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Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • 5

Hartford Couranti
Hartford, Connecticut
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


MRS. BOARDMATi'S WILL. Ctljc 3iaflfoir5 ffotifant We Have Competed Our HI Madras Drapery. A few piewi NEW SALESROOMS, And Are Trepnrrdto Shout You Solid Silver ami Sil ver Tlated Waro la Novelties Ptspls Goods For ths Holidays. Bcond to Nods In ths Stats.

At Prices That Arc Sure to I'lease. OPEN tVENINGS. THE Rogers Mfg Co. 66 to 70 Market St MADRAS CURTAIN DRAPERY, 60 Inches Vide, at 25 Cents Per Yard, BY The Wm. H.

Post Co. This is cloaranco week of Odd Lots and Job Lots in all departments. A few Odd Pairs of Irish Point Curtains, 2.25, I4.C0, 5.00; former prices, 13.50, nnd 17.50. Odd Lois of Muslim Drsjiory, Silkoline, Sstine and Cretonnes, Misfit and Mismatched Carpets, Odd Lot of Portieres, Lac Curtains Window Shades, Paper Hanijines and Ilemnants of Carpets and Oilcloths, all must go within tho NEXT 5 DAYS. llH nwtt 4410 HtH Hartford.


HOME NEWS City Hrlem. Frank I. Merrill or West Hartford has made an assignment to Frank II. Strong of that town. J.

C. 'Waswrbiu-h sold at auction yesterday the four-tenement house No. 133 Maple avenue to Gottfried Mannz for UMZ. Town Clerk Hlpglns yesterday Issued a marriajre license to Bee-her Sterne of Washington. D.

and Frances C. Tallman of this city. August W. Budde has sold for tl.S00.91 to Margaret Button and Frank Hole- house a lot on the corner of Babcock street, fronting 50 feet on Park street and 165 feet on Babcock street. Xt.

L. Ensworth. dealer in Iron and steel at 104 Front street, haa 1-ssued noma handsome advertising cards framed in open work. The cards make pretty wall pictures. W.

W. Jacobs Is distributing among his patrons a neat long-distance cal endar issued by the Louisville Nashville Railroad Company, which Mr. Jajobs represents here. Besides giving the days of the week. It gives the day of the year numerically.

Funeral of Mrs. Schwab. The funeral of Mrs. Johanna Schwab, wife of ex-Police Commissioner Joseph Schwab, was held from her late home at 24 Charter Oak Place yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The.

funeral service was con ductal by Rabbi Elkin. The bearers were I B. Haas A. Hollander, Silas Chapman, S. Freeman, H.

Maercklein and J. Sam uels. The burial was in the Jewisn ceme tery. Remnant of a Gang. Timothy Reardon and Joseph Manion were drank and making a disturbance on Potter and Ellery streets last night.

They showed fight when arrested, and one of them wanted to get ont of the wagon to tight Officer Beecher. The two belons to a Rang that has been makincf trouble re- centlv. One of the party eluded tne cm cers la9t niirht. Officer Ileise made the ar rests. Tyler I'ostOfllcers.

The newly-elected officers of Robert O. Tyler Post, G. A. will be installed Wednesday evenin j. Friends of the mem' bers will be invited to see the ceremony.

I he installing officer will be Ueoree li. iiev- ens. commander of the Danburv Post and chief-of-police of Dnbury. Commander Bevins is considerably over six teet in height and was once on the Broadway equad. Washington IjOdge Officers.

Washington todge, K. of elected offi cers last night as follows: C. C. F. BrooVs; V.

David Seide; prelate, W. Officer; master of the worK, Geortre S. Cairnes; keeper of records and seals.Charles li. fhelps; master or nuance, A. li.

Ala- son; mHSterof exchequer. H. Case; mas ter-at-arms, a. sands; trustee, J. i.

1'al- mer: representatives to Uranu lxidge. George S. Cairnes, Hoorcte N. Noyes; alter nates, John IT. JNey, Ut.

falmer. Entertainments. Everything points to a full house for Jef rerson lo-niguu is useiy mat me opera house will see the sign of standing room only. "The Soldier of Fortune" will be' given 'i elaborate production at Proctor's Friday evening. Handsome scenery and costumes are promised, and some eood music may be expected.

Hugh Stanton and Wins i raucet- ca Heading will sing leading roles. Miss Carrie Sweeney, who is to Dlav the leading part in "The Pulse of New York" at Proctor's Saturday, will sing during the performance several of the latest popular airs, bbe has a mgu soprano voice. "Captain Heme, U. S. a realistic military drama, will be given at Proctor's Monday and Tuesday evenings, with special Monday matinee.

J. J. Dowling plays the title role. Mr. Ragan's high reputation as a lecturer ensures a delightful entertainment at Foot Guard Hall to-morrow night, when he will talk about the World's Fair.

The lecture will be illustrated by stereopticon views. T. M. C. A.

MATTERS. A State Conference to be Hold Here In January. At a meeting of the board of managers of the Y. M. O.

A. yesterday afternoon, it was voted to extend an invitation to the state executive committee and to all trustees, directors aad paid officers of the Y. M. C. of Connecticut to hold a joint conference at the Hartford Y.

M. C. A. building on January IS, all day and evening. This conference will take the place of the usual state convention.

As there is a general desire to inspect the new building of the local association, it is expected that there will be a large attendance. Charles Pease has been engaeed as secretary of the junior department, on the recommendation of the general secretary. This department is composed of boys iroin 12 to 16 years old. It now has very attractive rooms, which were furnished by an aged ladv of this city. Wales Dixon of Fairport, N.

a former leader in gymnastic work at Rochester where Mr. Alleu was physical director, has been engaged to assist Mr. Allen here, lie will begin work next month. On New Year's Day the new buiWMng will again be thrown open to the public for inspection. In the afternoon and evening exercises in the gymnasium will be one of the attractions.

A. W. Forbes, recently of the Colonial Club, Cambridge, who wll conduct the restaurant in the buildincr, arrived yesterday with Mrs. Forbes. The restaurant will be open in less than a week.

Polo sticks, 10c, 20c, 25c Tracy Kobinson, 78 and SO Asylum street. Hannum's Hartford. Business College. After a brief vacation this institution will on New Year's Pay commence a continuous term of eix months. This is a favorable time to enter.

Notwithstanding the general depression in business, the college is well patronized, and doing excellent work. Burjrlar Get $60,000. Brooklyn, December 2. Burglars last night broke into Samuel O. Burnett's hardware store at 2S8 Fulton street, blew open the safe and carried off (50,000 in securities.

A gold watch and tiO in cash was also taken. (Hartford Times, Dec. It don't pay to take such risks wh6n it COStS BIT A FEW DOLLARS PER TEAR tO avail one's self of the security of a modern Safe Deposit Vault. Thb Charter Oak National Bank Invites the public to examine its new vault. Boxes of all sizes to rent at lowest prices.

Safe Deposit Boxes TO RENT. Mr Oat National Bait An Invalid I-ciicy an.I Appointment ol Mri'uinr. The will of Emelme T. Boardman of this city was filed for probate yesterday. She leaves a specific legacy of $1,000 to Cornelia E.

Gabriel and divides the balance of her estate between Hollis Boardman, KateS. Boardman. Robbie H. Boardman. HattieE.

itabnel, Nell Uanriel and John H. Gabriel. The wiil is dated April ISM, and is witnessed by H. W. Coukhn.

M. O. ells and Harry S. Conkltn. Subseouentiv to executine the will Mrs.

Doardman made two chance, in one of wnicn sh wrote on a piece of pmn-r "i'nrrie G. Jones lno" and the other "Cornelia E. Gabriel, Bit'iriiamton, N. executor," and pasted them on the will over the other names. The legacy to arne les ami the appointment of Cornelia E.

Gabriel as executrix are invalid, and whatever is writ ten underneath those pieces or patwr will be recognized when the will is admitted to probate. TWO INDIAN MEDALS. Frank P. Root AdiW to Ills Collection ot C'urloH. Frank P.

Root, a traveling man and a brother of Dr. Joseph E. Root of this city, is an enthusiastic collector of Indian relics. He got hold of two very rare ones last week at an auction saie In New York. They are two of the silver medals made bv the gov ernrcent for presentation to the Indian cbielswho visited ashmgton at uinerent times to see the Great ather.

rue saie at wuicn Mr. kooe ontamea these rare and valuable medals was of the collection of Indian enrioa owned by Gen eral Ely 8. Parker, who was on General Grant's stair and afterwards Indian com missloner. There were eleven different medals in the collection. One of the two which Mr.

Root secured is about nine inches in circumference. It lBrs the head of President Lincoln and the date ISt'ri on one side. On the other is an Indian in the act of scalping his eneinv, another Indian cultivating the soil, und below an Indian bead. with a quiver of arrows on one nle and a cow and pipe or peace on the other. The other medl Is smaller, measuring about six inches in diameter.

On one side is the head of President Van Bnren and the date 1837. On the reveisa are tbe words "Peace and Friendship," a crossed toma hawk and pipe of peace, and clasped bands, one of them evidently intended for the band of an Indian. These medals are hard to find now, and sre eagerly picked up by collectors. CHARGED WITH VAGRANCY. Joseph Flnnnlgnn.

Onoe Worth Prop erly, in ino i-risoner uol-k. Joseph Flannigan, well known a few years ago as a person of some property and from a respectable family, was charged with vagrancy in the police court yesterday morning. He claimed to be living at CI Potter street, but has done no work for Borne time. He has been drunk most of the time lately and appeared in the dock not only all broken up Iroin drink hut covered with cuts and bruises as well. His case was adjourned till to-day for further investiga tion.

Catherine Qaish, an old woman living on Asvlnm strpet. intulo such a drunken di turbance late the night before she had to te locked up. hen a jail sentence was su gested by thn court she replied she might as well be in jail nsnnywhere else, as none of her folks wanted her. A fine of fl.j was imposed. Thomas Fnrrey, for the theft of an umbrella from Mrs.

Mary Sullivan on State street the day before, was fined $5. John Cook, for being drunk on Asylum street the -day before, was fined 7. He was locked up drunk a day or two before. Lewis Williams, colored, was charged with stealing a loaf of cake, some celery, bread and meat ftom the market of Ross Converse on Asylum street and his case was adjourned till Saturday. Thomas Scott, arrested druuk on State street the day before, promised to leave town and was allowed to go.

James Sanseman.nn Italian newsboy, for stealing a copy of "The Conrant" from the door step of a house on Asylum avenue, was fined 41, with the cots remitted. He was also told he would go to Meriden for the next offense. Yale Alumni Association Meed At the annual business meeting of tbe Yale Alumni Association held at the Young Men's Christian Association building last evening Vice-President John M. Holcombe presided. After the reports of the secretary and treasurer were read, the following officers were elected: President, A.

P. Hyde; Vice-president, John M. Holcombe; secretary, A. A. Welch; treasurer, W.

L. Mat son; executive committee, H. B. Freeman, Frederick S. Morrison, T.

Belknap Beach, John J. Narin. Arthur Perkins, Arthur L. Ship-man and Joshua W. Alien.

It was voted to have a dinner tbe latter part of January or the first part of February, the datui sof which were left with theexecutivecommit-tee. The following new members were elected: Robert E. Hall, John RobinEonand Francis Parsons. The joints and muscles are so lubricated by Hood's Sarsaparilla that all rheumatism and stiffness soon d'soppears. Get only Hood's.

All sizes men's, boys' and girls' skates. Tracy Kobinson, 78 and 80 Asylum street. Frarklin Coal and English Cannel at J. Poole Old Company Lehigh: Hartford Coal Company. ANNOUNCEMENTS.

Best dinner and lunches at Haben-steln's, 28 Pratt street. Agent for Ceylon Planters Tea Company. The toy-pistol victim only comes once a year, but the crank who wants to shoot Niagara Falls is perennial. Washington Star. Gas radiators for heating, at Ahern's, 280 Asylum street.

Thorough Wa'-h repairing, Charles Teske. expert watchnulker. 214 Asylum street. The wood-cutter Is conceded to be a "chipper" fellow. Yonkers Gazette.

The best place to have your watch repaired is at Deming's. Don't know Baxter? He's "the decorator," 231 Asylum street. When you want silverware call at the William Rogers Manufacturing Company's salesrooms, 66 and 68 Market street, where are exhibited the best line of new designs In the market Unlike the photographer's, the dark room in courting is mainly used for developing affirmatives. Philadelphia Times. That room needs it.

Have Baxter decorate it There's one tooth wash, the ladles' pride. Beloved by belles o'er every "wash" beside: One dentifrice there Is supremely blest, A sweeter, better one than all the rest; And you will find. In every land the same That SOZODONT's its old. familiar name" when Baby was sick, yn rare her Castwrta. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, VThen she became Ilia, ths clung to OastorlaT" When ah had Children, sh cTetfaua Canerla, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castcrla.

Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. His Sudden noetli Yesterday of Con- m' ve mil. William M. Butwer died of acongestiva chill, aggravated by grip, at 5 o'clock yes terday afternoon. He whs taken ill suddenly at 11 o'clock at his home.

No. 81 Mulberry street, and remained unconscious until death, although Dr. Booth wsi called in and did all tbst was poasiule to relieve him. Mr. Bub-wr was vests old.

tne son oi ri del Hubser. He was employed at the Pratt it uitnpy Company as a Meamntter ana was a member ot the llooit 6C uuiuer eoiu- puny. Ho was an Odd Fello and a member of the voung German American Associ ation, which wili hold a special meeting tonight to take action on his death. Fuueral services wm le neiii at in nonse of his sister, Mrs. William Grv, No.

fil Sig-ournev street. Friday af teruoon at o'clock. The burial will be at Spring Grove Cemetery, THE MABEL SHOD. Preparation Maite for tbe Tun to i Htm iu 11H. The iron nose-piece on the tag Mabel wss en'arged yesterday so that the ball would he protected more.

Extra plates or wings were bolted on three feet back of this shoe. The job was a cold one for the workmen. The men worked in a rowboat, and it was liRrd work to keep the boat steady. At one time the man driving the bolts bared his arm and stuck it under ths icv water to feel of the submerged plates. This act made tbe lew spectators shiver.

Heloce the worK was completed darkness was upon the men and a flickering lantern wa lowered to the water's edee. As if there were not enough difficulties to contend with word wi received Hiat there was a heavy ice Jam at Rocky Ilill and a bBrge down there would have to be looked after. The Transporta tion Com nan will send a tne to Savbrook to-day, and if the river is clear ot ice some barges will be taKen aown. iiU BIN ESS" OT1CE3. Try Reed's Vermont Mnple Syrup.

It has no equal. For sale by ll. Gi'iswold. Beady-made chocolate Icing for cake and pastry at TtlUnghasl's 91 Alain street. Dean's Rheumatic Pills absolutely cure rheumatism and neuralgia.

Entirely vese-labla. The PiifDsix NATioxAt, Bank, I Hart fnrd. O'lin Due. S7, lSUi 1IVI1TSI. rpBE Directirs of this hank" have rtorlsred A (iivltlKud of three ami one half :r.f per cent, from ttie auruiuits of the current nix months, payahlo ou und after January 2, 181U, to which limn Mi.) trunxfer booka will he closed.

Checks wlil he. mulled. K. L. hl'Nl'K, Cashier.

Owes or Tnn Tn Insiiuascb Oompa a vr, id linrtford. Ime. 2Sih. "VT OTIi; Tne Annual Meatliiir of the etock hol'iwrs of lh Trtvoior luaurHiice Com1 puny, will he at the omv of the Cora-piiiiv, corner ir ve and Pro-pscf strot, oi WKDXKSUAY. January loth.

lt at 11 a. for the choice of a board of atrertorn for the en.uiair resr and for tin trMUSS'-tion of snv other hmiuofs proper lo ooine ld meetiuir. RODNEY DENNIS, Secretary. NOTICK. Tun vEtsa National Bask op ITAHTronn.

I llaitfi rit. Conn ri HE ant, il meetinR of tha Stockholder of 1 ilii hunk will be hll at tlieir hunking hotiwon TudT, Jutium 9 1WU, at 3:11 p. ior the election of director tor tbe en-Mtitiff venrand the tmma'-tioc of any business propf lo coma heforw -nl 'nttne. A. 8l'FN'i'KR.

OMhler. FOR SALE. Yi 5e rpHRBVBPCKK MILK ST ER. endorsed I'Y kx tlov. hoard.

Bnl all lend inn eciea-iis AU l7.o4 from four to forty hoitlei. UKO. OoOHWIN. Klmwood, Ct. Nine Persons CUT CF EViHY Wear Rubbers ATTDISStASOS.

It's for their advantage, as well as ours, to know that we are selling the Hmt Rubbers made. It's worth knowing; try us. C. I GOODWIN I SON, 877 SIA1X SsTKEET. Established 18)1.

ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION The Hartford Typswriter Co. Know all men hy these presents we the stibscrihers hereto, do hereby associate ourselves as a body corporate pursuant to the laws of the State of Connecticut relative to the formation and orcanizatlon of Joint stock corporations and the following are our articles of association: 1. The name of sa i ron'ratlon shall be "The Hartford Typewriter Company." 2. The purposes for which said corporation is formed is to carry on the business of manufacturing and dealing In writing or printing machines or both, and of manufacturing and dealing in any and all parts pertaining to said machines, and to do any and all things incidental to said business. 3.

The statute laws the Ktate of Connecticut relating to joint stock corporations are hereby made a rart of these articles of association. 4. The said 'hall be located in the town of Hartford. County of Hartford and State of Connecticut. 5.

The capital stock of snid corporation phall be sixtv thousand dollars, and said capital stock shall be divided into it hundred shares of one hundred dollars each. 6. Kach subscriber hereby agrees to take the number of shares annexed to his name of the capital stock of said corporation, each share to be of the par value of one hundred dollars, and to be paid for 20 per cent, at the time of subscription, and the balance thereof In Installments as called for by the directors. ltttel at Hartford. Connecticut, this 27th day of December, 1893.

Subscriber's No. names. residences Miares Jno. M. Fairfield Hartford, Conn I.

C. Itoyce Lucius A. Barbour 115 A. C. Dunham per Lucius A.

Barbour. Attv. 130 Isaiah IJaker, 60 F. A. Pratt 15 M.

B. Scott 25 Jno. Knous li. D. demons 10 Ilartford.Tliiiraday, rvo I03.

Pointer Vo. "IT. NId the bar gulus la tbe Bud." This iceelc ictll gee the end of the Jfo'irtay A smart chance for the Church Fair and Sunday-school peopla. What Santa Clans ha loft of all tha fancy goods bought for the great holiday eala are lotted for slaughter tne next three day. The I Goods arc 80a.

The 60o. (Joodu are 25o. The 39c, Goods are 19a. The 25o. Goods are 12 Jo.

The 100. Goods are lOo. Tae lOo. Good are So. All arranged in lots for easy pick' ing.

The books are in three lots: Paper oovers, lo. Stiff oovers, Co. Still covors, 8o. Bound books, 20o. Donnd books, fiOo.

Worth double. The Toilet Sets, Tho Manicure Sets, The Glove, Handkerchief and l'lioio Boxes, The Triplo At prices to send them skipping out. The iyolls. The forward stoclc for half. DoIIh lied.

Brass bedstead, willi matrass and pillows. Three sizes wjre 75c, HUe. ami 91. Choice all sizes for 60c, The Toy Pianos were 60c, 75c. and 91; now 25a and 60c.

The Toy Tea-sets, more than twenty kinds, 6a to 91.75. And here are the Iloyal Handler chief bargains, but for a slighimusa ing you wouldn't get them that way: 10c worth 19c. 12c, wortii 25c. 15c, worth 2t)o. 25c worth 50c.

The chance is a fetching one. GEORGE 0. SAWYER. olicitor ol Patents. FRANCIS H.

RICHARDS, llechamutl inlnsr, Kxpsrtiu i'ataut laiju. I'mrnii Haxk liAHTroim AND FlfcOTIIirVOIIA.M. PATENTS. Vrnnkt. How.

PAttrroao MORGAN ATT, rUitNISULNU UNDEKrAKE W. Ill INialii lioiol Capitol BulldliiK, (Cor. Capitol ira, Burial Liiti torstU Night etor 1 lephone conneo-tlon. MA1IU1 A('Kn. MANNIXO MOUOAN-ln Tlrockpnrt.

N. 1pc. Sara, dauhtir of thi late Dayton S. Mnriran, to Ir. Krwiorlclt Arnold WunniiiK ot New York City.

jEATnk BtTHS-ln this rlty, Ppc. 27, l-oulse Itoxlna Mtnmm. wife of Joseph Buthu. Not'rp of funoral hereafter. BHUSKR III this city, Dec.

27, William il. Huheer, agJ 32. Funeral from fl RI(roiirney street tomorrow (Krliiav) afternoon at 'i o'clook. DOWDKN In thlo city. Deo.

27, Jennie, wife of William Powilnn, aRerl 42. Notice of funeral In this eveninx's Post. LOO MIS In HhKimlleUl, Dec. 117, Joab Ixiom's, Bfed 8i. Funeral at 1 o'clock to-morrow (Frlflay.) THAYER In Kast Hartfortl, Dec.

27, Jane II. C'halker, wife of Andrew L. Thayer and daiiKhter of the late Captain William S. Chnlker, of KaBt Hanfora. Notice of funeral hereafter.

ARTIFICIAL TEETH. The Mot Difficult Casas Bollcltai nil. II. C. BULLOCK, 846 Mala Street.

Bargains for the Veek. wrnsTrn'S international Dlt- TltiNARV, Latest E'lHlon. t8.5. CAIEMiAltS IIOOKIKTM IL LVTKATK1 LOOK' In Kieat Tarlety at grwat re'lticetl price. A lurite ii ortmnnt ol BOOKS, Kntta-bl tor fmilay School Festivals, at very low prion.


PAPER anfl THE AT LOW PRICES. Car Straw Panr JjjI Arriving. Tucker's Sons, 100 TRUMBULL STREET. 71st Semi -Annual Dividend Hartfonl, Dae. 27th, 1893.

THK Boar.i of Directors hr tl-is day d-clireJ. a e-ni-noninl di idend of four per cent, ont of The earning of the current tx payable on and Hfter January Si, to which date the traiw fr hook will be clos-ea. JOSiiPfl U. E1XU, Cashier. fignred assorted Colors.

Macadam anJ Concrete. We are now readv to Contract for Season of 1893. ellver the kwt qHrv ef TRlt uvir.1... in tt M. vu.

R. R. for lea tuan tbe osoal oost ot breartns, even where crasher are already located. All aizei ot (tone constantly on band aa order for any iiitaauif reject trompt il-teutioa. Wemlwhave a complete ontSI flnelnllnf turn roller) for building none road waera Uus deirl JOIltl S.

UKBSDES. CONH. WHY! Ton bave the prettiest things In tbe dty. Tha above remark was heard fro often ia onr store during the last holiday season, that we hrva taken especial care to pat in each a stock aa should call forth the same expression this Tar. onr line of Cards, Booklets sad Celluloid Novo eitiet is now ready, and priors named, in am cordance witb the present etrineency of to monev market Don't miss the place.

blLL's, 6 rruraball Streat. Allyn Hotuo Aunex. What tho State Chemist of Connecticut says of Houblein's Private Stock Whiskey. OFFICE OF W. T.

CUTTER, btataCbeuilKt of Connnetlcut. East Ltm, Oot. 11, 1801. Mamrti. O.

F. nEUBF-KIN BRO KNTt.miK!: I bavemmlean analyalaof yourwbllrr roalced "Prl Tat Stock," mid find itrrwMi-om any lujuriouaor dMleturiona aubatannn. Its rttmarkablr tin aroma and mellownnw in nut tha romilt of mechanical treatment, bnt. Impartad bfiu a(t and purity. ItlHfreafrom fusil oil, and In atmoltitoly ure.

In 1MI while reaidlntf in Ken-tmkv, a lot tor waaitilrtKil tom by Dm. Valnntma Mott, Wll lara Parker, Jamea It. Wood, Austin Flint, Jan. O. Hutoliiuaon, Airred O.

Pout, and other eminent medical feutleiiion.a-klniTiJie if I would furnlBh a jmrfi article of whlnkey for the ue of tha sick, lie (j. F. Henbleinft Bro. brand of whinkey Private Stock" fully meeta theaborar-qiretnents and 1 recommend It to public favor. ours very truly Wm.

T. CrTTEB, Chemist FOR SALE BY G. F. HEUBLEIN 8c 8C, 39 and 40 Unlborrj Stmt, Hartford. 88 And 90 WELLS ST.

By druggists and dealers at 11.50 per bottle, or $16.00 per dozen bottles. If your dealer docs not keep it we will send 4 bottles packed in a perfectly plain box, express prepaid, to any address for $0.00. Xmas is Gone But Hew Years is Coming. A I.argB Aortmnt, of Gooila arrived tort xiiiuhla for New Yrat 'n Uit'. turns early borore tho choice onei are ae-lecttta.

The rust Schali 313 MAIN AND AbYLUJIl BTEEETS. On and after October 1st, our coffee will be sold in 1UFS10H one-pound cartons only. NI0N(tUB Is put in packages to insure the public getting the genuine article. has a rare Jlavor. Lincoln, Seyms Importers, HARTFORD.

CORN. fell I I 1 I TO MAKE Chest Protectors, Chamois Jackets, or Any Other Article. FINEST QUALITY, Largeit Stock In tha State, ALGOTT, FRISBIE CO. CHAMOIS SKIS To Our Patrons! Foi ca ca DECOmOlS AND FURNISHERS, Have Remove From 12 Main Street, to S43 Pearl btreoU Telephone tiuildio tWWe employ eklllei workmen only anfl miorantee quality, euaracter ul rnaaoatMe prion for all work pieced ut our hand. OaU Ui-i.

NEW YEAR'S DINNER COMPLETE WITHOUT Bcsso's Ice Cream. Choice Cakes, Ices and Confectionery. Leave Your Orders Now for Christmas Dinner. BTTelephone Connection. Hartford.

239 ilmu Street. Boston, J6T Tremont Street.

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