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The Star and Banner from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

To the Whigf, of PfjmBylvania Stale Committee, in public opinion after mature to ihe A D. A Ksq.of Dauphin county, candidate fur the of- An9 of Canal Commiwiooer, at Ihe ensuing ing election. Mr. KAKNH is a getilleman education, talents, great business and haa a thorough knowledge of our lie it betides exteuaively and bvorably known throughout Ihe S'ale, as a man of uubletnifthed character, and whose ftrict integrity 19 a sure guaranty of a faiih- ful discharge of the dunen of the office, should he receive a majority of the of the people OKMCLU, Kiio.M We leant tfom the tt'aahntutoii Union, lhat the tjovornment received some in(trailing information fri'ifl iho capital of Mexico to the 23d A and i Cniz to the 30th, inclusive. It is t-arl fioni a i a new cabinet is considered as opposed to the war; and, even if it were otherwise disposed, it bus not means to carry on a war; that it IB wi'li tho greatest difficulty it can raise the to defray ils necessary daily expenses; nod lhat tbe war excitement is going down daily among all parties'.

The accounts from VeraCruz of iho 2yih stale that llipre has been a retrograde inove- our iort and'tcal It wilLbc seen by Adibcss of tbe Whig State another DEL U. KARXS, ol Dauphin caunty, to, the candidate oi ttio CornmHsioner to this announce the nri'M-n'od to i lll( Gettysburg, Sept, 20, 1845, ment in regard to tho invasion of Texas Gen. Paredes absolutely refusing lo rriarcb The Public Debt of Pennsylvania, most with bis forces (seven thousand troops) to, which was contacted in the con 9 truclion wards Texas; a i he a i is now about to Mexico, and others have followed i ex- 10 000.000! Tkelnterett on this debt is ample- The opinion was well citab- 1,000,000 the income from the at Vera Cruz, a tho Jlojcicans will 'ublie after deducting repairs and never attempt to cross the Rio Diavo; that twoiM, pays at best, only about one-fourth they have made all the bluster they can; ci the interest, leaving to be, lhat they are i money, i cred- collected from the people It ii, and consequently powerless; and that Mieved that under a proper system of man- they are, moreover, on the eve of a revo- dismissal of an army of idle, luiion, which will overtuui present gov- FOR PKHSIDKNT IN Ib-ls: GEN. WINF1KLD SCOTT. (s-ulyujt tn tlit: tleu-wii of .1 N'ut'l C'unveiiiKW.) WE I Of- upon th i I i cxorcuej, attonded by an unusually hirpe number i a i the Suit" Committoe.tthich, thousb late, and furnishinjr "ratifying evulcnce eel llic anxioH- expectations o( our friciuK.

I 1C! gtcadily increasing progroi of tho tnncd tojilo bailie lor a foil and ftgnlar 9 tions in public favor. the Will's of tlv "Voanj! Guaid" have interesting nddres i in be' some' auiboiited action and now that the nomination 4 "been (mm Post, in i iho voto 2.j() fur Governor ufcjjillnwjj (Loro) 2 1 7 5 i fUVi--n oyaiii 1 A i i son 540. 1P44 the mime paM 1 Polk lor Cluy eeatUTii'jf 3.1M3-Pwlk over all 3,117. The I to be heuid from gave a i i of 3000. a a person of one em.ncntly fore the A i oi the (i for the olficc, we feel a-urcd that th-y nary, by Mr.

S. on the "Common will go heaitily to work and do their duty in the Origin of the a Rarr," and by Mr. extravagant agents--a strict accountability of all disbursing accounting officers-n ml'the adoption of a liberal and enlightened tariff of tolls so as to secure upon our Main Line the trade of the West, which now passes over rival routs, will greatly increase tmntf. The New York canals, which con oect Ihe Lakes with tide-water, are not is! federalism, but intended to make himself ernment. Accounts on the following day of August) from Vera Cruz, represent lhat there can be no doubl of a plan being near- i CANAL COMMISSIONER, A D.

A (Of Dauphin.) ASSEMHLY, ly ripe to i the present government; and that Gen. Parades, with Tornel and Va- i the revenue from our State improve-1 lenci, propose forming a i i a It .3 m. tr i said that Gen-Paredes cares nothing about well located as are those of Pennsylvania, which connect the Great Valley of the Ohio with the seaboard. Nor ought New York afford a tonnage compared with the rich productions of our Furnaces and and Coal mines. Yet the New York canals last year yielded $2,416,374, and a net profit of over equal to the interest on our entire deb'; while our Public Works, which are more extensive and better loca'ed.

did not yield a net revenue exceeding one-fourih of that amount. All this to bad management. To reform abuses--to introduce economy--and to adopt such a system of toils as dictator. The French minister has actually asked his passport--the government having refused to grant satisfaction he demanded. News of the anticipa'ed revolution was expected every mail at Vera Cruz.

LATER vnoM dues to the 3d mst. have been received. The Convention to form a State Constitution had not yet adiourued on the 1st inst- The had adopted tho anti-duelling clause engrafted on our own are to be prohibited. Judges are to be nominated by tho Governor and con- JOSEPH I MOUSTJOT. AvurroK, A A J.


effort to the control ot our important public works the of iii-l pi ice tlwm in the chnnre oi such men as ill administer them with a vie to the ir ests ol" the State. ALLAMAS, on "Sclielle's Philosophy," Vermont. The Mountain Roys haven's usual, done their a ibc, lale election-- a i boll) branches of ihc Lcgisliilnro by decisive mnjnrities, Ktid full i a i i a i It is a I of a nieetiiij; of the WhL's of Latirnoro ill Ire found in another column, by which it will be seen that otu friends in that sterling township have led off in the campaign a determination to battle manfully in behalf of the eliall awaken enterprise and bring trade rj two-thirds of the Senate. The upon our CnnaU and Railways, Mr. KABUS is presented as a is a candidate of the Whig party, and is pledged to carry out its principles.

Let the Whigs throughout the Commonwealth once again in support of their men term of office is six years. The number of Senators is fixed at 21, arid ol Representatives at 66 IKTERESTIWG FROM accounts from Oregon represent that Ihe em- theif measures- Let them show that cran t8 of that country have already estab- vided front in October next, that will convince all that thev will never jield their organization or their that, like the victorious Whigs of 1776, and 1840, they will show themselves woilhy of victory, at their cause is worthy oi success. JOHN REED, JAMES A A iiEO- W. A A -7- JOHNS. RICHARDS, GEO.



SNYDER, HENRY PEFFER, Whig State Committee. Harrisburg, Sept. IS, 1845. lished what is called a government," but which is probably only a territorial government, to be annexed to the U. Stales-, on application from the people cf the new State.

There is another local government, which has been established aevetal years by the emigrants of tbe Hudson Bay Company, and it is feared that the conflicting authority of these two may lead to difficulties between them. A. B. KURTZ, REGiSTr.n AND RECOKDER, ROBERT COBBAN, CBMBEBLAND. CLEHK OF THE COURTS, WM.

S. CoU.N'TV TltEASUREK, A I M'CREARY, GETTYSBURG To our Old With tbe piesent number of the "S-rui UK WIIOLK tichc-t. IlAMMEnsLr being piesent the meeting nririnK the ne- and duty of supporting tbe Whii; ticket, aud the folly and cian-er pcrmittms; our to be influenced by pert Jtial sjmpathyor prejudice. A Committee of Vigilance for the town-hip has been ly appointed. Thi- is the right course, and row that the way been broken, what tov.n--liip vill move next The oay of battle is rapidly approaching and it behooves us to be up and adoing.

John II. Dcford. We obserx bj the last Uniontown "Demo cf at" that this indnidual. whose name no Joubt is familiar to our leaders, associating ith it no little Legislative notoriety.was lately cited before the court of Fayette county, on a rule to show cause his name should not be stricken from the list of Attorneys, in consequence of gioss and repeated insults offered the court during the ses- jsion. He was fined SlUO, and suspended from practising at the bar for six months.

VALUABLE PROPERTY. The attention of capitalists is directed to the advertisement of JOSUUA SMITU, to be found in a subsequent column, offering for BAXJTEK," our with the pub- Public Sale tbe Valuable Estate of GEORGE lie ceases. This determination on our part will RisEHARTjd-ceaserl, late of Carroll no doubt cause surprise to some of our old friends, 0 rty is represented as being but circumstances havc- made it desiraole upon desirable and will be exposed to sale our part to retire from the control of the'- Star," on lne 3 and to in other duties. To sever the con- nectlon wh ch bas tecl bcUveen us and our tober next. Persons ff any informa- fricnds 5 ahvays a trying circumstance; this has tion can receive it by calling on Mr.

SAM- been renderedmore so 5n tke pressn instance, as UEL WEAVER, of this place, who is one of have stood by us 0 heirs. A NEW project in anticipation in Arkansas, for Ihe establishment of a aettlement of Americans in Cali- confess that those To tender our warmest gratitude for the many favois conferred, and trust that Heaven's choicest blessings may accompany thefVff fttfure. To our brethren of the Press, we also tender our well wishes for the many acts of courtesy and nex at (he (lUrl house, viz A tract of kindness wnich have been rendered to us during Sheriffs Sales. the last "Compiler" the Sheriff has advertised the sole of tho following properties for Saturday thelllh of October fornia. A companv of one thousand is pro- our connection with the Editorial corps-- hoping posed to be raided, the families and freight that time of the emigrants to be sent by sea from N.j Orleans.

The young men, and others who prefer it, to take the overland route from not be far distant when their TOOre highly appreciated, than THE TARIFF. President Folk's official Journal has asserted within the last two weeks, that "one of the OBJECTS of the Rtpvblican party is the REDUCTION OF TBE TARIFF? and promised to take up the and discuss the whole sVfiilar manner. Secretary ifthe Treasury Department, has emphatically raid come months ago that Tarif mvtt be reduced lo the Revenue srawitfrsV and he is now busily collecting the materials to make an attack upon it in his annual report to Congress. We lhat the official organ's onslaught will scarce!) commence until after the PewiMflMuria efcrtioi; when the people of this State have once more offered So Ihe Moloch of Locofocoism, their idol will commence its work of destruction ill their iBHMt important political and interetfs. It would be wise lor ihesn to lake warning in and so direct their on ihe second Tuesday of next to prevent the happening Fort Smith to Santa Fe, and thence to the Pacific, which it proposed to strike near the Bay of San Fernando, in Int.

34 degrees, there to meet the families going hy water. A site is then to be chosen, after a thorough exploration of the coast, for a permanent settlement. The projector of this scheme, Mr. Leavitf, predicts lhat ten years will see, they have hitherto been. We retire however from the onerous duties of an Editor with much more pleasure, in consequence of having our place filled with a gentleman whose qualifications are such, as must acd greatly to the usefulness of the 1 Mr.

D.v- A. BcEin.r.n, the gentleman to whom we have sold the establishment, is a youns man of fine abilities and whose practical acquaintance with the the coast of California well settled, and that mechanical department of a printer -vill as beauliful country "the great Southwestern surance that the pnper will present itself to its Republic of Noi th A merica." is predic- supporters, in a much more desircble appearance tion-will in all probability be verified. Cil- ilornia already number of American-emigrants, and large parties of those who started for Oregon have gone down into the finer regions which lie to the south. Death of Justice Story. of our count rv's bright lifih Hamiltonban township, containing 270 acres, the estate of David Bishop a tract in Conewago township, containing 9 Acres, the estate of Henry B.

HofF; a lot of ground in Moun'pleasant township, the estate of Nicholas Marshall; a lot of ground in Petersburg, the estate of J. M'Gaughy a tract in Hamiltonban township, conlain- mc ISO acres, ihe estate of Henry Smith a tract in Hamiltonban township, containing 212 acres ihe estate of Lewis Riddle and a tract in Tyrone township, of 2 acres, the estate of Daniel present connected wit!) the lion and also by Rev. C. W. of the "Christian The Rev.

C. P. Kn.vtrni, jr the individual selected to deliver the a a address before the Alumni Association of the College, being unavoidably absent, his place was supplied, in accordance with previous arrangement, by the Rev. Mr. of Carlisle, who addressed the Alumni on Wednesday afternoon.

After which the Association convened for the transaction of its usual business--Rev. JOHN HJECK, presiding, and Prof. M. L. STOEVLH offic'atipg as Secretary.

JOHN NAIL, ol Illinois, was selected to deliver the next annual address the Rev. J. L-ScuocK, of Reading, being his alternate. On the evening of the same day, the annual address before the College Literary Societies was delivered by Rev. WM.

M. REYNOLDS, Prof, of Latin and Intellectual Philosophy in tbe Institution President elect of Wutenburg College, Ohio. We need scarcely say that the effort was every way worthy of the Professor's high reputation as a scholar and a writer- The theme was "American Liierarature," which was discussed in a maslerlv and eloquent style for belter than an hour, in the presence ol a crowded and interested audience. We understand that a copy of the Address has been solicited for publication. On Thursday morning the A a Commencement came off--at which the Latin Salutatory was delivered by JESSD STOCXER of New Jersey an Oration on "Common Sense," by JOHN W.

MILLER, of Carlisle another on "The Love of Marvellous," by SVLVANUS SIIEDIER, of N. Jersey and the Valedictory by MATHIAP MILLER, of Va. The performances of all the gentlemen credit upon themselves, and, we believe, gave general satisfaction lo the auditors. The degree of A. B.

was conferred upon the members of ihe graduating class the degree of A. M. in course, upon Rev. F. A.

Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, James Brown, Rev. Height, Rev. Aaron Karn, Uev.

John Kohler, Rev. Washington M'Milbn, Rev. George Parson, Rev. Fred- lhat owing to tho number of abolition a i votes, no election of (lovornoi bv the people lias beau had. Of conrso ti.o will be electe'd by tbe Iowa.

is re-electp'! a dclpfrntf to Congress by 518 mnj. The new Cuns, 1 i is again ifjc-ctud by a majority uf 317 votes. Wew Jersey. annual election for member? of Legislature will be held in New Jersey, ui tho -ith of next. York County.

Locos in this county nomir.n'cif their ticket on Tuesday laM. JainoeSiarr. Wm. M'Abee, and Geo. S.

iMurphv, the candidates for Ihe Legislature. Thomas Jameson, of York was successful aspi-ant for the Sheriffally noraina tion- Capt. ADAM Mivnchesirr township, (a gallant and sterling i will contest tbe field i Mr. wo hope successfully. State Treasurer.

Mr. announces ihe receipt of a donation of FiOv Dollars from non-resident, but a native Pennsylvania," to be appropriated towards the payment of the interest on the Statu Debt. fTj Col. Thomas H. Benton is lying seriously ill in Washington city.

Ever sinco the disaster on the Princeton, he has been at times subject to symptoms of the paraly- concussion which he then received. (rJrThe Board of Directors of Ihe Wash- inglon and Baltimore Railroad have reeol- ved at last to the enormous faro charged between these two cities. The 60. fare hereafter wilV be G. GMKEN.convicted of llm, murder of a young and beautiful wifs, a few dav after marriage, was executed at Troy, N.

Y. on Wednesday week. The miserable wtetcli made a full confession ol tho prior to his 2 trial of negroes, indicted for being con- cerneTin the late general effort to escape from in Charles county, Mil. has been brought to a close rendering a verdict of im: tnil'y. in the case of negro Marks.

Judge Dorse y. on of the prisoner's counsel, decided "th.r the mcetins ot negroes with firearms in tht-ir hands to run away, was not an insurrectionaiy movement, within tlie meaning of the statue. evil. If they do not, they HI in Ase time be ttifficienlly punished lor llrtir xailty and innocent together York OF M. Richmond of Monday "We are auibor- Irr the treasurer of ihe fund, Glim M.

Riddle, to announce to the Whig ladies of Virginia thai there is new a 'AtMT THAT TUG 5TATCE WILL UK in hind is quite but no doubt en'erfain'd that i the several wms collected in many of the eomtiet, and within reach bv a has gone out in the death of the Hon. JOSEPH one of the Justices he U. S. Supreme Court, and Dane Professor of Law in Harvard Universitr. He died on Wednesday veek at bis residence in Cambridge, Mass, with the same disease which caused the death of tbc gifted LEG ARE while on a to Boston.

Judge STOHY was born in 1760, and graduated at Harvard University. In 1911. he was appointed as sociate Judge of the U.S. Supreme Court, which station he held and adorned until death. Distinguished for the exhibition of all the virtues as a man and citizen, he bad acquired no less renown as a jjurisl statesman.

Posscs'wd of a rool judge- ment, geal learning, fitmncss of character, strict integrity, clear head and a pare heart," he was eminently fitted to be the of JAY, EtsEwomi and MAR- as a constituent of our national Ju dietary. It will lie difficult lo supply the place made vacant deaih, wilh as much, virlue, purity and learning. than it has hitherto done. The political complexion of the Banner' 1 will contimie as it always has been: and we I can assure our Whig friends throughout the Cuiin- thnt in Mr. Buehlcr, the present Editor, they vill find one, who will zealously advocate Teat measure? which have hitherto been advoca- ed by the Whig party, as being of paramount importance to the welfare of the American people.

We therefore ask our AYlii? friends to continue heir support to the new Editor, in liis efforts to the success cf those principles. public's humble scrv't, H. J. SCHREIXEU. A TBXAS New CMcan Bulletin We bclsevo that it is no link exertion thai! have added, ihc generally known thai ihe covcrnmcni will be f-mpte." Texas has rccentlv apnointrd a Mmwler in ,5,6 U.

SJales. Tbe Hon. D.S. ftujaTman CO Kpiscopal Conven- nnwly appoinJed (lehnn IMM of NwWforfc, will commence its we ar informfd, in this cily on wav week, ihe 2-Hh asJ.injjIoti," Bialufi owe will come op be-1 it, MNl between ihc two par- SF.RK.CS been inform i My to expected. ledtbalvmne diffienliy having ariwn be- ween Mr.

Thonww 0. Cochcy and Mr. Ohio Methodist Episcopal Con-! Charles oden, near Bain dr. John B. Gongtt.

recent mysterious disappearance of this distinguished advocate of the Temperance causR, aud his subsequent recovery, in a stale of helpless stupefaction, have excited no little interest in the public teems that on the evening of the 6th inst he left the Croton Hotel, in the city of New an Oswald, of York -on the Rev. Thomas erick Pfahler, Rev. P. Sadtler, P. G.

Snuerwpin, and Rev. A- J. Weddle. The honorary drgree of A- M. was conferred upon Jno.

H. Brown, of Philadelphia, and the Rev. Jo and that of D. H. Stockton, of Philadelphia.

The exercises were concluded with an able and impressive address, to the graduating class, by the President of the Institution. fi would be injustice to the members of the "riafidpl and Haydn Association," were we to neglect lo slate that vc-ry much of the interest thrown Around the different exerei- of the week was imparted by the rich Yellow Fcccr has made its appearance at Xew Orleans. L-EVI is mentioned as a successor to Jtidire STOUT. wa flnd hear( To flic Patrons of You will have perceived by the fctegoirjt card that conduct control of the 'Star Sc Banner' passed into ihe hands of the We not at present enter rpon a Maile-3 SC5 Latimore Awake! A vijrv respectable meeting oft He of Latlhifire township wns bold at th'e 4-chool- houso. near George DnardorfTs null, off Saturday the 6ih inst.

The meeting was organized by appointing ISAAC GR1EST, Esq. Preyideni; SAHVEJ, HCLUNGEH, HAKK. and LiviscsToX, Vice presidents; and Isaac Deardorf, and H'm. Hunt, Secretaries- Several of the candidates for the differ- and excellent music furnished at successive offic(a being Jjrescnl a( for better than a week, when, upon a reward having been offered by his friends lor his recovery was discovered by Officer of the police, in a back building, in an alley in Walker street, suffering from delirium and prostration of the system, lie had not sufficiently recovered, at I be last accounts, lo give salisfactory account of of oar views, iwfcrin? tuurancc ibai ar as they have been developed by investigation, it seems lhat on leaving the Hotel, he met with an old acquaiciance, who, little conversation.mvilcd Mr. GOL.CO to drink him at a Soda fountain, which is the last intelligible account that be can cf himself- The presumption is, lhai the soda which he drank was drugged with some poisionous and slopcfying maJcrial.for no effort spawd Jo snst.iin.B« far as possi- V.c, Ihc of ihe as a faUhfnl and fearless cxixncnt of all those great principles for which our party has been so long contending.

Il shaSJ be oyr aim lo fnmish a paper worthy of the oJ our patrons, zealous an manly and dignified in lone, and a and famiJy If we fail in attaining Jhis, shall at 3caSl not he ihe result of a want of piopf-r effort intervals by ladies and gentlemen composing the Association. We have heard but one uniform opinion as ils merit-that it was of a high order, and every way creditable to those concerned- eTM. uc Md cf We nwi3 scaicdv renwik atorfl us i gnat plcji-urc lo OUT at all D. A. KUK1ILEU.

dhainriian of Tcmpcjance cause Female Seminary. KrThe Summer Session of this flourishing In litution closed on Morday last wilh a public examination of the ymmz ladies connected with 'he School- We had nol ihe pleasure of being prescnJ, but have understood thtt ihc cxaminaiion passed ofl" quite lo ihc credit of both pupils and instructors. In thf evening an interesting exhibition of needle, wnrsled, and r.jlicr fancy woik. came tiff, accnmpaniod Ly and inslrumcnlal music, by a large number of citizens- This Ins'i- Iniion, tha direction ol its lolbngcr, inrnnm Principal, has reread a more former dcgredaUon oTh.bil,or possi- OTppw i past ich bly for seme dill daikcr s5on for years r-art. We Ihrir fe the meeting in brief remarks.

Alaj W. llAMMEnsi.v bo ing then called upon lo address the niecliiijr, i i tha call ID a very appropriate ner. lie slated the object of the meeting, portrayed in lively terms the claims of the different, candidates, ar.d proved actual necessity for every supporting ihe Kr.crr.AK represented clearly the evil consequences nhich must inevitably follow apathy and ia our ranks; pointed ran, in a lucid manner, iho vigi- fcacc, union and arl of the ever ready opposition, and their ungratefulness lo Ihe par- ly which elevated them lo office; spoke forcibly on tbc ncccisiiy ol care in securing minor Mikes, and concluded hy exhorting every Whig to be aclive, vigilant and over ready to promo'e the good cause. The speech o( MAJ- IlammcrsJy was well received by the meeting. On mosirn ol Maj.

Hammcrsly the following cenJlemcn were appninlcd a committee of vigilance for Bfuwer, of ministers now in at Ciocinnaii, have more county, in rcjard lo a law ihe Off pjroiKr a resoluiioB the proceed-, latter entered ihe hftiise rf Mr, Coo key a- of General Conference rcspcciiag bout 8 o'clock P. M-, doJiiwraJely shn' 0 i whic; him, wounding him aevcreiy, if i ask onr fnw3s to make some exertions to exJc-nd i a jj Hf 3cnk'? Jo conliniw his pics made its and whic'i we make Levi Lippv, Michan! Scbriver, Daniel Pclcr O. Adam Gardner, jr. Abraham Kicker, Geo. Robinstse, Jamrs of usinc every honorable fibit fi j-secure ihc clcdion oi whole.

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