Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut • 9
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- Hartford Couranti
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- Hartford, Connecticut
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- 9
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THE HARTFORD DAILY COURANT: MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1901. 9 FLOOD DAMAGE. MANY BRIDGES SWEPT AWAY AND ROADS WASHED. In Haddam Alone the Loss Amounts to $15,000 -Iu Other Towns. (Special to The Courant.) Haddam, Aug.
25, All records since 1869 for rainfall in two hour's time were broken yesterday, when this town was visited by what was practically a cloudburst and great damage was done. From 5 to 7 water stood everywhere on a level about two inches deep, unable to run off. Twelve of the largest bridges in town were carried away and First Ephraim P. Arnold estimates the damage by the storm to roads and bridges to be about $5,000 greater than that done in 1869, which amounted to about $10,000. This storm more general than that.
On Mill Creek Warner's dam and part of the shop foundations were carried away and the flood swept three wooden bridges below down upon a stone arch bridge about 6 o'clock, cartrying that away, It was built ten years ago at a cost of $4,000. On Walkeley SHIll the storm water rolled a stone into ta tile pipe, causing the water to set back and badly tear out the new state troad built two years ago. There is practically no road now to Shailerville. except by very round-about routes. A stone arch bridge near Mrs.
Selden Noyes's place, built thirteen years ago at a cost of $2.000, was swept away. In Higganum there was a big flood In the hollow. Ties and cord wood were carried away and logs from Brainan ard's saw mill. Water rose a foot deep Buckley E. Johnson's feed store, dodng $300 damage.
Water rose in the hollow five feet in less than an hour and a. half. A large section of new road a completed last fall near the Middletown line is badly washed. At Skinnertown the water wheel at witchazel mill and the lighting dynamo have gone down the Punsett Stream and also bridges above and below the mill. At Scoville's shoe shop the dyke above was carried away and serious damage done to other dams there.
The will feel the effects of the storm severely. It had made a good appropriation for roads, was getting (Into very prosperous condition and had reduced its bonded debt to $2,500. Engine Replaced on Tracks. A wrecker from New Haven in charge of Master Mechanic J. Hocking, reached the scene of the accident at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon and got the engine and cars on the track again.
A temporary track was laid about the place and the trouble there was over at 7:30, when work was begun at Walkeley Hill, propping up the tracks. ABOUT MIDDLETOWN. A Stonewall and Whole Yard Washed Away. (Special to The Courant.) Middletown, Aug. 25.
Rain began here yesterday at 5 o'clock and until a little after 7 there was the hardest storm known here for ten years. The total precipitation was between three and three and one-half inches. Water was six inches deep over sidewalks all over the city and there general flood. Cellars and basement rooms have in general about two feet of water. The most was on Lawn avenue and Hill street.
The macadam is washed out some of the heavy stones at the top of the hill carried 200 feet. At the union station the tracks were undermined for a disitance of forty-five feet for a depth of height to ten feet. On Water street at the freight depot there was a washout about twenty feet long. In South Farms at Wilcox corners a stone wall was washed away for the whole length of the Wilcox farm and the water rushing through the back kyard cleaned it of trees and everything. The water from over the dam at the company and that from the Hospital's reservoirs met in one stream at the foot of Asylum Hill washed a gully clear to the river and flooded the cellars of all houses on the way.
Telephone poles were undermined and fell. In the Westfield and Newfield districts streams rose over the bridges, but none went down. Roaring Brook became thirty-six inches deep and a dam built to turn water from the brook into Higby reservoir gave way, so no harm came to the reservoirs. rose over the road and badly washed Between here and Burham, the water it. CYCLONE IN MOODUS.
House Unroofed and One side Blown Away. (Special to The Courant.) Moodus, Aug. 25. A yesterday sort of afternoon cyclone and struck a strip here about 1600 feet by a quarter of a mile was the worst affected. In the vicinity of that were only two houses, those of Fred Sage at North Moodus and Jesse Davidson.
The former's house was unroofed and the interior badly damaged by rain water. At Davidson's place the wind took the roof off and blew the 'north side of house clean away, Boards from it there found a quarter of a mile away stuck in a field, and a chair was there too. Lightning struck the house about the time the wind did and Mr. and Mrs. Davidson and their daughter were house is through, being fully somewhat shocked, Everything in the exposed to the elements on top and one side.
Large trees were uprooted and one was taken up bodily and let down in the middle of a cornfield. The corn itself wa blown flat. Flood and Washout Near East Hampton. (Special to The Courant.) East Hampton, Aug. 25.
A very heavy rain with sharp lightning began here about 5 o'clock and continued several hours. On the Air Line Division a small washout near Cranberry Crossing was caused by the inability of a small culvert to carry off the water. The crossing was also covered two or three feet deep with gravel. The west-bound train due here at 7:51, already forty minutes late, was delayed thirty minutes more until the track could be cleared and blocked up. 'At Linkpot Cut the water came right in over the top and stood level with the tracks.
The east-bound train was two hours late in arriving. In and about town roads are badly washed and cellars were flooded. Three Middlefield fishermen walking down Lake Pocotopaug were nearly carried off their feet while crossing Main street at the center. The water was two to three feet deep some of the time. T.
K. O'Connell's barber shop was flooded out and considerably damaged. The water was over four feet deep in the place. Lightning ran along the electric light wires in front of Chat- ham Hall, entering A. S.
Luntz's place and giving the occupants a good scare. The lights in town were put out. Part of the plank walk on Main street was washed away. At Westchester, a few miles east cf here, new fill was washed out for about twenty to thirty feet and to a depth of about ten feet. The last train had just passed over.
so no traffic was delayed and the track was blocked up permit good trains sized to bridge run never it went to down with timbers, abutments about' and three smaller structures, town were swept away. Around Willimantle. (Special to The Courant.) Willimantic, Aug. 25. The storm of yesterday did mueli damage to roads about here.
Many of those in the country are Impassable and $1,000 damage was done to streets in the city. On Walnut street the sidewalk of earth was washed out for a depth of feet for a distance of about 200 feet. South Main street was badly washed, too. On the Providence Division there was a washout between South Windham Scotland, about five miles east of here. It was 100 feet long and delayed the train due here from Providence at 9:30 last evening, so that it did not ar.
rive until 3 o'clock this morning. A special was made up and went to the scene, bringing the passengers here about midnight. Those for Hartford were then sent in on another special, A section hand found the trouble just in time to stop the train which was approaching at a rate of forty miles an hour and would have been wrecked but for the warning. TORNADO IN NEW JERSEY. Church aud Theater Wrecked--Many Houses Unroofed.
New York, Aug. tornado swept across the Greenville section of Jersey City yesterday afternoon just before 4 o'clock from Newark Bay to New York Bay, devastating a track of land, about five miles long and a quarter of a mile wide. The steeple of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, the largest in Jersey City, fell backward upon the church, striking the roof, causing a loss of 000. The tin roof was uplifted and fragments of it fell in the street.
Two blocks south of St. Mary's Church is the Bijou Theater. The "Man Who Dared" Company was rehearsing for an opening of the theater season. Two lions that are used in the play were in their cages on the stage when a terrific rush of wind lifted the roof. The wind rushed up from under the stage, causing the performers to leave the stage not a second too soon, Bricks came down from the high walls, ruining the stage.
A cry that the lions were loose made the crowd which had sought shelter in the corridor fly panic stricken. Dozens of tombstones were blown down in the New York Bay Cemetery, and many trees were uprooted. Some of these trees were carried across the tracks of the main line of the Jersey Central Railroad, which runs along the a gang of about sixty men with axes than an hour the a line was blocked, until lower end of the cemetery. For more and levers cleared the tracks. A terrace of four brick houses, 246 to 252 Princeton avenue, Greenville, first felt the effect of the tornado as it swept across the Bayonne flats.
These houses were uncovered as completely as though their leaden roofs had been ripped off by wreckers' tools. The lead was torn off in great sheets and blown for about fifty feet into the roadway. From Princeton avenue the tornado swept across the tracks of the main line of the Central Railroad. It threw down strongly joisted signal posts and bent into all kinds of shapes iron switch signals. Between the railroad and the Morris Canal the storm struck a farmhouse occupied by George Engel and his wife and three children.
The house was demolished and Mr. Engel was buried in ruins, but was rescued alive and taken to the hospital. Mrs. Engel was so severely hurt as to necessitate her removal to the hospital. Her three children escaped injury and were taken in charge by people living in the district.
Just across the canal from the Engel farm is the Mount Zion Church of the Faith Curists. It is a long rambling building surrounded by several cottages occupied by followers of sect. As though it had been built of tissue paper the church crumbled before the storm. After the tornado had passed, it looked like a lumber heap. The cottage of Michael Eaton, the care taker of the church, was also destroyed.
The house of the Greenville Gun Club which faces New York Bay was wiped out completely. Dennis Smith, a driver for James Butler, grocer, had his wagon overturned in Washington street and was pinned under it. He escaped with slight injuries. Charles Bremer, another driver, had his wagon overturned. He was thrown out and the wagon fell on top of him, injuring him so badly that he had to be taken to St.
Mary's Hospital In an ambulance. Dr. David Atwell was standing at the corner of Seventh and Bloomfleld streets when a plate of glass in a store window behind him was blown out. He was hit by the glass, fell into some live electric light wires and was badly shocked. In Hudson Square Park nearly a hundred trees were uprooted, and about fifty trees in the grounds of Castle Point, the home of the Stevens family.
The tall chimney on the engine house of the rican Steamship Company was blown down, and the skylight of the Lyric Theater was blown off and carried by the wind onto the roof of the Palace Hotel, half a block away. Along the Hudson County Boulevard trees were uprooted, wires were blown down and the trolley traffic was crippled for two hours. Flood in the Bronx. The downpour in the lower section of Westchester county and in the Bronx did thousands of dollars' worth of damage, flooded cellars and caused a dozen washouts along the Harlem and New Haven railroads. Trains on both roads were delayed from one to three hours.
Lighthouse Struck at Cape Mar. Cape May, N. Aug. the electrical storm which passed over Cape May yesterday afternoon, four places were struck. including the Cape May lighthouse, was affected almost in the same way about three years ago.
It was struck about midway from the top, sixty or more feet from the ground. 'The lightning ploughed off the plastering to the bottom of the beacon, smashed to splinters two cases of lamp chimneys, and missed by a foot a supply of oil. It followed the telephone wire from the top of the house to the keeper's quarters, and ripped plastering off the walls, tore up the beds and stunned and burned Miss Lizzie Woolson, daughter of Mr. Woolson, the assistant keeper. Barn Burned in South Britain.
Waterbury, Aug. barn in South Britain belonging to Gilbert Williams was burned yesterday morning, a family of Hungarians occupied one end of the building escaping with diffculty. The loss is $2,000, partly insured, Body Found in the Sound. South Norwalk, Aug hody of a man, supposed to be V. L.
Colby of Texas, a carpenter, was found in the Sound Friday afternoon. A ticker on the Joy line was found on him. POSSIBLY A SUICIDE. Woman Rescued From Reservolr Disappears Again When Unwatched. (Special to The Courant.) New Britain, Aug.
25. The police of this city were engaged all day to-day in investigating an affair that has many mysterious points about it. This morning about 6:30 o'clock F. C. Lampson left his home on Monroe street on his way to work.
He is a watchman at the Russell Erwin factory and took his usual short cut across Walnut Hill Park. When he arrived at the reservoir he saw the apparently lifeless of a woman floating on the water a few feet from the store. Lampson plunged down the banks of the reservoir, seized the body and dragged it toward shore, The woman was unconscious for a moment, but when he placed her on the bank she revived somewhat. She was a large woman, weighing about 180 pounds, gray haired and apparently about 60 years old. She was dressed in black and wore a black bonnet with the strings loosened.
On her feet were a pair of boy's rubber shoes. As soon as the woman showed signs of regaining her senses Lampson left her lying 01 on the bank and started off hot foot to notify the police. At the police station he told his story and Offcer Shelton accompanied him to the reservoir. When the two arrived there they could And no trace of the woman. Captain Lee had been notified and a search was made through the city without result.
There has been no complaint to the police that anyone is missing. On the probability that the woman had found strength and courage sufficient for a second and successful plunge to death, Captain Lee at once saw Superintendent Harris of the water made department and arrangements were to drain off the reservoir, which is a small, emergency one, and see if the woman's body is there. The reservoir is drained by four-inch pipe and it will be many hours before the water is drawn off, probably late tomorrow. Crowds visited the reservoir all day. PRESIDENT OF WILTON.
Burlington, Western Pastor to College. be Hend of a (Special to The Courant.) Burlington, Aug. 25. Rev. Hermann Seil, pastor of the Congregational Church here, has been elected to the presidency of Wilton College, Wilton, an institution partially under the control of the Congregational Educational Society.
Rev. Mr. Seil refused the office some weeks ago, believing himself to be better adapted to purely pastoral work, but an urgent invitation to visit the college and reconsider the offer resulted in his final acceptance. new president is a native of Germany, where he received his early education, graduating later from Oberlin College. He has held several charges and came to this parish from Ansonia three years ago.
BIBLE CONFERENCE. Meetings Continued Sunrise Until Late at Night. Warsaw, Aug. was a day of religious intensity at the Winona Bible Conference. The meetings began at sunrise, continuing almost hourly until 10 to-night.
The early morning devotional service was conducted by S. D. Gordon of Cleveland, head of the Ohio Evangelization movement: Rev. John Willis Baer of Boston, secretary of the World's United Christian Endeavor Societies, addressed a large crowd made up of members of visiting Endeavor societies this morning and in the afternoon conducted a conference for young people. Conference on Sunday school work was led by Rev.
J. Wilbur Chapman. At 11 o'clock Rev. L. W.
Munhall of New York inaugurated the conference for evangelists. This afternoon an illustrated service for young people was conducted by Rev. J. W. Vandeventer of Scotland.
A most interesting meeting at sunset was the hillside service led by Todd B. Hall, the Baltimore detective evangelist. Over 5,000 people attended. Rev. John McNeill preached an evening sermon in the auditorium, which has a seating capacity of 2,500.
The conference will close Tuesday evening. NO BREWERS' LOCKOUT. President Kendall Says Published Re- ports Are Incorrect. New Haven, Aug. 25.
-N. W. Kendall, president of the United States Brewers' Association, gave to-night to the Associated Press the following statement in correction of the published reports regarding a concerted lockout of brewerymen throughout the country on September "No such action on the part of the brewery proprietors has been thought of. The well defined policy of the members of the United States Brewers' Association and its officers is not in any way to antagonize organized labor, their purpose and desire being only to strive to modify such arbitrary, annoying and vexatious rules as have been from time to time adopted by the unions. No arbitrary methods will be resorted to to accomplish this object.
The recently published circular which gave rise to the alarm to the brewery labor unions and which was supposed to have come from the United States Brewers' Association was sent out without their knowledge or approval does not reflect the sentiment of the association." LEVI L. BROWN DEAD. Well Known Paper Manufacturer of Adams, Mass. Adams, Aug. L.
Brown, the well known paper manufacturer and an intimate friend of Governor Crane, died to-day. He was born in 1826, and after learning the papermaking business at the Crane Paper Company in Dalton, he established the L. L. Brown Paper Company in this town. Besides this concern he has been president, among other industries, of the Windsor Manufacturing Company of North Adams, the Renfrew Company of this town, the Whiting Paper Company of Holyoke and founded the commission house of Brown, Wood King- man of New York.
Burial Place for Soidiers. Lynn. Aug. city has the honor of being one of the first to give a burial lot to the Legion of Spanish War Veterans, to be used as A burial place for soldiers and sailors who lost their lives in the Spanish-American war. The dedication of the lot in Pine Grove Cemetery took place this afternoon.
The dedicatory oration was delivered by, Brigadier Curtis During the exercises a flag was unfurled from a staff near the lot, which was the first flag flown over Porto Rico after the American occupation. This flag is in the keeping of the local camp of Spanish American war veterans. Death of Mrs. Stephen J. Field.
Oakland, Aug. Susan Field, widow of Stephen J. Field, former justice of the United States supreme court, died here yesterday in the home of he velater. Mra. Genrze F.
FELL ON THIRD RAIL. New Britain Newsboy Has a Narrow Escape From Death. (Special The Courant.) New Britain, Aug. 25. William Culby, 11 years old, son of James Culby of Sexton street, had narrow escape from death yesterday afternoon, a few newspapers being the only shield between his body and the current of the third rail.
As It was, he was badly burned and consciousness was restored by physicians only after an hour' struggle. Young Culby was selling papers and started down along the track from Washington street to the Main street crossing about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. He knew the third rail was dangerous and kept along in the path by the side of the track. He had gone about half the distance between the two crossings when he stepped in a puddle of water, which stretched across the track. He received a shock conveyed through the water sufficient to throw him from his feet and he fell directly across the outer and middle rail.
He threw out his arm in stinctively and the bundle of papers struck the third rail, forming a cushion between the rail and his body, As he struck the rail another and more severe shock rendered him unconscious. A number of people saw his danger and George Bannon, seizing a piece of wood, pried the boy's body from the rail. He was unconscious and the only sign of life was a slight twitching of his arm. He was taken to Halloran's drug store and Drs. Cremin and Smirnow were summoned.
They worked over him for nearly an hour and were finally rewarded by his recovering consciousness. He was taken to his home on Sexton street. He had several bad burns on his body, but was resting comfortably to-night and will recover. PATIENT ESCAPES. "Trusty' Gets Away from Middletown with Team--A Description of Both.
(Special to The Courant.) Middletown, Aug. 25. William Northrop, a patient, who is 20 years of age, escaped from the Hospital for the Insane yesterday. He was allowed to ride out with Albert Hull, who was delivering butter about the city. Hull left him in the team when he went into Thomas Dillon's house on Prospect street.
When he came out Northrop and the team were gone. He was last seen over in Westfield, and the Meriden and New Britain police were warned to look out for him. Search was continued for the man all day to-day as far as Southington, but no trace of either man or team can be found, in spite of the fact that it was to be expected he would seek shelter somewhere from yesterday's storm. Th hospital authorities fear he may have been thrown out of the wagon and injured or may have wandered off by himself. They say he is perfectly harmless, is about six feet tall, 33 years old and wore a white Panama straw hat.
The horse was a bay mare, 6 years old, with black mane and tail, and weighed about 800 pounds. The wagon on was covered, Concord style, with red running gear. of the war in 1 South Africa. LONDON MARKET LISTLESS. Money Plentiful- May Secure Loan in France.
London, Aug. end of the holiday season finds the London stock exchange listless and in the attitude of Micawber, waiting for something to Are more healthy than at any time turn up. the whole the conditions one previous for some months. Money has not been more plentiful since 1897. Accordingly in the open market rates are gradually decreasing, touching per cent.
for short bills and 1 per cent for call loans. The Bank of England has wisely made no further reduction in the official rate, although there was some expectation of such a move last Thursday. The two strongest arguments against a reduction are, first, the expectation of a speedy demand for gold from New York, and, second, the general feeling that the visit of the Emperor Nicholas to France portends another Russian loan. No definite information is yet obtainable as to this loan question, but it is known that Russia is badly in need of a large amount and that France is the only probable source of supply. At the same time Russia has taxed French generosity heavily of late, both in the matter of government loans and also private industrial investments.
The latter have shown lamentably small dividends and, therefore, it is thought the enthusiasm Induced by the Czar's visit will give a very opportune stimulus to French cordiality. In case a loan is floated, it will mean the withdrawal from London of considerable French cash and this is likely to come just at a time when London is most in need of its surplus. The professionally fostered boom in stocks has not developed to any extent. The abundance of money leads to considerable quiet investment in high class securities; but the principal activity, if the term may be applied, centers in Americans. This leads to some rather sour comments in the financial press regarding "the philanthropy of American magnates who engineer deals and combinations for the sole purpose of letting the public in on the ground In spite of this adverse comment, there have been generous purchases of American railway stocks for continental account, while British railway stocks, speaking now of common shares, are still on the down grade to the tune of over points.
Foreign government securities have been stationary rather than depressed on the Franco-Turkish squabble, so littie reaction was anticipated on the close of the incident. Mining shares, after the recent slight improvement, have gone flat on the prospect of an indefinite prolongation ACTIVE IN CAPE COLONY. Sharp Skirmishing-To Hold British 85 Hostages. London, Aug. African dispatches show that the Boers continue active in Cape Colony.
Sharp skirmishing has occurred near Uniondale, only a day's ride from the sea, while Commandant Scheppen's commando is threatening the important town of Oudtshoorn, thirty miles from the Indian Ocean. In Brussels it is asserted that Commandant General Botha has ordered the Boer commanders in future to retain all captured British as hostages in case Lord Kitchener carries out the threats of his latest proclamation. Riot in an Indianapolis Park. Indianapolis, Aug. riot broke out this evening in a crowd of 5,000 people at Fairview Park.
Four negroes were badly injured, and one, named Harris, had his right arm broken. The trouble was caused by the gang of white toughs. Several negroes, some with their wives, were set upon and beaten. Police stopped the trouble. Four members of the gang atrested.
New Jersey Man's Sudden Dealing (Special to The Courant.) Morris, Aug. 23. C. F. Conant of Westfleld, N.
wha has been staying here with his wife at the South View Inn. died suddenly today of heart disease. YACHT RACE A FAILURE. A Squall Came Up and the Columbia Finished Alone. New York, Aug.
sharp squall, accompanied by heavy rain, thunder and lightning, spoiled the race yesterday between Constitution and Columbia, as Constitution withdrew the while the squall was at its height. When the rain and mist lifted the Columbia went on, finished the course and won the cup. The race was sailed 011 the Sound off Oyster Bay. The course was triangular and was to be sailed over twice. At the start the wind was light and came from the south-southeast, so that the yachts were able to reach around the triangle.
The Columbia finished the first round 47 seconds ahead of the Constitution. When they reached the home mark on the first round the wind had shifted so that they were able to carry spinnakers, and for about half the leg they sailed very cibse together, but the Constitution was picking up on the Columbia. A squall then came up and the Constitution quit to avoid a collision. as the rain made it difficult to see more than a boat's length away. Sir Thomas Lipton, who saw the race, said: "The weather was bad for racing and I think the Constitution did the right thing in stopping when she did." Sir Thomas refrained from saying anything regarding the merits of either the Columbia or the Constitution.
SHAMROCK'S SAIL TO-DAY. She Will Go Over One of the Ameri- CA Cup Courses. New York, Aug. Thomas Lipton's steam yacht Erin anchored in Sandy Hook Bay, close to the Shamrock IL, at 8:20 to-night, having returned from her trip to Oyster Bay, where he and his party were entertained by the Seawanhaka-Corinthian Yacht Club. Lieutenant Colonel Burbank, commandant of the military post on Sandy Hook, with his family, accompanied Sir Thomas, and witnessed the race between the Constitution and the Columbia Saturday.
They remained on board the yacht to-day and enjoyed a cruise on the Sound. The Shamrock was not damaged by the fierce squall that swept over the bay on Saturday afternoon. She is securely moored to a government can buoy. Everything is ready for the second trial spin of the yacht, which is to take place to-morrow. She is to leave her anchorage at 10 o'clock, either under sail or in tow of the Erin and proceed to Sandy Hook lightship, there to begin her trial over one of the America's cup courses, either fifteen miles to windward or leeward and return, or over a triangular course of ten miles to the leg.
The tug James A. Lawrence will be used as the outer mark, after she has legged off the required number of miles. According to the weather prophet at Sandy Hook to-night the indications for wind in the morning not very bright. In any event Captain Sycamore will be apt to send aloft some of the Shamrock's light sails and those lucky enough to be out there will probably see the largest club topsail ever set on a ninety footer, also various sizes of jib topsails and perhaps a spinnaker of generous proportions. PHILIPPINE SCHOOLS.
Filipino Teachers All Eager For the Adoption of Englisb. Washington, Aug. division of insular affairs, war department, has received a copy of the annual report of Professor Frederick W. Atkinson, the general superintendent of public instruction for the Philippines, which covers the time from the enactment of the Philippine school law to the close of the last fiscal year, June 30, 1901. The school law mentioned authorized the appointment from the United States of 1,000 school teachers.
Nearly all the buildings that have been used for military purposes, are in poor condition. The present school buildings consist generally of one or two large rooms. These rooms are everywhere overcrowded and many have no windows or floors. Sometimes one teacher has one to two hundred pupils. Dr.
David Barrows, city superintendent of schools for Manila, reports upon the question of local support of schools, inviting attention to the fact that the agricultural land is in large holdings and a large proportion of the products must go for rents. He cites one pueblo where the local revenues are so small that the policemen get only five pesos a month, the native tman eacher ten pesos and woman teachers eight pesos. Professor Atkinson adds that it was planned to conduct teachers' institutes in all the provinces at an early date. Evening schools have been established where practicable. One high school at the capital of each province will be established in 1902.
Dr. Barrows, city superintendent of schools of Manila, reported under date of May 4 last for the first six months of his work: "The most significant change is that which has taken place in the attitude of the Filipino teachers. In December the plan, was adopted of having the teachers English devote at least the last half hour of the forenoon to the instruction of the Filipino teachers and at the same time the announcement was made that very shortly Spanish as a medium of instruction would be abandoned. With a very few exceptions the teachers accepted the proposed change of language and their attitude has now become one of real eagerness for the adoption of English. It will be possible with the opening of schools in June, 1901, to use only English.
"The question of religious instruction in the schools has also been settled and without friction or any loss in the attendance of pupils, by the discontinuance of all religious instruction by the teachers. BENEFITS FOR CHURCH MEMBERS New Plan Proposed by Judge Cowell of Waterbury, Naugatuck, Aug. Cowell of Waterbury talked in the Methodist Church to on a fraternal organtzation in the churches and proposed plans of conducting the church with 8 system of benefits akin to those In vogue In fraternal organizations. The plan systematizes the giving to the church and in addition Judge Cowell would create a bond between the members which would hold them closer than at present. Sale of Oklahoma Lots.
Washington, Aug. dispatch received at the general land office reports that the total receipts from the sale of lots in the new towns in Oklahoma to and including August 24, aggregated $659.427. The sales were distributed as follows: Lawton, 1,068 lots. for $351,803: Anadarko, 1,043 lots for Hobart. 1,123 lots, for $128,377, Assitant Commissioner Richards, who has had general charge of the sale, estimates that the disposition of the remaining lots will bring the grand total up to $700,000.
Brigham Young's First Wife Dying. Helena, Aus. Zina Young, first wife of Brigham Young, passed through Helena yesterday 011 her way to Salt Lake City. sust cained a stroke of paralysis Friday 1 the home of her daughter, near the Canadian border, and her last request before losing consciousness was that she be taken to her old home in Lake to die. She is almost 70 years old, and for more than fifty years has 'been prominent in the Mormon Church.
IN ARMY UNIFORM. Man Claiming Charged with Waterbury, Aug. L. MeKenna, who claims to be a member of Troop F. Fifth United States Cavalry, and who wears the regulation army uniform, is held at police headquarters on a charge of burglary, committed in Huntington, early that Friday McKenna is night.
the It man is who assisted Charles Stuhlman in the burglary at the home of Elizabeth Killmer at 16 Cherry street, this city, a few weeks ago. At the time of Stuhlman's arrest, it was learned that MeKenna was implicated in the burglary, and when Detective Sergeant Cahey saw him in the police station yesterday morning he recognized him as the man wanted. McKenna was in Shelton Friday evening and asked the police for add in looking up some alleged deserters, concerning whom he told a long story. He got an officer to go to Derby and during his absence the house of J. H.
Hartwell was robbed of a little money, a gold ring and several razors. A man in army uniform was seen on the piazza and that led to a search for McKenna. He had in the meantime gone to Ansonia and thence here, still with his story of deserters, told to the police in both places. McKenna wandered about Waterbury all night, and having nowhere to gO fell asleep in the park. When arrested early yesterday morning a gold ring, two razors and a small sum of money were found on him.
The paper of the colonel and aupurporting to containing, the signature thorizing McKenna to take charge of the supposed deserters, was torn up by the prisoner immediately after his arrest. MINISTER'S RETRACTION. Rev. Mr. Bell fu His Pulpit Takes Back What He New Canaan, Aug.
-Rev. Edwin Bell, arrested and jailed last week for alleged slanderous utterances in his sermon last Sunday, reflecting on Justice Nichols, and released on promise of retraction, read the retraction from his pulpit this morning, He told of his experiences with police officials in Bridgeport and here and at one time was moved to tears. The retraction is as on August 1901, I was arrested in an action brought against me for slander by George D. Nichols of New Canaan, in which I was charged with saying and uttering of and concerning said Nichols, 'Nichols is a justice, but what can you expect of him? He has not breathed a sober breath in six months': Now, therefore, I do retract the said words and language said to have been uttered by me and do pronounce same untrue if the same were spoken without any knowledge on my part of their truth or falsity, and I am satisfied upon investigation since the utterance that they had no foundation in fact." The statement was signed in Bridgeport, August 23, but was not made public until to-day. OLD HOME WEEK.
Second Celebration Begun at Morris Yesterday. (Special to The Courant.) Morris, Aug. 25. Another Old Home Week celebration was opened here to-day with a preaching service in the Congregational Church this morning. Rev.
E. P. Farnham of Salem, a native of Morris, was the speaker. Asa D. Mallory of Torrington sang a solo.
There was a memorial service at 3 o'clock this afternoon in the cemetery when the subject was "The Messages of the Dead to the Living." Brief addresses were made by S. O. Seymour of Litchfleld, whose ancestors lived here, Deacon W. L. Burgess, D.
W. Bradley of Chester, formerly of this place, Deacon and Mrs. H. R. Stockbridge and Rev.
E. P. Farmham, who ended the exercises with prayer. This evening Rev. C.
H. Wilcox, of the boys' school at Lawrenceville, bind. spoke and Rev. F. W.
Holden, the pastor, talked on "Rural Problems of the Country Edna Simms of New Haven rendered a solo. The attendance at the services was large and the weather was fine. CARDINAL GIBBONS HOME. Condition of the Pope -The Visit to Irelaud. New York, Aug.
Gibbons of Baltimore, who left here in May last for a pleasure trip abroad, returned yesterday on the Etruria. He was accompanied by his secretary, Rev. W. A. Fletcher.
Cardinal Gibbons said that he and his secretary went straight to Rome and were about A. month. He had thr audiences with the Pope, the last one June 20. "I was surprised at the mental activity of the Pope," said Cardinal Gibbons. "He is a very old man and is physically weak, but his mind is very clear, and he is able to do many things that are surprising in a man of his years." Cardinal Gibbons spent some time in Ireland, too, visiting Dublin, Galway, Derry and Wexwood.
At the latter place he addressed a public meeting of Irishmen. He told them that he wanted to do all he could to discourage emigration and advised Irishmen in Ireland to stay at home. He told them that if they employed the same amount of energy at home that it would be necessary for them to use to get ahead in this country, it would be productive of great results. Cardinal Gibbons declined absolutely to say anything about the Philippines or Cuba. He returns in the best of health.
Minister Wilson Not to Retire. Santiago de Chile, Aug. 25, via Gal- Veston, Aug. 25-Henry L. Wilson, United States minister to Chile, to-day formally denied the report published yesterday that he would soon retire and devote his time commerce, representing several American firms.
The papers of the city publish his dental. Counter Proclamation by Boers. London, Aug. -The war office has received the following dispatch from Lord Kitchener, dated at Pretoria "De la Rey has issued a counter proclamation warning all Boers against my latest proclamation and declaring that they will continue the struggle." Released from Quarantine. New York, Ang.
The passengers from Havana, who were detained for observation at Hoffman Island yesterday upon arrival of the Ward line steamer City of Washington, were brought to the city this morning on the tug Governor Flower. Will Deliver an Address. Milford, Aug. Rev. Peter MeLane left for Winchester, to-night to attend the convention of Catholic Mission Bands of the United States.
He will deliver an address Wednesday 01 Relation of the Catholic to the Non-Catholic Missions." Work Closed Early. Milford, Aug. Wharton fish eil works were closed last night, two months earlier than usual. The men were paid off and the boats sent to New London to be overhauled and sold. It Is understood that the lease and niant will be given up.
RIFLE TOURNAMENT. Contests at Sea Girt This Week-Tc Revive Creedmoor Matches. New York, Aug. Bird W. Spencer will, to-morrow, select the eight men and two alternates who will take part in the American centennial Palma trophy contest to be shot on Thursday, September 5 during the tournament of the National Rifle Association at Sea Girt, N.
for the championship of the world for teams of eight team. The centennial trophy is open to riflemen of all countries with the condition that each team must use the military arm of the country which it represents. The only foreign entry for this event this year is that of the Dominion Rifle Association of Canada. Major J. J.
Mason of Hamilton, will be the captain of this team and his men will be selected at the conclusion of their annual meeting which is being held in Canada during this week. On Friday, September 6, the revival of the Creedmoor-Gollymount matches will take place, between teams representing the New Jersey State Rifle Association and the Ulster Rifle Association of Belfast, Ire. General Spencer has deferred the selection of the American team for this match until after then arrival of the Irish visitors who are expected here on the steamship Servia next Wednesday. The conditions of the match cal for teams of not less than five, nor more than eight men, and the number is to decided on the arrival of the Irish team. Sir Thomas Lipton is a member of the Ulster Rifle Associatior and a great deal of interest is taken or both sides of the Atlantic in the oulcome of this match, as several members of the Ulster Rifle Association also belong to the Royal Ulster Yacht Club, from which the challenge for the AmerIca's cup emanated.
Eight state teams of twelve men each are entered for the Hilton trophy match which is to be shot on Labor Day. The United States marine team is now at Sea Girt and the representatives of the District of Columbia are expected to-morrow. The states represented in this match are: New Jersey, New York, Maine, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Ohio, Masachusetts and Maryland. The District of Columbia and the United States Marine Corps are also represented. All of these men will be at the Sea Girt camp by Wednesday the tournament will be opened on Thursday morning.
The Irish and Canadian visitors will be the guests of the National Rifle Association during the tournament, and Colonel Robert M. Thompson has loaned his steam yacht, Reverie, to the reception committee, of which General Olyphant is chairman, for the purpose of meeting the Ulster riflemen on the arrival of the Servia. By special permit, the Irish passengers and their baggage will be transferred to the yacht off Quarantine when the Servia reaches quarantine. AT NARRAGANSETT PARK. Grand Circulf Horses to Race There This Week.
Providence, R. Aug. Grand Circuit horses, who were at Readville last week, are at Narragansett Park. The week's program is a fine one, as is naturally suggested by the total sum of the purses hung up for the races, $45,000. There are three paced events on the program for classes below the 2:10 point: The free-for-all, the 2:05 class and the 2:08 class.
Then comes the rich "Park Brew" $10,000 stake, and only just a. little beyond that is the 2:11 class. In the free-for-all the list includes Anaconda, Prince Alert, Connor, Frank Bogash, Indiana and Royal R. Sheldon, "Park Brew" $10,000 stake will probably have fifteen starters out of twenty-two eligibles. Another good race will be for the Williams" stake for 2:14 class trotters; the value of which is $10,000.
Twenty-one horses are eligible to start for this race. DEATH OF ROBERT G. EVANS. United States District Attorney for Minnesota Expires Suddenly. Minneapolis, Aug.
25. -Robert G. Evans, United States district attorney for Minnesota, died suddenly this morning from heart disease on the balcony of his home on Queen avenue in Kenwood. About 8 o'clock Mr. Evans went to the bedroom of his daughter to awaken her.
He grasped the footrail of the bed and shook it, seemingly unable to speak. Just as he awoke. Mr. Evans taggered from the room and made his way with difficulty to the balcony over the front porch. There he sank to the floor dead.
He had been a sufferer from heart disease for a. year and a half. Mr. Evans was 47 year old. He was a prominent candidato before the Legislature last winter to succeed Sen.
ator C. K. Davis in the United Stater Senate, but was defeated by M. Clapp of St. Paul.
SOUTHERN BEAUTY DEAD. Her Profile Adorns Pan-American Exposition Medals. Birmingham, Aug. private telegram from Charlottesville, announces the death of Miss Maud Coleman Woods in that city. Miss Woods was pronounced the most beaudiful woman in America by a committee from the Pan-American exposition and her profle adorns all of the medals isued by the board of award.
STEAMSHIP ARRIVALS. Saturday, Aug. 24. At New York- L'Aquitaine, Havre; Etruria, Liverpool. At.
Queenstown-Umbria, New York. At Southampton--Koenigin Luise, New York. Sunday, Ang. 25. At New York Rotterdam, Rotterdam and Boulogne-sur-Mer: Mesaba, London; Trojan Prince, Leghorn, Genoa and Liverpool- Umbria, New York.
At Southampton New York. Doings at Campmeetings. Southington, Aug. -The Connecticut Christian Adventist Association, campmeeting opened to-day with a service at 6 a. there was a love feast at 9 and a sermon by Rev.
Mr. Davis at 10:30. There was an attendance of 200, the largest vet. Rev. James A.
Gardner of Wat preached this afternoon and 1 frs. M. J. Clarke this evening. Willimanti Aug.
for farewell service to-morrow morning the annual campmeeting ended to-day. There was a love feast this morning, a sermon by Rev. S. Davis of Stafford Springs, one this afternoon by Rev. George E.
Reed and to-night Rev. J. I. Bartholomew spoke. Wagner and Posart Quarrel, Berlin, Aug.
25. -A quarrel has broken out between Siegfried Wagner and Herr Posart, manager of the new Wagner theater Munich. Herr Wagner bitterly complains that the Munich house was built as a competitor of the Wagner theater in Bayreuth, and he contends that Herr Posart must buy anew the right to perform the Wagner dramas in Munich..
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