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Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • 9

Hartford Couranti
Hartford, Connecticut
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

the iTAirrronn daily coutcaxt; tiiithsday, -10. isr. Salt luxury is lujnd in iSradirv 's i'AEMINQTON. The funeral of Samuel I.ooniis. who died at his home Mwtdiiy night, was NEWS OFTHE STATE, At the annual meetingof the West-brook Public Library th-THlicers were re-elected for the ensuing' car as follows: Ptesldetlt.

tl Hev. mo H. Crofut; secretary, the Rev, g. F. Ualley; treasurer.

C. L. Clark; librarian, Caroline Moore. West brook has a roll of about twenty-five pensioners, of whom two-thirds are veterans. A remarkable statement has recently called attention to the f.iet that since the original go eminent pension grant, only two tn this town mi the pay roll have died, while a number of veterans who had Hied application have died without award.

John H. Shakes, who has been for seveial years clerk at ll 'lei ton, Staten Island, with his bride, is tpend-log a few days here at the liomeiitJ, where. Mr, and Mrs. J. L.

-Stokes gave a family reception Monday evening, Joseph S. Stokes has returned from New York for a brief stay. flnf, whit, fuimt, hi bfM for ib) ni kifchan ui Mrd litti? m-t lnti in ymr fimrrr nupsMA ya ran tl lt i will. 5atn pit bsg m-iiM Irf BkAOi.r JULT ev. Jv Si Nrw V-nkt oaiiJ: i (, oo v.o I AST HAMITON.

It is the Intent! of X. X. Hills to have piatrd in the tnfr of hi tie.i factory a large t.tnk e.tpabk- of holding Several thouVand gallons of water. By having; tin's pumped up by. porter a large supply of 'water will be ever ready.

Too ioi ttioiani have nearly -completed their work at the Congregational Church. In the main body of the building seven clusters of incandescent i'chts will be hung from the ceiling, Kd'-h cluster consists of four lights, making iHenty-elylu In all, beside those for the putplt use. Theic- was a toil' attendance at the mining of the King's Daughter at Mrs. A. II Coiiklin's.

It was decided to hold an a pi on sale at the vestry of the Congregational Church IVeemher afternoon and evening. MiM Nancy XleJeol met with an accident In going home from the bazar Tuesday evening. In crossing the bridge in company with Miss Mamie Burns she su pped off the' edge and fell a distance of ten feet into the water. Fortunately I ho ater Was not deep, hut she was Pailly bruised and thoroughly drenched. George Lord and Kd.

Thomas assisled her out of her plighl. After this a lantern will be kept there. The grunge will give a drama tonight entitled "Jumbo Jtini," and other at the An Italian called "Twist" himself in the rirht wrist in "Little Italy" last night. He had a "--caliber, self-cocking pistol which he was examining when it went off. Dr.

Field removed the bullet. 25 DISCOUNT "CONSOLIDATED" BUYS LAND. Another I nd lent Ion of I lis Klet-lrle ai I'luii. (Siecinl to The Coumut New Bi Unlit, Dee. The "Consolidated" Railroad Company has bouaht a dot of land of the C.

V. Meiwln eMato at Heiiin. The land is located near the Berlin tatlon and is alongside of the main tracks. It is 'Understood the new electric power house will he erected there Work on the new building will soon he begun. Two car loads of budding siolle were taken there to-day.

"Tin Courafit's" Mtddlotown correspondent writes: "The report "tit out from New initalii that the Mlddhiown Street Railway I'tqnpany would ask lhe next klda line for chat ter to extend ihe line to Kant Berlin lu practically denied by Superintendent (loss, who sfi-id that so fur as' he knew no steps looking toward that end have as yet hceir taken. It 1m barely possible If the com; 'any Is given sutic)ent en-coui agemeiit that It may make application for such a chart A large would be required (o extend the trolley lino to. East Berlin, and while all. adpilt that the road would pay, no one tins volunteered to Invest inythlng In such a weliepie. Superintendent (loss Intimated that the trollev company inlirht evtond lis lines In the spring so as to include the other-streets in the eily where the company has yccurod a charter to run." "The CourantV New Britain correspondent writes: "The people Interested tn the trolley road from Kitst Heiiin to Berlin claim they can build this road under the general railroad law, and consequently they will not have to go to the General Assembly for a charter." TROLLEY PROJECTS.

0 a a 3 4f 4p' a xes arc coin- fast. Iters all ourSuits, Overcoats aiir (ViniP early as tlio iCADDEN CLOTHING lOO Asylum St. 1,. STOWS FOR ANY SKRV1CH AT ANY MICK. Th "ilm liossniore," licmiln nusla Iron vllnder li.nii-i perform "'1 mr, n'r- 111 mum i mi'iimin at medium prices.

Their fentnrt and asll-pan, Vei emnph't tlnout Itig power can't he bent. 1 'V 4 SIZES DOLLARS UP. -k tJ iJf i 1 ESSEX. The Comstock, Cheney -Company received yesterday a large Invoice of elephant Ivory tusks, from Zanzibar. Two of the largest ones weighed pjo and 177 pounds each and measured over nine feet in length.

K. E. Piatt, the Falls River dealer, is building an immenre ice bowse on the bunks of the river at Centei Inook, The new Novelty actor of the Essex Wood Turning Company Is Hearing completion. SOMEES. The Hev.

B. Harrison ill receive his friends Wednesday evenings at his rooms at C. S. Fuller's. Preparations are being made for a Christmas cantata by the young people at the church Christmas eve.

The frame Is up for the public library and work Is being pushed. A new barn Is being built at the creamery, BLAZE IN WESTPORT. Kemper' Hlir Tuiitiepv Plant les-troyotl lm Norwalk, Deo. 9. Charles H.

Kemper's big tannery buildings on the main highway, half way between Saugatuek and Westport, took fire from an unknown cause about 4 o'clock this morning and wan burned to the ground. Horace Staples, the aged president of the Westport National Bank, and Edward H. and Andrew C. Nash, two of the directors, erected the buildings fifteen years ago, and they were occupied by the Saugatuck Iron works for several years. Mr.

Kemper, who conducted a growing morocco tannery In a large frame building near by, took possession of the vacated building two or three years later and established there a large and modern plant. In this morning's blaze everything was destroyed. Mr. Kemper believes the total loss will exceed $25,000, mi which there In an Insurance of The lire throws fifty men out of employment, A Warehouse Point Dwelling. (SpeclHl to The Courant Warehouse Point, Dec.

9. A house on Water street, known as the "Red Hill house," belonging to Frederick Zlnser of Windstlvllle and occupied by Samuel Scott and family, waa completely destroyed by fire last night. The tire la supposed to have been of incendiary origin, as it started from the outside on the south side of the house. Mr. Scott was unable to save only a small part of his furniture, House and Barn In Norfolk.

Norfolk, Dec. 9. The house and barn of Thomas Norrls were burned last night. Loss small Insurance. America's Flrtt Polni- lionr liable.

Bridgeport, Dec. 9 Two Polar bvars were born at the winter (iimrters of the Marnum Bailey show this morning. Superintendent Hyatt says that they are probably the Hist ever born in the t'nlted states. He believes they will live. tiui iii' ri' i'i'tl'i(l un lis TO VII Dump and tmke gmte, tintt rlhikti, out and ihe ti)siiir licit- Other hlmtx from ut III He 1:9.

lQA Main St he's one of tlint q.ialliy or Worsted, J2.5D. $1.00. we Can UK YOUR OLD CM AS GOOD AS ill. CALL ON US, OR Write Us, and Wo'll Tell You How. Maosyy Carriage Compairiy, 17-21 ELM STRUCT, held yesterday afternoon.

Charles Krldgf has left the employ of William Hurlburt. The Ladies' Working Gu'ld will niwl at the home of Mrs. A. D. Vorcc this! evening at 7:20.

j. New steps have been placed In front of the Cojintry Club house for con-j venk'iice of carriages, I Miss tiarrfj't Warren Is vislllngl friend in Hartford. The Christinas sale which was held lust week by the Ladies' Gi1ld uf St, Jttmts's Allusion at the home -or Mrs. Hooker was a great success and tbe ladii-s are quite encouraged with their work; was Keron Man Inn I having a large hew wagon Fhed built, Miss.KllZfi Moore of Kast Hartford has been spending a week with Miss Grace Gallagher. Posters have been put up at Williams's ice pond prohibiting skating.

A practice has been xt night of pulling down fencts to build bonfires. The boys should take warning now before it is too late and leave the fences alone mound the other skating ponds. The Ladies Benevolent Society will meet In the Congregational chapel Friday afternoon at, 2.o0 o'clock. At the tire meeting Monday night the following officers were elected: Committee. N.

O. Keyes. Timothy Collins and Chauncey Homing; chief engineer. William Gay; assistant chief. II.

Demlug: fire warden. Frd Swanston; foreman, Henry Maxwell; assistant foreman, H'Miry Jordan. The railing on the mountain road to New Britain between H. Stepson's and Thomas Gallagher's, which has been for some time in a dangerous condition for teams, is being replaced by a new one. MOOSUP.

W. 8. Simmons, truant agent for 'his section of Connecticut, has brought suit against Joseph Bushan for allowing on of his children who Is under age To ba employed In the mills. A night school is being talked of for the benefit of those who have to work in the mills and shops during the day. A number from here attended the exercises Tuesday at South Killlrgly tu-memorativo of its one hundred and llftleth anniversary of the church.

John GUI. who has been at work In the Aldrlch Manufacturing Comoany's mill, will move to Jewett City. Mr. and Mrs, W. H.

Sargent have gone to Boston to remain a few days. A. J. Bitgood has just completed a two-tenement house on Catholic Hill which is to be used for renting pur-Poses. The Rev.

George Alcott, the clergyman who holds services in Mil-ner'a Hall every two weeks. Is Buffering from a throat trouble which at tiins so bad that It is very difficult for him to speak. The Baptist and Methodist Sunday schools are preparing for their annual Christmas festivities. WETHERSFIELD. Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Blanche Price of West Hartford to Henry Wlllard Bacon of this town, at St.

James's Church, West Hartford, Tuesday, December 22. A meeting of the First School Society was held at the high school hall Monday evening. Wallace T. Fenn was chairman. Simeon Halv was re-dected clerk and treasurer; prudential committee, J.

G. Adams, E. N. Loveland and Albert G. Smith.

A resolution passed giving one room In the Academy building for kindergarten, free of charge. The Friday Night Whist Club will be entertained by Miss Lucy Adams at E. N. Dix's house this week. Mrs.

E. G. Woodhouse of Hartford avenue Is seriously ill. Bert Wooley and friends, while driving through Main street Tuesday evening, met with an accident. The shafts broke and caused the horse to run.

Mr. Wooley was thrown out and hurt quite badly. The fair at the Congregational rhapvd will be continued this evening with Ihe same program as last evening, except that there will be no supper. WINSTED. Smith of Waterbury, who gathers news for a Waterbury Sunday paper, received a thrashing here yesterday afternoon at the hands of John Gibson, better known as "Scott In last Sunday's paper Gibson was one of those "written up," the paper saying that he had been in the habit of taking his young daughter to improper places.

The article stung the Scotchman and he swore to whip the reporter on sight. When Smith came here on the 12:20 train yesterday afternoon to make his weekly tour of the town, Gibson was waiting for him. "Scotty" first tried to find out where Smith got the story, but being unsuccessful, he "sailed in" for the reporter. The latter tried to get back at his maddened antagonist, but he was clearly out of Gibson's class and came out of the battle a ba l'y whipped man. Mrs.

Harriet Johnson, aged 75. died Tuesday at her home in Harwinton. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock this afternoon. NEWINGTON. The King's Daughters will meet at the house of Mrs.

John R. Stoddard today at 1 o'clock. The monthly business meeting and prayer meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held at the chapel this afternoon at 2:.10. The ofiicers of the Y. P.

S. C. K. have been elected as follows: President, Charles R. Oshorn; vice-president, Herbert Bridgwater; secretary.

Miss Lena B. Francis; corresponding secretary, Joseph W. Camp. Last week several tramps who had been allowed to spend the night in the lockup, not esteeming that building sufficiently comfortable, entered the town hall and built a fire and lit the lamp. The mechanics who own many articles In the hall are strongly opposed to a repetition, of the performance.

4 TORRINGTON. Interest tenters locally in the meeting of the county commissioners, who have a hearing at the town hall to-day, for the purpose of hearing testimony upon, th applications for two new liquor licenses. It Is understood the ap plicants will have George N. Lillvy of Waterbury, who has recently invested upwards of JlrtO.OOO in real estate and buildings here, to aid them. The two saloons will, occupy two of Mr.

Lilley's stores if the licenses are granted. On the other hand there are the church an 1 temperance people to oppose. EAST GRAJIBY, The East Granby creamery is again made happy, having secured the second prize at the National Association of the Exhibitors of Live Stock In Madison Square Garden. November on a score of 97 with gathered cream pro; duct. It was obliged to compete with butter produced from fancy herds of blooded stock, separator butter, etc.

The patrons are pleased with the management of the creamery the past year. TARIFFVILLE. Mrs. E. H.

Mitchelson is having her arms and "property surveyed in order that a rnajo niay pe mads. il jrada of cinvas Shoes, with rnhber Urn oulflt, a MEW BRITAIN AFFAIRS. PABK. From a Member or the lvlo lnU liurritt (ii'Kuffn EutertlBuint JTeiwa In General. A well-known member of the Civic Club has written the following: letter to Courant:" "I have been waiting for a protest from some like-minded citUen against taking- a part of our small park for a public building.

While I would not dispute the fact of Its being an ideal place for building, I beg of the ofhrials In charge not to rob us of our little breathing place. In these days of Intelligence, all cilieg and towns are recognizing the need of more rather than less of these parks. So let us keep what we already have." A party of well-known taxpayers who met the other day were deploring the proposition to take this park as a site for the new city building. In future years when New Britain has a population of 100.000 persona this little spot of green turf in the center of the busy-portion of the city will be looked upon as a great blessing. Burrit Grange.

The members of Burritt Clause held open house in O. V. A. M. Hall last evening.

There was a number of guests from out of town who enjoyed the following literary and musical program: "The Ghost in White," a drama by eight young ladles dressed in white; a aix-act pantomime entitled "A Temperance Story," in which the evils of intemperance were vividly pictured; "A Jealous Bride." tableaux; vocal solos by Sirs. Scripture, Mrs. MoKlrdy, the Misses Hattie and Addie Wells and C. S. Andrews, whistling solo by Hubert Blake; recitation by Miss Thelle; piano selections by Miss Nellie White.

The evening's entertainment was much enjoyed. Notes. The directors of the Sovereign Trading Company will meet this evening. The mayor-elect of Holyoke, Is a cousin of Alderjnan John W. Allen of this city, Joseph Hart in "A Gay Old Bay" at the Russwin Lyceum this evening.

Postmaster Bassett has returned from Washington. He succeeded in securing another letter carrier, who will go on duty February 1. Mr. Bassett secured other concessions which will improve the service here. The committee appointed to draft bylaws and a constitution for the Alumni Athletic Association will meet this even ing.

George Nelson, aged 6 years, was run down and trampled on by an unruly cow last Sunday. The animal ran his horn through the boy's cheek. Lexington Lodge. I. O.

O. will meet this evening and confer the first degree upon sixteen candidates. The Theosophical Society met last evening and discussed the question of "Reincarnation." Persons from this city have leased Moore's mills at Kensington and are having them fitted up as Ice-houses. The ice gathered from the pond near these mills will be pure. The members of the committee pointed by the council to investigate the plan of a new town and city building met in the city clerk's office last evening and discussed the situation.

The town was not represented at the meeting and consequently nothing definite could be done. SOUTH MANCHESTER. The bunting used In decoration at the Odd Fellows fair has been bought by Company and will be left In place until after the annual ball In January. The gold-hound gavel offered by the Odd Fellows for the visiting lodge registering the largest number -was awarded to John Ericsson Lodge of Hartford. Forty-four members registered.

Hartford Lodge came seooncj with 39, Charter Oak registered 34. Connecticut 32, Rising Star of Rockville 14, Crescent of Kast Hartford 6, Elm of Glastonbury 5. Beethoven of Hartford 2, and Tycho Brahe of Hartford 1. The Bimetallic Debating Club has changed Its time of meeting from Thursday evening to Sunday. Meetings will come the second and fourth Sundays of each month.

The first debate will be next Sunday on the question: "Resolved, that the gold standard is preferable to bimetallism." The A. O. V. W. will have a special meeting to-morrow evening at which -the new classified assessment plan it is proposed to Introduce in the order will be explained in detail by Grand Master Workman Gallagher of New Haven.

The teachers' meeting at the Eighth District School to-morrow afternoon will be addressed by Secretary Bissell. The board of school visitors will hold session directly "after the teachers' meeting. St. Mary's Sunday school has arranged to have the Rev. Mr.

Throop of New York give an illustrated stereopti-con lecture on the story of "Ben Hur" at the Christmas entertainment, Christmas eve. The X-ray apparatus exhibited at the Odd Fellows fair did good service for two people. Thomas O'Gorman's young son shot himself in the hand some days ago and the doctors could not locate the bullet. When tested by the X-rayathe bullet was shown imbedded close to the bone In the second finger. The other case was that of a young lady who ran a needle Into her hand years ago.

She has always maintained that the whole of the needle was never extracted. When she held her hand before the ap paratus a small piece of needle wan shown In one finger, some distance from where it entered. PORTLAND. The chapel of Trinity Church will be open for winding greens for Christmas beginning to-night. The Ladies' Society of Trinity Church will be enfertained by Mrs.

Oliver and Mrs. Sylvester Gildersleeve at the residence of Mrs. Sylvester Gildersleeve this afternoon nd evening. will be served from 5:30 to 8 o'clock, and later entertainment will be pro vided. The Jesters r.f Trinity College will present a three-act comedy.

"Between the Acts," Monday evening under the auspices and for the benefit of St. John's Guild, in Waverly Hall. Tickets are on sale at Blodgett's drug store. WEST HARTFORD. The Trout Brook Ice Company -has.

men at work cutting the ice In Its pond here and running It over the dam. This is done in order to get clearer Ice when it next freezes. The pond has been deepened on the east side this season and the earth used In grading for future building on Farming-ton avenue. The First Church Sewing Society will pad: a barrel to-day to aid Miss Carrie Butler in. her mission work in New York City.

W. W. Jacobs and H. R. Hovey have been appointed nppraisers of the Estate of the late Miss Maria Whitman.

C- iff, Christmas, I yA Best Cotton, W' i -i Take this hint, And out his size, and come and talk it over with us. )' If And the be soles, to complete The housekeeper's good friend. THOM ASTON. The Duff Solace Dial Company will move from its present location near the electric light station to C. S.

Smith's shop, corner of Center and Litchfield streets. The annua! meeting of the Seth Thomas utual Aid Society will be held in A. R. Hall next. Monday evening at 8 o'clock.

"The Sleeping City." a melodrama, will be presented at the opera house tonight. C. L. Russell Post. No.

68. G. A. It elected these officers at Its meeting Tuesday night: Commander. Julian F.

Watrous; S. Y. J. N. Wat rolls; J.

V. ,1. Simpson; quartermaster, Hor-ton Pease: surgeon, H. Hussord; chaplain. H.

W. tfayden; oflicer df the day, I). A. Bradley; O. T.

Meaghar; representative to department encampment. Abner Allen: alternate, Hortou Pease; trustees, T. 1). Bradstrept. M.

J. Giilley, N. Watrous. Installation of ofiicers Will be at the meeting the second Tuesday in January. The Rev.

J. Foust will exchange with the Hev. A. I Hubbard of Wader-ville Sunday morning, hut will preach here in the evening at the Methodist Church. TERRY VILLE.

News has been received here of the death, December 2, of Loren Smith of Washington, D. whose wife was formerly Miss Lillie Ciunn, a daughter of the late Rev. 'Lewis Gunn, founder of the celebrated "Gunnery" at Washington. and well known here iln Terryville, where she at one time lived. Mr.

Smith had for some time been a sufferer from heart trouble, but was able to attend to his professional duties up to the day of his death. He was seemingly so well when he returned to his home that evening that his- death was entirely unexpected by his wife and son. The immediate cause of death was paralysis of the heart. Mrs. Smith visited Terryville the past summer.

The tenth annual meeting of the Plymouth Christian Endeavor Union was held in the Congregational Church last evening and was largely attended. The Ladies' Benevolent Society will meet at Mrs. E. L. Pond's this afternoon.

"Rip Van Winkle" will be presented at th opera house to-morrow evening and "Hazel Kirke" Saturday evening. WAPFING. The farmers' institute, under the stale board of agriculture, last Friday, was fairly attended only as insufficient notice lad been given of the meeting. Dr. Jenkins spoke on the use of commercial fertilizers and Professor Phelps of Stoirs on substitutes in feeding for hay.

A question box added Intercut to the meeting. The Y. P. S. C.

E. is sending a Christmas barrel of clothing, books, to a school for mountain whites In eastern Tennessee. The Chautauqua Circle will give an entertainment for the public Friday evening. December 18. In the 'interests of the Chautauqua movement.

The offering at the Armenian meeting was $35 iiiBtead of $5 as the types had It. COLLINSVILLE. Perservering Circle, Order of Klng'i Daughters, issued invitations for a birthday party, in response to a company of all ages met at the Congregational Church parlors last Friday evening. The first hour wan spent in listening to a very enjoyable musical program, after which the guests were invited to the dining room, where a collation was served. Various useful and fancy articles were on sale in the smali reception room.

The proceeds of the birthday offerings, together with the sale, netted the circle about $70, which will be used for charitable purposes. Several out of town friends unable to be present generously sent their offerings. Rub your poor, tired feet with (TKAiOE-AtAltK), It takes all the aching out of sore or tender feet, instantly. Strained or over-worked muscles, chafings, or any soreness or stiffness they're all relieved' in the same quick way. It's the best remedy for Sprains, filss, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Neuralgia, Burns, Sort Throat, Bruhis, Skin Ciseasis.

Two sizes, 25 and 50 cents. Af fTialt I 1 Ta Euasdmth Casal V. Y. I mill Mil wssJ From Now Haven t.t Niiuirntiiok TUa Torrlnjjlou lioud. One of the biggest Hellenics for a au- burban electric, railway In New Haven county was announced yesterday.

The new line Is surveyed to start Ln West-vllle, run through Woodbrldge and Sey. inour, and terminate in Niiiigaluck. The enterprise Is backed bv the following people: Morris V. Tyler, Dr. Thomas It.

Kussell, Dwight Clark, tioberl Payne, Sllles Williams, Charl-a V. Walker, ICollln Newton and Nathan P. Merwin. The petition of OrsHums It. Fylcr, Henry Cay, James Alldis, Stevens, K.

Kuessenleh, tteorge Owen, Thomas V. Itryaut ami H. Bobetia to the General Assembly for the electric road through lusted at reels, to Tor lingford, to Pnkervlllc, to Burrvllle and througn Torringtcn Htrccts Is published. A COSBUCIOR CUT. t'lmrlea Smindrt Axsmilied on III i rot Icy ur.

(Hpeclal to The Courant.) Portland, Bee. 9. Charles launders, conductor on th Portland street railway, was murderously assaulted by Herbert It. Hall tills afternoon on the trip from Middle-town. Hall, who was intoxicated, whs commit ting a nuisance on the cur and Saunders plopped the car and put hlin off.

Whi he Insisted on riding and at. tempted to get on the car again, Saunders again put hlin olf, whereupon Hall pulled a knife and made 11 lunge, cutting ft deep gash over rjiiundei-s's nose and lip, from which the blood flowed freely. He was attended by Dr. lliis-w-old, who put three stitches i the nose and two In the Hp. 1 1 a 11 cnm; from Newark, N.

and was employed on the railroad as night watchman. He was arii'sled by Olllcer Hayes and will be tiled to-morrow morning ut 9 perHontil Mention, Judge James of Merlden suggests that that city aell Its waterworks for a million or so to capitalism and pay off the city's $titHMi debt. Kol.ert K. Baldwin of New. lluveii di nli that he has withdrawn from the fight wilh Philip Hugo, and the hitter's pio warranto suit will proba-t ly come up to-morrow.

CAN Regular 20 anil 2.5c. (Joois. 373 Main Street. See the p-oods we have in fine Cutlery, nice forf? presents, if one is inclined to trivinsr. Humason Table knives and rorks, Jj J-O--E-S, Oa a.

illriMitti ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. Tour Lorsa being al abarp hwl iRreadr for work. II in teet aro nlwari okJ condition, ami he la not coustautlyat the MackuniitlTii being sharpened, which ruins his feet, cauiiini; great ex iicnse ami lo time to yon. RcuiHinber, once hod with "Neverslips" yon fan easily put la new Calks when ueedud wilhoal rcmoTin theihoes. StlS jpmr lwt-f Ancr on hand: hawm SHOE wrrTII OJHEK your n-iJrfMi fpr te circular uilAiii infvrtiuMlivn, Jt42LJI FUSS, THE KEVEfSLIr1 FcS'JFlCTURlKG Iiew Brunswick, 27.

J. Hartford. Sole tonts. II DIES lo It saves time and labor. Money Saving in icye PUREST Mixed Candy, 15c.

per lb. Molasses Canily, Mixed Candy, Broken Candy, Gum Peanut Taffy, Cocoanut Taffy, A second-band COLUMBIA or HARTFORD bicycle when thorougltly overhauled and examined in our repair shops is a much safer investment than a cheap unknown new machine. Let us show you some bargains. V. I I Saleroomm and Factories CAPITOL MfEKUE.

i t. cor. of Ann. Open livening A MEDELE CO. Schroeder's Celebrated Best Mixed.

35'c. 3 lbs. for The standard of line confections. Leave your orders for Thanksivinq; for Ice Cream, Salted Almonds, Salted Pecans, Special Hon-Bons. etc, SCHROEDER'S, POPE EilFG.

CO. HARTFORD, COMM. Fully equlpjied riling ichool, with skilled instructors, in First I. A Repment Armory, Klin Street. Open 8 a.m.

to 6 p.m. Telephone IOI-3. v. I Cuitlery, cBeckleys Pocket Knives, j-oame, neeisceaK ana uinner carvers. iss cv oons Scissors and Shears.

The ''Crescent" and other Razors, i Whitely Exercisers, Chest Weights, Striking Bags, Boxing Gloves, Indian Clubs, Dumb Bells, Foot Balls, Suits, a a at a i a i. a ana C-A-D-W-E-L-L rr I a uk V3i AR5ni IITFI PRF. VFNT L. wi 4i a at i i a j. ii him THE ANDRUS 272 Asylum Telephone 106-3..

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