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The Perry Daily Chief from Perry, Iowa • Page 8

Perry, Iowa
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

T. i i'liil tliinl 1'ntluy ot i-uch thf inoulli. ASSORTED MATTER. JrfXljrc 4'js, I. 0 I 1 i I.

1:1 siJi-ol trUintfV. Vi ilins broth liters iv el I) I Ht'Ki'M N. O. J. .1.

DL'M. v.f. Secy. tk'y Lodiru Xi. A.

A. M. uiems talunliij' ninirbtfor? lull A allas Loilin- No. 1', A. O.

U. tuoett. in Musenlc Hall In and Simula) t'Vfllllllf Ol e.icll lllOHIll. 11. J.

HOI.MUS. M. W. V. It.

UuiU'hK. UcciinhT. cdtifld I'ost, No. -U, IK'purtineitt nf lovv.i, A. K.

meets Isr. uiul Mitunliij illicit! after lull moon. In MHMMJIC 1'erry, Vieitinir comrades cordially mv uej. K. S.

Uro--s Coinnl I'liriiieiiti-rAUJt. Americiiu fanners sent only about one hull their usual supply of wheat last jenr coMnaiptian Incura'c 1 I Head the following: ('. II. Newark, KHJS: down with Abscess ot hunt's, and triends and pronounced rue an Incurable Consumptive. Iti'gau taking Dr.

Kiug'a Nc-vv Hi.scovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the woil; on my farm. It is the mi'dicinc made." Middle wart, Decatur. Ohio, says "Had it not been for Dr. Kinjr's New Discovery for Consiiinption 1 would have died Lung Tioubles. Was up bv doctors.

Am now in best health." Try it. Sample bottle tree at 1. J. Townsend's Drugstore. nis I ll.illv Kill.

11 W. il. T1U1IE No. U. 1.

(). nt K. M. A Kindle I I Council tiro iciriilar tin- fitli t-evon tliL-ir i a i in Wimmer U'o k. C.

XV. I'OHTEH. Sill'lH'IIl. .1. 1'.

MYKU.sC.of K. COIN'S No. M. Depart- of meets Kt and 3rd Saturday moon, in l'edmrn'6 Hull. A tmltjl imitation cxtt'inliMl to visiting incin- K.

Prrt, sji'c'y. rjilli: SCHOOL 1 Meets evorvSu'Jlialti in their liull lu Un- lO'i llluck. Welcome ull. THE CHRISTIAN CHU11CH. Sabbath School every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock a.

m. Services at 11 o'clock, and In the evenlne at 7:30. Prayer meeting every Thursday evpnlnpr. ULV. O.

H. Jonsox, Pastor. FI11ST BAPTIST OHUKCH. rierrlces every Snbhath at A. and Evening.

Sabbath School (it 12 M. Younsr 1'eoples meeting ouu hour before evening fcerviees. Weekly prayer meeting Thursday fveoings. Wcluouio All! A. F.

BHAnpNACK, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOfAL CHURCH. Services every Sabbat at 10:4,1 u. and 7 -SO in tbo evening. Sabbath School at 12 m. Oxford Leuugc 7:30 Tuesday evenings. Prayer meeting Thursday evenings at 7:30. WM. F.

HARKED, raster. The iiutuber of executions during the past year iu the L't-ited States was eighty-seven. Bucilen's Arnica Salve. The Beat Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Ilheura, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pos- ttively cures IMles, or no pay Ii is nuara'iteeil to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.

I'rice 25 cents per box. For sale by 1. L. Townsend. The United States Signal Office has reports from eleven vessels wiiich were saved by oil in a hurricane oil the Bahamas.

Dtwson THE IIiDDKN Tha writer went to bee his best girl and did not get back in time to ueti Dr. Coveny drove to Jiagley Tuesday. many locals this week. One hundred wtRons were loaded The W. C.

T. r. aie to hold their con- with coal at the mine last Tuesday. There must be some Sunday attraction for Kosati. Turner in Dawson.

Tho Primitive Methodists are holding a protiacied meeting this week. Mr. and Mrs. William 1'ace mourn the loss of their babe. They have the sympathy of triends and ihe community.

Wanted, by Deacon York, ii bright boy: one who is able to stand mound with his hands in his pockcta and chew tobacco, swear, tell lies, be impudent and not afraid to loaf. comes the people of Dawson and vicinity praying for an epidemic of Yciilian in Miuburn on the dtli. and 7th. of March. This is the first time any thins of this kind has been in out town ai.d wo hope it will be well attended.

the best lady speakers in the State are to UK here. Dr. Cnnsmen reports great deal of sickness now. Mr. Stout south of town has i i very sick children.

The dance in Miuburn Hall last Thursday ended as such gatherings usually do in our town. The "roughs'' to much tanglefoot and so made the night hideous for aw hile. On Tuesday night the good people lockjaw or home other calamity, that were much annoyed by some boys "HACKMETACK" a lasting and frag-ran perfume. I'rice 25 and Do cents, 13 SHILOH'S CUKE will Ininedlatcly Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. 14 FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint you have a printed guarantee on every bottle Shlloh's Vltallzer.

It never falls. A NASAL INJECTOli free with each bott: Shlloh'H Catarrh Remedy. Price Sold by Henry Courtney. IS WALTER CAtlDELL, EDMUND NICHOLS, CAR DELL, NICHOLS, IATTORNEYS AT All Icc-il business entrusted to our cure, will ii. The skeleton of mastodon lias been unearthed in California.

It is thirty feet long and has tusks between six and seven in length. receive proinut uttentloii. Ollice over L. D. blu's Furniture Uumb Second PKHBT, IOWA.

il norh uriiiudalty. All vvnrk warranted nnd neatly executed. After sixteen years of Hiieei'csfiil priie lee, fee. confident that I can pleast nil flfS opposite OpeinTInUbO, Pi'Mir. lowfi.

Z. (Successor to W. A. Pi or.) ABSTRACTOR, LOAN AND DEAL ESTATE mm. Electric Bitters.

This icmedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no speclaj mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing tho samo song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Klectric Bitters will cure all diseases'of the Liver and Kidneys, will rernove Pimples, Boils, Salt llhenm and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive alaria'lrom the system and preventas well as cure all Malarial fevers.

For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. I'rice 50 eta. and SI.00 per bottle at I. L.

Towusend's drug store. fl Already a pair of gas wells, two kind? of apples and forty-four babies have been named "IJenllarrisou." furnished im short notlev. ixnd money loaned mi cnay (Jull and fret rates before nptrotlnilnvelravrhiTr. SMITH GO'S COHSUMPTIUN SUBELY CUBED. To THE EDITOH inform readers have a positive reme-uyfor theabove iiiimi'd dlsonso.

lly Us tlmeiv use thouennds 1 lioiwtess can's been permanently iFliall behind two bottled of rny reiredy rttEK to nnv of readers who Imve If thev mil send me their express an4 post office address. Hespeotfully, T. A.SMH-UM. M. 1H1 Pearl N.

Y. will forever silence the maay washing tongues of scandal and gossip. "Fight, Qght, let us go and see." it is only lifty or sixty men and boys playing marbles." "What's 01 over there in that crowd?" "Don 1 "Come on aiid let us "Oh sol darn it, its only them fellow; Hipping pennies." Deacon 1'ork, James Tolle and W. Cramer started yesterday hog of the vintage of 18S1 from the stock yards. Their destination Cramer's meat market, about twc blocks distant.

They and the aforesaid hog prornenaded around town aK tho afternoon and at sundown wound up at the meat market, much pleased with the sights they saw. Hapls Grove Br SL-SIK n. Oh: what is the matter with He is getting furious. The meetings still continue at the Deardorff school house. May Partner visited friends and relatives at Brough last Friday and Saturday.

The wolf on tho 16th was a failure on account of bad weather. There is going to be some tioubleon Scotch Avenue shortly it' all repoits are true. Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Berry are visiting at Linden at this writing.

Mr. Joe Holmea has started the hall to roll in the moving line as he pulled up stakes and moved on Mr. Eastwood's farm near Yale. A New York girl accepted a German Baron's offer of marriage only on condition that he woufd sign a contract permitting her to retain her own fortune. The object of J.

Norman aper on -'The OYigin of Celestial Species'' in Harpers for March will be, in his own words "to point our the high piobability that the various light sources in the heavens lave a meteoric origin; that is, that tones have fallen on the earth from leaven because the heavens are full of tones, and practically of nothing else, nd that the luminosity of every kind heavenly body is produced by met- orites differently aggregated and dilf- rently circumstonced in the various alma of space." HEW MEAT MARKET. THE BEVEKNED UEU. H. THAYEH. of Bourbon, suye "Both myself and Wife owe our lives to Sblloh'g consumption cure.

0 ABE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Logs of appltlte. Yellow Skin? Shlloh's Vltallzer Is guaranteed a positive cure. TO WHY WILL YOU cough when Shlloh's Cure will give Imniedlitercllef, 11 SHILOH'S CATAKKH KEMEDY-ft positive cure for Catarrh, Dlpthcrla and Canker-mouth Sold by E. Willis. 12 IOWA Fresh and Salted Meats Always kept on hand.

By fair and upright dealings we hope to merit a liberal share of the public patronage. The Arctic whaling season for 1888, which is about over, resulted in a catch of 101 whales, against Stt last year. You know enthusiasm when you see it. Judge of this: "I believe Compound Oxygen will cure consumption MKS. S.

M. ANTHONY. Uurhamviile, July 15, 1888." Compound Oxygen saved mi life. MRS. J.

T. BAILEY. Little Bock, March 0. "I that I cannot say too ration in praise of the Compound Oxygen treatment. MHS.

FLORENCE BLUE. I CURE FITS! Bunker Hill. March 14, 1868. Send for our brochure of 'MO pages, or our quarterly review. Health and Life, containing the results of Compound Oxygen treatment in cases ol consumption.

bronchitis, asthma, catarrh, dyspepsia, nervous prostration, rheumatism, neuralgiaand all other complaints of a chronic nature. All our publications will be forwarded free of charge to any one addressing Drs. Starkey alen. No. 1529 Arch Street, Philadel- uhia, Pennsylvania.

top lor a time, an? Una ban I Of A hitherto unpublished chapter in tbe life of Edgar Allan Foe will appear in Harpers' Magazine for March. The old lady irho was tho heroine of this early love episode of the poet's gave Mr. Augusta Van Cleef permission to write down and publish her reminiscen- I ces of it proyided her identy should not be revealed. She declared that tbe portrait of the poet which is reproduced in this Number of Harper's was "tbe best one she had ever seen, and bad his expension." She died in tbe West in 1887 over seventy years old. The total amount of quicksilver autnedin tbe world avenues 133,00 flasks, and California consumes more than half of Linn county has tbe most oven saloons of any county in the State outside of the river counties, its number being 40.

Carroll county comes next with 18; Harrison 12; Jackson 10; Ida all at Holstein. Active steps however are being taken to reduce the whole number to 0, and if the officers can receive proper help in hunting up the evidence, they claim they can do it. Sixty-two counties in tbe State report tbe commission of crime has been greatly dimished since the enforcement of the prohibitory law, making the sheriff's office a far less remunerative office than formerly. The Chicago and All America ball teams have progress as far around the world in their travels Borne where they played on Saturday last before a large assemblage. In Naples 30,000 turned out to witness this great American game.

After a struggle of so many weeks John E. Kenna, United States Senator from West Virginia, democrat, succed- ed in getting votes to select him as his own successor. The final vote stood Kenna 40, Goff 4,3 That does not change the political complexion of the Senate. swearing and threatening to light and disturbing those who were at church. Hoys leruember i i a i against those who disturb the peace.

nod at the lesideiio of the brides father on Tuesday eve Ida Weat to Andy Wicks. The oims people are well and favorably known in Miuburn, and have the brstvtibhes of all their friends. Tlipyaic to live in Colfivx township on Sam Wicks' farm. Mr Ilanis' family are visiting fora few dajrt i friends in Dallas Center. at the residence of the brides near DeSota on Thuihdity eve.

Mr. I. Murphev of Jiinbnrn to Cora Ueck of UeSota. Tester, as he is commonly called, is one of sunburn's men. He has bt-cu near here, and 1-b many friends vvis him all the jov possible.

Heck i ii stranger to the writer but we hearsh is one or DeSotas best girls They ar make their future home in Xebrask Yester starts for Nebraska on Tuesday urs Murphey will visit a short tim with relatives and frienus and then joii ler husband in tin ir western home. sirs. A. A. Slaughter, ami family tarted on Tuesday of this week lo nove to Columbus Kansas.

Al Is ni Id Dallns Co boy having been born and "aised heio. Weaie sorrj to loose him Mr. and W. II. Mtirphuy were iver at DeSotu to their weddm-Ji sir.

Leiin Warfoid ol Washington tp te hear is quite sick. Fred llogcis teaching in No Wash ngton tp. north-west of town will close is term ot school this Tied is a i i succebsfiil teacher. Jim nyrick of a i i Co. nephew Mrs.

John Hryatit visited with relatives last week, my "tow the girls did smile en him. O.u!tuH liie in Minburn on Fiiday night, about meive o'clock y.r. wereuuakened In lincl their house in flames, but the fire was under headway tit much to save the house or i Ttis is uxreat to air Jfurris. Tlte house belonged to Will Osborne of DesJioines, and we hear was well insured but Mr Harris furniture is a clear lobs, no insurance. air.

Lee Jinkins. son-is-law of L. Watford, stalled on last Tuesday for Nebraska. If he likes the country Mrs. Jinkins is to follow in a few weeks and they will locate there.

Mrs. Hawkins began her set ies of meetings in our town on last Sunday. She is a good speaker ami no doubt will do much good. May the good work go on, for it is much needed. Died, Wednesday morning at two o'clock, youngest son of Mr.

and Mrs. L. H. Jones. The little one only stayed a short lime on this cold earth, but live short months and then took his departure to a fairer, better world than this.

But litlle lime dear baby, In this cold world did you stay. But the flower that is the fairest. Is the soonest to nass away. Sixteen years after her burial tbe coflln of a woman was opened and the body found petrified. She had her mouth open, however, going to show that she was came even when turning into stone.

Men mane their chief sacrifices to love before they marry: women--poor creatures--after. Dr. Bliss who attended President Garfield during the latter's long illness has just died in Washington. Ex-President Hayes is in good financial condition, and is coining money out of his chicken farm. Gentiles or Anti-Mormons of Odgen.

Utah Territory, a few days ago succeeded in carrying the election, wnd defeating every Mormon candidate. This is the first time tho elections were ever carried against the Mormoms, but it is hoped it may not be the last. Senator Haddock on Monday presented a petition to the Neb. State Farm ers' alliance, asking that the volume of money be increased. iiwni.nvi.

Brockton, last year turned ont on an average about forty-five pairs of shoes per minute for 300 days of ten boars etch. The United States consumes 160,000 000. pairs of boots and shoes per anaum, 100,000,000 of which is famished by the New England States. DlMuei of OtUM a Llto WHATyoo toggnymL AGNES praised your in rV-i Your hair, ycv-r lie 3zr.TM that sunshine lingered tli-re. The sunshine of He told you love had hid ,1 h-r In of your hair." I have caught With these blond tresses fair; Because I cleanse them eft.

you know, With IVORY SOAP, as pure as The soap without cnrnrnre A WORD OF WARNING. ie RF re MnT liy i SOa Sl Cach reoresented to "Just as good as the 'Ivory' they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar and remarlcable quatitie of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soip and insist upsn get'lng it. Onnrriirht Hw liv A Des Moines Road Can Do not place your orders for Carts, you have seen this Cart- ITS SOMETHING NEW! PERRY, IOWA. MAN UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOGHAPHT OP THB OOOTTHT.

WILL OBTAH MUCH VALUABLE PfFOBMATIOW TBOM A STUDY OP THIS MAP OF LO K. JOIJTE. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. (Chicago, Bock Island Pacific and Chicago, Kansas Nebraska Its main linos, branches and extensions west, northwest and south? Include Chicago, Jollot, Ottawa, Peoria, LaSallo. Mollne, Hock ILLINOIS--Davenport, Muscatlna.

Ottumwa. Oskaloosa. West Ut City. DesMolnes, KnoxvlUe, Wlnterset, Atlantic, Audubon. HatI Centre, and Council Bluffs in and St.

Paul SOTA--Watertown and Sioux Falls In DAKOTA-OallatlnTTrenton" St. Joaeph, and Kansas dty in MISSOUEI-Beatrlce, Fa'-' In NEBRASKA--Horton, Topefca, Hutcbinson, Wichita, Abilene, CaldweU, in KANSAS--Colorodo Springa, Denver. Fuel HADO. Traverses new and vast areas of rich (arming anr affording 1 the best facilities of Intercommunication to older towns and cities in Southern Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado" Mexico, Indian Territory. Texas, Arirona, Idaho, California coast and trans-oceanic Seaports.

SOLID FAST VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS Of Palace Coaches--leading all competitors In splendor luxury of accommodations--run through dally between Pueblo. Similar MAGNETIC equipment fO PI BilU ftvlCE dally Chair Csra Choice prompt connections and and Intervening 1 in Union Depots. THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Northern rAOTTAt oonooa E. ST. JOHN, CHICAGO, ILL.


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