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The Lima News from Lima, Ohio • 7

The Lima Newsi
Lima, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fc i i i 1 i i 4 swrogggag1 -J- mrtn mif? I i- atf v- Jf MjflvjrrvW3 hoUb Tiwsr MECTHW CR YEAR ON WEDMESDAY EVENING 'A to nrriiiw Itf WliNNMMMNM TOMORROWS SCHEDULE initbel AmitycIuhaietU wttk Madii TSlUgnlma atinolnftanwoni! 'ttojtku dhoti In boforo ll ouch morning wttk tt nopteot BSeW under Vs9-uWK MipiaonnttUvAllM jura then tortFanmberno the 'dinner lU nnUic eTiiM whMh xreo hMWWOduaday irtttMlMMttKr UntaNttM thn Brad Lippi- wAM during fhe'jiTenihg jgttodintejr'nud Jhtair vnm £2fcttraemeteudoyuedxr(th Syl flownr JTeeeg jwsrt Mtil rttk teble tof Mdwihf martne ARdgnouAt TtTfdoek tnwWtfjrta of tho inot ratei St iMM JUth urf8 Lute Hoff msaoKdUfh- if wupfcwoiMioo ofto inopl hhvnjbecona wgnkcnod nnd do soc brp dondnnAcyrtottMbo Ihitcsd throe I Bdnt pMcs: Wnncn cloth hfhef tt with Woodbuia MhmntjUtwaMi FadidSaikAMhoU i vT- tfix rmbed thi pons until they uq incon-(pktMm Shirt ft mttbjHtf skin Get ybnr Ant enkd of today Be- ennow to ovrtfcotnc whatever condition is kmp-C your skin from bdtng lovely rhwd he Blackheads conspicuous bom pores oily akin and shiny nose blemishes sluggish sallow skin' for these and others of ths commoner skin troubles sre given in the booklet Skin You Lore to Touch! whkh comes wfspped Ifound the soap You will find s25c cake sufficisat for month or six weeks of any Woodbury treatmsnt and for gtnsnl dmnsing nse during this time Get cske todsy It Is on sale at all drug stores and toilet good counters throughout tho United States and Canada The Aadiew Jergsne Com puny CinciauU New York end Perth Onthrio When hat hfindi water tnd hdicr pp6cBdMntrnltinia( Offing tt mt 'Bat nr ifty neoMida with lump of ico jfoiki tho taproTtawni tho 017 first ticue-KMtaaakooA praoupcef what iu atady km wfildo Do not expect to change in wack however a condition tanking from yan of nertect Bui jnM thic tantaent ptnhttntjf It wUl gmhinlly Gouty Child wdfaro nsaanHUat Dm pntrlotfai playiay wkleh was itnhTt NenUoarvod hero aiirdirOp-iohyll hahou pootponod fortwo woakawB UthoUldaaiWu41 wthttg 4ir nattafMtorritWiU fwtgnd IPU thto waok-- Thi eommittoa of rUa Connuivot NhUonnl Dtfonsohu faair wntnl tn imntlnrlhl8Jlydaf thrnont thn orantry MtT chairman thn'nmngUMnu: Cnrl itowluda MU charge tho paradalwhteh will pmndo tho program trbt-gtm-nt thn ballpark wham tho pldy irill bo staged- -c 1 Thaavwaaa goo nttendaaao at tho aooWsHMting- hyutiortk aids branch of tha a A A-nt It Bom kadltorfnm Wednesday "otulag Cards farniahad wtortalamwt aad at tha doao wt tho umo'yrtsea ward awarded to Mya Maartoa FftwIay Mra MeCray Mrs WllbarBu-thorn aad Was Gaftrnda Camay A light lunch was aarrad at tha-atoao of tho avaalpg Plana art bolag atadd to halt thaas aoyial mastiaga srtry few week daring tha winter for tho plenum of tho members tx Mr aad Mra Frnk McOiaaU and on George of Now York are spend lag a few days tha gaeet of his brother Scott McGinnis aad family of west Wayne street and stator Mid McCarty of aoath Metcalf tract Mr McGinnis la a mambsr of tho company that pi ay ad la "Happiness" at tho Faarot Opera hoaao Wadnsaday light aad la wall kaowa la Lima hla formor horns Misses Beta Bkarpley aad Nall Bigler who am atndaaU at Margaret Morrison School Pittsburg have returned horns for a Indefinite period owing to tho fact that tho school like hundreds of otlun all aver tha rountry has been closed beeauao of the Influence epidemic Mies Sharp-Icy has with her as her meet her roommate Mias Marjorie Keefer of Altoona Pa Lieutenant and Mrs Mark Kbller (Esther Vinmtr)' of Camp Sherman ChiUleothe are tho proud parents of baby daughter who haa boas given tht asms of Betty Rom Mra Kolter is tho daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Wemmer of WMt Market street Mrs Prince (Martha Wall ANOTHER DEATH IS DUE TO THE EPIDEMIC IN LIMA Lewis Olt SI IT Richie avenue cashier at tha Lima Fheklng company in thn eecond victim of Spanish Influence in Lima Hlu death occurred Wednesday night at 1:15 at hia residence Ha was III only a wash The Influents developed into pneumonia Hie wife with hlu pamlu Mr and Mra John Olt dm son two brothora A Olt and 0 Alt of Limn and ton nlutor Mra Lena Brennemann of West Cairo are loft Fnaeral service swill ha private at tha roaldenM Saturday morning nt 10 o'clock Tho body will bo token to Want Cairo for Interment By ttpuVi Trottenr frocks nio golDg to ho tho rago and gaslesa Suadays are to be blamed or perhaps to bo praised Is better The request to eousorvd gasoline coming as it has in thaae breing days of Indian Summer makes walking a most pleasant substitute (Or motoring Bat a walk demands a very different costume from a drive through Um country- While tho weather is still mild enough to permit it tho one-piece frock is ideal for tha stroll be It down the avenue or out through the suburbs That all practical fabric navy ergs fash Iona the greater part of the frock pictured An aanaual and novel effect Is obtained by using "baby is form the four pan ala the two shorter ones being used on the sldee The salesgirl who would sell you the frock would coil thus panels fur but they are Ig reality cloth fabric which la muds to rosambla fur Black satin accord-inn plaited is iised to fashion tho underskirt Tho lines are long aad straight and art broken hot slightly at tha waislilat by a loose belt of the serge which Is fastened by a tortoise shell hackle The hat Is taupe velvet trimmed with rows and rows of stitching and a band or gros grain ribbon about tbs crown which holds metal ornament In place Altho np nntll a late hour this af-j trrnoon no word had brrn received otter gutett4 iCSL Booty? Do-mm rpllqfrtaf'tMitofifcft TN Htftordlh inUttevgpeekef taft tho torno etisg paper WTtoCommefeUl tha OiVNM'ltTIl gn patriotic Mdiac while MtssHoff men rang aSmpenled el the fn The rontaladorwf the evtn-k vu upmtta chatting rer the Map of thubuumodn punning tor the work to be take i( by the ttoh thla coming winter t- Mr aad Mrs lurry Lewis (Nellie gMrldge) who ddftemsrrlcd the net part of laat week agreeably aurpriaed by nnmber of rel-tim and friends who called at the heaie of the bride's parents Mr and Mrs Dan EldrldgOOf north Met calf street where Hr and Mn Lewis are noiAJvlan Monday eren-tag Mrs Lewis was' the recipient a number of handsome and use-til gifts with which to commence honse keeping and the evening was spent la a general good- time with Mdc and dancing Later an appetising three course lunch waa served Those precast were: Mr and Mrs Oscar gehapp Br Mrs Oscar grhupp Jr and daughter Opal Mr aad Mra Darrill Spurrier Mrs Michael Keller end daughter Catharine: Mr and Mra Landfalr Mr sad Mrs William Wesley Mr and Mn Luther Binkley Mr and Mrs Oscar Smith Mrs Smith Mra Hawk Mr and Mrs Waite Wertk-elam Mr and Mrs Fat Hllchine Mr and Mrs Olenn Gann Mrs Mery Oreen Moaonllnd Miss Fern Oestrlrker Jessie Aldrich Maude Bchepp Lena Sherfey Una Hopkins path Rnrtehln Dslha Baum Margaret' Sherfey 1 Messrs llarolit Wrighi Clarftace Cox aad Louli kVeilrr The Trim rose dub 'met Wednesday afternoon at tha home of Mra It It ii If of Itoeao avenue As eanal the afternoon waa devoted to rani' euchre furnishing thn diversion At Iht rloee of tho gams pria-i were swarded to Mrs Clift Mrs Inn Metheaaey Mrs Looker and Mri Frank Nelson Ueesta for the afternoon wore Mrs Ralph Wolfs Mrs John Keller Mra Frank Nelson and Miss OuiH of Fremont After a light lunch tho dob odiourned In meet (a two weeks With Mrs John Kesalrr of Greotlswn svenee Mr and Mm Hoy Dads of Atlan-lir avenn nnnounro the birth of a kshy daughter Sara Myrts The mother waa formerly Miaa Roths lhsmna and mother aad babe are getting along nicely BOARDiPPODUSi NEVV-TEAGHERS Al mooting of the adhaol board laat night lipcrlatesdcat GoUlao ubmlttod bin report tor tha drat month ef tha acbool ynor Tho anrolimrat ef'all thn sahtob wan 1441 nn increaM o( 411 orer laat yaar Mtaa Carrie Wolfw baa baea appointed aa laatruetor of Latin la tho High school paeeaodv lag Mtoa Ruth Qrovn who rualgnad Frank Mnltanhonr wan named part time inatrnotor te Manual training Tho war training oIbssm are to hare thn following instructors Bedwall for motor track driving Ploreo Coadlt nnd JOMph Ropua oay-aMtolouo waldiag Ftohnr aUetrtolty Ftohor Mo-torcyelo rtpnira Cbnrtoa Karrick wlrolteo telegraphy 0 0 Odell and Tucker Tha night High school will open October and cIom early te April BIRTHDAYS OBSERVED WITH FAMIUES HERE Mr and Mrs Dearth of Aria who celebrated their 72ad and Toth birthdays respectively on Sunday at Iholr home wort aurpriaed by a family reualon of all of their children and nrandeblldron A bountiful dinner wue served ut noon end the day with varioua diversions The children present with their ihrlr famine were: Mrs A Francis-Mr Dale Snyder John aad Charles Dearth all of Lima Mra Charles ranlua of PanldlM county Mra louli Kllngur of Ada Mra Grover Guyton of Algor Mra Arthur llourhlq of Willard Ohio Mra Orlln Harrnoa aad Mra Homer Harney Milo Dearth of Ada and Dearth of Rlngton In nil them sera 01 present II rhlldren 31 grandchildren nnd ran grant COLUMBIA RECORDS SHOW GOOD PROGRAM "Rosea of Picardy" as snns by Charles Harrison for Colombia this month to 0 song of leader teautty a song that haa 0 teardrop vary nsor its haunting Una It to a famous "heart soagsuns by a tenor famous for hla sympathstis voice On the hack to "My UUlf Gypsy by Lewis Jamas Columbia hu become (amoas for Ha sparkllug danM raecrda partly becauM of tha peculiar adaptability of Columbia tone for dtnea muslo but chiefly tecauM Colombia hu piokod tha moat famous dunes muslo maksra to make thsir rseorda This month somM "ludlsnols1' with "Oh La La" os the rovoraa aids ThaM are but a few of tha wonderful group that to being issued hat they re Indicative of (ho roet Ing of the theatre The Daily News Ill te mad thru miFK OF MAYOR IB ILL The rnndliloa of Mn Blmpeon lie of Mayor II Blmpaoa who vit nprril nn aft the City hospital Wrdn-aday adamooa for gall atonea waa reported to to at good aa could be aaperted today Carrying out tho la tractions of tho Hoelth Board to tho Utter Manager Fred Hilton announced thla morning that than will be no more performances nt tho Or-phaum until thn bard 'to confident there it no danger tif on opldamle The acts booksd for ths remainder of Iho WMk which opened with ma-tlUMUhls uflernoon hove been paid In fall and have gone on to fill othar I dales 8 8 Wheeler chairman of the Al- can't afford te take chuucM Ira county Rid Cross chapter In- In Lima" said Manager Illlton this usd statement thla morning that morning "This thing Is too Mrinns until farther notice an Red Croae argue over and bualnaas and plqa-workrooms in tha rlty tnd county sure must lake tek Mala whan auch would be closed herauee of the ftpad- erlou matter atarea the rouatry lah InflusnM epidemic The health 1 In the face The Orpheum gladly cohoard only haa Jurisdiction over the operate the Health Board In Ita elty bat Mr Whabler gave orders ork of prevemlaa an epidemic lu to close all rural and village work-J Lima rooms The Red (Tom office la the I Due aunounerment of the NOTICE HATTRDAY HKIXIi A MW A I HOLIDAY ALL BANKA WILL RE CIAMKDw ALL WORKROOMS OF RED CROSS ARE CLEANED Household Hints MENU HINT Sliced Punches Recdy-COeked Cerent Tnp Milk Eggs Ctibked In thn Shell Tadst Coffee gtring Ban nnd Beet Baled Sour Cream Blacnlta Blueberry Ten Cake Ten Dlaaor Broiled Steak Nnw Fotatoas BwIm Chard Greene Dragee Cucumbers (Mho and Ret Sauce Coffee Bathtub Ctawir Mil aqua! parte of ehlorlde of llmo nnd baklns sods with Just eaoagh hat water to mnkn a paato Taka an old brush end crab bathtnb LoUetnnd half hour and than wash off Trout washstond aad kitchen sink and eommode same way They will be white as snow aad all atalaa gouA Do this ones ovary wank than sImh Ihsm with eeal oil tho rest ef thC wMk Tkeae ere ckeaper then saytklng-yeu an um end give best nsnlt Yellow Tomato Salad (from above Four largo awrot spplte two snpfnto dies celery one quart Uttln yellow tomatoes one large red tomato mayonnsUs Franck drsm-lag lettuce ripe olives Fsvl the yellow tomatoM aad 1st them etoad in Freneh drasalng for thirty min ulss Chop tha apple aad calery to-gathar qaitt fines moisten well with mayonnaise and make plies of this en nests of isttneo loaves Surround this with tho yellow tomatoes and deeorato with tha red tomato eat in actions aad placed on top of Mch pile of apple and celery A hit of mayonnaise aad an olive ahocld surmount It ell Cooked Mad Dreaslag First alitor Throe tablespoons flour (must he wheuL) throe tablespoons butter or telltale one cap ef milk (sour can be nsod with oat-half teaspoon coda) Maka a cream mace with this aad placo aver hot water below boding point The teat way to make a cream sauce la 10 melt a smooth pasts The add tha mllb little by lltUo aod'stlr natil nice aad creamy Saeoad mUtare: One teaspoon dry mastard eas teaspoon salt caytnne pepper throe tables poom Mger ose gg yelk teaton oao-half cap vise-gar Min the dry lagredleeis uaill wvll mlled than add egg yolb tbea half ths vlasgsr Add eery very siawly to whllo Mure over Ihu bid enrdta ir added mo qukkly it will eerdlo Then odd tha not of me vlueger slowly sad Mob until ihkk "toad away to teewma cold When ready to um add rream to thin It "brtop Us Wish me ebrtmpe Mid water drain thsronsbly and Ohio Electric atatlon will be open dally however for the transaction of bualaeua NEW HAHK WMFITAI WARM IXO TON Tranafermatlon of Fort Bherldaa Ill lato a base boapltal haa began Upon romplc-' lloa II mill have loon toils tbs' largeat hospital la Ihu country I elbaum) and daughter Elsie Jane from lbs aisle officer cancelling lhef tbs guest of snnssl stats msellng of the Keders-1 Mr sad Mrs lion of Women Club to be held nazi I A' of vrnt Spring Mk el Coshocton Mr 8 Big-J tei' ter chosen to rcprwnt Lima at the i meeting declared that she would null BoHman Catherine attend the seion becxuie of theijj Bulb Helms danghlera of risk of ingurnte Other Llius worn-' kT (from Dslswsre where they wi students owing to tho influents en who had planned to attend thn also slated that would mlg with about ooo-balf portion of eelery ent loto small pieces two ot hrM bard-coehed egg chopped aal a amall qaaelty af atlvee or tap-era ir deaf rad Ml with mayoo-eatra draealag aad allew to ttaad 00 Ico until ehltled Arrange the toert Imvm ef fear emeU heads ef Uttuce 1(fefn lb form ef Mells and pel In each a mark ef thO mlttara as wpi held Drop a toaeperafnl af mayow-aalM SraealBg toatra very enff the lep aad neev meeting they not go al this lime Tha Brst meeting of the year will he held by the -and rlub Rclur-dsy evening at the home of Mrs Lush Butler at went Rpring street The business etnn will lie preceded by dinner at o'rlocb nra ootay DtpX Ji epidemic Ths Junior Rsd CroM workrooms In the Rsvlugu hilldlng will be closnl nntll further notice boesusc or thn Spanish InfinsoM spldomlc i Mrs Poling chairman so-nonncod (his morning Thn Motbrru Jewels of Trinity rbarrh will nMt Friday oftornoon o'clock at tho church Inatnud 'r Rslnrdsy afisrnocn thn regular ming dais A full aiioudanco in IdNirsd Mrs Troueh and dsugbtsn (itrlottu and Virginia of Now Hsv loo roon boro rolnrnod to thoir hsmo nftor plnssssl visit with Mr I sod Mrs Shank of Rlchto avo BUS I I Mr sad Mrs Lake of north IjsMmu stfMt irf oourtololeg ihulr gansts Mr so Mra Sylvostnr 1 tadnrnoo of Harford Ohio -r Mln AS no lUkoe of sooin Ellu UMh sireot will bo boatoM to tho nWrv of Iho AmKy rlub Fridur afternoon si bor kodV i Mr and Mr Fsilor Umm Jacob aad Jamoo Dlllr loft u-tar far Imlphl tod whnro ilhy will (pond IM wonb end (rvistlvon Mn Mary ura of Moans lad bn rat or wad to bar homo afior llt si th boa of Mra fasnlal K14-'Ml at nnclh MatOOlf Slroot i Gi-ae Wright ha rlara-4 te Greet lata Naval Trolntng a-j Gee after apeodteg a ben fnrto Hh UM pareela Jgr aad Mr 1 wrrtghl at Crater at reel MIIU (XIX IX TMK AIMTVIX nwm i a wc ox a rt'nLo I (eg eod wife are the Hr aw a bert stay vlelMog hi per seta Mr aad Mrs Cat ef waet High I to the let led to aed toe at a ultorn I far a Urn The tevto wee evteoted to blm 00 id of ito (Ml of Mra Cee'a feiher They wRl irove (imerree fee Albraa Mr win trora nftef lo day ferto far New Ter where be will JeM hi wtMny to gw eerwan AtXfTRItMJlT rtWTtOXMD rtoetoOfleo of Iho gfltoth wvdfteg eeetvarweep of tst Sad Mra feoradL Iff Jefoewra whk ae tw to Ml Friday oevwteg hog ton pripwri toeovto of to-Cnemm Dressy Shoes For the Little Miss liven thoojh little daiishirr spend moM of her hours at pUy there are time when he nuke with Mother attend Sunday School tf movies to see Mary Pickford inj affhirj that call drfwy Shoe Abort ire ihovn some of the dainlic? little nvtlfK ever leather Mtom with fra? Ivor- fr Champagne kid top or hhuk kid with Ora lopn nr Patent botfnms with white kid white tl'th lp in both button and lae 5l le er hoe nude splendid quality sensibly shaped for five cr--insuring the utmost in cmnforf and er ice Price very moderate LEAVES FOR TEXAS TO ACCEPT NEW POSITION Mia Aaae Barber hr maay y-erv wseened with the Omyea Okra ate left teday gen Aeteeto Tsvm Wbera eto will ft a I acre-Dive peri Gee with the GearaoiM he rwmpeoy rae ef the werarue la the Mte Berber rafarweg te IJat in (he alw ter after having empfepmf far a than a yrar wtt me Frank rather ftoe rampnar ef Fifth Ovweoe New Verb Beg site aHh the AMmea Phee ef the! rhy gt will visit el tor hraw fe CelnmbM for 0 few dtto- prwteeo to fesvtog for Ito West MBA BMBC3 K'nilAOX 1 sera to to the epeulsg ef mo rat hfnlfgeclra rteae Beterdep el eTItot OHOter II at Dee to Rtf IHW Mato 1 Only MtaHed unto ef yupOe wtu to uhra htirtol rear wtu to (tot Tnrmo lueeraebto ratty Nraflmat Ig dMtrod tea Bko iitL 4- lrrii Vw.

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