Lime Springs Herald from Lime Springs, Iowa • Page 1
- Publication:
- Lime Springs Heraldi
- Location:
- Lime Springs, Iowa
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)
I Historical Molnes Dept. of lows The Talk of the Community LIME SPRINGS HERALD VOLUME FIFTY-EIGHT LIME SPRINGS, IOWA, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1939 NUMBER 23 Band Off to Waterloo Today for Band Jubilee OUTSIDE ALUMNI PRESENT AT THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY AND RE (Compiled by Joshua Williams) Henry Somsen, New Ulm. Class of 1889. Mrs. Rev.
Madge Van Leuvan Smith of Indianapolis. Will H. Davis, Chicago; Class of 1891. Mrs. Perle Johnson Kollman of Westgate, Iowa, Class of 1892.
Mrs. Dot Thompson Steffins, Spring Valley, Class of 1896.1 Joshua R. Williams, Ophelm, Class of 1897. Rev. Robert O.
Thomas of Dodge City, Ida Jones Thomas of Grinnell, Iowa: Class of 1900. Supt. Thomas R. Roberts, Decorah, Iowa, Class of 1901. Chester Pettit.
Valley City, N. Class of 1902. Mrs. Alma Jones, Rochester, Class of 1903. Mrs.
Gwen Jones Roberts of Roberts, and Katherine Parry Crum, Spring Valley, Class of 1904. Mrs. Marie Mrs. Catherine E. Clara Jerusa Thomas, Morris Nagle Thomas all Jones of Mathison, Hughes, Minneapolis: Spring Mrs.
Valley, Class of 1905. Harry Roberts, Harmony. Harriet Owen Kampen of Madison, Gladys Burns Horton of Minneapolis; Ruth Love. Fargo, N. 1906.
Lydia Parry Jones, Bristol, and Margaret Roberts Behrens of Minneapolls, Class of 1907. John Daniel Thomas. St. Paul: Evan O. Williams.
Des Moines; Cora Woods Becker, Blue Earth. Winnle Foulkes Perry, Chicago; Vera Burns Luhman. Postville, Iowa; Class of 1908. Mrs. Edith Evans Owen, Cresco, Iowa: Mrs.
Susle Chick Fishbaugher. Preston, Mrs. Hughes, Le Sueur, Class of 1909. Mrs. Abble Ruesink Metz, Osage, Iowa; Class of 1910.
Harold -King, Miss Jennie Minneapolis; field Cray, Chester; Iowa: Class. of 1911. Arthur Evans, Hudson, Iowa; Mrs. Laura Latcham Smith, Monona, Lyman Carpenter, Chicago, Charles Anderson, Rochester, Class of 1912. Mrs.
Edna Anderson Roberts. Harmony, Paul Nagel, Cresco; Miss Lols Elwood, Des Molnes; Miss Viola Evans, Chicago; Class of 1913. Miss Mary Williams. White Bear, Claude King. Oelweln; bert Kerr, Mason City; Class of 1914.
Dr. Vincent Horton, Calmar, Iowa, Class of 1915. Grace Jones Anderson, Rochester, Mrs. Ruth Howland Gue, Oelweln, Iowa: Mrs. Marie Roberts Barnard, Ames, Iowa: Class of 1916.
Supt. David Roberts, West Union. Iowa. Class of 1917. Miss Lucile Elwood.
Des Molnes: Mrs. Mabel Roberts Markee, Mason Mrs. Frances Barlow Holgate. Bismarck, N. Class of 1918.
The above class was here and all came from some distance. Mrs. Merle Sanborn Kerr. Mason City, Iowa: Mrs. Anna Howland Lake, Tacoma, Richmond Roberts, Dubuque, Iowa; Class of 1919.
Mrs. Lake came from the longest distance away of anyone. Mrs. Frances Latcham Meyn, Iowa; Mrs. Mildred Johnson Aspinwall, Hawkeye, Iowa; Class of 1920.
Miss Luclle Johnson. Cherokee, Iowa: Mrs. Ella Jones Worthington. Cumberland, Iowa; Miss Pearl Roberts, Des Molnes: Dr. Everton Jones, Sioux City; Class of 1921, Percy Haven.
Cresco; Mrs. Myrtle Kerr Falb, Elgin, Iowa; Winfield Sanborn, Volga. Iowa: Mrs. Marguerite Plummer Kerr, Granger, Class of 1922. Miss Anna Mae Davis.
Decorah, Iowa; Mrs. Clarice Johnson Kaltenbach, Ottumwa. Iowa: Mrs. Thelma Knutsen Terry. Cedar Falls, Iowa: Mrs.
Helen Stevens Cecil, Columbus Iowa: Miss Anna Jones, Bonair. Iowa; Stephen Jones, Harmony, Mrs. Lillian Horton Simpson, Des Moines; Class of 1923. Dr. Kennard Jones, Grosse Polnt.
Mrs. Gladys Williams Haven, Cresco: Webster Hughes, Waterloo: Arthur Davies, Cresco: Class of 1924. AIrs Emily Klingshelm Mihm, Chester; Glenn Eller, Cresco; Supt. Osey Kerr, Dallas, Iowa; Mrs. Mabel Johnson Remboldt, West Union; Mrs.
Rosella Hartung Crapser, Anoka, Class of 1925. Thomas Jones, McGregor, Iowa: Melancthon Jones, Waterloo; Class of 1926. Ella Lewis. Chester, Class of 1927. Miss Lorene Johnson, Carpenter, Iowa; Lovern Johnson, Heitman, Iowa; Daisy Gragert Elkman, Minneapolis: Mrs.
Helen Fisher Gott, Waterloo: Class of 1928. Mrs. Arlene Jensen Caln. Independence: Carl Fisher. Waterloo: Mrs.
Beatrice Harold Kintz, Chestor; Mrs. Winnle Jones Sikkink, 4 4: image 47294 4 Under the Co-Co By M. N. X. Mrs.
Jones-Mrs. Blank and I are not on speaking terms. Jones -Well, it won't hurt either of you to rest up a little. It suddenly strikes me that we wait elght or nine months for some decent weather, and when it gets here, it's too hot to enjoy. 'It's not the heat.
it's the I'm surprised Uncle 1 Dudley isn't yelling for a new swimming pool. M. N. X. received a card from an alumnus at Scranton, Iowa, after last week's column.
asking if it was Harriet Owen Kampen that asked about 'Kissing Bridge', ain't a sayin'! Right now the local gardens are at their best. In appearance, I mean. Their productive best will come later. String beans and peas and corn and raspberries. new potatoes.
strawberries and carrots. Don't tell me this is making you hungry! And so soon after breakfast. Just In case you don't know-a picnic is: A day set apart to get betacquainted with ants, worms. snakes, wild cows, chiggers and polson ivy. Minister--I'm so glad you've turned over new leaf, Thomas.
Minister--Yes, I was pleased to see you at prayer service last night. Tom -Oh. so that's where I was, 1s It? Definition of a lap: That which you lald on your Mother's with your face to the floor and got spanked on the back of. Receives Master's Degree From University of S. D.
Baccalaureate, and commencement exercises of the University of South Dakota at Vermillion were attended Sunday and Monday by Carl dy. The degree of Master of Arts was bestowed upon his sister Miss Agnes Cassidy. Miss Agnes was the youngest of twelve students of the Graduate Schnol to receive the M. A. degree.
She majored in English, with History as her minor. Her thesis was entitled "A Complete Grammar of Shakespeare's 'Titus The degree represented fire years work at the University. schol- Miss Cassidy, has the been University of a Colorado. where she will enroll next September, to continue her work toward 8 D. degree.
A grandson of Charles Hawkinson of Lime Springs was also among the graduates of the college of Arts and Sciences of the University of South Dakota. he being Charles Isackson of Webster. S. who received an A. B.
degree in journalism. OLD SETTLERS PICNIC AT LE ROY FRIDAY The 65th Annual Old Settlers Picnic. ably publicized by the now famous Le Roy Whisker Club, promises to be the best and most elaborate staged in Le Roy. Serving as it does a grand get-together for old settlers, old friends and new, there will be offered In addition everything that makes for the best in entertainment. Bands, parades, free acts, baseball, dances, street sports, concessions.
merry-go-rounds, rides. movies, speaking and musical programs, not to forget the one and only Whisker Contest, an event worth going miles to see, according to the LeRoy Independent. OUR SINCERE THANKS We wish to kindly thank our neighbors. friends and relatives who so kindly assisted us in our recent fire loss. John Souhrada and Family.
mony: Class of 1929. Dr. Lculs Bastian, Independence, Iowa, Class of 1930. Miss Margaret Jones. Curlew.
Prof. Curtis Moore, Grinnell, Iowa; Miss Pearl Jones, Rochester, Mrs. Mary Jones Jones, Harmony, Woodrow Hughes, Ames, Class of 1931. Miss Florence Thomas, Springville, Iowa; Mrs. Zella Gragert Clark, Minneapolis: Mrs.
June Haven a'. Connell. Waterloo: Class of 1932. Miss Eunice Morris. Cresco, Iowa; Miss Jane Cray, Decorah, Iowa; Class of 1933.
Bernard Hughes. Cedar Falls, Class of 1934. Miss Marjorie Pixicy, Sloan, Iowa: Miss Dorothy Thomas. Cedar Falls, Iowa: Charles Stoakes, Iowa City, Iowa; Class of 1936. Miss Hah Roverts.
Des Molnes: Miss Amber Halweg, Decorah; Earl Sekora, Fayette, Iowa; Elnora Medbaug. Preston. Class of 1937. Rah: Hunter. Cresco.
Class of 1938. -And Live Happily Everafter Walter Meighan Suddenly Stricken Friday Morning Walter W. Melghan, son of Edward and Mary Josephine Meighan was born on a farm near Lime Springs, July, 4th, 1880, and spen his whole life in this vicinity. He moved into the town of Chester In 1911 where he managed meat market till 1918, when moved to Lime Springs, where he lived until his death. He had been In poor health for several years but was always able to get around, until the day of his death.
He died suddenly on the morning! of June 2nd. 1939: about. 8.8-0 aged 58 years. 10 months, 28 days. He leaves to mourn his loss a sister' Miss Dolly Melghan of Lime Springs, and 8 brother, Wm.
F. Melghan, Woodland, two nieces, Mrs. Robert D. Noble of Oelwein, Iowa, and Ruth Meghan, of Los Angeles, and a host of friends. Funeral services were held at Larson's Funeral Chapel on Sunday, June 4, Rev.
Joseph Yates officiating. Interment was at Pleasant Hill cometery. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all the nelghbors and friends who were thoughtful and kind and for their assistance following the death of our beloved brother and uncle. We wish also to thank those sending floral tributes and to the trio for their lovely songs. Dolly Meighan.
Mrs. R. Noble and family. 1-f- MISSIONARY MEETS The Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E.
Church met June 7, 1939. at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Moar with Mrs. E. McCaustland as assisting hostess.
Mrs. Howard Phillips. Mrs. Jos. Yates, Mrs.
Stevens and Mrs. Edd Mouw gave very Instructive and Interesting talks. Mrs. F. P.
Lindsay of Preston, Minn. formerly a National vice Ident of the Woman's Foreign MIssionary Society will give the Thank Offering address at the M. E. Church Sunday morning, June 18th. All members and friends are strongly urged to be present, and to be Uberal with a Thank Offering.
Let us show our appreciation for all the good things God has given us. DAPIINE DAVIS SALUTATORIAN OF CRESCO SENIOR CLASS Miss Daphne Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. H.
Davis of Lime Springs, was Salutatorian in a class of 76 graduated from Cresco High school last Thursday. Miss Daphne also recelved the American Legion Citizenship Award. She was selected by the students ps the most representative girl In the Senior class, and was chosen by the student body as the girl with the most charming sonality, and also the most courteous girl. Daphne was a member of the typing team of five. from Cresco High, which went to the state typing contest in Des Molnes.
She plans to attend the American Institute of Business In Des this fall. LEAGUE BAKE SALE The Epworth League will hold Food Bale of baked good on Saturday next, June 10th, at the City Hall, Lime Springs. The Committee will be on hand Saturday morning to receive donations and selling will begin at 1 p. m. The proceeds are to be used to defray expenses of League delegates to Clear Lake stitute, July 17th.
to Additional Notes on the Monday Afternoon Program of the Alumni Reunion; Joshua R. Williams The audience R'AS delighted to1 hear the school's prize solo singer, Wm. Cray. In the solo, "Friends of Wm, one of the 1939 graduates, won first place in the subdistrict music contest. The Alumni girl graduates were represented by Katherine Parry Crum of Spring Valley, Minn.
She told of what the Lime Springs school meant in the lives of the graduates. was valedictorian in the class of 1904, and was for many years among successful teachers of the Alumnl. She has been assistant principal of the Lime Springs school. She has traveled abroad. She Ls a graduate of Upper Iowa University.
She hold's 8 Master's from the Wisconsin state university--the only one of the girl graduates hold-: Ing such a degrce. Supt. Osey Kerr, of the class of 1925, spoke for the boy graduates. He 1s just beginning his 10th year as superintendent of the consolidated school at Dallas, Iowa. He has been very successful there.
It pleases the Alumni to see their fellow members thus coming to the front so rapidly. Corrected Paragraph Two departing freight trains filled the air with their nolse for minutes, during which time Supt. Hendrickson was singing as a solo. "Without A Although his rendition was fine, he did not have the proper chance because of these freight trains. -i-fANNOUNCEMENT MADE OF PLANS FOR CO.
FAIR The Howard County fair management makes the following announcement for the 1939 fair to be held at Cresco starting on Thursday, August 31, and continuing through Friday. Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 1-2-2! respectively. Ernie Young Back They have secured Ernie Young again this year with an entirely new and more elaborate revue and seven outstanding acts for the evening performances and part of the afternoon attractions. They will again feature high class baseball consisting of two outstandlng foreign teams for the first day and local teams for the other days.
which will have to be picked later in the season as the teams develop. Two Days Horse Races There will be two days of out. standing harness horse racing, both pace and trot, and they hope to get a stake race for the second day which will draw some very high class horses to the fair this year. We feel that we are in a very good position this year as far as dates are concerned to draw a large of good horses as both the Minnesota and Iowa State fairs will be practically over when our fair starts and we should get some real good horses from both of these fairs. We are golng to feature fire works this year on the first and last nights which will be something new for this vicinity.
West Bros. Shows They have secured a new carnival for the Howard county fair and for this entire territory for this year which is known as West Bros. shows. This carnival has 14 rides and 14 shows and will give you all of the sights and thrills that your heart desires. Auto Races Sunday The feature attraction for Sunday afternoon be auto races and a thrill day program combined.
Entry day will be on Wednesday, Aug. 30, and all entries must be made in their proper places and entries at the office by Wednesday night. Other announcements will be made! as they develop, Watch for them in your local paper. C. C.
Nichols. Secretary. DAVID FISH ATTENDING BOYS' STATE THIS WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish and Mrs.
Fish's sister Miss Edith Parry of Cresco motored to Mt. Vernon Saturday after the former's son David. and took him to Des Moines 18, to six months in the county Jail and then paroled him to mother. Mrs. Alice Mortenson, of Austin, Minn.
Glen was arrested last week at Lime Springs by Sheriff Percy Haven on a charge of operating a motor vehicle without the owner's consent. and lodged In county Cresco. W. B. Waldron, 39, arrested at Eau Claire, by Sheriff Percy Haven of Cresco, on a charge of bigamy.
waived preliminary hearing in the Justice court of C. E. Farnsworth Monday, June 5, and was bound over to the grand Jury of 1 Howard county on a ball bond of 000. 24 Bands Will Participate in All Day Festival and Demonstration The Lime Springs Band will take part in a Band Jubilee at Waterloo today. June 8th.
Participating In the band festival will be 24 bands from the surrounding territory. Following is the tentative program which Band Director A. A. Hendrickson received recently: Thursday, June 8th 9:00 to 11:00 a. m.
Arrival of Bands jat Headquarters. 9:00 to 11:00 a. m. Distribution of Participation Medals and Souvenirs to Band Members. 10:00 to 11:00 a.
m. Band Concerts 1p the Business District. 12:00 to 1:00 p. m. Parade through the Business District.
1:00 to Church Dinner for 1:00 Band to Members." m. Dinner for officials. Band Conductors and Guests. 2:00 to 5:00 p. m.
Continuation of Band Concerts in Business District. 2:00 to 5:00 p. m. Theaters, Roller Skating. Swimming, etc.
6:30 p. m. Formation of Marching Bands at the Waterloo Baseball Stadium. 7:00 p. m.
Grand entry of Marching Bands. 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. Massed Band Concert, Marching Band Demonstration, and Musical Specialties. A Few Short Notes About the Reunion News from the County Seat (By Special Correspoudent) -The golden wedding apniversary of Mr.
and Mrs. James N. May Smith 30, at was their a Cresco home occasion Tuesday, happy a family gathering of 27 pear relatires including their Rey: Fred Smith, wife and' two children of St. Paul; Lew Smith and three children of Waterloo, Iowa: Mrs. Bessie Holzworth and daughter of Glendive, Miss Bernice Smith of St.
Miss Marjorie Smith of Flasher, N. Mrs. Helen Lanz and seven children of Cresco: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and son of Cresco, making a total of seven children, besides four other pear relatives in the family gathering.
Durfing the hours of "open 93 friends registered and left remembrances In the way of cash to help make up substantial purse with which to purchase a gift of their own choosing. Marriage licenses were Issued during the week to the following couples: Harland R. Hyberger and Margaret Kurkenback, Elma: Walter Jacobson, Rochester, and Mildred L. Jefferson, Friendship, Charley Hamerma and Myrna Johnson. Spring Valley, Frank M.
Smith, Iowa City, and Mabel M. Hallway, Center Point: Ellsworth M. Outwin. Goodhue. Mary V.
Haas, St. Paul; Jennings Huth, Mankato, and Vivian Mensing. Kasson. Alfred V. Barnes and Cecilla B.
Ingalls, both of Rochester, Clifford Leonard. Waukesha, and Frances Hanneman, Oconomo woc, James W. Madsen and Adelaide M. Kopp, both of Minneapolis: Roscoe Hadley, Rochester, and Cybil Culver, Byron, Lucian Jones, Montgomery, Alabama, and Marjorle H. Carden.
Forest City, Arkansas; Ronald Lair and Ethel Prettyman, both of Rochester, Minn. Another good rain during the week has helped the growth of crops. but more warm weather is needed for corn. Farmers complain that the seed planted has come up very uneven, due to the dry soll at the time of planting. some corn being four to six laches high while other hills In the field are but Just coming through the ground.
Dr. and Mrs. P. P. Offlighter left Tuesday, June 6, for the east where they will spend about six weeks visiting Detrolt, Niagara Falls.
Toronto, New York, taking in the World's Fair, Washington, D. and some points in southern states. Gene Krieger, ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. C.
T. Arleger of Cresco, is carrying his left arm in a sling as a result breaking both bones of his left wrist while Jumping rope at; the home of uncle and Mr. and Wilson, near Mabel, Sunday, May 28. The month of May seems to be an unlucky one for Gene as he has carried the same arm in a sung for the last three summers due to accidents that month. Judge T.
H. Goheen of Calmar. In district court at Cresco Monday, June 5, sentenced Glenn By Joshua Williams At the evening service at the Presbyterian church last Sunday, when Rev. Yates preached, the for vis' fine opportunity volce in of a hearing quartet Dan number, Daonce mote, came to a Lime Springs With Anna audience. Mae Davis as accompanist, he.
Hugh Morris of West Pullman, I. (another old-time singer)'; Thomas' Price and Ben Davis Sr. sAng two pumbers. One of these, "More Than Conquerors Are WAS simply wonderful. A bad' head cold kept Dan from able to sing at the Reunion programs- much to the disappointment of his many old friends.
Evan O. Williams. Des Molnes, remarked that Lime Springs has evidently grown a whole lot since he lived here. He Judged this from the number of freight trains which could be disturbingly heard during the Reunion programs, AS these trains pulled out of town. The Class of 1918-and all from quite a distance were here for the Reunion.
Frances Barlow Holgate of Bismarck. N. Mabel Roberts Markee. Mason, and Lucile Elwood of Des Molnes. The Class of 1899-Mrs.
Elizabeth Owen and Belle Pettit were also here -as both live here. There was one big advantage that the 1939 Home-coming had over the 1922 and 1927 Home-coming. There were no ball games or street sports to distract the attention of the visitors. The visitors came here to see and visit old friends, not to watch street sports, which would use up a lot of their valuable time. a They sec enough ball games at their Own homes And as it was, the visitors left with many visits Incomplete.
And best of all, we had no street games of chance or any fakirs, such as were seen at the two former Home comings. LOCAL VALEDICTORIAN WINS READER'S DIGEST AWARD Abner A. Hendrickson, superintendent of schools, announces that the coveted Award for Scholastic Achlevement has been won by Miss Betty Fish, valedictorlan of the class of 1939, Lime Springs High School. She has received an engrossed parchment certificate. The Reader's Digest confers this annual award as encouragement to young men and women throughout the nation who, by their scholastic achlevement, give promise of growing into leadership in their communities.
Principals of progressive preparatory and high schools increasingly advocate an Interest among students 1n the most significant articles which appear to current magazines. Their belief is that vital contact with the living, quickening thought of our day is essential to education, both before and after Molnes where he will spend the weck at the American Legion "Boys' sent by the Lloyd L. Horton Post of Lime Springs. Mr. and Mrs.
1 Fish and Miss Parry then visited their brother and family Tom Parry 'at Ames. .1 I image 47294.
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