND BETAIL DBALBR III Crockery, Groceries 1 Provisions the The IKSIDK COLUMN the price paid Producer; the OUTBIDS COLUMN the price sold at by the Retailer to the consumer. WHKAT-- Rct, COBS-- In the Ear, OATH-- FLoua--White Winter Red, Spring Whent, Rye per Colic MEAL-Bolted, BEAMR-- TIMOTUT SEED-CLOVER SXED-- ft bu. bbl. 3 10 1 80 1 0 60 76 0 00 70 11 24 10 24 11 76 10 76 10 8 60 2 60 4 00 MERCHANT TAILOR, Kliop on Statf Street, m-rr R. F.

Store, C'UTTIXG and SIAK.IXG lioiif to order on shortest 7 50 Cwt. 2 00 300 bu. 3 60 2 76 76 1 00 8 00 HAT--Timothy per. 1800 0000 Marsh, 10 00 WOOD-- Oak and Beech, per. cord 3 00 8 Maple or Hickory.

4 60 (00 PORK-- 16 is HAMS-- per ft gO SHOULDERS-- per Ib 10 10 CHICKENS--per. tb 18 JO EJOS--per. Dozen, 22 2fr LARD-- Ib 20 TALLOW-- 18 IS BUTTEK--per. Ib 36 POTATOES-- per. bushel, new 60 80 ONIONS-- 1 1 60 APPLES-- 1 00 1 40 PEACHES--Pared, per.

Ib 20 25 APPLES--Dried 12 16 HIDM--Dry, 11 Green, SAW--per bbl 3 0 0 00 Coarse, per bbl 0 00 0 00 WIIITEFISH-- Half 6 76 7 00 TrouT-- 0 26 60 SHINGLES--per thousand 000 0 0 0 Cut 0 00 0 00 AND Satisfaction Warranted. Long practice in his business warrants him In assuring his Customers, and the public generally, that for neatness and durability, his work is second to none in Berricn County. 2tf BUY YOTJIfc FEED STORE! MITCHELL CLOSSON, Prop's, DEALETS IN FLOUR, FEED, COARSE GRAINS AND Country Produce. All goods delivered to any part of (fie village Free of C'haryc. STATE STREET, (UNDER THE "HERALD" OFFICE,) St.

Joseph, Michigan. St. Joseph, May 16th, 1608. n3--Itf FOR SALE. A GOOD BUSINESS CHANGE I Boots Shoes Pioneer Store OF W.

H. BRYSON, STORE ON STATE STREET, ST. JOSEPH. The undersigned will sell his one-tbird Interest la the St, Joseph Sash, Door and Blind Factory, and Planning Hill. The machinery is all new, and In flrst running order, and the factory is doing a good bniiness.

The undersigned wishing to retire from the business will sell his interest, npon the most reasonable terms. For further particulars inquire on the premises ot 9m2 CHARLES LUCKEK. MARTINDALE ROE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS General in Produce, Dutter, Poultry Oystera, Fruits Game, No. 13, MICHIGAN GRAND AVESCB, North Side City Hall, Detroit, Mich. Orcers for LIMliERGER CI1EESK and GOSH EN BUTTER filled at New York Prices.

Consignments Solicited. Prompt returns made. Goods received on Storage. Liberal Cash Advances made on Consignments. P.

E. JENNINGS, Agt. llniS Is the place to go to make your purchases. There you have the largest and finest Stock of Goods in WESTERN MICHIGAN, to select from at prices that Cannot be beat. We keep on hand at all times a LARGE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Of the very LATEST STYLES, also GROCERIES, BOOTS SHOES, I Hats Caps, WALL-PAPER, PAINTS, OILS, ents Furnishing Goods, YANKEE NOTIONS, JEWELRY undersigned bos jiwt recioved tho largest Stock of And a general variety of all kinda of Goods.

We are receiving every day, From New York and Chicago, So that persons can always find the very Latest STYLES, of what they want. The Highest Price Paid for Country Produce. WATCHES, CLOCKS, I A A A Musical Instruments, and I Kvcr brought to this Market, and nt Prices tlmt DEFY COMPETITION. Watches, American and Foreign of all grades. Clocks, of all grades, patterns and Prices.

Silver and Plated- Ware, of all styles. STORE, CORNER OF STATE PLEASANT STREETS, ST. JOSEPH, MICH. Everything usually kept in a First Class Jewelry Store. Call and examine my Stock and PRICES, before making your purchases.

WILLIAM RICABY. Joseph, June 13,1868. Ctf R. D. PARKER, Physician Surgeon.


St. Joseph, I HOTEL. IViles, This new Hotel, has been thoroughly furnished with a special care to tho wants of a first class house. Those favoring us with their patronage can depend upon being fairly dealt with. 49yl.

11. II. PIKE, Proprietor. Sewing Machines Of all styles for sale at manufacturer's prices, ranging From $10, to $175. Machine Oil, Needles, Thread, Tuckeri, Binders Cordert, and all extras for all Machines.

Old machines taken in part payment for new ones. MACHINES REPAIRED, And for Rent. Machine stitching and knitting, done neatly promptly. StUitfaction Guaranteed or money refunded. 2-4tf 1HOS.

BUNBUBY'S Shingles. at all Call and examine our Stock before purchasing as we are bound not to be Un- ersold. At the Red Front. J. E.

STEVENS. St. Joseph, July 25,1868. v312tf WANTED. Cider apples delivered at my Cider Mill Benton Harbor, for which I will pay the ligbest market price.

19tf R. RICABY. BO A I YTT FOOT OF SHIP STKBKT, CORNER OF FRONT. Pleasant rooms, aud First Class hoard. v3-l Z.

Proprietor. JAMES POINTER, Manufacturer of the Improved Invitible or Ventilating Wigi, Ladies' Ornamental Hair Work, A A I A I 8 THB HIGHEST PRICK PAID FOB RAW HAIB. Booms over Pointers Tonsorial Palace. SHOP IN MORRISON'S SLOCK. St.

Joseph, June 20, 1868. 7tf OOK AGENTS WANTED --For Win. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible. -Written by TO of tho most distinguished in Europe and America. Illustrated with over 125 STEEL and WOOD ENGRAVINGS.

In one largo Octavo, volume. Prlco THE OHLI EDITION PUB- LISUID IH AMBKICA, CONDENSED BY DR. SMITH'S OWN HAND. Wo employ no General Agents, and offer extra inducements to Agents dealing with us. Send for descriptive circulars, and our terms.

J. I). BVRR tc CO Publishers, Hartford, Conn. In jKrtcffer Jfovse Barn, on Water St. St.

Joseph, Mich. Bonn and Carriages furnished at roasomable ratM, Fine DRIVING HORSES, DOUBLE OR SINGLE, With New and Elegant at 4 ov In the most approved style. I solicit the patronage ol the traveling public. Nothing loft undone for tho COMFORT ACCOMMODATION Of Give ma a call. 2nl9tf TII08.


K. WITBEBBL. McMullen Witherell, REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKERS 164 State Street, ROOMS, 142, Chicag-o, Illinois. attention paid to selling Fruit and other Michigan Property..

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