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Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • 28

Hartford Couranti
Hartford, Connecticut
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THE HARTFORD DAILY COURANT: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1940. 'iO lvn, N. Y. Miss Ford was graduated1 ver Country Day Srhool and was eraduated from the Westover School "1 Yale Golf Team ifrom Hunter College in 193S. Mr.

iNles, son of Mrs. Frederick H. Nies and the late Dr. Nies, ana a nepnew of the lat Dr. James B.

Nies, Tucker-Drisko Bridal Held In Immanuel Chapel former rector of Christ Church. Will Be Feted In Aumista. Ga. Sharon, was graduated from Yale in 1935 and is a writer. in Connecticut before making her debut in the 193A-36 season at a small dance given by her parents at the Ritz in Boston.

She then Ftud-ied at the Amy Sacker School of Design and Interior Decoration, and the Museum School. She is a member ot the Junior League, and the Boston Skating Club. Mr. Pier, a brother of Gardiner Pier, who last June married the former Miss Emllv Dick, daughter The marriage will take place at the Ford home on Tuesday, February 27. ij Snow-Grlffln.

Mr. and Mrs. Israel Snow Augusta, February 24, 1940: With balmy weather In Augusta, the members of the inter colony In this picturesque resort are enjoying their escape from the frigid zones to the of i of Mr. and Mrs. Evans Dick of Bos jt Rockland.

have announced the an-; 1 1 engagement of their daughter, Miss 4 4 tiunesi extent. ton, prepared at St. Paul for Harvard, where he was graduated in 1938. A member of the Hasty Pudding-Institute of 1770, D. K.

E. and Owl, he now Is studying at the Harvard Law School. Mrs. Harry h. Aiongni, oi ureen- Bernadette Snow, to Mr.

John Wheeler Griffin, of New York. Miss Snow was graduated from the Cooley Dickinson Hospital training school in Northampton, and Miss Marian Drisko of Townley Street, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Allen of Columbia Kails.

became the bride of Mr. Edward Pavson Tucker, son of Mrs. George N. Tucker of Wright Road, Wetli-rrsfield, Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the Immanuel Congreca-tlonal Church Chapel. Rev.

Fletcher D. Parker officiated. Palms, huckleberry branches, white flowers and candelabra decorated the chancel and windows. Miss Ruth Avery Ray of Hartford, violinist, and Mr. Lyman B.

Bunnell, ortranlst of the church, played precedinR the ceremony and at the reception which followed In the church parlors. The bride, who was given in mar-rlap by her brother, Mr. Clarence H. Drisko of Bancor, was attended by a collrge classmate, Mrs. Malher-Mabre.

Mr. and Mrs. George Woolverton of Albany, N. announced the is now on the nursing staff of the 1.1 ilUff Ull VUG Olflll V. tilt i Presbyterian Hospital In New York Mr.

Oriffin is the son of Mr. and engagement of their niece, Miss r-' Mrs. John W. Griffin of Riverdale-jprUrtence Brattle Mather, to Mr. ichcT Williams Mabee of Sara- Williams College, class of 1936.

He1 toSa- Y- at Pftrty is now in the graduating class of home recently. Miss Mather Is the wicn, wno is occupying ner handsome villa on Walton Way and is among the prominent hostesses! has practically abandoned entertaining in her home, instead giving a series of smaller parties at the Partridge Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carpenter, of Altamont, N.

having definitely decided against taking a house here this winter, as has been their custom in previous years, will remain at the Bon Air Hotel for the season. Ever a gracious hostess, Mrs, Carpenter entertains almost dally, either at luncheon or dinner. Social life in Augusta will shortly be augmented by the arrival of the Yale University Golf team. They will be here for a lengthy stay, during which they will play the city's several outstanding golf courses. The Blue linksmen, about 20 In all, the college or Physicians and sur- daughter of the late Colonel and York.

Mrs. Adrian Whltford Mather of Albany. She is a graduate of St. Agnes school, Albany, and the Wheelock School, Boston. Mr.

Mabee is the son of Mr. and Mrs D. Walter Ma- Plimpton-Pirr. and Mrs. Theodore Barnet Mr.

Henschel E. Peabntly of Bangor.1 Her niece, Mary Pamela Hall of Washington, D. was flower girl and her nephew, David DrLsko Hall, ring bearer. Mr. Justin R.

Tucker of Wethers-field was best man lor his brother, and Mr. J. Drisko Allen of Providence. R. cousin of the bride, and Mr.

Howard D. Brooks of West, Hartford ushered. The bride wore a gown of flesh pink satin made with a fitted waist, full skirt with a slight train, high! neckline with small round collar and long fitted sleeves. Her match- PUmpton of Boston announce the bee of Saratoga and Camden, S. C.

engagement of their daughter. Miss He is a graduate of the Hotchklss Relnette Plimpton, to Mr. William school and Yale University wliere he wax elected to Zeta Psl. He is a Stanwood Pier, son of Mr. and Mrsj mpmbcr of Ule YalP cIub of New Roy Per of New York City andjYork and is associated with the Hewlett.

L. I. National Folding Box of New Miss Plimpton attended the Bea- Haven. will be guests at Partridge Inn. Several forms of entertainment have been planned for the Eastern golf ers and at least one dance will be given at the Augusta Country club.

Brown Studio Photo MRS. JOSEPH F. LUZZI Mrs. Luzzi was formerly Nancy Malcntacchi of Jordan Lane, Wethcrsfield. Murray Studio MRS.

F. J. PETROSSI Mrs. Petrossi, before her recent marriage, was Rose Marie Pcnta of New Britain. The second of a series or regular Saturday night dances held at the Bon Air last evening was enthusiastically supported by debutantes and matrons alike.

Music is being furnished by Allan Cole and his Hotel Weylin Orchestra. Ira Katz, baritone, is being featured. An outstanding event of the week was the 45th annual pageant of the Red Cross Riding Club, held on Washington's Birthday, when Miss Ann Pftlhnnn rpltmpH oe Onnon fnr Lou in Rouxhon Photo MISS BARBARA STEIN MEYER Mis? Steinmeycr of Rifis Avenue, West Hartford, will be an attendant at the wedding March 16 of her sister, Misi Dorothy Steinmeycr, and Mr. Sidney Clarke Marsh of Johnstown, N. Y.

ing fingertip tuue veil was arranged from a cluster of orange blossoms. She carried a Colonial shower bouquet of mixed white flowers. The matron of honor wore a Colonial gown of blue faille taffeta made with a basque waist and full skirl and a wine velvet sailor hat with velvet streamers. She carried a kins. Roanoke.

Va. and Mr. and Mrs. University and Harvard Law School I. Kent Fulton.

Salisbury, Conn. jand is with the law firm of Simp- Fltzslmons of Woodbury; Miss A. tne day. Twice she was a winner of and famnna Tllrlfman trnnliu interesting arrivals at Partridge son, Thacher and Bartlett in New Latham of New Britain: York. He is a son of Mr.

and Mrs. inn include Mr. and Mrs. E. T.

Z. Franklin of WestWas purchaSed by the club and and Mrs. Hartford. rJ" Bainonage, Mr. and Mrs.

F. A. Van i TT named in honor of T. I. Hickman, at I Duzer Albanv Mr Mrs.

Rolert Callahan of Hartford, tnn, nf thA rinh ti'm .1 n. Mr. ana Mrs. season guest at the Huntmgton lgP CMr. Hartford guests arriving in the '-nee In horsemanship, and must be burgh, Mrs.

Samuel Hoff-elty durTng the plist week are Mrs b'r 11 bT," ma" dauht Mbi Margaret the of the Colonial bouquet of spring flowers. The flower girl wore a corn- of Mountain Road, West Hartford, flower blue faille taffeta frock llav leU IoT vacation In the made exactly like that of the ma-Soutn- tron of honor with sailor hat. Her MU. Ann. nresrher and Miss lve today for Charleston.

S. C. 1 slllt bl0 where thev will be guests at the and carried a white satin ring pil- Forl gumter Hotel, low. I At the reception the bride and Miss Eunice Gales of Wethers-bridegroom, and the bride's field Avenue spent the holiday with Mrs. Ernest Palmer of Dexter.

Me. her family in Haverhill, Mass. received before a background of; The Louie hop INC I 77 PRATT ST. Soft Suits Softly tailored and definitely feminine. They arc more flattering to one's figure than tailored suits have ever been before.

Perfect suits to wear right now under Winter coats and then right on through Spring. Thomas W. Keesee of Helena, Ark. Smith Senior Engaged. Former Governor William Langer and Mrs.

Langer, of Blsmarlc N. announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Emma Bulkley Langer, to Mr. Peter Schaeffer, son permanent possession E. Hoffman. Morristown, N.

J. F. G. Hewes. Vine Street: Miss Er- Weddings.

Entracrements owner. An interesting visitor to the Club and a former member is Mrs. Dorothy Pierce Davis, of Los Angeles, who is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs.

Ben Pierce. Sr. Mrs. Davis, who won the Hickman trophy several years ago, took part in this year's Mexican fiesta. Bachelors' Dance Brilliant.

ma Kinne, Mountford Street; and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Schneider, Mountain Street. From East Hartford are Dr. and Mrs.

F. E. Blake, Carroll Road; Mr. and Mrs. D.

A. Hartwigsen, Burnside Avenue: and Mr. and Mrs. F. R.

Scott, Central Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. R. G.

West of West Hartford are visiting with friends in Uf Connecticut Interest of crestwood. n. y. no date has Miss Patricia Peale, daughter of been set for the wedding. Mr.

and Mrs. Rembrandt Peale. Miss Langer Is a senior at Smith of Greenwich, will be married to 'College. Through her mother, the Mr. Thomas Woodfin Keesee, 4tli.

i Jormor Miss Lydia Cady. she Is a vrir 'granddaughter of the late J. Cleve- Conn. Arrivals Are Many In palms, huckleberry brandies, spring flowers and tapers. Mrs.

Palmer wore a black velvet gown and a corsage of white camellias. Mrs. Tucker wore an Eleanor blue dress and pink camellias. Mr. and Mrs.

Tucker left for an unannounced wedding trip by motor, ihe bride wearing for traveling a soft gray wool dress with dubon-net wool coat and hat trimmed in Siberian gray squirrel, matching accessories and a corsage of cvpn- i.i. ffi. .1,. uii untuiunjr Bnri Caciv Nw York arr-hltert nd Largo, near here, Ranhrinrs rinnn. htrt nn Wuriniu.

ihltig, April 6, at St. Jamess Pro- a niece of Mrs. Robert H. Cory, of bt eterSDUrg AnnuaTserDance day at the Bon Air. The Bachelors' testant Episcopal Church.

Madison N. the former Miss la CiiHu Is March 2 at Smith ZtKiXy 1 "cw Sclfi" wiuheu Northampton, Feb. J.L mLss Peale attended the Brearlev 1 "in" ItXm DZCoU By JOHN- I.ODHICK. Petersburg, Feb. 24.

peaium orchids. They will be at St. The annual Smith College Supper, aboTany other 'of the sea- Porter Schools and Miss Hew-where he was elected to Psi nome at it) iownley Street after (Special.) Champions and out- Danc. formerly known as Snrlne iviarcn i son. they must attend, if they are to ltfs classes.

She made her debut two years ago at a reception at the The bride was graduated from contenders of golf are wl)1 neld ln the individual! retain a place in that' coveted circle Colby College in Waterville, ln t'n tne X. college dormitories on Saturdavof popularity so important in a and did graduate work at the Uni-1 iSSh twr Th7s debuTante's life. home of her grandmother, Mrs. Rembrandt Peale of 510 Park Ave of N. t'ord-Nie.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ford New York and Rockingham. versity of was charmingly renre nue. New York.

She is also a grand lovely Mary McGaughey Ma. A I of Sigma teacher a daueiiter of tht iYank 1 of Mrs- Thomas Dalv of c- "nnounce me engagement oi p.n.i Denver. and the late Mr. Dalv. their daughter.

Miss Mary Ford, to announce the engagement who is visiting Fan in. Mr. Tuck Mr. Keesee is a graduate of Duke Mr. Frederick James Nies of Brook- i i i i i i i a Uattov T1i art Vtnl var iir vi 1 1 Dim ux iiiiiiur i-iuiiiriiiiue 111 Liiai mil aim VWlimi'V ftT iha1 iinituuaiii nnv.M .1 i 1 1 i.j United Aircraft Corporation I compete include Bvron Nelson.

Tole-; the suppers and dances are con- Out-of-towi i guests at the w.d. 1 do. Ohio: Ben Hosan. White ducted in the various houses for, Manmount College at Tarrytown. ding included Mrs FrnVt Palmer N.

Horton Smith. Oak Park. the students and their guests. Lead-; N. Y.

Mary chose a handsome Rus- of Dexter, Me, Mr and Mrs Lawson Little, Bretton Woods, mg jvew tngiana orcnesiras win up Drisko of Bangor, Mr Wendall N- 11 Kcl Oliver. Hornell, N. for the dancing. ipearance. The Georgia State Daughters of Lloyd Mangrum, Chicago; Harold! juetcair of Boston.

Mr. and Mrs ii owi ui iiiu immi rrriii McSpaden, Winchester, Mass, back to 1891 when the first spring ule evoiuuon wui con- r. at. thm Ron Air tar fnnr Hav Ruth Van Schaack 992 Farmingfon Ave. Opp.

Wait Htrtford Pa OHica Johnnv Revolta. Evanston. 111.: EJrinnr. a h.M v. Hagiey of Bronxville.

N. Miss Juliette Gatzweiler of West-port, Mrs. Albert Stevens of Brook- J. Harrison. Little Rock, conjunction with a Harvard Glee: commencing February 29.

Mr.v H. P. Johnnv Dawson. Hollvwood. Calif mnn, Thnimn ih.

Hightower. of Thomaston. is line. Mass Mr. and Mrs.

Rntv.i-1 Tucker of Worcester, Mr. and Mrs i Leonard Dodson, Springfield. Mo.inion with this concert no president. Mrs. Charles W.

Warren Tucker, also of Worcester and Harper Chandler, exists the annual Spring Dance has Bowen. the chairman of the local Mr and Mrs. M. Hall of Wash-Va Continued to grow In popularity. In committee In charge of arrange- lneton.

D. C. Mrs. Frank Hall The field of more than 100 golfers no-xs hmimo th.t th. i.rm ments.

The program is replete her son. Mr. Richard Hall of Arl-I111 Plav 54 holes on Lakewood's uan'ce" was not very appropriate luncheons, dinners and pil- lngton. and Miss Hazel Lindsevi butterfly course for purses and for which takps nlare grlmages oi baugus, Mass. prizes total ing $5000.

'against a background of New Eng-j Mrs. Albert H. Jones of New York The of merry-making and land snow and lce the undergrad-! City, has arrived at the Bon Air for Mr. ana Mrs. H.

Arrlmr r-tntic i. Daneantrv which characterizes St. I i hnr rmnar visit cither imuihiI EL of Ridgebrook Road, West Hartfora.i Petersburg's annual Festival of the name t0 -supper Despite guests at the Bon Air Include Mr. eft pent the holiday In Miu States the Week Of March 24 Wlllilhl. Halclnr, ih.

anrt Mrs a. Warflnlrt nf Phlla Mr. Clark's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Archer Clark.

Include two ambitloMs musical re- persisted as well as the old name lol delphla, Mr. and Mrs. William A. yues with nationally famous singers' the minds of many. Willingham, Richmond, Mr.

in title roles, it Is announced by the! ai gnri Mr .1 rinrHnn niifnion t. .1 FYanklin Pir- i general committee. Performances i. v. m- Mrs.

v. it.aitl uic tail biiow mc bull! 41. a i. aiiu i.iis. iianuu Street, ethersf ield.

has returned ln Round tables on their men guests, paying Marshall. New York City; also Ma-after visiting her cousin, Mrs. E. i Ir re spectators listen jor tne tlrkpt room Bnd nleal ex-ijor General C. M.

Wesson, Chief of Price, in Westtield, N. J. 1 muslc acros' 'ater fromipenses, "cuUing forming the Ordnance, U. S. and Mrs.

Wes- "stan lines and assuming mnnvson. Commissioner Ctrora 1 Allpn Mrs. Richard F. Hadley of East- Among the recent arrivals at the Mr. Ellsworth C.

Alvord, Washing-, other of the usual masculine per- Kowf or wkiti doti ON NAVr CftANCSI rOM CKIPf AND NAVr-llVI JACktT. 19.91 view fctreet. West Hartford, enter-: lasnionauie Vlnov Park Hotel are lalnnri i i Mr nrl Xtr. tl IT HIU1- A 11 vrs- ion, D. Mr.

and Mrs. S. P. Wil- MUST VISIT Betty's immediately to se the most inspiring collection of Spring Coats and Suits in town BETTY'S Pratt Street OU1 uiiugr IIUU HI mT IlOmC v. wiun nun Tuesday afternoon.

i daughter of Cannondale: Mrs. Wil- liam Weldllch of Bridgeport: Mr. Miss Jeanne Battev, daughter of Paul P. Roudakoff of Hartford: Mr. Mrs.

M. B. Battev of North Main Ralph E. Page of West Hartford: Street, West Hartford, was hostess and Mrs. Francis T.

Maxwell of recently at a sleigh ride and buf- Rockville. fet supper. Guests at the Soreno Hotel are i Mrs. Frank Greene and Miss A. Dr.

and Mrs. Benjamin F. Adams Greene of New London; Mrs. O. S.

women's apparel 6 Protr Street EUGENE ORMANDY Famout Conductor of the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, says: have fust installed in the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, a Hammond Organ which will add greatly to the repertoire of the Philadelphia Orchestra" 1 It's to your STEINWAY The Instrument of the Immortals yesterday today tomorrow -i, i 4 advantage to buy your furniture at MILTON'S Your Church CcnUwe a (thiE ASTER f5 an A' it--" 1 I I i Save About 25co to 35 I 3 Ill $598 Milton'i Grind Rapidt diplay furniture. tht modrrrt conception of period driigni, ii bfiutiful lynnd th prinn of mert ordi. Not only you Murrd of th vry fin in quality and otLmanthip but you actually iav mnnry hrcMut of our lowfr overhead fot hirh rnablrt ui to II for Come in and ie for yourwlf. Drivt nut anytime. U'e'rt oprn daily unlit 9 fi, m.

Saturday until 6 p. m. Plrnty of parking tpaci. Plan now to Enrich Your Service with Majestic Full-Toned Organ Music No reason to deny your church the inspiring power of finest organ miiMC. The Hammond, leading church organ, haa reduced auperb organ music to a fraction of ita former cost.

Low first cost no expensive installation negligible upkeep the Hammond is the ideal instrument for your church. Let us show you how easily you can have your Hammond installed for Easter. No pipe, nn rrrrlt proilurri It magnificent ton electrically. Marvelounly rompart fits in a four-foot square. USfO in more thin 3000 churches.

Put a Hammond Organ in your church or your home for as little as $1275 (Jtheti to $10 STETSON'S "SkflGAh." It'i destined to be most popular, this dashing felt for tailored wear, portraying fashion! pleajing new brim side-roll and high crown. Extremely smart and comfortable, too, wkh plenty of eye-inte rest. Has a marabou trim. LIGHT AND IMCK COLORS. EUGENE Conductor of the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, says of the Steinway! shall always he happy and proud to further the name of Steinway by letting people know that the Stcinnay piano it the greatest piano ever made." Let us explain how convenient we malce it to own a Steinway.

STEINWAY Verticals from $495 STEINWAY Grands from $935 WATKINS BROTHERS Exclusive Representatives 241 Asylum Sireet, Hartford WAYSIDE FURNITURE STORE ffie Hammond Organ now. Domonilrationt daily, WATKINS BROTHERS Distributors 241 ASYLUM STREET, HARTFORD LjrnuM i.

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