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Daily Leader from Davenport, Iowa • Page 6

Daily Leaderi
Davenport, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mlf i 1 4 A r' WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18, 1903. THE DAVENPORT DAILY LBADEB MOTHER SAYS THE OATH WAS CLAIMS HER BoV, ERASTUS PARR, IS NOT OF AGE. Better Obtained a Marriage Ucensc Hei a COMMITTEES FOR THE COMING YEAR Few Days Ago and Witness Took Oath That Lad Was 2V 11 i has many ways of evading the law and maiiy a circuitous path to the marriage altar has been traveled by youthful couples-but one that may prove serious to 'the least has developed at. the Scott STREET CAR AND TRAIN COLLIDE THOSE WHO WILL DIRECt THE AFFAIRS OF THE OUTING CLUB.

RESOLIII BOARD HEALTH FRUIT IS NO ONE I AND LITTLE DAMAGE DONE. Membership List Is Now Nearly Full and Membership List Soon to Be Limited. TAKES ACTION ON THE DEATH OF EUGENE DAUZELL. GROCERS NOW ASK 2 CENTS FOR THE LUXURY. View of the Dangerous Situation, the Accident was Very Fortunate in UG Nature.

issued a license to John Erastus Parr and Mabel Rock Island. With them, came Charles R. Cooper as a clerk went through the of questions that are be as tho groom looked-rather youthful he took ospccial pains tp find out his age; He stated that Sic-was and i lie-witness." Cooper, swore on his oath that the lad was and that he knew this without a doubt. There was nothing: for too clerk to do hut A to issue the license, which he did. Ho he stopped running last night.

Executive--A. Tredick. Joe R. Lane, thought notQing more about the mat- TM? mo the workmen -vere C- Hanssen. J.

Clark Hall, S. B. ay hm What might have proved a serious accident, but which fortunately turned out otherwise, occurred" a o'clock this morning the railroad crossing at the Davenport approach to A The Outing Club members have 1 chosen the committees lor the coming year and the list of those who will have charge of the affairs for the organization for 1904 has been completed and the persons notified to what committees tJSfo havei'been 'assignee 1 The committecar'arc as follows: Finance--Uoe R. Lane, P. Doe, P.

T. Burrows. House and Grounds--B. Hanssen. F.

Miller, A. Tredick. Rules--J. Clark Hall, V. L.

Littig, Mrs. George Baker. Entertainment--S. B. "Lafferty, B.C.

Hanssen, Dr. W. VVatzek. Was Member of: the Board as Plumb- 1 Have Been Steadily Increasing in Price ing Inspector Before His Failing Health Substitute. The board of health yesterday took And -Will Stay Stationary For Some Time.

The local markets are now quoting steps-toward an expression of the eggs at 27 Uj cents. The Easter viand grief of the board as a body over the has been steadily on the increase i death of Eugene Dalzell. former plumb- price and it is thought that they will! ing inspector, and a member of stay about, stationary. "With in that capacity. I tor coming on the hen will not be so Games--V.

S. B. Lafferty. Littig, J. Clark Hall, Membership--P.

T. Burrows. Joe R. at this pputt after LanCi Mrg- T- Miller- woman appeared the office and wanted to look over the license book. finding the name of Parr she asked if Codper swore that the groom was years of age.

The clerk told her that he most assure'dly did and was moving slowly over the new cross- when it was discovered that the ng members have been taken into the or- hkd eft a drTven in lWnf paving between the tracks. The car th st ,5 1 was stopped, as the obstacle would being filled. It is the intention of tbe tbe sTe 'n the fender it proceeded timeTnd UwlTtSSnE the lad's mothor and that it was abso- Difficult to Join the club. thus engaged a Milwaukee train pro- ll 1S thou ht best not to have too- frv lately false, as young Parr was only 1U years.of age. She seemed reluctant to state anything regarding the circumstances surrounding the tii( but wanted to know if there was any sworn to the false statement and around a to the itc train a membership.

The regular club social will be held this evening and an especially good time has- ueen promised. A turkey dinner has been prepared for those of the crossing but" on account of the. ho To din an her wil1 be danc fc As a definite expression the per-J industrious to donate her product for sonal loss occasioned by his demise the alleviation of the hunger of suffer- the board appointed a committee of ing mankind. Of course the cold stor- three which was instructed to draw up age houses have a great many eggs on resolutions to be presented at the hand, but they also are demanding the next meeting, and which, will then be topmost price for the hen fruit, spread on the records of "the board of health. The were drafted by the committee this morning and were as follows: Whereas, Eugene in his lifetime was associated with the board of health-of the City of Davenport in the.

THE LOCAL MARKET WHOLESALE- pursuit of his duties as specter of said city; and. Whereas. The Fruit. Oranges, case Lemons, case.T members of said Messina lemons 00 hoard who knew him respected him Bananas, bunch' $1.5002.50 ft ft I I as a man and as ail official, and admired him as a friend; and, Whereas, He has been taken from Apples, barrel Calif peaches, box. $1.1001.15 Michigan peaches, bushel 1 1.

"1 -v-- jrf UJ JU 1 hjs earthly labors by tn hand of Michigan peaches, death: I Be it Resolved, That the board-of i Produce. The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and iVbicli lias been, in use for over 30 years, lias borne the signatnre cf and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good are biifc Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment. What is Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant.

It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotie Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishness, It cures Dian-hoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Ifc assimilates the Food, Stoinacli Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend.

GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Vlv Bears the Signature of i health of the City of Davenport hereby Potatoes 40c expresses its high respect for his mem- Onions ory and extends to his mournin wife Sweet potatoes, bushel $1.00 and family its deepest sympathy. Cabbage, dozen when she was informed that there a fr0in upon Ihe tracks the" wheels'; an sociaj in the evenin was a law punishing perjury she volved wilhom propenins i a The train as i iowly a I away brenUung vengeance. tlurc arc likely 10 be some dcvolop- mcnts in the matter in a few days. TT FINE RESIDENCE CHANGES HAND W. F.

Winecke Purchases the Von a Home on Grand Avenue, of tho handsomest iv in tin: city changed bands yesterday whon Winecke purchased the beautiful home built by C. Von Maur a few years ago at 1512 Grand The ronsMeration was some Mr. Von Maur i en-ct a new home on Prospect Terrace and has h'3h-od tin 1 Uoyiuon home East Locust street, i his new house is DONATIONS TO A I Large of Firms in the City Make Liberal Donations to the Management. A meeting of liio Industrial Home association was held last and plans were further completed tor the fair to be given at Turner hall on IV- ooiubor 14 to The following members were added to the various com- mi noes: N. Tyix-iJ and L.

Xoebel. ttunah Orun ing. SiiiudK--S. Oaks, A. 1C.

r.ur!cii;h. Tickets--T. J. Ford. F.

Smith and 1'eterst-n. Fish Pouu--W. Miller. Many donations already been received and i greatest, success is promised. Among the donations received so far are the following: Mrs.

Ch. Fischer--Groceries. X. Roberts Om from door. Standard Oil Mrs.

J. M. Cox--Bakery. R. Tonebaum--Cigars.

Mrs. Hondries--Bakery. Frickel Haugh--Moats. Metaloid Mfs. polish.

O. F. Armil--Hardware. M. Martin--Cigars.

F. H. Roddewig Sons--Wines. Fritx Schmidt Sous--Wines.

Vogel Bros. Democrat Leader Catholic Messenger--Advertising. H. C'Beekmnn--Flour. Chris.

Jensson--Jewelry. Odeg--Cigars. A. Fisher--Cash. Hebbeln A.

Economy Rujr M. Fall rn Crockery. P. J. O'Shaughncspy--Cigars.

J. 'H, Schaoffer--Groceries. .1. Paulson--Groceries. Jack Frost--Cigars.

Raig Hubb--Flour. Jacob Thotle--Cigai-s. F. A. Free--Photographs.

Miller Stolley--Cigars. C- Kohle--Groceries, F. Bramthauen--Groceries. Goenne--Meats. Stltt.

Lte--Merchandise. P. Bruchmann---Cash. Mrs. Uhde--Cash.

John Martin--Cash. J. T. Balluff--Cigars. Scott County Coal Phoenix Milling IX H.

Becker---Soda. Chas. Dawerts--Bakery. H. 1).

Proestler--'Choose. Mooller WARM SHOES FOR COLD WEATHER AT Sweet MinehanCo. IN SCOTT COUNTY Eighty-Second Birthday. Well Known Here. the time, but after seeing the serious-ness of the situation.

engineer was unable to stop it until after the street car had been struck upon the forward' end This portion of the car a a a i Warner Clark Celebrates His brushed off the track aud the vesti-; bule damaged, in addition to a a ber of the gias? windows being smash-! ed. The damage was of small consequence taken as a whole, and as none of passengers wore injured in the 1 Captain Warner Clarke, the old- least. was what may be regarded as est sottlcr in Sf otl C0llntv co a very fortunate accident. It was also his 82nd a last Sauirdav. Cap- OIK; of those unavoidable accidents in tain Ciarke was born on the Wabash no one us to biimo.

near Carmoii i Nov. 14. 1S22. His mother dio-1 at his binh and he was brought up by A ni grandparents. In 1S27 he came.

iVI I A i his father, to Rock Isiand, which a tliat time- was iiothiag but an ItUian Be it further Resolved, That a copy Butter, dairy 15c of these resolutions be spread upon tne Butter, creamery records of tliis board. O. G. MURRAY. AD.


Committee. CAPT. BRYSON IS i i I LARGE PACKAGE Frank a i Has Received a Carton a i i 150 Pounds of the Fruit. In 1S33 his father. Benjamin Warren Clarke, and his step-mother came i him to Scoti county and lo- rated in Buffalo, and young Clarke helped his father till the soil.

Mook instructions from the first 'teacher of this county. Erasmus Has- per dozen Honey, per Ib lOc Grain. Wheat Corn I Oats New oats 33 50ci Poultry. Chickens, live hens lie Chickens, springs, Ducks, live 9c I Geese, live 4c Turkeys, live He Ftour and Feed. The United States at Wash- Flour patent, 8n Use For Over 3O Years.

THE GCCT AUQ 77 MUFIHAV NCW YORK CITY United States Senate Ratifies His Appointment at 'Davenport. Let us tell you about our Heating System 41 A "irf 4 4 iugton. on Tuesday afternoon confirm-! our akers the appointment of Capi. Lon Flour, rye $3. Vrf fj s-i ff sx ff A i son as postmaster at Davenport.

There i Screenings 60c per 100 Ibs. has never been a doubt but that Capt. i norts Ton Brvson would i and the bran er ton $19 if Fruits. ars. Pears, peck abovy action is merely of au official nature.

Nevertheless the genial and Pe popular captain is open to the co gratulations of hi? thousands of Oranges, dozen friends in the city and the Lemons, dozen 30S: 40c county. Bananas, dozen I I-YanU a i the West Second set. and later entered the boating bus- is i i i the largest iness as captain with Captain LeRoy KS tiiat lias ever been received in the city. Tiie carton containing ilie will hold 130 pounds of tiie i and in sixe is certainly a whopper. The are what are known as S-crown Smyrna figs and are reckoned the best on the market.

LORAS COUNCIL VOICES SORROW Dodge. Ke gave up this business in and established a coal mine near Buffalo, which undertaking he had great success. Captain Clarke is well known in Davenport and throughout the county, and his host of friends tender congratulations on his reaching such an advanced asre. Over the Recent Death of its Charter Lourdes J. S.

Greene. Are Supposed to Be in Hiding Somewhere in This City, According to Information at Hand. A tin 1 regular I i i of Koras Council. Xo. i AND I ARE I HI Columbian sail, the following rcso- SOUGHT BY POLICE.

Unions passed in regard 10 the rcrent death of Lourdes S. Greene, who was one of the charter members of the council: Whereas. The Supremo Knight of the Universe has transferred from the ranks of Loras Council to those of the Columbian Council of tbe Better World. I.ourdes J. Greene, one of our charier members, honored and ot tne Davenport po true a pattern in word and deed of -on- are on the lookout for funnily ID the high ideals of our or- lr Mar and child, who broKe qnarantiue at Carroll.

Iowa, and are now supposed to be siding in this city. The search for them is being instituted upon the receipt of a letter by Mayor Becker from Mayor E. M. Parsons of Carroll, who states that thf? woman and child left a home which was quarantined on account of the existence of several severe eases of diphtheria. The woman is known to and AVhereas.

while bowing in submission to the decree of Father, we mourn this lirst death among our membership, whereby our council has lost a noble and upright exemplar of Christian manhood, whose career was an inspiration to right living and successful endeavor, without reproach of the ignoble vices of the world: therefore be it. Money to Loan on pianos, furniture, without moval or publicftv, rates' lowest hi city. Ten years in business: money can be returned in easy payments. Call at Brown's olr.ce, 11" 1-- East Third St. Don't fail to attend the Davenport Turner Fair.

Nov. '21 and 22. B1 A Apples, peck Coal Wood. Hard coal $9.00 Soft coal 54.00® $4.25 Hard wood 56.00 A STI I Nuts. Almonds, tarragona, per Ib Pecans, per Ib 15c Mixed nuts, per Ib 15c Filberts, per Ib 15c Brazils, per Ib loc Peanuts, per Ib lOc Peanuts, roasted, per Ib 3Gc Walnuts, soft shelled, per Ib.

Walnuts, CaL. hard shelled, per Ib.ISc Staple GOOCTS, Flour, sack Sl.20-gl.40 Corn Meal. 10 Ibs 20c Graham, 10 Ibs 25c Rye Meal, 20 Ibs 35c Rye Flour, 20 Ibs 40c Butter, dairy, Butter, creamery, It 2oc 1 tl i since, so i i has been a resident Hams, Ib 15c of this for over half a century. Ham. California.

Ib Sc In the yt-ar 1 married to Bacon, Ib C. H. Lage. preceded her in death Sugar, granulated, 18 Ibs. $1-00 about twenty-two years, Of her six Sugar, c.

19 Ibs Sl.OO children four survive. Henry Lage. Sugar, cut loaf, 12 Ibs Sl.OO Lake Park. Mrs. Murna Meyer.

Sugar, pondered, 12 Ibs J1.0G You may Get something Not near as Qood or Economical, Lage. Shortly after -o'clock Tuesday morning occurred the death of Mrs. Anna Lage, nor Ladehoff. at her home nthe Hickory Grove road. She was one of the oldest settlors of Scott county.

The deceased, who was in her year, was born in Probsiei. Germany, and removed to America "direct to Scott count in 1S-37. where she has lived Both 'Phones, 558 No. 411 West 2nd St. Mrs, Emma Mueller and August of Hickory Grove.

Scott county. Besides these ehlhlren throe sisters and a brother mourn her death. They are Cheese, Ib. 20c Vegetables. Potatoes, bushel Ll tJ 4 V- 4 A i i m.

mm --i ft Mrs. C. Haerinc, Mrs, Louis Haller Onioas. peck 30c Mrs. Xolson in Wisconsin, and Hans i Carrots, peck 20c Ladelaoff, Xoble county, Minn.

Tbe Beets, peck 2pc funeral will be held Thursday, Nov. 19. at m. from the residence on Hickory "Grove road and the interment will be in the Maysyille cemetery. Resolved.

That Koras council here-1 a purchased a railroad ticket for by formally expresses its sorrow over Davenport, which gives rise to tho the demise of Brother Greene, and ox- theory that she has arrived here and tends its sympathy, to his bereaved i i now somewhere in hiding with relatives their afflic-' friends or relatives. tion. and be it further Resolved. That these resolutions be spread on tho roinutes of this coun Low rates for Thanksgiving day via, ig Four Route. Eat Turkey with the i cil and a copy of them the ri Folks at Homer' deceased family of our lamented brother.

MISS HELEN FIDLAR BECOMES A BRIDE Ou November 25Ui and trip tickets win be sold between all local points on-the Four Route" Joined in Wedlock Last Evening to Mr. George Cannon by Rev. Thompson. and D. U.

R. R. (within a radius of .130 miles of starting point); also to many points ou connecting lines in Central Passenger Association territory within same radius, at very low rates. Tickets will bo for return to and including November 30. 190::.

For full information and particulars -as to rates, tickets, limits, call Last evening at the home of the on Agents Four Route," or ad- bride's parents, Mr. and W. the undersigned DEEDS RECORDED J. B. Jarmin and wife to G.

D. Foster. Nov. lo, $10.000. part nw.

frac. 1-4 2J-7S-4 E. 5th P. M. ten Turnips, peck Cabbage, head Wax and green beans, quart loc Egsr plant Garlich, Ib 20c Spinach, Ib lOc Parsley, bunch 5c Soup Green, bunch 5c! Sweet potatoes, peck 35c acres.

Julius Meumann and wife to Jacob Heidt Nov, $GOO. lot 4. block 1. End's sub-division, being south of Tel- road. C.

X. Newcotnb and wife Bruiin, Oct. $2.100. lot aud feet lot 5, Wallace's sub-division. C.

N. N'ewconin and wife to John Brulin. Oct. 20, 190X; $7.100. lot 10.

WILL CELEBRATE HIS BIRTHDAY Ask your Grocer for the "Best and Get Wasfaburn 5. URE UILL Extracts and 'Baking Powder, Coupons in all packages good for premiums. to John CoO feet block Old Resident will be Seventy-nine Years Old Tomorrow and Occasion to be Remembered. Thies Siudu one of the old German block 7S, LG Claire's 6th addition. forties will celebrate C.

K. "New-comb aud wife to John his 79th birthday tomorrow, Mr Bruhn. Oct. 20. J3.GOO.

e24 feet of uSO feet. lot 10, and feet of nSO Sindt came here from Schleswig-Hol-! stein in 1S47. After working seven 1 feet lot 9, block 54. Lo Claire's 2nd! years at his trade he went to farming addition. I on a place which he purchased in I Right of "Way Deed--LHa B.

Dor- Probstoi. Davenport township. His i ranee and husband to Iowa Illinois agricultural labors were successful. A Contracting Engineers Phone 677. 405 Brady St.

I Railway April li. 1903. $475. rig-lit few years ago lie moved to Davenport of feet wide off cast end lot, since the death of his wife his block 12. Old Town of Le Claire.

Iowa, daughter Minnie SinUt has had charge Pidiar. SIS East Tenth the marriage of Miss Helen Fidlar and Mr. George pannon, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Fayette Thompson, pastor of the Central M. E.

church. Tho bridesmaid was Miss Sarah Harrison and Wilbur Fidlar, brother of- the bride, officiated as best M. President, WARREN J. LYNCH. G.

P. T. Cincinnati, Ohio. AL.LJEN M. NYE," T.

P. Peoria, 111. F. L. Bennett is under arrest at Dos man.

The young people havo, started 'Moines' charged with stealing a horse immediately to housekeeping at J015 and buggy at St. Paul. Arlington avenue and at home: to their friends after December 1. 1 Rev. Howard Cramblet.

who has, been pastor of the Christian church at; Hampton for the past two years, has tendered his resignation in order to ac- Mrs. Mary Boyer of Oskaloosa. aged 82 years, is suffering from a bad fracture of the left, femur near the hip joint. A heavy door was her. throwing her to the ground and inflicting the injury.

The Waterloo 1xard of trade announces that, it has secured another factory for that city--a plant for the cept a larger pastorate at manufacture of hot 'air rosristors. -Have you need of a new pair of shoes? Try Sweet Minehan Co. of her householu. Besides Miss Minnie. Mr.

Sindt has.other chil- dreu, William Sindt of Holstein. Theodore Sindt of-Davenport, Louis Sindt and Miss Meta Sindt of Probstei, Herman of Walcott and Ciara Arp. wife of Henry Arp of the attorneys firm of Arp Noth. Tomorrow night the birthday will be celebrated at the home 'of Mr. Sindt at South and Washington a goodly number of friends will join in tendering con- jjgratulation to the esteemed and hon.

tired old resident of Scott county. lestroyed property on Hallowe'en have Icept themselves a i by paying 'for all damages wrought. COAL FAMINE May stare you in the face, therefore lessen consumption by the use of our reliable Draft and Temperature Regulator. I SAVE ITS COST IN ONE SEASON. Can be attached to any furnace.

Sold only by DAVENPORT HEATIN6 PLUMBING 0 miftmi Daily Leader per Weak.

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