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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 3

Logansport, Indiana
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how A Pearline IU.K-'.? ic very often, uie scalp beauti- fuiiv cK-an and healthy, "'on'c use too much. Not hai: "there's any harm in it, Luc it'll take too long to vash trie suds off, and you rumble about that. TEE I. L. C.

EOAD. i Indianapolis Journal: A director of the Indianapolis, Logansport Cni- cago company stated last evening that I tho enterprlaa had by no means been abandoned, on both ends of the line tbe Interest IB increasing rather than diminishing. 'Jlia directors hope that the new Board of Public Works at your Pearline in Indianapolis will take a more broad. li'r hclth. You'll feel in- after It's very much like a Turkish or a Russian it costs almost nothing-, and that you take it at home, witnout any trouble or luss.

PccMlcrs and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you, "this is as ijood as" or Ihe same as Pearline." IT'S IT" Makes Delicious Pan Cukes. A Delicious Brciikfust Food. Ask Your Grocer For It. F. KINNEY, OEALCU IN Fish, Oysters, Fresh Butter, Eggs and Game.

dress our own Poultry and therefore havejoverything fresh. WANTED! REAL ESTATE. Wnnted, Clieap CottnKM For WnnteU Low and Acres Vor Sale. Waatwl Small For SiilB. Bu.tlnoat Bloolw Fot aale.

Wanted to Kxclmnco Kiirma toe Cltj Property. Wantwl MBrchanill.iB to TrMlt) toe Furms. ADDSESS M. M. Block H.

E. TRUAX, M. D. nttcnUon Riven to Nose, Long, Llvei Clicoiilo Discuses. Omce and Rosldonce over State Natlonnl Bante.

Hours 10 to I'J a a to -1 p. and 7 to 8 p. m. All ealh) promptly attended. DR.


22. To Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

Thompson daughter. John McNamara Is laid up with an injured hand. Otto sample price list will be pub- lUhod today. The Bee Hive's sprinjr drew goods la now complete, Go to the opera house tonight and "Oliver Twist." salesmen. Apply to Otto Kraua at once.

See our laoes and trimmings just opened at the Trade Palaoe. Klie.quarter ihlrtlng for worth 19 cents, at the Bee Hire. Qito Kraui advertises for shoe sales- They must be experienced. The post office closes at 12 o'clock today. There will be only one general delivery.

Twist," it a clever comedy and Is presented by a clever company tee opera house tonight Aorowiof forty young people will danoeat the hone of Miss In Onward this evening. MM. Dr.JT. A Holland The people of New Holland, Ohio, have been greatly surprised recently by the almost wonderful cure of a young daughter of Mr. John Orabood, who for a long time had been afflicted with fits or epileptic convulsions.

The affliction seemed more dreadful cause of the natural brightness of tho child. Doctors and other medicines failed to effect any lasting benefit and cure seemed hopeless until a sample bottle of Dr. Wheeler's Nerve Vital- Izer was providentially handed Mr. Orahood and from the use of It and only two full bottles of the remedy, the young girl has been completely cured of tho affliction which threatened to blight hor life. Fortunately there are but few cases of epileptic fits, but we venture to say that half'the people who read this would feel like new beings after a thorough use of Dr.

Wheeler's Nerve Yitalizer; it Is a nerve food, restoring nerve force on the same principle that food restores physical vigor and muscle. If youra is a case of shattered nerves, frequent headache, perhaps nervously crois, troubled with sleeplessness, a tired feeling In tho morning, debilitated, all worn-out feeling, promptly use this groat remedy, for It will cure you, and also ward off the more serious sickness or breaking down "which your symptoms Indicate. It is warranted sure to relieve and cure nerve troubles as represented. For sale by Ben, Fisher, Druggist. Death of IVoll.

The death of.Mrs. Ellon J. Woll occurred at 4 o'clock yesterday morn- Ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Lse Smith, No.

419 Front street. The deceased was 60 years of age. She leaves four children, Mrs. W. Lee Smith and Chas.

E. Woll of this city, Mrs. Ed J. Kelly of Chicago and VTm. W.

Woll of St. Elmo, Col. The deceased was a respected member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church, and the Rev. Chas. B.

Wellborn of this olty will conduct the funeral services at the residence at 2 p. m. Saturday. It JUy Do as Xack for Too, Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, 111., writes that he had a severe kidney trouble lor many years, with severe pains in his hack and also that his Madder was affected.

He tried many so-called kidney cures but wltkout any good result. About a year ago he began use of Electric BlVters and relief at once. Electric Bitters Is especially adapted to cure of all tldney and Hver troubles and often almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 50o.

for large bottle at B. F. Reeling's drug store, Meet HeM. The Custom Foreman 1 Tailors Indiana will meet. here third July.

The chalrsEan of Jake Here, is nakinc gauge view of the company's getting entrance than did the old board He persons who had Into ttte matter ot the road's paining an entrance to the city, and, Instead of being opposed to it. they now favored the company taking the line which the directors have proposed, which would bring- Into the market some valuable ground which could be utilized to ad- vaniago in locating factories after being properly graded. The director said that at Loginsport the friends of tbe project wore as enthusiastic as ever, and also along ibe lino, where subsidies bad been voted, and in the early spring the enterprise would would come to the front In a manner which would doubtless encourage the projectors in building tho road. W. H.

Barnes, the printer who was struck by a Pan Handle freight train at Goodland about a month ago died from the effect of his injuries Tuesday eight. He had been Improving steadily up to within a week ago when he was removed from his room to the poor house. It is thought that the change and transportation killed him as he was considered too weak to ba moved. Supt. Morris of the Toledo division of the Pennsylvania lines who died recently ww said to have been the oldest division superintendent in point of service on the entire system having served In that capacity twenty, ono years.

Many railroad men attended the funeral which was held at Toledo on Wednesday. The Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago St. Louis reports that Its earnings for January, 1895, show an increase of $4.190 in gross aa compared with the same manth of 1894; a decrease In expenses of $54,796, and an Increase in net earnings of $58.986. Superintendent Gould of tho Wabaeh Is just recovering from a serious attack of sickness and has gone south until ho is fully restored to health. The Wabash earned in the second week of February $95,067, an increase over the corresponding week of 1894 of $1,683, Owen MoCune, a former Pan Handle conductor now holding a similar position on the Wabash was In the city yesterday.

Pan Handle brakeman C. S. Collins who lost an arm a week ago is reported to be improving. William Baker of the Pan Handle machine shop Is laid up with a sore foot. Knlghti of the Micc.ibeeJ.

Tho State, Commander writes us from Lincoln, as follows: "After trying other medicines for what seemed to be a very obstinate cough in our two children we tried Dr. King's New Discovery and at the end of two days tho cough entirely left them. We will not b3 without it hereafter, 89 our experience proves that it cures where all other remedies Signed F. W. Stevens, State Why not give this great medicine a trial, as it is guaranteed and trial bottles are free at B.

F. Keeallag's drugstore, Ksgular size 50c. and $1. OF OHIO, Cm or TOLEDO, LUCAS COUNTT. FRANK J.

CJIKOTY mikes oath that be Is tlie senior partner of the arm of K. J. CHENKT doingbaslness In tbe city of Toledo, Count) und State aforesaid, ano that said Qira will pay tuo gum ot ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cored Sy the use ol CATARBH Ctnut. FRANK J. CHENEY.

Sworn to before me: and my presence, this December, A. D.18S0. A. W. SEAL Notary Public.

Hall's Catarrli Core la: taken Internally and acts directly on the blood anl mucous surfaces of me system. St nd lot testimonials F. J. CHEN BY ft.CO., by druggists, 75c. -The Limited Mail." Since "The Limited Hail" has made such a phenomenal success, no lees than ten companies have been organ, ized or have adopted IcconcoiLves, cars or similar effects, but tha people ap.

pear to readily "get on to" ihe fact that Elmer E. Vance's play is tho Simon pure, "original Jdcobi" so to speak, and whllo several of them are side tracked and ready for tLe serap pile, Manager Vaace is contln, ually adding new features to the drama, and accumulating- a larger bank account, Tuesday. February 26th at the opera bouse. Glrj Mr. Ccsltiiborder Jnslice.

At the council meeting last night, S. B. Boyer, chairman of the special electric light committee, when pressed by Mr. Wade regarding the bond of NithanielCostenborder, chief electrL clan, stated that the latter had de Glared his intention to resign; that he was nnable to properly attend to the requirements of the Tbe Pharos should give Mr. Costen- bordor justice.

It ia on account of failing health that he resigns. Mr. Costenborder baa shtMvn great ability In his work and the city will, on bis going-, lo-o a gentlemanly and efficient officer. Drunkenness haf no comparison evil effect to the opium or morphine habit, when firmly fixed on tbe hap less victim. Mothers should be careful in use of as simple a thing as a cough cure with their iblidren.

Miny eo called cough cures depend upon the stupefying effect of the opium they contain to bush the cough. Brant'8 Balsam Is one which youjoan give your children with perfect confldenca is entirely free from opiates, as well a a reliable cure, not only to stop the but also perfectly heal the diseased parts. Large 25 cent bottles at Ben Fisher's drugstore. to Fntertnln The members of the Junior class of the High school have Issued invita. tlons for the entertainment of tho Seniors at the home of Frank Parker on the West Side on March in.

The Juniors will endeavor to return good for evil. Bucklen'm -Vrulca Salvo. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises sores, ulcers, salt rheum (ever sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin erup. tions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded.

Price 25 cents per boy. For sale by B. F. Keesllng. AiChange of Firm George Kennedy has purchased stock and fixtures of the saloon at No.

7 Sycamore street formerly owned by Henry Kruck. The latter will soon make a pleasure trip to his birthplace In Germany, and will then settle down to a life of ease In this city. the Suit. After all the testimony had been heard in the case of Corbett vs. the street railway company, D.

H. Chaae, the attorney for the plaintiff dismissed the suit. ARTIFICIAL AID TO THE MEMORY. Attention E. The 0.

S. of this city baa been Invited to visit Kokomo chapter Feb. 26. All those who care to go will report to the Worthy Matron as soon as possible so an answer can be turned. Have Yon Kidney Trouble? Have You Throat Trouble? You Rheumatism? Have You Bladder or Urinal Trouble? TRY "SAN-JAK." Soldbr BBS FISHER, Druggist.

Low to New Orleans and Mobile, On February 18th to 24th, Inclusive, excursion tickets will be sold via Pennsylvania lines to New Orleans and Mobile, account the Mardl Gras Tickets will be good returning until March 20th; inclusive. For low rates and other details, apply to nearest Pennsylvania line ticket agent. Taadtlia Ltw On February 5, April 2 and SO, 1895, home excursion tickets will be on sale at very cheap rates tO-Tvlous points in. the South and Southwest For rates, limit stopover prlTUjret, apply to; C. EDOIWOKTH, Agt, CHICAGO, March 7, 1894.

DR BDKHMAN, CHICAGO. Mr DKABOIK-MJ attention was first called to SXN-JAK last rear in tbe case of Captain J. M. Broslus Terra Haute, who was attacked in ttifci" with acute nepbrltl. and cystitis (Inflammation ol the bladder and kldnejs).

After nrescrlblng the usual remedies without avail San- Jak was sngjfsted. and inn Improvement was so marked arwr tbe first dose, and a complete core followed so Jipeeduj, that I at once commenced an InTestlgaUoD ol its merits and have since pre- Mribedlt in almost everr known form of kidney Madder urethril. vaginal and cai atihal troubles, followed 1m each instance by the happiest resulta. A ease ot now of urine) In nuown family was very ranch Improved by a few doses, and radically cured In than a week. From practical experience In a number of bad eves oMeucorrhoea I am free to that I haw found no remedy that li to SiV JAK- And while I have never before given a professional indorsement to proprietary remedy, I say nnhnltatlntli and without reserve that i con ilderSAN-Ttk a veritable boon to humanity and after aoDlrtnt It to the surett proleulonal It is tetter than rt la n-.

all cases of troubles. In prefer Syvtemi Been In Elxlttenco Sluce the Days of Ancient Eevpt. The art of rendering artificial aid to tho memory by associating in the mind things difficult to remember with those which are easy of recollection is said to have originated with the Egyptians. The first person to reduce it to a system was, according to Cicero, the poet Slmonldes, who lived 500 years B. C.

TTIa plan known as tho topical or locality plan, and is outlined by tho Philadelphia Times a.3 follows: Choose a large house with a number of differently famished apartments' in it. Im press upon the mind carefully all that Is noticeable in the house, so that tha mind can readily go over ail its parts. Then place a series of ideas in tho house, the first in tho hall, the next In the sitting-room, and so on with tho last. Now, when one wishes to recall these ideas in their proper succession, commence going through tho house, and the idea placed in each department will be found to readily recur to tho mind in connection with it. It is related that the mnemonic plan was first suggested to tho poet by a tragic occurrence.

Having been called from a banquet just before the roof of tho house fell nnd, crushed all tho rest of the company, ho found on returning that the bodies were so mutilated that no individual could be recognized, but bv remembering the places which they had severally occupied at the table, ho was able to identify them. lie was thus led to notice that the order of places may, by association, suggest the order of things. said Mrs, Briny to an inquiring stranger, "we haven't got any malaria hero, I admit, but my daughter Sallv makes lemon pit's that can't be beat 'round these parts." When the visitor had gone, Mrs. said to her daughters: "Well, I guess we'll have to lay in a slock of thatcrinahiry. for all of 'em as comes here keeps ask- in' for the journey from Vienna to St.

Petersburg, Cumberland, tho thought- rcader, entertained bis fellow-passengers by guessing their thoughts. Ono of the travelers, a Polish Jen-, who took the whole thing for a hoax, offered to pay Cumberland lifty roubles if he could divine his thoughts. Visibly amused, Cumberland acceded to his request and said: "You are going to the fair at Xishni-Novgorod, where you intend to purchase goods to the extent of twenty thousand roubles, after which you will declare yourself a bankrupt and compound with your creditors for three per cent." On hearing these words, the Jew gazed at the speaker with reverential awo. He then, without uttering a syllable, drew out of the leg of his boot a shabby purse, and handed him the fifty roubles. Whereupon the great magician triumphantly inquired: "Then I have guessed your thoughts, eh?" "No," replied the Jew, "but you have given me a brilliant Idea." cnange Gradually.

Cows should not be taken from pas- tiire or very moderate feed to be put at onae on a full winter ration. The sudden change is very apt to induce bowxl disorders. chief trouble with a pun lies in the fact that it has occurred to so many other people before it occurred to Kcckland Tribune. "1 Was No Good on Earth." Dr. Miles' Nervine strengthens tbe weak, builds up the broken down constitution, and perrnnuently cures every kind of nervous eiisease.

''About'onc jie.arayo I icon afflicted Creeping sensation in my Sega, Slight palpitation ofmv heart, Distracting confusion oftltt'mind, Scrionnlosti or lapttc. of memory, ireifilitcd doirn. trith care- and completely lost And felt ma vitality ircarinff out, tra.t treak. irritable- and tired, 3la ireiglittras reduced to ISO In fact I iras no good, on earth, A friend brought mo Dr. Miles' book, "Now and Startling Facts," and finally decided to try a bottle of DR.

MILKS' Rc- oratlvo Norvino. Before I had tiilrtff ono bottlo I could sloop us jvcll as boy. Sly appoilro returned grosaly lucrcusocl, IJViou fliail the xi.rtli bottle yitf ircight increased to Jlfy fjcj'i'tts steadiest; IKy memory iratt fully restored, Hi! braitmcotietJelcarcrHian crer. felt ffood art any ninnon ctirtli. Dr.' llcatorutire. Xfi-rine. A great medicine, I assure, you," Me. WALTHR li. Kur.n.'.XK.

Miles' Nervine is sold on a positive AlidViiCLMsis'scll ir, 6 boitlvs forSi, or it will I'o'sont, prepaid, on reiviiir. of prica bytbuJDr. Miles Medical Elkhart, ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health Winter Sealskin jackets arc by no moans as long- as they were.

Onu model nearly tifrht-iiUing- has. moileratel)' full short ou the sides, and cut with somewhat IOUR- points front and back. It is called Vandyke jacket. A Dinted collarette and revers of the sealskin trim the bodice part, anil there is a hig-li "storm" collar. The sleeves, exceedingly full at the top, are almost close-fitting 1 below the elbow.

Unless ono can ail'ord to purchase a new seal coat every second or third winter, it unwise to choose a shape that cannot fail to date the coat, for the fashion of outdoor coverings changes only a little less often than does th-j fashion of our powns. Nothing just now looks mom btylish than one of the shoulder-capes of fur, lined with moire or pay brocade. Even velvet handsomely linod and bordered or not with fur, really more dressy than a fur dolman or other old-style hiirh-shouldered wrap, though the same fur wrap represents a Y. Post Young- Thickhedde, who has graduated in medicine, is very fond of. g-iving- wise opinions on all matters, heard an elderly lady say one day: "The greatest sorrow ot my life that I have never had any children." "Ah," said Thickhedde, "perhaps it Did your mother iave any Companion.

He Will TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. 26. Dr, Chas. Mendenhall. Indian Name.

Mon-Gos-Yah. The Great Doctor. r'V'i. I am at preMntnstait as an StenuSe In and in several cases of tote fielded so readily to tti In- continue to it In similar all tbe The Doctor bai been unable to wait on BO many hundreds of veeple that have ca'ted on him de Idfd to remain In Los ansport nmll Tuesday Evening Fell. 56 and will the Tidier Home up to Feb, 20 and will return to poit 18-da js'lB eacli month for one year.

The Sick Treated Free at the Free! Free! Free! TUCKER HOUSE! Tne'Doctor announces to the people of Logansport that all woo apply between now and Ftb- roarj 26th wm be treated services Ifree. Tne Doctor makeg this Oder to Mi Indian Medicine the core ol diseases. COJIE BAKLY AVOID TttK MABVELOHS-The Doctor can telljoa all your ejmplalntj slmpJy looking at yon and without asking any questions. Consultation Free. In all OUseases of Men, Women and Children, wonderful perfected.

1 All Fetnale Complaints and Weak Children promptly cored. Young Men and Middle Aged Men. Troubled with Nervous Debility. Loss of Hemory, or Bodr and Brain. olXom- Organic Kidney and Bladder iffectton or any form ot.

Special; can hew and wmrE-Theasahds cared at home by letter. SeBdalwek of jour hair, ace, wefcht, tmlli. and yoowlllbe told all yoor compUUnti 6y rewm 1 'i-.

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