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Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • 2

Hartford Couranti
Hartford, Connecticut
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE HAUTFOIID DAILY COUltANT. MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1 HARTFORD AM VICINITY. will come upon the fast express train to-mor row, and will be accompanied by a huge delegation of their friends. partnership with another Hartford youth, nnd they came to this city. A Hartford capitalist advanced 10,001) as a special interest, and In January.

17. the new sitrn Wlf of George A. Cowles, Merf years od 8 m'-ntlm. i Jr-Pravprsa tho honp, to-morrow. (TUtlay.

Srnt. Hth. at 1, o'clock. r'uneral at b-f fatnr resl(V n- in Middletown, at o'clock same dav. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.

VOU SAID SO VEH. did way no, tbat if you wantctf to buy the BIM FIA.0, You would bnf tha ChlckoHnir, WHmt, or llaziltoir Piano. of the confercm wnr. t'oe nlation of the Thin! Person of tlie Trinity to the other two. Controversy upon this )oint was wont to rage with great flercpncwi, ntl bas engaged the earnest attention of the greatest Intellect.

of the church. Of lato years, bowevwf, It liascease.l to excit" much interest and has lost its vitality except in the Mm church, lMing in its nature a purely speculative question and not suscepti'' ble of prcof. l'jotnbly very few young theologians of the present dny cxjs'nd much intellectual energy in endeavoring to decide whether the Holy Ghost priweedetb from the Father" alone, according to the Siceua creed, or "irotn the Hon" also, a interpolated several centuries Inter by the church of Spain, and made binding by Charlemagne and one of the POH'H. After a protracted but friendly discu-siou the conference at Bonn ais-epted a compromise, by adopting the doctrine of ot Damascus and of the, fuilivlded church, which assert fa! (1) that the Holy Uhci issues from the Fattier, "as the fountain Monday (tlPriiliiKt sX'Pf. 1 3 IsTi.

Anew niinMcrinl msi liu rn'iinnl in win, the rutin" eiil.inet haviiiir renifiieil. iS'o trouble occurred ill furuiiMg a new fii'JirMit. Tlie fouf-hurnlri'iltb anniversary of the IiiHb of Midiufl Anf In, the Krel4 sculptor of any ctli limti il with eorrniouy In hi unlive city of Florence ami nt Koine. The Turki-h roiwlilnn is not cruslnil. Tin? latest ri'iil-ts are to tho effect thut the lioli' liintry between Hervia nml iu revolt, and tlmt ten thousand fre.Kh insurcntf nre in the flVM.

A ctiernl war is ri'trimlcil as ini'vitiililc, anil Imrrilile uinssni riM ore ri'iHirtcd 04 each side. we have to tuat some twelve states and teerittii ios have so far made no application for space in which to place a showing of their ealth and industries. We cannot understand why this should be so, Vvhen the forwardness of the celitenniul has been so widely published to the country and its claims everywhere ardently urged. We have grown in a measure indifferent to the tardnn-ssof the in sul-soribiiisr their kiunla, the cost of the eclair, believing, ierbui, that tha rock of liberality will gush forth with sulTlcient copiousness at the eleventh hour; but we do not comprehend the cause of this neglect to apply for a hich ought all to have been taken up months ago. Cit liens generally should understand and we depend tifstn the lo al pie" to biuke the fact clear- that It is immediately necessary for lis to know wbut they propose to do in the way of milking an exhibition of their ttftri-culturnl, mechanical) scmntilic or artistic progress during the huudred year that we pro-sse to end with such littin'g glories, iu order that tilay properly tir oared lor them in fceQsn for their coming.

The authorities cf every state, as well as their Centennial organizations, ought to be moving actively iu this matter now, and they should know as well as we that the time remaining for prepn ration is getting to be inconveniently brief. There is not a day, not an bou. for then to lose lphii Tim. I BI.K PIIIVtTE OPIMON. Tho HimUiu Herald tliscovers a pei-Ceptible veering of the republican wwelher vane towanl Churles Friwte Aunns.

The latter Jjart of the Vennsylvania ricmo crutic convention was tUurc like a mob or a meeting of lunatics than an asreuiblage of stutesincn. Tbe Detroit Free Prrsa hus hit it alsnit ''t)f all sad words of tongiie or pen The saddest are these: '1 wish 1 bad u't doue Reviewing the investigation of frauds in connection with the Uwhester water works, iu which George D. Lord is implicated, the Itoctr-ester Ksfimiu thinks it bas diichtsed more aorruption "than cun be atoned lor iu the next hundred One of the eeidiftritii a of the Maine cam- isjign is thut the democrats accuse the rctmb lifuns of trj ing to st cure Irish votisj for Gen Connor on tbe ground that be is a Catholic and his real name is O'Connor: while the re publicans accuse the democrats of trying to prejudice protestants against hnu by tlie same misrepresentations. For the Itenefit of f'i niisylvepH tlctnocrats, the Itoslou I'osf rviuarks: The proposition of making the federal treasury a bank of issue, even with no sort of roust it utioiiel warrant fi tlie federal emission of patair, is too thoroughly antl completely anti-tleiins-ratic to be for a moment seriously entertained. It would tie tlie long-sl stride towards centralisation that coitlil is.

taken fr surpassing any of tlie tinanci'il drcaius of Hamilton." Sain. Cury of Ohio is one of those men who arc dtep in the councils of the Almighty, and apparently on fatt tlier terms with bim. He suys God don't give the r'ch man many chil dren bc-uese they are "drcuc Usjn but he gives them to the t'r l'cause wants iiifs he ts a mechanic himself." He turned out a very ptstr piece of work when he constructed Hum. Cary. Hams father must have heen rich.

Huatim flotV, With Dr. Loring a the standard liearerof the republican party we shull enter an unequal contest. Wishing to secure a triumph for mi orgnnwatiott which mentsthe confidence of th issuile. we must olainlv sav to tur re publican triends Is-fore it is trio late, thut some other cantliilate must be taken up, who can at least pass through the onieui of a cantiaign without exfiositig the organization ro a tire so ht that nn utter rout is more than nrobablo. fiotitm Joiirnul.

The Sacramento "nfon frailroad organ) says ot the California election: "The result cannot tss charactcriartl as a dcimK'nitio victory, for it was not fought on party lines, and ft was not won by part win votes. It Is in fact a victory by the iople over the politicians and adventurers, nnd a decisive repudiation of the shams nml frauds, the dciimgogisin and the cant, the usurpations and the fabe professions, the communism and the lnwlcss spirit of calumny, which distinguished the defeated elements," The currency issue runs right through the middle of both parties, home believe that th tendency now is for tbe itiflatlonit republicans to come over to the side of houest money and make the light on that question. We are glad to see anybody coming over from fulselnsal to truth, I ut it dis'S like a hopeless task to unite either party on this issue. It is more probable tiiat the national cttnvetitions will both treat the question as gingerly as possible, and strive to rally their armies on the old war cries, but at present the republicans have a decided advantage as the champion of honest money. Boston "Yum, yum, yum." mfiuiuipoh Junrwl, "This form of criticism, argument or wit the Stnlintl does not understand.

The Journal tins used it twice durinir the oust five or sit days iu connection with extracts from the 'iiie is not rusty iu Ivtt in, has not forgotten all about Greek, can wrestle successfully with Hebrew, and might Is? pro- i-itu ti, has them all ut its tongue end: but to tai-kle this Yum. vuin. yum' of the Jvumul is about as formidable tusk as ever assailed as ndiumiooin, timl. "Yum, yum. ttiiuiiaot.iis Juuriud.

It tlilivt I that all that portion of the democratic puny which has real stake in the welfare or the country will see the terrible iast of st mil and runic main which tha tiemooratir. isilicy would shmwroclt the nuances of the nation and the fearful disrup. lion or business which would attend the closing of all our national banks and the issue jo mem or a currency avowedly irredeemable. iub same reeling or pern must also pervade the nioincd centres of Pennsylvania and Ohio ana roase their strongest opposition. In the meantime the friend of a sound and redeemable currency will look with anxious in lerest to tho result in Ohio.

A republican 1 1 tuitipn mere wiu oring all Uome in safety AeienrA Advrtitrr. Commenting on the Guibord case in Montreal the New York thrall say a "Therefore we repent thut it is unfortunate for a Catholic hop to assume the oosition of nntncmniVint tun crown, it only gives rise to the assertion so frequently made that the aim of the Catho lic church, and especially since the ortK'lama- lion of the docma of infallibility, has heen to cievate me pope over the state. If, certainly Itsiifs line this when, at the t) tmne II dinner in Dublin, the lord mavor gave the niuce of honor in me toasts to the proposing bis health licfore that of the queen. Jotw, when we lind tlie bishop of Montreal tleclininz to a inundate from the oueen, tho decree of the supreme tribunal of Kiiirland, it is hard to re concile its attitude with that due loyalty to authority without which society would cease exist. I'KKJSOAIi Cjitr4t-II Jto Jefferson intentis to reside iu Pi during the next three years.

A. T. Ktettart has presented to his chief superintendent a house worth General Shermam is about to revise and add some new matter to his autobiography. Mrs. who brought about the short dress movement, now lives at Council lilutfs, Iowa, and wears long dresses.

By the Sydney (Sew South Wales) of July oiith it uoiH'urs that Madame Kixtnri antl Anna Kishop ate giving entertainments there. Mr. Gladstone is not only a statesman aud a scholar, but is quite a player ou the pianoforte, ami smgs. withal, a song iu a manner to de light lovers of good music. Mrs.

sarah Wilson of Randolph. aired ninety-three, is supposed to Is? the only widow of a revolutionary soldier in the She was thirty years younger than her husband. Thiol's complained that the sunshine huit his eves, and a triend proposed blue Change the color of my said the veteran: "oh, no: the country would be agitated for a month. Aud now they suv that Wilkes liooth is alive, because he has been seen in Kt. Louis.

Hut even it ne has len seen there, how aro we to know that he is alivef What should a live man be doing in bt. LsHiis, anyway L'liicayu ftojuers. T.anar. of Missfssiooi: Dr. Deems, of New York: Dr.

Lisconib. and rro- bablv Governor lilden, of New York, will take part in tho disiicatorv exercises of the Vanderhilt Vniversitv, at Nashville. iu October. The proprietors of tbe Twin Mountain House have written to the New York deny ing in toio tne recent assertions or a correspondent of a disagreement laHween themselves and Mr. ISeechcr.

Mr. Beeeher has never asked nor been offered a cent for his Sunday ser vices. Bishop Hendricken of Providence has been having a severe stnmgle with a parish of rrencu Latliotus at oousocket. K. who are opMts to their present pastor They have declined to give any money for the sup-airt of the church until the obnoxious priest is removed.

Garibaldi wrote to the owner of the villa at which he had been staying ut Civita Vecchia, previous to uis uepanure lor Laprera: thanks to the miraculous thermal waters. antl the kind a'teution received from vou iu your comfortable ami pretty villa, have substituted your stick for ray crutches, which i leave yon as a souvenir." Foley's bronze statue of stonewall present! to the state of Virginia by the Hon. rjerestoril mcmlr of the British parliament, aim other Knglish gentiemen. ar rived in Baltimore on the steamer Nova Sco-tian ou Thursday. It is of heroic size, and an liuii-tiblc work of art.

its ctrnt beiuir 4ti.0Oii. It will la? taken to Richmond and eie ted on Capitol square, near the equestrian statue of tv asmugton. Miss Harriet Hosmcr. the American sculutor. has written from Home that she will is? represented at the Philadelphia centennial exhibi- ion by an original group In marble the larg est she has ever undertaken, it portrays the idea of "'the African sibyl foreshadowing the freedom of her race," She will stmt! also a copy of Lord Brownlow's gates, ten feet wide ami seventeen feet hrgh, containing seventy-one human figures.

John Sartain, the celebrated engraver, has la-en chief of the tine art depart merit if the Centennial exhibition bv tren. I ioshorn, and the lection has endorsed and confirmed by the executive committee of the vouunissioii. Mr. isurUin's long exrience in tiiis and other countries will eiuible lum to till the post in such a manner as to add to the significance antl completeness of tnis important blanch of the great patriotic movcuieuL, The Hon. K.

P. Carpenteruts disgsettsl of his interest in the Oak IliuTs prosrty, Martha's Vineyard, to H. A. 1 for fsnO a share, at the rate of for tbe wnole. i This Is NERVdl'ls DKPIblTV, and flmls a sovereign enfe In IIUMI'HHKV'H HOMiKOHATHIC fiPKOIKIO.

W. m. It tones up the system, arrests discharge, difils the mutl (tloom aud despondency, and rejuvenate the entire ysten. It is perfectly harmless, and always eBlcient. Price for a or live nose attu v.

of powder, which is Important in old eases; or 1 pt-r sinjrte box Mold bv all drugirist. OT snt ny man on of the prico tltl.lress HI'MPHItKYS" IHbVlllv-OPATIIIC JdfcTfKJi.NlS COMPACT. No. WW broad way, I. Y.

aih Hi ry.leoii.piswi SPECIAL NUITCES. CO CO CD CD -s if" T. STEELE SON, I0IA! ftTRKET, HAHTFOEft, Will Kemove fit DC'TOfrEH to Sow in 'i first door ftouth ol CllHIST li, Main t. (Jrif1 Tn.iiifin'it4 an- offr in elfMioK out th- irprvwiit Kfx of Uoods tot VAxU (MA l.t) Odd pieces of lated Tea Sets, tl fH'K HK'IH and Fancy floods. uf l.rollt irlll te tild re Ktif ti an ottuort unity In the sale of FIKCT-CLAHIi STO( i lett often every dav, and only few weeks fur bargains lu tliui Hue.

No change Is btdng uiade iu our and French KEI'AIKIXU DZPAIIT MKM. as wa hsve einnloyed none but rltteT LAbS f.tryears. T. STEELE SGH, Mis HAin FUltD, CONN. trHtore at o'clock, Haturday vr true extfpti-iJ.

wp i iw Watches, Diamonds and Chains, The l. at stock to select frmn la the ity. DAVID MAYER, 319 Main Street, cor. Asylniu. OI'KN KVKMNOS.

At 10 Cents Each tVw bondrl J5 r-uU to be elot-d uni mt 10 'jMitu rH.h. at STOilK, 4 4H9 MAIN HTUtET OIOATIH OZOAZIO CIOAI1 SI i Vet Uv erj lart-e lot of ii'o4 f'tUARS. whl-l will aeli eheap. VHa w.ll aell tip-t COM ILA from Ik to cr OHitr tylo In proirortton. I iii or t'd a I'snal.

8YKES NEWTON. IIS ASYLl'M 8TBEKT, ep 13 Ci'rntr Trumbull. I iff CtUMrulfil VaubU. Eta' tic MXNoSiixltxr Stoo Arc f'r al by all d-alrs (n Watbmery Fortbe r-'rtiTfiiin of tbho Tiiay wisu to try thra, hanjrtl' Cart-J. roiitamti'Ef imf of 1.

nnn-br, will oeut t.T inaif ou rtveipt of 2P- Critts. U1M). 3Uk.llV TiVIOK srp 1M Vin 14 (iraiid ew York. (.0 TO HITiVS JIVEHOISE, NO. 7 WELLS WTREET, To haTi your Lae ('nrtaits.

Carpets. Drsst-s, rQiK, Km(iorea, or ay' I.a-li- and ticatfn g-ariof ntc ct tt v-ry ds ri tiun flyci or uioely 'dwaawl without At i Warp, both wti)t and colored, for mat aroj-t i-t-aftus. m-n by xpr-fts with proapt atteiit ion aecortitnf todirnctiotj: aairJU 11. E. Hroprirtor.

oitiffiicii lli jT( Proline of So arte III llrwllb. I)K. HAUUISOX'S PE1USTALTIG LOZENGES Indorsed by all the Medical Journals an the most A result. Convenient, fcffcctive aud burs iiame dy for Costivenesa, Dyspepsia, Piles. Plf.tsaitt to tbe faiate, causes no pain, a uroioDtiv.

nTr runirc inerease of doae. don ex'iaust, and for el'P-. ly pMons. ftttnalt and chil drvn. are ifrt ttif tldnif.

Two takn af nitrht thf bowtds onr: the nrit momintr. Wariaut! in alleas of the TiLca and Kat.linh of the Kkcti'M, W'f promise a euro for all symptoms ot 1vhp.phia, SlU'R as Ul'PHt'ttSION biTINU 1 ftOl STuMACH pittino or Kooo, Palpitations; also Hkauacui DiZXINK. AI THE BACK AND Li)INH, VkI.LO nush op thb Skis and Kvas. Hick Hkadacjek, Coat rSiLIOCSNBSS. LiVKH CoMPLArNT, Lo8S Oebilitt.

jMunthly Pains, anu laarorLAKiTifca. Nei'raloia. Kaintnbhm. c. nrf tirti compact tint tnotjrou mill uey milt, o.

tre titw Ijtrtf.orH hat no tumtf. Trial boxaJiUe. large boxes tiOc. sent by mall fne of pfwtHyf toauy address, or wilw hy S. It arris No, 1 Tremont Temple, lioMtott, and by all Drmfinsts.

octlU Jydeod(tlywjw41 W. E. SIWiONDS, SOLICITOR 445 Vats Etrtfnl. OF PATENTS, IIEMty T. TEKUl, and Notary Public S33 MAIN STREET, (Hilts' Block.) ROOM IS.

1 to Ijrd MAYI'MS 48 Hearl street, day I. ll.ll.ii,l niirlit. OHIi-a h.u.ra un a. ra. from la m.

to p. ui. from a to 4 anu tot id tho evpum. aplb tfdeod Dr. W.

Sellger, rhlropedlst, OFKIO NO. ISf MAIN STHKIT. urbaiuuy irt'aMMl. nI.r Hitt XUOSC emiDPL puyaiciaDs and surceoua. ocu 1yd PICItSO'V AI.

lOXICK. Notfi-e ia be rpbv iiv.n that n.Hoei-a. aailorw ana aoiuira. wouudp.L ruoturPd. or linur.

.1 tlto lata rclajllion, aliglitlr. ari euLi.lMd to iH.iis.ion. ana luouaaaua or oenaiomra are entitle to increased rate Anplv imtne.liatelv through DR. B. B.

JAI'KiSON. Late burgeon IJ. S. Navy. No, 4 New Chamber t.

N. Y. auis SS 1yd KK IIARD TICLOll. A.KD COU HBBI.LOa AT LAW AND KOTART PUBLIC, SO State lregory' Building), Boom No. 6 1st noor.

Prompt atteution piveu to the collection of hill. am law oilMllieas entrusted to ntv earn wt he tended to with nrornntnesa. ref, luruiHucu wneu uesireu. iaua 1yd a ruin To all who are sulleruiir trom the omiiM anri In diaeretious of youth, nerrous weakueaa. early de cay.

loss of manhood, 1 will send a tha ill cure rou. fkvk c-uahok. Tl.i ont uy was uistrovereo ny a missionary In SoutU Am. a. neiid a euvelotie to the Hkv.

l.iSXPH 1. lNMAN. bLaa.a II Uihl IIoijj Na oi Llty, ie itl iimdStaw FOB FIRE 3IKICKS, USED IX STEAM UOtLERH, FURNACES, Did T1LLKU1ES, (iUTU LODBETT A CUPP'S, 19 and 21 MARKET st a Office, SZQMaiiiSZ. Jan 1 lyd XI 3VI XT A. ti 4'IIAK.

W. rNDKRTAKKR AND MANAGER OK FUNERALS, Haa n-moved his place of business to the fl ne uu mti in nun anu Aliva atrepta neap A mm st. depot. Kesideuce 1-1 Atlauticst. Ian 1 iiA rooiiu niTsioiiK.

BtNKRAL MANAGERS OF FUNERALS. Oflice and Warerooms. No. 12 Prat rrT'Residence 28 Chapel at. Burial lots for sale.

id JU A KM All Hit. BRADLEY RAsRTT In Farmlnrtou, Sept. g. at Charles V. Rradlev.

pastor of the Flrat national church in lltrniingliam, and Miss Eliza- neiu r. oi uirnunnaui, I'resulent ror-ter, of Vale college, officiating. ItEtTII. Ptl ILLIHSIn this city, Sept 11, Willlaat J. Phil.

aeed tll years fT" Friends r.f tha family are Inrlie to attend the funsral seryice at his lute residence, Hi Bel-levue street, to morrow (Tuesdatl afternoon at Rur'al at 1 i II LEWls-In this cit t. Cept. II Rebecc. wife of lTid Levis. aced47.

tfr-Kunerel from the M. Zioo chim at 8 it ct. ck to morrow iTuesalavL LOCKWUOIt In Ibis city. SuodaT inoininir la. very auddeiily.

Elizaboln. wife of J. T. Lra V. 'xi.

sited fi.) veai s. HPFuueral slrictlv nrivflta. OWLES In East Hartford, 8j)t, 1, ElU G. Hill, mm fcVk (:3 ite Sa' Calendar tor in tveekv. SEPTEMBER.

Jlav of wk. Sun SH7 5 5 5 411 tl 41 5 fi 3 4-1 Sua set. "8 9 6 8 i 8 Lathi days I li" ar i IS 94 i Si IU tt I 13 vi I 13 8 I i i'O I Uoon Sefs 2Si rises. 44 7 Monday. Tuesdav Weduesd'y Friday Ha turd ay nn, stnfls'a fassakk.

rirst quarter, ith day. 4b eening P. Full momi, 15th "lav. Th irtorniitK Last Vtl tliw. tut nunlnc- B.

We mwii, Lsith duvsh. II in niornlns W. SKW IDVKItTISKSKSTI TCMIAJ. Agencies fr (latiRda Wanted J. ft.

Wltte Hro. AiictioniVopenv- vVm tl. Hnlkst'-. Hoard Mrs. L.

flobertsnn. bonds VVantetl bV K. Abbe. houkruit Notice Kstate of trad Edwards. i itaraAUyn rtotiae Uruir Store.

rJiainonds. VVatchefi. etc Krnst Hchall. Ilrion 1 me and Hi Irk II. Hlssell.

fiftaen Dent Cirars for Indents (iucnisey's. Kine Art Classes- Prof, and Mde. Gilbert. For HalsKbeUaiid Pony, II. Cuiuuiuigs, f'otSiile --Htts-k.

A. S. Mohioson. Iliil Widite d-5h Sptucest. Mouse to jtent-1.

Urfnn. Ilainl.nri; l.dxiD;;s--ffffl, M. Miller. Iron and Sleet rtnrk t'o. Most(iiilo Nets Ives, of the "llee Hive." New fioolis Brown A itrons.

(MUce to Itcut K. I). Hntdinu rlul ase. bockwoud Bruinard Co. Helnoval T.

Meele Soli. HooBis to Kcut I I Moru-an st. tiariuxs Hank Htatft pi Pearl st. Hank Mechanics. Mf'etitra! Row.

havit.KS flank Mine. -ttiMainst. avitiKS tlasa 1 ive Jill Asyluoist. slos ts for Sale- U. V.

Itlakeake. Htirical Instnlmeiits tjorncr Druir tstore. To Kent House, '1 litis. A. Thactier.

'to Kent House. J. H. sttone. 1'aken t'p Kay HorFe.

W. II. Camp WetldiiiK (lifts- tilar.ier i I o. Wllliauis' Jamaica tinte-r. Watenes ami IMnmonds -David Maver.

Wanted James It. elles. Wanted-Side-Hoard. "'Furniture." Cnttr. flftbe.

Wanted Witshitnt and Ironliuf. Mrs. Mahoney. Wanted Tin Koofeis. James Abbe A siott.

anted bitnaticn, 21 St. Wanted Situation. IS I hurch st. Wanted Sit nation, c'A hurch st. You Said So! L.

Barker o. trier Tlrntlon lioth brauidies of the city government meet this evening. AVild pigeons are reported a-t lieiug very plenty this fall, Early Sunday morning the thermometer marked -Pi degrees. There were Sift live arrests by the stlice Saturday and Sunday. The eoncert in aid of St.

Fa trick' church will take piaco nrxt Week Thursday. There was quite a sharp frost, Huturday night, in some excited pails of the city. Of twenty seven applicants for admission into the high scli.i twenty were admitUsl. 'The game law passed at the last session of the assembly is not very well observed in the state. I'ost master General Jewell ss-nt Sunday at home.

He will leave for Washington this utsin. James Kiiey was arrested, Saturday, for steuling some lumler from itoherts (tjiera house; Kite Hying is the rage among the boysi Thirteen were counted ut one time, in tlie air, Saturday, J. CaiTol). of this city, is the tiifiiils-r of the Twenty-fourth regiment committee for Hartford. About fifty went out to West Hartford last evening to attend a service held in the Town hull there.

The Dodd murder trial in Tolland will lie finished by next Thursday. Arguments will la? made Wednesday, The road from tlie toll bridge to the Main street in Kast Hartford has recently lssn put In a gtssl state of repair. Tlie registrars bai finished the canvass for correction of the registry lists, which will lie Used at the approaching town election. The criminal case of the state against B. Noyes for violating the insurance statute, has again been postjtoiied to next Wednesday.

Tbe tolacco crop in this vicinity is almost all cut. "the cold weather of the last few days frightened growers, who feared loss by frost. II. N. Heymsof this city was among those wonided by the railroad accident on the Chi- cngo, Ilubiique and Minnevota railroad Satur day.

Burglars made an atu-mpt to got into Mr. Henderson's bouse in West Hartford, last Thursday night, but were frightcued away by dog. Charles Mayo was arrested yesterday ou a charge of defrauding bis boarding-house k'teper New Britain, and held for the New Britain authorities. Michael McW heeny was arrested Saturday takitor a 11 VtU Aim I. wLirh had been offered to pay for a few goods antl refusing to return the change.

The trial of Assistant Siijwrinteielcnt Good- ale for alleged assault on a boy at the Meriden reform school takes place this morning at nine o'clock. The trial excites very much interest. Smuggler, now at Charter Oak f'ark, will trot with Sensation next Thursday aftenKain at the I'ark. Smuggler's record is Sensation's and the race will be an extremely exciting one. Tbe annual inspection of banks will begin as soon as the appointment is made for the vacancy caused by Congressman-elect Landers' resignation.

It is probable hi successor will be appointed this week. John Karrel nnd Johu C. Kelly Saturday night assuulted the liarkecper of the lerby House, I'lank Cud well, and then attacked a man uamed John Carrier, robbing him of what money he had. They were arrested. The First Baptist Sunday school excursion to Cheney's grove in South Manchester, was largely attended by the scholars and their friends, antl the day was spent very pleasantly They returned to the city soon after 6 o'clock.

colonel jramei a. iiewey ol this city was cliofen one of the vice presidents of the Ameri can Pomological society at its annual meeting in Chicago last week. The Hon. Marshall 1. Wilder of Massachusetts was reelected presi dent.

George H. Lincoln Co. are casting some immense iron columns for iiattersons new building. Kleven of the largest ones will weigh nearly seven thousands pounds each, anil are probably the largest ever cast in the state. The same firm are doing the foundry work for the new capitol.

The union concert which was to have been given Friday evening by Colt's nnd Elser's bands, will be given next Thursday evening. It is also promised to give a concert next Sat urday afternoon, on the pork, so that school children may attend. The city government will be asked to night for an appropriation. At the Windsor avnuo Baptist church, last evening, a large audience listened to a Sabtiath school concert of rare excellence. Farticulail noticeable waf the singing of MissGracieGrcs- venor, one of the scholars, who possesses remarkably cleur and sweet voice; also, the recital, by Master Clarence Barbour, of a lengthy and beautiful poera, entitled The Old, Old Story." The Hartford City Guard will probably have their annual target shoot the latter part of this month or early in October.

Some prizes will probably lie offerod, Tho increased inter terest iu rifle shooting will undoubtedly tend to bring the actives out in full ranks on this occasion and probably secure a good attend- ance of members of the veteran association. Mr. William J. Phillips, who has for many years been engaged in the stove and tin business in this city, died on Saturday at the age of Go' years. For a long time his store was on Main street, opoosite tho City Hotel, ou the ground now occupied by insurance buildings.

Of late years his business has been upon North Main street. Tbe hearing before Chief Justice Fark, in Norwich, in tne matter of the amount of bond that Insurance Commissioner Stedman ought to give before taking possession of the books and assets of the National life and trust company, was bad Saturday morning. Tbe conn sel for the company contended that the bond ought to lie one million dollars. The hearirg was adjourned to Tuesday of next week. An impromptu match was arrangd for Saturday afternoon between several members of the Fmnklin Rifle club.

There we re two teams, one cansistiug of E. P. Whitney, A. F. Leonard, O.

A. Brew er, Fred H. Williams and Theo. studlcy; the other of Geo. Best, Johu Carroll, W.

W. Tucker, J. C. Kinney and Henry Andrews. The Whitney team won, the Best team being worst.

One of the work men scored Ss out of a possinle 0(1, and then be was not happy. A few oysters were eaten in the evening at Mrs. Bacon's, the Best men liquidating. Police Court. At the police court Saturday John Kellehen was fined (7 and costs for drunkenness, Ann Martin for the same offense $10 and Thotnas Halpine flu and costs and John Sullivan tl and costs for an assault on Phillip Camp.

Tho suit of Professor Keilly against E. 1'altei son for alleged libel was continued until some day this week. The Iline aud the tirey. On Tuesday afternoon nines fiom tbe Hart ford City Guard and from the New Haven Greys will play a base ball game upon the Hartford grounds, and the game will be an in teresting one, having doubtless some features which do not appear in professional games. The City Guard have leased the ground for the day, aud ill throw them open to their friends without cbarpe foradmisslon.

The New Haven nine, who are the challenging psrty. I ay I Day Vear mill 2 1 1 1 A tf.MI Hi Slid I 17 tht I 1 I is of Morgan Ac Earle wits 'displayed. At the end of a year they dsoired aiid each start oil alone. They founded siwesfil houses, but Earle died thirty aen. It as soon dis covered by the grocery trade that Nisi Morgan eyed at itu was its master.

It is safe to say that tbe enterprise and sagacity displayed by t-itis young man were ot the most surprising character. He hail the faculty of anticipating rva with preeishm which became pros verhiul. hate other men operated with a loss he ojicrabei with prollt. The writer wrts then a riont street clerk, antl well remembers the master strokes of that tall and rather ungraceful Yankee, fie was tbe largest doaler in raw cm tbe street, anil handled tea. olftM, euj.r ith boldness which snfprised the trsdo.

lit? bad the faculty of Judging credit, and made tint Very fsw debts. One of his tin lute Frederic ilollinter, formerly of your city. Ho cut olt Hoiiistcr a yftar t.ffre the latter failed, and in this wav he anticipated In. As a resnlt Morgan made money rapidly. In faJt, ls eoald not avoid it.

His rccptioiis were so sharp he sow op pnrtuuitins wljicli uo one else noticed, and he often seemed to have prophetic vision. Morgan always hail a of politic, which seemed to indicate that lie was niiwnt for public life, and bofore he wa thirty-six be felt like abandoning trade. To do this he funned the hoil-e of K. D. Morgan taking irr his cousin, Oe.nge Mornun, and his two lormer clerks, Joint 'J', Terry and Solon Humphrey.

Thi entire quartette is from lliirttordj and the lirrrl has made an fmiiien fortune toreal'b portlier Morgan left his name and capital, ami urcw a share of the protits. His fsilitical couise begun us ahtar man, and lie was in the city government for ft hi years. He was then ejected to the state senate, antl iu was chosen governor, un otlice which he filled two terms, and during a period of uini trial. It was his duty to weicoirio Alnahaiit Lincoln when the latter visited Albany en route for Washington, und he supirted" the Ciiiotl with an imweari's! zeal, lie was the second governor which this tityhod furnished since the days of De Witt tliiit'Trtj but he is the first ew kork aierchaut ever thus honored. r.

Moikuh's career in thn Is too fresh to require mil ice. It may said, however, that la- has Inlaired assiduously to overcome the dtdccU of his education. He has bcea a it'itit nt for thirty years, and is the only iu stance of a New York merchant developing into The highest attainment made by any of his class la fore hi day was congressman. He lives in Hfth avenue, the bin church il'resbvtcnnm of which he is a llm age is of. and he is worth more than a million, witii hut one sou, antl tlie family of the lut'cr tit provide for.

Considered lucre I a a business man, Mr. Morgan would rnuk with A. '1. Ulewart aud Vanderhilt. He had made more money than either of theae men at the same ane when ho left trade thirty years ago.

Had he applied bis wonderful abilities to the mere ucquisitiou of wealth, he would have rivaie 1 the vast accumulations these great capitalists. He is not a natural orator, and jet has acquir-d the faculty of making a speech, ami, if not brilliant, lie is judicious and sometimes profound. From my acquaintance with the ex senator, antl ulso 'with other men in this city, during a third of a etnturv. I have led to rank lu til as the gTetc-t business iiwi 1 met. It was one of his rules to purchase any nrticlt) whli-ii Wtt." selling Is-kiw Uir ctjst of pro-dih tion, and he rareiv to nuke soch purctutscs iay well.

Although theu a joubnlg he hautllcl leatl, iiuiio, nutmegs, flour and similar goods whenever they bad ileibnod to a sae mark, Among bis last bits were purchases of which have proved vei, end be ii a Very large hoi ler in Central-Hudson st.tck. At the time of Morgan's beginning in trade a htrge nuuitstr nf Harttftrd iii-n cauiw bit tier, uud most of thciu have tscn very buc-essril A uiong these tvero A'nos it. Kno and f. Pticips. who began a partners in tlie dry bo-iitess.

but afterward lm real estate ut I lime wlien it was prollt able. Phelps diet lately, lttvm an aslata of three fnillions. and Kno, who is till alive, is epiSil r.cb. B. president of the bank, ami Alliert Wtssirutf, laith inilliotuiiies.

are of this fortunate group. llarllorl are felt in every de mrUuent of t-w Vork ttusinews. Bur-nunt't-aoie at. atttttit the same tune, antl though he was from ffridgeoort be wa not far Itehind the llajifortl triners in th kseen edge of coru-ftloii sens.e antl i Kits riiovi i pkuplk. The Kast Ifarlforu lllithway Kobbery To thr EniTiiK of The On Friday evttlinjj list the coaimiinttv residing on Main street and Burnsule aveuue were aroun by a rejrt of a r.bls-ry on the Britlge road, and immediate.

Bicasures wer to arrest tbe robbers. They Were soon veiled ami found to ba two Kimbala. neigh bom of Dr. Manning, whom they assaulted ami Tbe young men were undoubtedly returning borne maddened by bibatiorts at tii city gin mills. Dr.

Manning was not tlie first one Oil whom they committed outiages that evening. 1 lie crime of these men aud man others committed in Kast Hartford are tl natural outgrowth of tbe lax authority uu mistuken sympathy of the community, an still more tiie want of inn-'istrat. who wi fearlessly act up to the spirit of the laws and their oaths as magistrates, reganliess of lb' renlt tf the ncjit eiectloti. It lias been nil' evidently is at present the policy of justices to let tiff Ciilutoaia vrtl, t-b wifta I lest- M.fialtlcS (m costs, i he Is i uis required of one of tli blimbals was but a simple fimckTy of justice, eiiaiitnui the criininal to iji trial and tin pnolty for bis crime. It is but a short tim si mt! tlie cotnuiutni were tnirror stricken the robliery an I murder of Mr.

Bliss tiy the tstv nines, whtr-e iireveais crimes should hav coiisigrn! him tc toe reform sclnsd, but were cttnd toed to screen from justice atsrompbees resiH-s-Laiue to be punished, it is from the winking at such tlemontliation tha from Sabbath to Sablauh our tieids. orchard and gardens are despoiled antl plundered suffered to discnarge fire arms a around us. ta games playwl within hear ing of church worshipers, fence broken, building burned, nights made hideous I drunken vagabonds, and the town di-gracc. Is thei-e to be no htnit to thtrso exhibitions outlawry 1 Are we to la governed bv the Are we approaching a rsri'si of anarchy, Ut lie governed by men ito law and s'noer at authority Has all the Puritan bhsel become extinct: Shall magistrates aud oflleers be a lowed to condone crime uud compound felony. una uu keep suencef i-AST ilAKTroKO.

Connecticut FaleuU. Ofllcial iist of Connecticut pab'nt issued from the United Stau-s patent otlice for the week ending the tilth day of August, Is Reported from tbo ollloo of W. E. Himonds, solicitor of patents, iMA Main street: Thomas B. BirmiQhain, riiat-hlne fi setting earriau'rf stiriMfa.

l'er(liliana "iayior. IJatihiiry. locks for tir arm Jalties 31. r.vart. etv llaven.

pipe tons. J. Warey, lanterns. hjfijnt hiuii Crtsaud, Haven, embroidery pat tenia. Trj'tr.

JftrC-Tli HiKKaitum uiauiifairtiirfug company, liiganuui piowa. Illlllarda and Cijtara. Mr. H. W.

Simpson has leased oue of tho stores in Welles's new block, No. W'A Main sti-ect, where be bas placed several new billian; talaes, and will also keep at all times the choicest brands of cigars. He invites bis friends to give him a cull. No Dfocaae I more t'oaiaioa Or annoy man the A perleol remedy has Ion Iteen sought tor. At lait we have utuna It in LlALLfr JSAUICAL kVA EXTBACTO.

'C. -U Time works wonders and Ilunt'j Item- wlr. HutlVryni from flrojwy. Iiright's disease, kidney, bJadtier and landiilnr complaints, re tentiou and iiicontim'nre of urine. uravl.

dia- lKtes, female irretruIaritioK, tkuii tbe hack and Joins, eenenil irosiratioa of the nerve atrurture nnd atHicttons of the arino-irenital or gans will disajiear alter a lew or tins vaiuurie and strictly vetutle nna neanu will ot tn inly re-eKtuiiiautl. mcAii ss oiicja. The pnxiuctioiis of the Fleasant Valley wine cont any nave been long known and up lireciated, and have obtained a distinctive place aniontr American wines. Iu purity thev are far in advance of any foreign wines, and in hcucy or flavor and bouquet thev are fullv r-qual to the wines of France and flermanv. iJrv.

sweet aud rxrt rer ealloo. or 5u cents a bottle, ir. romrov, soieaent. io, I'M Asvluni street. Prime cider vinegar.

8 years old, just the thin); for pickles, at J. K. Wheeler's. llemeinter the auction tsa'e of show cases at No. 6 State street tliis (Monday) morning at 11 o'clock.

Secure one of those woiulerful Oil I'hotos at Kellogg1, 279 Main street. Fall overcoats, all wool, for at Geo. 1, BartlettX Ford street. Canned corn beef at Tillinghast', Ko. 103 Main street.

The best. Gillett's pure spices. Fall winter Miita just receivecl for men, ranging in price from 10 to $35, at Geo. D. Bartlett's, Ford g.reet.

Our customers and the public are invited to examine our stock of woolens, now open and ready for tbe fall trade. The stock, after be- mjr selected witb great care, is one of the nnest, moHt varied and niobt exclusively novel ver openea tins city. JlORIARTT BROS Tailors, Ophite Post Otlice. Mis M. E.

Mnrrifon, Norwalk, says: ws uyina of flyHivpHia: trivpn up hv tn siciana. maMfttel and worn out witU iain and disi-aMn. Wiius of the cured me. ieu 1 Economical Nw rooo. tfi cents will bnv a of Sea M(ess Farine.

made from rmrn Ir'mh loss, whicb will make )) kinds ot disht-fi, suvn as i.kts. iiier. uutlainir, or in a arts of case tardy, jcllit'j. -iraiUi. Charlotte ItiiHise, blau-nianHa etc.

bold by all Druggists an.l Grocer. KvifR Mont ver mor will the pwf.ple of merica nitbiuit be stabbfd iu thf-ir bod, uifht fter n'urht, by inseot banditti. They havo Uin- verea trvit KnowltH' luteot uoatroyer, is ccrtiin deitli tj these Diaraudem. aud they use i freely. st-p iu w-J7 To th weak, th worn and tho warr.

th editor the Bo.fkoa Rt-eord'T says: ''We can oioxt uu- besif atinf ie nintmend th Peruvian Svruo. a prute'-td K-Outioii ul Ihe protoatide ot iron, to all thi woak. tlw worn aud tiie waarv. faaviuar riou'V exprienrtd its bent'IHs, It possRHHeH ail the qualities claimed for it by its sep oui'uaiw-iw Nervoiia lebllllf. A dfprertspd, irritable state of mind; ft wak, nervous, fitiausted no uery or aufiua-tton: confiiid ftpa1.

weak (ue'uoiy, ofta witb dhuitattu, Involuutary discharjffis. Tbe co- quii( ot xceu, ovyrwork, or ladlfortt.ons, 1 The Circuit f'onrt. The death of Judge Woodruir of the circuit court, who was to have held court bore next Week with Judge Shipman, ha made arrangements necessary so that the session may not be delayed. Mr. Justice Hunt of the supreme court of the United frStatcs lies written to Judge fchlpmau tliut lie will be here and sit It) place of Judge Woodruir, to try short cases that can be disposed of, say in a week.

sHagule The people's favorite, Maggie Mitchell, Will favor this city with her presence this week in 'Fanchon'' and "Tlie Pearl of Savoy," on Tucs-Aiy hil evenings, respectively. It needs but the announcement to ensure it foil attendance of the admirers of this clovtr actress. Although she has been On the stage for years, she is stiil as bright and fresh ax ever, and just as delightful. Scats may 1 secured at Brown Gross's, Asylum street Trinity College. Examinations for admission ill Ire held in the cabinet on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week in the followinir order; Tuesday.

Sent. i. 3 n. rn Mathematics. Wednesday, Kept.

11, Latiu; His a. r.iiglish: a p. Grecg. Candidates will learn the results of the examinations at 7 o'clock Wedi esdny evening.

Cntl" rgradiiate Candidates it the Mt annual xuliiiiiutkuiK will be examined at 3 p. ou Thursday. The academic year will lie ojiened with prayers at 5:30 o'clock p. m. on rhlilsuayi The Comirrlii lit Central Itoad.

Last Thursjuir a force of workmen began to lay the track on the Connect ic lit Central road, from the junction at Kust Hartford, with the Hartford, Providence and Flshkill line. Tlie connection with this latter road was made some wcek-i agoi uhd lb tuck It. is also been laid from the point where it leaves tin' Hartford, Providence ami Fishkill road ju-t lieyond the junction ith tho Consolidated road, to within few rials of Its junction with the Valley road. By Saturday ni flit about three hundred vai-ds of track had tss-n laid from the h'jst Hartford depot on theniuiu line. Tlie tails arc the tst Cambria iron.

Bud the ties the best chestnut. Tho work of grading the Itis kville branch in Vernon will tsj begun in a few days. aaa Another ust llarllord AsSaull, Saturday afternoon three men, Ktlwuid Whalen, Thomas Ma lone and Tht anas Mahoney, eanictothir. pity ftotn Ka.4 Hartford; and visited Severn! saloon. On their way borne they on tho bridge and got Into an altercation, which resulted in Mahoney receiv ing Very severe injuries.

He was terribly cut about the head, and one i km completely close'L lie prewnbsi a shocking appearance when he came to the police oliico and made comolaiiit. The other men were arrested nml will be this niornimc- liming tlie light some oue of the Party fired a revolver halen says Mahoney ls the ntta'-k. 'i iie frequency of assaults ou the Kast Hartford side Is is-giuniiig to ai.inu the popie there, aim vigih nt action would seem a ncs'-sity. Bite Hall. The tmtiilifir of games to be played by each club to fill the quota u-sfiry t-i a count, is as follows: Athletics si (with the Atlantic BOstitis 4, Chicago VI, Hartfords 5, Mutuals 4, New Havens lt, Hills'ttilniilna 3, St.

Louis The table of base hits hich aiifs-ared in lu- week's Vliji'r was considerably at fault. It the number of games played by members of the Hmtford duo up to August 1st as wheras they had pfaved 17: and tho Boston players were IT games out of tlw wuyi and so on through the whole list of clutts. The Hartfonls were Saturday by the St. Lans Browns, ti to 0. The New Havens beat the Atlantic's ia Brooklyn.

Saturday, 10 to H. in Philadelphia, Saturday, Athletics 11, The Hartforda play the Chicago this afternoon in Chicago. Terupcraiice yierllos. At the often air meeting of the State street Good Samaritan last evening remarks were mode by E. W.

Bliss, N. 1). Parsons, Patrick Dillon, J.jneph Carter, 1). II. Gale and Arba Lanktoii.

Hie meeting was adj'turned to Parish hall, where ajs-e. his were made by thtc Just mentioned, and L. Chi, in of Kast HurtfortL Twenty-two signed the pledge. The Asylum street jod Sumai itsus held a large meeting in the state bouse yard, whet address- were made T. H.

Slartm, Patrick Tooiny. At tbe hall afterwards other addresses were made by a nuinlsT of gentlemen, rifter cbo-u the pledge assigned by twenty-tlve. persons. At the Sunday evening meeting of the People's tiood Samaritan society leuiarks were made by Messrs. A.

Dak'n, Villiam C. Buckley, M. Wad, worth, ami other. Arrest or Julius IIole. Wheu Julius Jdoj le entered tlie room of Geo.

T. Lewis, a Trinity college student, last spring and demanded money or his life, aud then tired a pistol at Iwls, the publication of the transaction excited a good deal of Interest, as much from the plucky conduct of Lew is as the daring act of Uoyle. Ilovle, it will la- re- rucmbered, forfeited bis bond of (1.MM, and many supposed that the last of the case. The state attorney and Mr. Lewis, however, thought the matter ought not to end there, nnd efforts have la-en niade all summer to find Hoyle.

Chief Chamberlain learned a few days ago that Hoyle was at work in a factory in f.ancaster, Nevr under an as sumed name. Ho accordingly got a requisition rromi.oy. uicersolj. and wont to New rJamp sluro ThuiMjay to aires, him. Hoyle was working uiitler the name of Arlington liuiT, and ot course understood what Chief Chamlwr- hnn errautl was.

He made no opj smit itm to re-arrest and gave uo Irouote on tne wav to this city. He was brought before Ju.k'e Mel rill Saturday lieu iniiir ami committed to the jail without ttoinis to appear bclore tho jsili court next Wednesday uioniing. The lla.t Hartford Hlshway Kobbrry William aud Clarence Kimball, arrested fo tne assault nnu rooriery of lr. Manning, were taken Itefore Justice Kraal, at Fjtst Hartford ou Saturday, when Willium pleaded guilty am waa lajund over iu il.Ootl to answer at the criminal term of the superior court iu Decern ber. Clarence pleaded not guilty, and asked until Tuesday morning at ten o'clock to prepare for his bearing, giving bond meanwhile iu todO.

William is a single man, while Clar ence is married, Inch fact may have determined them to try and save the latter by tha former's confession. But the evidence shows that Clarence was not only equally concerned nn iiiiuin, out was tne more forward or the two, huving received free lashes from Dr. MauuiriL' ruling whip. The citizens of hast Hartford are intlignant at the release of Clar ence in bonds, 'the offense was a most heinous one, antl is nuiiishable by imprison ment in the statu prison 1'or ten years. Not only has Dr.

Manning's character secured bim universal esteem and sympathy, but Kast Hartford has felt peculiarly the insecurity of life ami disregard of life just now complained of the country over. It is generally considered that the action of Justice li'xsl simply olfsets such murderous attacks with SoOO, and in this case may send another desperado out to prey iifsm worthy people, rather than confine liitn within proper limits. here is. hickilv. noth ing serious in Dr.

Manning's he will be about in a week. He savs no demand was mstle upon him first for money, but be was sirunlv murderously assaulted. Dr. Man uing became successor to Dr. Kenslow, dentist.

and is to take rooms iu the Miller Block, when completed. JVlilltary dxnmlnaUona. The examining board, consisting of Colonel Cpbam of Meriden, Colonel Torrence of Der by, and Major McManus, has made tlie rcfsjrt of the examination of the officers of the Na tional Guard. Forty nine oftlcers were ex amined in all. The report closes as follows- The results of the examination bave been eminently satisf actor to this board especially so witti the ereat majority of the orbeers of ttie second, 1 hird ami Fourth regiments.

A few of the ofiicets of the First were excellently qualified by knowledge of the tactics, ana hile the remainder ere sufficiently well instructed to pass examination, aim on the field in com pany nnd battalion drill handled their com mands well, yet they showed a greater lack of stuuy oi tne nooks han these tirotuer line otii-cers of the other three regiments. 1 he Third anil Fourth regiments' officers are entitled to much more cred it for nrrivine at the same standard of excellence, than those of the First, and seems, for the obvious reason, that they laisir unoer great disadvantages. ueir com panies are more scattered; tbeir opportunities tor drill and discipline are fewer, nnd under these circumstances we think that the officers of the Third and Fourth regiments are justly entitled to ureat praise for the excellent man ner in which the irreat majority of them uc- quittetl themselves at this examination. Hartford Tien In New York. The special New York correspondent of the L'tica Unrald has the following about Hai-t- ford men who have made their mark in business iu New York: "Thoe whoattended the meeting of the state convention at Saratoga, will rememlier the man who, as chairman of tbe state committee, called it to order.

To such I need not speak of the tall form with shoulders slightly bent, the iron gray hair, the strougly marked features, including large eyes, promineut nose, and voice still marked by a Connecticut accent. Such is Edwin Denison Morgan, the richest and most adroit ot his party in this city. Let me give the readers an inabngof hi history. He is the son of the bite Morga.i, of Windsor, near Hartford, ami was brought up to work on his father's farm until he reached fifteen. He went to school winters and this was all his chance ot education He lad an uncle who was wholesale and retail grocer in Hartford, and the latter, whose name wus Nathan, took the farm boy as clerk.

The latter worked hard and soon mastered the business, and wus permitted to eoriH) to this city to buy goods. He was a keen hand ut a liurcam and Nathan gave him a partnetship as soon as he reached full age. But the youth statu felt tho ambition to try his chance here. In IS30 he was twentv-ftve years and wes worth about V.iO. formed a co WOtl)RCKK In bit.

htlM, t-it. 10- Hon. lwif WiMMlrufT. jade 8. circmt court, Heil years.

iKiineraI srYieft at Collaiate rhureh, corner ot Fifth avtnufi aud Twenty ninth street, Nmw Y(rk, at l'f o'tlovk to-morrow (Tuesday i afternoon. RICE In East WindKor Hlil. pt. 11, Biin. wire of Bt alio m-unnf nm ti-f Mather, of Windsor, aaeU yjara.

JO.ES-In Kotners. Sipt. Hi. 1 ary Jones, aged Hh THrn. sitfr ot the late aohi jituen.

hHEHMAN in WasidriKtfin, 1 Sept 9, iari nld uiniariul fever. Ada fcllzalth. rniirf'pt diniLi.ter of Honry and Anna Huruhain f-hrtnan, nurd fyltV. ADVERTISEMENTS Cnmfort for AH MOSQUITO NETS. Bed Protectors, Gauze Covers, Vi3 Made and put at once.

Only best frames used. Old Yets Repaired. LYow at .372 Main Street.) ARTIFICIAL TEETH AT TilK Iiowost Price. T)ftnwt TiMli restored to mffuln-is. witb su wrior Ould Kiliint.

a tmir.itratiiiif of Lutffiing ia a wowrmit at this oiUce, Call aud t-ii ixi ilia work aud pucea. Dr. H. C. bULLOCK, 346 Mam Street.

tan 1 dnd ERNST SCHALL, 2T3 207 3Ztlu. Btroot, Keeps couiao(ly on hand a large and flue assort mtLt of DIAMONDS? Viae TCatehenafKi thalus, Latf-st Jh slifii Id Koiuan 'ct-k tliainn, Lmkcls antl S'ts, Solid Silvf-r mid Riigt-rs Bron'. Mated Jewtlrj and Waith KepalritJS. trl Mocks lor Sale. iONNK i( I rir.

lratt A M'hit- urr Iti.llnfr Nn--r Co Hart. BhT.n Mead to oaii.try and mauley Hull aud Lvl Lalideta. Frarv Atiait Hartford I'ump I uion Jaauu fat-turio Co. IS. III KLVZHIIZIZ, BTUCK BROKER.

7 lllll Block, 333 Main direct. vv AM'KH-Hy a iMitiiix-teut jfirl a nlt- waao aua iron, ippiy i rUiK BOAltU. is to i.oae of uiaa ad-oulaat ofiioe. Id Anyone tiaviofr -i-'caMTCBE, llfA.M'liU WanlmiK ly the piece or ordav'a out, by a. competent uudiesa Call at H5 Windsor at I sepii4.l MRS.

MXUONEY. ANTfclr Uy ii KiijrllHU situation to Uo aecuuii work or elianher; has iro id reference. Apply at lb Cuurclj or at In3 Main t. 1S1 ASTKU A to tlu ireiu-ral houaework In a piirate family or second at .1 BMCSIivham t. fepl? work.

situation by eoijk ifrtnuau). of lanic exjriPi 1 i-Ject unir Denfn KiMrinrtfi wlA h'nnaf Tfhi. raiwihu of kinds of iin newdift-work and em broi J-rrPN. Kmpiir1 at ut. ppl1 tfd aSTKD A roninetmit to furnish talil- hoard for tht nfw biiildttu? tlu ot ttrtt and Oupito! aveuue.

Ihe in un witl a bumirpd rjunts. Mo. lO HKN r. tlie store ou Capitol aTnu, whu ran with the ktUlea. and whifb will futuiwh all ttit fuiivenieuee fur a tv taurtnt aud ic rt-am a loon AImi, tu st'jam laundry c-mnpr'td with the hottss and wtii is conTRninntly located to aiK-ofiiiuo aari itiat part or th fity.

inquire or aejtf- tuloed JAS u. WELLES. -47 Asylum st Sirgical Instruments Complete line at TIIE (OKNKU drug store Church an Rts. rivat IJ family plpasant rooms and good locati Mr-. L.

Ki)KKTSON. Hfvll Wdt ion at lued lift trtt. A furnished, at ail iii it'ts, at 14 Al organ Sf IH tid tiKVriKX I'OII tt' 1 VP Xl A NVw Voi it Conimiaaiitn Hardware h-msr. hav in taken orurs id the 4'auadaa for the lawt twuntj thrr'e ytHr, has now futabhsbfd a ttranch buue iu fcoutival, and would like to add some neftices for Amuricau Hardware and House-furui-liHiK Gik1m, Any mauiifaotutHr who would one i ut remeBHiitfJ in ttie UoiiiinioB nf please uuuryss, 6taiiti(( srtlcu ami ipr) OtJl-laH t. wi i se 13 Hd 75 Chambers street, New York NKWI.OUKH hpfakei-M CoitiiiH'Utary Vol.

5. IsrtiftQ Laateritatiojia. Ancient History from the Monuments 'Persia" oy rv w. aux. Litele Classic.

Vol. 13. "Minor Annul of a t'ortrt-ss; Iy Viollet Dun. Sfp li liHOWN GROSS. the niHtriif roxirtor tbe Initert Ktates for th DiHtrict ot Connecticut In the matteror Irad Iviwar-is, bankrupt, in Hankruutoy, The uiidPrKitoied hereby etve, notice that tne see ond and tbita gem ml meeting of the creditors of said Oaiittrn)t will held at Hartford, in saiddis tritt, on the and tltb days of September, re Rpeetirely.

A. I), at o'clock a. at the of. th-e of Henry K.

burton. in bankruptcy. vie ium juriufrj aauieu in toe Zi to ana twenty eighth sef'tions of the Uatkrupt Act of Mai rb Ud lH'ir. Aud that at said third meetiuir he will tile nil nnai aocosuts, hp assiKneeof said esla'e, and aak lor ai-fiiacnarjie rrotn uii liability as said aHSiLtnee, sep 1S 3d ABPignett. ur uAurruKii, hm.

bate t'ourt, tSoptember 11. Wih. KMtate ui tuwin Welles, late of Hartford, in Hi.iri decoased. The Court of Probate for the District of Hartford nam limited and allowed six muntlis fromdateo: this order, for tne creditors uf auaiti MttA. sented insolvent, in wuiuh to exiiibit tneir ciainiB atrainst aatd estate: and has appointed Edaou riBnuenauui ntui.

s. ro(s. couimisiuouers 1 receive and examine said claims. certmed by James A. Stoni, Clork.

The subscribers trlve notice tlmf thev ahull Tn at the office Of CilHsillM Wellna in Hw.H iS December aud Slarch next, at i on eacn or said davs. tor the purooae of attending to the bumuess ot Cuas. K. Uross. CommUsioiiers.

Mil ttTMOnS IlUlenterl t.i Mitt narnfn ni-a v. tvyiiitHH tu 'LslLl- 'ABMIL wtLLEB, ftixceutor. BONDS WANTED. I hli iTk1 Dnviic ij 7-- i 1 fi i C' V' i rytvi; or TOWN bUaHS, Taxable or Untaxable, will An wn sepmadued 7 Central rfoi li. IL AI'HM'.

Men NOTICE MKn. TOtf SE, 102 Trnmtmll nlrcet, Dries idaliln Rooms, on ng itooins. cmmil, iiu. wui be uaooy tome old th. sen I a su WANTED.

rPVV 2) Hrut-ciaHg tin Hoofers to to bpnngllHld Aply at W. s. URO.NSUN'H, uvu, i mouiiav a. m. Id JAiiHH AUliK JN.

DRAIN AND SEWER PIPE. 11R1CKS, at rery low price for cash. H. H. KIMSKLL, mhll HmrtnedMnurm V7 pearl street.

NE ART GLASSES. HOFESSOR (OLl)KltT'H piipiln will reAHsemlile the lirst wivk in Iiilii mav enter at aiiv Hiilianimeiir plicat Ion is necssat-v. MADAME (ilLUEUT'S limlteil forth stnily of Uormau, will re coimncnce tho same note. y.v; rjlUOUKNEV stuhh Bdneill STATE SAVINGS BANK, 19 Pearl l. Jlanrord.

DF.POH1TH twelveil dally, from a in. to 6 p. m. and laiar Interest from iav of every mooth- -fre of taxea. jaoi ttauea D.

SPiRKT, Trurr. a of We also have th iilrndld Haines Pianos, Which are tha MOST KBl.JBI.! LOW PBICEU I'UKOW MAOli l.S WJihl OP WE KKKfTHK Mason Hamlin Organs. LMloi Barker SOLE AOKNTN, OiiOfite Alljti 1 louse. IoniiAMisi iffi imk i Mll.LKBS. Far LACliS AND at.

MIU-ER'S. For LINKS COLLARS AND Cl'PFH Look af Jlll.LKK S. For TIES AND NKl'K WEAR Look at MiXEUS. For HOSIERY AND ULOVES-Look at For SHETLAND 811 A WLS-Look at MILT.FR Tt hatsnr. ff our HATS and SCMMEK ftOODd at pratly prl( ea.

K.IU OLUVfcS a WM, SI. MILLER'S, No. 1t)S Jbtiii Street. "illiams7 Jamaica Ginger. f.tii!lu.-iliifm,wl1 H.

I S. BAESODE, Attorneys at Lstw. fpifK nntli'i-NikTiml, brothcfM tif II. If. Barbour, deceased, bave formed a partnership, end will continue the practice of law.

as licensor of the late Arm of H. II. M. Barbour to rooms No. 1 aud Charter Oat Life Insurance Company's Building.


I.0J5INS0N. Ijl HIIAKKrt Collin-t divitleutl C. nn Western Bonds, ro shares fieneral Life Insurance, ai auares New York, New Haven and Urttord B. 10 shares Connectlritt Fire Insurance. tf The undersiicned is pri'pared at ny timO to buy large or small blocks of Connecticut Btfc' Bonds, either of the three 3i issues.

Hartford tatt Bonds, any of tne nine il issues. Hartford Town-Ponds the three ill Binds. 1 nave boutlit many thousands of these Bond-, ditect of the city anL Btaie. Bank tt'w k. WANTED.


Wedding Gifts! A Lnrge Assortment JUST RECEIVED O.D. GLAZIER CO. ne). 10 tfdeodned MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK. 13 Cmtrl How.

Deposits will draw IntereVt frt er.h nonth, compounded from all taxe. GEOROB W. MO 'JRE, President, janl WARD W. JACOHS. Treasurer.

D131E SAYIMiS UXSK, HARTFORD. CONK. DKPOSITS draw interest from 1U 1st and 10th of each month. N. B.

bl'EVESS, Tie. A. E. BCRR, Pres't. Kxeeutlve and Financial Coajmitie.

M.rRKD E. KUKB. ClLAKLEff W. Coil. H.

hiuNEy HiYims, hisi'iL H. Whit. jan I Wm. II. flooiiRK.

lydned Wortaen's 5 Cent. Savings 39 Asylum Street. OPEIY dally (Snndays excepted) from a. in. to 4 li.

anil from 7 to (f o'clock lu th. ereninn. INTEREST will commence, free of tax tfon, at the rata of per cant, per annum on depo. iib iiieuo MM OI I'CIl'IU lliO 1st and IStrtof Each Month. AI.EX.

UAUBISOS, Pres. J. H. tiRiswoLD. Treaa.

jau 1 tfclned 532 NORTH STAR. 532 Those wiHhinc to nurehAHe tl.eti- Vnii (inmi cheap, will do well to all and lookt at our stuck. Just boo irht for cash, uurler low pressure price. We mean butmes3- and nnv in v.iiii a. Main street.

fp li UEO. E. MARTI X. J. B.

Barlow Sz, ASYLUM STRKIST, Have on bauif all the nw hooks as soon as nub- lialmH SCHOOL BOOKS. bTATIONERY. bh.A.K COOKS. UKOyl'BTSETS. Just received, "Ciuttbhbo'' for 1H75.

11 A. ATKINS. AUGTIQM SALE THE propoity of the sFlle ooniimnv. eonsistini? of lot e.inl hi.n.iii.i. ou the corner of Lawrence anil Rosa 11..1 lv.1lllii feetl, with the enicme.

holler, steam haul iers, patents, tile machinery and small tools, will re sold at nnlilin anclion. on toe TUESDAY, Sept. Hth, Ii5, at 11 o'cl wk a m. Sale positive. sepWidned fJ 'J JIKNT A nice tt-uonieiitot'tour JLa! rooms, centriillv located, wi'b wi.ern..l 10 1).

J. UU1H1N, liioilainst. sepl3W I1IIO.MH TOltEXT Very L-i riHjms hmUtt 111 ttrtitn. tn Hurl ery pleasant Hurlfiut lllock. cornet of Asylum anil eord sts.

A'o rluirite fur k.nt said block. Li i.l.ijh.", tnce so. 4. 111 ep 13 Sdned i' vp rni. 1.

lil Illtll Of wood WOOI1' paving tenant: IS rooms and all modern Imorove-ments Inquire of J. b. STONE, 10 Asylum st. zur' lil furnisheit or uufiinilsn. to I HQS., Truatoa. acpiatid OfFH-K Til HEIST-A flrst-elflHS ollice on Alain Btreet, opeiiinn from the aide-. auitaiilo for a i otlice. Ai.olv to E. H.

WATk-fWiu ticut Trust Co. Zr TO LET A lliro leiieinnnl I.ply to W. H. TOWNSEND, Nu BtaVe atreet. tMiiiir.

uiversitie place; tU septt AUCTION SALK WIM, be Hold nt tlon TlllSfMomlavi Xflllivtu, A cimk. unless proTiously of at private sa'e good kind and goalie Horse, with llarin ss ana Open Buggy. Jd t. I'E'i'ERS JMM. 8ALK t'UKAi'-A Binalf SH I AMI Piivv i.

1 MX I MIS' Livery Stalilo, rear W0 Asylum ve. a. io I'AKKN IP my ii Bloom I Ic Itl. last iHuuilavl ik, Hi ME. one white hind fool: or he owner Is rcnieated to orore nn.i.eitv- nav chart-ea.

and tat him way. W. H. (AMI1 rcat Jl Hudson strset. sapll 4 Vice rrcmilfia Wilson lulu written unotlir In ter mlviK-ntma npaiii tlie reunion of all v.h0 h.ivo lu cii In the republican rank tj rtore tim (airly to its former preslifie, powir, ilm remarks, nlthoub of po-ncral ehnrai-ter, are commiiidnlile, im'.

leave, the nadir in uljt an to the I' ieiem es of the Vice l'rci-tk-nt in tbe lir-seiit context for governor. The ortU Carolina comtitiitioimi conven tion li likely to remain nt a deadlock, and the must Important action will rohnliIy 1 a per niuui'tit uiljoiirniiieiit. One o( the uiuiiilicr roiuarked (Saturday (hut they- Here all out of pliiee, tliey were Hitting in of a Hiiular majority of uguitint tliu i-oiiven- lioii. (icnurul butler ban temporarily qtiielcj 111 npiu'clieurionHH to bin josilion lu the cAiie puilfti, by nmcrting thut he hall tike no part in tiie canvass, on account of hi disagreement mill tlie vie' of Isitli on the currency question. He thinks the democrats are boiiml to in vict urirsun tile inflation As fur local can.

I ii late some of lib friends prefer Mr. Mice and nme while he him- nolf thinks Tilllsit ought to lr iiomiiiated in ncc jrd.ince with party h-iw. Thot Mr. Ifcccher'a object in agreeou? to preuch at Luke Mensant wuh not a nu reeiiuiy one may be inferred from the fuel the inuiiiiKi of the roni assert that when he niuiie the eiiK'iK'-'iOnt lie lUs'lined all prolfer of J'oasihly he thought be could do some, good there, and, by the way, why don't xcnlnii ftentlenivn whu were nfrai'l hin tiiiM'tini; would injure the cause of religion object to the Meetings of Moody and Sankey, hit are drawing an lurgn crowds an Ilixke.1 to hear lieeeher Ttio testimony of Ilishop Hure tlie Indian commission Is iteculiar, lie entire contideiice in the integrity of r. Saville, the Hod Cloud agent, nevertheless he is fntisHed that he is not tlie man for the place, partly from defects of tenip-.

partly on uccouut of thegrei.t munifestefl townrd him, and partly liccausc lie "thought the Kpiwopal "hui fii shoulJ no longer be responsible In any way for an agent regiinlitui whiwe character no niany questions had been Hut if fir. Suville Is h'jniwt be should not be put iliiwu by the ilufa'intion of em inies, nor should his friends of tins church refuse to stand by him in his time of adversity. 1 he bishop ulso titled to the assistance lie had received from I he inlerior department and from the ludiuii bureau in his endeavors to correct abuses. A perusal of the bishop's testimony leaves the i in in itsiiMi that he is a conscientious, giMsl man, putaibly ikficiciit in si.rewdness and de cision. The terrible story of shipwreck in our telegraphic columns this morning will cull re Hewed attention to the need of an American rliiiipsoll.

All old ind uuseawortliy craft i overlo-jileil and out into the storm with a wore of lives, her owners knowing thut nhe was unlit to contend with rough weather. I'robiibly their loss Is covered by insuram-e, Jind they lind no care for the risk to the crew iiud passengers, so long as there was a chance of making more prolitout of the boat. It is an old at iry, the rauie told so often in Kuglnnd. The cupidity of ship owners prevents the breaking iiji or abandoning of any craft that will lloat, and every week ships are sent to sea tlmt should have been cntiileinncd year ago. itu muiiy of i he excursion steamers which everj Miniiuer are crowded with iwssengers mid to make dangerous trips.

With fair weather and smooth they get along very well, but if they should hup's-u to be in a "uilden stnrin, or be delayed tiw nut tneie wuum oe a lisasltr which would shock the hole country, jt is time that utich an example was made as will tniike owners less reckless of the lives ot olliers. If the facta in relation to the lered tug are us reported, the proprietor be held responsible criminally and civilly, TUt; i A lit) I II f.V Jilt: 1-LhLiV Itl HOULS. Father Walsh of St. Peter's chrnvh took eiccasiou in his scrmou yesterday to run a tilt ot the newspaper because of their comments upon the attitude of Catholics In some sections upon the school question. The moat inipjrtant part of the reverend geutleuiaii's discourse was bis endorsement of the statement that to the Catholics who war upon free schooli "the church is more than tlie republic, and obedi tic to the teachings of tlie church, if worst come to worst, tj be held superior to the Invt or constitution of the This father WaKh says is true, and ho expressly desired bis views upon thi point to be reported to Tils Cot HA NT.

lie further "lectured his opmsit.ion to the free wh'iol system of this country, characterizing the pu'iilic si hools responsible for nil the burglaries, bunk robberies, and other of Hie day showing himself to be in entire accord with the extreme views of Father Walker of York and Father Hchaiur of lUnr ijo, whose lunguage we quoted on Friday. In ulludiiig to newspaper comments upon the school question and uwm the Ouilsird troubhs iu Cauadu, hu was pleased to allude swcepiiigly editors as This, however, is of little cousctmence except as showing the temper which the revereiid gentleman exhibits towards those whose duty it is to fairly, freely, anil temperately cliscusa im'sirtunt quijitions which occujy the public mind. In connection with this, a little proceeding ill Sew Haven deserves mention. The tioard of education held its regular meeting on Friday evening last anil the annual report was read for adoption. In the course of the report reference wus made to the fact tlmt during tlie year many pupils had been withdrawn from seveni! of the public schools to enter parish schisils, and the following expression was Used: "While the board view with regret tbe witlnlrawul of any portion of our juvenile jsipulation from thut instruction and those influences which, Hinrr iiur puHie fhtiol tyttii), Imve dune and are doing so much to make us, in suite of ide differences of race uud religion one boiuogcU'.

oiu American people, tiiey recognize with entire retct those cou-fccicntious convictions which prompted this change," Judge llobinsou, a member of tlie tioiml, ami who Is a Catholic us well as an estimable citizen, objected to tbe woriin given alsive in ittilicn. The Koman Catholic church, he said, declared it to Ihj the duty of the priests and people to provide for tlie education of their children in ltouiau Catholic schools, and these dix'trinca as a Catlsihc be accepted, uud therefore could not regret the transfer from the public schools to the parish Mr. Atwater- and lieueral Merwiu ere opposed to any change in the ording of the report, the former believing that "the Koinuu Catholic people would regret that they wire unubli" to retain their clnldreu among some of the excellent associations connected with the public schools. But the majority ot the tsrard deprecated discussion luid coincided with Judge Kubinson, and the objectionable phrase was stricken out. 'J ue fuels iu are not spiciully iuiportnnt, except as proving that the schiKil quest ion is already an ismw In this state.

A soon as a favorable opportunity ofTern the parih ill one by one Is- Inrm-d over to tlie fleb'jol tioanls with tlie umli r-tiuiiliii that they shall remain in charge of Catholic teachers; or, fulling in this, the demand will lie made for a division of the h-IksiI fund, or lor the exemption of Catholics fruiu taxation for the support of the public scle sils. The (lr.t nuujed plan is the one preferred iu this state.whetv unfortunately it box niicuily gaiiuda bs-thohl. nitisiids iMitr. That ttm blcgiites to the recent joint theo- 10 a tl saiili rua at IJoiiu should ave agrwd iu constructing a formula of Ulicf upon a i jtty dis trinal point is cause for to those who hos3for the day hen ail who call themselves christians will I able to un.te as one family. The conference, of cli Dr.

Dolliuger was the originator, con sit'i of i virieiitativcof the Oriental church, ij'-lijiiiug the Hassisn, tins-k. asd Armemau braie'aes; the I lid Catholics, embnu-iiig tlnme ho do not accept tiie infallibility of the pope; ami the reformed churches of the Anglican coiliuiuiiiuii, including sil. men as the Ixrd 11 of brnlUir, Dr. Howwn, d.siu of Cn-si. Dr.

I'otU'r, rector of Grin-e rhiireh, York, and the Ttev. J. K. Morgan, re. tor Aoieni.

aii ctoiri lu 1'aris. Tii pii whlrb niot wcupiod th silent ion rtf the Godhead." (2) and from the Son, "be-ciuse in the Godhead there Is only one bringing, one cause, by hich nil that is in the UodLend is (3) the Holy Ghost is.ues finm the Father through the Hun; (4; tha Holy Ghost is the iumg of tbe Won, the reflected imn'e "'f the Father; "the Holy Ghot in the personal pnxluct of the Father, Isdonging to the (son, but hot out of the Hon, becuuse it is the spirit of the mouth of the Godhead which pronounces the word;" the Holy Ghost forms the connection of the Father and the Son, mid Is, through the Son, ass dated with the Father." To the ordinary mind this is very dry uud unprofitable religious metaphysics. The doctrinal ioiuts at issue, ind upon which the compromise bas been made, might be to a generation of sinful men without furnishing a crumb of solid nourishment to a single hungry soul. It would not make one man stop living for self uud sensuality, nnd endeavor to live a higher life, to lend a helping hand to his spiritually needy brothers. Hut neverthe" less, we would not underrate the value of the coniproiiii.e.

Divisions on theological points as abstruse as this huve rent tbe church for ages, and have made d.uVi eiit sects of christians very dirtiest holers of each other. It is a great thing accomplished when the represent" utives of so many diverse sects ran meet together in harmony and agree iisn a common plutform. Tt indicate a converging of paths from which it may not be idle to hojw in future more complete unity ot all who really nre followers of the meek and lowly and uiimeta-physicul Nnarene. I 'robubly neither lir. Dollingcr, nor his co.

workers antlcinate a general coalescing of sects in the smaller details of creeds and forms of worship. This is neither necessary nor especially desii-uble, Those who agree on cer tain doctrinal points or prefer some sueciul mode of worship will naturally com t'grlher. The chief merit of creeds is that they produce roiubiiMtinuR and thus make effective work possible. The chief evil of creeds has beon iu magnifying tlie importance of nonessentials and producing discord and hatred among those whose hopes and aims, in all seiitinls, are identical. The lioun conference will be memorable if It teaches that dilieriug denominations of the same faith may meet on common ground ami, agreeing to disagree in minor matters, unite in working for the spread cf the vital principles of Christianity, it does not diminish the efficiency of an army that il is composed of diver parts, differently uni formed, equipped, and drilled.

There is tlie methodical infantry, the congregated cavalrv, ihe canonical artillery, light and heavy, the ilaptii.t water batteries; there too are regi ments of different nationalities brought tir gether by similarity of language and tastes; each has its appropriate and separate work and lis isTiiliar manual, but all arc agreed usin the vital point of loyalty to th flag, and all are working fcrthe same victory. Much should the entire urmy of believers who profess faith iu the one Cbrii-t. I.KTTEB II10M VICE I'UESlDr JiT KILXIX. Ill reply to an invitation to attend a meeting of republican hich is was held in Boston H-it-unduy for consultation in regard to the political situation, 'i 1'rtsidcnt Wilson bas written tie following letter: tl, NiTlrK. Sept.

111. near Mir- I tisve received your invitation to attend a conference of Ivailiug rn-liuhlieaus to eoiiMider their duties tn tta coming eleillou Wtlli 11 will not hv my newer lo he presnnt. I emn.ot lint esirrs to you to nil other republicans the m.n.-ituje feel taVe Telt for many inoiuhs in recant to the posiliitn and prospects the repnMiruu party of tlie common- in ft -l to place our tt In toe same eon, nniliu posuloii hus jnftl Which meij in uays or trial so rmly aid with such persistent slca.lo.cKS support of tbo ol man, the ur.ity of tie nation, and the authuritv of the con-eral sovrrr.nieDt, does not now euiy tlie leailniK position she olilr held. psiatully liianllesl. ') Ost the old commonwciiUh.

which al ech tif tbe last three cresiil. ntnil to Lincoln and to iriint a niajoniy of seventy. live tlioussnil, has lest sisiiettmii' Ua former prestige, repuljlieuns art, Compelled, with unwonted frai Your proposed meeting. 1 take It, is by full sml us euusulluti-ai and comiiikf ison of views t.i aim to reitaia what has heen loi, ami to place llassa- inuseits once riiofe In Its reeogniied position amons; mpnittieaii states. ertHinlv this object Is worthy ot the thoughtful, annsiilsrai.

and uusel-hsli attention of every repuWieaii who would failh-riilly serve ulli.r los party or his country. In these I'ousuitalions ami comparisons it slinulj be renicuil. rol that nothnni will he paiueu l.y lowerinir the standard in rt-nanl to uwasnres. ur iiihii. liiitiian rih!" haU-ever been let, wateuwortl ami insno-atioit, the star and the nouiinatnig idea of the repunlicali party, 't can.

with either honor or salcty, taku uuakii backward- have been ncide in the Hate nd in thn nation. nn entrusted with ofKeial position have proved UeniBelve, unworthy. Hut puniie at-tentlou hss been aroused and directed to si. eh niiataltea and misconduct. Hepiihiiuan presses ami eoiivemiotm have apotra and are ii.naiu loudly tor the refyrlu of abuses and for the removal of Faithless in.

ompetent ctlhials, atistakes, too, have been corrected, and are being corrected. T'lilitiibful olhcialH have heen dis-nnsseii. and the public voice iniperattvelv do-inaiiils that all wn shall be, and there is increasing evidence that tbe parlv, iu whose ranks la round so much of the worth and character of the cwnutry, "looks witb regret." as it was expressed ty a liritinh stiitesmnn. "upon everv hour that parses nver reeognized and unreformed Is there, ttlen, or can there be sunioiwnt reaivm why the repuhliesi, party, containing the masse of the liberty loving and patriotic men who fought the tallies of the rebellion, and piloted the country tin the stormy niyht ot the civil war, should tie displaced in the commonwealth or nation, or voluulaiily relinquish the helm of state to the democraliu iarty with its past and present record In your consultations and rouipatlson of views. Itiust you will place Utile conliden.

in mere party discipline. In the present temper of the country it has lost much ot Us potency It has seemed to me. antl now seems to me. tLut the way to strensihen tlie republican party in and in other siat-s. is to put it rk'ht ou tlie living issues that divid- tlie country, wnli principles and purposes so cieariy anpressed and honestly avowed tiuit there need be neither tnisappre-Uenalotl nor mistake; to open wide its doors and make the invitation and promised welcome full and free.

Hut only (diuuld Hew meruit be sought, but those that once belonged to its ranks and helped to swell its victories, and who. for cause or without cause, have left It, should he pressinly invited to return: its tried ami trained leaders should be brought to tlie front again, and their practical wisdom souirht for counsel and iiduuce iu the etTort to retrieve what has been lost, and to restore to the party iis former prestige and power. Itepuolluans should look the peril lu the face. Slid meet the presvnt eaiertrcncies with prudent, wise an.l besting counsels, 't hey should act. too.

in a spirit of s-lf abncjfstion. prepared to sacrifice for tlie cause all persona! aspiration. Candidates f. public stations, high or low. and the friends ol sued candidates to it that their individual aims and ambitious, and their personal rivalries should not be allowed to tie a burden or bin-deraoee to our now imperiled cause: and that tn the preseuce of the dsngcrs that menace the party and the nation, something of the spirit that prompted the self-denying ordinances of Cromwell's times should auiuials thetn and secure a like self sacritlee now.

With this policy I am still confident that republican L.u regain their complete ascendancy in Mnsa.M hutetts. recover lost stales, coulinue to iriniie the counsels of the nation, and complete without reaction their grand work of unity and hbeity, reconstruction and reconciliation Truly yours, II. WnjioX. Knwaao W. Kinohlkv.

Ths I.atbJi iige WooDiit Kr. He made his work a study, in the broadest meaning. lie was salisticd ith no decision winch was based merely uiion nt or tw hnicaiilv. lie looked far into the philosophy undcriyiiig each cast' that came under his review. His library was iu his house; and here he sMit all his honrs, wheu not in court.

He worked over his Issiks ami jas-rs ttntil far into the uights. It was not long Itefore friends Ix-gan to discover the etitvls of tins unresting industry upon a coiisiitution naturally robust. Years which Judge Woodruir might have yet lived, he surrendered to sense of duty thut never nnlient, to a devotion to equity, in its highest legal sense, such as the world needs umre of. Judge WotslrntT was modest and unassuming almost to a fault. He lov his friends with a love as tender as a woman's.

ilut rugged traits predominated in hut character, and were iu consonance with the vigor and grasp of his mind. He wont straight down to the very bottom of everv subject with which he to deal. He cured not for a multiplicity of details. They never dogged his srrceptioii of a general Itearing, anil never one of them was deprived of the exact degree of weight to which it was relatively entitled. was to bitu what music or art is to souie natures.

It engrossed him, and was a province in which he moved a kiug and a master. llu bus left his impress uisin tlie judicial development of his time. His death will be mourned the more, because to iiud a who ill liritig an etpiul honor to tiie empty bench will be a task newt dillicult to peiiorm. judges as Wotsirutf are rare. Ilia successor can well tnake lout the ideal after which to strive.

tiru Itmill. Tin Ljcstknnul We cannot satisfactorily account for the singular lethargy in regard to the eenteniiiul which aopcar have over-taseu so manv of our sister state at a time wuen they ought to la, moat active i theur preparations. A. ciaints are continually coming to hand of ihn interest, which foreign cxhilut-tors are taking in I bo exposition, and of he displays which they pints to make: uud for weeks the demands for more space have been met ssaut from v. rcpreseiilulion lu re will bectrsiiy Bl conven lent.

We are assured Uyoud a douU of a grind display of foreign priuci, of a throng of f.ct.'-rn visitor and of tiie proseucti of evet el-m. ot which will las rtqune make the exiot ite taoroughly international. And.

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