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Hartford, Connecticut
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THE HARTFORD DAILY COURANT: SUNDAY, JUKE 13. 1943. A ers" are disgusting enough, although most General of Morocco, were forced out. and of them if left to themselves, are harm- the Committee of Liberation appointed Poet's Column If My Hands Were Free eleven "commissioners" with the object of less. But the underlying issue Is one that Established ITU A COSMIC SINGER Barbara Young, that American Ringer of sweet songs, poet of the SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, 1843.

creating a national advisory council to represent all shades of French political opinion. Though willing to have Giraud remain as Commander in Chief of the Army, de Gaulle handed in his resignation from the Committee of National Liberation, to take effect if his demand for the widespread dismissal of Vichyite French officers, was refused. The week Published by The HARTFOHD COURANT COMPANY Courant Building. Hartford. Conn.

America's Oldest Newspaper of Continuous Publication Enteral at th Post Office In Hartford. Second CVaa Matter I exists to some degree in many places be-j sides Los Angeles. Intolerance, and dis-I crimination against the underprivileged are ills too common in the United States. I When one perceives how easily hate and prejudice breed lawlessness within our own borders, what can we expect for the fair New World of tomorrow that we are to share with the Mexicans and other peoples? i The 197th Week simple, direct and pure lyric, of natural moods and childhood won-I der and delight, inspired psalmist of the zenith and nadir of con-' sciousness, of and pain, is with us still, her chanting as ever unafraid. Once knoTn as "the Poet Laureate of the New York Times" BRANCH OFFICES Jiew Britain.

73 Church Street Bntol. Main Street Middletotrn. Commercial Bld. 347 Main Manchester. State Bulldinc.

753 Main Street WUllmantlc, 770 Main Street Hew York. 19 West 44th Street Chlcaro. 400 North Michigan Avenue Boston. 18 Tremont Street San Francisco. Market Street The long-awaited, finally consummated surrender of Pantelleria, the "Italian Gibraltar," rounded off a week of United Nations achievements on the far-flung (for ten years the Times published on the average three poems of hers a week), as the author of several books of verse for children and three volumes of some of the most significant poetry of our time "I Go A-Walking," "Keys of Heaven," battlefronts of global war.

The first step Subscription Ratea ratable in Adiance n.n one j-ear 1)0 40 Sundays, one year 00 3 00 LSI .50 Six months SCO Six months Three month 2 Three monthe one month .90 One month Dally and Sunday, one year St months 8 2 Three montha 4 10 One month 1 40 Postage eitra to forelsn countries KuhsrrlDtlon. payments, chaimra of address, etc thus ended in a political stalemate, the Committee refusing to consider De Gaulle's resignation. 4 In Argentina, the "palace revolution" having gone through the usual stages, a more or less stabilized government emerged. The ousted President Castillo "resigned," a policy of pro-American "neutrality" was declared by the military junta; Congress was dissolved, "communist" papers were suppressed, Axis papers permitted to continue; the use of diplomatic cable code was forbidden to Axis representatives. On the eve of being sworn in as President, General Rawson "resigned," turning over the provisional government and the presidency to General Ramirez, who promised "loyal cooperation with the American nations" (apparently with an eye on the coveted advantages of Lend-Lease hitherto denied Argentina).

Ramirez lifted martial law, and by week's end the new government had been recognized by the South American nations. Great Britain and the United States. It was understood by all concerned that this act of recognition was pure formality; United States diplomatic relations with Argentina would continue to be governed by the "acts" promised by President Ramirez which should "draw Argentina ever nearer to the other American republics." should be directed to the Business Department of The Hartford Cotirant. open ween aays irom to 12 noon. to p.

m. end holidays from i Member Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper, and also the local news of spontaneous origin published herein- All riKht of publication of all other matter herein are also reserved toward invasion, the conquest of Pantelleria, midway between Tunisian Cape Bon and the Sicilian southern coastline, effected after nineteen days of bombardment from the sea and air, was declared by Major General "Jimmy" Doolittle to be "the first time in the history of warfare that territory has been conquered. air power alone without occupation." In the final seventy-two hours, Allied planes circled in such numbers above the luckless Island that flyers had to hold off, waiting their turn to run in and drop their bombs on objectives. In view of this prelude to invasion, President Roosevelt considered it timely to Issue another invitation to Italy to unhorse the Duce and his Fascists so that the victorious United Nations could effectively treat with the Italian people and their representatives. With Nazi domination eliminated and the Fascist regime liquidated, he said, the United Nations could promise the Italian people complete liberty to choose their own non-Fascist, non-Nazi form of government.

Our only objective was the restoration to Italy of real nationhood and her return as a respected member to the family of nations. While Mussolini scrambled and unscrambled his "prefect" system in a futile effort to stave off disaster, Germany was showing a cold shoulder to Italy's "invasion problems," the German High Command considering the defense of the Ital- EIGHTY-TWO PAGES UP For Your Scrap Book THE wisest thing is to laugh at people, when we cannot understand them. Blarkmore. Our policy could be only one of "wait and see." The Subsidy Humhujr When the OPA announced its meat, butter and coffee subsidies, it said that it had no intention of applying the device to other commodities. Perhaps it hadn't, but now steps in the new director of the Office of Economic Stabilization, Fred M.

Vinson, with a subsidy on canned peas, beans, corn, tomatoes and tomato products, which he says comprise 80 per cent of the ian mainland and adjacent islands strictly canned vegetables sold. the Duce's affair. News of the surrender of The ostensible of this subsidy Pantelleria, spread by grapevine tnrougn and "No Beauty in Battle" she has for some years past, engrossed in the study of present-day child psychology, coveting obscurity and the concentration that such work demands, little sought the public reward. Her voice, thank God, has never died. The inspired, inspiring friend of Kahlil Gibran, singpr of Lebanon, mystic painter and visionary of "The Prophet," she it was to whom, through the long nights of his daemon-possessed spirit, he dictated those beautiful pages of his "Jesus, the Son of Man." And it was to her and her alone 'many pretenders to the contrary) that, on his death, as his tried and proven friend, he entrusted his unpublished poems, literary remains, original paintings and drawings.

Named by the terms of his will his literary executrix, Barbara Young is the author of the sole authentic monograph on his work that we have: "Kahlil Gibran, This Man from Lebanon." In 1939. on the eve of the holocaust, she made the long sea voyage to Beirut, to gather further material for the comprehensive life of Gibran she has in preparation: but the war intervened. Syria became a battleground, and she was forced to return, that selfless task uncompleted. Haunted by too much modesty, the gentle poet and artist of prose, Barbara Young, has since then contributed one or two penetrating studies of modern educational methods, modern child psychology, to leading reviews and magazines, and now and then a poem or two. But the great and greatest poems of her soul she has, until now, withheld from publication.

To those who know and revere her work, her mastery of the rhythmic written word, the melodic line of great, enduring song, it has long appeared that the real, hidden voice of Barbara Young, the friend and discoverer of poets, should again and again and again be heard, for what she herself has to say and sing. It is to give some hint of that cloistered richness her too long restrained by circumstance of other work in other fields, that we shall from time to time reproduce in these columns some of the vibrant and inspired paeans not all of them in metrical verse of the cosmic singer, Barbara Young. Y.W.V. I NTO THE PERFECT HAY And so we climb. And ages are the rungs Of that tall ladder rising to the height.

An aeon for the journey of the soul Were all too short a time. The moving hand Plays an eternal and unhurried i game, And every rule is perfect, first and last. We are the plowmen of forever-more, Who plant and reap a vast and verdant field. UTAH AS "For Ways That Are Dark There has been an impression in some journalistic circles and even in official Washington that with Italy now hanging on the ropes in the last round of the fight into which Mussolini led his country, our military leaders and diplomatic representatives in North Africa might well be able to "do business with a reasonable Fascist who had seen the light." Notwithstanding the proved fact that reasonable and Fascist are entirely contradictory terms, the rumor has persisted that Count Dino Grandi, at last reports president of the Chamber of Fasces and Guilds, former foreign minister and ambassador to London, might be such a man. In a speech in Hartford this past week, Selwyn James, foreign news editor of the newspaper PJlf, spiked that illusion rather neatly.

With deft humor he told in some detail how Grandi has succeeded in pulling the wool over the eyes of Great Britain's leading Conservatives. During the Spanish civil war, for example, Mussolini's envoy induced the British govern out the Italian peninsula, was officially withheld, and the manufacture and sale of radios was forbidden in the forlorn hope of keeping from the people the news of Italy's coming doom. These frantic gestures were ineffective to hold off persistent Allied air attacks on military objec Is to compensate canners for increased wage rates authorized by the National War Labor Board, but it is also described as a measure to "roll back prices." As such it will amount to little or nothing, but it will cost the taxpayers $1,500,000 a year. It is estimated that the meat, butter and coffee subsidies will cost $400,000,000. And The People's Forum tives on the "toe" of the Italian "boot," in the Mediterranean and the Aegean.

At what do they accomplish? The consumer will pay from $1.50 to $2 a year less for his week's end Lampedusa had been occupied meat. 60 cents a year less for his butter. I by United Nations forces. British submar- meat, 60 cents a yt 33 cents a year less for his coffee. Yet the ment to grant II Duce a loan of fifty mil- lion pounds (roughly $250,000,000 in those days) under the terms of a "gentlemen's commentator indicate the tremen dous burden now being borne by ou Soviet ally.

This brave ally of ours a year ag in June asked that a land front set up in Western Europe to tak some of the load off her shoulder and to speed an earlv victory. Brit ain and the United States have re sponded with air bombardments France and Germany and the inva sion of Tunisia. It is plain to th observer that this is not what i needed to win the war this vear. 1 Military experts tell us 'that land invasion of France or Hollan would probably bring us an earl victory and peace. Then why ar the United Nations apparently de termined to invade Italy and th Balkans where mountain ranges the north would lender an invasio: of Germany impossible? It is on of the mysteries of internations politics difficult to solve.

Perhap anti-Soviet prejudice may be at th bottom of this tortuous policy. HENRY J. WEEKS. Hartford. ines ranged as far north as Corsica and Monte Carlo, sinking six Italian ships and bombing shore targets.

"Softening-up" the underbelly of Europe was continued, according to schedule. In London, Prime Minister Churchill, asserting in the House of Commons, that the "mellow light of victory begins to play over the entire expanse of the world war," forecast imminent invasion with the state-! ment: "It is evident that amphibious oper-! ations of a peculiar complexity and hazard on a large scale are approaching." In Africa, he had discussed with United Nations military chieftains "application upon the enemy fosee in its most intense and violent forms," though he still cxpect-j ed the greatest battles of the war to be fought in Russia, In London, too, Major General Eaker, U. S. A. Commander in Britain, announced that the air force OPA calls this "rolling prices back i Now that this subsidy business has start- ed there is no telling where it will stop unless Congress puts its foot down.

Presi- dent Green of the American Federation of Labor says that at least two billion dol- I lars should be used for subsidies in order i to hold down the cost of living. Just how does it hold down the cost of living to pay a trifle less for food but more in taxes? Putting money in one pocket and taking it out of another dors nobody any good, Instead of helping to close the inflationary gap, subsidies only serve to widen it. To I apply them impartially is impossible. They add to the cost of administration; they I encourage black market operations; they bring further confusion into a food situ- I ation already badly confused. No matter how extensively they may be employed.

1 competent economists assert that they will not roll the price level back more than one per cent. They are only a smoke screen i to cover increased taxes. Nobody should be fooled by them. i At present the money to pay them is coming from the Commodity Credit Cor- I i from the world about him. As against his heritage of mass tradition he has become aware of personal sources of sanction.

Within the last five hundred years three great movements in European civilization have accentuated the primacy of the individual over the group. The first movement was the Renaissance. The second was the Protestant Reformation. The third was the French Revolution. In each of those revolutionary movements in human thought, man's claims emerged triumphant.

Individualism in America is not a recent, tender or alien shoot. Phases of it were telling factors in our Colonial days: it burst forth in astounding glory during the Revolutionary era when it emblazoned itself in imperishable splendor upon two of the great documents of mankind, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. It suffered a setback in the stormy period of reconstruction. It gathered momentum during the decades preceding the Civil War. It was hallowed in the nation's martyrdom during the Civil War.

It slumped sadly in the era of continental expansion which followed the Civil War. It bestirred itself anew in the Nineties. It gave us leaders of the type of Theodore Roosevelt, Wilson and La Follette. It even led America into the first World War to make the world safe for democracy. It emerged from that war beaten and betrayed.

Fisher Ames once compared an autocracy or monarchy with democracy, saying that the first is like a merchantman, which sails well, but generally strikes a rock and goes to the bottom, while the second is like a raft your feet are always in the water, but you never sink. STEPHEN ROSE. Mansfield Center. THE COAL MIDDLE there had doubled since March and would be quadrupled by October. Americans were now shooting down enemy planes at the rate of four or five to one.

In Russia. Nazi air raiders trading blows poration, and the legality for such use of Our hand shall gather what our hand has strewn. Our mind remembers in the dreaming night Seedtime and harvest when the its funds is decidedly open to question. with tne "non-existent" Soviet air force CITY'S EMPLOYEES Residence Rules Don't Make Sense, Says Reader To the Editor of The Courant: Hartford's off again on again squabble between a majority of the special aldermanic committee on municipal workers' residence requirements and the committee chairman, Alderman Lebon of the Twelfth Ward, has become something to which the citizens of this city vigorously object. To begin with, the situation which threatens the jobs of some sixty-three city workers, including City Health Officer Dr.

Alfred L. Burgdorf and twelve nurses at the Municipal Hospital, was precipitated when the Police Department refused to hire for a mechanic's job the candidate of an alderman because of the candidate's age, which conflicted with the Department's pension rules. Secondly, the situation was intensified because, it is alleged, the chairman had the temerity to perform the job for which the whole committee was created, thus causing his fellow committee members to take umbrage at his alleged usurpation of their prerogatives. There are reports that the committee's majority, which originally voted to sack all sixty-three nonresident persons on the city's payroll, has reconsidered and decided to preserve the jobs of thirty-one of them. Why this should be is more or less obscure, since if the rule says one person shall be a resident of the city in order to be on the city's payroll, it also means that every person on the payroll shall be a resident.

What about the other thirty-two? Why this class legislation, for that is what it is? Being class legislation, it is something that is prohibited by the Bill of Rights. Why make the sixty-three the goats, if as some of the members of the commmittee claim, departmental -heads are at fault for not long ago asking residence waivers of the committee or the Court of Common Council? Mayor Spellacy will enter into this affair, probably at "Monday night's caucus. It is hoped that he will swing the biggest stick that is available to him. It is to be hoped that he will be able to tell the aldermen that, there is little if anything of benefit to the city to be had by dismissing Police Chief William J. Hallisey's secretary for non-residence.

The mayor already has described the difficulties that confront all of us. individuals, private corporations and governmental agencies, today, in obtaining skilled help. It is next to impossible to obtain even a good clerk today, let alone skilled engineers, park department employees, hospital workers and, above all, a city health officer. VOX POPULI. Hartford.

Suggested Mr. Lewis' Course Is Hurting Russia as Well To the Editor of The Courant: The Administration seems to hav helped create a Frankenstein in th coal industry. Such headlines a "Ickes Will Request Lewis to Orde the Miners," set people thinking. I don't believe there i only one course of pleading tha would get results. Perhaps, if some of the high offi cials would explain to Lewis tha his course is hunting Russia it migh have some effect.

Certainly noiv of that organization of his is consid ering the effect en the U. S. A. REI PUBLICAE. Hartford.

agreement" whereby Italy would recall her "volunteers" from the army of Generalissimo Franco. The sterling was handed over, but Mussolini kept his troops in Spain along with Hitler's. "I don't understand it; my leader has betrayed me!" Grandi moaned loud and long in Mayfair drawing rooms, the swank but bleak country homes of the landed aristocracy, exclusive London clubs and the draughty corridors of the British Foreign Office. The tall, suave, diplomat with the spade beard, made a nobleman merely by fiat of Mussolini, wept on many a well-tailored shoulder, brought tears to many a monocled orb. So it went on, with every fresh proof of II Duce's duplicity, until that day just over three years ago when the Black Shirt leader threw his luckless land into war against Britain and France.

Despite the horror and disgust which filled beleaguered England at that classic stab in the back, a goodly number of Count Grandi's personal friends repaired to the railway station to see him off for a seaport and safe convoy home. With that gift for lachrymose sentiment of the crocodile variety inborn in all true Latin statesmen, the crestfallen Count sobbed aloud: "Ah, alas, I was not informed of my leader's intentions! Alas, my mission has failed!" To quote Mr. James: "Failed? It was a damn good success!" If only we will learn from that experience we shall avoid the political mistakes we undoubtedly made at the beginning of our North African campaign. From the Files of The Courant 150 YEARS AGO June 17, 1793 PHILADELPHIA, June 7. About 6 o'clock P.M.

Wednesday, the citizens of Philadelphia were entertained by an experiment of natural philosophy made by Mr. Blanchard. with the parachute, or falling screen. A Balloon of about nine feet diameter was set off, to which was suspended a cage or basket, containing That and other similar corporations set up by the Administration are lending agencies; every dollar they put out is supposed to be repaid with interest. But subsidies are an outright gift; they yield no return; they can't be paid back.

Congress should not permit itself to be by-passed in any such fashion. It should assert its authority and neither be intimidated nor restrained by the threats of labor leaders or intimations that the President would veto any legislation banning subsidies. were considerably worsted along the entire thousand-mile front. The Soviet fliers meted out ceaseless, devastating punishment to trains, fuel and ammunition dumps, rail, technical and engineering supply depots. Battered, bleeding and scorched from the 520-plane attack on Orel, the Nazis hastened to move their supply bases to Karachev and Bryansk, only to meet the same fate there.

The Russians recaptured Oranlenbaum, sixteen miles west of 'Leningrad. From Leningrad to the Kuban. Russian MOBILIZE PUBLIC OPINION The Zoot Suit Riots Earth was young. When the wild grape was heavy on the vine, And no sound stirred upon the autumn dusk Save the red rain of leaves on hut and hill. For man is not the gesture of an hour.

His heart is nourished with an ancient wine: His ears are haunted and his lips are touched With songs unlearned yet nowise strange to him, But like the echo of his richest need. And every turning of the wheel of time Quickens his vision of the uttermost star. The vaster freedom and the godlier love. BARBARA YOUNG. INSATIATE DUST Because you circle round his mundane span, Draw your dark threading through his every bliss, Knowing these facts alone there is no man But shall take heed of your deep avarice; Yours is the shadow on the greening glen; Yours is the quiver of the yellow mold, With those swift passing from Bll mortal ken.

Forever silent in strangle Public. Support of. Ball-Burton-Hatch-Hill Resolution Urged To the Editor of The Courant: The Steering Committee of American Defense. Harvard Group, urges public support of the Ball-Burton-Hatch-Hill Resolution (Senate Resolution 114) as an important step toward winning the peace. During recent months we have felt an increasing need for positive Congressional action pledging American cooperation with other nations in the formation of a post-war international organization.

The Ball Resolution, it is now thought, expresses the views of many members of this group as to the necessary means of obtaining collective security. Passage of such a resolution at this time would reassure other of the United Nations of our repudiation of isolationism and of our good faith in cooperating with them toward the goal of international peace and prosperity after the war. During the next weeks and months private individuals and groups may do much toward mobilizing public opinion in support of the resolution. If this support is sufficiently vocal and insistent the resolution has at least an even chance of passing the Senate. We therefore strongly urge evervone who agrees upon the necessity of the purposes outlined in the resolution to write to individual members of the Senate and to Senator Tom Connally, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations.

HENRY D. AIKEN, Secretary. Cambridge, Mass. fighters maintained air supremacy, blasting Nazi squadron after squadron out of I the air. in a single ten-hour battle with 500 Nazi planes, bagging 162 to a loss of I only twenty-seven.

In emulation of the British and American air offensive on other fronts, the Russian High Command was evidently stepping up its attacks to synchronize with our planned invasion from all sides. The Axis, unable to guess from which quarter the next most terri- 1 ble blows would fall, was thus constrained, willy-nilly, to dissipate its strength, first on one front, then another of the so-called "Fortress of Europe." Things were anything but quiet for the Nazis on the Western Front. Though the British calculation was that 1,500,000 men would be required for a successful invasion; to coincide with heavier blows from the Russian armies in the East, the R. F. and U.

S. A. F. were meanwhile increasing the pitch of air war on the Continent. Devastating raids upon Axis Channel shipping and rail targets in Brittany were followed by massed attacks on Wilhelms-haven and Cuxhaven submarine bases.

The week closed with spectacular raids on Duesseldorf, Munster and other targets in the Ruhr and Rhineland. In China, mopping-up operations proceeded along the Yangtze; American fliers staged a daring attack on the Jap base of Hongai in (French) Indo-China; and the Chinese completed the occupation of Itu and Wangchia-chang, relentlessly pursuing the foe northeast of Ichang and northwest of Hangkow. British and American air forces continued bombing Jap bases in To shrug off the zoot suit riots in Los Angeles as an attack by service men, mostly sailors on leave, as primarily against the preposterous garb is to indulge in a superficial view of a situation that has approached "anarchy," to use the description by Robert W. Kenny, State Attorney General. The cause rests not in the fact that the "zoot suit with the reat pleat and the stuff cuff" contravenes the WPB restrictions on tailoring men's suits.

Nor is it likely that the isolated incidents of service men being attacked for associating with the Mexican girls now pa-chuco girls because of their pancake hats would flare into the most serious riots that have gripped the West Coast since the anti-coolie disturbances of the Seventies. Such occurrences in other cities have not resulted in organized gangsterism, crews armed for action prowling about the city, the mob-manhandling of zoot suit wearers in the theaters, stripping the victims of their clothes, attacks upon women, the running down of pedestrians, miniature guerilla warfare of the most vicious nature. The fact is that the minor incidents have erupted into race riots. The zoot suit wearers are chiefly youths of Mexican parentage, too young for the draft. A few are Negroes.

Los Angeles has a large Mexican and Negro quarter. The second generation Mexican chafes under segregation. He has encroached more and more beyond the bounds, geographical and social, within which his parents were satisfied to live. The riots of today are not the first manifestation of trouble. In AueiKt 1040 INDIVIDUAL CREDO A PLEA TO FIGHT First Offenders Wish They Migh Be Called to Colors To the Editor of The Courant: We are both enclosed within tin walls of the Slate Reform School We know we have erred against oui country, and being first offenders would like to help with all ou: hearts and might to win this wa: for our beloved country.

It is bac enough when one of our ships tankers is sunk: but. when we sei our friends being killed, it mae: us realize our mistake and want al the more to get out there and ri( our part for our country. Here ii a poem that expresses our more clearly than can be expresses otherwise. WE MAKE OUR PRAYER Now that the die is cast. And our country is facing the crisis Here in the shade of these walls, We hear the echo of bugles; As we file from our cells Our eves look aloft to Old Glory-Waving out fold upon fold.

The emblem of Faith and Freedom; While to our minds comes th thought, That now when the need is so urgent, Surely the wrong we have And for which we are rendcrin! penance, May be outweighed by our deeds, In the name of our nation's great peril. Must we listen and make no response, While the bugles are sounding assembly? Must we in idleness stand. When our hearts are out in th trenches? Because we have erred, and tne law Demands of us full reparation, Can we not recompense make To show not alone our repentance But that in thought, word and deed Our faith is still pledged to out nation? For this grim horror of war, Shrouding our land with its menace Shadows the hearts and the home Where loved ones are waiting oui coming; So from our hearts comes th prayer That we may be called to th colors For though we are criminals all, We are Men and this is Our Country. ROBERT VARNEY. three live animals, a dog.

a cat and a squirrel. The balloon ascended to a great height in the clouds when a small explosion took place, which instantly disengaged the basket, and then the parachute appeared over the basket and floated in the air smoothly with a gradual descent 100 YEARS AGO June 13, 184.1 EMIGRANTS FOR LIBERIA. The Bark Renown, which we announced yesterday in our ship news as having arrived here from New Orleans, has brought seventy five emigrants for Liberia The emigrants from Louisiana are all emancipated slaves, and mostly young persons, and an uncommon proportion of them young children We saw in the crowd a few elders, of patriarchal mien, whose experience and counsel will doubtless be serviceable to their younger companions. Norfolk Herald. 50 YEARS AGO June 13, 1893 HARTFORD To-morrow, Harriet Beecher Stowe attains the great age of 81 years, having been born on June 14, 1812.

She is thus only Writer Sees Real Ferment in Religious Thought Today To the Editor of The Courant: Strangely enough, American individualism is most in evidence today in the realm of religious thought. There is a real ferment here and heart-searching. The experience of Eddie Rlcken-backer and his companions on the raft is a striking example of this search. The boys on the raft were not asking about their particular brand of faith. They simply read the Bible, prayed, and asked for deliverance.

Our chaplains with the armed forces take the same attitude. Many of our scholarly theologians who in the past have engaged in hold; Always the flawless and the one who sinned Draw closer to you with each quaking hour. Who hold close converse with the drifting wind, The drooping bough and the gold- petalled flower; So shall the proudest bosom to you yield, Later or sooner as you know it must Sensing the power that is yours to Burma. Allied bombers Dlastered Jap three years behind the Nestor of American the anti-Mexican feeling reached sush a strongholds in the Solomons and New that he api5ealcd i Gullira and drove off a Jap raid on the the Los Angeles the study of comparative or rather competitive religion, are now taking this attitude. They are discarding much of the propaganda connected with the skilful manipulation of texts, the finespun, subtle homiletic interpretations accompanied by a great display of erudition, and disputatious wisdom, bv which they sought to extol the glories of their own faith to press to "Dlav it Russell Islands, northwest of Guadalcanal FOR AID TO RUSSIA Anti-Soviet Prejudice Seen in Allies' Policy To the Editor of The Courant: An earlv victory of the United Nations requires close teamwork.

The Allied nations must pull together and permit no dissension to hamper their unity. For this reason Americans who seek to promote suspicion of our allies are doing Hitler's work, knowingly or unknowingly. We are told to suspect our Russian allv although her losses exceed our total of men in the Army. At present Soviet Russia is fighting 190 Nazi and 28 satellite divisions: a total of 218 enemy divisions. The allied armies in Tunisia were opposed bv 15 Axis divisions.

These figure given recently by a reliable wield: All bow subservient Oh, Insatiate Dust! CLARE MAE DERMQTT. LITTLE MELODY The heart is a lute silent olid! Whose strings lie mute, Ungraced, unheard Till the fingers of love Pluck from above The rapturous notes, Wild and winging As young gods Ringing From sun-kissed throats. LEONORA NICHOLS. letters, Dr. Holmes, the Autocrat's birthday falling on August 29, 1809.

Hartford has many a claim to honor and fame in her institutions or the achievements in various fields of some of her citizens; but it is probable that her greatest distinction is due to the fact that here has lived and worked and here will die the most famous literary woman of America The glorious old Hartford, Farragut's flagship, is to have a new rig and a new battery of modern six inch and four-inch guns. That is, she is to have them if Mr. Holnian and his fellow-economizers in the House of Representatives consent Then "prowl cars" cruised the Mexican quarters intimidating the residents. Conditions "blew over." but the way has remained open to raise the cry of a "Mexican crime wave." When service men ganged up to get revenge for attacks on their comrades, the situation was ripe for organized resistance and retaliation. And sailors do not run from a fight.

This spectacle is one in which America can take no pride. Swaggering "zoot suit- Our offensive in the Orient lost nothing of its aggressive nature despite the fact that warfare in the Occident was being intensified preparatory to invasion. In Algiers, de Gaullists and Giraudists, at loggerheads over some phases of "internal" French policy, were united with a will to prosecute the war against the Axis and liberate France. Several Vichyites. among them General Nogues, Resident and expose the shortcomings or an other laiths.

This was excellent propaganda, but bad religion. President Wilson in his last days said that what the world badly needed was "a genuine religious revival" because the individual has begun to discover his own private lite. Within himself he has come upon a world distinct in many ways I HERBERT JUMNaON. Conn. Reformatory, Cheshire..

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