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Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • 1

Hartford Couranti
Hartford, Connecticut
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VOL. XI IX. NO. 229. ITvMliEIl Lo 1SS5.


SLEEPER, Business, Tent and Medical Clairvoyant, Magnetic Htmler and Mind Cure, very nllalUs iu all affairs of life. Communi MARK TWAIN'S HOME. THE A few stops only from Mrs. Htowr's brings cation given from spirit friends. Also, alisent friends.

Onhs-s No. North Main Hartford. w17 fid you to Mr. Clemens" house, ami still you take Uie short-cut through the lawns ami shruUliery, ly which brief transit you iass from old New Euglatui to modern fnun the jilttin of ethical doMon to the luxu- the general policy of his administration thus far. The case is a crucial one.

It is an expression of contempt iu the straigxst and clearest form for the principles of good government by the persons whom the Pivsident has put in charge of the most iniHrlant otlliw in the eouuiry. They could not put this oonUmt into a shae more offensive to voters in this city and Brooklyn than apixmitiug a liquor-dealiug iildermuii to any position of trust or resiHHisibilny. This particular animal is the embodiment of all that is worst in Uith New York aud politics. It is, therefore, an olToiice which the friends of reform can neither pass over nor explain away. After Captain Baooii has Uvn restored, and Sterling sent Kick to tii liquor shop, it will Ik" for the I'litt-ideut to say i bother moil who have ho grossly abused his confidence anil have shown themselves so far out of symivttliv with his views alsmt government, can tie allowed to remain ill charge of an estaldishmeut so lniHrliint as the New York custom house.

do not for inir part see how he can leave them thore for eveu thirty days. Whether ln keejw tliem ill place or not, however, he must correct and restrain them nriMiiotlv. To aooent or condone their rious alKsie of the nu4 wcslem of humorists. It is not ilitHcult to trace, however, tln tMent Utl leeleyW BniroDe TOU the benefit of suffering humanity, I deem It only my duty to give this unsolicited tefjiitmniy in favor of Swil't SiHvirtc. My ife has been Afflicted with Kxxeiua from infancy.

We triel every known remedy, hut to no avail. She- was also attik'ted with, a periodical nervvms headucho. ihimeiinteis followed bv an inunnatent fever, so tlutt her life Unarne a hiirdeu to her. Finally 1 determined to try Swift's Specific. She conn.

lenoed seven weeks ago. After taking tin Hrst largo Utlle the disease ftvnml to increase; the luiming.itWung and inflammation became uiihearabie. Sle. however, itei-severel in the use of themedieine. After taking the second InMtle Ikcgan to sulfide.

After the third Itottle the intlammation uisaprem(, and sore spot dried up aud turneti white and scaly, ami finally she-brushed them off in an impalpable hite powder resembling pure salt. She is now taking the sixth bottle; every appearance of Uie disease is gone, and her flesh is soft and hile as a child's. Her headaches have disapi tea red and she enjoys tin uly gooii health she has know in 40 years. No womler she det'ius every bottle of 8- S. S.

is worth a thousand times it weight in gold. Any further information concerning her case will be cheerfully given by herself at her reUeuce, 135 Mullett street, or by me. JOHN K. UK Griswold St. rvtroit, Mich May Irt, PVvi.

or sale by all druggists. THK SWIFT SPECIFIC Thk Swift Speriric Urawer Atlanta, or W. LMd N. Y. CH liOMC A hl'HClALTY.

TFARKAR. M. at ANyri House, Hartford, every Friday and Haturdfty in each mouth. r'ridjivH, I to WvKi p. m.

Saturdays. 8 a. m. to 1 u. id.

Boston oWee. iiur st Dorchester Dial. Kt I'l ItE jiell In place and cihed by lr. Farrar's method vithuut tiie use of knife or the injury tnuw No hindrams from business. Send stamp for sik-ou'J Notice Pnisr," which contains ordinary foes atrl many reported iw of cure, etc DR.


kiuship betwvm rVtm I awstm of t(f-(oit t'ulk ami the eijually quaint ami slirewd Itut more expansive drollery tf Mark Twain; and, on the other band, those who see tmich of this author A NT8. "tr ANTED By a good competent girl, asitua- tin to do housework; can furnish gixxl rexm-lueudat ions. Ajiply at 51 Liberty st. sepa ITANTErWTiie publ.T to" knowtitat we liv added a team to our offt; to convey help at a moment's notice; iuthing but the best help furnished. Orand Union Employment Bureau, Pearl st.

i 'p ai WANTEt A situation for a girl to do general housework; good city references. Call at bii Flower up stairs. l'" ANTED Byareiecabreniddh-ftged woiiian. TT a situation to do light housework in a small family, or take care of an invalid or children. Call at Mrs, Dickerson's uewsrooms, iiti Trumbull st or 37 Avon st.

sep22 "1 VrANTED situation as coachman, or to take fV care of a gentleman's place, by an honest and indiiKtrtous Swede. Inquiry may be made at sep222d rANTEI-MEN AND WOMEN, iu evvry Uwn, to sell a set of Christmas Books. Any one can sell them. They sell for 5c, $1.50 and i.Wt One new agent lailv) sold 55 tlie. tlrst week, making t.Kl; another $1:1.00 worth the Hrst hour, making $Ttj20.

Send for circular. COMPANY. UiihUmI. Broadway, New York, sep hi 3dWg "TIFANTEi By a good, reliable girl, a situation U) cook, wash and iron, or do general bouse work in a private family in city or country; no ob-h-ctioiis to a boarding house; hot afraid of work. Mi-s.

H. Loom is, ITT Asylum st, 2d sepJ lITANTEi A situation by a girl to do general housework or second work; good references from present employer. Apphy at 201 Sigournev St. sepii 3d 1 A situation to cook or to do gern'ral housework. Apply at 57 spruce st.

31 rA NTED-Cali put ttvetonthoTisaiuirs in any good business that could be moved to Pittsburgh, aud made better by the use of natural gas for fuel. Address in confidence. "Maxufactvb-ek," care P. O. Box 224, Pittsburgh, Penn.

sep22 fid in private discover him fund of serious iv-Uection and of keen oliservutioii utxiu tnany subjects tliat gives him anot her element in com- CLOTHING ANOJFURMI8HINO GOODS. SUITS! IT SUITS! Of all sorts, kinds and descriptions. Samples of our almost endless varieties may "be seen during the present week in our Show Windows. A glance only will "be needed to convince iiiiiu with his neighlHir. the nuntry group in this ueighborluHHl do not scent to fancy giving names to their hous: they are content with the arithmetical designation.

"No, my house action iu this case would be a virtual aikaiidomu-Mit iu the eyes of the whole country of the att.uiipt to reform the service on which has not got any name, rsani sir. lemons, in ansn -er to a question. "It has a nuinU'r, but HARTKOIIl) NEWS. City The new walks on the of Ihetup. itol are uoarly completed, Tliere ill a wrtuil eclipse tJf (he moon U'twoeu 1 and 4 a.

m. to-morrow morning, The next rm-e by cnuocs of the Hartford tfc. line club is anuoutuvd for to -morrow afternoon. There has been a good ojs iuiig sale of ticket for the P.mcrsou course of comvrU. Those let have not taught tickets hi the cotuw but think of attending one or two should reiiiemU-i- tlisl Uie price for the hole is no more than for two at usual ran nod that holders of season ticket have the first choice of seats.

In he iHiluvciurt'yesterdiiy Thaddeus I'm vim was sentenced to jail for twenty day for drunkenness. Catherine Currau promisisl to keep solicr, and judgment was 8uicudcd. F.dwnnl K-iiuucr was sunt to joil for drunkenness. Tho case against Johu and Michael I irady, ebttrge.1, ith keeping their saloon ou ou Sunday, was adjourned. Michael Smith, charged with assault, was not iu court and his caw was ad-JoiitiHHl to today.

At the Otiteuulal Cmgr. The Connecticut Tonqicrauiv Vtiion Is Iw represented at the Centennial TemHrnne conference, held in Philadelphia this week by lrv. feasor 1. Camp, the Hon, II I), Smith, tho Kev. Or.

W. W. Clark, the Uev. Follies, the Kev. S.

J. M. Merw in. the Itev. Ueorge 11 Urifllii and the Kev.

Alplieu niter. Connect L-tit Abrsad, TIk liiieei.Ma li.jtstrr of Iss-pU'iidHsr 1 has a very small utiiiilicr of Connecticut ieoiil wgist4l at iu various Mot of thosa who sjHMit tlie kiimnier abroail have evidently retumeil to this country. The entries are: At Heneva-Mr, K. a brown and Miss lti-oH. Hartford.

At HdsiIi'H-SIis A. Iveaandthe MIssa. lve. Hartford. K.lwanl T.

rianlont. Mrs. Sauford and 1 Maiiford. Jr New Haven. At Vic.tdell (ireelle, NelV llaelt.

At Naplin -Jaiiirn 11 Unicornis- and Mrs, llol-eomhe, J. w. llulcomlie, liai-lford Cleveland has entered. 1 have never lieen able to roinenilsr what it is." No numlwr, in fact, apisws on gat. or door; but the chances are that if a stranger ENTERTAINMENTS.

MR. MMULL'S URKAT 1 I' CHASE. A Chat With the Owner of I lie Fastest Team In I lie World. U'lillAdf Iphia Times, "Philadelphia can boast now of having the I) It. CHARLES SWEET II lx ai liUomoe tlie SECONDTUESDAY In each jan 17 month.

1yd Piles, Ulcer, Fistula, Fissure, VXT ATX DISEASES OF THE JIECTUM Cl'KKD, WITHOUT PA-1X OS LOBS OF TIMK, by the nyshem. At llArtf'rl, at Ir, TVltirr's oflW, ChnpybuiM-rir. vry Tlmrmlay, from VJ m. until p.m.; and ThiiPiton Hottue, TarilTvillf. on Monday of acii k.

ConwiiltiUKm fnw. UTKIUXE DISEAJSEa a tnt'ialty. ItTiti for Pamphltt. 1 N. W.

Hul.COM BE, M. d-5 1.vd2w 'i0 Went SiuiKliurv, Conn. l) 1 av. MiiA iiiiV-" CHIROPODIST. CROHN'S, and Ingrowing Nails treated.

Calls at psi'lrH-f wiiluMit extra charge. Refers to cinir.pnt Addrtws 15 Waveriy avenue, city. nox-Si 1yd fastest team in the world." said Frank Siddall, of this city, yesterday. The team was purchased Autumnal Tints. VOW g-t the best views ol the year, from THE -a- TOWER.

Towercloses Oct 31st House Oct. ITtlt. Except for day parties. sep22 6d by himself In New York on Inst Saturday from J. M.

Hill, the theatrical manager. The purchase was made under peculiar circumstances. were to step mto any shop on tlie iiusiu strets he could at once obtain an accurate di-retion to the spot. And a clmrmiug haunt it is, with its wide ball, tinished iu dark wood under a Huielied ceiling, antl full of iasy-chairs, nus, cnsliHms, and i-arvod furinline tlmt instantly invite the quest to lounge in front of the big ilre-pkuv. Hut it is a house made for hospitality, aud one caunot stop at thnt hmmU Dver the tinviilace, through a larg plnW-glnss suggesting Alice's Adventure, a gliiu)e is had of the drawing-rosm, lumiuous with white anil silver and pale blue; and ou another side, I between a broatl flight of stairs ami a chiselled UinevTa chest drawn against the wall, the always oien library door attracts one's steps.

There is more dark wood-work in the library, including a very elalxirate iwmel rising almve the manttd to the ceiling. i'his was brought fnm abroad, and in other portions of the house ANTED An experienced sewing machine AY uilter. K. P. KEN YON Mr.

Siddall was iu New York on a visit, and on p21 3d 837 Mam street. Saturday afternoon ilropiHsl into Nash Crook's restaurant, here he was joined by a party of friends, among whom were Amos PHYSICIANS. SESLIZS C. Above cut is 2-3 actual six a. "A IT" AN TED Men and women to start a new ness at theu homes: easily learned in an hour; no eddiing: 10c.

to iitie. an hour made daytime or evening. Stnd 10c. for 24 se tuples and a package of goods to commence work on. Address America Srppi.TCo.- Albany, K.

Y. 5d sep 19 ANTED The public to know that we furnisli TT first-class help, with good references, free of charge. Hartford Employment Onlce, 1S8 Main st. 4d JAMES 6. BLAINE'S GREAT HIS'lXllY outsells all other books.

Agents wanted on commission. mi. CHARLES C. REACH, you that we are Cummiugs, of thu William H. Henry, of the Star; Colonel J.

Armory Knox, of and K. C. Bongs, the actor. While at lunchcoii Mr.

Hill strolled in anil joined the jiarty. Mr. Siddnll, wbo has coveted the possession of Mr. Hill's famous team of paivrs fur the iat year, I. gun to rally the hitler ou his reiterated refusal to place a price ou the team.

O. IW HIUH STHEET, (eorn-r Church street are other pieces representing the sioils of Ku- I lllce iiiiuis, n.uv iw hi ft uiru ji. m. 6md seplti ropeatl t4urs; oue paninuar i recall, covireo witli garlands and with cheruls tliat LLYN HALL, HARTFORD Oue wwk onlv. commencing Mondav.


Monday and Turadav. Sept 21t and Sid, a grand double bill. The Oomedv. TIIK LITTI.K I1KH1.L. And for the first time in Hartford, the romantic Indiana Drama, A RAM ATT AH.

"Wednestlav. Sept. 2ld Matinieand Nitrht, KAST LV.NNli, ()KT1IK KLOl'KMEXT. Thursdav. Sept.

S4th. ANNETTE, ink D.VNt INC. Frirtav, Sept. illh. THE A LJ KS A VO V.

Saturdav. Sept. Slatlnee and Night, CK1CKET. Admission. 10 and 80c.

OA sepl Tuk Henkv Biij, Pi-b. Norwich tt. spring forth iu plastic rotundity, aud clamber along the edges. Hut it adds to the pleasura-bleutws of the home that all the cherulw iu It are not carved. A genial atmphere, bs, ier- A Waterbury Watch lmd4w37 sew Alter the exchange ol a little'e Mr.

Siddall said: "1 have hoard vou sny that you never take a bluff. Now 1 will wager anything vou like showing the largest andmostcom-plete assortment of line, stylish, JA? Removed his office aud residence to No. 44 1 1 Church street, coiner of Trunihull street. Cilice Lours: 8 to 9 a. 2 to 4 p.

and 7 to 8 p. in. lyd mya NOTICES. that you don't dMre fix a price on the tam." iitiout a momeiit hesitation Hill re-plus! "You can have the team for With equal alacrity Mr. Siddall whmiied out Given to all persons buying Clothing to the well made and OBERTB OPERA HOUSE a check lok and.

calling for ien and ink, wrote amouat of 812.00 or more. tVEUNESOA EVENING, Sept. 23d. most desiratle Suits ever shown DK. F.

S. CKOSSFIELD HAS removed Ilia offte and residence to 1:16 -timhull street. C'ltlce hours: 8 to 9 a. 1 to and 7 toSjijn. Bind my4 DR.

CHARLES I- REACH, HOMlEOHATIHST, nAR removeil his reMiilence to -I Capitol ave. At home 1 to and to 7:10 p. in. At office, a-1 Mam b.M to 10 a. and i to 1 p.

m. ap 6md in. r. H. IXGALLS AS rvmoved hfs offlfie and residence t5 No.

112 Hih Btret, (oiif door ttoiith of Cliun-h strwt.) bours 11:30 a. 3 lyd myi THE FAVORITE COMEDIAN', The annual meetinof the leal voters aA of the South Schwl District will Is? held at-Engine House No. 1. Main street. Saturday morning, the liiith at 9 o'clock, to vote hy ballot and check list for officers for the year ensuing.

lav the aunual school tax. and to transact any other 'business proper to come lief ore said meeting. HI'IJH HAKHIKON. (District LEVERETT BRAINARD, txm. Hartford.

Sept. 23, lsaj. fd annua meeting of the legal voters of the Washington School District, to choose ofticers for the ensuing year, to authorize the treasurer to borrow money, to lay a tax to defray the current expenses of the district, and to transact any other business proper to come lief ore said meeting, will be held at the school house on the corner of New Britain aveuue and Washington street, on Wednesday evening, September at 7Jb o'clock. K. H.

WHITE, i D. H. WELIX, VDist. Committee. J.

H. COFFEY, sep21 3d The annual nn-eting of the legal voters of the ARSENAL SCHOOL DISTRICT will he held at tiie School House. 8:12 Main street, on FRIDAY EVEN1NU, Sept, 25th, at 7 o'clock, for the elec-tion of orlicers for tlie ensuing year, also to lay in Hartford. The Old North Hurting tiround. The old North burying ground, in which tho first interment was made in lsoj, j.

in a much more sightly condition now than it 1ms Iss-n for years. lieu eight years ago John Urdeu waa sexton, tlie plot was so unkempt tlmt many owners of lots felt- almost ashamed t. have It known tlmt friends or ivtntOea were l.urled then. At that tune sutli feme was tu-oken do for lu-ai It its entire distance, old tr.s.t.Mst rotting, the stnitliwest of the ivnnti.rr overgrown with lirainblea. the everiros-n wen.

in very bad shape, and the IioIb pta.s. Itad an air of neclect. These (Iiiiim have Iss-n attuileil to on. by one, ami now, lliouKh from the liilinriinmioim sn lr of maiiv ol.l M.iiu. and moiiiimeiita tlie place eaiui.4 have the ot a iM-uer lo-ineterv It l. and well kept. The I. of tin- are as inat as those of old and ealthy taiullhst, im. w-allii are kept iu niair and me ki of an even height. To do Ihla has ot lilt more the pnsl than tlw lief ore.

but the Iihi, l.s-ii Well et'ndis( and the town might wrll'put a few hundred dollars nmre next y(W Into ki cpiiis (h luvil. The work tins vt-r lis. Iwn ahu.ait entirely Unne hy Mr lxiidt-u, and while if lie ha.1 allowtsl to hire nior, help uniitil have d.Min things tlmt might lie occcwutrv mH' rspl.Hy. he 1,. show ti jiidutiieiit and liriMi.

l.l the place, into better hss- than for years Tlw ant now Would pts'in to Is a tit-ot Lion for a more fi.uiibM.t Mr. J. I POLK, Youareinvitedto call and examine goods and prices. em llomwopathlo rhyaiclan. he FFIOE AM) HKSIDENCE, Park treet.

Olothier, Oftiuv houra from to a. 1 to and to lyd novl5 We are Sire lo Please You. tax, ami lor tlie transaction of other important Supported by a Superb Comedy presenting the reigning New York success, mixed Pickles Pronounced by both press and public of New York and Boston as being Tlie Fniinicst FlayjProflnccd in Years Admission. 50c. Reserved Seats.

7Ro. and ft LOO. business to come Ix'fore said meeting. WM. E.

EATON, J- Dist, Com. EIXjAR F. BVRNHAM, Hartford, Sejit. 21, 1HS3. 5d cutting ui tlie grass in Uie growing huiuiiut m-iuhki.

Insi-rance Company, Hartford. Seit. 1. 1SS5. 1 The transfer books will be closed from jL Sept.

24th to the both inclusive. lteervet Seat tickets for sale at Box Office, eora- DR. E. W. KELLOGG HAS Removed to the lata residence nf Dr.

Dunning, H'l Asylum avenue. OnV-e, 279 Main et. llmin: otVice. lo 1U a. and W- to 4 p.m.; at rrsil.nct to p.

m. Telephone aL rebideueu. jy 1 lyd 1I. II. HUSHKGUK, Hoinu3(iathio OFF'f'E aud nHidence, coner Spring st.

and Asy-lii-nave. lifliee houra 8 to a. i to it and p. m. Connected ly Telephone.

lyd dcji CLARISSA A. I)REWER, M. 82 l'UATT KT11FET. OFFTCE HOU1W from 8 to Ui a. to 4 and 7 1 to 8 p.

ill. Hiievinl xUvuliou to nervous and diseases of women. iiiiid apl 4d sepb) nienring Ttiestlay, Sept. IiiL vwles the house, whicli is warmei nv wood fires, a furnace, and the author's inimeiise circulation, hie would, nattirally, iu such a plae exiect to find some erf'tioii of a study, a literary work-room, and that has indeed lieen provided, but the uucouventional genius of the author could not reconcile itself to a surrounding the charms of which distracted his attention. The study remains, its deep window giving a seductive outlook atve the library, lut Mr.

Clemens goes elsewhere. Pointing to a large divan extending along the two sides of a rigFitangled comer, ''The was a good idea," be said, "which I got from something 1 saw in a Syrian monastery but 1 found it was much more comfortable to lie there and smoke than to stay at my desk. And theu these windows I was constantly getting up to look at the view; aud when one of our lieautiful heavy snow-falls came in winter, 1 couldn't do anything at all except gaze at it." rk he lias moved still higher u-stairs into the billiard room, and there writes at a table placed in such wise that he can see nothing but -the wall in front of him and a couple of shelves of tssiks. Itefore adopting this expedient he had tried a room which lie caused to Iw fitted up with plain pine sheathing on the upier floor of his stable; but that had serious disadvantages, and even the lul-linrd-room failing to meet the rcumhiieiit in some emergencies, he has latterly resork'd to hiring an oltice in a commeecial building iu the heart of the city. "About four months in the year," said he, "is the time when I expect to do my wm-k, during the summer vae-ation, when 1 am ott on the farm at Klniira." "Yes," he continued, when I expressed surprise, "I can write better in hot weather.

And, besides, I must be free from all other interests and occupations. I llnd it necessary, when 1 have begun anything, to keep steadily at it, without changing my surroundings. To take up tho train of ideas after each day's writing I must lie in the same phu-e tluit I begun it in, or eke it beeouws very dilll-cult." Hut nothing, apparently, interrupt the kjkhi-tnueous How of his humor in daily life. It is the same in kind with that of his tssiks, though incidental and less elaborate. It is unpremeditated, and always unexpected.

He never takes what may Is? termed the obvious and conventional witty view, yet neither is there any straining for a new form of jest: the novelty comes of itelf. Moreover, unlike net-tain wits whose quality is genuine, but whose reputation lsH-omes a burden to them, he upiH-ars to bo indifferent whether he ever cracks another joke, and thus lulls his coinixuiious into a delusive security, only to take them uimwaros with some new and telling shot. There is less exaggeration in what suys than in what he writes; but Uie essence of his fun lies in that same grave assumption of absurdities as solid mid reasonable farts with which we are familiar iu his works. Hy a reverse process, when talking to a surious point, or nurmting some experience not esieciully ludicrous in itself, there is a lingering suspicion of humorous ix-sibilities iu his manner, which, assisted by the slow, emphatic, natural drawl of his speech, leads one to accept actual facts of a pnxsuic kind as dclrcions aijsurditii's. In tine, it is a sort of wizardry that he exercises iu conver D.

W. C. SKILTON, Secretary. Bep21 10dlw: JEtsa LssuiiAjscK Company vv Haktvord, i Hartford, Sept. 14, 1SW5.

American Theatre "VTOT1CS The transfer books will close with bus- Second invoice of Boys' and Children's Fall Suits, received this week. Lowest possible prices for first-class goods at Oko. Cuawpord. Manager. a.

iness on tlie 2lst instant, and reopen Oct. 1st. sepH l.kl;-!w;i J. UUOUMJW, Sec y. AUCTION SALES.

Has just completed a contract with the "WA-TERBTJKY WATCH whereby he can afford to'give away their Watch without great expense to himself, and none whatever to the buyer of S12.00 worth of Clothing. Our stock of Men's, Youths' and Children's Suits and Overcoats is complete, and the prices we warrant as low as the lowest in town. BUSINESS CARD8. N. Y.

New EiM R. R. Co. Week Couimeucing Monday. Sept.

21, 1885. SID. C. FRANCE, In his sensational play. Marked for Life, With New Scenery.

Properties and Mechanical Effects. The play p.eceded by an excellent variety olio, introducing several old favorites. Including Joe and Annie Burgess, Bob Allen, Ada West and The Bradford's. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. PopvLAK PmoicH Keserve Orchestra Chair, Admission, Kftc.

Uallery, 1ie. auglH EsSi if 8llu3il on a enocu ior mat amount and iiassed it over to Mr. HilL "Now." he said, "the team is mine at last, and I wish you would lie good enough to telegraph Vonr trainer at 'hicngo to bring them on to York immediately." Mr. Hill lingered the check in a dazed sort of way and when the party, who had watched the proceedings with iio-iieii eyes, brk into a roar of laughter he shook himself together ami, forcing a smile, said: "Well, as Mr. Siddall snid, I never took a bluff, but this time 1 have been taken Iu ou niv ow bluff." The team, which Mr.

Siddall has coveted bo long and Dually obtained by a Imntcr, is con sidered the fnsb'st u-m in the country, if not in the world. They are pacers and are cross matched, Westmout, the horse, is nine years old aud has a pacing record, ith a running mate, of l4. lie was purcliawsl alstut a year and a half ago by Mr. Hill fur He is also a trotter and has a record iu that gait of Isirene, his mate, isa six year-old mare, with a record of and is said to have Mtoed a quarter of a mile in II: il '4 ljst season she won twenty -one out of twenty-live rnss and has won every raiv in hu she has starbsl this sicison. Mr.

Hill had previously refused fur the team in Boston. The horses have Isvn doing the western circuit this summer and are now iu Chicago, but are exM-tod to arrive here on Friday. Mr. Siddall snv that ho will probably bring" them iuiuusbately to this city and Kill kicp them as privut-. driving team.

He will not iiormit them to race for a purse or stuke, although lie may allow them to lie driven in exhibition races. Westmout is a black horse and Lorene is a dark chostuut. Both ure about tif-toou hands one inch nigh. NEWS A Nantuc ket womuii claims to have had a wart taken off her nose by fuilh cure. Of Hie twenty young men graduated at lite South Carolina college last Juuo ten have already secured jHisilious as teuchors.

An active trade in sea gulls has sprung up along the Tmg Island coast. They bring Ml and li cents for the feathers. The Boston Vi it gets word rom Home that tho Poe approved the dts-ress of the third plenary council of Baltimore en the loth ult. The superior court of North Carolina has decided that a railroud company cannot force a jiassenger to ri.le in a smoking cur if ho object to doing o. The question of the comparative spread of canvas on the (Joncsta and Puritan has Issm raised It is said ou good authority that the Puritan spread square feet and the IJeiiestu Wine gruies are cheap in California this season, though the crop is light.

The fitu-st varieties will not bring over a bin. The wine makers tin making more discrimination iu varieties than formerly. Platinum wire can lie drawn so line that it is no longer visible to tho "nuked" eye, ami can only tie felt. It can lie swn with a magnifying flass when the wire is held against white paMr. is used in tclcscoiMw aud similar iustruuicuts.

There are uow three printing offices iu Soil Francisco hich are owned by well to do Celestials. Only Caucasian comositon are at present employed, there being no Chinamen yet who understand the trade, but that want will, no doubt, be soon supplied. Mrs. Hester Ford, no aged Philadelphia woman, was so affected Wednesday morning by reading of the suicide of another woman in the neighborhood, that she went to her room and hanged herself in a similar manner. She was dead wheu found.

A petitiou has beeu lilisl in the Fulton, superior court, by a woman, ho aks iieruiis- mportaiit Sale OF RAILROAD Tie Clothier. It. I. STATE XVIIS, Narraansrlt Part, near Sept. 21, 2-4, 23, 24 amlSJ, SPECIAL attractions, both entertaining and in-structivi', earh day.

A Ureuid llicycle Tournament. Rvt. 2a. Fluent show" of Cattle aud other Farm Animals in Hew England. tars of (lie li.

N. K. K. R. land passengers near the l'ark.

CHAS. H. fKCKHAM, rTcs. Chas. W.

Smith. Sec'y and Treas. lmd aug4 ROLLING STOCK. tPADEJj 115 to 119 Asylum St. JU11S FLYNN MEAT AND FISH MARKET, janl lyd Main st.

A H. iUUlir.AS."MllriUETtJVN,t"r., Uie oldest and most exteiihive uiauufiwrturers of I'iiiiim in the world. lyd ALEX. McCl.l MK LANIMCAI'lj AHC1HTKCT, P. O.

Box 811, Hartfor.1, Ct. 1'Ians and. estimate for work fumkshe! at short noi.i lyd jy34 EOltUE AUCIIITFCT, ard lyd lart ford Trust nio-Jr. H'l'Y Alturiley Cun.teIor nt Law. 1 AMI I'ATKNT HWVaf' iit Ijiw a siHsHalty.

ltiH.m liartfura Trust HUx'k. corner Main st. ami tVi.iral How. lyd uilitt El-lU NET WIN r' 1 ld.S- FIsllllIMKN'S (iOOllSI A card lrii. Emobv Johnson.

Prop'r. E. E. Johnson, fVcy. J.ifuiiiiville.

C'fim. lyd ftci6 1)1 AuS Tuncil, Herniated and and pniiipUy alb'uded to at short uotui, hy A. MOrXi.l.K, Piano Mitker and Tuner. 1(2 Pearl st. i o.

IS. ix iTi.) orders may be left at Ernst Kchairs jewelry store. lyd mliB W. GOJll'F, LAW AND GENEUA STENOGRAPHER, (OffloiiJ Stenographer Hartford County Buixwior Court.) rilllir.TKE" vears' experience an reporter In the 1 co'irts of Sew York, Conne-tieiit and Massa-clnis. lM.

Tj lie-writer copying of all descriptions, jiiiil lyd ltoom 1, New Court House. THE 1.11X1)111! AI KO. MAIN STKEKT, SPECIAL trains will leave the Station of the K. V. and N.

E. K. R. at Hartford for the Yard at East Hartford, where the rolling stock can be seen on the mornings of Sept. 24.

2f and 2ti, at 9, 10 aud 1 i o'clock, returning at and 11 :3. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a de-ci-ec of the United States Circuit Court for the Dis-trict of Conncticut, passed Jidy llih, lwCi, and by diretionof the Itoard of MaiiAgers of the New England Car Trust, there will be sold at BOARO AND ROOMS. sation, stimulating the hearer by its qcick FINANCIAL. HOTEL8. HOTEL SEA VIEW.

lONTlNUINO the management of the BEACH SAVIN ROCK, West Haven, I have also accepted Him management of HOTEL SEA VIEW, of same pla, fcr the season of lsKi. The same good reputation will be maintained. Or-dtr C( iking and Snore Dl liters a sjiecialty at Reach llouse, which will Ih conductei on tlie European plan, and Hotel Sea View on the American. For full particulars address E. FREEMAN, Prop.

1elU 4md O. STOOKWELL, mutations ot drolling and earnest. i'arson Laihrop, in linrptr't Mayaziiufur Uvlober. House, Clotliiiig Office 39 Pearl st. Savings liauk OFFKBB PUBLIC AUCTION rilO KENT On Aslnm Hill, two very pleasant 1 roonm, within live minutes walk of depot, inquire at 7 li Asylum ave.

3d m'i rtio RENT Several verr desirable rooms, (heated 1 by Kteam) in Hart font Fire Ina. Coniany liuild-etrner and Trumbull tits. Apply at Company's Office. 1 OOMS TO RENT Very pleasant front and side rooms, with aaud bath, ut reasonable prices. Apply at Allyn Street House, cor.

Of Ailyn and Ann streets, (Nos. and HO.) tfdjyl IOWA SCHOOL BONDS, per cent, semi annually, DAKOTA LlERENTlTlE THE SKUKO qUESTIOX. BV CHAKL.ES DUDLEY WARNER. The sojourner at Asheville can amuse him SEl.EtlEU FARM MORTGAGES, located In Kan To the highest bidder, free of all liens, at the United On Asylum Street, OPPOSITE ALLYN HOUSE. HARTFORD.

self very well by walking or driving to the States Court Room, at sas, Iowa, Minnesota and Dakota, netting per cent, to per cent, annually. I all Jjwna ijnrraiars. ita myit many picturesque points of view nlsiut the town; livery stables abound, and the roads are HARTFORD, EDUCATIONAL. 1 OOMS FOR RENT Very pleasant rooms, uiee- I Iv furnished, can be had one of the hand- POOR, WHITE GREEN0UGH, good. The Beautatcher hill is al ways attrac ON tive; aud Connolly's, a private place a couple Thursday, Friday and Saturday, HARTFORD FEMALE SEMINARY.

Boaroino and Day SCHOOL. SPECIAL Classes in History, English Literature Shakespeare and Languags, for those desiring these studies. For particulars address M. LOUISE BACON', Principal. 40 Pratt street.

tfd Jyl8 ORDERS executed far cash or on margin for all securities current in the New York market. the th, Xitn ana voft aays of September, 18 $5, at 12 o'clock m.9 of miles from town, is ideally situated, being ou a slight elevation in the valley commanding the entire circuit of mountains, for it has the air of repose which so seldom is exjierieiieed in the Correspondence invited. MEMTtERS OF THE NEW YORK STOCK EX And on the subsequent day or days to which the SO MB HKACTIVl I. VIEUS. I'oliil.

of Nan I in l-. to lor Conitectieut The Camera club has nvivisl fi-om Mr. 11. Tyler, president of the San Fruiieis.ii 1'ho-bigrapheiV club, fifty views taken by himself and Mr. liwd.

ii, of Sun Fraiieimsi ly, thu inoimtoins, and a niinil-T of interiors. Tltisw views Mr. Tyler wishes to exchange- for views taken by tlw- Camera Huh, eacli mctiiL.r to take the view. Iih or sin. wants and m'lid on olttei-H luki'il tiy the 'Knu rs eluh.

Tin. only trouble nlsiiit this ia that the virion, mrmliers of the cinti are It- hie lo W'Sitt unli tdiinily lerly all the Kn ran-eimsi Tin, not 'uiinntural. lor whiln the views uo Iwiter ilone Hutu wmm nude by our own chili, Uie mitins ts ham been Hel.s-(sl by llilin with au artist eve and au neiHv of Ave years, Mr. Tvu crossea dartv lri Han Kraneistsi lo ak land, and evidently enn-ic under his arm a dcleciue cnniera and is it-iidv lointch RliV nillliue thill mil he, Tl, collection contain a prcpou.icmm'e of liiiiiine vtww iindei lull siol, ImliHii ttsluni" full shi. and tlie entuo lit hieli ko l-o Illltitt lllilt'il iltl flllHt S'llim Tl.s.

VleWS 111.. 1IISMV or them evidently mio-i) fnim the ot a vessel In tuoti.iii. and artist Inw caught tin. Iim-litu Vessels, the blokell liter they mt.e aud the tiKht ami shade on their The Interior or Imid news are iiHMlly (akeii by Mr lmd-ti nod are soioe of them woiidei-tuilv ems'ttve in mrt toilur. lter a strintf of is ts.mitiK d.w a istutrli tooiitoaii road and lte dust is.vei Ieilf ol tle beasm and the los they is drnwinif.

Tomorrow eeumg Hie iooera eluh hrtvo'a nsiet lug ami tliere will proluibly oonsidernhk a.s:--KiotiH of umufeiir photoi-i-aiiliei- The exchange of view is liiiiib-d to inetuiHr of I he club. The Man Eiam iwsj photogispher Is a turn of means who boa taken up pliotoumpliy for plcoiiire, and hile he is illing to enehunge and thus add to Ills (sill.s'tiou, he ihst not i-o Into Hit. as a couonercisl matter and would doiilHlew ndust. to allow hla plates to bo used by professiomUM. LKITEHS MO.W TIIK PEVhK.

The Trinity Mre.1 lue.l Ion. R.I.MS IIV TIIK 1.1 NIC KIIOC'LO NOT IIS t'HAMNKIl, To the Eimtou of Thk Those who wish to straighten Trinity street, wliero it crosses the park, say that the objection to their plan are sentimental, thnt a straight line will remove what they cull the dangers of the present ruadwny and Hint wheu the road Is made straight and the trees cut down tliere il! Is- a fine view of the soldiers' mouument. ly aside for a moment the proposition of NentiuteutAhty and look at the others, Tim daiifers that hv l-en thus far disoovored ainoiiut to this: Homo cars are often derailed on tin. curve, a wfiui hiuc Iss-n tiiset on it. and iu a ruuawny tmin come down over tlie lord street Itri.iiri- ieopU- on tlie curve could mt It as pss.n as they could on straiKhl rmil, As to the Inst claim there can I.

eo dispute. It is oncofttiemnUieiiiallCAl statement tt-rat. Is axioniMtlc. Any on' -an see further it theie is Wo olistruclion iu the way. 1 is lie- aame tianger tliat exists al every street tsiriier in the city, but it Is not yet proposed to almlish corners- The serious pari of the chanite thai hii'h refers to derailing can.

and easmng wagons. It em probable thai the roadway, as it stand does cans? trouble of this but in not there is a curve, Isit Ins-auae. the road Is-d is not proa-rly. sh tpe.1 to the curve. In such a place llie isiter mrt shoultl is- lowlier titan tlie inner, as everylsnly knows.

luauvd of tliis the outer edge is about the sitnte elevation as the inner, and the road' lasl crown, just as it should on a straitit road. The result is that the outer border, wl-h-h should sioja. from the curb lo the center, actually lo)ass from Uie eenter ut tlie tinier curb, making a dangerous place for any vehnle. This feature, ought lo lie reunshed without delay, but thef-t that the roadway is wrong iu this respect diati not reinlre It to be ctmngisl iu some other. This point is worth instslmg on, for it Is the key to the whole situation as far as the alleged danger if tlie place is concerned.

The only tangible reason for straightening Uh road is. as your aper has said, that the monument will gain by a uppr'au where no trees cul off the view. It is handsome monument ml deserve to Is i-ohsidered, but there an certain- ly viry many ho do not is-lieve the gain in thing is worth tlie ancritioe. Tlie sti is laid out on the plan of using curved lines for lit walks, s-serting tlie trees making tlie nnst of the inequalities of the surface. It luu elMims as a work of art just as truly as the monument has.

It is worth aomelhiiig to keep it harmonious Wit il itself. Beside, it is not as if here were the only opis-uliity for the monument to mske its effect. The beit view is from the north. here the exis Ih'tit I real-ment of the Kord street bridge will greatly heighten the value of tlie monument itself, where the aptrrach is oen aud admirably fitted to give the best ida of the work, in tlie fitlier liand it Is at k-ast a queUin bet her the second apprach along a curve umler 1rts-s through which lie monument is artly seen and with an oen in front al a proer dlslaiM-e for view lug the fneeand tlm details of the work i not iu Itself preferable to another straight osn drivewuy. For one 1 ti having tlie profs sed changt.

foreetl on the ph-a that II is made nns-sjiry by the nioniiiiienl. Itoth because I deny tlie ositioh and because, if it were true, 1 smld not forg-t tliat the need wouhl liave la-en created by the moituilleut committee, who chose Ui ho build it as to la- able lo call for and get au elevation of the roadwiiy gome three feet, if my memory nerves me which they now Isli lo carry out In tlie form of lh park. To this there is very serious b'i-Hon. If the road is straightened it wiii doiitsless raised toa level and might as wel be to miJe tliethltiic complete aud get- the la-st from it that it inn afford in the way of sh.iwuig the mouiiiiient to alvantage. But if it is k-ft aa it is.

an easy grade should la carried down from the monument and as iiiueli as pott, sidle of the rad left at its present I vel, the fanhy slope of the surface Is-iug corrected. CHANGE AS1. PROPRIETORS OF POOR'S MANUAL OF RAILWAYS. Boniest and tM-altliiest parts of the city. Address 'X.

Y. Courant ofllce. tfd sep.r OARD A desirable suite of front rooms, south-9 ern exposure, with steam heat, to rent furnished or unfurnished, at 6 Buckingham st. sep4 Smd 1 OOMS TO RENT Pleasant furnished rooms; also, a pleasant basement suitable for a physician's Applyjt Mitfh st.

tfd sep4 RENT Several verr desiratle rooms neatly J. furnilied. with fras and bath inehided. Patrons will find the house quiet and prices verv reasonable. MRS.

H. Li. HAY1EN. t' Main street. rilO "LET Furnished rooms, with board, at reAS-J onable prices.

Also, a few table boarders accommodated. Mrs. P. H. JEROME, uovy tfd 4Htt Main street.

45 Wall Street, New York. -T a now ready lo do all kinds of work at short no- octl 3yd reeivHl telephone. tfd auje. 1. tii-e.

Miss MARY L. BARTLETT, Teacher of Piano Playing. MUSIC ROOil location of a dwelling in America whence an extensive prospect is given. Or if the visitor is disinclined to exertion, he may lounge iu the rooms of the hospitable Aslieville club; or he may sit on the sidewalk in front of tlie hotels, aud talk with the colonels and judges and generals and ex-meuiljei-s of congress, the talk generally drifting to tlie new commercial and industrial life of tile (south, and only to politics I 111 tw I UNO Prwent Incoioe: Welnr- sale may ue aojourneo: 'i ne entire equipment and rolling stock, leased by the New England Car Trust, to the New York New England Railroad 546 Gondola Coal Cars, 299 Box Cars, 40 Locomotive Engines, 2 Baggage Cars, 4 Express Cars, 33 Caboose Cars, HiitTFOBD, Conn. lmd mxh tw-iectetl aua tiutiy secure nm Monme uins un Improved City Pnnerty Minnepoli3 and bt.

Pul, and on Prodactive Fanns in MinnCKKAa and Iowa. Inlpr to fi imt acKHiTdmR to anumt of loan. Ac. R.f tv nnjf Hank ot lttadire Bosineiw Htnisfe in Wuix'atK-hs. Sati-tacUtry Eastern referetioes funustiad.

BLuik fonn? and full informjitnri wnt rju-t Addlf JtiKLX, Jt NETTIaKTON. MinaeuiKvlLS. MinnttJOta. Chios Hall Hotel, sepKS ANDREWS PECK, Manufacturers and Wholesale and lleUul Dealers IN Doors, Window and Blinds, SIirFT. PLATE and ORNAMENTAL OLASS, It 1 1 lied.

Nail t.lnreil l- el l'lpe. 8 MARKET STREET. as it atfeets these; aud he will Is; pleased, if the sion to change her pnsent name, which she re-oeived with her second husluuid, to that of her DRE8SMAKINQ. couversauou a reminiscent turn, with the lack of bitterness and the tone of friend li-uess. The negro problem is commonly discussed philosophically and without heat, but there is iii-st, "wno was an aneoliuiiaie, time, and devoted liuslmml," while her sci-ond (now she avers, made her life a burden.

The skeleton of a man nine foot one inch in Hartford School of Modern Languages, NO. 323 ASYLCM STREET, Koora 89. always discovered, underneath, the determina MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. POPULAR SHOE STORE, 875 MAIN STREET. Next door to Aishberg's shoe store.

Every day we are giving bargains in footwear for Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. Because we advertise low prices do not conclude that the goods are inferior. We sell nothing but honest made goods of reliable manufacture; but we sell them at prices low beyond precedent. "Quick sales and small profits" is an old motto, but it is a good one. When you need shoes visit FISK'S Popular Shoe Store, 375 Main stret.

1ST. B. Gentlemen will please remember that we are the sole Hartford agents for the world-renowned James Means's $3.00 shoe. "The proof of the pudding is in the eating" Gentlemen who test these shoos, come again for them, and sing their praises loudly. Being those included in the lease known as "Series The Liaison Db Modes HAS HAD UNUSUALLY INTERESTING LETTERS LATELY FROM tion inat tne negro snail never again get the legislative upper hand.

Aud tho gentleman from South Carolina who has an uoland farm. height is said by the St. Louis CHolf -Orniocrat to be on exhibition at the office of a firm in Thayer, Oivgon county. Mo. The skeleton is further snid to have liceu discovered by a party 6md senlO WM.

E. HART, Prin'cipau and 370 Gondola Coal Cars, 1 8 Passenger Coaches, I Locomotive Engines, of nieu who were exploring a cave some three aud is heartily glad slavery is gone, and wants the negro educated, when it comes to ascendency in politics such as the state once experienced asks you what you would do yourself. This is not the place to enter upon the WESTERN Fip LOAXS VILSON, TOMS STIL.LMAN, 871 Main Street, Hartford, Ct. EsTABUSUSD LI lSfl9. 16 YkAttS' EXPEHIOCK.

OFFER FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE HON liS iu sums from $2tK up to each tsearin sevei. and eiprht per cent. Intel et, payable setni-aimuailv. All interest paid at our onUa, or sent by mail promptly the day it is due. Refer to hundreds of customers in Hartford and New England.

We recommend il.ese secu--itics to all conservative investors. Send for circular and references. miles in length situated about nine miles from L. S. Graves Son, ROCHESTER.

EW YORK, or rASSENGEK AM) FKF1C.IIT ELEVATORS. RocrxsTKR. N. 30 Center Nxw York, 48 C. urtl uui street.

lydJCSgwiB iyM HEBARD Thayer. Being those included in the lease known as "Series The Jewish Iterord laments the decreasing HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY, Worii tkr, Mass. year bejrins Sept. Hth, 1hiC. STUDIES: Most practical English brauohea, I'hy sic, Cliemestry, Mercantile Studies, Suireying, French, Gerniau, Claiwics.

etc C. B. METCALF, A. Superintendent. Jyl 3niiitaw politico-social question, nut tne writer may note one impression gathered from much The rolling stock will be sold in the order in which it was originally received by the Railroad The latest designs in Trimmings, Draperks Wraps, Lace Gowns, Robes de Chambre, are numerous and bewitching.

ME. BALCH, 151 ASYLUM STREET. IV Telephone connection. SERIES A. (iondola Coal Cars.

4 Iocomotivea, 195 Box knowledge of Hebrew ainongthe chosen people, and declares that at several funerals recently attended by ita editor the chief mourner was not sulliciently acquainted with "the grand old dialect the prophets sjioke" to recite the Kail-dish writhout aid from the officiating rabbi. friendly and agreeable conversation. It is that the southern whites misapprehend aud make a seam-row of "social equality." When, during the war, it was a question at the uorth of giv Freight Cars. 3 Locomotives, 45 Box Freight Cars, 2 Lrocomotives. 59 Box Freight.

Cars, 7 Locomotives, 12 C-aboose Cars. 4 Express Cars, 2 Baggage Cars, 12 Locomotives, 21 Caboose Cars, 12 Locomotives. COAL AND WOOD. TIT ANT HEAVY TEAMING, OF EVERY ing tue coioreu people ot uie norxnern stales the ballot, the argument against it used to be stated in the form oi a question, "I)o vou want vour One hundred years ago tliere were in DRESS MAKING habitants in St. Mary's City, Md.

To-day the Ofiice: 2. ttate street, Hartford. iwniers, Kiui'nes, Monuments. Saf, moved and sci. Freights forwarded wilh dispatcit.

daughter to marry a negro Well, the negro COAL WOOD town contains two buildings, one of which is au Episcopal church aud the other is a female a -a- lya jyi SERIES B. Tlie sale of rolling stock included in Series will not commence before Saturday. 2. 1885. Oondola Coal Cars, 2 Locomotives, 45 Gondola Coal Cars, 2 00 GonqVla Coal Cars, 1 Locomotive.

1" Oondola Coal Cars. Locomotives, BY TB EXCELSIOK SYSTEM nas his political rignts in the north, and there has come no change in the social conditions whatever. And then is no doubt that tho THE CONNECTICUT demy. Nearly all the remains of the lost city are vanished, but the mullssi-ry tree under ITER APRIL 1st MRS. L.

N. SULLIVAN will be at No. 2 Pratt street instead of 111 Pratt st. A social conditions would remain exactly as they are at the south if the negro enjoyed all the civil rights which the constitution tries to give 3 Passenger Coaches, 1 Locomotive, 75 Gondola Coal Cars. 3 Passenger Coaches.

Gondola Coal Cars, 2 Locomotive, 12 Passenger Coaches. J. J. Poole Co. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS.

The Engines, Passenger Coaches. Express and Baereraife Cars wlfl le sold sinsrlv: the Caboose 878 MAIN STREET. in lota of five; the Gondola and Box Cats in lot of NEW tNULAND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC lioHton. Ol.hKST hi America: ItrireNt mid It-Ht KQtiippMliiithe WOKLII-Km lntruct-ors. 1971 StuJviiLt.

last ypar. 'J tutrwufi in Vocal and lnstramenlal Music. 1Ibho and Ortran Tnn-Insr, Fine Art. Oratory, Literature. French.

Orman, anil Italian Lanpuayctt. English JiranclM tt, llymnastica, etc. Tuitkm, $5 to brd sitd rMtm. $4 lh fcr term. Fall Term tMin HI.

iss For Uust rated alt-iilar. divine full itiforuialkm, atlilress, TOl 'lUlul UirM Fraukliu 11U.SIO.N. Mass. je29 gmdeodA6ffeowg7 VOCAL CULTURE AND THE ART 0FSINGING! VFTEIt September lUth, Mr. GEO.

M. GREEXE will be at his Munie Studio, room Zt, Courant building, on Mondays, tYeduesdays and Saturdays. Pupilg desiring to resume lessons will please call and arrange hours. New voicea respectfully solicited. Rapid and satisfactory progress positively assured.

fW Terms, per quarter of twenty lessons, Mr. Greene will make no charge for trying the rout's of any who may contemplate vocal study. hrteen. SAID EQUIPMENT AND ROLLTXO STOCK MUST BE PAID FOR ON DELIVERY, IN CASH OR CERTIFICATES FOR SHARES IN THE NEW ENGLAND CAR TRUST. as ornvided in said decree.

BEST LEHIGH, LACKAWANNA, FRANKLIN. ENGLISH CANNEL, and BITl'MINOCS. and ten per cent, of eaeh accepted bid will 1m- required to be deposited in cash, in said Car Trust District lelenrapli'ft Electric XSO ASYLI HAUTFOKI). Cj. Electric Apparatus of Every Description.

Elect r'c Poor RelK servant and stable Calls, house ar. Rurphtr A larm A nmi nci ators. Speak ing Tulx, Electro Mechanical lieviees. etc Electric Gas Lighting! Residences fitted ill) a simple device for automatically hhtintf and extuuruishiiiK pas, aud puhlic ImttdiT' ill an apytaratua lor lighting a large number of burners at ouoe. Electric Supplies.

apS9 imd A. OSilEPARI'SON. Msnager. John F. Stratton, 49 MAIDEN LANE, N.

Y. Manufacturer, Importer and Wholesale Dealer in all kiniU of SHEET IRON offer inducements to purchasers of SHEET IRt N. We have the best assortment in Conn. GALVANIZED, COLD ROLLED, RUSSIA, COMMON. REFINED.

CHARCOAL, All of which we offer in lots to suit, and at the lowest market rates. THE BLQCSETT CLAPP CO. I 51 MARKET STREET. ccnincaies, or otner saitsiaciory securities. Upon the confirmation of the sales by said Court theproierty will be delivered at East Hertford.

Au the said Rolling Stock is in erood treneral con mm. i ue most seusioie view oi uie wnole question was taken by an intelligent colored man, whose brother was formerly a representative in congress. "Social equality," he said in effect, "is a humbug. We do not expect it, we do not waut it. It does not exist among the blacks themselves.

We have our own social degrees, and choose our own assfs-iates. We simply want the ordinary civil rights, under which we can live and make our peace and amity. This is necessary to our self-resjiect, and if we have not self-ressject, it is not to be supposed that the race cun improve. I'll dl you what I mean. My wife is a modest, intelligent woman, of good manners and she is always neat, and tastefully dressed.

Now, if she goes to take the cars, she is not permitted to go into a clean car with decent people, but is ordered into one that is repellant, and is forced into company that any refined woman would shrink from, iiut along comes a ilautiugly-diessed woman, of known disreputable character, whom my wife would be disgiwed to know, ana she takes any place that money will buy. It is this sort of thing that hurts." Oi tuber dition. and. so far as practicable, it will be assembled at East Hartford, for examination, two days prior WAGONS OR CARRIAGES DO you want one Horse or Harness Speak out, let your wants be known. I will make the price one that will suit you.

A new TOP CARRIAGE. Brewster Spring. Double Collar, Steel Axle. Steel Tired, with a full Leatber Top, Piano Body; a very stylish carriage. Price, $1U0.

I have fjuite a number of Second-Hand Carriages that 1 will sell at a price that you will buy if you don't want. They must go at wome price to get more room. GEOKGE POMROY, NO. 87 HIGH STREET. Parle Central Livery Stables.

A printed copy of the decree ordering the sale with a descriptive list of the property in detail, will be furnished upon application at the office of the Trustee, No. 55 Congress Boston, Mass. American Loan and Trust Company, Geinins Oli Company's LetiEh COAL "TTKRY much of the Coal sold under the general name of "Ijhieli" has been and now is mixed at tide water with C'tml that i soft and of low grade inferior Coal. Mv ifpranaements are ctiiiplete fr receivuijf llREi'f FROM THK MINK ft full stip- 3IAPLECPiOFT ICE CREAM Ki ll .1 IIIMi By EZitA H. BAKER, President.

Bostox. Aug, 22, 188.x aug24.31.sep7.1.l" 1K.1!.2I.22.23 Wd 11 lr of all sizes of the BEST LEHKiH COAL known PROPOSALS. SIGK HEADACHE "BRICKS." tothetrade. Jvst call aud see what jrood Coal looks like, E. B.

FARNHAM THE BROOKLYN WEIGHER. coxsisnxa or 'XT'IOLtNS. Guitars, Hanjos. Mandoline, Zithers, Actmletins, Mouth Harmonicas, Flutes, Clarionets, Flailets. Ao.

Violin, liuitor. Banjos, Mandoline, Zither, and Strings. ML'SIC iX ES of all S1WS and descriptions. Jolin F. Stralton'8 Russitut Gut Violin Strings a SV'ialtv.

HK NS ANP INSTRUMENTS of all kinds. ast tfmtiing for Family and Par Positively Cured by these Ldttle PiHa. ICARTERSi MR. BOW-EN'S School for Boys. IiOAKDISC ASD DAY Pl'PILS.

Chinese Educational Building, aB COLLINS Hartfd, Ct. riHOROCGII preparaH?" for eoiiege or busineas." 1 Competent teaebci-s in French, fiemian and AJ't. Director of Music W. C. RICHARDSON.

Special yrimary Department Opens September 22. Circulars may be obtained at Brown Uro-js's bookstore, or at the school. sep8 20d Srtf STATE STREET. They also relieve Dir-f ty use, anil the Vest in the market, at I tress from jiyspeiisia I I stiou and To PAINTING AND MATERIALS. Hearty taiiUL'.

A per A. Marwiek. Park Drug Store, Asylum st. vm tutu I led remedy lor J)izKi-3 PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING A School House on atam Street, IN THE SOUTH SCHOOL DISTRICT. Hartford-, September 1ft, 1885.

SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at Hartford, at the office of the architect, KS DENTISTRY. til Oil I i Iness. rsurM-a, Drown! lies. Bad Taste iu th Fire! water Goodwins Drug Store, Exchange Corner. N.

K. Morgan, Druggist, 815 Main st. Capitol Avenue Drug Store, 117 Main st. jelT tfd which Ijoru Baltimore offeretl prayer on his arrival years ago still stands. "I would like to own that face," was the remark made by Holiert Heweiss, traveling photographer from Springfield, 111., to Miss Stella Stokes, daughter of a well-to-do merchant of Americus, as he looked at her for the first time through a camera.

She blushed, whereupon Uie phobigrapher grew bolder, and the young woman consented to marry him. Her parents are reported very angry over theaffair. The first caller at tho White House on Friday was a coliarless granger, who said he bail lost $500 in the jiast si montlis in speculations. The puriose of his visit, he said, was more of a iinancial character than otherwise. When pressed to explain exactly what he wanted, he said that it was to borrow a lo bill so he could go to Virginia and try to get back some of the VslO which he had lost.

The President suggested that he should try to effect the desired loan from some of the Virgiuta congressmen. "1 never had a contract or au interest in any contract with Oraut Mayor Grace of New York said to the reiiorters on Friday. "I never had any transactions with the firm except the purcliase of their aT which 1 Ismght from their establishment up to tlie date of their failure. They hail my mouey ou the Hatunlay betore they tailed. At the time of their failure I hail aliout OW of their uiqinid paper which I still hold.

1 lost by the firm, lbs nobis were discounted by the Lincoln bank, of which I was a director. 1 aid tins loss out of my own pocket so that the batik should not lose it" B. F. Thomas, editor of the Burlington (Iowa) San-Herald, and Miss Finch of Columbus Junction fsame state) decided to be married ou the fair grounds near Burlington and to make the first stage of their wedduig journey in "Professor" Williams's balloon. But a countryman with a stick in his hand accidentally punched a hole in the balloon, the gas began escaping, and the editor backed out.

Then tlie "professor" tried to moke au ascent, that the crowd might not be wholly disappointed, but he was too heavy, and the balloon wouldn't lift him. Theu a light-weight volunteer from the crowd, who had bad a little previous exjieri-enceasan amateur aeronaut, stepjied into the car. The balloon rose about a mile, came down again, deposited him in a tree top, and then saded off and iuqialed itself on the steeple of a neighboring church, IISRE, TUEJUC, EVBBVWBEKK, Malaria is found. Even where the disease is not prevalent w- here tlie general condition of the surrounding locality may be favorable to health, isolated cases may exist. Bad drainage, a damp cellar, the escape of sewer gas, the existence of masked cess pools, proximity to slagnant water all these are frequent causes, aud what town or city of any magnitude is free from them? Hosteller's Stomach bitters, whether in towu or country, whetlier the of the disease develop either the bilious remittent or the iuu-rmiueut form, or that negative, sluggish, but not lass obstinate type (railed dumb ague, is equally efficient, both as a preventive aud a remedy.

Had digestion, biliousness, cousliiatloUg a want of vitality, are also remedied by it. aud the happiest results may be surely anticipated froui its use, for tlie relief of rheumatism, kiduey and bladder comulaiuts, aud nervousness, accompanied by a lack of appetite aud sound repose, it is botanic aud agreeable. I Moiith.t oated Tongue I a I I jj timniur, oa. They regulate the Bor- $4.00. A Fill SstQfGUM TEETH for $4.00.

jr. It. CKlsiWOLO, Dentist. Offlce and residence, as Main street. OjH-n day and evening.

See City Directory-I ifsend for Circular. lyd sepIO Cutlliig the l'ark In Two. A l-KOTKST AMI A REASON FOK IT. To tlie Editoh of The Covhant: Before we proceed to tlie straighu-uiiij of Trinity street, it nuiy be well to recall that tho present line was cboson originally with great cxre and for a very definite uriise. It was seen by tlie quick eyes of those who had to do with the laying-out of the park that a straight, stresd crossiiig il at that point would cul it tu two, reducmg Us apliaivnt dimensions, and making liter -ally an east and wrst park of it, witereas a curving hue would -rmit the eye t.i move unarresUsl over tile wlu4e area, aisl avoid the look of two.dislinct, sections, -Now the.

quest-ion is, was tins a correct judgment? Many of us think it was, and that are on the point of doing a great injury to tlie park. The fillers' memorial is a very hue thing and aa ornament to the city, but it is seeorehtrv to tlw, Jutrk, inasmuch as U.e body is more than raimeul-. andit. fact has its truest dignity in ta-ing thus -'-oudary. For, aa it is now, it stands a grand eu-tranoe to tlsj inrk.

which gives it a iiies-inng ami is honored by It In return, lint, if tlie proposed change were made, bolh would tar the losers, for the arch would then appear to lie the entrance to Trinity street. It has been suggested to la sure, that It might in that case, resemble the Arc d. TriotiiplMt crossing the Cnai Llvsies: Hut. tliat es-rtain? It is to f.ared tlmt however straight Trinity street might la made, it wiaiid still la? just Trinity street, without anything triumphal about it, except the attempt to look triumphal. At present, it Is at that siint.

a street onlv in naitm ami use, being to the eve a roadway of the paefc. Jeisanu prevent uonsti- nit ion mkl Piles. TImj smallest and easiest to take. itn'v M.w mil a daw-. 40 in a vial.

Purely Vet' Price 25 cphIs. 6 vinlB hy mail for CARTER MEDiriNt Prop'rs, New York. THE MOST 20,000 ROLLS Wall Papers Slightly damaged by Water and Smoke, to be closed out, RECARDLESS OF COSTI Come early and secure Bargains. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. Finest and Cheapest Meat Flavouring Slock for Soups.

Made Dishes and Sauces. Annual sale jars. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT. An invaluable tonic. "Is a success and a boon for which nat ions should feel grateful." gee "Medical lres," "Lancet," STEELE'S Boarflii aifl Day Scaaol, W0B.

T0UXG L-iDIES, 23 WetlitraHeld Avenue, Hartford, Conn. PERFECT An Indignant Mugwump. (New York Evening Post.) In the present case, the character of Captain Bacon Ts successor makes it easy to know what to think of his removal. For this upright, experienced, efficient, faithful public servant has been substituted that very worst sjiecies of American politician, a liquor dealing alder man one Sterling, who fraudulently put down his liquor shop in the directory as a "real estate agency." He has, we believe, no experience as a weigher of anything. He says hi) once served the government for five years, but declines to say in what capacity.

He has simply a liquor dealer's standing in the community in which he lives. The collector iu New York, who is responsible for him, ajuiears to have hardly known his name. The only ascertainable reason for appointing him is that be is a worker of that lnost notorious and disreputable Brooklyn boss, McLaughliiij and the weigh-ership of the Brooklyn district is selected as his special field of mischief, because in it he will have the employment of a considerable number of laborers. In fact, we have seldom known of transaction concerning the nature and object of which there seemed less room for doubt than this change. These intriguers apparently flatter themselves that because the weighers are not covered by the civil-service act, they may do as they please with them.

It makes no difference whether the weighers are covered by the civil service act or not. If there were no civil service act in existence, such a change as 1 1 1 1 hv i i i to tiUrifi- rxTizn. DURABLE Oenutne only with the fac-simile of Baron Lie- big Signature Rlue Ink across the Latiel. The title "Baron Liebic' and nhotoirraph hav BEVVAUE OF COUNTEKFEITS I GILES' LINIMENT IODIDE AMMONIA. The speediest aud most certain medicine in the globe AIX FAMILIES lSE IT.

Weak Hack, Enlarged Joints, Paralysis, libeumatlsm. Neuralgia, Diphtheria, Sciatica, Prolapsus Uteri, Female Weakness. The best and only certain remedy to relieve pain ROBERT WALKER, 8S9 MAIN STREET. OPP. CHENEY BLOCK.

Asylum street, Koom a. until euuesoay. lfwv. at 5 o'clock p. for the materials and labor required for building a new school-house on Wadsworth street, in this city, according to plans aud specifications to be seen at the office or the architect.

Bids must be made on the printed forms to he ol-tained of the architect, and for such parts as are shown on tlie blank forms. Each bid must be accompanied by satisfactory surety equal to ten per cent, of the amount of tlie bid, that if the bid is accepted a contract will be entered into. Accepted bidders will be required to execute a contract aud to give security to the satisfaction of the building committee for the faithful performance of the same. Proposals mar be made according to each specification separately or for the entire contract. The contract will require that a certain portion of the foundations and baseutent story shall be commenced aivi pushed forward to completion as soon as practicable and that work on Uie remaining portion of the building sliall be completed as early in the fail of 180 as is practical.

Further gfiecdication. to time and terms will be stated in tlie contract. Each bid must be endorsed with the kind of work bid for. and addressed to L. BRAIN AR1 Chairman of Building Committee.

Hartford, Conn. The riht to reject any or all bids is reserved. GEO. H. GILBERT, Architect.

sepU 6d ing been largely used by dealers with no connection with Baron Liebig, the public are informed that the Liebig Company alone can offer the article with Baron Liebig's guarantee ON a pleasant avenue, wirh unnurpaiwed appointments aad superior advantages for acquiring facility in writing aud gpeakiug French aud Oer-man. Thorough instruction to Englhih, Latin, Greek and Art. Resident teachers to Elocution, Music, French and (ierman. Fall terra begins Septeml-r 23. Jyil to oe GEORGE W.

STEELE. UU111I UHinULL and leaving undividtsl those bniad of areest sward and geuLly sllug surface with tlieir new and beauliful eutrano it is ngni noses. Let us be cautious what we do. Benner Pietsch, CORSET LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT of all kinds, no matter of how long standing. In OF MEAT.

To be had of all storekeepers. Grocers aud Chemists. Sole Apeuts for the United States (wholwsale only) C. David 9 Fen- EVER SQ19 stant relief guaranteed cripples, bwoilen Joints, Varicose Veins, Bites of Insects or Sick Headache. No oil or grease: is clean and sweet; will not sou.

ii iLlN STREET, Bigouruey House, Ciiurcu Avettue, AAjuuou. jLugiauo. jeST, lyd3tawWA8 INFLAMATION OF THE KTDNEY8, BRIQHTS $0 DISEASE, DIABETES, INCONTINENCE OF URINE. Is the only Liniment in the world possess School Books School Books FRESCO AND PLAIN PAINTING! Don't Agree ith "Rectitude." To the Editor oTiib Col-rant-. Will you, in your valuable paper, protest strongly against the views of a man ho signs himself "Kectitnde." "He would like to alter Trinity street and all toe paths in and about our beautiful park into straight lines, and destroy all that makes our lovely city so attractive.

I do hope those persons who have these things in charge will not listen to "Rectitude," who shown at once his want of education and refinement. It is hard, indeed, that su-h a man, utterly devoid of taste, should have any voice in ucn aq importaut question, A EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. cation and efficiency, would be an act of perfidy and hypocrisy toward its supporters as well as an offense against good government. Therefore, we are stUi sutislied that President FURKISHES beat facilitlea for obtaining a Business Education. Unlimited Scholarship, Stnd for catalogue.

Address apl Jyd HANSUM 4 STEDMAjc. SCHOOL BOOKS and School Supplies. Blank Books and Stationery, the cheap libraries as soon as issued. Fashion books, a full line. It H-TMt "LOCK which parvtiri 'KM COWSQ USCIASMO, ASO TMt HKXH CLOTH bush, buck step hi rrtcis rmm uTie astAiusa.

ALL WORK is done under our personal supervision, and only best material tlsed. Cleveland will not permit this gross outrage ing alterative powers, tan oe taaen internally; cures Cramps and Colic, Diarrhoea aud Dyuentry. Sold by all Druggists. Trial Bottle 25c. Write Dr.

Giles. Box 342, N. Y. P. who will give ad vice on all diseases free of charge.

faT" Beware 0f unscrupulous dealers and counterfeits. The genuine has the name blown in tlie gtas and fac-simile of the diaooverer'ssignature over each cora. niudeodaps ORIUINAL DESIGNS in varioua styles can be IliruiilllJ uirus sj" hwi.t New ork papers delivered in all parts of the city. XJ It Xj.IlJV u.T1JCu1 from tlie effects of youthful errors, early decay, lost manhood, etc, I will send you a valuable treatise upon the above upases, also direct ions tr self cure, free of charge. AddrsbDa.

N. M. MuUOAN. HaUiyme, Conn. ii7 lyd on the reform sentiment of tue country oe carried to completion.

We do not feel the need nf his tmblished letters or addresses auown aim iiuwr 'i ii! .11. Referenoes: J. H. Rediield, Wm. H.

GoodrfcA, EPILEPSY An account of the best method of treating and educating epileptic youth. Mailed free. Address "SCHOOL FOKLN VAldD YOCTIL," Lyme, Com. aatdjyai Paict. Si.

00. Foa 8li BROWN, THOMSON CO. Cliark N. Johnson, W. A.

HeaJy an4 U. A. 11. BARLOW. 232 Asylum St.

for assurance on this point. We deduce it from.

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