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The American Nonconformist and Kansas Industrial Liberator from Winfield, Kansas • 1

Winfield, Kansas
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LOSING VOTES. BOYS, REMEMBER. VOICE OF FARMERS TORNADO TOMMY." The Waif Who Wws Blown Into Home and Then Blown Out to Sea. of not less thanS8 per month without regard to rank. 20th, We demand a law making the acceptance of a free pass from any railway company by public official, "bribery," punishable by fine and WINFIELD.

001 Eureka Assembly. Itoito mb dEcMp I I'liHwiay f-vt-niiiK at 7.3U o'clock in thtir hall, corner 8th. Ave. and Main Ht. A.

L. Hchultz. K. 8. Conner, M.

V. F. M. Pickens. Chas.

W. Kiak PICKENS A FISK, PHYRICIANS and SURGEONS. Calls Promptly attended to- Office over Brown's Drug Store. Samuel Dalton Attorney at Law, Office, cor, wis ave. and Loomia Sta.

Of the 3d. Congressional District of Kansas, as Adopted at Chercyvale, July 31. "I live in Harris county, the home of the cyclone," said a Georgian to an Atlanta Constitution reporter. "About three years ago, one afternoon in May, WICHITA. COOn Forest City Assembly, of nichi- 1.1) SMNi eviy Friday evening in the Heacou lilock hall.

A welcome to visitors. They Demand the Payment of Chas. Forsyth. Will F. MaUJen.

i I was down at the spring, wnen suaaen-i ly I heard a sound like the rumbling of a freight train. Looking up, I saw a funnel-shaped cloud coming over I the top of the hill on the other side of my house and heading in my direction. the Bonds as Fast as they Come Due, And the Opening of FORSYTH MADDEN, Attorneys at Law. MRfl Whitewater Assembly, meets JUU ever) Thursday niglit at I'owamJa in Strang's hall. All Knights invited.

ARKANSAS CITY. OftylO Nec3sslty Assembly, meets ere. lUHi Tui-tday evening at Odd Fellow hall There are many men who will never vote with a minority party because they say they lose their votes. When approached on the subject ot "finance they say "Oh yes. so far as your financial principles are concerned, I am a good a Greenbacker as you are." And vet these meu, who admit the justice of our cause and the equity of Greenback principles, will go and vote to put men in office who are diametrically opposed to all our principles and who are the bitterest enemies of the Greenback party.

General "Weaver says no man loses his vote except the man who votes against his convictions. If all those men who believe the Greenback principles, as set forth in the party platforms lor ten years past, would put their written belief in the ballot box in the shape of a vote for the men who Winfield, Kan Office in Farmer's Bank Building. f. M. Peak, M.

J. W. Heck, H. 8. if it Jas.

McDennott. Albert P. Johnson. Read it for Yourselves, See is not irthy Your Support INDEPENDENCE. QlflQ Panle Rose Assembly, meet 0 I UOevery Haturda evennng their hall.

Fred laile. It. S. George K. Bloat, W.

ROSEDALE. The mother with snow-white hair, So feeble and thin and pale; fhe son at lnr side, in pride, Was ruddy and tall and hale; So ready of hand, so fleet of foot. So haughty in his might, That he oft forgot the tender care That was still in the mother's right That the careless wronand the cruel word Were easy to do and say; Till sorely wounded, with flushing cheeks, Shi' answered him thus one day: "If only the past could speak, my son. If thou wouldst, remember right. How I carried thee in these trembling arms And toiled for thee day and night; Loving and guiding and watching thee.

Till the years have made thee strong; If only thou wotildst remember this. Thou never wouhlst do me wrong; Kor now I am east upon thy love, I am frail and old and gray; Oh son, that I nursed long years ago, Remember my love to-day." He dropped by her knee, as in olden times' Her pardon and love to seek; head, Her gray head bowed to his young brown And her tears were on his And ever since in his heart she t. lists. In his strong young ai ins has rest. For he never forgets that once he lay An in lun upon her breast.

men in your strength and hope and joy! maids in your youthful charms! Remember that wailing infants once You lay in your mother's arms! Remember she then was fair and young; That you will grow old and array; That the wrong or the right you do to her Will come back to your hearts some day! meets evw- AND THEN SUPPORT IT. 3073 Rosedale Assem ry Wchi evening. Jox PLATFORM. KANSAS CITY. I fll District Assembly, meets the third I I of MM month nt 2 p.

K. of I hall. Li- Main street. represent those principles, they would Whereas, In the past corporations have controlled the politics of State constitute a majority in every state in the Union. and National government to such an I CKX Excelsior Assembly, nmets every I Dw Wednesday night at Tobner's hall, 15th.

McDERMOn JOHNSON, Attorneys at Law. WINFIELD, KANSAS. Office, 218 East ttth St. JOHN OSBOR9T, PRACTICAL BOOT and SHOE MAKER. Prompt Attention given to repairing.

Shop on Millinxton 2 doors north of Mc-Quin's old stand. S5 I MCS LI "4'if ROOH An Refreshment Stand. Cigars, Tobacco, All Temperance Drinks Ice Cold. Headquarters for MEXICAN AHOLE SOAP exteut that we believe it impossible to Then, instead of hard times, strikes, and i land avenue. secure anv legislation in the interest and starvation wsges in citv, and pov erty-stricken, mortgage-ridden farm ') fid New Argo Assembly, meets evo- UU ThmU eveningat Masonic of Third and James K.

K. ers in the country, we would have prosperity, peace and plenty all over our land. M. M. Miller.

JOPLIN, MO. Joplin Assembly, meets in their hall in the Bar bee building every A Monopolistic Outrage. Walter Vrooman, the boy orator and labor agitator has been holding a series of meetings in Kansas City in the public square, but a few days ago he was arrested by fhe police and giveu to understand that no more meetings were to be held there. Wonder where laboring men in the large cities will hold their meetings if the system of police interference that has been inaugurated, is to be continued! The laboring people are too poor to hire 'large halls, and if they are driven from the streets, squares and parks where will they meet to discuss their grievances, and matters pertaining to their interests and welfare? This base and dastardly attempt to crush out by brute force the right of free speech will rebound upon the heads the capitalistic power in this country as certain as it did in whipping out the curse of slavery nearly a quarter of a century ago. Let the old sentiment, "Free Speech and free press" be reinscribed upon labor's banners.

It freed four million black slaves, and will free fifty millions under bondage to-day. Men who are strong and devise systems that enslave and rob the weak are civilized pirates, enemies of mankind, who defy their maker and too often commit their piratical deed beneath the banner of Christianity. The above is a fair sample of the way in which the monopolistic power of this country is conducting its war against freedom of speech. We are acquainted with the young man mentioned above, and know him to be one who can and dares do and say much to advocate the rights of the people, but as for saying anything worthy of such treatment we are safe in vouching for him. The arrest was not made as a particular check on Mr.

Vrooman, but as a direct stroke at freedom of speech. As the Tribune says, what are the people to do tor a place to gather and hear such public speaking as is of interest to them iu their vocation of labor bankers have heir meetings, railroads magnates have their secret sessions in which the most dibolical rhureday evening, box 823. Forced Donations. A few days ago an eminent divine of this citv rode out to the end of the IN WRITING to our Advertisers, al wayn nay you saw their Ad. in this paper cable line, where a great many labor GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, iiurlinirtori.

Iowa. ers are at work, tor the purpose of FARMERS BANK WINFIELD, KANSAS. raising funds for a church building J. A. Klcppisch, prop's.

One block North of the Union Deimt. In a inonl; Ijoriging, single rooms (iOc to $1.50 per day. Try the Grand central Instead of going to the men himself, telling them his mission and thank As blacfe as midnignt, witn eiectnc sparks emanating from it in showers, it was a fearful-looking thing, and my hah" stood on end as 1 looked at it. The spring was in a little hollow under a huge rock, and as the place was the only shelter within reach I threw myself down, hugging the ground like a good fellow. It seemed to me that it was all over in a minute.

1 heard an awful roar. The ground shook under me. Lurid streaks zigzagged in every direction, and then came the pattering of a pelting hail. "I rose to my feet and looked about me. I hardly knew the scene.

Absolutely nothing was left of my little cottage except the floor and underpinning. Even the chimneys were gone. I thought I heard a feeble cry in the shrubbery near where my front gate had stood. The shrubbery had been beaten down and lay perfectly flat in a tangled mass. Approaching the spot I was almost paralyzed to see naif hidden in the bushes a little child, apparently not more than 2 years old.

"Bringing up my friends with a shout, we picked up the little fellow. To our surprise he was alive and without a scratch. He laughed merrily, but spoke indistinctly. We asked his name repeatedly, and his reply always sounded something like Of course we supposed that he was the child of some neighbor. After putting the child to bed at a neighbor house my friend's wife came to me and said that the boy could not possibly be one of our Harris county folks.

His little frock was made of a peculiar material not used in those parts. There were no marks on his clothing. His dark face and bright black eyes had a foreign look, and nis baby jargon was not English. "Well, sir, I sent out runners and then advertised, and everybody came to see the boy. It was useless.

We never got the slightest clew to him. "The following summer I went to Mississippi. I took Tornado Tommy along for company. Our destination was a little village on the gulf. After our arrival I was very busy and allowed the boy to run about on the beach as he pleased.

Late one afternoon a tornado came along, just barely missing the village. It twisted up big trees and carried them out of sight Its course' was straight to the gulf, and the last seen of it was a. it wh.ried away over the waters1 All It had missed ns-t was thinking that the child might be frightened I hurried to the house where we were stopping. He was not there, and I was told that he had gone alone to the beach a couple of hours before. Then I was alarmed.

I rushed down to the water and searched and shouted like a madman. The poor little fellow was gone. The villagers all joined me, but we were soon forcetl to give up all hope. There was no doubt about it. The tornado had caught up the boy like a feather and carried him out to sea." fully receiving what each could afford NATIONAL HOTEL, liberal, Umbright, prop'r, Located near depot, in ei-ntral portion of the city.

Accommodations complete for entertainment of guests. If going to Liberal, order your mail 'care National to irive, he induced the contractor, the CAPS A 125,000. ASSOCIATE WORTH, 7 0 0,000. employer of the men, to go with him Together they nicnea trom tlie pov CITY HOTEL cor Htate A Mth B's CHICAGO. ILL.

erty stricken laborers one dollar each by terrorizing them with the fear unless thev each gave that amount One of the best located and managed Houses in the city. HKH'ial rates of $1.50 per day to Stuck Hhippers 'ars to Stock Yards pass the door. To parties visiting Chicago the City Hotel is but a few minutes ride from the business center. (hey would lose their job. One poor CORRESPONDENTS: First Nat.

Bank, N. Y. City, Bank Commerce and First National Bank, Kan. City. OFFICERS: Robert Kerr, Pros't, I Jno.

A. fiaston, V. Thoa. J. Eaton.

Cashier, i J.K.Balliet,AB'att:ash'r. man with a family ottered 25 cents, but the priest, accompanied by him upon whom the poor man was depend intj for a living, said that they took nothing less than a dollar. Most ot the men gave their consent and Saturday night the money wus taken from CONSUMPTION! CATARRH! ASTHMA! BRONCHITIS! SENT FREE A Boos that tells how to be i i at home, lt eon tains a full history of these diseases, and how Incur, them. Every BtiffiRH should read it. Over SO OOO sulterers have been successfully treated.

One oopy of this excellent book will lie sent free if you will semi for it enclose a jj.oont to pay postage. J. A. Hiiiwku. Arcadia.

I nd. NEW INSPIRATIONAL SONGS, BY C. P. LONG LEY their wages by the religious boss One poor man who had been out ot schemes are laid to extort money work tor several months, aua who is trom tlie people oy uisnonest ana un Mayor Harrison Coming to His Sens 35. Boon after the Anarchists trial Mayor Harrison was met by a reporter, who among; other quest ions, asked ''How he liked the verdict in the Anarchist case?" The mayor replied "Well, I don't care to talk about that.

We have punished the people who violated the law, and now it remains for us to cure the disease. There is a wide discontent among the working people there is no doubt about that. It can't be cured With bullets and' policeman's clubs. We have got to remove the cause That is the tisk that is before thinking men and lawmakers to-day. "There I uo doubt," continued the mayor, "that the working people have much reason to be discontented all over the country.

Legislation in the interest of big corporations and monopolies, and no law-making for the benefit of the laboring classes. That Is what makes laboring classes discontented. We must change all that, and legislatures must be elected who cannot he bought by the corporations, or what will happen? The people will rise up in mobs some day, and will have to be subdued with bullets, and that would' be the end of free government. I see by the newspapers that many of the foreign-horn people who have been in favor of violence are taking out naturalization papers, so that they can vote. That is a good move, and it shows that they are Beginning to understand the character of our institutions.

I think the conviction of the anarchists has taught a lesson which will do a great deal of good. The fact, that the socialists have concluded to avail themselves of the ballot shows that they realize that violence will not right the wrongs of the working people." in destitute refused Jbn principled means; me-'charcts havrr make a donation and received a scowl of the laboring and producing elasses without the united actiou of all laboring men. 2. We feel the necessity of prompt, honest, determined action at the ballot-box as the only peaceable solution of the independing crisis and iu order to avert a more desperate and sanguinary conflict and 3. We believe the alarming development and aggressiveness ot capital, unless checked, will inevitably lead to the pauperization and hopeless degradation ot the toiling masses.

4. We believe that by organiziug and directing the power of the industrial masses at the ballot-boxes, we can control the legislation of our country, 5. We believe that the selling of votes is just as crimimal as the buying of them, and hereby propose to use our utmost endeavors to prevent the same and hold strictly responsible every public servant who does not carry out these principles. There-tore llesolyed, 1. That we demand two new departments of Labor and Agriculture, with a cabinet position for each which shall give us a correct knowledge of the educational, moral and financial condition of the laboring classes.

2d, We demand the forfeiture and restoration of all lands, now held by corporations fraudulently, and that such land together with all public land be held and reserved for the actual settler, and that all lands now held for speculation be at their full value, also limitation in the ownership of land and no foreign ownership whatever. Sd, We demand government control of all lines of transportation, and the establishment of a postal telegraph system, said control to be obtained at the actual value and not at the watered value, thereby reducing freights and transportation to the actual cost in the same manner as our postal service. 4th, We demand a graduated income tax. 5th, We demand the repeal of the National Banking law. 6th, We demand full legal tender paper money be issued by the government in sufficient quantities to meet the demands of all kinds of legitimate business.

7th, We demand that the government be restricted to $100,000,000 reserve fund in the treasuryr, and that sub-treasuries be established in every state and territory in tire Union, who shall have the power to loan money to the citizens thereof, upon real security at a rate of interest not to exceed 3 per cent per annum no money to be loaned for speculative purposes. 9th, We demand that the government establish and maintain- schools in every state and territory of the Union for the purpose of educating young men and women to run our railroad, telegraph lines and postal service. from the boss and was discharged the their meetings au associa tions for self-protection but when the laboring men gather in a public park and listen to the kind of education that is next day. It is all right for the reli gious denominations to accept all the 22c Htm S5e SBe Heilll i I'll I Home of he Soil I Come in tin Ilcuitv, Angel of Light. 1 un Going to hm Home In Heaven We'll Know Our Own Loire's olden Chain Our Beautiful Home Over There The City Just Over the Hill The GoMsa Qfttet are Lsfl A jar financial aid the working people may of benefit to them, then the police are sent in to disburse.

willingly give them, but when anv church, seet or creed combines with tyranized capital or employers to ex tort and force men to give that which Two Lit le Shoes and Rtnglel of Hair. We'll all meet attain ill the Morning bMtd.Sftc Our Beautiful Home Above. 35c We're? Coming, Sister Mary (lathering. Flowers in Heaven 25c Cowardly That is going too far. Men who would not revalt arainst such usurpation of their rights as that, well, turn on the screws, there's a hereafter 'FRISSO LINE' THE GREAT a St.

Louis San Francisco THROUCH ROUTE -o Rolla, Springfield, Fort Smith, Columbus Wichita, Winfield, Colorado, New Mexico, California. In goinK through or from St. Louis be sure that your ticket reads via HE "FRISCO" and thereby secure all the comforts of travelling by Pullman Palace. Parlor ('hair and Drawing Room Cars. For information and Folders Address O.

W18HART, General Passenger Agent, Ht. Linuis, Mo. homesIWaLI IN KANSAS! ALONG THE LINE OP THE- should go to feed their hungry child ren, whenever a divine, either priest Who Sinirs Mv Child to Sleep? Oh Come, fbf My Poor Heart is Hreaking 25 or preacher, goes in partnership with onee it was only Sott nine Eves 2.c for tyrants and their tools, and don't let it escape your memory. the devil under the plea of building Tlie above songs are in Sheet Music. 8in gle copies 25 cents; 5 copies for $1.00.

We'll All Meet Again in the Moi ning Land! with port rait of Annie Lord up the kingdom of God Almighty, so sure is that cause forever doomed. Chamberbiln :15 et. C. Organizer. Address C.

PAY SON LONG LEY, 15 Indiana Place, Boston, Mass. Gould in Kansas Politics. Dr. Matron Endorsed. The Knights of Labor ot the Ninth District met in Council Bluffs last Wednesday evening and passed a resolution endorsing Dr.

Hatton for Congress. We hope the action of the Knights will have ureat weight in bringing According to the calculations made by a scientific writer lately, it requires a prodigious amount of vegetable matter to form a layer of coal, the estimate being that it would really take a million years to form a coal bed 100 feet thick, the United States have an area of between 300.000 and 400,000 square miles of coal fields, 100,000,000 tons of coal being mined from these fields in one year, or enough to run a ring around the earth at the equator five and one-half feet wide and five and one-half quantity being sufficient to supply the whole world for a period of to 2,000 years. THE SOUTHERN KANSAS ROAD The Gazette and to her "railrogue" organs copy articles from the Kansas City Journal against Anderson in the 13 A KAN8A8 ROAD- about a union ot the opposition in the A ml is thoroughly Identified with the 5th Kansas District, thinking their readers ignorant of the fact that Gould hrterests niiii prom. ol the State of Bjmsm sod it people, sad affcrdi its owns fifty-two per cent of the Journal ninth upon Dr. llattou, Let nothing stand in the way of a march to victory now over the Republican forces.

We hope this will end the career of the Republican candidate, Mr. Lvman pStrOM trtcilities iumjuuI lou by any line in Bsstorn anil Southern Ksrisag. A Iiucratlve Profession. who voted for Wall street instead of It KllllS Through A Severe Censure. J.

E. Wick, writes to the Tribune. "that the speech of Marion Todd, at the Indianopolis conference ought to be printed in letters of eternal light. That answer of the Governor of Iowa ought to be engraved in the grain of every mother, every wife, every sweetheart and sister in Iowa. Mothers, as you look into the sweet depths of innocence in the eye of your baby boy-promise him that you will teach him Iowa voted against the free coinage of silver, lest his constituents should get out of the grip of the Philistines.

Retire him and all of his kind. Let Trains them stay at home covered with defeat and dishonor for having betrayed their neighbors. Let their names go stock and controls the policy of that paper. When that paper was boycotted by organized labor for its intense hostility to the workingmen, some of the newsmen on Gould's Missouri Pacific road quit selling it, but were promptly informed that if they did not sell the Journal they must leave the trains altogether. Mr.

Anderson has now pending in the house postal committee a postal telegraph bill, w'aich is likely to be favorably reported and passed next December and to kill this bill is one of the many reasons why Gould is fighting Anderson. Anti-Monopolist A. T. Santa Fe RAILROAD. Land Explorers' Tickets-Land Explorers' Round-Trip Tickets to Kansas points, are on sale over the Atchison, Topeka Santa Fe Railroad, at nearly all ticket offices east of the Mississippi river.

These tickets are intended to accomodate those who wish to par-chase land or look for locations for business in Kansas. They are sold at greatly reduced rates, about one fare for the round trip from the starting point to Florence. Kansas. Extension tickets to points west of Florence may be had at Kansas City. Address, W.

F. WHITE, General Passenger Agent, Topeka Kansas. down with Arnold's, black as the to resent the insult ot that lying Re tomb dishonorable, dishonest, repu publican governor. diated. Iowa Tribune.

10th, We demand the abolition ot the contract system on national, state and municipal works, and the hiring out Daily between Kansas City ami Ola-lh Ottawa, Garnet, Iola, Humboldt, 'herry vale, Independence. infield, Wellington, Harper, Altiea. Kiowa, Medicine Lodge, also KailSM City and (Jhanute, Em porta Burlington, Gir-ard, Walnut ami Coffey ville. ACCOMODATION TRAINS run dally except Sunday between Kansas City, Olatlie, and Ottawa, of convict labor. 11th, We demand the prohibition of Look at the two hundred thousand mothers in Iowa to-day who are roasting ovet a hot fire to prepare the daily meal for toiling men; look at them in the fields gathering trom short the importation ot foreign cheap labor.

12th, We demand that corporations shall be compelled to pay their employes every week in lawful money. The Right Kind of a Suit. An important suit has been bugun byr the state of Missouri against those railroads which are violating the constitution and law of the state by entering into a pool tor the purpose 3f killing competition and extorting illegal money from the people. The The better majority of the journalists of New York feel humiliated and outraged by enterprises which make them pose untruthfully before the public as mendicants. The income of all the lawyers, clergymen, and other professional men in New York is less per capita than that of the average newspaper writer.

The young lawyer is luckyjif his first year of practice keeps his stomach filled and his body covered, but the callowest reporter is rated as worthless if he gets less than $15 per week from the outset. The clergyman is fortunate if his salary reaches $1,000 a year after half a lifetime of work, but the skilled newsgatherer expects from $2,000 to $4,000. The physician is regarded enviously by his fellows when His arduous practice yields $3,000, but an able writer of original matter for the press receives in this city at least that recompense and possibly twice as much. The days of bohemianism are over, and the feeling among New York journalists is strong now, even bitter, that the comparatively small elemen of bummerism should be kept out of sight instead of being exploited. As to the deserving men who die poor in the profession, they number relatively no more than in others.

Indianapolis News. President Cleveland has a queer wav crops a pittance to keep the children Blaine Not a Knight. The various rumors as to the from starving look at them bending Hon. 13th, We demand the enactment of ELDREDGE over the washtub; look at them yielding their life-blood to raise a generation of slaves to elect another drunken despot who will insult their mothers; look at them as they patch and darn, make and mend, churn and sew, to TIIKOl fll TICKKTN ran be painaaatd via this lino at any of the regular Coupon Stations ami your baggage cheeked through to des-tkmtiou, East, West, Nortii or South. PULLMAN SLEEPERS on all night trains.

IIOM K--H KEK Klttl ShnnUl nun anil examine the lands along this line before lo'iHiiiK elsewhere. Some of the finest Farming aiu! Oracing Lands in the world are to he found along the line of the Southern Kan-sas, ami by writing to head quartera and mentioning this itapor j-oa can procure much valuable information. Address. HYNES, General Passenger Ticket Agent. Lawrence, Kansas.

save what their toiling husbands bring to the humble home. See them James G. Blaine's membership in the order of the Knights of Labor have finally been set forest by the authority of the last resort, T. Powderly. But the noticeable feature of Mr.

Powderly's repudiation of Mr. Blaine's reported membership was the style in which he repudiated it. When asked if the report was true, Mr. Powderly said: "No; in heaven's name there have been enough bad things said about us without that. Let it rest there." Not ouly is Mr.

Blaine not a knight, but we judge be never wiil be so long as Mr. Powderly is a power in the executive board. JVew York Sun. struggle to pay taxes and interest see them toiliug with a mortgage amount paid out yearly to the pool roads and in rebates and subsides to favored shippers aggregates all of which comes from the people. In other words, the railroids of the state, by their poolings of issues, force the people of the state to pay per year mra thau the railroads justly earn.

The suit is the beginning of a struggle which is of vast importance to the people of the state and which should have but one ending the perfect control of the railroads by the state Springfield Leader. equal to two hundred million dollars like a millstone around their necks. Ah but. you ask, "What are the two hundred thousand million husbands laws compelling the arbitration of differences between employer and employee, and to enforce the award of such arbitration. 14th, We demand the prohibition by law of the employment of children under fifteen years of age, in work shops, mines and factories.

loth, we demand equal payment for equal labor regardless of sex. 16th, We detnaod the adoption by corporation of such measures as will provide for the health and safety of those engaged in manufacturing, mining and building industries, and for the indemnification of those engaged therein for injuries received through lack of necessary safe guards. 17, We demand the immediate payment of all debts due the government from subsidized corporations. 18th That in order to provide homes for, and ffive relief to the laboring classes, crowded and oppressed as they are, we demand that Congress shall provide the means at once by which the Oklahoma lands now virtually owned and controlled by the cattle syndicates of this and foreign countries of expressing his interest in a visitor. li he is pleased and is won over, he i TT A "PTnj mar tv mm nrx file at Ostv XXLXO I ArCdJX p.

how fll aoo'b Newspaper doing?" Voting for more shackels; where advert Ising Advertising mmin 10 Npnioe contract xuajr Ui uutOo fwr lt IN will stand with his hands behind his back and settle way back upon his heels. If he drops his hands to his AKW VOiitv. voting for the Cullom bill, (a nice looking corn-crib) with a commis side, you may be very certain that he is an attention, and is about to sret at the YHREE BOOKS! 'LOVE and DIVORCE," sioner trap-door in the bottom to let facts in the case. But once let him the corn of the people's rights leak iftl The most striking book of the age; out." bring his hands together in front of him, you may be very certain that the matter has been settled as far as he is Ml EVE OUT OP EDEN," Pointers. The capitalistic papers are stili using the most aggravating language possible in regard to the Anarchists, for the purpose of keeping the current of public opinion against them.

We are impressed with the idea that Well informed persons say that 52 per ceut of the stock ol Kansas City Journal is owned by Jay Gould, while Col. Van Horn and Iriends only control the ballanee 48 per cent. It is also stated that several letters written to that paper by Col. Van Horn while in Washington some time ago were is- The Kuights of Labor, twelve as concerned, and that a further audience is unnecessary. It is said that there JM semblies, met it convention on the 28th at Chattanooga, and nominated candidates for the state THE LEADING STRICTLY FIRST CLASS SEWING MACHINE OF THE WORLD.

HE ACKNOWLEDGED STANDARD OF FINISH AND COOD TASTE. OIMPLE, DURABLE AND UNLIMITED IN ITS RANGE OF WORK. AGENTS WANTED For Unoccupied Territory The greatest hit of the period: "A Glance Behind the Scene," The book that lifts the veil shows the wonders of Nature's world. These three tmoks are unlike any ever before published. Read them before you marry.

Exquisite, haste but plain and beautiful. They open the eyes that never were before opened, and tell what Toll never knew. Hent by mail. 10 cents ettch, or for 25 cents, in money or stamps- They are all nicely covered mid are worth five times the price asked. ft)4 Address.

Paor. J. A. HOU8KK, Arcadia. Ind.

senate, legislature, and three aldermen should they hang Parsons and comrades it will be the saddest ever known to the United States. bis a day For may be opened up to the occupancy of the poor people of this country. 19th, We demaud that all honorably for the city. This is the first action never has been an instance where the President brought his hands together in front of him but that he accomplished the gesture of an emphatic and decided negative. Anderson, of Kansas, and Anderson, ot Iowa may they both go to Congress to represent, the same issues.

of the kind taken by the order in the surpressed by the manager because they were too outspoken to suit Jay Gould's interest, and this of the organ of the republican party of Kansas City. Messenger. discharged soldiers and sailors of the life is only a secoud hell when the as sertion of our natural rights is a crimi ual offense. Equity. the south since its organization.

Hock Islander. U. S. who served during the war of the Rebellion be pensioned at the rate.

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