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Delaware County Daily Times from Chester, Pennsylvania • Page 1

Chester, Pennsylvania
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A A A A A A A A I Clear. and cool tonight, low beCOOL. Delaware County NEW RULES and little warmer aid motorists taking driving tests high near 70. Mostly fair and mild Times al the Bortondale. examination tween -35 and 40.

Mostly sunny There are some new rules to Sunday. (Details on Page 4). Daily point. Sce the details today on Saturday, Page 15. Year No.

59,493 PUBLISHED IN CHESTER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1962 1 Seven Cents BERNARD McCORMICK Brave Boy Hunts Weird Werewolf Did 1 I want to check out a werewolf story? Gosh, yes! Gee, I don't think I'd seen a werewolf since I guess it was six, seven years I stopped taking her out. Frank Thornton, a 16 year-old Media High student who lives on Naaman's Creek Road in Chadd's Ford, is one of the leading authorities the werewolf. on Frank took me to the spot where he and two companions first saw it Friday night. It's on Beaver Valley Road, across Route 202. The road gues downhill and high trees cast dark shadows over it.

On the left the ground rises in a dense woods, with slivers of bark and decaying branches on the ground. The road. is an ideal spot for a fellow to dawdle with his doll. It's also perfect werewolf country. "You ought to see this when there's a full moon," said Frank, a thin, sandy-haired kid.

"See that path going up the hill. The moon shines right through there. It's real weird looking." Frank told how he, Brownie Evans of Conestoga Farms and Fred Ball of Boothwyn rode down there Friday night. They had stopped the car when Frank heard slow footsteps behind them. He looked out and saw a vague, white figure coming toward the car.

The boys didn't hang around to get its autograph. No Interviews, Please night a carload of kids came back to look for it. They They told friends about the creature and the saw it again and were for a second time wanting for courage to seek an interview. Sunday night, several carloads turned out. Four boys went into the woods.

One of them carried a hammer, Either somebody saw the creature or pretended he did, but the band came out of the woods in a hurry. Frank Thornton was cruising along the road waiting for them when suddenly the hammer, which one of the boys said he'd dropped, came whizzing past his car. "Now one of them could have thrown it," said Frank, "but they swear they didn't. They were still in the woods when it came flying out. But why would they throw it at my.

car, you know. I'm best with all of them and I don't think they'd do that. And the handle of the hammer had claw marks, or thing, on it." Werewolf Lovers' Delight Since then the area has been nightly patroled by werewolf lovers. Police have chased Frank Thornton away twice. Stories, many of them confessed frauds, have spread.

The werewolf has been heard to make grunting sounds, the werewolf leaves large footprints, the werewolf has a hook arm, the werewolf drinks straight scotch. Frank Thornton has become a crusader. "It irks me," he said, "to hear so many runiors about me. Everybody says I'm crazy and all. You oughta hear the stories down at school.

Everybody knows about it. there've been a 1000 people here since Friday night. "I really don't know what we saw. We call it a werewolf actually I call it my wolfman since I saw it first but I don't know what it is. They say there's an old hermit who lives way back in the woods in 7 cabin who used to scare the parkers around here.

heard he was from Marcus Hook and only has a hook arm and lives out here in the summer. Won't Watch Birdie branches, dogs bay deep in the woods. And somewhere turn to deadlock and drift." through the tangled darkness a skinny kid moves; It's been more than a year with flashlight, determined to find the white a half sincc Kennedy has done any and scared half-to-death that he will. real, out-in-the-open softly campaigning. creature Obviously he hasn't lost his touch.

"But whatever it is, I'm gonna find it and get al picture of it. I'm out here every night. I was in the woods with a flashlight and camera until one o'clock last Some people say Frank is imagining things. But not Brownie Evans. He saw the werewolf twice.

"I couldn't get a good look at it," said Brownie, "but it was real big and all white. It looked mysterious, all white, you know, in the "I was the first one to see it the second night. We were sittin' in the car and I heard footsteps. Then I saw it come out from behind a tree along the road. It was only about 30 feet away.

I'll tell you, I liked Lo. crack-up. I said Frank, 'There it is, take off'." When the moon is full, Chin yellow bands of light! play 011 the grotesque shapes of the dark forest along Beaver Valley Road. Mist marches silently among the 23 SCHOOLS PLAY King Football Ascends County Sports Throne Football. begins its annual King autumn reign in Delaware Conty this weckend with all but of the county's 24 high schools seeing action.

Delco school which: The only will not play this weekend is Radnor. High plays SaTonight, Chester Icsianum in Wilmington's Baynard Stadium at 8:15 p.m. is at Pennerest al 10, NorSaturday morning, Marpic-Nowtown Township al A ristown visits Ridley 10:30 and Media travels to Swarthmore at 10. In 2 p.m. contests, it's Methacton at Chichester, Clifton Icights 13 Face Court Action Crisis Shifts At Ole Miss The Justice Department asked toHATTIESBURG, Miss (AP)day for federal contempt of court citations against all 13 members of the State College Board for! failure to enroll Negro James II.

aleredith in. the University Mississippi. A hearing was set for Monday! at New Orleans. The Justice Department, movling swiftly in the wake of Gov. Ross Barnett's personal refusal to admit the 29-year-old Negro the school Thursday, put its quest before a three judge panel of the 5th U.S.

Circuit Court Appeals here. The appeals court judges are here for a hearing in another case. Thursday night, barcly hours ter Barnett rejected Negro Air Force veteran's application in dramatic showdown on the campus at Oxford, the Justice Department asked U.S. Dist. Judge Sidney Mize at Meridian to cite the school's top leaders for contempt.

Mize set a hearing for 1:30 p.m. today and ordered these officials? of the university to appear: Chancellor J. D. Williams. 61; Dean Arthur B.

Lewis, and Registrar Barnett Personality Skelch on Page 2 Robert B. Ellis. Lewis declined. comment Williams and Ellis! could not be reached Three federal courts--reaching all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court--had ordered Meredith's enrollment and the end ofi segregation at the 114-year-old institution.

But Barnett, clothed in. the powers of the board and acting as registrar, rejected Meredith. Earlier, the governor had said he would go to jail, if necessary, 10 prevent the desegregation of the university where he took his own law degree. But the federal government bypassed him in its. legal countermoves.

A. spokesman for the Justice Department in Washington, Edwin O. Guthman, said the cral government still held the board and the university officials; -and not Barnett-responsible. Meredith's own plans remained a mystery as the legal battle started again. He left the campus after Barnett turned him down.

The three, appeals court judges a -John Wisdom, Griffin Bell and John R. Brown -issued their show -cause order against Jefferson Tubb, 7 11130 of the State College Board, Iland other members. President Raps GOP HARRISBURG. Pa. (AP) President Kennedy is back in political fighting form and ready to follow up his first.

1962 campaign sortic into Pennsylvania with another into West Virginia. Kennedy slashed at the Republican record and called for strengthened Congress Democratic support in before 10,000 partisans Thursday night. The American people, he said, will determine in the Nov. 6 election "whether we are to step up the progress alrcady made or re- He started in as soon as a helicopter from Washington low red him onto the Harrisburg airport. It was chilly and cloudy in the late afternoon, but the President had a sunny smile for a welcom.

ing crowd that the stale police limated gencrously at 3,000. He did some handshaking and made a little talk. "Eighteen months ago." he! mused, "I used to do this six times a day, but I haven't done it for a long time, and we start today, and most appropriately in Pennsylvania, On the fall campaign of 1962." The President figured that Pennsylvania support made possible his nomination and election to the presidency--he carried the state by 116,000 votes and country by 113,000. Andrew T. Ilalcher.

acting White House' press secretary, said Kennedy's next political W.Va., port of will be Wheeling, next Sec KENNEDY Page 4 Daily Times Youth Section Resumes Today On Pages 10, 11 House Aims at Speedy OK of Cuba Resolution Sun Competitors' Advantage Cut Out The 6 per cent for cach of the two ships. which West Coast shipbuiders, But a West Coast yard, Nationhave had in bidding over other a al Steel and Shipbuilding San yards -including Chester's Sun Diego, bid $11,346,000 for Shipbuilding Dry Dock Co. leach. may be abolished. With the 6 per cent differential The U.S.

Senate Thursday pass- the San Diego yard would beed an amendment to eliminate come the low bidder. the 6 per cent differential West The differential was adopled 25 Coast builders have had in bid- years ago to help West Coast yards ding for contracts to construct suffering from the depression and subsidized merchant unabic to compete with Eastern; ships. land Gull Coast firms. because of However, the action would not, the distance to materials. affect the award of 2 contract The U.S.

House passed a bill pending to build two ships in April to abolish the differential. the American Mail Line. It has been tied up in the Senate Sun Ship was the apparent low On Thursday the Senate opened, It was announced Tuesday Committec. bidder on the job. It bid consideration of a maritime bill Did Anyone Vote On Anything? By HARRY GRAFTON Daily Times Stall Writer MEDIA COURTHOUSE The Latest -chapler in the county.

commissioners' feud--which could called. "Commotion on. the. Motion" -poses two now. questions: Did two of the three commissioners actually vote Tuesday motion to oust Lawrence Williams as the county's representative to the Penn Jersey Transportation Study? Commissianers Albert Swing and William A.

Welsh actually vote on the motion to appoint. Robert B. Miller as Williams' successor? The questions popped up Thursday with the release of the cial transcript of the commissioners' meeting. On the face of it, the script indicates Swing and Welsh not vote on either motion. The transcript, made by an cial court reporter on a stenograph, indicates the only motion voted upon was one to bring motion to pust Williams to a vole.

G. Robert Watkins, commissionchairman who stormed out the session after declaring it journed, says none of the mOlions were legal, because he, chairman, refused to entertain them. Welsh said today he reviewed the transcript and added: "It is my judgment that we vole on the removal of Williams. "It (the transcript) docsn't show that we concluded the motion Miller. However, it.

is my ment that doesn't require formal action by the commissioners. authority to appoint is the (thority to remove, The concerted action of the two commissioners is clear." He said if the action was taken, it would be at next Tuesday's session. Robert E. Porter, assistant. county solicitor battled Watkins at last Tuesday's meetsaid he interprets the cript to show 1 vole was taken on Williams.

He added: "Whether or not Miller was pointed might be questioned. recollection is that both commissioners (Swing and Welsh) 'ayc' but the transcript doesn'1 show it. "I don't think it makes a deal of difference since the intent See MOTION Page still pending that would extend for three years the present federal subsidies of up to 55 per cent of the cost of merchant ships builti domestically. The subsidies are to help domestic shipyards compete with forcign yards. The amendment was tacked on that bill.

California senator tacked 011 the further amendment not to make it applicable to bids opened, prior to enactment of the bill. Thus it would not apply to the American Mail Line contract. Phil News, executive secretary' of Local 802, Boilermakers and Shipbuilders AFL-CIO at Sun Snip, today hailed- -the Senate's action, saying the abolishment of the differential was news." He said it "'should cortainly pay dividends in the future. Unfortunately, it won't gain the contract which was lost Monday." He said the company and the union worked together to have the differential abolished and praised U.S. Sen.

Joseph S. Clark (D-Pa.) and U.S. Sen. Hugh Scott for their Russians Won't Pay UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) -In advance of an important policy address today to the U.N.

Gencral Assembly, Sovict Minister Andrei A. Gromykol served notice his government not pay one cent to support the U.N. force in the Congo. Gromyko indicated he might deal with U.N. finances in address, which is expected to range over a wide area of cold war issues, including charges of U.S.

aggressive designs on Cuba. The Sovict. foreign minister's address will be part of the 108- nation assembly's general policy debate. Gromyko's views on U.N. clashed with those.

Adlai E. Stevenson, chief U.S. dellegate. Stevenson told the assembly Thursday it should affirm policy of collective financial sponsibility" for U.N. actions.

News Couple Released HAVANA (AP)-A Cuban 'man land wife employed by U.S. news organizations were relcased Thursday after 11 days in custody. They said officials told them their arrest was mistake and apologized. Casunas of the New York Times and his wife, Sarita Valdez of the National Broadcasting were picked up last Saturday. TENNIS, ANYONE? It was 41.

degrees at International Airport and 38 degrees at Media Waterworks, but -it didn't make any difference to Joe Kosinuk of Eddystone. He dashed out to Chester Park for a game of tennis, attired in shorts and sunglasses, There was no crowd waiting to play. Mercury Plunges To Season's Low The lowest temperature readof the season in Delaware County was chalked up today when the mercury plunged into the upper 30s. And the Weather Burcau said the temperature probably will HO lower tonight. Th Media Water Works reportcd a reading of 38 degrees carly! today.

Light frost was reported 011 cars. The official read at International Airport was 41. The record is 38 degrees in 1956.. The' 41-dcgree reading made today the coldest since May 12 when an identical temperature was recorded. Today's forecast was sunny and continued cool with a high in the lows 60s.

The outlook for tonight is cleari land cool with temperatures 60 SIGN STATEMENT Neighbors Stand by Linvill MIDDLETOWN Arthur Linvill's neighbors are standing behind him. Sixty people living in, the vicinity of Linvill's farm on W. Knowlion Road have signed a statement indicating willingness to attest to the character of the 72 year old farmer who is charged Some Ask Tougher Language Soviets Increase Arms Deliveries WASHINGTON (AP) House leaders sought quick approval today of 2 resolution warning Havana and Moscow against any military buildup in Cuba that endangers the United States. But some members insisted on a chance to argue for tougher language than the Senate approved Thursday in the carcfully worded resolution now awaiting House action. This could mcan a delay until Monday.

The deterniinalion of objecting members was increased by word from official U.S. sources Thursday that Soviet Union has stopped up arms deliverics 10 Cuba. Since late July. officials said, 65 to 75 Sovict ships have Related Story On Page 2 arrived at Cuban ports, about. half of them carrying cargoes that included military equipment and personnel.

The number of: Soviet military personnel now in Cuba was put at 4,200. These sources said the Castro regime has at least one late-Lype MIG jet fighter as. well as 60 oldcr ones. And, authorilles here said 12 short-range surface-to-air missile sites have been established in western Cuba, many on the northern coast opposite the United States. Rep.

John R. Pillion, who wants Congress. to authorize A naval blockade of Cuba a and back a demand that the Castro government expel all forcign troops, said he expects to object to any shortcuts. Pillion said the now information about the Soviet military buildup in Cuba "of course makes it more important than ever that we adopt a stronger resolution." He has criticized the one before the House as "vague and indecisive." Chairman Thomas E. Morgan, of.

the House Foreign Af. fairs Committco said he has no See CUBA RESOLUTION Page 1 Soviets Hit Resolution 35 and 40 and scatlerodi frost expected. A warming trend is expected to move into the county Saturday, (but will only kick the high to near 70. Sunday's outlook is mostly and mild. The five day forceast calls cool weather to return Monday.

Rain or showers also arc expected Monday. Cold air chilled most of the tion. while sections of Florida were soaked in heavy rains. Lebanon, N. reported soaked in heavy rains.

More than 13 inches of poured down on Sarasota, evening, flooding parts of the city three feet deep causing evacuation of some dents. Five inches of rain fell on Petersburg and 40-mile-an-hour winds raked Miami. Soviet Guards Clear Convoys BERLIN (AP) Soviet guards U.S. quickly through their checkpoints today! on the 110-mile road through East Germany to West Berlin. The convoys frere part of al shift in stations expected to bel completed next weck.

The 1st Batde Group, 8th Infantry, is leaving; Berlin, and the 2nd Battle Group, 112th Infantry, is coming in. MOSCOW (AP) The official Sovict military newspaper Red Star denounced today the U.S. Senate resolution on Cuba and said Sovict nuclear submarines are ready to put to sea. The Senate resolution declares that the United States will USC force to resist the advance of communism into the Western Elemisphere. After mentioning the resolution, the paper declared "'The situation the Caribbean Sea remains very tense the Sovict people arc attentively following the intrigues of the enemies of peace.

Fulfilling the orders of their government, Soviet servicemen are in a position of highest military readiness to crush the aggressors." Senator Snooper Onc college gave its freshmen aplitnde tests to sec what they were best suited for and found out they were best suited for high school. at Eddyslone, Darby -Colwyn at Collingdalc, Upper Merion at oneterford, Interboro at Nether Providence, Lansdowne-Aldan at Sun Valicy, Ridley. Park at Sharon Hill, Upper Darby at Springfield and Conshohocken at Yeadon. Sunday at 2:15 p.m., St. James to Pennsyivania -Military Colleges after an absence of 19 years to play Father Judge.

Monsignor Bonner is at home against Bishop Noumnann. Tlic Eddystone Clifton Heights game will be the subject of El full page of pictures in Monday's cdition of the Daily Times. Amusements 18 Bridge 2. Classified Ads 19-23 Comics 24-25 Community Clock IN Crossword Puzzle 35 Death Notices 20 Deiro Youth Section 10, 11 Editorials Family Section 8, Horoscope Junior Editors 25 Obituarics Also see Death Notices 20 Sports 16, 17, 18 Television 31 TIMES TELEPHONES: Want Ads TR 4-5252 Other Calls TR 6-6161 with the killing of Donald J.I Mrs. Gamble said she planned Keener last Friday.

ito mail it to Linvill Saturday aftThe document, circulated byi, Her Airs. James Gamble, Linvill and obtained. additional signatures have been Mt. Alverno Roads, reads: "Arthur Linvill, we, your friends Linvill shot Keener with a 12- and neighbors, want you to know gauge shotgun- Friday night when that we will be to attest to he heard noises in his cornfield. your character 100 per cent.

If wel He. had been plagued by corn can be of help, let us know." thieves for several wecks. 11 1 1 I.

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