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Western Home Journal from Lawrence, Kansas • 2

Lawrence, Kansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-r a ins THE REPUBLICAN: LAWEENCE, KANSAS, DEC. 15, 1859. 4 4. -t EXPEJDITTJSES Ot DOUGLAS COUNTY. Death cf a Brave Han.

THE REPUBLICAN. a Report of Accounts allowed or tbe John Brown had all the elements and char tarnish the character of John Brown. During oar conversation, the martial music (where Gov. Wise was reviewing his army near the prison) made a great noise, and thinking it must annoy him I asked him if it did No," said the 15. JT Conger, witness, grand Jary.

IS, Roberta, petit Juror, 15. 1) Montague, petit Juror. 15. Banning, petit Juror, 15. Morgan, grand Juror, IS.

41eo Ford, witness, grand Inri" 15. Fuller. Mtii Small coliectiona have been made in the various department of the. natural sciences, and the aeveral committees on the came are expected to furnish favorable reports at the annual men inc. sxttTestics" of ft hero.

Calmly he counted the It. Menry Campbell, juror, 4 14. Mandell, juror and Jailor, ,6 50 14. Ward, Jr, constable, -16 65 15. Samuel Fry, witness, 4 25 Mar.

14. L. McA rthur, clerk's fsesDUt. Court, 353 46 IS. Jobnsoa, Juror, 15.

i4. I) Ladd, Justice of 1 1 30 14. care court bousa and jail, 60 75 14. Phlegur, Juror, 9 T.D.TIIACHER:.S.O.THACnER Jt tuterprkCkno.i.,s!tht lib diwn is dawning upon na. With our admission Iitto the Union eomes a great itifluk of the best Itted of imrjigranU.

Our admission id war at hand, we aiaccrely trust, Pro slatery Democracy will hartley dare keep na out. A Stati government will be tlie additiou of one-fifth to the ralua of your produce and farm, for a home market will immediately be Tours. In of. Supervisors or-JJoosia County, K.T., for the years ending Nov. 13, 1S39, and Nov.

14, .1859. 1858. amoral atios ko. 1. old man, it is inspiring might be required as the stike.

He set forth EDITORS AN PROPRIETORS. resolute and undaunted, lie failed. A tnoek Aud here, as I parted with mm, telling him I wonld see him again if possible, he repeated to me Tell those without that I am cheerful." My time was up and I was invited to Nov. 13, 1858. ir.

14. Prentice, constable, 6 40 14. Trentice. deputy sheriff, is 50 TERMS 41 per annum, or 19 copies for 15 tri -A was coiicln led with the seiittncc death. To Warrants against connty.

tssuea from Tlie Executive Committee haa also been laboring in various ways to promote the interests of the Society, that will appear in their first re port. In every respect the Society has been more successful than was anticipated at the payable invariably In Uvaser. 4,835 IS Oct. 34, 1H37, to nov. At tin? bar, when Baked whv the fstl sentence leave.

I went to a hotel, where, with great Aprils. itch, Juror, 4 5. Johnson, Juror, 7 S. Heywood, juror, 4 "5. Geo Roe, 6 Cr.

To whom Ututd and for wAat. 1 la. kpicer, eonsUWc, ik 15. Abbott, petit Juror, i -15. Crack Im, watching Uu; 15.

RO Elliott, etlt Juror, 15. A Cutler, petit Juror, 15. Ridenoui Bator, brooms, ejf jail aad court keuaa, 15. Warren, clerk grand J0V1 1 15. John Barrett, bailiff, DiatrH-ir1' 1 acting eorontrT4 16.

Dunn, grand Juror, (jg difficulty, I obtained some refreshment. See Hit. J8M. the mean time console yourselves with the reflection that your lot is no woise end not as Am. Knann Co.

Or P. Wood. jno JnO. tn wrappers, rcsdy for raiding, for sale at ib office. "AovIU not pasavd upon turn, ti Pronounced Pr.UnJr.

Uh which, for sublimity and l.rna ap- iwi ing that I was the object of many little attentions I did not 4-elieu. I asked tlie landlord to i S. Samuel Smith, 4 50 i 3 SO ror ooo, seais, Jno P. Wand, rent of Co. but dim, S37 50 organization.

Ite principal obstacle uey hud even aod tens of thouivinds Jan. 11 peal, ha not been X'-eiifi Vmce Faal sprke Mar. have thus far eucounttreJ, has beeu the delia-4 ey.tuveuav mgai oi wee accompany me to the house-of a Mr. Brown, to 16. Henry BarrfcklowX'o.

CemmUaioa'r, 7050 18. M. F. Uavls S5 0 IA lui.h Millar. 4S k.

i. k. btfore Hi borne back 5. a 1-ewL, 4 S. CCradit.

7 5. Stillwell, 6 whom 1 had letters, lie introduced me ti a 5. Wm Aettleton, 6 20 gentleman through whose assistence I found the ton of Mr Brown on guard at the Court House, iii the other sstern States and communities. Tronliles in the South United States Officers Prosecuting the People Thiy arc after the Extraor quency of prospective members in. forwarding their initation fees.

Some of the packages received l-y express bare Leen attended i with "ore, 17. M. F. Davis, 0. M.

F. Davis, was CO. Jmlak Miller. 175 S. liasr (' King Agrippe, was to SubserioeTs reveivisg their papers with the above; bi cell with the tffcrtnit.f ht a rpeetlv death taw uppmitti their name, wiil know that their 1 ihserHAion tupirf wRa ih tBiuiPg number.

waited him, Ummg tht tew days ir- gir.iti tliir-! let hi ta livo ca crth. he, with Thursday Mornis, December 15, 1S59. i vw-i utterly mws to ii.6 cwtch Afecemuer ID, iSOa. to u.e cmtci, 5. Hutchinson, witness, 2 50 and through him I was introduced to Air.

ueo. 15. O'Donnalt, petit Juror, CO. Salmon S-'k B'd Snperv'ors, 35 35 9. Jobs 1 00, prosecuting attorney.

75 viiu, rrrcuiaa, pent lumr heavy churges, and money is therefore the chief 23. Samuel Walker, sheriff, 218 701 16. Fuller. Mtit lumr. 13.

Monroe, where 1 oomnea quarters tor tne ni slit, after haviiic. with some difficulty, quieted dinary ItHpacitr xu. saraaet iroaruiug ou 6. Jno. P.Wood, boas rent, fuel, 900 86.

Jno. P. Wood, President of Board, wond and water, 10H 30 SS. John A Baillie, grand Juror, it 23. Grovenor, Juror, 8 r.

tl.m.tiiLttr ucce. in thia. aa well as all othw wretches who so tblwtea Tot Hi Wood, prepared Em RttCTUe" Ibeto nte fe llaea safat the fears of his good wife, who declared that no Abolitionist should sleep in her bouse. Randall, witness, grand Jary, 125 23. Wm Pecbalker, '123 16.

Reynolds, pntit juror, 16. Wm Yates, grand 16. Warren, grand juror, 16. Barber, grand Jo ror, 16. RDMchols, petit juror, .16.

McCurdy, grand Juror. for Lis impending doom. Hit letters and ccn- "spa-ting the present state affairs ha por The DifTereics. July S3. W.

I. R. Blackman, desks and table, 60 31. F. M.

Haioltiue, road commissioner, 16 Aug. 8. Wm. Hnry. guarding prisoners, 10 When satisfied, however, that I was really harmless, she received and entertained me with 23.

Legate, grand juror, 8 IX, our realjc the tne year vem.ticn how th utmost self reliance and Uoa of the Ml L5lin aaJ Lykius. Our 23. Pauf, witness. District Court, 1 25 eountrv has been thrown into rather sedden, true hospitality. I was told that I not be 23.

1 Foote. In ror. ha wrought in oar u.icst We mean the i delibemtion. Noi once doe repcut or re alarmed if I was arrested during tne night, aa 23. Justice, witness, grand Jury," 2 09 23.

Sullivan, 1 25 The annual meeting provided for in the Constitution will be held at this place 6n Thursday, the 19th proximo, when addresses are expected, from Hon. S. A. Kingman and Hon. Lawrence D- Bailey.

WM. HUTCHINSON, Cor. Secr'y S. II. S.

K. 23. I Blackman. grand Juror, 12 10. iaratn Mams, boarding- luaaUr i 1 O'Donnall, Srand jarv 16.

Morrow, witness, grand lurrr 1 16. Wilber, petit Juror, 1 16. Tavlor. illegal tar I might be, for I would be perfectly Bate in the bauds of the soldiers, while I might not be alone 2. A.

L. vv. sunord, county attorney, SOs 3. Samuel Walker, Uerifl, 49 54 3. A.

Z. Sheldon, surveying road, 4 50 3. H. F. Parker, road couimissiuoer, 10 3.

A. 1). Senrl, Ac, 79 3. R. McFarland, 10 3.

J. B. Spencer, 10 A. D. Searl, i iu the crowd.

23. Johnson, 1960 23. A Emerson, 12 e0 23. Wm Avery, I9 60 yet extensive state of excitement, in consequence of tiie notions of the Grand Jury, acting in and for tlie Uuited States Court, for the 3d Judicial District, in this Territory. About four or five hundred indictment hare been found in the counties of Linn and Ljkiiis.

I wished much to see Brown again, and ex act change in the espenae vf Flvsar nseu tt sell iu Kansas City about cue half dollar less upon the sack th in it did fevre. The tame re Ution as vtrVed ia corn meal, and, in fact, vervthiug we tte. Nuir the ea.e is jast revet sed. flour one halt' dollar lest upon the sacli hcte than it iocs it Kansas City, and the sams di'-rence is to be noticed iu every Dressed a wish to stay in his cell all night, but 23. M.

Spittle, i 23. Disbrow. E0 they assured me my wish, even, was Known, 23. A Coombs, 19 CO 23. John Mack.

1220 Meeting of the Settlers on the Miami IS. Tbacher Co, prinTg tax mI To amount appropriated for tbe bit. of Books for the District aad I might not oe saie ana in accordance with 4. 14. 14.

16. SO. SO. Indiau liSBfls. 23.

Wm Graham. SO the advice of these friends, I left in the morn- gi-fct av.Uon. An approving conscience and publime trust iu God sustained and consoled hus. K'lthiiig enn be fuuud in hiatory out rivaling his mnrvelocs composure in parting with his ft finrerter a nnttire of extraordinary teiidcrneii and affection, he kept a'l its gushing fountains Mill beneath the weight of his rocky will. At night, after day's work, he hs himself down and ch-eps as quietly as cn iufm t.

Iu bidding ade'tu t) his fellow prisoners, he chides, iu ului tone, poor Cook for the misstatements which his desire for Hie Tho. Oliver, 13 Goo. F. Earl, deputy sheriff, 139 35 K. Jiute, chairs.

34 Wm. A. Shrojer, mattrasses for jail, 35 8S K. Scoutcn, acting corroner, 24 33 75 J. C.

murdered men, 11 50 Jos. J. Boyer, grani juror, li K. li. Nichols, petit juror Uist.

Court, 11 CO 83. DWScoutea, 19 60 At a public meeting of the citizens of Linn ins train for Harper Ferry. On the train I S3. HornsbT. 12 met Gov.

Wise. In a previous conversation 23. Eddy, wltnoss, grand Jury. 2 65 Sept. 3.

county the following preamble and resolutions 23. Wm Hazeltine. petit Juror, 13 80 1 We were somewhat suddenly supprised at this unheard of and unparalelled case, and it is probably without a precedent in the history or these Uuited States. I will attempt to give you iu a few words the cause ot these indictments 1. During the settlement of our Territory, this southern portion had some good lands, tim Oct.

82. Howes, grand Juror, 1 97 with me the evening before, he had asked me whether John Brown was considered an insane man when he resided in Pennsylvania. I said were publicly read aud unanimously adipted Preamble. r.w.Keaa.trr. luroroee'inrr.

lury, 21 ('has Wrhrht and D.Vuncil.r'd com'rs, 44 May 7. John A Beam, grand Juror, 14 7. Prentice, deputy sheriff, 44 7. Spicer, bailiff, 16 S25. 28.

26. 2 that he wss thought to be sane and honest. In inos. waiion, roaa commissioner 1). G.

Peabodv, road surveyor. thing cia necessary for family to live upon, we of eeurss groceiies. Corn meal is worth one dollar per hundred purds ttre, and one tloliar fifty cents there. Uesides, the flour we jvb here is a fur better article than that we used to import, io, too, of our ia meal, Hour, prk and beef. We think the advantages conferred upon us the cars I asked the Governor if he would com C.Wrifrht and 1).

Vancil, road comr's. Resolved, That as law abiding citizens, we deem it a duty to call together our neighbors to kuow whether we shall be ruined by vexatious afid unjust law suits brought in our Federal Courts under pretended sympathy for the mute the sentence of Mr. Brown. He said 42 22 50 20 20 MdroTrnUuVer -k, 1859. 1 Alar.

IS. Wilmarth, books, ete, U. I 14. Caleb Pratt, cask paid for book. furniture, ele, 23.

A Hancock, furniture, 1 June 21. Caleb Pratt, cash paid for sseatai I rolls, etc, T0U1 .5,1 AmtoraiaTiow mo. 8. school rex. See School Superintcndout' report.

2 ber, and springs of water tlie early emigrants le i him to make w-Lile to the other prisoners he speak woids of cheer mid hope. Ou his way to tiie scaffold he converges witk tiie jailor 54 50 Miami Indians. i Resolved, That under existing circumstances I dare commute the sentence of Brown and the citizens of Virginia would acquiesce, but I will not do it. Why, John Brown never asked to be pardoned." And I doubt whether he would ask, if be knew the asking would obtain it. He said that he would rather pardon Brown 28.

2. C. Wriirht, 23. Samuel B. Stevens, 26.

J. T. Gordon, boarding prisoners, -26. John Ood, worth, assessment rolls, 26. Geo.

F. Karl, deputy sheriff, 26. Allen Gilmore, locks, dec, for Jail, and Jury box, 26. A. D.

surveying, (J. H. Land's trial.) finding so fine a country unoccupied, made improvements upon them with a view of making permanent locations and of pre empting them this was the intention, nothing less or more-tut some time during the Spring of 1857 the 7. Geo carl, deputy enenn, 41 7. Samuel Walker, sheriff, 201 70 7.

Huzzey, petit Juror, 24 7. A A Faxon, witness, "3 04 7. Swift, petit Juror, 0e0 7. Baillie, witness, grand jury, 1 SS 7. Lowe, petit juror, 16 40 7.

Legate, witness, grand jury, 1 25 A Wheadon, witness, errand Jury, 2 7. Thos Kd gallon, petit Juror, 6 70 7. Simmons, potit Juror, 22 '''7. 3 Fuller, petit Juror, '26 7. Morrow, peiit Juror, 4 7.

I. Hoover, petit Juror and witness, 12 92 7. Wm Baldwin, witness, grand Jury, 1 25 and the surrounding country by Messrs. Blood and hi coSm-nuker as unconcernedly as though it is our duty to take immediate aud prompt 16 27 47 39 Kimball Mills, are not thought of as much steps for our protection, ana to prevent tne ru mous consequences that wiu accrue to uus por he was a spectator. His eye falls admiiingly upon the beauty of the natural scenrry, and he fails not to call his attendants attcution to it.

MO. arraoraiATioa tion of our" Territory if the action of the pres- as they should be. They have laid out a large amount of money ia gettirg their mills in first -SaiDGS tt than Cook, but would pardon neither. I asked the Governor if Brown's friends could have his body after his death. He answered The surgeons H30 kesota.

I May 23, 139. 13 To amount appropriated for said end. I eut Grand Jury of the Uuited States Court for the 3d Judicial District is fully sustained. Lyman Allen, grand juror, P. Hutchinson, Paul, guaiding prisoners.

E.W. Bennett, assessor.Washgl'n tp. 17 50 1 7. John Pratt, witness, grand jury, 125 40 SO 26. 26.

26. 20. 26. 27. 27.

27. li. S. Lowman, pros, attorney will claim his body." I said to the Governor that in my opinion Brown was a monomaniac and as crazy on the subject of slavery as Gen-it Smith. He said men of that kind of insanitv Oct.

17. By Fore ber, Eudora bridge, Resolved, That as good citizens, we wish to abide by. the laws of our country and our God but we believe that the action of the 7. Ravmond, petit juror, 4 7- Mathews, petit Juror, 22 7. Conwav, errand and petit Juror, 24 Jno.

Johnston, assessor, Lecomp'n 50 Guorite F. Earl, deputy sheriff, dec, 39 30 class order not less, we estimate, than He, En-t of mounts the scaffold, the ig-000. Their flour has to superior, and Kansas i nominy of which has been half removed by his wheit is the kind from which good flour is death upon it. Pinioned and blindfolded, with nude. We are informed that these etiterpris the fatal noose around his neck, he it asked by gentleniMJ contemplate still further enlarge- the Sheriff to let fall from his hand a pocket-ment and improvements.

Such meu are a brn handkerchief whenever he was leady. "No, tt to the community. They put money inti sir I am always itaily," was the hero's re Sthrej Miami Indians ran their portion of land known as head rights, and also their remainder of Reservation, in such a way as to inelude about 37 thousand acres of land, a great portion of which was improved by valuable improvements and settlements; this caused some anxiety amongst tlie settlers, and not knowing what to do, they apjiointed a committee to wait upon the Governor of the Territory al that time, viz Robert J. Walker. Their greviances were laid before ArraoraiiTioji wo.

10 bsjdgx on wari-. Mav 23, 1859. 7. Whitley, witness, 8 50 Jas. F.

Walker, constable aud clerk ouirht to be hanged." Grand Jury, If maintained, will deprive us of our liberty, our peace, our prosperity, and of election, 3jiu 27. C. H. Ward, witness, grand Jury. 125 A very intelligent Virginia gentleman, a Mr 7.

Harrington, petit juror 6 7. Prentice, care of court house, 10S 7. Jonathan Oldham, petit luror. 16 Brown, asked me what I wished to do with will be ruinous to our country at large. Resolved, That we will not submit to the 27.

J. T. Starr, judge and el'k ol election, 10 27. H. Leis.

clerk of election, 4 7. Prentice, jailor, 8 70 Brown's body. I told him it wonld belong to 7. Martin, petit Juror, 17 27. J.

G. Snnds, witness, irrand Jury, 125 TO appropriated for bridge abova BlantaaV on Wakaruaa, near Evans's. i S3 1659. June 7. Building Committee, Wakrosa brtdp, ArraoraiATioit wo.

11 bridge at TATtscaosiix service of writs, nor permit persons to be taken his wile but if his friends would not claim it, 7. Prentice, jailor, 1 70 27. W. A. Davis, 1 25 from our under any process connected I would, if they gave it to me, and bury it in 7.

Hiisouc 27. W.W.WnodrutT, 1 25 Tei every man's pocket tliey are the true pro- i spouse. How like Paul's Fcr I am now ready j. to be offered. I have fought the good fight I Farmers living at a distance can always Ci.d lie finished my couise I hive kept the faith Robert Morrow, petit juror, 16 rov own burying ground.

lie remarked that it 27. Josiah Miller, 2 50 27. Jacob Branson, petit joror, 12 20 that gentleman, and after hearing them, he 7. Wm Pechalker. witness, xrand jurv.

110 would be used for a different purpose if th 7. Morgan, grand juror, 14 40 I 8400. gave them a written statement under bis own North should get it that Massachusetts would Hc Hoi Jail 7. Raymond, petit Juror, 18 7. Frank Lahay, witness.

grand Jury, 125 2-. G. W. Deitzler, 10 27. S.

O. Hemmenway, inspee. election, 2 87. A. C.

W. SatTord, pros, attorney, 352 50 37. Allen dt Gtlmore, locks, for jail. take the head, and other northern States other parts of the body, and each would erect over its ArraoraiATiow wo. 12.

bridge ox wax ucom rrow am clikto roab. with the settlement upon the Indian Lands, or for cutting or taking timber therefrom. Resolved, That as no good or any pecuniary benefit can or ever wilt arise to the Miami ludians from these law suits, that we pledge to stand by and support each other in opposing these ruinous aud vexatious litigations under the pretence of law suits. JOHN MUGGINS, Chairman. P.

F. Palmer, Secretary. if erf portion a monument liuhcr than liunker tlill. Nov. hand, That nothing should disturb them from their improvements till they could obtain their homes on just aud equitable terms." Such was the encouragement received at that time.

The Governor also wrote a letter to the Secretary Dr. 8100. 7. 7. 7.

7. T. 7. Mandell. petit juror, 14 Prentice, deputy sheriff, 20 Prentice, jailor, 5 40 Wm Soule, petit juror.

2120 Simmons, witness, grand jury, I 25 Sarcoxy, witness, grand jury, 8 35 I would say that I saw all the other prisoners Sot used aits ana jury box. 8 4. O. Wilmarth, stationery, 29 91 4. C.

H. Ward, constable, 41 20 4. Jos. Cracklin, 29 S5 4. E.

1). had witness, grand Jury, 1 25 bivf i tuvij a good market here for their wheat and In tha whole of John Brown's acts, sayings or can have it transformed into flour and meal nd writings since the commencement of his at the shortest uotice. At no place can goods uufortunute exi'tdition, he has evinced the be bought lower and on more favorable terms. brave, true man. Upon all, friend and foe, he Of course, you will consult tlie advertising col-! impressed himself as a truth ful man.

No one umns of the Rm'sucvs to learn who are those of the blood-thirsty gang that swarmed around merchants who sell lowest and moat reasonable, his prison ever questioned, after onee having We urge farmers and those wishing to buy heard and seen him, his truthfulnet. This ftores of goods, and who da not buy at St. gives to his utterances great force and weight. Iiuis er Xcw York, to cone to Lawrence. The inhuman slanders tha his enemies here Recapitulation.

I T. Prentice, witness, grand Jury, 2 50 of the Interior, informing him of our difficul 7. 7. I To amount assessed upon the taxable property of Douglas County, at the annual ties. What answer was made I never knew meeting, bold ov.

13,1858, lllfcrn To amount received from other source, except Steveus, who was in Brown's cell, but I was so much occupied with Brown that I did not even observe him. Cook is quite young and prepossessing in his appearance. Mr. Brown is a member of the old school Presbyterian Church, and a decidedly religious man, though he strictly and sternly refuses to be aided in his prayers by the pro-slavery divines of Virginia. Oue of these gentlemen, in conversation with mc, said that he had called R.

T. Mockabee, (MeOabe,) cl'k elec'n, 2 John Doy. judge of election, 6 J. T. Gordon, boarding prisoners, 21 50 T.

L. Whitney, petit Juror, 10 Aaron T. Jones, constable, 310 Samuel Walker, sheriff, 169 79 L. Mandell, turnkey, ic. 128 60 T.

II. judge elect'n, t-t S. N. Wood, Justice of peace, 153 20 Phlea-ar, witness, grand jury, 8 50 Kldridge House, boardinar prisoners, 45 SO Simmons, petit and grand juror, 24 Bronson, petit juror, 6 Kennedy, witness, grand Jury, 1 85 3aker Guest, grand Juror, 12 40 Leonard Evans, grand juror, 13 80 May 14. A Visit to John Brown by an Old Friend.

From the Erie Penu.) True American. Soon after the Harper's Ferry invasion, it ws rumored among us that its leader, John Brown, was the same Mr. Brown who, some But a short time after this, the Land Office at Lecompton was opened for pre-emption upon the Miami Iudian Lands a large number of settlers complied with tlie requirements of the ft1' 14. 14. 23.

A Suicer, constable, luoo tsy accounts allowed under Appropriatine i gecf in Kansas circulated concerning him, afhr he was safe in prison, not befort, he said he was A A Ffcxon. petit juror, 8 90 23. D. G. Peabody, surveyor, 10 Tit 83.

David Jones, petit juror, 13 t4 ro. lor expenses oi we years IW-g, not provided for by previous Board, tUSi Ditto Appropriation 3, for General 4SH Do. Appropriation 3, Judicial Expenses, 4x3, Oliver Barber, supervisor, 39 E. D. Ladd, justice of peace, 60 J.

T. Starr, supervisor, C3 R. Morrow, judge of election. 8 G. F.

Merriam, wituess, errand Jury, 3 70 twenty-five vears ago, resided in Crawford coun- ty, Peun, soon became pursuaded that the rumor was correct, and that, instead of the 6. H. e. e. H.

8. H. e. 13. 13.

13. 13. pre emption law, and filed declaratory statements," and they received certificates of file from the office at Lecompton scores of them are in the hands of tlie settlers upon this so stranger I had supposed, he was an old and on Brown to pray with him. He said Brown asked it he was ready to fight if necessity required it, for the freedom of the slave. Oa his answering in the negative, Brown said that he would thank him to retire from bis cell, that his prayers would be an abomination to his God.

To another clergyman he said that he would not insult his God by bowing down with any C. W. Babcock, witness, grand Jury, 1 SS iso. a ppropria -a Jivvenue ana ciee a CXfk, 21! Do. A ppropriatioa Contingent Expenses, 3r.

Do. A pp. 7, (special.) Booksand ami tare, ns.1 Ho. Appropriation Brida-e at Eadora, mi Do. A pp.

10, Bridge at Evans's, on Wakarasa, Set From the immense stocks of our merchants you enn i the choicest and most varied selections. We urge you to try them. We believe they sell good3 just as low as they can be boht at any river town. Our rents are coth-iug comparatively our taxes a sor.g, compared to those the merchants of Kansas City and LeaeuwovtU are compelled to pay. Everything has changed during the past year.

There is no town in Kansas where a man can live us cheap as in Lawrence. Try us, one and all. willing to leave to time and posterity to refute. He was conscious that most of them were the inventions of one whose notorious character at once rubbed his pea of its venom, aud Lin utterances, however vile, of credence. Not many men, when tradurcd and viliified, can calmly abide until the time when their characters shall 1 I Did orf E.

W. liennett, petit Juror, clerk and Judge of election, 21 23. libev, petit Juror, 10 23. Mandell, petit Juror, 13 -23. Livineston, petit juror, 8 23.

Blackford, petit Juror, 22 23. Purington, petit juror. 50 S3. Steams, witness, grand Jury, 125 23. Paul Brooks, grand juror.

12 23. Robert McFurland, grand juror, 12 CO 23. John Wilder, petit Juror, .18 23. Prentice, witness, grand Jury, 1 85 23. Hush O'Xeil, petit Juror, 12 40 23.

John Coe, witness, grand jury, 2 50 23. Hancock, witness and juror, 5 20 June21. Prentice, care court bouse and jail, 1017 called Reservation. But time sped on, and orders came from the General Land Office to I). C.

Housh, witness, justice's court, 5 40 i t1 K. ii. scudder, supervisor, and clcrit of election. 29 R. 8.

Proutr. clerk b'd of supervisors, 1170 13. one ho had the blood of the slave upon bis skirts. 13. S.

N. Wood. Justice of neace. 17 30 stop mil pre emptiotis upon Miami Lands. They closed upon these lands.

In the Spring of 1853 a committee of the settlers waited upon Governor Denver at his office, at Lecompton, i ilh bu 200 stand redeemed from the stain of the slander's touch. None but brave men can do it. And su.h a man was John Crown. I omitted above to say that Gov. Wise told me that there was one condition on which he 24 XoU.

Tn addition the above 94JSJ 11 amount of aeeonnts allowed before the past commenced.) there appears oa the joaraal of at Board of Commissioners, accounts allowed by Board at JliUJ No accounts of orders isarued prior to 0a 8, 1857, having been kept by said Board ef Ctaa, sioners, said orders must be presented to the iaei ould surrender General Brown which was The Southern Troubles. 30 21 4 12 to know what they should do. Gov. Denver i COB: 13. Bissell, clerk of election, 13.

Georgn Ford, supervisor, 13. S. B. Ramsey 13. L.

Woodard, 13 L. J. Worden, judge of election, 13. K. S.

Bassctt, grand Juror, 13, J. F. Clark, witness, (rraod Jury, 13. E. Ladd, Justice of peace, 13.

C. S. Pratt, e'lk b'd supervisors. In all the elements cf a great and noble man that I should deliver up to him General Sympathy for execution in his stead. The Governor and "the -citizen are evidently more afraid of tha latter than of the former." 125 370 eo of Supervisors for examination a do approval.

A mount of accounts on Ole, not audited, t-yfise 21. FTwIss, juror, 14 21. Prentice, care court bouse and Jail, 13 83 21. Fitz, Juror, 4 .21. Eli Huddleston, witness, grand jury, 125 21.

Thos Hopkins, frrand juror, 19 81. Williams, witness, 3 81. Abbott, grand juror, 12 21. Wm Warriker, petit Juror, 10 July 23. Smith, witness, 2 50 Nov.

15. LA Pre ther, grand juror, 1060 IS. Sam Walker, sheriff, 30 13 IS. Sara Walker, summoning jurors, 3 90 499 0d much respected mend. As soon as 1 via convinced of this, I felt that it was due to the old man and to my old friendship fcr him, to visit him in his prison, and bear to him the salutations of his old neighbors in Northwestern Pennsylvania.

I have just returned having seen the misguided but honest old man, and brought a message from him. It is this given to me aa the door was between us Say to those without, I am cheerful." With my promise thus fulfilled to Mr. Brown, 1 might stop, but as many are inquiring- of me the circumstances of bit visit as it was itself so full of unusual incident, and as everything in connection with what fill go down to posterity aa one of the most marked events cf our country's history, is of interest to all intelligent people, I will narrate as accurately as possible what I saw in the Old Commonwealth of Virginia. I obtained, before leaving, a letter from the Adjutant General of our State, and was well armed in addition with letters to Gov, Wise, Senator Mason, Andrew Hunter, Col. Washington and others, from friends in Philadelphia and I also asked Gov.

Wise why the wife of told him it was the policy or intention of the General Government to purchase all the surplus Indian Lands, or what was called Reservations, and at the same time refered us to bis report, via The report of the Commissioners of Indian affairs for the year 1857," and upon page third, in said report, are these words "The title of these ludians was thus extin Total, 81,85512 byl John Brown, who came all the way fiom her northern home as far as Baltimore, returned hood, the bero of Osawatomie was rich. He met his death without a quiver; never once quailing, though su! rounded by double and triple rows of glittering bayonets and loaded muskets' -The memory of John Brows is imperishable. The names of Wise and the petty dignitaries who put him to death will onlj be mentioned in history because they were his executioners. We may not praise the wisdom of the old hero's From a letter in another column, it will be seen that serious difficulty threatens parts of the counties of Lvkins and Linn. It arises, so far as we are able to judge, from the desire of the U.

officials to make fees out of the poor, bard working settlers. Doubtless these tlemen luve bled pretty freely ia trying to make Kansas a Democratic State but we submit it is hardly right to tax the settlers to reimburse them for their wasted expenditures. 1850. arraoraMTioM ko. 2.

ceesac expenses. without seeinz her husband. He replied that 1 hereby certify that th above fa a tree ifU th accounts allowed by the Board of Supervui' Douglas County, Kansas Territory, for ttas ysa ending Sot. 13. 1853, and Nov.

14, 1859. Witness my hand this 21st day or ie59. CALEB 8. PaAIT, CoaatyCtex, Report accepted bv tbe Board. Attest: CALEB PRATT, Ckit Kcv.

13, 1858 in this Brown acted heroically, sending a message to ber to implore her not to come. There spe guished to all the lands owned and claimed bj them, except such portions as were reserved for To amount appropriated for the payment of tho General Expenses of the county Jt'j are traits iu lirown cnaracter mat wring admiration from tho heart of the Governor, even for the current year, 15. Prentice, jailor, 5 75 15. A Curtiss. prosecuting attorney, 5 15.

Tbacher. Juror, 18 15. Conger, Juror, justice's court, 8 70 13. Twiss, Juror, 8 15. VV Spicer, Constable, 6235 15.

Smith, petit Juror, 3 20 15. Hutchinson, petit juror, 16 15. Mack, petit Juror, 19 60 in suite of himself. Yet Virginia will have the 1W. Dec their future homes." Toe Qliamies having received (every individual in the Nation) their per capita tight, believed from their own treaty, and from the above wotds of the Hon.

Commissioners, that the settlers did not tresspass up Slrlngham dt Sleeper, signs. blood of its victims, for public opinion there de exploit; it wu needless and unw'sc, yet, so long as we love virtue and admire heroism, so long 16 Allen dt Gilmore, stoves, The Election. Returns reach us provoking! aksy Jcf Cr. 815 2 6 9 45 57 There was no necessity cf their engaging in the business, fur we warned them that it wtuldn't 1 i a Ins am bis obedience to bia conviction 3 16. 'f Sternberg, stationery, 14.

Ramsey, supervisor, 16. Umbarger, 14 t. 16. wight Tbacher, printing. Baltimore.

I was informed tor the mat time on any tndividowl Indian right. This caused the settlers to still continue and Improve their of duty, and his brave and dauntless bearing. mands the luxury, expensive though it be. My memory to names and dates is not With this caution to Brown's histori an, I give the ge of Mr. Brown aa betweeu fifty-nine and sixty, or as he said "If I live until the of May next, which is not at all when 1 reached Philadelphia, that all northerners, who had been identified as friends of Brown, homes.

But in the Spring of this present year a notice was published in the Kansas Nation 1859, Jan. had been warned from the State, and that the 17. Starr, supervisor, 84 eountrv about Charles tow a was under martial they are all right as far as received. The vat was far lighter than it ought to have bees, a deed wonld hare been, had it not bees for bitter cold weather that preceded and seew panied the day of election. The Atchison district makes a clean Erwii can sweep, electing our worthy friend sad tra man, Jno.

A. Martin, of the Classen, to 4t law, and I was strcngly warned not to venture al Democrat," of the opening of the office upon Miami Lands, stating that all the lands in the Miami cession not embraced in said list have be turned over to the General Land Office aa nart of the public domain." Many of the The oppression of these poor settlers upon the so-called Miami lands, after being assured time and again by the government officials that tliey should be protected and their settlements respected, equa's anything of the kind the bitter experience of Kan3ae has yet witnessed. We beg of these gentlemen to pause in their course. Matters are just getting settled down here quiet anv further on mv iournev. On Fridav even ini ci Decency the Best Policy.

Before the election we advised the Democracy to cease their scurrilous falsehoods concerning Judge Conway. But our advice was unheeded. Up to the hour of voting, the most indecent and wretched fabnbations were shame probable, I will be sixty years of age." He married for his first wife the daughter of Christopher Clow, (I think) who haa friends yet living near Sewickiy, Beaver county. and the maiden name of his present wife, whom he married in Crawford county, was Day. He came to Pennsylvania early in 1629, and left iu ing hist, when I reached Baltimore, the excite ment was at fever heat.

I was advised not to 15. Hill, petit juror, ia IS. Wilder, petit Juror, 8 15. A Mallory. grand Juror, 10 15.

A A Pptcer, juror, justice's court, 1 SO 15. Swibler, witness, grand jury, 1 20 15. Wm Mania, petit juror, 13 15. Leibey, petit juror. .16 15.

Abbott, grand juror, 12 15. George Burt, petit juror, .18 15. Spittle, petit juror, 18 15. Morrow, grand juror, 10 15. Bronson, petit juror, 16 15.

A Wilber, grand juror, 10 20 15. Haas, grand juror, 11 SO 15. Charles Hoyt, wituess, grand jury, 3 50 15. Jacobs, witness, grand jury, 2 60 15. Oscar Richards, witness, grand jury, 8 15.

Spicer, witness, grand jury, 9 15. Helen Richards, witness, grand Jury, 3 15. Pratt, witness, grand jury, 1 15. Sampson, grand Juror, 10 15. I Black man.

grand juror, 10 15. Mandell. petit juror, 153 IS. O'Donnall, petit Juror, 6 17 15. Mary Henry, witness, grand Jary, 8 settlers upon what was cauea tne iteserve, wen) to the Land Office at Lecompton and pre empt- go to Virginia that evening nor the next day, and I waited until Monday.

I was shown a private letter from Gov. Wise, by a gentleman Senate. Friend Martin will accept ear gratulations. If, however, he bat neigfin Chase's rooster, we advise him to surrender a- ed their lands while others Hied upon them, and have certificates of file in their possession. Yet in spite of all this, indictments were found against them by a Grand Jury, and they bad to go to Fort Scott as criminals, and there to be tried in a Uuited States Court for the crime of 17.

A Bailey, repairing furniture, 3 17. Fry. rent of room, 150 17. Eldridgo, supervisor, 24 17. George Ford, 17.

Pratt, clerk of Board and Probate Court, 141 57 17. Josiah Miller, probate judge, 1,500 Fob. 15. Woodaid, supervisor, S4 15. Oliver Barber, 15 15.

Prentice, benches for court room, 20 25 15. Geo Mar. 4. Davis, county commissioner, 4 20 14. Ramsey, supervisor, 9 14.

Starr, 18 14. ESScudder, 15 17. George Fold, 53 April 5. 1 Blackman, table, 13 23. Spicer, repairlngjail.

8 23. Pratt, cl'k board supervisors, 2IS 50 23. Johnson, work on table, 5 May 7. Wilmarth, stationery, 1793 7. Tbacher dt Co, printing, 55 7.

Joel Graver, supervisor, 3 7. Jenkins, furniture forcourt house, 56 50 14. Morrow, rent of court house, 200 23. Allen Gilmore, store, etc, 53 23. A Hancock, furniture, 35 its possession is dangerous.

the fall of 1835. At that time he earned on the business of a country tanner, and much of his life since has been spent as a surveyor. In my haste at the time of my interview with Mr. Brown I took no memorandum, and in the hurry of a rapid journey may have made some mis takes as to names and dates. This is a plain statement of the circumstances connected with my visit to this mistaken and deluded but sincere and noble old man.

His efforts in a military point of view seems, at first A report ia flying through the town Lykins, Linn and Bourbon district has gtst Democratic We do not credit it, altbn lessly circulated by the Democracy about the Judge. Yet, from the vote thus far received, he runs full up with bis ticket, aud, in some localities, ahead. Only in Leavenworth, the hotbed where so many poisonous calumnies were concocted against him, does be fall behind. And there we may well suppose the last of the five thons-ind dollars was spent by Haider man. We think Haldetman exhibited the worst kind of taste, for which he has been severely rebuked by the pevple, in stooping to oae such unworthy means and tools to compass the tri Robert Mitchell is said to be its author.

Sc. and peaceable. Do not re open the strife, and, at on the last occasion, use the arm of the civil power to injure and despoil the innocent. We appeal to Got. Medary to stop, if within Lis power, this persecution for to us it seems that and nothiug less.

Persecution, too, from the most sordid motives the obtaining of a few dollars ia the way of fees. For it will be remembered that the grand jury that indicted these settlers was selected by the Marshal, and that ia each one of the indictments found both ho and the District Attorney have a direct monetary Interest cue for the document itself. Total, in high position in Uaiumore, which satisfied me that that functionary was not altogether animated by ambitious motives in getting up the parade of troops and display of chivalry on the border of bis State, but was really terrified, and with tho whole population was fully persuaded that the North were advancing in large armies to rescue, the prisoners and lay waste the land. On Monday morning, I took the cars for Harper's Ferry, and at the junction with the Washington road, I met large numbers of troops on their way to the prison of John Brown. On enquiring for the Governor, I was told bo wss at Charlestown, and on exhibiting my letters I was promised which I soon found 81,375 00 making a settlement upon Indian Lands tried under the non-intercourse law of Congress of 1334 a law in no way applicable to any set tier in Kansas Territory.

Here let me tell you that some of these were fined in sums from five dollars up to a thousand, and costs. Now I will tell you of tho second class of men who have indictments found aeaint them, AFTROraiATlOW MO. 4. REVENUE AND XUCTIOM a sight, a weak and tooush one. liut while Mr.

EXrXNSXS. Brown did not at all underrate the bravery of Nov. 13,1858. Dr. Virginia on a lair, open held, be understood very well how strong a few men may become too, of the report that the Davis, DRsina and Wabaunsee district is Democratic- Vt have but few returna from that district, those are all right.

-Vr In Doniphan it is nearly a draw game, Democrats, however, having a Utile the best it. We elect' one Senator and one meat and the Democrats three members. Tatar To amount appropriated ror the payment of Revenue and Election Expenses of the county for the current year, $239 80 Junesi. Simeon Cole, supervisor, 1566 in a strong position and one can easily be xi. a nuiumun, 12 ev A Beam.

J8 defeat of bis rival. It was a noticeable fact that his visit to any place where a Democratic 1Ba- vis A hardy, industrious set of pioneers who have settled upon the open prairies for several, miles adjacent to the Marias-des-Cygne these settlers not having a stick of timber to make a rail, or to boil a kettle, went upon some of the unoccupied lands of the Indians aud took the ans and took the lieve, on looking at the character or the ground around Harper's Fw. ht a body of a few Dec 16. Sampson, judge of election, si. uruuer, snt uh 21.

Zeno Rogers. 10 32 meant that 1 should be well watched at the same time. I was invited to co with the tenons thousand men as urown expecieu wouia no i. 21. Pratt, cl'k board supervisors, 81250 tt -wuid make a serious inroad into the Ki.

james norion, omce Bxlures for register's office, 34 70 down timber for their fare wood xl, 93 80 4 3 3 8 8 8 4 SO to the FcrrTj whic i very acceded to, and made rails less liable to insult from my the troops than from unorganized militia who iluvation andim- r. nn. in from all These Rich integrity of the body politic of Virginia. And the present panic among these brave Virginians demonstrates the correctness of Brown's esti ties in Doniphan eeern to be very nearly twif divided, the fluctuating; vote, bowevw, tor, often est with the Democracy. 19.

barren, judge or election, 16. Ti Gifford, judge of election, 16. Gardner, judge of election. 16. Harrington.

Judge of election, 16. Crumrine, Judge of election, 16. Johnson, judge of election, -18. Woodard, judge of election, 16. Silas Green, assessor, Lawrence tp, 16.

Campbell, clerk of election, to make farms and, thon state 01 CU the other for the traveling fees consequent up-cn it. If Gov. Medary has any influence to atop this thing, we trust be will do so. The meanwhile we trust the papers of the Territory are based upon the letter of our correspondent and the facts he presents. They seem to as to warrant even aioro that we bare written.

4 cf came rushing quarters. sheet was issued, was invariable followed by columns of ludicrous and praise of himself, and as many more of disgusting and foolish jiorrnnemin' bis onponent. We submit to the Democratic journnis whether the complete signal failure of theirs to lie down the character of an opposing candidate, is not a lesson they may well lay to heart. iy wr not, xi. josiaa miner, prooaie judge, 100 21.

George Ford, supervisor, 17 July 23. Josiah Miller, probate judge, soo 23. Levi Woodard, 3 Nov 15. 8 Scudder, 3 mate of them, when he thought that a small We estimate, from the present appetrtsl proveraent that would have been in a state of wilderness for the wolves aud hunting grounds for the Indian but instead of being in a wild uncultivated state, they have made "the desert body of slaves with those unearthly weapons in 4 4 10. if woodward, clerk or election.

1j. Pratt, cl'k board supervisors, 415 99 15. Josiah Miller, probate Judge, 266 66 5 3 their bands, could rush down from the mountains, victors over a panic-stricken Commonwealth. M. B.

LOWRY. the Republican majority at not less thu thousand it may run much higher. A would have made it four thousand. 16. Geo Smith, clerk elec'n and assessor, 38 16.

Heywood, clerk of election, 4 ij. Starr, supervisor, 3 15. Woodward Fiuley, lamps, for to blossom like the rose," and we are trying to live in a good state of society, and we beg to 1859. court room, 13 10 17. Prentice, ludre of election.

Erie, Nov. 25, 1859. Jan. lj. urown, advertising notice of say, without any egotism, that tne portion ol election precincts, 0 90 The Slavery ftaestioa Who Agitates.

Congress met on the fifth of this month. Before the IIous could be organized the Democracy lugged ia the slavery question, and there it has been ever since. A Rmaxo Editob. The Leavenworth 15. Mrown, binding for reir.

office. an Kansas' heart beats true to freedom- Of thing we are glad: all parties in Kanw committed to a demand for admiss'xw into Pninn. and anv illsmnt tn Irwa oa aat ail in view of that failure, hereafter expect them to conduct political canvasses upon the basis of decency and good breeding We do not complain of Haklerman's expending five thousand dollars to carry the election, for everybody knows tlie poor hungry fellows 13. blank books for assessors, 48 30 17. Chas PTwiss, clerk of election; 17.

Wm Parsons, clerk of election, 17. Gleason, clerk oi election. 17. John Pleratt. judge of election, 17.

Compton, clerk of election, 17. A Schiuner, clerk of election, 17. A 8ummer6eld, Judge of election. mond companies were a fine looking body of men, and appeared very differently from the yeomanry at Charlestown. By the time the train reached Harper's Ferry, a number of gentlemen with whom I had conversed were satisfied that I was not an Abolition spy," of which class they seemed to have a decided horror.

From that place to Charles-town I was carried at tho expense of the State of Virginia, no one in the cars being in citizen's dress but myself. I was earfully watched and guarded ou this part of my trip, and, for a time, was at a loss to know why, but in a few minutes was told by a gentlemen who, I believe, is an officer of the regiment, that they were satisfied that I was a clergyman of the Beecher school, and my letters might be forgeries, and if they were found to be, I should the counties of Linn and Lykins, where these five hundred Indictments are found, contains as peaceble and law abiding citizens of the United States as may be found in any State in the Union. 3 4 8 2 4 50 8 3 4 9 uiauna lur ujsi. cierc, 61 40 si 4 Htrald, of the 8th iust contains L. J.

Eastin's farewell to that paper and the city. The General has always been a staunch Democrat, aud has made his paper the leading organ of the is nrown, supervisor, 30 36 IS. Jas Horton, Index, etc, reg. once, 21 50 15. Thacher Co, printing, 103 50 even more detestable with us than was tbt compton swindle.

Of this politicians R7 17. oi election. 17. Campbell, judge of election. ja.

jr wagner, desks,'k's office, CO 15. Allen 5c Gilmore, stove, hardware, Feb. 14. Warren, judge of election and uemoeracy in the territory lor the last nve years. He now leaves, his destination being, as we learn, the new gold fields of Kansas.

etc, for jail and courthouse, 18 so Now, sir, I have given yon a true cause of all our crimes and you mav be ready to ask us, why are we all indicted if we are such good law abiding citizens. The answer is short, it can be put into a nut-shell. These federal appointees under our present administration are deputy sheriff, IS 14. Bronson, Judgeof election, 4 Some Democratic member at once introduced a resoIuUca to the effect that bo man who approved Helper' Impending Crisis of the Huttih, should be elected Speaker. Helper, our readers will remember, is a native of North Carolina, and has been brought aj amid slavery, and knows all about iu influence and its blight Total, We wish In success.

"tod speed him who received it badly needed it. But we do insist that these canvasses shall not be turned into scurrilous false and disreputable attacks upon private charaitcr. To charge, as did one of the Administration prints. Judge Conway to be guilty of "peculation" and "complici 84,929 88 through the journey of life." Kansas City Jour 14. STressey, clerk of election, 5 80 14.

W'm Nettleton, clerk of election, 3 14. Campbell, judge of election and denntv sheriff. 4 APPROPRIATION MO. 3. JUDICIAL EXPENSES assured. The Kaiim City of Commerce has enlarged its daily to tiirtj-' columns an evidence of the thrift of th i and the conductors of the Journal, whick vHf ij l-happy to note. The Journal ia a tne pspf' Estill nal oj vommeree. Sov. 13.1H58.

X)r. swing on the same rope with Brown. His fears How does the above gibe with the persistent April 5. Paul and clerk elec'n, 13 to amount appropriated tor tha Judicial were nnaliy dispelled, however, by the sight of expenses oi the county for the current ty with treason," when nc a shadow of proof assertion of our Democratic friends, that their a. nenry tsosseman.

Judge or election, 3 23. A Coleman. Judre of election. 3 60 my uuciencal vest and shirt bosom, and by my year, 4,875 00 May 7. James McGhee, judge of election, 4 making a death struggle to grasp at every fee they can before they politically expire, and under a pretended guise of sympathy for the poor Indian, they have used his name as a cat's paw to take from us our hard earnings, in the shape of damages and fees when not one cent of it wonld find its way to the Indian and being well aware of tbee facts, we are determined 1858.

Cr. tne interests of Kansas uty, excepuaj can be discovered to sustain the allegations, is anything but a fair conduct of a canvass. We hope the disgraceful and ignominious failure assuring him that the faithful guardian of the Girard bequest in my own State had once fallen into the same error, only to be soon convinced of his mistake. On reaching Charlestown, I party has not been organized in the Territory for only a year or so We have always charged Eastin and his comrades as being the only Democracy there was in Kansas, and that 10 20 350 20 13 40 7. Jesse, deputy sheriff and Judge of election, 5 90 14.

Vaughn, clerk or election, 4 23. McFarland, judge of election, 8 Nov. 15. Saml Walker, serv'g elec'n notices, 14 met with by the Democracy in this election, 13 40 1620 Dee. 16.

Prentice, Juror, 16. Miller, rent, stationery, etc, 16. Abbott, grand Juror, 16. A Coleinnn, 16. Branson, Juror, 16.

A Cutler, 18. Russell, 10. Wm Martin, 44 18. HC Whitley, that not the first red cent of our money shall resolved to keep near my friends, but, in the swaying of the crowd, lost sight of them and as the Governor was standing at such a dis Total, 239 80 find its way as fees, to the rockets CI these the party was as much orgauized in the bloody days of '55 as now that the old Law and Order party was the Democratic party, and nothing 12 8 8 10 will lead them to abandon all their low slang and nauseating abuse, confining themselves hereafter to a fair, open discussion of the vital points of difference between us. tance that it was impossible to reach him, and officials.

And furthermore, feel that it is a duty we owe to ourselves, to our neighbors and ing f'ct upon the morals and prosperity of a community. From tlie census returns and bis owa knowledge of the system, he collected this deleterous effect of human bondage into columns of bold sad undeniable figures, and published the work whose caption is as above mentioned. The chivalry are Incensed at this home thrust. They cannot depute the census returns, they dare oot dkpute Helper's facts. So they have fallen to railing against the Republicans because they bare assisted in circulating this work.

Hence the Democratic resolution in Congress, orcf which parties hare been disputing for the past week. But what becomes of the Democratic cry about agitation Who com the crowd around me began to look with un APPROPRIATION MO. 5. I Cr. Not used taken tip.

Dr. 100. to our Territory at large, not to permit any man else. Here we have Van Horn, a Democratic iU politics. And here we think tne J-1 makes a serious mistake.

Forced klwr I could have made Kansas City what was free, intelligent toil that gave impetus, and etill infuses vitality is Surround Kansas City oa all aides aikta bor, instead of living only on one I once iu trade and commerce ia doubled. ever, we don't mean to argue potties only to note this result of the progress West, end to congratulate nr neigebot rf success. I 'TI I 13 80 to be taken as a prisoner from our midst while 820 appointee, confirming all we have said. His pleasant glances on me as a stranger with a white cravat and in citizen's dress, I stepped out and addressed a gentleman whom 1 had 20 83 testimony is conclusive. 7 SO his only crime is in trying to make an honest living by public, honest, and upright conduct, in volation of no law of God or man.


Dr. To amount appropriated for the payment of Contingent Expenses of the county for the curreut year, $3,077 93 heard called Col. Davis, told him ray name and my desire to see the Governor. He treated me 10 40 Farmers it in't so Very Had. Corn is selling in Lawrence at from 13 to 20 cents per bushel, and our farmers justly think it pretty lotigh.

Bat one way to alleviate ur Dragon's Teeth. The hanging of John Another reason have agaiust going to the very politely and kindly, and after another in 8 10 5 to. A i Keen, 10. A A Faxon, grand Juror, 16. 16.

Clemo. bailiff, 16. Jos Cracklin, constable, 16. Sam Smith, grand juror, 16. A Mallory, petit juror, 10.

Ward, constable, 10. Fry, petit Juror, 16. II Gifford, Juror, 16. Mandell, jailor and turnkey, 1. Bronson, Juror, 10.

Walker, constable, 18. Julius Ecke, witness, grand Jury, 16. II Ward, constable, 16. II Campbell, Juror, 16. John Graham, grand Juror, Brown to day ia the first execution in the United States for treason.

Fires, the leader of the effectual etlbrt to reach the Goveinor, consent court at run scon is, tnat some oi onr neign-bors were branded ith every opprobious epi ed to take me to the jail himself. Other men 50 50 Pennsylvania rebellion, and Shays and Wheeler 12 in were all pardoned. This was troubles to just compare or contrast our condition with that of others and he must be in a sorry plight indeed who cannot see others more entered the cell of Brown with me. And here I will state as a singular tribute to tlie noble thet that ttie.r vocabulary could anord, every thing from a thief to a Montgomeryite, was applied, because certain men in our midst 4385 125 Ir axd if. We notice that the JssTS' CToiturwrce, Kansas Gty, is saying oa doemed the best policy in their case, and we believe eretgs will show it to have been in 1858.

Cr. Dee. 16. Peabody, surveyor, S18 16. Smith, viewing road, wM 16.

Johnson, viewing mad. 2 1859. Jan. 17. Haskell, superintending Co.

Jail, 125 17. A Cutler, viewing road, 8 Feb. 14. McGuire, dep. sheriff at election, 3 14.

A Coleman, road commissioner, 4 14. Jenkins, repairinsr tail, 4 presence aud decided character of this unfor 23 40 10 strong things about the express o- tunate man, these Virginians who, in the cells Brown's case, lirnwn blood will tow Dragon! thought well to vote the Republican ticket and after being taken from our labor and onr homes, as prisoners, a distance from 40 to 69 13 SO for some extra charging the com piny ot the other prisoners, cracked their jokei free teeth! Men of that spirit which burned the 61 15. eamuei alker, snertu. miserable than himself A St Louis price cur rent for December has just been shown us. In it is stated that in many counties in Iowa corn is only worth ten eents a bushel, while in none 1859.

Temple of Diana are yet living, and the fame ly and carelessly, before him stood silent, as in the presence of some superior being. some freight belonging to tbe jonrumr 3 Jau. 17. 17. era.

which lirown has acquired will be an additional stimulus to a fanaticism before too powerful. 26 80 14. Pearce, road commissioner, 10 15. Wilmarth, books, etc, 587 68 15. Canniff, school superintendent, 30 menced it this time Why was not tho regular business of the country allowed to proceed without a fierce discussion oa this inevitable negro question I Will tlie Democracy still prate to as about being kept alive by the negro question" Will they still harp on the Blarery Agitation Cannot the Democracy tire without exciting the public mtud about negroes and slavery If not, let di cency close their mouths about Republican agitating the vexed question.

If they cannot let Con miles in a most inclement season ot the year, and to tike us to Fort Scott, aud suffer the abuse alluded to above, is against our peice and dignity, as welt as agaiust the peace aud dignity if! Fitch, Juror, Thomas Pierson, Juror, PHBerkau, Hammond, Whitley, bailiff, 9b0 Last summer we eomnlained of a HsBR" of the tow ns does it range higher than eighteen Mr. Brown did not, at first, recognize mc, but on my giving my name, greeted me cordially and gratefully. He said there were many 17. 17. 17, ISprmgneld independent, Democratic.) April 5.

Worden, road commissioner, 8 16 15 and twenty cents. Up ia Wisconsin, close to 17. iavia jones, juror. a. a li searl.

road commissioner, iu 83. Rerkau, Htatt Swain, abatemt tax, 43 SO 83. Edwards, school superintendent. 75 Iwelve iiaarra errv Insurgents i.v I the pineries, where grain is always more mar Canada- The Muscatine Journal learns that I firm for coming a small gouge over the Joaraal was minded to lecture us i telling us that private matters ought bM Ulkedoverin tbe paper. e-S I whom he had hoped to see, whom he had not seen, but he had not expected to see any of his old Crawford county friends.

He alluded to Crawford as being very dear to him, as its soil May 7. Bond, hauling, 8 50 the mother of Edwin and Barclay Coppic, who ketable than elsewhere, a friend just from there tells us wheat is bringing only fifty cents a 16 40 c50 18 90 4 13 4 3 13 20 13 60 resides in Springdale, Cedar county, Iowa, has I received a letter from the latter, who is now in was hallowed as the resting place of his former ot these United States and as citizens of these United States we will not submit to such tyran-ical abuse and perversion of power. For this cause we beg to show to the citizens of the Territory our reasons for the course we have takenand if we have done any wrong, we stand at the bar of public opinion, and we are willing to be tried, and to be acquitted or condemned if our course should prove that we have acted unbecoming American citizens. bushel. gress assemble without on the rery first day of ss.

neai, roaa viewer, 83. Herald of Freedom, subscription, 3 23. John Wilder, road viewer, 23. Hutchinson, road commissioner. 8 23.

Saunders, road commissioner, 8 23. Allen Gilmore, stove, etc, 35 23. John Haskell, architect, 335 wife and two beloved children, and the sight of Canada, stating that he and eleven of his com was true, but not applicable. Now. another ox is gored, and our neighbor A -N' r.

rbidimT I tae session taking up the discussion of slavery. any one from that region was most cheering. panions have arrived safely in Her Brittanic So that, contrasting onrsclves with others, ve aie not so bad tiff after all. Pork is worth as much here a it is in almost any of the 17. BenJ Johnson, boarding prisoners, 17.

Thos Ward, attending Jail, 17. A Cutler, Juror, 17. FA Hammond, Juror, 17. Garrett, 17. Twiss, 17.

Pranson, i 17. DO Peabody, 11. 1 McGhee, 17. HC Whitley, 17. Walker, guarding prisoners, 17.

A Smith, juror, 17. Henry shankiin. Juror and witness, 17. David Jones, Juror, 17. McArthur, clerk DIst.

Court, 17. Mack, Juror, -17, Geonre Earl, deputy sheriff. 1 cannot pretend to giro bis language it was let them cease charging their opponents with 14 60 Alajesty'a dominions, our ol them were 23. Edwards, school superintendent. 81 56 the natural expression ol a deep and impassion wounded oue so severely that his comrades 8 13 JuteSl.

Calvin Adams, excess of taxes, 1337 ate nature, and as eloquent as words could oe being the pioneer turners in the matter. The truth is, Democracy "agitate the slavery were obliged to carry him most of the time for speaking out, we commend him. I or corporations hold themselves cat ness for others, and deliberately la well to speak of We only tti uttered. tbe first tonrdaya oi their Barclay Cop western towns. It brings readily $5 per hundred, and that is selling your corn at 50 cents a buaheL We bare often arced our farmers to The Scientific and Historical Society I remarked to Mr.

Brown that there had been question to extend tlie area of bondage, while 1125 12 40 75 57 21. Christian, out house, 30 21. Ely Moore, plat of pre-empted lands, 35 21. John Ross. Daiatina-.

pic is one of the number lor whose arrest Gov. the Republicans simply confine themselves to Wise tittered a reward of $o0U eacn a different Version given to his Kansas exploits by the Herald of Freedom from that which his of Kansas Lawscmce, Dec. 13, 1S59. July S3. Bowen, road "6 830 38 35 increase their stock of hogs.

There is nothing ference in the Jowrar pheehnx lricnds gave, and ventured the opinion that his 8 The time draws near for tlie annual meeting js touched or his neighbor. Murdered by the Indians. P. Pen-ill, of Burlingame, was found dead near a narringioa, aep. county supt, X7 ao 83.

Edwards, county school sup't, 175 50 23. Geo Ford, express and telegraph chareos.csmm.AB tail. 4 50 8 40 reputation demanded an explanation. He re of the Scientific and Historical Society of 8 rve. i plied that he understood ray allusion, bnt that I TImIi Arbtinaaa.

with a tiiiltat KoIa thrnurrh bia 8 40 Nov. 15. Ravage, illegal tax, 15 92 ashirctw. 1 With a view of nnitinc the JZ, was mistaken in supposing that it needed any neck. one day last week.

He, with a party. e7 Kansas, that was organized last winter, and it ia proper to give the publie some evidences of i rrennce, care court bouse ana jau, cts 15. Sam Walker, sheriff, fluding strays, 15 9 40 rciutation irom turn, "lime and the honest Were out on a buffalo hunt, aud having lost awi i nr tvtBTfinf hA I 8 Southern Oppositionists and ites on a candidate who will fffSnf which so soon turns grain Into cash as pork. It always brings a good price, and is a sure method of turning our vaxt corn fields into gold and silver. Swine multiply faster than any otherof the domestic animUs it costs but Tuttls to keep them, and their carcases alwaya bring money.

This year, wa are glad to know, there i double the amount of pork there was last year ia Kansas. Next season ought to double the present quan 24 18 830 resisting these encroachments npon Free Territory, There the long and of it. De-ri'Mraey Is devoted to the extension of slavery ad jitaUM for that purpose. Republicanism is pledged to Free Labor and Free Soil, and strive to secure them from the touch of the bottdm in. Democracy lores slave labor and its wrongful gain.

RepubliauMa honors unforced toil and surrounds St a ilk strong bulwaiks of defence. Between the two no true lover of free prin li. nnsscy, juror, 17. Thad Prentice," 17. Bronson, 17.

Hunt, 17. Eldrldge Bros, rent of room, 17. Thomas Pearson, juror. 17. EP Fitch, 17.

Geo Crocker, 17. Parker, 17. War.1, constable, 17. Spittle, juror, 17. Wagner, witness, 17.

Huseltine, Juror, 17. Hunt, Feb. 14. WH Stillwell, 13. Thaddeus Pronlice, Jailor and court all nf them.

of Johtt AMcLl, some cattle, rernn went in pursuit ot inem, every act of mine to prevent slavery from be- but not returning, the party went in search, and ing established In Kansas. I never shed the fond him as above described. The horse 10 8 I V0 95 the thrift aud enterprise that has thus far attended their labors. Library lias been increasing from week to week, and favors have already been received from many of the State of has to-day been of the members of the House 'TZd 4 1 piooa or a lellow roan except in scir-di feuce or wnich he was riding has not been found, but promotion of a righteous cause." He spoke cu mnd blankets were lying onder him in 15. Prentice, bailiff, 15.

NW Spicer, bailiff, IS. Jas Dunn, road commissioner, 15. Conger, juror, ciuaner's Jury, IS. Peabody, suWeyor, (roadj 15. Peabody, road commissioner, 15.

44 15. Peabody, road surveyor, IS. A Cutler, tables. dlsU clerk's office, 11. Rnlrerdi Pollard, renairinsr lail.

wiiu tne ear 12 60 840 10 50! 13 8 15 15 15 seems to anticipate an election dm-wg Societies." A regular correspondence la also 'S11' terni tf fditor of he JWd of position in which he had fallen. He is coirespouu Warn, characterizing h.ra as selfisb, unjust, supposod to have been killed by the Raw In-, and pledges aie already revengeful, meroenary. untruthful aad corrupt." dians. His friends passed through Council 15 ent week. tity.

In fact, we hold that we ought, not to i I established with them, lunn imuor. ship grain at 11, save aa we do it condensed in 127 35 I is. Shearer, lumber forcourt house. I remarked that I regretted to hear him sneak 2 37 received that their publications will be forth MowTaxau Grove Thursday with his body, on their wsy to ciples caj hesitate. 8 73 I 15.

Sam Smith, damage on Torrito'I road, 25 of G. W. Brown in ttuch terms, as lie was an 1 Ther. much ke in the river, ana I cere is mu re -v to pork, beef, butter, cbeeso and wool. This coming.

The Smithsonian Institution lias Burliugime. bmporxa Sirwi. 89 50 1 15. 3 Shearer, lumber, 18 84 w.j jbr of tbe ferry.btshave -Jg lsml th if ocen truswu 5 I 15. Hunt, setting glass, court boas way it will py.

other it will not. .5" deputy sheriff, li Prisoners, 14. Li Worden, witness, 14. A Prettier, juror. It.

Eddy, witness, II. Idi-iiJ Johnson, Brown" ot the Itfjli.i.vJ thoiauJ The National Democratic Committee have I and respected. His answer was" Mr. Lowry 1840 sndJaiU 3 season, reigns mm KarMiert, ee ai yvw not be indent. Tlie luX hours of S'laU VirjtnU oer oa dors- mtA th imvrvi ihii i you are niistaKcn you suppoee that airrtmnij 4 IS.

Randall, hauling, ISO 7 1 li Spicer. ntakina benches, etc. 33 fixed upon April 2d IB 60, as the day for holding tha National Coovcntiou at Charleston. II! jj'ivl he ii is; a better daj is rrctifro irim iiiem. mini upwryr iimnjron thrown coula siv cau commence running over nest Mouy 1251 1.

Andrew Rodrigue, witness, gv. Jury, -JO in.

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