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Sioux Valley News from Correctionville, Iowa • Page 6

Sioux Valley Newsi
Correctionville, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

7 Poultry Wanted. We are now on the market to buy Poultry--Chickens. Turkeys, Ducks and Geese, in unlimited quantities. Don't toe atraid of overstocking us, but bring us all you have to spare and we will pay you the highest cash market price at the old creamery. We will also buy rabbits.

S. WIENER, Correetionville, la. A SWEEPING OFFER' EVERY TO THI33 ORANGE JUDD FARMER -AND THE- SIOUX VALLEY NEWS OLD OR JJEW, whose subscription for 1896 is immediately forwarded to tis, to gether with the COMBINATION JPHICK for both one year each. FOK OXLY $2.00, will receive in addition the 5110 t-aac 'wokcntitlcd THE AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST ASufferer Cured "Every season, from the time I was two years old, I suffered dread. fully from erysipelas, which kept growing worm; until uiy hands were almost useless.

The Iniiies softened fco that they would bend. several of my fingers are now crooked from eaii.v. On my hand I carry larjjo scars, wliicli, but for AVER'S Sarsapadtla, would sores, provided I was alive and able to carry Eight hollies of Ayer's Sar.sapanil.t cured me, that I have no return of the disease for more than twenty year The first bottle seemed to reach thj spot and a persistent of it perfected the O. C. DAVIS, Wis.

1SE OHIT WORLD'S FAIR SarsapariUa AYEB'S PILLS Frossto Gcod DigtstiM. 11 CONTAINING STATISTIC ON Agricnltnre, Railroads. Schools, Politics, Weather. Cities, Counties, States, Countries, People, Animals. Birds, HOUSAND RINGS HOUGHTFUL HLNKERS --AND A-WOULD NEVER THIM consult IT IS AN UP-TO-DATE MANUAL FOR ALL.

5OO Pages. Facts. Topics. The Greatest of al! Encyclopaedic Annnals. It is a manual of Comprehensiveness as well as Cheapness.

It is practical, thorough, comprehensive and concise. Complete and condensed information on populmr lines. Weather forecasts for the year 1896, by Prof. Chas Lillingstone. son-la pupil and assistant to the late Prof.

John H. Tice, the admitted discoverer of the electro-planetary system, upon which weather forecasts are based. CORRESPONDENCE KOCK BKAXCI1. The revival meetings at the M. Church are meeting with great success and making many coniertions.

The dance at Fred Benedict's Tuesday night was a very pleasant affair, forty conples were present. Squire Twogood had a case last week. It was not a ease of beer either. Eva VVilcox and Florence Wilier intend to go to Sioux City next wecK to attend school. -De U'itt's Little Early Risers for "illousicss, indigestion and constiption A small pill, a prompt cure.

W. M. Wright. Accuracy is the Keynote of Information. Bo not jump at conclusions There is a way to know everything.

Avoid mistakes by consulting tfcis superior Book of Reference. Its popularity proves its merits. BUS YOU ft HIT IB ffIff TO OW, JKT ffIB TUB WAIT TO HOI IT. A MOST iffllliTC. WIITAED.

mQULED. BUOABLL An Encyclopaedic Almanac with a Complete Summiry of Informa'ion concerning matters Statistical, Official, Political. Historical, Educational, Agricultural, ikewise Religious Facts and General Information for Office, Home and Farm. Orange Judd Farmer. vrigiaal.

(Central Edition American Agriculturist.) WEEKLY. Practical. AH the Leading Features that have made this journal so popular are to be retained this coming year, and many new features added: such, as General and Local Market Prices. Crop Reports in their Season, Condensed Farm News, and Letters Among the Banners- ITS FARM FEATURES. Soch as Live Stock.

lairying. Horticulture. Poultry, Market Gardening, and topics, written ty Practical and Successful Fanners, supplemented with Illustrations by able artists, combine make it invaluable to tbose who "farm it tor a OFFER EXTRAORDINARY. we tnraish the Orange Jodd Farmer and the Stow YAI.I.H HEWS one year each. the book containing everybody, for only Address pases of useful information for SIOUX VALLEY NEWS, CorrecttonTille, Iowa.

Family Use, An ord insry family tromng i th- "Ifccinc" Ho Meet, their SAVES TME. uses, SAVES THE curacy CUaSMIEEH i of Mr in ssylw Mai TNB RACINE WIS. i -M VVW MB piiio HHSwtS I I I llnlnVl aMtiMd I I mui tate fUA Sale Sv W. K. I.

Ellis and W. F. Oagwell went to Thursday. K. J.

McCallan is in town. Rev. How and wife went to Galva Saturday. A large party of young folks gathered at the home of Mr. Saturday evening, and after a few hours of pleasant games partook of an excellent oyster supper.

Wier Mills was quite ill Sunday. G. W. Carr. president of Morning Side college, preached at the M.

E. church Sunday evening. Miss Alice Cole is on the sick list. W. P.

Groesbeck who has been at home the past three weeks resumed work Monday. feini'iii at th- oprea last Sunday evening. The Elder is a forcible speaker and Mire to draw a crowd in Oto. The entertainment and lecture given under the auspices of the Oto High School Literary Society Friday evening was a giand Hev. i C.H.Strickland a lecture i on Ahrahani Lincoln that Imtb 1 intresting and instructive.

The Society has arranged for four mere meetings. Elder Waldron will lecture on the evening of January I on the subject, -Clio." 1. 0. G. Jno.

T. Willek in. stalled the oflicets in the i F. lodge Wednesday evening. The wives and daughters and of the members surprised them by coining in with their hand winch resulted in a grand good supper and a good time.

FOR 1896: VVifi---Here's an account of a man who shot himself lather 'him tin- pane's of imliat'htion. Husband--The fool 1 Why didn't he take lie V. ill's Little Early UIMTSV I used lo suffer bad as he did before I commenced tak ing these little pills. W. Wright.

WOODRUFF The Oldest Hardware and Implement Firm in Correetionville will have on hand a Complete Stock of everything usually found in a first-class establishment. They solicit your business on the hasis of good treatment and fair prices for reliable goods. They advertise nothing unless they know its value. They do not claim to be giving goods away, does any sensible person expect to buy gold dollars for ninety cents. Come and see us and our goods and we will convince you that we can do you good.

--One Minute Cure is a popular remedy for croup. Safe for children and adults. W. M. right.

A VALUABLE FIND. After years of study and labor, there lias at last been discovered a sure, never- failing remedy. It has been tested on patients who have despaired of ever being cured and the results have been, in ever; case, wonderful, Groff's Rheumatic Cure is unequaled as a positive remedy in all cases of chronic and acute inflami- tory rheumatism, gout, lumbago, sciatca, neuralgia, (especially Ovarina neuralgia) dysmenorrhcea and all kindred affections. It is also a valuable blood purifier, Ming especial.y useful in eczema, psoriasis, scrofula, all glandular enlargements and diseases of the liver and kidneys. It is absolutely free from all narcotics.

Severe attacks arc relieved in from one to three days arid a positive cure effected in from five to eighteen days. For sale by M. Wright. CATHCART WOODRUFF Piles of people have piles, but De Witta Witch Hazel Salve will cure them. When applied promptly it cures scalds and burns without the slightest pain.

W. M. Wright. AlfTHOK. Dan Fitzpatrick went to Cleghotn Tuesday to visit bis brother a few days.

Mrs. Win. White, of Quimby, is visiting relatives here. A. Brunei! is HOW in the employ of A.

W. Peters. Dick Kane returned after a two weeks stay in Sioux City. Tbe K. of P.

lodge gave a public installation Tuesday evening. After the officers were installed a banquet was given. Everyone reports a grand. good time. Tbe fanners of this vicinity will meet at the office of C.

H. Rinker Saturday, Jan. 18, for the purpose of organizing a Farmers State tnslitne. O. M.

Jorgenson will take posse? Monof the Central House nest week. Crokinole is quite a popular game in Anthon. The club meets once a it met last week with Miss Mae Sinnl. John Sifford and Cor Plato expect to go to Tennessee this week with the intent of buying land. C.

H. Rinker. of the firm of Jcpson. Rinker ft Jcpson. of Sioux City, has located here.

Mr. Rinker is an able attorney and is here to stay. Coughing irritates the delicate organs and aggravates the disease. Instead of waiting, try One Minute Cough Cure. It helps at once, making expectoration easy, reduces the soreness and inflammation.

one likes it. W. M. Wright. W.

H. H. Tetty who has been ill for some time is very low. Ola who has been in poor health for the past few weeks is improving- Rev. is holding a very successful series of revival meetings at the N.

K. Church. --If suffering with the piles it will in crest you to know that De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve will cure them This medicine is a specific for all com plaints of this character, and if instinct ions (which are simple) arc carried out a cure will result. We have tested this in numerous cases, and always with tike results. It never fails.

W. M. Wright LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the postoffice at Cor- ectionville. Iowa, for the week ending, Thursday. Jan.

15, ISSXi: Mr. WiiLLannagun. Parties calling or, aending for any of above please give date of thu C. E. SMITH, -ostraasfr.

--One Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It affords instant relief from sufferring when afflicted with a severe cough or cold. It acts on the throat, the bionchial tubes, and lungs, and never fails to give immediate relief. W. M.

Wright. RICHARD KORNEISEL, Merchant Tailoring. rtwrf jlfctrfe to Orrfer. Co rrctionvill, Iowa. Perfect Fit and Good Workmanship.

Special Holiday PIANOS AND ORGANS We have the dssortntcnt of fine and organ- ever exhibited in Sioux City. WilJ make special inducements lo nurcliasers whobm before Jan- darv 1. BALED HAT CORN Wccinose carloads Imled hay and com in exchange at market price on purchase of a piano or organ. MANDOLINS GUITARS And everything in (he line at educed prices thu month. Corrcspon A Dean Co, 419 Anthon preached SIOUX CITY, IOWA.

CORRECTIONVILLE ARTIFICIAL STONE WORKS, J. H. FAUS, Prop. I am fully prepared to do all kinds of first-class cement work, including fancy and plain sidewalks, cisterns, caves, curbing, foundations, cellar and well and sewer tile, chimneys, vases, urns, lawn and cemetery coping, plain and colored, and building stone always in stock. ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED.

Am permanently located here and I arn here to make my guarantee good. Works at Union Block, Correetionville. low (Successor to Catlin Bros.) Livery, Feed Sale Stable. First-Class Rigs Furnished with or without drivers at all Horse fed and cared for by the Day or week at reasonable rates R. O.

ROGERS, STOCK BUVBR. Highest Market Price paid at all times for all kinds of Live Stock. Always hero ready to take your stock whether the market is up or down at its full value. DR. H.

R. BOULTER. DENTIST. -f -f Can perform all Dental Operations with the Greatest Care and Skill, and save you from further suffering. Gold and Bridge Work or Teeth Without a ALL WORK GUARANTEKD.

Teeth extracted without pain. Partial and Full SetsofTecth From Upward. Office Opposite Old Pnstoffice. A Safe, Speedy and Certain Cure for COUGHS, COLDS, WHOOPING- COUGH AND CROUP, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, This modern and scientific cure is guaranteed to contain no trace of Opium, Morphine, Prussic Acid Laudanum or Chloroform. Most of the Old Fashioned cough medicines contain one or two of these poisions and their effect upon the system is very harmful MAGNETIC COUGH CURB can be used freely accord- ng to directions without the slightest danger of harm to the most delicate child: it is prepared from the prescription of one of the best Physicians in the country ami is Its effects upon the system are gent'c but reliable and lasting, and it is pleasant to take.

All druggists should have it; do not accept any substitute Jecause there is nothing as good. Your druggist will get it for yon if you insist upon having it. BUY IT AND TRY IT. 2 a. m.

Saturday he was located at the home of relatives, and when the officers came to this conclusion they dispatched Xiglitwatcliman Tom Wailace to Justice llatlield's residence to secure a search warrant for the premises, while City Marshal .1. C. Wallace and Deputy Sheriff M. Thompson surrounded the bouse. But Hunt was on the look out for them, and presently the door near which the city marshal was stationed opened and Hunt's head wis seen, and almost the same moment the gun was up and he was commanded to surrender.

But he didn't do any such thing, at least not just then. He jumped back the house and appeared again almost instantly and dashed around the corner without shoes, coat or hat. almost into th3 arms of the sheriff. He did not run far, for he stumbled and fell and before he could gain his feet again the sheriff was on him and bad him handcuffed. He then remarked to Sheriff Thompson that be wasn't going to get away.

This was where they all agreed. The next morning the deputy sheriff loaded him into a buggy handcuffed, and tied him to the seat, remarking to him while doing so that he had a ferocious team and that he (Hunt) might get frightened and jump out, and, possibly, be run over and seriously Hurt. It was evident that Hunt intended, when he left the bouse, to make a brake for the old barn near the mill pond, where he had a horse all saddled in case of emergency- The horse, which was afterwatd discovered by Thompson, WAS found to have been stolen by Hunt, at Grand Island, Nebraska. LATER: Deputy Sheriff Reed, from Grand Island, came in on the noon train Wednesday and took the horse back. It belonged to one Frank Cook, of that place.

The following is what the Sioux City Tribune says ot the man: Tom M. Hunt is a much wanted man. In fact if he could just evolve himself into a stock company be would be more in demand than government 5s or (is. Every sheriff in tbe west has been clamoring for this aforesaid Hunt, but Sheriff Davenport holds the hieb hand and the hero of a hundred crimes is now safely lodged in tbe Woodbury county jail. Hunt wanted in several counties in Iowa to answer to various charges.

His presence is desired at Linn, on a charge of forging signatures to fruit tree orders. He is wanted at Grano Maud for horspstealing, committed in December, 1895. and last but not least, lit- is charged lv Sheriff Davenport with disposing of mortgaged properly and with obtaining money under false pretenses. In January. 1695.

Hunt bought a wagon from the Sioux City implement company and secured the payment ot the same by a chat' le mortgage i a cow belonging to one of his neiitl.bors. a set of harness, the property of som one else, and a learn of Imrats. which some accidmt. that is yet plained. heraine the possessor of after the a- ciirrd he iltapuard ol it an m-fi-ip I I fraud was d'scovert-ii it- had elope with Irs nervr.

Hunt rft'f'i- A to rrctkmvill" mid liMHinli' l.ini to I lie citv dat. placed in jail. In the pi-ruing m-til ff ivei. port lecfived a from Grand Mat" dreci ibinis a who had stolen a horse there and iniimaloil thai he known in this vicinitv. The description tallied with that of Hnnt.smd the sheriff Tribune reporter went down in the jail to interview the prisoner.

After a few preliminary questions the Tribune man told Hunt be was a Nebraska sheriff and Lad come to Sioux City to take him back to Grand Island to answer to a charge of horse stealing. Hunt denied his guilt but finally broke down and confessed the theft, begging for mercy. Tbe Grand Island officials have been notified of the arrest but IInot will be held here to await tbe action of the grand Kobt mother came np from Onawa Wednesday to visit with him for awhile. X. Jenness and family and Mrs.

C. W. ToHfaro left Monday for the sunny south. Mr. Jenness goes to accompany h's wife to Bitoxi, where she will May a few months in an endeavor to improve her health.

Mr. 4. will remain ten days or two weeks in looking over the country. Mrs. Toiifaro goes to Macomb City.

to make her future home, her being a brakeman and has a ran from Macoab City to New Orleans. Trostle sold his hove sontli of town to John Lnnday. This is one of the best famn in the country, and we feel safe in saying thai Mr. Lun- dayconldoot have done better In selecting a farm fora hove. Consideration Mr.

LniMlay also bought tbe JW acres sold by Mr. Trortto to Mr, I. II. Van Oisdel a few ago which makes him the half section for 913,000. This amount we mderstand is to be all TtaNs.

WOMEN; Woman's modesty and ignorance of danger often cause her to endure pains and suffer torture rather than consult a physician about important subjects. Pains in the head, neck, back, hips, limbs and lower bowels at monthly intervals, indicate alarming derangements. McELREE'S WINE GF CARDU1 is a harmless Bitter Wine without intoxicating qualities. Taken at the proper time it relieves pain, corrects derangements, quiets nervousness and cures Whites, Falling of the Womb and Suppressed or too Frequent Menses. Price ft.

for Sale by Medtefae Beaters. HE STOLE A COAT. A man giving bis name as J. M. Clark was arrested at Cnshiag Tuesday and brought back here on a charge of stealing a fur coat from the livery stable of Chas.

Butler, of this place. He was taken before Mayor Adams and after a little talk in which be said he up from Onawa in a box car the night before and the next morning started east along the track and met a fellow who bad a fur coat and wanted to sell cheap and that be traded him some articles, in all valued at one dollar, and took tbe coat, his honor sentenced him to fifteen days in jail. The night tbe fellow came to town he went to the residence of Wm. Castle and knocked on the front door and as no one answered him be went around to the back door and walked in. It so happened that Wm.

Castle, was there and met the fellow, and the eon- sequences were that be was forcibly ejected. He then wentdown to Pettf' Hotel and registered for a bed. and he staid all night, but be didn't pay. In the morning he went into the livery barn and wanted to sell the boys a revolver, but they not wanting to purchase and us it was near their breakfast time they went and left him there. It was when they came back that they missed tbe coat, and when they went to look for tbe man he was also missing.

Mr. Bntler telephoned to the neighboring towns for tbe officers to be on tbe lookout for him, and that led to his arrest at Cusbing in tbe afternoon. Deputy Sheriff Thompson took him to Sioux City Wednesday afternoon. M. i mm REV.

E. M. GLASGOW, EDTTOK. At tbe business meeting of theEp worth League last Monday evening MR. Gracelaub elected presidential! Warn Quitm secretary Ike other officers lu.ld over during tbe interregnum of four months until time fixed for annual election by the General Hoard of Control.

C. Butler lias resigned as leader of class No. 2 owing to his inability to at lead regularly. His successor no! yet been chosen. Rev.

G. W. Carr was a caller at the panooage Monday. P. Glasgow of Cherokee with tbe pastor last Friday.

The probationers class with pastor leader met at the church Monday evening and a profitable service was held. Tbe aext meeting will be at tin parsonage Monday evening Jaa. 27. Let this year better than aajr that his gone before. Why should it act be We have all our past tosnggestam! improve upon.

We have all accotr. plisltmeuts and a foundation to build upon. We feel that ought to do better. God requires pects it of Let us not disappoiut In- This may our test ym: and it win live ia our character fonrw. We have pamd aaother mitestetK oa thread to eteraity.

We shall on.r this part of the load agaia. TO THE MHfcU- SUFFERERS OF MATISM. After using Rheumatic Cur tor tome time in my pratice 1 take in saying that it the derrel remedy for Rheumatism; ia faci it is the oaly one I have far ttn- cure of this disease ia DR. E..

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