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Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • 2

Hartford Couranti
Hartford, Connecticut
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE HARTFORD DAILY COTTRANT: MONDAY MORNPTG, OCTOBER 29, 188d. genu Calhoun, in finally deciding tbe case, as fol in readme the siet ot the times, there is com If a rtford and Icin itij. BARKER C0. si Ufa ariford Couiant Gondii Oct. 8 1883.

toe Mil BEE HUE Coroner Sperry Still Endeavoring? to Unravel the IHtaiery New racta lu tbe a. County Coroner perry is pursuing the mystery tbe murder of Cornelius J. Callahan, of this City, with a determination of clearing it np if possible. But it is a dark and obstinate case, and as yet very little progress in tbe direction of revealing the secrets, ot the traeve'y has been mdei and there a prosnec that the murder at Relsev's Corner will never be explained. It is doubted If any positive evidence aifalnst the accused Cornelius Callahan bag been found, and It is admitted that the flit cumstanilal evidence against the young man under arrest, so far as It has been revealed, will hardly be sufficient to convict hilu of te crime, it has hmin learned that the rF.PKSF.NT the CIIICKF.RJNG PIANOS, 1 which bave the emlotsemrtv of the very est art talent, ii.oluding l.isat, Thiheig, IK-Meter, Jael, von umow, iiein- AJui, Batter, Mathias, Heller, Webli vd Inn ov'ors.

TheCiinard line of European 6tn irh Cldi kering Pianos en aoeoui.t "iireili amtrs their great great duality. ji njfCD nn Dinn wk uu. Represent the I VERS ftsDPtANpri of 'nttv" have been tn oseat tli "Jew Ltiuland Um. servitorv" of Music, ltostou for he past year and irive. to use Dr.

Tourjee's wcrds, "tir Jfiwitum," aud Sept. 5tb, ista, they -u mure. BARKER CO. Rerresent HAZFI.TON BROS of whose Is sufficient to say Co. have sold Uieui about twenty-Ave successive years." BARKER CO.

Retirrsent tbe TIARDM AN FIANOS. which ars used upon the tiutou aud National Line it Slum, ers. also on the Lurt.pean Mca-ncrs Alaska, Ari zona, yonilng, Nevada, fcpaln. isconsin. Abyssinia aud Oregon.

Of all severe tests for a Piano, what cat, lie more trying than oouatanUy changing oceau air BARKER CO. the Mutton Htmilm Oriraiifi.Hnd bvlteve it fur th liitTv.t of every $mrtlittor nee triem lMfro buying. lrHs tte iowot. Tt-rrits aUt. timHl the bt that monoy ami au expenem-e of jtur can procure.

153 and 155 Asylum St. rianos and Organs rented. and rent allowed to apply upon the purchase. THE BEST ASSORTMENT WE IN STOCK. EVER HAD MMnr a a sv sm IVUm UmK I IjW FH UtS Call and see them a 17 Nc SI Kim OR 388 Asylum St.

ftlansuy Carriage f.lfg. Co. SiifiLaESs! G. Fox Sl Co. WOULD announce that they have secured an entire bankrupt stock of UEAL and IMITATION LACES, at about S5 per cent, on the dollar, whkh they will close out at tha same ration In order to dispose of them ss as possible, tuey have divided them In sU lots.

Per Yard 3c. rst- 4th- 10,000 Yards, ai Or cents a dozen. 8,000 It 5c. 8c. I0c Or ceats 4 dozen.

Or 70 6,000 it ii Or 75 cants a duien. II i Or 75 cents a dozen. 5th- 3,000 I ii Or (1.25 a dozen. 6th-- 1,000 ii ii 25c. Or (2.50 a This sale ts limited to one week only, after which all those remaining over will be sold at regular prices.

406, 408 and4.lO Main St. A.D.Vorce WE OPEN THIS MORNINO A FEW RARE PIECES Old Sals it ma. Fine Umbrella Stands, Old Set to Ware. Just Imported. Especially suitable for WEDDING GIFTS! ANNOUNCE TflE FOLLOWING TION IN RBDUC JERSEYS! One lot at SI.

50; former prie, $0.00 2. .10 S.50 5.00 7.50 1.00 till BEAfll WJCOSS FOX 2.00 3.50 4.00 0.00 7.50 lows: Isaac McVane r. George W. TTiTtiamj dr Co. Uumplaiut to recover ISO paid under duress per mimrs.

he Dlaintlff claims that on tbe 6th of VB: under threats of Immediate Imprisonment, while In the r.hrste of a police officer, he paid tbe defendants, oealers In drain, oils, etc the sum ot SjVMn settlement of a pretended claim on th-lr part that the plaintiff had defrauded them of a 'arte Quantity of kerosene oil in a manner that exposed blm to a orimlnal prosecution. Tbe defendants In their answer and by their evidence Insist that this psvraent fras made by the voluntarily In settlement of an honest claim azalnst bim, and tint there was neither an arrest nor a threat of prosecution. It ts admitted by the plaintiff that he owed the defendants by book. This ease has been once tried in tbii court and a Jndnment obtained by the and new trial obtained frcd tne supreme court pf ef-rois. AVIthout diecussinir the question what In law constitutes duress w.

cline to th- tnat the liy trtS plalullo. If found true, would make toe pay ment of the $050 an estorticn and that the si tae could be rorovi-reu back In this action. I If course th Dlstnt assumes the burden of Droof, ana me character of his claim, while mey hot IKange the rules of evidence to the decree ot proor, wouiu bidube any boUrt to examine it with care, as well as to give prompt redress If the claim Is founij ust. mere seem to nave neen inre inters tew. etween he nla utiff and the detunoants on iiim 6th day of I elmiaryheSliSt at Me ane's house in ne njorninit.when Me, Vane and his wife, farleton, defendant and OlBcer Cook were present: the sec.

-lid at the store or the aetenaants, aooui. 11 a wiien Williams and Carleton. defendants, and MeVane. were present and at which the sum to be aid was nxed; and the third shortly alter, at mc- ane house, wiien tne money was pmu ami a re ceipt Riven, at which were present McVaneaud bis wife and Uarleton ana loon, it also appears hat at the second Interview In the store wnere tne settlement was aitreed on, there were practically present two other persons, women, bofn then and one how. In the defendants' employ, standing in and near the doorway of a work-room not three reet away irom tne aoor ot me rwm "iifre io plaintiff nd defendants were convcrslm.

both doors being open and who, lister-inn wil an excited feminine curiosity, heard all that transpired in that conference, and they both testify tbst there was uo threat whatever, Dut simply a quiet dlscu'sion ana fc mutual voluntary uuaerstanatntc ana aujusi men. Now where lies the weiuht of evidence! On the one side are the plaintiff and his wife as to the na ture of the first, r.od third interviews, tua contradicted as to both by Carleton and Cook: and it will be admitted that if these last two have told the truth there was no duress. As to the character of the second and most Im portant interview at the store, the evidence ts divided thus: 'J'ho plaiutiff on the one side: both the defendant, Williams and Car-eton. on the other. corroborated in every essennal particular by Mrs.

Phelps, and her danxliter, Mrs liogue. whose testimony 1 reitard as very important. It I to the very marrow of this case, and Is either substantially true or corruptly and willfully false. '1 he latter is not to Be presuma. It is true iney were not at the fo-mer trin1.

but their absence is satisfactorily explained. The defendants did not tnen know that they were available lu behalf of the defense, nor did the women knjw elf the trial until it was over. Sow can a plaintiff, his own credibility some what shaken by Impeaching testimony, telling a story not necessarily lncr dible bur somewhat re- ana suppor'ea tiy nts wire aione, carry a case to a favorable lu lirmeut oer the heads of five opposing witnesses, three cf whom can have no direct interest In this suii'r Iot ui.ltss his storv contains In Itself conclusive evidence of truth or the plaintiff and his wifa have snown to tne uri some petier ceruncate or cred ibility than the defendants or their witnesses, neither of which is the case here. I see not'dnf inconsistent in the defendants conduct and claims, except their em loyment of a nolice officer In a ctttzeir dress, ana nis circum stance in Itself is not sufficient to chanire the deci ded preponderance cf evidence which tne defendants have estabdshed. The mint ff seems to be suffenm under no In firmity of mind, body or courage, aud if he claims to have been terrified Into the payment of money on a falre chartte of theft.

mad- by a respectable 6 of this cityt I must insist that he support his claim according to tne common and just rule of the law by a preponderance ol evidence. Judgment for defendants. MARTIlf ZVX a ER, REFOJ131ER. Dr. Gage's Second Address on ol Lather.

tbe Life The Rev. Dr. Gage gave the second of his series on Luther last evening. He brings to this last not only the reeollectioug cf re peated visits to the scenes of Luther's labors, but the reading of the recent very careful researches Into bis life, in which we have the opportunity following him with a minuteness quite unknown a few years ago. His mtdect last evening was the convent life at Erfurt, and tne first years at Wiit nbnreas professor and preacher.

He closed with tbese words: "With rcgird to this aflair Che nailing of the thsis to the church door) which has always been set forth as one of the most critical epochs in the life of Luther, there is only one thing to be said, and I hat is I bat it required moral course of the highest order. The reasons of this I have in part indicated, but vou must remember the youth and inexperience of the man, his isolation, his obvious want of harmony with the fashion and Influence of the tltre. He probably had no conception what a latent svmpa thy existed for his position, th jv came later, but at that time Luther seemed to be alone. It took a man to do what he did. I will admit 'hat io do what he did was no novelty so far as the method ot it is Concerned.

It was the custom for disc s- slons to be held In the leading churches on subjects of a theological character; and it was the custom to nail to the dor theses in support which some jrlfied rhetorician wished to hoar his own voice: true. loo. that what Luther wanted was light. lie wanted to draw out the full force of all possible argu ments In tuvor of what lie at the bas of the Indulgence idea. This gives to somo of the theses a kmd tentative aspect: thi too gives to tne whole document no haiiituty.

declamatory, defiant time as of victory, but che air of an earner inquiry -the call of a man who felt that iru had been outraced. but who would'not hurl bis denun ciations till he had allowed his opponents to sav tueir nest ana strongest. Hie cios ux wens. those which I quoted, do Indeed have a kind martial atr; but the general tone is quiet, decided and candH. Hut it was a committal of the monk and professor and nrea, her to a side which needed an advocate, a forlorn hope which some one must lake.

Just as Paul would be the most eurpiised man In tho world, were he to look out of his crave to-day, ami see the place which he his in the hearts of millions on millions, he who once count ed only two or three who remained faithful to him, so I uther, the bold younc scholar, full of the oy ot nis new rouna taitu in jurist, nan, course, not the very faintest conception of wha ne was aoiug. band which rounded Peter's dome, And irroined the aisles of Christian Home, Wrought, in a sad sincerity. Himself from tid he couid not free. He builded better than ho knew," Emerson wrote this of Luther's (treat contem porary, Michael Anjelo. It was just as true of Luther himself, tie budded better than ne knew And as another has said: 'The strokes of Luther hammer on the church door in lttenbcr were beard around the woi Id.

111 MISSIONARY CONVENTION. Proceeding or the l.ant Two Days, and Adjournment. Tbe Inter-seminary missionary conference met ou Saturday and Sunday, closing ita four day's session with the meeUng last evening in the Asylum Hill Congregational church. At the moruitig session Saturday it was announced that owing to the amount of work to be done during remainder of the session, the discussion of paper would be limited to 30 minutes. The first paper was read by Mr.

,1. W. fluffy of Hamilton seminary. The subject, was "Needs and Methods of Western rromier Work. The upeaker said: The very word "i rontler is an in uplralion, a trumpet note calling to Litter strug-'Ie.

Every soldier of Jesus Christ to the front! The primary needs in Ihls work are men and means. The church suffers pot so much to-dav from penury as from The man for tats great work must be an educato. Christianity and culture tnaj be divorced and neither is absolutely essential to the other. Yet the highest results can only tie obtained by their union. Scarcely less than education, Isadaptation, needed in this work.

Uut the supreme need Is consecration. No little sacrifice is required In the frontier work, and without consecration, all will fad. A very spirited discussion followed this paper. Three and four men were on their feet at the same lime ready to speak. The speakers were Mr.

Itlitnd of Chicago, Mr. A. N. Hltc'ioock of Chicago, Mr. A.

J. Kynettof Lirew seminary, aud Mr. P. C. Hascom of Drew.

All who have labored In the frontier work were requested to stand, and a third of the convention roso to heir feet. The chairman then Intro luced to the conven Hon the Kev. Cushing Ecles, D. who for the first time in forty-five yers returns to his native New Knzland states. He comes tn behalf of the Whitman college ot walla Walla, Wahington territory.

His life is most interesting. He was as sociated with the noble Dr. Marcus Whitman, the m'ssioiiary, who did more than any other one man to save to the United all that part ot the northwest beyond the Kocky mouutaius, and died a martvr aeain. 1 he second paper for tscussion was read bv Mr. W.

K. Stabler of Gettysburg seminary on the subject "How to arouse and maintain missionary interest in tbeclmrches." The paper was an excellent one, and presented In a dear out. attractive style. A ceneral discus sion followed which filled ail the time allotted to the paper. At the afternoon session some remarks were made, by Mr.

C. K. Ober, tha delegate appointed by the International Y. M. C.

A. convention which met at Milwaukee last spring, whospoka on the re lations existing oeiween M. A work and the interests of the Missionary alliance; and by thu tlev. lir iiii-s, a returnea missionary Iroai Cou- stanttnop e. 1 he convention committee, through Mr.

C. 8. Lane, of Hartford seminary, with it. report offer ed some recommendations wnicn anect the revis'on of the constitution. After some discussion the report wks adopted with the recommendations, and the present convention committee was appointed as a special committee nio lull nuti rciHiri III next meeting of the convention, which will be at Princeton.

N. J. The commlitw on resolutions made its report tbroush Mr. Preble of Nr-wton Seminary. The committee on bills and overtures reported the followiug nominations for committees for the ensuing year: convention eointn'uee tor H.

Harlan, cha'rman, Princeton: J. McG. Foster, And- ver; K. N. Jdwett.

K'Krnester; K. A. tieorge, Allegheny: Julian Walswortb, Drew: C. S. Lane, Hartford.

Correspondence and publication convention for H. 10. 11. cnairman, new uruuswicK; w. H.

Cline. Baptist seminary, Toronto: A. C. MuGif-fort. Union; C.

IS. Fesner. German Reformed seminary, Lancaster; 1). W. Dubois.

Oairett Uitdieal. The tsa'nrday evening session was Id in the Asylum street Methodist church. The Itev. Dr. tHowe conducted the opening evercises and a large audience was present to listen to the address by A.

A. Iloage, D. 11., of Princeton, rn "The call to foreign missions." He urged that the question be decided now. A refusal to decide Is the same as a negative dect-lon. If we accept Christ wholly we must give ourselves to His service.

Godas made us debtors to he Greeks and Barbarians, bond and free. We might wait but these cannot wait, tie are running on to death. God has made us responsible for these heathen nations. The work ts not only to baptize the nations, bat to civilize them. The questl of physical qualification and opimrtunity were discussed.

The, first lay vuaitty ana tne secona was iu ij gemea oy a tho-oueh innulry into one's eif. The choice of a field was considered, and it. was suggested that those who went abroad have tne work of a siates- mao, a builder, a general, in conclusion Dr. Hodge said he had tried to enter the held, but nad been cblied to take a lower position. On Sunday the delezates attended various churches In the morning, and the Kev.

J. C. Daa-sen of Japan occupied the pulpit at the oath Par', Methodist, the hev. P. C.

liascotn, a delegate from Drew seminary, the pulpit at the street Methodist chnreu, the Kev. If. A. AnnensIUr. also of Drew seminary, was at ihe North street Methodist church.

In the af-terroon Messrs. Owens and Wadsworth of lire-, with Messrs. Hood and Jones of Boston seminary. addressed the Asylr.m street Meihodist Sunday school. Mr.

J. C. Davison addressed the Souiii Park Methodist Sunday school. Mr. Katchem of Drew seminary conducted the prayer meeting at the Asylum street Meihodist church.

The address before the convention was delivered at 3:30 by Dr. L. F. Townsend of Boston, its the Pirst Prsbv- lerian church. The sur.jeet was "Old Testament Tvpes of orthodoxy and Liberalism, Micaiah and Jedekiah." The address In t'n evening was at the Asylum Hill Congregational church, delivered by Dr.

A. J. Gordon of Boston. "Preparation for Servioe" was his theme Following the evenicg meeting a consecration service was htld at which Dr. Got don again spoke at some lengthen the actual presence of the Holy spirit, aids closed the fouv days session.

The lenreof Life or Self-Preservation Is an ap-propiiat tills to the new medical book puolislied bvite Mecical Institute, Boston. The title tells exactly what the book Tuey send a small sample for six oenus. ing over our best clans of men a greater patriotic willingness to serve in public offices. No doubt that this service, especially to businew men, is often a personal sacrifice; but it is the necessary price we must pay for good government anil the larger the business interest a man bas in society, the more willing he should bs to give some portion of his time and effort to making sure that our public affairs are intelligently and honestly managed. It remains with the bes elements in the cornmunlty to lift up the whole tone cf politic by taking active part In Ihetn.

If we elect an Incompetent and weak legislature, one tht is incapable of wisely managing onr state Institutions, ignorant end liable to be prey of tho lobby, we hove outsells to blame for the misfortune. Tt ere Is plenty of good material in the state to give us a sound and capable legislature, and we trust there is public spirit enough to lnddce the best men in the 6 tat to serve. We shall make a great party mistake and a mistake as good citizens, wbtoh we shall be sharply aware of nest year, if we are. negligent in this fall election. Somebody in the SprinzQeld ffeauMicdil re-' plies at some length an i to the Rev.

David iter rcenl North American article on Joha Brdvn. Through its Mr. (Jsnborn, John 3rown's confidential Srieivi life t.nd his fervent thoovfi eulogist, our np river neighbor cliim-i quail proprietorial ights in the fame of the old abolition hero, and naturally falls foil' of tb.9 Kansas parson as a malicious trespasser. 1 belongs, it siys, to the jame school of historians as Governor Butter, Inventing his facts, spelling historical incidents backward, and being "as regardless of dates and sequences as a grasshopper is of dance music." The chief specification is that the Rev. Mr.

Ctter begins his story of the In Kansas with the PetUwatomia executions of May St, 1S.V5. Yet March '-UK 1SW, a thousand Missou ri border ruffians had marched into Lawrence to vots; My 2), lVi, William I'hlllips of Leavenworth, a free state lawyer, had been kidnapped, carried into Missouri and there tarred and feathered; August 10, ij the Rav. rrie Cutler had been subjected to a like in dignity between October '25, 1855, and Janu- uary If, vsxi, four free-state men, wuore names ara given, had been murdered in the first week ot December, 153, fifteen hundred armed border rufllaus had in vailed Kansas and all thesa lawless and bloodly deeds had been commi'tel to drive such men as the Browns out of tho state. Moreover the five pro- slavery men killed on Potawatouiie creek "had themselves threatened death, arson and plllajt) to the Browns and their friends, and were only waiting for the fa-roraWo moment to carry out their Mr. Utter's account of the aiT.iir is distort il and inaccurate, and bis assertion that John Brown expected to precipitate revolution is denounced as nonsense.

What he wanted wag to encourage the free-state farmers to defe id themselves, and to terrify the bor- der-rumans and ha did both. Other asser tions of Mr. Utter. uch as that John Brown ran away to save his life, cut off his beard probably as a disguise" aud sought help in New England, gave his eastern friends accounts of his exploit that were "never mod est, teldom truthful," are said to be "as fulse as the whole tenor of his paper." The Lawreuce Herald of Freedom which Mr. Utter cited in support of his view of John Brown's character, is described as a journil "lucspible of telling the truth;" and Mr.

Ctter himself Is spoken of as "a young parson from the Lord knows where," and ad mcnishnd to inform his ignorance and reform his English" before he writes any more review articles. The Mobile Register opposes an emphatic denial to the assertion ot a southern woman now living ia New York that down Suuth "the knowledge that a woman works for her own living puts her to some extent iu a circle aside." Our Alabama contemporary admits that before the war southerners had "some nonsensi cal notions" about the relative rasp sctability of diirerenl occupations, but says that these have, "to a great exteut," disappeared. The war was a great educator; the peoplo suffered aud lost and struggled up again together. Mauy now well off again knew the pinch of poverty in tho years that followed that cataclosm, and remember very well what it was like. Besides, family or "blood" has always counted for more at the South than at the North, aud the Keyis-ttr is quite pure that the mere possesion of money counts for Itss there to day than in any other section ot the couutry.

As to tie specific allegation abaut the social status of working-women iu southern communities, it says: Tnous-incis of well-b rn and well-bred ladies, In oi' eumstHiioes, have worked for tueir own suppurt ana the support of their families, and llie.ii i.ei;il wtumliriif bas nit been at all lowered. No one lias ttioiitfiii. less cf ihem for oiuntnjf tiidr bread. 1 1 there are twny now disposed to uo so they are fii.iii-,ni,.r people who biive risen to opulence from the huinoier vval'ts of life. "Love me, love my Grady," is the motto of Mr.

John Kelly. The so-cahed "county democracy, were willing nnd even anxious to love Mr. Kelly himself (for this election ouly), but they draw the line at Grady, who has abused them and insulted the democratic governor of the state beyond fjrgiveness. Mr. Kelly hav ing ordered his reuomination to the state senate, they bolt, and the Irving Hall contingent bolts with them.

This is bad for the harmony. "The failure to agree here," says the New York Times, "will give occasion for great slaughter of the state ticket in New York city. The lank and tile of tiie party care alisoluteiy iiothin-j for the democratic suite ticket. Some of them do not appear to know that there is any state election coming on. Tammany proposes to show the state how much power it possesses.

This means that that organization has burned its bridges and will rule or ruin." STATE POLITICS. The republican candidate for sheriff in Tol-Icnd county is Theodore M. Gowdy of Somers, not Thomas M. Gowdy as incorrectly printed heretofore. Smith P.

Glover of Newtown has been nominated by the republicans as their candidate for seuator in the 1'ifteeith district. a ciood siurf. illri tgeport Standard.) It is a pleasing and hopeful sign that the necessity of nominating good men for the senate and house of represeutitUves as well as for other otlices, is imisted upon very generally by the republican p'ess all over the and is also being acted upon with great unanimity. Individual munitions aud interests are less thought of than tbe necessity of putting up men everywhere, who will command the eou-ttdenee and respect of the people nrd whose election will be a guarantee of wise and conservative legislation. He serves his party best who serves bis country best is a sotitiment which applies to the Humiliation and election of these importing officers and the party which considers tho requirements of the public service as of greater importance than the ambitions claims of its politicians is the one which will in the end secure the confidence and support of the thinkim; people.

As has beeu said we are pleased to see this wise and judicious spirit anim-uiug the republican party throughout the slate. CURRENT COMMENT- Butler is threshing alnui ond spouting in a truly remarkable manner. A whale with a harp-iou in him conducts himself iu very much that way. The democratic dodge in Broooklyn this year is t- sneer at lyor Low as a pamp3red and purse-proud millionaire aud to-urge the poorer voters to rally around tho self-ut ide young man, Mr. Ilea Irix, who doo-m't p'lt, on any airs and whose heart for the tolling masses.

It is very cheap damag-ogUm, aud the New York -Sim ought to be ashamed of abetting it. The dead-walls in the Butlerite (late demo cratic) wards of jston hive been placarded with a sugestiva little stry from real life, healed in bii. letters: "Bjware! Arrest ed for Fraud." The Auiiat Chronicle art-l Constitutionalist thinics it "uigily probable" tint Mjsri Tillman and Dibbla will hive tho company of still anothur S-JUth Cirolina democratic congress man in voting for im Rau Jail. The Charles-ten Xeics and Courier doesn't believe it, and calls for the name. One of the notable features of the contest is the ulter disappeararee of the greenback-labor party, its latest sign ot life was a most signiii- can one, namely: an article in the Elmira inizetre riy toe Kov.

a nomas ix. Weedier, its candidate for secretary of state, indirectly admitting that suicide is sometimes justifiable. Mr. rieecber Maimv had his Dartv forelorn condition and its ultimate fate in his mind's eye when he wrote: "VVuat is the suicide of a lonely, helpless, friendless citizen, but gener ous removing froiu among men of an unwelcome nuisance!" i'ork Tribune. Reneral William Kandall Smith.

General William Randall Smith of South Nor allt died at his home in that place on Friday after a brief illness. General Smith was well known as a lawyer but more generally through bis connection with the National Guard of which he was commandant, for several years, bej.imiing in 18.5. On bis rene-meut he was succeeded by Ge'ieral S. R. Smith, the present commandant.

Much of the gradual improvement of the National Guard may be fairly attributed tbe work of General Smith wh'lo he una at his fcetid. As a lawyer he stood well iu his profession aud was specially prominent in the BachoU case in which he was ass-jointed with Coroner Boilnian for the defense. This trial gave him a considerable rcputa ion in a way which hi did not particularly care to follow out, but which would have been very valuable to a man of different temperament. Aside from his professional and public life, ho was a man who was esteexjod und regarded for his peisonal traits and cental manner. Tun Slum and LeallMr Beparter gives the comtortng assurance that, for the coming rirg an summer, the tendency is to do awav uMiinuit-k ami nee.1 tru.

1 and suots aud return to more sensible ay le. City Hrlela. The Wagonette at Cedar Hiil has discontinued its trips for the season. The Rev. Dr.

8. D. Fhelpsof this city preached at Stratford yesterday. Tbe fcnnual target shoot of tbe Hdlyer Guard will take place at the Franklin range to-day. The Rev.

C. Kimball of Hartford and Dr. Chapin of Meridea exchanged pulpits yester-dav. Next Wednesday night will be Hallow'sn, and the old charms end tricks will be worked again. The entertainment at Music hall to-night by Lorelei society promises to attract a very large audience.

There will be meeting of the stock nws st Vv'adsworth AthenEsum a o'clock this afternoon. Mr. a. Wood's, ex-manasrer of the Young Sen's Christian association, read to the prison ers at Wethersleld Mr. Hiram K.

Stoddard, the old gentleman who was injured at the railroad crossing last week, is fatally hurt it ts thought. The semi annual prize drill Ot tHe Governor's Foot Guard tiis place this evening at their (iraiorv. The gallery will be open for visitors. Hartford people registered in Paris on theOth of the present mouth were Miss Beresford, Mr. and Mrs.

A M. Spencer aud Captain II. Saun ders. The regular monthly meeting of the board of managers of the Woman's Aid society will bo beld at the Home, No. 1 Pavilion street, this afternoon at 'i o'clock.

Diphtheria is prevalent again among the little ones. A s'l-gle firm of undertakers had seven "cases" oa hand from this dread disease alone on Saturday. The surroundings ot the government building could be still further improved by tbe removal of the two large telegraph poles On the lawn at the east side of tbe building. The adjourned republican senatorial caucus will be held at Central hall to-night, and the democrat meet at the same hall on Wednesday evening to nominate a candidate for senator. The drive of logs from the headwaters of the Connecticut has reached Hartfoid, and the boom between tbe toll and railroad bridges contains several hundred thousand logs.

The area covered by the logs is all of eight acres. An extra car bas been placed on the La fayette street route, which runs at noon from 12 to 2, snd fron 5 to 8 p. giving a car once in 15 minutes a convenience hieli those living on the route will appreciate. The numerous friends of Miss Morgan here and elsewhere, who have contributed iu aid of her school in the Cumberland mountains, will be interested in an article upon ths work being dons there, printed in another column. Mr.

Edward C. Cbapiu of New York city, whose sudden death at Auburn, N. is record ed in the obituary notices to-day, was the fa ther of Sirs. John S. Ives, formerly of this city.

The burial occurs at Spring Grove cemetery to morrow, The fuueral of Mr. Edward Goodwin was attended from his late residence on Edwards street on Saturday afternoon, the Rov. Dr. Walker of the Center charch officiating, large number ot prominent citizens were present. This is the way a south end marketman ap peals to some one for the return of a pair of purloined chickens: "The person that was seen to take a pair of chickens froui the market cor ner of Main aud Park streets will return the same or f'2." That queer couple, Lilliau Cleves and her husband, Richard whom Hartford peo ple know well, are preparing to afflict the pub lie once more.

She is to begin a tour under Cy ril Searle's management at Jersay City to night in a new p'ay; and he is to travel as far through the country as he can go as "Rich ard III." At the Variety Theaters. The Capitol theater offers a varied and leugthy bill for the week, introducing such specialists us Parker, tho dog-circus man Lulu Wentworth, Fforeuce French, T. F. Thomas. George Leslie and Dan McCarthy.

The blondes at the American have given way to a large vauueviue company lor the week, iucluding Harry LeClair, female impersonator W. J. Russell, character cjinedian; Lottie Blancbnrd, vocalist: J. J. Jones, riile- marks man; James Marlow, Lillie Kuuver, Ida Mere dith and V.

Ji. foreman. iir. John Jiorrisiey, the popular and talented comedian, returns this week to the business management, lie has been managing a theater in Lvausville, Ind. with nattering success.

Police Pickings. Tho police devoted considerable time yester day to juvenile ball players. The patrolmen of the Hartford police de partment were instructed yesterday to lookout for the Springfield jewelry ktore robbers, an account of which was telegraphed by Spriug- neia city marsnai. In the pohee court on Saturday John Sulliva for pounding his mother was fined and costs, and Annie Ward, a common drunkard, was sent to the workhouse for forty uays. The conspiracy case against L.

Lewis and C. A. Weirs, brought tiy H. J. Worthington of Stafford, was settled by having Weirs fined flOO and costs, the charge against Lewis being withdrawn.

The case grew out of au alleged fraudulent real estate transaction. If isalouarlee at tbe Fourth liurrb. The missionary meeting at tho Fourth church last evening was of great interest to the large audience in attendance. Tbe Rev. George D.

Marsh of the American Board's mission in Bulgaria gave interesting details of tbe work of the missionaries among the interesting people of that country. He was followed by a native Bulgarian student from Princeton college, woo was in attendance upon tho seminary alliance. The freedom of his country from the Grotk church and Turkish misrule he ascribedchieliy to the American missionaries. Tbe closing address was that of tne veteran pioneer missionary of Washington Territory, the Rev. Dr.

Ellis, who thrilled the audience by his simple and modest story of apostolic work and heroic lite among the Indians aud earliest settlers. Attractions at the Opera House. "THK WORLD." The Boston Theater company gave two performances of "The World" on Saturday to audiences of fair size only. The play was carefully giveu and gave satisfaction. There have bean several changes in the company since its visit in tha samo piece last season, and not always for the best.

"viiijixia" to-night. This evening Solomon Pad Stephens's opera "Virginia, or Riugiu fie Cuauges," will be giveu by tbe company that has made this selection famous through its long run at tbe Boston Bijou theater. Virginia" was given in Springfield Saturday evening and the He-publican in the course bf its criticism jester-day said: The opera a made ecj yable by graceful and skilful handling by sin? and mana-iers, and but little new can ba add a. I to tuo statement that the characters w-ire re lb in crditab.y taken at alt points, that the ctiviras is ell the. oostum-imraiid scenery pretiv, in i the orchestra laive and well handled.

This prai-e uiu-t hi as includinic artv appr cialion of Mis-ies Poole and mid Ilr iculiul and Messrs Fossenden. Wilkinson a Wsess Frau-le'n von Janaasehoa'sky is a acquisition to our stairs, a siuiter of unusually vyice, save perhap- in the middle register, and an actress of da-h. irrace, intelligence aud never-9afKii)g spirit. There will doubtless be a large attendance to-night. The opera will he repeated to-morrow evening.

n-giuia" is bv the same composers as "Billee Taylor." TBK ItKAMN-GS NKXT WEEK. A frequent topic of conversation is the elo cutionary entertainment to Im given naxt Mon day evening bv Professors Russell, Hibbard and Huxley. It seems safe to assert that a programme interpreted by gentlemen so fa vorably known as exponents of this art will lie of the uignest order, and it, is equally certain that our Ixst citiiaens will emphasize the fact that the batter class of eutertamments are ap preciated iu Hartford. MOSTE CHRISTO." On Wednesday evening of next week John Stetson company comes iu the famous play, vunsio. "FRA DIAVOLO." Following is the cast for "Fra Diavolo," which will be presented November 8.

nnd 10. by the Hartford "Chimes" opera company for tue Deueuc oi tne uity uuara: Zerllna Mile, Madeline T.ucette Fra Diavolo A frcd Wilkin M. liuben Lord Allch la. s. Ftroiut IidyAlicash Maria King Hiulev B-ppo.

i I K. W. Ley Oioeomo, I Two johu IMnahoe Mateo iluu-keeper) K. 8. Woods The company will comprise sixtv oerformena Tickets are selling rapialy bv members of the City Guard and the opera company.

A costly prize is to be given the organization selling the greatest number of tickets. The 7lcVpe-lVIIm Case. The final proceedings 'a the long contested suit of Isaac McVnne against George W. Williams Co. occurrel Saturday, when Mo-Vane paid over Wil'nms Co.

a bill of costs amounting to about JICJ. It will be remembered that about a year aud a half ago Me ane sued IV lllia.ns claiming that thev had compelled him by threats of ironrison- ment to foy them filoOin settlement of a charge of having defrauded them of oil to that amount. Williams Co. admitted that they had received the W0, bat claimed that it was paid by MeVane in voluntary settlement of a claim that he bad bad a good deal more oil than he had paid for, "vhich claim he acknowledged to be just, and which he was entirely satisfied to settle oa the terms proposed. The first trial was before Judge Beunett, sitting in the Court of Common Pieas.

and judgment was ordered for plaintiff, but Messrs. Williams Co. were not satisfied and carried the case to the Sopreme Court, hich reversed the judgment, aud ordered a new trial. This occurred before Judge Calhoun and resulted, as we have before stated, iu a judgir-ent forth defendant. Plaintiff did not appeal, and accordingly execution was issued for defendants to recover their costs which they did on Saturday, as stated.

Considerable interest has been taken in the case by the publio, especially iu vipw of the reversal of the tirst judsm-nt and the final decision iu favor ot" the defendants, aui therefore publish in full the decision of Judge REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. For Suator. 3d DIjtriet-TnnonOHR M. UiiMi ii T. Tchkkh.

of Watoibury. 7th lit-trlct EDWni Dav. of reymonr. wanton, of Muntlnrton. litsirlct-TRo' lahR.

of Canterbury. i.f (l1 brook. Zii District-Mu-O For suerifl. HHrtt1r.T AI.TA VT. PrArr.mso of New Mld-llfSeX JljHIUl.

KsBCX. London r'mnil awkish, of brwwold. I CHAHI.Kfl J. PoKTEH. of (iOhIl.

New Kavcn -Ioobkht O. i Airs, of Derby. ft CnosBV.of Danbury. Wm1nm Chjbi.m H. iisihmU), Putnam.

ToUitniJ 1 tuuuHS M. (iuvrnr, ot bonier. 8UJ3SCKIPTIOS BATES. Tni! DaiI-T OormAKT, per annum fWB nix month. three months I.CO one month Dollvered by carriers to any prt fcl the city, or sent by mail, postage paid.

Tn! OiNNiMTtct-r tol'HAST, Issued every Thursday evening, wun a fsnppLKMKNT every a i her w-k, I your. In bundles; single wrappers, (S.tiO pur able In advance. No. 6a State tlrect. Lord Chief Justice Coleridge is not ot the opinion of Mr.

Charles Francis Adams, about the classics, tt apjienra. He believes in them thoroughly, enjoys them, thinks he has profited by them, thinks that of two men of pijUftl natural ability, the man brought up on lieu will come out ahead every time, aud for oin part makes it a point to read a little Trn-ek and Latin every day of his life, and baa done so ever since he left the university. Khali tre now have the pleasure ef hearing again Irota the yoanper Mr. Adams! Thore is fca'd to be a wealthy New York jrentleman, who has a summer residence near Jew Haven, whom interest lu the democratic cnoif (dnta for senator iu the Seventh district Mr. Kiiuberly of Orange-) is so great that he openly expreisea his willingness to spend rather than have his protrgt defeated.

The republican candidate, Mr. EJinuml Day cf Heytnour, will make his cauva on his uier.ts as a man, and the prospects of hi election are nceeiiin(ily good. When Kimberiy was m-inated he said he relied upon divine assistance to pull biin through, aud if hf wanU to kep op his reputation as an inspirational candidate lie should prevail upon his moneyed fritud to 1 Jess worldly in curb-stone oratory. Nothing has happened in Georgia for years so beneficial to toe good name or the state as the trial and conviction of the band of ku-klux who, durinjj tho last congressional campaign, rode through Banks comity committing outrages on The ringleaders are tin of property anil of good ix-iul staudiug. Emory Jlieer, formerly a democrat, was running as an independent candidate for congress and was mpported by a majority of the colored voters.

tbe "Pop and Uo Club," as it was culled, imi-tatod the kuklux of a few year since, riding through the county at night and horse-whipping in the most brutal mauner the prominent negroes, Mpeer was deieateii, but bas since Itecn api'iointetl United Htetes District Attor iioy, aud has been unflagging in his i (Torts to br'ug the cowardly miscreants to justice. A fair trial was fceld before Judge MeCny and jury. 1 be evidence was conclusive, but there were few tliat lelic-ed that a jury of southern men wuuld unite iu a rerdict of guilty. Buch was the case, however, aud sentence will be pronounced today, the penalty being im prisonment from one to six years. The moral of such a verdict will be of inestimable vuluj r0 Georgia.

JimiOAClllSO USE HU.SDUED ASO TWENTY Thk Courant enters this morning on its one hundred and twentieth ear. The first number tf the paper npieared October 2th, 17fil, and smco Unit date it bas been regularly published V'ltbout chntige of name and without interrup tion, except for a few weeks during the Revo- Juion, hen a tcaicity of paper com elled fcjsw iiEion for a short lime. Thit wos a good while ago, nn.i, if memory does not fail us, the loss to suUsonlRM-s undo good at the time by an extensieu of tbe time of thMr subscri-tions. If that was not done, and auy of them Htill feel that they were not treated fairly, we should be happy to have them call at the oilice for full explanation. Those wero rather lively tinier, and, of course, individuals may have been unintentionally slighted.

Uut those were not the only stirring times that Tub CoutaKT has lived through. Its pngrs if cord, as the news of their day, the whole history of America since the French and Iudiun war. No other newspaper in this country has been so long published without any change of name or home. There was no United (States until Tins CotHAjiT was twelve years old; no city of Hartfoid until the paper was old The wonderful progress of society iu the past hundred years ami more is almost beyond description. The activity of the human mind iu Inventing and wrfocting the steam engine, the locomotive, the telegraph, the cable, the telephone, and the other great awakening fore of the duy, has been by philosophers at trilmtexi largely to tho freedom ot thought, the sprad of information and tbe easy interchange of ideas whch is the secinl work of the news Modesty forbids us expanding this theme beyond tbe mere suggestion thru Thk Cot' kant was fir.t in the Held and has been there ever since, Its columns have lieen always open to the Uisetission of the subjecti of tho day aud its contributor include first and last a large part of the most honored and best known iu Connecticut affairs.

Its news, which whs at first only the meager correspondence gathered by jnxt riders and sUgif coaches, his enlarged its I'eld and quickened its appearauce as commu nication ho-s developed, until now by cars and telegraph and cable we are ablo to present every morning to our readers a picture cf the ufo of the world up to within a few hours of imlilicatfon. Iu our Crst issue a Boston letter about three weeks old was the freshest article of all. Times change, and the newspaperwhich re flects them, changes with them. Though go ing on one hundred and twenty yearn obi, Tub Cgi'iiAST is as much younger than it was in 1704. as these days are livelier than those were.

One copy of the paper to-lay has more news in it thuD six months' issues then bad; indeed it would hve taken more than that time to hear from all the corners of the earth that i report this moraine by telegraph, aud another half year to gather in the points that will be beard from to morrow. A newpaer can be old without being aged. The further back iW traditions run, tbe stronger its position; and Tuk Cor rant is unique among newparers, ninipie, indeed, among in stitutions, in the intimate relation between its histor, and that of the state of Connecticut. an. proud of it, and as the birthday anni versaries come around, we take pleasure in calling them to mind.

They seem of recent years to come veiy frequently. THh: A UTLUN ELECTIONS. 1 no state campaign in the oft year Is too oommoDly folt to be or little importance. Tiiis is a great mistake. It is a great party mistake, for the effectiveness of the prty depends upon keeping up iti dic Ai -veil might an army expect victory in an important engagement, if it permitted itself to be all othsr times, and to lose its discipline aud feeling of unity in drill and action, ft mast always be ready, and it is the testimony of soldiers that vigilance in guard mounting, camp dutie and minor skirmishing is absolutely essential to the effectiveness of an army.

It is exictly so with a ptrty. It can never le wholly effective and win victories when the great struggles come unless it always kept up to its disc'pliue. The pwty that "lew itselt go'MnUieofT years and depeuds upon burrab and "whooping it up" in the ltnpartjut cam-piigus is always at the disadvantage that a mob is in the field. But this is not all nor the most serious aspect of the case. The small elections are as important to the well being ot the state as the lare ones.

The minor otlices need as much care as the greater ones, for it is just tbe ruiuorofj who come into closest contact with the people and with practical affairs, and it is all things essential tat the minor offices should be well filled. We are apt to overlook this fact; but when we come to the practical workiuir of our government, it is as important that we should have an honest, capable police- man as a good judge. Iu this state we elect part of our legislature in the oflf years, and no one nan gay tUat it is not as necessary to the good government of the state that the legislators ciioseu in the off year should be as oapuble and trustworthy as those chosen at the gubernatorial electioo. We abdicate our duties when we relax our efforts at any time to secure the nomination andelection of good men. We are glad to notice In this state and elsewhere on the part of miny who have heretofore held afoot from politics, especially from the preliminary meetings, a di-spesitiou to take part in them, and to begin at tbe primaries.

It is silly to grumble at bad r.ominations and no choice except of two evils at the polls if we persistently laave the nominations to the "boys" and those who appear to have a taste for "running themachiue." HU.ii recently been borne in upon the minds at both iwrties that they nmst look moro caret to tu-ir nominations, and uukwj we are mistaken AND DECORATING CARPETS, CURTAINS, DECORATIONS. PAPER HANGINGS, AT- VM. II. POST mi opular Goods at Popular Prices. A JOB LOT.

nn about yards, best uuallty Ameri can Mouuelte t-arpeung, ai per juu. -ALSO- 000 yards, best duality of Extra Store OU Cloths. OU Cloths by the yard. Bugs, Mats, and Matting, at Popular Prices. WM.

II. POST CO. SMITH AM I CAN The Finest )lo Zlegant in a Style, olrtrtt Jt'ork manship. OVER IOO.OOO IN USfc rtnHE company has been established over thlru I years, and Is the oldest Reed Organ Company i v-a, Rmriand. The chief constructor was the first In the world to make Organs on the plau now generally followed.

Call aud examine them at their Oenerol Agent's, GALLUP NETZGEB, X69 murn 8TH1EKT. 169 Price Beaeonable, Terms Moderate. -AT- U. BALLEIISTEIN We shall Inaugurate this morning a Bpeclol Sole of THIMMED DATS AND COMETS! 1500 Styles of Ready-Trimmed Goods rang- exhibited in our show room rang iugln price from (LOO to (25.00 each. 500 Misses ond Children's Trimmed Hats at from 50o.

to (10.00 each. The prices marked on these goods are lower than the material which they are made of. Au Inspection of onr Trimmed Goods Department will convince the ladies that Lowest Prices prevail at H. BALLERSTEIH 360 MAIN STREET. Gorham Sterling Silver.

The Largest Assortment, One 1'rice, Lowest ERNST SCHALL, JEWELLER, 313 MAIN STREET, Cor. Asylum. Beyond tio CSJatow Dy Elizabeth Btuart helps. FOR BALE BY ISTtOWN So OltOSB. NO.

239 MAIN STREET. ALL KINDS OF Ices, Glacee and Fine J'uddings, Orders by mail or telephone. Parties, Receptions and Families promptly sup plied. THE Mutual Life Insurance Company, OFNEWIOHK, CASH A8SETS ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS I IJOLICY No. 17,067 WM taken July 30, 1S5, at age 39.

Amount of policy r) ono 00 Amount of 3,4 to 00 Present amount of policy (6.440 no ireuiiuuus. coca 45 (3.864 65 Party is now 67 years old. Should this policy become a claim this year. It would return all I he muuey paiu, ana fri.w i oesiaes. Accumulations icvu jicuiiuuta cy oyer rH.

H. E. HARRINGTON. Agent. No.

80 State Room 12. Desk room to rent. HAVE YOU SEEN THOSH Calfskin Boots at S2.5Q? THEY ARB A DIG BARGAIN. Warm Goods for Winter Wear. Ladles' House fchoes and Buskins from 50o.

a pair up. Men's Beaver Boots are very comfortable. WINTER WALKING BOOTS FOK LADIES AND MISSES. SCHOOL SHOES AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Gentlemen's Slippers at Sfl.25 PER PAIR.

The highest and prettiest pattern we rnve ever snown. xney are very cheap at this tigure. GOSSAMER OYEHSIIOES FOR LATHES AND GENTLEMEN. Misses' Overshoes made to fit anrinff beAl siv, Very desirable stock of Huboer Goods at in prices. C.

S. -GOODWLY 4 'SOX. 277 MAIN STREET. Two doors south of Pearl st. TO ulJi f-A tenement of five rooms and iiibath room.

In good order, on first floor, at 73 Williams st. lniinire of .0. SMITH 00148 "3., IS btate street. iiuiea cttpy. I TO RENT Furnished, to a small tamily.

for Six months a l.ousc No. lu bsrceo ttreet: all meent imiunm. ments. luuuita atPlieuntx Mutual i wm i TRIMMED ITS 01 use I I It I I Especial attention of otir patrons i di rected ttf otff DEPARTMENTS, Where can be found the largest and best assortmiiiif, in this city. Full lines of Cartw rislit Warners, Brettle's, American, New Britain and Durham Hosiery goods always in stock.

As we buy these goods in extra large quantities, we are enabled to offe them at prices that will insure perfect satisfaction. HOSIERY! 1 In all the new and desirable solid colors, such as Hunter's Green, Brown, Seal Navy, Olive, Grey and Chocolate. All new goods this season. No bar. gam lots but desirable styles which can not be found elsewhere.

PRICES BELOW OTHER HOUSES. TTTTTW Main and Temple Streets, Ball in Motion SMALL EXPENSES, SMALL PROFITS CASH CLEARS THE IiOAKD THREE! GREAT BARGAINS PLEASE NOTICE. wlacotf CO. Ha I a50 pairs 7-i-cent S-button Bargain ilUs I Colored Kid Gloves; all the new cloth shades, all sizes, ou cents tbe pair. Daanuiia SO pieces Wool Dre nUi Goods, and 42 ceut quality, all at 25 cents.

4 Gil pieces 5-4 all wool Dai Kalii ftWa cent Shoodas and Camels Hair Cloths, all the new fall colorings. 60 cents. 20 pieces Cheney's liiack and Colored Gros Utalu Mlks, usual price 41.3; Jn, at 1.00 the yard. 100 pieces Standard Prints, 4)4 cents. More From the Corner Store Soon UiltictlUUl Times and Post copy.

$25,000 TO LOAN At Per Cent. "VN FIRST MORTGAGE RECfTRTTY. on im V-t proved real estate In the city of Hartford only. SCOTTISH UNION NATIONAL INS. CO.

oct26lned M. Beunett, Manager. WANTF.D A situation by a young man and wife in a hotel as porter and chambermaid, or waitress in the city or country. Call at Mrs. Helen Loomis, 2u Allyn st.

sd oct2 ANTbD-in an institution, a practical, ex- perienced laundry matron, who understands custom work, to instruct and superintend young women. Address, with references snd particulars. citkam care oi fiamora lAiurant. octal) iSdnedeod 7 ANTED A situation to cook, wash and iron in a small lamuy: gooa references. Apply at 242 Pearl sfeet.

ao oct2 rANTED A position by a niiddlc-aeed lady ft (formerly a teacher,) as companion; is willing to assist at sewing aud leaching. Apply at 40 Alien rnaoe. ruociS9 I VT AN TED A situation by a competent girl to oook. wasn auu iron. or would do gereral housework.

Apply at 10J Main st. oct 2D TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice is hereb" given, that I will pay no bill of any na ture, conrrocK a ior or Delivered to my son, Dennis Crowley, from this date. Dated at Bristol, Octob-r Sflth, ls. Id JEREMIAH CROWLEY. NOTICE A special meeting of the stockholders of Wadswohth AiHKNtl'M will be held THIS (Monday) AFTERNOON at 4 o'clock, at the waiaiuson laorary.

By order of tbe President, Id J- H. TRCMHCLL, Sec'y LIQUOR DEJLERSMEETIXG A LL Hartford Liquor Dealers are requested to attend a meeting, to be held at Bubeer's Hall. TCEoDA Oct. SOth at. 3 p.

ra. Per order. PJiTEH CHCTE, President. William Lew, Seo'y. Id Sy Wm.

Toobt, Auctioneer. i iK ion Sale. GROCERYSTORE. (SHERIFF'S SALE.) THE Grocery Ftore. Stock, Fixtures, Good Will, and Book Accounts, at 474 Main Street, Formerly known as the A belle rrocery will be sold at publio vendue, on the premises, onj ednesday, Oct.

31, 1S83, At 10 o'clock in the forenoon. By order of the court. Oct 2a 3d A. W. BP4.CLPING.

Sheriff. -3 al3 MAIN STti Sole Agents for the celebrated HJi WAUKESHA. W1B. Relieve all ZHseoHM of th BUUAer, Kid. syiM iww.

Sever faUt Dvtvevtia. Hosiery aui ieriar OM BROWN, THOMSON CO. Being encouraged by the Immense success of our New Cloak Department we bave added this week much larger stock of fine goods so that we have no hesitation In stating that we have now the most con. Diet line of Fine Cloaks outside of wew York and Boston, and all at our usual popular prices, we shall give this day two great oarBiu. In Cloaks) FIRST.

oi All trnnt Tftack Dol mans, fur trimmed, full lengths and stzes. at S5.U0 each. This garmeut would be very cheap at JS.UU. OmnUn Ladies' Sicilian Silk Dolmans, tOUnUlfur trimmed, wide furcollar.quilted lininir ut each-as good a irariuent as we sold last year at The Best Cloak Koom and Largest Stock of Cloaks in tke State is at Brown, Thomson Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, 400 MAIN STREET. MOSES' COUGH DKOrS WUI greatly relieve that Cough.

J. C. RATHDUN CO. CORNER A3TI.UM AND FORD STREETS. fNearist Drnsr Store to the Capitol.

P. KENYON CO 337 MAIN STREET Seal Dolmans, Seal Ulsters, Seal Sacques, Seal Paletots, Satin Circulars, Silk Circulars, Satin Dolmans, Silk Dolmans, Black Velvet Dolmans Shoulder Muffs Collars, Fur Trimmings. "DIPHTHEKIA" is Instantly relieved and permanently cured by nse of KCR4KUFF. Wm. Logan.

1H65 First N. (reference, P. F. Keld. builder, 8Sth St.

and 3d JJ. bad son cured of bad diphtheria in one day. James Smith, Kaselle, N. J. (reference H.

I Dexter, 171 Duane N. had daughter cured of diphtheria by one small bottle of KcitAKorr. For Whooping CorOH and prompt relief and a rapid cure by a faithful use of Kura-kofi which contains neither "Opiates." "Narcotics." nor Poison of any kind. At drugeists. 50c.

Special Urnices. Fine Pearl and Gold Mounted BLACK ONYX BRACELETS NEW 8TYLE3 OF SILVER JEWELRY FltF.XCJI CLOCKS, Siiver Ware and Bronzes FOB Wedding Gifts T. STEELE SON'S, HARTFORD. AT 319 MAIN STREET. Another Invoice of SILVER WIRE, for Presents or home use.

Front Five Hollars up to Three Hundred DIAMONDS The largest stock of Dlamoiftls in the state, and onr constantly increasing sales are, without exag-eratlon, three times larger than any other concern In the city. Ouronly competitors are New York dealers, and we are willing to have Intending pur chasers jet prices there, and we will sell the same quality five per cent. less. We pay no attention to the spasmodic efforts of small dealers, and will say in conclusion that as our prices have always been beyond dispute the lowest, we make no change In them, ha vine always done an howrnble business. ATID MAYER 319 MAIN STREET, COSIER OF AMVI.tTM.

SITMLOHrDS OUBDETT, SOLICITORS OF PATENTS. Hartford Trust Company's Block, Rooms 21 and 22. VTM. 81 tl (ON OS. on AS.

I BUHDETT W. It. fllOROAN, 5TJRNISHING CNDEKTAKER, 111 Main Hotel Capitol Building (Cor. Capitol Ave.) Burial Dots for sale. Nlghtattendant at the Store.

1yd jan26 UNDERTAKERS fOOKKiWIHIMOHK, 18 Pratt St. tWKesldenoe. 26 Chapel street and 80 Talcott street. Oonnectan with telephone. mitTHH.

CMCKCH-In Midriletown, Oct. 19, a daughter to Mr. and Xrs. u. w.

unnrch. I Alt ltl A(3 E. POLLARD HOfiiRT-In Boston. Oct. lit.

by Kev. si. Esavage, jonn t'oiiora ana AUena A Hobart, both of Han ford, DEATHS. CHAPIN-Suddenly, on Friday. Oct.

28. at Au burn, N. Edward C. Chapin of Wew York city. service at Spring Grove chapel, this cry, to-morrow (Tuesday) ou arrival of the 8 o'clock a.

train from New York. BELKNAP In Farmimrton. Oct. 28. of eonges- tiou o7 the brain, Thomas Belknap, In the Mr year his aee.

at Farmlngton to-morrow (Tues day) afternoon at 2.30 clock. this city, Oct. 27, Daniel Prince, aged 65. AmES-Iu Waterford, Oct. II.

Mary Mumford, wife of Enoch D. Ames, azed 84. JOHNSON In Sumeld, Uct. 19, George W. John- ron, agea KIN" -In Suffleld, Oct.

22, Buth R-, wife of Amos L. Kins, airea el. in Winsor Locks, Oct. 24, Mary, wife ot uamei i linen, agea 2.0. GOLDSM ITrt-In Bris-ol.

Oct. 17, Ellen M. Chandler, wife of D. H. Goldsmith, aged 49.

RUSSELL-I-i New Haven, Out. za, Ellen wife ot nooeri rc. nussuu, ageu CH A PIN -In Auburn. N. Y.

Oct. 2. Edward C. Chapin, of New York city. Interment at Hart ford, xmn.



Blakcslee. Stock Broker, 333 MAIN BTREET. L1UBHINB G1S TH is method of administering Laughing Gas at this office, whereby it is taken at svery inhalation directly through fresh water, renders it perfectly tasteless and p'-easait, and perfectly safe fornervous people, and tiositipcly io pnfn in having teeth extracted. Care aud thoroughness in all dental operations. It I lock's Dental Rooms, 348 Main St.

BULBS OUR OWN IMPORTATION. HV1CISTHS, At very low prises. 1 MW DIG 805 Main Street. GO TO HARWICH fc CO. For Bponces, Chamois Skins, Castile Soaps, and all gooos lu tue Drug line.

TH8 BEST GOODS AT LOWEST Try Them. 3T6 ASYLUM STREET. PHICKS. fathers of tlie two Corneliuses not loi alio had a lawsuit over a small "'ceof property and that the yenrlt ttStl Ml fete'e'J'Ociasions had indulged In troD words over ine case. The fatal cut on Cornelius j.

Callahan's body was nuder the right a.m. Iheeoui'itlonof bis collar and cravat, and the finding of the body wedk-ed under ine P''0" tics with the 0fms lolded across the brea.t. together with the fact that one of the shoes was fouud In a field fuliy three rods from the body, certaiulv lend color to the belief that toe murderer was with him on the Kroum; The worind wits of sncli a nature that a theory of suicide ean obt be entertained. Coroner fcperry on bis visit to Merideu talKea with Thomas Trainer, who says that he and John Drenuau and a man named Flaherty, all of whom are Hartford men and who knew tho Callahans, were at tho depot Tuesday evening, and spoke to them as they were taking the 6.5 train for Hartford. The murdered man.

and his two cousins were standing near the southern mail box and l'rainor bade them goodbye as they look the train. He saw no signs of any difficulty and everything was friendly between them. It transpires that fourth party was with the Callahans, a young man named James Kane, from Hartford, who went around Merlden with them on Tuesday afternoon, they visited several shops looking fra job for the murdered man The only saloons. Daniel says, that were rtfited, were Jabes Lee's on Colony street and Harry tlloxtiam s. At both these places they uran in he on ertdnntlv fncndlv tetmSt 1 he last that Daniel says he saw of the cottsint was when they got on board the train, nimi tw i I'uiiuhAn itea not Know.

He says he don know whether ne came up on mo :33 or train, or wnetner ne came uumo 11. The coroner believes that tne story of their doinffs while In Meriden as told by Daniel Callahan, is undoubtedly true. Cnroner Suerrv visited Langiehr and 'mon- nnM Olimnite tiiC IOIIKCIUvj.j v. dcpot to learn if the Callahans oougia ineir uncM heel ana cracsers mere, nio cier eauii, nnv uuch net-sfms. hut a criden reporter learned that two young men answering the description of the Callahans bought some dried beef and crackers at Brown Hugin store Tuesday nurht about jvapoieon nt.

ijf, rtiut-iM ul llm Ktnre. rememhera the two men Catling tor half a pound of eraekers and the beef, ibia substantiates ihe story by bold Daniel aud Cornelius Callahan. The further we investigate tne case tne more mystifying it becomes;" says Coroner iperrv. There is uo doubt about the Goings ot mo pan? while In Merlden, and from all I can learn they left th, re sober. They did not urink enougu io become intoxicated.

The most puzzling question is, what train did they taker Uauiel Callahan. Trainor and the priaouei say it was the from Merlden, and the porter of one of the draw- tug-room cars ana conductor Hart say iney remember men acting as the Callahans are said to have done and looking like them on that train. Uut if the murdered man got on that train how did he get off at the place where the body was Ho coma ne nave jumped on, oeen pu-neu ou have fallen off without bearing some marks of the terrible ussiou'r If the force of his contact with ihe ground was of sufficient violence to tear ff his shoes, would his body not or some sign of the f.ll? Jt seems almost impossible that he cou'd have not off that train in anv manner and his body nresent tile appear ance it did. It there had been a scuffle on the ground thera'n storm of Tuesday night would have oh Unrated all traces ot It. he Btao mat caused Callahan's death was made with a sharp knife, and it was given from the back ana tne victim ue'er knew what struck him.

The only evidence that points to the prisoner is his own asser tions, ne toia ins iatner ami me urau mau a broihar lust where they would nnd the body. How did lie know It. wasthereV" "Uo you consider that the evidence now possession of the authorities Is enough to have Callahan bound over at the hearing to be held next Wednesday In new Britain?" -That's a judicial opinion. I give the simple facts that 1 have discovered in tbe mailer. We find some more evidence against him or some other person be I ore that lime.

EOOT BALL BY KTVDENIS. Ibe Harvard Team's rtlciaua lu tula day. Victory Over the tliy on satur- Hartford had a regular college foot ball game on Saturday, at the ball grounds. There was a fair attendance, the Wesleyan element being in the ascendency. The game resulted in a victory for Harvard by the score of 2 goals 1 touchdown and 8 safeties, to 1 goal aud safety, or, by i he new system of counting, 19 points to 8 points.

The game was closer than th scores would Indicate. Wesleyan kept the lu Har vard halt ot tne neid most or tne time, ana lost the game rather by costly errors at critical points thau by strong play on the part of Mirvard. There was little passing and few runs made tn the trnme. Harvard did a good deal of bad fumbling. Their rushers blocked well, particularly in the middle of the line.

did most of the playing for the half backs and made some fine kicks, but at times fumbled badly. Appleton, Cabot and Austin in general did the best work for Harvard, and Adams madea.fine run. On the whole the plaing of the Harvard team was not up to the siaiidardof lsstvear. but Wessclhoeft. considered ihe strongest man on the team, and one or two others of the regular team, did not play.

Satur day teams were: Harvard Kushers, Cabot. Bonsai, Hoiton, Adams. Oilman, Codman: quarter hack Kimnail; half backs, Austin, back Henry. Wesleyan Uusherc, Smith, Blaine. Wilcox, Hawkins, Gordy, Thompson, Abbott; quarter back, L'phain; half bocks, Beattys, Saxe; back, Judd.

Heteree, Mr. Knapp of Yale. Wesleyan won the kick-off. and at 3:40 opened the game with a lor.g kick, which Willard muffed in fine style. 1 he ball was returned to the cente: of the fie id.

Saxe caught It, but was promptly anocKeu aown oy a Harvard man, wno, in turn was warned tiy the referee. When the ball was kicked out by the Wesleyan half-back Harvard again muffed it. Wesleyan forced the fighting and rushed the ball nearly over the line. Harvard did not make a safety at this time, lowever, but succeeded in kicktng the ball out. Wesleyan got possession of it and lined It up just opposite the goal, but when It was passed back the quarter back missed his try at goal.

The firhting continued dangerously near Harvard's goal for the tirst twenty minutes. But at 4 clock Harvard made a touchd iwii-imd when the ball was punted out Austin kicked the tirst goal. When tbe sides lined up again, the Wesleyan half-back sent the ball flying nearly t- the Harvard goal. Henry made another muff, allowing Wesleyan to get posses-ion of the ball. The Weslevan half back, though squai In front of the goal, did not try to kick, out instead, attempted to rush the hall, in which he failed.

The bell was slowly worked downward to Weslevan's goal and back again to the middle of the field, Wiliard and Austin both making good kicks. Adams here made the finest run of the game. Wesleyan had the ball and passed it to the end rusher, when Adams jumped np and eatehlng it ran half the length of the field. Just at the close of the. first half Harvard made another touchdown through the inexcusable fumbling of Wesleyan, from which Austin kicked the second goal.

In the second half esleyan worked much harder than in the first and pressed Harvard closely. Harvard kicked olf and forced Wesleyan to touch down for safety. In a few minutes the compliment was returned and Henry first muffed the ball and then maue the nrst safety touchdown for Harvard Werleyan now got in fiu run and touch down which, much to their disgust, was not allowed, as their man was off side hen he canght the ball Weslevan eontinned to force the fighting, and in a few minutes Willard, after fumbling, made the second safety for Harvard. In a few minutes a confused heap of men in the Harvard end of the field di-entauglcd Itself. Smith had made a touchdown Wesleyan, from wLich Judd kicked ihe gual.

Harvard succeeded in making one more touchdown Trotn which the goal was kicked at In the last, quarter of an hour both sides worked their hardest, but without changing the score. Notice to the Public. We have placed our meat and grocery store on a strictly cash basis, which enables its to save the expense of a book-keeper at year: avoids the prospective loss of $1,500 in uaa outs; gives us the cash to reinvest at once. hich saves at least S00 a year, making a total saviug of between $3,000 and 4.000 a year bv this move. This saving we propose to give our customers tne Denent or, and bave consequently lowered our prices at (east ten at the some time maintaining the Quality ot our goods.

We buy the best meats that money can buy. The same with groceries. Now. if vou bring your cash, wo can save you from tl to a week on your grocery and meat bills, as tbe facte will demonstrate. Dow Brothers.

Cash grocers and marketmen, 43 Main street. Interesting for Investors. Elsewhere in orr paper appears an important nnanciai circular irom tne Mercnants Klectrlc Light and Power Company of Boston. They bave recently leased an entire nuiiding in tne oustness center of Boston, which is now being fitted with engines, boilers, dynamos and similar necessary appurtenances tor tne prosecution or tneir Dnsl ni-ss on a considerably eularared scale. Ihe new station, when completed, will be tna largest and most perfect electric arc-lighting station In the world.

The comnanv's business bas increased much more than was anticipated, and on their present business this compauy can practically guarant ten per cent, to its stockholders. With a super-abundance of money, earning small inter est, iu the market ihe Mock or their treasury stock which the company offers will soon be taken np hy shrewd investors. Alden's ye Water. Cures sore eyes, 5 and 50 cents a bottle, at Goodwln's Drag store, Bxcaange Corner. Monday Sore throat: Belladonna, JOe.

Mes senger's Uocmeopathio Pharmacy, State st. Elizabeth Stnarl Phelps" new the Gates" new book by the author of "The tes A jar." just received by S. W. Barrows S7 Main St. YDId She Die 1 she lingered and suffered along, pining 'away all the time for years, the doctor'sdoing her "no good; a id at last was cured oy this nop isi nors.

the nwners sn.v so much about. Indeedl in- "deed! how thankful we should be for that med ic UID, Have yon these danserons symptoms, coucn, pain in tne side or oreasi, lever, snoix breath, uig'ot-sweats. tickling, nsliur. or soreness in the throat, diarrhoea, nervous debility, asthmat ic or bronchial affections? If so, use at once Adam- son Bolauie Cough Halsam. The bet onalltv of Tea and Coffee are sold at H.

Tillinghost's. 0" Mainst. Eczema, tetter, ilneworm. and all scaly diseases. the remedy, D.

Benson's Skin Cure. druggists. Dr. itenson's Celery and Camomile Pills core nervousuess. w.

Lpperrairmount.Md. Mrs. Henry Swaneer. Tnckahoe. M.

was en tirely cured of bronchitifc by using three bottles cf Dr. Wlshart'iS line free Tar Cordial. Anvtrit to MnTmcs- Mrs.Wfnslow's Soothlne Svrnp should always be uiosd when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the little suflerer at once; it produces natural, quiet siooo Dy relieving the child from pain, and the cherub awakes as "bright as a butt It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the enild.

softens the gums, allays all pains, relieve wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known ren arising from teething tn.own remedy for diarrhoea, whether teething or other causes. a bottle All owners of Cattlb should know that Giles' Liuiment Iodide Ammonia acts with wonderful rap dity and never fails. Tbe hardest bunches are aosoesses lameness disappears, corns and contracted hoofsaspecialiy. Sprung knees, shoe boiU. ringbone; euaranteeo.

Sena for pamnhiet, box 34-2, N. V- P-O. Trial bottles Z5c. Druggists; wholesale. T.

SissoniOo. For Dyspepsia, Indigestion, depression of spirits and general debility. In tneir various forms; also as a preventive against fever and ague, aud other intermittent fevers, the "Fekro-Phos-vhokated E-Jxiu cf Caaisaya," made by Cas-weli. Hazard a- ew York, and sold by all druggists, is the best touic; and for patients recovering from fever or other sickness, it bas no equal. a DMERMAN PLUMB, 403 MAIN STREET.


RAW SILK and TURKOMAN CROSS DRAPERY CHAINS, ie AS I'SFaL OCR LIME OP CARPETS Excelsany seleetloa In Hartford, an! our pilce below the market hart, 'wmmi 10. BOLD UYGLASa.OALLON.KEQ OR BARBEL ocUtld geo. b. MILL BR..

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