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The Charleston Daily Mail from Charleston, West Virginia • Page 4

Charleston, West Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THENCE tt THENCE soulh IM tote caster fmtkmk fee piece fat NO. about feet ol fort HUI ana a point forks Ferry Branch. THENCE letviag Oek Roed to Ferry Branch; Smiths Addition and THENCE wait iMving Ferry Branch and running with the Highland Hilh lint south ol Hickory Heed le Hickory Road. THENCE with Hickory Road Ova bfook Road at the Lett Forkol Fer erlywilh THENCE wrst with Oakwood Road to Oakwood Gap at the intersection of Oak hurst Road (alto W. Va.

214); THENCE northeast with Oakwood Road IW. Va. 214) patting by Ellison Road. Hickory Road, Strieker Road. 500 ft tooth ot Fort place of beginning.

PRECINCT NO. 247 City ol Charleston Ward XV BEGINNING al the intersection ol runmriy north down ine hill to the right ol 1405 Ravinia Road along a drain ot Ferry Branch; THENCE south ol the end ol Carney Rotd and continuing wen down the branch between Stone Road and Stone brook Road la Hickory Road; THENCE west with Hickory Road to its intersection with Pleasant Road; THENCE north with Pleasant Road to Oakmont Road; THENCE southeast with Oakmont noao passing me south wilh Walnut Road to Its IMIeel west THENCE north with Byrd Road to Loudon Heigh It Road; THENCE wuth with limjdon Weights Road to its Inlerteciion with Staunlon Road; THENCE sail with Staunlon Road lo ill inicrseclien with Rldgeway Road; south with Ridgewty Road id its intersection with Upper Rldgeway THENCE norlhwesterly with Loudon Heights Road to Bridge Road; THENCE northwesterly with Bridge Road to Norwood Road; THENCE running toutheast with ihe west I ine of lol Two Norwood Road to the southwest corner ot said lot, being in the THENCE running with the easterly line 01 Seventeen (NO I7i Lindy Road to the ei if Ltndy Road ai rly property lini THENCE norlh Road tg Dudley Road; uthei Loudon Heights Road fo it to tne etect of tine 3f Seventeen with Loudon Height nng with terl) School; THENCE east leaving Pine Road and running through the cemer ol Fernbank THENCE norlh with Ihe center ol Up earner inter with Loudon Heights RDad; THENCE toulh with Loudon Heights Road Id Dudley Road and Abney Circle THENCE leaving Loudon Heights Road and running with the easterly line ol Seventeen INO. 171 Llndy Road to.the original northeast corner ol said property, THENCE running southwesterly with the original back line ol lots 12 thru 7 Norwood Road; THENCE running northwesterly with THENCE southerly wilh Norwwood Road to Bridge Road, theplaceof begin BEGINNING at the intersection ot Norwood Road and Bridge Road and; THENCE leaving Bridge Road and running northerly down the hill Id Ihe right ol 1405 Ravlnla Road along a drain of Ferry Branch; THENCE soulh ol ihe end ot Carney Road and continuing Id Stone Road; THENCE northwesterly with stone Road lo Overbrook Road; THENCE wtittrly with. Overbrook Road to Oakwood Road; THENCC southerly with Oakwood THENCE toutheriy wilh Drive to the northeast corner ot Johi Adams Junior High School property; THENCE leaving the corporal ion I ning north with thee th Rambler Road THENCE northeasterly with Bridge id Road the plec Dudley THENCE easterly wilh Porter Road I son Heights th Anderson lo Somerlayton Di 6 EG I NN 1 NG at a pol nt in th corpora tion line of the City of Charleston, said point being about 2000feet £. ot the northetsterly corner ol fhe Fairfax Estates Subdivision; THENCE due north about NO feet crossing Lick Branch to the South Rulfner Rotd al a point 60 feel soulh of 935 South Ruffner Rotd; th ENC continuing norlh, parallel lo ahd 500 feet north and west of South Ruffner Road to a point wesl of South Ruffner Road tt Adrian Rotd inlersec northtrly down Lick Branch Hollow Id the southeast corner of Roundhill Addl THENCE wilh the southerly and wts te riy tines of Roundhill Addition to a poiiii in she soulh right ol way line ol the Chesapeke and Ohio Railroad, stid point about MO feel west of South Rull westerly with the said right of way lint to point opposite the west end of Goddard Road; THENCE southwesterly pasting the end ol Goddard Road about TOP feel to a THENCE southerly with Htmpton Rood to South Ruffner Read; THENCE southerly with South Rutfner Road to point in fhe corporation line oi City of Charlestoa point f.eing the norlhttsterir corner of the Fairfax Estatit Subdivision.

THENCE IT IT (taut 1MB feet SEC! NftlHG it HOiftt In ffOfl I int tt IM CUT Hit wtst IMC of Cmit) Ifl Xmv carrtr pi tract of the wesl Wan ctfflMfnr, mmtottt rrtrn w. w. fa wlftMri Mm THE MCE CMMNiflf wMK vm hwir viriMt mm Cainpwn wwxnir the net tit fwi ta iMPm Lot in sovttient lint of Harmon JttrtM m. OMtxmXHkM Wl Be DinoM LOS ANGELES (API Thtstees of He Rkfcard BKiimM tm IHEMCE mi aritori View lliiBt A THENCE witt a wttt Mm Laudna Miigan nut tat uatd Lots 34 wd as. ar feet; THENCE by a Um Key's Breach if 1 fatt to tawttaatt caraar al rfceCfcariettea Tea aii rty; THCMCE leaving thecerporatiea Imt and wittTlai THENCE Southeasterly with Bridge THENCE easterly with' Loudon THENCE THENCE southerly with Mount Vernon Drive lo a point In city of Charleston corporation line, said point also to the place ot beginning.

THENCE wirti UkkIot Heights Road to Hampton Road; THENCE southerly with Hampton Road to South Ruffnar Road; THENCE southerly with Hampton Road to South Rutfner Road; THENCE southerly wini South Ruff ner Road to a point in the corporation line ol the City ol Ch.ri.itw, point being the northeasterly corner of the Fahfai Estate Subdivision; THENCE running with the Fairlax Estates Subdivision with the Cltv of Char lesion corporation line lo the norrhwei THENCE I 1021 lect to a of the said subdivision; nning rvning with the'sr line ol Montclair Addition and coniinu ing westerly to a point opposite mou Vernon Drive; IENCE running with Mount Verm Drive to Cornell Road; 5E and emending So thect Conncli tha River opposite the mouth of Port Hollow lust west ot the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company Build "thence cut up Kanawha River to a point opposite the northern end ot Shawnee Circle; TH ENC south leaving the Kanawha River crossing west of Kanawha Avenue to the center of Shawnee Circle; THENCE south contlnulno wilh the of Shawnee Circle to the Intersec tion at Street SE; THENCE toulh with 2Tlti Street SE and Its extension crossing the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad and Chesterfield Avenue and Meadows Street to a point 50C feet toulh of Ihe Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad; THENCE west parallel to and sqgieet south ol the Chesapeake and Ohio Woe IvXg the water's of Lick Brmch ano the Hollow between Lick Branch and Venable Branch; thence south wilh said dividing ridge about I mile to a point In Ihe corporation line of the City of Charleston at the rear of Ihe Nelto Tear property; THENCE west and south with the corporation line around the head of Lick Branch tt the end al Adrian Road to a point HO feel south of the H. A. Wallace THENCE north leaving the corporation line by a straight line, crossing the upper niches of Lick Branch (Adrltn Drive) up the hill to a point afl fee! sooth ol South Ruttner Road Hampton Road; thence conllnulng up the hill with Ihe Wallace line to a corner of Harry Wallace, Jr. In the ot 0. A.

Porter, being Use SM feet west of the hatrpln turn In South Rulfner Road; THENCE north parallel lo a SOO feet north and wtit of South Rutfner Road lo a point $00 feel ol South Ruffner Road at Adrian Road Intersection; THENCE north down Branch Hollow with the rear ot the lots fronting on the west slat of South Ruflntr Road lend approalmatelySWleet west of same to Ihe northeast lint ol tht Loudon Heights Porter line fiat south ot Round Hill Road (Imperial THENCE wesl with Ihe Loudon Porter line to a point HO feet west of Guy Porter's residence it 1500 Ca.HI* Road; THENCE leaving the Loudon Heighls and Ohio Railroad; to Porter's Branch near (tie Intersection PRECINCT NO. 251 City of Charleston Ward XVII BEGINNING in the center of Kanawha River opposite Shawnee Circle; THENCE east up the Kanawha River THENCE east with MacCor ue to South Park Road; THENCE with South Park Road and crossing the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad to a point about 10O0 feat south of stid railroad; THENCE wtst running parallel lo and SOO feel south of the Chesaptake and Ohio Railroad to a point opposite 27th Street SE; THENCE northeasterly crossing said railroad and running to the intersection of 27th Street SE and Shawnee Circle; THENCE with Shawnee Circle to the place of beginning. PRECINCT NO. City ot Charleston Ward XVII BEG INNING in tht center of Ihe Kanawha River opposite 33rd Street SE, THENCE east up ft lo a point opposite the foot ol 37th Street ising Kane ie Kanawha City Bridge THENCE easterly Avenue SE, to 39th Street; THENCE souiherly with 39th Street to THENCE southerly running parallel to and 400 feet wtst of Chappell ftoad about 603 leet to a point; THENCE west parallel to and 500 fett toulh of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad to a point aboul ISO feet east of Granada Way; THENCE running south around Mission Manor aboul BO feet to a point; thence wtst passing the end of Granada Way to Soulh Park Road; THENCE northerly with the South Park to MacCorkle Avenue; THENCE wilh MacCorkle Avenue to 33rd Street SE; THENCE northerly wilh 33rd Street SE to the place of beginning. PRECINCT NO.

260 and Ohio Railroad at the rear iin ol me lots in Mitsion Manor Add.f er. and. THENCE running east passing the end ol Granada Way and; THENCE north around Mission Mtnor to a point S00 feet south ci fhe cce ptake and Ohio Railroad and 150 feet road to a point 400 feel from Chappell liiflfrwiiriiiiwj A Copy Fraaa Tat iAOK L. 42ad Street SE to aancCerkle Aveaue; BEG INNING at the north pool lioeaod opposite the end ot street SE and being in the corporation line ot the City ot Charleston; THENCE easterly with said pool line la a point opposite 45th Street SE; THENCE running across Kanawha River to and with 4Sth Street SE lo Staunton Avenue; THENCE southeasterly with Staunton I HENCE iouth.esleflr THENCE running with 41s! Street SE to MacCorkle Avenue; THENCE southeasterly with MaeCor Sim PRECINCT No Mi City ol Char lesion Ward XVI BEG INNING at the north pool line of Honal 45ih Street SE; SOth Sireet SE; THENCE lea' point in trie norrh pool line Miie and in line with tt to venable Ai wtst of Chappell Hollow Road being the line THENCE wilh tht corporation line by 4 Straight line 5 7Q KT 3C3 fwt io point on the ridgt between the Kanawha River and Davis Creek at tht head of Mission Hollow; thence west with the corporation line along the ridge to the southwest corner of South Park Additon, THENCE with west lint of the South Park Addition to fhe back lint of THENCE vrrsl continuing wiffi tttt corooral ion line union Mffion (Aimey) Lands and ffn ff Lick THEitCE mi narrtng leet south of and i parallel to the ChesapttAe and Ohm Railroad 1 mile te South Park ig the pool lit Ihe line extended of SOth Street SE and continuing wilh the I ine ol SOth Sireet SE crossing Kanawha Avenue SE, MacCorkle Avenue SE, Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad and Cheslerlield Avenue io a point in the Cilv Corporation line; to there the ce uihwest UyasiraHjht line rwr ot Lots Uandetof the Subdivision In Hie cor dge west of Glen Ridge THENCE i ol 4i SE lo Stau i Sired SE: Sireet SE lo Ihe center line of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad; THENCE with said railroad southeasterly lo i point Opposite 46th SE; THE Nut northeasterly wilh TH ENC norlhwesterly wl In Stau Avenue lo 45th Slreel SE; THENCE with 45th Slreel SE to place of beginning. THENCE southeasterly with MacCor THENCE southwesterly with 41sl Slreel SE to ihecenier line of the Chesapeake And Ohio Railroad; THENCE soulheaslerly with said rail a poinr oppose ly ot Glen Ridge Road; on; feet, 61 id if of ihe Chsppell River.

(ith the coroora being fhe esit line of the Chap low Subdivision Si" 47' W. HAS WW, leet, and 100, continuing with the east line of ihe Chap pell Hollow lots and extension of said use tf 1110 leet; THENCE 15" 00' kl of Chappell Road parallel to and 400 feet wesl ol Chappell Road 1oa point in Cheslerlield Avenue 400 feel wesl of Chappell Road Slreel SE); THENCE east with Chesterfield Avenue to Chappell Road at 39th Sireet SE; THENCE north with jfttl Street bE crossing the Chesapeake and Ohio Rail road io Wasriihgion Avenue: the! tol ol Sireet CF being "tt poraiion line of the City of Charleston; THENCE sau'hcjsl with the corpora tion line, the north pool line of the Kana whd River to point opposite the foot of 54th Street SE; THENCE westerly with venable Av le io SOth Streel S( THENCE northeasterly with SOth Street SE lo 1he place of beginning. PRECINCT NO. 270 City of Charleston Ward XIX BEGINNING at thenortti pool lineal a point in the Kanawha River in me with 54th Streel 5E, thence running up ihe Kanawha River being ihe corporation ine ot trie City Dl Charleston to a point In line with 57th itreetSE; mtNLt soum leaving tne lunswna crossing rk Avenue SE to the I Ohio Railroad a Street SE; THENCE north leaving the Chesa i 54th Street SE crossing MacCorkle BEGINNING at the intersection of SOth Sfree! SE and venable Avenue; IHfcNtk running southeasterly with venable Avenue to 54th Streel SE; THENCE southwesterly wilh 54th Street SE to the Chesaptake ahd Ohio Railroad; THENCE with said railroad southeas lerly to a point in the corporation line of in? city ot Charleston; THENCE with said corporation line and up tha hill to point 500 feet north west of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company's right of way line; THENCE continuing with tht corpora, tion line parallel to and SOOfeet from the soulh right ot way line the Chesapeake Railroad about 1 mile to a point in the east line of the Brown's Branch THENCE le ving Ihe railroad right of unning wilh the Brown's line passing the end of in all on this line, 54' iftheLfwis Addition: THENCE continuing with thecorpora lion I me, 65" 00 342? feet to the common rear corner ol Lots 6t a nd 69 of the Chappell Hollow Subdivision; THENCE leaving tht corporation line running north by a straight line to a point loto feet east of the GienrWge Road at a point between Lots 5 and 6 of Ihe Chesterfield Avenue Lots and being in the ne proiectto ot sum sireei SE; thence continuing north, crossing Cheslerlield Avenue wilh the east line oi SOth sireet SE lo Venable Avenue the Place of beginning. PRECINCT NO.

4N1NG at Mv Ihe Kanawha River al a point opposite projection of the 57th Street SE in tht ne mver, Mfrtg line of the City of Char ENCE running with tht corpora of the Cilv nf rhirlKfnn xl th. southeasterly, passing by the Tumpikt Bridge and East Kanawha Estates and TJnd Street SE to a point in the property line extended of the lower line of Ihe Ow ens Libbey Owens Gas Compressor Sla iron, ihe extreme southeastern corporation line of ihe City of Charleston; THENCE leaving tht Kanawha River and running west with Ihe corporation line cross! no the Turnpike. Mac ie Chesaptake and Ohio crossing MacCorkle Avenue SE and Kanawha Avenue SE to low water line of na Kiver at foot of 57m Strut iltt plate of beginning. section 2. Tht cowntfl finds thai by reason af existing resulting its citiiens not enjoying necessity pf hotting a ftntraf (taction on Monday of April one Thousand ttrWrr lrft, at reqvrred by The charter of me city and the corrte limitation hxiM thereto, there a pressing puttlic faVrgt ncy dangerous To The public health, safety LAJtRY MY.

AMOdtEWS Taste: THE COUNTY COURT OF KANAWHA COUNTY O. fe 5. K.UHNJ THOMAS HACK CLASS CLASS 111 CLASS IV te question of si U3B5) NOTICE Of SPECIAL ELECTION FOB ADDITIONAL MUNICIPAL LEVY TO THE VOTERS Of THE CITY Of SOUTH CHARLESTON, KANAWHA COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA: TAJIK NOTICE That at a regular meeting ol the Coun kipaliiy of Sooth Charles Levies for current ex by Article Chapter amended, will not provide sufficient funds for tie payment of current expenses ol the Municipality, including expenditures lor the purposes hereinafter held to increase such levies under the provlsiool ot Sett, en Article Chapter II, Ol the Code, at amended. It is hereby ordered: Sidewalks; Disposal of garbage and trash, salarlts'ol employees; purchase, operation and maintenance of DEPARTMENT OT POLICE AND SAFETY Salaries Of employees; purchase, operation and mainttnanctol equipment (C) FIRE DEPARTMENT Salaries of employees; purchase, operation and melntena nee of equipment RECREATION DEPARTMENT Operation of Recreation Center; Salaries ot employees; Repairs and maintenance of buildings; playgrounds and ball fields and equipment, PUBLIC HEALTH AMD Public Health nurse and sinltarlan; Fly and Mosquito control; Salariet Of employees; Purchase, operation and (f) SOUTH CHARLESTON PUILIC LIBRARY To provide lor (he operation ot the South Charleston Public Library 2. That the approximate emoontlor each purpose It as follows: (a) DEPARTMENT OF STREETS, ALLEY! Sidewalks; Disposal of garbage and trash; Salariet of employees; purchase, operation and maintenance ol equipment Ikl DEPARTMENT OF POLICI SAFETY Salaries of employees; purchase, operation and maintenance of equipment FIRE DEPARTMENT Salaries of employees; purchase, operation and maintenance of equipment Id) RECREATION DEPARTMENT Operation ol Recreation Center; TION DEPARTMENT it, physical ed Fly and Mosquito control; Salaries of employees; Purchase, operation and maintenance of equipment 000.00 (t) SOUTH CHARLESTON PUBLIC lor the open Sit, 305.00 3.

Allowing lor delinquencies, exonera said pi Hundred Fifty four Thousand Three 4. That Ihe seoarate i io aggregate sessrd valuation of each class ol taxable III NONE CLASS IV .25.00 CEnfs Aggregate tlJ3.OHt55.rjO pfen to dissolve the tioa aad tatru its assets over to WhiUier Collefe, the former presktect's alma mater. Patricia Reilly Hitt. chairroaB of executive trustees, said she sent a letter to the foundation's 25 trustees in December, suggesting the organization end operations. She said all of the trustees wbo replied were in favor of closing down.

Mrs. Hitt said dissolution is now considered a formality. LE6AL ADVERTISEMENT SANITARY BOARD CITY OF CHARLESTON GREENBRIER STREET LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN Sealed bids tor Lift Station and Force Wain to serve Lance Drive, Greenbrier 'I re Board. in ihe Council Chambers located In the City until P.M. LPT, on Thursday, February 2a 1175, and then publicly opened Specifications, and Formt of Bid Bond.

Performance and Payment Bonds and other contract documents may be exam it Ihe lol lowing placet: F. W. Dodge Corp. A Bridge Road Charleston, W. Va.

Kelley, Gidley, Bidding documents and plant and specifications may be obtained from the ot Keiiey, oioiey, siai Dollars 1125 00) refund. Information for Bidder's and Form of Bid will be furnished on request tary Board, CITY OF Charleston, shall be submitted wilh each bid; or a satisfactory bid bond furnished bya solvent surety company authorized to do business in the State ol Virginia an amount equal to five percent of the bid may be furnished in lieu of certified check or The Sanitary Board rentes right to reiect any or all bids end to any informalities in the bidding. JOHN G. HUTCHINSON Chairman 0.2S cents Kelley, Gidley, Staub Blair, In cents cents o. mai ine proposed years io wniett tne additional levy shall apply are tht fiscal years beginning July 1, 1975; July 1, and Julv 1, 1977.

7. ThattheCoui bonds upon approval of the proposed increased Special Election, to be held on the 8th day ol March, 1975. 9. That notice calling such election shall be given by publication of this Or def al least once a week for two successive weeks wilhin a fourteen day period next preceding said election in ine of general circulation in the territory in which the eleclion is held. Primed copies of this Order shall also be posted ot each place of voting al least Itn (10) days be lore said election.

Ail provisions of law concerning general elections shall apply far as they are practicable, except OFFICIAL LEVY BALLOT 1, 1977, PARTMENTOF STREETS. ALLEYS trash; Salaries of employees; purchase, operation and maintenance of eqgip ment (b) DEPARTMENT OF POLICE ANO Salaries of (c! DEPARTMENT OF FIRE Salaries of employees; purchase, operation and maintenance ol equipmenl (d) RECREATION Operation of Recreation Center; Salaries ot employees; repairs and maintenance of buildings; playgrounds and ball tion (e) public health AND SANITATION Public Health nurse and sanitarian; Fly and mosquito control; Salaries of employees; purchase, operation and maintenance ol equipment SOUTH CHARLESTON PUBLIC LI BR AR To provide lor the operation of the South Charleston Public Library Allowing for delinquencies, exonerations, discounts, the total approximate amount for said purposes is Two Hundred Fifty four Thousand Thret Hundred Five Dollars ($254,305.00) annually, according to the order of tht Council entered on the 16th day ol January, 1975. The additional levy shall be on Class I 6.25 cents; on Class 1 1 proper ty 12.50 cenls; on Class 111 property None cents; on Class IV property 25.00 cents, (or each One Hundred Dollars (ST00.00) valuation. For the Levies Against the Levies Instructions: Those lavoring the additional levies, place (x) in the square before "For the those against such levies, place U) in the square be BY: J. ALFRED POE Mayor ATTEST: GORDON D.MUR KANAWHA NATIONAL BANK.

Notice of Shareholders' Meeting ol theshareholders of Kanawha National Bank will beheld at its banking houwat Mo. io? Capitol street, in the cily of Charleston. State ot West on Monday, the VOTh day oi February, ms, al 3:00 p.m., for me purpose of considering and determining by vote whether an agreement to merge me said bank and Kanawha Banking I Trust Company National Association, located in City of Charleston, Slate of West V.r9,r.,». un dtr the provisions of tht laws of the united Stales, shall bt ratified and confirmed, subject to the approval ol the Comptroller of the Currency, Washing Ion, O.C, purpwa af votirtg ttrrmitTtufl of me each fhe be in HERALD BAUGHMAN Cashier Charleston, West. Virginia J531 1 11433) CITY OF CHARLESTON KANAWHA CITY 3Vth STREET STORMSEWERS PHASEII Sealed proposals For the Construction of Storm Sewers in the Kanawha City 39th Street area, will be received by tht City Of Charleston in the Council Chambers until 2:00 P.M., L.P.T., Tuesday, February 25, 1 975.

Plans and Specifications may be examined al Ihe following City of Charleston City Hill Building Plans and Specifications may pe obtained from the office of Kelley, Gidley, Staub 1 Blair. Street, Charleston, W. Va. 25311, upon payment ol SSO.OO which Is not subject to refund. Inlormation for Bidders and Form of Proposal will be furnished on The sealed ei ie following Infori awha City 39th Street Storm Sewers Phase II lo be opened Ol 2:00 P.M., L.P.T..

Tuesday, February 25, 1975." accompanied by City Of Charleston, opposite politics and than five percent of the base bid. any informalities. HUGH BOSELY City Manager KANAWHA BANKING TRUST COMPANY NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Shareholders' Meeting Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to call its directors, a special meeting of the shareholders of Kanaka frost Company National Association win neio at its Banking house at No. Street, in the City of Charleston, Stale of West Virginia, on Monday, the loth oay of February, 1975, at 3:80 p.m., for Ihe purpose of considering and deferming by vote whether an agreement to merge the stid bank and Kanawha National Bank, located in Ihe City of West Virginia, under Ihe provisions of Ihe laws of Ihe United States, shall be ratified and confirmed, subject to the approval ol the Comptroller of the Currency, Washing ion, D.C., and for Ihe purpose oi voting upon any other matters incidental to the proposed merger ol the two banks. A copy of the aforesaid agreement, executed bya majority ot the directors of each of the two banks, providing lor the merg er date and lime or dales and circumstances may require.

HERALD BAUGHMAN Cashier SANITARY BOARD CITY OF CHARLESTON JAMES STREET LIFT STATION AND FORCE MAIN Sealed bids for Lift Station and Force Main to serve James Street Washington ie Sanltarv Board. Cif i the Council Chambers located ii City Building, until P.M LPT, 0 Thursday, February 1975, and Ihe publicly opened and read aloud. Specifications, and Forms of Bid Bi Performance and Payment Bonds other contracl documenls may be ex ined al the following places: Sanitary Board, City of Charleston cur OF SOUTH CHARLES Cily Building Charleston, W. Va. Charleston, w.

Charleston, Va. Bidding documents and plans and specifications may be obtained from the office of Kelley, Gidley, Staub Blair, IMuGreenbrier Street, Charleslorw W. upon payment ol Twenty Five Dollars (115.00) which is no! to refund, information for Bidders and Form of Bid will bef urnished on request. A certified check or bank drat! in Ihe amount ot hive percent or tne toiai amount ol bid. oavable la the Sani tary Board, City of Charlestoa shall be submitted with each bid; or a setislecto rr bid tond furnished ova solvent surety company author lied to do business in the Slate of West Virginia in an amount equal to Fire percent of the bid may bt furnished in htu ot certi check or bank draft.

must certify They practice A A NOTHER A A RDVARK TACOMA, Wash. A third aardvark has been bom in captivity at Point Defiance Park Zoo in Tacoma. Hie latest offspring of A a albert and A a lice A a rdvark is a female who weighed 3 pounds, 12 ounces at birth Monday. She has a 3 ear old old sister, A a rdeen, and a 1 year old brother, A a rnold. The new born baby is spending her early childhood in an incubator.

APWirephoto. Arabian Financier Buys Bank DETROIT (AP) A Saudi Arabian financier who reportedly has close ties to the royal family has made a deal to purchase a substantial interest in Bank of the Commonwealth, Michigan's sixth largest bank. Under a tentative purchase agreement announced Friday, however, the Dank management would remain the same. Approval by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. would be required.

The FDIC holds a $35 million note on the bank. Ghaith Pharaon said he agreed to purchase four fifths of the Commonwealth stock now held by the James T. Barnes family, which holds a controlling interest in the bank with 53 per cent of the bank's preferred stock and 39 per cent of the common stock. James T. Barnes Sr.

said that under the agreement he would remain chairman of the board. Arab sources said Pharaon, 34, has close ties to the Saudi Arabian ruling family. He attended the Harvard Business School and is a director of the Jezirah of Jedda. In December, he was identified by Dr. Armand Hammer, board chairman of Occidental Petroleum as the purchaser of about one million shares of Occidental stock, selling now at about $14 per share.

Libraries Show Movie Classics Four classic comedy films will be shown Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the St. Albans Public Library and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Kanawha County Public Library. The films are "Easy Street" with Charlie Chaplin, "Our Wife" with Laurel and Hardv, "Out of Order" with Ben Blue, and "The Dentist" with W.

C. Fields. There is no admission charge to the films. Marmet Filing Starts Candidates for town offices in Marmet's June 3, election began filing candidacies today at city hall. ELKS MEMBERS SPURN NEW BUILDING PLAN Elks Lodge 202 of Charles according to Corbett ton will not have a new build Mullins.

erand exaUed ing. Members turned down a proposal to build a new $1.5 million facility. The vote fejl short of the two thirds re KANSAS CITY (AP) A 22 year old man was arrested today after taking three hos tages at a St. Joseph bus station and fleeing in a car provided by police after he threatened to shoot his captives, police James Beardsley, 22, of Lincoln, was arrested at a roadblock after releasing two female hostages unharmed near Platte City, just north of here. Beardsley was apprehended a short time later.

A police detective who went with Beardsley was also unharmed when Beardsley surrendered peacefully. The hostages were identified by a spokesman at the County Sheriff's office as Barbara Lee Cooke, 21, Omaha, Neb, and Grace Ann Mein, 20, Raytown, Mo. Both were on the bus in St. Joseph, 50 miles north of here, when a man jumped aboard following a disturbance at a tavern, police said. He took the two women hostage at gunpoint and demanded a getaway car.

An agent of the bus compa vouns women. The agent said two police inspectors tried to negotiate with the man on the bus, and police said shots were heard. No injuries were reported. Tne man flemanaea an un ine proposal wouiu nave raised dues to $100 and the initiation fee to $75. The Elks Lodge is located at 1003 Quarrier St: GUNMAN ARRESTED Hostages Taken From Bus Freed three hours after he left St.

Joseph. Beardsley's brother, Robert, 24, also of Lincoln, was captured at the disturbance near the tavern. No charges were, filed immediately, in the case. But both men were named in warrants issued in Lincoln charging them with robbery and use of a weapon in a felony. CORRECTION Attorney Name, Home Incorrect The Daily Mail misspelled the name of an attorney Friday and incorrectly listed his hometown.

Attorney Booker Stephens, listed in the story as Booker Stevens, is from Charleston, not Institute. The Daily Mail regrets the error. Glasgow Officials ny said the gunman permitted other passengers and the driv JCCiv uicuiivii er to get off but kept the two Mayor P. F. (Peck) Tucker of Glasgow will seek elec tion in the town's general election June 3.

A Democrat, Tucker said he and all other officials of the Kanawha County community decided Friday to seek re marked oolice car and clear election. passage out of town. When the Other officials to run for off car arrived, detective Tom ice are L. T. (Tad) Gilmore, Johnson got in along with the Republican, town recorder two women.

The car was fol and treasurer; council lowed by unmarked patrol men Sam Brown, Roger Mar cars, tin. Jack Powell, Keith Thorn He was apprehended about as and Henry Walker. NOT HAPPY WITH 'HOOKER' 'Mickey' No Porno Mouse NEW YORK AP) The folks at Walt Disney don't think that the "Mickey Mouse Marcfr is the proper background music for a movie that depicts an orgy and they have gone to court to try to prove it. Walt Disney Productions filed a $2.5 million suit Friday against the distributor and producers of "The Life and Times of a Happy which has been playing at several theatres here for nearly three months. The suit seeks to delete the march music from a four minute segment of the porno flick where three men wearing nothing but mouse ears cavort through simultaneous sex acts with a nude woman.

The march was the theme song of television's once popular chiMren program, "The Mickey Mouse Club." Disney attorney Walter Slratton alleged that use of the version of the march constitutes "substantial and irreparable injury, loss and damage to ownership "Not only that, your honor." he added. "Three of the four participants in the scene were wearing Mouseketeer ears." Named defendants in the suit were Mature Pictures the distributors, and Robert Sumner. Spangler Sons, and Larry Spangler, producers. U. S.

District Judge Kevin T. Duffy had played in court the movie version of the "Mickey Mouse March" which began with a series of moans and groans. The judge reserved decision until he couW see the film and several segments of "The Mickey Mouse Club.".

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