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Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • 2

Hartford Couranti
Hartford, Connecticut
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'Ways 3H RATHBU.2 APOTHECARY, military Itenaa. Two men Geo. Cornelius and Wm. Bragden, wer other day of the week. In another neighborhood, there were but five stores, and every one of them sold spiritcus liquors, and the families who resided thereabouts did not know what a Sabbath School was.

THE TENTH REGIMENT II A It FOnDi MONDAY MORNING. FEB. 22, 1864. All parsons having bills against the Reception Committee are requested to hnd them In Immedl-a'ely. No bills can ba paid after Saturday, Feb.

27th, as the remainder of the fund will be then donated to the Soldiers' Aid Association. Geo. S. Burhhajc, Chairman Com. of Arrangements.

Scsdrt Matters. At American nail this even .1. SM T1 D.Mita on I TIT "IT wnmuuieuui city, aucj w.u K'' number of prizes, and the proceedings of the even- intr will close with "all Tiands around 1" I Geer Pond have the Army and Navy Journal for -t, hv eoruary a supplementary ueea cuuvua WnUm Virginia, is true ing the report of Gen. McClellan. It is in a form of portiong 0f Missouri and Kentucky.

A mission-convenient for preservation and reference, atid will ary who went to the former State nine months ago, Ka mnrh snnnTit fnnn1 a HuUnrn nf one hundred and SiXtV tlllleS, been visited and aided, embracing 193,430 scholars 16,000 families bave been visited and 4,275 bibles and testaments distributed among them. A work of so much magnitude needs eonstant aid to keep it flourishing, and we are sure the contributions from Hartford will be given with a correct understanding what is needed. Those who did not bave an opportunity to give last evening, can do so by handing their subscriptions to Nelson Kingsbury, Esq No. State street Interesting Sir ma. Rev.

A. A. Todd, of Baltimore, has been sent to Fort Delaware for disloyalty. There were two wifj murders in New York Friday night, one of them cf quite a shocking nature. The loss by the fire at Gloucester, is estimated at.

$389,000, on which there is an insurance of $180,600. About sixty vehicles, loaded with upwards of 300 liberated negroes, went through Norfolk, Wednesday, ou their way to the contraband camp. A boiler in the iron foundry of Corwin Reed, Brooklyn, N. exploded Saturday afternoon, tear ing tne Duuding to pieces ana injuring iour persons. A woman is under airest at Syracuse, N.

fbr destroying her grandchild, only three months old, by giving it vitriol. Tha whole amount of coin hoarded in the United States, is estimated to be two hundred millions of dollars. About $7,000,000 of the new national currency have been issued to the National Banks. This issue is of fives and tens exclusively. The new notes for $20, $50 and $100 are in preparation, and will soon be ready for issue.

Parson Brownlow is reported to be dangerously ill at Knoxville. A letter says "His recovery is a question of serious doubt. lie says, however, that he is not going to give up the ghost until every rebel leader swings, and the Union is restored. He is con-lined to his room, and much of the time to his bed." The steamer George Washington, with dates from New Orleans to the arrived Saturday. Advices from Indianola were to the 8th.

Nearly all the troops were re enlisting. An expedition in search of the rebels and lumber, found no rebels but brought a 101 ot lumber. At Aew Orleans gold was oaj add 64. Cotton dull at 63. for good to ordinary, to 7C for strict middling.

Sugar and molasses in good demand. A special dispatch from Louisa, savs that on the 14th inst. Col. Gallup surprised Col. Ferguson's command in Wayne capturing 60 prisoners, including Ferguson, his surgeon and two lieu tenants, 80 stand of arms, a large number of stolen horses, and all tbe rebel supplies of forage, ammunv tion and subsistence.

It was Col. lerguaon command that captured Gen. Scammon recently. Tbe dispatch adds that Union prisoners were released. Gen.

Gilraore has issuad a call to Floridians to return to their allegiance, and prohibiting destruction or pillage of property by our soldiers 'under the severest penalties. There are estimated to be two mil lion cattle in Florida, though small and poor and it is further ascertained, through rebel documents, that the rebel army is dependent almost entirely on Florida for beaf, and that Gen. Gilmore, in taking possession of Florida, does more to cripple the reb els than the capture or a dozen Charlestons would. Fbaokakt Bozodobt This article has been known and appreciated in New Tork for some time, tut it ia only recently that the proprietors in created eir ability to aapply the article and introduce it to tha Boston public. Ithastakan well, for it la really a very excellent dentifrice, e'eanslog the teeth, and imparting health tn tha gums.

As a wash after imoking, It is very gra'aful. Having tried lt, we commend it with pleasure. Boston Saturday Evening Gazette. RfKUlali KVTII.KS. Sawyer's American l'aatillea.

'I hey aot with pleasant promptness on tha organs they are Intended to relieve and strengthen, without pro ducing that naueeoua irritation of tbe stomach naual to most other kindred remedies. I regard them aa a very detirable preparation Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Essex, N. T. Sold by all Drugglsta and Apothecarieaat Twenty-Five Cents a box. 3d fab S3 A Fkyaialaglcal View afiHarriagf.

Containing nearly 3J0 pagea, and 130 fine Flatea and En-gravinga of the Anatomy of tha Sexual Organs in Health and Disease, with a Treatise on Self-Abuse, its Deplora. ble Conaequenaea upon tha Mind and tbe Author's Flan of Treatment he only rational and euecacs-ful mode of cure, as shown by the report of cases treated. A truthful adviser to the martied and thore contemplating entertain double of their physical eondition. Sent free of postage to any addreas, on reoeipt of 25 cents, in (tamps or postal currency, by ad-dreeing Dr. LA CROIX, No.

81 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. 8md 13w71 feb 23 Children Owe) ITI urh mC SJoIdn. Their SJickaca la No matter where the disease may appeir to be seated, its origin may be traced to euppreaied perspiration, or a eold Cramps and Lung Complaints ara direct produota of col ti. In short, oolda are tha harbingera of half the dixeaaea tbat afllict humanity, lor aa they are oaused by checked perspiration, and as five-eights of the waste matter of the body escapes through the pores, if these porea are closed, that proportion ef diseases neceaaarily follows Keep oleir, therefore, ofeoldaand Congha, the great precuraora of dideue, or if contracted, break them up immediately, by a timely ue of HalfAUti 1'OR-Tf'R'8 CUU4.TIVK BALSAM.

Sold by all Drngtti.te, at 2 oenta and 60 cent per bottle. Oil feb 2U A General Itebrllion. TEICMPH OK A GREAT DISCOVERT The pubiie baa rebelled against cauterising Hair Dyes. Fashion has foresworn them. A aagasloua community baa adopted in their stead, SJriatadaro'a Hair Dye, and for these reasona: lt embrowna and blackens the hair, not the akin.

It is a vegetable emollient, not a burning fluid. It does not burlesque nature with blooming metallio tinges, bnt producea her own living hues. Its oooIlDg effict Is lasting. It defies detection. Its results are uniform.

It never falls. Manufactured by J. CCISTADOftO, No 6 Astor Bouse, New Tork. Sold by all Druggista. Applied by all Hair Dressers.

6d 4w71 fab 20 Notice ta Pbyaictana and the Pnblic. ALLCOCK'S POROUS PIASTERS. Testimonial. T. Allcock No.

2S4 Canal street, New Tork, 29th Nov. 189 Gentleman I lately severely from a weakness in my back, oceaaioned by auddenly over exerting myself. Having heard your plasters muoh rae-ommandad for cases of this kind, I procured one. and the result was all that I conld deaire A single plaster cured me in a week. Tours respectfully, J.

G. Baiooa, Proprietor of the Brandreth House, Hew Tork. There is nothing equal in the way of a Plaster, to the Porous Plaster of Mr. Allcock. In Asthma, Cough, Kidney Affections, and local, deep-seated pains, they afford permanent relief and for weak bicka, pain in tbe aide, atitches, and spasmodic pains generally, they ara unsurpassed for the benefits they impart.

Price 26 cent each. Principal Offloe, 291 Canal street. New Tork. Sold by J. yf.

Johnson, No. 656 Main and H. L. Whiting, 239 Main at Hartford, and by all respectable dealera in medioinea. feb 20 lmd 4w71 SOMETHING NEW! NKW FANCY DYE WOIIKS, Cos.

Trumbull and Chafkl Streets. This establishment having, ever aince it atarted, done all in its power to establish a first-rate reputation, will now be enabled, by the partnership of Mr. Baum, formerly salesman of Colt'a Willow Ware Mfg. to answer all expectations of a first-olast business. Hoping this arrangement will contribute much to gain the favor of the public, it will ba oar main object not to be excelled by any eatablishment of the kind in thia country.

Particular attention and punctuality will ba our aim. and Progress our motto. We shall carry on tba business nnder the firm of F.RDTMAN A BAUM, and invite all our old custamtra, aa wall aa the pnblio in general, to favor us with their orders. Being on a perfect level with tbe beat concerns of tbe kind in New Tork and Boston, yon may depend on getting your work done equally well. Ladies' Gar-ments.

Dresses, RibDons, Hoods, Sontaga, Cloaka, Shawls, Silk Gloves and Kid Ulovea, we cleanse or dye in all colors, in unsurpassed beauty. Kid Gloves we only take for black and cleansing. Gent's Garment, viz. Coats, I'anU, Vests, Cleansed or Colored black, brown, drab and blue, without ripping. A first class Tailor we employ, ftp cially for pressing, making and repairing of all kinda of gentlemen'a garments, in good style.

Crape Sbawla dyed tbe most brilliant ahadea, acarlat, crimaon, aolferino, purple, drab and all leather colora. Lace Curtains, wc oleanae and put frames, to resemble new. For the convenience of tha pub ic. we have made an arrangement with Meesra. Moll Merklein, 167 Main street, to go to any house where ordered, to take off Lace Curtains, and they will also put them up in a most taate-iut manner, after they have been eleanted.

Tha aame will be done with Carpet, which we clean in a superior manner. rXT Orders foi this branch ara to he left tt ofiioe, or at the store of Messrs. Moll A Merklein, 187 jukiu trtei. jieepecuuuy, ttiu I OH A IS A BAUM. F.

8. Faokagea can ba forwarded by expreas, and will P. C. C. I.

Tc O. PENDLETON'S COMPOUND CAMPHOR ICE AND GLYCERINE for aore lips, chapped band and faee Also, an excellent preparation for tha face altar shaving xrjit. or eaie oy an urnggiata. grad dec 11 The) Japanese Itemed For the cure ot Gonorrhoea, Gleet, and all attendant ompiaints. Perfectly safe, requiring no change in diet rapid in effecting a cure, and not being taken internally i riue i per Dome.

a a J. M. B. MoNARr fc dee 8 eod6m Sole Agents, Post Office Building. Brawn's Branchial Trarbes.

"I have never changed my mind respecting them from iu liiei, excepting to tmna yei Doner oi that which 1 oegan tninaing well ot." Rsv. Herb? Wakd Bebcbkb. "The Troches are a staff of life to me." PRO. X.OWABD NORT0, President Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y.

"For Throat troubles they ara a specific." N. F. Willis. "Too favorably known to need commendation." Hon. Cbas a.

Phxlfs, President Maaa. Senate. "Contains no Opium nor anything injurious Dr. A. A.

Hates, Chemftt, Boetoa. "An elegant combination for Coughs." Or. G. F. Bioelow, Boaton.

"I recommend their nae to Pnblio Speakere "Most salutary relief in Broachitie." Kev. S. Ssiofkisd, Morriatown, Ohio. "Very beneficial when aolferiag from Colda Ray J. P.

AKDxaaox. St. Lonia. "Almost Instant relief in tha distre-sin? labor of urcauung paouuar to Aatnma." Ry. a.

V- a-oolxstoji, ew Tork. "They have anlted mv ease exaetlv. relievln mt throat SO that I could alng with ease." T. Ducbabmc, Chorister French Pariah Churen. Montreal.

Aa there are Imitations, be sure to obtain tha genuine. Sold by all Druggiata and Dealer in Medicine in the United State and moat Foreign ouriea, at 36 eta. per box. 3 lo4 ftyrg I to arrested in New Tork on Wednesday, for having kidnapped from Bridgeport a colored man named Nathan Gersb, who had enlisted as a cook in trie ixia regiment V. Tbs members of the 6th Conn, regiment are or dered to rendeivous at the State House in New Haven, on or before lOVclock this (Monday) morning.

portion of the 7th reported at the State House on Friday, but on account of the impossibility of obtaining transportation, their furloughs were extended until Sunday. Transportation will be afforded for both tha 6th and 7th to Port Royal at the same time. State Items. G. H.

Hamilton, in the employ of the American Telegraph Company, started from Norwich on Monday to repair wires along the route to Colchester, and from there to New London, and back. When be returned Friday, his nose, ears and portions of his face, were badly frozen, and his feet chilled. A workman employed in B. Sexton's factory at Warehouse Point, had one of his hands torn so bad- iy oy a picter, on xnany rendered necessary. Wvllvs nail, formerly a resident or ionaou, died at Marielta, Ohio, on the 12th inst.

sntwl National Bank of Norwich is now oreanized. and will commence operations the first of March. Thn Hdvward Rubber Co. are prepared to rebuild at once that portion of their works recently destroyed by fire. Their insurance will nearly cover their loss, and the damage to their works is not so great at this time as it would have been at another season of the year.

A ff a iwn mAPtin(7 held not IPaUV miles from the city of Bridgeport, says the Standard, a farmer, whose wealth had given mm more poaiuuu than his learning, arose and moved wun prM uig ui ty of manner, that the meeting do now adjourn ipse dixit." 'The motion was amended by adding Pluribus Unum and passed. Aa Mr. Wm. Gorton. of Waterford, was chop nine down a tree on his farm last Thursday, it fell i i and strucK a spienuia yoae oi oxeu, ia of one of them, thus tendering butchering necessary.

Mr. Gorton had refused $1C0 for them but a short time before. The Norwich Bulletin states that Mrs. Jane Hub bard, a resident of Hardscrabble (Norwich) died on Thursday morning, under circumstances which lea her fiiends to suppose she might have been poisoned Ic aDnears that earlv Wednesday mornine Mrs. Hub bard was taken suddenly ill, and her friends tele graphed to Westerly for one Dr.

1 nomas, an inoian doctor, to visit her. He came Wednesday night and Drescribed for her. bnt she crew rapidly worse, and died Thursday mornintr. Her hnsband, a miserable drunken fallow, was beastly drunk during her ill ness, and lay on the bed on which bis wife lay, perfectly unconscious of the events which were transpir ing. A jury of inquest was summoned, and they directed that a post mortem examination be bad.

which was to have been made on Saturday. Dr Thomas, referred to above, was summoned before the jury, but his statements were so vague that little could be learned from him. The case has ex cited considerable interest in the community. The Uxiox Convention. Messrs.

Editors I congratulate you upon the loyal spirit and general harmony of our late convention, and especially on the enthusiasm with which our State and National nominations were made. It is rarely that so large Indy of men are able to come together and transact. in a single day, so much important business, without meeting more jarring elements. In the debate on the resolution to elect delegates to the National Convention by Congressional districts, which was the plan adopted, and which I certainly approve," there was an earnestness in the manner of most of the speakers, which has led some men to impute personal motives to one or more of them. My friend, the Hon.

D. P. Tyler, it has been said, was a candidate for delegate, and advocated Mr. Rice's amendment to Mr. Babcock's resolution, in expectation of bis appointment if the amendment should prevail.

Now I happen to know that Mr. Tyler was prompted by his own conscientious convictions in the course he took, and that if he bad been elected a delegate, he would have declined the office. The services which Mr. Tyler has rendered the good cause cf the country for very many years, and especially his recent labors in New York State, entitled him to the thanks of every loyal heart. He is a geat favorite with every audience that he addresses, and is solicited on every hand to engagements more numerous than any one man can fill, for the reason that he is a close student of history, as well as of human nature, and an able debater, and I trust that the time is not far distant when he will receive the meed cf appreciation to which he is entitled by his merits and long and steadfast devotion to the cause of truth and patriotism.

A Late Delegate. New Britain and Berlin Railroad. Differences of opinion, says the Times, as to land damages arising from the building of this road (now in progress) have led to the appointment of the following named gentlemen as appraisers Laren P. Waldo, of this city Charles Forbes, of East Ilartf jrd and Simon B. Kendall, of Suffiald.

These gentle men were engaged on Friday and Saturday in viewing the land, in New Britain, of Henry Whiting, Mrs. Amelia Andrews, and Walter Woodruff; and on the same business in Berlin. Work on the road is vigorously going on under the direction of Con tractor Griffin, of Middletown, who, with a gang of men and horses, is now making a deep cut a couple of miles east of New Britain. The road will be finished in a few months, and the cars running. "The Life of Ocr Lord," by the Rev.

S. J. Andrews of this city, published by Scribner of New York, has already, we are glad to see, passed into a second edition, both in this country and in England, confirming the judgment we have before passed upon its merits. We know no valuable work, of recent issue, for ministers, theological students, or intelligent laymen, than the volume of Mr. An drews.

Rockt Hill The young ladies' fair and festival at Rocky Hill, for the benefit of sick and wounded soldiers, holden Wednesday and Thursday evenings of-last week, was a success, we are informed, beyond the expectations of all. C7" A letter from Chattanooga says that the colored troops organized in the Southwest by Adjutant-General Thomas, will perform an important part in the spring campaign in that region. Soventy-five thousand colored men will be ready for service in the Southwest by the 1st of May. C7" The special election to fill the vacancy in tho Pennsylvania State Senate, caused by the resignation of Major Henry White, now a prisoner at Richmond, took place on Friday, and resulted in the election of Dr. St.

Clair, the Union candidate, by a large major ity- A number of vessels in the naval service are detained at Fortress Monroe for the want of seamen. Arrangements are making to transfer men from the array to the navy. KP The National Committee of the Republican party meet at Washington to-day, to arrange the time and place for holding the National Convention. D- It is understood that the Army of the Potomac will be consolidated into three grand divisions. Rebel Perplexities The Chicago Tribune thus happily catalogues the many and various dilemmas of the rebels I.

If they increase their army they caunot feed it. 2. Unless they increase their army they are whipped. 3. Unless the press speaks out their liberties are gone.

4. If the press speaks out their government will be gone. 5. Unless they draft the whole population they must surrender. 6.

If they draft the whole population they must starve. 7. Unless they recover East Tennessee they can get no saltpetre. 8. If they undertake to recover East Tennessee they will get more saltoetre than they want.

9. Unless they free the negroes they've nothing left to fight with. 10. If they free the negroes they've nothing left to fight for. II.

Ever since the rebellion begun, negroes have been falling. 12. Nevertheless, their greatest fear now is lest the negroes should rise. ij. uniess dett.

Davis repudiates bis presentdebts he can't borrow from anybody. 14. If he repudiates! nobody will lend to him. 15. If he impresses food he turns the land into a desert.

16. Unless he impresses food he turns his men into deserters. 17. They can't succeed in the war until they have got the means of building railroads. 18.

They can't get tha means of building railroads until they succeed in the war. 19 If thy fight they lose the day. 20. Unless they fight they lose every day. Several hundred copies of the President's amnesty proclamation have been sent into Lee's army within a week past.

The effect is already perceptible in the increased numbers of deserters. The proclamation hereafter will be systematically shoved through the rebel lines. One Dr. Lewis Adolfas, who Las for two years past moved in the "higher circles" in Cincinnati on the strength of letters of introduction from leading men in England, whence he came, has recently disappeared, having swindled his "friends" out of Europ'e '00' IU belieVd 10 ha7e Thus far, fifty-seven of the one hundred and nine Union officers who escaped from Richmond have arrived within our lines, or been beard from as safe Twenty-five are reported by the Richmond journ.1 as having been r-captured, leaving twenty-siven "et to be heaid from, most of whom will, undoubtedly come safely. "wsuiy.

The navy department has received dispatches from the east blockading squadron, detail the captnre oi the British sclyjoner Ehia and British sIood Ma. ry, from Nassau, while attempting to run out of Ju piter Inlet, with cargoes of cotton. One of the passengers on the latter was on his way to purchase machinery, with the intention of starting a woolen factory in the South. The sloop Caroline was can-fiaed while attempting to run ont of Jupiter Ialet GENUINE MAVANAS have thladay opanad anew aad ea4lBgiy inPOBTSD CIGARS, w. Mjuuwua, or tha tt r.

rl halm AnmA of K. K.l "Trea Harmanaa," "Eatoy Bla "Univarao "Connaarclaati'- ft 1100 nar thoaaand. and "Fliraro ff0ri Catalica" "Monitor and Merrimac" and o.k S110 to S200 par thoaaand. -11N- 250 Bttndlet Garcia Cigarrot vary superior. The "Tres Harmaaea" cannot ba imported for less than SCO.

Thayara offerad per hundred. Oper.a Glasses. very fine auortmant.from Eight to Twenty DoDtr, Miller's Hair Invigorator. One half grosa to be workad off at II ent v. -1.

Sevan for tl; uaual prioa 25 casta aiagla bottla jr. ur.f rffitr.r, AIXYH HOUSE DKCGBTOBK febl in dig Da. 8. S. FrrcH.of T14 Broadway, R.

author nf Six Lectures on tha Uses of the on tha fn i tion and Cure of Fulmenary Contumptlon, Aiui8 Diseases of the Heart and Female Campl'n, oi Laws of Life and tha Mode of Fresarring and male Health to One Hundred Taara, may ba eonialt at the Cnlted States Hotel, Hartford, every other To day during the season, commencing Feb.3d ISst fcb16 ta Tbe CnfeaalB and Xxperieac Tana. I a. Fubliahed for tha benefit, and aa a CACTIfVt YOUMti MEN and others, who tuffer from herroiuii? bility, Fremature Decay of Manhood, tha aame time the Means of Stlf-Cwt. By on who cored himself altar undergoing oonnderabla quack By inoloaing a post-paid addressed envelope 7., eoplea may ba had of tha author. NATHAK1KL ATKAIR Kiu tebS 8rad iiadtord, King A.

Catlgaie'a Ma. Tliia celebrated Toilit Boat, in such nulnrsii demand, ia made frein tha ehoioeat materials, is mild emollient in its natura.raronfy setnttd, and (xtrwt. Iy benefioial in its action npon the akin. For sale bf ia Drugglsta and Fancy Gooda Dealere. Jau 26 1yd lptJ! OIN1.V ie CENIS FECK'S FECroRAL FASTIXLES.

Tha beat alleviator known for all dteeasea orththra.t from tha slightest cold to tha most deeply seated Frui-' chitla. Not excelled in quality by any Trocbte or Par tillee in tba market. KKCOMMEXDAII01V3 Caa be given if required, from onr flrt Pnbllo 8ptk. era, Clergymen and Singera, but tha beat referennfet as, became we do not require entire columns of tU newtpapera to puff them In, ia for those who wish to 1 ooroe acquainted with their marlta to boy a boa, eoiilc only 10 cents. If they are good for aaytblng, no furttiw reference ia required.

If aot, you wouiiin't ba apt bay any more, aren if Kecetnuasemded by Abraham I.lurala. For sale by all Drngglat. Prepared byN.F PEtl Chemist. Willimantio, to whon ail ordenmw be addressed. Lfc-K, bliJSOX A holcaale A(esu Oaly lO Ceala.

Jan 28 8lawd8w luoi.rno troLVK, la. aJ Bearer fttreel, New lark, Offers for sale to the trade tha following Winn u4 Liquors Imported by himself, expressly for medical aca private nse: 2,000 eaaea of Cognac Brandy, pale and dark, old asi very Una. 1,000 eases of Jamaica and St. Croix Rum. 1,000 caaea of Scotch Whisky.

8,000 caaas of Madeira Win, part old, and vtry si 2,000 caaea of Sherry, verloua brand. 1,000 oaaea of Port, aweet and dry. Ala la Hiore, 6,000 eaaea Schiedam Schnapps. 2 DCO caaea of old Bourbon WbJaky, 2 and Syaaii all Agents can have their names) affixed to this advtrilM ment on application at tha offee. Pare llraady In Hattle.

"Thera ara thousands wbo bave loag hoped UiitiuM reeponiible man, wbo bad a high reputation to suiuta, would embark ia the enterprise of Importing para Bnuv dy in bottlea, which no man would ba afraid toaacli his family. We are glad to notice that our well known, and much reapeoted fellow citizen, UuOLrHO Wolis, haa taken tha matter in hand, ana announoee his lmt-tion of importing, from four of tha moat eminent Aral in France, their ehoioeat Cognac" V. T. Timss. For aala in thia city by Talcott Brotbera.

feb 1 lmd 4tS aaelblaai New, AT SMITH'S DTK1NU AND CLEASSINQ KSrit L1SHMENT. 87 Wells (formerly Mill) street, where yoa can deol npon getting your work done aa well aa In New Voir ot Boston. Ladlea' garments of all descriptions dyed cleansed. Splendid colora on Crape Sbawla, such si flew Cherry ana ieatuer colore, or any shad or color. Gentlemen'a ri rarmenu ayea or eieansea without rinMni In connection with this eatablishment ia Mr.

Gabnd, Who attenda to tha pressing, making and repairing ol ail klnda of Gentlemen'a Garmenta in good style Weoolor Silka on Tuesday, Black Woolena on Wednetdiy, and other light colore on Thursday. CarpeU. 'liU Spreads, and Curtains eleansed. Staten Island Dyen are employed at this establishment 1'ackagei can forwarded by Kxpreea and will meet with prompt attei-tion. jan 1 lydl GKOKGE BUHU Xxr.

OtLAaa. Bweet'M epalnr Jtlediclaea. Dr. Sweet's Popular Mediolnes can be obtained la tua absence from the city, at bia oilioe. No.

3 Gold street, by applying to Mr. J. HATFI KLD, adjoining my office. CAU1ION Medicines sold as Sweet's Preparations In Hartford or aleewbere, and the so-called Infallible Liniment, prepares and aold by Richardaon A ara hot my prescriptions. My medicines will have my signature Chablics swsn Nona genuine without it.

s- CUARLES SWEKT It CO, Sola Proprietors, Lebanon, Cosa. Lae, files on A Co. and Talcott Brotbera, whoienJs agenta, Hartford, Conn. P. Dr.

Swam-will be In Hartford the second To, day ot each month, and In Springtield, the fc lowing Wednesday. 1yd lyw84 Jail HtlKIIVG! IIAIHDVBI Ifatcbelar'a Celebrated Hair Dye tha Best ia tbe World THE ONLT HARMLESS, TRDE AND RZLMBL1 DIE KNOWN. This splendid Hair Dye ia perfeot ehangea Red.Kutr or Grey Hair, instantly to a Glossy Black or A'atvnl Tlr-owm, without injuring the Hair or atainlng tha SHi leaving tha Hair aoft and beautllul imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring fta pristine color, and recti tbe 111 effecta of bad Dye. The genuine ia signed WILLIAM A. BATCUJCLOR, all ethera are mere imitatioai, and ahonld ba avoided.

Sold by all Drurgurta, -FACTORY 81 Barclay street, N. Y. Batciialor's Mse Toilet Cream for Dreea ng tha 11 air. Je 21 lyd Bw Elannewejl'a Kclectie) Pllla. A true type of a Cathartic, which act without tba Isut griping, seldom requiring mora than oaa.

and more than two Pilla lor a dose, and by thia economical, aa wall aa reliable, curing rndigeetlon. Dyspepsia, Bill-ionaneaa, Lose of Blood, Liver Complainta, and all da-rangemanta of tha Stomach and liowela. if ever a ahange waa needed to the Drastic and Conorets character ot moat Pilla now aold, it ia now mat with tha Jusl-tie Pilla Confidence to teat will prove declarations una. JOHN L. liUNNEWtLL, Proprietor, Boston, Maa LEE, EISSON A and J.

M. B. McNAKT A CO-, Harfford Clark A Merrick. New Haven, Wnoleal Agenta. For aale by dealera in every eity and town.

jya ima Briggs1 Alleviator, For Corns, Bunions, Tender Feet, fce. 8om by Drugglsta, and aent by mail at 25 and 60 cents and Si box. the Alleviator ia a metallic plaster. eallyapP'ji. and will adbere lor weeka, rezardlees of batliiDg Inflamed Bnniona, Fettered Corns, In-growing SJ irsitn Feet, Fongoua Fleah, Ae naa Dr.

Brigga" "-vailed Modern Curative. Sold by Drufrgiata and sMty mail, at 60 oenta end SI per box Tbe Curative Is a purs, mild and healing ointment, which never fails to aaora relief in the moat severe eaaea ye eorn-afflioted, oua-ion-abnsed and toenail-tormented euffarere! try Vtm remediea and walk with ease, lha trade euppUea cr LEK, SISSON A CO. Retailed by G. Ratboua. B.

McNary A and by all Druggista Coma, Buniona, Bad Nails, and diseases of tba sa, skillfully and aaeceaaf ully treated by Rnrirann nhlrnnnrilrt. fla 212 Broadway. I aug 11 lyd Nineteen Vears Aaja Mr. Matthewa flrat prepared THE VKNETIAH Hii DYE; ainca that time it haa been need by and in no inatance baa it failad to giva perleot eatti tion. il trpvffTT a rw i- hnMt in the woria.

Its price ia only Fifty Centa, and each bottle double the quantity of dye in those aanally aold pr at- THK VEtfKIIAN DYK ia the aafeat aompoaitioB itaelaea it ia warranted not to iajnra tba bairoru acalp In the elighteet degree. rJJ. TUISi VENi-IIAN DYE works with rapidity a tainty, tbe bair requiring no preparation whauver. THE VENETIAN DTE producea any abade that avay bedeelred on that will fade, crock or wash oat- that is as permanent aa the hair itself. Frriee Weenm For aale by ail druggista.

Prepared only by A. L. MA1HKV78. General Agent, No. 1J Gold Alao.

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They art uWJf their operation, and certain in eorrecting all ties, Painfnl Menatrnatione, removing ail whether from cold or otherwise, headaeba, pain side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all tiona, hysterics, fatigue, pkin in ibe back and uai disturbed aletp, which ariae from interruption ox DR. CHEtaSEMAN'S PILLS 0 waa tba commencement of a new era in the treainw those irreaularitiea and obstructions which bave conwp ed ao many to a Premature Grave. No tema.e good health nnieaa she 1 regular, and siruction takea place the general health begin to decii" DR. CHEEbEMAX'S FILLS, are tha moat effectual remedy ever known for e-i oo plaints peculiar to females. To all claea tuerrv-valuable, inducing with certainty periodical region I hey arc known to thonaanda, who bav aed waa U1UVICUI irciivusi aa vwsv lU asm sanction of some of the moat emtnent rhyiututns -America.

mrj a. Explicit directions stating when they aAota thnnhnrJt: tile enDDirr. used, with eaob box tbe fries one Hollar per talnlnglrombUtotwriiia. Fiile aent 6 mail promptly, by remitting to tbsFTOprr tors. Sold bv uroggisu generally.

Li Cilia a tilLiAiia. ITER, Proprietor, Ho had seen a map of several counties Fennsyl- vama, which were reporteu as couwmus nuuio towns without any church, and no gospel truths tanCrht From Western Virginia, a missionary write, and that the are in that section, entire counties hp th(, ia chnrch or a Sunday School Thnr in nn inntromontalitv which can better reach these bf nigbted regions tban upon tne pmu -uupu thi American Sunday School Lmoa. S.hrfb 0'r a chnrch ia operation. Since tbat time ne has organized twentv Sabbath Schools, and gather- in them fifteen hundred children. It seems as if the christian church ought to ask Ka 1 Tt ia nil "WAll to aBn(5 hiha, nd and books into these dark daces, but what eooa will it do to people who sell rum on tne ana are giveu iu mo wuiaj tia of immorality.

They will not read our bibles, or our books, if we send them. The only method by which they can be reached is to erect tneir miasi that institution which is dear to every one of us the Sabbath School. There is not a neighborhood but what such an influence would rapidly affect, and. aside from the untold benefits which would be derived, the plan commends itself in being the cheapest tbat can be devised. He gave his experience in Western New lorfc last summer, in tbat part oi tne otare anowu mo "John Brown Tract," where scarcely a missionary had ever been.

Along the lines of that tract, where he visited, there was not a single church, nor bad there ever been. A missionary had gone in there, and in a short time had established fifteen Sabbath Schools, and it was his pleasure to attend a mass meeting of the scholars. The children were poor their parents were poor and had lived in absolute heathenish darkness, lie asked tne cnuuren 10 raise their hands, all who had ever attended Sabbath School tn missionary irom me i I.J"' i tt in th rmwd Kriril UUUU1VU Lwr IUU 0 1 an old gray haired man, who was talking most of the time, and crying out "Amen." Going to him, he took him by the hand and asked wnat ne was sheding tears for, as he began to cry. His reply was that he never expected to live to see tne aay wucn such a gathering would be made. Pointing to a seat he said there were his grand-children, ana ne diosscu God that they were to be brought up under the right influence.

During all his life, he said, he had never seen a minister of the gospel there, nor had one ever entered his house. Tbe Sunday School gives access to parents when we cannot gain access to them in any other way. A gentleman going from New York to Boston, on one of the Sound stoamers, met a gentleman who told him that he resided in Wisconsin. A missionary 11" 1 1 came wnere ne uvea ana esiaoiisueu a oaoumu School. the scholars who attended the School were a couple of little girls.

Shortly after one of them was taken sick, and soon died. As she was upon her death bed, she called her mother, wbo was an ungodly woman, to her bedside, and said Mother, I want you to meet me in Heaven," and then, as she was about passing into another world, she turned to her father, who was without the love of God in his heart, and said i ather, 1 wnnt you to eive your heart to God," and immediately expired. Now both that tatner and motner are memoers oi tne church and, said the gentleman, "I am the father. This shows the great influence exerted upon parents by their children, who are taught to love their Maker in the Sabbath Schools. No other influence could have reached these parents, who are now both re joicing in the hope of everlasting life.

A ne ounaav ocnooi saves cuuuroa. tv una uo wan visitinsr in Iowa, he had been into a crogcry to per- i suade its proprietor to forsake the evil traffic, and was coming out wnen ne met a man at tne aoor wno said I am a poor, wicked drunkard, but I have two fine boys won't you save them 1" That fa ther heart knew the influence ot the babbatn school upon the young. It is a blessed cause that rescues the children of the land from the haunts of vice and paths of wickedness, and brings them into the light of truth and Christianity. lie referred to tbe experience ot Mr. iaxon, a missionary, among the soldiers of the west, and the many evidences he has discovered of the vast benefits of early teachings in the Sabbath School.

la conclusion, he appealed lor aid to extend the good work. Two things are wanted. 1st, money, and we want all we can get, to pay lor libraries to give away in neighborhoods where the people are too poor to buy. 2d, we want contributions to support missionaries to be sent into fields which promise an abundant harvest. In the border States, particularly, the war has broken up, to a great extent, the Sunday School system, and we earnestly desire that missionaries may be sent there to push the work with vigor, and to every other portion of our country, which can be reached, where there are children not under the influence of God's truth.

Rev. Mr. Calkins then introduced Chaplain H. Clay Trumbull, and paid a high compliment to the soldiers who composed the regiment to which Mr. T.

belonged, as he saw them yesterday, and never met with a congregation who rcauifesteda more truly devout christian spirit. Rev. Henry Clay Trumbull said that before he could speak as a chaplain, hi vu heard in be. half of the children's cause. All who know me know that I lovo the little ones.

Before I entered the army I was a Snnday school missionary for the State of Connecticut, under the American Sunday School Union. When I left for the war, the Society insisted that I should still retain the position. It has been said tbat the Sunday school boys who came home with me, behaved yesterday nobly. An officer of one of our banks told me that he bad paid out about $20,000 ao the men of that regiment, and did not hear an oath from any of them. The railroad men said they never saw such a regiment.

Tho reason of it is that the Sabbath school influences which were thrown around them while at home, followed them to the war, and we see the result. The veteran soldiers who are to come home are to wield a powerful influence either for good or evil and he believed the war brings out the influence of the Sunday schools which could not have been done in any other way. We see now the fruit of Sunday school work and Bible training. On the night when volunteers were called for from our regiment to take a torpedo and go forward to Fort Sumter and blow up the sally port, to almost certain death, a noncommissioned officer sprang forward to lead the van; and he is a Sabbath school man, one who has aided me in my Christian work. Those wbo bave shunned the personal influence of Christianity have not the proper sense of manhood to make good soldiers.

He mentioned numerous instances where tbe courage of soldiers had been displayed heroically, because they trusted in God. One of the soldiers of his regiment was nick-named "Christian" partly in jest and though a feeble framed youth, and sick, most of the time, yet in battle, he was always on hand, and when told by the surgeon that he was not strong enough to be a soldier, he wept like a child. He is not one of the re-enlisted but has gone home to his last account. The truth that early impressions are all-powerful is illustrated every day in soldier life. No chord vibrates so quickly in the soldiers' breast as that which is tuned to "Home, sweet home." Throughout the entire army with officers and men, home is the dearest and best loved spot, and when the mail boat arrives the camp is a scene of the wildest excitement, so anxious is every one to hear from home.

Home influences are precious, and they are always bright when the Sunday school enteis into the household. He rejoiced in the extension of Snnday school in fluence and power, honored the American bun day School Union for the noble work it is doing, and he believed no society in the Union was entitled to so much sympathy and support. It is a society which can follow up the army and make secure the influences for good. He urged in conclusion, the necessity cf supporting the society by liberal contributions. Rev.

Mr. Chidlaw was next introduced, and said it was a matter of congratulation that in the midst of the fearful struggle which is going on in the land for national lifa, there is no apparent lack of energy iu the good works of education and Christianity. lie had been laboring tor some time among tbe soldiers in the army. We may learn much of the value of early religious training, by the want of it. As a chaplain he saw tbe fearful want of Christianity which prevailed in the ranks of the army.

Seldom did he find a soldier but would take a bible or a tract, and very many of them would read with earnestness and evident thankfulness for tbe gift but many others would paes the greater portion of their time in playing cards, etc. And, upon inquiring of these, it was found that they had never had tbe benefit of early religious training at home and in the Sabbath school. He cited numerous instances, when he had talked with the soldiers, showing the inestimable blessings which flow from the influences of Sabbath schools. He referred, in a feeling mtmnero the neglected regions of the country, where the wwk of Christianity would spread rapidly by encouraging missionary labor. One great field is now open in all parts of tbe South where our army has gained possession of the territory, blavery has not only crushed the negro slaves, but it has socially degraded the poor, wno are in a lernoie siate or surrenng and ignorance.

He asked a party of men, women and children to take a book and read it, but not one out of the tbirty-hve comprising tbe party could read and this was not on the banks of the Nile, but on tbe banks of the Tennessee. He read a letter from a lady in Western Virginia, to whom he had sent sixteen dollars' worth of books, showing what great i r. i i i i oeueuvs nau oeeu ueriveu irom mem. He- appealed earnestly in behalf of the Snndav School Union for substantial aid. Another larse 1 I A 1 ueiu woicu una vj ue hwiuj, is among tne ireedmen.

We must send them Sunday school teachers, first to teach them to read, and then we can supply them with books. They learn rapidly. Men and women are now doing glorious work in every freedmeu's camp, and no object appeals stronger to us than that the poor negroes should be instructed. His remarks throughout were very interesting, and we regret that want of room compels us to give bnt a brief synop sis. The only public appeal which the Society will make to our people was made last night, and it is hoped there will be a liberal response.

The operations of the Society bave accomplished an amount of work which will be of incalculable benefit to the cause of the church and of Christianity. Daring the last year thera have been 860 schools organized children have been enrolled 8,364 schools htrre, of 143 Their Reception Home I We desire to say to the soldiers of the Tenth regiment who arrived here Saturday, and to their friends that the reason the city authorities of Hart ford did not take any part in the reception, was because they have no sympathy for men who wear the uniform of a Union soldier. Five regiments or vet erans have been received in this city within the past two months, and the Democratic members of the eity government have looked on the passing processions, and heard the words of welcome which have escaped the lips of Union citizens, with icy indifference, and have refused to manifest in any way the slightest re gard for the brave men whose noble deeds should, at Ieast.eatitle them to respect. Even the bouttiera reoei, with bayonet in hand, and bound by an oath that he will prove faithful to tne conieaeracy, nas a uu bears that which teaches him to admire his enemy who meets him courageously; but the Northern copperhead shrinks back at the sight cf the govern ment soldier, and thinks if be should recognize mm with kind words and acts, he might possibly be supposed to bs an "abolitionist," no longer entitled to the respect of those whose chieftain is "waiting and watchiag across the border." The late Adjutant General cf Connecticut, (Jos. D.

Williams, Esq ,) writing less than one year ago, said "No regiment in the field has seen more ac- 4ive service, better sustained the reputation cf Con necticut troops, or met with greater loss of officers in action than the Tenth." It left Hartford for Annapolis, Oct. 31, 1861, and was attached to General Burnside's expedition. It was afterward brigaded under General Foster, and subsequently un der General Stevenson, doing duty in North and South Carolina. The regiment has never met u-ith a repulse I It has fought gallantly the battles of Roanoke Island, Newbern, Kinston, Whitehall, Goldsboro, and at Forts Wagner and Gregg, besides participating in a large number of skirmishes. The first colonel of the regiment was Charles L.

Russell, of Derby, who was killed at Roanoke Island. Lieut. Col. Albert W. Drake of South Windsor, succeeded to the command, but, after the battle at Newbern, was frustrated by sickness, and came home to die.

Lieut. Col. Ira W. Pettibone was then appointed colonel, but soon resigned, ne was succeded by Col. John L.

Otis, of Manchester, who is now in command. The regiment, numbering two hundred and seventy-five re-enlistment, under command of Major Edwin S. Greeley, arrived here Saturday at 9:15 a. m. The notice of their arrival was brief, but notwithstanding a large crowd congregated at the depot to welcome them.

The city military were promptly on hand, and the line was formed on High street as follows Col. George S. Burnham, Aid. Marshal. Aid.

Lieut. J. S. Ives. Lt.

Col. D. A. Rood. Battalion Ivalid Corps, Major George A.

Washburn. First Company Governor's Foot Guard, Msjor L. E. Hunt. Hartford City Guard, Captain' Jonn K.

Williams. Veterans of the Tenth Regiment, Major E. S. Greeley. The procession then marched np High to Church street up Church to Main down Main to the Stone Bridge and countermarched up Main to Central Row down Central Row to Market street np Market to City Hall.

The hall was decorated with flags in a tasteful manner, and seven long tables were spread with an inviting collation. The gallery was filled with la dies. When the soldiers bad all secured their places by the tables, Colonel Ueorge S. Burnham intro duced Rev. Mr.

Calkins, who addressed the veterans substantially as follows Officers and Soldiers of the Tenth Regiment, and fellow citizens of Connecticut arid the United States: 1 have the honor, by the kind invitation of the com mittee appointed to receive you, to offer yon a sin gle word, for I know that you have before you i welcome so much warmer than can be tendered here, mat tne Drieiest word will be acceptable. I know that in the Roman Republic, when sol diers returned from the scene of their conflicts, the multitude thronged to do them honor, and from win dows and Housetops, as tne triumphant procession marched, led in front by the Roman Senate and citizens, followed by the captives of war, and lastly by the veterans who had won the victory, the populace manifested their joy in loud huzzas and other signs of earnest welcome. But, soldiers, you have marched through our streets to-day with nobler tread than did ever the warriors of ancient Rome, fjr your tri- HTnpIiB hovA hpnn BAntari with the blood of hprnps who fought to preserve the integrity of our Union against the wicked efforts of domestic foes, lt was recorded in Rome that celebrations should be given to only those who fought in defense of the Republic but you have done more than this you have been fighting worse than foreign foes an enemy whose flag is polluted with the stain of oaths falsely given, with treason, and fraud. Every Roman triumph decreed every captive human being to bondage but your triumphs strike off the shackles of oppression, and give freedom to the enslaved. You have now come home to share for a brief time its comforts, and we bid you a hearty welcome.

We remember yon as you went away from us, with full ranks and stout hearts we remember that then many despaired of the Republic, but that yon had firm faith in the success of your cause we remember you at Roanoke.Island, at Kinston, and in other noted battles and engagements where you have reflected honor upon yourselves and upon your State and nation we remember also, with sorrowing hearts, your lamented dead, Russell, Drake, and others, whose lives have been freely offered up that the Nation might live we remember all your noble deeds and sacrifices, and will never forget them until memory shall be dead in the grave. Your triumph of re-enlistment is one of your greatest triumphs. You have seen many hard fought battles, and know what the Repulic is worth. I never had such pride in humanity as I have experienced since these veteran regiments have come home to us, after re-enlisting for the war. God bless you, soldiers, for your courage, and devotion to the old flag in so doing God bless you, I say, and may He in his Divine goodness, make you welcome to the homes you will soon seek the sweetest and most precions earthly hands and hearts can give, and when you have passed through these enjoyment, among those most loved by you, and return to the mutual scenes of the field and camp, may you soon come back to us to celebrate your final triumph over rebellion crushed, final peace restored, and Freedom and Liberty everywhere prevailing throughout the length and breadth of the Nation.

('Loud applause. Following these remarks, Rev. Mr. Leek asked Divine blessing, and Colonel Burnham then stepped forward and said Soldiers You have been so used to the double-quick, that you have taken us by the rapidity of your movements in reaching here but we have prepared a repast for you, to which you are now invited, and assure you tbat, though you come to the ice-bound North, our hearts are none the less warm with gratitude toward you. Boys, take hold.

Cheers. And tho boys "took hold without manifesting the slightest embarrassment. After they had finished their repast, their chaplain, Rev. Henry Clay Trumbull, stepped upon the plat-farm to obtain a chair, and was immediately cheered by the veterans in a manner which testified their love for him. They insisted upon his making a speech, and he was compelled to.

After refering to the gal. lantry and heroism of the Tenth, which, he said, was "proper that he should speak of to their faces, as he had spoken the same often behind their backs," he said You are home again, but with depleted ranks. Nearly forty of your officers and six hundred of the brave men who went out with you are no longer with us." 5 And again "When at Whitehall, men were wanted to swim the river through ice, to fell trees, and lay a bridge, that our jrces might cross and dislodge tho sharpshooters and artillerists, who were sweeping down soldiers by the from your ranks there sprang forth heroes to face the murderous fire of the enemy and accomplish the dangerous mission and every .1 uuo oi loose volunteers is nere to day. lAppIause.J When men were needed to act with the navy in an attactouiort bumter to go on a mission that promised almost certain death and a non-commis- sionea omeer was called for to lead, he stepped forward from the Tenth, and his comrades rallied around nim. lhat non-commissioned officer and the brave soiaiers wno volunteered with him, are hre to-day, every man.

Cheers. The speech (which we are obliged to condense) of tae cnapiain was heartily applauded throughout and we heard many a bronzed-faced soldier eay, after he bad concluded, We foi'e that man The members of the regiment have recently presented him with a handsome sword, sash and belt. The men were farloughed during the day, and nearly all left for their homes on the afternoon trains. They are a splendid body of soldiers, and received compliments from many sources, for their true manly bearing. Since the veterans came away from St.

Augustine, Fla remainder of the regiment, numbering about three hundred, have been ordered for duty along the line of the St. John river, in connection with the recent expedition 'operating under Gen. Gillmore. Bocsit OfiDKB Lost J. W.

Hyde, of Co. 10th C. who lives in Colchester, lost his pocket-book, containing his bounty order for $300, on Saturday. Payment has been stopped, and the finder is requested to leave it at the police headquarters. Umo.

State Ticket. fob oavisiroa, WILLIAM A. BUCKINGHAM, of Norwich. FOB LI COT. OOTIBWi ROGER AVERILL, of Danbury.


CUTLER, of "Water-town. The Queatlan Anewered. The question then arhes "what caused the war -Ilartford Times. "This war which is now going on in the land was brought on by fillibustering, cheating and fraud, and nothing else. If it hadn't been for Southern Democrats bolting from the National Convention at Charleston, we shouldn't have had any war Swindling brought on the war, and the tame spirit is being manifested here to-night." John Roper, in Democratic Caucus, at Touro Hall, Feb.

1 2th, 1 804. Ncirtca sad car Kicopcd Priitnert. In the recent escape of sderal prisoners from Richmond, some of Cpt. Phelps, party and others were pursued by the enemy, who fired upon them. While kaeping out of sight of the whites, they all unhesitatingly trusted the black, and ware not in a single in.

stance betrsyed. Tbo officers ia tedVance on the banks of the Chkkahomiay disclosed their true character to the negroes and asked for food. As soon as the slaves learned the principal they formed into squads and searched the woods, carrying provisions to the fugitives and aiding them in whatever way they could. From the beginning of the war deserters from Davis' array, escaped prisoners, and refugees from rebel tyranny, have bocn housed and fed by the negroes locateJ along the lines of travel. The enemy attempted to stop the practice by sending spies in the garb of fugitives, to supplicate the aid of suspected slaves.

Wherever assistance was bestowed, the victim of the plot was cruelly punished, and then sent to distant parts. Through fear of treachery tho negroes have latterly bocDmo cautious in responding to the requests of travelers. But in the cae of the escaped prisoners, knowing that there was no deceit, they yielded heartily to their native instincts. What disposition would the pro-slavery democrats of the North make of these noble and generous-hearted colored men 1 They say that the negro is only fit for servitude, and that if he escapes from his taskmasters, he should bo remanded to bonds. But such acts as those recounted above, plead to the nation, trumpet-tongued, in behalf of this down trodden race.

Desperation of tub Rebels. Among the most extraordinary things brought to light by the Invasion of Florida, is a document, emanating from the commissiariat department of Quincy, Florida, in which there is startling evidence to be fjund of the desperate condition of the enemy. Beef and bacon are entirely exhausted throughout the South, and from all quarters cries ara arising for relief, from Florida. This circular was intended only for private circulation among "the prudent people of the South." The circular contains extracts from official letters, which it says "do but partially represent the condition of the armies of Generals Bragg and Beauregard, and their gloomy prospects for future supplies." Mai. J.

F. Camming, who supplies Gen. Bragg' army, writes It is absolutely and vitally important that all the cattla that can possibly be brought here shall be brought as promptly as possible." And again, on the 5th of October, he says "I cannot too strongly urge upon you the necessity' of sending forward cattle promptly. It appears that all other resources are exhausted, and that we are now dependent upon your State (Florida) for beef for the very large array of Gen. Bragg.

I know you will leave no stone unturned and I must say that we are now dependent on your exertions, so far as beef is concerned. In regard to bacon, the stock is about exhausted hence beef is our only hope. I know the prospect is very discouraging." And on October 20, he wrote "Tha army is to-day on half rations of beef, and I fear in a few days will have nothing but bread to eat. This is truly a dirk hour with ui, and I cannot see what is to be done." Major Locke, chief commissary of Georgia, wrote "I pray you, Major, to put every agency in motion that you caa to send cattle, without a moment's delay, toward the Georgia borders. The troops in Charleston are in great extremity.

We look alone to you for cattle. Those in Georgia are exhausted." Major Guerin, chief commissary of South Carolina, wrote "We are almost entirely dependent on Florida, and it is of the 6nt importance at this time that the troops hers should be sustained." Again says "As it is, onr situatiou Is full of danger from want of meat, and extraordinary eBorta are reqmred to pre Teat disaster." And on Oct. 9, he says "We have now 40,030 troops and laborers to subsist. The supply of bacon on hand in the city is 30,000 pounds, and the cattle furnished by tha State is not one-tenth of what is required. My anxieties and apprehensions, as you may suppose, are greatly excited." Ma).

Millen, of Savannah, on Oct. 19, says "I assure you, Major, that the stock of bacon and beef for the armies of the confederate States is now exhausted, and we must depend entirely upon what we may gather weekly. Starvation stares the army ia the face The handwriting ia on the wall." Congress has adopted a resolution to reject every proposition of peace from the rebels even though they lay down their arms and adhere to the Constitution in every respect. Times. Will the Times give us the wording of the resolution passed by Congress which declines peace whenever the rebels lay down their arms, and adhere to the Constitution Oy- Mr.

Brooks, of the New York Egress, in his speech in the House, on Friday, against the bill establishing a Bureau of Emancipation, declared that the abolition of slavery was an'accomplished fact, re cognized by this government and by that at Rich" mond, and that hereafter he will act as if abolition were established, and he would give the administration till next September to end this war. Granting means for that purpose, he would stop the discussion of theoretical schemes, and act oo practical facts. He said he should offer a substitute for the bill, recommending that a system be organized for the protection of negroes without taxing the treasury. It is understood that Mr. Cox is preparing an elaborate speech, in which he will declare tor abolition and free negroes.

Nows from New Orleans to the 9th, by the steamer Havana, reports that on the Sunday pre-ons, General Dick Taylor attacked our troops stationed opposite Natchez, and was repulsed with considerable loss, and driven six miles. The attack was renewed the next morning, when the rebels were unsuccessful, being repulsed with loss. Their force numbered three thousand. General Grover has scoured the country with his cavalry in the neighborhood of Madisonville, across Lake Tontchartrain, broken np conscript camps within a circle of fifty or sixty miles, and captured several of the enemy. A -large quantity of beef-cattle, shoe.p and horses, have been brought in.

Cy A Washington dispatch says the last trustworthy intelligence fixes the pirate Alabama at the dock at Amoyon the 17th of Jaauary. The United States steamer Wyoming, Capt. McDongal, was also there, and the United States ship Jamestown was daily expected. The navy department feels confident that the Alabama will never leave port, and it is not impossible that she will be destroyed at that place. rp- A dispatch from Hilton Head the 16th says a reconooissance in force was lately made by Briga dier General Terry, toward John's Island, lying between Folly and James Islands, with narrow salt water creeks intervening.

It resulted in the capture of a rebel battery of field-pieces, with their caissons, ammunition, as well as the gunners serving. Our loss was five killed and wounded. Oy The Times greatly troubled at the idea of Florida coming back into the Union, and appears to consider it an awful crime for Union soldiers to ren der any aid to loyal men of that State, to restore the State to loyalty. The idea of Florida, being permitted to vote for any man but Jeff. Davis, greatly annoys the copperheads.

rjy-The London rime, of opimoa tw Mn Seward does not seriously intend to claim indemnity for the Union losses sustained by the ravages of the Alabama, but then what does the opinjon 0f the London TJmet amount to fr Gen. Pratt seems to have greatly disturbed fce Hartford Times. What's the matter A E. P. Goodsell No.

119 State street, keep constantly on Land oysters in every variety, and sup- ply them in large or small quantities, as may be de- sired. Their advantages for procuring the same are I not surpassed. The Press states that the cover of an iron tobacco box, engraved with the name cf E. K. Fox the man burned to death in Colt's Armory was found on Friday in the rubbish near the northeast corner of the ruins.

This is the only vestige jund known to have belonged to the deceased, The third annual soiree of the Hebrew Literay and Social Union, will be given at Union Hall this evening. It will no doubt be a very pleasant occasion. The usual literary exercises, commencing at 8 o'clock this evening, will take in the Cabinet of Trinity College, in honor of the birth-day of Washington. The friends of the College are invited to attend. At tho police court, Saturday morning, Daniel Tinan was fined five dollars and cost and sent to jail, for stealing five dollars from Michael Dinan.

Even exchange is no robbery. Patrick Riley, pro fessional drunkard, sent to jail for fifteen days The Indian Chief," a tale of the Far West, by Gustave Aimard. author cf "The Prairie Flower." etc a well-written work of thrilling interest; "Nick- Nax" for March, brimful of fanny things and "Tom Moore's Irish Melodies," ara among the new things which Fallon, bookseller, at No. 10 Central Row, nas just received. Stabbing Affrat.

On Saturday night an af fray occurred on Ferry street, in which P. D. Le- I vally, living on Orchard street, was stabbed in the baud by John Morrison, who boards on State street. The wound is not of a serious character. Mr.

Hackext at Alltn Hall. To night Mr Hackett, the celebrated actor, appears at Ally a Hall, in his great character of "Falstaff," in "King Henry supported by an able company. His appear ance will be greeted by a full house, without doubt. Reserved seats can be obtained of Brown Gross. Toledo Tobacco.

Persons using chewing to bacco will find an article put up at the "Toledo To bacco Works" of S. Cox, New Haven, choice in every respect. It is sold in small cans, containing a quarter of a pound each equal to over five papers and will keep moist for a long time. For sale in this city by E. P.

Goodsell 119 State street. Help foe tub Sick asd Wounded A tele gram from Louisville to the "Woman's Central Re lief Association," New York, asks for old cotton' and linen. Will not the friends of the soldier in the city and country, gather np such fragments of these needed articles as they may yet find by a careful ex amination of their household stores, and send them, as speedily as possible, to the Associate Managers of the Sanitary Commission, No. 459 Main street, or 91 Ann street, Hartford, Conn. The Atlantic Monthly, The March num ber of the Atlantic has been issued.

The contribu tors to this number are Holmes, Whittier, Mrs Stowe, Bayard Taylor, "Ik Marvel," and other first class American writers. The Atlantic's circulation has increased this year to nearly fifty thousand Eight editions of the January number have already been issued, and some of the late numbers bave been re-printed no less than twenty times. For sale by Geer Pond, post office building, and by Skinner, 1C1 Main street. The Firemen's Ball The Hartford fire department give their twenty-ninth annual ball at the City Hall to-night. The proceeds are to go to the Fire men's Benevolent Society, and it is hoped the re ceipts will bo large, as the society has had, since the war began, more calls than ever before upon its re sources.

The purchase of tickets, whether persons desire to attend the ball or not, is specially recom mended. The affair will be well conducted, and fur nish an occasion of much enjoyment to those who participate. JMuslc by Colt's Quadrille Baud M. Sibley and Wm. Church prompters.

Washington's Birth-Dat. To-day is the an niversary of Washington's Birth-day. Let every body who owns a flag of the Union, fling it to the breeze. Loyal hearts everywhere in the land will pledge anew to-day their devotion to the great cause of Constitutional Liberty, which the "Father of his Country" and his compatriots of tho Revolution fijught through weary years to establish, and which we, their children, have sworn to maintain. May we not hope that when the anniversary comes to us again, treason and rebellion shall have been crushed, and the authority of the Government established throughout the length and breadth of the National domain God grant it.

about that iiAWTER. i. he limes asked us to give the name of the lawyer who wrote ns a DiacKguard letter we declined. Now the copper head sheet flares up, and says we should be bianded with a falsehood, etc if we did. Gammon, thou "fretful porcupine!" If you want to know who wrote the letter, a portion of the manuscript is at your disposal but bullying won't avail you any thing.

As Mr. Eaton was counsel for the partis who caused the letter to bo written, at the time of their trial, the "insinuation" the JVmesJspeaks of has probably caused it to fear that he might have penned the insulting epistle. To relieve the editors from such a "cruel delusion," we will state that he was not thought of when we spoke cf "a certain employed lawyer and be did not write the letter. It was a smaller fish. Now "peaceful be thy silent thou twilight organ of Jeff.

Spiritual Manifestations. The public will see by an advertisement in another column, that Mr. and Mrs. H. Melville Fay are to give an exhibition of startling and wonderful spiritual manifestations at Touro Hall on Wednesday evening.

The press in various cities, speak very highly of Mr. and Mrs. Fay's exhibition, pronouncing it most wonderful and extraordinary in its nature. Mr. Fay possesses a re- markable power, and shows to his audience real, tan- gible evidence to that effect.

He has given private exhibitions in this city, to the satisfaction of all present, many of whom have not the slightest faith in spirit manifestations, but are obliged to admit that the performance was almost miraculous. Those who had never seen such manifestations before were much astonished guitars, dinner bells and other instru ments floating about the room, and at the same time making lively music. There will be great curiosity to witness the physical manifestations by Mr. Fay, and Touro Hall will probably be crowded. American Scndat School Union.

A union meeting was held in the Center Church last evening, in behalf of the American Sunday School Union Rev. Mr. Burtis, secretary of the society, delivered an address. He said he should only make a statement cf the work done during the past year, with a few facts and incidents. In the main, the society has prospered its contnbutions nave increased to an encouraging extent.

Every missionary field that was occupied one year ago, is occupied now, and no missionary, in any field of labor, has been removed for want of support. Many new fields, in yanous States of the Union, have been occupied. He found that the object of the society and its character, were not properly understood in many quarters. The American Sunday School Union is everybody's Union, and belongs to no particular sect or persuasion. Five different denominations of tbe church are renresented in its management, and no sectional creed can, in any possible manner, find its way into the publications issued, ine dooxs pub lished are all Union in spirit.

The book department does not ask for any contnbutions. lhat is supported by itself books are issued from the press, and a price asked and obtained for them. What is wanted is contributions for the missionary department. It is the only missionary society in the coun try, which has for its special mission the reaching of the children in the land, i ne ssunaay ocnooi, upon the Union basis, is the best instrumentality that can be used for the dispensation of gospel truths, and to bring the people of the nation into christian fellowship. He referred to the communities in the States cf New York, New Jersey, Rhode Islaad, Maine, and elsewhere, which were greatly in need of the influence of christian teachings.

One of tbe missionaries in Rhode Island wrote that, in one district where a Sabbath School had been organized, it had bjn clesed through the efforts of one man, who appeared and said that an old law, unrepealed, of tte State, provided that if a single citizen objected to tbe use of a school hocse for religious purposes, it could no longer be used, and be did object, -which put a stop to further operation. In that community, thirty-seven families were found who never at tend church, and made oo more of Snnday than any ed ed ftlfJI.

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