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The Hillsdale Standard from Hillsdale, Michigan • Page 4

Hillsdale, Michigan
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CONSTITUTIONAL YENTIQ CWl June 5. The Convention re-assembled at 11 A. to-day according to adjourn inunt and its session was open by religious exercises-by Potter, Petitions were then favoring a license system in tkc Stnto wore 14 in number, signed by 1,400 names, and from the coun ties of Clinton, Wayne, Ionia', St. Clnir, Sanilnc, Macomb and Monroe. Tltose for the retention of the present fcuti-liccnsc clause were 10 in number, with 1,450 "signatures, and re presented tho counties of Allegaii, Hillsdale, Culhoun, Ingham and Van Huron.

Mr. Morion presented the preamble und resolution of the Common Council of tho city of Monroe, pray tho Constitutional Convention law for incorporated for a license cities. Petitions wore also presented from Monroe conty asking to have all fines in criminal cases to the credit of the fund for the support the poor from Isabella county asking lor impartial suffrage for men am' women, and from St. Glair county praying for a provision making the crime of murder in the first degree punishable with death. motion oi Mr.

Ferris, a resold lion was adopted declaring tha' hereafter no leaves of absence ivoulr be granted' except for "good causa ihown." LAPSING. Juno d. Petitions for a license law, with 1, 400 signatures, and for prohibition. with 1,450, were presented to-day. The first three those relat ing to boundaries, seat of government and division of the powers ol government, which had been previously placed on the order of third reading, passed with verbal amendments.

Mr. Pringle made a lively raid on Lansing in a short speech. -There has been only a single session of two hours to-day. A Member of tlic New York Coitstitutioiiu! Convention Mimlcrctl. ALBAXY, Juno 4.

Hon. L. Harris Hiscox, member of the Constitution Convention, has just heen shot dead, at Stntnnix Hall, by .1 man who talks itellburutuly of the deed and says he can justify it. PAKTICDLARS OF THE MURDER. The man who shot Hon.

L. Harris Hiscox is Gen. Cole, a lumber dealer, of Syracuse. About half-past 8, Hiscox was standing in the large reception room of the hotel, near the clerk's desk, in hio slippers. Cole, who was setting near by, rose and approaching Hbccx, made some remark which was not distinctly overheard by those near, and, immediately thereafter drew a small pistol, and presenting it at his head, fired.

Tho ball entered near the right eye. -Hiscox fell back senseless, the wound bleeding profusely. He expired 30 minutes. Colo remarked thajt Hiscox had heen hia best friend, but while he was in the army, where he rose to the grade of gencr- nl in the cavalry service, he had raped hia wife, and added I have the cvidcnco now in my po-jket." -Ho quietly awaited the coming of the police, and was convoyed to the station house. A coroner's jury is being empanneled, but it is not likely that an inquest will bo held until tomorrow.

Cole is a brother of Senator Cole, of California. He is a tall, fine looking man as was Iliscox, who larger and heavier. Dispatches by the C'nblc. DUBLTX, Juno 0 Evening. Tho party of Fenians arrested a few days ago when attempting to land atDun- carvon, say they were from Boston, Mass.

ATHEXS, Juno 0. Information from Creto confirms the previous reports that the Turks are everywhere badly defeated, and the Cretan in- 1 H.L, HILLSDALE, MIQB. TUESDAY; JUNE 11, Lord surgents uniformly successful. LOXDOX, June 6 Evening. Naas, Chief Secretary for Ireland, announced in the House of Commons to-night that the sentences of all convicted Fenians had been commuted.

Advices from the Contmen report a rising against the authority of the Porte in both Bulgaria and Scrvia. PABIS, June 0 Evening. Another attempt upon the lify of tho Em peror Napoleon was made to day. -While he was returning from tho grand review in tha Camp do Mars, given this afternoon in honor or tho Crar of Russia, who also accompanied him, a shot was fired at tha carriage by eorno person in tho crown. -Neither of Emperors was injured, but the incident created groat excitement and confusion for a time, which was, however, quieted when it was found that the intended assassin had Jailed.

He has not yer been arrested, but cannot long escape. udff" A woman who was fully confined three ycara in tho In- Asylum at Illinois, makes a horrible disclosure of tho cruelties practiced there. One process of punishment, is to fit the patient with strong, closely fitted waist or jacket with. sleeves coming below the hand having a single loop which a strong cord and sewed up hole through may bo passed. Her arms are then crossed in front, tho hands arc drawn tightly behind her, she is thrown violently upon tho floor, face down.

ward, her clothing is removed or turned up, and then she is beaten tm- til her flesh is lut a jtlly. Patients are stripped and plunged in tho cold bath until life is nearly extinct. Others, for thosliehtest'offcnse, are pounded and kicked in tho most terrible manner. Patients -are often choked until their faces are black and their tongues hang out of thoir aouths. A lady of refinement, of pure and virtuous character, and a nature remarkably true to tho in-, slinctfl of a true before be- ingtiiore thirty-six hours was stripped of all her clothing except a torn chemise, and laid' upon nor bare back upon the floor, Dr.

sitting astride her naked body while the attendants the strap to her limbs! Insanity appears to bo tfeatcd as a crime, and all are ready to pMiiafc the criminals. Such a state of tfcftOBi 3 a 'disgrace to ha- t. Hung? This is a delicate question for a American to handle, since tho nutho of our own national troubles whos merciless barbarities are very.simila to those of MAXIMILIAN in Mexico has been allowed to go unpunished Yet as a very small proportion of th patriotic people of this conntiy en dorsa tho release DAVIS they may bo allowed to express thei hope that morbid Imnianatarianism may not induce similar farce in sister'republic. The motives which actuated th French government invade Mex ico, was conceived in sin, prosecuted in iniquity, and consumatod wit' cowardly clandestine intent. From trumped up causes, superinduced the prevalence of a civil war in th United States, Mexico was invaded at a time when it was known tha such an invasion oould not be stoj: ped by American an attempt to Hitstnin th high handed act by legitimate prot ocations, tho Emperor Napoleo sought to build up a new Empire his own on the ruins of others.

this end, he assigned the throne power to MAXIMILIAN, and furnisbe him with tho paraphernalia of war and bid him conquer himself an Em pire. Results have shown how sift nally he has failed. But no tongu can tell the suffering it oost tho Lib enals of Mexico to stay tha aggres ions of this ambitious invador. Tli most savage, soulless, barbarities have characterized MAXIMILIAN'S reign of terror for the last five years Thousands of innocent men have been put to death almost under his eye for no other offenco than tha they were Liberals. Many cxcellen men of refined culture, have been murdered by tho slow torturo dungeon bastiles, without an inquiry as to the nature of the accussition.

Such a thing as a trial and aoquitta on proven innocenco was unknown under the reign of MAXIMILIAN, ant for friends to undertake to intercede for the victims was to subject them to certain death. lie used as his in struments, men who were distiguish ed as accomplished bandits and des- leradoes. To say then, that a for- cigh cmisary, waging an unprovoked war upon a serai-enlightened people, followed with cruelties and bardarism mknown to civilization, for tho ivowed purpose of subjugating ro niblican institutions, and plant thereon-the thralldom of eclesiaslic des- otism, should now that ho has failed, and is a captive, bo allowed to go Yce, is to deny tho legitimacy and ustico of punishment for crime. Unfeigned Wrut in Washing 'ion. Tho result of the recent election in city of Washington, has kindled an unconquerable wrath among the chivalry.

Tho election of nearly every Republican candidate in tho city is the result of tho negro vote, which went in a body for tho Republican ticket. Why did tho niggers not vote for their old massas," in accord, ance with tho copperhead prediction, that in tho event of tho adoption of negro suffrage tho negroes would be used for tho aggrandisement of political power by tbeir late masters? Will not this first specimen of negro obsequiousness, tend to" remove that doubt from, tho Democratic it not show another instance wherein every prediction has failed, as to tho capacity of tho negro to think and act for himself? ara Young's now Temple at Salt Lake City, will, when completed, hold eighteen thousand people. Engine Explosion. A sad accident occurred at Huron Station, on tho Michigan Southern Railroad, and about 30 miles from this yesterday morning, by which two men were instantly killed and another seriously injured. The freight train from Toledo to Detroit, drawn by the locomotive Dromedary arrived at Huron Station on time and went on tho side tiack for the morning mail from this city to pass, it being due there at 10:55 A.

mail passed, on time, the switch was set and tho freight train moved toward the main track. Just as it reached that point the boiler of the locomotive force. Tho whole blew up with terrific upper portion of tho boiler was torn off, and the engine was tipped on end and thrown down an embankment 18 Two men were on the engine, and both were instantly killed. Their names were Jesse of this'city, engineer, and Moses Robar, a saloonkeeper id Monroe. The latter appears to have been on the engine without any authority, as ho was hot an "employee of the road.

The fireman, Loarider Smith, "was upon the tender throwing wood forward. Ho was badly scalded about tho head and face, but it is' not thought that his injuries prove fatal. The remains of the, engineer were brought to this city last evening, when Coroner Daly summoned a jury, and the iriqnest was adjourned to Thursday There is, of course, nothing known as to' the true cause of explosion, and theories are of very IttUe.consQ. qucncB. The engine b'ad been 81 11 showtime, and.tho afi auppjkd th; wa The force of the explosion was veby great, as has just been indicated by Us effect.

I The dtlrisof the train was removed from'the track, and the evening -express was detained but short time, arriving here only about 30 minutes late. Post'Juno 6th, '07. OOKS AND STATIONERY I --AT-WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Penfield, Whipple Hare opened in the NEW COMMERCIAL, BLOCK, A BOOKSTORE, wbcre they hops to fully meet ttio wants o( ihi'i community, keeping (V gcacral assort-. racnt of la every Department of MISCELLANEOUS THEOLOGICAL BOOKS, CLASSICAL BOOKS, JUVENILE BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, LAW BOOKS BIBLES 1 PHOTOGRAPH AtBIJJIS. NEW BOOE3 BKCElvrn AS SOON AS SABBATH SCHOOL BOOKS, Publications of the various Religious Societies and private Publishing HOUSCJ kept constantly on Imncl; all of which we propose to sell at the LOWEST Sunday School prices, thus Avoiding tho necessity of sending to Eastern or AIL KINDS.

CAP, FLAT-GAP, JOURNAL AND LEDGER, NOTE, BILLET, FRENCH KOTE ENVELOPES. A TT jcx AND Commission Store IN HILLSDALE! First daor South of Second National Bank, All business entrusted to our care attended to ness and dispatclu H. W. RUSSELL CO. Hillsdale, Slay 28tli, HAMMOND -CR-O-SS PICTURE FRAMES, Any size made to order on short notice.

GOLD PENS. Every Pen Warranted, Wall Paper, Curtain Shades, Curtain Fixtures, Cord Tassels. Wo dcsicn keeping- a full lino of Goads such as arc generally found in Book Stores, and by honorable dealing hope to merit a ibcral sharo of palronngc. Please give us a call, not 'orgetting the place, in the New Commercial Block. PKSFIELD, WIIIPPLE CO.

HHIsdalo, Juno 4, HAVE RECEIVED THEIR STOCK OF SPRING GOODS Which is one of tho NEWEST, NICEST AND CHEAPEST ever brought to Hillsdalc. Being the last in the market they the benefit of the recent grca decline, and now offer goods at prices that will command the attention the public. DRESS-GOODS Consisting in part of POPLINS, MOZAMBIQUES, in endlesa variety. MOHAIRS and ALPACAi PERCALES, PIQUES, MERINOS. GRENADINES, ORGRANDIES, CIIAMBRE, DELAINS, J3ARAGES ENGLISH and SCOTCH GINGHAMS, BEAUTIFUL A largo assortment of LAWNS, SILKS, A OOO ROLLS, WALL PAPER A NO OLD STOCK-ALL FRESH.

Give us a call in tho NEW COMMERCIAL BLOCK, And show yon tho. BEST AND LAKGEST i every stylo and price. LADIE'S tho size and color for tbo season. Gloves, Velvet DRESS TRIMMINGS LACES, PARASOLS and SUN UMBRELLAS--new styles. DAMASK TABLE LINEN, TOILET QUILTS, TWEDING, FLANNELS, and every variety of LINEN GOODS.

They would call tho especial attention of the Ladies to their splendid as sortment of --STOCK or-W a a CURTAIN SHADES, --AND-- BORDERS, Ever offered in thii market is to Prices--Call and See. Remember the place, PENFIELD, WHIPPLE A CO. May 21st, 1807--4w. I They make CLOTHS a speciality, and can ofler extra inducements to their customers. BOOTS SHOES lower that over.

Men's Custom Calf Boots only $7,00. do do do do (heavy and warranted) only $6,50. Carpets, Oil Cloths, and JUattings in now patterns at low figures, Groceries Crockery, as low as tho lowest. SALT PLASTER. Follow tho crowd and you will find tho place at A.

Hammond's Old Stand, Hillsdalo House Block. B. BAI.DY, KIAL1B IJT EM, SALT -S SMOKED CHEATS BEST BRANDS OF SALT FISH. 4 i AIM, LAKE MD OCEAN FRESH FISH a their teuoa. OTTXj TR ilthtr or dreued.

--o--o-- Jans lit, OR CLOTHS, 1 to Of HATTOS'S, 'HUttOMe Hou I 1 UY YOUR JuSHArtB.ittlnNtwiD^ot; Jonesville Woolen Factory READ! Tho undersigned would respectfully announce to their old Patrons and Friends of HHIsdalo and adjoining Counties that tho Woolen Factory is again in operation, and the manufacture of Cloth and Custom Carding in FULL BLAST. -We arc now Carding Custom Rolls daily. Our Tbreo Largo DOUBLE CARDING MACHINES are all fitted up, and ready, and having tno JESest, Workmen in the State wo avo fully able to guarantee this work. to be done in the most prompt and SATISFACTORY -MANNEiR "We warrant our work to be well done if wool is sent in good condition I CLOTH -DDREssiisra done nt all limea, and in the BEST POSSIBLE MANNER. With qnr INCREASED PAOIJJTIES and 9f Oloth, we are now rendj to EXCHANGE C1LOTU FOB W001 the MOST SERVICEABLE of any in the market.

i Bemember to give the JonesYllle Woolen Mills an early call. May 7, H.B. A CO; Sf, OH Fishier Column. 3 tf 5 2 ft- a fl S. V) pfi CP Tfft a I PBS23 i 9 ol I IE; 133 -i ft 2 CO ft a CP ro CO ft v': fci-i'-i CO 1 No T.ctftr.JnK TAM W1U.I.I; PIIOT.OGRA.Pir GALLERY Lately owned by Clark, wooli begltd to seo all the old patroni of Rooms and plenty of others, 'heii to please ollwho may want their Likenesses Either In -a.

aw: ra en PHOTOGRAPHS, II a ird i Or any picture known to the Art. CALL AND R. L. ANDREWS, WM, A. OARSOJT, Proprietor.

Photograph LOOK to Yotm TMERMT 0. Rics returned from New York is now receiving the best and largest stock of Medlcihes, Dyo Stuffs, Printi. Oil, VanilMies ever brought to diile, and ho is bound tosull cheaper than. ever-- or, any other place in HilUdalc-- hit. having been bought when at the eat prices.

Do not fall to Xo. 8. onNj block. DR. DeViSHNU'S CELEBBATED ETCEU10K An ickn wlr dgrd hj ill naajr who hare thrro te the uf kind to (hi prnplc.

and man. woman 01 child rtt to IK found, wlni, harlDK tho rout them, i irln ot anj Tber cnnUIn NO or other material tb Irait iojurloai to Iratbrr, bat, OB the uofqaillM for IjEATRKH I'KKSKRVINO QUALITIES. WATER. 'JKOOF V7hen tiied according loolrtctloiM, It tn inikd a. pair ol BonJioiSboM wear at (Mil oar.

third loozrr thn hj- the mt ol anr other preparattnn tuatcao be applied, white tbl jolt' Iv celebrate! POLISH JM rjv 6 I'mdncei Itie moit Drllllant aod Fol- Uh nt anything of the kind erer ottered to the Tabllc. Kvery harneu aboold be without l)r. Definaso's UjklllM A I HT I i Pint and Quart TttJf i a to (Ir- perfect Mtufactloa. AND AT WHOLKIAU 17 LLOYD, TUKXEIl ISO ff. Rnndolph Stmt, Wlioln- If by at Wholnale and BeUlt 8A 3 0 HltlidaU, HALL'S RENEWS TUB HAIR TO ITS ORIGIIAL COLOR WHEN GRAY.

Rt'ncws the rmtritiro matter which nouriihet tliti hair. RENEWS THE GROWTH OF 1HB IIAJR WHEN BALD. Rcncwa the brash, wiry hairtoailkcngoftatM. RKAVTIFVL HAIR DRKSSIKO. One bottlu shows its eflcctg.

R. P. HALL Nashua, N. to rs For sale by nil I GOODS I I STOCK -or- SPRING 'A SUMMER Direct from Ntf Tork, parebtird ft bal.ll better pctopur the POSSIBLE Will JL CASH BUYERS To call Bottom JPricei. i J.M.H.AU48WL UY YOUR SILVER Jf, VT ol T.


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