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Freeport Journal-Standard from Freeport, Illinois • 10

Freeport, Illinois
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

RIDAY DECEMBER 31 WEEKLY SUNDAY SGHOOL'ffiSSON 1 A PAGE TEN Mfr And Mr 4i'v or fhe I and qthr trans 4 on the u4 Ailss rjisa uurruxss wnv iwvh home the last of the week sustamng I lng at Gpneva an1 miss Marian Bur improving of Han Will visit ors uni tii11 i of LASHES LIE Mrs normal is Mr wife and Mr Mrs Mrs ELIZABETH ILL PEARL CITY De all a Er rr friends at he spent CEDARVILLE the his SISTERS IN CHARGE the Samuel Kent vers to within him he 'inlhiences of a power a riaj mention of thanks A Mil that IiC I has givenhis life the APPLE RIVER Happy Thrift Year reeport Gas Co CHICHESTER HILLS IdSi Tnt BUMuftP liua together for the nn And when the scribes and Phart fva'' years yesterday WBYCIWGfiCISDTRYWMa our fulthfu local Kevghta of Cdunt bu wlto according to their annua! account of of the Lee of Eskimo of of larno Is mother roe witli of the pastor on orward" Burrows Mr and Jin JOT refugees! most fit destitute i Jd just heir Mrs Heer But the greatest thrift represented by 'the gas industry' is in its actual service to you It nieans real saving of money time and labor to use gas This New Year: put gas to work for you in the household in industry and watch the savings it effects ta dm to spend returning friends of the eliurcli and organizations Emma si nil: from Rtfckford where been cal Illg for her brother who has been very sick Air and Mrs Erwin Clock of port spent the week end here i if th whalo and walrus hurtts and a reindeer roundup tdkenat Wainwright Alaska Stefansson says in the preface tint Rossman's "Arctie is the kind of Arctic that the intelligent traveler will nifect who I has the sympathetic and open eyes that with a tolerant tut distinct ood Values" bj A Lrieke In this book the author lias collect ed from many sources as exact in formation as possible regarding the composition and nutritive value of all common foods and has arranged it in a form so simple that it can be readily applied to the every day reg ulation diets cooked food father than raw foods are used for food values Slake this New Year aThrift Year Let gas service help you yQU iise' tho more you save! The grfiat gas holder that lifts its head assur ingly against the horizon is a true symbol of' Thrift Gas is a product that exists solely for the principle of thrift In the process of converting coal into gas every property of edal is utilized nothing wasted This alone means a saving of mil lions of dollars annually SiiuTsburg here Sun beth within a short time William Thomas and non Slydo returned to their in reepprt Tuesday after a short visit with rel atives and friends here 'Postmaster IV McKenzie re ports the sale of over 14000 two cent stamps at the local postofflca this month wljich is the largest number ever jsold here during one monthh Incoming mall during the holiday rush was also said to be heavier this season than any previous year Airs A Ulrich entertained a number of young friends in honor of her daughter Miss Lois at the AC parsonage Wednesday after noon from 2 until Wm Tippett and wife called to Dubuque Tuesday due to the death of Mrs brother in law which took the Illinois Centra! yards buqua where he was employed as assistant foreman Mrs Laura Reynolds returned a few days ago from reeport where "she visited at tile home of her son Collin and wife John Powers who resides a tew miles west of town onJRoutei had the misfortune to have his fingers frozen early this month Infection has set in a couple of fingers on his right hand causing considerable pain and may mean th loss of the mem bers Mss tihKWUelluinther is visit jirin th in the glad occasion George Heer was born in Buffalo Yr and Miss Margaret ifcer Ln fl rmuny When a young lady she am to this country and was united in marriage th Mr Heer at Derinda Davis Hl Dec Mrs Nellie ed ahnoyed and troubled by what he finds" A A Booklist were morning Tippett's place in at Du a n'P wwa un fu in ma Imogene motored to LM I'WMrtav December 11" town its Au rgnia United ih on Unnstmas non to were former If Ve done uith yoii carSo itbetter with Mr ayd Mrs Ardqti CTnliehl and i rngWr Marcello of 'reeport spent Mrs Canfield and Mrs They returned home on annie Malone rtf Jias tnore than lVOd 'whom ore "Cherry Square" by Rich mond The New Tork Times Review calls this 3 simple and innocuous story the Tonto Rim" by Zane Grey Tills Story appeared jsAHally under the title: Thos Babcock spent and Newark Uncle is no reform school Commander Walter Decker who is in charge of teci'uiting here has so Informed a judge who orderciLthat a youth enlist in the navy or bo jailed for jf six mom Its sees saw him eat with publicans end 1 tinners they said unto his disciples! When inventor and promoter meet Ujitb aatcthrnd drinketh let the public beware subject' unconseiou itel on at 7:00 Preach at Rock itv on Sunday evem at on "Jandals for the Jour have resided that Eckbiad of Minneapolis I spent Christmas wtih his father I Alfred Eckbiad Mrs Ieavensw orth returned to home in Cak today alter visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Gaincron Douglas the past week Miss Nornia Uonyne of Chicago is visiting her parents Mr and Cunyne motier I Dornier spent Christmas in (Monroe with his mother I Mr and Mi George Beard of De Kalb are visiting Mrs Beard's par flits Mr and Mrs George Wilson Miss Bessie Ib'ed of reeport is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs I Will Reed this week "Will Jewell of Scales Mound was a business caller in town Monday Miss Emma Slullz returned Mun tm had Will field Mrs Mrs red Haring Mr and Ray BUckwaltcr Mr and 'Mrs John Haring Lloyd 'Miller Ben and nest Wurster who is attending school at Madi I son are spending their vacation with thAir narentff Mr and Mr "Juliet Is by Jane Ab M' I The story of a girl who inhsiicd a mn tn nin Hpr inrlanAn donna only to find in later years that ho not die I i 1 4 II 1 1 1 the blClijMWll Clhha nil nLAA I I4OU ni jaiaatifl vi 1 a nrl hn rATe 1a IHVIIQ 441V Uli" derlying faith and courage and ideal ism of inank nt least English mankind: IBs three young people with their problems their lovo af falrsthelr gradual acceptance of an adjustment to the realities ai strik ingly individual In their personalities yet undoubtedly representative of thousands of other wardisillusioned young metf and wpmen "Tish Plays the Game" by Rinehart The humorous lady much on tlptoead' ever A selection of the principal voy ages traffiqties and discoveries of the English nation by Richard Hak luyt Selects from eight vol ume work eight voyages which for breathless interest and inspiring her oism rival the most lurid fiction The spelling and form of the old lives have ltc on A A Booklist A sumptuous dinner was served to guests who remembered Mr and with many beautltui anu Tim day was spent in a pleasant social manner The sons and daughters and irnme diiiLe families present were: Mr and Mis Chris Heer Mr and Mrs Wil liam Heer Mr and Mrs Hugh Campbell Mr and Mrs Edward Ell inor: John Heer Mae and George lieer grandchildren: Melvin Elllnor Edwin Heer Haymond Hee and Irene Heer other guests: Mr and Mrs John Diehl Mr and Mrs rank Diehl and daughter rances Mr and Mrs John Beck and son loyd Mr and Mrs OttoBertsch Mrs Aridrew Wurster Mae Wurster Mr and Mrs rank Hat i Ix na Haring Mr and Mrs raser Containing pracfieal directions for the propagation' culture harvesting and muieilng of strawberries for profin list 4 Including varieties Tor different locajtfies adds to the usefulness of the book a nd a history of the jilaht and its slgnlfl earmo in armorial beatings adds its interest iction for Saturday Morning "The Bar 20 Rides Again" by Mulford or fast straight shooting hard riding and hard steely jriArves and speedy in esist Book Review Digest Earl Ross Pearl City 111 i Ienry Doerr family spent sev days in Chi' ago on Christmas reeport with Mrs at their home Mrs AV White enjoyed her 90th birthday last Bunday The irst Quarterly conference of the Thursday Trims' the Ret Mumford home Grover Popp is recovering from Ms illness John Scebold spent Monday at Rockton McConnell Everybody invited both old and young Mrs Martha Kryder and children spent Christmas at Wheaton 111 with Rev Dickson and family Wm CUngman who spent several weeks here accompanied her Ulrich and wife Lester Ulrich and Miss Anna Ulrich motor od to Rockford Christmas to spend i the day with Mr and Mrs Harry A pai'ty of one hundred hunters guthkrelat North Grove near or reston yesterday for an fox Jtunt and succeeded insltooting pne race red fox which be acid and the money used towartl annual picnic to be our sections closed into one Ijrpe circle in the hunt and beat the surrounding country side thoroughly with but slim Jesuits but penty of Jun for the nlmrods UdWiif Ennenga Charles Sl ffcrt I Wesley Stukenberg and 'Mr Me iGuIre were arndnt those who par ticipated from thia city I Marion isher returnea to cnam paign Monday after spending Chriatt I mas with her parents Mr' anj Mrs I isher Dorothy isher is having a vacation between Christmas and 1 New Years I a i tii'l aio The (ton of "A daughter of the I and "Trail makers Middle Border" all of which the public library Th a fAllmvinsr books will be new" book table on riday And will go into circulation on Tuesday: "acts About Poe" by Jj Wil SOM AH the known truth about Poe Is hero presented without embellish ment by a professor of English at the University of Virginia in the first pa per called "A brief sketch of the life of Edgar Allen Poe with a selectedbibliography" as withh mother returned Sunday evening to home iccompanled by his will reside at Ind pendence ierds aro extending con mi st ront laslni'ss Mun 1'27 The same speed al vxn 'mitos per hour 1 ips train was tnc Jaigt st pass through hw Hi th 1 although fiifl a ported a number to trsWtflT A ord ear sk phone pole on th Main gL noon and snapped pole off near ground was able to etoitinue under now'er to a garage to get tor repaired it i' oh the front No i and the ii n'ipams The notv firm of and who centi' Alice Rowe stvr eorgc McMinn "Ranching 'With Roosevelt" liy I A Lang "Mr Lang draws an attractive pic i ture of the misnamed Bad Lands of i lloVAtn unrl wifh this nt hrt (HlU itHU aaxcv spent Christinas writes of his own life as a Cowboy the coming of lioosevelt to a neign ItaSing ranch and of the cattle round ing broncho busting and buttaio hunting experiences they shared to gether" "Black Sunlight" by man A thoroughly popular tlie filming of I lands" a screen drama "Tiie History of the American pie" by Beard and Bagley Written' with the motive of: "Pre paring children for citizenship throjjgh an understanding of the ideals institutions achievements and problems of our country night iront a visit with his cousin i'Steve Scace and family in Chicago Mr and Mrs i ay vm 'Riu GA'aliAmSlit bf ree tvAvi 'hrictnina vrlt ijHr! UUl Jr 1 1 Ul i Sclirec had the miSoOrLtine Wainwright h's farm rllrw ho is teach A nun I is it riot true that Jesus comes to tis hi nitich the same way today? Me ran inor always him any more than did many metigrwho were inthat same community in which and Andrew and Matthew lived saw him long ago nor IS his call heard except to those whose hearts are attuned to hear But when ono sees Jesus and hears his call life takes on a new mean ing Inevitably the call is to new ness of life and action' Some who listened to Jastis in his earthly ndm istry said "Wo never saw it after this That is exactly what Jesus does for us He opens up for us new world The title of this lesson Is "Re ceiving Jesus ns Savior and Does man need a Snvldr? Does he peed a Master? Some say not Some think that sin and salvation are old and exploded terms and some say that it is a man's business to save himself Some rebel against tlie Idea of any mastership They like to talk of themselves as tlie masters of their owh souls But when we look into our own hearts and lives when wo look into the lives around us can wo gay that this is so that nmn does not need a Savior and that he does not need a Master? Power Wit bin Is it not rather true that life he (tonics great onlyas a man 1 greater thhn hiniserf Is nH all masterful liing duerto the fact that the to ritot it will bp llL Lrlte' it JndeW jiuthpnuc alrhs to (hat fpt" ins of Ads of tiiq "eltlenfent 'and dhvelpoqif nt ot the Border? The pulsing permit of 5Qpallet! JIr Gar land's bofkn Stand alone1 dlstinftuisU jd rqnvifteltignaiid sound 4rccItaiStof 'tiwa lien' the grand chHdnen pilgrim 'fatherb pttshed westward the borders of the land tljolr ancestors had The ltr tnospjiero and the sincerity ofTrsil makers qf the Middle make it one of the most refreshing books of ibp ear whde its epic quality 1(3 nqlitv find solid ja oi til make it ttn one of the most import ant Chicago Evening Post The hooks mentioned in the above Miaaie middla of the are In I3wardsii Anyone wlshlpg a can of dan purchase it Harry KUttcr or MrsJUlaramilh' MrsJotwi Ullntnnn fs' elfjxlt httbrovijig 'i to' not wel tins A A ir te sa lUKi 1 7 VHIItV bore witli Mrs Hall and grand rTn ilflitDja Mr and Mrs Lowe of uliicago were here for Christmas' dinner with I Mrs Lowe's parents Mr A Hume I Sunday I Mr and Mrs Clarence went tfttout doing good Can man have a greater Master tlian IDit 14 wealth he seeks jMMvorjih'e' may give his Ufa over to "Other great leader dnd to some other ideal But if above all things he wants to make his character sound anti hto life influential for good be will seek not only Master but a Savior and In finding in Jesus of Nazareth a Savior 4ind Mister he will find also a companion and a friend It waS to these same disciples and to others in their group thqt Jesus said "I have not called yon "servants but I have called you Text: Mark 1:16 20 2:1 3 17 as lie walked by the sea of Galilee he saw Sfmon and Andrew his brother casting a net Into the sea: Jar they were fishers' And Jesus said unto them Come ye me and 1 will make you to become fishers of men And straightway they forsook their nets and followed him And whqn he had gone a little Bir ther thence ho saw James the son of Zededec and John hte brother also were In the ship mending their nets And straightway he caljed them: and thy left their father Zebedee the ship with the hired servants and went after him And hrwent forth again bv the sea Side! and all the multitude resortedinto him and he taught them And as ho passed by he saw Levi and son of Alphaeus sitting at the receipt of cusfpnt and solid unto hhn ollow nw And he arose and followed him And It eamo to pass that aa Jesus eat at meat ih Ma house many pub ilcans 'and sinners sat also together wltht Jesus and his dlsclplMl for there were many and they followed a iiiri Miss Beulah Tnay of Chicago 1jiv ervlws atterjn? lessfbibiBtudy I rounding her vacation pitii licr sis and a New Year's th LT I t'i Mxh fi rd jjti'rn'r relatives and friends rorl Mac" returnci) nieht irom a visit with I The AV "'ill have charge iof the morning service next Sunday (morning at the ly foreign point of view mue i nn is born1 on hundav Dec 2' th to Mr nnd Mrs Charles McCoy uf Dunbarton I' Grover Williams is here from Iowa I for a visit with liis relatives VVliita Brothers living south of 'town have had a new radio installed I 41 I lt Art 1 1 "A 1 1 vz 1 useful among humor atpd whefe ln VAI'fttWj! HAHPR tll'lllin TlVrtfrt 1 srprtlin rtW rt xiM wva i avup tin a lu guests lepartto( wishing compare with the "Old Bur 20 Gang" The A I Hurd I hrintmas in Chicago Elmer McKenzie was a cis: bound David passenger Sunday evening i Mrs t'i Doerr returned en Sun day from a visit with relatives at reeport Mrs Nickels returned from Cld eggo on Thursday of last week site had spent the past few months with her daughter Miss Pearl Heine of reeport spent Saturday and Sunday at the I Heine home Miss Ardath Everhart of Stock ton is visiting at tlie Charles Gar ner home Wesley Guynup of Wisconsin is visiting at the rd Guynup home Miss Vida Kuhlmeycr of reeport spent Saturday' and Sunday at the Kuhlmeycr home orest Hammond is spending the holidays at the I Hammond home one has given his life tqthe pb1fer furntehed means to provideof overmastering ideals? It is the a nl0(it delicious Christmas dinner distinction of the great Chfistiafi cQsting of chicken cranborHes that has givenhis hfe the (sw et potatoes lettuce peas oelery pdwei of Jcsuqaho enull cream pie Jelly cof tea: cake and fruit The children look for ward to that wonderful dinner and the kiatersore: habpy seejlfcui enjoy it atf so much I rely would not be fair tb omit one class pf benefactors those In town who so generously contributed lb cur Christmas collection which annually begins In November' Thto' income is mostly used to pay oixr large potato bill What would the kiddies do with out potatoes? Last though not least wa ate prompted by a special spirit gratitude toT mention two names those who tore rather singular in their tgerfer os! ty the orphan children Dr Grant an physi cian and surgeon end Dr Tyler as dentist who rendered all their services to the sick and suffer Ing little ones thoughout tho yea? without any compensation from this Institution Notw to each and all we wish a Yerj bapp 192 Mur God bless and reward them allr "i THE SISTERS CHAKQE iis: hO re Ifiiillips returned follow him But ono should realize I also the quality of the men who had in them the freedom and courage that made them resptmsivc Most of us would find it hard under such circumstances to sec the vision that would move us to such cleavage with our environment Yet' Apple River Hl De The Christmas sea eon passed Off pleas antly in our midst The Chrlwmas program at the Nl church proved to Le a good one setting forth the spirit and sentiniept of the birth anniversary of Christ The tree laden with Its giftrf and lights enjoyed especially toy the children The supper at the Presbyterian htiroh was heartily enjoyed bv its Many fanji'y gather ings were held on Christmas day and in al! aAvohderful spirit of cheer good ill prevailed Mis Millie wt anor of Scales Mound camoSundny is caring for Mrs Charlton who la quite Jjirs Charlton reported to be somewhat bettar today' Her many friends hoiw eha may soon be well Walter Goimer Axus a reeport passenger riday prof Jcsso White and family were here from Platteville and had Chrlst nsu dinner with bls parents Mr and Mrs White TComAn Clement came up from reeport to jtpend Christmas Ih i and Mrs Berryman and Marjorie of Amboy IHn were here for Christmas dinner with Mr Grade Berryman Sn many of our young KOP'e ar to fall from a wagon' at A ugust Montag A Zeila Cheeseman Secretary Dora BaumTreasurer Vera Woesner Corr annie Yeager A Con Woesrer Atoa plain Lottie Miller Marsha! Ida ILabb to Is isher Anita Baum Jis tli lorence Shaftc: Anna Warner 1 1 leu Osterman Helen Eiizabth Cheetcmai Geo Byer dar vlilc Ill Dec Lari 1 Its za i 1 1 ea I W44V iiuiiif ('hampaign and Miss Llbble Seylcr Chicago j(penl Christmas at Shannon Dec 30 Mr Harrv Mrssmer to Lee find Wal'er It'X litoi rent day will) heir pa Messner Miss lorence attending the DeKalb borne for the Iwlida a Mr and ifct II Os Chicago Gary Indiana spent Christinas with their father Dr 8 Thompson Mrs Collins and eon Roger arespending the holidays in Chicago with relatives Mr and Mrs Charles Kuntz of Elgin were guests of rank and family last Sunday red ink of Chicago spent the week' end with his parents Mr and Mrs Leslie Genam and jJohn ink of Chicago visited at ink home last riday Mr Ben Zlpsle and family Downer's Grove are visiting at home of Mrs Elder Yeagle The Community Association have ti social Saturday night in the Community House A' short program rtof Mrs Adam Young who passed away Christinas day were held Tuesday aftl inpon at 10 o'clock at "the house and at 1:30 at the Utok churtlr Burial was made in the cemetery on the hill MlsB Helen lleren to reegort spent Wednesday with her parents Mr and Sirs AVm Itonen Mr and Mrs Wm Gift were callers in reeport Tuesday Miss lorence Hayes of reeport spent Christmas with her parents Mr and Mrs Ralph Hayes riends of Olga Lena are sorry to know she id in the hospital in iy port fbr an operation Visa Lucllo' Wirsing who attends school in Orangeville Js apehding the week at home Mrs Rose Stiffler ii gaining Homer Harrow butch? red for Wm Kalley Monday Mr and Mt Sunday with Ids parents Mr Mrs Wm Babcock DAVIS The Tnlerriatioha! Uniform Sun 1 with publicans and sinners? day School Lessdi for January 2 When Jesus heanlU he savior ami zvi I no neeu Ol trio pnyaiviau Muy that rire sick: 1 came not to call the righteous but sinners to tance (Tom nlcp tfxlaj4 trw In 31 arh vtuxiwd hi dij? xuturv i ryrk Im i 3 1 a 1 1 psmith if Elizabeth celebrated or gulden wedding anniversary it th'dr farm home on Sunday when gold Aitor tArrrtlhirie mid Mrs Levity many more I anniversaries WEALTHY ARMER DEAD Mendota Ill Dec PliiWp Waldorf wealthy LaSalle county farmer and owner ti 11OT acres pfy agricultural lands Is dead at tlicj home of his daughter Mrs George Schledenhehn He was SG and pioneer SEVEN BROTHERS TOGETHER IRST TIME IN 35 YEARS Kansas City Dec AT Seven Cramer living" in various parts nt the country' were llidB letch 4 le LVftVkAlVX IVI HIl wure rhe iUfrYary Column A 1 Elizabeth DI Dec 31 Mrs Wil liam Hardy arrived in ElizabethWednesday noon for a is it at the home of her sister? Mrs rank os ter and family after an absence of over seven years Mrs Hardy has just returned tq America from Ba ting West China where Dr Hardy and herself have been missionaries during that time While absent they experienced many Uirilling escapades although this was their Jlrst to that land Dr' Hardy who ar rived in Elizabeth a few days ago isnow on a sneaking tour through Hie south but is expected back to Eliza Joorgo Seyler home Kennetn nung oi spending his vacation grandparents Air and Kling Dr red Thompson and Ethel Thompson I TWO ARMPT1 MN RfiR rHV llliliuw jUy BANK NEARzUISi Loulsc'Vfiv orm ea nwp ivuov jiviu Ixnlc at a and escaped With a uer wy inv tun bank employes and two customers In the ir RED EOX KILLf BY HUNTSMEN NEAR ORRESTON i fractured left forearm Ttev John "MeKtnl over preached at th church li re for Rev A Ulrich Wui has been Celebrate Golden Wedding Mr and 'Mrs George Heer l(ilwn and highly respected rosy day January 3rd class of tnerchnndi as by the predecessor Ms It However in addumn milk will be sold red Kirk Jr im Schap have been new firm of Hai coming year Rev and Mrs family arc the owners radio receiving outin them by members an Stockton Methodist some of 'its auxiliary Clarence Viton installed it on Glirist mas morning end Rev Synwolt and family have been enjoying It fully ever since I Workmen are busy today inal: ing ton excavation in the pavement on West ront St in order to reach a water main or pipe which for some reason or another decided to break Williams were callers in Shullsburg on Mon rlrt Mr and Mrs Leslie Laird of Ie Jife which includes descriptions of Holt Mis Mr and airs uiw d1(? r(Ces Galena Oscar naira uuaui jo Walter Lijiird and family and Mr I 1 i vr Ortnto llnrfvmiin Cf lllTCn 1 '4141 It rw I 4 I It I 1 4 4 ved their flhristmas dinner with Mi I I (By the Associated Press) New so much new talent in the Metropolitan opera that Teddy a coal black cat who has spent nine years of his first lite' in the opera house boiler ropm is Jealous He went on the stage dur a perform nee of "Turnadot and slopped the show New John Langley who has a brogue thinks lt strange that it has been noted that for ho has ownni a kosher poultry shop in Long Island City and that Itto daughter Norah manages It A rabbi is an employe "Don't they roll crucifixes in the east sltkRpuM' carts?" asked John reeport sboppcrs Wednesday after noon Mrs fitonds erd will Wednesday night Mrs Imam t'itnott snu uausmu I Pearl were reepdrt shoppers Wed 144V will bo given and lunch will be sohJ nesday Munr4W 1 rtf Ait wm 1 1 1 1 tt iiiutiuui 4 I ford spent Saturdaj' and Sunday at ijltohr Id I TS 'Illi 'll 1 YT i atKWIRs 4 Walter (Vn 4 Ml 'George Anchutz of Warren and ta Xk Employed by th Central ra 'l 1 1 I rnrl hrd located at irdeperdence rille 'is the daughter of Mrs I lorence Hoffman i 1 hey i Their I grata! 'wm a profesioral ca'io NEWYEAR'S DINNER AT DAKOTA CHURCH I Dakota In Dec AU friends of tlie Dakota church have been Invited to participate in a' New Year's dinner which is to beheld in the church basement on New Years day The dinner will be served picnic style and an open Invitation is ex tended to all those who wish to participate with tos outii sid onSiesday after wdod ord Viri5imh tottl'iei'M (aryqn'llomein "pewtonlta 'V Ttwdtford jlMMd sevCihl days at IM Home JH? PM e'rts Mr anti Mrto ft Jlqavet 4 fin Winto ittod the'mtoftn lune tof WA'RRKN MfAlfrng 11)0 toe Tuesday evening I and is tO'life Hl "ritto Mt' a ud Mis Saraty Trepus itont Chrlsi 1 Mx and Aurra tM parnt df day Dctr 57 nt a rwpbrl All copcsrhrd arb f'JWiP to 'v' toft rPirne dt (3 UV' UA0 AppI Bur hcm afW flgM ng Mral vet Mr tiDei Anther vtslt wnd retinrM to ter Mrs JoM ikishman rind ingjtori Hoovered family at m'tikla Mjnn thelflrst oftheweek "'T' to of V's 'of Roc UpM spent sevej al dais MM 1 iuau LW 4 14 ar vne Itrw IL Votsli'ent of Choago occupied the pulpit for Rev Edward gcr at the rst presb eaurc hero Sunday "hIe the pastor is spending the holidays with rela tives tm hr Loms Ret fituait 8 'Tr Azs'rrrt rt 'm rnrt thft I 1 411 'VJ 440 ffcW yl Mrs lorti Herbert of here helping care for her I ZK Vi if i LcU lirn i i I Edwin Morris returned to Chicago broken eve nrww nj ury Tuesd SHANNON church will be held next afternoon at 2:15 at the church full attendance is desired The oldest son of Mrs Duboisc has been quite Hl for several days with' bronchitis He is' improving at tiiis time Mr and Mrs Ray Steifel of Monti cello are enjoying a new radio Which I tliev recently hafl installed Mr and Mrs Levitt fem 'near here celebrated their5tfth wed? diti anniversary last Moiidaj' 'Dec 27tl A company composed of all their 'children and granjlchiidren be sides other relatives Mid Jrittoids were ttfljro to help tltoto pelebrate Mo thAI Af psi nd liner a iiiei rv iwhv I zs mv i 1'yirtj I fl ffV i4ili4' land Went to live ift tji home wtto re they ftp now living artd wirtGr ever since alias been their topme aft the nartv a delicious three 1 course was served Preceding4h4 Mr Maxwell bap tizgjllt2 fttV)Q granddaughter Of "MandMrsi Levitt giving her the name of Dolores June Demining' The house was tastefully deeorated in gold andwhite which added to the spirit the toai tv The couple received many I 1 Jr Wf 'M Receiving Jesus as Mark 1:16 20 2:13 17 BY wm eTgilkoy I) Editor of The CongregatloiwILst rom the Old Testament period Moses to Samuel we now progress into tlie New Testament and we come to itsvery heart in this story of the relation of individual men to Jesus their discovery of him and their taking him into their lives as Lord and Master It is the story of the calling ot Peter and Andrew and levi or Matthew to tlie inner cir cle of discipleship 1 ite are SO accustomed to think of these three men as among the "Twelve" and the Apostles them selves stamWfotth so prominently among tlie great men of history that we are apt to miss the original sig nificance of the call of these men and of their acceptane of Jesus If wo would understand the mean ing of their response we must brush aside aft these conceptions of great ness and famo that were not pres ent at tlm time W1S tl10 attrac' ti vo power of Jesus himself as yet lowly and without' wprld recognition that led these meh to him I Men and Thcfr Leader Tine can form only a dim conce tion of tlio wondrous' personality of this man who led men at his call to leave their particular jobs and SHE REEPORT JOVRNAIk STA'NDARD to 7 S' Ii A A' Schmltf TclUrnCl Chicago attar Efe" Christmas vacation wHtar hen parents John Sqhmitt tind family 'v I The funeral of "AlriJrqn Peter win' of la? wait: held Sat ijrd ii'i foreijdon Jrbnt theJ tprctoc: AV'm 'A Mifter aM family Went jar ksonvllle If the glr pictured in the lorida ads would a swimming go just now they wduM need some of Airs St grease The mercury has been in tlie forties and less lately 'Los' Angelesto At least eleven women are prepared to brave tho dangers of sharks and shivers in Wrlgloys wriggle They 'have en tered that Batalina Island awing without stipulating as to raiment New Mayor Beverly Hills Gal The new mayor Will Rogers is all set for that first class murder by a beautiful woman which he said in his inaugural address the city need cd Ho has asked Hebe Daniels to run out some evening and do hint the very great favor of shooting somebody McConnell Hl Dec 30 Mrs ju I ToiA'a silent Saturday and Sun Iday at the home Ralph Hamon of Chicago home riday evening to spend Christmas with his mother Mrs Charlotta Ha man Ho returned to Chicago Mon day afternocn IfowiAn rfttiirnwfl UtUiVU a ICUfV I Vk They o' brother Elso and wife who will apend ja few Jays viewing the sights 'Miss Winifred Cheney is enjoying ti holiday yai tlon her par ents nt Carthage 111 uneral services for Mrs Barbara i Woesner were held from the Bethelchurch on Monday' afternoon a xirge numbe'r of friends tives attending number from I near Sterling were tore for the funeral The sympathy of the com is extended to the bereaved 1 i rung i in Christmas in Shannon with Ji Baum I Earl Plock and Ms Gsborne of Rockford were marriage in that city day and came to Shan Stindav They both residents of Shannon and the good wishes of hosts of friends Is extended to them for a long happy and pros perous life They both hold respon sible positions in Rockford Ms rances Osborne and friend attended I them On Tuesday night the Pbiraea class of the Sunday school(iervrd a 6 three course ban for the Masons and Stars In the dhurch after which the members adjourned to the Masonic hall where a joint was held Horry Gemmlli was in officer and Charles tohoro nautshal I fas the Masons Miiier was in i stalled as Worshipful Master tor the I ensuing year Miv Ida Babb TV 4icted as installing officer To? I the Eastern Stars Lottie Milker a I chaplain lieen i ieis nau uigau iand Doru Baurfi installing riar I shah Tlie following are lhe it for i 1)2 7: I Clara Shore te Rev Hastie (Mgers performing the ceremony The groom is the son ot CONTEMPLATES SUICIDE OR WEEK THEN SHOOTS HIMSEL HL Dec Arthur Jehnsqm of Mr and Mrs Albert Johnson of Prophetstown Illinois took hia own life by shoot: Ing himaelt in the bead in a hotel room here sometime during the night A letter he left indicated had traveled "abound the country fo week determined to end bl lift and had cohwnlttcd th Meed in DeKalb earlier thti week No motive Tor bis sulddo is known STOCKTON through StocklAii or)' 1 to "Great XJfsJ''rn Britot jnbnut tot) Aon3ni ThtfHiV 4 A Ai 4 fz A tori i jlttju Vi to i ja'a 1 'w? i niA4 cohosted th iten ems vui d'aj YNQwrx I av T'zvrtto J1D I (jrawn ny ca r'l wAsh bfliil Jlad i jVu apeci cuttrds and thwc cuUnu well firoleic IK nJ It ir Cleared fil Chicago enabled M(m exceptionally good tji i schedule umqMrqm to Chieag'i a il luce and Chicago lesjsmer of and Stm ats Mr nd Mrs cage Saturday morning Christmas with relatives home Monday evening Mr and Mrs Vincen: and daughter Marlon of town have been visiting this week at I the home of Mrs Anna BoMli Prof Glen Djlie of the Coe college faculty Cellar Rapids Iowa is I a short time with Iris father 1 RRAtEIll' TOlENEACtORS At the close of the year we wish to express our fltncbi A appreciation tb ell who so kindly assisted us during the past year At this occasion we wish to extend a heartfelt thanks to each generoua contributor of reeport who has made it possible that the SL Vincent's band boys were fitted but wltirfheir fine uniforms after so many years of waiting and wishing: "Oh! If we only would lo able to get iinlfarius! Now on Jujy 20th when theywora donned for the first time with these beautiful uniforms it med such a splendid showdnilhaL4uaiia2 passed dll eSpectations tore to to ktow Javxtn and l71mc'f "Westplia1 on Dec 20 WMk 4CDDVi u4v y's j'M' ilny Dq lr( rout dt oift froijihvre jffter fit school Or tqaqhlng pr otiw'iwwa nwyd' that wh(n'd olldaj3asoa" is like reai'hontie coming tip among thpM who are herKtotheAlian have bQen jvreyx Ywftttuned who IsAtedgh'mg af MjmtQe Wk'H'iMjbea' 'taftoeonr "teehvilktoKin8j ton Ma jYllBams (eacihej Alberta 'Giljlcr of reeport Addison Spear ah! leYhatte I of 4 liampalgn la andEne'dpri JPlngor lAtjeMn 111 1 Dwlhft retilrnro to' Wer benre al Scales Moiind' atod Lena tlorpung la filling her place at tb OptriVpmd A George Watson (iba iplbeasl rok JU was picking ore Xi pm wheto'a tbek cavedkr tlie'shuftndt lar of some 2S hastily went tn hs asisHarce with IfeXr aS to the outcome and foutid I him partly buried unUer the rock and i a rt kJ it Liie nmmu io and a few mute bad bn bnnw at the rrme Examination proved that no bones werejuoken He vas taken t4 ShuhsBurg and cared for 4netaf erliro whff iwflirWW bruised and tlie shock was a severe one' yet the wonderislhat Tie es caped from Having many bones hrhkAn rr 8 Mcadden is cHm ds writing The Judd property was sold last week by Blevcrt master in chancery Marvin Watson was the purchaser The home vvll bo occu pied by Mr and Mrs Henry Watson who recently eold their home to Mar shall Tyson Homer Juckson is recovering from his rrcert operation at the Ennis lit rpital at Shullsburg Hatve Anchutz cf Ind ependeree Town rii'i M1S 4 Lulu Huffman of this IJ bl hVii to' I 'to' re to I to ttoW 4 I 4'3 Mr v' 11 to yjsJ 1 Ito "i WMrtoirE'd 1 jf to fototo 15 nJ Lil Pvb? CqilBMa i hi i iii i ii g'l'inT ly M1 al lEjSSUpi kte4 itbr wUHIv fX irff rat the starts 7 to Tfcu to to toft to: ate JS I.

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